Unpacking And Drilling Down Into The Annual Banished Words List

[ Posted Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018 – 18:56 UTC ]

Welcome to 2018! As always, we like to start the year off on a irreverent note, examining the tireless work which takes place every year on the shores of Gitchee Gumee, far up north in the Lake Superior State University of Michigan. This time of year, it's like eleventy-zillion below zero up there, so you can understand why they sit around desperately trying to stave off cabin fever by coming up with the "official" banished words list in their ceaseless attempts to get the rest of us to stop using insipid, incorrect, or repetitive terms quite so much. So, tongue placed firmly in cheek, let's take a look at the 2018 list of banished words, without further introduction.





Onboarding / Offboarding


Let That Sink In

Let Me Ask You This



Drill Down

Fake News

Hot Water Heater

Gig Economy

Not as long a list as some years past, with a few neologisms as well as a few tired old phrases that truly need retirement ("let that sink in" and "let me ask you this," both of which are nothing more than redundancies).

There are a few which really need no explanation (tons, impactful, drill down), which we've all heard and probably used more than a few times. There are, as always, some purely buzzwordy corporatespeak that few would miss, such as onboarding / offboarding, WHICH IS explained as:

Creature from the HR Lagoon. We used to have hiring, training and orientation. Now we need to have an "onboarding" process. Firings, quitting, and retirements are streamlined into "offboarding."

Sheesh. Hadn't heard that one personally, but have to agree that it's pretty insipid. Then there's unpack ("Misused word for analyze, consider, assess. Concepts or positions are not packed, so they don't need to be unpacked.") and pre-owned ("What is so disgraceful about owning a used car now and then?"), as well as that last one, which while we agree is nothing short of pure spin for "you will no longer have any job security or benefits whatsoever in the future, so please get used to it," but whose official explanation kind of left us scratching our heads:

Gigs are for musicians and stand-up comedians. Now expanded to imply a sense of freedom and a lifestyle that rejects tradition in a changing economic culture. Runs a risk of sharecropping.

Not sure what "runs a risk of sharecropping" is supposed to mean, but then we are not fluent in corporatespeak, nor do we pretend to be an economist, so we do admit that others might be less confused.

One word on the list requires explanation as to its specific usage -- dish -- used as a verb: "to dish out the latest rumor on someone. Let's go back to 'talks about' and leave dishes in the cupboard." Nothingburger has an amusing explanation worth quoting: "Says nothing that 'nothing' doesn't already. I'll take a quarter-pound of something in mine." And then, as always, there's at least one that qualifies as either an oxymoron or just tediously repetitive -- hot water heater -- for which L.S.S.U helpfully explains: "Hot water does not need to be heated. 'Water heater' or 'hot water maker' will keep us out of hot water."

And finally, because of the year that was, there are two direct shots at Donald Trump. Covfefe, of course, is defined as "An impulsive typo, born into a 140-character universe, somehow missed by the autocorrect feature." Whereas the reason "fake news" is banished is because of how Trump has twisted the term from a concrete meaning to one that is completely subjective: "Once upon a time stories could be empirically disproved. Now 'fake news' is any story you disagree with." They should have just replaced "you" with "the president" in that definition, really.

Most years, we find ourselves disagreeing with a least a few items on the list, but this year we are limiting this criticism to only one term -- nothingburger -- which we still find fun to use simply because it is so evocative (and because it rolls off the tongue so well, we might add). Hmmph!

In any case, we'll close as we always do, by ignoring the banishment one last time in order to stick the tons of official banished words into one final paragraph. First, let me ask you this: was the whole covfefe kerfluffle as impactful as we all thought at the time? Or was it all just a giant nothingburger? When the media dishes what they believe is dirt on the president, is it worth unpacking or is it just something Trump's going to brush off as fake news? Beyond Trump, when you drill down into the hot water heater that is our new gig economy, does it hold its promise or is it just another excuse for some rampant corporate offboarding? To put the basic question in a more metaphysical way, are the ideas you get from the mainstream media really your own or are they, shall we politely say, pre-owned? That's the big question we'll be asking ourselves in 2018, because we feel it's important for us to all make our own minds up instead. So let that sink in, everyone, as we all hope for a fun and successful 2018!

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


74 Comments on “Unpacking And Drilling Down Into The Annual Banished Words List”

  1. [1] 
    Paula wrote:


  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Eleventy-zillion below zero, indeed! Heh. I thought our winters were supposed to be getting warmer. I'll have to speak to Michale about that. NOT!

    A few words, if I may, to set out my future involvement with this blog ...

    I've (finally) concluded that trying to reason with people who are here only to tap out comments that have no basis in fact, science or reality and who are otherwise incessantly inconsiderate and disrespectful toward their fellow Weigantians is a waste of precious time and certainly far from being a fun-filled stress reliever.

