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Taking Back The Streets

[ Posted Monday, August 13th, 2018 – 16:13 UTC ]

This weekend, decent people -- and by that, I mean people who are not white supremacists -- took back the streets, in both Washington D.C. and Charlottesville, Virginia. One year after the tragic deaths in Charlottesville (one at the hands of the white-supremacists, two from a police helicopter crash), the neo-Nazis were shamed and shouted down successfully. Thus proving the old adage: "the answer for free speech you don't agree with is more free speech." This time, the voice of decency was louder, which is entirely as it should be.

Denied a permit to stage a repeat event in Charlottesville, the white supremacy movement decided to take their odious act right across the street from the White House, to Lafayette Park. Their numbers were incredibly few, partially because of infighting and chaos within the whole "alt-right" movement since Charlottesville. While the stated point of the original Charlottesville gathering was to protest against Civil War monuments and statues coming down all across the South, the secondary goal was right there in the name of the rally: "Unite The Right." The openness of the white supremacists' previous actions (in Berkeley, California, and elsewhere) had encouraged them to hold a joint rally of all their various different hate groups as a show of strength. Look at the videos from Charlottesville, and you'll see hundreds of tiki-torch carriers marching. This was pretty astonishing, since these rallies are usually pretty small, with no more than a couple of dozen attendees.

But the unity of the alt-right was already beginning to fray, as evidenced by the interviews with white supremacists that were taped at the time. Since then, the unity has completely collapsed, which is why there was almost no one at the D.C. rally this weekend. All the other groups that had been in Charlottesville declined to participate, leaving the rally what these things usually are -- a few dozen hate-filled individuals ranting in the streets.

In contrast, the protesters against the white supremacists had a huge turnout, in both cities. The forces willing to march in the streets to denounce the neo-Nazis were strong last year in Charlottesville, and they were even stronger this year in both places. Which is entirely as it should be. When vicious idiots march to publicly display their hatred, the thing to do is to denounce them as loudly as possible. This was more than accomplished this weekend. Those who stood up to be counted against racism vastly outnumbered those who espoused it.

Many commented on the heavy police presence in both cities. This was also as it should be, really. The police in Charlottesville failed so utterly at any semblance of keeping the peace last year, that this year they were determined not to repeat their disgraceful performance. PBS just aired a new documentary (on Frontline) about last year's rally which shows video of a man being viciously beaten in a parking garage, which was located right next to a police station. When people ran out of the parking garage and yelled at a line of cops standing in front of the police station that a man was being attacked, the cops -- on camera -- did absolutely nothing. One man can be heard yelling: "Do your damn jobs!" while the police ignored both him and the violent crime which was taking place under their noses.

More telling are all the videos of the two groups attacking each other in the park. There are no cops to be seen -- anywhere. A riot begins to break out, and the cops are completely absent. Obviously, this is a textbook example of how not to police protesters and counterprotesters.

This time around, Charlottesville was almost locked down in anticipation of the anniversary. Police were everywhere, complete with checkpoints and searches. Was this too much -- too heavy an overreaction? That argument can be made, but it's easy to see why they instituted such measures, considering what happened a year ago.

In D.C., the cops are a whole lot more used to this sort of thing. Protests are an almost-daily occurrence in Washington, which makes perfect sense since it is the seat of government. What this means is the cops are a lot more used to crowd control, and also more used to keeping antagonistic groups separated so violence between the groups cannot easily take place. The police did get some criticism for the way they handled things this weekend, but again these measures didn't seem wildly inappropriate seeing as how the protesters' group was so tiny compared with the counterprotesters, who numbered in the thousands. The cops reportedly cleared out a train car for the white supremacists to use, and then closely escorted them into Lafayette Park, through an entrance entirely separate from the counterprotesters. Again, there were so few of them that most of the counterprotesters didn't even notice them entering. They shouted their odiousness for two hours while being completely drowned out by the counterprotest, and then they were whisked away in vans, again to avoid any possible conflicts.

No arrests were made in D.C., and there were no fights or direct conflict between the two groups. At the end of the day, that's a pretty good outcome as far as the police were concerned. They did get complaints of "providing a private train car" to the white supremacists, but doing so did avoid any rolling fights on board. The police in D.C. may have overreacted a bit, as in Charlottesville, but it's hard to argue that the outcome wasn't a whole lot better than what took place last year.

As usual at such events, there was also a contingent of black-clad "antifa" (antifascist) or, if you prefer the older term, anarchist demonstrators among the counterprotesters. They were spoiling for a fight that, in the end, they did not get. There were a few minor altercations with cops, but not with the actual white supremacists. However, this one tiny faction of the counterprotest was easily identifiable and quite obviously rejected by the thousands of peaceful protesters who formed the bulk of the crowd. The message of rejecting violence was not shaken even by those few advocating violence in response, to put it another way.

What I saw reported from the media this weekend was overwhelmingly heartening. Heather Heyer's legacy may become an annual anti-Nazi march on this date, who knows? It certainly would be an appropriate way to celebrate her life. Most of the white supremacists were too afraid to even show up this weekend, because they knew the crowds protesting them would be enormous -- many multiple times the pathetic turnout they could manage, even on their best day. The message is clear: when neo-Nazis march in the streets, the best response is to organize a counterprotest and drown them out with a much bigger voice. America is better than white supremacy and neo-Nazis, and a public reaffirmation of that might be a good thing on an annual basis, at least for the next few years (until after the 2020 election, say). Which is why it was indeed so uplifting to see exactly that happen this past weekend.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


86 Comments on “Taking Back The Streets”

  1. [1] 
    neilm wrote:

    I wish the violence-seeking Antifa would take a hike - we don't need them, the decent people are waking up in this country at last. CW is right, we can take back the streets.

    There have been several massive rallies in my home town since 2016, each of which was larger than anything seen for a decade. For the most part the most passion-rousing aspect has been the informal clever poster competition.

