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GOP Elites Chose Poison Over Getting Shot

[ Posted Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016 – 16:29 UTC ]

You'll have to forgive me for using such a lethal metaphor in that title, but I did not actually come up with the comparison myself -- that dubious honor goes to Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. One month after he ended his own presidential bid, Graham addressed the question of which GOP frontrunner he could support, in pretty graphic fashion: "If you nominate Trump and Cruz I think you get the same outcome. Whether it's death by being shot or poisoning, does it really matter?"

Graham went on, in the same interview, to bemoan the lack of a "normal" GOP candidate. He further showed his frustration with the top two candidates in his party, by suggesting a better alternative than either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz would be to "just pick somebody out of the phone book if we have to." He had several scathing things to say about both Trump and Cruz, including lumping them both in with Democrat Bernie Sanders: "If the past is any indication of the future in terms of these three people, I think America would be in trouble."

That was then, this is now. The entire Republican establishment has now clearly made its choice. They prefer being poisoned (Cruz) over being shot (Trump). Consider the progression in the past week or so. Six days ago, Lindsey Graham endorsed Cruz and announced he'd be fundraising for him. After saying some pretty nasty things about Cruz ("If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you," for instance), Graham is now on board because the alternative of backing Trump is so unthinkable.

Mitt Romney was the other major GOP establishment figure to reluctantly back Cruz ahead of the Utah caucuses. Romney initially tried to play it cute, by essentially endorsing a candidate named "Anybody But Trump," but was forced to fully back Cruz in his beloved Utah, since John Kasich had zero chance of winning the state. And now today, Jeb Bush is in the news for throwing his weight (light though it may be) behind Cruz as well.

So, it's official -- poison is the way to go! Getting shot should not be seen as an option. Glugging down the hemlock that is Ted Cruz's campaign is the preferable choice, for a Republican Party that is reduced to choosing which way to commit suicide. Again, don't blame me for the harsh imagery, blame new Cruz-backer Lindsey Graham.

I have to admit, I'm as astonished as everyone else at the movement of the GOP establishment to the Cruz campaign. Mostly because I predicted exactly the opposite last month:

To put this another way, what happens if the current status continues and the Republicans are faced with a two-man race, between Trump and Cruz? What happens if there just is no viable "establishment candidate" at all?

This is where some very hard choices will need to be made, in the proverbial smoke-filled back rooms of the GOP. If they only have Trump and Cruz to choose from, will they support Trump in the hopes that some sense can be talked into him once he enters the Oval Office, or will they decide that Cruz has at least spent some time in the Senate and knows how Washington is theoretically supposed to work? That's about as politely as I can put it, especially in the case of Cruz.

Ted Cruz, as Trump has taken to pointing out, doesn't have many friends in Washington. He has been extraordinarily successful in making enemies, though. So much so that I really don't think it'd even be all that tough a choice for the establishmentarians to make. Most of them hate and fear Cruz with a passion. Trump will be the lesser of two evils for them -- one who has not personally annoyed them in the way Cruz has during his time in the Senate.

As the past week has shown, I was utterly and completely wrong about all of that. Republicans are now holding their noses and backing Ted rather than holding their noses and backing The Donald. What's even more amazing about this development is that most of them know it is bound to fail. What they're really hoping for is Cruz to deny Trump enough delegates to force an open convention, where they can (in their wildest dreams) somehow pull a magic establishment-friendly candidate out of the hat and deny the nomination to both Cruz and Trump. The chances of this happening are approximately the same as Abraham Lincoln's corpse rising from the grave and accepting the 2016 GOP nomination, it bears pointing out. But, at this point, it's all the establishment has left to hope for.

Getting into bed politically with Ted Cruz might lead to an even more nightmarish scenario for the Republican Party further down the road, although few at the moment seem to realize it. If Trump wins the nomination and then goes on to spectacularly lose the general election in November, then Ted Cruz is perfectly positioned to be the Republican candidate in 2020. He'll be able to brag about all the establishment support he's now getting, and he'll point out that he was the second-strongest candidate the last time around. A Ted Cruz nomination would be just as devastating for the Republican Party as a Donald Trump nomination, but we may actually see both by 2020.

What this means is rather stunning -- even more stunning than the spectacle of establishment figures now desperately trying to find something positive to say about Ted Cruz. Because, in almost Rasputin-like fashion, the Republicans may end up drinking the poison now only to be shot in November anyway -- and then being forced to swallow the very same poison, four years later. If this week is any indication, what will happen in both cases (should this scenario play out) is that the establishment Republicans will grit their teeth and back their party's nominee in November (in a desperate attempt at some sort of elusive "party unity"). This, obviously, could very easily lead to eight more years of a Democrat in the White House. By swallowing the poison of Cruz now, the party elite might actually be guaranteeing that their political nightmare lasts longer than just this election season.

-- Chris Weigant


Cross-posted at The Huffington Post

Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


108 Comments on “GOP Elites Chose Poison Over Getting Shot”

  1. [1] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    "A Ted Cruz nomination would be just as devastating for the Republican Party as a Donald Trump nomination"

    Maybe so, but doesn't The Establishment defeat the "if we had only nominated a nasty, theocratic True Blue Real Canadian-American conservative with principled incoherence" argument if they actually Lose With Cruz instead going down with WWE Trump? Trump said that Rick Perry is probably smarter than "idiot" Lindsey Graham, but LG may be be trying to salvage something.

  2. [2] 
    Paula wrote:

    It's possible Ted Cruz could be the next-guy-in-line in 2020, but it doesn't seem like being "the establishment-approved guy" is a selling point. But so much depends on what happens in Cleveland -- assuming things continue as predicted and Trump arrives there as the leader but without a big enough lead. In 2020 we might have 3 major political parties and who knows which one Cruz would be in. It seems like he'd be in the Openly-Crazy-Party vs. the What's-Left-of-the-Stealth-Crazy-Republican-Party. He'll take the establishment help now because it suits him, but their mutual antipathy will remain. And if he's in the Senate, continuing to be a trouble-maker, I think he'll have to get his personal sugar-daddy for 2020 because the establishment still won't like him.

  3. [3] 
    Paula wrote:

    Today's anecdote: mid-fifties black man in neighboring block -- views on the election season so far?

    "I think its ridiculous! Who do we have to choose from? I'm leaning Hillary but then she gets away with all those lies and the Clinton foundation and all of that. Bernie Sanders is a communist. Trump and Cruz are racist and they are using people's fears to scare them. Hillary does have experience. Sanders is -- he has some good ideas but we can't afford them because we're such a debtor nation. Debt to our children and our grandchildren. Every child born today is $60,000 in debt! But Trump and Cruz talking about this stuff in Brussels -- they don't know what they're talking about! All you can do is pray for guidance to pick the lesser of the evils."

    I asked what news sources he used:

    "I think you have to get a cross section of the news so I listen to FOX and MSNBC and CNN. I'm going to tell you something you probably won't like. I don't want to offend you. But you have have Jesus. I don't believe in abortion or same-sex marriage. You have to believe in Jesus!"

  4. [4] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I think it's curious that Gary Johnson's Libertarian Party campaign has gotten so little publicity. The media could gin up some conflict by suggesting him as a Trump alternative, but they're ignoring him completely.

  5. [5] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    There's only one thing that is worse than a President Cruz or a President Trump, you know. Of course, that would be a President Clinton. ::rolleyes::

    It used to be said that the Republican riff raff voted against their own interest. Now their elites get a kick at that can. Heh.

    I am finally amused.

