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GOP's Big Night

[ Posted Thursday, August 30th, 2012 – 21:30 UTC ]

OK, let's get right to my immediate impressions of the final night of the Republican National Convention. I'm going to quickly describe the opening acts, and then get into the big speeches of the night.

Tonight, the first person I saw on stage was not named McConnell. Oddly enough, when I turned on the teevee, PBS was interviewing Mitch McConnell. Strangest thing, and total coincidence, I guess.

Connie Mack talked about Cuba and whatnot. The audience yawned, from what I could see.

There was a mandatory Ronald Reagan video, and the crowd genuflected in unison.

Newt Gingrich appeared with his wife, and they jointly gave the worst speech I've ever seen Newt give. I mean, it had no red meat in it, Newt was speaking far too slowly, and his wife seemed to be having problems reading the TelePrompTer or something. Newt's usually good just on entertainment value alone, but he was abysmally bad tonight. His entire speech was a sermon to Saint Ronald of Reagan, but even that didn't help, and the audience mostly snoozed through this speech.

We were then treated to a panderiffic video on "Why don't Latinos love the GOP?" or some such. This was merely the beginning of the panderfest, tonight, to both Latinos and to women.

Craig Romney kept this spirit alive by speaking some Spanish. To me, extremely odd to hear Spanish spoken at a convention where they just put "English only" in their platform, but I suppose pandering means not having to say you're sorry... or something... it's hard to tell, at times. Craig tells story of his own family fleeing Mexico, but neglects to mention the reason they were down there in the first place, which was to be polygamists.

We got a Jeb Bush video next which sounded suspiciously like it was narrated by Fred Thompson. I guess he needs the voiceover work, these days....

Jeb himself then came out with two random guys. Jeb cracked a Dubya joke, then tried to rehabilitate his brother's legacy, not to any noticeable effect. He then shifts to education, and the crowd goes back to sleep. Jeb flubbed his big buildup line about vouchers... oh, excuse me "school choice" (the word "vouchers" was indeed never mentioned). He also blows introducing one of the two random guys, by saying he "got a great election" instead of "education." Oh, well. Jeb closes with some union-bashing, leaving me with the impression that his segment was about five or ten minutes too long (the crowd seemed to agree).

I then flipped channels to see what other news was happening, so I apparently missed a huge "humanize Mitt" effort with some folks saying why Mitt was like an angel come to Earth (or something). I like a good sob story, but this also seemed to go on pretty longish, as it was still on after I took a 15-minute break.

Next we see the Staples guy. Really? Wow, pretty low-power guest list for the last night. Staples guy totally rips into Obama, flinging the first red meat to the carnivorous crowd. Getting his full anti-Obama snark on really wakes the crowd up, who join him in a few call-and-response numbers. Big hand for ripping Joe Biden.

We next got some business guy, in an attempt to hit the Bain notes and the pander to Latinos note at the same time. Lots of anti-Cuba folks on the stage tonight. Not sure that does much good outside Florida, but then Florida itself is worth pandering to for Republicans, at this point. Crowd mostly calms back down.

PBS ran a segment talking about what was going on with the memorable line: "Is Bain Capital running for president?"

Mitt's lieutenant governor is next up, and gives a rather chirpy (and at times, shrill) speech. Massachusetts was paradise under Mitt. Lots of Obama-bashing (including, inexplicably, a dig about Obama not living American family values?).

The Massachusetts-is-wonderful portion of the program continued with a Democrat who was in Romney's cabinet, and who looks ready and willing to have Mitt's baby, right here and right now. She quivered with excitement her whole time speaking. Skirts dangerously close to endorsing quotas of women in government jobs, but then she did say she's a "liberal Democrat" several times. The pander-to-women thing is on full force during this speech. She did have one bizarre line about Mitt being a "servant leader," whatever that's supposed to be.

Next up in the "This Is Your Life, Mitt Romney" show, we were supposed to see Taylor Hicks sing a song, but thankfully there were pundits talking instead.

Next up was Olympics fever, complete with the "miracle on ice" hockey team captain. This allows the crowd to get a few "U-S-A! U-S-A!" chants off their chests. Romney saved the Olympics, and saved 9/11 (somehow), in a continuation of what could be called "tug on the heartstrings" night. Nobody mentions the federal government bailout money that actually did save the Olympics from ruin. Forgot that detail, I guess.