  2. [2] 
    neilm wrote:

    "Clever Poster Competition" - should have used quotes there.

  3. [3] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: The message is clear: when neo-Nazis march in the streets, the best response is to organize a counterprotest and drown them out with a much bigger voice.

    I like your way of thinking!

    It's the best way to handle morons too... just keep responding to their ignorance with facts and drown them with their own stupidity. ;)

  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    I wish the violence-seeking Antifa would take a hike - we don't need them,

    Funny how you don't condemn them when they are attacking Americans..

    As ya'all have established at Charlottesville, SILENCE GIVES ASSENT

    If you REALLY want them to stop, then you should condemn them as passionately as you condemn Trump supporters..

    But you really DON'T want them to stop, do you..

    Violence and hate and intolerance is perfectly acceptable to you, as long as it's the RIGHT people being attacked..

  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    More telling are all the videos of the two groups attacking each other in the park. There are no cops to be seen -- anywhere. A riot begins to break out, and the cops are completely absent. Obviously, this is a textbook example of how not to police protesters and counterprotesters.

    That's what happens when you have a Democrat state government wanting violence to further their political agenda..

    Cops were given STAND DOWN orders to facilitate violence from the Left so as to blame it on the Right..

    However, this one tiny faction of the counterprotest was easily identifiable and quite obviously rejected by the thousands of peaceful protesters who formed the bulk of the crowd.


    How EXACTLY was it "quite obviously rejected"???

    What I saw reported from the media this weekend was overwhelmingly heartening.


    National Media Under Fire For Lack Of Antifa Violence Coverage In Charlottesville, D.C.

    Maybe you need to expand your media viewing.. :D Expose yerself to... yunno... reality.. :D

    I'm just sayin'...

    Heather Heyer's legacy may become an annual anti-Nazi march on this date, who knows?

    Ahhh the Antifa terrorist.. Yea.. SHE deserves a "legacy" :^/

    Most of the white supremacists were too afraid to even show up this weekend, because they knew the crowds protesting them would be enormous -- many multiple times the pathetic turnout they could manage, even on their best day

    Any FACTS that proves this??? Any FACTS at all?? No??? :D

    Which is why it was indeed so uplifting to see exactly that happen this past weekend.

    Yea, if ya wear blinders and see only what you want to see, not what is really there..

    Com'on CW.. There was violence all over the place...

    Threats to kill the President, attacks on news media...

    But it was from LEFT Wingers, which is why ya'all want to ignore it..

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's the best way to handle morons too... just keep responding to their ignorance with facts and drown them with their own stupidity. ;)

    This is crack-whore Welfare Girl's idea of "facts"...

    Your projection is again duly noted, and I see those multiple mugshots are still easily searchable.

    Sorry, Michael... it is decidedly so and shall remain ever thus because crime doesn't pay, and the mugshots last forever. :)

    Threats of DOXing...

    Then your swamp in Shithole must just be overflowing with hate. :)

    Personal attacks..

    That's how a crack whore bitch uses "facts".... :^/

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Welfare Girl,

    Word is your welfare check ran out so you had to go to other sources for food..

    Have you always had such a weight problem??

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Think back to how nice and civil things were when Welfare Girl was gone. No binge name-calling, no personal attacks, none of that..

    Sure, there was conflict but it was civil and, if not respectful, at least decent..

    Then Welfare Girl shows up and she starts attacking everyone she disagrees with, with name-calling and personal attacks..

    Things are so much nicer around here when she is gone..

    This is fact..

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    London car ramming treated as terror incident, police say; suspect in custody

    Maybe the UK should ban cars, eh? :^/

  10. [10] 
    John M wrote:

    [4] Michale

    "Violence and hate and intolerance is perfectly acceptable to you, as long as it's the RIGHT people being attacked.."

    Oh that's funny! That's REALLY rich! This coming from the man who considers ONLY Trump supporters to be REAL, patriotic Americans. Who regularly vilifies Democrats and liberals as neither patriotic or REAL Americans.

    Wow, choke on your hypocrisy and double standard much? I'm surprised you can even get it out with a straight face.

    You have absolutely NO moral authority to criticize. NONE.

  11. [11] 
    John M wrote:

    [5] Michale

    "That's what happens when you have a Democrat state government wanting violence to further their political agenda.."

    You do remember this was Virginia right? A mostly southern conservative state with a long history of segregation.

    "Cops were given STAND DOWN orders to facilitate violence from the Left so as to blame it on the Right.."

    And yet the most recent totally peaceful protest Was handled by the D.C. government, the most liberal, Democratic, and African American government in the nation, with a huge, engaged well run police presence.
    Seems to me that kind of hurts the narrative you are trying to spin.

    By the way, while we are at it, there is no EQUIVALENCE whatsoever, either moral or otherwise, between Klan and Nazi protesters on the one hand, and those on the other side. They are certainly Americans and entitled to free speech, but that's as far as it goes.

    "Heather Heyer's legacy may become an annual anti-Nazi march on this date, who knows?

    Ahhh the Antifa terrorist.. Yea.. SHE deserves a "legacy""

    PROOF? I would love for you to make such a vile denigrating comment right to her mother's face in person. Would you call Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King terrorists too?

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    You do remember this was Virginia right? A mostly southern conservative state with a long history of segregation.

    What part of DEMOCRAT STATE GOVERNMENT was unclear to you???

    And yet the most recent totally peaceful protest Was handled by the D.C. government, the most liberal, Democratic, and African American government in the nation, with a huge, engaged well run police presence.
    Seems to me that kind of hurts the narrative you are trying to spin.

    Does it??

    My narrative is NOT the "most recent" protest, now is it??

    No, it's not.. So, because you CAN'T address the FACTS of my point, you try to make it about another point...

    Just like yesterday where you claimed the article I posted said something it did not even come close to saying..

