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Friday Talking Points [408] -- Media Gets Played By Trump, Again

[ Posted Friday, September 16th, 2016 – 15:42 UTC ]

The media got played by Donald Trump this morning, once again. Picture Charlie Brown lying flat on his back, wondering why he keeps falling for the old kick-the-football bit. That was cable television, after they had carried -- live -- a full hour of an empty podium (Trump didn't start on time), then a full-on advertisement for Trump's new D.C. hotel, then some surrogates saying how wonderful Trump was. At the very end, Trump uttered the 30 seconds of soundbite the cable channels had been waiting for, and then even though it was billed as a press conference, Trump walked off and refused to answer any questions.

Here's a hint, for the clueless cable networks: if you don't want to feel cheap and dirty afterwards, then don't get in bed with Trump again. If you don't want to hear: "Oh, and there's some money on the dresser, why don't you buy something nice for yourself..." then don't put yourself into that situation in the first place.

Of course, the networks were outraged. They'll be outraged right up until Trump pulls the exact same trick on them in a few days. Rinse and repeat. Trump did almost exactly the same thing with his Dr. Oz appearance, a few days earlier. First, he was going to release his medical report. Then he wasn't. Then, he let Dr. Oz have a peek at a one-page summary. The media ate it up with a spoon, breathlessly reporting on each twist and turn. No wonder the Trump campaign isn't buying many ads -- they really don't have to when they can play the media like a fiddle, week after week.

Perhaps there's a silver lining to this story. Perhaps this will finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back. After Matt Lauer's disastrous performance with Trump and Clinton, the media has gotten noticeably tougher on challenging Trump's blithe claims and shifting positions. Harder questions are being asked, and non-answers (and outright lies) are being challenged. Nobody wants the scorn that was heaped on Lauer. Well, except for Jimmy Fallon, but he's a comedian and doesn't call himself a journalist. The ones that do consider themselves journalists all seem to be coming out of their daze in the past week or so, and waking up to their responsibilities to separate fact from fiction on the campaign trail. So perhaps Trump blatantly playing them this morning will stiffen their spines even further. Hey, anything's possible, right?

In other news from the campaign trail, Trump once again failed badly in a photo-op event reaching out to African-Americans. No surprise there, really. After being chastised by the pastor who invited Trump to Flint to speak about their water crisis, Trump was on television the next day picking a fight with her. Chalk up another fail on the Trump minority outreach tote board, folks!

In similar news, Donald Trump Jr. insulted Jewish voters by making an offhanded Holocaust joke. Junior also admitted that Dad isn't going to release his tax returns at all, because then people might say mean things about his finances. A chip off the old block!

Let's see, what else? Yet another newspaper that routinely (for the past century, in fact) endorses Republican candidates could not bring themselves to endorse Trump. So far, there have been precisely zero major newspapers to back Trump. More papers have endorsed Gary Johnson than have endorsed Trump, in fact. Embarrassing!

Hillary Clinton had a pretty dismal week as well, beginning by not admitting she had been diagnosed with pneumonia last Friday. She then pigeonholed half of Donald Trump supporters into a "basket of deplorables," and refused to back down (except for the part about "half"). While attending a 9/11 memorial service, Clinton was overcome by the heat and stumbled badly getting into a van. It took her campaign hours to admit she actually was sick, which certainly didn't do her any good on the transparency front. Also, all week long her poll numbers have been falling.

It isn't exactly time for Democrats to panic, but Clinton surely does need to turn things around soon. Her best chance will be at the first of the three televised presidential debates, for which she's been preparing for weeks now. Now, if (hypothetically speaking) Clinton physically collapses on stage during the debate, that would be the time for Democrats to panic, because that might guarantee President Trump. But if Clinton confidently shreds Trump in the first debate, her campaign can get back onto the right track in an instant. To put it another way, there's a lot riding on this debate, and it will doubtlessly be the most-watched presidential debate of all time.

And finally, we got a whole bunch of excellent economic news this week, not that most of the media was paying much attention. I wrote about this good news in more detail on Wednesday:

To review: wages grew more than ever previously recorded. Poverty fell at the steepest rate since L.B.J. was in the White House. According to Gallup, the rate of uninsured Americans was at 18.0 percent in 2013, and it is now down to 9.1 percent. That means the percent of people without health insurance is now half what it was, just before Obamacare started. Half! Obamacare has done precisely what it was designed to do, to put this another way. The job market continues to improve, as it has steadily throughout most of Obama's term in office (after the bottom was hit during his first year). The wage gap between men and women even slightly improved. Oh, and raising minimum wages means everyone's wages increase, and this starts from the lowest income levels and moves up -- instead of the top-down wage increases that really only benefit the one percent.

All of these facts should be highlighted by Hillary Clinton during the debate, because they all paint exactly the opposite picture as what Trump's been saying during his entire campaign. Things are getting better out there, mostly because of Obamacare and hiking the minimum wage -- two prime issues for a Democrat to campaign on.


Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week

President Obama earned at least an Honorable Mention this week, for appearing solo on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton. He was back to his old campaigning form, but the real reason it's worth a mention here is because an event like this hasn't happened in almost thirty years. An incumbent president is normally expected to campaign for his party's nominee, but it hasn't actually happened since Ronald Reagan did so for George H. W. Bush in 1988. Both times it could have happened since then, it didn't. The first was in 2000, when Al Gore didn't want Bill Clinton to campaign for him, because the Monica Lewinsky impeachment scandal was still so fresh. Many pundits later wondered whether Clinton making appearances (say, in urban environments) for Gore could have pushed him over the top. The second time this might have happened, neither John McCain nor any other Republican candidate wanted anything to do with George W. Bush, whose approval ratings had sunk into the 20s. Bush was roughly as popular as Richard Nixon was, just before he resigned, so he didn't get any invitations to campaign (to say the least). So Obama's appearance this week really should have been a normal thing for a second-term president to do, but this hasn't actually happened for a very long time.

But our Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week award instead goes to five senators, led by Jeff Merkley of Oregon, who are attempting to bring back the public option for health insurance. Merkley was joined by Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, and Patty Murray, and soon dozens of other Senate Democrats were flocking to co-sponsor the measure.

They realize they have an uphill climb in front of them. They are really hoping to build support so they can pass a bill in the next Congress, with a new president. These things take time, in other words, but that shouldn't detract from beginning the effort now. The public option is supported by Hillary Clinton and by millions of Americans, so raising the issue now means it will be talked about during the campaign.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has already succeeded in reducing the uninsured rate of the American public by half -- from 18 percent down to 9 percent. Introducing a public option will only make the marketplaces better and more competitive. Now that the two biggest Democratic foes of the public option (Max Baucus and Joe Lieberman) are both gone from the Senate, it is time for the debate to begin anew.

For reintroducing the measure, we have five Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week awards this week, for Senators Jeff Merkley, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, and Patty Murray. If Democrats manage to take back the Senate, we can expect a full-throated debate early next year on the issue. For getting this particular ball rolling, these senators deserve recognition and support, so handing them MIDOTW awards is the least we can do.

[Rather than congratulating the five winners directly, instead we'd encourage you to take a minute to sign the petition supporting a public option for health insurance.]


Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week

The obvious choice for Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week this week is none other than Hillary Clinton. While she was resting up, perhaps a fitting punishment would have been to write 100 times on a chalkboard (Bart Simpson-style): "It's not the crime but the coverup that gets you."


There was no real "crime" here, of course. Not telling the public and the media that you are sick is not even remotely against the law, even for presidential candidates. And, once again, you can fully sympathize with Clinton's motivation for keeping a lid on her personal information -- there was already a lot of wild and unfounded speculation running around the darker corners of the right-wing echo chamber that she had some deathly disease. Admitting that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia would, obviously, just feed into that whole rumor mill.

Still, the penchant for secrecy when none is really necessary is a definite pattern of behavior for Clinton, and one she would do well to change in the future. Imagine the following scenario, instead of what happened: Clinton publicly announces she's got pneumonia on the same day she is diagnosed (last Friday), and shows the media a letter from her doctor explaining what she's got and how she's treating it. Then she boldly announces that while she will be taking a little time off from normal campaign events, she will make the effort to go to the 9/11 memorial service, since she was so intimately involved in the aftermath (being one of New York's senators, at the time). She attends the event and then has to leave early for medical reasons. She staggers getting into her vehicle, and is caught on video.

That would be a much more sympathetic scenario than what took place, wouldn't it? Rising from her sickbed to honor the fallen, but being overcome and having to be helped away. That's a sympathetic portrait of a dedicated politician. Instead, what we got was a whole lot of unnecessary secrecy and a very bad photo op.

Instead of the story being defused before it happened, it becomes a story about Clinton not being fully transparent and choosing secrecy when it really wasn't even warranted. That feeds into a negative image of her that plenty of voters already hold.

So for not being upfront with the state of her health while running for president, Hillary Clinton is indeed our Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week. Repeat after me: It's not the crime, it's the coverup that gets you. It's not the crime, it's the coverup that gets you. It's not the crime, it's the coverup....

[Hillary Clinton is currently running for office, and it is our standing policy not to provide contact information to campaign websites, sorry.]


Friday Talking Points

Volume 409 (9/16/16)

Lost in all the circus acts the media has been blindly chasing, the Washington Post has quietly been doing a bang-up job digging into the namesake charity of Donald Trump. They've spent months and months combing through public records and phoning up hundreds of charities to discover the truths behind the Donald J. Trump Foundation scam. What they've found so far is pretty astounding, even if the entire rest of the media world has largely ignored it while chasing Trump's shiny distractions and eruptions.

The Post -- in the past week alone -- has published story after story after story after story after story on the Trump Foundation's shenanigans, and we can only hope some bright researcher puts these stories on Lester Holt's desk so he can brush up on the facts before the first presidential debate.

We have to thank the Washington Post for committing these acts of real journalism in the midst of the presidential campaign. Nobody else has bothered to track this stuff down, and now the only thing left to do is to ask Trump to his face about what has been uncovered. This would require television "journalists" to do their homework and boldly confront Trump, though, so we're not exactly holding our breath in anticipation of it happening.

Still, it gives us plenty of fodder for this week's talking points. Our theme today comes from Hillary Clinton. We had to scratch our heads a bit about the whole "baskets" thing, but we did appreciate her calling out the Trump campaign's deplorable appeal. So each of these is presented as a response that can be used any time the word "deplorable" pops up in a political conversation.


   Where's the $10,000,000, Donald?

Saying stuff is easy. Writing checks, not so easy, apparently.

"You know what's deplorable? Telling the public you've given 'tens of millions of dollars' to charity when you haven't even given your own namesake charity one thin dime in years. Or refusing to prove that you've given any money to charity at all. We've already seen Trump do this earlier in the campaign, when reporters began asking about the money Trump promised to donate to veterans -- and none of it had actually been donated. Donald Trump loves saying he'll donate to charity, but he rarely follows through with the actual money. And that's pretty deplorable."


   Political slush fund

This is the only one that is actually getting some attention from the rest of the media. But it needs to be hammered as many times as possible.

"You know what's deplorable? Using your own charity as a slush fund to make campaign donations to bribe an attorney general into not investigating your fraudulent university scam. That's truly deplorable."


   Lying about donations

This one is just straight-up lying. Lying about donations given to charity. So far, I don't think Trump has ever been asked about it by anyone.

"You know what else is deplorable? Telling the I.R.S. you've given money to charities when you didn't. The Washington Post has been digging through the Trump charity's financial statements, and has found multiple examples of false donation claims. Trump's paperwork says he gave a certain amount to a certain charity, but when the Post calls them up and asks them to verify, the charities say they've never received a penny from either Trump's foundation or Trump himself. That's not only deplorable, it also could be tax fraud."


   It's yuuuuge!

This one has been picked up, not by journalists, but by late-night comedians. Hey, it's a start, we suppose.

"You know what's really deplorable? Paying $20,000 to a charity to buy a six-foot painting of yourself, that you then hang in the boardroom of one of your golf courses. That even reaches beyond deplorable into downright narcissism, folks."


   Birtherism non-apology

Trump tried to weasel his way out of leading the birther movement today. Without apologizing, and bizarrely blaming Clinton for it all.

"You know what's deplorable? Spending years championing a conspiracy theory that America's first black president wasn't born in the United States, based on absolutely nothing. Then refusing for an entire year to dispute your birtherism on the campaign trail. And when you are finally forced to admit you were wrong, refusing to apologize for it and blaming someone else for your deplorable behavior."


   The KKK is deplorable, Mike

Trump's running mate refuses to say mean things about a former wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. There's a word for that, Mike.

"You know who is deplorable? David Duke, former Klan leader, is deplorable. It's not even all that close a call, really, which is why it is astounding that Mike Pence couldn't bring himself to say it. Not only is David Duke deplorable, but not clearly saying so is also pretty deplorable."


   Gas chamber jokes are...

Donald Trump Junior made a jaw-dropping reference to "gas chambers" the other day. Now he says he didn't mean what everyone thinks he meant by it. Because, apparently, nobody in the Trump family ever apologizes for anything.

"You know what's deplorable? Making jokes about the Holocaust. That is unbelievably deplorable. And despicable, just for good measure."

-- Chris Weigant


All-time award winners leaderboard, by rank
Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant

Cross-posted at: Democratic Underground
Cross-posted at: The Huffington Post


254 Comments on “Friday Talking Points [408] -- Media Gets Played By Trump, Again”

  1. [1] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    "the networks were outraged"

    Not so much. I watched Lester Holt. NBC barely mentioned that it was a publicity stunt for the hotel. Of course, Chuck Todd was all about the horse race. Electoral college? What's that?

  2. [2] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Ted Nugent is very deplorable.

  3. [3] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    . . . and that Michele "Gawd raised up Trump" Bachmann.

  4. [4] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    You know what's deplorable? Making jokes about the Holocaust.

    A couple of issues I have with this:

    1. How was his statement considered a "joke"? Did I miss the punchline?

    2. Trump Jr. did not reference the Holocaust at all. His comment referred to "gas chambers", but just because the Nazi's used them does not automatically associate the two for the rest of time! Three states in our country still use the gas chamber as a method of execution today, but they were widely used in this country during the first half of the 20th century for executions. Plenty of countries around the world still use them as well.

    3. Claiming his use of "gas chambers" is anti-Semitic is like claiming anyone who sleeps in a bed that has white sheets is a racist! Yes, both item have histories of being used in horrible ways, but that doesn't mean they are not used in ways that are not horrible.

    Trump and family constantly are offering up verbal gems that are more than enough to criticize them on. To me, this is working hard to be offended.

