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If I May, I'd Throw In Some Two Cents

[ Posted Monday, July 16th, 2018 – 17:12 UTC ]

President of the United States Donald Trump and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin met today in Helsinki, Finland, and after their two-hour one-on-one meeting they gave a joint press conference. Trump wanted to make some history at the summit meeting, and the press conference certainly accomplished that -- but not exactly in the way Trump had wanted. By all accounts -- even those from Fox News, mind you -- Trump gave the weakest performance next to a Russian leader of any American president, ever. It's as if he changed his campaign slogan to "Russia first!" in fact -- it was truly that bad.

In fact, it was so bad that halfway through the press conference, Putin seemed to take pity on Trump's inability to even articulate what America stood for at all, and Putin decided to help Trump out by explaining the American position for Trump. In Putin's words (well, to be fair, in the English words of his Russian-English translator from the transcript), he magnanimously offered: "If I may, I'd throw in some two cents." Putin had to do so because in the entire press conference, Trump could not manage to offer up a single criticism of Putin or Russia -- not a single complaint, not a single admonishment, not a single disparagement, not even a single gentle diplomatic remonstration whatsoever. Not one. Instead, Trump repeatedly took Putin's position rather than the American one. Now, it's one thing to (as Ronald Reagan did) call the Soviet Union "the Evil Empire" in a political speech and then diplomatically not do so when its leader is standing right next to you -- that is the definition of a steel fist in a velvet glove, and that is to be expected in the diplomatic world. Being tough diplomatically doesn't mean insulting other countries' leaders to their faces, after all. What Trump offered up, however, was a rousing defense of the Russian position, both before and after the meeting. This was not a steel fist, this was a blob of mashed potatoes instead.

Trump is quite obviously personally conflicted about Putin and Russia, because he sees any criticism of them as a criticism of his own electoral victory. He reads it all in simplistic terms, as people saying: "Trump couldn't win without Putin's help." To counter this, Trump has to essentially put himself on Putin's side -- which Trump did today, complete with a defense of his Electoral College victory (where he got the numbers wrong, once again) and his continuing obsession with Hillary Clinton's emails and the Democratic National Committee's server. Trump refuses to admit that Russia attacked our election, because doing so would diminish his own victory -- even after 12 Russian officers have been indicted for doing so. Trump was interviewed over the weekend on CBS and was asked if he intended to ask Putin that these 12 Russians be extradited to the United States. Tellingly, Trump flat-out admitted that nobody had even suggested he do so before the journalist asked him about it. In today's press conference, it was Putin who actually addressed the issue of extradition, because once again Trump appeared clueless on the issue.

The reaction to Trump's jaw-dropping performance has been both swift and brutal. Neil Cavuto, usually a Fox News cheerleader for Trump, called the Trump press conference "disgusting." Even the guys on the Fox morning show couldn't bring themselves to blindly cheerlead the president -- which is downright astonishing, for them. Fox even ran an opinion piece with the headline: "Putin Eats Trump's Lunch In Helsinki."

Republican Senator John McCain used even stronger language. His response minced absolutely no words:

President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin. He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as the president made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press, and to grant Putin an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.... No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant.

Even Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (who normally just ignores Trump's bizarre behavior rather than attempt to defend it) put out a statement condemning Trump's performance. Some are even using the word "treasonous" to describe Trump's fawning behavior in front of Putin. The worst part for rightwing commentators was Trump's false equivalence in blaming America for its reaction to Russian aggression. Trump badmouthing America in defense of Putin in such a servile fashion was far worse than his "both sides" defense of white supremacists in the streets of Charlottesville, as many are pointing out.

But what struck me the most wasn't Trump's flailing performance. It was two things Putin said. Both times, Putin helpfully and magnanimously explained Trump's position in the talks, since Trump was standing next to him and refusing to do so on his own. This was beyond astonishing. When else has it been left to a foreign country's leader to explain the American position because our president is either unwilling or incapable of doing so himself? It was downright surreal.

When asked who the public should trust on whether Russia interfered in the U.S. election, Putin or the consensus of the American intelligence service, Trump completely dodged the question to ramble on about Hillary's emails. Putin stepped in with a basic observation about world leaders and diplomacy because Trump failed so badly in his own response (perhaps Putin was feeling sorry for Trump by this point):

As to who is to be believed and to who's not to be believed, you can trust no one if you take this. Where did you get this idea that President Trump trusts me or I trust him? He defends the interests of the United States of America, and I do defend the interests of the Russian Federation. We do have interests that are common. We are looking for points of contact. There are issues where our postures diverge, and we are looking for ways to reconcile our differences, how to make our effort more meaningful.

That's a pretty basic statement of how things stand -- that neither leader should really trust the other one, and that both leaders should stand up for the interests of their own countries. In a more-normal press conference, this wouldn't be at all shocking or even notable. However, in this one it was because Trump couldn't even manage that rather generic level of defending American interests in his own remarks. When Trump refused to even say "I defend American interests," Putin had to say it for Trump instead. That's just bizarre.

