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Trump's Very Bad Week

[ Posted Thursday, June 18th, 2020 – 16:48 UTC ]

To President Donald Trump, today's Supreme Court ruling was not actually about the hundreds of thousands of young people whose legal residence in this country hung on this court case. Instead, it was about one thing and one thing alone, which is pretty much the same thing that everything is about for Donald Trump: himself. After learning of the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision denying Trump the ability to strip legal protection from the "dreamers," Trump petulantly took to Twitter to ask: "Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn't like me?" Once again, Trump reduced an issue of monumental importance to the level of schoolyard gossip (about him, of course). Maybe if the Supremes really really liked Trump, things would be different? Because that's obviously what it's all about, not all that legal mumbo-jumbo or hundreds of thousands of young people's lives.

Donald Trump is having a very bad week, obviously. He lost two major Supreme Court cases, which gave joy and delight to millions of affected people. He had to move the date of his first rally in months because of a holiday neither Trump nor anyone around him had ever heard of (which celebrates another monumental issue, the end of slavery in this country). John Bolton, whose politics could accurately be described as "to the right of Attila the Hun," is about to start selling his tell-all book to the public, which (as with every single one of all the other tell-all books about Trump) paints the president as a petulant, ill-informed man-baby who is unaware that Finland isn't part of Russia or that the United Kingdom is a nuclear power. Trump staged an executive order signing, which was supposed to somehow show leadership on police reform, but what he signed was so weak that Congress barely even noticed Trump's effort as they moved towards putting together their own bill. Also, Trump is apparently now obsessed with finding and bringing charges against whatever White House aide leaked the fact that he hid in a bunker during a protest outside his front door, because he knows full well how weak it made him look. The COVID-19 pandemic seems to be on the brink of a second wave of infections, this time centered mostly in the red states. And for the 13th straight week, more than a million Americans filed for unemployment. No wonder Joe Biden is dominating in each and every poll taken, both nationally and in the battleground states.

The most damning assertion in Bolton's new book is also the most believable, because even without being privy to high-level Oval Office discussions it is still plainly evident to anyone with eyes to see. Donald Trump has, according to Bolton, never made a single decision that wasn't calculated to win him re-election. That was the sole overriding factor that trumped (pun intended) every other consideration, including what would be best for the country. Precisely nobody was shocked at this revelation, since it merely confirms what everyone already knows about Trump.

No wonder Trump is itching to start up his rallies once again. He needs an outlet for his rage. He needs to air his increasingly-long list of grievances to his worshipful admirers. His planetary-sized ego has not been getting the adulation it requires, which is probably why the Trump tantrums have been increasing in regularity, of late. He misses the cheering crowds who will agree with anything he says, no matter how insane or unmoored from reality. And after the very bad week Trump's been having, Saturday's Tulsa rally will likely be even more unhinged than usual.

Democrats should welcome this development. Seeing Trump unleash his id in front of screaming fans with no script or possible contradictions (from aides or from generals or from "nasty" journalists) almost guarantees that Trump will say something monumentally embarrassing. He'll probably say several, in fact. All will be made-for-television-ads-against-him moments, no doubt. The hardest thing the Biden campaign will have to decide is which one of Trump's many outrageous statements should be used in an ad first.

At the least, Trump is almost certain to appear wildly out of touch with what is going on in the country. He's pretty much the only one fighting renaming military bases that currently honor generals who fought against the United States. He really has no clue what the ongoing protests are about. He talks about the protesters as "rioters" and "thugs" and (this week) as "terrorists" and "criminals," without ever even slightly acknowledging what they're protesting about. So whatever he has to say about African-Americans in Tulsa is bound to be controversial, at a minimum. He's already tried to take credit for informing the country of the importance of Juneteenth, which is downright laughable (but entirely consistent with Trump's view that everything is always about him). Trump will likely also vow to renew his efforts to strip legal protections from the dreamers, after today's Supreme Court loss. The problem for Trump on all of these issues (and many more) is that the American people overwhelmingly support a different viewpoint. Large majorities agree with the grievances of the protesters in the streets and agree that policing in this country needs major reforms. Similar majorities agree that the dreamers should be given permanent status. And there are few left who are still arguing that the Confederacy is worth honoring and memorializing. On issue after issue, Trump is giving more and more people plenty of reasons not to vote for him.

Trump's worldview is a simple one: you're either for him or you're against him. That's pretty much it. This is what leads him to the conspiratorial mindset every time there is new evidence that the world does not actually revolve around him. Trump recently mused that all those people wearing masks out there were doing so as a personal insult to him, to make a political point. This is because he cannot wrap his mind around the concept that anyone would ever do anything for altruistic reasons. The very notion is a foreign one to Trump's way of thinking. It has been reported that hand sanitizer and masks will be offered to everyone attending Trump's Tulsa rally, but I'd be willing to bet that virtually no one in the crowd will be caught on camera wearing a mask. Trump has made it a macho thing not to wear a mask, so anyone who does will likely be ridiculed as a wimp by everyone around them.

Saturday's rally will really kick off the general election season. This is just the start of the whole process, in other words. The election is more than four months away, meaning that there'll be plenty of time for more Trump rallies and more off-script gaffes for Democrats to politically exploit. So what I'll be wondering this Saturday is not so much what Trump will say at the end of his very bad week, but what he'll be saying in October, after what will hopefully be a few very bad months for him.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


93 Comments on “Trump's Very Bad Week”

  1. [1] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    I wonder how many other people feel like me here. Every story coming out of a liberal commentator or polling organization or news outlet reads the same. Biden's solid lead in the swing states, and Trump's inability to get past his base, and every new revelation about the president only reinforcing what everybody already loves or hates about him, etc. leads them to predict that his 2016 victory was a 'perfect storm' of flukes that won't be repeated this year. They conclude that, barring a constitutional crisis about getting him to conceded defeat, we can look forward to Biden taking office early next year, and we should look to see what can be done about retaking the Senate for the Democrats.

    And I feel that this is BS. He won in 2016 when everyone promised me - Promised Me! - that he wouldn't. My head agrees with all the lovely analysis above. My heart tells me, who are you gonna believe, your ever-broken heart or those lying facts?

  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    No wonder Joe Biden is dominating in each and every poll taken, both nationally and in the battleground states.

    I wouldn't bet the farm on those polls, especially if it's in Iowa.

  3. [3] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Even I don't think it's all BS.

    This ain't 2016, in too many ways to count.

    I just don't want to jinx it, tempt fate, whatever.

    But, if America does not elect Biden, then America is finished.

    If Biden is elected, fast-tracking the promise of America is guaranteed.

  4. [4] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: John Bolton, whose politics could accurately be described as "to the right of Attila the Hun," is about to start selling his tell-all book to the public, which (as with every single one of all the other tell-all books about Trump) paints the president as a petulant, ill-informed man-baby who is unaware that Finland isn't part of Russia or that the United Kingdom is a nuclear power.

    But wait... there's more. The Department of Justice has asked for a temporary injunction hearing date for tomorrow and to stop the release of the book... which has already been delivered to the four corners of the Earth and awaiting the sale date. Meanwhile, Trump whines incessantly that anything he says to anyone is "classified" *laughs* and that Bolton is a liar.

    Did no one think to inform Dipshit Donald that there is no such thing as a "classified" lie and in order to claim that elements of Bolton's book are "classified," the government must disclose/confess/admit that the information is a fact?

    So to recap: There is absolutely no such thing on Earth as a classified lie... so pick a lane. Also, there's no way in Hell Trump can ultimately win this issue because:

    * People are saying the Supreme Court hates Trump
    * That pesky First Amendment *laughs*

  5. [5] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: Also, Trump is apparently now obsessed with finding and bringing charges against whatever White House aide leaked the fact that he hid in a bunker during a protest outside his front door, because he knows full well how weak it made him look.

    But... but... but didn't Trump also claim he was only "inspecting" the bunker and that he's "inspected" the bunker 2-1/2 times? He said it was a lie that he hid in the bunker, and I've got more bad news for him: If you could get rich for suing people for telling lies about public figures, Donald Trump would be flat broke and in debt to Barack Obama up to his orange eyeballs.

    So to recap: Trump is itching to bring yet another lawsuit against a person whom he claims has leaked information but he also claims said information is a lie. Do we perchance see a pattern to this madness? ;)

  6. [6] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: Democrats should welcome this development. Seeing Trump unleash his id in front of screaming fans with no script or possible contradictions (from aides or from generals or from "nasty" journalists) almost guarantees that Trump will say something monumentally embarrassing.

    It's all part and parcel of that diabolically wicked liberal plot to make Republicans look stupid... also known as "Operation Just Let Them Speak"... and it's working spectacularly. :)

  7. [7] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Sorry to Chris for being completely off-topic but, did you see this piece in the NYTimes …

    When it comes to the Supreme Court, Linda Greenhouse is the best!

  8. [8] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    how about, "the buck stops with everybody"

    no, seriously, he actually said that.

