[Site Maintenance Note]
This past weekend, the ChrisWeigant.com website got a mild facelift. The most noticeable new thing is the Pledge Drive logo and thermometer, (which you should click on to find out what it's all about!)
Some other minor things on the site were fixed. Such as removing the Election 2008 stuff. I also simplified the list of links and moved them over to the right-hand side of the page, to balance the page overall a bit better. The top menu bar is a little lighter and less dominating. I moved the "Email Chris" link up to the top menu bar, which I've been meaning to do for a while now. And the main text in articles (both on the front page and in the articles itself) is a bit more spread out, hopefully making it easier to read. I may even move to a sans-serif font for the main text, but I'm still experimenting with web fonts, so that will have to wait for now.
But with all renovations come some bugs, and I can't test this on every browser, so I'm relying on you guys to let me know if there are problems, either with the new stuff, or just something that's been bugging you for a while about the site. I've opened this Note to comments, so let me know what you think here.
And thanks in advance for your patience if something's broken....
Changes look great and work perfectly on FireFox 3.0 and IE 7.0 Build 6000...
Wait a tic!!!
I have been busting my arse to try and get a stint on HuffPo and you are telling me it's UNPAID!!!!
OK, lemme scratch that crazy money-making idea off my list.....
{scratch} {scratch}
It looks fine on my Mac running Camino (mutant sibling of Firefox). I prefer serif typefaces to sans as a rule. Looks more grown-up somehow.
Oh. Um. Not to be a nudge or anything, but it's "maintEnAnce". Or was that another contest? Kidding!
ChicagoMolly -
Whoops! No it's not a contest, it's called "posting stuff late at night." Sometimes I fail to spell-check the titles, and sometimes I get bit by my own negligence. I always want to spell that word "maintainence" since the root is "maintain," so I usually have to rely on the spell checker to get it right for me...
Anyway, sharp eye!
Thanks for checking out the browsers, too, that helps a lot. I've had problems with older versions of IE before, so it's good to hear the site is largely working.
Gotta run, more later...