  6. [6] 
    neilm wrote:

    If I were in the Republican establishment I'd just roll the dice and see what happens in this election, then put in place strong rules about who can be a nominee in 2020. I'd change the rules so that the RNC has to approve the nominees and anybody not approved isn't invited to the debates, has no delegates at the convention, etc. Then I'd make damn sure Ted Cruz and any other wildcard is kept out of 2020. If this is done in early 2017 after everybody is licking their wounds from watching Hillary's inauguration the rank and file won't care.

  7. [7] 
    Speak2 wrote:

    If it's Trump 2016 for GOP and he loses big (the Senate), then it is quite likely Cruz 2020, which is awesome.

    Hard to win the WH four times in a row, but Cruz is one of the few people who truly don't affect the Red/Blue map in any way that Red would consider positive.

    2020 is big (redistricting and all).

    Go Trump '16 and lose big, so Cruz '20 can lose big.

    Gosh, I hope Dem nominee (Hillary/Bernie) doesn't experience a stroke or a cardiac arrest incident in October.

  8. [8] 
    Mopshell wrote:

    This looks more like a tactical move to me. I think it signals that the Republicans have worked out that they have a third choice which I like to think of as the spiked punch bowl.

    Let's look at what their support of Cruz at this late stage could realistically accomplish for them.

    The Republicans have only 811 delegates left in their remaining primaries/caucuses.

    Cruz would need to win 772 of these (just over 95%) in order to beat Trump to the nomination.

    Trump, on the other hand, needs 498 (over 61%) of those delegates to clinch the nomination for himself.

    The likelihood of Cruz winning more than 95% of the remaining delegates is negligible - it just isn't going to happen.

    BUT if backing Cruz can result in his winning 314 (39%) or more of the remaining delegates, then he will deny Trump the 1237 delegates he needs to win the nomination outright on the first round of convention voting.

    If the first round does not give them a clear winner, then they can nominate anyone they like to go into the second round of voting and all convention delegates cease to be bound to their original candidates.

    This would be an enormous advantage for the establishment Republicans. It means they can rid themselves of both Trump and Cruz and put anyone they like on the ballot for the second and succeeding rounds of voting. That would be a very strong motivation to back Cruz - because it would deny Trump outright nomination while providing them with a third and far more appealing option.

    As a side note, it may interest everyone to know that both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan recently registered with the SEC and are therefore eligible to be nominated in the second round of convention voting.

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Gosh, I hope Dem nominee (Hillary/Bernie) doesn't experience a stroke or a cardiac arrest incident in October.

    Or an indictment!! :D


  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:


    There's only one thing that is worse than a President Cruz or a President Trump, you know. Of course, that would be a President Clinton. ::rolleyes::

    Do you really mean that!??? :D


  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    I think you have to get a cross section of the news so I listen to FOX and MSNBC and CNN.

    Amazing how many people watch FoxNews, eh?? :D

    "Oooooooo That's gotta hurt!!!"
    -The Mask



  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:


    I gotta agree.. The idea that Cruz would win is redonkulous... :D

    I can just picture Cruz now..

    "What!!?? The Republican Establishment is backing me!!??? NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


    And before you ask, SSgt Wally Baugh... NO.. I will NOT source that quote!! :D


  13. [13] 
    Mopshell wrote:

    You're a true night owl, Michale. :-)

    I've become an accidental night owl of late. This is because, whenever I do the dash-to-hospital thing (the paramedics are getting to know me!), they never get around to admitting me to a ward until some oblivious hour of the morning - and I can tell you that the ER is not exactly a quiet area! I'm very well prepared now though, I have an emergency hospital bag packed ready and always toss in my kindle before I call for an ambulance. :D

    The idea that Cruz would win is redonkulous.

    Ah, another Michale first: "redonkulous" - I like it! :D

    But back to the politics:- yeah, it is redonkulous. What's more, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush know exactly what the state of play is and that Cruz can't possibly win enough delegates in the remaining races.

    So there has to be something else behind their sudden embrace of a guy they deplore; there has to be a strong ulterior motive for them to swallow their loathing and endorse Cruz. And to me the answer is obvious - they're using Cruz to prevent Trump getting the majority of delegates he'd need to win outright. Cunning sods, aren't they.

    What do you think of the possibility of Romney and Ryan running again?

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    You're a true night owl, Michale. :-)

    hehe Actually, more of an early riser... My day usually starts at 0400... 0200 on the weekends..

    If I "sleep in" til 0600, I feel like I've wasted half the day... :D

    I've become an accidental night owl of late. This is because, whenever I do the dash-to-hospital thing (the paramedics are getting to know me!), they never get around to admitting me to a ward until some oblivious hour of the morning - and I can tell you that the ER is not exactly a quiet area! I'm very well prepared now though, I have an emergency hospital bag packed ready and always toss in my kindle before I call for an ambulance. :D

    I truly hope it's nothing serious...

    Ah, another Michale first: "redonkulous" - I like it! :D

    I can't take the credit.. It's a movie quote (of course it is..)

    "That's... That's... REDONKULOUS!!...... hahahahahahahahaha"
    -Donkey, SHREK 4-Ever After


    So there has to be something else behind their sudden embrace of a guy they deplore; there has to be a strong ulterior motive for them to swallow their loathing and endorse Cruz. And to me the answer is obvious - they're using Cruz to prevent Trump getting the majority of delegates he'd need to win outright. Cunning sods, aren't they.

    Scumbags of the highest order.. The simply HAVE to know that they are simply handing the White House to Hillary. Even if she IS under indictment...

    What do you think of the possibility of Romney and Ryan running again?

    Typical two faced politicians...

    "NO!! I am NOT running!!! NO!! I said NO!!! What part of 'NO' do you not understand!! NO!! NO!!! NEIN!!!! NO WAY IN HELL!!!! Get it thru your head!!! NO!!! NO MEANS NO!!! DAMMIT, JIM I'M A DOCTOR AND I SAID NO!!! NO!!!!
    Well, OK, I'll do it...."


    Is it too much to ask for just a SMIDGEN of integrity from our leaders???

    Apparently.... It is...

    "I weep for the future..."


  15. [15] 
    TheStig wrote:

    I'm beginning to think a 3 way presidential election is in the cards this cycle. Cruz, and last week Kasich are just being used by GOP Establishment types (operatives and voters) as a means to this end. By means, I mean stop Trump, and by stop I mean deny him a majority of "pledged delegates." Denied a majority, it's at least theoretically possible to effectively throw Trump out of the Republican Party, which it is fair to say he has never really been in. The Party then goes forward to a series of floor votes that results in a candidate other than Trump. Graham, Romney, JEB!, who knows? This mystery candidate isn't intended to win, he/(she? - nahhh), the mission is an honorable defeat that maintains a viable Republican Brand in the hands of The GOP Establishment. Call this Scenario 1.

    The problem with Scenario 1 is that it's almost certainly going to cause a rumble on the floor and some rumbles in the Street(s) and is going to look like the Democratic Convention of '68... and then the GOP goes on to get trounced. It's a bit like how Naval Aviators used to describe ejection in the early 50s, where something half of the attempts resulted in death or serious injury: "committing suicide to avoid being killed." I like that analogy better than shot/poisoned.
    Should Trump be thrown out in the convention, he will almost certainly re-launch as a 3rd serious party candidate (as opposed to the usual rabble of "3rd party" pretenders we see in most presidential elections).

    If the Establishment can't pull off Scenario 1, they could still opt for Scenario 2, run somebody not named Cruz as a 3rd Party Candidate. The problem is, obviously enough, they have lost control of the the Republican Brand. They'll need a new color, new stationary (think of the horror to poor George Bush Sr.) and a new animal mascot. Re-branding is hard to pull off, this is definitely not their first choice...but getting into a lifeboat wasn't the first choice of Titanic passengers either. Whoever gets in the lifeboat doesn't win the election, but at least it establishes a basis for a compelling narrative that can be used in the re-branding effort.

