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Campaign Shifts To Immigration

[ Posted Monday, August 4th, 2014 – 16:40 UTC ]

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Republicans were so confident they had devised a winning 2014 campaign strategy that they went ahead and just admitted what it was going to be, almost a year out. As 2013 ended and 2014 began, Republicans weren't shy about letting everyone know that the midterm contest was going to be a single-issue election campaign for them, and that that single issue was going to be the abject failure of Obamacare. Republicans in the House were adamant that nothing else should detract from this single-minded obsession, which (in layman's terms) equated to the House doing absolutely nothing on all the other issues on its agenda. No immigration bill would be voted upon, they said, because doing so would just take attention away from the white-hot focus on Obamacare.

That was then, this is now. Back then, the Obamacare website was still struggling and Republicans were absolutely confident that at least one of their scare stories (predicting Obamacare woe and doom among the public) would prove to be true. Disaster was assured, they all assured themselves. It was downright inevitable. They had told themselves Obamacare was doomed so many times that they all fully believed it. They were convinced that "repeal this monster" would propel them to victory in November, and, further, that this is all that it would take -- any other issue would only serve to distract the public's anti-Obamacare rage, to their detriment.

As they head off for their August town halls, however, this entire plan seems to have been eclipsed by a single-minded focus on immigration. Republicans (excepting possibly Rick Perry) didn't foresee the media fixating on the "border crisis," which has now forced them to act (on an issue Republicans had fully prepared to ignore altogether).

Partly this is due to virtually all of the news on Obamacare being good this year. From the announcement that over a million more people than expected signed up through the Obamacare exchanges through to more recent news, none of the horror stories have come true. Republican governors are actually feeling the heat for refusing to expand Medicare in their state. The public's attention has moved on as well. House Republicans promised repeatedly that they would have "a plan of their own" to replace the hated Obamacare, but they have not been able to agree on a single thing all year long (much less a comprehensive bill). They are, bluntly, trying to convince the public that their "nothing" is better than the "something" of Obamacare -- always a dubious proposition in politics.

Even John Boehner trying to sue President Obama is pretty timid stuff -- or, at least, it will soon be seen as such by the very voters it was intended to impress. A lawsuit, after all, falls far short of impeachment (which is indeed a wildly popular idea among hardcore Republican voters), and when they figure out that Boehner is suing Obama to essentially try to force him to implement Obamacare faster, there are going to be some disappointed and confused Republican voters out in the rank and file.

What else have Republicans got to run on? Benghazi? The I.R.S.? Those subjects have been so thoroughly explored by now that few expect any poll-moving revelations even from yet another House committee's Benghazi investigation (scheduled to start in September).

John Boehner might have thought that forcing his House to vote on a border crisis bill right before their five-week vacation would have been enough to sidetrack the issue for the remainder of the campaign. He tossed all the red meat into the bill that the Tea Party demanded, guaranteeing that it'll never make it to the president's desk. Perhaps he figured that by doing so he had successfully taken the issue off the table for the foreseeable future, and appeased the Tea Partiers in his own ranks.

This is wrong, for two reasons. The first is that when Congress returns from their multi-week rest, the issue is still going to be front and center. Democrats in Congress are still going to be bringing it up, it can safely be assumed. If Republican voters make it a big ugly issue in the town halls, it will put a different sort of pressure on the party to do something. The second reason why the issue is not going to fade away is that President Obama is likely going to act before they get back. He'll probably time it for maximum effect, perhaps announcing his new policy the week before Congress returns (say, at the end of August).

Obama is reportedly considering sweeping changes to how the executive department prioritizes deportation policy. These changes have been rumored to affect almost half of the undocumented immigrants living in America (5 million out of 11 million is the figure being batted around, from all reports). This is going to hit the midterm campaign like a bombshell. It is instantly going to become the biggest issue in the campaign, in fact. The original Republican plan to campaign on "all anti-Obamacare, all the time" is going to lay in tatters, as they all rush to outdo each other in denouncing Obama's new immigration policy.