The second time Putin had to defend Trump's position (due to Trump's complete lack of interest in doing so) was on the question of whether Trump had brought up Russia's annexation of Crimea in their meeting. This was what touched off most of the sanctions, and is still heavily condemned by most Western nations as the biggest and most egregious illegal land-grab in Europe since World War II. Trump read a prepared statement before answering questions, and he failed to even bring the subject up. He also failed to do so during the question-and-answer period. In fact, during his entire performance Trump failed to utter the word "Crimea" at all. So Putin again decided to take pity on Trump and say what Trump really should have said himself:

President Trump and -- well, posture of President Trump on Crimea is well known, and he stands firmly by it. He continued to maintain that it was illegal to annex it. Our viewpoint is different. We held a referendum in strict compliance with the U.N. charter and the international legislation. For us, this issue -- we put paid to this issue.

Putin apparently felt so comfortable with the state of things that he not only stood up for his own country's interests, but he also had to define Trump's (and, by extension, America's) position on Crimea.

Again, this is the Russian president outlining what should be Trump's biggest complaint against Russia, because Trump refused to do so himself. Of course, Putin then dismissed the opinion as irrelevant and made his own case, but then you'd expect a country's leader to make the case for his own country, wouldn't you?

This is not just Orwellian, it is a script written by George Orwell -- and then rewritten by Douglas Adams, to provide the proper amount of comic absurdity. "Even though the American president is standing right here next to me, he is terrified to mention the word Crimea, so I'll be nice and do it for him -- Trump thinks we did something illegal, but I explained to him that this isn't right and what we did was perfectly OK. Next question?" Over and over again, Trump deferred to Putin on pretty much every contentious issue: America was to blame for the deterioration of relations with Russia, not Russia's annexation of Crimea. Putin strongly denied interfering in the election, so of course I believe him more than I believe the combined analysis of the entire U.S. intelligence service. Boy, Putin put on a great World Cup, didn't he? I just screamed at Angela Merkel for allowing a Russian natural gas pipeline in their country, but hey, America will just have to compete for natural gas markets with Russia because that's the way it goes, am I right? We don't need to extradite those 12 Russian intelligence officers, because Putin has said he'll interview them in Russia and let us know what their stories are -- what a genuinely nice offer! Crimea? Never heard of it. Oh, and thanks for the cool soccer ball, my kid will love it. So long, and thanks for all the two cents.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


91 Comments on “If I May, I'd Throw In Some Two Cents”

  1. [1] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    "The ball is in Trump's court now."

    Indeed. And, on more than one level.

  2. [2] 
    neilm wrote:

    Great column CW! Seeing the whole event laid out in black and white in one column, rather than snippets here and there bring home just how bizarre this is.

    Even FoxNews's web site is trashing Trump. No need to prefix his name with "Treasonous" any longer - he put the prefix there himself today, then underlined it and got Putin to draw a little heart next to the big "T".

    I'm telling you, when the whole story of the last few years comes out the name Trump might be as popular as "Benedict Arnold", "Vichy", or "Quisling".

    What a disgrace - what will it take for the blind hordes to wise up?

    Michale? You're up - explain why it was Obama's fault, Obama already did something "the same", blah, blah blah ... and we are all just going to be so sad in November.

  3. [3] 
    BigGuy wrote:

    The pinnacle of Trump's political needs pyramid is to deflect anything that threatens his perception of the election results. Why else would he end a press conference with a world-wide audience with a rant about witch hunts and FBI agents?

    Also high up is the need to be liked by strongmen. His behavior in Brussels and the U. K. was for an audience of one. His approach with NATO will yield some short term gains but long term losses.

  4. [4] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Somehow, shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue doesn't quit rise to level of what the President of the United States did today.

    How did his performance in Helsinki today not rise to the level of treason?

  5. [5] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Why are Americans so afraid to call a spade a spade with respect to treasonous behavior by a sitting president?

  6. [6] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Or, do they just not care?

  7. [7] 
    neilm wrote:

    In any normal administration today's Maria Butina indictment story would have been the scandal of the Presidency. It puts today's presser into significance that the Maria Butina scandal isn't even the biggest scandal of the day.

    When are Republicans going to wise up?

  8. [8] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    When it's too late?

  9. [9] 
    TheStig wrote:

    CW- "This is not just Orwellian, it is a script written by George Orwell -- and then rewritten by Douglas Adams, to provide the proper amount of comic absurdity."

    That is the best short summary I've seen yet.

    Trump has lot Vogon traits: bad-tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous to name just a few.

    On no account should you allow a Vogon to read poetry at you - and Trump generates Vogon poetry every time he opens his mouth.


    Spite. They want to destroy the country in order to save it. Think of it as a giga Ben Tre, but in the USA instead of Vietnam.

  10. [10] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    What can be done about that?

  11. [11] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    (perhaps Putin was feeling sorry for Trump by this point)

    Or, perhaps, Putin was merely trying to protect his asset, so to speak. Heh.

  12. [12] 
    neilm wrote:

    It has been a bad week for Russian Intelligence Officers. On Friday 12 were "outed" and indicted in Mueller's latest probe.

    But the double whammy came this evening after Putin returned to Moscow. He cut the espionage budget in half because he does not need a U.S. operation any longer, he just needs to ask Trump and he gets all the answers to any questions.

    This is another group of desperate workers that Trump has undercut. There is a "fund me" drive to support these out-of-work intelligence officers.

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, I called it perfectly..

    No matter what Trump did, ya'all would excoriate him over it..