    By the way, while we are at it, there is no EQUIVALENCE whatsoever, either moral or otherwise, between Klan and Nazi protesters on the one hand, and those on the other side.


    No equivelance at all, eh??

    Yea, thanks for proving my point.. Ya'all don't mind violence when it's directed at the RIGHT people...

    PROOF? I would love for you to make such a vile denigrating comment right to her mother's face in person.

    Why would I want to upset a grieving mother with FACTS??

    But the FACT is, her daughter was with a group of antiFa terrorists. That's why the scumbag in the car aimed for them.. Because moments before, antifa scumbags were beating on his car..

    And antifa terrorists attended the girl's funeral to pay their respects to a fallen comrade..

    She was either a terrorist or a terrorist groupie.. Either way, I shed no tears for her passing. One less terrorist/terrorist wannabe on this planet is a GOOD thing...

    Would you call Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King terrorists too?

    If Parks or King committed the kind of terrorist acts that antifa is known for, then yes.. I would call them terrorists..

    But they didn't so your question is totally ridiculous and unequivocally non-sequitor...

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh that's funny! That's REALLY rich! This coming from the man who considers ONLY Trump supporters to be REAL, patriotic Americans. Who regularly vilifies Democrats and liberals as neither patriotic or REAL Americans.

    Which has nothing to do with the violence and terrorism that is committed by the Left daily and ya'all NEVER condemn it...

    And, like ya'all said..


    You have absolutely NO moral authority to criticize. NONE.

    Actually, I do.. It's ya'all who have no moral foundation... Ya'all scream and yell hysterically about what the Right does, but when Left Wingers commit violent acts against the Right, ya'all don't say diddley squat...

    Leftist terrorists attack a news crew and ya'all support it by your silence...

    This is FACT that no amount of Party slavery or HHPTDS can erase..


  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:


    I guess WordPress doesn't like CHROME emojis :D

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    Actually, I do.. It's ya'all who have no moral foundation... Ya'all scream and yell hysterically about what the Right does, but when Left Wingers commit violent acts against the Right, ya'all don't say diddley squat...

    Leftist terrorists attack a news crew and ya'all support it by your silence...

    This is FACT that no amount of Party slavery or HHPTDS can erase..

    How much did ya'all condemn James Hodgkison when he went Trump Supporter Hunting??

    A lame blurb....

    If that had been a Trump supporter who went Democrat hunting, ya'all would have been hysterical about it for WEEKS!!!

    So please.. Don't insult my intelligence by trying to claim ya'all are against all violence...

    Because the FACTS clearly show that ya'all are perfectly OK with Left Wingery violence, hate and intolerance, as long as it directed towards the Right or Trump supporters...

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    Once again, lay out the FACTS......

    And it gets real quiet around here.. :D

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    President Trump....

    Home Depot crushes Wall Street expectations, raises full-year outlook

    Home Depot reaped the benefits of a warmer start to the summer, following a rocky spring season.

    It also says the number of customer transactions jumped during the second quarter, and shoppers were spending more at its stores.

    Making America Great Again..

  18. [18] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    If Parks or King committed the kind of terrorist acts that antifa is known for, then yes.. I would call them terrorists..

    But they didn't so your question is totally ridiculous and unequivocally non-sequitor...

    Not so non-sequitur. Have you completely forgotten the 1960's? Do the names Bobby Seale or Malcom X mean anything to you? How about the white terrorism of that time - the Klan activity, the shooting of Medgar Evers in 1963?

    Your memory is, at best, selective.

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    Do the names Bobby Seale or Malcom X mean anything to you?

    And if JM had asked about Seale or MX, you would have a point...

    But he didn't so you don't..

    Unless you have FACTS that support Parks and King of committing the kind of terrorism that your antifa does???


    Of course not..

    Your memory is, at best, selective.

    And yer adherence to FACTS is practically non-existent...

  20. [20] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    And you're missing a huge part of this, Michale, by ignoring what the term "antifa" means: anti-fascist. If there were no fascists to oppose there would be no anti-fascists now, would there?

    Ah, that's the Right's present dilemma. Trump brought the alt-Right into the mainstream, praised them, and mobilized their voting power to crush moderate voices in his party.

    But the alt-Right includes actual Nazis, white supremacists, separatists and others who were formally only seen on FBI watch lists.

    That murderer you're defending was surrounded by people screaming that the only problem with Hitler was that he didn't finish the job.

    If you insist on breaking bread with scum like that, you're going to naturally incite a counter-reaction in the form of an Antifa, or worse. This is perhaps the purpose of events like Charlottesville's "Unite the Right" - to justify their own low politics by inspiring counter-reaction from the left.

    Moderates that used to vote for Republicans are beginning to peel away, offended by the company that they're being encouraged to keep. By 2020, Trump's support could be down to the alt-right, the warmongers, the fossil fuel industry, the Russians, and the hopelessly confused.

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    And you're missing a huge part of this, Michale, by ignoring what the term "antifa" means: anti-fascist. If there were no fascists to oppose there would be no anti-fascists now, would there?

    Yea... And East German was the German Democratic Republic...

    And North Korea is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea...

    They can call themselves whatever they want..

    But the FACT is they are terrorists..

    You can defend the terrorists all you want.. You can try to deflect and point to the terrorists on the RIGHT as if that mitigates your support of terrorists on the LEFT..

    You can whine and cry and stamp your feet and scream hysterically ALT RIGHT FASCISTS!!!! WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!!!....

    And when all is said and done, the FACT remains that you give full aid, support and comfort to Left Wing terrorists...

    If that's unpalatable to you... Tough shit.. Deal with it..

    "What you want is irrelevant, what you have chosen is at hand."
    -Captain Spock, STAR TREK VI, The Undiscovered Country

  22. [22] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    And if JM had asked about Seale or MX, you would have a point...

    But you know that the point that JM was making is exactly the same as mine. You've chosen to be a literalist in order to preserve your argument.

