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A Handy Campaign Slogan To Defeat Donald Trump

[ Posted Monday, July 22nd, 2019 – 16:10 UTC ]

I realize that we are still in the midst of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race, but today I'd like to leap forward to present a very simple (and, to me, obvious) strategy for whomever secures the Democratic nomination and has to take on Donald Trump in next year's general election. Because I think I've come up with an all-encompassing campaign slogan that will stand the test of both time and Trump. It cuts to the very heart of the argument that a Democrat -- any Democrat, in fact -- would be miles better than what we've got now. Picture the presidential nominee repeating at every rally next summer the following line: "Do we really want this for the next four years?!?"

Its generic nature is its strength. You can either spell out in great detail what "this" refers to, or you can just let it hang and allow the voters to fill in that blank. Either way, it asks voters a very basic question -- do they want to spend the next four years the way we've all spent the past two and a half?

The non-specificity also has another built-in advantage: it never gets old. Trump will provide the fodder on a weekly (if not daily, or hourly) basis for what "this" refers to. Last week, obviously, "this" would have meant "blatant racism from the president of the United States." This week, it might mean something entirely different (the week is young...). Next week, it will doubtlessly have moved on to some fresh outrage from the Oval Office. But the slogan doesn't need to change, because the exasperation it expresses covers all of Trump's excesses, in one tidy package.

Of course, you can always unpack it in great detail. Writing an entire speech around the theme would be child's play, in fact:

Do you really want this for the next four years? Is this really the best America can do? Do you really want to keep having to explain to your children why the president of the United States can get away with saying things that a kindergartener would get punished for? Do you really want to continue having to come up with an excuse for why the president is allowed to tweet things that would get your own teenager kicked off Twitter? Do you really want to have to excuse the fact that the president lies on a daily basis -- over 10,000 lies and counting?

Do you really want this for the next four years? Do you want to continue to wake up each morning dreading seeing what is in the news that day because you just know there will be a fresh, brand-new embarrassment from the president that everyone's talking about? Do we really want to continue to be the laughingstock of the world on a daily basis?

Wouldn't you rather have a president who is fully capable of constructing a sentence in the English language that a fifth-grade teacher wouldn't have to heavily mark up with a red pen? Or that knows how to spell -- or at the very least knows how to use a spell-checker? Someone who doesn't randomly capitalize words for no reason? Wouldn't things be a lot better if the president were able to sit through a briefing with his aides and not have everything presented as pictures and cartoons? I don't know about you, but I'd rather have someone who was mentally capable of reading an entire briefing book rather than only having the mental focus to digest a single-page dumbed-down follow-the-arrows caricature of a briefing.

I for one am ready for a president who doesn't run America's foreign policy solely on how much foreign leaders fawn over him or her. I'm ready for someone to actually tackle the problem of North Korea's nukes rather than falling in love with a brutal dictator who executed a member of his family with an anti-aircraft gun. Because we can do better than this. We can do better than someone who has to have the concept of a tariff being a tax on American farmers explained to him over and over and over again.

Do you really want this for the next four years? Or wouldn't you rather go to sleep each night secure in the knowledge that our president won't have picked some meaningless bullying fight with some random entertainer or sports figure during the wee hours of the morning when he's bored and nobody's monitoring his Twitter output? Wouldn't you rather have a First Lady or Gentleman who understood the cruel irony of trying to champion an anti-bullying campaign while her husband is the worst possible example of online bullying imaginable?

Do you really want to suffer through this for the next four years? Or how about having a president without crippling insecurities that drive him to bizarre and hateful statements on a regular basis? How about a president who understands that the term "genius" -- like the word "hero" -- is only really valid when other people say it about you rather than when you desperately try to claim the mantle for your own? And I would really like to see a president in the Oval Office for the next four years with a measurable degree of human empathy, who doesn't visit disaster areas as if he's on a school field trip. Or even one who focuses the attention on the disaster victims themselves instead of always on his own big fat ego?

That's just a few quick examples, mind you. There are dozens of other possible paragraphs that could be added to such a speech. "We can do better than this" is a valid sentiment for all kinds of areas of concern, obviously.

Of course, a Democratic presidential candidate will doubtlessly also make the case for better policies for the country with a whole agenda of how to make life better for the average person. That goes without saying, even though a whole lot will be said about it on the campaign trail. But I want a Democratic candidate capable of making an emotional argument as well as a dry factual one. And the best way to present that is to ask the voters if they would prefer a radical change in attitude in the White House.

The Democratic candidates so far have been making this case, but in a rather piecemeal and halfhearted fashion. There's no unifying theme that puts the case so simply that anyone can immediately answer the question in their own mind. "Do we really want this for the next four years?" focuses all the cringeworthy moments Trump has put the country through into a single concept: the idea that we are better than this, and that we can indeed do better than what we've got now.

A large part of the upcoming general election campaign will revolve around personality. Trump's core voters absolutely love his personality, and they aren't going to desert him no matter what he says because his very outrageousness is his charm, to them. But it definitely isn't to millions of other voters -- single mothers, gay teens, suburban soccer moms, people of color, parents wishing for a presidential role model once again, and all the rest of the people disgusted with the daily antics Trump forces us all through. Reminding voters that it'll be a long four years of exactly the same disgraceful behavior boils all this down to a very simple question. Do we want a different personality running our country so we don't have to flinch when reading the news each morning? Do we want an adult in the Oval Office again, rather than a petulant man-baby? Four years is a long time indeed when this is the question at hand.

So that's my campaign slogan idea, which I freely offer to the entire Democratic field. The beauty of it is that it can be as specific or as generic as you wish. It works just as well either way. I strongly encourage all the candidates to start riffing on this basic theme, because I think it best strikes to the core of what makes most people so uncomfortable about Trump.

Do we really want another four years of this?!?

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


100 Comments on “A Handy Campaign Slogan To Defeat Donald Trump”

  1. [1] 
    neilm wrote:

    Like it - I'd shorten it to "America is better than this" - it skewers the MAGA line at the same time.

  2. [2] 
    neilm wrote:

    America is better than this - we aren't a nation of racists.

    America is better than this - we can spell and speak in sentences.

    America is better than this - we don't put kids in cages.

    America is better than this - we don't grab women's - or anybody's - genitals.

  3. [3] 
    Paula wrote:

    CW: Yep.

    neilm: Also yep!

  4. [4] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    Another part of the Democrats' message should be the ability to speak clearly and simply.

    "Wouldn't you rather have a president who is fully capable of constructing a sentence in the English language that a fifth-grade teacher wouldn't have to heavily mark up with a red pen?" sounds like it was written by a college graduate, for college graduates.

    "Don't you want a president who can write a simple sentence in regular English - a sentence that your fifth-grade teacher wouldn't just laugh at?" is one example of how to simplify without missing the point.

    Hey, I love the idea of a powerful slogan that says it all, because the listener is the one who actually gives the slogan meaning. Just like MAGA. But I am wary of speeches, speechwriters, and politicians that try so hard to sound 'serious' and 'educated' and 'profound' that one falls asleep just waiting for the run-on sentences and six syllable words to come to an end.

  5. [5] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Ah, irony.

  6. [6] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Four more years of this guy?

  7. [7] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: Do you really want this for the next four years?

    All these are great, CW. I would simply add a motivating factor that would activate and encourage citizens to vote at the ballot box for a change in the lineup. Allow me to demonstrate:

    Do you really want this for the next four years? Or would you rather see the reality television president get prosecuted next season for his multiple criminal offenses? You decide the ending; where is your polling location?

  8. [8] 
    Kick wrote:


    Ah, irony.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The hallmark of the board trolls on this forum are their total and unmitigated inability to connect the dots. :)

  9. [9] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    "Do we really want another four years of this?!?"

