Occupy's Next Crossroads

[ Posted Monday, April 9th, 2012 – 16:38 UTC ]

The movement that Occupy Wall Street began is at another crossroads, it seems. It isn't the first such fork in the road, and it certainly won't be the last. What happens next is anyone's guess. Is the Occupy movement poised for a comeback? Or is it about to be co-opted altogether? Can both, in fact, happen simultaneously, and would that be a good thing or not?

This week kicks off an effort known as "The 99 Percent Spring" by an impressive coalition of groups with solid Lefty credentials (Labor, Van Jones,, etc.). The goal is to hold a series of "teach-ins" which will train 100,000 people (half in person, half online) in non-violent protest techniques. The Huffington Post reports on the details:

The organizing is not aimed at any one event, rally or issue and the effect will be unpredictable. Training tens of thousands of people in arrest techniques to make a political point tends to inspire people to put that training to use.

Each training session lasts a full day and covers a lot of ground. The curriculum is broken into three basic areas: explaining broader economic issues such as income inequality and attacks on workers' rights, encouraging participants to tell their stories of economic injustice and hardship, and teaching the nuts-and-bolts of nonviolent direct action.

If the phrase didn't have such militaristic overtones, I would call it "boot camp for protesting." Lefties have decided that the Occupiers were on to something, and are looking to expand and build on what Occupy Wall Street set in motion last fall. The 99 Percent Spring folks aren't organizing any one protest over any one particular issue, they are merely training people how to go about doing so for the upcoming election year. They've even got some Occupiers teaching their seminars.

But, as with all things Occupy, some purists are already charging that it's all an attempt to "co-opt" them, their message, and their movement. The Occupy movement is planning a very concrete (and ambitious) event for the first of May -- a nationwide "general strike." They fear outside groups will dilute their message and taint them by association, somehow.

This is, to a large extent, silly. Here's a quick question: is the Occupy movement inclusive or exclusive? As with all things Occupy, there is no one clear answer -- it is both at the same time, in a way. The movement is inclusive, as evidenced by the fact that to join, all you had to do was show up. Anyone could be part of the "General Assembly," if physically present when the group met. But Occupy also has a creeping sense of exclusivity to it as well, mostly in fear of the dreaded fate of being "co-opted" by others (up to and including their biggest worry: being co-opted by the Democratic Party). "Being co-opted" is defined differently, depending on who you talk to, but generally means some outside group would somehow hijack the Occupiers' pure message and bend it to their own aims.

At the same time, the Occupiers are attempting to encourage (one might say "co-opt" if one were being ironic) other groups to support their cause in a visible way -- Labor groups, especially. The re-launch of Occupy Wall Street (Occupy 2.0?) is slated for May Day, and the Occupiers would love it if they brought the country to its knees for a day as workers everywhere walked off their job in solidarity. That's really the only way a general strike could work.

The May Day plans and the 99 Percent Spring don't seem to be mutually exclusive, but rather complimentary. If the folks who attend the 99 Percent Spring turn out in force on May Day in cities across the country in support of the Occupy protest, how can anyone involved in either see that as a bad thing? Especially if the 99 Percenters teach others what they've learned, and so present an image to the media of peaceful non-violent protest techniques which are time-tested and proven.

Any successful movement needs both dreamers and doers. If composed of mere dreamers, nothing ever gets accomplished. If composed of mere doers, things may get accomplished but without any real direction towards any goal. A prudent mix of both is required not only to move, but to move forward towards something. This requires both a lot of people out in the streets, and the discipline that people trained in the art of protest and street theater can bring.

The Occupiers should be proud of what they've achieved already -- the change in the conversation in Washington and on the nation's airwaves. The phrase "99 percent" is used in the discussion now, and the ideas behind that simple phrase have gotten enormously more attention than they did before anyone set foot in Zuccotti Park. That is not easy to do in American these days. Compare the coverage pre-Occupy and post-Occupy in the media on the subject of jobs, for instance. Pre-Occupy, the entire conversation was about slashing the federal budget. Post-Occupy, the conversation has at least shifted somewhat towards the economic plight of millions of Americans. It's hard to remember now, but pre-Occupy this was deemed "old news" or "not news" by national news directors and editors, and now it will likely be a centerpiece of the upcoming presidential campaign. That is a big victory, even if a bit intangible.

