[ Posted Friday, November 30th, 2007 – 17:07 UTC ]
Welcome back to the weekly roundup of the good, the bad, and the ugly, and (as always) my humble suggestions of things Democrats should say in media interviews this weekend.
Because I've been away for a few weeks, I have to apologize in advance if I've missed something obvious this week (I'm still getting back up to speed on the American political scene). Hopefully I won't have missed too much!
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[ Posted Thursday, November 29th, 2007 – 16:35 UTC ]
Eileen Sullivan of the Associated Press wrote a shocking story this week, to which little attention is being paid. That's a shame, because it details how the effort to fight "terrorism" in America is being morphed into something else entirely. Federal dollars which are supposed to go to anti-terrorism are being used by the states pretty much any way they feel. The Bush administration gave the money to the states with no guidelines as to how to spend it, so it's really not even the states' fault that they decided to use the money how they saw fit.
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[ Posted Wednesday, November 28th, 2007 – 11:41 UTC ]
When some Americans travel to Europe these days, they are shocked at the anti-American (or more precisely, anti-Bush) attitudes expressed by the Europeans. Me, I'm used to that sort of thing, so when I heard such sentiments on my recent vacation, they didn't surprise me much. But what did shock me was the airport currency exchange counter. To buy one Euro on the day I arrived, it cost me $1.56.
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[ Posted Tuesday, November 27th, 2007 – 14:48 UTC ]
"The place was awash with Paddies," said one attendee. "You were left wondering where were all the Yanks."
. . .
Although only US citizens and Green Card holders are allowed to contribute to election campaign funds, Hillary Clinton's Irish supporters could attend the Dublin event if US citizens bought tickets on their behalf.
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[ Posted Saturday, November 24th, 2007 – 06:00 UTC ]
[ Posted Friday, November 23rd, 2007 – 06:00 UTC ]
[This is one of a continuing series of candidate speech transcripts from all the Democratic presidential campaigns. Please see the introduction to this series for more information.]

Mike Gravel
Stepping Back From Imperialism:
Redirecting American Foreign Policy
St. Anselm College, Manchester, New Hampshire
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[ Posted Thursday, November 22nd, 2007 – 06:00 UTC ]
[This is one of a continuing series of candidate speech transcripts from all the Democratic presidential campaigns. Please see the introduction to this series for more information.]

Dennis Kucinich
[Note: The Kucinich campaign was unable to provide a speech transcript from Congressman Kucinich for this series. A campaign official told me that Kucinich always speaks "extemporaneously" without notes, therefore they had no speeches available. I decided to relax the rules to allow their campaign to present me with something from Kucinich, so I am reprinting a position paper from the Kucinich website here instead of a speech. If you follow the link above and click on "Audio/Video" there are Kucinich speeches available for viewing or listening to on their campaign website.]
Strength Through Peace
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[ Posted Wednesday, November 21st, 2007 – 06:00 UTC ]
[This is one of a continuing series of candidate speech transcripts from all the Democratic presidential campaigns. Please see the introduction to this series for more information.]

Hillary Clinton
Remarks at the Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
Des Moines, Iowa
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[ Posted Tuesday, November 20th, 2007 – 06:00 UTC ]
[This is one of a continuing series of candidate speech transcripts from all the Democratic presidential campaigns. Please see the introduction to this series for more information.]

Bill Richardson
Hard Choices:
The Responsible Way Forward for Iraq and our Military
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
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[ Posted Monday, November 19th, 2007 – 06:00 UTC ]
[This is one of a continuing series of candidate speech transcripts from all the Democratic presidential campaigns. Please see the introduction to this series for more information.]

Barack Obama
A Change We Can Believe In
Spartanburg, South Carolina
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