    I wonder how many Democrat-leaning voters out there hope that there will be another four years of this, economically speaking.

    I think the winning Democrat slogan will be one in which inspires voters to believe that Democrats will be good stewards of the economy, perhaps even better than Trump.

    It shouldn't be too hard to come up with one since history is largely on the side of Democrats when it comes to which party has the most effective pro-growth economic policies.

    If the economy remains strong in November 2020 or if it ends up in free-fall, the Democrats' electoral prospects will exponentially improve with a pithy economic slogan.

  10. [10] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, I don't mean anything that even remotely resembles "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"

  11. [11] 
    neilm wrote:

    Kick [8]

    Genius. Respect.

  12. [12] 
    neilm wrote:


  13. [13] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    Unfortunately for you guys, implicit in Chris' question is the follow-up, "If the alternative is _________? (fill in the Dem nominee), and the sad truth is, the answer may well come back 'yes'.

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    I realize that we are still in the midst of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race, but today I'd like to leap forward to present a very simple (and, to me, obvious) strategy for whomever secures the Democratic nomination and has to take on Donald Trump in next year's general election. Because I think I've come up with an all-encompassing campaign slogan that will stand the test of both time and Trump. It cuts to the very heart of the argument that a Democrat -- any Democrat, in fact -- would be miles better than what we've got now. Picture the presidential nominee repeating at every rally next summer the following line: "Do we really want this for the next four years?!?"

    And President Trump's response..

    "THIS is being caused by Democrats.. The question you have to ask yourselves is, 'Is you life better now than it was four years ago?'.. And the answer will give you your candidate..."

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    Unfortunately for you guys, implicit in Chris' question is the follow-up, "If the alternative is _________? (fill in the Dem nominee), and the sad truth is, the answer may well come back 'yes'.

    Oh... SNAP... :D

    Dead on ballz accurate..

    Does ANY patriotic American want a President who will open the US borders, give free full health care to Crimmigants and kick tens of millions of Americans off the health insurance plans they like??

    THAT is the question that President Trump will be asking all Americans..

    And 2/3rds of the country will respond, "Not only NO!!! BUT FRAK NO!!!!"

    Viola.... President Trump has 4 more years..

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:


    I wonder how many Democrat-leaning voters out there hope that there will be another four years of this, economically speaking.


    I think the winning Democrat slogan will be one in which inspires voters to believe that Democrats will be good stewards of the economy, perhaps even better than Trump.

    But yet, they proved that they couldn't be under Obama..

    It shouldn't be too hard to come up with one since history is largely on the side of Democrats when it comes to which party has the most effective pro-growth economic policies.

    Not recent history..

    And, I don't mean anything that even remotely resembles "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"

    But that IS the question that patriotic Americans will be asking themselves.

    And the answer is a resounding and unequivocal YES...

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:


    Four more years of this guy?


    Four years of a POTUS who will open US borders to ALL comers regardless, who will give Free Full HealthCare to Crimmigants and who will kick tens of millions, INCLUDING YOU, of the health insurance that they (and you) like..

    I dare say, given the alternative, YOU would vote for President Trump... :D

    I know, I know.. You can't admit it and I won't force you to.. :D

    But you and I both know that a Dem candidate like the one described would be HORRIBLE for this country..

    And I know, while you may be a Trump hater, you are not an America hater like so many others..

    I know that, when push comes to shove, you will hold your nose and vote for President Trump over the described Dem candidate...

    Or just stay home, which is a de-facto vote for Trump.. :D

    Don't worry.. It can be our secret.. :D

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    So the Democrats should threaten citizens that if citizens don't elect a Democrat over Trump it will be four more years of Democrats pretending to oppose him with they both work for the big money interests?

    Exactly.. ALL of "this" is caused by Democrats..

    So, basically Dumbocrats are committing extortion..

    "Vote for a Dumbocrat or we will continue to make President Trump's life a living hell"

    Dumbocrats don't DESERVE to be in power...

    And once Horowitz releases his report, there won't be a chance in hell of Dumbocrats being elected county dog catcher..

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hey, I love the idea of a powerful slogan that says it all, because the listener is the one who actually gives the slogan meaning. Just like MAGA.


    You approve of President Trump's MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN slogan..

    Kudos.. It's nice to see you can give credit where credit is due.. :D

    But I am wary of speeches, speechwriters, and politicians that try so hard to sound 'serious' and 'educated' and 'profound' that one falls asleep just waiting for the run-on sentences and six syllable words to come to an end.

    Like the Dumbocrat Party.. :D

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    Deal sealed on federal budget, ensuring no shutdown, default

    President Trump and the Art Of The Deal... :D

    He can even make a deal with Dumbocrats who hate him... :D

    Whatta guy!!!

    Democrats working with President Trump...

    Ahhh what a sight to see.. :D

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    President Trump has SOO MANY responses to the question that Democrats would ask...

    PIERS MORGAN: If the Democrats don’t silence the Squad, the shrieking socialist snowflake sisters will send Trump back to the White House for another four years

    "Do you want these 4 America hating terrorist loving socialists running the country??"
    -President Trump

    America's response would be to re-elect President Trump to another 4 years AND give the House back to the GOP in a 50-state landslide, just to insure that these 4 scumbags can never have any power..

    THIS is the reality that the Democrat Party faces...

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    Their plan to finance their policies by introducing a punitive 70% tax rate for rich Americans would barely touch the sides of this kind of unprecedented expense, and would also guarantee many rich Americans bankrolling Trump to stop them getting into power.

    On the hot button issue of immigration, the Squad has ludicrously and offensively claimed America has ‘concentration camps’ on the border, demanded free health care for illegal immigrants, and called for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to be abolished.

    They also persistently scream that Trump must be impeached.

    Tlaib even said the actual words: ‘We’re going to impeach the mother*cker’.

    Yet any attempt at impeachment, which would certainly fail due to the Republicans’ control of the Senate, would be a gift to the incumbent President.

    It’s little wonder then that Trump wants the Squad to dominate Democrat discourse, since everything they do or say further enrages and mobilizes his base.

    There’s also a massive disconnect between the Squad and reality.

    "Do you really want 4 more years of THIS??"
    -Democrat Party

    Best slogan, for the GOP, ever.. :D

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    On social media, where they spend most days screaming away, they are all heroines of our time, with millions of like-minded followers cheering their every move as they lecture us all on how to think and how to lead our lives.

    It must be very seductive for them, a constant apparent validation of their political views.

    But it’s important to remember that social media is predominantly one gigantic liberal snowflake platform that never thought a Trump presidency could happen in the first place.

    And the vast majority of Americans are not on Twitter anyway.

    So this raucous hard-left echo-chamber cacophony is irrelevant to the bigger political picture.

    The Squad is deeply unpopular even within their own party, not least because of their irksome and self-defeating ‘Girl who cried wolf’ habit of furiously branding anyone who criticizes them for anything as racist, despite Omar herself posting anti-Semitic tweets.

    Again... The question has to be asked..

    Does ANY patriotic American seriously want 4 more years of this???

    Hell no....

    The ONLY solution is to give President Trump 4 more years and give the House back to the GOP..

    It's the ONLY solution that makes any kind of sense...

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    Even Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker and one of the most experienced and respected Democrats in America, got the full Squad ‘YOU’RE RACIST!’ treatment when she dared to suggest they should stop tweeting their grievances about fellow party members.

    Ocasio-Cortez accused Pelosi of ‘singling out newly elected women of color’ in an astonishing attack that threatened to rip the Democrats apart until Trump stupidly distracted media attention from the furor with his own racist remarks about he Squad.

    America.... Do you REALLY want more of this???


  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Of course, none of them will actually be the nominee.

    But between them, they can swallow up vast swathes of media attention that the nominee will desperately need to combat Trump’s own powerful media dominance.