The problem of the Occupy movement has always been defining a path forward. Seeing the Utopia at the end of the rainbow is always easier than trying to figure out how to get there, to put it another way. Asking Occupiers what they would change about the system brought forth many admirable goals: ending the power of Big Banking, getting rid of lobbying and money in politics, solving the student loan crisis, and many other worthy ideas. But when asked how to achieve those goals, many Occupiers shied away from working within the existing political system altogether, seeing it as so corrupted and ineffectual as to not be worth the effort.

But how else is any of this stuff supposed to happen? Overturning the Citizens United decision, just to pick one, would likely (at this point) require an amendment to the Constitution. This would be an enormous achievement, and a fundamental realignment of money in politics, but it would also require an almost Herculean effort to pass. That effort would have to take place not only on the national political level (Congress) but also in statehouses across the land (ratification), and would take years and years of very hard work to accomplish. That's not to say it isn't worth such an effort, but absent such effort it is never going to happen.

All movements face this ultimate dilemma: work within the system, or work to create an entirely new system. But creating an entirely new "paradigm" would be even harder than passing an amendment to kill the Citizens United decision -- and getting large groups of people to agree on what that new system would be seems (at this point) to be an almost-impossible task for the Occupiers.

The Occupiers need to ask themselves some very bedrock questions about what it is they are trying to do, and how exactly they plan to get there. Here is how I would compose such a self-examination:

Do you want to get something done? Or do you just want to get on television? Do you want to take steps -- however small -- towards your ultimate goals? Or do you just want to make a certain point, and make it as loudly as you can? Can you accept the fact that in order to achieve any change at all, it will likely have to come from the same corrupt system you are protesting? Or will you remain pure and not change anything in any concrete way? Will you welcome fellow travelers along the path you foresee -- even those who might have their own ideas about what to push for next -- or will you exclude any group which doesn't share your ideological purity? What is the point of your movement, and how do you see yourselves getting there?

These are important questions, and I am quite obviously biased in the way I have framed them. I do believe that "the system" needs a good grasp by the collar and a healthy shakeup every now and again, but I also believe that dreams of ending "the system" and building a new one from scratch on better, more Utopian lines is simply not going to take place in my lifetime. Call me a cynic if you must, but there it is.

Working within a corrupt system to achieve even incremental change is hard, it takes a long time, and it takes a monumental amount of effort (and some luck). It is not easy. The only easy thing is getting frustrated by the glacial pace of change and giving up on "the system" altogether.

The other thing change requires is numbers. Taking over a park -- even in every city in America -- is one thing. But getting millions of Americans who likely largely agree with your basic goals to influence politicians is another. Achieving even that is going to require some helping hands. Which is why the 99 Percent Spring and the Occupy Wall Street folks would do far better to march forward hand in hand rather than worrying too much about being "co-opted" or about anyone's ideological purity.

-- Chris Weigant


Cross-posted at Business Insider
Cross-posted at The Huffington Post

Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


8 Comments on “Occupy's Next Crossroads”

  1. [1] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    you're right, it's tough to convince people to do much of anything, even if they agree with you, even if it costs nothing and carries no risk. convincing people who only 70% agree with you to take actions that do have costs and risks is a huge challenge.

    as to working within or without the system, i'm of the belief that real fundamental change requires both. in order for the people within the system to make changes happen, there needs to be the specter of even bigger changes from the outside. it's the nature of any entrenched system to delay and divert useful changes into near oblivion, as occurred with the PPACA, cap and trade, campaign finance reform, and so on. if there are radical changes waiting in the wings should the change not happen, it's a lot easier to make progress. MLK would have seemed like a wild radical for his talk of nonviolence, racial justice and universal integration, had there not been a Malcolm X talking to the public about african-american secession and armed resistance.