Touchy-feely video about Ann and the Olympics, just in case we didn't get the point. Mitt in quotable line: "How ya doin', knucklesnorts?" Knucklesnorts? Your guess is as good as mine. Fuzzy history of Mitt's family coming from Mexico again, "refugees from revolution," with no mention of the polygamy they had gone down to Mexico to practice. Guess they're hoping America doesn't know the rest of the story on that one. The video's music is super-extra-softly-sappy, although no tinkly pianos or violins.

OK, an interlude. I flipped over to see the network coverage begin, and CBS is showing a pre-season football game. I have to believe that this is just the local station, since it is a 49ers game, and that somewhere out on the airwaves Bob Schieffer is doing his thing.

Clint Eastwood. Wow. I mean, that was just... wow.

Clint's cringeworthy performance could have been due to a last-minute switch, from what I hear rumored. Clint may have had a sketch with an Obama impersonator who got nixed at the last minute, but his whole "conversation with an empty chair" was just embarrassingly bad. Even the audience didn't quite know what to think. Whatever he was mumbling wasn't on the TelePrompTer, folks inside the arena report, so the whole thing was just one long, sad ad-lib, apparently. He even blew his own big "Go ahead, make my day" line at the end, and had to do it over again. Just really, really sad, all around.

Marco Rubio got the "runner-up prize in the veepstakes" slot right before Mitt's big speech. He gave sort of a stock off-the-shelf Republican speech, bashed Obama a little, but really it wasn't anything memorable. At least they have seen fit to banish the nauseating shifting blue background, and have solid Republican red behind Rubio. This is amusing to anyone who lived through the Cold War, as Rubio ripped on Castro repeatedly. He has had to edit his own story about his parents, once the press learned that they weren't fleeing Castro but had left Cuba years earlier. This hampers Rubio's storyline considerably. He did get a little lively at the end, but it wasn't much to write home about, overall.

Finally, Mitt's turn. Oh, wait! He's pulling a "State Of The Union" entrance! He takes a rock-star walk down the aisle, shaking hands for all he's worth. I guess this is supposed to humanize him or something. He does get a big long standing O from the crowd, who seems to love his entrance.

Mitt first spends some time on a shoutout to Ryan, "a man with a big heart from a small town" (which is actually a pretty good line, I have to admit). A little scattered Obama-bashing, and then Mitt himself moves into full pander mode and gets all freedom-ey about immigration (while not saying a word about the 12 million people he wants to see "self-deport" of course).

Mitt gives his usual sort of speech, looking slightly stiff and slightly uncomfortable. But he has gotten better at attempting to inject some emotion here and there, although you can see he's no natural at it. He then panders to the middle class and tries to convince America he knows what someone's life is like who works two jobs. Good luck with that, Mitt.

He finally does get off one good line: "I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed." That's the sort of thing Republicans should have been saying for the last four years instead of doing everything they could to make Obama fail, but like I said, for a political speech it's a nice touch.

Mitt then tries his hand at some jingoism, and gets the crowd to bust out a few more "U-S-A!" chants. The crowd is definitely feeling the Mitt love tonight. He mentions his father for a bit, and even admits he's a Mormon (briefly) before moving right along.

There are reports of hecklers in the arena, but I didn't see or hear any.

Mitt shifts into pander-to-women gear, in a further attempt to humanize himself. The crowd loves a big shoutout Mitt gives to Ann. Mitt is doing great with the TelePrompTer, looks like he's had a lot of recent practice. Haven't heard a peep about that all week, what with all the Obama-bashing. Guess it would have crossed a bridge too far to rip Obama for using a TelePrompTer while reading the words off a TelePrompTer or something.

Mitt trots out a few anti-Obama lines, but the crowd apparently didn't get the memo on when to applaud. Mitt then moves on to Bain, and tries a bizarre joke about not investing the Mormon Church pension funds because he "didn't want to go to Hell" but then admits he took the Episcopal Church's investment instead. Maybe Mitt's not afraid of Episcopal Hell? The mind boggles at the theological implications.

Mitt gets one good line off about "we don't apologize for success" in America, and the crowd loves it and gives him a big hand. Mitt starts to hit a certain rhythm here. Tries to paint Obama as Carter, and then does the whole riff on "better off than you were four years ago" before smoothly moving to "What America needs is jobs -- lotsa jobs." The crowd is at full fever pitch.

Mitt starts laying out the Democratic plan for the future, and the crowd joyfully boos along with him. American will fail, fail, fail if we elect Obama to a second term. Mitt's energy independence line gets huge applause. He then uses the standard "apology tour" lie that Republicans have been repeating ever since they heard Fox News use it years ago.

