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Randy Politicians Beware -- Flynt's At It Again

[ Posted Monday, June 4th, 2007 – 14:29 UTC ]

Looks like there will be a second issue of The Flynt Report.

Larry Flynt placed a full-page ad yesterday in the Washington Post newspaper, promising up to one million dollars for "documented evidence of illicit sexual or intimate relations with a Congressperson, Senator, or other prominent officeholder." You can view the whole ad at Larry Flynt's personal website.

For those of you who don't remember, the first issue of The Flynt Report was published in response to Bill Clinton's impeachment and trial. It came out in 1999, just in time to derail the political career of the designated Speaker of the House, Bob Livingston (the Republicans needed a new Speaker because Newt Gingrich was stepping down in disgrace). Livingston announced his intention to resign (again, in disgrace) just before the Flynt Report was actually published.

Livingston wasn't the only target. On the cover of The Flynt Report, it promised to "unmask the hypocrites" Livingston, Henry Hyde, and Bob Barr. It also promised (and delivered!) "fresh dirt on:" Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, Mary Bono, Jeb Bush, Charles Canady, and Tim Hutchinson.

It was an unpopular position to take at the time, and probably still is, but I always said that Larry Flynt was the only one in the entire impeachment procedings who gained my respect. His logic was: if Ken Starr is spending millions of tax dollars to uncover the peccadillos of one politician, I (as a pornographer) can do it cheaper, more effectively, and in the private sector to boot.

So Washington politicians with problems keeping their pants zipped when they should -- beware! Flynt is on the prowl again.


2 Comments on “Randy Politicians Beware -- Flynt's At It Again”

  1. [1] 
    Michale wrote:

    The one question I have is this...

    Will Neo-Dems be as happy to see Democratic Congress critters busted as they would be to see GOP critters busted???


  2. [2] 
    Herm71 wrote:

    That's a good question. If they have any integrity they will. I'm a left-leaner, myself (albeit definitely an independent libertarian left-leaner), delighted by the fact that so many members of the so-called "family values" party who, in 2000, were going to "end the culture of corruption" that Bill Clinton supposedly established as his status quo, have now been caught with their hands up to their armpits in the cookie jar (Abramoff, Delay, Cunningham, et. al.) But don't think for a second that I don't think William Jefferson shouldn't get what's coming to him if he's found guilty. I know we're innocent until proven here in 'merica, but getting caught with 90K of marked bills in your freezer establishes a pretty serious perception of guilt at the very least.

    So, yeah, if, as you say, any "Neo-Dems" get caught waving their dicks in the wind (or vulvae, for that matter) let the chips fall where they may.

    On the other hand, however, I'm not one who thinks that just because you can't keep your belt buckled you're a bad legislator. To paraphrase Eminem, I couldn't give two squirts of piss if my representative likes to play Twister with farm animals, so long as he's not condemning another for doing the same. I guess that's a long-winded way of saying I'm not fond of hypocrites, and hypocrisy is not partisan (although it sure seems the Republicans are extra good at it.) That's what Flynt was pointing out. I agree with Chris, he's the only one I gained respect for too out of the whole Clinton impeachment affair.

    Be swell, not swollen.

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