President Obama now knows that anything major he accomplishes in his second term is going to have to be the result of his own actions. Getting anything through Congress is now completely out of the question. If Republicans do well in the midterms, he may face a Republican-led House and Senate -- which isn't going to follow Obama's agenda (to put it mildly). If Democrats do well in the midterms, about the best they can hope for is continuing the status quo of holding onto the Senate (but with far from a filibuster-proof majority), and being the minority party in the House. Which means another two years almost exactly like the last two years, for Obama. The Republicans in the next "do-nothing" Congress are going to devote all their energy to making Obama's second term barren of legislative victories. And remember -- that's the best case for Democrats in the midterms.

Obama knows if anything is going to happen from now until 2016, it's going to be through his own actions. This will free him up, in a way, because he won't be worrying at all about reaching out to congressional Republicans -- who, through their own continued obstructionism, have put themselves completely out of this sort of reach. Without such worries, Obama may go a lot bigger than he might have otherwise done (especially if that 5 million figure proves anywhere near true).

But the bigger the action by Obama, the bigger the reaction from the Republicans -- that's also pretty much guaranteed. They simply won't be able to help themselves, as the more extreme members and candidates crank up the demonization and demagoguery. Few Republicans in safe districts really care all that much about wooing the Latino vote, and they're going to prove this in a big way, beyond any shadow of a doubt. The fact that this shrinks their party's chances for capturing the White House in 2016 is not going to convince them to keep quiet. In fact, the campaigning for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination has already really begun, meaning that the candidates are already moving far to the right of even Mitt Romney's "self-deportation."

This is really going to get interesting, because Obama's announcement may come within days (or at the most, a few weeks) of Boehner actually filing his lawsuit. Suing the president to get him to implement Obamacare faster is going to seem like pretty small potatoes to a Republican base whipped into an anti-immigrant frenzy by Obama's policy announcement. My guess is that there will be loud and immediate demands to either expand the lawsuit to include Obama's immigration action -- or to just go ahead and file articles of impeachment in the House. Much to Boehner's dismay, these calls will not be coming from Democrats, but from his own House Republicans. Boehner will have the chance of either appearing weak (by sticking to his original lawsuit's limited nature), or going along with the Tea Partiers' demands (which he now has a track record of doing, pretty consistently).

One way or another, this campaign is going to have little to do with Obamacare, when the dust settles. Of course, there is always the possibility of future events popping up which will pre-empt the debate over immigration (to put this another way: October surprises, by definition, are usually unexpectedly surprising). But barring any external events that claim center stage in such a fashion late in the campaign, President Obama may successfully force Republicans to contest the election mainly on the subject of immigration reform. This is a risky strategy, no doubt. In fact, it is a better strategy to boost Democratic chances in 2016 than it is to win seats in 2014 (most of the closest Senate races this year are in states with very small Latino populations). Republicans might just win all the seats this year that the pollsters are currently predicting.

No matter the outcome, however, it will indeed be remarkable for the president to singlehandedly shift the entire midterm election strategy of the opposition party to an issue of his own choosing. My guess is that by the time everyone votes in November, the Republican anti-Obamacare strategy is hardly going to cause a ripple, while the debate over immigration reform is going to be the main event. Whether it ultimately helps his party or hurts his party, President Obama's announcement on immigration reform seems likely to become the overriding issue in the midterm campaigns.

-- Chris Weigant


Cross-posted at The Huffington Post

Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


34 Comments on “Campaign Shifts To Immigration”

  1. [1] 
    Osborne Ink wrote:

    >>> Republicans (excepting possibly Rick Perry) didn't foresee the media fixating on the "border crisis" <<<

    Rick Perry actually drove the "crisis" narrative in a very real, deliberate way, and his actions had unintended consequences. He held a presser on about June 18 to declare a "border surge," and within hours the patriot militia boards were abuzz with a (false) rumor that the Governor of Texas had invited them to come take part in said surge.

  2. [2] 
    LewDan wrote:

    All those Republicans in safe seats may find it to their advantage to excite the base with the usual immigration scare tactics about illegals coming to take jobs from Americans. But these kids aren't trying to sneak into the country to take anyone's job. They aren't trying to stay illegally.

    That the distinction makes no difference to Republicans, that they expose their sanctimonious claims of only opposing illegal immigration as lies, not be lost on Hispanics. Republicans simply cannot survive as a national party if they alienate the Hispanics.

