Donnie, Chuck, And Nancy Strike A Big Deal
President Donald Trump is on such good terms with Democrats that they're apparently now on a first-name basis. Trump repeatedly praised "Chuck and Nancy" yesterday, after striking a breathtakingly-comprehensive deal with Minority Leaders Schumer and Pelosi on a budget extension, a debt ceiling hike, and hurricane disaster relief funding. By doing so, Trump has finally fulfilled the basic theme of his campaign, which was to completely turn Washington upside-down. The master dealmaking artist finally did that by making his first big deal -- and, much to the surprise of Republicans everywhere, that deal was precisely what Chuck and Nancy wanted, while it contained none of what "Paul and Mitch" had in mind.
[I have to add a personal note here, as an aside. Yesterday, I sat down and wrote what I considered to be a pretty conventional article on how I saw the negotiations happening in Congress over the rest of this month. I even wondered if the article was even worth writing, because I considered it all pretty much conventional wisdom. But every so often, events advance so fast that an article is outdated the minute I click "Publish" -- and yesterday was one of those days. By the time anyone read it, it was already obsolete. My apologies, but those are the risks you run in this business. All I can say in my own defense is that nobody else saw this coming, either.]
Back to what really happened, though (as opposed to my incorrect conventional wisdom from yesterday). Yesterday's White House meeting with the leaders of Congress may become one of the most historically significant meetings Trump has ever had. From all accounts, what happened was that Trump took the Democrats' opening offer, and by doing so utterly rejected the Republican plan worked out by congressional leadership and supported by his own Treasury Secretary. That's a stunning slap in the face to the Republican establishment, and an unexpectedly generous gift to the Democrats. Washington is still collectively breathless over this development.
Today, the Senate (moving with absolute lightning speed) has already voted on the deal Donnie, Chuck, and Nancy struck. It passed with an impressive 80 votes. It will now move over to the House, where another quick vote is expected. Trump will finally get a big piece of legislation to sign in short order, while the Democrats get almost everything they wanted out of the deal (and the Republicans get nothing they wanted). Furthermore, Trump is now tweeting (after Nancy asked him to, according to her) that he'll sign a DREAM Act if Congress can pass one, which would make the DACA program permanent. Also, Trump might be open to forever getting rid of the legislative fiction that is the debt ceiling, once and for all.
The Republican Party really only has itself to blame for this jaw-dropping turn of events. Neither House Speaker Paul Ryan nor Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has yet been able to corral their own caucus when it comes to important votes. Ryan's got the "Freedom Caucus" (né Tea Party) to cope with, who regularly torpedo pretty much everything all the other Republicans want to get done. McConnell has only a razor-thin majority, meaning just three of his fellow Republicans can upset his legislative applecart. Which has also been happening with regularity.
Think about it: why were we even facing such a giant legislative showdown in the first place? While hurricanes are beyond anyone's control, the budget process is not some "act of God," it is firmly under the control of Republican congressional leadership. The budget is supposed to be finished before the end of September. But neither house of Congress was anywhere near this goal. Why is that? Because the Republican caucus simply cannot agree on much of anything, meaning almost nothing gets done without a crisis created by a deadline. But there was absolutely nothing stopping Republicans from completely avoiding this deadline -- by doing their job on time in the first place. They didn't, and that has to be laid at the feet of Ryan and McConnell. There's no other way to see it, really.
What would have likely happened if yesterday's deal had not been struck would have been a repeat of many other budget negotiations from the past few years. Ryan and McConnell would have been faced with the choice of presenting a bill that the hardliner Tea Partiers could support, a moderate bill that establishment Republicans could support, or perhaps both at the same time. Neither, though, would have mustered the votes to actually pass. This would lead to an impasse, which would have continued until the deadline was staring everyone in the face. At this point, Ryan and McConnell would have been forced to reach out to their counterparts, minority leaders Pelosi and Schumer. The Democrats would have demanded the removal of all the GOP poison pills (no border wall funding, thank you very much...), and added a few sweeteners of their own. The resulting bill would thus be tilted towards the Democratic agenda, but wouldn't have had any dealbreaking items (Democratic poison pills, in other words), so a large portion of moderate Republicans could vote for it. This is the bill that would pass, much to the disappointment of many Republicans (and the entire Tea Party).
