Program (Citation) Note

[ Posted Friday, June 8th, 2012 – 20:55 UTC ]

I certainly said a lot more than just this to the guy, but then again I can't complain, since he ran with one of the quotes I gave him. Would have been nice if he had spelled my name right, though....

13 Comments on “Program (Citation) Note”

  1. [1] 
    Chris1962 wrote:

    Oh, wow, a quote in Reuters!!! Way to go, Chris. Are you in that pic anywhere?

  2. [2] 
    Michale wrote:

    WOW!!!! Congrats, CW!!!!

    Yer on yer way!! And you got the best possible exposure.. The last quote that ends the article!!


  3. [3] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Nope, not in the pic.

    I emailed Reuters to try and get them to fix the name, we'll see whether they do or not...

    Maybe I should start calling them "Rueters"... heh...


  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    Fed: Americans’ wealth dropped 40 percent

    Obama's done a bang-up job on the middle class!!

    Why should we vote Obama for a second term??

    So he can take the other 60%???


  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's really ironic...

    Obama and the Democrats decry fantasy racism in the opposition..

    Yet, they release ads that emphasis the racial differences...

    I have to say honestly that Obama and Democrats have, by playing the race card at EVERY opportunity, totally decimated the strides towards racial equality in this country...

    They have set back the cause of racial equality back decades...

    Good job... :^(


  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    Obama Is Doing Stunningly Bad Among African Americans In North Carolina

    How much more bad news can the Obama campaign take???


  7. [7] 
    akadjian wrote:

    Fascinating, Chris. Rueters does a bang up job.

    BTW, Michale. I'll ask you first as a courtesy before turning to the moderator. Could I submit a request that the comments section not be a dumping ground for anti-Obama articles?

    When Bush was President (or for that matter, with any other Republican) we never did such a thing as link after link of bashing here. I'm sure there's plenty of anti-Obama sites out there (or start your own as conservatives are so fond of saying) and I'd really much rather discuss Chris' articles. Happy to argue with you as always but the anti-Obama stuff is getting old.


  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:


    While I will concede that "link after link" bashing Bush was not posted during the Bush years, I am constrained to point out that the Bush bashing was fast and furious (:D) day in and day out around here during the Bush years..

    So, while there were not "links" per se, it was as much of a Bush Bash fest by everyone around here as much as it is an Obama Bash fest by just one person, in the here and now.. It's actually funny because even to this day, Bush Bashing is alive and well, three+ years after he left office.. Howz THAT for irony, eh? :D

    and I'd really much rather discuss Chris' articles.

    As would I.. And if there were any, we definitely would, I assure you...

    But it's been somewhat common practice around here that with "archive" commentaries, that there were kind of a free-for-all. Granted it's mostly been me who has done it, but we have had some very good and interesting debates over issues brought up in this manner..

    Now, if the consensus of Weigantians is to not use those archive commentaries in that manner, then I will definitely abide by that consensus...

    I am also constrained to point out that many of the links I have posted are about what DEMOCRATS are saying and how DEMOCRATS are disappointed and disillusioned with the Obama Administration...

    I have to wonder, though, if it's my posting the links that really bother you?

    Or is it the fact that, as of late, there has been SO many of them..

    From both the Right ***AND*** the Left...

    I'm just sayin'...


  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Another thought just occurred to me..

    (It happens now and again.. :D)

    No one is stopping anyone from countering all of the anti-Obama links with PRO Obama links... :D

    Put out there all the good stuff Obama has done. Let's debate THAT..


  10. [10] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Michale -

    You sure your "consensus" isn't just "the cat's away, I believe I will play, now" thinking?

    Just a thought.


  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    You sure your "consensus" isn't just "the cat's away, I believe I will play, now" thinking?

    Just a thought.

    Not exactly.. I was hoping to keep the home fires burning while you were away... So to speak.. :D Perhaps being left to my own devices had a bit to do with it. Idle hands, devil's plaything and all that.. :D

    But this (using "From The Archives" commentaries as "Open Threads) isn't really anything new for me..

    If one looks back over the past year or so, it's been pretty much standard for me.. So, it's not as if I took advantage of your absence or anything.....

    I think the problem with it in the here and now, is that there is so much coming down the last couple weeks, that it's frustrating for Obama supporters who don't want to be reminded of the shitstorms that have erupted and the bigger shitstorms coming down the pipe...

    I mean, most of this stuff ain't nit picky crap, but are real concerns. Coming from Democrats, no less...

    I'm just sayin'... :D


  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    I mean, when Chris I-Have-A-Tingle-Up-My-Leg-For-Obama Matthews says that, if Obama has many more Sundays like the last one, it is doubtful he will even last to August, the Left simply has to stand up and take notice....


  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    But you DID do an "Open Thread" for the Wisconsin issue and I should have been satisfied with that..

    So, mea culpa... :D


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