    In future, my interactions here will be limited to (1) those involving thoughtful discussion in a respectful and considerate manner and (2) direct blog responses.

    Therefore, silence should by no means be taken as agreement or concession but rather as a genuine disinterest in being party to a discussion that is non-serious, unnecessarily divisive, petty and/or characterized by sheer fantasy and magical thinking and otherwise outside the realm of reality-based political commentary, often completely lacking both in proper perspective and context. (in other words, I'll just be ignoring the nonsense)

    A heartfelt Happy New Year to you, Chris, and to all those good-hearted souls who come to this excellent blog to participate in thoughtful discussion!

    Oh, and congratulations Chris on reaching your fundraising goal for 2017!!! (check your mail box next week)

  3. [3] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    LizM -

    You beat me to it!

    I was going to be the first comment with the following, but your eagle eyes noticed it before I could...

    Thanks To Everyone!

    As you can see on the graphic at the top, we reached our goal for the annual pledge drive right before the year ended, due to some last-minute pledges. We are grateful to everyone who managed to donate this year, and we look forward to another year of reality-based political commentary ahead!



  4. [4] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    I think I can safely say I've never used a single one of those terms. I'd point out that "pre-owned is nothing more nor less than an euphemism, and I find it more than strange that living as we do in the 'Age of the Euphemism', that whoever chose this year's list restricted himself to that one.

    "The Age of the Euphemism" being so closely tied to political correctness, I'd have thought that far more of that type of words would have appeared on the list.

    Absolutely NOBODY ever 'dies' in an obituary, we all 'pass away'. Nobody's 'homosexual' any more, they were originally 'queer', and then that had to be replaced by 'gay'. (That's the way euphemisms work. As quick as they achieve universal usage, they have to be replaced by an euphemism for the euphemism.) Nobody's ever 'mentally handicapped' these days, that had to be replaced by 'retarded', and retarded in turn had to be replaced by 'special needs', and so it goes, on and on, in the age of PC.

  5. [5] 
    TheStig wrote:

    l confess a liking for "unpacking." It gives a vivid image of deconstructing a concept, examing all the components, figuring out what was lost, left behind, or broken. Sorry to see it banned, even if the promising phrase often turned out to be a nothingburger.

  6. [6] 
    neilm wrote:

    "The Age of the Euphemism"

    "the age of PC"

    When I was a kid there were words your dad said when he hit his thumb with a hammer that you would never, ever hear on TV.

    I also used to watch a light entertainment show called "The Black and White Minstrel Show", which was very popular in the U.K. (I'm going to share a link, because these days it is beyond belief that this show could still be running in the 1970s even in the U.K.:

    Nowadays you can barely turn on the TV without hearing "hammered thumb" words (how's that for a euphemism CRS), and "The Black and White Minstrel Show" is seen as a national embarrassment (but it took until 1978 before it was dropped by the BBC!).

    My point is that culture changes, and it is buffeted by strange winds - just as we are getting more sensitive about insulting groups with offensive crap like blackface singers, we are getting less reserved about swearing, nudity, and soft porn on TV and elsewhere.

    The same people who are upset at the swearing and the nudity bemoan that they can't say racial epithets any longer.

    And the same people who think it is great that TV shows can be "more authentic" with swearing, etc. are up in arms over the latest insult.

    We all really need to take a giant chill pill as a nation. But then, that has been the case forever. We have always enjoyed moaning about "lowering of standards" and "people being over sensitive" at the same time.

  7. [7] 
    Kick wrote:

    Great article and nice list, CW.

    Question: How did "drip drip drip" manage to stay off this list?

    I am sick sick sick of hearing that one! :)

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    " Whereas the reason "fake news" is banished is because of how Trump has twisted the term from a concrete meaning to one that is completely subjective:


    Fake News has ALWAYS been subjective..

    The fact that you only think it's subjective when TRUMP uses it is very telling.. :D

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    've (finally) concluded that trying to reason with people who are here only to tap out comments that have no basis in fact, science or reality and who are otherwise incessantly inconsiderate and disrespectful toward their fellow Weigantians is a waste of precious time and certainly far from being a fun-filled stress reliever.

    Bullcarp #2

    If you don't agree with me, you're wrong....

    Jeezus, what happened to you people???

    Are ya'all so brain damaged by President Trump you forget what it's all about here??

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:


    Explain to me how it's ME who is "otherwise incessantly inconsiderate and disrespectful toward their fellow Weigantians"....

    I know you will ignore this like you ignore all the other comments that show you are wrong...

    But it sure would be nice to see you practice what you preach.... :^/

    I won't hold my breath...

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    I mean, seriously, Liz..

    You always bitch at me for being "inconsiderate" and "disrespectful" yet, you let Paula's comments that Trump Supporters are people who would pull the levers on Hitler's gas chambers go unchallenged??

