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Is A Second Wave Beginning?

[ Posted Thursday, June 11th, 2020 – 16:46 UTC ]

While the overall news on the coronavirus pandemic has gotten better on a national scale, we could be seeing the very beginnings of a second wave developing in individual states. This is worrisome, but what is even more concerning is that we may be about to repeat the mistakes of the first wave all over again. The process of closing down the economy and sheltering in place was painful, and the reopening and lifting of restrictions got very political, which adds up to an enormous reluctance by governors to go through it all over again. Which, if true, would mean that the second wave may prove to be worse than the first.

Now, none of this is certain at this point. A real second wave may never even develop, at least not on the scale the first wave did. It may be isolated to certain states or regions, while other states and regions don't see a resurgence. Anything is possible.

So far, the signs aren't all that good, though. Virtually none of the states followed the official reopening guidelines to the letter, even where Democratic governors are calling the shots. Reopening was rushed, to varying degrees, almost everywhere. What we're seeing now is the result of that rush. Please remember the lag time whenever interpreting the data -- the spikes we're seeing now are a direct result of what happened around Memorial Day. States reopened for the holiday, and now they're paying the price as caseloads are spiking upwards. We may also see a further spike (or an increase in the spikes that already exist) as a direct result of the protests and marches in the streets -- but likely not until next week or so, because of the lag time.

Not every state is experiencing a spike, and it seems to be geographical more than political. States in the South and West are seeing increases in cases, but even that is not universal. Some states in other regions are also seeing spikes, but again this is not universal.

Overall, the number of COVID-19 deaths per day in America is slowly coming down. From a high of over 2,000 deaths per day, we're now down to the high triple digits (just below 1,000 per day). But the pace of the reduction seems to have slowed over the past month or so. New cases, however, have hit a plateau of around 20,000 cases a day (down from a high of 30,000 per day) and are not heading downward at all. Perhaps this is due to testing being more widely available, or perhaps the virus is more persistent than originally thought. Either way, the national new cases per day seems stuck at a rather high level and has not gone down even as the death counts have.

About half of the individual states, however, are seeing record highs in new cases per day. So far, this hasn't led to hospitals being overwhelmed quite yet, but a few red flags are already being raised.

Throughout it all, the state governors have been moving toward relaxing more and more of the restrictions, even if their caseloads are currently hitting new highs. This is, obviously, either very short-sighted or perhaps should be classified as magical thinking ("If we all just pretend real hard, it'll go away"). Only one state -- Utah, of all places -- has paused their reopening schedule and decided to wait a little longer before entering the next phase. Note that they haven't actually pulled back, but merely called a halt to heading forward for now.

The big question that nobody seems to be asking right now is what would it take for any of the governors to actually move backward -- by reinstituting restrictions, or even going all the way back to a "shelter in place" shutdown. Politically, this would be very hard to do, at this point. People everywhere are sick of "shutdown fatigue" or "cabin fever" or whatever you want to call it. And remember that it's not just the governors proclaiming restrictions, it takes a willing populace to institute such drastic changes. The last time around, the populace was willing enough when it happened (well, most of them, at any rate), but this time around many more may decide to flout the rules.

My guess is that it's going to take emergency rooms and I.C.U. facilities being overwhelmed to force any governor (Democrat or Republican) to declare an about-face on reopening. If the caseload continues to go up but there are still I.C.U. beds available, then most governors will likely decide the situation isn't dire enough to call for massive social changes once again.

If we wait until this happens, though, it may make the second wave worse. By waiting until the crisis is fully upon us, we will have given the second wave a two-week headstart, at the minimum. Even if a governor goes all the way back to full lockdown, we will still see their numbers spike for an additional two or even three weeks.

This may be all but inevitable, given the political considerations the governors must weigh. Nobody wants to be the first to call for rolling back the reopening. Even if a few governors do timidly try to reinstate some restrictions (moving from Phase Three back to Phase One, for instance), they're going to face a whole lot of resistance. Add to that the fact that the White House will be cheering on if not leading this resistance, which makes the issue more partisan than it really should be.

Everyone's justifiably tired of hearing about the coronavirus. The news has largely dropped the subject in favor of "unrest in the streets." But the stock market took note today, dropping 1,800 points on the news that caseloads were spiking in multiple states. So I expect the media coverage will likely resume soon. And nobody's in the mood to hear more bad news.

The truly concerning thing about the recent spikes is that they probably didn't need to happen. The medical timeline for a second wave was always supposed to begin at the end of summer -- not at the start. This second wave is a direct result of not having the stamina to continue social distancing for a long enough period before throwing the doors open again. Meaning we could actually see a third wave develop on the usual medical timeline, later in the year.

Again, none of this is a certainty. Perhaps the spikes in caseloads truly are just a result of finally having the amount of testing that we really needed back in March or April. If the hospital caseload doesn't suffer a corresponding spike, then maybe we're just identifying a lot of very mild cases that had been missed up until now. Maybe nothing has really changed, in other words.

For now, I'll be watching the hospitalization rates and I.C.U. occupation rates. They will likely be the harbinger of another tough few months ahead. Much of the United States didn't lock down the first time until the emergency rooms were already overwhelmed, though, and we may be about to repeat that mistake once again.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


96 Comments on “Is A Second Wave Beginning?”

  1. [1] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Wall Street says yes. Thanks Trump.

  2. [2] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    The Trump Impeachment. The Trump Pandemic. The Trump Depression. 100 years from now, nobody will demonstrate to force the removal of his name from his atrocities. He'll be immortal. His dream come true. That may even be Putin's sinister plan. I mean, somebody has to play the heel. Get it right and the ratings are gold. Oh, I forgot. The Big Beautiful Stupid Trump Wall.

  3. [3] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I'm getting kinda shaggy. I was gonna get a haircut and now this deadly Trump Virus tsunami?

  4. [4] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    As I understand the epidemiologists' message since mid-April, this resurgence of cases is not the "second wave". It's the first wave, still moving through America, only faster again now that social distancing and the lock-downs that 'flattened the curve' have been prematurely relaxed.

    The first wave would have been over only if the guidelines set by CDC had been met before re-opening began: no new cases for two weeks. None of the states meet that standard.

    That's why, as you wrote: "The medical timeline for a second wave was always supposed to begin at the end of summer -- not at the start." The real second wave, the one that was "supposed to be later on", would have been a restart from near-zero cases because the virus would still be out there in a minuscule number of non-symptomatic cases at the end of a summer of continual lock-down. It would only be able come back when the re-openings were supposed to take place, at the end of summer.

    This current re-opening, drastically premature by every medical guideline, simply releases the first wave to continue its temporarily slowed-down spread.

    I'm not sure how convincing this point is to people who are thinking, "gee, it felt safe or they wouldn't have reopened, so new infections are coming from nowhere. That's the second wave, I get it." But they are wrong. This reopening was way too early.