President Trump just short-circuited this process. Seeing the impressive cohesiveness of the Democratic caucus (and the disjointed nature of the GOP's), he just went along with the Democratic agenda from the get-go. This avoids weeks of posturing and political hay-making, which is why the Republicans now sound so disappointed. The posturing and hay-making were all they really had left to look forward to, since the final legislation would (once again) have been heavily tilted towards Democratic objectives -- and now they don't even have that.
Chuck and Nancy, no doubt, are already salivating over what kind of deal they might cut with Trump in December. After all, if Trump is this easy to roll, then what sorts of things might be included in the next deal? Already it's been leaked that the DREAM Act is high on the Democrats' next wish list, but the more stunning item is to totally abolish the whole process of periodically having to vote to raise the debt ceiling. It's always been a rather stupid vote, because it is much like the decision of whether to pay your check at a restaurant, or do a "dine and dash" and leave without paying -- it has nothing whatsoever to do with the meal that already was ordered and eaten. All Congress would have to do to permanently solve this problem would be to pass a law stating that whenever any budget bill was passed, the debt ceiling would automatically be raised to pay for all of it -- and then we'd never have another debt ceiling vote to ever worry about again.
What Chuck and Nancy just proved -- right in front of Paul and Mitch's faces -- was that if you have your act together and can guarantee to deliver the votes, Donnie might just be interested in making that deal -- because he is getting so supremely frustrated with the Republicans' complete inability to agree on anything, and their utter lack of legislative achievements thus far. A Democratic deal beats the embarrassment of a GOP deal that falls apart in the final vote, in other words. Trump has put Ryan and McConnell on notice that if they can't get their own act together, they will become almost completely irrelevant to the lawmaking process. In effect, the minority party in Congress would then be calling the shots -- an absolutely extraordinary turn of events.
That's a pretty strong message to send to the congressional leadership of your own party, which is why yesterday's deal is... well, a really big deal. Will Trump continue to make deals with Democrats, and roll over his own party's opposition? Maybe, maybe not. Democrats should avoid getting too confident, because this might have been a one-time thing intended to shock Ryan and McConnell into future action. We'll just have to wait and see what happens in December, but it is undeniable that the Democrats will be in a much stronger position during the upcoming budget debate than anyone could have previously predicted. Because Donnie didn't just strike a deal with Chuck and Nancy, he actually accepted their opening bid without even attempting to negotiate any further changes. Democrats (myself included) used to chide President Barack Obama for making too many concessions to Republicans in such dealmaking (see: "grand bargain," for instance), but Obama never just accepted the entire Republican agenda without even trying to gain a few concessions. Because Donnie just did precisely that, Chuck and Nancy are undoubtedly gleeful at the prospect of the next such round of dealmaking with Mister Art Of The Deal himself.
-- Chris Weigant
Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant
Big Orange really is the Queen of Trolls. The trollest. The most powerful troll in the known universe.
Nancy should tread lightly. Alt-Orange seriously does betray everybody except his beautiful, sexy Ivanka. His slime is hazardous.
I don't understand why Meathead Ryan and Miss Mitch feel compelled to go along. I thought they were under the impression that they didn't work for Big Dummy. Now they look like his boot-lickers and Nancy's ass-kissers. Sad.
45 just likes being in the news and having pictures of himself signing things.
Maybe the next step for the Paul and Mitch show is to go to their nut case wings and have the following conversation:
"The Hastert rule (i.e. the majority of the majority) is dead. We are going to negotiate with the Dems to get things done. When you start realizing you are losing again and again and again because you won't compromise, and learn how this damn town works, come back to us and we'll talk. Because the truth is, the sensible Republicans plus the Democrats are another majority in both houses, and we have enough sensible Republicans in both houses whose seats are rock solid safe. We don't need you, so either toodle off to your echo chambers and whine, or start learning how to run a country."
The Republican Party needs to split into the Commerce/Country Club wing and the Evangelical/Neo-Nazi/Tea Party wing, and the C/CC wing needs to grow a pair and start playing hardball.
neilm -
Funny, I was thinking about the Hastert Rule today too (should we now call it the Child Molester Rule??).
But I was thinking it'd be Trump who denounced it, and announced he'd be working with "Chuck and Nancy" to pass a whole bunch of bills quickly, that all Dems and a handful of GOP would vote for. He'd get bills on his desk to sign, he wouldn't care what was in any of them, and Dems would be happy. Win-win! So much winning! Except for Paul and Mitch, but they're losers, right?
