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Three-Dot Thursday...

[ Posted Thursday, April 25th, 2013 – 16:49 UTC ]

Just time for a few quick news items that seem to be begging for comment by yours truly... and as is our tradition for these disjointed columns, we will present these in true Herb Caen fashion, practicing a bit of three-dot journalism in homage..., apparently, George W. Bush got a library. I missed all the speeches, on the theme of: "So Long And Thanks For All The Wars," as I had some very important sleeping to do, instead. OK, you'll have to forgive me, but I see this as the golden opportunity to make a few Dubya jokes, in a fit of nostalgia. As historians debate whether George W. Bush was our nation's worst -- or, perhaps, merely second- or third-worst -- president of all time, I've just got to wonder... what, exactly is going to be in a "George W. Bush library"? A whole bunch of copies of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," maybe? Inquiring minds would also like to know, is this what Laura's going to be doing for the rest of her life? I mean, she was a librarian, after all, so it seems like she'd be perfect for the job...


...Anthony Weiner (pause for laughter) seems to be serious about the possibility of running for mayor of New York City. Late night comedians are thanking their lucky stars, because Weiner jokes just write themselves, really... David Letterman cracked a good one last night [although for some reason he said "six," which we've corrected to the standard line]: "I'd just like to inform Anthony Weiner that if your election lasts longer than four hours, contact a doctor immediately." Priceless... (even if Letterman has no moral high ground himself, after getting caught boinking a member of his staff)...


...seems like both politicians and the news media have suddenly noticed the sequester. I mean, it's not like a whole bunch of cutbacks haven't already happened, but this one really hits home for them because it involves a lot of people who are used to efficient government services when it comes to the airplanes they fly on. Angry congresscritters called Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on the carpet, complaining that they hadn't been informed about the possibility of such delays. Unfortunately for them, here is what LaHood had to say about it, back in February: "What I'm trying to do is to wake up members of the Congress on the Republican side to the idea that they need to come to the table, offer a proposal so that we don't have to have this kind of calamity in air service in America." LaHood then went on to predict what the results would be for those congressfolk, which turned out to be astonishingly accurate: "Your phones are gonna start ringing off the hook." More snark on this subject can be found from Jason Linkins, over at the Huffington Post, complete with the moronic comments Republicans are now making...


In other amusing news from Republicanland, the respected conservative wordsmith Frank Luntz apparently got caught on tape bemoaning the real problem with attempting to repair the Republican brand -- which turns out to be a man whose fans actually celebrate their sheep-like devotion by calling themselves "ditto-heads." Yep, according to Luntz, talk radio is killing any chances Republicans have of dragging their party into the twenty-first century. Would anyone like another helping of schadenfreude, because I simply have to say that this serving is downright delicious...


...and finally, we can all celebrate the news that Senator Max Baucus won't be running for re-election next year. I will have much more to say about this tomorrow (no doubt), but for now, I'd like to offer up the traditional paean to such a paragon of pandering: "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, Max... oh, and by the way, thanks for killing the public option, you pusillanimous little pismire!"

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


25 Comments on “Three-Dot Thursday...”

  1. [1] 
    Michale wrote:

    As historians debate whether George W. Bush was our nation's worst -- or, perhaps, merely second- or third-worst -- president of all time, I've just got to wonder... what, exactly is going to be in a "George W. Bush library"?

    A tale of a president who made some really tough decisions that were unpopular personally and politically but made them for the good of the country and for the good of MANY citizens of the world..

    Unlike our PRESENT POTUS who doesn't take a dump w/o first checking which way the political winds are blowing..

    Bush was the President that Obama DREAMS of being but will never measure up because, simply put, Obama lacks courage and moral conviction.

    Obama is a politician in the most corrupt, greedy, incompetent and perverse meaning of the word..

    "I'd just like to inform Anthony Weiner that if your election lasts longer than four hours, contact a doctor immediately." Priceless... (even if Letterman has no moral high ground himself, after getting caught boinking a member of his staff)...

    True.. But I agree... THAT was funny as hell! :D

    ...and finally, we can all celebrate the news that Senator Max Baucus won't be running for re-election next year. I will have much more to say about this tomorrow (no doubt), but for now, I'd like to offer up the traditional paean to such a paragon of pandering: "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, Max... oh, and by the way, thanks for killing the public option, you pusillanimous little pismire!"

    Yea, like I told David..

    It's really a pain in the ass when a CongressCritter actually WORKS for his constituents and looks after THEIR interests, rather than prostrating (or prostituting... pick yer adverb) before the National Party....

    Damn him for showing backbone and integrity...

    Ya'all are just pissy because he was COMPLETELY honest called ObamaCare what it really is..

    A train wreck about to happen...