  9. [9] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    to be honest, i think there should be a series of ads with normal-looking people reading the most insane quotes of trump's presidency, with the caption, "real quotes from the president." then close every ad with "do you really want another four years of THIS?"

    see what i did there?


  10. [10] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    John M from Ct [1] -

    There's actually a whole lot of people who feel exactly the same. I've seen a bunch of polls where they ask "Who do you think will win?" (not "who are you voting for?") and they all show that most people believe Trump will win.

    Now, predicting how your neighbors will vote is always a rather subjective thing, but it is notable that while Biden's solidly up, people still think Trump will win.

    Perhaps it's just "once burned, twice shy," and people won't put any faith in polling again until and unless Biden does actually win.

    Personally, my fears are as I wrote in that last paragraph -- what sort of October surprise will Trump pull out of his backside? And how will it shake up the race?

    Kick [4] -

    I hear what you are saying, and also find the dichotomy funny: "the book is all lies, and it reveals classified information so it can't be published." Heh. Nice try.

    But the pedant in me has to correct you about "classified lies." Floating false intelligence to the opposition has a long and storied tradition. Here's one:

    The soldier's existence was fake. He was a lie. Everything he carried was a lie. But it was indeed top secret...

    nypoet22 [8] -

    Heh. I almost wrote a whole article today on his "nobody knew about Juneteenth," to point out whenever Trump says "nobody knew about..." he is invariably referring to himself. So, using Trump's own statements and logic, "Trump is nobody."

    Heh. But then I decided I couldn't quite get a whole article out of one joke...

    As for your [9] -

    Didn't Conan used to have the Actor's Studio guy on his show to give dramatic readings of Trump tweets?

    OK, I just looked it up -- James Lipton. They were hilarious!


  11. [11] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Just answered a few comments from earlier:

    Just for everyone's information...


  12. [12] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Oh, and a warning.

    Penalty time is over. I'm about to send a new password to Don Harris.

    Just to let everyone know...


  13. [13] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    CW. Agreed.

    'Seeing Trump unleash his id in front of screaming fans with no script or possible contradictions (from aides or from generals or from "nasty" journalists) almost guarantees that Trump will say something monumentally embarrassing. He'll probably say several, in fact. All will be made-for-television-ads-against-him moments, no doubt.'

    Factoid: There were no Allied Army plans to assassinate Hitler between the winter of 1941 and the summer of 1944. Both British/American and Russian leaders decided that Hitler was his own worst enemy and that he'd eventually squander any gain with hubris and continue to shovel men and machines into the mangle of the Russian Steppe...

    As a student of 20th-century politicians and their schemes, it's once again incumbent on me to point out a few right-wing 'go-to's' that seem to never lose their luster to the beheld.

    Trump's need to pre-scapegoat the results of an election he seems unable to win democratically is the obvious tell he's struggling to understand and navigate the ever-changing social realities of the nation. It would never occur to a dishonest politician that losing can be done honestly in a democracy. Such a tyrant can only conclude that the winner was somehow more corrupt and scullduggerous than their own best efforts.
    Even if Trump were to have his druthers with no mail-in voting, unbridled foreign intervention, and suppressed voting of people of colour courtesy of decades of diligent gerrymandering, and lost, he'd still assume some hitherto unknown cabal of never-Trumpers skewed the tare. To be honest, I suspect Trump has always based his win/loss in life on these terms, no matter the list of missteps that lead to any of his failures, to be true to himself, he has to lay blame elsewhere to maintain his inner win-streak. With few exceptions, human beings will learn from the mistakes they make, and with the benefit of hindsight, seek to avoid future catastrophes along similar lines and circumstances. Trump is handicapped in this natural human evolution, as his psyche cant compute any equation that involves personal fault. Ergo, Trump thinks nothing of eliciting Chinese help to win-over midwestern farmers with huge produce orders because he simply refuses to change what he considers his 'winning formula' regardless of how morally bankrupt the process might be. It's how Trump carries tens of millions of supporters into a seemingly positive political reality amidst what can best be described as a right-wing voters malaise of faith, fallacy, and farce.
    Regardless of your political inclination, US politics is something to marvel, two discordant sets of belief, both with matching self-confidence in their respective victory in November. Trump supporters can't imagine how he can lose because of the unrelenting cult of Trumpism and it's specious attachment to success, real or imagined, and the left-spectrum hoi polloi who can't in their wildest nightmare imagine a Trump win, considering the complete cluster-fuck of the last 3 and some years.

    One of my hobbies is to insinuate myself into right-wing discussions online or in-person and pull a 'Tucker' (Carlson). A 'TC' is when one seems to struggle with the logic of an opposing point of view while simultaneously maintaining a completely untenable counterpoint with thin logic and vague facts. Carlson isn't very good at the shtick, as his confused and vacuous facial expressions are real and not an affectation designed to feign gradual understanding and ultimate belittlement of the opposing view, but when spun properly in the right environment, a 'Tuck' can provide cool insight into the shared beliefs of others. While embedded 'Tuck-like' somewhere in Yahoo the other day I stumbled across some insight into the Trumpian weltanschauung. I was mildly amused when someone said Trump has every right to illicit Chinese or Russian help in an American election to counteract the 'deep state' and its agenda! For that brief moment in time, I realized where the mind has to be in order to be mollified by such nonsense...Apparently, something that lives mostly in American political mythology can be wheeled out to combat something that is as real as it is reprehensible.

    That logic and a Loonie will still get you a coffee with cream and sugar.


  14. [14] 
    James T Canuck wrote:


    I laughed aloud @

    'a classified lie'

    A pummeling with that kind of logic is wasted energy on the dimly lit.

    “The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
    To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
    To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”

    ? Douglas Adams


  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:



    Here in America we've separated the Police from the Judicial process, specifically to deny our Police the role of "Judge, Jury and Executioner." S

    Then get the scumbags to stop doing crimes that require the application of Deadly Force..

    What should Officer Rolff have done differently??

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:



    As usual, Russ & Victoria have no facts to support their claims.. :D

    They just get pissy cause I slap them down constantly.. Victoria once threatened me with exposure for past activites in USENET if I didn't toe her line..

    And as you can see, Russ used one of those WEB services to research my life..

    Can you imagine someone SOOO pissed at getting his ass handed to him all the time that he spends money to do a background check on the person who always kicks his ass??

    I mean, that's definitely PWNage..

    Suffice it to say, my Public Safety bona fides are well established herein Weigantia... Our host has even called upon that expertise a time or two to assist him in his commentaries..

    Russ and Victoria are just pissy cause I am constantly rubbing their failures in their faces, so they make shit up.... :D

    Like the time Victoria claimed that Minneapolis PC was not allowed to use the knee to the neck restraint hold.. I proved her wrong..

    Or the time that Victoria said that Hillary would take FL and PA and I said Victoria was full of kaa kaa.. As it turned out, Victoria WAS full of kaa kaa and I was dead on ballzz accurate..

    I know, I know.. You WANT to believe her.. She's a fellow Demcorat and your all about Party loyalty...

    But she and Russ always lie... That is fact..

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:



    Recall that Nixon resigned when he realized that the GOP would convict/remove him on:
    *Obstruction of Justice, *Abuse of Power
    *Contempt of Congress

    C'mon Michale, that's stuff you should look up before you post.

    None of which is OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS which is what we were discussing.

    There is NO SUCH CRIME as Obstruction Of Congress..

    Were you a little drunk when you posted that last night??

    -Brendan Fraser, BEDAZZLED

    The simple fact is, the "charges" that Dumbocrats used in their attempted faux impeachment coup against President Trump were not crimes in any way, shape or form..

    Which is why Dumbocrats failed in their attempted impeachment coup..

    Just like Dumbocrats failed in their Russia Collusion delusion..

    Just like Dumbocrats have failed against President Trump each and every time...

    Just like President Trump is going to glide to re-election..

    You ready to make a wager?? :D

    "whassmatter McFly.. You got no scrot!!"
    -Biff's Bully, BACK TO THE FUTURE II


  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    ACK!!!!! Reposted for clarity...



    Recall that Nixon resigned when he realized that the GOP would convict/remove him on:
    *Obstruction of Justice, *Abuse of Power
    *Contempt of Congress

    C'mon Michale, that's stuff you should look up before you post.

    None of which is OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS which is what we were discussing.

    There is NO SUCH CRIME as Obstruction Of Congress..

    Were you a little drunk when you posted that last night??

    -Brendan Fraser, BEDAZZLED

    The simple fact is, the "charges" that Dumbocrats used in their attempted faux impeachment coup against President Trump were not crimes in any way, shape or form..

    Which is why Dumbocrats failed in their attempted impeachment coup..

    Just like Dumbocrats failed in their Russia Collusion delusion..

    Just like Dumbocrats have failed against President Trump each and every time...

    Just like President Trump is going to glide to re-election..

    You ready to make a wager?? :D

    "whassmatter McFly.. You got no scrot!!"
    -Biff's Bully, BACK TO THE FUTURE II


  19. [19] 
    Kick wrote:


    But the pedant in me has to correct you about "classified lies." Floating false intelligence to the opposition has a long and storied tradition. Here's one:


    The soldier's existence was fake. He was a lie. Everything he carried was a lie. But it was indeed top secret...