    What is missing here is the "Moon Shot" program to test extensively, continuously, and aggressively, populations across the nation that are not symptomatic. The Moon Shot vaccine will not come for many months yet. But testing should have been ramped up to 20 to 50 million tests a week, ongoing, a long time ago now. Only then would a governor or mayor be able to say, all clear in this state or city, folks. No such testing is taking place, of course.

  5. [5] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: The big question that nobody seems to be asking right now is what would it take for any of the governors to actually move backward -- by reinstituting restrictions, or even going all the way back to a "shelter in place" shutdown.

    Hospitals filling to capacity, but I honestly think they opened up so quickly in Texas without meeting the CDC guidelines in order to avoid paying unemployment benefits. The funds are now depleted, and Texas will have to borrow money or raise taxes... or both... to pay unemployment benefits. I don't think they'll close down again.

    Meanwhile, on the horizon are impending employee layoffs from those businesses that secured billions for payrolls in government grants -- think airlines -- that do not have to be repaid as long as their employees are kept on the payroll until September 30. So October 1 brings more massive layoffs. Lather, rinse, repeat.

  6. [6] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    New cases are on the rise in many countries.

    And, with this virus, especially, no one is safe until everyone is safe - I think we will be living with it and some package of infection prevention and control measures for a long time.

  7. [7] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: My guess is that it's going to take emergency rooms and I.C.U. facilities being overwhelmed to force any governor (Democrat or Republican) to declare an about-face on reopening.

    Yep! Must read to the end before responding.

    I don't think this is any kind of "second wave" in Texas, simply the fallout from reopening before a single one of the Coronavirus Task Force guidelines was ever met.

    Meanwhile, since pictures are worth 1,000 words:

    Here you have about 100 or so people of the Trump-Pence campaign packed into a room in Virginia with all that recirculated air blowing around and the so-called "Leader of the Coronavirus Task Force" with not a single mask on a single one of them... at least that I could see.

    Why should anyone take this pandemic seriously? The guy who insisted that "smoking doesn't kill" and the moron POTUS who chose that idiot to lead America's response are still apparently in deep denial about the pandemic and the fatal effects of lung diseases.

  8. [8] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    As for the cost of Pandemic I already into the several trillions of dollars in North America alone, wouldn't it have been nice if the mere low billions of dollars had been spent preparing for it ...

    Lesson learned, right?

  9. [9] 
    Kick wrote:


    Me too, EM.

    Everybody stay safe, dang it.

  10. [10] 
    Kick wrote:


    Lesson learned, right?

    By Trump and company? Nope. The only way we're going to get an adequate national response is to vote the morons out.

  11. [11] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    But, I'm talking about the rest of the world, too.

  12. [12] 
    Kick wrote:

    Internal document reveals federal plan to ask nurses to reuse masks

    Protective supplies still limited, months into the pandemic

    Federal Emergency Management Agency data show that the government’s supply of surgical gowns has not meaningfully increased since photos first emerged in March of nurses wearing trash bags for protection.

    “The demand for gowns outpaces current U.S. manufacturing capabilities,” a document released Tuesday says.

    The document confirms the fears of nurses and other health care providers. After months of pressure on federal officials to use wartime powers to mobilize U.S. plants, the document's slides show that domestic manufacturing of gowns and surgical masks has ticked up by a few thousand per month since the pandemic hit, falling far short of need. The United States still does not manufacture any nitrile rubber gloves.

    Five months after the pandemic first hit U.S. shores — and after weeks of lockdown and economic collapse to prepare for a surge of cases — critical personal protective equipment such as surgical gowns and masks continues to face a national shortage.

  13. [13] 
    Kick wrote:


    But, I'm talking about the rest of the world, too.

    You'll have to look after them, EM, until America can vote out the Idiot Twins.

  14. [14] 
    andygaus wrote:

    I don't believe that "R0," the average number of persons an infected person infects in turn, has gone below 1.0 anywhere in the United States. As long as that is true, we're still on the first wave, and it's still spreading everywhere, faster here and slower there, but inexorably everywhere.

  15. [15] 
    Kick wrote:


    Your homework is to work the data and let us know:

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh, com'on, CW....

    Coronavirus is April May...

    Racist Cops and Democrat Terrorists taking over neighborhoods and setting up armed checkpoints is today's news...

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:


    One last note on “Choke Holds”... if you want to know how you can tell if an officer is using a choke hold on a person verses some other neck restraint, there is an easy test that you can use to quickly and accurately make that determination!

    If you hear the subject who is placed in the hold yell or scream anything, that is not a choke hold.

    Again, if you hear me scream, “Help! They are killing me!”; NOT a choke hold.

    If you see my mouth move but all you hear is, “Hhh...”; DEFINITELY a choke hold!

    Exactly, Russ.. EXACTLY

    As Liz can attest to, I said the same thing during the Eric Garner debacle..

    If you can say out loud that people can hear you "I can't breathe!!" then it's obvious to people who have more than 2 brain cells to rub together..

    You CAN breathe...

    Floyd said loudly and clearly, "I can't breathe!!" which means he COULD breathe..

    Cops know this.. So Officer Chauvin wasn't too concerned about Floyd's plight because it was clear to Office Chauvin that Floyd COULD breathe..

    As I have said for the past week (and, incidentally NO ONE has refuted) it is perfectly clear (again to those who possess more than 2 brain cells) Officer Chauvin did nothing wrong..

    This is a well documented and well substabtiated and totally non-refuted FACT...

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    Awwwww Isn't this cute...

    Seattle 'autonomous zone' has armed guards, local businesses being threatened with extortion, police say

    Democrat Party Terrorists are acting out PLANET OF THE APES...

    And THEY are the apes...

    Armed checkpoints??? Extorting businesses for "protection"... Setting up a protection racket...

    How do ya'all like yer Democrat Party now??? :eyeroll:

    You Democrats have a funny way with campaign strategies...

    Step #1 Armed Insurrection.. CHECK

    Step #2 Extort Local Businesses CHECK

    No wonder ya'all want to talk about yesterday's news..

    Today's Democrat Terrorist activities must be too much for ya'all to take, eh?? :eyeroll:

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya know what's funny??

    Ya'all made the SAME fear-mongering predictions the first time around...

    Ventilator shortage... Mask shortage Half a million dead..

    And NONE of it ever came to pass...

    So, wha?? You just rinse and re-used these unfounded and fact-less predictions???

    When are ya'all going to learn?? You can't beat President Trump.. You CAN'T run him out of office..

    President Trump has BESTED all of ya, yer entire Dumbocrat Party...


    Ya'all simply can't win...

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    Mayor, police chief deny making call to abandon precinct; mayor dubs anarchists ‘patriotic’

    Get that???

    Seattle City Government is facing an ARMED insurrection..

    And the mayor calls the terrorists "patriotic"...

    What is going on with you Democrats!!!???

    Tell you one thing.. If Democrats tried setting up armed checkpoints in my town and tried to stop my freedom of movement??? They would find themselves on the ground with 2 in the 10....