    And there lies the big problem for the Democrats: how do they shut up the Squad?

    Especially if Trump is deliberately talking about them 24/7?

    They are the first people on his mind each morning.

    Today, as soon as he woke up, Trump unleashed a fresh blizzard of tweets to ensure a new Squad-related news cycle.

    ‘The facts remain’ he raged, ‘that we have 4 Radical Left Congresswomen who have said very bad things about Israel & our Country!’

    Trump knows the Squad is a very potent vote-winner for him.

    The more everyone’s talking about them, the less they’re talking about Biden, Harris, Warren, Buttigieg or any of the other Democrat presidential candidates.

    And that means the whole image of the Democratic Party is now being moulded into far-left socialism, to potentially disastrous electoral consequences.

    And hence, President Trump's non racist "racist" tweet becomes blatantly obvious to anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together....

    He is simply making the America hating, terrorist loving "Squad" the face of the Democrat Party..

    And it's working.. :D

    The America haters are getting tons more media face time than even the Dim candidates!!!

    President Trump is a genius!!! :D

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Democrats are desperate to stop Trump winning a second term, but the Squad has emerged now as his top vote-grabbing marketing tool.

    So long as they remain the face of the Party, the Democrats are doomed.


    President Trump's genius shines thru!! :D

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Justice Department warns Mueller to stay on script at showdown hearing with Congress

    Looks like Democrats are not going to get the dog and pony show they want.. :D

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Picture the presidential nominee repeating at every rally next summer the following line: "Do we really want this for the next four years?!?"

    That is the PERFECT question to ask..

    And do you know what the PATRIOTIC American's response will be???

    "HELL NO!! So, we're going to give the HOUSE back to the GOP so we don't have to put up with 4 more years of what America hating Democrats have been doing.."
    -Patriotic Americans

    You are dead on ballz accurate, CW..

    THAT is the question that every American needs to be asked..

    "I don't think this is going to go the way you think it will."
    -Luke Skywalker

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, back to the proposed Democrat dog and pony show... :D

    The Justice Department warned former special counsel Robert Mueller on Monday not to stray beyond the four corners of his already-released report when he comes to Capitol Hill this week to testify.

    Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer, in a letter to Mr. Mueller, said that means any decisions Mr. Mueller made, or information he uncovered, that he didn’t include in his report will be out of bounds for the hearing.

    The department also has a longstanding practice of not talking about people who were investigated but not charged, Mr. Weinsheimer said.

    He urged Mr. Mueller to stick to his promise, made in late May, that if he were to be called to testify, he wouldn’t have anything to say beyond what was in his report, which has been released in somewhat redacted form.

    In that report Mr. Mueller concluded there was not sufficient evidence to find President Trump conspired with Russia to subvert the 2016 election.

    Again, Americans need to ask themselves...

    "Do you 4 more years of hysterical Dumbocrat bleating about non-existent crimes???"

    The answer for 2/3rds of Americans will be HELL NO...

    So, their only recourse will be to keep President Trump in office and return the House to it's rightful place..

    In GOP hands..

    That is the most excellent idea.. :D

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    Frustrated that the public wasn’t more enraged at Mr. Mueller’s findings, the chairs of the Intelligence and Judiciary committees announced subpoenas to force Mr. Mueller to appear. The goal, they said, is to create a made-for-television production to drive the report home to Americans.

    And it's going to bomb... :D

    Patriotic Americans are saying, "ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! Get to the people's business and stop with the endless witch hunts!!!"

    The Mueller saga can only continue to hurt the Democrat Party...

    So, by all means.. Continue... :D

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    Now the Judiciary Committee will kick off Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., with the intelligence panel following with its own session afterward.

    Mr. Mueller left his job as special counsel this spring, but Mr. Weinsheimer, in his letter Monday, reminded him that he’s testifying about his work as a department prosecutor, and is still bound by its rules.

    Mr. Mueller had apparently written a letter on July 10 asking for guidance on his testimony.

    Looks like Democrats aren't going to get chit.. :D

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ahhhh The fickle social justice nutjobs.. :D

    Al Franken's sexual assault is what #MeToo was created to address and now liberals feel victimized by it

    Democrats and liberals in the news media have found a sudden nuance when defining “sexual misconduct,” though the concept was conveniently a lot more clear-cut when a Supreme Court seat was on the line just 10 months ago.

    The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer published a lengthy article Monday that all but clears disgraced former Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., of the multiple accusations of sexual assault he faced in 2017, which ultimately led to his resignation from the Senate.

    Mayer offers a sympathetic ear to Franken, who believes he was wrongly shafted. She gets testimonials from Senate Democrats who have since come to regret their initial demand that Franken resign. And she casts doubt on the allegation that started Franken’s pursuit because the victim, Leeann Tweeden, may have misremembered insignificant details about the time Franken forcibly kissed her and touched her breasts while she was unconscious.

    More from Mayer’s piece, which is more or less an apology to Franken on behalf of the people who are no longer so certain that every woman is to be believed:

    This is what happens when moronic Dumbocrats don't THINK before the strike....


    Social justice nutjobs get a well deserved black eye...

    Not all women should be believed..

    Not all so-called "victims" are really victims.. Jussie Smollets comes to mind..


  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yet, {Franken} added, being on the losing side of the #MeToo movement, which he fervently supports, has led him to spend time thinking about such matters as due process, proportionality of punishment, and the consequences of internet-fueled outrage.


    An American has to "THINK" about matters such as "due process"???

    That is gabber-flasting.. Mind-boggling that an American would have to think to themselves, "Hmmmmm Maybe there IS something to this whole INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY due process stuff"

    Franken, you were consumed the the system YOU helped create...

    "afw'ein Mnhei'sahe"
    -Romulan Proverb

    Roughly translated to the latin term "sans humanite" which means, "I will give them no pity, they deserve no mercy and it serves them right!"

    Franken, I don't pity you one whit.. You made your bed and were forced to lay in it.. You were hounded and belittled and attacked by the very system that YOU helped create...

    "afw'ein Mnhei'sahe" indeed...

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    It’s funny how deeply thoughtful liberals get when their own standards are applied to themselves. “Due process” was never part of the #MeToo equation championed by Democrats and the national media.


    These Dumbocrats and their lap dogs in the media didn't THINK at all..

    That's their problem.

    They NEVER think that the rules they create would EVER bite them on the ass...


  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    “What’s wrong with the picture to me is that she’s asleep,” Franken told Mayer. “If you’re asleep, you’re not giving your consent. … I genuinely, genuinely felt bad about that.”

    Mayer described the photograph as a “gag.”

    There’s a new defense for #MeToo targets: Calm down, touching your breasts while you slept was just a gag!

    The Al Franken case is what #MeToo was created to address: Powerful men who behaved inappropriately with women. Due process is nice but fairly safe to skip a few steps when there’s a photographic evidence and the accused admits to feeling shame in an apology.

    It’s nice, though, that liberals are reconsidering their blind devotion to the #MeToo cause. Let’s remember that the next time.

    Liberal Democrat social justice nutjobs??? Actually learning a lesson regading their social just nutjobbery???

    Shirley, you jest.... :eyeroll:

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    Much of Mayer’s piece is an attempt to discredit Tweeden, who recalled Franken telling her that he wrote a skit specifically for the two of them when they were on a USO tour in 2006. But according to Mayer’s report, the skit had been written years before and performed by other women before Tweeden.

    That changes nothing about the experience Tweeden says she had with Franken, which he never denied until Mayer came to him wanting to rehabilitate his image.

    Now, what about that photograph of Franken with his hands on Tweeden’s breasts while she lay there, unaware of what was happening? Well, that’s a minor hiccup, according to Franken and Mayer’s reporting, which excuses it as a silly mistake.