    Where, alas, poor Mussolini's downfall was thusly assured. The British are without doubt the absolute world's best at the invention of counterintelligence subterfuge and also in fiction writing, and Operation Mincement's inspiration, Ian Fleming, was one of the masters.

    I see what you did there, though... you sneaker (my highest praise), but counterespionage staging of phony accidents/invented scenes in order to intentionally communicate fake classified information via documents that are allowed/designed to be intercepted is more aptly defined using the terms "camoflage" and "intentional forgery of disinformation" that is not so much "classified" but falsely designated thereon with the express intent that it does fall into the hands of others in order to deceive... as opposed to what Bolton is being accused of, the very illegal wide release of genuine and truly "classified information" whose "Confidential," "Secret," and "Top Secret" sensitivity is based upon a calculation of the degree of damage to United States national security that dissemination of said information would cause.

    See the difference? ;)

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:


    This just cracks me up!!

    "And based on the background check that was run on him, if he ever was a LEO it is unlikely that he could have been one for long given his record."

    Russ has gotten his ass kicked so many times in this forum he had to run a "background" check on me!!!



    I have so gotten into Russ's head that he has to take it into real life.. :D

    And, of course, I STILL kick his ass every day and twice on Sunday! :D

    That totally cracks me up that I am so far into his head, he has to run a background check.. I am sure he got his husband to run the check... Which is six different kinds of illegal..

    I might have to file a complaint with the PD that Russ's husband works for.. Shouldn't be too difficult to ascertain which Department he works for.. Russ has left plenty of clues..

    Yep.. I think a complaint is definitely warranted...

  21. [21] 
    Kick wrote:


    Sorry to Chris for being completely off-topic but, did you see this piece in the NYTimes …

    Not yet, but I will read it for you... but first... coffee and then, I'm on it and shall report back later.

    When it comes to the Supreme Court, Linda Greenhouse is the best!

    She is amazing, though. :)

  22. [22] 
    Kick wrote:


    see what i did there?

    Which has actually aged well because it's seriously a great idea... with bumper stickers and t-shirts. Let's do it.

  23. [23] 
    Kick wrote:

    James T Canuck

    [13] Wow. Just wow. :)

    [14] "Please accept my resignation. I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members." ~ Groucho Marx

  24. [24] 
    TheStig wrote:


    The USA is no longer on the brink of a second wave ... We are already there. Except for Calfornia....which never flattened its slow burn outbreak. Longest exponential growth phase ever? I don't have to tell you that CA does everying a bit differently than the rest of the planet.

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:


    to be honest, i think there should be a series of ads with normal-looking people reading the most insane quotes of trump's presidency, with the caption, "real quotes from the president." then close every ad with "do you really want another four years of THIS?"

    Of course, the RE-ELECT PRESIDENT TRUMP campaign can response with AntiFa terrrorism in Seattle, Cops murders and ambushes and ask the question, "Do you really want 4 more years of THIS??"

    You people really need to come to grips with the facts and reality..

    And the fact and reality is NO ONE is going to choose Joe Biden as POTUS.. He's already showing full on dementia which is why his campaign is keeping him under wraps...

    But I think it's cute ya'all desperately hanging on to the idea that Biden will be our next POTUS..

    Hope springs eternal and all that.. :D

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:


    This is whaa?? The 5th (6th) bad week President Trump had???

    And yet, the is still going strong.. :D

    Funny how that is, eh??

    Simply can't wait for 3 Nov to roll around... :D

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:


    Now THAT is how ya handle antifa terrorists.. :D

    Another Good Shoot...

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:



    OK, I'll admit that some white cops can shoot a black man and it was justified.

    Apparently, you are the only one who can.. Funny how that is eh? :^/

    But you've got to admit that racist cops do in fact exist

    Oh of course.. Every job has it's racists.. Racism exists no two ways about it.. The problem here is that everyone (NEN) here screams RACISM where non exists.. And they do so SOLELY to shut down the discussion.. It's the Journo-List all over again..

    And, also, they scream RACIST even where absolutely NO FACTS exist that indicate racism..

    That's my point.. This is a reality based forum.. And the reality is that in the Floyd case and in the Brooks case, there is absolutely NO FACTS to support the claim that racism was at work.. NO FACTS..

    Not every cop is racist -- far from it.

    You can't tell from the way people here are talking.. You can't tell from the way the Democrat Party is talking..

    To those people. ALL COPS are racist... And no amount of FACTS will dissuade them from this belief..

    But it's not some sort of myth. So turnabout is fair play -- can you admit that?

    Admit that yes, some cops are racist.. Sure.. There are almost 700,000 sworn police officers in the United States..

    Some of those are racist?? Sure..

    But when it comes to these shooting, there must be FACTS to support an accusation of racism..

    And, the Democrat Party has a real shitty record on applying FACTS before they scream racism..

    The Journo-List taught us that...

    All I am saying is that give me FACTS to show racims..

    But no one here can...

    And so it goes and so it goes...

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    Democrats should welcome this development. Seeing Trump unleash his id in front of screaming fans with no script or possible contradictions (from aides or from generals or from "nasty" journalists) almost guarantees that Trump will say something monumentally embarrassing.

    At least President Trump is out there..

    Biden is still hiding in his basement.. His aides are deathly afraid what gaffe Biden will commit next or what former aide will accuse Biden of rape..

    President Trump's rally is gonna be awesome.. And Biden will watch from the safety of his basement.. :D

  30. [30] 
    Kick wrote:


    As usual, Russ & Victoria have no facts to support their claims.. :D

    Poor Mike. His comments exposed himself as the fraud that he's always been, and Russ and I did not fail to notice -- in between our fits of laughter, of course.

    So now that long-running "cop" lie must be followed by more lies and blah, blah, blah... same repetitive shit from Mike... just a different day.

    Repeating the same lies means never having to think too hard... but, alas, repetitive fabrication will not magically produce "bona fides" that never existed.

    They just get pissy cause I slap them down constantly..

    Same bullshit over and over, and you honestly seem to think that repetition of the same stale shit over and over is somehow a "slap down" when it's nothing more than words you've worn out by their constant repetition. Well, bless your diseased heart from admitted overeating.

    Victoria once threatened me with exposure for past activites in USENET if I didn't toe her line..

    I've never been on Usenet so perhaps you've gotten your lies confused with some other poster. You keep insisting others are threatening to expose you if you don't toe their line, when all I've ever said to you is that I would tell the truth about you if you continued to invent lies about me. That wasn't a threat, however, as I have exposed your truth but not without leading you by the nose wherein you actually exposed yourself. Good times.

    And as you can see, Russ used one of those WEB services to research my life..

    More lies. This lie is usually assigned to me so: Congratulations, Russ! You've been promoted on "Mike's Ever-expanding List of Invented Bullshit." I'm so jealous, Russ, but it could not have happened to a more deserving poster. Your prize package is in the mail and on its way. :)

    Can you imagine someone SOOO pissed at getting his ass handed to him all the time that he spends money to do a background check on the person who always kicks his ass??

    Russ, my sincerest and heartfelt congratulations for your promotion. *laughs*

    Suffice it to say, my Public Safety bona fides are well established herein Weigantia... Our host has even called upon that expertise a time or two to assist him in his commentaries..

    "Public Safety bona fides" is the phrase that says it all, isn't it just? Because that phrase used to be "law enforcement officer bona fides" or "LEO bona fides" until Mike was exposed for the liar he's always been on this forum... archived for all posterity. He also used to call himself a "cop" and that too is total invented bullshit on Mike's part.

    Russ and Victoria are just pissy cause I am constantly rubbing their failures in their faces, so they make shit up.... :D

    Nice projection, Mike! You exposed yourself in your ignorant comments, and Russ and I just noticed it and forced you to admit you were lying. Now you claim you never called yourself a cop... your lies on top of your lies on top of your years and years of invented bullshit that is archived for all posterity.

    Like the time Victoria claimed that Minneapolis PC was not allowed to use the knee to the neck restraint hold.. I proved her wrong..

    This has been covered ad nauseam. I never said that, of course.

    Video evidence. Minnesota allows that maneuver -- banned across America -- only in certain circumstances, and this didn't fit the description.

    I said they allowed it in certain circumstances and gave my opinion multiple times thereafter that part of this incident didn't fit the circumstances in which it was allowed, and you're just an inveterate lying liar who lies all the time on this forum. But thanks again for volunteering -- again and again -- to highlight your own ignorance and ever-present inability to read and, of course, your constant fabrication.

    Or the time that Victoria said that Hillary would take FL and PA and I said Victoria was full of kaa kaa.. As it turned out, Victoria WAS full of kaa kaa and I was dead on ballzz accurate..

    Mike called a 50/50 and can go potty all by himself. He needs praise for this because (?) I am guessing the same reason he needed to lie about his history all these years.