  5. [5] 
    Paula wrote:

    Trump: She's very much against the Second Amendment. She wants to destroy your Second Amendment. Guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is—she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before. I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm. Right? Right? I think they should disarm—immediately. What do you think? Yes? Yes. Yeah. Take their guns away! She doesn't want guns. Take their—let's see what happens to her.

    Because he knows she'll beat him he'd prefer she be assassinated.

  6. [6] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    I think the news media should demand that Trump releases his tax returns or they stop reporting on him completely until he does! There is nothing that Trump could say or do that we urgently need to know about the moment he says it. Voting is not until November. THIS is how you trump Trump! He and his entire campaign are just media parasites that feed off of the attention the press gives him. If no news channel or news site ran a single Trump article or even mentioned his name for two or maybe three days at the most, I have no doubt that we'd have those tax returns before the week was out. Trump wouldn't be able to handle it and would cave. Starve the parasite out!

  7. [7] 
    Paula wrote:

    So for not being upfront with the state of her health while running for president, Hillary Clinton is indeed our Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week. Repeat after me: It's not the crime, it's the coverup that gets you. It's not the crime, it's the coverup that gets you. It's not the crime, it's the coverup….

    Oh brother.

    I'm so tempted to say "fuck you" right about now. I really want to say "fuck you" now. I'm thinking about saying "fuck, double-fuck, triple-fuck you" right now.

    But maybe I'll regret it later. Maybe I'll wish I hadn't capped an annoying week where fascists are running around beating up old ladies at Trump rallies by telling someone I admire to fuck off. But I'm really, really tempted.

  8. [8] 
    neilm wrote:

    I think this is the "Reality Election" and that facts, decency, etc are now part of thr past.

    The "basket of deplorables" are not the problem - they just can't believe their luck. It is the "basket of gullibles" that Hillary needs to reach out to.

    Another thing, somebody has finally got through to Trump that he is an idiot and he needs to try to hide that from the general public for the next couple of months (they probably told him it is time for him to "be presidential").

    I assume Hillary's surrogates have a list of insults ready to fire at him, timed for when Kellyanne Conway and Ivanka are out of the picture for a day or two (if I were them, I'd be arranging to ensure that one of them is next to him at all times).

  9. [9] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Paula [5],

    There's a big gun nut show here this weekend. The TV commercial says "get them while you can".

  10. [10] 
    Paula wrote:

    [8] neilm: they told him to be presidential so he spit out a sentence about the president actually being a U.S. citizen. A few hours later he's telling people it'd be great if Hillary let her security people go so she could be shot.

    [9] John: Yeah.

  11. [11] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I hope that little tirade was directed at your candidate because she is blowing this thing, big time.

  12. [12] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I hope that little tirade was directed at your candidate because she is blowing this thing, big time.

  13. [13] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    By the way, Paula, that was outrageous language, regardless of who you were speaking of.

  14. [14] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    The freedom of expression comes with a modicum of responsibility.

  15. [15] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Rather than swearing at her for her obvious and dangerous faults, you should try offering up some constructive advice for her and her campaign.

  16. [16] 
    Paula wrote:

    Elizabeth: tell me where to send the smelling salts.

  17. [17] 
    Paula wrote:

    To be clear, I'm swearing at Chris.

  18. [18] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Still, the penchant for secrecy when none is really necessary is a definite pattern of behavior for Clinton, and one she would do well to change in the future. Imagine the following scenario, instead of what happened: Clinton publicly announces she's got pneumonia on the same day she is diagnosed (last Friday), and shows the media a letter from her doctor explaining what she's got and how she's treating it. Then she boldly announces that while she will be taking a little time off from normal campaign events, she will make the effort to go to the 9/11 memorial service, since she was so intimately involved in the aftermath (being one of New York's senators, at the time). She attends the event and then has to leave early for medical reasons. She staggers getting into her vehicle, and is caught on video.

    That is precisely the kind of advice Hillary ignores at her own distinct peril. It's really not all that surprising but, it is infinitely disappointing ... :(

  19. [19] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    To be clear, I'm swearing at Chris.

    I knew that, Paula, and you owe him an apology for your unwarranted outburst.

  20. [20] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    If Hillary manages to lose this thing, Paula, she will have only herself to blame.

  21. [21] 
    Paula wrote:

    Elizabeth: I'm not in the mood for a Peggy Noonan impression.

  22. [22] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    You're not in a very good mood at all. You should take a break ... or give us a break ... or something.

  23. [23] 
    neilm wrote:

    [18] - maybe because if she had announced on Friday and then went on Sunday she'd be accused of endangering lives by spreading pneumonia and if she didn't go she'd be accused of putting herself before 9/11 victims and the rumors about "the real reason" would be all over the place.

    This is her problem, she faces accusations either way and there is an audience for this nonsense.

  24. [24] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Now, now. Paula was just expressing a feeling that often comes over folks in political debates, which my father used to describes as "the overwhelming urge to choke the life out of" your opponent. It's not meant literally, and not personally, and it falls halfway between disagreement and frustration.

    Besides, she somehow managed to say it all nicely, y'know?

    Here's the problem that I think Hillary faced, and finally resolved: if she had been as transparent as the press would like up front, it would have been ignored just like a million other press releases she's put out this year, and the press would have just kept asking questions.

    If, on the other hand, she has an event - a dizzy spell, say - takes a few days off and then returns, ostensibly healthy, well then, the health 'story' will have had its denouement, and we can all move on our way. And that's what's happening. The health event is even a nice way to lower expectations for her for the upcoming debates, something she needs desperately to do.

    So why assume that she did it all wrong? She might have played this one exactly right.

  25. [25] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Now, now. Paula was just expressing a feeling that often comes over folks in political debates, which my father used to describes as "the overwhelming urge to choke the life out of" your opponent. It's not meant literally, and not personally, and it falls halfway between disagreement and frustration.

    Paula was demonstrating a deep frustration that comes when one must face an unpleasant truth but has not the capacity to do so. Unfortunately, folks in that sort of position often misdirect their frustrations instead of facing the reality of the situation.

    Here's a thought ... those of us who wish to see Hillary up her game and up it good and fast understand that she not only needs to win this thing but win it decisively and spread her coattails deep down ballot. If she continues her lack luster campaign and continues to make unforced errors she won't be doing herself or the rest of us any favours.

    Paula and all Hillary supporters need to raise expectations of what Hillary can do and refrain from blasting those who care enough to offer up constructive criticism.

  26. [26] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    We're now in the post Godwin era:

    The probability of The Orange One or one of his flying monkeys making a comparison involving Nazism or Hitler in one of their trolls approaches 1.

  27. [27] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Now, now.

    Now, now ... indeed!

    I have never before seen language like that on this site ... and there have been a lot of frustrated people commenting here, believe me.

  28. [28] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    If I were Paula, I would ask to have that comment deleted.

  29. [29] 
    Paula wrote:

    [23] Neilm: exactly.

    [24] Balthasar: good points all and your Dad was right!

    Elizabeth: I erased a far more blistering response to you than the following: do you have any idea how sanctimonious you sound? Also, "offering constructive criticism" is not remotely helpful in this situation since it won't reach the people who might be able to use it.

    I might add I think HRC has quite the talented team helping her and I don't think her campaign is lacklustre at all. What I DO think is that people like you and Chris seem completely oblivious to the multiple challenges HRC has been faced with, and where they come from and why, and your constant denigrations both of her efforts and her results are intensely annoying. Having said that, I realize pointing this out isn't particularly helpful either (to the objective at hand, getting her elected). What WILL help, I decided, after a long soak in a deep tub, is my going down to the local HRC office and doing GOTV work. That starts tomorrow.

    As for my fuck, fuck, fuck comment, if Chris is offended he certainly can delete it. I think he's a big boy and can take it, but perhaps he will want to shield your delicate sensibilities from the affront.

  30. [30] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    do you have any idea how sanctimonious you sound?

    To quote a favourite commenter, yep! :)

  31. [31] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    What WILL help, I decided, after a long soak in a deep tub, is my going down to the local HRC office and doing GOTV work. That starts tomorrow.

    That is an excellent idea and I wish you a lot of success. I mean that sincerely, I'm not trying to be facetious here.

  32. [32] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Because, Hillary needs all the help she can get!

    Sorry, I couldn't resist, I'm not that strong.

  33. [33] 
    Paula wrote:

    Elizabeth :-)

  34. [34] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


  35. [35] 
    Speak2 wrote:

    JFC [yesterday]

    Yeah, we're cool.

  36. [36] 
    Speak2 wrote:

    ListenWhenYouHear [4]

    Did you really write that? Did you really mean that? Seriously?

  37. [37] 
    Speak2 wrote:


    I would have ended paragraph 7 with "Sad!" instead of "Embarrassing." Just an editorial thought.

    I would also have added former Senator Nelson (Nebraska, Ben?) to your list of Dems who were racist heathens (with Lieberman and Baucus).

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    "General, do you think that your enemy knows that you are fully prepared to use the entire military might at your disposal to wipe them off the face of the planet?"
    "I think we have made then abundantly clear!!"
    "Then don't...."



  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:


    Trump and family constantly are offering up verbal gems that are more than enough to criticize them on. To me, this is working hard to be offended.

    I have to admit, I am pleasantly surprised.. That is a very logical, rational and factual statement..

    Color me impressed..

    "And I don't impress easily... WOW!!!! A BLUE CAR!!!!!"
    -Homer Simpson



  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    "You know who is deplorable? David Duke, former Klan leader, is deplorable. It's not even all that close a call, really, which is why it is astounding that Mike Pence couldn't bring himself to say it. Not only is David Duke deplorable, but not clearly saying so is also pretty deplorable."

    Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

    You mean deplorable like that???

    Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign
    ‘For the KKK, Clinton is our choice’

    Or maybe you mean deplorable like that??

    WATCH: Video Reveals Hillary Clinton Praising Late Klan Leader Robert Byrd

    Or you could mean deplorable like that...

    Democrats created the White Supremacist movement....

    If you want to see the origins of racists and white supremacists in this country, you need only look as far as the Demcorat Party... :D

    Something about stones and glass houses come to mind.. :D


  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    "You know who is deplorable? David Duke, former Klan leader, is deplorable. It's not even all that close a call, really, which is why it is astounding that Mike Pence couldn't bring himself to say it. Not only is David Duke deplorable, but not clearly saying so is also pretty deplorable."

    Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

    You mean deplorable like that???

    Klan leader claims KKK has given $20K to Clinton campaign
    ‘For the KKK, Clinton is our choice’

    Or maybe you mean deplorable like that??

    WATCH: Video Reveals Hillary Clinton Praising Late Klan Leader Robert Byrd

    Or you could mean deplorable like that...

    Democrats created the White Supremacist movement....

    If you want to see the origins of racists and white supremacists in this country, you need only look as far as the Demcorat Party... :D

    Something about stones and glass houses come to mind.. :D


  42. [42] 
    John From Censornati wrote:
  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    Of course, Trump Sr was a Demcorat.....


    All Demcorats were Klan..... Demcorats CREATED the Klan...


  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:


    Did my shower of FACTS piss all over yer wedding cake, JFC????

    Heh :D


  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    Police sergeant and a second officer shot, wounded in West Philadelphia

    Another ambush and assassination attempt against LEOs that can be laid directly at the feet of Hussein Odumbo and Death's Door Hillary...

    As I said, no LEO in their right mind would even CONSIDER voting for DD Hillary and continued support of cop killing (O)BLM morons and scumbags...

    The ONLY candidate who have cops' backs is Donald Trump.


  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    EXCLUSIVE: Twice Arrested Illegal Alien Kills Sheriff’s Deputy In DUI

    And ANOTHER LEO death that can be laid DIRECTLY at the feet of Hussein Odumbo and Death's Door Hillary...

    If yer a cop and you want to live, the ONLY logical choice is Donald Trump...


  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    Election Update: Democrats Should Panic … If The Polls Still Look Like This In A Week

    Hillary Clinton’s lead in the polls has been declining for several weeks, and now we’re at the point where it’s not much of a lead at all. National polls show Clinton only 1 or 2 percentage points ahead of Donald Trump, on average. And the state polling situation isn’t really any better for her. On Thursday alone, polls were released showing Clinton behind in Ohio, Iowa and Colorado — and with narrow, 3-point leads in Michigan and Virginia, two states once thought to be relatively safe for her.

    It’s also become clearer that Clinton’s “bad weekend” — which included describing half of Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables” on Friday, and a health scare (followed by news that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia) on Sunday — has affected the polls. Prior to the weekend, Clinton’s decline had appeared to be leveling off, with the race settling into a Clinton lead of 3 or 4 percentage points. But over the past seven days, Clinton’s win probability has declined from 70 percent to 60 percent in our polls-only forecast and by a similar amount, from 68 percent to 59 percent, in our polls-plus forecast.


    Denying that Clinton has taken a credibility hit and that Trump has had a major surge is to deny reality....



  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    More doses of reality and facts for ya'all....

    I suppose people have had better months than Donald Trump has had so far in September... maybe that guy who's won the Florida lottery seven times, or that baseball star who's engaged to Kate Upton. But Trump's surge to the lead in several national polls plus a clear softening of his image in the media seems almost impossible to fathom, even for his most ardent supporters.

    Trump's numbers in the Real Clear Politics list of all polls have surged so strongly that Hillary Clinton's overall lead in the average of all those polls is down to just 1.1 percent. But he's jumped into a six-point lead in the daily LA Times/USC poll, he's ahead by one in the Fox News poll, by two in the CNN/ORC poll, and has a two-point lead also in the Rasmussen Reports survey. Just 16 days ago, Trump was trailing in almost all those polls and was behind by a whopping 10 points in that Fox poll just over a month ago.

    When it comes to battleground states, Trump has a five-point lead in two separate polls in the crucial state of Ohio, where every poll had him behind there just one month ago. New polls show him leading in Colorado and within just three points in Michigan, two states considered prohibitively safe for Clinton just two weeks ago.

    I think ya'all really need to come to grips with the idea that Trump will probably be our next POTUS....


  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump tried to weasel his way out of leading the birther movement today. Without apologizing, and bizarrely blaming Clinton for it all.

    Do you mean the birther nonsense that was started by Clinton confidante extraordinaire Sidney Blumenthal??

    “During the 2008 Democratic primary, Sid Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy Co.,” Asher said in an email Friday to McClatchy, noting that he was at the time the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage.

    “During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.