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    Why are Americans so afraid to call a spade a spade with respect to treasonous behavior by a sitting president?

    Because, my dear Elizabeth, you are not hearing from "Americans"...

    You are hearing from a small vocal hysterical minority that is rooted in intolerance, hate and bigotry...

    The true Americans, the patriotic Americans, know that the hysterical NeverTrumpers and their backers, the Lame Stream Media will never give President Trump a fair shake..

    Over 90% of the coverage of President Trump is negative.. NINETY PERCENT..

    Under those conditions, the patriotic Americans just tune out the hysteria and the LSM...

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    It has been a bad week for Russian Intelligence Officers. On Friday 12 were "outed" and indicted in Mueller's latest probe.

    Actually, they were "outed" 18 months ago.. But why let FACTS ruin a perfectly good hysterical rant..

    But the double whammy came this evening after Putin returned to Moscow. He cut the espionage budget in half because he does not need a U.S. operation any longer, he just needs to ask Trump and he gets all the answers to any questions.

    And, of course, you have FACTS that prove this, right???

    It's funny.. You always demand FACTS from me, yet you have no FACTS of your own...

    Why is that??

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    Anyone ever read the Martin Caidin book, CYBORG? It's the basis for the old TV series THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN

    There is a passage in the book that stands out, when I read all the hysterical reactions from hysterical NeverTrumpers..

    Basically Steve Austin is out driving, having some psychological issues with his bionic extremities... A school bus ahead of him blows a tire, over turns and catches fire.. Austin swings into action, ripping doors and windows off left and right saving all the children.. During the course of the rescue, his skin on his bionic arm is shredded and the bionic circuitry shows thru.. A little girl sees the circuitry and starts screaming hysterically... This, of course, fraks with Austin's head, which brings us to the passage at issue..

    (Doing this from memory 20-30 years after reading the book, so don't hold me to exact verbiage)

    "You didn't see it, Rudy.. This little girl was horrified at the monster I have become!!"
    "Steve, look at it rationally.. A little girl, a little girl who would have burned to death, was screaming hysterically because she was going to die.. You saved her life.. Then she saw your arm, so she screamed some more.. Big deal..."

    That's what I think of when I see the caricature that these hysterical NeverTrumpers have become..

    They scream hysterically about President Trump and then he does something they don't like (which is everything) and then they just scream some more..

    Of course, they never have any FACTS that prove anything.. They are just a hysterical little girl who screams and screams and then sees something that frightens them so they just scream some more..


  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    Even FoxNews's web site is trashing Trump.

    How hilarious..

    FoxNews has been denigrated and excoriated and attacked in Weigantia for a decade!!

    But NOW.... NOW that FN says something ya'all want to hear???

    NOW their words are gospel...

    That right there should tell ya'all how utterly and completely down the rabbit hole you have gone..

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:


    Both before and after the Trump-Putin meeting, the cable news coverage was as hostile and hateful toward the president as any this writer has ever seen. The media may not be the “enemy of the people” Trump says they are, but many are implacable enemies of this president.

    That is the atmosphere that President Trump is operating under...

    Pure, unadulterated and totally biased and bigoted hatred from the 5th Estate...

    And even despite this, President Trump has managed to do some pretty awesome things for this country..

    Can you imagine how much good President Trump could do if he got a FAIR shake from the hysterical MSM and the hysterical NeverTrumpers??

    It boggles the mind...

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    How did his performance in Helsinki today not rise to the level of treason?

    “If this be treason, make the most of it!”
    -Patrick Henry

    Obama, whispering to Putin's lackey Mendevev, that if Putin can help Obama win the next election, the Obama could be "felxible" for Putin after he wins...

    THAT was treasonous..

    Funny how ya'all didn't have a problem with that...

    But now, President Trump showing respect to another world leader.... THAT is treasonous??

    Ahh yes.. Obama has a -D after his name, so HIS treason is acceptable...

    Once again.. Step Back.. Mirror...

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:


    More bigotry and hatred from Democrats..

    Ya'all must be SOOOOO proud of your Democrat Party, eh?? :^/


  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Michale? You're up - explain why it was Obama's fault, Obama already did something "the same", blah, blah blah ... and we are all just going to be so sad in November.

    Yea.. That about covers it.. :D

    And just remember who was wrong.. WAY WAY WRONG and who was totally dead on ballz accurate, even down to the EC count... back in Nov of 2016.. :D

    I have a GREAT record of predicting non-Special Election results..

    Ya'all?? Not so much..

    But hay.. I am willing to hold my water and wait til Nov if ya'all are.. :D

    Sheeya right.. When monkees fly outta ya'all's butts.. :D

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    Republican Senator John McCain used even stronger language. His response minced absolutely no words:

    So a Trump hater hates on Trump some more..

    And this is noteworthy???

    I can tell ya what IS noteworthy..

    How ya'all denigrate and attack John McCain mercilessly...

    RIGHT up to the point that he says something ya'all wanna hear..

    THEN his words are gospel.. :D

    Funny how that always is, eh??

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    Obama, whispering to Putin's lackey Mendevev, that if Putin can help Obama win the next election, the Obama could be "felxible" for Putin after he wins...

    THAT was treasonous..

    Funny how ya'all didn't have a problem with that...