    So much for "The woman must always be believed".. NOW it's all about discrediting the women who accuse powerful DUMBOCRATS of mis-conduct..

    Well, we already saw that with Bill Clinton's sexual assaults and rapes and Jeffery Epstein connections..

    All women are to be believed.. But only if they are accusing the RIGHT people...

    Morons... :eyeroll:

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Moving On..."
    -Robert Singer, SUPERNATURAL


  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    My gods!! The utter stoopidity and moronic-ness of Dumbocrats never ceases to amaze me..

    'If it was a brown dog, would you put it in a cage?'

    Ivanka Trump is trolled after buying her daughter a snow-white dog named Winter for her eighth birthday

    Ivanka Trump shared a photo of her daughter Arabella's adorable new dog named Winter on Instagram on Saturday

    Almost immediately after sharing the image of Winter,
    Ivanka and her family were hit with a barrage of negative comments about the snow-white puppy

    Many were quick to criticize the color of the dog's fur and draw comparisons to the treatment of migrant children in border control detention centers

    Ivanka didn't reveal the type of breed but her followers speculated Winter is a Pomsky, which is a cross between a Siberian Husky and a Pomeranian

    Get that??

    Ivanka MUST be racist because she bought a white puppy for her 8-yr old daughter...

    You people (NEN) REALLY have a screw loose about racism, don'tcha... :eyeroll:

    Utterly and contemptibly ridiculous... :eyeroll:

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    Attorney Michael Avenatti was among those to take aim as he retweeted Ivanka's photo and brought her brother Donald Trump Jr. into it.

    'Biff @DonaldJTrumpJr - condolences on your sister replacing you as her favorite puppy. Btw, does your family allow anything in their lives that is not WHITE?' Avenatti tweeted.

    Democrat Hero Michael Avanetti STILL trying to be relevant.. :eyeroll:


  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    Another Twitter user mentioned the children in detention, asking 'I wonder what the children in cages will get for their birthdays?'

    'Thousands of children in US custody haven't bathed or brushed their teeth or even been hugged in weeks thanks to your father but cool you got a new puppy I guess,' one person tweeted.

    Funny how these morons didn't complain about children in cages and children not being hugged under Odumbo..

    Obviously, they don't really CARE about children in cages.. They just want to hound the President's daughter and 8-yr old granddaughter..

    What a total waste of skin these scumbags are..

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    Former Democrat judge ordered to jail, dragged out of courtroom in Cincinnati

    Democrats... :eyeroll:

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    Apparently, $15 an hour, which is simply not possible, is not enough.. :eyeroll:

    Tlaib calls for $20-an-hour minimum wage: 'I can't allow people to be living off tips'

    This is exactly the problem with Dumbocrats...

    You give them an inch, they want to destroy the whole damn country....

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    But her minimum wage proposal has her farther afield on the issue than virtually all other prominent Democrats. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently concluded that a $15 federal minimum wage could result in 3.7 million people becoming unemployed -- far higher than House Democrats' estimates -- as employers struggle to make payroll and respond by slashing jobs and hours.

    Remind me again how no one will lose their jobs if $15 per hour is instituted???

    And, since this is the CBO (which ya'all SWEAR by) saying, ya'all HAVE to accept it.. :D

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    Remember that State Democrat in Georgia playing race cards and identity politics??

    The Democrat Georgia state lawmaker who recently claimed in a tearful viral video that a white man told her to "go back where you came from" in a grocery store checkout lane -- then walked back her story, before doubling back down on it -- sounded a note of sympathy for high school mass shooter Nikolas Cruz last year on social media.

    "My heart goes out to Nikolas Cruz!! Some don't know how to cope with being an orphan. I thank God everyday for getting me through the system in one piece. #FloridaShooting #mentalhealth #PrayforDouglas #prayfornik," State Rep. Erica Thomas wrote on Feb. 16, 2018.

    Several journalists and commentators flagged and condemned the post late Monday, including Mike Cernovich, Harry Cherry, who called for Thomas' resignation, and Ryan Petty.

    This is why it's impossible to take so-called "victims" seriously...

    Because, when you scratch beneath the surface, you find all the bullshit and politics...

    THAT is why I say that false accusations are worse than real instances..

    Because they call the whole issue into question..

  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    "He said, 'go back,' you know, those types of words," Thomas said on Saturday. "I don't wanna say he said 'go back to your country,' or 'go back to where you came from,' but he was making those types of references, is what I remember."

    "So, you don't remember exactly what he said?" a reporter pressed.

    Thomas answered: "No, no, definitely not. But I know it was 'go back,' because I know I told him to 'go back.'"

    Ahhh So SHE told the grocer clerk to "go back"... The clerk is from Cuba...

    Once again, Dumbocrats create racism out of nothing at all...


  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    Andrew McCarthy: Mueller's testimony will not give Democrats what they crave. Can they handle it?

    Prepare to be disappointed.

    That should be Democrats' mindset heading into Robert Mueller’s appearance this week before two House committees. The greater the anticipation of the testimony, the more the letdown is apt to be.

    That is because the special counsel simply is not going to give them what they crave.

    Democrats want Mueller to say he would have charged President Trump with obstruction of justice were it not for Justice Department guidance instructing that a sitting president may not be indicted. Mueller cannot say that without contradicting his report and his statements at a late May press conference.

    He is not going to do that.

    All Democrats are doing is setting themselves up for a BIG fail..

    Even bigger than the fail they had when they hyped up the Mueller report and then, when it came out, it totally exonerated President Trump on Russia Collusion/Conspiracy...

    But hay.. Anything that slaps the Democrat Party down...???

    Give me more of that!! :D

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    We'll get back to the Mueller travesty later..

    This just in...

    Boris Johnson is the new PM of the UK... :D

    Ya just GOTTA love it!!! :D

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    BREXIT ***WILL*** happen now.. :D

    Take THAT, you one world progressive/liberal government supporters!!! :D

    Have a feeling it's gonna be a GREAT day... :D

    Let all the fear mongering "IT'S THEN END OF THE WORLD!!!!" hysteria from Lefties commence.. :D

  49. [49] 
    TheStig wrote:

    Kick - 9

    "The hallmark of the board trolls on this forum are their total and unmitigated inability to connect the dots."

    Plus an unholy reliance on cut & paste driven repetition and a seemingly endless supply of free time to do it. Twenty posts per hr doesn't suggest a whole lot of thought is driving this narrow gauge train of circular thinking.

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:


    Sad to announce that Captain Lee Crane AKA David Hedison has died....

    Sad day....

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    Plus an unholy reliance on cut & paste driven repetition and a seemingly endless supply of free time to do it. Twenty posts per hr doesn't suggest a whole lot of thought is driving this narrow gauge train of circular thinking.

    Once again, those with limited thinking skills can't address the FACTS and REALITY so they all try to make it all about me.. :D

    Keep proving ya'all's inferiority on a daily basis.. I'll never leave!!! :D

    'sides, Stig... Didn't you say you were going to ignore me???

    Apparently, I live rent-free in your head because you CAN'T ignore me.. :D


  52. [52] 
    TheStig wrote:

    Trump supporters are fully aware of who and what he is. They support him because they like his behavior.
    It is the same reason they watched and enjoyed his TV show. Trump supporters are voting for a brand. They think of him as a sort of rat poison.

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    Twenty posts per hr doesn't suggest a whole lot of thought is driving this

    ANd yet, *I* am the ONLY one here who has been factually accurate time and time again..

    It's been YA'ALL who have ALWAYS been WRONG about EVERYTHING...

    So, apparently, the FACTS prove beyond ANY doubt who here is the thinking one (me) and who here is constantly full of shit..(ya'all)....

    FACTS are FACTS, sunshine...