    President Trump needs to crush this immediately... If Democrat Terrorists think they can get away with it, there will just be more and more of it...

    I have always joked about Democrat Party is the Party of terrorists..

    I never really thought that Democrats would PROVE my case...

    Howz THAT for predictions becoming fact.. eh??

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Tell you one thing.. If Democrats tried setting up armed checkpoints in my town and tried to stop my freedom of movement??? They would find themselves on the ground with 2 in the 10....

    At the risk of opening up a bad memory for CW, I seem to recall an incident long ago at NetRoots Nation, I believe, that parallels what Democrat Terrorists are doing in Seattle...

    My response would be a lot less casual and laid back than CW's was...

  22. [22] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    You'll have to look after them, EM, until America can vote out the Idiot Twins.

    Yeah, I hear ya. Well, just make sure you guys get that done!

  23. [23] 
    Kick wrote:


    Yeah, I hear ya. Well, just make sure you guys get that done!

    On it! :)

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    Aren't ya'all supposed to be against all this??

    Ahhh If it's armed Democrat Antifa terrorists, it's perfectly OK with ya'all, eh? :eyeroll:

    Once again.. Blatant hypocrisy....

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yeah, I hear ya. Well, just make sure you guys get that done!

    Let me put it this, Liz..

    They will do as good of a job as they did in 2016.. :D

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:


    How do ya'all like yer Democrat Party now???

    {{{ccccchhhhiiiirrrrrpppppp, ccccchhhhhhiiirrrrpppppp}}}

    Yea... That's what I thought??


    President Trump needs to crush this armed rebellion... DEMOLISH it...

    Democrat Antifa terrorists won't stand a chance against REAL cops and REAL soldiers...

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Any Democrats here going to condemn this???

    No?? Yea... Figures....

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    The irony is thick...

    Democrat Black Lives Matter terrorists whining that Democrat Antifa terrorists have hijacked their rebellion..

    Maybe President Trump's best course of action is to let Democrat BLM Terrorists and Democrat AntiFa terrorists just kill each other..

    Contain it so no innocents are injured and just let the 2 Democrat Terrorist groups have at it...

    I hope they take videos.. :D

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    The silence around here is deafening.... :eyeroll:

  30. [30] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    MtnCaddy wrote:

    ...Because there is no downside.. The scumbag who fights and is killed gets instant martyrdom and a eulogy from Al Fat Cat Sharpton and the family wins the ghetto lottery...

    All because the media creates a narrative that makes young black men WANT to fight and get killed by cops.. They're stuck in the ghetto anyways, the reasoning goes, so why not go out in a blaze of martyrdom...

    As usual, every bad thing about these things.... It's the media's fault..

    You're kidding, right? Do you really believe this? "...ghetto lottery?"
    "They're stuck in the ghetto anyways?"

    I do not use the word " racist" casually. Sure, it's fun (sorry, Elizabeth. be honest, not all that sorry) to tell each other to [bleep] off. And to use terms like "Trumpanzee," "Odumbo," "Dimocrats" and "Repugs."

    But, Dude.

    Your use of these phrases makes me, for the first time, wonder if you got a little racism in you. Whaddup wit dat?

    That aside, your notion that young black men
    want to die is preposterous.

    It's like saying that cops want to die on the job so they can be martyrs and their families can win the sympathy lottery.


    Michale please don't duck this question as you, and Republicans in general, so often do. And please don't commit "Whataboutism" (that is, trying to duck direct questioning by changing the subject.

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    You're kidding, right? Do you really believe this? "...ghetto lottery?"
    "They're stuck in the ghetto anyways?"

    Yea.. But getting a multi-million dollar pay out from the city??

    Where are Trayvon Martin's parents now?? You can bet they are no longer in the ghetto..

    The Ghetto Lottery is a real thing...

    I do not use the word " racist" casually.

    But you condone by your silence when others do...


    That's the Weigantian Charlottesville Rule..

    Sure, it's fun (sorry, Elizabeth. be honest, not all that sorry) to tell each other to [bleep] off. And to use terms like "Trumpanzee," "Odumbo," "Dimocrats" and "Repugs."

    Yes it is.. :D But, out of respect for Liz, I do try to limit my usage of Dumbocrats and Odumbo...

    But the pleasure is there, no doubt about it.. :D

    Your use of these phrases makes me, for the first time, wonder if you got a little racism in you. Whaddup wit dat?

    And there you go throwing 'racist' around casually.. :D

    This probably predates your time here, but there was an INTENSE discussion about President Trump and racism..

    Weigantians were throwing around 'racist' as casually as can possibly be...

    I then tied them down to FACTS.. And, one by one, everyone conceded that, while President Trump was a bigot (we all have our bigotries) he was not a racist..

    They conceded that point because the had absolutely NO FACTS to support the accusation.. They all went thru their "facts" one by one and I shot them down one by one..

    One of my finest hours here in Weigantia...

    But don't worry.. Yer in good company.. Democrats actually came out and STATED their plans to falsely accuse those who disagree with the Democrat Agenda.. They ADMITTED that the falsely throw racism accusations around, just to shut people up..

    This is fact...

    That aside, your notion that young black men
    want to die is preposterous.

    I never made that claim... I simply maintain that the family is ecstatic when they get millions of dollars.. All of the sudden their grief and anguish disappears..

    It's like saying that cops want to die on the job so they can be martyrs and their families can win the sympathy lottery.

    Actually, it's nothing like that..

    Cops don't want to die.. But they will bear that cross with honor if need be..

    And I will always do my duty
    No matter what the price
    I've counted up the cost
    I know the sacrifice
    Oh, and I don't want to die for you
    But if dyin's asked of me
    I'll bear that cross with honor
    'Cause freedom don't come free

    Michale please don't duck this question as you, and Republicans in general, so often do. And please don't commit "Whataboutism" (that is, trying to duck direct questioning by changing the subject.

    Did you ask a question???

    Oh.. Am I a little bit racist??

    No... Not even a little bit.. :D

    Duck a question?? Who do ya think yer talkin' to!! :D

  32. [32] 
    Kick wrote:

    Trump Campaign Disclaimer Required for Rally Attendance

    By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury

    So it appears the Bunker Boy has found a mask he will definitely wear to protect his own ass and assets from the effects of the coronavirus, and that tells Americans everything they need to know about Trump.

    I can’t have a rally with, you know, seven seats in between everybody. ~ Trump

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:


    Michale please don't duck this question as you,

    I am better there are people on here who WISH I would 'duck questions' :D heh

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    America's Long Overdue Awakening to Systemic Racism

    Of course, the article offers NO FACTS to PROVE there is systemic racism..

    Kinda like Weigantia.. :D

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    In Lafayette Park, just steps away from the White House, a wealthy hotelier ran a second business selling enslaved men and women to the highest bidder.

    He kept them in a brick cell beside his mansion, and at night an observer recalled hearing “their howls and cries.”