    I am also constrained to point out that Obama knew about Russian meddling in the election but did NOTHING..

    One could make the case that it was OBAMA who was Putin's stooge...

    It was OBAMA who let Putin have free reign over our elections...

    Funny how that works, eh? :^/

  24. [24] 
    TheStig wrote:


    Organize and apply pressure. To politicians, press and media.....especially the new and oh so easily manipulated electronic media. Drop Twitter and Facebook. London showed how to get started.

  25. [25] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Michale, if you watched the Putin-Trump press conference, how would you describe what happened?

  26. [26] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I don't know what will work to right America again but, I'm pretty sure it can't withstand too much more of Trump.

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Michale, if you watched the Putin-Trump press conference, how would you describe what happened?

    I didn't watch it so I can't..

    I can only comment on ya'all's reaction to it which is EXACTLY what I predicted it would be..

    Chew on that.. :D

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    I don't know what will work to right America again but, I'm pretty sure it can't withstand too much more of Trump.

    It's gonna have to. Because President Trump is not going anywhere until 20 Jan 2024... :D

  29. [29] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Ignorance is bliss.

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ignorance is bliss.

    It must be, because ya'all indulge in it so much.. :D

  31. [31] 
    TheStig wrote:


    You have every reason to be worried. That said I've never seen Trump get such a pounding from the press.....almost all of it. Even most of Fox sees the bromance for what it is...Trump is a fat, old gelding.

    All - Stop feeding the trolls. Nothing good comes of endless circular arguments....only discord. Trolls exist to sow discord.

  32. [32] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    It might be time to close the comments section, for good.

  33. [33] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    For goodness sake, I mean ...

  34. [34] 
    TheStig wrote:

    Chin up Liz... there is a middle ground.

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    That said I've never seen Trump get such a pounding from the press.....almost all of it.

    Oh what a load of BS...

    There has never been such a pounding from the press since the LAST time there was such a pounding from the press..

    Which was yesterday..

    Ya'all had the EXACT same reaction now as ya'all did when President Trump used cofveve in a tweet...

    This is just more of the same..

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    It might be time to close the comments section, for good.

    I know, I know..

    Facts hurt... Especially when they don't line up with the ideology...

    Buck up.. It's gonna get worse for the Left and the NeverTrumpers as things get better and better for this country..

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    I mean, seriously..

    If you people want to base your arguments on such a tiny cross section of extreme opinion, why not just quote some Hollywood moron instead??

    Make things go much faster around here.. :D

    I'm just sayin'...

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya'all had the EXACT same reaction now as ya'all did when President Trump used cofveve in a tweet...

    Matter of fact, I am betting that there will be LESS commentaries over the Trump/Russia summit than there was over "Cofeve-Gate"...

    You watch.. :D

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    We have the hysterics of the hysterical NeverTrumnpers....

    Donald Trump’s summit message to the Russia collusion witch-hunters: Dream on, losers

    Donald Trump's summit with Putin in Helsinki is not treason, and saying it highlights the hypocritical hysterics of those that cry collusion.

    And then we have the FACTS...

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    I Was the Mob Until the Mob Came for Me

    In my previous life, I was a self-righteous social justice crusader. I would use my mid-sized Twitter and Facebook platforms to signal my wokeness on topics such as LGBT rights, rape culture, and racial injustice. Many of the opinions I held then are still opinions that I hold today. But I now realize that my social-media hyperactivity was, in reality, doing more harm than good.

    How did I become that person? It happened because it was exhilarating. Every time I would call someone racist or sexist, I would get a rush. That rush would then be reaffirmed and sustained by the stars, hearts, and thumbs-up that constitute the nickels and dimes of social media validation. The people giving me these stars, hearts, and thumbs-up were engaging in their own cynical game: A fear of being targeted by the mob induces us to signal publicly that we are part of it.

    A lot of Weigantians, if they are honest, will see themselves in the author... :^/

  41. [41] 
    neilm wrote:

    It has been amusing watching the RWNJs defend Treasonous Trump over the last 24 hours.

    Some, like Michale, have scoured the web looking for feel-good opinions they then claim are "the real facts" (har har).

    Others are dishing up the old "8D Chess" joke (well, it isn't for them, their heads are so far up his ass they haven't grappled with reality for years). I told them to say hello to Michale while they were up there.

    Some more are going with the "peace in our time" drivel.

    Bloody hilarious.

    We have had three major crisis for the country in 4 days:

    1. Mueller indictments with some little "easter eggs" in there about what is coming later

    2. Treasonous Trump doesn't even bother to pretend he isn't Putin's bitch

    3. NRA Russian mole exposed and her activities showing that Republicans love guns and money more than America.

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    It has been amusing watching the RWNJs defend Treasonous Trump over the last 24 hours.

    I guess you have to go back to using "Treasonous" because President Trump *DIDN'T* put it there hisself. :D

    Some, like Michale, have scoured the web looking for feel-good opinions they then claim are "the real facts" (har har).

    Nope, no scouring.. Just the same old sources that deal in facts and laugh at the latest hysterical NeverTrumper's new shiny.. :D

    1. Mueller indictments with some little "easter eggs" in there about what is coming later

    2. Treasonous Trump doesn't even bother to pretend he isn't Putin's bitch

    3. NRA Russian mole exposed and her activities showing that Republicans love guns and money more than America.

    4 major crisis!!!