    Yunno, it's probably BETTER you don't want to converse with me..

    I don't think *I* would want to converse with someone who approves of comment's like Paula's.....

  12. [12] 
    TheStig wrote:


    "words your dad said when he hit his thumb with a hammer that you would never, ever hear on TV."

    Until Deadwood. That show was a profanity per minute record breaker. Completely anachronistic, Old West swearing was based more on blasphemy than scatology/anatomy, but as one of the writers noted, if they used authentic period language everybody sounded like Yosemite Sam.

  13. [13] 
    TheStig wrote:


    I agree with your assessment of the state of the comments section and your reasoned response to it. Troll-ism makes a comment section lengthy, repetitive and toxic. The Huffington Post and YouTube serve as cautionary examples. YouTube's demographic appears to be dominated by 8yr. olds, Neo-Nazis and readers of the National Enquirer.

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    I agree with your assessment of the state of the comments section and your reasoned response to it. Troll-ism makes a comment section lengthy, repetitive and toxic. The Huffington Post and YouTube serve as cautionary examples. YouTube's demographic appears to be dominated by 8yr. olds, Neo-Nazis and readers of the National Enquirer.

    Says the guy who approves TRUMPERS ARE NAZI WHO GAS JEWS type comments....

    Yunno what is funny here??

    It's YA'ALL who set the standards here.. All your hate-filled personal attacks and all your cutesy name-calling and such... It's YA'ALL who not only STARTED that, but also reveled in it.. Ya'all had frakin' CONTESTS to see who could be the most hate-ful and hurt-ful...

    And not only do ya'all have the temerity to sit back and say, "Gee!! Why are things so bad in here!!!???" ya'all have the unmitigated *GALL* to actually BLAME it on others, whose *SOLE* "crime" is simply disagreeing with ya'all's hysterical hatred...

    If ya'all really need an answer as to why things are so bad here, all you need to do is look in a mirror...

  15. [15] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Did I mention any names, Michale? If the shoe fits, wear it. :)

  16. [16] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Having said that, you have it in your power to make this a better place ...

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    Did I mention any names, Michale? If the shoe fits, wear it. :)

    Oh, so now yer being cute... How typical...

    Having said that, you have it in your power to make this a better place

    Yes, by shutting up and simply saying "YES MAASSAA" to everything you and your hater friends say..

    The fact that ya'all expect and demand that should indicate to you how far off the reservation ya'all have gone...

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    Point being, ya'all demand civility, yet yer not willing to be civil..

    You demand tolerance, but yer not willing to be tolerant..

    You demand respect, but yer not willing to be respectful..

    In short, ya'all are the problem here...

  19. [19] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:


    The Negro thing epitomizes the "Age of the Euphemism" situation. "Negro" (meaning 'black' in all of the many languages that derived/evolved from Latin) evolved into 'nigrah' in the southern drawl form of English, but was never originally considered pejorative, then into 'nigger' by southern whites bitter over losing the civil war, which obviously WAS considered derogatory, then into 'colored' at the beginning of the "Age of Euphemism", and finally into 'of color', for which I expect we will soon need come up with a 4th generation euphemism.

    However, regarding the Minstrel thing, there are almost no 'black/negro/nigger/colored/of color' people in my part of the country, so I may not have an accurate perspective on that situation, but as far as I'm aware, nobody felt that the old Al Jolson blackface movies constituted an insult to "people of color". Attitudes definitely do evolve, and not always rationally.

  20. [20] 
    TheStig wrote:


    Excellent to see reach its pledge goal!

    There should be plenty to write about in 2018. Speaking of shoes (16), pace's an ultra-marathon not a sprint! How you manage to do what you do, day after day, year after year is beyond my comprehension. Stretch, drink plenty of fluids. :)

  21. [21] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    TS, you have no idea ... :)

  22. [22] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:


    The worst example of PC gone mad is the phenomenon of people taking offense at "cultural appropriation". The lovely Julianne Hough got in hot water over a mild version of 'blackface' at a costume party, and somebody else I heard of was offended by a white person wearing a sombrero and serape to a costume party.

  23. [23] 
    neilm wrote:

    Fake News has ALWAYS been subjective.

    Har har.


    A person who lies constantly, on record, and calls the truth "Fake News" because he doesn't like it, is using the term subjectively.

    Fake News used to be a euphemism for lies. Now we just call the President a liar, because that is what he is.

  24. [24] 
    neilm wrote:

    Attitudes definitely do evolve, and not always rationally.

    Exactly. Al Jolson did not use blackface in an insulting fashion, in fact he was well liked by the African-American community - and I'm not sure that the entertainers who put on blackface for "The Black and White Minstrel Show" meant any disrespect, however there was a disturbing level of cultural insensitivity in the U.K. at the time.