    “At the time of Mr. Blumenthal’s conversation with me, there had been a few news articles published in various outlets reporting on rumors about Obama’s birthplace. While Mr. Blumenthal offered no concrete proof of Obama’s Kenyan birth, I felt that, as journalists, we had a responsibility to determine whether or not those rumors were true. They were not.”

    The Birther issue was a Left Wingery construct....

    This is well documented and factual.


  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ooooooo Kick???

    Race tightens in projected U.S. Electoral College vote: Reuters/Ipsos

    Pennsylvania has been moved from a likely win for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to a tossup;

    Wakie, wakie, hands off snakie.... :D

    It really must suck to be pwned all the time... :D


  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    'Welcome you Deplorables!': Trump turns Hillary's insulting words about his supporters into a slogan then starts new violence row by telling her guards to drop their guns to 'see what happens to her'
    Donald Trump adopted a new campaign theme on Friday in Miami
    Came on stage as music from 'Les Misérables' played
    Video screen showed a take-off on the 2012 film adaptation's poster
    It read 'Les Deplorables' – and replaced French revolutionary flags with the Stars and Stripes – and a 'TRUMP' flag
    Hillary Clinton insulted Trump supporters a week ago by saying 'half' of them belong in 'the basket of deplorables' and some are 'irredeemable'

    Death's Door Hillary *REALLY* screwed the pooch when the attacked Trump supporters....

    This is undeniable....


  52. [52] 
    neilm wrote:

    @CW - any chance of a limit on the number of consecutive posts somebody can make - e.g. 3 before they have to give us a break?

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    @CW - any chance of a limit on the number of consecutive posts somebody can make - e.g. 3 before they have to give us a break?

    Would you like some cheeze to go with your whine??? :D

    Why don't you ask what you REALLY want to ask??

    @CW any chance of a limit on the number of consecutive posts that support Trump??


    Regardless, you CLAIMED you don't even SEE my comments..

    So, why should you need an imposed limit??

    Got caught in another lie, eh?? :D


  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:

    Boom Boom Boom... Another one bites the dust.. And another one down and another one down, another one bites the dust...



  55. [55] 
    Michale wrote:


    There is nothing stopping you from commenting on all the GOOD news about Death's Door Hillary's campaign..

    Well, except for the fact that there really ISN'T any good news...

    Yea, I see your dilemma...

    "Oh Johnny, Johnny, did you back the wrong horse."
    -Peter Venkmen, GHOSTBUSTERS II



  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:


    Funny how you don't complain when a Weigantian posts more than 3 consecutive comments that are PRO Death's Door Hillary comments..

    Ergo, the *ONLY* logical conclusion is what I said...

    You don't mind 3 consecutive comments from the same person...

    You are whining because there are 3 consecutive PRO TRUMP comments from the same person...

    Ergo, it's ONLY based on your ideological agenda...

    Suck it up...


  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    If ya'all can't handle the DOWNs of the race as well as you love to handle the UPs of the race.....

    Maybe you should just find your "safe space" and curl up into a fetal ball, suck yer thumbs and wait until after the election is over...

    Reality is not for the timid, the weak or the wussified....

    I'm just sayin'....


  58. [58] 
    Steedo wrote:

    How about a deep breath all around? I have been following our friend CW for many years and have never seen things get this ragged. Maybe I have seen enough presidential campaigns to give me some perspective but let's remember a few basic facts:
    1. This ain't slow pitch. This is rabbit punches and eye-gouges legal and we can expect more of the same down the stretch.
    2. We are mostly spectators with a brief chance to influence the outcome of the election, let's try to have a little fun. Might I suggest personal insults along the lines of the Great Carnac (for those of you who even remember Johnny Carson) so when CW pisses you off you snidely reply: "May your spinster sister spit up a yak hairball". There, don't you feel better?
    3. HRC still has a decided advantage in the electoral tally. I am sitting here in Texas and find that it is PINK (not the typical bright red) and last voted Democratic in 1976. The times they are a changing.
    4. A personal note to our brother-in-bile Michale: I have gotten the impression that you may have watched a couple of Die Hard flicks. I am surprised that you have not noted that the 3rd DH mentions both Trump and Hillary by name, surely a premonition of some sort. Just so you know I'm thinking about you.
    6. As a Texas liberal (yes, they do exist) I am hardly worried that I will be unable to obtain a firearm any time soon. I will admit, however, that I ordered a fresh case of ammo after watching the Repub convention. Just in case any Trump brownshirts show up at my place after the election.
    7. A final props to CW who I believe runs a thoughtful and well-reasoned political site and lets us tag along for the fun. Be chill and enjoy the campaign.

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:

    3. HRC still has a decided advantage in the electoral tally.

    Apparently, you are looking at last month's EC tally... :D

    Trump is crushing it in many BG states....

    Do you know how I can tell that the WPG is really REALLY worried??

    Because they ain't touting Death's Door Hillary's so-called "pluses" but rather attacking Trump and your's truly... :D

    I am only able to dominate so thoroughly when the WPG doesn't have any good news to point to... :D

    4. A personal note to our brother-in-bile Michale: I have gotten the impression that you may have watched a couple of Die Hard flicks. I am surprised that you have not noted that the 3rd DH mentions both Trump and Hillary by name, surely a premonition of some sort. Just so you know I'm thinking about you.

    I have to admit that I have seen DHWAV recently... I will have to rectify that mosh skosh... :D

    Have you seen ZOOTOPIA?? Doesn't the little scumbag in the movie remind you of Hillary?? :D

    3. HRC still has a decided advantage in the electoral tally. I am sitting here in Texas and find that it is PINK (not the typical bright red) and last voted Democratic in 1976. The times they are a changing.

    And Pennsylvania hasn't gone GOP in 3 decades, but it is definitely leaning TRUMP these days... :D

    1. This ain't slow pitch. This is rabbit punches and eye-gouges legal and we can expect more of the same down the stretch.

    Like I said.. This ain't a time for the timid, the weak, the wussified or the ones who whine and cry for moderators to step in... :D

    Hang tough or hang it up.....

    It's that simple...


  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    How about a deep breath all around? I have been following our friend CW for many years and have never seen things get this ragged

    That's because the stakes have never been as high as they are now...


  61. [61] 
    Michale wrote:

    Personally I don't think this country can handle 4 more years of Obama policies and Demcorat rule..

    Look how far we have fallen with regards to my area of expertise....


  62. [62] 
    Michale wrote:

    Why Democrats are anxious

    (CNN)Donald Trump's reversal on the "birther" controversy is turning attention -- at least for the moment -- from a major shift in the presidential race.

    The battle for the White House -- dominated by Hillary Clinton only weeks ago -- is tightening dramatically, a nerve-wracking turn for Democrats that sets up what could be a nail-biter election in 52 days.
    A cascade of new polls this week suggest close contests in key states such as Virginia -- the home of Clinton's running mate -- and Michigan, where Democrats have won every cycle since 1992.
    Nationally in CNN's poll of polls, Clinton stands at 43% to Trump's 41%. In the must-win states of Florida and Ohio, Trump and Clinton are deadlocked in this week's CNN/ORC poll, as well as several other surveys.
    In Iowa -- a state President Barack Obama won twice -- Trump leapt to an 8-point lead among likely voters over Clinton in a Monmouth University poll released Thursday (his largest lead yet in a battleground state). And in Virginia, Clinton and Trump were virtually tied at 40% to 37%.

    That's why things are "ragged"...

    Because the Weigantian Left Wingery, so smug and self-righteous to date, are finally coming to grips with how flawed their candidate is and the fact that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of Politically Correct, Koom-Bye-Yaaa governing....


  63. [63] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Steedo [58],

    "HRC still has a decided advantage in the electoral tally."

    Exactly. Four years ago the libs were nervous because BHO had a bad first debate. The Republicans were certain of a Rmoney victory. Their trolls were gaslighting just like they are now, but close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades.

    "Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better?" - Megyn Kelly

  64. [64] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    Did you go to Bernie's rally?

  65. [65] 
    altohone wrote:


    You may want to refer back to the column above and rethink your suggestion.

    Not covering Trump would be a gift from most "journalism" outlets.


  66. [66] 
    altohone wrote:

    Hey CW and all jumping on the bandwagon

    Regarding the talking points, I will repeat my position that the deplorables include the warmongers and war criminals like Hillary and all who supported our illegal regime change wars, coups and assassinations, the defenders of the non-prosecution of the banksters who defrauded millions of Americans and those, like Hillary, who take their (our) money, the defenders, like Hillary, of the continued and growing violations of our Constitution with the bullspit justification of national security, and basically all, including Hillary, who support the status quo on issues ranging from corporate welfare to fracking to mass incarceration to torture and so many, many more idiocies and injustices.

    And, just for the sake of clarity, Trump is a status quo defender of the establishment on all those issues too.

    But pretending that mass murder through illegal war is less deplorable than xenophobia or racism is just nonsensical.

    Only one presidential candidate has it right.
    Jill Stein.


  67. [67] 
    altohone wrote:

    Oh yeah CW

    Wages and jobs still not reaching pre-recession levels shouldn't be ignored when preaching about the good economic news, and some mention that high deductibles and copayments still makes healthcare unaffordable for far too many of those in the good Obamacare numbers should be included too... not to mention the massive taxpayer giveaways in the form of corporate subsidies for health insurers.

    Your most impressive Dem of the week award is going to those Senators pushing for a public option for a reason after all. Mentioning those reasons would seem to make sense.
    It's not just about the millions who are still uninsured.


  68. [68] 
    altohone wrote:

    Oh oh yeah yeah CW

    No mention of the $38,000,000,000 giveaway or how we could put it to good use in our own country?

    Heck, just the politics behind it makes it worthy of discussion by you.


  69. [69] 
    Paula wrote:

    [64] John: did not see Bernie. Saw some coverage of his appearance -- seemed to go well!

    My husband and I went to the local HRC office and will be starting stuff next week. Today there was a statewide GOTV effort happening and the office was bouncing with activity. My husband, who has zero stomach for phone banking, etc., is going to do data-entry stuff and I'll do phone calling. We will also visit people in our neighborhood. There was a lot of good energy flowing -- I feel much better compared to yesterday.

  70. [70] 
    neilm wrote:

    Looks like a Trump surrogate is planting pipe bombs to discredit Hillary.

    Wait, you claim, there is no proof supporting that outrageous claim?

    Correct. Let's wait for Trump's interpretation (probably via Guiliani) and see if the right hold up the same levels of fact checking.

  71. [71] 
    neilm wrote:

    A little girl less gullible than a lot of adults

  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    "HRC still has a decided advantage in the electoral tally."


    Exactly wrong....

    Death's Door Hillary has a *SLIGHT* advantage, not a "decided" advantage...

    But the momentum is with Trump, not DD Hillary..

    DD Hillary is on her way down, while Trump is on her way up...

    Ya'all just refuse to accept the reality that Democrats across the country are coming to realize.

    DD Hillary is going to lose...


  73. [73] 
    Michale wrote:

    Put another way...

    If the election were held today, Trump would win enough of the battleground states to make the election a tie...

    Considering the advantage Hillary had a scant 30 days ago, that is a REAL accomplishment for Trump...

    As I said, all the momentum upwards is with Trump. Hillary herself has plenty of momentum as well. But it's all in the DOWN direction...


  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    Looks like a Trump surrogate is planting pipe bombs to discredit Hillary.

    The desperation hits Weigantians... :^/

    Another terrorist attack.. Advantage Trump... Hillary's downward slide will continue and accelerate...

    Ya'all better mentally prepare yourselves to start typing PRESIDENT TRUMP for the next 8 years.. :D


  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:

    John: did not see Bernie. Saw some coverage of his appearance -- seemed to go well!

    Well?? If you call a total washout "well".. They even had to cancel a scheduled event due to no one showing up...

    BERNIE BUST: Only 150 turn out at Sanders Ohio stop for Hillary

    If the Ohio crowds for one of Hillary Clinton’s top surrogates are any indication, it’s time to panic.

    Bernie Sanders drew only 150 fans at a rally in Akron on Saturday, according to WKSU.

    Bernie supporters are disgusted that Bernie sold out...

    Looks like Ohio is going Trump... :D

    And all without staffing his Ohio HQ... :D


  76. [76] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Another terrorist attack.. Advantage Trump...

    Why? Trump's encyclopedic knowledge of military and international affairs? Or just because nobody can wrap themselves in sanctimonious patriotism like a nationalist demagogue?

    Or, to put it another way, if this happens on the day after the inauguration, which of these candidates would know what to do? Which would be most likely to act on the basis of premature speculation?

    The Trumpeteers act as though we should all be paranoid basket-cases, incapable of maintaining our composure whenever we're challenged. They want to over-react to everything. Don't believe me? Listen over the next few days to how many Trump followers suggest that: 1)this is because Democrats aren't 'tough enough' on Muslims, 2) maybe we should ban Muslims now, 3) NY's gun laws, liberal mayor, or inadequate stop & frisk policy is/are responsible, and 4) this is all Hillary & Obama's fault, somehow.

  77. [77] 
    chaszzzbrown wrote:

    [66] altohone:

    "...war criminals like Hillary...". Um, wut? She broke the Geneva Conventions in a way you can expand upon?

  78. [78] 
    chaszzzbrown wrote:

    [66] altohone:

    "Only one presidential candidate has it right. Jill Stein."

    In my opinion, a compelling counter-argument can be found at:

    (as well as elsewhere; but only one link per comment!)

  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    Why? Trump's encyclopedic knowledge of military and international affairs? Or just because nobody can wrap themselves in sanctimonious patriotism like a nationalist demagogue?

    No. Because the vast majority of Americans know that, with Death's Door Hillary, the terrorist attacks will continue and worsen, as DD Hillary is the Open Borders candidate...

    Or, to put it another way, if this happens on the day after the inauguration, which of these candidates would know what to do?

    It sure wouldn't be DD Hillary.

    The Trumpeteers act as though we should all be paranoid basket-cases, incapable of maintaining our composure whenever we're challenged.

    What you call "maintaining our composure" is nothing more than ignoring the problem..

    Remember that The Daesch was "just the JV" and it was "contained"...

    Ignoring the problem is not "composure" by ANY stretch of the definition...


    "...war criminals like Hillary...". Um, wut? She broke the Geneva Conventions in a way you can expand upon?

    As much as Bush did.... But that didn't stop the Left Wingery from making the accusations.. To this day...


  80. [80] 
    Michale wrote:

    Or, to put it another way, if this happens on the day after the inauguration, which of these candidates would know what to do?

    Let me put it another way...

    Would Odumbo have known what to do?? Much less so than Trump...

    But lack of experience didn't seem to bother ya'all back then, eh??