    I think I read that President Trump farted on the way to the bathroom this morning..

    But thanks for proving my point.

    EVERYTHING President Trump does is a "major crisis" to the snowflakes of the hysterical NeverTrumpers..

    Face reality, my friend.. President Trump is going to be President Trump is going to be President til 20 Jan 2024.. :D

    Better pace yerself or yer gonna vaporlock long before then...

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is simply nothing different in the long litany of things hysterical NeverTrumpers get hysterical over..

    It's ya'all's own fault..

    For almost 2 years, we have been treated to a litany of over the top hysterical factless accusations from the hysterical NeverTrumpers..

    EVERY "transgression" by President Trump is an 11 on the 1-10 scale of heinous catastrophes allegedly caused by Trump..

    And NOW you get all pissy because patriotic Americans et al greet this latest "catastrophe" with a yawn and an "eh"???

    Whine all ya want.. It's ya'all's own damn fault...

  44. [44] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    "Treasonous Trump!" Now there's a new shiboleth for the LWNJ's to 'Trumpet' (Am I clever, or what?) Whatever it lacks in accuracy, it makes up for in alliteration, which probably ranks far higher than accuracy for the LWNJ's anyway!

    Trump was not (or at least should not have been) an unknown quantity for the voters who elect3ed him. We have to presume that folks knew what they were getting.

    I don't enjoy his manifestations of immaturity-cum-incompetence, but the fact that he drives his critics apoplectic definitely has some compensating entertainment value in its own right!

  45. [45] 
    TheStig wrote:


    "Treasonous Trump doesn't even bother to pretend he isn't Putin's bitch"

    The only question left is: what lubricant does Putin use?

    Vaseline or spit?

    It is that bad. It is that sad. Trump IS Putin's bitch.

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Treasonous Trump!" Now there's a new shiboleth for the LWNJ's to 'Trumpet' (Am I clever, or what?) Whatever it lacks in accuracy, it makes up for in alliteration, which probably ranks far higher than accuracy for the LWNJ's anyway!


    Trump was not (or at least should not have been) an unknown quantity for the voters who elect3ed him. We have to presume that folks knew what they were getting.

    I don't enjoy his manifestations of immaturity-cum-incompetence, but the fact that he drives his critics apoplectic definitely has some compensating entertainment value in its own right!

    Damn skippy!! :D

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    It is that bad. It is that sad. Trump IS Putin's bitch.

    Once again.. Immature and childish..

    And not a SINGLE fact to be found...

  48. [48] 
    neilm wrote:

    I don't enjoy his manifestations of immaturity-cum-incompetence, but the fact that he drives his critics apoplectic definitely has some compensating entertainment value in its own right!

    This is what I've said all along - thanks for agreeing CRS. Treasonous Trump's value isn't anything he is going to do for America - his only value is that he upsets the educated and intelligent who have been winning over the last 30-40 years.

    This administration can cosy up to Russia, launch unwinnable trade wars, lock up babies like a villain from Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang and the more decent America reacts, the happier troll America gets.

    Troll America doesn't create anything. It doesn't build wealth, help other Americans or make America and the World a better place. Troll America would rather see America lose than the educated and intelligent succeed, even if they pull the house down on themselves.

  49. [49] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    [48] Yep. Been enjoying your posts this morning.

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is what I've said all along - thanks for agreeing CRS. Treasonous Trump's value isn't anything he is going to do for America - his only value is that he upsets the educated and intelligent who have been winning over the last 30-40 years.

    This administration can cosy up to Russia, launch unwinnable trade wars, lock up babies like a villain from Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang and the more decent America reacts, the happier troll America gets.

    Troll America doesn't create anything. It doesn't build wealth, help other Americans or make America and the World a better place. Troll America would rather see America lose than the educated and intelligent succeed, even if they pull the house down on themselves.



    My candidate was the shittiest candidate on the face of the earth and lost to the second shittiest candidate!!!


  51. [51] 
    neilm wrote:

    Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!

    - Treasonous Trump Tweet, July 15, 2018

    This is all about Mueller - he has really got under the skin of this useless excuse for a human on Friday.

    Very amusing.

  52. [52] 
    Michale wrote:

    Can't wait ta see what the next new shiny is for the Hysterical NeverTrumpers. :D

    I give the current one til the Sunday talk shows.. :D

  53. [53] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Been enjoying [the] posts this morning.

    Would that be kind of like enjoying watching the rapid decline of America?

    The comments here and throughout are a clear indication that America is in deep trouble with little hope of remedy.

  54. [54] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, I refuse to be a part of this anymore.

  55. [55] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    Michale [50]

    OMYGAWD, absolutely LOVE your "translation" - ("WAAAAAA!!, my candidate was the shittiest . . . .etc")

    Could NEVER have said it better myself.!!!!

    (In fact, I HAVE said it myself, MONTHS ago, just with slightly more genteel verbiage.)

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:

    Would that be kind of like enjoying watching the rapid decline of America?

    That was during the Obama years..

    And no.. I didn't enjoy it.. But everyone else here did..

    Now that we are moving at a brisk clip to dismantle Obama's America and get this country back on track???