    For example, if I cut a coupon from my Robertson's marmalade jar and send 10 of them to the Robertson Jam company, I'd get the following badge in return. And, at the age of 8 or 9, like many young British kids, I went to school sporting my badge with pride:

    Yup, I was a happy member of the club.

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Fake News has ALWAYS been subjective.

    Har har.


    A person who lies constantly, on record, and calls the truth "Fake News" because he doesn't like it, is using the term subjectively.

    Fake News used to be a euphemism for lies. Now we just call the President a liar, because that is what he is.

    TRANSLATION: When the hysterical NeverTrumpers claim "Fake News" it really IS Fake News..

    Otherwise, it's not..

    Once again, I wish you could step back out of your Party Slavery and see your incessant and blatant bigotry...

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:


    The worst example of PC gone mad is the phenomenon of people taking offense at "cultural appropriation". The lovely Julianne Hough got in hot water over a mild version of 'blackface' at a costume party, and somebody else I heard of was offended by a white person wearing a sombrero and serape to a costume party.

    A perfect example of the moronic-ness of the hysterical Politically Correct Left Wingery....

  27. [27] 
    neilm wrote:

    The worst example of PC gone mad is the phenomenon of people taking offense at "cultural appropriation".

    There is no doubt that, when emotions get high, extremists on all sides come out of the woodwork and become easy signposts for other extremists to use.

    Michale spends most of his waking life, it seems, looking for "left wingery" that riles his passions and lets him go on "whataboutism" rants.

    Note: when I see any comment from Michale in boldface I completely ignore it. I also ignore any comment after the first two on a rant list - and I probably read more of Michale's oeuvre than most people on this board.

    Between Michale and The Guardian I have my nanny brigade on the left and the right, highlighting slights that are intended or not, frivolous or serious, truthful or made up.

    The burden of the sensible person is to realize certain truths:

    1. Angry people are always going to find something to be angry about
    2. There have always been angry people, and usually more than just people
    3. The goal is to be just, not angry - if there is a wrong, right it, but don't go overboard in any direction

    The challenge is where society draws the line of what is right and what is wrong. Gollywog badges were seen as fun kid stuff 40 years ago in the U.K., but are now seen as part of a real problem of negative stereotyping.

    In 50 years time will my kids look at the pictures of them at 5 years old in huge Sombreros we used to get for free when we took them to our local Mexican Restaurant on their birthday and wonder what was wrong with their parents?

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Michale spends most of his waking life, it seems, looking for "left wingery" that riles his passions and lets him go on "whataboutism" rants.

    Michale spends most of his waking life getting slapped by left wingery because he chooses to spend time in a forum that USED to be populated with friends..

    There.. fixed it for you..

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    President Trump..

    Manufacturing in the U.S. Just Accelerated to Its Best Year Since 2004

    Making America Great Again...

    And THAT is what fuels all ya'all's hatred.... :D

  30. [30] 
    neilm wrote:

    A perfect example of the moronic-ness of the hysterical Politically Correct Left Wingery....

    A perfect example of:

    Michale spends most of his waking life, it seems, looking for "left wingery" that riles his passions and lets him go on "whataboutism" rants.

    You are making it like shooting fish in a barrel here Michale - can I just remind you, you don't need to be a constant nagging nanny about every slight and microaggression you perceive from the "left wingery".

    We get it. You're a right wing Republican. Now, support your points with well sourced facts, stop playing "I'm offended so whatabout ...", it is boring Paula. And Elizabeth. And me.


  31. [31] 
    neilm wrote:

    Manufacturing in the U.S. Just Accelerated to Its Best Year Since 2004

    You do know that this is a poll of sentiment. Just want you to be aware, because you don't usually like polls, but for some reason you like this one.

    Factory index climbed to 59.7 (est. 58.2) from 58.2 a month earlier; readings above 50 indicate expansion

  32. [32] 
    TheStig wrote:


    OMG :)

    I'd never heard of The Black and White Minstrel Show...

    Found a clip on YouTube:

    Best bizzaro use of Brazil since, well the movie Brazil.

    If SNL ever latched on to BWMS it would be quite a hoot.

    I'm not sure which ethnicity should be the more offended.

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    You do know that this is a poll of sentiment.

    Which YOU don't mind quoting if it fits in your Party slavery...


  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    - can I just remind you, you don't need to be a constant nagging nanny about every slight and microaggression you perceive from the "left wingery".

    And YOU don't need to be such a nagging nanny about every slight and microaggression you perceive from President Trump...

    Yet, here you are.. :D

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    We get it. You're a right wing Republican.

    That's YOUR claim...

    And yet, someone who's objectivity is beyond reproach says otherwise.. :D

    OK, that photo of the guy I like to refer to as "RNC PR BS" (without the vowels, in other words) is freakin' hilarious!