    Today in the park there is no plaque, no bench and no monument, to paraphrase Toni Morrison, to memorialize the human lives brutalized there throughout much of the 19th century. After a hard-fought Civil War, the institution of chattel slavery was legally abolished as the U.S. nominally attempted to make racial violence a thing of the past. These days, in the public space situated across from the White House, one is likely to encounter instead an odd mix of office workers on lunch break and MAGA-hat-wearing tourists mingling around the hotelier’s former mansion, known as Decatur House.

    And how is this relevant to today???

    Well, I guess it could be that Democrats are still enslaving black Americans as they did back then..

    And, it's STILL the GOP (in the guise of President Trump) who is the one that is at the forefront of HELPING black Americans..

    So, yea.. I guess that is how it could be relevant to today's world...

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    Since then, the debate over systemic racism has spread across the nation and around the world. Trump’s Administration has repeatedly denied that discrimination against black Americans is embedded in the political, economic and social structure of the country. Trump believes there are “injustices in society,” his press secretary said, but she brushed aside the notion that antiblackness is intrinsic to U.S. law enforcement. His National Security Adviser, Robert O’Brien, said racist police are just a “few bad apples,” adding, “we need to root them out.” Attorney General William Barr warned against “automatically assuming that the actions of an individual necessarily mean that their organization is rotten.”

    Still waiting for any FACTS that prove there is systemic/institutionalized racism beyond Affirmative Action here in the US...

    I'll probably be waiting a long time, because the FACT is there IS no systemic/institutionalized racism here in the US...

    It died the day we elected a black American as POTUS..

    A black American which, incidentally, I voted for..

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:


    It died the day we elected a black American as POTUS..

    A black American which, incidentally, I voted for..

    So, it would be kinda hard to call me a racist since I voted for a black American for President, eh?? :D

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    Politics as Religion After George Floyd. This Isn't an Orwellian Novel. This Is Your Country

    What are you really seeing as Americans kneel, hands raised in secular prayer, repeating political creeds on the TV news? And that secular foot-washing?

    You're witness to neo-Marxist appropriation of Christian symbolism, in the aftermath of the horrifying Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd.


    Unnecessary Lockdowns Created Social Turmoil, Global Suffering
    Trump Targets Hague Court Over "Dubious" Probe of U.S. Troops
    Trump: We Will Heal No Wounds by Falsely Labeling Millions as Racists
    And now, the priests of the secularist left separate the biblical sheep from the goats on the basis of skin color.

    Floyd, an African American, was killed by a white cop who has been charged with murder. Most, if not all, Americans were disgusted at that cop's knee on Floyd's neck. And most Americans, of all races, still express grief, seek common understanding, and push for long overdue reforms.

    Yet many who seek reform are themselves confused and fearful. In the biblical parable of the sheep and the goats, the sheep went to heaven, the goats were sent to hell. But in the current political universe, whites must atone for the sins of white racism even if they're not racists, even if their families arrived here only yesterday.

    And even the mere suggestion this might be unfair, the slightest hint of resistance, can trigger accusations that could ruin careers, deny entrance to the professions, and drive nuance from the public square. And it is all by design.

    This is simply going to DECIMATE the Democrat Party...

    Come Nov, the Democrat Party is going to be a hollowed out husk.. A burned and destroyed shell of the Party that gave this country racism and the KKK...

    It's going to be a joyous sight to behold...

  39. [39] 
    Kick wrote:


    Now, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that it is not at all uncommon in America for poor white trailer trash living in white ghettos to disparage the "others" like Martin's family living in a house in the Retreat at Twin Lakes, a gated community in Sanford, Florida.

    I think jealousy is involved... oh, and hypocrisy and their complete and total lack of self-awareness.

    So to recap: Poor white ghetto trailer trash enjoy disparaging the "others." It is the Trumpian opportunist right-wing identity politics known as "white grievance."

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:


    You often speak to the "promise of America"...

    Christianity teaches us that all of us are sinners, that repentance comes before forgiveness. But today's hard left is not about forgiveness. It is about power.

    Yes, racism still exists. But applying sin upon an entire group based on skin color is antithetical to Christian teachings. And it is in direct opposition to the promise of America.

    How is that "promise" working when Democrats try to economically enslave black Americans??

    How is that "promise" working when Democrat terrorists have an ARMED insurrection and set up ARMED checkpoints and terrify citizens and extort small businesses??

    I am sure, if these had been white supremacists, your indignation and righteous rage would be thru the roof...

    Yet, you are strangely silent when it's Democrat Antifa terrorists who are the ones doing the ARMED checkpoints and the extortions of small businesses...

    Where is your "promise" now??

    And I am not just picking on you?? AndyGaus, JFC, JM From CT, JL, MC, JM, Victoria, Russ, etc etc...

    EVERYONE here would be LIVID with condemnation and screaming thru to the highest heavens if these had been white supremacists...

    But, because it's Democrats?? Because it's the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party???

    {{{{cccchhhhhiiirrrrrpppppp, ccchhhiiirrrpppppp}}}

    Ya'all are strangely silent... It's Cricket City..

    Why is that??

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    Arrgggle Baaarrrgglleeee... Reposted for clarity..


    You often speak to the "promise of America"...

    Christianity teaches us that all of us are sinners, that repentance comes before forgiveness. But today's hard left is not about forgiveness. It is about power.

    Yes, racism still exists. But applying sin upon an entire group based on skin color is antithetical to Christian teachings. And it is in direct opposition to the promise of America.

    How is that "promise" working when Democrats try to economically enslave black Americans??

    How is that "promise" working when Democrat terrorists have an ARMED insurrection and set up ARMED checkpoints and terrify citizens and extort small businesses??

    I am sure, if these had been white supremacists, your indignation and righteous rage would be thru the roof...

    Yet, you are strangely silent when it's Democrat Antifa terrorists who are the ones doing the ARMED checkpoints and the extortions of small businesses...

    Where is that "promise" now??

    And I am not just picking on you?? AndyGaus, JFC, JM From CT, JL, MC, JM, Victoria, Russ, etc etc...

    EVERYONE here would be LIVID with condemnation and screaming thru to the highest heavens if these had been white supremacists...

    But, because it's Democrats?? Because it's the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party???

    {{{{cccchhhhhiiirrrrrpppppp, ccchhhiiirrrpppppp}}}

    Ya'all are strangely silent... It's Cricket City..

    Why is that??

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    Does any of this allow room for reasoned discourse, to help a nation find a path forward? No. Now the left dominates the Democratic Party and has no room for tolerance of differing views. All this tears America by the roots.

    NFL quarterback Drew Brees said his respect for the American flag wouldn't allow him to kneel during the national anthem. But he quickly caved. His wife publicly confessed her "sins." They beg forgiveness. As any student of the Maoist Cultural Revolution would tell you, they were broken in their struggle session.

    Drew Brees is a class act.. His wife obviously bowed to the political pressure and caved her principles.. It's likely she's the business-person of the couple..

    But Dree Brees spoke from the heart... Refreshing..

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    Drew Brees wouldn't bend the knee.. Mrs Brees couldn't bend it fast enough..

