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Program Note

[ Posted Thursday, September 1st, 2011 – 22:38 UTC ]

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6 Comments on “Program Note”

  1. [1] 
    Michale wrote:

    Since we have an open thread.... :D

    Whatcha'all think of the Speech/Debate/NFL fiasco??

    My personal thought is that Obama thought he would be able to preempt the GOP's big night and got brought back down to earth real quick like...

    Or, more likely, it was an example of Obama's 12-Demensional Chess game where he thought, "I'll make the GOP look petty by not giving me the date I want."

    Boy did THAT plan go down in flames, eh?? Not only did it show that Obama should stick to 2-D chess, but Boehner took the chessboard and whapped Obama upside the head with it...

    What about the speech itself??

    Anyone expecting any grand "Ooooooo" or "ahhhhhhh" moments??

    "Ok, the next 'ooooo' or 'ahhhhhh' I hear, it's going to be followed by an 'OOWWWWWW' "
    -Michael J. Fox, SPIN CITY

    Or, will it be as Ezra Klein says:

    "I’ve stopped pretending that the president’s jobs speech scheduled for next week is going to matter. I’m tired of speculating about what it will contain and whether its proposals will be big or small, bold or timid."

    So, whatcha'all think??

    Inquiring minds want to know.. :D


  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I admit that I have very high expectations for this upcoming speech.

    And, I'm just hoping that everything Obama et al. do and say between now and election day will be enough to translate into a healthy Democratic majority in the House and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate thus ensuring a more successful effort to move the country forward during this administration's second term without the Republican leadership in Washington blocking progress at every opportunity.

    That's what I think.

    I am going to remain hopeful, for the most part, that most Americans will conclude, over the course of the next year, that divided government must necessarily be equated with dysfunctional government and that Republicans have been largely responsible for the lack of progress on any number of issues.

  3. [3] 
    Michale wrote:


    I admit that I have very high expectations for this upcoming speech.

    Sorry to hear that..

    You're too nice a lady to have to endure such disappointment...

    About the only thing that Obama could do that would REALLY shake things up and make a difference is something along the lines of what CW outlined in the latest http://FTP...


  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    About the only thing that Obama could do that would REALLY shake things up and make a difference is something along the lines of what CW outlined in the latest http://FTP...


    Hows THAT for a frak'ed up link, eh?? :D


  5. [5] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Don't worry about me ... I have grown quite accustomed to enduring an inordinate amount of political disappointment, from both sides of the border and across the pond.

    Both links don't work. But, that's OK, I found the article, anyway. :)

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    It actually wasn't supposed to be a link.. I think it was a combination of the acronym FTP plus my standard smiley face.. :D

    dsws should have a field day with that! :D


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