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New -- Cartoon Saturdays

[ Posted Saturday, August 4th, 2007 – 09:00 UTC ]



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[Note: I'm going to try running these standalone cartoons every Tuesday morning, and every Saturday. Tuesday is usually a light day for me, and the weekends have never had any posts, so hopefully this schedule will work out for everyone.]


11 Comments on “New -- Cartoon Saturdays”

  1. [1] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ahhhhh The old "OUR RIGHTS ARE BEING SHREDDED" argument...

    It's funny....

    NO ONE has been able to tell me what rights, EXACTLY, they have lost... Everyone scream how are rights are eroding, yet NO ONE, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON can state exactly what rights they have lost..

    The simple fact is, unless you count not being able to take hair gel on an airplane, no American has lost ANY rights...

    It's all theory and conjecture... While I agree that the POTENTIAL is there, it is still a fact that no American citizen has lost any rights...

    The cartoon is good.. I like the symbolism.. It's just dead wrong... :D


  2. [2] 
    CDub wrote:

    Good news Michale!

    Follow this link and you'll never again have to say,
    "NO ONE has been able to tell me what rights, EXACTLY, they have lost… Everyone scream how are rights are eroding, yet NO ONE, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON can state exactly what rights they have lost.."

    Even you admit that not being able to take hairgel on a flight is a loss of rights, but not being able to take your baby ... your Senator.

  3. [3] 
    Michale wrote:

    Sorry, you lose..

    That is not the loss of any right or liberty. Those are simply isolated instances of TSA and Security officials not exercising common sense.

    Now, if the article was about the idea that NO ONE COULD TAKE AN INFANT ON AN AIRPLANE, then you might have a case of a loss of rights...

    It's like if someone were to go to a football game, trip on the stairs and break their legs and you claim, "Ooops.. Look at that. That person can't go to a football game anymore because they will always break their leg..."

    It's not a loss of a right or a liberty..

    Besides, I am asking what rights YOU PERSONALLY have lost....

    Feel free to try again.. :D


  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:


    " 'Furthertheless' is not a word. Stop using it!"
    -Charlie Sheen, SPIN CITY

    ..... the article points out two or three gaffes.. Considering how many people travel throughout the US, a few errors here and there (or even 89 or so) do not a loss of rights or liberties make, now does it??


  5. [5] 
    CDub wrote:

    Michale wrote:

    ….. the article points out two or three gaffes.
    Of the many thousands that have occurred. More every day.


  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:


    Please document the "many thousands" and provide your source for the claim that there are "more every day"..

    Regardless of the above, what's your solution?

    Do away with all the security procedures because every once in a while issues crop up??


  7. [7] 
    CDub wrote:

    If 5 clear instances of lost rights in just one single article do not refute your claim, 'NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON', what good would 10 cases make, 100, 1000?

    You're not interested in the facts, you're just interested in being hysterically partisan, as is usual for you.

    Give me my country back, we'll talk.

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    But you did not provide an instance of a loss of a right..

    You provided instances where people where INCONVENIENCED by enhanced security procedures..

    Please show me the right guaranteed by the US Constitution where Americans are guaranteed the right not to be inconvenienced..

    I musta missed that right....

    Do tell...

    Also, what's your solution???


  9. [9] 
    CDub wrote:

    I'm sure the day will come when you'll understand, Michale. In the meantime, don't worry, be happy.

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Dogs barking, can't fly home without umbrella..."

    Or, as QUEEN would say..

    "Boom, boom, boom... Another one bites the dust."

    But, actually, it is you who shouldn't worry. The Government has it's ability to properly prosecute the war on terror now that your Democrats in Congress have approved the NSA wire-tapping program..

    Bush also has the ability to properly prosecute the war in Iraq, now that your Democrats in Congress have supported the war...

    So, everything IS going to be OK...

    So, CDub.. Don't worry.. Be happy... :D


  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, once again, we see that Bush and the GOP still have the ability to force the Democrats to do things by controlling the public's perception..

    Maybe there is a reason for that, eh??

    Maybe, JUST MAYBE, the perception is ACCURATE..

    Have ya'all ever stopped to seriously consider that??


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