    Safe seats may well be the only seats Republicans can win in the not too distant future. Even in the short term they're running grave risks. Historically, Republicans shouldn't have to do anything to hold the advantage. But that depends on the typical low voter turnout. Between impeachment talk, which could motivate black voters, and campaigns to repeal Obama's immigration reforms, which could motivate Hispanic voters, Republicans might actually manage to pull defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Motivating their base would prove counterproductive if they cause everyone else to start paying attention, and consider this election important, as well.

  3. [3] 
    rdnewman wrote:

    "Republicans simply cannot survive as a national party if they alienate the Hispanics."

    I'm not sure I agree, @LewDan. Alienating Hispanic voters will likely prevent a Republican presidency after 2016, but given the 536 U.S. congressional offices, how Congressional Districts are currently drawn, and Republican's likely strong presence in many state Governor and legislative offices (and the resulting effect on redrawing districts later), they will likely continue very strong nationally for many years, if not decades, even if they completely alienate the rest of the country during that time.

    It's not until "red" districts are winnowed down that one could ever say Republicans are in danger of losing their national strength.

    If this winnowing were to begin, it's very likely that Democrats would either overreach or fracture themselves into factions (like the GOP has) and the winnowing would begin to stop and possibly reverse. There's likely a limit to how far a Republican fade from national politics would go regardless of their antipathy toward large portions of the population.

    Further, just as the Democrats have begun a generational change (Pres. Obama election was a key indicator), so too will it happen to the Republicans. This could shift (or modernize) their policies to be more moderate (or least less hostile) with regard to non-white/non-wealthy voters; this too could slow or reverse any fade from national strength.

  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    Seems to me, CW that all the talk of the death of the Tea Party in the past few months was a bit premature??

    I mean, rank and file Weigantians were gloating so finely how the Tea Party was dead and didn't have any more influence left and now we see how wrong that is, eh?? :D

    I have to commend you. You were practically the only one (sans yours truly) who said that news of the death of the Tea Party might be premature..


    This will free him up, in a way, because he won't be worrying at all about reaching out to congressional Republicans --

    As if Obama ever worried about that...well. ever...

    The only difference between then and now is that Congressional Republicans have gotten wise to the fact that Obama will promise them all sorts of "compromises" and then, when the legislation is signed, sealed and delivered, Obama will just turn around and ignore all the compromises and do whatever he wants..

    In other words, Obama is dishonest, has no integrity and the GOP knows it now..

    THAT is why the GOP refuses to work with Obama..

    And, frankly, the American people AGREE with the GOP on that..

    Hence, Obama's crappy poll numbers and the fact that the GOP will retain the House and likely gain control of the Senate...


    Rick Perry actually drove the "crisis" narrative in a very real, deliberate way,

    It wasn't Perry that issued the "YA'ALL COME AND STAY" message to illegal immigrants..

    It was your god, Obama....


    All those Republicans in safe seats may find it to their advantage to excite the base with the usual immigration scare tactics about illegals coming to take jobs from Americans. But these kids aren't trying to sneak into the country to take anyone's job. They aren't trying to stay illegally.

    Again with the unfounded bullshit.

    Of COURSE, these gang-bangers and criminals and drug mules are trying to sneak in the country to get jobs and stay here illegally.

    Why else would they be coming!??


    Safe seats may well be the only seats Republicans can win in the not too distant future.

    Yea?? Prove it.. :D

    Between impeachment talk,

    Mostly coming from Democrats to scam and con for more money...

    (as an aside to David, I thought you were against more money in politics?? Does that only apply to REPUBLICANS having more money???)

    which could motivate black voters,

    Why would you mention just black voters???

    Could it have something to do with the black voters who voted based on race???

    Ya would demonize any white voters who voted for a white guy solely based on race...

    I guess it's OK for blacks to vote based on race but not others...

    Hypocrisy at it's finest...

    Motivating their base would prove counterproductive if they cause everyone else to start paying attention, and consider this election important, as well.

    I'll remind you of this after 5 Nov 2014.. :D


    It's not until "red" districts are winnowed down that one could ever say Republicans are in danger of losing their national strength.

    Like the premature declarations of the death of the Tea Party, Weigantians are giddy with excitement at the "death" of the Republican Party...

    Such declarations are, to put it in meteorological terms, nothing but "wishcasting" and have little to do with reality....