    I don't say this to you often, but this proves you have a true independent heart (and not, as most assume, the dark heart of an uber-Republican). If you were just a GOP stooge, you never would have posted that link...


    So, who are we to believe.. Your obvious and blatant bigotry???


    Someone whose objectivity is beyond reproach???


    You see, this is EXACTLY ya'all's problem..

    You confuse your own Party bigotry and slavery with facts and reality...

    You really need to work on that...

  36. [36] 
    Paula wrote:

    News of note today:

    In late June, the Commercial Bank of Dubai sought—and later received—permission to subpoena Ivanka Trump’s now-defunct fine jewelry line, claiming its diamonds were used in a massive scheme to hide roughly $100 million that was owed to the bank, according to filings at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

    My goodness what a bunch of upstanding citizens we have, currently infesting the WH.

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    My goodness what a bunch of upstanding citizens we have, currently infesting the WH.

    Bill Clinton: A Reckoning
    Feminists saved the 42nd president of the United States in the 1990s. They were on the wrong side of history; is it finally time to make things right?

    And YOU wanted to put this rapist back in the White House...

    How do you sleep at night???

  38. [38] 
    Paula wrote:

    Of course, the BIG story is probably the NYTimes OpEd by the guys at Fusion GPS, talking about how congressional republicans have been hiding the dirt on DT, selectively leaking and trying to discredit the Steele Dossier. They are calling for the transcripts of their 21 hours of testimony to be released.

    Republicans have refused to release full transcripts of our firm’s testimony, even as they selectively leak details to media outlets on the far right. It’s time to share what our company told investigators.

    We don’t believe the Steele dossier was the trigger for the F.B.I.’s investigation into Russian meddling. As we told the Senate Judiciary Committee in August, our sources said the dossier was taken so seriously because it corroborated reports the bureau had received from other sources, including one inside the Trump camp.

    The intelligence committees have known for months that credible allegations of collusion between the Trump camp and Russia were pouring in from independent sources during the campaign. Yet lawmakers in the thrall of the president continue to wage a cynical campaign to portray us as the unwitting victims of Kremlin disinformation.

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yea.. The same NY Times who have printed complete and utter bullshit about President Trump and have had to print bunches of retractions..

    Of course, THAT's your source.. :^/

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    25 degree wind chill here in Florida..

    Yea.. Global Warming.. {{chortle}} {{guffaw}} {{chortle}}

  41. [41] 
    neilm wrote:

    Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon has described the Trump Tower meeting between the president’s son and a group of Russians during the 2016 election campaign as “treasonous” and “unpatriotic”, according to an explosive new book seen by the Guardian.

    Bannon, speaking to author Michael Wolff, warned that the investigation into alleged collusion with the Kremlin will focus on money laundering and predicted: “They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV.”

    Oh dear.

  42. [42] 
    neilm wrote:

    The real action is with Mueller. The hiring of a money laundering expert to work on the investigation has to be causing some squeaky bum time in 45's family.

    All along I've said that the real issue is not collusion with Russia during the election - I think 45 and his clan are too stupid to be trusted by anybody involved in something nefarious.

    The real problem for 45 and the clan is money laundering. After the NY/City money shut down they needed to fund a debt heavy business from somewhere. And that somewhere could very well be Russian mobsters.

    I'd just like to say, as usual when I make predictions, I get it wrong. It turns out that there were Russians stupid enough to involve 45's family in something nefarious.

    And Bannon agrees with me on the money laundering aspect.

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:


    And Bannon agrees with me on the money laundering aspect.

    So, now Bannon is yer BFF because he is saying EXACTLY what you want to hear..

    You don't find such 180s disturbing??? :D

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    You don't find such 180s disturbing??? :D

    It certainly lays bare your Party Slavery agenda....

  45. [45] 
    neilm wrote:

    I keep telling you Michale, you should have listened to me:

    This is going into AML (Anti-Money Laundering) territory. This is not looking good for 45. How he kept his business liquid after multiple bankruptcies was always an interesting question - he was basically toxic in NY and London, these people are not fools, whatever you think of their greed. If 45 riles up the American public enough to cost either the Senate or the House in 2018 he is in real trouble. Even before then, the Republicans have them in the palm of their hands - all they need to do is threaten a special prosecutor to look into Russian interference with the election and he will roll over and ask how high he needs to jump.

    March, 2017

    Mitch: Support Luther Strange over Roy Moore.
    45: Yes, sir.

    Mitch: Get rid of Bannon.
    45: Yes, sir.

    Mitch: Keep your big mouth shut so you don't screw the tax bill up like you did the Obamacare repeal.
    45: Yes, sir.

    This has got to hurt.

  46. [46] 
    neilm wrote:

    So, now Bannon is yer BFF because he is saying EXACTLY what you want to hear..