Mitt tries to throw Obama a bone at the end on Osama Bin Laden's death, but then bashes Obama on foreign policy for his big finish. The crowd goes predictably bonkers, although they seemed to have a problem with the balloon drop (which took way too long to get going).

Irony of ironies, they close singing "America" -- which Mitt Romney is famous for not being able to sing. Thankfully, while you can see his lips mouth the song, he is nowhere near a microphone.

So that's it for the big GOP party. Mitt gave an adequate speech, and hit all the things he wanted to hit. This is his biggest night of the campaign, and as I said he seemed to give a workable speech, but while he cleared the bar, he didn't exactly knock anything out of the park. The entire night was extremely subdued compared to yesterday, and seemed rather small-bore all the way around. Two of the biggest names totally flopped (Newt and Clint). Rubio was much less impressive than I'd been led to believe in the speechifyin' department. Mitt Romney probably pleased Republicans with his speech tonight, but it's doubtful whether he gave any undecided Americans a real reason to vote for him. Time (and the polls) will tell.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


51 Comments on “GOP's Big Night”

  1. [1] 
    Kevin wrote:

    I got depressed just reading this. I sincerely hope you had more than 1 Fosters to recuperate :)
    You really are a hero. I can't imagine listening to that verbal toxin for even a minute. To show what attention I haven't been paying, is your ordeal now over and can you look forward to covering grown-ups now?

  2. [2] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    disagree on clint eastwood's speech; i found it mildly amusing, kind-of like a saturday night live monologue. the invisible obama was weird but not altogether offputting. since he obviously was planning to throw in a movie line at the end, he should have used:

    "you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky?"

  3. [3] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Kevin -

    I have to admit, my heart's going to be in next week's coverage a lot more.

    nypoet22 -

    I don't know, I was so stunned at Clint's thing I was distracted through about half of Rubio's speech. I stand by my "cringe-worthy" comment.


  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    Touchy-feely video about Ann and the Olympics, just in case we didn't get the point. Mitt in quotable line: "How ya doin', knucklesnorts?" Knucklesnorts? Your guess is as good as mine.

    This, coming from the guy who invented "Moose Poop"?? :D

    I can't imagine listening to that verbal toxin for even a minute.

    Yea, gods forbid you should actually EXPOSE yourself to a different viewpoint..

    GODS, we can't have THAT happening, can we!!??

    Think of the absolute HORROR if people actually started LISTENING to other people's ideas instead of condemning them..

    "Oh my god, what a fucking nightmare!!!"
    -Marisa Tomeii, MY COUSIN VINNY

    Liberal, my left ass cheek...


  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    Can't say anything about the delivery of the Rubio speech..

    But the transcript was dead on ballz accurate.

    "Brought a tear to me eye"
    -Scotty, STAR TREK VII, Generations


  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    Liberal, my left ass cheek...

    lib·er·al? ?[lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl]
    favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression:

    Now, who amongst the denizens of Wegantia most epitomizes the definition of 'liberal'??

    Why, I do believe it's me!!!


  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Media Strikes Back After Dirty Harry Dares To Mock Obama

    Now THAT's what I am talking about!!! :D


  8. [8] 
    michty6 wrote:

    - Can't understand why Newt went with his wife. Totally ruined it from the moment this decision was made.

    - I don't know why Clint is getting so much abuse, I thought his was the best speech of the night! The chair thing was funny! I think there was maybe meant to be an Obama impersonator there? But he seemed unscripted and spoke from the heart without going extreme, over-the-top crazy.

    - Rubio was really disappointing, I expected big things from him. Difficult spot though. At least he stuck to the team script and didn't make a 2016 plea.

    - Romney was Romney. Usual old wooden speech he has done hundreds of times before. Surprised he mentioned religion and Mormonism so much. The one comment that stood out was that apparently he still thinks the Cold War is going on and Russia/Putin is a major enemy...

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Romney to Visit Areas Damaged By Hurricane Isaac

    Romney, campaigning in Louisiana, acting like a Commander In Chief...

    Obama, campaigning in Texas, acting like a Campaigner In Chief....

    Leaders run TOWARDS the problems...

    Failed leaders run AWAY from problems....

    On another note...

    Who woulda thunked that Michael Moore and I would EVER agree on anything.. :D


  10. [10] 
    TheStig wrote:

    I came away with a similar impression CW.

    I'm gonna jump right to Clint Eastwood, because it's such a WTFH? moment that everything that went down in The Venue before it tended to pale a bit. Maybe that was the objective, but I'll get back to that.