  2. [2] 
    dsws wrote:

    Being seen as some sort of strange fanatic is more of a barrier than any costs or risks that are likely to be involved. People do what they think others will view as normal.

    I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed experimentally. I don't know whether I'm really remembering any of these details at all or just filling them all in. This is just to show the level of plausibility I associate with the claim.

    You randomize people to two groups, then you show group 1 a series of videos including one saying that X is a huge problem, that it's absolutely awful that lots of people are doing X, while group 2 gets the same series except for a video saying that X is harmless but no one does it. You make it seem as though the experiment is about something else, like whether they can remember details like the furniture in a video better if there's a longer delay in between of if there are more other videos in between. Then you make it seem as though the experiment is over, but have them wait to get the few bucks you give them to participate, and observe their behavior when given an opportunity to do X. Group 1 all does X, and nobody in group 2 does.

    The point is, if you visibly make it seem as though there are lots of people taking a stand on some issue, it becomes much more acceptable to do so. And that effect is much stronger than any actual persuasion.

  3. [3] 
    dsws wrote:

    Overturning the Citizens United decision, just to pick one, would likely (at this point) require an amendment to the Constitution.

    Amending the Constitution with an actual amendment? That's almost as quaint an idea as declaring war with an actual declaration of war. We don't do that any more in this country. We have Supreme Court cases, and resolutions authorizing the use of force.

  4. [4] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I wonder how many in the Occupy crowd would be able to rhyme off what Obama/Biden/Geithner have been doing for them lately and have been doing for them since day one of this administration when the economy was circling the drain and they were silent against the policies of the Republican cult of economic failure.

    Where were the those card-carrying members of OWS when the Republicans and their Wall Street lobbyist friends were (and are) doing everything in their great power to thwart Dodd-Frank when Geithner could have used their support to make a strong set of financial regulatory reforms even stronger?

    No, I'm pretty sure that these people don't know the first thing about what has been done to protect their interests against those of Wall Street. They don't need a "boot camp for protesting". At least, not before they get an education on what the Obama adminstration is doing to protect and sustain the middle class and what the Republicans in Washington are doing to prevent any progress on that score.

  5. [5] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Joshua -

    You know, that is precisely the example (MLK, MX) that I use to make precisely the same point. And it's a good one, that's for sure. One group speaks softly (so to speak) and one group carries a big stick. Often, it's the only way to get things done.

    dsws -

    I still love the story of the C student who got Amendment XXVII passed, personally. Heh.


  6. [6] 
    akadjian wrote:

    in order for the people within the system to make changes happen, there needs to be the specter of even bigger changes from the outside.

    Obama has said the same thing. Basically, "make me do it".

    Its important to conservatives as well. This is why they spend so much money to continuously shift the goalposts ever further to the right. Exhibit A: Ayn Rand.


  7. [7] 
    akadjian wrote:

    Where were the those card-carrying members of OWS when the Republicans and their Wall Street lobbyist friends were (and are) doing everything in their great power to thwart Dodd-Frank?

    I think we need both. People working on the inside to enact change and people working on the outside to make the case for change.

    The goals of the Occupy movement always fell much more into the latter category. Yet at the same time, this helped the Obama administration and inside Democrats tremendously because finally the media and the country were focused on what was actually wrong- not on the faux-narrative of cutting government spending.


  8. [8] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Oh, I whole-heartedly agree that we need people on the inside/outside to effect real change. I'm just saying that the OWS crowd qualifies as neither group.

    In fact, a strong argument could be made that the so-called brilliant "99 percent" slogan was co-opted by them from Obama/Biden/Geithner - the three amigos who had been harping about the the top two or three percent of the wealthiest Americans who have not been paying their fair share of taxes over the last decade or so since they took office.

    I would make the case now, but I'm saving it up for after the conventions when we get serious about Obama/Biden re-election campaign. :)

    Unfortunately for the real 99 percent, it appears that Geithner is going to pass on a second term. And, who the Hell can blame him?!

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