    Can't really blame her.. The hysterical Democrat Terroristic mob is frightening, to be sure...

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    White Democratic Party leaders put on West African kente cloth and prayerfully drop to their knees in photo-op solidarity. Yet many, including West Africans, African Americans and others saw this as a cynical stunt.

    Democrat so-called "leadership" {sic} really took a hit with that pandering stunt.. :D


  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    New York Times dropped to its knees before its own woke-world newsroom, for daring to publish the op-ed of U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. Cotton's piece argued that modern history and the law allowed for President Trump to send federal troops into riot-torn areas. I'm on record opposing this and compared it to pouring gasoline on a fire.

    But Cotton isn't just some guy off the street. He's a U.S. senator, a Harvard graduate. That liberal Ivy League nurtured generations of Times editors who protected an important tradition, that the paper's op-ed page would welcome a free exchange of competing ideas. After an internal purge, the Times promised its woke-world staff it would sin no more. The Times abased itself, earning a new motto: All the Newspeak fit to print.

    We see stammering white Democratic liberals, like Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, devoured by the hard-left Black Lives Matter that demands the defunding of municipal police departments. And the woke Minneapolis town council agreed with them.

    Democrats fear pushing back too hard against BLM on police defunding, but they do see the political problem for their presidential candidate, Joe Biden. The Rev. Al Sharpton went out to reshape the message, saying BLM really didn't mean it. But they do mean it.

    Of course, they mean it..

    Which is why you have Democrat Party terrorists mounting an armed rebellion in Seattle...

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    History informs us that liberty and democracy aren't the natural state of humankind. A democratic republic is difficult enough to maintain, even in cultures with a history of ideals vital for nourishing a democracy.

    Now, though, Americans are being encouraged to "de-colonize" our home libraries. So which books do I rid myself of first? Aristotle, Edmund Burke, "The Road to Serfdom" or the Bible?

    Coerced fearful kneeling in fealty isn't among democracy's necessary virtues. Even American pop culture, even comic books, once recognized this.

    But that must have been some other country, one that looked, remarkably, like this one.

    Yep... If the Democrat Party has it's way, America.... The things that make America special and exceptional... Democrats Party's goal is to throw those things on the trash heap of history...

    That is why President Trump's re-election is so critical... That is why, just like 2016, all the polls that say otherwise are useless...

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    And I am not just picking on you?? AndyGaus, JFC, JM From CT, JL, MC, JM, Victoria, Russ, etc etc...

    EVERYONE here would be LIVID with condemnation and screaming thru to the highest heavens if these had been white supremacists...

    To be fair, it's likely that some of those are simply not online and/or are busy with life and haven't seen the blatant terrorism..

    I am sure one or two of those listed are in that category..

    But it's amazing how Weigantians have a fit of deaf, blind and dumb when their Democrat Party turns to terrorism..

    It's simply uncanny...

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    Democrats, Not Republicans, Protect Dirty Cops

    Democrats’ selective outrage about police abuse doesn’t square with recent history.

    Abuse and inequality—at the hands of American law enforcement—comes in all forms.

    The death of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer has been condemned broadly—by everyone from the Republican president and leaders of both parties to Americans of every color, religion, and partisan affiliation.

    The nation now is engulfed in a heated and inarguably dangerous debate about “systemic racism.” Every aspect of the nation’s law enforcement apparatus, activists insist, is the framework that enables this alleged travesty.

    “Many Americans . . . do not see these levers of power as protecting them, or even representing them,” U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said in a June 6 statement. “And rightfully so. The same offices that can be used for good, can and have been used to oppress. That must change.”

    Calls for police reform and accountability are happening on a bipartisan basis. That has not been the case, however, when it comes to Obamagate. Democrats, led by the forked-tongue Schiff, have spent the past three years defending, even justifying, unprecedented abuses by the nation’s top law enforcement chiefs related to their targeting of Donald Trump, his associates, and his family members.

    The Trump-related victims of James Comey’s FBI may not be black, they were unfairly targeted nevertheless. It was not race that motivated their persecutors, nor was it any actual suspected wrongdoing. They were targeted because of their political views.

    Democrat Party bigotry and hypocrisy at it's finest.. :eyeroll:

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    Obviously, there was no physical knee on the throat of anyone tied to Donald Trump’s campaign or his administration, and no one died, but the abuses inflicted by dirty cops included the use of the country’s most invasive and powerful weapons reserved for international terrorists.

    Every aspect of the various investigations was rooted in bias; Trump and anyone in his orbit were discriminated against as members of the Republican Party—a form of political profiling that should be be as alarming as racial profiling.

    Democrats need to be stopped from acquiring any more political power..

    We see what they will do with it in the streets of Seattle..

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    Dirty Feds’ Abuses of Power
    Here’s a brief if not incomplete summary of what Barack Obama’s dirty cops did to innocent Americans: The nation’s top cop, Jim Comey, opened an illicit counterintelligence probe into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Aided by other dirty cops and corrupt lawyers at the Justice Department, the FBI circulated political opposition research disguised as legitimate evidence in order to build a fake case of Russian election collusion. Spies and informants, paid with U.S. tax dollars, were hired to infiltrate the campaign.

    The Steele dossier, which in any actual legal proceeding would be considered planted evidence and tossed out of court, comprised the bulk of an official government document that was submitted to a secret court in order to get permission to spy on a private U.S. citizen. Comey signed the initial FISA application on campaign aide Carter Page, whom Comey called a “foreign agent” of Russia—which was a lie. The FISA application, signed under penalty of perjury as “verified and true,” was resubmitted to federal judges three more times. Two of the four applications have since been deemed illegal by the very same court that approved them.

    Comey ambushed the nation’s top national security advisor just days after he formally took office to frame a three-star general. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn was already under surveillance; the case against Flynn was closed until another dirty cop, Peter Strzok, reopened it. Andrew McCabe, another dirty cop, called Flynn at the White House to ask if he could send Strzok and another FBI agent to talk to him. These dirty cops never informed Flynn he was under investigation or read him his rights.

    Comey repeatedly lied directly to the president of the United States by insisting he was not under investigation when in fact, he was. After he was fired, Comey stole his own “memos” from the FBI—later determined to be a crime although no charges were filed—and leaked that information to the media.

    Demcorats PROVE that they can't be trusted with the levers of power...

    The do so time and time again..

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    But that’s not the extent of the corruption by the country’s top cops. Official forms and emails have been altered or destroyed by FBI higher-ups. Unknown law enforcement officials illegally leaked classified information to journalists. Those felonious acts are punishable by up to ten years in jail, yet no one has been charged or convicted.

    Andrew McCabe lied three times under oath to federal investigators; he, too, hasn’t been charged. Strzok and his FBI lover, Lisa Page, exchanged thousands of texts expressing their animus toward Donald Trump and plans to prepare an “insurance policy” by using the full force of the federal government against him if he won.

    And they did it all with smiles on their faces because they know it’s highly likely they will get away with all of it.