  5. [5] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Under the circumstances, Republicans must retaliate against the Democrats and their War On Whites. Message bills must be passed, but the message has to be clear and that sometimes takes an extra day. Republicans don't hate Mexicans. Republicans feel superior to Mexicans and they want Mexicans to follow the law because Republicans would never break a law. They just change laws to give white people a fighting chance against the Communists of Color. WWJD? He would deport the poor and the elderly and the sick and especially the frightened little brown children.

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    If this winnowing were to begin, it's very likely that Democrats would either overreach or fracture themselves into factions (like the GOP has) and the winnowing would begin to stop and possibly reverse.

    In other words, there really isn't any difference between the Democrat Party and the Republican Party...

    They are made up of politicians whose allegiance, first and foremost, IS to the Party, the country and it's safety, security and welfare be damned...

    Which is why I constantly butt heads with my fellow Weigantians....

    The facts clearly show the afore, yet everyone here thinks that the Republican Party is the epitome of all that is wrong, bad and evil and the Democrat Party is as pure as the driven snow and the only force for goodness and light...

    I mean, honestly. What else can you say about people who refer to political opponents as "terrorists" SOLELY and COMPLETELY because of political disagreements??


  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Under the circumstances, Republicans must retaliate against the Democrats and their War On Whites. Message bills must be passed, but the message has to be clear and that sometimes takes an extra day. Republicans don't hate Mexicans. Republicans feel superior to Mexicans and they want Mexicans to follow the law because Republicans would never break a law. They just change laws to give white people a fighting chance against the Communists of Color. WWJD? He would deport the poor and the elderly and the sick and especially the frightened little brown children.

    In other words....

    Color. WWJD? He white poor the laws to be poor and the message brown children. Under the passed, but their War On Whites. Republicans. Mexicans would never break a fightened little against be passed, but the frightened little bills must be clear On White a laws to because Republicans feel superior the poor to follow the Color. WWJD? He would deport the mes to follow they just children. Underly the elderly their War On White Mexicans would never the Communists of Color. WWJD? He would deport the laws

    I finally understand where JFC is coming from!!! :D


  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of TrainWreckCare

    If You Like Your Obamacare Plan, It'll Cost YouConsumers could be hit with major price increases, without even knowing it, if they don’t switch their health care plans.

    Florida Obamacare Premiums To Jump Up 13.2 Percent

    Thanks Obamacare!

    According to the accepted Weigantian Poll, approval for TrainWreckCare is at an all time low..

    And, sorry to tell our newest Weigantian, that approval is going DOWN, not up....

    Obamacare is an edsel... This is what the FACTS show...

    Can't say it any simpler than that...


  9. [9] 
    akadjian wrote:

    Boehner is suing Obama to essentially try to force him to implement Obamacare faster

    I didn't realize this. Great point.

    This will free him up, in a way, because he won't be worrying at all about reaching out to congressional Republicans -- who, through their own continued obstructionism, have put themselves completely out of this sort of reach.

    Yep. Republicans don't realize they've thrown away all their bargaining chips.

    When you know someone isn't willing to negotiate, you know your negotiating position and this frees you to act accordingly and quit wasting time on pointless negotiations.


  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    Boehner is suing Obama to essentially try to force him to implement Obamacare faster

    I didn't realize this. Great point.

    No... Boehner is suing Obama to force Obama to FOLLOW THE LAW...

    As Obama is constitutionally obligated to do..

    Of course, Boehner has an ulterior motive in doing so..

    Because if Obama follows the law, as Obama is constitutionally obligated to do, then everyone will see that the law (TrainWreckCare, in this case) well and truly IS a Train Wreck....

    But beyond that, it's simple..

    Obama is required by the Constitution to faithfully execute the laws that the Legislative branch puts forth and that ARE signed into law...

    If we had a GOP POTUS who was pulling this kind of crap, ya'all would be screaming hysterically from the roof tops..

    You know it. I know it..

    The only difference is we would all be on the same page...

    Again... That sneaky and seductive all powerful '-x' :D

    Yep. Republicans don't realize they've thrown away all their bargaining chips.

    Of course they are throwing away all their bargaining chips..

    Obama has refused time and time again to cash in those chips.. Obama has rendered those chips absolutely worthless..