    I'M LOVIN IT!!!


  57. [57] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    Liz M.

    NO!!!, please do NOT abandon us! You're the last vestige of feminine refinement keeping us bastards from going all crude 'n' rude!!!

  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:

    Michale [50]

    OMYGAWD, absolutely LOVE your "translation" - ("WAAAAAA!!, my candidate was the shittiest . . . .etc")

    Could NEVER have said it better myself.!!!!

    (In fact, I HAVE said it myself, MONTHS ago, just with slightly more genteel verbiage.)

    Yea, I think with one or two exceptions (that appear to have disappeared) it's universally agreed that Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate on the face of the planet....

    I said it many times myself during the election..

    It was a ESTABLISHMENT vs ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT election and Hillary was the WORST POSSIBLE Candidate to choose..

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:

    NO!!!, please do NOT abandon us! You're the last vestige of feminine refinement keeping us bastards from going all crude 'n' rude!!!

    Seconded.. :D

  60. [60] 
    neilm wrote:

    Could NEVER have said it better myself.!!!!

    You could not have transcribed childish noises into a comment?


    That stumped you?

    Give it a few years of practice and you could be as articulate as Michale.

  61. [61] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:


    Why would I want to "transcribe the childing noises"? Those "childish noises" are an exact rendering of the childish noises Dems/Libs are making!

    No "stumping" involved, just a simple duplication, right?

  62. [62] 
    Aloysius McG wrote:

    EM [54] [55]

    I have to say I understand your reluctance to continue to participate in the "discussions" here. I reverted to an occasional reader status after being told some time ago that Michale's contributions were valued on some level by the more reasonable commenters. I always appreciated CW's take on the politics,
    but continued to skip over Michale and replies to him, as both were a waste of time. I agree wholeheartedly that the trolls should not be fed.

    That said, you are one of several knowledgeable and valuable contributors here, and I hope you can continue to add your insights to the conversation. Your viewpoints have been a plus for the site.

    The U.S. is indeed at a critical juncture, which does not have an easy solution.
    That a significant portion of the population has swallowed Russian and extreme right wing propaganda and now controls the Republican Party is tragic. The press conference was indeed a sickening performance by a man who is unqualified to lead a scout troop, much less the nation. No reasonable observer can have watched the last thirty months or so and not conclude that Trump is Putin's poodle. Money laundering? Pee pee tape? Conspiracy to accept rubles and media manipulation for the campaign? All of the preceding? More?

    The indictments and complaint indicate that there may be involvement of Republican leadership. The House will not impeach Trump; the Cabinet will not remove him for incompetence. His advisors cannot control his actions. His unmonitored meetings with Trump raise the distinct possibility that he is indeed a Manchurian candidate.

    I think criminal indictments of more campaign operatives, Republican politicians and even Trump himself are in the pipeline. In my opinion they should come sooner rather than later, as long as the cases are strong. Some on the fringe right will not accept it, and there may well be violent protest.

    But your observation that too many Americans are not calling a spade a spade and don't seem to care, is spot on. Please stay and help us through this time..

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    being told some time ago that Michale's contributions were valued on some level by the more reasonable commenters.

    There's a reason for that, bub.. :D

    I have to say I understand your reluctance to continue to participate in the "discussions" here. I reverted to an occasional reader status after being told some time ago that Michale's contributions were valued on some level by the more reasonable commenters. I always appreciated CW's take on the politics,
    but continued to skip over Michale and replies to him, as both were a waste of time. I agree wholeheartedly that the trolls should not be fed.

    ANd yet, if I were a troll, you just fed me a whole lot...

    So it seems your advice is so bad, that YOU won't even take it.. :D

    The indictments and complaint indicate that there may be involvement of Republican leadership.

    And again, MAY NOT.. What then???

    The House will not impeach Trump; the Cabinet will not remove him for incompetence. His advisors cannot control his actions. His unmonitored meetings with Trump raise the distinct possibility that he is indeed a Manchurian candidate.

    Any facts that prove that???

    Of course not.. All you Trump haters NEVER have any facts...

    I think criminal indictments of more campaign operatives, Republican politicians and even Trump himself are in the pipeline.

    Based on what?? Wishful thinking??

    But your observation that too many Americans are not calling a spade a spade and don't seem to care, is spot on.

    And, once again, there is a reason for that..

    Most Americans haven't swallowed the hate-filled bigoted intolerant kool-aid that is so guzzled with gusto by the hysterical NeverTrumpers...

    If you are an American, then President Trump is YOUR President.. Deal with it..

    If you are not an American, thank you for your opinions, fact-less and hate-filled though they may be.. :D

  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    Why would I want to "transcribe the childing noises"? Those "childish noises" are an exact rendering of the childish noises Dems/Libs are making!


    That about sums up the Democrat Party's strategy for the up-coming mid-terms...

    "The sport ends. The massacre begins.."
    -Grand Primus T'Ceal, STAR TREK, The Final Frontier


  65. [65] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    The only question left is: what lubricant does Putin use?

    Vaseline or spit?

    Trump brand vodka!

  66. [66] 
    neilm wrote:

    Hey Michale, your favorite source for nonsense, "The Hill" is trashing Treasonous Trump now - how's that feel?