    I know, I know.. You WANT to believe her.. She's a fellow Demcorat and your all about Party loyalty...

    I'm not a Democrat... never was and never will be.

    But she and Russ always lie... That is fact..

    Same stale repetitive lies from Mike the fake cop... just a different day where Mike is stuck on a repetitive loop like the proverbial hamster on the same rusted wheel, and everyone else is supposed to be impressed because apparently Mike needs that desperately. *laughs*

    Pitiful really.

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, once again, President Trump wins in the courts.. :D

    Oklahoma judge refuses to require social distancing at Trump’s Tulsa rally amid coronavirus concerns

    A Tulsa, Okla., judge blocked an emergency attempt to keep President Trump’s upcoming campaign rally from happening as planned after plaintiffs claimed that it would be a coronavirus “super-spreader” that would endanger the public.

    The lawsuit, brought by two Oklahoma residents who say they are immuno-compromised, claim that the rally poses a danger because the expected large crowd will not be following social distancing practices and will not be required to wear face masks. They filed an emergency motion seeking a temporary restraining order so the event would not be able to go on as planned.


    “It does not appear by the Petition that Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief demanded,” Judge Rebecca Brett Nightingale said in a one-page order.

    Terrorists and Democrats (hard ta tell the difference these days) aren't worried about social distancing when the advocate protests and looting and arson and killing cops...

    So, a President Trump rally is perfectly acceptable..

    And the judge agrees..

    WINNING... :D

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Plaintiffs Shannon Martin and Stephen Bruner, along with the Greenwood Centre and the John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation, sued ASM Global, operators of the Bank of Oklahoma Center, where the event is set to take place, hoping the court would force them to shut it down for health reasons.

    “All credible, qualified medical experts, including the CDC, agree that this type of mass-gathering indoor event creates the greatest possible risk of community-wide viral transmission,” the complaint says.

    The plaintiffs insist that their lawsuit is not politically motivated and that they are not trying to shut it down entirely. Rather, they claim, they simply want health-related protocols to be followed.

    Moron Democrats lost... Deal with it.. :D

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    “Plaintiffs merely seek a court order requiring ASM Global to institute protocols for the June 20 event, including the mandatory use of face-masks and social distancing rules for all guests and employees, as recommended by state, local and federal authorities, and by every credible and qualified medical expert who has studied this issue,” the lawsuit says. The plaintiffs insist they would want the same thing if the event was a rally for Joe Biden or an Oklahoma City Thunder NBA game.

    “This case is not about the president,” the complaint says.

    Trump 2020 senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis disputed this, telling Fox News’ Shannon Bream that this is not about health, but “the Democrats’ hypocrisy in wanting to stop President Trump from returning to the campaign trail,” while mass protests after George Floyd’s death were condoned.

    Yep.. For Democrats a Trump Rally is out.. But Democrats don't mind if terrorists and protesters and looters and scumbag cop-killers meet by the tens of thousands...


  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump’s Impending Tulsa Triumph

    Democrats screaming about the site of Trump’s first post-coronavirus rally have raised the stakes on a game they can't control.

    President Trump’s first campaign rally of the post-coronavirus craze have exceeded one million.

    This for an event in an arena that seats 19,200.

    It’s relatively clear that the president’s supporters are less than concerned about the potential exposure to the Wuhan virus being in such close quarters with strangers. That isn’t a great surprise given most of them are aware, likely having seen on television or on the internet, that political rallies and demonstrations are safe spaces from which it’s surely impossible for the virus to spread. After all, for more than two weeks since the George Floyd fiasco paraded across the country in the form of “mostly peaceful” public protests including rioting, looting, burning, assaults on police officers, and so forth, and even including the armed takeover of a part of downtown Seattle by Hard Left kooks, the previous angry demonstrations against regular Americans going about their days without a mask or a dutiful six-foot bubble of separation with their fellow citizens have fallen away.

    Social distancing for thee, and so forth.

    Now, Trump has the opportunity to speak again to the American people, unfiltered by the Democrat media who have set upon him nonstop since the George Floyd riots began.

    Since a cop killed George Floyd and the dam broke spilling Antifa and Black Lives Matter idiocy into the streets — it’s so bad that over the weekend, morons in New Orleans took down a bust of local 19th-century philanthropist John McDonogh, who founded the city’s public school system and trained his slaves in marketable trade skills before setting them free, and threw it in the river — Real America has been very quiet.

    This rally is gonna be awesome!!!! :D Made even more so by the fact that it totally shows up Biden as an angst filled senile old coot hiding in his basement... :D

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    ACK!!!! Reposted For Clarity..

    Trump’s Impending Tulsa Triumph

    Democrats screaming about the site of Trump’s first post-coronavirus rally have raised the stakes on a game they can't control.

    President Trump’s first campaign rally of the post-coronavirus craze have exceeded one million.

    This for an event in an arena that seats 19,200.

    It’s relatively clear that the president’s supporters are less than concerned about the potential exposure to the Wuhan virus being in such close quarters with strangers. That isn’t a great surprise given most of them are aware, likely having seen on television or on the internet, that political rallies and demonstrations are safe spaces from which it’s surely impossible for the virus to spread. After all, for more than two weeks since the George Floyd fiasco paraded across the country in the form of “mostly peaceful” public protests including rioting, looting, burning, assaults on police officers, and so forth, and even including the armed takeover of a part of downtown Seattle by Hard Left kooks, the previous angry demonstrations against regular Americans going about their days without a mask or a dutiful six-foot bubble of separation with their fellow citizens have fallen away.

    Social distancing for thee, and so forth.

    Now, Trump has the opportunity to speak again to the American people, unfiltered by the Democrat media who have set upon him nonstop since the George Floyd riots began.

    Since a cop killed George Floyd and the dam broke spilling Antifa and Black Lives Matter idiocy into the streets — it’s so bad that over the weekend, morons in New Orleans took down a bust of local 19th-century philanthropist John McDonogh, who founded the city’s public school system and trained his slaves in marketable trade skills before setting them free, and threw it in the river — Real America has been very quiet.

    This rally is gonna be awesome!!!! :D Made even more so by the fact that it totally shows up Biden as an angst filled senile old coot hiding in his basement... :D

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:


    "This.... is much better"
    -Sandra Bullock SPEED


  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    Quiet, but not silent. Real America has made itself understood, though not in ways the mainstream media will report.

    For example, when HBO made the ridiculous decision to pull Gone With the Wind, one of the all-time classics of film, out of its HBO Max streaming catalog, thus blackballing the vehicle by which Hattie McDaniel won the first Oscar ever earned by a black American, Real America responded by making the movie the No. 1 film property for sales on Amazon.

    When protesters in Fort Worth began invading restaurants and other businesses in order to “make them uncomfortable,” those businesses started locking their doors with patrons inside so as to prevent the Black Lives Matter mob from disrupting their experience. Where the doors weren’t locked, patrons began counter-protesting. Punches were thrown, and water was splashed in protesters’ faces.

    Gun sales have absolutely skyrocketed so far this year, something that is only accelerating.

    And then there were the pre-orders for Trump’s Tulsa rally, which has been panned by the Democrat media on two fronts.

    The first is the laughable suggestion that it’s irresponsible for the president to stage a campaign rally while the coronavirus is still going on. News story after news story touts the “second wave” of virus infections now that the economic shutdowns have begun to peter out, though the public simply isn’t buying into the virus hysteria anymore. It’s almost as though Real America has concluded the virus hype was a scam designed to trash the economy and give Joe Biden a chance to win the election in November.

    Democrats are their own worst enemies..

    Trying to re-write history to fit their ridiculous politically correct world..

    No wonder President Trump is going to glide to re-election..

    Wagers are still available if any of ya'all grow a pair and actually have the strength of your convictions.. :D

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    Maybe, those who reached that conclusion might also conclude, the George Floyd protests were similarly a scam. This much rioting and so many demands for a cultural shift toward obeisance to the Black Lives Matter movement wouldn’t really be possible without a whole lot of pre-planning and funding. But I digress.

    It’s particularly unconvincing to scold Trump about planning rallies while at the same time touting, for example, the 15,000 people who turned out in Brooklyn for a protest pushing the rights of black transgender people. Nobody will be much persuaded on this score.

    But the other front was a bit more successful, in that it did manage to force Trump to move the event back a day. Initially, Trump’s Tulsa rally was planned on June 19 rather than its current June 20 date. June 19, as many may know, is also known as Juneteenth, which is a day commemorating the emancipation of slaves at the end of the Civil War. It’s a state holiday in Texas, as June 19, 1865, was the date on which emancipation was announced throughout the state, and in the black community it’s become something of a cultural phenomenon.

    Somehow, Trump isn’t allowed to have a rally on Juneteenth. To do that is “insensitive” to the black community. Particularly if that rally were to take place in Tulsa, which was the scene, 99 years ago, of a race riot in which at least 37 people were killed, most of them black, and the town’s mostly-black Greenwood section was destroyed. The last bit gave the Tulsa massacre an especially sorrowful character, as Greenwood had been the scene of a quite prosperous black business community — called Black Wall Street by Booker T. Washington — which was destroyed in the rioting.

