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Program Note

[ Posted Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 – 17:02 UTC ]

No column today, sorry. Spent the whole day dealing with various automotive problems. Fair warning: I might need another day next week to finish up several repairs and registration hassles (Oh, joy! The D.M.V.!).

Tomorrow's column, however, should be a substantial one on the subject of the Middle East, whose situation I've been thinking about for the past few days (along with everyone else). Anyway, regular columns will resume right here -- same bat time, same bat channel -- starting tomorrow. My apologies for the lapse.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


13 Comments on “Program Note”

  1. [1] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Looking forward to tomorrow's column! :)

    By the way, now that Huffington Post has moved their comments to the Facebook system, are you able to reply to comments there anymore?

    If you have plans to sign up for Facebook just for that purpose, don't! It is so not worth it ...

  2. [2] 
    TheStig wrote:


    I wasn't willing to sign up for Facebook to keep the right to comment either. I wasn't a fan of the new comment structure either.

  3. [3] 
    Mopshell wrote:

    I absolutely refuse to set up a Facebook page just for the sake of commenting at Huff Post. I spend most of my time at Daily Kos now with visits to other news sites to check out their latest.

    I also like the fact that, at Daily Kos, I can write my own articles too. My humor pieces garner the most attention though. I've now launched a series of Australiana 101 articles for weekend publication and I'll probably do a follow-up to the mondegreen article sometime in the future.

  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    Tomorrow's column, however, should be a substantial one on the subject of the Middle East, whose situation I've been thinking about for the past few days (along with everyone else).

    You have your work cut out for you..


    This is as bad as it gets...

    The Foreign Policy (such as it is) of this administration is well and truly in the crapper...

    Even the fact that Obama is sending in boots on the ground is not helping his approval ratings... After a VERY slight bump his numbers are, once again, heading down..


  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    Looks like a spot of good news for the Administration for a change..

    U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret
    Ahmed Abu Khattala had returned home Sunday night after a day of militia skirmishes in Benghazi when U.S. military commandos swarmed his residence south of the waterfront city and took him captive, quickly moving him out of Libya to a U.S. warship.

    I gotta ask..

    Was this Khattala guy an executive producer of the anti-Islam video??

    Or the lead actor???

    Enquiring minds want to know...


  6. [6] 
    TheStig wrote:

    RE 5

    The making of The "Innocence of Muslims" is whackier than anything even the most fevered conspiracy theorist can dream up.

    Only Mel Brooks could dream that big, and Mel had prior commitments.

    Lead actor was Tim Dax, who thought he was working an entirely different type of movie. Actually, he WAS making a totally different movie, but the script was changed, and the dialog was re-dubbed before (internet) release.

    All this took place in Los Angles, 2011. Khattala was a minor militia leader in Libya at this time, and rather busy with the revolution. Before that he spent most of his adult life in prison.

    The executive producer was Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, an Egyptian living in the USA (Coptic Christian)with an extensive criminal record.

    Not a shred of evidence Nakoula or Khattala ever met. Nakoula Khattala Productions is a figment.

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:


    So, you are saying that the Anti-Islam video had NOTHING to do with the Benghazi attack??

    But... but... But... Susan Rice said it did!!!

    SOMEONE is lying here....




  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Obama continued his CRIME DOES PAY campaign.

    First he honored a deserter that got more than a dozen soldiers killed... The Obama Administration said that this deserter served with "honor and distinction" and passed him off as the Greatest American Hero, minus the black tights and the red cape...

    Then Obama did a ceremony honoring criminals who sneaked into this country illegally in violation of Title 18...

    What's next??

    Obama's Public Service Announcements saying that if you smoke pot and do cocaine you can become PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, just like he did!!!

    Does the stoopidity of the Obama Administration know ANY depths???


  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    And the hits just keep on coming...

    Stick a fork in the Obama Administration..

    It's done...


  10. [10] 
    TheStig wrote:

    M, 7

    "So, you are saying that the Anti-Islam video had NOTHING to do with the Benghazi attack??"

    Whoa!!!!, that's a leap, a hop and maybe a spin! I was just throwing cold water on the idea that Khattala had any role in the making or airing of "Innocence of Muslims"

    I'd hold back on calling Susan Rice a liar, since recent accounts indicate Khattala said he did take part in the assault on the consulate, at least in part, because of the film. That said, armed mobs usually have more than one agenda. Metaphorically speaking, the film may have been the spark, but there was plenty of dry powder for it to ignite.

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    I don't care who you are, that right thar is funny as hell, I tell yooo what....
    -Larry The Cable Guy

    As an aside to CW... Is there any way that commenters can embed jpgs into comments, instead of just links??


  12. [12] 
    TheStig wrote:


    Say it ain't so! One of America's finest political commentators (absolutely!) brought low by car trouble, plus Patty and Selma!

    Looking forward to your take on the Middle East, where the deck does seem to have been given a bit of a shuffle. Press, politicians and blog commentators all seem to be engaged in what the writer Patrick Mcmanus would call "a full bore linear panic." Paraphrasing PM slightly, this is where you run flat out in a straight line until your panic is deflected by a solid object and you spin off in another direction.

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    Whoa!!!!, that's a leap, a hop and maybe a spin! I was just throwing cold water on the idea that Khattala had any role in the making or airing of "Innocence of Muslims"

    I was making a joke... :D

    I'd hold back on calling Susan Rice a liar, since recent accounts indicate Khattala said he did take part in the assault on the consulate, at least in part, because of the film.

    Yea?? Where didja read that??

    That said, armed mobs usually have more than one agenda.

    But a planned terrorist attack DOES have one primary goal..

    Metaphorically speaking, the film may have been the spark, but there was plenty of dry powder for it to ignite.

    The film had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Benghazi..

    NOTHING... NO.... THING.... ZERO..... ZILCH..... NADA.....

    The ONLY evidence that the film had ANYTHING to do with Benghazi came from the fevered imaginations of White House officials who were desperate to protect the messiah...


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