    And the FACTS prove that ya'all lose time and time and time again.. :D

    "Yer nothing. Live with that..."
    -Demi Moore, A FEW GOOD MEN


  54. [54] 
    TheStig wrote:


    Don't think that I bother to read your posts. All I see are the time stamps and your name. I have better things to do....and I'm off to do them.

  55. [55] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump supporters are fully aware of who and what he is. They support him because they like his behavior.

    Factually not accurate.. Once again, you are wrong..

    The majority of Trump supporters like what President Trump is doing for the country and for them personally...

    A lot of the antics, they could do without...

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:

    Don't think that I bother to read your posts. All I see are the time stamps and your name. I have better things to do....and I'm off to do them.

    And yet, here you are, STILL reading my posts... :D

    It's funny how you lusers all claim that NO ONE reads my comments...

    And yet, there are DOZENS of comments in response to my comments..

    So.. Once again... The FACTS and REALITY prove you are wrong.....

  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, let's get back to Mueller.. :D

    A question for Robert Mueller

    House Democrats have delayed former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Capitol Hill testimony until July 24 to allow for “expanded questioning.” By this they mean grandstanding, virtue signaling, political posturing and contriving theatrical stunts aimed at resuscitating the discredited “obstruction” claims against President Trump.

    The question remains why Mueller should testify at all. There is no chance that he will add anything of substance to the matters already amply explored in the 448-page report on his two-year investigation. There will be no new evidence, no smoking gun, nothing to clarify what has already been made quite clear: there was no collusion, no obstruction.

    But clarity is hardly the objective in this political circus. Democrats are bound and determined to muddy the waters to resuscitate the comatose impeachment narrative. And Mueller may be more than willing to help.

    Mueller’s last public appearance was his eight-minute public statement on May 29, in which he basically said that Donald Trump must be viewed as guilty unless proven innocent. “If we had confidence the president clearly did not commit a crime,” he intoned, “we would have said so.”

    How Trump could, or more importantly would want to, obstruct an investigation where he knew there was no crime seems to have been lost in the scramble to take the president down. And Mueller’s study in ambiguity was so opaque that the Justice Department had to issue a clarification to tamp down speculation that there was rift between the special counsel’s office and the attorney aeneral. Regardless, the statement constituted a bizarre “third bite at the apple” and served, probably intentionally, as a dog-whistle for Democrats to pursue impeachment.

    I whole-heartedly encourage Democrats to pursue impeachment against President Trump..

    Because, with the possible exception of the face of the Democrat Party being 4 America hating terrorist loving bitches... NOTHING will more guarantee a President Trump re-election in a landslide more than another failed witch hunt... :D

    Please Dumbocrats.. Please PLEASE impeach President Trump..

    I double dog dare you... :D

  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:

    IHOP Sees Explosive Growth in To-Go Sales
    DiCaprio, Pitt want to team up again after Tarantino hit
    Albany Steps Closer to Releasing Trump's State Tax Returns After Assembly Vote
    Mueller to testify publicly before Congress
    Pink Floyd frontman David Gilmour sells guitars for over $21 million in auction to combat climate change
    Pelosi tells Trump: No 'hostilities' with Iran unless Congress approves
    Mueller to testify publicly before Congress
    Pink Floyd frontman David Gilmour sells guitars for over $21 million in auction to combat climate change
    Pelosi tells Trump: No 'hostilities' with Iran unless Congress approves
    Mueller to testify publicly before Congress
    Autoplay: On | Off
    House Democrats have delayed former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Capitol Hill testimony until July 24 to allow for “expanded questioning.” By this they mean grandstanding, virtue signaling, political posturing and contriving theatrical stunts aimed at resuscitating the discredited “obstruction” claims against President Trump.

    The question remains why Mueller should testify at all. There is no chance that he will add anything of substance to the matters already amply explored in the 448-page report on his two-year investigation. There will be no new evidence, no smoking gun, nothing to clarify what has already been made quite clear: there was no collusion, no obstruction.

    But clarity is hardly the objective in this political circus. Democrats are bound and determined to muddy the waters to resuscitate the comatose impeachment narrative. And Mueller may be more than willing to help.

    Mueller’s last public appearance was his eight-minute public statement on May 29, in which he basically said that Donald Trump must be viewed as guilty unless proven innocent. “If we had confidence the president clearly did not commit a crime,” he intoned, “we would have said so.”

    How Trump could, or more importantly would want to, obstruct an investigation where he knew there was no crime seems to have been lost in the scramble to take the president down. And Mueller’s study in ambiguity was so opaque that the Justice Department had to issue a clarification to tamp down speculation that there was rift between the special counsel’s office and the attorney aeneral. Regardless, the statement constituted a bizarre “third bite at the apple” and served, probably intentionally, as a dog-whistle for Democrats to pursue impeachment.

    Nothing substantive has emerged in the past few months to shake the “no collusion, no obstruction” conclusion. Yet information has begun to appear that makes the Mueller Report appear to be much more of an anti-Trump political hit-piece than it appeared.

    Judicial Watch, through its investigations and litigation, has turned up important exculpatory government records and documents exonerating Trump from the Russia hoax that the Mueller team chose to omit from their report. Judicial Watch has also demonstrated that the investigators were hardly the objective paragons of virtue as portrayed in the media but were a politically biased hit team.

    For example, the hiring effort was led by Andrew Weissman, who was enough of a Democratic insider to have been invited to Hillary Clinton’s election night party. He assembled a left-leaning team of investigators who could be counted on to approach the question with the proper “get Trump” attitude. Take, for example Jeannie Rhee, who was working the Papadopoulos case fresh off her previous assignment protecting the Clinton Foundation at the law firm WilmerHale. Each revelation makes the investigation sound more like an inside job.

    When Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s outrageous conduct and flagrant anti-Trump bias became too much for Mueller, he hid the fact from the American people for four months. Meanwhile his office deleted all the text messages they passed while on his team and reformatted their government-issued phones. Maybe Congress should be investigating that obstruction of justice.

    Mueller's job was nothing but a hit on President Trump taken out by the thugs of the Dumbocrat Party..

    That is ALL it was....

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:

    Crap.. Too much of that was caught up in the CnP...

    My bust... :^/

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    Lots of questions for Mueller..

    Mueller will soon have to face probing questions about his willful blindness, selective investigative focus and history of seeking to cement a legend around dates and persons that fit the collusion/obstruction narrative. He will also have to explain the murky origins of his investigation, rooted in former FBI Director James Comey’s leak of information from Trump’s FBI files to the New York Times through a professor at Columbia Law School.

    Mueller could explain why he chose not to announce that his investigators had found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia until after the 2018 midterm elections, even though his team already knew that Russiagate was a hoax.

    And even after the midterms, why did Mueller withhold exculpatory evidence from the nine-page charging document filed with the Michael Cohen plea deal?

    What about the fact that Carter Page had acted as an informant for the FBI against Russia?

    And what of United States District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich’s opinion from July 1, 2019 that Mueller did not establish a Kremlin connection to the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which the report claimed was the Kremlin’s tool social media campaigns seeking to influence the 2016 election?

    What about the leaks to the news media, such as when the Washington Post obtained the March 17, 2019 letter critiquing Attorney General William Barr’s summary of the conclusions of the Mueller report?

    Then there are the matters of the Clinton-funded Steele dossier, Fusion GPS and its links to the Justice Department and the genesis of the illicit Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants used to spy on the Trump campaign.

    Lots and LOTS of questions that Mueller needs to answer.. :D

  61. [61] 
    Michale wrote:

    VERY good point...