    You don't find such 180s disturbing??? :D

    No, I find 180s by Bannon so he agrees with me about AML hilarious - and "crack Don Jr. like an egg on national TV". - great line!

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    You don't find such 180s disturbing??? :D


    Of course you don't...

    That's why I am able to totally demolish your arguments...

    They contain no facts, simply whatever the partisan wind blows at the time..

    Bannon says one thing and he is your most hated enemy... Scum of the earth...

    Bannon says something totally opposite that agrees with you and then he is your BFF.. The most wisest oracle...


  48. [48] 
    neilm wrote:

    Bannon says one thing and he is your most hated enemy... Scum of the earth...

    Bannon says something totally opposite that agrees with you and then he is your BFF.. The most wisest oracle...


    Isn't politics fun.

    So, do you agree with Bannon, or is he now the scum of the earth because he is throwing 45 and his clan under the bus?

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, do you agree with Bannon, or is he now the scum of the earth because he is throwing 45 and his clan under the bus?

    I have no opinion one way or another..

    Unlike everyone here, Party slavery doesn't dictate how I think... :D

    Ya'all should try it sometime...

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    I have no opinion one way or another..

    But I will say that Bannon has always struck me as a slimy oppurtunistic Ted Cruz game show host used car salesman type...

    If you want to call that my opinion of Bannon, I'm OK with that...

    I just don't like to call it that because it's borne of my gut and I like to have FACTS to support my opinions..

  51. [51] 
    Paula wrote:

    [44] neilm: In addition to the "treason" quote from Bannon, is his follow-up:

    Bannon went on, Wolff writes, to say that if any such meeting had to take place, it should have been set up “in a Holiday Inn in Manchester, New Hampshire, with your lawyers who meet with these people”. Any information, he said, could then be “dump[ed] … down to Breitbart or something like that, or maybe some other more legitimate publication”.

    Bannon added: “You never see it, you never know it, because you don’t need to … But that’s the brain trust that they had.”

    IOW, the working with Russians part ain't the problem, the problem is being such doofuses about it! They didn't build in plausible deniability! They should've sent lawyers to get stolen emails and then laundered them through media. That's how you do treason!

  52. [52] 
    Kick wrote:


    But I will say that Bannon has always struck me as a slimy oppurtunistic Ted Cruz game show host used car salesman type...

    Nice drill down. Now unpack that and let that sink in that you have perfectly described Your Orange Worship a.k.a. Benedict Donald, and I'd say we've witnessed a bit of a breakthrough on your part.

    I don't think *I* would want to converse with someone who approves of comment's like Paula's.....

    Your Paula whataboutism and deflection is not at all unexpected, but let me ask you this: Why on Earth would you take the Trump naming contest so personally?

    And, yes, I used the banned words on purpose. :)

  53. [53] 
    Kick wrote:


    IOW, the working with Russians part ain't the problem, the problem is being such doofuses about it! They didn't build in plausible deniability! They should've sent lawyers to get stolen emails and then laundered them through media. That's how you do treason!

    Tip of the iceberg... seriously. :)

  54. [54] 
    neilm wrote:

    “dump[ed] … down to Breitbart or something like that, or maybe some other more legitimate publication”.

    Even Bannon knows the value of Breitbart as a news source.

    AS for denigrating Bannon, as usual you can't point to any proof - no links to comments I've made about him - and the only thing I can remember "calling" him was Sauruman when we were equating the White house rogue's gallery to LOTR villains :)

    In fact, you've said worse things about Bannon than I've seen anybody else say.

    And now 45 is piling on abuse because of his "Don Jr" comment :)

  55. [55] 
    Michale wrote:

    In fact, you've said worse things about Bannon than I've seen anybody else say.


    You haven't seen ANYONE say anything bad about Bannon here???

    Now I *KNOW* you are full of shit...

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:

    And now 45 is piling on abuse because of his "Don Jr" comment :)

    My gods!!!! President Trump is pissed because someone attacked HIS SON!!

    What a HORRIBLE man President Trump must be to do that!!!

    Once again, we see the results of PARTY UBER ALLES

    Even before family....


  57. [57] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    This may have made the list in earlier years, but I cringe whenever I hear 'utilize' replace 'use' as a verb. It makes no sense except as an attempt to sound more educated by utilizing - er, using - a longer word when a short one will do just fine.

    But yes, Chris, all the words on this year's list really do have to go. I suspect covfefe will die its own death soon enough, as it's just a bad joke that doesn't work in any other context than mocking the president. The others, unfortunately, do seem to have legs which need amputating.

  58. [58] 
    neilm wrote:

    You haven't seen ANYONE say anything bad about Bannon here???

    Now I *KNOW* you are full of shit...


    I just don't like to call it that because it's borne of my gut and I like to have FACTS to support my opinions..