    I'm basically a fan of Eastwood, I like most of his films, and most of those I don't really like I can tolerate as amusing fluff. He's no fool and no extremest, or at least he wasn't prior to last night.

    Normally, you don't put a geek on stage right before say, Mel Torme. That's basically what Team Romney did. Why would you do such a thing? I had not heard the Obama Impersonator explanation before, it might be true if it circulated PC (prior to Clint, all future political years may be referenced PC or AC) but if you heard it AC, I think it's probably damage control.

    I considered the two A's, Alcohol & Alzheimer's. Clint seems to have no history of alcoholism, but maybe he took a snort in the limo. He did seem a bit "late Reagany" last night, but I saw no signs of an Excelon patch. Can't rule either factor out.

    Maybe the schtick went exactly as planned. The idea was to reset the bar, as low as possible, for the upcoming Romney address. So Mitt could just skip over and look like he'd cleared 4 feet, which by Mitt Meh standards would be Gold, or at least Silver. If so, mission accomplished. Speech reviews were pretty good, i.e. Mediocre. Mitt gets social promotion.

    What I'd like to think, what I must think, is that this was genius performance art, satire in it's highest form. Eastwood doesn't like Romney, and he doesn't like the direction the NeoGOP is taking. Here's what Clint did last night:

    1: He made up an imaginary dialog for Obama, that was none to flattering and only loosely based on real events. Complete with swears!

    2: He then proceeded to demonize Obama using the made up dialog.

    Now, this is exactly what the Republicans have been doing to Obama for the last 4 years. It's the strategy that was plotted by "Mush Mouth McConnel" the day after the inauguration. Clint held the mirror right up to the entire audience. Or if want the requisite sports analogy, he published the playbook!

    The suites and gowns in the seats, and the operatives in the wings got the "joke" and they were horrified! You could see it in the closeups.

    The humorless foot soldiers on the convention floor didn't get the parody, and gobbled up the rancid meat! I'm sure it's already gone viral on the web, and cannot be suppressed. Up yours Mitt, take that Tea Party Yahoos.

    Like I say, I've gotta believe that.

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    I'm basically a fan of Eastwood, I like most of his films, and most of those I don't really like I can tolerate as amusing fluff. He's no fool and no extremest, or at least he wasn't prior to last night.

    This is what I have always thought was so funny about ideologues...

    The heap mounds and mounds of praise on people they like. Their "heroes"...

    But when the hero says something that goes against the beliefs of the ideologue, all of the sudden he's an "extremist" and a "fool"...

    The ideologue NEVER stops to consider that their hero is right and it's THEY who are frak'ed up...

    Call me silly, but if someone I admired and respected took a position that I didn't agree with, the first thing, the VERY first thing I would do before ANYTHING else, is I would examine *MY* position and see if it has any flaws, if maybe my "hero" is right....

    It's just funny to hear Left Wing (and Right Wing) fanatics go on and on about someone as if they are the greatest thing since frozen pizza..

    Then it's like, "He said what!!! What a coward, what a fool, what an extremist!!!!" etc etc ad nasuem...

    Judge Harry Stone: "There is no place in decent society for book-burning fanatics like you!! I feel it's my responsibility to set an example by fining radical extremists like you with every ounce of power that this state has seen fit to grant me!!!"
    Court Clerk Mac Robinson: "The Genius of Barry Manilow."
    Judge Harry Stone: "One dollar!!!"

    -Night Court

    Ya gotta know the show to understand the context. But trust me.. It's funny! :D


  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:


    For the record, I wasn't picking on YOU specifically..

    The Left (and the Right) is replete with examples of people respecting and admiring someone until that said someone says or does something they disagree with and all of the sudden the tune changes...

    So, please don't feel I am singling you out.. I am sure you have LOTS of company from both sides of the political spectrum...


  13. [13] 
    michty6 wrote:


    I heard the Obama impersonator thing PC (lol). First I heard that Trump was due to appear and tell an Obama impersonator 'you're fired'. They then canned that idea after losing a day of the convention.

    Next I heard Clint was going to speak to one. So perhaps he wrote the whole speech with that in mind then last minute they got rid of the impersonator...

    I too am a huge Clint fan and was surprised Clint was appearing. His half-time super-bowl commercial was practically an Obama endorsement ('halftime for America', successful auto bailout and what-not - video if you haven't seen it So that lends something towards your argument/view but I tend to go for the simple (non-conspiracy) views in most of these things and he probably just wanted to do some sort of monologue-dialogue piece... Like I said I actually thought he was pretty good, some good lines that the convention loved...