    There is a 3rd scenario for the Establishment, which is roll over and hibernate, which is probably equivalent to roll over and die.

    I'm not implying there is anybody really leading the Establishment response to Trump, this not an organized resistance movement. Yet. By the time things get organized the only option may be Scenario 3, or a version of Scenario 2 that is essentially the same.

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    What ya'all don't seem to get is that these Machiavellian machinations from BOTH Partys is why Donald Trump is winning..

    And it's exactly why ya'all better get used to saying President Donald Trump..

    The people are pissed and they simply are NOT going to take it anymore..

    From EITHER Party..

    Also, I wouldn't place any bets that a Donald Trump 3rd Party run is a sure loser for Trump... He may well run as a 3rd Party candidate but he will be running against a Democrat who is mortally wounded by an indictment of several serious felonies..

    So either way, it's going to be President Trump...


  17. [17] 
    TheStig wrote:

    Paul Coker Jrs. Horrifying Cliches are still pretty relevant.

    Old Mad Magazines have a hipster quality that polishes up nicely in the 21st century.

  18. [18] 
    TheStig wrote:


    Trump is my odds on favorite to get the Republican nomination. Betfair gives him about a 70% chance, this hasn't moved much over the last 2 primary dates. Predictwise is a bit more Bullish at 80%. I personally lean more toward Predictwise's odds.

    In the general election it is a very different story. Betfair gives Trump something around an 18% chance of winning the General Election. This has not shifted much over the the last month. Predictwise gives him 20%, also tracking flat. National Match-up polls consistently, but not universally show that Clinton beats Trump, the running average as logged by RealClearPolitics shows an 11.4% difference in Clinton's favor, tracking up for a month. National polls are (in aggregate) a fairly accurate predictor of who wins the election, and by historical standards, Clinton's margin is high. I think Trump could win, but I consider 20% to be a long shot bet, and I have plenty of T-shirts plus a genetic predisposition towards a gambling problem. Political markets and other peoples money are just analytical tools for me. If that me a bad person, I can live with it.

    There are emerging markets for Trump as a third party candidate. Betfair says the odds are 50:50, but I don't put much faith in a market with only 5K British Pounds in play.

    All in all, the Clinton indictment gambit seems a very slender reed to me. Go nuts, but the small number of folks who consistently turn a profit on political wagering do so by cleaning up on chumps who bet by their gut. A few gut punchers always win a long shot bet, which encourages the other chumps who lose them.

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    In the general election it is a very different story. Betfair gives Trump something around an 18% chance of winning the General Election.

    What was Betfair/Predictwise predictions on Donald Trump 8 months before the First Primary???


    None of the polls or betting predictions take into account Clinton's indictment.. That's why they can be safely ignored...

    All in all, the Clinton indictment gambit seems a very slender reed to me.

    Of course it does... Because of your slavery to Leftist ideology...

    But I look at the facts and match that with my long experience, training and expertise in the relevant field..

    Clinton and/or senior staff WILL be indicted.... Your betting predictions ignore that.

    Ergo, they are not worth the electrons they are transmitted on...

    You find me a betting prediction on the General that takes into account Hillary's indictment...

    Then we'll talk....

    But regardless of all that, the simple fact is that this is an ESTABLISHMENT vs ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT election..

    And in THAT election, it is nearly universally agreed that Clinton can't win...


  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    Put another way..

    The ONLY Democrat who has even the SLIGHTEST chance of beating Trump is Bernie Sanders...

    Ya'all choose Clinton as ya'all's nominee???

    You are guaranteeing a GOP White House..

    I can't make it any simpler than that...


    (crossposted to HuffPoo)


  21. [21] 
    Mopshell wrote:

    I do have a dicky ticker but it's a hernia that has put me in hospital the last three times - and that is NOT in any way life-threatening! Painful, but not life threatening and it will soon be fixed. Surgery was scheduled for April 5 but it's been postponed 'til after April 14 when the next round of heart tests are completed. I'm seeing so much of the hospital these days that it's become a major part of my social life! I'm up there more often than I go to the cinema! :D

    I don't think I've seen Shrek 4 but I should have guessed it was (a) a movie quote [D'uh... headslap] and (b) a Donkey quote [double D'uh!]. :D

    "NO!! I am NOT running!!! NO!! I said NO!!! What part of 'NO' do you not understand!! NO!! NO!!! NEIN!!!! NO WAY IN HELL!!!! Get it thru your head!!! NO!!! NO MEANS NO!!! DAMMIT, JIM I'M A DOCTOR AND I SAID NO!!! NO!!!!
    Well, OK, I'll do it...."

    Sounds very much like Ryan when asked to take on the Speakership, doesn't it.

    I have to echo your siiigghhhhh :(

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    I don't think I've seen Shrek 4 but I should have guessed it was (a) a movie quote [D'uh... headslap] and (b) a Donkey quote [double D'uh!]. :D


    I have to admit that SHREK 4 was my favorite of the SHREK movies. Brought a tear to me eye.. I am a sucker for Found Lost Love movies... Add in a little alternate time-line travails... What's not to like! :D

    While it's a bummer your not feeling the best, I am glad to know you will still be with us for a long time to come... :D

    Sounds very much like Ryan when asked to take on the Speakership, doesn't it.

    Doesn't it?? That's the visage I had in mind when I wrote that...

    NO MEANS NO!!! Unless it means "Maybe".... :^/


  23. [23] 
    TheStig wrote:


    "What was Betfair/Predictwise predictions on Donald Trump 8 months before the First Primary???"

    Near zero, but that's the nature of forecasting. Forecasts get more accurate the nearer the you get to the event, as more information is available. That's the nature of the beast, until we get a working time machine, maybe, depends on which theoretical physicist you talk to.

    John Le Carre put the situation better than anybody in one of his espionage novels. "The truth shifts, a lie in place."

    "Clinton and/or senior staff WILL be indicted.... Your betting predictions ignore that."

    The fact that there is no indictment market doesn't mean the possibility isn't factored into other markets, like the Clinton will be prez market, or Clinton will be nominated etc. etc....lot's of markets...but indeed there is no Clinton will be indicted at Betfair, or any other shop I'm aware of. That alone tells you something. If the odds weren't considered very low by the betting shops, there would be a market. There is no market for Tigers eating Trump, because the odds are very,very,very low.

    "But I look at the facts and match that with my long experience, training and expertise in the relevant field.."

    What you are basically claiming is that you have inside information about the investigation, which I supremely doubt. Put your details on the table...statutes and precedents..and show us your law degree. Cop ain't lawyer, and lawyer ain't cop.

    "And in THAT election, it is nearly universally agreed that Clinton can't win..."

    Nice opinion, substantiate it with some hard data, not editorials, which are just somebody's opinion or at least not until you get about a thousand of them, at which point they become a modestly reliable poll, or a market if there is money changing hands.

    Try less typing, more thinking.

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    Near zero, but that's the nature of forecasting. Forecasts get more accurate the nearer the you get to the event, as more information is available.


    So, if I had told you back then that Trump was going to be the GOP Nominee you would have called me nucking futz and pointed to the betting predictions to support the claim..

    So how is that different than the hear and now?? :D

    What you are basically claiming is that you have inside information about the investigation, which I supremely doubt. Put your details on the table...statutes and precedents..and show us your law degree.

    No, I am claiming I have inside information INTO THE FIELD... Which I have.. And have PROVEN such on many occasions..

    Cop ain't lawyer, and lawyer ain't cop.

    And Comey is a cop... A COP'S cop.. And I know how cops think....