    The point is that you've cast your lot in with the side that praises fascists and bigots. You might as well be insulting Rosa Parks to her face.

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    If you insist on breaking bread with scum like that,

    The difference here is I am NOT defending the scumbags on the Right.

    But you *ARE* defending the scumbags on the Left...

  24. [24] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    You can try to deflect and point to the terrorists on the RIGHT as if that mitigates your support of terrorists on the LEFT..

    You mean the way that you're trying to deflect and call protesters on the LEFT terrorists as if that mitigates your support of terrorists on the RIGHT?

    You can't have it both ways, Michale.

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    You've chosen to be a literalist in order to preserve your argument.

    JM chose the players.. I simply responded to his bullshit claim that Parks and MLK were terrorists..

    The point is that you've cast your lot in with the side that praises fascists and bigots.

    I have done no such thing..

    Unlike ya'all, I have actively condemned the scumbag terrorists on BOTH sides of the political spectrum..

    Ya'all have ONLY condemned the scumbag terrorists on the Right and give full comfort, aide and support to the scumbag terrorists on the Left..

    THAT is the FACT that no amount of your hysterical whining will change.

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    You mean the way that you're trying to deflect and call protesters on the LEFT terrorists as if that mitigates your support of terrorists on the RIGHT?

    You can't have it both ways, Michale.

    I have identified the Right scumbags as terrorists..

    Can you say the same for your Left Wing terrorists..

    No you cannot...

  27. [27] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    The difference here is I am NOT defending the scumbags on the Right.

    "What door?" eh? Willful ignorance of the implications of one's own political beliefs?

    Okay, I'll play that game: I'm not defending terrorists on the Left.

    The scumbag that mowed down that girl with his car will never eat off a porcelain plate again, so I don't have to worry about him either.

    The Right is (as bullies often do) trying to provoke a fight, sincere in their belief that this time they can win it, perhaps under the delusion that Trump's fluke win means that the tide has turned on their retrograde belief system.

    Of course, long-term, they can't win. America was founded on progressive ideals, and will continue to be progressive for the forseeable future, this present nonsense notwithstanding.

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Okay, I'll play that game: I'm not defending terrorists on the Left.

    Except you are...

    And you're missing a huge part of this, Michale, by ignoring what the term "antifa" means: anti-fascist. If there were no fascists to oppose there would be no anti-fascists now, would there?

    You think just because these terrorists CALL themselves "ANTI" fascists, that they are the good guys...

    They are not.. They are no different than the scumbags terrorists on the Right that you condemn..

    But YOU won't condemn the terrorists on the Left because you agree with their goals and their agenda...

    The scumbag that mowed down that girl with his car will never eat off a porcelain plate again, so I don't have to worry about him either.

    And the terrorist/terrorist wannabe is removed from the face of the planet and NO parent/husband/wife will have to grieve for a dead relative because of her future actions..

    The Right is (as bullies often do) trying to provoke a fight,

    And yet, it was YOUR LEFT WING TERRORISTS who are the ones out there trying to provoke violence..

    How do we know this??


    "As usual at such events, there was also a contingent of black-clad "antifa" (antifascist) or, if you prefer the older term, anarchist demonstrators among the counterprotesters. They were spoiling for a fight that..."

    So, once again, you accuse the Right scumbag terrorists of something that your LEFT WING terrorists are doing and YOU give them a pass..

    Thank you for proving my point..

    Of course, long-term, they can't win. America was founded on progressive ideals, and will continue to be progressive for the forseeable future, this present nonsense notwithstanding.


    "Progressive ideals" like slavery??? Yea, you got that right...

    But what is funny is your "progressive ideals" look EXACTLY like what you accuse the Right of...

    Funny how that is, eh? :^/

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    Face the facts, Balthasar..

    You can't win.. I have facts and reality on my side.

    There is absolutely NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER between the Right Wing scumbag terrorists and your Left Wing scumbag terrorists..

    The ONLY difference is, here in Weigantia, ya'all condemn the Right Wing scumbag terrorists and give aide, support and comfort to the Left Wing scumbag terrorists...

    This is what the FACTS prove beyond ANY doubt.

  30. [30] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:


    Re the "Decent People" having "taken back the streets".

    Remember, whoever takes 'em back is responsible to fix the gawdam potholes!

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    Remember, whoever takes 'em back is responsible to fix the gawdam potholes!

    Naw... Actually serving the people is beneath them...


  32. [32] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    to those here who have netflix, i highly recommend the series 'Fauda.' really interesting take on the israeli palestinian conflict.


  33. [33] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    You think just because these terrorists CALL themselves "ANTI" fascists, that they are the good guys...

    Well, they're not right-wing fascist bigots. That speaks well for them. I don't support them, but I do understand that they are motivated by the rise of equally virulent and violent extremists on the Right.

    "Progressive ideals" like slavery??? Yea, you got that right...

    No, progressive ideals like abolishing monarchy, and constitutional checks and balances, something 'King Trump' doesn't seem to understand.

    You can take up the part about "everyone is created equal" with T. Jefferson, who was apparently more progressive in his day than most of today's GOP, at least in his rhetoric, if not in his actions.

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    to those here who have netflix, i highly recommend the series 'Fauda.' really interesting take on the israeli palestinian conflict.

    We'll check it out.. Thanx.. :D

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, they're not right-wing fascist bigots.

    Yer right.. They are LEFT-wing fascist bigots..

    And, because they are LEFT wing, they are perfectly acceptable to you...

    THAT's the point..

    That speaks well for them.

    Exactly... They are LEFT wing so it speaks well for them.. It doesn't matter a BIT that they are every bit as violent and fascist and bigoted and intolerant as the RIGHT wing fascist scumbags are....

    They are LEFT so, in YOUR mind, that speaks well for them..

    THANKS.. You have just conceded my entire point..