    Oh, that's right. Odumbo has a '-D' after his name..

    THAT makes all the difference...


  81. [81] 
    chaszzzbrown wrote:

    [76] Balthasar:

    They want to over-react to everything.

    Like any salesman, Trump sells what people are buying.

    It's amazing to me that terrorism polls so high as a problem among us; Democrats as well as Republicans.

    I compare, say, the events at Flint in re: their water with 9/11. Both are horrible; but the amount of attention we pay to latter versus the former isn't all that rational. We have spent at least a trillion dollars over the last decade to prevent an event that killed fewer than 5000 people. What if we had spent 1/100 of that in Flint? And Flint is just one city; there are many more Flints currently happening, they just don't get the press.

    And more abstractly, it's just a no-brainer that on almost any sensible measure, the return on a dollar spent on anti-terrorism is going to be less than almost anything else - infrastructure, health research, basic science, land management, education, rabies control, etc. Hell, spend a trillion on better traffic signs - I'm sure that would save far more than 5000 lives per decade.

    I think the Joker's monolog in The Dark Night nails our psychology:

    Nobody panics when the expected people get killed. Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plan is horrifying.

    If I tell the press that tomorrow a gangbanger will get shot or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics. – because it’s all part of the plan.

    But when I say that one little old mayor will die, everybody loses their minds.

    So, it's still pretty much the #2 issue after the economy. We are human, I guess!

  82. [82] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's amazing to me that terrorism polls so high as a problem among us; Democrats as well as Republicans.

    It wouldn't be if terrorism has actually touched your life..

    Those who know the threat are not amazed one iota when terrorism polls so high.. Those who know the threat ARE amazed that terrorism doesn't poll higher..


  83. [83] 
    Michale wrote:

    4) this is all Hillary & Obama's fault, somehow.

    You mean, as opposed to Weigantians, either by commission or omission, blaming a "Trump surrogate"???

    Don't you see how hypocritical you are???


  84. [84] 
    Michale wrote:

    Like any salesman, Trump sells what people are buying.

    And you have to ask yourselves.... WHY are people buying it??

    Do you know the story of the grasshopper and the ants?? I think they made a movie about it... :D


  85. [85] 
    Michale wrote:

    4) this is all Hillary & Obama's fault, somehow.

    And, considering the Left Winger cottage industry that built up around blaming Bush for *EVERYTHING*, do you REALLY think slamming the Right with the blame meme is anything BUT blatant hypocrisy??


  86. [86] 
    chaszzzbrown wrote:

    [82] Michale

    It's amazing to me that terrorism polls so high as a problem among us; Democrats as well as Republicans.

    It wouldn't be if terrorism has actually touched your life..

    Maybe so; at the least, I think I'd find it very hard to be at all objective and thoughtful about the topic if, for example, my sister or brother were killed in such an event.

    But in your own life, right now, how many of your family and friends have been affected by a traffic death versus death by a terrorist event? If (as I expect) the former is more than the latter, why shouldn't we be focusing on reducing traffic deaths (not to the exclusion of reducing terrorist attacks, but in proper proportion)?

  87. [87] 
    Michale wrote:

    But in your own life, right now, how many of your family and friends have been affected by a traffic death versus death by a terrorist event?

    That's not really a fair comparison as my military, security and LEO background has a very large healthy dose of CT for two and a half decades...

    But I understand and acknowledge the point you are making. It just doesn't really apply to me..

    why shouldn't we be focusing on reducing traffic deaths (not to the exclusion of reducing terrorist attacks, but in proper proportion)?

    Where your analogy breaks down is that NOT focusing on traffic fatalities will not likely *encourage* more traffic fatalities.

    The same cannot be said for terrorism..

    But, as I said, I do see your point and it is a logical and rational point..

    I would explain the disparity by pointing out that, in traffic issues, people feel like they are "in control" regardless of the validity of the feeling or not...


  88. [88] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: Here's a hint, for the clueless cable networks: if you don't want to feel cheap and dirty afterwards, then don't get in bed with Trump again. If you don't want to hear: "Oh, and there's some money on the dresser, why don't you buy something nice for yourself..." then don't put yourself into that situation in the first place.

    Of course, the networks were outraged. They'll be outraged right up until Trump pulls the exact same trick on them in a few days. Rinse and repeat.

    And the Trump supporters and surrogates were high-fiving and saying "boy did Trump fleece the media" and falling all over themselves jumping on the "blame Hillary" bandwagon. Really? Blame Hillary? Obama made Hillary his Secretary of State in 2009 and somehow Trump reviving the birther issue in 2011 and keeping that going is Hillary's fault? These Trump stooges are much more ignorant than I originally thought. Oh, come on! Trump trolled and conned the right-wing nut jobs for 5 years with the birther nonsense and NOW he wants to claim he put it to rest in 2011 and blame Hillary?

    How about that statement from the Trump campaign? Nice of them to admit it was a "smear" and "vicious and conniving behavior" wasn't it? Tactical error on their part. Who dredged up the birther controversy in 2011 and spent half a decade demonizing Obama as an "other" and making him a target of derision and hate? A large portion of Trump's campaign has always been and will remain the demonization of the "others." How has Trump's underlying message changed at all? It hasn't and it won't.

    Trump is an opportunist who is playing to whatever crowd is in front of him. He is able to perpetuate the con because of the multitude of voters willing to go along with him because they are filled with hatred and want nothing more than to annoy people they resent and other voters who go along because they actually believe that the con can make them like Trump, that Trump will never let them down, and it's all fun and games until the con is on you.

  89. [89] 
    Michale wrote:


    None of your rant changes the FACT that it was Demcorats who created the Birther meme...

    Until you acknowledge that, you have nothing but spin...


  90. [90] 
    Michale wrote:

    A large portion of Trump's campaign has always been and will remain the demonization of the "others."

    You mean, like when Death's Door Hillary and Bernie would demonize successful Americans??

    Trump demonizes terrorists and criminals.. Only a fool would have a problem with that...


  91. [91] 
    Michale wrote:

    “On June 16th 2015, most Americans probably don’t remember that day, but here our families do. We remember that day because that is the day Donald Trump announced his run for President of the United States. There is only one candidate who spoke the truth. There is only one candidate who reached out to our stolen lives families, America’s most forgotten families. There is only one candidate who embraced and took in his arms the mothers whose children were killed, innocent victims. And for over 15 months Mr. Trump has traveled all across the United States and met with our families and listened to their stories.”
    Maria Espinoza, Founder REMEMBRANCE PROJECT


  92. [92] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Americans who have been murdered and raped and assaulted and attacked by illegal immigrants have NO ONE to speak for them..

    Except Donald Trump..

    The VERY first job, the NUMBER 1 priority of a government is to protect it's citizens...

    Obama has completely and utterly FAILED, EPIC-LY failed in that duty..

    Hillary Clinton will continue that legacy of failure...

    It's THAT simple...


  93. [93] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Help me understand why Trump spent so much time and effort, even after Obama provided his birth certificate, trying to prove that the president was not American?

    While it was Democrats who may have first questioned Obama's roots in the country - he spent part of his youth in Indonesia - they have never questioned his place of birth or his birth certificate.

    Donald Trump spent years spreading a false narrative about the legitimacy of your first black president. Why did he do that?

    And, why does he see his efforts as being a service to the president and the country.

    He said he finished it. When did he finish it? The day he announced that he finished it? Are we sure about that?

    Why has this NEVER been an issue with any other American president?

  94. [94] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    "trying to prove that the president was not American?"

    Proving that was never even a possibility. Trump is a troll.

  95. [95] 
    Michale wrote:

    While it was Democrats who may have first questioned Obama's roots in the country - he spent part of his youth in Indonesia - they have never questioned his place of birth or his birth certificate.

    It's all part and parcel to the same issue..

    Donald Trump spent years spreading a false narrative about the legitimacy of your first black president. Why did he do that?

    Who knows?? I DO know there is absolutely NO indication or fact that indicates that race had anything to do with it..

    Why has this NEVER been an issue with any other American president?

    Probably because the circumstances that allowed such speculation was never present before...

    Put another way... If the concept hadn't been so thoroughly examined ad nasuem you can bet that Democrats would have likely made the same exact stink with a McCain candidacy...

    Race had absolutely NOTHING to do with anything... It's nothing more than Democrat vs Republican machinations...


  96. [96] 
    Michale wrote:


    "trying to prove that the president was not American?"

    Proving that was never even a possibility. Trump is a troll.

    You see, Liz... We'll never get past the name-calling.... :^/


  97. [97] 
    Michale wrote:

    Proving that was never even a possibility. Trump is a troll.

    Who is going to be the 45th President Of The United States.... :D


  98. [98] 
    Michale wrote:

    He said he finished it. When did he finish it? The day he announced that he finished it? Are we sure about that?

    We will be when it's only the Left Wingery who keeps on bringing up the issue... :D

    Time will tell...


  99. [99] 
    Michale wrote:

    Proving that was never even a possibility.

    Of course not. Even if Odumbo WAS born in Kenya, he would still be an American citizen....



  100. [100] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    It's all part and parcel to the same issue..

    What issue are you talking about?

  101. [101] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    You really are getting old, Michale.

    But, you are a great stress reliever and God, am I in need of that right now.

  102. [102] 
    Michale wrote:

    What issue are you talking about?

    Lack of American roots...

    You really are getting old, Michale.

    Funny how *I* am "really getting old" but JFC et al with their "Orange One" crap is not.... :^/

    I'm just sayin'....

    But, you are a great stress reliever and God, am I in need of that right now.

    "One is honored to be of service."
    -Robin Williams, BICENTENNIAL MAN



  103. [103] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I asked, "Help me understand why Trump spent so much time and effort, even after Obama provided his birth certificate, trying to prove that the president was not American?"

    Of course, I meant to ask why Trump spent so much time and effort, even after Obama provided his birth certificate, trying to disprove that Obama was not born in the US and therefore was not a legitimate American president.

    Why was Trump doing that? What made the 44th president open to this sort of investigation?

  104. [104] 
    Michale wrote:

    Funny how *I* am "really getting old" but JFC et al with their "Orange One" crap is not.... :^/

    Imagine the hysterical outcry around here if I referred to Obama as "the Black One" every time..

    It's as I have always said.. Name-calling around here is fine as long as it's the Right people getting called the names....


  105. [105] 
    Michale wrote:

    Why was Trump doing that? What made the 44th president open to this sort of investigation?

    I don't know.. I am not privvy to the inner workings of Trumps brain...

    But the issue is over if the Left Wingery allows it to be...


  106. [106] 
    Michale wrote:

    Of course, I meant to ask why Trump spent so much time and effort, even after Obama provided his birth certificate, trying to disprove that Obama was not born in the US and therefore was not a legitimate American president.

    The same reason the Left spent so much time and effort blaming Bush for everything, long after Bush left office..



  107. [107] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Funny how *I* am "really getting old" but JFC et al with their "Orange One" crap is not.... :^/

    Michale, don't you understand by now that I only care about (changing) you!?

  108. [108] 
    Michale wrote:

    You really are getting old, Michale.

    Funny how *I* am "really getting old" but JFC et al with their "Orange One" crap is not.... :^/

    I'm just sayin'....

    Now, if you are saying that JFC is just incoherent and that I should not stoop down to his level.....

    Well, I can accept that.. :D


  109. [109] 
    Michale wrote:

    GMTA!!! :D


  110. [110] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump is virtually tied with Hillary in the RCP National Poll....

    What was it that someone here said?? It would take about a week for the results of Hillary's "deplorable" 47% moment and her near death experience to register in the polls...

    Welp... It looks like they have registered.... :D


  111. [111] 
    Michale wrote:

    The changes in the EC are nothing short of phenomenal for Trump...

    Colorado has moved from LEANS CLINTON to TOSS UP

    Connecticut has moved from LIKELY CLINTON to LEANS CLINTON

    Missouri has gone from TOSS UP to LEANS TRUMP

    New Jersey has gone from LIKELY CLINTON to LEANS CLINTON

    Maine CD1 has gone from SAFE CLINTON to LIKELY CLINTON

    Michigan has gone from LEANS CLINTON to TOSS UP

    Utah has gone from LEANS TRUMP to LIKELY TRUMP

    New Hampshire has gone from LEANS CLINTON to TOSS UP

    Rhode Island has gone from SAFE CLINTON to LEANS CLINTON

    Virginia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have all gone from LEANS CLINTON to TOSS UP

    Now, honestly...

    How can anyone look at this movement and not wonder....


  112. [112] 
    Michale wrote:

    Interesting theory...

    Using the scoring system that has been validated by elections since Lincoln's, Hillary Clinton will lose the election...


  113. [113] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Do you know the story of the grasshopper and the ants?

    Hey! I recognize that one! That's the old 'makers and takers' line from the last presidential election.

    You mean, like when. .Hillary and Bernie. . demonize successful Americans?

    Yeah, that's the premise. Only people on the right work for a living. Everybody else is on the public teat, or wants to be on the public teat.

    It just makes righties feel so....superior.

    Except that it isn't true. To realize just how untrue it is, imagine if the 'Unemployment Rate' were called instead 'The Employment Rate': that number would be right now hovering around 95%. Most economists call that 'statistically full employment'.

    Moreover, of those who don't work, we know that most are either in school or legitimately retired. That Wall Street Journal article I linked to there also explains that the number of folks who have actually dropped out of the labor market just because they don't want to work is actually very, very small.

    But the corollary to that is the untruth that Success=Virtue. You said it yourself: "demonizing successful Americans". You would be outraged, then, if I demonize John Gotti, Al Capone and Martin Shkreli, all successful Americans. Not familiar with that last name? He's the douchbag who who raised the price of a lifesaving drug for a rare disease, from $13.50 to $750 a dose, so that his company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, would become profitable. It's okay to demonize him I imagine, or, well, screw the sick babies, I guess.

    And it's not like rich folk are known for working hard. I used to watch "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" (which show introduced Trump to the world outside of New York) in the 80's, and I'm pretty sure that the only grunting they were doing was when they were getting in and out of their hot tubs. Loved those bikinis!

    Well, he's rich so he must be SMART, right? A surprising number of billionaires never made it out of college, and some never finished high school. Turns out, being good at finance or real estate can be like being good at World of Warcraft: it doesn't mean you're good at anything else, and it doesn't qualify you to coach pro football.

    But it takes guile and cleverness to work your way up from the bottom, right? That deserves respect. Uh huh, which is why I respect guys like Richard Branson, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, all of whom worked their way to the top.