    You are always encouraged to wager.. :D You would look AWESOME in a HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016 T-Shirt.. :D

    Nice opinion, substantiate it with some hard data, not editorials, which are just somebody's opinion or at least not until you get about a thousand of them, at which point they become a modestly reliable poll, or a market if there is money changing hands.

    All you substantiate your opinions with are the betting markets.

    And, as you yourself have stated, they can be totally and completely DEAD wrong...

    I'll take my training, expertise and personal experience over your betting markets any day of the week and twice on Sunday.. :D

    Try less typing, more thinking.

    I *DO* think... I don't let betting markets do my thinking for me.. :D


  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Put your details on the table...statutes and precedents..and show us your law degree.


    General Patraeus.. Which has already been conceded in these hallowed halls that his crimes were nearly identical to Hillary's crimes... At least they were when Weigantians were slamming Patraeus for a possible VP pick... :D

    The Statutes Hillary and her staff have violated have been widely posted... Please don't make me go thru it all again... :D


  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's not JUST the Republican Party that is shooting themselves in the foot..

    The Democrat Party also has it's fair share of dictatorial aspects that totally decimate the concept of democracy...

    BOTH Partys are OD'ing on authoritarianism and THAT is why Trump is doing so well... If Bernie had even a fraction of the media coverage that even HILLARY (let alone Trump) enjoys, he would be doing great as well...

    But, by and large the Left Wingery Establishment controls the vasy majority of the media and they want Queen Hillary coronated...


    (crossposted to HuffPoo)

    NOTE: I try to keep my cross-posted comments limited to 2.. Don't want to get CW in trouble with the HuffPoo stormtroopers... :D

  27. [27] 
    Paula wrote:

    I think this is a great speech by Hillary on ISIS:

  28. [28] 
    neilm wrote:

    Precdents?? General Patraeus..

    So Hillary deliberately handed classified documents to somebody. Can you elaborate, or are you looking at a mole hill and a mountain and saying they both look the same, so they must be the same?

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    So Hillary deliberately handed classified documents to somebody. Can you elaborate, or are you looking at a mole hill and a mountain and saying they both look the same, so they must be the same?

    Hay, YOU made the comparison... :D

    But yes she did..

    She instructed one of her minions who did NOT have the clearance level required, to access the secure system to get some intelligence document.. She further instructed said minion to copy the information and send it via her insecure email server...

    But, the funny thing is... INTENT is not required, according to the statutes... All that is required is negligence..

    And, since Hillary has already admitted that it was a "mistake" to do what she did.... NEGLIGENCE is established...


  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    So how is that different than the hear and now?? :D

    Probably in the vein of it's HERE and now.. :D


  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:


    Another factor your betting markets fail to consider is the terrorist attack factor..

    Every time there is a terrorist attacks, Trump's odds go up and Hillary's numbers go down...

    So, for your betting markets to be accurate, there can't be ANY more terrorist attacks anywhere on the planet...

    And if you honestly believe THAT will happen, I have some swampland down here I want to sell you...


  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Every time there is a terrorist attacks, Trump's odds go up and Hillary's numbers go down...

    And do you know WHY this is??

    Because Americans want a leader who will build WALLS to keep terrorists out, as opposed to a leader who will build BRIDGES to invite terrorists in...

    It can't be made any simpler than that...


  33. [33] 
    TheStig wrote:

    Patreaus physically transferred hard bound notebooks to his lover, who was also writing his biography. He was charged and took a plea bargain to preserve his pension and his lover. It's on record.

    Since the investigation isn't complete, and no charges have been filed, we don't know if Patreaus is a legal precedent or not. It's complete speculation once you go beyond "holders of high office can be charged with security violations and held to account." Duly noted, but nothing new. We've also seen Benghazi, so a wee bit of caution is not unreasonable. We also know Clinton's shop operated about the same as earlier Sec's of States did. Rules loose enough to drive a truck through frankly, but still the rules, at the time.

    This example is typical of the sophistry you bring to the table. I used to enjoy your schtick, but like Agents of Shield, it's becoming a bore. Too much repetition of a slim plot line, too much use of magic and quick cutting to get around plot holes.

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    Since the investigation isn't complete, and no charges have been filed, we don't know if Patreaus is a legal precedent or not.

    Correction.. YOU don't know...

    I do...

    This example is typical of the sophistry you bring to the table. I used to enjoy your schtick, but like Agents of Shield, it's becoming a bore.

    hay now!!! Let's not be saying things we can't take back!!!!

    But regardless... When I am proven right, I'll let you know in advance that I will accept your apology.. :D


  35. [35] 
    TheStig wrote:

    "Another factor your betting markets fail to consider is the terrorist attack factor.."

    I see no evidence of this. If there is any effect, it's small and gone in a day or so. Debates didn't seem to have much immediate impact either, and their is a bigger sample of 'em. It's long term trends that count. Clinton's odds of winning the WH have been dithering around 70% for a few weeks now, Trump is dithering around 18%.

    Interestingly enough, as Trump's odds of winning the nomination have increased long term, the odds on a generic Republican winning the WH have declined steadily. From 40% to somewhat south of 30%. It's hard not to interpret that as evidence investors see Trump as a relatively weak candidate in the General Election. That seems in line with the views of panicking Estab. Republicans.

    You have about a 20% chance of being right.

    Agents of Shield has really lost my attention. I can forgive the fact that the inside of the Bus is clearly bigger than the outside (common problem in classic movies). Violating the First Law of Thermodynamics is another thing. If a ship freezes in an instant, something else is going to get very hot in an instant. Like the hand of the guy sucking out all the heat. Also Puerto Rico looked really prosperous? Did Shield magically remove the debt?

    Where is Shield getting the money? Maybe the most top secret position in Shield is accounting?

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:


    Apparently, you have caused me to get bitten by the MAN ON THE STREET bug.. :D

    I had a customer bring a laptop in. Older hispanic guy... His laptop was old and slow and he wanted to upgrade it to Windows 10.. I told him it was too old for that, but I could sell him a nice corei3 with 8GB RAM and 640GB HD for around $250-$300...

    He said, and I quote "oh no, I don't want to do that. Things have been so lousy around because of Obama.. Maybe after the election.."

    Thinking of Paula, I figured. What the hell..

    I asked him who he was voting for... He said Trump... He said we need a businessman in there to run this country as a business. He said "A lawyer, he defends criminals. We have a lawyer in there now and he is useless.. Hillary, she's a murderer.. Cruz? I am hispanic, but Cruz is pandering to hispanics and I don't like that.. We need someone who will do things for AMERICANS, not for any group that doesn't like this country."

    I swear I didn't do ANY leading other than to say I agree with him about Trump...

    So, there is my first edition of MAN ON THE STREET interview...


  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    . We've also seen Benghazi, so a wee bit of caution is not unreasonable.

    Benghazi was a GOP boondoogle..

    This is the F...B...I...

    You are comparing apples and eskimos...

    We also know Clinton's shop operated about the same as earlier Sec's of States did.

    Of course, you can PROVE that, right??

    Of course you can't.. Because it's simply not factually accurate...


  38. [38] 
    neilm wrote:

    Benghazi was a GOP boondoogle..

    You're pulling a Kevin McCarthy Michale ;)

  39. [39] 
    Paula wrote:
  40. [40] 
    Paula wrote:

    Oops -- I put in a comment with multiple links and it's awaiting moderation. Forgot.

    Retry: I included 3 links to articles about Colin Powell emails -- although I can't believe, Michale, that you're unaware of that.

    But here's one:

  41. [41] 
    Paula wrote:
  42. [42] 
    Paula wrote:
  43. [43] 
    Paula wrote:

    Re: [35]: Fun isn't it?

  44. [44] 
    Paula wrote:

    Today's anecdote: young white couple sitting on their porch stairs with baby and cat -- nice warm day today. (Thunderstorms coming now though.)