John From Censornati -
I think Trump forced Mitch and Paul to go along by saying he'd hit them for "holding up aid to hurricane victims" if they didn't. I bet he forced them to agree to move the bills in the meeting, and they were so shell-shocked by the Donnie/Chuck/Nancy deal that they nodded their heads and went along with it.
But that's just a total guess, based on nothing but my gut, mind you...
Funny, I was thinking about the Hastert Rule today too (should we now call it the Child Molester Rule??).
Only if we call anything coming out of Bubba Clinton's mouth, The Rapist Rule
Fair is fair.. :D
Brought forth from yesterdays commentary..
OK, I'll bite. Please expand on this comment. What is your personal reaction to the Trump/Dem deal? Everyone else (myself included) is too stunned to even react, right now, so I'm wondering how you reacted, and why. You used to call yourself an independent, so I'd be interested in hearing your reasoning. At this point, nobody else has any reasoning, since we're all scratching our heads...
And do ya know WHY ya'all are stunned??
Because ya'all insist on putting round President Trump in the square hole of a conventional president..
President Trump is a deal maker.. Right now he is a deal maker for the United States.. The US is his "business" and he is going to make a deal with anyone and everyone if it benefits the United States..
The reason ya'all are baffled is because ya'all are looking at the issue as Democrats, Left Wingers and/or NeverTrumpers...
If ya'all would look at the issue as Americans, it would make perfect sense..
I apologize if that comes off as insulting.. Despite recent history, it truly is not meant to be insulting..
As to my personal feeling about it?? As much as I despise Democrats and what they have done....
If it's good for the country, then I am all for it..
If making a deal with Democrats, the NORKS, Iranians or even Mark Pellegrino himself is good for this country, then I am all for it...
Oh, and hope you and yours keep safe the next few days, with Irma...
Yea, it looks like the worst case scenario is coming to pass.. Irma's turn to the north is not as much as was expected.. We went from being on the "weak" side of a Cat 4 30 miles off shore to having the eye of a Cat 3 pass directly overhead...
Looks like the prediction I made back on Monday...
.... is the scenario we're looking at.
But another day in the life here in FL.. We got the provisions packed in, the generator pulled out and gas'ed up and we're ready to rock.. :D If our internet holds up (it did pretty good during Matthew) I'll live blog it with pics. :D
Note to JM...
That bullet you "dodged" a few days ago seems to have become the "magic" bullet and has zigged zagged back..
Stay safe, my friend....
Back to the 600 lb gorilla in the room -
Why the hell did "The Deal" happen????
To understand why I believe we must go back to first principles or, if you prefer, The Prime Directive of Trump:
"What's In It For ME?"
We must also consider the Prime Directive's zero sum handmaiden:
"Who Do I Screw In Order To Get What's In It For Me?"
I think the Occam's Razor answer to the Prime Directive is pretty obvious: The Prosecution has nailed Trump's butt to a board. Key witnesses have or are about to come clean.
Extracting the nail is likely to require screwing his own party. Trump has to be very concerned with 50% vote thresholds if he wants to avoid Impeachment or it's near cousin the 25th Amendment. Although Republicans control Congress, Trump doesn't trust some of them to automatically vote in his favor. The debt deal is his way of winning just enough Democrats (maybe)to avoid impeachment and/or winning over enough corporate Republicans in his own cabinet to avoid a 25th Amendment coup.
This is a pretty desperate move. It's a bit like naval counter flooding in response to torpedo improves your list, but you sink even deeper into the water... at least until you get the pumps working...if the pumps still work.
Trump Tweets are still sweet this AM. Down right apologetic in one instance. That's very un-Trumpian! Ghost written? Wish I had some linguistic statistical software, but alas....
Anybody else watching The Tick on Prime? It's really good!
If this becomes anything more than a one time thing I wonder what will happen to the Democrats 2018 strategy of "But Trump!".
Could it become the 2018 Republican strategy?
Ohmygods, how hilarious would that be!!!!
Democrats jump on the Trump bandwagon and Republicans become the hysterical NeverTrumpers!!!
How much FUN would I have with THAT scenario, eh!?? :D
Jennifer Lawrence: ‘Mother Nature’s Rage’ Directed at U.S. Because of Trump
Wonder what Ms Lawrence will say when Trump becomes the Democrats' BFF?? :D
Michale wrote:
"Note to JM...
That bullet you "dodged" a few days ago seems to have become the "magic" bullet and has zigged zagged back..
Stay safe, my friend...."
Thanks Michale, I really appreciate that! We have our own generator here too. We're expecting at least tropical storm winds of around 50 mph here now. Back when Hermine came through last year, that was just a sneeze compared to Irma, and we lost power for a week.