    But that's the irony: neither Romney nor Trump did it that way. Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Trumpf, made a fortune in the Klondike building hotels and stocking them with hookers, and, after being thrown out of Germany for draft dodging and tax evasion (like grandfather, like grandson), settled in New York, where he died of the Spanish flu, leaving a half million dollars (in 1918) to his son Fred, who made parlayed it into a multi-million dollar empire, much of it from government building contracts, such as the low-income housing that got the Trumps into such trouble for discriminatory practices in the '70's. Donald took that empire and returned to his grandfather's formula, building hotels in exotic places and filling them with beautiful women, and his father's practice of using public money whenever possible.

    So no, he didn't work his way up from the bottom, and I imagine he hasn't broken a sweat since he punched out Vince McMahon. I mean, c'mon, Playboy called him a playboy, back in the day.

    So the "Grasshopper" in the story is actually Trump, taking advantage of the Ant's labors, and probably stiffing the Ant for the bill in the end. That's right - money doesn't equal virtue either.

  114. [114] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yeah, that's the premise. Only people on the right work for a living. Everybody else is on the public teat, or wants to be on the public teat.

    It just makes righties feel so....superior.

    Except it's the Left Wingers who are demonizing successful Americans...

    But it takes guile and cleverness to work your way up from the bottom, right? That deserves respect. Uh huh, which is why I respect guys like Richard Branson, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, all of whom worked their way to the top.

    ONLY because they share your political ideology..

    If they didn't, you would despise them like you do Trump..


  115. [115] 
    Michale wrote:

    So no, he didn't work his way up from the bottom,

    No, he didn't..

    But he DID work his way up....

    That's the point you want to overlook..


  116. [116] 
    Michale wrote:

    But that's the irony: neither Romney nor Trump did it that way. Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Trumpf, made a fortune in the Klondike building hotels and stocking them with hookers, and, after being thrown out of Germany for draft dodging and tax evasion (like grandfather, like grandson)

    Odumbo's father was a Marxist muslim terrorist..

    Like father like son...

    You see how easy it is to use your own arguments to prove how full of crap they are?? :D


  117. [117] 
    Michale wrote:

    ISIS Supporters Rush To Celebrate NYC Explosion
    "We cause you pain inside your house," one ISIS supporter bragged online

    Advantage... TRUMP....


  118. [118] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Except it's the Left Wingers who are demonizing successful Americans.

    I repeat: success does not equal virtue. Rich people are not better people because they're rich. That's circular reasoning. It's a shibboleth that pops up in every era: the Romans called them 'fortune's favorites', the Kings of the middle ages claimed that God favored them, because, they were born to be king, right? God must love them.

    It's like saying, "I'm a good person because I'm lucky."

    Lucky Luciano, a successful American, used to say that.

  119. [119] 
    Michale wrote:

    I repeat: success does not equal virtue.

    No one is claiming it does..

    But the point is people like Hillary and Bernie are demonizing Americans SOLELY because they are successful....

    The ironic thing is, in the case of Hillary, she is FUNDED by the very Americans she is demonizing...

    You still haven't addressed the fact that the people Trump demonizes are criminals and terrorists..

    I can understand WHY you can't address that point, but it would be nice if you would at least acknowledge that you can't address it..

    Like with CB above... I disagreed with his premise, but I acknowledged that he DID make a good point..

    That is how civilized people debate issues...


  120. [120] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    You see how easy it is to use your own arguments to prove how full of crap they are?

    Sure, you can lie* your way out of a rhetorical dead end. But you can't do it with the truth.

    *Marxist Muslim Terrorist? That sounds straight out of Dinesh D'Souza's fevered little imagination.

  121. [121] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    But the point is people like Hillary and Bernie are demonizing Americans SOLELY because they are successful.

    Nonsense. WHO is Hillary demonizing SOLELY because they are successful? Can you name one?

  122. [122] 
    Michale wrote:


    ST. CLOUD, Minn. (AP) -- A man in a private security uniform stabbed eight people at a Minnesota shopping mall, reportedly mentioning Allah and asking at least one victim if they were Muslim before an off-duty police officer shot and killed him, authorities said

    Islamic terrorist.... Advantage Trump....


  123. [123] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    You still haven't addressed the fact that the people Trump demonizes are criminals and terrorists.

    EVERYBODY demonizes criminals and terrorists. Or should I start calling him "Captain Obvious"?

    He did have a news conference this week to 'announce' something that everyone already knew...

  124. [124] 
    Michale wrote:

    EVERYBODY demonizes criminals and terrorists. Or should I start calling him "Captain Obvious"?

    And yet, you say Trump is wrong....


  125. [125] 
    Michale wrote:

    Since I have ya here.... :D

    Would you like to take a stab at comment #111?? :D


  126. [126] 
    Michale wrote:

    Black voters are turning from Clinton to Trump in new poll

    Donald Trump is gaining support among African-American voters — whose enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton is eroding, a tracking poll released Saturday revealed.

    Trump saw a 16.5 percentage-point increase in backing from African-American voters in a Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California tracking poll, up from 3.1 percent on Sept. 10 to 19.6 percent through Friday.

    Meanwhile, the same poll showed Clinton’s support among that group plummeting from 90.4 percent on Sept. 10 to 71.4 percent.

    Worried yet???


  127. [127] 
    Michale wrote:

    There is no shame in admitting that current polling is concerning to ya'all....


  128. [128] 
    TheStig wrote:

    In an another epic media gaffe, primatologist Jane Goodall enrages the male chimp community by comparing their behaviors to those of Donald Trump. The feces have already started to fly.

  129. [129] 
    Michale wrote:


    You have been hanging around JFC too long...

    This is exactly why we can't have any civilized debates around here..

    Because of bovine kaa-kaa like that...


  130. [130] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Okay, [111]:

    How can anyone look at this movement and not wonder... crazy Uncle Alex lying to the pollsters again?

    ..does Michale realize that Hillary is still ahead of Trump in probable EC votes?

    ..what would Trump look like with a mustache?

    ..why can't Trump carry his own state?

    ..didn't I predict that the race would tighten? I look fat in these pants?

  131. [131] 
    Michale wrote:

    ..does Michale realize that Hillary is still ahead of Trump in probable EC votes?

    It's the momentum that is the point, not the actual standings...

    ..why can't Trump carry his own state?

    Because it's a liberal nanny state hellhole...

    ..didn't I predict that the race would tighten?

    So, you have absolutely NO WORRIES whatsoever... Is THAT what you are saying?? :D I look fat in these pants?

    You got a great personality..


  132. [132] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    ..why can't Trump carry his own state?

    Because it's a liberal nanny state hellhole.

    That didn't keep New Yorkers from voting for republicans George Pataki, Michael Bloomburg and Rudy Guiliani...just sayin'...

  133. [133] 
    Michale wrote:

    Fifty-five percent of battleground voters want to see “big changes” in the nation’s politics and economy in the next few years. Forty-three percent want “some changes” and only 2 percent think things are fine and not in need of much change. Trump leads by a wide margin on being trusted to change Washington: Forty-seven percent trust Trump to do it, 20 percent trust that Clinton can do it. Nine percent of independents trust Clinton can change Washington.

    **98%** of Americans in the battleground states want change....

    Clinton is the STATUS QUO candidate...

    I am sure ya'all can do the math...


  134. [134] 
    Michale wrote:

    Like I said... There is no shame in admitting concern....


  135. [135] 
    Michale wrote:


    My gods, she looks so bad.... Like she could keel over any moment..

    I don't see how she is going to last 90 minutes standing under hot lights....


  136. [136] 
    Michale wrote:

    Now THAT's what I'm talking about!!! :D heh


  137. [137] 
    Michale wrote:

    That didn't keep New Yorkers from voting for republicans George Pataki, Michael Bloomburg and Rudy Guiliani...just sayin'...

    Touche' :D


  138. [138] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    "I meant to ask why Trump spent so much time and effort, even after Obama provided his birth certificate, trying to disprove that Obama was not born in the US and therefore was not a legitimate American president."

    . . . and the answer is still because Trump is a needy, insecure troll. He's a racist with a well-documented disregard for the truth or for the negative consequences of his actions on other people. Sam Nunberg advised him that stoking birtherism would get him attention and he ran with it. He didn't spend any time, effort, or money trying to prove anything. He ran his mouth.

  139. [139] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Do you think I'm an idiot?

  140. [140] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    Don't the pollsters start leaning more heavily on likely voters instead of registered voters after Labor Day?

  141. [141] 
    John From Censornati wrote:



  142. [142] 
    Michale wrote:







  143. [143] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I wanted to get Michale's take on the following, and allow me to rephrase, AGAIN ...

    "I meant to ask why Trump spent so much time and effort, even after Obama provided his birth certificate, insinuating that Obama was not born in the US and therefore was not a legitimate American president."

    I want to see how Michale will answer my question.

    Try to keep up!!!

    Sorry, but, I'm in a bit of a mood. Way too much stress in my life and, contrary to the image I like to project, I really don't know how to deal with it ... :(

  144. [144] 
    Michale wrote:

    . . . and the answer is still because Trump is a needy, insecure troll. He's a racist with a well-documented disregard for the truth or for the negative consequences of his actions on other people. Sam Nunberg advised him that stoking birtherism would get him attention and he ran with it. He didn't spend any time, effort, or money trying to prove anything. He ran his mouth.

    And he is decimating Hillary Clinton....

    So what does that say about Hillary Clinton?? Nothing good...


  145. [145] 
    Michale wrote:

    Sorry, but, I'm in a bit of a mood. Way too much stress in my life and, contrary to the image I like to project, I really don't know how to deal with it ... :(

    Tell me how I can help....


  146. [146] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I thought I did!

  147. [147] 
    Michale wrote:

    I thought I did!

    You did... But I am only half the problem in that regard...

    But I'll do my part for as long as I can........


  148. [148] 
    Michale wrote:

    I hope you noticed I didn't insinuate myself in comment #7....

    That deserves an honorable mention IMNSHO :D


  149. [149] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    "Try to keep up"

    I'm not really having any trouble with that. How do my comments prevent you from getting what you're looking for? The problem might be elsewhere.

  150. [150] 
    altohone wrote:


    Iraq, Libya and Syria are all illegal wars of aggression, war crimes, that Hillary supported.

    It's true for Bush, it's true for Obama, and it's true for Hillary.

    The neocons are still in denial about Bush, and the neoliberals are still in denial about Hillary and Obama, but their excuses and "justifications" do not come close to being legally sound.

    I would urge you to read the transcript from the Nuremburg trials (google the Avalon Project for an easily accessible academic source), as we prosecuted and hanged Germans for the exact same offenses as those committed by our neolibcon establishment "leaders".

    What I wrote about Hillary in comment 66 is all factual (interesting that you chose not to challenge the rest). The lack of prosecution for war crimes does not mean she is innocent of them any more than it does for Bush.

    Now, Hillary's role in selling the war in Iraq would be unlikely to result in a conviction. She was either complicit in repeating lies that were at the time easily disproven or gullible. But the same can't be said about Libya or Syria.

    As for your "compelling argument" (78), the truth about Hillary isn't altered by false attacks on Jill.
    The necessity for those attacks is based on an inability to defend Hillary (note the plethora of defenders attempting it here). Not unusual in politics, but rarely a convincing tactic.

    But, hey.
    Don't worry.
    Hillary is courting Gore for his "expertise" in winning over the Left... and has Bernie out there campaigning already.
    Surely that will be enough to offset the truth about Hillary's policies and actions.


  151. [151] 
    Michale wrote:

    Remember one thing, my fellow Weigantians..

    Ya'all's chosen prognosticator stated on Fri that if the polls look the same this coming Friday, then it's time for Democrats to panic..

    Can't wait til this Friday.. :D


  152. [152] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hillary is courting Gore for his "expertise" in winning over the Left... and has Bernie out there campaigning already.

    For all the good it's doing her.... Bernie could barely scrap up 150 for one rally and had to scrap another rally due to lack of interest...


  153. [153] 
    Michale wrote:

    Once these terrorist attacks register with the public (proposed time frame of a week is acceptable) it is likely that Hillary's numbers will continue to slide downward and Trump's numbers will continue their upwards trajectory....


  154. [154] 
    Michale wrote:

    ‘There will be more’: Chilling 911 call after the Chelsea explosion

    A 911 caller warned of further explosions right after the blast that rocked Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood and injured 29 people, The Post has learned.

    “I’m looking at the explosion down the block. There will be more,” the unidentified male said, claiming to be standing at 23rd Street and Seventh Avenue in the aftermath of the terrifying incident, according to law-enforcement sources Sunday.

    The election is over..

    Hillary Clinton might as well concede right now...


  155. [155] 
    Michale wrote:

    For scumbag football players who don't think this country is good enough to honor and respect...


  156. [156] 
    Michale wrote:

    Among Democrats, deep concern about Clinton’s Hispanic strategy

    Lagging support among Hispanic voters for Hillary Clinton and congressional candidates in crucial races has stoked deep concern that the party and the presidential campaign are doing too little to galvanize a key constituency.

    While Clinton holds a significant lead over Trump in every poll of Hispanic voters, less clear is whether these voters will turn out in numbers that Democrats are counting on to win. Clinton trails President Obama’s 2012 performance in several Latino-rich states including Florida, Nevada, Colorado and Arizona. In those same states, where Democrats’ goal of retaking the Senate hinge, some down-ballot Democrats remain unknown to many Hispanic voters.

    That reality has prompted a flurry of criticism of Clinton’s and the party’s Hispanic strategies. Despite a uniquely favorable environment with Republican Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on undocumented immigrants, Democrats are increasingly worried that the opportunity is slipping away to meet a longstanding party goal of marshaling the nation’s growing Hispanic population into a permanent electoral force. The concerns are compounded by Trump’s recent surge in several battleground states.

    Hillary and the Democrats are losing support from black Americans by the tens of thousands..

    AND Hillary and the Democrats are losing support from the hispanic voters as well...

    Hillary is getting hit and hit and hit and hit...

    How much more can she take before she has another near death experience???


  157. [157] 
    Michale wrote:

    Fifty Trumpian days that will shake the world
    Hopes that Hillary Clinton will prevail are predicated on her opponent’s lack of discipline

    The end is in sight. In 50 days we will know whether Donald Trump has pulled off the biggest upset in American history. It is a credit to the reality TV star’s populist skills that such an outcome is possible. Hillary Clinton is all that stands between the world and the Trumpian abyss.