    Their reaction to the election season so far?

    The young lady spoke first and just said "it can't be Trump. That's the main thing."

    Her hubby: "All you see is Trump on TV all day, but no one says anything good about him. I haven't heard one good thing about him but he's still winning."

    I couldn't help but interject that Trump is winning a subsection of the primarily Republican vote, with a smattering of people who typically lean Dem. I said Bernie Sanders is filling stadiums but the media isn't covering him, but you could say he's every bit as popular as Trump. Maybe more.

    They lean Hillary.

    Hubby: "Bernie Sanders wants to offer free college but we can't afford it. We have too much debt."

    They then, and this was a first, asked me what I thought, and we had a long and friendly conversation.

    It's hard to boil down the state of things to people who are operating from a very superficial knowledge-base, but I started with the question of debt and said there's competing economic theories in play. One holds that the government should work like a family does: too much debt, you have to stop debting/spending. The other is that Gov is one side, private sector is the other, when one is struggling, the other fills in. Give and take. Because the money just circulates - people > taxes >gov >services> pays people > who pay taxes > gov > services, etc. Paul Krugman and others' approach.

    I said the Repub POV was no taxes, no regulations is supposed to encourage business and trickle down to everyone. Dems bought into the idea and it's been tried now for years and it has shown it doesn't work. Dems are pulling back from that now and want to use government spending via infrastructure repair/replacement to get money circulating again.

    Also talked about 40-year wage stagnation and money being stagnant and NOT circulated by the 1%.

    They asked me questions -- it was really a pleasant back and forth.

    The young lady said she knows "millenials need to be more interested in politics, but maybe we have to have children first to understand how important it is to our kids' future."

    They were just a sweet couple.

  45. [45] 
    TheStig wrote:

    M - 36

    "Of course, you can PROVE that, right??

    Of course you can't.. Because it's simply not factually accurate..."

    You'll have to talk to Colin Powell or Condi Rice, both ex Secretaries of State or read the Newsweek article linked below:

    Sorry for including that in the original post.

    That's not the only news organization that reported the revelations, but there is that one link per post rule.

  46. [46] 
    TheStig wrote:

    CW-I think one of my posts is caught in the filter.

  47. [47] 
    neilm wrote:

    @TS [44]

    Great newsweek link. Looks like I'm going to be winning my bet with Michale. I figured, that even in 2008, there had to be some internal ironclad system for sensitive materials separate from the day-to-day communication mediums. That Colin Powell was using an aol email account in the same manner as Hillary was makes the whole argument risible.

  48. [48] 
    neilm wrote:

    Paula - just noticed you also posted the newsweek article. Sort of a game changer for the whole email-gate fiasco - you would have thought they'd have learned from Benghazi!!! that over reaching hurts more than helps their cause.

  49. [49] 
    dsws wrote:

    Admit it: you wrote this column, in large part, so that you could make the Rasputin reference.

  50. [50] 
    Paula wrote:

    [47] Neilm:

    Yeah, the info in that article was really interesting. I just can't see anything coming from email-gate other than more Republican huffing and puffing.

    As I'm hearing from my little daily interactions with the public, everyone in America has apparently internalized the idea that Hillary is untrustworthy. I attribute that to the non-stop slurring she's endured since the 1990's, but there it is. Lots of people are perfectly willing (or somewhat grudgingly willing) to vote for her anyway, seemingly because they think all politicians are untrustworthy anyway, and/or her "untrustworthiness" is less important than her other attributes: experience, intelligence, loyalty, etc.

    But repubs tend to stick to the tried-and-true long past the point of no return, so I'm sure they'll beat the dead horse of email-gate until each one of them, personally, dies. Ditto Benghazi.

    Have you ever seen The Russians Are Coming! (If you haven't, watch it. Hilarious.) The repubs remind me (only without the humor) of the old Soldier running around with his sword (eventually snapped in half by a had-enough-of-him Brian Keith) in hysterics about the supposed Russian Invasion. Now that I think abou it, in a lot of ways Obama reminds of Brian Keith in that film (a terrific performance) in terms of having to put up with a bunch of screaming, terror-stricken big mouths every time something happens.

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    The comparison to Powell and Rice is ridiculous..

    Powell and Rice used a private email OCCASIONALLY..

    They did not set up their own private insecure bathroom closet server and use that EXCLUSIVELY..

    Anyone who thinks that the two are even REMOTELY similar is either completely ignorant or completely in the bag for Hillary..

    Which are ya'all???


  52. [52] 
    Michale wrote:

    Paula - just noticed you also posted the newsweek article. Sort of a game changer for the whole email-gate fiasco - you would have thought they'd have learned from Benghazi!!! that over reaching hurts more than helps their cause.

    And the fact that the Republicans aren't even involved in the FBI's Hillary/Email investigation doesn't matter a whit to ya'all, eh??

    This is TRUMP IS A RACIST all over again..

    Long on hysteria, super long on "Oh everyone knows that!!" but absolutely NO FACTS to be found anywhere..

    Listen to yourselves... Your excuse for Hillary's crimes is, "Well the Republicans do it too!!!"

    Even if it were factually accurate and a legitimate comparison, it's a pretty lame excuse...

    I really hate ta cost ya money, Neil... While it will be a boon for CW.COM, if you want to change the wager to a T-SHIRT wager, I'll let you...


  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of the wager...

    Since there was some confusion between mine and Joshua's wager, I figured we should clarify ours.. Just to make sure we are on the same page..

    The wager is whether or not Comey issues a recommendation of indictment against Hillary Clinton and/or senior staff..

    If he does, I win. If he doesn't, you win.

    Senior Staff is defined as

    Bill Clinton
    Huma Abedin
    Cheryl Mills
    Jake Sullivan
    James B. Steinberg
    Jack Lew
    Anne Marie Slaughter

    Is that the bet as you understand it??


  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:


    I know I said I wouldn't bug you about it again.. But now that you have chimed in on the issue and you think you know what's going on....

    I have to ask..

    Want to get in on the wager?? I am pretty sure yer skin won't break out in fire if you have to wear a HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016 shirt for a day...

    The hard part is not wearing the shirt. The hard part is not being able to tell anyone why until the next day.. :D

    Speaking of T-Shirt Wagers....

    David?? Did you do the deed!?? :D


  55. [55] 
    Michale wrote:

    The wager is whether or not Comey issues a recommendation of indictment against Hillary Clinton and/or senior staff..

    If he does, I win. If he doesn't, you win.

    To clarify...

    If Comey issues a recommendation of indictment of Hillary Clinton and/or senior staff (as defined) then I win..

    If Comey issues a recommendation of NO-indictment of Hillary Clinton and/or senior staff, then you win..

    If Comey issues no recommendation then it's a push...

    It's been universally agreed here in Weigantia that Comey's integrity is above reproach and he has the final say on the issue and what he says is binding...

    None of this "Oh he's bought by the Republicans!!!" or "Clintons took Comey's family hostage!!!" crap.. Unless, of course, there IS factual evidence of that.. :D

    That, as far as I am aware of, is not up for debate or dispute..

    Everyone on the same page???


  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:


    Re: [35]: Fun isn't it?

    Yes, it was... :D

    I am not sure I want to do that in my shop.. I am not as good of an actor in my old age.. In my youth I would do UC work and could convince you I was the Crown Prince Of Bumfuq.. These days?? Not so much.. :D

    If someone comes in and spouts off how awesome Hillary is, I doubt I could keep from throwing up... :D

    I might just do what I did in this case. If there is an obvious opening I might ask a simple question... In a retail environment, it's tricky...

    We'll see how it goes...