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, now we know why the so-called "Fact Checkers" had their "fact" checks up so fast...

    They were canned pre-prepared responses.. Just had to fill in a few details to make them look like actual responses and then they were posted...

    I bet the hysterical Lefties that posted these NON-facts checks feel like complete morons...

    As well they should....


  15. [15] 
    ninjaf wrote:

    You really have gone 'round the bend. According to your rant [#4], you are even calling CW a partisan idealogue. SMH
    I appreciate the recap. I couldn't bring myself to watch the RNC convention this year. First time in my memory that I missed it.
    On that note, if you find yourself further east than Charlotte in NC during the DNC, please let me know. The least I can do is buy you a beverage of your choosing (or two) as a thank you. :)

  16. [16] 
    michty6 wrote:

    Hahaha had to share this as it's pretty funny:

  17. [17] 
    michty6 wrote:


    What on earth are you talking about? You know fact-checkers check both sides of the aisle and are proud of this? This is just the usual 'liberal media bias' crap when your candidate lies his face off about several very serious accusations.

    And watch the DNC and they will be there too. Just less busy...

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is just the usual 'liberal media bias' crap when your candidate lies his face off about several very serious accusations.

    Yet, according to the FACTS (the REAL facts, not the Left Wing "facts") Ryan DIDN'T lie...

    That's what comes from using prepared "checks" instead of ACTUALLY checking the facts..

    But I understand you wouldn't have any knowledge of the ACTUAL facts. Because you don't care what the facts are.. You simply spout the Left Wing dribble and assume it is true...

    You know what happens when you make a assumption, right?? You make an ASS out of U and umption....


  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    And watch the DNC and they will be there too. Just less busy...

    Once again, you ASSUME facts that are not in evidence..


  20. [20] 
    michty6 wrote:


    I know more about this than you do. And no, according to your (and right-wing media) interpretation (which I'd suggest is heavily biased) he didn't lie.

    The factory was, to use a business term, 'mothballed' in December 2008. Find anyone in business who knows what mothballing is, and ask them if this is akin to closing then you'll have your answer.

    If you don't know what mothballing is, why it is used in business, why being mothballed is the same as being 'closed' or have any understandings of the business steps taken to close a factory then yes you too would make the assumption that your right-wing media nonsense is correct. Here is a hint: a factory that is mothballed may produce more products in the future. This is the whole point in mothballing it instead of selling it (and all the facilities within it).

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    I know more about this than you do.

    No, you just THINK you do. And your thought process is clouded by too much Obama kool-aid..

    FACT: The plant that "closed" in Dec 2008 was STILL producing cars in Apr of 2009...

    FACT: Ryan never claimed that Obama closed the plant..

    My own state voted for President Obama. When he talked about change, many people liked the sound of it.
    Especially in Janesville where we were about to lose a major factory. A lot of guys I went to high school with worked at that G.M. plant. Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said, ``I believe that if our government is there to support you, this plant will be here for another 100 years.''
    That's what he said in 2008. Well, as it turned out, that plant didn't last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day.

    NOTHING about Obama closing the plant..

    It's all about Obama saying (promising??) that the plant will remain open and then not seeing it thru..

    So, sorry.. No lies there..

    It's typical of the Left.. Screaming "LIE LIE LIE" without ANY cognizance of the facts... Ya think they would have gotten over that with Bush...

    But, as I said.. It doesn't matter.. ALL politicians lie..

    To claim that Republicans do it and Democrats don't is just one more indication of how you are blinded by hysterical partisan ideology....

    It's OK.. It's nothing to be ashamed of.. MUCH.. You are in good company... :D


  22. [22] 
    michty6 wrote:


    FACT: The plant that "closed" in Dec 2008 was STILL producing cars in Apr of 2009...

    Sigh. I don't even know how to start to explain the processes of mothballing and shutting down a factory since (like my last comment) you won't even listen and just ignore it. I give up. Maybe you should tell the 2000+ workers of this plant that lost their jobs in 2008 that Ryan told the truth and it was still 'open'? I'm sure they'd love to hear that a mothballed factory is still considered open in Republican world...

    To claim that Republicans do it and Democrats don't is just one more indication of how you are blinded by hysterical partisan ideology

    I'd love to hear where I said this. Because I distinctly remember stating that the fact checkers would be there at the DNC, just not as busy (implying there will be lies there too, just not as many). Of course this (and my other comments) just go over your head as you go berserk in a show of irrational hatred towards Obama as usual...