    It is a pity she has to pull this off while recovering from pneumonia. It is little short of astonishing that this close to midnight she feels obliged to launch another drive to explain to voters why she wants to be president. What exactly was the past year about? Or the past decade? As the song says, “If you don’t know me by now?…”

    It is safe to say that Mrs Clinton is not about to pull a rabbit out of the hat. Voters will have to make do with her campaign themes of building bridges rather than walls, and being stronger together. Laudable though such sentiments are, they are dangerously anodyne. They tell voters what Mrs Clinton is not — Donald Trump. They tell us next to nothing about what she would do.

    Her success is thus predicated on Mr Trump’s indiscipline, which cannot always be relied upon (recent gaffes about disarming his opponent’s secret service detail notwithstanding). If he sticks to advice by “reaching out” to African-Americans, Hispanics and women he can take the edge off Mrs Clinton’s warnings. What then, would her campaign be left with?

    There is simply NO GOOD NEWS for Hillary Clinton....

    None to be had anywhere....


  158. [158] 
    Kick wrote:

    [50] Michale,

    Ooooooo Kick???

    Race tightens in projected U.S. Electoral College vote: Reuters/Ipsos

    Pennsylvania has been moved from a likely win for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to a tossup.

    That's good news for Trump since Pennsylvania is ALMOST -- repeat ALMOST -- a state that Trump will likely need to win in order to win the presidency. Like I said before, wake me up when Trump is showing a LEAD -- repeat LEAD -- in polling in Pennsylvania. That's when you can get all excited and it'll actually mean something.

    The article at your link goes on to say:

    "The national Sept. 9-15 tracking poll showed that 42 percent of likely voters supported Clinton while 38 percent backed Trump. Clinton, who has mostly led Trump in the poll since the Democratic and Republican national conventions ended in July, regained the advantage this week after her lead briefly faded in late August."

    So Reuters' national polling is showing Clinton regaining an advantage this week? Well that's an interesting little nugget also.

    Wakie, wakie, hands off snakie.... :D

    You seem to be obsessed with something that only exists in your imagination. :)

  159. [159] 
    chaszzzbrown wrote:

    [150] altohone

    Iraq, Libya and Syria are all illegal wars of aggression, war crimes, that Hillary supported.

    Well, to take one, the US involvement in Libya was authorized by UN Security Council Resolution 1973. You might (like Noam Chomsky) argue that that authority was exceeded; and perhaps it was. Certainly it's open to debate; and furthermore one can believe that it was authorized but still a terrible idea. But I think it's not useful to thereby directly equate Clinton with Adolph Eichmann and the crowd of villains at Nuremburg based on that situation. YMMV, of course.

    As for your "compelling argument" (78), the truth about Hillary isn't altered by false attacks on Jill.

    Of course not. I didn't provide that link as a defense of Clinton; but to directly argue that Jill Stein would be a terrible choice for President of the United States. What false attacks do you find therein?

  160. [160] 
    Kick wrote:

    [89] Michale,

    None of your rant changes the FACT that it was Demcorats who created the Birther meme...

    But, but, but officer: I couldn't have possibly set that house on fire because I didn't invent these here matches! LOL

    Until you acknowledge that, you have nothing but spin...

    No, Scarecrow. The spin is all yours and Trump's spin. Your changing the subject and making it about me is very much like Trump making his birtherism BS about Hillary. I'm talking about Trump reigniting a fire and keeping it stoked for half a decade, and you're deflecting to the inventor of the match. Trump lit a match and fanned the flame, and the deflection to who invented the damn match *IS* the actual spin.

    Anyhoo, thanks to Poor Donald's admission, we can now all refer to Trump's followers as "afterbirthers."

  161. [161] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Trump lit a match and fanned the flame, and the deflection to who invented the damn match *IS* the actual spin.

    heh. good. That statement should be followed by a mic-drop.

  162. [162] 
    altohone wrote:


    Please do share the part of the UN resolution that authorized bombing to effect regime change in Libya.

    You can't, because it doesn't.
    Your "perhaps the authority was exceeded" is craven.
    You may want it to be open to debate, but it's not.
    The language in the resolution is quite clear.

    I directly equated what where? Strawman arguments just further damage your credibility.
    Do yourself a favor and read the Nuremburg transcript.
    There's nothing like American lawyers laying out the criminality of starting wars on false pretenses.

    Of course you weren't defending Hillary.
    We agree on something!
    Too bad it's not on the fact that the policies Hillary supports have been and will continue to be disastrous for people here and abroad and the other life on the planet.


  163. [163] 
    dsws wrote:

    It's time to panic. We've got the worst candidate in history. She's on track to lose, and give us the worst president in history.

  164. [164] 
    chaszzzbrown wrote:

    You may want it to be open to debate, but it's not.

    Well, then there is no need for us to converse about it further; as the matter is apparently settled in your mind. Good to know!

    I directly equated what where? Strawman arguments just further damage your credibility.

    At [150] you wrote:

    I would urge you to read the transcript from the Nuremburg trials (google the Avalon Project for an easily accessible academic source), as we prosecuted and hanged Germans for the exact same offenses as those committed by our neolibcon establishment "leaders".

    By "... for the exact same offenses", I took you to be in a rather broad sense equating, e.g., Obama's war crimes with the war crimes of the Nazis. That may not be what you meant; but that's how it came across to me.

    Cheers - Chas

  165. [165] 
    Michale wrote:

    You seem to be obsessed with something that only exists in your imagination. :)

    You have no snakie?? :D

    Face it dood.. Hillary is imploding.. :D

    Anyhoo, thanks to Poor Donald's admission, we can now all refer to Trump's followers as "afterbirthers."

    Credit where credit is due.. That's pretty good. :D

    But actually, it's going to be the Left Wingery who are "after birthers" because I doubt they will be able to let this issue go... :D


  166. [166] 
    Michale wrote:

    I'm talking about Trump reigniting a fire and keeping it stoked for half a decade,

    So, you admit that it was DEMOCRATS who started the fire and Trump re-ignited it..

    That's all I have been saying..

    Glad we agree...


  167. [167] 
    Michale wrote:


    It's time to panic. We've got the worst candidate in history. She's on track to lose, and give us the worst president in history.

    It's nice ta see that there is ANOTHER Weigantian who can accept reality...

    Ya'all need to come to grips with the concept that the Hillary campaign is in free-fall...

    The ONLY way that the Left can stop Trump now is to kill him..

    And, considering the Clinton Body Count, that is not so outside the realm of possibility...


  168. [168] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hillary Clinton's medical non-disclosure disclosures..

    How Healthy Is Hillary Clinton? Doctors Weigh In
    By LAWRENCE K. ALTMAN, M.D.SEPT. 18, 2016

    Ya just HAVE ta know it's bad for Hillary when her water-carriers start slamming her down..


  169. [169] 
    Michale wrote:

    Under the leadership of Obama & Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad. Time to change the playbook!
    -Donald Trump

    Truer words were never spoken..


  170. [170] 
    Kick wrote:

    [90] Michale,

    You mean, like when Death's Door Hillary and Bernie would demonize successful Americans??

    No, I mean like what I wrote in my post.

    Are you daft? Must I write in small words for you to grasp what I mean? As you can see, I can dumb it down just for you if need be. As I have said more than once in my posts, I don't have to make your point, in fact, to make my point. What will it take to get that FACT through to your wee small brain?

    {one syllable words off}

    Trump demonizes terrorists and criminals.. Only a fool would have a problem with that...

    Only a damn fool would fail to notice that Trump is an opportunist seeking political gain by primarily demonizing brown "terrorists and criminals" through the promotion of conspiracy theories like birtherism as a way to appeal to some -- repeat some -- voters who feel resentment toward racial, ethnic, and religious "others." What makes birtherism rooted in racism is that it has long been part of a larger narrative that Barack Hussein Obama is a secret Muslim or "anti-colonial" African (Dinesh D'Souza), a foreigner from Kenya who took a white guy's place at Harvard and then took a white guy's job in the White House, who couldn't possibly really love the United States the way a "real American" patriot does.

    However, if anyone has any links to Trump actually demonizing... say maybe... any of the primarily white groups or gangs that are criminal and/or racketeering in organized crime, then I will be more than happy to look that over and take that into consideration.

  171. [171] 
    Michale wrote:


    That's good news for Trump since Pennsylvania is ALMOST -- repeat ALMOST -- a state that Trump will likely need to win in order to win the presidency. Like I said before, wake me up when Trump is showing a LEAD -- repeat LEAD -- in polling in Pennsylvania.

    You have to get to TOSS-UP before you can get to a Trump lead..

    The momentum is ALL with Trump now..

    I have to wonder if you will concede when Trump DOES show a lead in Pennsylvania...

    I have to wonder if you can actually say the words, "You were right, Michale. I was wrong"

    Nope, I don't have to wonder.. :D


  172. [172] 
    Michale wrote:

    What makes birtherism rooted in racism

    So, you are the after birther after all, eh??

    There is no racism here. Only in your fevered imagination...



  173. [173] 
    Michale wrote:

    Multiple devices found outside New Jersey train station; 1 explodes after robot tries to disarm it

    Like I said... Terrorist attacks will decimate Hillary's campaign and will boost Trump's campaign...

    Even though it ain't October... SURPRISE.....


  174. [174] 
    Michale wrote:

    However, if anyone has any links to Trump actually demonizing... say maybe... any of the primarily white groups or gangs that are criminal and/or racketeering in organized crime, then I will be more than happy to look that over and take that into consideration.

    They are Americans..

    It's only the Left Wingery who demonizes Americans..

    Haven't you been paying attention..

    While certainly bad, organized crime is not responsible for the problems this country faces...

    Illegal immigrants and terrorists are....

    I understand where you are coming from, Kick.. Your Democrats are imploding and you are throwing anything you can against the wall, hoping something sticks...

    But you need to accept reality.. Hillary Clinton is the worst possible candidate in the history of this country.. And, because of her flaws, Donald Trump (who is NOT the paragon of virtue, I grant that) is going to be our next President..

    You need to accept that reality..


  175. [175] 
    Michale wrote:

    What IS it about the Left that they can't call a spade a spade..

    The mayor of NYC refuses to call these bombings terrorism...


  176. [176] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of legitimacy...

    If there is no unequivocal and substantiated factual evidence of election fraud, will ya'all accept Donald Trump as the legitimate President of the United States??

    My guess is that no one (with 3 maybe 4 possible exceptions) here will....


  177. [177] 
    Michale wrote:

    The anti-Trump immigrant voter surge has failed to materialize, as advocates’ hopes of recruiting 1 million green card holders to become citizens in time to vote have fallen short.
    From December, when the advocates announced their effort, to the end of June, which marks an informal application deadline for citizenship before Election Day, some 600,000 naturalization applications were filed with the immigration service.
    That was 9 percent more than the same period in 2012, the previous presidential election year, but way less than the 1 million that advocates sought, and it doesn’t come close to other citizenship surges.

    Nothing is going the Democrat's way, eh?? :^/

    I almost feel sorry for the Democrat Party.. They had such high hopes..

    And to see it all come crashing down..???

    Well, that's just gotta be da pitts....


  178. [178] 
    Michale wrote:

    JFK sent men to the moon. Barack Obama sent men into the women's restroom

    Heh.. Now THAT is hilarious... :D


  179. [179] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Well it must be getting pretty close to election time, because the parties are beginning to repeat behaviors that we see in every cycle.

    The Democrats are chronic worriers. At about this time every cycle, the Democrats begin to question everything about their candidate, begin to doubt the polls, and generally fret. This is actually good, because it inspires a doubling down in GOTV efforts.

    The Republicans are prone to the opposite. About this time in every cycle, they start talking UP their candidate's chances of winning, and begin to doubt that the polls are accurately portraying their candidate's immense lead. This works for them, because GOP voters perceive doubt as weakness. Trump's strength among these voters will be in direct proportion to his ability to exude confidence.

    Then the debates. I predict that the press will give the first round to Trump, even if his performance is lackluster. This is almost baked-in, as the press a) wants a really close race, and b)doesn't expect Trump to be a very good debater in the first place. Each side will then feel vindicated, as the Democrats' freak-out can intensify, and the GOP can crow exultantly about their electoral superiority.

    The press will then over-compensate by turning Trump's next gaffe after that into a full-blown story, in the hope that the second debate evens the two candidates back up. This will be the debate with the most memorable lines, and the most peril for Trump.

    Buckle up.

  180. [180] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, your not worried, B??


  181. [181] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Of course I'm worried, M. I'm a Democrat. As I said, we always worry our way through elections.

    It's your side that should allow a modicum of worry to seep into the wall of candidate-worship that you're erecting. Trump isn't prepping for the debates. If he falls flat on his face in the first debate, even the press will have a hard time rescuing him.

  182. [182] 
    Michale wrote:

    Of course I'm worried, M. I'm a Democrat. As I said, we always worry our way through elections.

    OK.. Fair enough..

    What is your assessment of dsws's comment #163??

    It's your side that should allow a modicum of worry to seep into the wall of candidate-worship that you're erecting. Trump isn't prepping for the debates. If he falls flat on his face in the first debate, even the press will have a hard time rescuing him

    I agree, but I honestly don't see that it will be a problem..

    Clinton collapsed in 80 degree weather, 40% humidity and a slight breeze and she was sitting down..

    In the debate, she is going to be standing on a stage with a LOT of lighting (IE heat), standing for 90mins straight with no breaks..

    I will honestly be very surprised if she makes it thru the debate without collapsing..


  183. [183] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, we always knew where President Obama's priorities were... :^/


  184. [184] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hillary Clinton is owned by the Big Banks, the Corporations and Wall Street...

    Donald Trump is owned by the American people...


  185. [185] 
    Michale wrote:

    Of course I'm worried, M. I'm a Democrat. As I said, we always worry our way through elections.

    What worries you most??

    Trump's popularity or Hillary's flaws?


  186. [186] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    dsws wrote [163]:
    It's time to panic. We've got the worst candidate in history. She's on track to lose, and give us the worst president in history.

    Now THAT'S a democrat, doing what dems always do when the leaves fall in election years: freak-out time.

    I could give you similar examples from 2008 and 2012, but - let's just say I did, and leave it at that.

    I will honestly be very surprised if she makes it thru the debate without collapsing..

    Lowering the bar for the other candidate? That's interesting. So if she's still standing at the end of the debate, she's accomplished something, eh?

  187. [187] 
    Michale wrote:

    Lowering the bar for the other candidate?

    If that's how you want to characterize it, be my guest..

    But is it much different than YOU lowering the bar with " I predict that the press will give the first round to Trump, even if his performance is lackluster. This is almost baked-in, as the press a) wants a really close race, and b)doesn't expect Trump to be a very good debater in the first place."