    And do you know WHO killed all those people in Tulsa 99 years ago??

    They were called "DEMOCRATS"....

    Let's not forget history, now...

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump will point out that the May jobs numbers were the greatest in modern history, giving evidence that the economic shutdowns didn’t put an end to American capitalism. Quite the contrary — as Democrats fear, the economy is about to roar back to life in the third quarter, even despite the stupidity playing out on the streets of our cities. Trump might very well discuss that subject, as well — noting that in their zeal to keep their base voters desperate and dependent on government, urban Democrat machine politicians have all but encouraged the lawlessness of Seattle, Minneapolis, Santa Monica, and Chicago, and what lagging economic recoveries might exist will be almost solely attributable to bad blue-state government. After all, when Lori Lightfoot trashes Walmart and then stands by as her voters loot and burn its locations in South Chicago, exactly how is she going to lure them back into those neighborhoods?

    He’ll also talk about Antifa as a domestic terror group. If he’s smart, Trump will change that to say Antifa is an international terrorist group and that its funding sources are foreign as well as domestic. Trump would be echoing statements by Attorney General Bill Barr in so saying, as Barr noted last week that foreign actors are helping to gin up violence on America’s streets. Additionally, Trump could reference the fact that the Chinese Communist Party is now playing up the rioting in American streets as a twisted answer to the demonstrations in Hong Kong, which fell off the front page thanks to the coronavirus.

    Most of all, though, Trump, can, should, and probably will point out that to the extent there is “systemic racism” afoot in American cities that leads to incidents like the one which befell the unfortunate Mr. Floyd, those cities are run almost exclusively by Democrat political machines like the one pushing Biden’s incompetent presidential campaign. Bill de Blasio is no Republican. Neither is Jacob Frey. Nor is Eric Garcetti. In fact, in all of the cities whose police departments are accused of mistreating blacks and fostering injustice it’s been decades, or in many cases half a century or more, since there were any Republicans in positions of power. Whatever political incompetence or maladministration is causing those cities to become hellscapes devoid of upward mobility for so many of their citizens, it’s Democrats who are solely responsible.

    And, Trump ought to say, it’s Democrats who are making things worse.

    Democrats had nearly a decade to make black Americans lives better... They failed..

    President Trump did in 2 what Democrats couldn't do in 8 years....

    These are the facts...

  40. [40] 
    Kick wrote:


    That totally cracks me up that I am so far into his head, he has to run a background check.. I am sure he got his husband to run the check... Which is six different kinds of illegal..

    ~ Mike the fake cop

    Okay, Russ... here again we have the kind of bullshit that exposes Mike. First, he insists repeatedly that you've spent money to do a background check on him. Now, he's moved the goalpost and claims that he is sure you've gotten a police officer to run a background check on him and claims -- get this -- that it would be illegal.

    Russ, please explain to the fake cop and Weigantia why it wouldn't be illegal for an actual police officer to have run a background check on a fake cop like Mike... even though you and I -- and I would wager Weigantia -- already knows that you didn't have Devon do that because Mike exposed himself through the posting of routine comments like these blockquoted herein.

    I might have to file a complaint with the PD that Russ's husband works for.. Shouldn't be too difficult to ascertain which Department he works for.. Russ has left plenty of clues..

    ~ Mike, the fake cop, who's posted his own name on this forum multiple times among others and who has impersonated a cop online for multiple years and who routinely posts about the use of firearms against fellow Americans on this very forum

    It's like he's determined to make himself look stupid, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop him. :)

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump ought to note the Rasmussen poll from a few days ago that marked his approval rating among black Americans as above 40 percent. He should point to that to indicate there is a large segment of the black population that is not on board with the idiocy of the Black Lives Matter movement and also to indicate that the Democrats’ history of abuse of such a core constituency is finally about to earn them some punishment.

    The last bit is important. Trump needs to hammer home for weeks just how bad a job Democrats have done running America’s cities and how badly black Americans in particular have suffered from that poor performance. Seeing as though Joe Biden is less his enemy than is the legacy media, and seeing as though the CNN’s and New York Timeses of the world will reflexively deny everything Trump says no matter how obvious it might be, there is great purchase to be had in such a line of attack. The suburbs are where the 2020 election will be fought, and there is a reason people live in the suburbs rather than in town — virtually all of the ’burbs exist solely because of the poor governance in the cities, and we’ve never really had a national conversation about just how poor that governance is.

    Force the legacy media to defend the Jenny Durkans and LaToya Cantrells of the world, and watch their credibility evaporate into nothingness. And then it’ll be Trump versus Biden on the stump, with Real America as the jury waiting to issue a verdict in November.

    That’s where the real triumph will begin.

    Black American support for President Trump is above 40%...

    Joe Biden doesn't stand a chance.. Biden simply can't afford to lose that much support from black Americans and still win..

    This election is over.. Joe Biden lost...

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    Liberal media and Democrats fan the flames of civil rights ignorance

    Party of slavery, Jim Crow, Ku Klux Klan and segregation has a short memory

    Ignorance is dangerous.

    Rioters defaced the statue of Matthias Baldwin outside of the city hall in Philadelphia. If only they had bothered to learn about his incredible life.

    Baldwin was a successful owner of a company that made trains. He used part of his wealth to open a school in Philadelphia for black children during the 1800s. He personally paid for the salary of the teachers.

    All throughout his life, Matthias Baldwin spoke out for the abolition of slavery in the United States. His beliefs were driven by his faith as a devoted Christian. His statements in opposition to slavery were used against him by his competitors in business when they tried to get business with railroads based in the South.

    In 1837, Baldwin was a member of the Pennsylvania State Constitutional Convention. He voted against the exclusion of black property owners from the right of franchise. If only the vandals had known a thing or two about history. Instead of defacing his statue, they should be following his principled example.

    Democrats wallow in their stoopidity... :^/

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    Lincoln was the first nominee of the newly formed party. His Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves.

    The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — which banned slavery in the United States — was passed under Republican congressional leadership. With unanimous Republican support and against intense Democratic opposition, Congress passes the 14th Amendment, which gives former slaves citizenship and equal protection rights.

    Ignorance is dangerous.

    Once again, today's Democrats aren't too different from those Democrats who foughy AGAINST freeing the slaves.

    AGAINST the Civil Rights Amendment...

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of Mr. Biden, he has some explaining to do. Recently released letters show Mr. Biden asking for the support of Sen. James Eastland, a Mississippi Democrat, for his bill that opposed busing to desegregate schools. Eastland was a leading symbol of Southern resistance to desegregation and he frequently spoke of blacks as “an inferior race.”

    Mr. Biden, then a first-term senator, wrote to Eastland who was then the Judiciary Committee chairman, “Dear Mr. Chairman, I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week’s committee meeting in attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote.” Mr. Biden also thanked Eastland for his “efforts in support of my bill to limit court ordered busing.”

    During his first term, Mr. Biden also said about his opposition to court-ordered busing, “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.” A New York Times report said that Mr. Biden “objected to the education department mandating desegregation absent a court order, and warned of white flight to the suburbs and even racial unrest.”

    Democrats were the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan, and anti-desegregation. Republicans were the party of Lincoln, Reconstruction, anti-lynching laws, and the civil rights acts. And vandals should actually learn about many of the leaders for equality and freedom that we honor in our memorials across America.

    These are the FACTS of history... They can never be changed or spin'ed away or denied..

    The FACTS are clear.. The Democrat Party gave us Slavery... The Democrat Party gave us Jim Crow laws.. The Democrat Party gave us the KKK....

    "These are the facts of the case.. And they are undisputed."
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh wait. There's more.. :D

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    Charles Barkley: Democrats 'only talk to black people every four years'

    Former basketball star Charles Barkley said in a new interview that he thinks the Democratic Party should be held accountable for “taking black people’s votes” for decades and giving little in return.

    Speaking on Michael Smerconish’s SiriusXM radio show on Wednesday, Mr. Barkley recalled a conversation he had with Democratic Sen. Doug Jones during his 2017 special election victory against Roy Moore in Alabama.

    “I said ‘Doug, I’m going to support you. I’m going to try to get every black person in Alabama to vote for you.’ And it worked out. We won for the first time in 40 years,” Mr. Barkley recalled, Mediaite reported. “But I said, ‘We need to start holding you Democrats accountable,’ because they’ve been taking black people’s votes and they only talk to black people every four years.

    The Democrat Party has been taking the black American vote for granted for decades...

    It's no wonder black American support for President Trump has risen to over 40%....

    With that kind of support from black Americans, Biden doesn't stand a chance... :D

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    New York Police Department officers are reportedly circulating calls to give some of the demonstrators what they want — a world without cops.

    According to a Thursday report in the New York Post, at least two flyers making the rounds electronically are encouraging cops to come down with the blue flu on Independence Day.