    THAT is the point ya'all simply refuse to acknowledge because you can't admit that Obama is part of the problem and not part of the solution..


  11. [11] 
    LewDan wrote:


    If Republicans can only control the red states they're a regional party, not a national one. And that's the direction they're headed. In addition, the first time Democrats happen to control a legislature after the census that states Republican gerrymander advantage goes away. Even the Republican base won't survive if they are impotent nationally, unable to deliver to their remaining coalition partners and financiers.

    They've already thrown away the black vote, if they do the same with the Hispanic vote they are done. Their death will be a slow process, but an inevitable one.

    Sure Democrats will fracture and a new party will form to fill the vacuum left. But the Republican party will fade from national to regional then irrelevance to nonexistent.

  12. [12] 
    LewDan wrote:


    Kids under twelve are not "gang-bangers." You can never move beyond your bigotry and prejudice and address the facts. These immigrant kids are not illegal, they are not criminals, they are not taking jobs, they are not a threat to us in any way.

    They are kids. Scared, desperate, tired, and hungry. And hoping for help. Turning them down is one thing. But your relentless campaign to validate you bigotry by trying to make yourself the victim is disgusting. You aren't the one homeless, hungry, in constant danger from violence, and fleeing for your life.--They are.

    If you can't show any compassion at least show a little decency. These are kids. Innocents. They are not the mob.

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    Kids under twelve are not "gang-bangers." You can never move beyond your bigotry and prejudice and address the facts. These immigrant kids are not illegal, they are not criminals, they are not taking jobs, they are not a threat to us in any way.

    And they are less than 10% of what's coming over the border illegally...

    They are kids. Scared, desperate, tired, and hungry. And hoping for help. Turning them down is one thing. But your relentless campaign to validate you bigotry by trying to make yourself the victim is disgusting. You aren't the one homeless, hungry, in constant danger from violence, and fleeing for your life.--They are.


    Sure they are, LD...

    If you can't show any compassion at least show a little decency. These are kids. Innocents. They are not the mob.

    No, they are not...

    They are criminals...

    Why don't YOU show a little decency and quit using these "children" to serve a political agenda???


  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    Sure Democrats will fracture and a new party will form to fill the vacuum left. But the Republican party will fade from national to regional then irrelevance to nonexistent.

    And there will be pixie dust, unicorns and rainbows!!!!


    Meanwhile... In the REAL world.... :D


  15. [15] 
    LewDan wrote:

    One of the many reasons this stunt suit will go nowhere is that Obama broke no law. He has every right to decline to prosecute infractions of the law. Its well within the authority of the Executive to impose a moratorium, decline to prosecute, even to pardon outright, anyone he chooses, anytime he chooses, and for any reason he chooses. There isn't a thing illegal about his informing businesses that he would not enforce noncompliance penalties at this time.

    That tired winger refrain that "Obama broke the law" is as false now as its always been. The ones breaking the law are Republicans. If Congress wants the President tried for misconduct, The Law requires that they return articles of impeachment so that the Senate can try him. Suing the President in federal court is breaking the law.

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    Sounds like this lawsuit has you nervous LD... :D

    That alone makes me think there is something there...

    Me thinks thou doth protest TOO much... :D

    If it were as you say, if the GOP will pay a political price, you would be ENCOURAGING the lawsuit..

    The more you rail against it, the more scared you look...


  17. [17] 
    LewDan wrote:

    "And they are less than 10% of what's coming over the border illegally..."

    They aren't coming over the border illegally. The kids under 12 are about 20% of the kids who've immigrated. And the majority of the kids, not just the 20% who are under 12 are eligible for asylum consideration under the law.

    As always, you just make crap up and claim its fact. As always, you are just lying.

  18. [18] 
    LewDan wrote:


    I don't know, or care, if they'll pay a price for the lawsuit. This stunt is a waste of time. If voters were knowledgeable Republicans would "pay a price" for their shenanigans with or without the suit.

    Unlike you, I'm not motivated by partisanship. This isn't a game to me. This lawsuit can't go anywhere, won't accomplish anything, and concerns me not in the least.