    So if she's still standing at the end of the debate, she's accomplished something, eh?


    If she makes it thru the entire debate standing under the hot lights without any kind of break or incident, I will concede that her health may not be as bad as I think it is...

    What about you??

    What would have to happen for you to concede that Trump is likely going to win...???


  188. [188] 
    Michale wrote:

    I could give you similar examples from 2008 and 2012, but - let's just say I did, and leave it at that.

    2008 and 2012 are not really comparable at all...

    Unless you want to try and convince me (and dsws) that Hillary is a candidate on par with Obama.... :D

    Good luck.. :D


  189. [189] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    What worries you most?

    That the press will treat these two as equals. Because they're eminently not equal, not even a little bit:

    Hillary is a public policy wonkette, and has devoted her life to promoting activist progressive solutions to society's problems. She is the possibly the most prepared candidate in modern history.

    Trump is a billionaire dilettante, someone who's only attention to public policy over the last forty years has been to how it affects his bottom line. He is possibly the most unprepared candidate in modern history.

    Yet, for the foreseeable future, the press will focus, not on their differences, but on the ability of each to generate sound and pictures for them. It's discouraging, and frustrating to no end.

  190. [190] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Unless you want to try and convince me (and dsws) that Hillary is a candidate on par with Obama

    I'm not sure, but that might be the nicest thing you've ever said about Obama.

    My point was: even when Obama was the candidate, the left experienced massive doubt as the election neared: it's what they do.

  191. [191] 
    Michale wrote:

    My point was: even when Obama was the candidate, the left experienced massive doubt as the election neared: it's what they do.

    OK, I get that... Good point...

    But my point is, is that Obama had the campaign skills and the charisma to prove the Left wrong..

    Hillary does not...


  192. [192] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump is a billionaire dilettante, someone who's only attention to public policy over the last forty years has been to how it affects his bottom line. He is possibly the most unprepared candidate in modern history.

    Well, except for that little known Senator from Illinois about 8 years ago.. :D

    Ever read EXECUTIVE ORDERS by Tom Clancy??


  193. [193] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Well, except for that little known Senator from Illinois about 8 years ago..

    Who had at that point done work on nuclear policy issues along with Orrin Hatch that was lauded by both sides of the aisle. Before that, he was in the Illinois State Legislature.

    One of my favorite quotes about that is from E.J. Dionne, who noted that the press wanted Obama to run for the presidency almost from the time that he first got into the senate. When he was finally persuaded to run, said E.J., it was the closest thing he's seen to a Draft in modern politics.

    Ever read EXECUTIVE ORDERS by Tom Clancy?

    Yeah, I've got it on my shelf. Clancy predicted a 9/11-style attack (on the capitol) in that one, a fact that kept occurring to me when Condoleeza Rice was saying, "Nobody saw this coming."

  194. [194] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    But my point is, is that Obama had the campaign skills and the charisma to prove the Left wrong.

    You're just full of compliments for Obama this morning! I know, he just grows on you..

    We'll see. Hillary isn't a 'natural', as her husband and Obama were. Her campaign skills, however, are underrated.

    Trump, on the other hand, has never run for office before - he's a complete novice at the political game. We'll see how far his 'charisma' (guffaw) carries him...

    Have to go. We'll get back to this later.

  195. [195] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yeah, I've got it on my shelf. Clancy predicted a 9/11-style attack (on the capitol) in that one,

    Actually, that was DEBT OF HONOR, but why quibble.. :D

    a fact that kept occurring to me when Condoleeza Rice was saying, "Nobody saw this coming."

    Oh com'on...

    The Bush administration was supposed to prepare for 9/11 because it was "predicted" in a Tom Clancy novel??

    Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?? It sounds like something *I* would say!! :D


  196. [196] 
    Michale wrote:

    You're just full of compliments for Obama this morning!

    It's my B-Day present to Liz..

    Whatcha think?? :D


  197. [197] 
    neilm wrote:

    Breaking news that I made up, just like Trump does:

    Trump supporter bombed Chelsea in NYC because he thinks that is where Chelsea Clinton lives.

    You just can make this stuff up ;)

  198. [198] 
    Michale wrote:

    You just can make this stuff up ;)

    And yet... You just did..

    Yer just pissy because I predicted this exact thing would happen... :D and you are somehow (very lamely) trying to tie it to Trump because you have no other argument.. :D


  199. [199] 
    Michale wrote:

    Philly FOP Chief On Presidential Endorsement: Clinton ‘Blew The Police Off’

    This is why Pennsylvania is going Trump...


  200. [200] 
    Michale wrote:

    “We’re falling in line with the national FOP and, basically, she just disregarded and blew the police off. You can’t go in and expect to get respect when you didn’t give it to us. We gave a very fair process, we thought. We put out a questionnaire and she absolutely refused…outright refused, with a nasty campaign rebuttal to why she wouldn’t. Simple as that, we went in and we participated with the candidate that cooperated. He filled it out. We met with him.”
    -John McNesby, Fraternal Order of Police

    It's like I said...

    Hillary and the Left Wingery hate umbrellas. The despise umbrellas. They don't respect umbrellas... They want to get rid of umbrellas...

    But look what happens when it starts raining....


  201. [201] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yeah, I've got it on my shelf. Clancy predicted a 9/11-style attack (on the capitol) in that one,

    Actually, that was DEBT OF HONOR, but why quibble.. :D

    Irregardless, my point about EXECUTIVE ORDERS is that sometimes the best leader is the one who is not tainted by politics..

    I used the same reasoning when I voted for President Obama..

    Granted, that didn't work out too well THAT time....

    But the theory is sound... :D

    There is a way in. Six years ago, two refugees figured it out. The vents to the city's incinerators, there's a burst twice a minute. That means someone can run through that tube would have 30 seconds before it flames again."

    "And these two refugees, they made through, right?"

    "Actually, they were roasted. But the theory is sound."


  202. [202] 
    Michale wrote:


    The subject wanted in connection with the terrorist bombings in New York and New Jersey had sued police departments for discrimination...

    The irony just writes itself! :D


  203. [203] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    The irony just writes itself!

    It sure does. The GOP right now is supposed to be the 'party of grievance', particularly grievance against the government, yet the only grievances that they give a cat's tail about at the moment are those of rural militiamen and internet kooks. If the grievance comes from someone of color - any color other than pink, that is - it's immediately dismissed as spurious.

    That's not to automatically say that this lunatic's gripes were legit: they probably weren't - but it's fascinating to see the right dismiss them before they even know what they were.

    Party of grievance. Sure. Just another example of racist hypocrisy...

  204. [204] 
    Michale wrote:

    Where's our Commander In Chief on these latest terrorist attacks??

    Campaigning for Hillary Clinton.... :^/

    Is he TRYING to lose the election for Democrats???


  205. [205] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Speaking of New Jersey..

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie(R) knew that members of his administration were involved in a dangerous and vindictive plan to shut down lanes of the busy George Washington Bridge in 2013, prosecutors said Monday.

    The U.S. attorney’s office made the allegation Monday for the first time, in the opening of a trial for two Christie administration officials accused of carrying out the plot and then covering up, The New York Times reported. The aides’ lawyers have also said Christie knew what they were doing as it was happening, which Christie denies.

    Federal prosecutors said David Wildstein ? a former Port Authority official and Christie ally ? will testify that he told the governor about the scheme to close the lanes while it was all happening, reported.

    Now we know why Christie was snubbed for the VP slot.

  206. [206] 
    Michale wrote:


    We have terrorist attacks in New York & New Jersey and the Left Wingery is worried about lane closures from 3 years ago... :^/

    Well, I am sure glad we're not playing partisan politics.. :D



  207. [207] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Where's our Commander In Chief on these latest terrorist attacks?

    “I am extraordinarily happy with the cooperation that’s been taking place with the FBI and state and local law enforcement,” Obama said at a hastily called press event in New York, where he is attending the United Nations General Assembly. “They are moving smartly on this investigation."

    Doing his job, as usual. As far as the actual Commander in Chief's role, he also reaffirmed his commitment to destroying terrorist groups like the self-described Islamic State.

    Which hasn't been made any easier by Trump's cozying up to the Russians, who have been making new trouble in that already troubled region, and who, over the weekend called a UN Security Council meeting about the accidental bombing of Syrian forces by the US, who said they were targeting ISIS. Ambassador Samantha Powers called the Russians' outrage "uniquely cynical and hypocritical", given past Russian, and particularly Syrian, behavior.

    So the Trump-Putin axis appears to be a two way street now, with Putin increasingly adopting Trump's tactic of 'fact-free attack'. Next he'll be stiffing creditors.

  208. [208] 
    Michale wrote:

    Which hasn't been made any easier by Trump's cozying up to the Russians,

    You mean, like Obama and Clinton were in 2012???

    Doing his job, as usual. As far as the actual Commander in Chief's role, he also reaffirmed his commitment to destroying terrorist groups like the self-described Islamic State.

    Yea.. He ALWAYS says that..

    And yet, the Daesch is STILL striking here in the US...


  209. [209] 
    Michale wrote:

    Keep in mind, it wasn't TRUMP who said that the Daesch was "the JV".... It was President Obama..

    It wasn't TRUMP who said that the Daesch was "contained"... It was President Obama...

    President Obama doesn't have much credibility dealing with the Daesch...


  210. [210] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    And yet, the Daesch is STILL striking here in the US..

    I'm sure we'd all love to hear Trump's secret plan to prevent lone wolves from making bombs out of cooking-pots. :)

  211. [211] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    You mean, like Obama and Clinton were in 2012?

    If I recall, we got a new Nuclear Arms Non-proliferation agreement and an across-the-board Nuclear Arms reduction agreement out of that one.

    Obama didn't see into Putin's 'soul' like Bushlet did, he got a verifiable treaty. It's what Democrats do.

  212. [212] 
    Michale wrote:

    I'm sure we'd all love to hear Trump's secret plan to prevent lone wolves from making bombs out of cooking-pots. :)

    Whatever plan it is, it simply HAS to be more effective than the current administration's plan...

    Because, apparently, they HAVE no plan...

    Obama didn't see into Putin's 'soul' like Bushlet did, he got a verifiable treaty. It's what Democrats do.

    Two words..

    The Crimea....

    It's what Democrats do.... :^/


  213. [213] 
    Michale wrote:

    “I am extraordinarily happy with the cooperation that’s been taking place with the FBI and state and local law enforcement,” Obama said at a hastily called press event in New York, where he is attending the United Nations General Assembly. “They are moving smartly on this investigation."

    Doing his job, as usual. As far as the actual Commander in Chief's role, he also reaffirmed his commitment to destroying terrorist groups like the self-described Islamic State.

    Yet, he can't bring himself to CALL these attacks, "terrorist attacks"...

    No wonder President Obama is so inept in dealing with terrorists. He doesn't even RECOGNIZE that it IS terrorism...


  214. [214] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Two words.. The Crimea....

    Wasn't that the part of Ukraine that kept voting for the Dictator that Paul Manafort worked for? My personal opinion is that Putin did us a favor by grabbing it (just as he grabbed parts of Georgia while Bush sat next to him at the Olympics).

    Trump might have gone to war over a warm-weather port that we don't need on behalf of a country we didn't have a defense treaty with, but then, he says he'd go to war with anyone who flips us off. So I dunno...

    I notice that Putin didn't get much farther than that, so Ukraine's rich treasure-trove of internet porn is still safely in western hands...

  215. [215] 
    Michale wrote:

    (just as he grabbed parts of Georgia while Bush sat next to him at the Olympics).

    He didn't annex parts of Georgia...

    I notice that Putin didn't get much farther than that, so Ukraine's rich treasure-trove of internet porn is still safely in western hands...

    oh, so a LITTLE invasion and annexation is perfectly acceptable... :^/

    Why are you so down on Putin?? He was Obama's BFF in 2012...

    Oh, that's right. Because NOW it's TRUMP who is involved...

    The guy with the -D after his name, it's perfectly acceptable to smoooze with Putin..

    But lordy almighty, the guy with the -R after his name can't... :D


  216. [216] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Yet, he can't bring himself to CALL these attacks, "terrorist attacks"..

    Oh yeah, tell us again how saying 'magic words' helps in our fight against ISIS. Besides, we don't know yet whether this attack was Isis-inspired or just a nut case having a big day...

  217. [217] 
    Michale wrote:

    Regardless of all your smoke screen, it still doesn't change the fact that Hillary's momentum is downward and Trump's momentum is upwards...

    Hillary is going to lose... :D


  218. [218] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh yeah, tell us again how saying 'magic words' helps in our fight against ISIS.

    It will show that our President actually KNOWS who the enemy is...

    Imagine if FDR never said "Nazis".. How much confidence would that instill??

    You can't find an enemy you can't identify...


  219. [219] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    He didn't annex parts of Georgia..

    oh, so a LITTLE invasion WITHOUT annexation is perfectly acceptable?

    Why are you so down on Putin?? He was Obama's BFF in 2012.

    ..and then Obama signed the Magnitsky Act, which sanctioned Russian officials complicit in the death of Russian lawyer and auditor Sergei Magnitsky, who was investigating Russian officials.

    Russia responded with the Yakovlev Act, named after an American-adopted Russian child who died in a hot car, banning adoption of Russian children by Americans. They then released a list of American officials (mostly from the Bush administration) banned for 'human rights abuses' including Guantanamo.

    Then Russia backed Bashar Assad in Syria (but was persuaded to take his chemical weapons away), and allowed Snowden asylum. Finally, Putin propped up Manafort's boss in Ukraine (before he was run out on a rail), then annexed Crimea.

    That's what happened. At every step of the way, Republicans demanded an armed response, which would have put us in a direct shooting war with Russia. Only Obama's cool head, and Hillary's deft diplomacy, prevented WWIII.

    It's what Democrats do.

  220. [220] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    It will show that our President actually KNOWS who the enemy is

    Do you actually believe that the President doesn't know who ISIS is? Do you think the military doesn't know? Is the UN right now debating 'they who must not be named'?

    That's just nonsensical internet claptrap.

  221. [221] 
    Michale wrote:

    oh, so a LITTLE invasion WITHOUT annexation is perfectly acceptable?

    No.. But it is MORE acceptable than a little invasion WITH annexation...

    Do you actually believe that the President doesn't know who ISIS is?

    Let's take stock..

    President Obama said that the Daesch was "the JV"... He was wrong...

    President Obama said that the Daesch was "contained"... He was wrong..

    So... No.. I don't think that President Obama actually knows who the Daesch is...

