Still Too Ill

[ Posted Friday, February 13th, 2015 – 21:02 UTC ]

Had the best of intentions, but slept something like 18 hours today (even the cat's impressed at my feline behavior). Hopefully I'll be well enough to type by Monday. Have a good weekend, everyone, and stay healthy!

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


29 Comments on “Still Too Ill”

  1. [1] 
    Michale wrote:

    Sorry ta hear yer still down, CW... :^(

    But, as they say, The Show Must Go On...

    And, what would a Friday be without the normal round-up of the week's HOW DEMOCRATS ARE FRAKIN' UP THE COUNTRY?? :D

    Let's start with the Internet...

    Yep, this is what's in store for us and the Internet under ObamaNetCare...


  2. [2] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    feel better!


  3. [3] 
    Michale wrote:

    I mean, honestly.....

    Democrats want to claim the Moral High Ground and THIS is what they are all about???

    Knowing ya'all as I do, I have to say that most of ya are probably embarrassed by this...


  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    nypoet22 wrote:
    feel better!

    Do I note a hint of desperation??? :D


  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    Copenhagen shootings: Police kill 'gunman' after two attacks

    Is it Islamic Terrorism yet, Mr President??


  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    In a bid to help out CW allow me to issue the weeks MOST IMPRESSIVE and MOST DISAPPOINTING Democrats..


    I can't seem to find anything impressive done by a Democrat this week..


    John Kitzhaber...

    'nuff said... :D


  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:


    I can't seem to find anything impressive done by a Democrat this week..

    To be fair, I can't find anything impressive done by a Republican either... :D


  8. [8] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Michale [6] and everyone else -

    OK, I am feeling a bit better. Hopefully, this weekend, I will be able to answer a few back comments from the past few weeks.

    But, seriously, who elected you in my absence? Your penance is to find a movie quote similar to:

    "Who died and elected you God?"


    Having said that, yeah, I would have given the MDDOTW to the OR governor this week, hands down. I probably will next week, too.



    PS. nypoet22, thanks for the sentiments, I for one read them correctly...

    I'm feeling a whole lot better, folks, and should be back with new columns by Monday...

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, seriously, who elected you in my absence? Your penance is to find a movie quote similar to:

    "Who died and elected you God?"

    I knew presumption would bring ya back from the brink!! :D Glad ta see yer still amongst us.. :D

    Having said that, yeah, I would have given the MDDOTW to the OR governor this week, hands down. I probably will next week, too.


    Yea, it's kinda a no-brainer on that...


  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    Having said that, yeah, I would have given the MDDOTW to the OR governor this week, hands down. I probably will next week, too.

    Any thoughts on who yer MIDOTW would have been? :D


  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, in other news....

    Run Hillary, Run...

    Bill Clinton’s libido threatens to derail Hillary — again

    Nothing on the planet is going to guarantee a GOP POTUS in 2016 more than Hillary Clinton as the Dem nominee...


  12. [12] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    What are the Dems supposed to do this week w/o their talking points?

  13. [13] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    1 America's minimum wage serfs don't get sick days.

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    What are the Dems supposed to do this week w/o their talking points?

    "What do we do!??"
    "We die."




  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    1 America's minimum wage serfs don't get sick days.

    What's yer point??


  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, seriously, who elected you in my absence? Your penance is to find a movie quote similar to:

    "Who died and elected you God?"

    Found the MOVIE quote, but I have a personal quote as well..

    In high school my math teacher, Mr Simpson, was in a car accident and was out for a month or so.. Our substitute (who was a dead ringer for Mr Kotter) was talking to some loud mouth student and the sub said:

    "Who died and made you god??"
    "Mr Simpson!"

    True story.. :D

    As to the movie quote...

    "Who died and made you fucking king of the zombies?"



  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    1 America's minimum wage serfs don't get sick days.

    Having a job with paid sick leave is something that workers aspire to.. It's not handed to them on a silver platter....

    Do you think that CW should be paid when he was out sick???

    Do YOU want to foot the bill for that??


  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:


    Do you think that CW should be paid when he was out sick???

    Do YOU want to foot the bill for that??

    For the record, I am not trying to drag you into the debate.. I am simply using real-world events to emphasis the folly of the massive nanny programs that JFC seems to be advocating...

    The Left is always quick to give away all these social freebies without a realistic plan to pay for it...


  19. [19] 
    goode trickle wrote:

    The Left is always quick to give away all these social freebies without a realistic plan to pay for it...

    Thank god the Right never gives anything away without a realistic plan to pay for it .....Eh?

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    Thank god the Right never gives anything away without a realistic plan to pay for it .....Eh?

    Yea, they are ALMOST as bad as the Democrats... :D

    Common ground.. A wonderful thing. :D

    "Detente... A wonderful thing."
    -Maureen Robinson, LOST IN SPACE


    But seriously...

    What "social freebies" have the GOP put out lately??


  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of the Netanyahu invite...

    It's kinda funny in a sad and pathetic sort of way..

    Obama has absolutely NO PROBLEM doing an end-run around Congress to get his way and push his agenda..

    But when Congress does an end run around Obama??

    He whines and threatens and acts like a petulant child..

    And the entirety of the Left isn't any better...


  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    Now THAT is an effective ad....


  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    Having said that, yeah, I would have given the MDDOTW to the OR governor this week, hands down. I probably will next week, too.

    It's not only Kitzhaber that is in the legal cross-hairs, but also the Green Agenda...

    Kitzhaber and the Greedy Greens
    Energy isn’t the only thing that’s green when you’re pushing the clean-energy agenda.

    It's funny.. The Left is always screaming to high heaven about the greed and corruption from the oil and gas industry..

    Yet shine a light and the Green Agenda cockroaches scatter.. Proving beyond any doubt that, like Left and Right politicians, there really isn't any difference between Green activists and how they portray the oil and gas industry...


  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay CW,

    Hope yer well this morning..

    Would ya mind checking the NNL filter?? :D



  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Seems like Netanyahu is asking the same question about the Iranian deal that I am asking about Obama's direction to control the Internet..

    If it's such a good thing, why keep it a secret??

    What happened to transparency???


  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:


    Regarding #16...

    Sufficient penance?? :D


  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Interesting discussion here about the alleged box that the GOP is in over the funding of the DHS..

    Makes a lot of sense to me..

    Since Democrats care more for Obama's ego than they do for the security of the country, as evidenced by the fact that they are obstructing (Democrats Obstruct!! Who would have thunked it!! :D) passage of the DHS funding legislation, let Democrats have a tactical victory.

    In other words, let Democrats win a battle, and use that victory against the Democrats to win the war...


  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    I just watched AMERICAN SNIPER last night... I have been holding off on watching it as movies like that tend to.. unsettle me.. I watched HURT LOCKER and had issues for a week..

    Anyways, I am glad I watched it.


    I can see why it has the Left's panties all bunched up... To paraphrase Dean Winchester.

    "Yea, well Michael Moore is a douche"

    I highly recommend it for any patriotic American..


  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:
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