Everybody else, please remember I am in Florida along with Michale too. I hope all of us in Florida stay safe.
As for the deal Trump struck with the Democrats, it was completely stunning when you think about it.
A debt ceiling hike / continuing spending resolution on the budget that the Republicans originally were trying to do for 18 months, would have taken them through next year's midterms, and would have made the Democrats in Congress pretty much totally irrelevant when it came to budget negotiations.
Trump, by taking the Democratic deal of only a 3 month extension until December, totally undercuts his own party and now puts Democrats squarely in the driver's seat when it comes to more budget negotiations.
Trump, by taking the Democratic deal of only a 3 month extension until December, totally undercuts his own party and now puts Democrats squarely in the driver's seat when it comes to more budget negotiations.
"You're welcome.."
-Maui, MOANA
Thanks Michale, I really appreciate that! We have our own generator here too. We're expecting at least tropical storm winds of around 50 mph here now. Back when Hermine came through last year, that was just a sneeze compared to Irma, and we lost power for a week.
Everybody else, please remember I am in Florida along with Michale too. I hope all of us in Florida stay safe.
Looks like I'll be able to mark one off my Bucket List..
Taking pics within the eye of a hurricane.. Irma is slowing down.. Hopefully it will come thru during the day time.. :D
I hope you are leaving if you're in the evacuation zone!
Everybody else, please remember I am in Florida along with Michale too. I hope all of us in Florida stay safe.
Hoping and praying for the very best for the both of you - and all who are in the path of Irma - and your families!
You have experience with quotes like the one you posted Re. Jennifer Lawrence and Trump ... which is to say that the quotes are almost always fake. I'm sure that is the case with this one, too.
I hope you are leaving if you're in the evacuation zone!
Oh hell no... We lost EVERYTHING we owned in the Willamete floods of 1996...
I swore to myself I would never evacuate again.. Think of me as Quint vis a vis life jackets...
You have experience with quotes like the one you posted Re. Jennifer Lawrence and Trump ... which is to say that the quotes are almost always fake. I'm sure that is the case with this one, too.
It's been widely quoted so I am fairly certain it's accurate...
Assuming it is accurate, what's yer thoughts??
Hoping and praying for the very best for the both of you - and all who are in the path of Irma - and your families!
Thank you, Liz...
I swore to myself I would never evacuate again.. Think of me as Quint vis a vis life jackets...
On the other hand, it didn't end well for Quint... :D
I'm sure it's not accurate Michale ... where did you first see it posted?
Stay safe guys! For those who are gonna "tough it out" and stay, remember this:
The wind blowing at 125 mph isn't the problem; it's WHAT the wind is blowing at 125 mph that is the problem!
I've seen pine straw stuck in siding after a tornado that looked like nails from a nail gun. A Volvo's safety ratings don't mean crap when they are thrown onto your roof.
So EM is absolutely correct about this Jennifer Lawrence "quote." I'll bet you dollars to donuts if you go on the websites like Breitbart, Alex Jones, or Rush Limbaugh, that's where one of them cooked it up. Sounds like Breitbart handiwork to me.
She was being asked political questions... so let the spinning wheels spin. Here's a video for anyone who is interested where you can watch what was actually said and then witness the spinning of the right-wing fringes.
The righties have cornered the market on blaming the president for everything that happens... you know the drill... Thanks, Obama!
“And we voted, and it was really startling. You know you’re watching these hurricanes now, and it’s really hard especially while promoting this movie, not to feel mother nature’s rage and wrath."
That's her exact quote...
Seems clear to me.. But then again, I am not consumed with PTDS, so I understand it might not be clear to ya'all...
Did you actually hear her say that or was it just a quote that you read somewhere ... is there video of her saying what you think she said.
We've been through this before, Michale and you should know by now that if you read or even see something that sound too strange to be true it is probably fake.
You should know how easy it is these days to make something sound and look like something else.
I'm having problems with my email and, with everything else that is happening around me, it is making me CRAZY!!!
I hate being out of the loop!!!
I swear to gods, next year I am getting a generator with an electric starter!!!!!!!
I'm having problems with my email and, with everything else that is happening around me, it is making me CRAZY!!!
I recommend rum....
The Gentry half of Montgomery Gentry just died.. :(
Did you actually hear her say that or was it just a quote that you read somewhere ... is there video of her saying what you think she said.