  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:


    Speaking of the wager, I am going to want to stick with the original cast of indictees...

    My reasoning is two-fold...

    1. The general claim from the Left (and ya'all) is that the email thing is one big faux scandal by the GOP and there has been no crime committed. This is apparent in this commentary's comments about Powell and Rice.. The fact that Comey recommends ANY indictment for Clinton and/or her people will prove that there IS a crime here and throws the claim of "faux-scandal" on the trash-heap of BS-ness...

    B. The effect on Clinton's campaign will be immense, regardless of WHO is indicted. If Clinton herself emerges non-indicted, but one or more of her senior staff is (are??) indicted, the effect on the campaign will be virtually the same..

    For these reasons, I want to keep the wager on Hillary Clinton and/or Senior Staff (as defined)..

    Since it was my misunderstanding that called the wager into question, if you want to null and void the wager, I would agree to that..


  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:

    And just to re-iterate as I did before..

    The entire thrust of the wager is whether or not a crime has been committed..

    A DOJ decision NOT to indict won't settle that question as there are political aspects within that decision.. More so than the criminal aspect....

    A Comey recommendation TO indict, will settle the question. Completely, unambiguously and unequivocally....

    That's my reasoning...


  59. [59] 
    neilm wrote:

    Re: Bet - I understood it was if the FBI recommended that Hillary should be indicted. I don't remember all the others. Can you remember which article we agreed to the bet?

    (I wish there was a way to look at all my old messages - anybody know of one?)

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    Using GOOGLE is the best way..

    In the search box, type and then the search terms. GOOGLE will then search JUST for the specified search terms..

    You might be right about the senior staff issue.. I could have sworn I included them because I know I have always made a point to say "Hillary and/or Senior Staff"...

    But it's possible I was conflating the two wagers..


  61. [61] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    the misunderstanding was between michale and me, over the distinction between the FBI recommending an indictment and the DOJ actually getting a grand jury to deliver one. Michale made a list of 6 senior staff members:

    Huma Abedin
    Cheryl Mills
    Jake Sullivan
    James B. Steinberg
    Jack Lew
    Anne Marie Slaughter

    and just for kicks, i also threw in Bill Clinton...

    however, i was under the impression that for michale to win the bet said people would have to actually BE indicted (as opposed to a failed attempt at indictment, such as occurred with NYPD officer daniel pantaleo, who killed eric garner).

    i replied that i would consider the bet lost if any of the above were indicted, and michale agreed, under the mistaken impression that i'd acceded to his terms of a recommendation to indict. when we discovered the miscommunication, i offered to amend to join the bet neil suggested, that a recommendation to indict would be sufficient, but only for hillary herself.

    from the sound of it, michale is neither willing to accept my initial terms nor neil's amended terms; he would only accept defeat if his own terms were met - a recommendation by the FBI to prosecute any of the 8 people indicated.

    in the spirit of compromise, michale, here's my final offer - i will consider our bet lost in the case of EITHER a recommendation by the FBI to indict hillary herself OR a successful grand jury indictment of any of the other seven people, but NOT a failed indictment of anyone other than hillary.

    you game?


  62. [62] 
    Michale wrote:

    in the spirit of compromise, michale, here's my final offer - i will consider our bet lost in the case of EITHER a recommendation by the FBI to indict hillary herself OR a successful grand jury indictment of any of the other seven people, but NOT a failed indictment of anyone other than hillary.

    I would consider this.. But often times cases aren't even SENT to a grand jury. This is more often than not due to political considerations...

    The George Zimmerman trial is a perfect example of not going to the Grand Jury for political reasons..

    What would it do to our bet if a Grand Jury was not impaneled??


  63. [63] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    my rationale for proposing the amended bet is that hillary herself is the only one with enough political clout to escape a legitimate indictment. if evidence were sufficient to prove that crimes really were committed, a campaign staffer would not be able to avoid indictment, such as occurred when scooter libby took the hit for dick cheney outing CIA operative valerie plame wilson in retaliation for her husband's public comments.


  64. [64] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @michale [61],

    fair enough. let's say the bet is voided if the FBI recommends indictment of the 7 top-level individuals but no grand jury is convened.


  65. [65] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK.. So FBI recommendation of Hillary and/or Senior Staff wins the bet for me.. UNLESS a Grand Jury is impaneled and decide against charges...

    That sound about right??

    I have to say it DOES throw an added Degree Of Difficulty into the mix.. :D


  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:

    I have to say it DOES throw an added Degree Of Difficulty into the mix.. :D

    Especially when one considers that a Grand Jury might be just as susceptible to political pressures as the AG would be.

    That's why I want to go with Comey. Because it's universally agreed that he WON'T bow to political pressure..

    I am not saying NO, just talking it thru...


  67. [67] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    OK.. So FBI recommendation of Hillary and/or Senior Staff wins the bet for me.. UNLESS a Grand Jury is impaneled and decide against charges...

    not quite. FBI recommendation + failure of the DOJ to convene a grand jury = no winner.


  68. [68] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    true, a grand jury are regular people like you and me, and can be persuaded by factors beyond the facts of the case - but they're not politicians, so a normal amount of impartiality can be expected.


  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let me ask you this. You seem to be going out of your way to NOT take Comey's word on this..

    Might I ask why???

    I mean, I have stated for the record that I will unequivocally and without reservation accept Comey's determination on this whatever he decides... Several Weigantians have also gone on the record and stated as such..

    I am not trying to be an asshole about it. Well, not any more than usual.. :D

    But I am curious as to why you might think that Comey won't make a determination solely based on the law and on the facts..

    Feel free to tell me it's none of my frakin' business :D


  70. [70] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    BUT if a recommendation for indictment comes in for hillary herself, you win regardless of whether or not it's acted upon or achieved.

    after all, this political site is based on reality, not some fantasy utopia where everyone gets precisely what they deserve.

  71. [71] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    But I am curious as to why you might think that Comey won't make a determination solely based on the law and on the facts..

    while i accept comey's political impartiality, it's still in his job description to err on the side of trying to punish people who seem culpable, regardless of evidentiary or constitutional concerns, as in the apple iphone case. that's why the fifth amendment requires due process and a grand jury indictment in order to even hold a trial - there may be context that needs to be considered outside the narrow confines of law enforcement. as in daniel pantaleo's case, for example, the prosecutor had a legitimate reason to seek an indictment, but the grand jury disagreed.


  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK, I can accept that..

    OK so what we have is an FBI recommendation to indict Hillary is a win for me, regardless of any other factor..

    And FBI recommendation to indict staffers only AND a Grand Jury that agrees and hands down an indictment is a win for me..

    No FBI recommendation either way is a push...

    Anything else is a loss for me..

    That sum it up???


  73. [73] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @michale [71]

    No FBI recommendation either way is a push...

    i think you meant, FBI recommendation but no DOJ action is a push. is that what you meant?

    Why Lt. Commander Galloway... are you suggesting I back off a material witness?
    - If you think you can't get him.


  74. [74] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    to sum up:

    Michale wins (and i wear a hillary for prison) if:

    - comey recommends indictment of hillary herself.


    - comey recommends AND a grand jury indicts any of the 6 top aides + bill

    Bet is voided (and no shameful t-shirts worn) if:

    - FBI recommends indictment of top aides but DOJ refuses to indict.

    I win (and michale wears Hillary is my Hero) if:

    - FBI does not recommend indictment of hillary, bill or top aides


    - FBI recommends indictment of top aides but grand jury rules not to indict.

  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:


    re #73


    I am still leery of the Grand Jury issue.. I feel that Comey's recommendation is enough. But I understand your concerns in that regard and, in the interest of moving this along....

    I'm in....