    So much for your claim of not defending them, eh?? :^/

    No, progressive ideals like abolishing monarchy, and constitutional checks and balances, something 'King Trump' doesn't seem to understand.

    But they had slavery.. So THAT makes them bad, right??

    If you want to crow about the "Progressive ideals" that YOU claim "this country was founded on" then you have to accept ALL of the ideals this country was founded on.. Not just cherry pick the ones you approve of...

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    You can take up the part about "everyone is created equal" with T. Jefferson,

    Why should *I* take up anything with Jefferson?? YOU are the one who is crowing about "progressive ideals" that this country was founded on..

    who was apparently more progressive in his day than most of today's GOP, at least in his rhetoric, if not in his actions.

    Ahhh.. So, as long as your political leaders pay lip service to an ideal, yer fine if they don't actually follow thru..

    Yep.. Yer a Democrat all right.. :D

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yer not having a good day, Balthy..

    Off yer game... You usually provide a better defense of your actions and agenda...

    But when you start defending terrorists, when you claim that terrorists being LEFT wing "speaks well of them"....????

    Well, how can you even BEGIN to win such a debate???

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    More allegations against Democrat Keith Ellison...

    Ellison Accuser Refuses To Release Video As Another Allegation Emerges

    And silence from Democrats is deafening...

    Com'on Dems!!! Ellison needs to be Franken'ed!!

    I guess "zero tolerance" has become "Eh, we'll tolerate SOME".... :^/

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    to those here who have netflix, i highly recommend the series 'Fauda.' really interesting take on the israeli palestinian conflict.

    Not a big fan of subtitles.. I always feel like I read a book... :^/

    But I love the subject material, so we'll give it a few episodes...

  40. [40] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    If you want to crow about the "Progressive ideals" that YOU claim "this country was founded on" then you have to accept ALL of the ideals this country was founded on.. Not just cherry pick the ones you approve of...

    Then you disagree with Lincoln, who believed that America was "..conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal", and then fought a war to press the point. I don't remember him saying, "Oh well, the founders allowed slavery, so I guess I have to too.."

    Ahhh.. So, as long as your political leaders pay lip service to an ideal, yer fine if they don't actually follow thru..

    To the contrary: to paraphrase another great President, "ideals have consequences". Today's lip service is tomorrow's consequential action. Or to use another favorite quote of his that originates with MLK: "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice."

  41. [41] 
    Balthasar wrote:

    "Well, how can you even BEGIN to win such a debate?"

    I have already won the debate, you just don't realize it yet. Unfortunately, I have to go out for a few hours, so I'll pick this up when I return.

  42. [42] 
    LeaningBlue wrote:

    After michale posted about Strzok's $150K gofundme, started yesterday, I decided I'd have to contribute a few dollars, but didn't get to it until just now. There's $298K raised so far, and it rises even as you refresh the page.

    Thanks, michale, for pointing it out, and thanks to the occupant of the White House (during the part of the time when he isn't golfing), for tweeting this morning and helping motivate people to rise to assist a patriot. I hope the right retweets into social media; Strzok might be able to raise better than a half a million.

    EDIT: As I submit this, it's up to $301K.

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    Thanks, michale, for pointing it out,

    ANd thank you for proving that it's all about the money with the Left Wingery.. :D

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    I have already won the debate, you just don't realize it yet.

    Says the guy who thinks that RIGHT Wing scumbag terrorists are bad but LEFT Wing scumbag terrorists are perfectly acceptable and defensible..

    Yea.. YOU won.. :^/

    "In a pig's eye!!"
    -Dr Leonard McCoy, STAR TREK, Amok Time

  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    Then you disagree with Lincoln, who believed that America was "..conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal", and then fought a war to press the point.

    So, you agree with a Republican?? :D

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:


    I have watched a bit of Season 1 Ep 1.... Nice grab at the beginning... :D

    But, who are the players?? Is it Israelis vs Palestinian terrorists?? Palestinian SFs vs Terrorists??

    The spoken language sounds all arabic.

  47. [47] 
    LeaningBlue wrote:


    It's not about the money; it's people contributing to a patriot's legal fees. I would hope that everyone who reads this blog would pitch in themselves.

    And you, michale, if you've ever watched even one episode of The Americans, you should chip in as well.

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's not about the money; it's people contributing to a patriot's legal fees.

    Patriot?? :^/ Yea, right.. A scumbag who wants an "insurance policy" to thwart the will of the people is a scumbag traitor, NOT a "patriot"...

    And you, michale, if you've ever watched even one episode of The Americans


    "The 1980s are calling. They want their foreign policy back."
    -Barack Obama

    "Please tell Vlad (Putin) that if he can give me some space to win my last election, I'll be able to be flexible for him.."
    -Barack Obama

    Where was your Russia-bigotry when it was applicable???


  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    Unlike anyone else here (present company excepted), I have actually met Russians in an adversarial environment...

    All of this now is NOT designed to help President Trump..

    It has one goal and one goal only...

    To pit American against American and sow political discontent and hatred and bigotry...

    And Democrats are doing 90% of the heavy lifting on behalf of Putin....

  50. [50] 
    LeaningBlue wrote:

    Where was your Russia-bigotry when it was applicable???

    I've already said, a couple weeks back, that I'm an unrepentant, unreformed Cold warrior.

    I have nothing but animus for corrupt Russian governments, and their agents and officers.

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    I've already said, a couple weeks back, that I'm an unrepentant, unreformed Cold warrior.

    I know.. :D

    I have nothing but animus for corrupt Russian governments, and their agents and officers.

    I wish you would have been around here during the Odumbo years when he was cozying up to Putin.. I could have used the backup...

    But that's my point about the rank and file here. THEIR Russian Bigotry is TOTALLY dependent on the political winds..

    When Odumbo was fellating Putin and tonguing Medvedev's ear and Hillary was giving Putin's standin a "overload" Button, these guys around here LOVED Putin and the Russians...