It's a video that I watched and she said exactly what I quoted...
It's a video that I watched and she said exactly what I quoted...
That's what she said. JLaw was trying to avoid the trap that the interviewer was ham-handedly attempting to set for her - a 'newsworthy' anti-Trump quote. In the end, the reporter settled for characterizing the quote as 'insinuating' that Trump was responsible, which isn't what Jennifer actually meant at all.
characterizing the quote as 'insinuating' that Trump was responsible, which isn't what Jennifer actually meant at all.
How do you KNOW that Lawrence didn't mean exactly that??
Did she call you up and explain herself??
Then you DON'T know.. Your ideological slavery WANTS it to be that way.. :D
To understand why I believe we must go back to first principles or, if you prefer, The Prime Directive of Trump:
"What's In It For ME?"
Exactly right. Trump is in it for Trump. Like he said: "Even if the world goes to hell in a handbasket, I won't lose a penny." Believe him. Trump doesn't care what people he screws over, what crimes he commits, nor what "mob" he is in league with... be it foreign or domestic, and he'll look you straight in the eye and lie about who he knows, what he's done, and why he did it. The "why" is always the easiest answer: Money and recognition/praise. He truly is a modern-day Benedict Donald.
I think the Occam's Razor answer to the Prime Directive is pretty obvious: The Prosecution has nailed Trump's butt to a board. Key witnesses have or are about to come clean.
We've come a long way since "Russia is a ruse," haven't we?
All those begging for proffers while being told to pound sand means your testimony will not be necessary in order to make a case. Did you know that the press had the story about Kush trying to set up a back channel at the Russian Embassy in December 2016 but sat on it? If the New York Times had little Donnie's emails, and news outlets have stories they're sitting on waiting for a green light from Mueller's team, what does that tell you? :)
That's what she said. JLaw was trying to avoid the trap that the interviewer was ham-handedly attempting to set for her - a 'newsworthy' anti-Trump quote. In the end, the reporter settled for characterizing the quote as 'insinuating' that Trump was responsible, which isn't what Jennifer actually meant at all.
I don't see what the big deal is with righties, though, about this one JLaw interview. I know another celebrity who spent 5+ years outright lying about the president, accusing him of all manner of ridiculous things like being a Muslim sympathizer born in Kenya and asking for his "papers" and all that birther nonsense... all of which he knew was NOT true, but "when opportunism knocks," you know. Well, that very same celebrity changed his political affiliation from Democrat to Republican, and the rest is history.
If JLaw keeps this up and cares to switch parties, the righties might well make her their next Celebrity POTUS since their hypocrisy kind of knows no bounds. :)
Anybody else watching The Tick on Prime? It's really good!
I am not usually a sucker for advertising, but I saw the actor who plays "the tick" on the Late Show and added it to my Watchlist that night. Should I watch The Tick first or Season 5 of House of Cards on Netflix?
I am a sucker for FU (Frank Underwood) and his lessons in ruthlessness.
Most politicians are permanently chained to that slogan, "family values," but when you cozy up to hookers and I find out, I will make that hypocrisy hurt. ~ Frank Underwood
That Frank is a real Gaffney peach. :)
So... Any *FACTS* to support your claim that Lawrence didn't mean what she said??
Any facts at all??
Didna think so.. :D
Everybody else, please remember I am in Florida along with Michale too. I hope all of us in Florida stay safe.
Okay... so you got a generator... Got a boat? I just heard the forecast is Category 5 when it hits the keys.
Stay safe is right: Run, Floridians run.
Then go back AFTER. Seriously.
Kick - 39
I' would start with Tick. All 6 episodes require less than 3 hrs of your time and none of it is wasted....provided you have a fondness for classic comic book heros, Adam West speak, Agents of Shield overkill and the earlier Tick series. It's Marvalous
Old Chum.
I love the Agents of Shield and all the Avengers' movies. I even loved "Ant Man"... especially that GIANT TANK!
So it's The Tick first then... this weekend... in between watching the Floridians in "As the World Churns." :)
John M. and Michale:
Stay safe. I;every got a friend who is in the path of the eye and she and her family are staying put. I've never been in a hurricane so can't comment, but they are 5 miles inland and think it is the safest thing to do (the alternative being risking getting caught in their car in a huge traffic jam).
Scare stuff. Here in CA it is the earthquakes that worry us. A huge one in Chile a few years ago, another huge one yesterday in Mexico - the plate is spinning and we are on the path of pressure - if it even works like that.