    Anyone else want to jump in?? If multiple people win and I lose, I can wear what ever shirt the winner chooses on subsequent days..

    Ya'all MIGHT be able to outfit me for an entire week!! :D heh


  76. [76] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Michale stated: . The comparison to Powell and Rice is ridiculous..

    Powell and Rice used a private email OCCASIONALLY..

    They did not set up their own private insecure bathroom closet server and use that EXCLUSIVELY..

    Anyone who thinks that the two are even REMOTELY similar is either completely ignorant or completely in the bag for Hillary..

    But OCCASIONALLY was still a violation of the for you to claim Hillary broke the law and they didn't pretty much makes you a shoe-in for the "ignorant" ribbon.

    Actually, what Powell did was much worse -- he used AOL, which meant just about anyone at AOL could have accessed his email. At least Clinton was using a private server that limited the number of people who could access the account to just her staff.

  77. [77] 
    Michale wrote:


    But OCCASIONALLY was still a violation of the for you to claim Hillary broke the law and they didn't pretty much makes you a shoe-in for the "ignorant" ribbon.

    I never claimed they "didn't" I have explicitly stated that, if the SOL has not run out then they should be prosecuted.. Just like Patreuas was. Just like Hillary should be..

    And yes. It's a violation of the law...

    But it's the difference between a California stop at a stop sign and drunk driving running a stop sign that kills hundreds...

    Actually, what Powell did was much worse -- he used AOL, which meant just about anyone at AOL could have accessed his email. At least Clinton was using a private server that limited the number of people who could access the account to just her staff.

    OK, so we are in agreement.. If it's within the SOL, then Powell should be prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law..


    We agree completely and unequivocally..

    Common ground. A wonderful thing... :D


  78. [78] 
    Michale wrote:


    Someone should have warned you.. I am not beholden to nor enslaved by an political Party... :D

    I hold no fealty to ANY Party...

    Therefore, claims of "Well they did it too!!! Prosecute them!!!" will be met with, "OK.. Sure... Prosecute them all!!" from me.. :D

    That's kinda what shocked CW about me about a decade ago... And it's a very large part of why I am here... :D

    I'll bitch-slap the GOP just as quick and just as hard as I'll bitch-slap Dems.. :D

    Maybe not as MUCH, but.... If the cause is just, they get bitch-slapped to high heaven too!! :D


  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    Actually, what Powell did was much worse -- he used AOL, which meant just about anyone at AOL could have accessed his email. At least Clinton was using a private server that limited the number of people who could access the account to just her staff.

    AND the Chinese AND the North Koreans AND the Russians....

    At least AOL uses mission-critical encryption... It's well documented that Hillary's email-serve was wide open with only the most rudimentary of security updates...

    But you prove Hillary's crimes with your statement..

    Many of Hillary's staff SHOULDN'T HAVE ACCESS TO HER EMAILS....


  80. [80] 
    Paula wrote:

    Taking a look, again, at the Newsweek article, what a lot of email-gate seems to be about are "rules" as opposed to "laws".

    "People outraged by the (false) belief that Powell and Rice’s aides broke the law are creating a fantasy world where every official email, no matter its content, must go through a SCIF…"

    Furthermore, the notion that there's something "illegal" about Hillary and her staff communicating BY email appears to wrong. The crux seems to be all this post-classification --

    I don't think Powell, Rice or Hillary "broke the law" or should be prosecuted. Patreus, otoh, shared info he knew to be classified with someone who wasn't on staff and party to the info.

  81. [81] 
    Michale wrote:

    Furthermore, the notion that there's something "illegal" about Hillary and her staff communicating BY email appears to wrong. The crux seems to be all this post-classification --

    No one is saying that Hillary communicating with staff via a private email is illegal or wrong..

    But when Hillary directs an unauthorized staffer to access the secure system, THAT is illegal..

    When Hillary directs said unauthorized staffer to transcribe the classified data and send it over an insecure system, THAT is illegal..

    I don't think Powell, Rice or Hillary "broke the law" or should be prosecuted.

    Then how do you explain almost 200 Special Agents of the FBI investigating in a case being PERSONALLY directed by the Director of the FBI...

    Ya'all completely ignore that point...


  82. [82] 
    Paula wrote:

    "But when Hillary directs an unauthorized staffer to access the secure system, THAT is illegal.."

    What do you mean? Are you referring to the setting up of the private server? Or what?

    My understanding is that the FBI was looking into the server to determine if it had been hacked, and earlier this month:

    There's slews of articles talking about the need for "intent" to make this a crime and there's no evidence of that either.

    More links coming -

  83. [83] 
    Paula wrote:
  84. [84] 
    Paula wrote:

    Lempert explained that Clinton "would have had to know she was dealing with classified information, and either that she was disclosing it to people who could not be trusted to protect the interests of the United States." He also noted that heads of agencies, such as Secretary of State, "have considerable authority with respect to classified information," including declassifying material their agency has classified (emphasis original):

  85. [85] 
    Paula wrote:

    The whole thing is a collision of different agencies, different rules, different levels of authority.

    It may not have been the best idea but criminal? I don't think so.

    We'll see. I hadn't looked into closely until this came up here, but the more I learn, the less concern I have. As noted a few threads back, I'll wait and see. Maybe something's there we haven't heard about -- but we haven't heard about it! So it's all just speculation and educated guessing in the end.

  86. [86] 
    Michale wrote:

    What do you mean? Are you referring to the setting up of the private server? Or what?


    There was an email found. It was sent by Hillary to a staffer. She told the staffer to access the secure system, get some information from the secure system, transcribe it and send it to her via her insecure email server...

    That's several felonies right there..

    Lempert explained that Clinton "would have had to know she was dealing with classified information, and either that she was disclosing it to people who could not be trusted to protect the interests of the United States." He also noted that heads of agencies, such as Secretary of State, "have considerable authority with respect to classified information," including declassifying material their agency has classified (emphasis original):

    But Hillary has NO RIGHT to de-classify intel from the NSA and the CIA.. Which there is email documentation that she did exactly that. Sidney Blumenthal received MANY documents from the NSA that were TS/SC classified..

    The whole thing is a collision of different agencies, different rules, different levels of authority.

    And Hillary took it upon herself to distribute classified information from other agencies that she had no right to distribute...

    So it's all just speculation and educated guessing in the end.

    Exactly. *EDUCATED*.... And my track record on these types of issues is pretty flawless..

    But, you are correct. We WILL see.. Another 5 weeks or so..


  87. [87] 
    Paula wrote:

    The fact that the secure system had information on it doesn't mean the information was in any way classified. And her staff HAD access to the secure system. She was sharing information with people who were allowed to see it.

  88. [88] 
    Michale wrote:

    There's slews of articles talking about the need for "intent" to make this a crime and there's no evidence of that either.

    Intent is not required under the Espionage Act. Negligence is all that needs to be proven..

    And, since Hillary herself had said this was a "mistake" to do, negligence is fait accompli...


  89. [89] 
    Michale wrote:

    The fact that the secure system had information on it doesn't mean the information was in any way classified. And her staff HAD access to the secure system.

    No they did not.. Only Hillary, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills had the necessary clearances to see what was on the SCIF system... Any other staffers accessing that would be committing a crime..

    And it wasn't Abedin or Mills who Hillary directed to access the secure system..

    Even if the person DID have the clearance levels to access the system, it's flat out illegal to transcribe the intel from the secure system and transmit it to Hillary in the clear..

    Which is EXACTLY what Hillary ordered this staffer to do..

    No matter how you want to spin it, it's a crime..


  90. [90] 
    Michale wrote:

    Again, don't take my word for it..

    Ask yourself why Obama's FBI would expend so much time and effort and manpower if there was really nothing there???