    “NYPD cops will strike on July 4th to let the city have their independence without cops,” reads one of the messages, being passed around via text — the cyber-era equivalent of revolutionary underground leaflets.

    The Post reported on two messages, citing unnamed and uncharacterized sources, though the paper also cited “multiple cops” as saying that the flyers are “retribution for a perceived anti-cop climate.”

    “Police officers like you and me took an oath to protect strangers regardless of race, class or gender. Today we are vilified and must stand as one,” says the other message, which then gives a three-round set of sick-out instructions.

    The message tells members to call their precinct for a sick day; if denied, then call the main NYPD sick desk; and if denied again, report for duty and then request an ambulance to go home sick.

    “If you are held because of the #Bluflu, request a bus and go sick from command,” reads what the Post characterized as a “flyer.”

    The Atlanta Police Department came down with a case of the “blue flu” Wednesday evening after one of them was charged with felony murder — he could be executed — for shooting a fleeing felon who’d fired the cop’s own Taser at him.

    I completely support cops when they contract Blue Flu.... Give the city leadership and the community a taste of what it will be like if they abolish police...

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    Gregg Jarrett: In Rayshard Brooks’ killing, prosecutor’s rush to charge cop raises serious questions

    “As many of you know… a Taser is considered as a deadly weapon under Georgia law.”

    Those are the words of Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard two weeks ago – before he announced murder charges Wednesday against the fired Atlanta police officer who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks on Friday during a confrontation outside a Wendy’s restaurant.

    Howard’s adamant pronouncement that a Taser is a deadly weapon came in an unrelated criminal case and was made in front of television cameras and microphones. His words will surely come back to haunt him as he attempts to prosecute former Officer Garrett Rolfe on 11 criminal charges including felony murder, which carries the death penalty.

    The law of self-defense in Georgia is clear: deadly force may be met with deadly force. In fact, deadly force can be used to defend against force that is likely to cause serious bodily injury.

    No matter how ya'all wanna slice it, Officer Rolff's is a Good Shoot...

    Any one who thinks otherwise is simply displaying their ignorance...

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    Here is the standard instruction (GA SPJI 3.10.10) read by judges to Georgia juries:

    “A person is justified in using force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if that person reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself/herself or a third person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”

    The question for a jury then becomes two-fold: First, did the brandishing of a stolen Taser by Brooks constitute a credible threat of death or great bodily injury? Second, did Officer Rolfe have a reasonable belief that deadly force was necessary when he drew and fired his weapon?

    District Attorney Howard unwittingly answered the first question. In so doing, he seriously undermined his own case against Rolfe. It is impossible for a prosecutor to argue that a Taser is a deadly weapon in one case, but not a deadly weapon in another.

    The answer to the second question will turn on the testimony of police officers and other eyewitnesses, and the video footage from several cameras showing the altercation in the seconds leading up to the fatal shots.

    Again, the FACTS clearly show that Officer Rolff did EXACTLY as he was trained to do..

    If Brooks had been white, Officer Rolff would have finished up his shift. Write up the report and then head home, secure in the knowledge he did his job that night..

    If Officer Rolff did nothing wrong if Brooks had been white, then Officer Rolff did nothing wrong with Brooks being black..

    Ya'all who claim Officer Rolff did something wrong are simply being ignorant of what a police officer does...

    It's really THAT simple, people..

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    Whether Howard abused his authority by filing excessive charges may soon be tested by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The GBI was asked by the Atlanta Police Department to investigate the Brooks shooting and has yet to complete its probe.

    The GBI seemed stunned by the district attorney’s announcement on Wednesday. “We were not consulted on the charges,” it said in a public statement.

    Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., accused Howard of pandering to the mob.

    “Charging an Atlanta police officer with felony murder before the completion of the GBI’s investigation was a political decision, not a legal one,” Collins said. The congressman. Collins is asking the Georgia attorney general to intervene in the case by appointing an independent prosecutor.

    It is legitimate to ask whether the district attorney was motivated by personal and political considerations. He is under criminal investigation by the GBI for allegedly pocketing $140,000 in taxpayer funds funneled through a nonprofit organization. He is also in a tough fight for reelection against an opponent who has accused Howard of corruption.

    If the district attorney survives the election, he may not survive the legal quagmire he created with his own words. He declared that a Taser is a deadly weapon under Georgia law.

    At least he was right about that.

    Ahhhh So now the facts come out.. The DA over-charge Officer Rolff as a way to fade the heat from the charges that the DA is facing..

    NOW it's all clear... Officer Rolff did nothing wrong..

    This is fact... Guided by 25+ years in the career fields of Public Safety, LEO, FSO, Military and Security... No one here can make those same claims and be factual about it...

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    The heroic moves by police officers this week

    Instead of attacking cops all the time, maybe you people should acknowledge the good ones which account for 99.9% of cops....

    Naaaawww... Hate is more fun for Democrats.. :eyeroll:

  52. [52] 
    Kick wrote:


    Great summary by Linda Greenhouse, EM. She nails the relative weightlessness of the multitude of thoughts by Kavanaugh, and then she's dead on accurate about that willful ignorance of Alito. Justice Alito quite literally embarrassed himself when he opined:

    Title VII prohibits discrimination because of sex itself, not everything that is related to, based on, or defined with reference to, ‘sex.’ Many things are related to sex. Think of all the nouns other than ‘orientation’ that are commonly modified by the adjective ‘sexual.’ Some examples yielded by a quick computer search are ‘sexual harassment,’ ‘sexual assault,’ ‘sexual violence,’ ‘sexual intercourse,’ and ‘sexual content.’” Does the court really think that Title VII prohibits discrimination on all these grounds?” ~ Justice Alito

    Justice Alito seems completely unaware that the Supreme Court, in fact, has interpreted Title VII to recognize sexual harassment as a form of sex discrimination [kind of obvious on its face, wouldn't you say?], and it was a unanimous decision because duh, isn't it obvious!?

    And wasn't it just so "Alito" for him to opine in 2020 that prior precedent cited by Gorsuch [who probably was chosen... I would wager... to write the opinion because CJ Roberts had his hands full already with the DACA opinion] was "thoroughly unremarkable."

    Poor GOP. They wanted a rubber stamp and got judicial textualism... or maybe they just really don't like The Donald... who seriously does think that everything on Earth is about himself and should be viewed from the prism of Trump. *shakes head*

    It should be interesting to see where the SCOTUS goes from here. Nothing will surprise me at this point, and there are some big decisions coming.

    Thanks for posting that, EM. :)

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    Jessica Levinson DACA's Supreme Court win means Dreamers stay — but Trump lives to fight another day

    For those of you celebrating the decision, here I am again, raining on your parade. There are a few important caveats to this case.

    And President Trump is STILL standing!!! :D

    Dumbocrats simply CANNOT score the knockout punch against President Trump.. :D

    Funny how that is ALWAYS the case.. :D

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:

    But for those of you celebrating the decision, here I am again, raining on your parade. There are a few important caveats to this case. First, the administration still has the power to end DACA; it just needs to give a better reason for doing so. Second, this is still a story of Congress’ failure to act to protect young people who were brought to the United States as children and lack legal status to remain in the country without fear of deportation.

    But this is not the end of road. The Trump administration can seek to end DACA by providing new, better reasons. It seems unlikely that it will attempt to end an overwhelmingly popular program during an election year. So let’s end where we began. The Supreme Court, albeit a bare majority, upheld the rule of law. They gave teeth to a federal law that acts as a guard against executive agencies who act without sufficient reason to do so. In doing so, they protected the hundreds of thousands people who live, work and pay taxes in our country. Whether those people stay protected remains to be seen.

    Yup.. Which is EXACTLY what I said.. President Trump can re-issue the Executive Order and take into account the SCOTUS concerns and make the new order SCOTUS proof...

    Dumbocrats won a small skirmish... As usual, President Trump will win the war... :D

  55. [55] 
    Michale wrote:

    Gods, it's touch being factually accurate all the time.. :D

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:

    It Doesn’t Matter Whether DACA Is Popular

    As with the Supreme Court’s recent re-imagining of Title VII protections, the media are acting as if the recent decision preventing Trump from immediately ending DACA was a referendum on values, empathy, and the intrinsic value of “Dreamers,” rather than on the ability of the president to simply fabricate laws by fiat.

    There are a number of persuasive economic and moral arguments for legalizing the children of illegal immigrants. Indeed, as it happens, I support the goals of DACA. But, if they are to become law, they need to . . . well, become law. I also support dropping the corporate income tax to zero. That doesn’t mean I would approve of Donald Trump asking the IRS to stop collecting certain revenue streams by decree.

    If you don’t believe that DACA circumvents the proper constitutional process, just hear out Barack Obama, who, on numerous occasions, admitted as much.

    In October of 2010:

    “… I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself. We have a system of government that requires the Congress to work with the executive branch to make it happen.

    In March of 2011:

    “With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case . . . . for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”

    In July of 2011:

    “Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. And believe me, right now dealing with Congress, believe me, believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how; that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written.”