  52. [52] 
    LeaningBlue wrote:

    pit American against American and sow political discontent and hatred and bigotry...

    Russians have always been good at enlisting provocateurs. And, it's been 150 years since so great a proportion of Americans have had their hatred and bigotry driven so close to the surface.

    I don't think that's the only reason, though.

    The RF's government under Putin has been attempting to acquire levers of influence in political elements of the government. The intent of that espionage has been to recruit agents with power to directly influence US foreign policies.

    The goal of that, of course, is to affect polities favorable to the state interests of the RF. However, much more than was the case under the Soviets, they're in it to get policies directly benefiting the interests of the ruling criminal cabal which controls the RF government.

  53. [53] 
    BKF wrote:

    I see no substantive difference between the methods of the lunatics on the far right and the Antifa organization.

    Explain to me why ANY reasonable person would support either? White superemacist moron thug or Antifa self justified thug? What's the difference?

    Reasonable people do NOT resort to violence to settle philosophical differences. Violence is the sole resort of the authorities, unless used for self defense.

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:


    I see no substantive difference between the methods of the lunatics on the far right and the Antifa organization.

    EXACTLY... That is EXACTLY what I have been saying this entire commentary....

    There is no difference between the scumbag right wing terrorists/fascists/white supremacist and antifa...

    NONE... ZERO... ZILCH.... NADA....

    Explain to me why ANY reasonable person would support either? White superemacist moron thug or Antifa self justified thug? What's the difference?


    No *reasonable* person would support either..

    But we're not talking *reasonable* people here..

    We're talking ideological slaves who put PARTY UBER ALLES.....

  55. [55] 
    LeaningBlue wrote:

    I wish you would have been around here during the [Obama] years when he was cozying up to Putin.. I could have used the backup...

    And I would have given it. Reagan's legacy could have been the basis for the US and NATO countries to help enable and provide genuine support for genuine popular government in Russia.

    Instead, it was deemed to be more in the US state interest to topple stabilizing secular leaders in Islamic countries with no cultural experience with popular governance.

    I agree that some of the Obama administration's policies were a major enabling force to the world we have today, and to the Russia we have to face today.

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:



    I see no substantive difference between the methods of the lunatics on the far right and the Antifa organization.

    EXACTLY... That is EXACTLY what I have been saying this entire commentary....

    There is no difference between the scumbag right wing terrorists/fascists/white supremacist and antifa...

    NONE... ZERO... ZILCH.... NADA....

    Explain to me why ANY reasonable person would support either? White superemacist moron thug or Antifa self justified thug? What's the difference?


    No *reasonable* person would support either..

    But we're not talking *reasonable* people here..

    We're talking ideological slaves who put PARTY UBER ALLES.....

  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    Russians have always been good at enlisting provocateurs.

    All the way back to Lenin's "useful idiots"...

    And, it's been 150 years since so great a proportion of Americans have had their hatred and bigotry driven so close to the surface.

    Yep, exactly...

    But to listen to Weigantians tell it, the Left is ALL peaches and goodness and love and tolerance and it's *ALL* the hatred and bigotry comes from the Right..

    Of course, those who have more than two brain cells to rub together, those who are *NOT* enslaved by Party or ideology know better..

    The goal of that, of course, is to affect polities favorable to the state interests of the RF. However, much more than was the case under the Soviets, they're in it to get policies directly benefiting the interests of the ruling criminal cabal which controls the RF government.

    It's all the same.. Consolidation of power..

    As you say, with the USSR it was to a group.. With the RF, it's with a single man...

    The names change, but the game remains the same...

    I agree that some of the Obama administration's policies were a major enabling force to the world we have today, and to the Russia we have to face today.

    "Billy. I love you. I have just fallen in love with you.."
    -Eddie Murphy, BEVERLY HILLS COP


  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:

    I wish you would have been around here during the [Obama] years when he was cozying up to Putin.. I could have used the backup...

    Sorry about that...

    I sometimes forget that there ARE mature and respectful discussions still to be had around here and that not ALL discussions have to be 3rd grade playground style discussions..

    I'll endeavor not to forget again....

  59. [59] 
    neilm wrote:

    I see no substantive difference between the methods of the lunatics on the far right and the Antifa organization.

    EXACTLY... That is EXACTLY what I have been saying this entire commentary....

    For Pete's sake Michale, that is what everybody has been saying this entire commentary.

    Welcome to today.

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    For Pete's sake Michale, that is what everybody has been saying this entire commentary.

    Oh bullshit.. CW barely mentioned antifa and Balthasar has spent the ENTIRE commentary thread defending antifa and saying because they weren't Right Wing, that makes them "better"...

    Nice try at the bullshit, but it doesn't pass the smell test..

    But, hay... I'll be yer huckleberry..

    Are you willing to state for the record, with NO equivocation, that antifa is as bad as the Right Wing scumbag fascist/terrorists/white supremacists???

    Are you???

    I bet 100,000 quatloos you can't do it...

  61. [61] 
    neilm wrote:

    Are you willing to state for the record, with NO equivocation, that antifa is as bad as the Right Wing scumbag fascist/terrorists/white supremacists???

    Yes, and I'd include the white supremacist in the White House as well.

  62. [62] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    fauda is about an israeli special forces unit, and the challenges they face from hamas. but it's also about the challenges civilians on both sides face because of the conflict, and how they become radicalized. also how both governments try to respond and fail. as i said, a very interesting perspective.


  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yes, and I'd include the white supremacist in the White House as well.

    So, no.. You can't unequivocally condemn antifa terrorists...

    What I thought...

    Anyone else want to take a Sherman on antifa???

    Anyone?? Anyone???

  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    fauda is about an israeli special forces unit, and the challenges they face from hamas. but it's also about the challenges civilians on both sides face because of the conflict, and how they become radicalized. also how both governments try to respond and fail. as i said, a very interesting perspective.

    Thank you.. That's what I thought..