  23. [23] 
    michty6 wrote:

    The fact checkers must have forged some photos amd backdated a story into the Janesville Gazetter on December 23rd

    Damn those sneaky liberal fact-checkers! This is the biggest forgery since the birth certificate!

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    I give up. Maybe you should tell the 2000+ workers of this plant that lost their jobs in 2008 that Ryan told the truth and it was still 'open'? I'm sure they'd love to hear that a mothballed factory is still considered open in Republican world...

    I bet they would like to hear MORE about how Obama said the plant would be open "for another hundred years" and then it closed???


    I would love to go round and round with you (AGAIN) on this, but it's clear that logical rational discourse on FACTS has no place in your kool-aid addled Obama-Love Stupor...

    Yea, I know, I know.. You "criticize" Obama..

    Funny thing is, your Obama "criticism" consists of a Noun, a Verb and "It's all the Republicans fault"...

    And what's REALLY funny is that your PRO-Obama posts consists of a Noun, a Verb and "It's all the Republicans fault"

    So, I would say you got yer arguments down pat there, son.. :D

    But, I have to work. Ya know, the business that *I* built without any help from your lord and master, The Exalted One, Barack The First...

    I'll get with ya on the flip side.. :D



  25. [25] 
    michty6 wrote:

    Lol the funny thing is all I am arguing is that Ryan lied. I never said anything about blame. It is you who is the one looking to blame (everything on Obama).

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:


    You really have gone 'round the bend. According to your rant [#4], you are even calling CW a partisan idealogue. SMH

    Ninjaf!! Didna see ya sneak a post in there.. Couldn't be rude and ignore it.. :D

    Actually, in #4, I "accused" CW of inventing the term "moose poop".. Which he did..

    Besides, it's not the first time CW's been accused around here. One of ya'all accused CW of racism a while back... I'm just sayin'....

    But, considering how nonchalantly the term "racist" is thrown around by the Left these days, it's no wonder, eh??

    OK.. NOW I really gots to work... :D


  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is too good to let go by..

    Romney hits hurricane stricken area this morning.

    Obama announces he'll be going to Louisiana too..

    Once again, Obama shows his "leadership" style. Leading From Behind...

    Hope Obama likes the view of Romney's ass.. Because that is all Obama is likely to see from now on... :D


  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Lol the funny thing is all I am arguing is that Ryan lied.

    No, the funny thing is you were wrong..

    Even CNN backpedaled on it's Ryan Lied position.

    If CNN is going to back pedal, you KNOW it was a blatant misrepresentation...


  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay CB....

    I thought specifically of you when I read this....

    A ‘lie’: A truth that Democrats don’t like

    It's so dead on ballz accurate, it's scary... :D


  30. [30] 
    michty6 wrote:

    CNN the 'let's never say anything controversial and pretend both parties are just as bad as each other'. No that doesn't surprise me.

    Anyway rather than argue a moot point that clearly you have now decided which side you fall, how about the other many Ryan lies? Or the fact he needed to lie so much when Obama has 'so many' failed policies? (

  31. [31] 
    michty6 wrote:

    Michale [29]

    It's so dead on ballz accurate, it's scary... :D

    Totally agree. I got as far as 'I also mean the mainstream media'

    Just another example of the usual Republican nonsense about 'liberal bias' in the media whenever they are called out for their nonsense. Funny that they will quote fact-check and politi-fact when it suits them (I remember you and Chris dong exactly this on this site many times), but if they are called out for lying these organisations all of a sudden become 'liberal media bias' or 'mainstream media bias' - yawn. Even when Fox News reporters talk about Ryan's deception and lies ( just conveniently ignore this - just like you conveniently ignore the truth.

  32. [32] 
    michty6 wrote:

    Good article from this other blog I just found called 'Doctor's For America' about how the Republican nonsense lie about Obama 'robbing' Medicare for Obamacare is an attempt to pit the poor against the elderly and Medicare against Medicaid.

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    You don't think the MSM is Left Biased??

    Please explain the differences in reporting between the Abu Ghraib (which was nothing harsher than college hazing) under Bush and the Afghanistan Kill Teams (name says it all) under Obama...

    If you can come up with a logical reason why the reporting under Bush was a feeding frenzy and the reporting under Obama was "Hoo hum, nothing to see here" then I will consider your position that there is no Left Wing bias by the MSM...