    Who is full of it - you have produced zero links to comments showing that I personally denigrated Bannon, and you can't even point to one from anybody else - I'm sure you can find one, because, after all, otherwise all you've got is your gut feeling that you are right, and we all know what your guts are full of.

    You should change your name to Michale-no-facts

    Like yesterday:

    And yet, ya'all claimed that President Trump would destroy the WORLD economy??

    Really? How about a link to prove it?

    Otherwise we'd suspect you might be full of it Michale ;)

    Again. No link.

    Really sad.

    you're just a troll Michale. Face it. Words are cheap and facts are to be made up as convenience dictates. Research is too much like real work, but that doesn't matter when right and wrong are how you feel, not how the world is.

    This is the problem with the right wing in this country at the moment - the story is more important than the reality.

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:

    Again. No link.

    That's because you didn't agree to my terms..

    I am not going to waste my time just so you can dodge or ignore the facts...

    You concede that Silence Gives Assent and then I'll provide the links...

    It's quite simple..

    You don't want to, that's on you..

  60. [60] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    If there indeed is no record of anyone ever badmouthing Bannon on this forum, allow me to be the first one. His attacks on Jeff Flake totally alienated me.

  61. [61] 
    Paula wrote:

    I'm pretty sure I said Bannon is [insert any insult you like]. The "fact" that Bannon may say something "accurate" -- like Don Jr. meeting with Russians at Trump Tower to try to conspire with them to hurt HRC and that it was a stupid and even illegal move -- in no way negates the fact that Bannon is a scumbag. There are multiple scoundrels on the right, and they even have incompatible objectives on occasion!

    [61]neilm: This is the problem with the right wing in this country at the moment - the story is more important than the reality.


    Well, the OTHER problem with the rightwing is that they've accepted dishonesty as being an legitimate tactic to gain their ends. Once it's ok to lie -- by omission and/or commission -- the rot sets in. And "the right" lies, from top to bottom, in large ways and small ways. Not just occasionally. Lying isn't the exception, it is the first place they go. That is what will destroy them in the end, and if they aren't destroyed, our democracy will be.

    I'm not naive and I understand leaders can't always be entirely forthcoming, yada yada. Nor am I saying Dems never lie. But the gulf between dishonesty on the left and right is now canyon-sized. Official dishonesty is corrosive and it has turned the Republican Party into a disgraceful entity. An entity where the likes of a Steve Bannon is perfectly at home. Which should make old fashioned "honorable" Republicans positively shudder.

  62. [62] 
    Kick wrote:

    I will volunteer what I said about Bannon:

    The primary leaker in the White House is Steve Bannon; he talks to others, and they talk to the press. Bannon is a bird on borrowed time; the leaking won't stop until he goes, and Trump can't release him because he knows too much.

    So obviously Trump released Bannon, and obviously Bannon hasn't stopped flapping his gums yet. The leaking in the White House has slowed down but hasn't stopped because Trump happens to be the second biggest leaker in the White House. Trump phones his "friends," and his friends phone the media.

    Trump's projection is well documented, and I would say this nugget today fairly well cements it:

    Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was. It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books. ~ Donald Trump, 01/03/2018

    Trump gave the author of this book full access. The Trump team is at war with each other and always have been... and that, ladies and gentlemen, is Mueller's ace in the hole. :)

  63. [63] 
    Kick wrote:

    If I recall correctly, me and TS were talking about the Gaffney peach, and Paula let us all know that Bannon was out but it didn't really matter because Trump was the cancer on the presidency anyway. I expected Bannon would be ousted and Kelly would remain standing, but I thought it was at least a month or two away at that point.

  64. [64] 
    Paula wrote:

    Of note as well is that, according to the excerpt from the upcoming book is that DT and gang did not expect to win, and therefore never prepared themselves. They didn't vet potential cabinet members, etc. or worry about what they hell they'd actually do once in charge.

    Not only did Trump disregard the potential conflicts of his own business deals and real-estate holdings, he audaciously refused to release his tax returns. Why should he? Once he lost, Trump would be both insanely famous and a martyr to Crooked Hillary. His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared would be international celebrities. Steve Bannon would become the de facto head of the tea-party movement. Kellyanne Conway would be a cable-news star. Melania Trump, who had been assured by her husband that he wouldn’t become president, could return to inconspicuously lunching. Losing would work out for everybody. Losing was winning.

    Among the many horrible ironies is the fact that a cohort of Americans thought Blotus actually gave a damn about them and had plans for making their lives better. (Others were just enjoying the opportunities to be openly racist.) While, I think, Blotus loves having fans, I don't think he feels any responsibility towards them. The job of his fans is to worship him; his job is to inspire their worship by being an outsized personality. Having to do work on behalf of others is something entirely different and of no interest to Blotus at all.

    The rest of the operators who surrounded him were in it for themselves - NONE of them have since risen to the occasion.