    I know the PA had an SF unit to combat terrorism, but it was disbanded after Hamas took over Gaza...

    It'll be easier to watch knowing who the players are...

    Thanx again..

    We're starting SEASON 2 of THE WIRE right now.. I'll show my lovely wife EP 1 of FAUDA and see if I can get her interested.. If not, I can always watch it at work... It's a great job.. :D heh

  65. [65] 
    neilm wrote:

    So, no.. You can't unequivocally condemn antifa terrorists...

    I just did. Why can't you condemn Treasonous Trump as a white supremacist?

  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:

    I just did.

    No, you didn't.. You had to add on your HHPTDS bullshit..

    Why can't you condemn Treasonous Trump as a white supremacist?

    Because you have no facts that prove this...

  67. [67] 
    neilm wrote:

    Because you have no facts that prove this.

    Facts, you don't need facts, remember:

    "Why bother?"

  68. [68] 
    neilm wrote:

    Do you think somebody who uses the n-word is a racist?

  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:

    I mean, Jesse Jackson didn't think Donald Trump was a White Supremacist when Jackson honored Trump for a "Lifetime of service to the black American community"

    Funny how all this racist and white supremacist bullshit came about ONLY after Trump changed the -D to a -R....

    Funny, huh?? :D

  70. [70] 
    Michale wrote:

    Do you think somebody who uses the n-word is a racist?

    You tell me.. Democrats used it all the time.. Hell Democrats CREATED the KKK....

    Facts, you don't need facts, remember:

    No.. You never HAVE facts... remember...

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, no one wants to take a Sherman on antifa...

    That's what I thought...

  72. [72] 
    neilm wrote:

    Do you think somebody who uses the n-word is a racist?

    You tell me..

    OK, if Trump uses this in general conversation, then he is a racist.

    If there is a tape of him, will you call him out as a racist?

  73. [73] 
    Michale wrote:


    It's a bullshit question and you know..

    Have you ever, in your entire life, uttered the N-word??

    Does that make you a racist??

    You are so DESPERATE to pin ANYTHING on Trump that you are not thinking clearly..

    How could Trump be a racist when Jesse Jackson himself honored Trump for a "LIFE TIME OF SERVICE TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY"???

  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ambrose: Donald Trump doing plenty for black Americans

    President Trump is making life better for black Americans everywhere you look while his predecessor fumbled. But hey, say his critics, not everything is perfect yet, so don’t give in to his policies. It’s an unbudging, self-inflicted blindness that can hardly be called racism itself even though it is similarly destructive.

    The loudest Trump triumph of the moment has been dips to the lowest black unemployment in history, and get this: Jobs confer purpose, they provide pride, they build community, they set one up to help others, they enable social mobility, they lift the spirit. Welfare limps, jobs jog and you don’t get them through semi-socialist policies. You get them through deregulation and tax reform of the Trump kind, encouraging businesses to expand, lowering expenses and inspiring entrepreneurship.

    Well, the critics say, there is still a large gap between black and white unemployment, and yes, there is, but you hardly address it by saying current job gains are therefore not that big a deal. We’re told, too, that jobs multiplied during the Obama administration. They did, but slowly as black family income dropped, hindrances known as regulations abounded and President Barack Obama said manufacturing would never be the same again. Manufacturing is now taking off.

    Also under Trump, crime has dropped significantly in our biggest cities from the last two Obama years, saving black lives. Here is a shift likely facilitated in part by Trump’s support of police. Obama wanted no one dead, but when there were police shootings of blacks, he exacerbated tensions with his references to systemic police racism.

    Ya'all can continue with yer TRUMP IS A RACIST bullshit...

    But the FACTS and REALITY clearly say differently..

  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:

    But to answer your question Neil..


    A person... ANY person saying "nigger" once in their 70 years of life doesn't make said person a racist..

    Any more than you saying "faggot" in your.. wha?? 50?? years of life makes you a homophobe...

    Any more than me saying {whatever} in my 55 years of life labels me...

    Context and frequency would come into play...

    Just like CRS using the word "niggardly" in the subsequent commentary.. Context is important.. It's only rational and logical..

    But you don't want to hear about rational and logical...

    You want to brand President Trump a racist even though you have **ZERO** facts that prove it...

  76. [76] 
    Kick wrote:

    Kick: Your projection is again duly noted, and I see those multiple mugshots are still easily searchable.

    Sorry, Michael... it is decidedly so and shall remain ever thus because crime doesn't pay, and the mugshots last forever. :)

    Threats of DOXing… ~ Michale

    So let me get this straight: The so-called "law enforcement officer" is claiming that the above is a "threat of DOXing." I laughed so hard my sides hurt. I think the so-called "law enforcement officer" must have simply forgotten that it was him who posted on this blog multiple times that his wife got arrested.

    Dude: Nobody is threatening to "DOX" your family. You already did that yourself. *laughs*

    Kick: Then your swamp in Shithole must just be overflowing with hate. :)

    Personal attacks.. ~ Michale

    That's how a crack whore bitch uses "facts".... :^/

    Translation: The asshat who trolls the board daily referring to posters collectively as every name in the book would like "ya'all" to know that he's a hypocrite and a "wussy."

    Don't "ya'all" know "ya'all" are supposed to allow the board troll to dish out his regular spew of demonstrable hate daily while remaining silent? /sarcasm off

    I said it before, and I'll say it again: Self-awareness is NOT the hallmark of a moron. :)

  77. [77] 
    Kick wrote:


    Have you always had such a weight problem??

    Since you asked: No. I have never had a weight problem. I do work with veterans like yourself who have "let themselves go" and have multiple chins, massive girth, hypertension, and anger issues. :)

  78. [78] 
    Kick wrote:

    I should add that I don't mind you calling me "welfare girl" in the least because I do help a lot of veterans like yourself who actually are on welfare. Just my way of giving back to those who gave. :)

  79. [79] 
    Kick wrote:

    John M

    Oh that's funny! That's REALLY rich! This coming from the man who considers ONLY Trump supporters to be REAL, patriotic Americans. Who regularly vilifies Democrats and liberals as neither patriotic or REAL Americans.