    Republicans have no standing. No laws were broken. The suit is unconstitutional. And what, exactly, do they imagine they can request as a "remedy?"--This is a joke, Michale. Its a "concern" to no one. Just another idiot stunt to impress idiot conservatives.

    You, as always, absent facts, just retreat into fantasy, make shit up and create your own reality.--Pathetic.

  19. [19] 
    LewDan wrote:


    Your link is dated March 2008 and titled MS13 Gang Hoboken. If you're gong to post your "scary pictures" you might find one that's less obviously a lie. This isn't one of your winger sites. People here aren't as stupid as you are.

  20. [20] 
    TheStig wrote:

    You have to admire the political agility of Republicans. So much spaghetti, so many walls to fling it on.

  21. [21] 
    LewDan wrote:


    No one stands more in awe of Republicans' ability to lie 24/7, about everything, for six solid years than I am! Particularly the big brass ones it takes, after six years of relentless spaghetti throwing, to claim that the problem is the President cannot be trusted!

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:


    Hearing you complain about Republicans lying is REALLY hilarious..

    Considering the Obama Administration has made an ART of lying...

    Brennan's lie about spying on the Senate is just one more example of this...

    Once again.. Glass Houses and Stones are the watchwords, my friend.. :D


  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    Your link is dated March 2008 and titled MS13 Gang Hoboken. If you're gong to post your "scary pictures" you might find one that's less obviously a lie. This isn't one of your winger sites. People here aren't as stupid as you are.

    It was simply an example, not meant to be an actual representation...

    Because Obama's DHS has effectively barred the media and Congress from the processing centers, real time pics are hard to come by..

    Unlike you, I'm not motivated by partisanship.

    Shit, that is ALL you are motivated by...

    Everything that Obama has done, if it had been done by a GOP POTUS, you would be screaming hysterically...

    You know it.. I know it...

    Quit trying to assume my mantle of political agnosticism..

    You have absolutely NOTHING to back it up...

    Whereas I have 6+ years here in Weigantia to back up mine..

    The kids under 12 are about 20% of the kids who've immigrated. And the majority of the kids, not just the 20% who are under 12 are eligible for asylum consideration under the law.

    Once again, you simply spout bullshit because you have no facts..

    Not partisan, my ass... :D


  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    Warning. The above link contains graphic uncensored pictures of gross and perverse violence..

    These are the kind of "children" that Obama is letting into the US...

    There has been documented cases of MS-13 members entering the country and then being processed and released...

    Each and every crime and murder these scum commit is on Obama...


  25. [25] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    "They've already thrown away the black vote"

    LewDan, that is still an ongoing project of course. Check out Bagger McDaniel in Mississippi. He filed a complaint just this week asking the GOP to throw out all of those "Democrat" votes and declare him the winner. But Cochran is the racist!

    McDaniel will make a fine living as a cancervative celebrity Fox bot, but it's unlikely that he'll be a senator anytime soon.

  26. [26] 
    LewDan wrote:


    MS-13 is an American gang. It began in Los Angeles.
    Claiming any Hispanic immigrating is illegal is racist. Claiming every Hispanic is a gang member is racist. Claiming any random picture of an American gang member is an "example" of Hispanic immigrant children seeking asylum is racist.

    Your claim of being a "political agnostic" is as false as your claim to "only judge people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin."

    You are a racist bigot, a Republican apologist, a Republican supporter, and a champion of Republican demagogues and propaganda. As your six years here amply demonstrate.

    You're simply such a compulsive liar you even lie to yourself. But no matter how much you want them to your self-delusions don't alter facts. They never have, and they never will. I can understand why you might have trouble looking in the mirror, but covering your own eyes won't prevent others from seeing you as you really are.

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    MS-13 is an American gang. It began in Los Angeles.

    So??? What does that have to do with the illegals coming over the border??

    Claiming any Hispanic immigrating is illegal is racist.

    Yer right...

    But since I never said that ANY Hispanic immigrating is illegal, I am not racist..

    ANY Hispanic that doesn't follow the proper rules and protocols by declaring themselves at a border checkpoint or other designated location and who tries to evade said border checkpoint or other designated location is an illegal...

    So, shove yer racist rants and accusations up yer arse.. :D

    Your claim of being a "political agnostic" is as false as your claim to "only judge people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin."