Stay safe.
re: The so-called Hastert Rule
A majority of House republicans did vote for the deal.
While CWs comments about the debt ceiling are accurate, that it is an anachronism that needs to get gone, it wasn't always thus.
The debt ceiling is a relic of the past. It was a good thing at one time. It wasn't meant to be used as a bludgeon to point out debt in a PR way.
It comes from the beginnings of WWI, when Congress used to take days to come together (they were taking trains from the West Coast).
In the days before credit cards even existed, the debt ceiling was the President's credit card. Congress set it so that the President could borrow money without specific Congressional authorization, on the fly, if needed to do a quick WWI move. Congress set a topline number (credit card limit), but agreed to rubber stamp a president's decision.
Every hurricane prompts ignorant speculation about who or whom God is admonishing. This sort of proposition can't be tested, it is the most pointless sort of editorial. There is no ideological, political or theatrical monopoly on this quasi-religious silliness. To all the soapbox theogians who loudly proclaim who brought on the storm
I say "go defrock yourselves." That goes double for trolls who single out particular offenders to raise an irrelevant political stink when none of any importance exists. That said, stay safe and dry while you you do's only politics.
How do you KNOW that Lawrence didn't mean exactly that?
I wish she had, but I think that the point she was making was more subtle - that one dismisses the effect that 'mother nature' can have (as Trump does by pulling the US out of the Paris accords, for example) at one's own peril. She inserted the phrase 'mother nature' deliberately, because she's promoting a film named "Mother", and obviously one of the things she's doing there is trying to encourage the interviewer to get back to the subject of the interview. Beyond that, who cares?
Amen, brother.
Yes, Oklahoma Truthers Think Obama Used His Anti-Scandal Weather Magic
If you thought 9/11 conspiracy theorists were bad, or the Sandy Hook and Boston bombing truthers were reckless, Obama's meteorological manipulation — perhaps by way of George Soros — all to distract a country from three Washington scandals, well, that might be a new level of ridiculous.
But, obviously, no one in the administration is a mutant who can psionically change weather patterns like Storm of the X-Men. So, yes, the Oklahoma tornado truthers claim the administration whipped up a storm that killed 24 people through HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, in Alaska....
As Gawker's Ken Layne writes, the "stated goal of HAARP is to study the ionosphere and how the spectrum of radio waves works within these upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere." Essentially, HAARP researches communications. But there are budding conspiracy theories that HAARP could be ultimately used to disrupt the ionosphere, and manipulate weather patterns. As one Redditor pointed out, one of the permutations of the conspiracy theory in Moore is that the left-wing financier George "the Sorcerer" Soros is behind all of this.
Check out the trailer for mother!.
It'll bounce your speakers around.
Disclaimer: Actually, it's kind of sickening.
So you see where 'rage and wrath' came from...
I wish she had, but I think that the point she was making was more subtle -
OK, so you THINK that..
Based on what??
But I have to give you credit.. At least you are agreeing with me that it IS what she said...
John M. and Michale:
Stay safe. I;every got a friend who is in the path of the eye and she and her family are staying put. I've never been in a hurricane so can't comment, but they are 5 miles inland and think it is the safest thing to do (the alternative being risking getting caught in their car in a huge traffic jam).
Scare stuff. Here in CA it is the earthquakes that worry us. A huge one in Chile a few years ago, another huge one yesterday in Mexico - the plate is spinning and we are on the path of pressure - if it even works like that.
Stay safe.
Thanx Neil.... Much appreciated...
So you see where 'rage and wrath' came from...
So, you agree that Trump has pissed off mother nature and now she is visiting her "rage and wrath" on the states that voted for Trump...
OK, I respect your beliefs..
I spose that Mexico's earthquake was because Mexico loves Trump so much too, right??
Oh. Wait.. That doesn't work...
Mexico's earthquake was because of Human Caused Global Warming, right!?? :D
Ya Lefties remind me of that FAMILY TIES episode where Jennifer got all activist and claimed that everything bad that happens in the world was caused by humans..
Ya Lefties are a funny lot.. :D
The wind blowing at 125 mph isn't the problem; it's WHAT the wind is blowing at 125 mph that is the problem!
Ron White :D
I've seen pine straw stuck in siding after a tornado that looked like nails from a nail gun. A Volvo's safety ratings don't mean crap when they are thrown onto your roof.
That was found after Hurricane Andrew in 1992...
Yea, it's going to be a wild ride.. :D