    The crimes of Democrat higher ups are well-documented and plentiful....

    And the revelations of dirty tricks are going to become more and more plentiful as we near November...

    By the the President Trump administration is done, Democrats won't be able to be elected county dog catcher...

    You heard it here first... :D

  52. [52] 
    Michale wrote:

    Defending the Indefensible

    Again, this is a short list of abuses and injustices inflicted by dirty cops occupying the highest offices in the land who were conspiring with both the Democratic president and the campaign of the Democratic presidential candidate and the Democratic Party to destroy Donald Trump and everyone around him. Their actions destroyed careers and reputations; bankrupted the personal finances of their victims; and fed a media mob that exists to this day.

    But where have the Democrats been? Has any Democratic leader denounced this unprecedented abuse by law enforcement? Did any Democratic senator or congressman speak up to defend the victims of this travesty? Where are the calls for justice for Carter Page or Michael Flynn or the numerous innocent targets of a corrupted, biased FBI?

    On the contrary, Democrats have defended it all while accusing Trump of “attacking law enforcement” for publicly exposing these rogue cops. In 2018, Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) called the firing of Andrew McCabe a “troubling event,” condemned Trump’s tweets about the disgraced lawman, and slammed Trump for “heckling and maligning law enforcement officers.” Booker now wants a national registry of police misconduct charges to “stop officers who accrue such large actions of misconduct, and then have nothing happen to them.”

    The Democrat Party is up to it's eyeballs in illegal activities, extortion, attack innocent people and generally doing everything they accuse President Trump and the Republicans of...

    When the GOP takes the House, as they are sure to do (based on that pandering to black Americans stunt that the Dumbocrats pulled.) it will be an all out open season on investigating Democrat so-called "leadership"...

    Democrats ain't gonna know what hit them.. They be like Chris Tucker in RUSH HOUR


  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) called McCabe’s firing a “part of a pattern to root out top law enforcement officials,” that put “the rule of law and health of our democracy [at] stake.” Feinstein and her Democratic colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee now support a variety of police reforms; a hearing will be held next week on the use of “police force.”

    But during Thursday’s Judiciary Committee meeting, Democrats unanimously opposed subpoenaing a number of former and current bad cops at the FBI. It was old news, they insisted.

    A fish, the saying goes, rots from the head down. And no group has defended the rotted head of the nation’s top law enforcement agency more than the Democrats. Their selective outrage about police abuse doesn’t square with recent history; if anything, they have promoted a culture of lawlessness that undeniably has downstream consequences.

    And THAT says it all...

    The facts are simply UNEDNIABLE.....

    OK, done with that one..

    NEXT!!! :D

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:

    I'll take a break for a few...

    Let ya'all catch up.. :D

  55. [55] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    not entirely accurate. the consensus we reached was that the dictionary definition of racism was too narrow to include donald's proven behaviors. we continue to disagree about whether or not the definition is correct and/or up to date.

    how timely then that merriam-webster has agreed to update its definition, at which point perhaps we can reopen our discussion.


  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:

    not entirely accurate. the consensus we reached was that the dictionary definition of racism was too narrow to include donald's proven behaviors.

    That's not how I remember it.. But it was primarily Neil and I who were discussing it in the particular instance I am referring to.. And it was Neil who conceded that while it's not racism, it's definitely bigotry and we agreed at that point..

    I am sure you are talking about a different instance.. It's been a topic of conversation frequently over the past 16 years, eh??.. :D

    we continue to disagree about whether or not the definition is correct and/or up to date.

    It's my understanding that 'racism' is defined as what ever President Trump says or does.. :D

    "It's a small joke, sir."
    "Very small, Ensign.."

    -STAR TREK, The Trouble With Tribbles


  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    Kennedy Mitchum, a recent graduate of Drake University in Iowa, suggested that the definition should include a reference to systemic oppression.

    Can you point to an instance of systemic oppression based on race???

    Keeping in mind that it was President Trump who brought
    down unemployment for black Americans to it's lowest levels...


    Take your time... I'll be around for another hour or so... :D

  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:

    Chris Beaty...

    Patrick Underwood...

    David Dorn...

    Max Brewer...

    I guess for Democrat Party terrorists only SOME black lives matter...

    Sometimes.... OFT times, the Democrat Party really disgusts me..

    This is one of those times...

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:


    And, if you have a hankering, maybe you can give me your opinion on the Democrat Party Antifa Terrorists who are setting up armed checkpoints and extorting businesses in Seattle...

    Would love to hear it... :D

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    Police Officer Cody Holte
    Police Officer Michael S. Mosher
    Lieutenant Glenn Dale Hutto, Jr.
    Police Officer Dan Walters
    Police Officer Justin Putnam
    Officer Breann Leath
    Commander Greg Carnicle
    Sergeant Ben Jenkins
    Police Officer Christopher Ryan Walsh
    Sergeant James R. O'Connor, IV
    Police Officer Brent William Perry
    Corporal Andrew J. Gillette
    Officer David Kellywood
    Police Officer Nick O'Rear
    Trooper Joseph Jon Bullock
    Deputy Sheriff Richard Edward Whitten
    Officer Tiffany-Victoria Bilon Enriquez
    Officer Kaulike Kalama
    Public Safety Officer Jackson Ryan Winkeler

    Where is the justice for the innocent people killed in these riots! Capt. David Dorn killed and it was recorded live on Facebook Live! Where is the outrage!

    Again... The Democrat Party disgusts me...

  61. [61] 
    Michale wrote:


    Can you identify this Canadian landmark for me??

    Thanx.. :D

  62. [62] 
    TheStig wrote:

    Andy, Kick 14&15

    You got me thinking - which I admit is a mixed blessing. Ro is a clinal phenomenon - like temperature or elevation. What we need is graphical presentation on a contour map like you see on nightly weather reports. The state outline renderings are just too arbitrary and don't give a sense of infection potentials that are driving outbreaks and recoveries.

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    And in the WOOOPS BIG MISTAKE Department! :D

    CNN’s Chris Cuomo mocked for using Obama-era data to prove systemic racism impacts Trump-era economy

    CNN’s Chris Cuomo was accused of journalistic “incompetence” Thursday when he used Obama-era statistics in an attempt to prove systemic racism is impacting the economy under President Trump.

    “[Systemic racism] is a fact that you see everywhere you look in black and white, the immediate proof is in the cabinet, where Trump has one black cabinet member and one black domestic policy advisor…let’s start with the economy,” Cuomo said as the on-screen data cited a 2016 Pew Research Center poll.

    Reminds me of the time the moronic Media.....

    "Is there another kind??"
    -Colonel Jessup, A FEW GOOD MEN

    ... used pictures of children in cages to attack President Trump...

    Yet, they were OBAMA ERA pictures!!

    I mean, come on, people.. Most of you.... well, SOME of you have more than 2 brain cells to rub together...

    If the media is constantly lying and constantly making mistakes like this, some of ya'all are intelligent enough to say, "Hmmmmmm Something's fishy here...."