    Oh, and they also quote the "Drudge Report" that says that "Putin Dominates" Treasonous Trump in Helsinki.

    This is great. Popcorn time!

  67. [67] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Michale is taking the Lou Dobbs route — claiming that liberals are acting hysterical just like he knew they would so that he doesn’t have to actually defend what Trump said. He ignores the fact that people’s reactions are a justified and reasonable response to such an outrageous act by our President.

    Trump suggested having our DOJ/FBI work with Russian investigators on the Mueller investigation.

    Trump claimed the investigation was why there has been tension between our two countries.

    Trump pretty much spit in the faces of everyone who works for our intelligence agencies and the intelligence agencies of nations that we share intel with.

    Trump showed the world that he is a traitor who also serves as Putin’s penis cozy.

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    The only question left is: what lubricant does Putin use?

    Vaseline or spit?

    Trump brand vodka!

    Com'on people.. Get yer minds out of the gutter!!!


  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:

    Michale is taking the Lou Dobbs route — claiming that liberals are acting hysterical just like he knew they would so that he doesn’t have to actually defend what Trump said.

    NeverTrumpers ARE acting hysterical.. Just as I predicted they would..

    I don't have to defend what Trump said because I didn't see what Trump said..

    I just like laughing at you hysterical NeverTrumpers. Getting the EXACT same level of hysterical over THIS as ya'all did when President Trump said 'cofeve'.. :D

    Its HILARIOUS!! :D

    Trump pretty much spit in the faces of everyone who works for our intelligence agencies and the intelligence agencies of nations that we share intel with.

    He spit in the faces of every intelligence agency who has been co-opted to nullify a free, fair and legal election..

    And I join President Trump in spitting in their faces as well..

    I see you didn't have a problem with Odumbo spitting in the face of every cop in the country.. You bleed blue, but it's a DEMOCRAT blue, not a cop blue.. :(

    Trump showed the world that he is a traitor who also serves as Putin’s penis cozy.

    Jealous?? Maybe YOU wanted to be Putin's penis coozy?? :D


  70. [70] 
    TheStig wrote:

    I'll bet Queen Elizabeth is grinning from ear to ear about Trump's Helsinki Pratfall. "That'll learn him to mind his manners" says The Queen.

    After readers are through posting at, they may want to write/call/E-mail their Congressional Rep, Both Senators, and their Governor. Give the political class a little "encouragement" to do the right thing concerning our Mad Emperor. Probably wouldn't hurt to contact some corporate types about your feelings and how there political fundraising it might translate into your future spending decisions.

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:


    My apologies.. That was a low blow..

    I see you didn't have a problem with Odumbo spitting in the face of every cop in the country.. You bleed blue, but it's a DEMOCRAT blue, not a cop blue.. :(

    Totally uncalled for.. Your LEO credentials are above reproach...

    Again, my apologies..

  72. [72] 
    Aloysius McG wrote:

    Trump just issued a correction:

    Yesterday he was taped asking, "Why would the [Russians attack the election] "
    He meant "wouldn't."

    Of course he did.

  73. [73] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Why are Americans so afraid to call a spade a spade with respect to treasonous behavior by a sitting president?

    Tip of the iceberg, Ms. Miller... much, much more coming. Stay tuned, please.

    There is a reason I've always called him Benedict Donald. :)

  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    Tip of the iceberg, Ms. Miller... much, much more coming. Stay tuned, please.

    Oh.. It's always "coming"... But NEVER actually gets here.. :D

    It's been coming for 2 years now.. And yet.. Bupkis...


  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ocasio-Cortez draws ire from Democrats: ‘Meteors fizz out’

    But while the improbable win made Ocasio-Cortez an overnight progressive superstar, a number of House Democrats are up in arms over her no-holds-barred approach, particularly her recent accusation that Crowley, who has endorsed her candidacy, is seeking to topple her bid with a third-party run.

    Some legislators are voicing concerns that Ocasio-Cortez appears set on using her newfound star power to attack Democrats from the left flank, threatening to divide the party — and undermine its chances at retaking the House — in a midterm election year when leaders are scrambling to form a united front against President Trump and Republicans.

    The members are not mincing words, warning that Ocasio-Cortez is making enemies of soon-to-be colleagues even before she arrives on Capitol Hill, as she’s expected to do after November’s midterms.

    “She’s carrying on and she ain’t gonna make friends that way,” said Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.). “Joe conceded, wished her well, said he would support her … so she doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.”

    Looks like there is trouble in progressive paradise.. :D

  76. [76] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    Oh.. It's always "coming"... But NEVER actually gets here..

    Patience, patience, it's only been a year and a half.

    To use Neil's analogy, the popcorn has barely begun to pop.

    Besides Mueller's investigation, Trump has to worry that the midterms will turn the House blue. Fallout from Trump's Tariff war hasn't begun to be felt yet.
    And that's just the Trump crises we can all see coming.

  77. [77] 
    Kick wrote:


    Patience, patience, it's only been a year and a half.

    It's actually been 2 years now. Look at all those indictments. More coming, and by that I mean I would not want to be Dana Rohrabacher and... let's just say... "others."

    Oh, sure... they can claim that they were just talking to Russians and didn't know who they were, but they should keep in mind how well that worked out for Mr. Rosenberg and family or Alger Hiss.