    If you can't, then you concede the point. Yea.. Like THAT will ever happen... :^/


  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    The problem with the Left screaming LIES LIES all the time is that it got REALLY boring under Bush..

    Now, the Left wants to pick up again... I would be more inclined to actually LISTEN if the Left would mention some of the Lies by Obama..

    Yea and I'll be waiting for the sun to rise in the West and set in the East while I am at it...


  35. [35] 
    michty6 wrote:


    I don't really watch MSM reporting or read their site so I've no idea if they're biased or not. But from what I've heard, MSM is biased to the left and Fox biased to the right.

    So do you think fact-check, politi-fact, Washington post fact-check are all left biased? Are they all party of a liberal media conspiracy?

  36. [36] 
    michty6 wrote:


    I would be more inclined to actually LISTEN if the Left would mention some of the Lies by Obama.

    Why on earth would we talk about Obama lies when analysing the GOP convention speakers? You can try and change the topic all you like, the fact remains that Ryan lied his face off during his speech and the media (including Fox reporters) and fact-checkers called him out on it big time - as they should.

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    I don't really watch MSM reporting or read their site so I've no idea if they're biased or not. But from what I've heard, MSM is biased to the left and Fox biased to the right.

    Holy shit, Michty!!

    You said something that I am completely, unequivocally and 1000% in agreement with!!!!

    Aww right, who are you and what have you done with Michty!!!!!

    Why on earth would we talk about Obama lies when analysing the GOP convention speakers?

    Because *I* was talking about overall lies... Which I am sure you knew.. :D

    You can try and change the topic all you like, the fact remains that Ryan lied his face off during his speech and the media (including Fox reporters) and fact-checkers called him out on it big time - as they should.

    Yet the fact checkers that check the fact checkers said that their fact check was utter bullshit...

    And THEY have the documentation to prove it.. Unlike the FIRST fact checkers who just check their "facts" with other LEFTIST "fact" checkers...

    Basically, the fact checkers of the first group say, "Daily Kos, HuffPO and MSNBC all say it's a lie.. There! We have checked the facts..."


  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    But from what I've heard, MSM is biased to the left and Fox biased to the right.

    "Captain, it may have been unwise to admit to Nomad that you are a biological unit. In Nomad's eyes, you must now undoubtedly appear imperfect."
    -Spock, STAR TREK, The Changeling



  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    Apropos of absolutely NOTHING, just because it's a kewl factoid..

    STAR TREK, The Old Series
    There were 6 fatalities of Command (Gold) personnel
    5 Science (Blue) personnel fatalities.
    Engineering Department (Red) suffered 4 fatalities.
    Security Personnel (Red): FORTY THREE!!!

    Bad time to be a security grunt..

    "I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm just "Crewman Number Six." I'm expendable. I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is."

  40. [40] 
    michty6 wrote:

    You said something that I am completely, unequivocally and 1000% in agreement with!!!!

    Haha must be a weird day. Don't worry, I'm not scared to call bias when I see it.

    Why on earth would we talk about Obama lies when analysing the GOP convention speakers?
    Because *I* was talking about overall lies... Which I am sure you knew.. :D

    I'm sure Obama has lied or pushed the truth and his campaign does too. I read fact-check and politifact daily (I have them RSS'd) and there are Democratic political ads on both rated false or mostly false. However, there are a few things worth noting that I've mentioned to you before:
    1. Ad's which state 'I'm Mitt Romney/Barack Obama and I endorse this message' are official candidate ads and should be held to a higher standard. Read through fact-check and you'll see Romney has consistently lied in these; Democrat lies tend to come from other sources.
    2. Convention speeches and candidate speeches should be held to a higher standard too.
    3. There is a huge difference between lying and pushing the truth/skewing what someone said. With the recent welfare and robbing/cutting Medicare lies - which are official campaign adverts and were repeated by both candidates in their speeches - Romney and Ryan aren't 'pushing the truth' or scewing an issue like they did with 'you didn't build that' (which is an acceptable political norm). They are telling 100%, no exceptions, no interpretations, no skewing, bald-face lies. The kind that politifact (which is the fact-checker that tends to try and have equal coverage of both sides and doesn't often make decisive yes or no statements) calls 'PANTS ON FIRE'.

    Yet the fact checkers that check the fact checkers said that their fact check was utter bullshit...

    Nope, right-wing media sites presented rhetoric that YOU bought without thinking about it because you hate Obama so much. Again: do you believe this is photo-shopped or made up?