    In Sept of 2011:

    “And I think there’s been a great disservice done to the cause of getting the DREAM Act passed and getting comprehensive immigration passed by perpetrating the notion that somehow, by myself, I can go and do these things. It’s just not true . . . . We live in a democracy. You have to pass bills through the legislature, and then I can sign it.”

    Obama didn’t lie about all the small things, only about all the big ones. And after signing the executive directive on DACA, Obama claimed it was just “a temporary stopgap measure.”

    Should presidents be able to “bypass Congress” and “change the laws” using “a temporary stopgap measure,” and simply wait a few decades until his party has enough votes to pass it through the prescribed constitutional manner? Seems to me that undermines the entire purpose of having a Congress.

    Odumbo screwed da pooch..

    It's really THAT simple...

    DACA will die an ignoble death.. Once President Trump tweaks the order to reflect the SCOTUS decision, DACA will be dumped on the trash heap of history, joining other Odumbo's bonehead plays like the TrainWreckCare mandate and other moronic EOs...

    You heard it here first.. :D

  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay MC..

    I am ready to have that discussion on Police reform whenever you are.. :D

    I can understand why you are stuck..

    Police doesn't need reform...

    Communities need reform.. Dumbocrats need reform..

    The police works perfectly just the way it is.. :D

  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:

    The 'blue wall' is reforming in the Rust Belt

    Ahh yes.. The infamous Blue Wall... The wall that President Trump totally and utterly demolished in 2016.. :D

    Yea, you go ahead, Democrats... Depend on your wondrous Blue Wall again.. :D

    THAT will save ya.. :D

    President Trump is gonna score a tri-fecta in Nov.. Win the White House, Keep The Senate and Take Back The House.. :D

    Come 3 Nov 2020, let the gloating begin!!! :D

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump warns ‘anarchists’ not to disrupt Tulsa rally, after threat prompts emergency order

    President Trump pointedly warned “anarchists” and other “agitators” not to disrupt his campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla., this weekend, after an apparent threat that outside groups may be planning to cause "unrest" at the scene prompted an emergency order from the mayor.

    “Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Trump tweeted Friday. “It will be a much different scene.”

    Bynum, in his order, said “in the interest of national security,” he would establish a “federal exclusion zone” in the vicinity of the rally.

    I double dare AntiFa to show up...

    Oklahoma is an OPEN CARRY state....

    The AntiFa bodies will be piling up if they try and pull the same crap in Tulsa that they are doing in Seattle.

    AntiFa will find that rally attendees are well armed and, unlike AntiFa, well trained....

  60. [60] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Instead of attacking cops all the time, maybe you people should acknowledge the good ones which account for 99.9% of cops....

    Naaaawww... Hate is more fun for Democrats.. :eyeroll:

    You gotta slow down and think rather than spew. That way you're less likely to forget things like my comment from the other day:

    I dunno, Michale. I've been known to tell a LEO parked on the side of the road, "On behalf of the public, we appreciate the fact that without you guys we don't have civilization. ~ MtnCaddy

  61. [61] 
    Michale wrote:

    Group topples George Washington statue in NE Portland
    2020 PROTESTS
    Protesters attempted to setup an 'autonomous zone' in the Pearl District on Wednesdsay night

    PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A quiet evening of demonstrations for racial justice and police reform in Portland ended with the razing of a George Washington statue on the eve of Juneteenth.

    Thursday marked the 21st day of protests in Portland sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. Two groups — Rose City Justice and Lavender Caucus — hosted a sit-in rally at Jefferson High School in the evening where community members shared their experiences with racism to a crowd of a few hundred. The group did not hold a march.

    A separate group of about 20 people met at NE Sandy Boulevard and NE 57th Avenue around 10 p.m. at the site of a large bronze statue of George Washington. Some wrapped the statue’s head in an American flag and lit the flag on fire. Their numbers grew over the next hour until there were enough people to pull the statue to the ground. They quickly scattered. A KOIN 6 News crew found the statue face down and covered in graffiti. Portland police arrived a short time later.

    Another armed rebellion.. That destroyed the statue of George Washington..

    Ya'all DO realize that the actions of these scumbag Democrats is going to make it impossible for Democrats to prevail in Nov, right??

    That this is going to turn everyday Americans, Independents and NPAs AGAINST The Democrat Party, right??

    That Democrats will be lucky to be elected county dog-catcher...

    Ya'all realize that, right???

  62. [62] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Chillbabybabychill... I'm doing my homework and working on it.

  63. [63] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Donald Trump is having a very bad week

    Let's look at the bright side. Maybe Big Orange will catch the Trump Virus tomorrow at his Klan rally. He could die a heroic warrior's death rather than lose to somebody with low TV ratings like Biden.

  64. [64] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    One of my hobbies is to insinuate myself into right-wing discussions online or in-person and pull a 'Tucker' (Carlson)...

    I just can't do that just yet, man. I lack the self mastery to keep from just going off on these rubes. Likewise, I can only watch Fox News for so long before my flatscreen suddenly finds itself on the endangered list.

    So my hat's off to you. To persuade one needs to understand where the other side is coming from.

    [In an Aside]

    Which once more begs the question: Michale are you here to persuade or just to troll?

  65. [65] 
    Michale wrote:


    You gotta slow down and think rather than spew. That way you're less likely to forget things like my comment from the other day:

    Yes, I remember that.. I also remember your silence when cops are attacked here in Weigantia..

    I know, I know.. It's hard to go against all the hate and stuff that is spewed by your fellow Weigantians...

    But sometimes you have a take a stand and stand up to the ones who attack LEOs..

    It's tough, I know...

    Chillbabybabychill... I'm doing my homework and working on it.

    TRANSLATION: I hope you forget about it so I don't have to put my ignorance on display.. :D

    If you REALLY want to "do your homework" go on a ride-along with cops in the inner city....

    Open your eyes to what's really going on instead of buying into the Democrat Party BS...

    Either way, I'll be around.. And I won't forget.. :D

  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:


    You can just accept the fact that Officer Chauvin and Officer Rolff did absolutely nothing wrong..

    As I have proven with facks beyond ANY doubt...

  67. [67] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Joe Biden continues to lead President Donald Trump in the race for the White House, as majorities say racism, unemployment, and coronavirus pose a major threat to the stability of the country, according to the latest Fox News Poll.

    Now, some people say that Fox is a terrible Fake News channel run by a bunch of haters and their polls are phony, but I've heard that they're fair and balanced and they would never lie. They let you decide.

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:


    I think it's so cute that you STILL put your faith in polls.. After you got your ass handed to you in 2016, I mean..

    That's just adorable.. :D

  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:

    Awwwww Bilbo Baggins has passed away...

    So sad....

  70. [70] 
    Michale wrote:

    As far as AntiFa coming to the rural areas???

    Kewl!!! My permit just came in the mail!!! :D

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:

    Law enforcement families face harassment, vandalism, and threats at home

    Thanx to the Democrat Party.. :(

    This is what I am talking about MC...

    How can anyone say they are pro-cop if they don't condemn BS like this???

  72. [72] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Okay, I'll bite:

    Have Republicans "condemned this BS?"

    What do you even mean by "condemn?"
    What would the Democrats have to do to make you happy? Please be specific.

    Or is there nothing any Democrat could possibly do, all because of the "D-" in front of their names?

  73. [73] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    As I have proven with facks beyond ANY doubt...

    Dude, it's not "facks" it's "fax."


  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    First off, it's comment number 71, not 66...

    Secondly.. Typo lame?? THAT's the best you got?? :eyeroll:

    What do you even mean by "condemn?"

    Think everything you comment about President Trump... You'll figure it out...

  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:

    Dude, it's not "facks" it's "fax."


    Actually it's "FACTS" not "fax"....

    Sheeesh... :D

  76. [76] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's nice we can joke around like this, MC... One soldier to another.. :D

    Reminds me of the good old days..

  77. [77] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oklahoma Supreme Court allows Trump rally to proceed as planned, as president says Tulsa curfew being lifted

    And once again, President Trump wins in the courts.. :D

    Doesn't it suck to be the Democrat Party??? :D

  78. [78] 
    Michale wrote:

    Chicago Mayor Orders Residents Not To Use Guns to Defend Themselves During Violent Riots

    Chicago’s far-left mayor Lori Lightfoot has ordered Chicagoans not to use guns to defend themselves even though the city has descended into lawlessness and chaos in recent weeks under her leadership.


    Chicago's mayor got jokes... :D

  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump signals he has ‘interesting’ details on Roswell, as son grills him about aliens

    Anyone that promises to fully declassify the alien life question will get my vote...

  80. [80] 
    Michale wrote:

    Awww right.. Calling it a night..

    Lovely wife and I are binge-watching THE AMERICANS

    :D See ya'all in the AM.... :D

  81. [81] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Wow! Take a day off and ya miss all of the fun around here. Let’s start with the best thing I have read in a while....

    I might have to file a complaint with the PD that Russ's husband works for.. Shouldn't be too difficult to ascertain which Department he works for.. Russ has left plenty of clues..