    To use Neil's analogy, the popcorn has barely begun to pop.

    A very good analogy indeed, but as I have said many times and for a long, long time now, there are indictments under seal. A lot of the popcorn is already popped and ready to eat. Bobby Three Sticks is coming. :)

  78. [78] 
    LeaningBlue wrote:

    [71] He spit in the faces of every intelligence agency who has been co-opted ..

    What agencies or agents would those be, exactly? .

  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    Patience, patience, it's only been a year and a half.

    To use Neil's analogy, the popcorn has barely begun to pop.

    And yet, EVERY revelation ya'all treat as a "bombshell" and the end of Trump..

    So, the advice of "patience, patience" actually applies to ya'all.. :D

    Besides Mueller's investigation, Trump has to worry that the midterms will turn the House blue. Fallout from Trump's Tariff war hasn't begun to be felt yet.
    And that's just the Trump crises we can all see coming.

    Yea.. Just like ya saw a HILLARY Presidency coming..

    Ya'all have been WRONG about everything to date.. :D

  80. [80] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    After more than a yr-and-a-half, Bobby Three Sticks seems to be rather much closer to being Bobby Half Stick, but don't slash your wrists yet, take solace in the fact that those dozen Russians are 'under indictment', and may someday actually die for their hacking sins (die from laughter, that is.)

  81. [81] 
    Michale wrote:


    What agencies or agents would those be, exactly?

    The one's who have stated unequivocally that they don't want a President Trump, that they had an "insurance policy" to prevent it and, if it can't be prevented, then they will take steps to nullify the free, fair and legal election...

  82. [82] 
    Michale wrote:

    After more than a yr-and-a-half, Bobby Three Sticks seems to be rather much closer to being Bobby Half Stick, but don't slash your wrists yet, take solace in the fact that those dozen Russians are 'under indictment', and may someday actually die for their hacking sins (die from laughter, that is.)

    Yea... Mueller's incompetence is well documented... And he has continued that incompetence the last time he issued a Russian indictment..

    Mueller has another month and a half to wrap things up or nothing will happen.. :D

  83. [83] 
    Michale wrote:

    A very good analogy indeed, but as I have said many times and for a long, long time now, there are indictments under seal.

    Facts that prove this??

    {{{ccchhhirrrrpppppp}}} {{{cchhirrrrrpppppp}}}

    Yea, that's what I figured..

    Always the "bombshell", never any facts..


  84. [84] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    The one's who have stated unequivocally that they don't want a President Trump, that they had an "insurance policy" to prevent it and, if it can't be prevented, then they will take steps to nullify the free, fair and legal election...

    And, pray tell, who would that be, outside the fever dreams of the alt-right?

  85. [85] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, pray tell, who would that be, outside the fever dreams of the alt-right?

    If you really have to be told, it's obvious you are completely ignorant of the reality and the facts and no amount of pointing out same will alter your hate filled and bigoted opinion...

  86. [86] 
    Michale wrote:

    Intel Chair: FBI, DOJ Obstructing Trump Probe in Hope of Dem Takeover in Congress

    The chair of the House Intelligence Committee accused the FBI and Department of Justice of stonewalling a sprawling investigation into claims the Trump campaign colluded with Russia with the hope of running out the clock until the November elections, when they anticipate Democrats will regain control of the House and dissolve an ongoing probe that has uncovered evidence U.S. officials sought to cripple Trump's campaign.

    These are the "intelligence professionals" I spit on..

    And they deserve it..

  87. [87] 
    Michale wrote:

    You people are so hellbent on heading into a war with Russia..

    Ya'all are such keyboard warriors... :^/

  88. [88] 
    LeaningBlue wrote:

    [88]: Wait a minute. Isn't that guy supposed to be recused from the Committee's Russian involvement probe?

    When does law enforcement's evidence gathering or criminal charging follow a time line that politicians would prefer? When that happens, you can easily get a Comey problem, or worse.

    Yesterday I said, not in jest, that the Third Act of this play is probably not going to begin until after the election. I don't think that because of anyone's reliance on the chance the Democrats will take the House.

    Rather, it's because it doesn't make sense to land any further big fish until after the Manafort trials. The disclosures and testimony in those trials might even make some of the big fish jump right into the boat.

  89. [89] 
    Michale wrote:


    Time for bed with the wifey, watching THE WIRE (finished BOSCH)

    I'll address this in the morning on the next commentary..

    I have a LOT to say about it..

  90. [90] 
    LeaningBlue wrote:

    In my previous post, I forgot to mention that it doesn't seem that intermission, in my previous analogy, has started yet.

    Regarding the woman charged with building a Kremlin back channel to the Republican party, and, then, to the White House.

    Reporting is that the Feds decided to throw a net over her now because she was getting ready to move. She's evidently been made for a long time, and had even been interviewed.

    Maybe she was going to move. Maybe those internal co-intel guys in Moscow have already started to scrub things down. I dunno, but I'll bet she has a lovely voice.

  91. [91] 
    LeaningBlue wrote:

    [91] I have a LOT to say about it..

    I trust that you do. I may or may not have a chance to check in tomorrow, so I may have to continue to tingle with anticipation longer than I might like ;)

    Enjoy your binge watching, or whatever else an evening in bed might imply for a man your age.

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