    Mueller showed a remarkable lack of curiosity about these issues, and for good reason since the truth would have compromised the entire rationale for the continued legal and political harassment of President Trump. This also goes to the bizarre timing of the Mueller testimony, since we are awaiting the soon-to-be-released report from the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General on potential abuse FISA abuse, which is certain to lay these issues bare. In that respect Mueller and the Democrats are wasting their time, because the OIG report will reveal the unprecedented abuse of government power that drove the collusion myth.

    In retrospect the most remarkable thing about the Mueller witch hunt is that even with the deck stacked so solidly against him, Trump emerged from the process clean. The Russiagate hoax was so completely lacking in substance (even the manufactured kind) that Mueller couldn’t take Trump down. Congressional Democrats may think that they can somehow manipulate the upcoming hearings to produce a rationale for obstruction charges. But again, how can there be obstruction when there was never a crime? Maybe Mr. Mueller can answer that one.

    Despite this entire phalanx of Trump/America haters, not a single solitary fact was found to prove President Trump colluded/conspired with Russians to win the election..

    NOT... A.... SINGLE.... SOLITARY..... FACT......

    Yep.. The ONLY thing that this Mueller circus will achieve is to emphasize the Left Wing coup that was attempted...

  62. [62] 
    Michale wrote:

    New York police slam videos showing officers pelted with objects, drenched with water: 'reprehensible'

    Today's Democrat Party.. :^/

  63. [63] 
    neilm wrote:

    Jesus H. Christ Michale, you spam a lot.

    Give it up - nobody reads this drivel that you make up or cut and paste.

    It is sad really.

  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    Give it up - nobody reads this drivel that you make up or cut and paste.

    It is sad really.

    Ya'all keep saying that no one reads it..

    Yet, many of ya'all answer point for point..

    If no one reads what I comment, why are you so adamant about driving me away?? :D

    Me doth thinks thou protest TOO much... :D

  65. [65] 
    neilm wrote:

    This Stephen Colbert clip mocking Eric Trump may be the funniest thing you'll see all day:

    (Thanks to Pottersville)

  66. [66] 
    neilm wrote:

    Yet, many of ya'all answer point for point..

    OK folks - stop feeding the troll.

  67. [67] 
    neilm wrote:

    Manufacturing recession. Despite Trump’s promises of a manufacturing “renaissance,” the country is now in a manufacturing recession. The Federal Reserve just reported that the manufacturing sector had a second straight quarter of decline, falling below Wall Street’s expectations. And for the first time ever, the average hourly wage for manufacturing workers has dropped below the national average.

    Hmm. Might be time to listen to this author some more. She also rang all the correct alarm bells at the correct time leading up to the 2008 crisis.

    Maybe even vote for her for President.

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK folks - stop feeding the troll.


    You people have been trying that for a decade..

    And yet.. Here I am.. :D

  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hmm. Might be time to listen to this author some more. She also rang all the correct alarm bells at the correct time leading up to the 2008 crisis.


    You crack me up, Neil.. :D

  70. [70] 
    neilm wrote:

    BTW, I found the link to the article above from a libertarian financial blogger's web site - I think Libertarians are teenagers, as you well know, but many, including this blogger, do some good market research. When the libertarians start telling us "listen to Elizabeth Warren" you know there are two very independent groups pointing in the same direction.

    If the recession comes before Nov 2020, how will Trump['s ego cope with being a gigantic loser - he has brushed off the fact that the only think he ran on - a wall - is DOA - if one of the two things he brags about (the stock market) crashes just before the other thing he brags about (winning in 2016) gets overruled when he loses but time in 2020, we are going to have to come up with a new term - "lame duck" isn't going to cut it - "biggest loser" is far more accurate.

    Donald "Biggest Loser" Trump - nice ring to it.

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:

    If the recession comes before Nov 2020, how will Trump['s ego cope with being a gigantic loser

    You people have been predicting recession since before President Trump took office..

    Why do you believe you are going to be factually accurate this time???

    Donald "Biggest Loser" Trump - nice ring to it.

    I do believe you said nearly the exact same thing in the run-up to the 2016 election..

    When are you going to learn.. Wishing something to happen doesn't make it factual... :D

  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    Israel vote will expose Democratic divisions

    Party Unity My Ass!! :D

  73. [73] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ironically enough, Congresscritter Omnar has a lot in common with David Duke...

    Funny how that is, eh?? :D

  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    Remind me again about the awesomeness that is Democrat governance???

    Nearly entire Bay Area sees homelessness surge

    Neighboring counties saw 2019 homeless levels increase more than San Francisco

    San Francisco recently released the results of its 2019 point-in-time homeless census conducted in January, and the news appeared nothing less than disastrous, as SF’s homeless headcount increased by the hundreds despite the city’s seemingly ceaseless efforts to provide relief.

    I seem to have forgotten, what with all the facts to the contrary???


  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:

    Jesus H. Christ Michale, you spam a lot.

    Give it up - nobody reads this drivel that you make up or cut and paste.

    It is sad really.

    During my self-imposed hiatus, I received emails from several people wondering where I was and wishing I would come back...

    So, apparently, I DO have a fan base here in Weigantia.. :D

    I'm just sayin'.... :D

  76. [76] 
    Paula wrote:

    [71] neilm: "When the libertarians start telling us "listen to Elizabeth Warren" you know there are two very independent groups pointing in the same direction."

    Are they saying to listen to EW re: her warnings about coming recession?

  77. [77] 
    Michale wrote:

    MSNBC contributor’s false claim about Fox News morphs into conspiracy theory

    More Fake News from hysterical Trump/America hating media outlets...


  78. [78] 
    Michale wrote:

    Puerto Rico judge issues search warrants for embattled governor and aides as protests continue

    Apparently, Puerto Rico's status as a shithole has nothing to do with President Trump and EVERYTHING to do their Democrat Party-esque government...

  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    The warrants come two days after Rosselló, a Democrat, announced that he would not seek re-election amid the corruption allegations that have led to widespread protests across the island. The governor, however, has so far refused to give in to demands by protesters for him to step down from his post.

    That's funny.. A couple people here said that Rossello was a Republican...

    Apparently they are, as always... Full of shit..

    Par for the course... :eyeroll:

  80. [80] 
    Michale wrote:

    Many Puerto Ricans have been calling for Rosselló’s resignation after the leaked online chats showed him insulting women and political opponents as well as mocking victims of Hurricane Maria, one of the most devastating natural disasters to hit the island territory.

    THIS is the guy ya'all sided with???

    Simply more facts to support that ya'all don't mind insulting women and Hurricane Survivors...

    As long as the person doing the insulting has a -D after their name.... :eyeroll:

  81. [81] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @m [18-49] !!!!!

    no, i will not vote for Donald, even if the worst of the current crop of democratic candidates is nominated. i don't hate him, i just think he is terrible at his current job of president.


  82. [82] 
    Michale wrote:

    no, i will not vote for Donald, even if the worst of the current crop of democratic candidates is nominated. i don't hate him, i just think he is terrible at his current job of president.

    Fair enough...

    But would you vote for a Democrat who promises open borders , who promises to throw you off of your health care plan you like and promises to give full and free health care to Crimmigants???

    I doubt it..

    You would likely stay home...

    Which is a de-facto vote for President Trump... :D

  83. [83] 
    Michale wrote:

    @m [18-49]

    I made THAT many comments!!??

    WOW!! I'm good!!! :D

  84. [84] 
    Michale wrote:

    Watch Megan Rapinoe's reaction when young fan asks for autograph. It's going viral for all the wrong reasons.

    'The window to the soul is observing how someone treats someone powerless who can do absolutely no good for them'

    Typical elitist Dumbocrat..

    Too busy networking and smoozing to be bothered by the little people.. The common folk...

    Especially common folk of color..


  85. [85] 
    Michale wrote:

    Compare the actions of a stuck up Dumbocrat elitist bitch to the actions of a REAL American patriot...

    Former- Elitist bitch..