    The resources being expended here come close to the resources that were expended to investigate the Boston Marathon bombing..

    You don't put that kind of clout into play for a "faux scandal"...

    I know you don't WANT to believe it. But you need to prepare yourself...

    We'll all find out who has been wrong and who has been right the first week of May...


  91. [91] 
    Paula wrote:

    "Again, don't take my word for it.."

    Never fear, I don't.

    [88] Can you provide the documentation to support these accusations?

    You are stating you know the event occurred.
    You are stating that you know WHO had security clearance and who didn't.
    You are stating that you know WHO was directed to do this, and that they weren't cleared.
    You are stating as fact that it's "flat out illegal to transcribe intel…"

    I haven't seen any reference to these things in the non-rightwing sources I've read, I'd like to know where you got this info.

    Meanwhile, [89] is basic "no smoke without a fire" logic. Pure speculation.

  92. [92] 
    Michale wrote:

    [88] Can you provide the documentation to support these accusations?

    I have, on several occasions. I'll dig up the email from Hillary that explicitly stated this when I get a moment... But first, I will need to know in advance when I show you the email from Hillary and it says what I say it says that you will concede the point..

    You are stating you know the event occurred.

    I am and it did..

    You are stating that you know WHO had security clearance and who didn't.

    I did and I do..

    You are stating that you know WHO was directed to do this, and that they weren't cleared.

    I am, I do and I do..

    You are stating as fact that it's "flat out illegal to transcribe intel…"

    I am and it is...

    I haven't seen any reference to these things in the non-rightwing sources I've read, I'd like to know where you got this info.

    From a Hillary Clinton email..

    Meanwhile, [89] is basic "no smoke without a fire" logic. Pure speculation.

    INFORMED speculation, based on the facts coupled with decades of experience..


  93. [93] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    But first, I will need to know in advance when I show you the email from Hillary and it says what I say it says that you will concede the point..

    so... you won't provide evidence until everyone first agrees that it says what you say it says?

    I think he's got it backwards
    My daddy told me all about
    The things I can do without
    ~ashley argota

  94. [94] 
    Michale wrote:

    so... you won't provide evidence until everyone first agrees that it says what you say it says?

    No.. I won't RE-PROVIDE the evidence only to have it pooh-pooh'ed away or ignored like it was the first time, the second time and the third time...

    My time is a LITTLE more valuable than that.. Granted, not MUCH more valuable.. But a little.. :D


  95. [95] 
    Paula wrote:

    M [92]
    It's sounding to me like you have a specific email, found among all those she released. You can cut and paste it or post a link to it.

    After that the context becomes critical. I need more than your assertions, so there has to be supporting evidence and documentation. Your analysis doesn't rise above speculation, nor does the "analysis" of rightwing bloggers, pundits, etc.

    It sounds to me like your're applying a broad brush to a specific event and then making a leap. But go ahead and make your case. I'll be in and out today but will check in when I can.

  96. [96] 
    Michale wrote:

    As I said, I really don't want to research it a third time and post it only to have it ignored..

    You won't accept it any more than you will accept my word on it so I don't see why I should expend the energy a fourth time...

    I am happy to discuss it until such time as events prove me right.. :D

    About 5-6 weeks should do it.. :D


  97. [97] 
    Michale wrote:

    Actually, ya know what??

    That sounded WAY too much like Bashi and his Global Warming evasions..

    Here's a couple links to get you going while I dig up the actual email..


  98. [98] 
    Paula wrote:

    Dude, read your article! The cbs article says Hillary wanted some talking points sent. Her guy says they are having trouble "sending through secure means". She says remove the header etc. and email it. The article then goes on to admit there is no evidence there was anything sensitive IN the email -- noting that talking points are usually for communication with media, AND that in the end it WAS sent securely.

    This is what I mean by "context". Also the difference between rules and laws. Finally, she was SOS. She had authority to do things others did not. All those things come into play. The systems involved seem to have been unwieldy and in terms of day to day happenings there were probably workarounds that she and others used. You want to nail her for something but this stuff is penny ante --

    We will see, eventually as noted.

    New York Post is a Rupert Murdoch property -- might as well be FOX. Won't bother with that.


  99. [99] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @michale [97],

    okay, i've read both articles. i'm trying to see this from your point of view; it seems like you're making an inductive inference based on partial evidence, and the remaining evidence may or may not become available to law enforcement. i'm not saying that inference is necessarily wrong, but i don't see how it's going to be proven in a court of law - especially considering two facts: first, the information was not classified until after clinton used it, and second, the laws on the issue were not updated until after clinton left state.

    i.e. presuming that your inference is expert and accurate, what hillary did with her e-mail was certainly wrong and possibly illegal, but proving that case will still be extremely difficult - not impossible, but extremely difficult.


  100. [100] 
    Michale wrote:

    It goes to a pattern, JL..

    How many "coincidences" can one person have before it starts to look criminal??

    Such a string of "coincidences" simply stretches credulity past the breaking point.

    And you can bet that there is a LOT more information that is in the hands of Obama's FBI...

    I know I will never convince ya'all that Hillary will be indicted any more than ya'all can convince me that Hillary committed no crimes..

    But the pattern of evidence is so over-whelming, it's impossible for ANY objective person to look at it and say, "Oh there's nothing there"..

    ESPECIALLY when one considers how aggressively the Obama Administration has prosecuted and persecuted those who have done much MUCH less...


  101. [101] 
    Michale wrote:

    She says remove the header etc. and email it.

    Removing classified headers from classified intelligence is also a felony..

    Bet you didn't know that, eh? :D


  102. [102] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya'all realize that the more you tout Hillary's innocence, the more gloating ya'all will have to endure when she and/or her senior staff is indicted..

    You DO realize that, right?? :D


  103. [103] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Such a string of "coincidences" simply stretches credulity past the breaking point.

    absolutely! that PROVES it's a vast right wing attack machine conspiracy! not that i believe that either, but considering the data, it's no less credible an explanation than the conclusion that hillary MUST be a criminal. as for me, i think i'll just pull up a lawn chair and see what happens.

    Ya'all realize that the more you tout Hillary's innocence, the more gloating ya'all will have to endure when she and/or her senior staff is indicted..

    heaven forbid. i can still remember all that gloating i had to endure after president romney was elected.


  104. [104] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    hey maybe it is what it is, perhaps it depends on what the meaning of "is" is, but the possibility also exists that there's no "there" there.

    “...what was the use of my having come from Oakland it was not natural to have come from there yes write about it if I like or anything if I like but not there, there is no there there.”
    ~gertrude stein

  105. [105] 
    Michale wrote:

    absolutely! that PROVES it's a vast right wing attack machine conspiracy! not that i believe that either, but considering the data, it's no less credible an explanation than the conclusion that hillary MUST be a criminal.

    No less credible?? Well, except for the fact that it's OBAMA's FBI...

    For your supposition to have even a SMIDGEN of credibility, you would have to explain exactly how Hillary's "VRWC" would have gotten complete control of Obama's FBI...

    Nope. The only logical and rational possibility is that Hillary is a crook of such magnitude as to make Richard Nixon blush...

    Hell, even NIXON was never accused of having someone murdered... The body count associated with the Clintons is mind-boggling..


  106. [106] 
    Michale wrote:

    heaven forbid. i can still remember all that gloating i had to endure after president romney was elected.

    Exactly.. :D

    But, actually, the gloating I am referring to was after the Great Democrat Party Nuclear Shellacking Of 2014..

    Ya have ta admit. I was a pretty big pain in the arse after THAT little gem, eh? :D


  107. [107] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    No more than usual.

  108. [108] 
    Michale wrote:

    No more than usual.

    Then ya'all have nothing to worry about.. :D


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