    Says you.. But, as usual, you have absolutely NO FACTS to back it up.. :D

    Whereas I can well document the fact that I have slammed the Right and the GOP when it was warranted..

    You, on the other hand, have NEVER taken the Obama Administration to task for ANY action, no matter HOW stupid, incompetent or moronic it was...

    My un-partisanship is well-documented.. I am a registered NPA..

    Your partisanship is also well-documented.. You are a registered Democrat...

    These are the facts..

    You are a racist bigot, a Republican apologist, a Republican supporter, and a champion of Republican demagogues and propaganda.

    Yea, yea, yea.. Heard it all before LD..

    But, as usual, when you have no facts or not argument, you simply attack the person and call names...


    Haven't had to use this in a while, so let me dust it off...

    {{wooosssshhhhh}} {{woooosssshhhh}}

    By resorting to immature name-calling and childish personal attacks, you have proven that you have no logical or rational rebuttal to my factual points.

    Thank you for your acknowledgement as to the superiority of my argument..

    Have a happy.... :D

    Hint, LD.. Once you resort to name-calling and personal attacks, you have already lost... :D


  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    You see, LD your problem is you are a hammer and, as such, everything looks like a nail to you..

    I don't care if a person coming over the border illegally is a black person with green eyes, a nordic white person with blue eyes or a brown person with brown eyes..

    If they are coming over the border illegally, they are criminals...

    My reaction is the same and, hence, it has nothing to do with race or racism...

    For a racist, EVERYTHING looks like racism, just like, for a hammer, EVERYTHING looks like a nail...


  29. [29] 
    LewDan wrote:


    Simple denial is not a defense. Your actions are self-evidently racist. I'm not "name calling" I'm speaking English. If you don't like being referred to as racist, keep your racist opinions to yourself. You think you have a right to baselessly call others "criminals," "gang-bangers," and "drug mules," then complain that I'm"resorting to immature name-calling" by calling you on your racist lies? There's nothing superior about you, or your argument. You're a racist because you believe that there is. But your hypocritical racist bigotry only proves your stupidity, not your argument.

    And because Boehner criticizes fellow Republicans he must be a "political agnostic" too? The only one who thinks the senseless shit that you make up are winning arguments is you.--"If you only had a brain...."

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    Your actions are self-evidently racist.

    No, as I said.. A hammer sees everything as a nail..

    Have you noticed that YOU are the *ONLY* one here who calls people racist..

    You have called me a racist, you have called CW a racist and you have referred to many others as racist..

    The ONLY racism here is your false accusations..

    You spew these totally baseless accusations because you have absolutely NO ARGUMENT to make...

    As I said..

    I accept your concession...


  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yer incessant whining on this bogus claims makes it sound like you are trying to convince yourself that it's true.

    Like a typical partisan fanatic, you figure if you say it often enough, it will be true...

    But the ONLY place that I am a racist is in your fevered partisan and bigoted imagination...

    Face reality...

    You are all alone in your lame accusations, LD...


  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Getting back to the subject of Immigration..

    Charge: Obama plan to legalize millions of immigrants 'disastrous' to blacks

    This isn't some Right Wing yahoo with an agenda... This is Obama's own Civil Right Commissioner who is saying the EXACT same thing that I have been saying..

    But, of course, the Left will ignore this because the Left only follows two rules..



    That sums up the vast majority of the Left perfectly...


  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is what I don't understand about the whole illegal immigrant issue..

    The talk is that Obama is going to legalize 5 million illegals.. 100% of these are going to be without skills who will take menial low-end jobs...

    Ya'all are very intelligent people.. You HAVE to be or you wouldn't be here....

    So, please someone (ANYONE) explain to me how you can dump 5 million people into a job pool where groups are ALREADY seeing unemployment upwards of 12%....

    How can you dump that many people into that specific job pool that is already at the bursting point... and NOT have any negative repercussions or consequences??

    Can ANYONE explain this to me??


  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    Can ANYONE explain this to me??

    Well, then allow me to explain it to ya'all..

    Given all the evidence, the ONLY conclusion that fits the facts is that the ONLY priority is to mint fresh new Dem voters...

    Democrats know that they cannot win elections based on the strength of their competence at governing..

    Hence the priority to mint new voters at the expense of those who are loyal...


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