    Latter- American Patriot..

    'nuff said...

  86. [86] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    *** I have posted this multiple times now on different dates, and am posting it again because I would appreciate a reply. Thank you.

    Fair enough..

    I have 30+ odd comments on this particular commentary..

    Pick 10 of them, refute them with FACTS..

    Then I'll be happy to oblige you by responding to your comment..

    Fair is fair..

    You do your part, I'll do mine..

    Yes, you post like 30 posts for every one the rest of us post, but sadly you rarely actually read more than the headline associated with the article’s you post here based on how often what the article says is in direct conflict with what you claim it says.

    And why should I have to respond to 10 of your posts for you to respond to one of mine? Your posts, for the most part, consist of you copying someone else’s thoughts and then adding an insult at the very end. If you are called out for something offensive stated in the article, you make it clear that you didn’t make the comment, you were simply reposting someone else’s. The strangest part is that when this occurs, you claim that your reposting of their words on here does not mean that you agree with them!

    I try my best to respond only to your comments on here, and avoid addressing the article’s comments — don’t always manage to keep myself from giving in to the temptation, but I do try.

    And even though your comments do not warrant a 10:1 response ratio, I went ahead and responded to 10 comments from you because your request was an obvious attempt from having to answer my questions. And while I did technically choose to answer ten questions posed in just one article, those ten questions are repeated individually throughout multiple posts of yours.

    Now it’s your turn. I am asking for you to actually do what you said you would do.

  87. [87] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Here’s the post you’ve avoided.


    For all of your insincere bravado that you try to project on here, you expose the truth when you post things like:

    Shut the fuck up, Victoria..

    Yer nothing but a crack whore welfare case who had her children taken away because yer a hooker..

    Go fuck yourself..

    You aren’t the patriotic he-man whose wisdom and understanding of world events are opening the eyes of misinformed liberals on a daily basis, no matter how many times you try to tell yourself (and us) that is the truth!

    You are an angry, unhappy man who sees the world changing in front of him in ways that seem foreign to him. When you think you are portraying confidence and strength on here, it typically comes off as insecurity and weakness. You taunt anyone who dares to differ in opinion with you as just spouting party rhetoric and accusing us of not thinking for ourselves. Every complaint against this administration or Trump is deflected with a counter “what-aboutism” featuring long past events that rarely mirror the events in question... and when you cannot find a line of deflection to use, our statements are ignored completely.

    Your rapid-fire over saturation of propaganda pieces to this site just make you look desperate to convince someone....anyone...even yourself....that you are right. And when we get tired of your dishonest attacks on the group and stand up to ya.... when we push back... you explode in rage!

    Kick didn’t dox doxxed yourself. The fact that she is a woman seems to only make you angrier...which might tell ya something about yourself if you only took the time to think about it for a second.

    And what gives you the right to make racist and sexist comments on here and think that is justified?

    Why should I honor ANY congresscritter?? Especially ones who are bimbos and bitches???

    You don't seem to mind when they refer to YOUR President as "motherfucker"..

    Because acting like a sexist bigot only makes you look weak and pathetic and would likely mean that you know your arguments are B.S.

    Trump was called MF not during a press conference or in a tweet, it was said at a bar where the representative had been celebrating becoming a member of Congress. She was on her own time, and if you watch the video, doesn’t seem to realize the person asking the question was a reporter — or was just feeling too good to care at that point!

    And how sad that is your defense of his racist comments! (And it is racist, according to multiple legal decisions in work place harassment cases filed with the EEOC)

    How does disagreeing with the president make a woman a “bimbo”? What does her political views have to do with her sex life?

    I disagree with Trump too.

    Should I expect for you to start referring to me as “faggot” because of my beliefs?

    I ask only because you obviously think such a response to my political views is justified and deserved!

  88. [88] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    And just to be nice, here is your post with the 10 questions. I’ll post my responses afterwards.

    10 Questions for the America hating "Squad"... And anyone else who dares to go on the record..

    1) Given the attack this week against an ICE facility by an Antifa member who parroted some of the rhetoric used by your group about similar facilities, do you feel any responsibility to tone down that rhetoric?

    2) The initial dispute with other Democrats originated from your voting against the House Democrats’ border-aid bill and the bipartisan compromise bill. Several of you have also promoted boycotts against furniture providers that work with detention facilities. How can you legitimately complain about the conditions at these facilities while opposing the aid and resources that officials say are needed to improve those conditions?

    3) If you could fully control how we deal with the current influx of migrants from Central America at the border, what would the process look like? Without detention facilities, what would you do with migrants who cross the border without proper documentation? How will you deal with those who do not show up to court and have deportation orders issued against them?


    4) Part of the recent infighting in the House caucus seems to be in reaction to tweets from your chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, suggesting that some of your colleagues were enabling racism with their immigration votes and comparable to southern segregationists in the ’40s. Do you agree with his comments? Do you still support Nancy Pelosi as the speaker of the House?

    5) You have repeatedly defended comparing U.S. migrant-detention facilities to concentration camps and invoking the phrase “never again.” These Holocaust comparisons have led to condemnation from mainstream Jewish and Holocaust-remembrance groups, including the ADL, the U.S. Holocaust Museum, and Yad Vashem. Why do you feel that comparison is necessary despite concerns that you are diminishing the suffering of Holocaust victims?


    6) The Minnesota Star Tribune recently did a story raising questions about your previous marriage. Documents appear to indicate that you filed joint tax returns with your current husband while you were still married to your previous husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Legal documents also show your current husband and your former husband claiming the same residence around the same time. Can you explain these discrepancies?

    7) During the 2018 election, you denied complaints claiming you misused campaign funds, but the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board recently found you had misappropriated funds for your divorce attorney and travel expenses. Can you explain how that happened?

    8) Can you please explain why you believe sanctions against the Maduro regime in Venezuela are “bullying” and a form of “economic sabotage” against Venezuelans, but support the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel?

    Questions for Rashida Tlaib:

    9) A few months ago, pro-Israel group Stand With Us did an investigation looking at 18 individuals associated with you or your campaign. You have personally praised some of these individuals on Facebook for their work on your campaign. All 18 have publicly expressed sympathy for terrorism or posted blatantly anti-Semitic content — such as images depicting Jews as rats or suggestions that “Hitler would be a dove” compared with what they wanted done to Jews. There is also evidence that you followed an Instagram account that regularly posted anti-Semitic content, and that your campaign fundraiser shared similar material. How do you explain so many associations with people who promote anti-Semitism? Do you share any of these views?

    Questions for Ayanna Pressley:

    10) Can you please explain your comments at Netroots Nation about not needing any more “brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice” or “black faces that don’t want to be a black voice”? Are you suggesting that individuals with a particular skin tone must adopt a particular viewpoint?

    Anyone wanna take a stab at these???

    {{{chiirrrppp cccchhhhiiiirrrrrpppppp}}}

    Yea... That's what I figured... :eyeroll:<

  89. [89] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    My responses to the above questions:

    I’ll take the 10 questions posed in post [45] to start:

    1) What was it that he supposedly “parroted”? If it was that the children are being cruelly ripped from their families and being held in conditions that not even third world countries’ prison systems would find acceptable — no, they were correct in saying that.

    2) There are other places where the gov’t can buy beds. You act like these furniture companies are the only ones who know about the hidden cave where bunk beds must be hunted and killed, their carcasses used to give children rest. The lack of beds isn’t due to companies refusing to deal with the gov’t.