    It's what Democrats do.

    Bringing back the Cold War and making WWIII more likely than anytime in history.

    THAT's what Democrats have done...


  222. [222] 
    Michale wrote:

    But it's a moot point..

    Hillary is going to lose and President Trump's administration will put an end to the Democrat incompetence...


  223. [223] 
    Michale wrote:

    Then Russia backed Bashar Assad in Syria (but was persuaded to take his chemical weapons away),

    Which they never did, rendering President Obama the laughing stock of the world for his impotent "red line"....


  224. [224] 
    Michale wrote:

    President Obama refuses to label the acts of terrorism AS terrorism...

    As such, he gives the American people cause to doubt that he has Clue One as to what is going on...

    Why is President Obama so afraid of calling acts of terrorism by their rightful name??


  225. [225] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Which they never did, rendering President Obama the laughing stock of the world for his impotent "red line"

    I see that you've forgotten that Republicans voted against enforcing that 'red line'.

    Obama: "I didn't set a red line. The world set a red line when governments representing 98 percent of the world's population said the use of chemical weapons are abhorrent and passed a treaty forbidding their use even when countries are engaged in war."

    After Russia took Syria's Sarin stockpile away, Syria simply switched to other gases, including Clorine and Mustard gas. Nobody's laughing.

  226. [226] 
    Michale wrote:

    After Russia took Syria's Sarin stockpile away, Syria simply switched to other gases, including Clorine and Mustard gas. Nobody's laughing.

    Right.. Syria STILL is using chemical weapons, even though Obama DID draw a red line..

    Obama: "I didn't set a red line.

    "We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized."
    -President Obama

    You can spin it all you want..

    Obama issued a red line.. The he folded like a cheap suit...


  227. [227] 
    Michale wrote:

    TIRED? After today, Hillary has nothing on public calendar until debate — in 6 days

    Guess Hillary needs her rest...


  228. [228] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    President Obama refuses to label the acts of terrorism AS terrorism

    Again, nonsense. From Obama's remarks today about the NY bombings:

    "It’s important to remember what terrorists and violent extremists are trying to do: they are trying to hurt innocent people, but they're also trying to instill fear in all of us, and disrupt the way we live to undermine our values."

    “By showing those who want to do us harm that they will never beat us, by showing the entire world that as Americans we do not and never will give into fear, that’s going to be the most important ingredient in us defeating those who would carry out terrorist acts against us.”

    So we can put that one to bed, I assume.

  229. [229] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Guess Hillary needs her rest.

    Yeah, and while she's resting, let's hope that Trump does LOTS of public events, where he says, well, anything that comes to mind...

  230. [230] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Then he folded like a cheap suit

    You fail to understand. REPUBLICANS, mostly, voted against "S.J.Res 21" which would have authorized Obama to do something about it (McCain voted for it). So that folding suit has a GOP label on it.

  231. [231] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yeah, and while she's resting, let's hope that Trump does LOTS of public events, where he says, well, anything that comes to mind...

    I completely agree.. After Hillary collapsed and rested, Trump's numbers shot thru the roof...

    You fail to understand. REPUBLICANS, mostly, voted against "S.J.Res 21" which would have authorized Obama to do something about it (McCain voted for it). So that folding suit has a GOP label on it.

    The GOP didn't issue the red line. President Obama did...


  232. [232] 
    Michale wrote:

    So we can put that one to bed, I assume.

    We can...

    NO MENTION of "terrorism"....


  233. [233] 
    Michale wrote:

    , let's hope that Trump does LOTS of public events, where he says, well, anything that comes to mind...

    You can "hope" all you want. Cuz that worked out so well the last time, eh?? :D

    But the simple FACT is, Trump as gotten more disciplined on the campaign circuit. Which explains why he has pulled even with Hillary...

    Now that she is going into hiding again and ceding the FEBA to Trump, her numbers will continue to plummet...


  234. [234] 
    Michale wrote:

    You fail to understand.

    You claimed Obama didn't issue a red line..

    I proved you wrong..

    The least you could do is admit that Obama lied...


  235. [235] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    You claimed Obama didn't issue a red line..

    I did not. I quoted Obama, who quite correctly pointed out that it was the WORLD that issued the 'red line', when they collectively signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention.

    After all the shit that Trump has walked back, I don't think the right has any standing to debate this one. Similarly, to insist that Obama use the word 'terrorism' in a sentence is really petty. I'm sure I could find plenty of instances where he has; I just don't think I owe it, or his detractors, the effort.

  236. [236] 
    Michale wrote:

    I did not. I quoted Obama, who quite correctly pointed out that it was the WORLD that issued the 'red line', when they collectively signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention.

    Nice tap dancing..

    Doesn't change the fact that it was OBAMA, not the world, who said, ""We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized."

    The world didn't issue a red line.. Obama did..

    This is fact. Obama lied..

    After all the shit that Trump has walked back, I don't think the right has any standing to debate this one.

    So, you concede that Obama "walked back" his red line..

    OK, then we're good.. :D

    I'm sure I could find plenty of instances where he has;

    Yes I am sure you can.. WAY AFTER the fact where he had no choice..

    But the point is, it takes President Obama *SO LONG* to get there.. Sometimes WEEKS....

    THAT's the point.


  237. [237] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hillary Clinton still can't navigate stairs without help..

    How is she going to handle the demands of the Presidency??


  238. [238] 
    Michale wrote:

    Even in Mexico, they know Hillary is at Death's door....


  239. [239] 
    Michale wrote:

    Off-duty officer who killed mall attacker is firearms trainer, marksman
    The off-duty cop who shot the attacker is being hailed for his actions.

    "What do we want!?!?"
    "DEAD COPS!!!"
    "When do we want them!?!?"

    -Black Lives Matter



  240. [240] 
    Michale wrote:

    Where the Hitler Analogy Leads Us

    As painfully obvious as it may be, it must still be pointed out that the “everyone I don’t like is Hitler” meme trivializes the Holocaust. It is possible for a public figure to say troubling things without being a Nazi. The sort of reasoning that depicts every instance of intolerance as the first step toward genocide undermines any sense of its uniqueness. In that sense, the promiscuous analogizing of the murder of six million Jews actually desensitizes the culture to the attempted extermination of a people. The only proper analogies to Hitler are instances of mass murder, not name-calling or proposing to build a wall along a border.



  241. [241] 
    Michale wrote:

    To deny that there is any comparison between Trump’s vulgar pronouncements and Hitler is not to excuse the former reality star. But what those who chortled along with Hillary or cheer Hollywood Hitler analogies need to understand is that once you declare the other side in a political debate to be that far beyond the pale, you’re left with nowhere else to go. There’s plenty that’s wrong with much of what Trump says and what he purports to stand for, but the only proper response to Hitler and his supporters is war, not a political debate. Using the Hitler analogy is a way to shut down discussion, not a way to win a democratic election. All the left accomplishes by using this kind of rhetoric is to demonstrate their contempt for much of their audience. That is the sort of thing that will make a lot of the country more rather than less inclined to demonstrate their mutual contempt by voting for Trump.

    Keep going with this total BS nonsense and Trump will win...

    It's that simple....


  242. [242] 
    Michale wrote:

    Of course I'm worried, M. I'm a Democrat. As I said, we always worry our way through elections.

    But here's the thing...

    Less than 3 weeks ago, ya'all were touting a "landslide" by Clinton and a "50-state win" by Clinton..

    I told ya'all at the time that you were wrong...

    NOW it turns out that ya'all WERE wrong and I was right...

    It just irks me to no end that ya'all simply CANNOT admit you were wrong... About even the most trivial and obvious things...

    "I should be 'irked', right Carter!!!??"
    -Colonel Jack Oneill, STARGATE SG-1



  243. [243] 
    Michale wrote:

    Look how pale and drained and tired Hillary looks...

    Compare that to Donald Trump....


  244. [244] 
    Michale wrote:

    And now for the dumbest thing ever uttered by a Presidential press secretary...

    "America is in a narrative battle with the Islamic State."

    No wonder the Daesch terrorists are kicking our asses..

    The Obama* administration is fighting with metaphors and grammar while the Daesch is lobbing bombs and knives.... :^/


    *If there EVER was a sentence that cried out for "ODUMBO" that would have been it.. But, I made a promise, so..... :D

  245. [245] 
    dsws wrote:

    Anyone who advocates eliminating everyone of a particular religion from their country, and uses that plank in their attempt to gain the top position in their country's government, does have something in common with Hitler.

  246. [246] 
    Michale wrote:

    Anyone who advocates eliminating everyone of a particular religion from their country, and uses that plank in their attempt to gain the top position in their country's government, does have something in common with Hitler.

    And, if anyone had advocated "eliminating everyone of a particular religion from their country, and uses that plank in their attempt to gain the top position in their country's government" then you would have a point..

    But no one has, so you don't....


  247. [247] 
    Michale wrote:

    Anyone who advocates eliminating everyone of a particular religion from their country, and uses that plank in their attempt to gain the top position in their country's government, does have something in common with Hitler.

    I would also point out that, unless your imaginary someone actually advocated extermination, they STILL wouldn't really have anything in common with Hitler..

    Further, ya'all really have to wonder how ya'all will behave when Trump is elected POTUS....

    Are ya'all going to accept his legitimacy as POTUS???

    Because, if you do, that means ya'all are accepting a HITLER as your legitimate leader.....

    See what happens when people starts throwing ignorant shit around?? It comes back and splats right in their faces...


  248. [248] 
    Michale wrote:

    Mattress Store Uses Kaepernick Jersey As Doormat...

    Ha!! :D

    I can't wait til they come out with Kaepernipus toilet paper....

    Hmmmmmmm I feel a million dollar idea coming on!!! :D


  249. [249] 
    Michale wrote:

    Is Trump uncooked all that much more odious than the sautéed orneriness of the present incumbent, who has variously insulted the Special Olympics, racially stereotyped at will, resorted to braggadocio laced with violent rhetoric, racially hyped ongoing criminal trials, serially lied about Obamacare and Benghazi, ridiculed the grandmother who scrimped to send him to a private prep school, oversaw government corruption from the IRS to the VA to the GSA, and has grown the national debt in a fashion never before envisioned? Trump on occasion did not recognize the “nuclear triad,” but then he probably does not say “corpse men” either or believe we added 57 states.

    As for Trump’s bombast, I wish there was an accepted and consistent standard of political discourse by which to censure his past insensitiveness and worse, but there has not been one for some time. Examine, for example, the level of racial invective used in the past by Hillary Clinton (“working, hard-working Americans, white Americans”), Harry Reid (“light-skinned African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one”), Joe Biden (“first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”), or Barack Obama (his own grandmother became a “typical white person”), and it’s hard to make the argument that Trump’s vocabulary marks a new low, especially given that few if any liberals bothered much about the racist tripe of their own. Trump so far has not appeared in linguistic blackface to patronize and mock the intelligence of an African-American audience with a 30-second, manufactured, and bad Southern accent in the manner of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.

    In farming, I learned there is no good harvest, only each year one that’s 51 percent preferable to the alternative, which in 2016 is a likely 16-year Obama-Clinton hailstorm. It may be discomforting for some conservatives to vote for the Republican party’s duly nominated candidate, but as this Manichean two-person race ends, it is now becoming suicidal not to.

    I know, right???


  250. [250] 
    Michale wrote:

    Is Trump uncooked all that much more odious than the sautéed orneriness of the present incumbent, who has variously insulted the Special Olympics, racially stereotyped at will, resorted to braggadocio laced with violent rhetoric, racially hyped ongoing criminal trials, serially lied about Obamacare and Benghazi, ridiculed the grandmother who scrimped to send him to a private prep school, oversaw government corruption from the IRS to the VA to the GSA, and has grown the national debt in a fashion never before envisioned? Trump on occasion did not recognize the “nuclear triad,” but then he probably does not say “corpse men” either or believe we added 57 states.

    As for Trump’s bombast, I wish there was an accepted and consistent standard of political discourse by which to censure his past insensitiveness and worse, but there has not been one for some time. Examine, for example, the level of racial invective used in the past by Hillary Clinton (“working, hard-working Americans, white Americans”), Harry Reid (“light-skinned African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one”), Joe Biden (“first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”), or Barack Obama (his own grandmother became a “typical white person”), and it’s hard to make the argument that Trump’s vocabulary marks a new low, especially given that few if any liberals bothered much about the racist tripe of their own. Trump so far has not appeared in linguistic blackface to patronize and mock the intelligence of an African-American audience with a 30-second, manufactured, and bad Southern accent in the manner of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.

    In farming, I learned there is no good harvest, only each year one that’s 51 percent preferable to the alternative, which in 2016 is a likely 16-year Obama-Clinton hailstorm. It may be discomforting for some conservatives to vote for the Republican party’s duly nominated candidate, but as this Manichean two-person race ends, it is now becoming suicidal not to.

    I know, right???


  251. [251] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay CW,

    Just a note.. The NNL filters still don't like NATIONAL and REVIEW together in a URL


  252. [252] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, apropos of absolutely nothing...

    An Oregon woman is searching for answers after an incident on a bike trail left her with facial fractures, seven missing teeth, a fractured jaw, brain bruising a concussion, a broken hand and no memory of the incident at all.

    KOIN-TV reported Tuesday that Skjelse Rapoch was riding her bike along the Columbia Slough River Trail when the incident happened. She told the station she slightly remembers leaving the house to meet her husband at the Portland International Raceway at around 8 p.m. when his friend found her injured.

    Being that this happened in Portland, OR I am guessing it's wesen related... :D


  253. [253] 
    altohone wrote:


    In other words, you are unable to show that the UN resolution authorized a bombing campaign or regime change because it isn't in there... and you mimic the resident troll to avoid admitting it.

    As for the straw man, simply admitting I didn't write what you claimed I wrote is sufficient too.
    Explaining your "interpretation" doesn't change the fact.
    If you had read the transcript from Nuremburg to which I specifically referred rather than assuming that you know what the transcript says, you never would have interpreted my words incorrectly.

    All in all, your typical establishment approach is a sad reminder of what the Democratic party has become. Hillary supporters are defending the failed status quo of endless illegal wars. Horrible policies that are neither liberal nor progressive.

    It was bad when Bush did it, so you should be honest enough to admit it's still bad.

  254. [254] 
    chaszzzbrown wrote:

    In other words, you are unable to show that the UN resolution authorized a bombing campaign or regime change because it isn't in there... and you mimic the resident troll to avoid admitting it.

    You have previously insisted that the issue is not debatable. Why do you continue to debate it?

    Cheers - Chas

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