    Or to quote fact-check "Update, Aug. 30: A Ryan spokesman argues that the GM plant technically remained on “standby” status, meaning it was possible that the company might resume production there. But as a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story noted nearly a year ago, “no one seems to be counting on that.”"

    I have tried to point this out to you from the point of view of someone in finance, the process of keeping the plant on 'standby' is called mothballing. A mothballed factory is a closed factory which might be re-opened at a future point. This is exactly what happened after the factory closed in December 2008. But you ignored all my posts because you WANT the fact-checkers to be wrong, when in fact you and the right-wing media are totally wrong.

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    No... I'll ignore your post because A> I understand your biases in favor of Obama and 2> AP reported several times that cars were STILL rolling out of that factory in Apr of 2009...

    It's a moot point. Ryan never said that Obama closed the plant. Ryan simply said that Obama gave the workers hope that their plant would be there for the "next 100 years" which turned out to be a FALSE hope.

    You see the pattern??

    Obama promised peace on earth, good will towards men....

    You say my hate for Obama is personal?? Damn skippy it is...

    "I even ate fudge! Yuk!!!"
    -Adie McDowell, GROUNDHOG DAY

    Obama made me believe that a politician could actually care for his country more than for himself..

    What a rube I was....


  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    On another note...


    Knock Drudge all you want....

    But it's reach is undeniable....


  43. [43] 
    Chris1962 wrote:

    It's a moot point. Ryan never said that Obama closed the plant.

    The Left does this to themselves time and time again. They hear what they want to hear, and then they scream "LIAR!" based on something that was never even said in the first place. And then they wonder why their "messaging" isn't resonating.

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Left does this to themselves time and time again. They hear what they want to hear, and then they scream "LIAR!" based on something that was never even said in the first place. And then they wonder why their "messaging" isn't resonating.


    It's policy based evidence making..

    They have a set "policy" (in this case, all Republicans are liars) and then the create the evidence to justify the "policy"...

    This one aspect seems to color EVERYTHING that Democrats are about..


  45. [45] 
    Chris1962 wrote:

    Even when Fox News reporters talk about Ryan's deception and lies ( just conveniently ignore this -

    Sally Kohn is one of fair-and-balanced Fox's hard-core LEFTIE columnists, who's regurgitating the Leftie battle cry.

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    That's what I don't understand why the Left is always down on FoxNews..

    They have more LEFT pundits on their one station than the entire Leftist MSM has Right pundits COMBINED....

    I think the problem is quite basic. Envy...

    FoxNews is everything that the Left would love to have.. And they can't understand why average Americans don't like having elitists berate them on how bad Americans are....


  47. [47] 
    Chris1962 wrote:

    That's what I don't understand why the Left is always down on FoxNews..

    Because the White House (headed by Anita Dunn) told them to be, and the Left obeyed, stunningly enough. I remember a time in this country when another president told the masses not to pay any attention to the evil Washington Post, only folks couldn't run fast enough to read all about Watergate. Now they're obeying the White House and helping to carry out its smear campaign, like good little trained circus pups. Oh, how times have changed.

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    Never met a man who so much likes to play the race card.... {{{{ssssiiiiiigggghhhhhh}}}}

    I saids it befores and I'll says it again...

    Obama's Presidency has set race relations back 60 years....


  49. [49] 
    michty6 wrote:

    Lol what a funny chain of comments.

    Chris "The Left does this to themselves time and time again. They hear what they want to hear, and then they scream "LIAR!" based on something that was never even said in the first place."

    Then Michale, commenting on a statement by Obama that has nothing to do with race "Never met a man who so much likes to play the race card.... {{{{ssssiiiiiigggghhhhhh}}}}"

    Brilliant. Well played guys. I love it when you both come together chiming in with your nonsense. You do a better job of disproving your points and rhetoric together than I could ever do.

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    Then Michale, commenting on a statement by Obama that has nothing to do with race

    Come'on Michty.... I may have been born at night, but it wasn't LAST night...

    If a GOP'er had made that "black and white" comment, the Hysterical Left would have been screaming "RACIST BASTARDS!!!!" to the high heavens.

    Don't bother denying it because we BOTH know it's true...

    Your bias is showing again....


  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya know, Michty... You might be right.

    There was NOTHING about racism in Obama's words..


    But isn't it annoying when someone will scream RACISM!!! at the drop of a dime?? Hmmmmmmmm???

    A lesson you and the rest of the Hysterical Left would do well to keep in mind the next time ya'all wanna cry wolf....


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