    Wow, choke on your hypocrisy and double standard much?

    You will have to forgive the ignorant board troll, JM. He seems to think that calling people names collectively using the word "ya'all" is somehow not a personal attack.

    I'm surprised you can even get it out with a straight face.

    I know, right!?

    You have absolutely NO moral authority to criticize. NONE.

    I agree totally with JM. :)

  80. [80] 
    Kick wrote:


    Okay, I'll play that game: I'm not defending terrorists on the Left.

    Obviously no one is, but the "ya'all" won't condemn terrorists bullshit is one of his favorite repetitive trolls.

    The scumbag that mowed down that girl with his car will never eat off a porcelain plate again, so I don't have to worry about him either.

    The Right is (as bullies often do) trying to provoke a fight, sincere in their belief that this time they can win it, perhaps under the delusion that Trump's fluke win means that the tide has turned on their retrograde belief system.

    Of course, long-term, they can't win. America was founded on progressive ideals, and will continue to be progressive for the forseeable future, this present nonsense notwithstanding.

    Very well said. :)

  81. [81] 
    Kick wrote:


    to those here who have netflix, i highly recommend the series 'Fauda.' really interesting take on the israeli palestinian conflict.

    Thank you! :)

  82. [82] 
    Kick wrote:

    Balthasar: The scumbag that mowed down that girl with his car will never eat off a porcelain plate again, so I don't have to worry about him either.

    Michale: And the terrorist/terrorist wannabe is removed from the face of the planet and NO parent/husband/wife will have to grieve for a dead relative because of her future actions..

    The so-called "law enforcement officer" is referring to Heather Heyer as a "terrorist" and appears to believe the murder of a peaceful protester who lived in the town that was overtaken by Nazis with torches was perfectly reasonable and saved the lives of others.

    This type of "false equivalency" that he spews regularly tells you everything you need to know. #Pathetic

  83. [83] 
    Kick wrote:


    After michale posted about Strzok's $150K gofundme, started yesterday, I decided I'd have to contribute a few dollars, but didn't get to it until just now.

    My peeps are on this too! We raised multiple thousands among us and still collecting. More coming. :)

  84. [84] 
    Kick wrote:


    But to listen to Weigantians tell it, the Left is ALL peaches and goodness and love and tolerance and it's *ALL* the hatred and bigotry comes from the Right..

    Of course, those who have more than two brain cells to rub together, those who are *NOT* enslaved by Party or ideology know better..

    This bullshit go-to straw man argument of yours is tired; give it up already. The guy with his head so far up Trump's ass whining about Party slavery is side-splitting comedy too! *laughs*

    The goal of that, of course, is to affect polities favorable to the state interests of the RF. However, much more than was the case under the Soviets, they're in it to get policies directly benefiting the interests of the ruling criminal cabal which controls the RF government.

    It's a crying shame, iddn't it? Well if you can pull your head out of Hair Dick-Tater's ass long enough, I got bad news for you: Your Orange Worship and multiple of his "business associates" are agents of the "criminal cabal." Money laundering for Russians is a stench that lingers and leaves tracks that are easily followed. Pity that.

    Your head may now resume it's regular position up Trump's ass. :)

    As you say, with the USSR it was to a group.. With the RF, it's with a single man...


  85. [85] 
    Kick wrote:


    I mean, Jesse Jackson didn't think Donald Trump was a White Supremacist when Jackson honored Trump for a "Lifetime of service to the black American community"

    Jesse Jackson also used to say a lot of nice things about O. J. Simpson. Things change.

    Funny how all this racist and white supremacist bullshit came about ONLY after Trump changed the -D to a -R....

    Wrong. It goes back decades to the early 1970s.

    The United States Department of Justice went to court with a discrimination complaint against the Trump family business, which rented apartments across Brooklyn and Queens. Coming from the administration of Richard Nixon, who was hardly a civil rights agitator, the complaint was based on an investigation that found four different Trump employees confirming that applicants for leases were screened by race. One rental agent said Trump’s father had told him not to rent to blacks and that he actually wanted to reduce the number of African Americans in his buildings. Three doormen said they had been instructed to deflect blacks who came to Trump buildings to apply for apartments.

    Though just 26 years old at the time, Donald Trump was already president of the Trump Organization. Rather than work with the government to bring the company into compliance with the law, as the New York apartment king Sam LeFrak had done, Trump retained one of the most notorious lawyers in the country, Roy Cohn, and commence an all-out legal war. Cohn, who had been Joe McCarthy’s chief inquisitor during the senator’s witch hunt for communists in the government, filed a $410 million lawsuit against the federal government and smeared the justice department attorneys with terms such as “storm troopers” and “Gestapo.” Trump complained in the press of “reverse discrimination” and alleged a “nationwide drive” to force landlords to “rent to welfare recipients.”

    Plenty more where that came from. Crack a book, moron. :)

  86. [86] 
    Kick wrote:


    How could Trump be a racist when Jesse Jackson himself honored Trump for a "LIFE TIME OF SERVICE TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY"???

    How could Adolf "He Who Must Not Be Named" be such a bad guy if Time made him "Man of the Year" in 1938? /sarcasm off

    Not only that, this bullshit of yours you keep repeating is nothing more than a fabricated right-wing talking point. There was no "lifetime achievement award," and you're QUOTING IN ALL CAPITALS an award that never existed. Jackson said some good things about Trump in speeches in the late 1990s and thanked him for working with Bill Clinton on the "Wall Street Project." That's it, moron.

    This often repeated bullshit about an award is nothing more than right-wing propaganda cover they spoon-feed the gullible minions so they can spew it out like useful idiots and morons on cue. :)

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