    3). Nobody is suggesting that there be no place that people can be held if they need to be deported back to their home countries. They’d exist, but we would go back to releasing those seeking asylum to their families and friends if they live here, or allow them to go with one of the hundreds of charities that work to assist refugees. We’d bring back the program that Obama has started that saw over 90% of asylum seekers making their court hearings and check-ins with their case workers before Trump tossed it because he hates anything the black president did. As for what to do about those who skip out on their court dates, they’ll leave on their own when they are unable to find anyone willing to hire them after we make hiring an undocumented person a class 2 felony with mandatory 5 years of prison. Nobody would try to sneak in if they weren’t sure they could find employment at places like Trump’s properties!

    4) No. Yes.

    5) The term concentration camp is the right description for where our government is holding these kids. The term isn’t restricted to just the Holocaust and Nazi Germany. And these children are just as likely to suffer the same psychological damage that children the same age who survived the Holocaust suffered from.

    6). They were wrong. The same address was because my ex- became our roommate, as housing he could afford was tough to find at the time.

    7) My accountant misfiled the returns. We admitted the mistake, paid the fine, and corrected the filings and refiled.

    8) A government sanctioning another country does so to force compliance or to punish. Since Venezuela hasn’t been accused of a crime, it would be safe to assume our sanctions were intended to force compliance.

    Boycotting is done by individuals/corporations that choose not to invest their money to aide Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. It isn’t bullying, it’s an individual’s choice. Would you suppress free speech?

    9). Evidence to support your accusations? No way to determine if I agree with their comments without you providing me with what they said.

    10). Simple, She was saying that she didn’t want people of color in politics that are working to pass legislation that hurts their communities. Kinda like how I don’t care for gays who believe employers should be able to fire a gay person simply because the employer says the gay person is a sinner in their religion.

    And just for good measure...

    Remind me again how proper it was for Odumbo to appease Iran???

    Iran has seized a second tanker, US official says
    From CNN's Barbara Starr

    Well, under Obama, Iran agreed to a list of stipulations they had to meet for the five nations to agree to remove the sanctions they’d placed on Iran. And surprise, worked! Iran complied with all of the terms and passed every inspection with flying colors.

    Then Trump came in and chose to show the world that America, under him, should not be trusted to keep their word. Trump caused America to violate the terms of the agreement.

    Trump chose to place damaging sanctions on Iran for...and this is the kicker....complying with our demands!

    Iran wasn’t doing these things until Trump screwed our partners and Iran over because he hated that Obama’s plan was working great!

    Your turn!

  90. [90] 
    Paula wrote:

    Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee hold presser to sound the alarm about 2020 election interference and Mitch McConnell's refusing to allow consideration of any legislation to combat it.

  91. [91] 
    Michale wrote:


    And why should I have to respond to 10 of your posts for you to respond to one of mine?

    Why should I respond to one of yours when you won't respond to any of mine???

    You want to start addressing my comments, I'll start addressing yours..

    Until then.. Go fuck yourself..

  92. [92] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    Why should I respond to one of yours when you won't respond to any of mine???

    Are you kidding me? My question was a legitimate question, and although your overly inflated sense of importance is a joke missing it’s punchline, I went ahead and agreed to your terms and completed the task. It was clear you were trying to weasel out of having to answer my questions then, and it is even more obvious that was the case now!

    Did you simply ignore post [89] which consolidated ten questions that you repeated individually throughout your other posts?

    I also went on to answer the question about Iran and Obama, making it 11 posts I was responding to.

    So much for your “integrity” actually existing!

  93. [93] 
    Kick wrote:


    Your rapid-fire over saturation of propaganda pieces to this site just make you look desperate to convince someone....anyone...even yourself....that you are right. And when we get tired of your dishonest attacks on the group and stand up to ya.... when we push back... you explode in rage!

    I won't repost the entire thing, but suffice it to say that Russ nails it as usual... every word in [88].

    Russ, the lowlife prat who trolls and spams this board daily isn't worthy of your response and is a fraud and inveterate liar who quite obviously keeps begging the other commenters on this forum to "go eff yourself" because despite his bone-deep well-demonstrated ignorance, he's becoming keenly aware that this is exactly what he's done to himself and therefore begs and cries out desperately from that miserable little shithole he's dug for himself for someone/anyone to pay him a little attention and join him in the festering stench in which he wallows.

  94. [94] 
    Paula wrote:

    [94] Kick:

    Russ, the lowlife prat who trolls and spams this board daily isn't worthy of your response and is a fraud and inveterate liar who quite obviously keeps begging the other commenters on this forum to "go eff yourself" because despite his bone-deep well-demonstrated ignorance, he's becoming keenly aware that this is exactly what he's done to himself and therefore begs and cries out desperately from that miserable little shithole he's dug for himself for someone/anyone to pay him a little attention and join him in the festering stench in which he wallows.


  95. [95] 
    C. R. Stucki wrote:

    The Mueller hearings will demonstrate once and for all that Trump's sin was NOT 'collusion', was NOT 'conspiracy', was NOT 'obstruction'. Trumps's unforgivable sin was defeating the woman that ALL the pundits, ALL the pollsters, and ALL the crystal ball gazers, promised Kick and Paula that she couldn't possibly lose.

  96. [96] 
    Kick wrote:


    Yucky's sin is that he's becoming known on this board as the pathetic old tosser obsessing chronically over females.

    Bugger off, perv.

  97. [97] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    I appreciate your support and kind words. I realized that it was unlikely that Michale would answer the questions I was asking, even before I ever hit the “submit comment” button for that first post. I see how Michale lashes out at you and Paula with much more venomous attacks than I have ever seen him use when he targeting the males on this site.

    As a gay man, I have met lots of straight males who equated gay males with being like females, in their eyes. It shouldn’t really surprise you to learn that these men typically viewed women in very misogynistic terms. So when I encounter men who are openly sexist, I just go ahead and figure that their views on gays will be just as bent!

    Granted, bigots usually have a hatred for the full spectrum of people that are different from them, and thus are scary.

    I just want him to explain why he believes that his racist and sexist attacks on the Squad of four congresswomen and on the women on this site is justified...and if it is justified to make bigoted comments based on what a person’s political views are, then why isn’t he attacking me with the same level of hatred when I share the same beliefs?

  98. [98] 
    Michale wrote:

    Are you kidding me? My question was a legitimate question, a

    As is mine..

    I have a multitude of posts, any one of which you can address..

    But you ignore them.

    And then you get pissy when I ignore yours..

    Bite me..

    You start addressing my comments, I'll start addressing yours..

    Until then, I already told you what you can do...

  99. [99] 
    Kick wrote:


    I just want him to explain why he believes that his racist and sexist attacks on the Squad of four congresswomen and on the women on this site is justified...and if it is justified to make bigoted comments based on what a person’s political views are, then why isn’t he attacking me with the same level of hatred when I share the same beliefs?

    I hear you, Russ, and have been right there with you the entire time.

    Have you considered the fact that he's an admitted player or the fact that every man has his price and somebody found Mike's?

    Oh, let's face the facts, Russ, you've quite simply hit way too close to the bone. As I've said before, and I'll say again: The way to take down a bully is to expose the fraud, and with your line of present questioning you're unquestionably and uncomfortably exposing one.

    It's uncomfortable for people like Mike when you hit on a subject that so thoroughly exposes them for exactly who they are... because no matter how many times Trump and his cult of useful idiots make the claim that they have no problem at all with "legal immigration" and/or "people of color" they cannot now escape or deny the fact that they are repeatedly disparaging in vile terms a woman of color who immigrated legally, became a United States citizen, and had the temerity and the sheer audacity to get herself elected to Congress.

    It's simply too uncomfortable for them, Russ, to be exposed for exactly what they are, and it's no accident whatsoever that Trump chose women of color to vilify because it plays to their fears on multiple levels because long after their coronary arteries have been slammed shut by cheeseburgers and their anger, it'll be these "others" and others not like them who'll be running the show. :)

  100. [100] 
    amello wrote:

    Reverse psychology: Just keep on voting for morons!

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