    What happened to ya'all's "reality based" way of thinking???

  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    Barack Obama was the President of the United States in 2016.

    “White people make more money than blacks do, period,” Cuomo said.


    TV News HQ
    Misleading viewers, CNN’s Chris Cuomo just blamed President Trump for systemic racism in the economy... by quoting data that stops in 2016.

    Embedded video
    3:31 AM - Jun 12, 2020
    Twitter Ads info and privacy
    3,894 people are talking about this
    CNN then presented a different set of data on screen, which was attributed to another 2016 study.

    “So much for Trump’s economy being the best ever for black people,” Cuomo.

    Many viewers quickly noticed the gaffe, as pollster Frank Luntz called it “complete incompetence” both “journalistically and editorially.” Others took to Twitter to mock the CNN host:

    Frank Luntz
    Tonight, @ChrisCuomo criticized Trump’s economy while using data that stops in 2016.

    This is complete incompetence.
    Journalistically and editorially.

    Replying to @greg_price11
    Chris Cuomo is criticizing Obama's economy. Too funny.

    Replying to @menard_tamara @ChrisCuomo
    You were so eager to praise Chris Cuomo's 'brilliance' you completely missed that the stats proving Trump's 'systemic racism' went through 2016... before Trump's presidency.???? And you just ate it up like candy.

    Greg Price
    Chris Cuomo criticized Trump’s economy tonight but used data that stops in 2016.

    This is an unbelivable amount of journalist incompetence.

    Reason and analytics in Dallas
    Replying to @brianstelter @ChrisCuomo
    Maybe Cuomo should apologize for blaming Trump for economic inequality using data that ended in 2016. Deceptive

    Braedon Saunders
    Replying to @FrankLuntz @ChrisCuomo
    It’s not incompetence, it’s clear and willful journalistic malpractice.

    Cuomo made news last year for threatening a man who referred to him as “Fredo,” a reference to the weak-minded brother of Michael Corleone in "The Godfather" saga.

    “Cuomo Prime Time” was CNN’s most watched program in May, but finished No. 19 among all of cable news, behind 13 different Fox News and five MSNBC programs.

    It must be so hard for Left Wingers.. Be so filled with hate and bigotry, they can't even THINK straight.. :D

  65. [65] 
    Kick wrote:


    You got me thinking - which I admit is a mixed blessing.


    Ro is a clinal phenomenon - like temperature or elevation. What we need is graphical presentation on a contour map like you see on nightly weather reports.


    The state outline renderings are just too arbitrary and don't give a sense of infection potentials that are driving outbreaks and recoveries.

    Are not. <--- get it? R-naught

    Okay. Let's start here and go from there:

  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, aww right... It's that time...

    "It's 1am!! Time to spend some quality time with the kids!!"
    -Homer Simpson


    I look forward to reading all of your condemnations of the Democrat Terrorists armed rebellion in Seattle..


    See ya'all in the AM.. Time for Season 3 of BURDEN OF TRUTH...

    Unfortunately, for most of ya'all, ya'all wouldn't know the TRUTH (or the facts) if it came up and slapped ya silly!! :EYEROLL:

  67. [67] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Sorry, Michale … I cannot identify that Canadian landmark. I don't get out much, I guess ...

  68. [68] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Hey, Michale! Are you going blind?

    I mean, what's with all of the bold print since you got back?

  69. [69] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    The promise of America has not yet been reached, Michale. I thought you knew that.

    However, it will be back on the right track - and at a decidedly faster pace - once Biden is in the Oval.

  70. [70] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    After all, he's the one I got the "promise of America" from, you know.

  71. [71] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Yet, you are strangely silent when it's Democrat Antifa terrorists who are the ones doing the ARMED checkpoints and the extortions of small businesses...

    If that is the case and what is really happening, then I am vehemently against it and call out the "Democrat Antifa terrorists" for the hoodlums and criminals they are.

    BUT, you'll pardon me if I don't take everything you write as the gospel truth - not even close, my friend.

  72. [72] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:



    No. Just because no one bothers to respond to your empty boasting/OAN-style pro-Trump sillynews doesn't mean anyone assents.

    Sorry, Guysic, but you simply aren't the center of the universe in this Comments section. At least some of us simply scroll through your posts without bothering to read them.

  73. [73] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Can you point to an instance of systemic oppression based on race???

    that question kind-of ignores the whole concept. systemic oppression isn't a single instance, it's a system. and by "system" i mean a complex interaction of persons and events. it's not necessarily the individual people who are racist, it's the way the whole system is set up. for example, health insurance for older people costs employers more, so companies are likelier to think of reasons to lay off older employees to avoid paying their healthcare costs.

    systemic racism works the same way.

  74. [74] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    FPC [86]

    Speaking of ducking a valid question:

    MtnCaddy wrote:

    ...Because there is no downside.. The scumbag who fights and is killed gets instant martyrdom and a eulogy from Al Fat Cat Sharpton and the family wins the ghetto lottery...

    All because the media creates a narrative that makes young black men WANT to fight and get killed by cops.. They're stuck in the ghetto anyways, the reasoning goes, so why not go out in a blaze of martyrdom...

    As usual, every bad thing about these things.... It's the media's fault..

    You're kidding, right? Do you really believe this? "...ghetto lottery?"
    "They're stuck in the ghetto anyways?"

    I do not use the word " racist" casually. Sure, it's fun (sorry, Elizabeth. be honest, not all that sorry) to tell each other to [bleep] off. And to use terms like "Trumpanzee," "Odumbo," "Dimocrats" and "Repugs."

    But, Dude.

    Your use of these phrases makes me, for the first time, wonder if you got a little racism in you. Whaddup wit dat?

    That aside, your notion that young black men
    want to die is preposterous.

    It's like saying that cops want to die on the job so they can be martyrs and their families can win the sympathy lottery.


    Here's your chance to persuade. Let's see what you got

  75. [75] 
    Kick wrote:


    I just thought of a Confederate statue that definitely needs removing:

    Mitch McConnell

  76. [76] 
    SF Bear wrote:

    When I was a small boy kid would catch a rattlesnake and play with it. now the snake would rattle and strike and the kids would yell and jump and I found this to be exciting and fun at first. however I soon tired of the game, cause the outcome was so predictable, the snake always died and the kids never got bit. So we have a couple of snakes here in the comments section, their behavior is utterly predictable and never imaginative or interesting. Now one of these is has with rattles that only play one tune and folks finally got tired of his annoying behavior and threw him back into the bushes, hopefully to learn not to play with people again. However folks seem memorized by the other snake and continue to taunt him and watch him strike at thin air over and over again. I am confounded why anyone thinks this is fun?

  77. [77] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I am confounded why anyone thinks this is fun?

    If you don't think it's fun, then you may not be playing the game right

  78. [78] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    … there are other games in town, you know.