    "See ya tomorrow!! Maybe!!!"
    -Bill Murray, GROUNDHOG DAY



  2. [2] 
    Michale wrote:

    If you would like some insight into what Bush's Presidential Library is all about....

    CURL: W outclasses Barack and Bill, without even trying

    It's about Class vs No Class...

    Here's another interesting quote from a hard-core Democrat..

    "{Obama}’s an inch deep. Bush is a bottomless chasm, a deep, mysterious, emotional, profound man. Obama is all surface — shallow, obvious, robotic, and, frankly, not nearly as smart as he thinks. Bush was the one."

    That's what this day was all about.. America remembering fondly a president who made the tough calls and is, at this very day, as popular as the current President who never takes responsibility for his screw-ups.


  3. [3] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    It's about Class vs No Class...

    I read the opinion piece thinking, man this is really, really biased. Then I got to the end and saw who wrote it: the current editor of the Drudge Report.

    Basic hit piece, nothing to see here...

  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    I read the opinion piece thinking, man this is really, really biased. Then I got to the end and saw who wrote it: the current editor of the Drudge Report.

    Basic hit piece, nothing to see here...

    Funny how when it praises Bush and slams Obama, it's a "basic hit piece"...

    But ya'all treat all the garbage that slams Bush and treats Obama as the Second Coming as Gospel...

    In other words, everyone who has opinions the same as yours is OK..

    Anyone who differs?? Well, it just can't be factual...

    Yer right. Nothing to see here. :D

    Well except for a hard-core Democrat saying:

    "{Obama}’s an inch deep. Bush is a bottomless chasm, a deep, mysterious, emotional, profound man. Obama is all surface — shallow, obvious, robotic, and, frankly, not nearly as smart as he thinks. Bush was the one."

    I noticed how you didn't touch that one. :D

    Gee, I wonder why... :D


  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    On another note...

    I have to give credit where credit is due...

    Every once in a while I'll hold my nose and peruse some of the other Banter Line commentaries, just to see what's up...

    It's funny how many of the commentators (and ALL of the commenters) revel in being low brow. Everything is "f*ck this" and "f*ck that"..

    I really have to wonder about the intelligence of people who simply cannot get their point across without talking like a gutter thug...

    You can bet that definitely raises the intelligence average of the entire Banter Line..

    Hope yer getting compensated for that, CW... :D


  6. [6] 
    michty6 wrote:

    so, apparently, George W. Bush got a library...but I see this as the golden opportunity to make a few Dubya jokes, in a fit of nostalgia

    This was the best piece I saw on this :):,32202/

    Bush was an excellent President if your definition of an 'excellent President' includes overseeing the biggest terrorist attack ever seen, overseeing the biggest recession ever seen, overseeing the largest expansion of the deficit ever seen (etc). That's before you get to the opinion the rest of the world has/had on him (which can be summed up in 2 words: 'laughing stock').

    Seeing people pretending that Bush was wonderful and ignoring all these facts is highly entertaining to me. Seeing the right hold him to high esteem is even more hilarious given half the things he did (such as a stimulus act) are now seen as acts of the devil-reincarnated.

  7. [7] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Funny how when it praises Bush and slams Obama, it's a "basic hit piece"...

    Actually, no. Since you have turned your hysterical anti-left to eleven, post election, I just assume you have vetted your links for maximum Obama hate. It's more the evangelizing of both Bushes and demonizing of those other three democrats. The bias is dripping and starting to flood the basement...

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Bush was an excellent President if your definition of an 'excellent President' includes overseeing the biggest terrorist attack ever seen,


    So the truth comes out!!


    I wish I could say I am surprised..

    But I am not..


  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Actually, no. Since you have turned your hysterical anti-left to eleven, post election, I just assume you have vetted your links for maximum Obama hate. It's more the evangelizing of both Bushes and demonizing of those other three democrats. The bias is dripping and starting to flood the basement...

    Did I ever claim there was no bias??

    But like I said...

    When it's maximum Bush hate and evangelizing of Obama ad nasuem, no one here says boo..

    Now, WHY do you think that is??

    Hmmmmmm Could it be.... BIAS???

    "Hello!!?? McFly!!???"
    -Biff Tanner, BACK TO THE FUTURE


  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    Seeing people pretending that Bush was wonderful and ignoring all these facts is highly entertaining to me. Seeing the right hold him to high esteem is even more hilarious given half the things he did (such as a stimulus act) are now seen as acts of the devil-reincarnated.

    It's a concept that is foreign to you. I can understand it, since you have been outed as a Truther..

    Basically, with SOME people, there are SOME things that transcend political ideology..

    MANY Democrats, like Lanny Davis, can look past the politics and acknowledge the respect..

    With a few exceptions, that's an alien concept to people here in Weigantia...


  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    Another "hit piece"....

    Amazing how many of them there are and that the number is increasing rapidly..

    Now, call me silly...