  65. [65] 
    neilm wrote:

    Well Paula, I did the research (you know Michale, that thing that you can't be bothered to do, you just make blanket accusations instead), and you were right, you did say "Bannon is ":

    Bannon is genuinely horrible person

    Hardly the worst insult in the World, and I must admit, I agree with you, he is a genuinely horrible person.

    Michale: here is what a proof point looks like:


  66. [66] 
    neilm wrote:

    The Trump team is at war with each other and always have been... and that, ladies and gentlemen, is Mueller's ace in the hole. :)

    Plus the financial records if there has been any coordinated money laundering via Cyprus and/or Deutsche Bank.

    Poor old Deutsche Bank - I worked with them in Frankfurt several years ago and they genuinely want to be a big player but just don't seem to understand some of the rules of the game.

    I remember when another bank based in Japan (that I can't name) wanted to break into the big leagues. I went to Tokyo to visit with them and walked into a conference room in the HQ with my Japanese translator and everybody in the room was either a Brit, and Aussie or a Yank - they had bought an A-Team from the big boys to tell them what to do. Deutsche Bank might have been wise to do the same.

  67. [67] 
    Kick wrote:

    Neil called Bannon a "white supremacist" and "openly racist," but those are both DOBA. Neil also gets bonus points for having nearly used verbatim a phrase from the banished words list:

    Let this sink in......

    Steve Bannon, of the alt-right (read: white supremacist) Breitbart, was just put on the National Security Council, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Security Director have been removed. Trump just replaced two of the most experienced defense chiefs with an openly-racist, former fake news writer. Oh, and he put his son-in-law on the Council too.

    Perhaps in retrospect we can all at least agree that Trump hasn't got a clue about appointing "the best people." Trump is a con artist in waaaayyyyyyyy over his head.

  68. [68] 
    Kick wrote:


    Plus the financial records if there has been any coordinated money laundering via Cyprus and/or Deutsche Bank.

    You don't think Mueller would have the presence of mind to "follow the money," do you?

    You are positively on fire, sir. ;)

  69. [69] 
    neilm wrote:

    You don't think Mueller would have the presence of mind to "follow the money," do you?

    Well, maybe ;)

    The real action is with Mueller. The hiring of a money laundering expert [neilm 1/3/18: Andrew Weissmann] to work on the investigation has to be causing some squeaky bum time in 45's family.

    All along I've said that the real issue is not collusion with Russia during the election - I think 45 and his clan are too stupid to be trusted by anybody involved in something nefarious.

    The real problem for 45 and the clan is money laundering. After the NY/City money shut down they needed to fund a debt heavy business from somewhere. And that somewhere could very well be Russian mobsters.

    June, 2017


  70. [70] 
    neilm wrote:

    The Scavino summons to talk to the intelligence committee is probably sending some shock waves through the White House staff.

    Mueller made it clear from Day 1 that he wasn't playing softball and that people better tell the truth, or else. To re-iterate the point he hauled Flynn up on charges of lying to the FBI.

    Dan Scavino seems like an OK guy caught up way over his head. I don't know much about him but sympathize with his family's medical struggles and subsequent financial challenges.

    I really hope he hasn't done anything wrong (beyond the single Hatch Act violation which seems small potatoes) and tells the truth fully - seeing 45 destroy yet another person would be really sad.

  71. [71] 
    Kick wrote:


    I really hope he hasn't done anything wrong (beyond the single Hatch Act violation which seems small potatoes) and tells the truth fully - seeing 45 destroy yet another person would be really sad.

    Prove it... {{{chirp}}} {{{chirp}}}

    Heh, just funnin' you. From Trump caddie to Trump crime family; Scavino has broken the law.

    I am sure Mueller will be kind and give Scavino enough rope to either hang himself or climb out... exactly as he did with the White House Counsel, Don McGhan.

    As I have said before, Bobby Three Sticks Mueller wouldn't be moving into the White House unless he already had the answers... All the President's Men would be wise to assume that Mueller has them. ;)

  72. [72] 
    Kick wrote:
  73. [73] 
    TheStig wrote:

    neilm-73, kick-74

    The penalty Mr. S. Faces from the Hatch Act is losing a temporay job working for a very bad boss in a very high cost of living region. God....door.....window.

  74. [74] 
    Kick wrote:


    The penalty Mr. S. Faces from the Hatch Act is losing a temporay job working for a very bad boss in a very high cost of living region. God....door.....window.

    What else does the Reverend Mother say? ~ Captain von Trapp, The Sound of Music

    Sure, he could lose his current job, but considering that "Mr. S" has been associated with "Mr. T" since he was a 16-year-old golf caddie and has worked as a full-time employee for him since 2004... and considering that Trump's loyalty only works one way... it's basically the man's entire life on the line in a "no-win" situation. No pressure. ;)

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