  79. [79] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    SF Bear wrote:

    When I was a small boy kid would catch a rattlesnake and play with it. now the snake would rattle and strike and the kids would yell and jump and I found this to be exciting and fun at first. however I soon tired of the game, cause the outcome was so predictable, the snake always died and the kids never got bit.

    So we have a couple of snakes here in the comments section, their behavior is utterly predictable and never imaginative or interesting.

    Now one of these is has with rattles that only play one tune and folks finally got tired of his annoying behavior and threw him back into the bushes, hopefully to learn not to play with people again.

    However folks seem memorized by the other snake and continue to taunt him and watch him strike at thin air over and over again. I am confounded why anyone thinks this is fun?

    There, now … doesn't that look better? And, it's easier to read, too. :)

  80. [80] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


  81. [81] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    It's comin' … I got too excited ...

  82. [82] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    do not use the word " racist" casually. Sure, it's fun (sorry, Elizabeth. be honest, not all that sorry) to tell each other to [bleep] off. And to use terms like "Trumpanzee," "Odumbo," "Dimocrats" and "Repugs."


    I mean, don't you dare even hint at implying that I would not use the word 'racist', least of all, "not casually" or be upset by such use.

    If you are apologizing as above, you have me pegged all wrong. DON'T DO IT AGAIN.

  83. [83] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Oh, I see what you did there.

    My big bad. Sorry. Me, sensitive much? Well, not usually. :)

    But, you're wrong, anyways. Because, there is a time and place for [bleeping] words. Unfortunately, many here don't understand that particular discretion or distinction.

    Now, you can count yourself among those who do.

  84. [84] 
    Kick wrote:


    Because, there is a time and place for [bleeping] words. Unfortunately, many here don't understand that particular discretion or distinction.

    I would wager they understand much more than you give them credit for but rather cannot fathom why you'd make yourself the judge and jury over that time and place. :)

  85. [85] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    Quick note: those individuals in Seattle taking over the streets and causing chaos are not Democrats... they would spit in your face for even suggesting that they were! No, they are Anarchists. Most of the time we refer to them as “homeless” or “fry cooks”, but anytime there is anything to protest, these folks shed their protective disguises to reveal the truly disgusting cockroaches that are underneath. They have been constantly updating their manifestos since the last protests they infected to include even more of their rambling incoherent conjecture.

    Oh my God, could it be that this was his destiny the whole time! Could Donald Trump’s sole purpose for being made president be so he could speak to Seattle’s Anarchists — a group that rambles as incoherently about things that they have no true understanding of about as much as Trump does — in order to communicate a peace accord with them?!?! Granted, none of us will understand what they agree to if they do, but it still might deescalate things enough for them to retake their human forms until the next big protest. Trump would be forever known as the “Roach Whisperer”... and no longer would it have to do with how crappy his properties are kept!

  86. [86] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I would wager they understand much more than you give them credit for but rather cannot fathom why you'd make yourself the judge and jury over that time and place. :)

    It'll come to you on the bus home. Heh.

  87. [87] 
    TheStig wrote:


    Thanks for the link... that is a genuinely useful site. The parsing features are excellent. My only criticism is the error bars - I think one-tailed would be more appropriate...what is the probability the a state is no longer able to sustain the epidemic?

    Given the magnitude of the error bars I don't think there is enough data to support my contour map concept.

  88. [88] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Kick wrote:

    I just thought of a Confederate statue that definitely needs removing:

    Mitch McConnell

    Hah! Now that's funny!

  89. [89] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    So we have a couple of snakes here in the comments section, their behavior is utterly predictable and never imaginative or interesting. Now one of these is has with rattles that only play one tune and folks finally got tired of his annoying behavior and threw him back into the bushes, hopefully to learn not to play with people again. However folks seem memorized by the other snake and continue to taunt him and watch him strike at thin air over and over again. I am confounded why anyone thinks this is fun?

    First off, doesn't the interwebs call them Trolls rather than snakes?

    Michale is at least a reasonably intelligent humanoid, albeit one lost in the feverswamps of Faux News, OAN, Epoch Times and maybe even some outliers such as Breitbart and/or perhaps even QAnon. And one who ducks hard questions/reality via changing or ignoring the issue(s) at hand. "Whataboutism" and stuff: for example, "Obama was worse -- he killed 12,000 blah blah blah."

    But yeah, it gets old reading troll excrement from a guy who's got a mancrush on Cheetogod. Like, how does what any past president did somehow excuse the gross incompetance of the president that we have now? And who cares if the Democratic Party was pro slavery 150 fucking years ago? [note: back then white folks in the Party of Lincoln looked down on blacks as much as did white Democrats, and therefore allowed the establishment of Jim Crow laws.]

    BTW, Michale what are your so-called "news sources?"
    I'd like to know where you're cutting and pasting the often nonsensical ALL CAPS stuff you post.

  90. [90] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    But, you're wrong, anyways. Because, there is a time and place for [bleeping] words. Unfortunately, many here don't understand that particular discretion or distinction.

    Now, you can count yourself among those who do.

    Thank you, Dearheart!

    IMO you, Elizabeth Miller, are the conscience of Weigantia, and I think of you when I'm sooo tempted to really unload (in a non-classy/counterproductive manner.) Don't worry I won't tell the others (they'll take advantage of you!) but you're a good influence on me.

    It'd be kinda cool to meet you someday. Do they still have the CNE nowadays?

  91. [91] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Trump would be forever known as the “Roach Whisperer”... and no longer would it have to do with how crappy his properties are kept!

    I'd pick Deplorable Wisperer instead, but to keep it real it probably should be Deplorable SHOUTER or mayhaps Deplorable's Tweeter.

    Honestly, folks, this material just writes itself - woot!

  92. [92] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Comrade Weigant! Thanks once again for your, er, blogger tips dated 6/11/20! I saved them to my drive. you have my email address? If so, would you email me when you have a moment? I have a coupla questions to ask you to refine my understanding. And, as Stone Cold Steve Austin would say, "Hell, yeah" Im'a give blogging a shot once I'm through my upcoming spinal fusion surgery.

    And, once again, way to keep cranking out superior product!

  93. [93] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Do they still have the CNE nowadays?

    Not nowadays. But, perhaps, after Pandemic I, it will return.

    I used to go every year for the airshow and drinks. :)

  94. [94] 
    Kick wrote:


    It'll come to you on the bus home. Heh.

    Bus!? I haven't ridden a bus since I was a teenager in high school heading to cheer at a varsity football championship game.
    We lost, __________ <---- insert expletive here! ;)

  95. [95] 
    Kick wrote:


    Thanks for the link.

    You're welcome. I was trying to find you something better, but alas that is the best I could find at that time. If I run across something really nerdy, I'll post it for you.

    what is the probability the a state is no longer able to sustain the epidemic?

    It's really darn high if it's a state full of nuts like Texas. [I get to disparage Texas because I live in it.] ;)

  96. [96] 
    TheStig wrote:

    Kick - 95

    I feel qualified to disparage OH,NY, NJ and the SC,NC & GA triangle ;)

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