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Ironically, Spectators To GOP Debate Watch From "Moscow"

[ Posted Friday, May 4th, 2007 – 12:43 UTC ]

I've written before on the irony of the "red state/blue state" divide, and how the Republicans somehow wound up as the "red" party in America:

It looks like the equation “Democrats = blue, Republicans = red” is pretty much set in stone for the foreseeable future. Does anyone else see the irony in the Republicans being the “red” party? Does nobody else remember Joe McCarthy and the “red = communism” equation that predated this?

But last night's GOP presidential-hopefuls debate brought another bit of irony for those of us old enough to remember the Cold War.

As Salon reports:

About 15 minutes before the cameras started rolling, the candidates came out on the stage. They faced an audience of several hundred, divided into three sections, each one named for the site of a Reagan summit with the Soviets. The network executives sat in Moscow. The journalists and VIPs sat in Reykjavik. Most of the candidate families and friends sat in Geneva.

The symbolism of a Republican crowd sitting in "Geneva" is bad enough, given George W. Bush's penchance for ignoring international laws (especially those which emanated from Geneva), but am I the only one to see shades of Kafka or Orwell in GOP audience members sitting in "Moscow"?


More Friday funnies: Toles is hilarious today.

One Comment on “Ironically, Spectators To GOP Debate Watch From "Moscow"”

  1. [1] 
    Herm71 wrote:

    Yeah, I've often wondered how Republicans became red. I sort of thought it might be a dig at "blue-blooded" liberal elites, like the "hot-tub soaking Marin elites" among whom John Walker, the "American Taliban" was raised. But that's just me.

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