Archive of Articles for November, 2007
Candidate Speech Series: John Edwards
[This is one of a continuing series of candidate speech transcripts from all the Democratic presidential campaigns. Please see the introduction to this series for more information.]
John Edwards
The Moral Test of Our Generation
Saint Anselm College, Manchester, New Hampshire
Candidate Speech Series: Joe Biden
[This is one of a continuing series of candidate speech transcripts from all the Democratic presidential campaigns. Please see the introduction to this series for more information.]
Joe Biden
National Security and Civil Rights
Drake University School of Law, Des Moines, Iowa
Candidate Speech Series: Chris Dodd
[This is one of a continuing series of candidate speech transcripts from all the Democratic presidential campaigns. Please see the introduction to this series for more information.]
Chris Dodd
Rekindling the Flame -- A Call for A New American Patriotism
Nashua City Hall Plaza, Nashua, New Hampshire
The Democratic Candidate Campaign Speech Series
So, starting today and for the next eight weekdays, I am going to reprint -- in full -- speeches from each and every candidate for the Democratic nomination for president. I believe that each candidate can express in their own words what their candidacy is all about and why you should be convinced to vote for them. I trust in the intelligence of the American public, and their ability to sort out which person would be the best suited for the job -- and so I present the candidates (in their own words) to you, the electorate. Because no matter how many live speeches the candidates give -- no matter how many pancake breakfasts they attend or how many high-priced fundraisers they address -- the simple mathematical fact is that the overwhelming majority of voters will never get to hear a single candidate speak. But that doesn't have to mean that you shouldn't get the opportunity to compare the candidates side-by-side as if you had attended their speeches. So I am providing this series of speech transcripts as a public service for voters everywhere.
The candidates speak, you decide.
As it should be.
Tuesday Three-Dots
...For all of you interested in showing Dianne Feinstein what the voters of California think of her recent actions, there is a drive for the California Democratic Party to officially censure Senator Feinstein at its upcoming executive board meeting. I have no contact information for them, but if I were thinking of letting them know how I felt, I'd start at the California Democratic Party website.
Ministry Of Truth Helpfully Redefines Privacy
A United States Ministry of Truth spokesman proudly unveiled the new official definition of "privacy" today, on the heels of their successful campaign to redefine "torture." The new meaning of the word "privacy" will now be (according to MiniTru): "the secure feeling citizens get by knowing that their government is collecting and protecting their personal data." Old definitions of privacy will no longer be operative.
The MiniTru spokesman was quite enthusiastic about the definition rollout. "For generations Americans have been burdened by the responsibility of guarding their own privacy," he said. "This was too great a task for the public to adequately control, so the logical answer was to have the government take over this onerous work, to better serve each citizen's private life. No longer will Americans have to worry about their own privacy, because now Big Brother will take care of it for them."
Friday Talking Points [Vol. 9]
For this week, the award goes to that brave Democratic Senator who stood up and filibustered Michael Mukasey's confirmation in the Senate. With the backing of 39 other stalwart Senators, this maneuver has scuttled for now the confirmation vote. The White House and the Republicans in general howled over this tactic, ignoring the fact that they've been doing the same thing on virtually every bill this year. One lone Democrat in the Senate deserves the MIDOTW award this week for successfully killing Mukasey's nomination.
Oh, wait.
That didn't happen.