    But where there is smoke, there is usually fire..


  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's a concept that is foreign to you. I can understand it, since you have been outed as a Truther..

    Tell ya what, michty..

    You were such a gentleman with that bonehead Czech/Chechnya post of mine a while back..

    I will reciprocate and not rub it in that you are a Truther...

    Fair is fair...


  13. [13] 
    michty6 wrote:

    Lol the fact that you're even trying to argue that Bush was a good President is entertaining to me. Keep it coming Michale.

    It goes to show that the old Tennessee/Texas/Tennessee adage is not true: Fool me once - shame on you. The fooled man can't get fooled again.

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    Lol the fact that you're even trying to argue that Bush was a good President is entertaining to me.

    First off, I am NOT trying to argue that Bush was a good President..

    I am MAKING the case that Bush was a GREAT President. By any yardstick that really matters, Bush was a GREAT president and *IS* a great American..

    Obama wishes he could be HALF the POTUS and a TENTH of a great American that Bush was and is...


  15. [15] 
    michty6 wrote:

    Bush was a much better President than Obama. Obama is boring 'no-drama Obama'. Where are the stupid quips? Moronic statement? Horrific knowledge of geography? Attempting to actually balance the budget than blow it up.

    Palin for President imo.

    Palin 2016. Because comedians need it.

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    Attempting to actually balance the budget than blow it up.

    16 Trillion Dollar Budget???


    You yourself has said that Obama is incompetent. You AGREE with me...

    'nuff said...


  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:


    Nice.... And utterly and unequivocally BI-PARTISAN...

    Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it...


  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    Moronic statement?

    You mean like?

    “There will be a sovereign Palestinian state, a sovereign Jewish state of Israel and those two states can, I think, will be able to deal with each other the same way all states do. I mean, you know, the United States and Canada has arguments once in a while, but they’re not the nature of arguments that can’t be solved diplomatically.”
    -President Barack Obama


    "I have visited 57 states so far...."
    -Senator Barack Obama

    I could go on and on and find dozens more..

    But why bother? You won't admit that, at times, your Emperor sounded dumber and more moronic than ya'all accuse Bush of sounding..

    I won't even bother to go into the extreme lack of testicular fortitude on behalf of Emperor Barack The First, because that would just be dynamiting fish in a barrel... :D


  19. [19] 
    michty6 wrote:

    16 Trillion Dollar Budget???

    There is no point in rehashing the budget debate again because you're way out of your league. But yes, Obama has a 16 trillion dollar budget, you're absolutely spot on as usual lololol. Facepalm.

    You won't admit that, at times, your Emperor sounded dumber and more moronic than ya'all accuse Bush of sounding..

    1. I don't even live in America. How on earth is he my emperor? For one, I don't even agree with the majority of his policies.

    2. Try as hard as you can (and you clearly weren't trying because the 1st quote wouldn't even make it into the top 1000 dumbest Bush lines) , there aren't as many quotes in a million years that will make Obama sound as stupid as Bush because Bush was capable of saying some of the most stupid things I've ever heard an elected politician (never mind President) say. Bush said more stupid things in 4 days than Obama has said in 4 years.

    Keep it coming though. I am thoroughly entertained about your attempts to prove how amazing Bush was.

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    1. I don't even live in America. How on earth is he my emperor?

    Probably because the majority of the time you have your nose so far up his ass that it's impossible to tell where you end and he begins..

    For one, I don't even agree with the majority of his policies.

    And yet, you defend him AND THOSE POLICIES at every turn..

    "Because he's YOUR guy!!"
    -Denzel Washington, THE SIEGE



  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    But yes, Obama has a 16 trillion dollar budget, you're absolutely spot on as usual lololol.

    And what was the budget when Obama took office???


  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    And what was the budget when Obama took office???

    And provide documentation to prove it..

    IF you can...


  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yoo hoo??? Michty??

    Why does he always run away when faced with the tough questions...



  24. [24] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Michale -

    Unlike our PRESENT POTUS who doesn't take a dump w/o first checking which way the political winds are blowing..

    Except for that "Obamacare" thing, which as far as you're concerned, he "rammed down the throat of America, who didn't want it."

    Be consistent, at least... which is it? He's a dictator, or he cringes before polling numbers? You can't have both, sorry.



  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Except for that "Obamacare" thing, which as far as you're concerned, he "rammed down the throat of America, who didn't want it."

    Be consistent, at least... which is it? He's a dictator, or he cringes before polling numbers? You can't have both, sorry.

    Actually, it still is consistent..

    Obama's checked the political winds of his own Party only... He believed his own people's press releases and ignored reality...

    But there is no doubt that he checked the Political winds and thought they were blowing in his favor..

    The fact that he was completely and utterly wrong (like he was with Anti-Gun sentiment) doesn't negate the consistency of his actions..


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