    Yep.. I think a complaint is definitely warranted...

    Let me see if I can convey the fear and panic that someone as stupid as Michale believes his threats to file false accusations against my husband with his employer will produce: [sounds of crickets chirping]

    Nope! I start laughing every time I try. Wait, I’ll try one last time...

    ”Oh Lordy, Mr. Michael, sir! PLEASE don’t hurt my hubby because you are too thin skinned to handle having your own words expose you for the giant pathetic fraud that you truly know yourself to be!”

    Michale, I BEG YOU TO FILE YOUR COMPLAINT... Maybe if you knew anything about police work and their use of the National Crime Information Center’s database, you would know that there are logs that track every name run and the identity of the officer that runs it. They will quickly see that he has never run a check on you. Or if he HAS run a check on you, it will be connected to a cyberstalking complaint that was filed against you that contains screenshots of the various threats of gun violence that you’ve posted over the years. Either way, combined with your false claims of being law enforcement, Devon has nothing to fear.

    Your threat to get Devon, a decorated police officer who has nothing to do with your tantrum, in trouble by falsely suggesting that he did something wrong to his superiors sure makes your ranting about how much you support law enforcement seem odd and incredibly dishonest! Even BLM doesn’t just make up crimes to accuse the police of committing because they humiliated themselves online!

    And I thought you had made it clear that anyone who would target a person’s family on here was the lowest form of scum that should be run off??? Wow, once again you just cannot help but contradict yourself and expose yourself for the lying troll that you truly are.

    You think you are in my head? Michael, I got you to do all of this by simply posting your own words that show you to be a fragile, lying little man-baby. You my “bona fide biatch”, BIATCH! This just proves that nothing you say can ever be believed!

    Now scurry back under the fridge where you belong.

  82. [82] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Kick [30&40]

    Thanks for taking out the trash while I was away... I just love that he threatens to file a false complaint against a police officer in a post that is surrounded by his other posts attacking anyone who targets the police. Hypocrisy, thy name is Michael Worley.

    So, based on his posts, it would appear that Michale is a registered Democrat and is the president of the local BLM chapter in his area...who knew?

  83. [83] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    You gotta slow down and think rather than spew. That way you're less likely to forget things like my comment from the other day:

    I dunno, Michale. I've been known to tell a LEO parked on the side of the road, "On behalf of the public, we appreciate the fact that without you guys we don't have civilization. ~ MtnCaddy.

    Michael does not care that he spews lies and constantly claims that we say things that none of us have ever said! It’s all he has. He cannot debate anyone on the facts, because he is defending the most corrupt and dishonest president this country has ever had. So he has to make up arguments that he thinks he can attack successfully, but that rarely is the case!

    Also, as the spouse of a member of law enforcement, thank you for sharing those words of support to your local police officers. It really does brighten their days whenever someone takes the time to thank them. Trust me, just one show of appreciation erases a week’s worth of negatives that they hear. So again, my sincerest thanks!


  84. [84] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Law enforcement families face harassment, vandalism, and threats at home

    Thanx to the Democrat Party.. :(

    This is what I am talking about MC...

    How can anyone say they are pro-cop if they don't condemn BS like this???

    This is so’s gotta be fattening!!!

  85. [85] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I think it is high time for the penalty box, no?

  86. [86] 
    John M wrote:

    [29] Michale wrote:

    "Biden is still hiding in his basement.. His aides are deathly afraid what gaffe Biden will commit next or what former aide will accuse Biden of rape..

    President Trump's rally is gonna be awesome.. And Biden will watch from the safety of his basement.. :D"

    I certainly hope so!!! Biden, given his age, will stay healthy. Meanwhile, how many thousands at the Trump rally will get sick and die in the next 4 weeks as a result??? And what happens to Trump's support when that happens??? Does it collapse even further???

  87. [87] 
    John M wrote:

    [31] Michale wrote:

    "And, once again, President Trump wins in the courts.. :D"

    Wow, one win in a state court, versus two losses in the Supreme Court. *LAUGHS* Whatever lies you have to tell yourself there Michale, more power to you. :-D

  88. [88] 
    John M wrote:

    [68] Michale wrote:

    "I think it's so cute that you STILL put your faith in polls.. After you got your ass handed to you in 2016, I mean..

    That's just adorable.. :D"

    Not as adorable as you are Michale! Since it has to be repeatedly pointed out to you that the polls were RIGHT. As much as you want to keep calling it a vanity vote, the polls did predict Hillary would win the nationwide popular vote by 2 to 3 percent, which is exactly what happened. What was missed were individual state polls effects on the electoral college. And every professional pollster in order to keep their credibility intact, have now adjusted and corrected their polling for the shortcomings and errors made in 2016.

  89. [89] 
    John M wrote:

    [1] John M from Ct. wrote:

    "And I feel that this is BS. He won in 2016 when everyone promised me - Promised Me! - that he wouldn't. My head agrees with all the lovely analysis above. My heart tells me, who are you gonna believe, your ever-broken heart or those lying facts?"

    Please see number 88 above. And it was a perfect storm of flukes! Remember, Trump won by ONLY 70,000 votes across 3 states out of tens of millions cast. Hardly likely that is ever going to happen this time. Either Trump wins by a good amount, or he loses by a landslide. Either one should be fairly obvious to all about a month before the election.

  90. [90] 
    John M wrote:

    [69] Michale wrote:

    "Awwwww Bilbo Baggins has passed away...

    So sad...."

    He's not really gone you know. He just got another ring and disappeared. :-) (At least one can dream and hope so.) RIP

  91. [91] 
    John M wrote:

    [77] Michale wrote:

    "Doesn't it suck to be the Democrat Party??? :D"

    Not nearly as much as it sucks to be a Trumper!!! :-D

  92. [92] 
    Kick wrote:


    Let me see if I can convey the fear and panic that someone as stupid as Michale believes his threats to file false accusations against my husband with his employer will produce: [sounds of crickets chirping].

    I know, right!? And wouldn't you know it, I had the exact same reaction as you, Russ. The airhead who has spent years impersonating a cop online and whining like a toddler how police "can't get no respect" from the people of Weigantia and attacking Democrats on this forum for all manner of invented bullshit that were supposedly said or weren't said, and what does that "Einstein" go and do? He actually threatens to file a false complaint against a bona fide police officer, which actually is:

    * Illegal
    * More proof for the evidence pile that Mike is full of shit

    Mike'll show Weigantia his respect for the law and law enforcement by (a) threatening to break it and (b) lying about a police officer. That'll show 'em all.

    Nope! I start laughing every time I try.

    Of course, you do because it's just that damn stupid.

    Wait, I’ll try one last time...

    Third time is always a charm, darling.

    ”Oh Lordy, Mr. Michael, sir! PLEASE don’t hurt my hubby because you are too thin skinned to handle having your own words expose you for the giant pathetic fraud that you truly know yourself to be!”

    But, but, but Russ... Mike never claimed he was a cop *shakes head* or inferred he was a police officer... not once... no, sir... 'cause it was multiple times for multiple years.

    Michale, I BEG YOU TO FILE YOUR COMPLAINT... Maybe if you knew anything about police work and their use of the National Crime Information Center’s database, you would know that there are logs that track every name run and the identity of the officer that runs it. They will quickly see that he has never run a check on you.

    I know, right!? Gone are the days when we'd search NCIC and various assorted DBs for every dipshit who wanted to date us. Good times.

    Or if he HAS run a check on you, it will be connected to a cyberstalking complaint that was filed against you that contains screenshots of the various threats of gun violence that you’ve posted over the years.

    Can I get a witness? Exactly this.

    Either way, combined with your false claims of being law enforcement, Devon has nothing to fear.

    Wrong... ;) ... because he might break a rib or two laughing so hard at the sheer idiocy of the fake cop who claims to respect police officers so much that he's willing to file a false claim against one of them just because he gets his ignorant lying fat ass handed to him by his husband and his online crush (love you) on a right regular basis. I mean, what an effing prat Mike is... such a hysterical display of sheer mind-numbing ignorance as to produce immediate side-splitting laughter.

    Your threat to get Devon, a decorated police officer who has nothing to do with your tantrum, in trouble by falsely suggesting that he did something wrong to his superiors sure makes your ranting about how much you support law enforcement seem odd and incredibly dishonest!

    That's what I was thinking. We are seriously like peas.

    Even BLM doesn’t just make up crimes to accuse the police of committing because they humiliated themselves online!

    ^^^^^ This! ^^^^^

    And I thought you had made it clear that anyone who would target a person’s family on here was the lowest form of scum that should be run off??? Wow, once again you just cannot help but contradict yourself and expose yourself for the lying troll that you truly are.

    Now, now... you're going to expose Mike's ever-present hypocrisy and that sense of entitlement he's bestowed upon himself. *laughs*

  93. [93] 
    Kick wrote:


    Thanks for taking out the trash while I was away...

    I had to take a shower afterwards. *kiss*

    I just love that he threatens to file a false complaint against a police officer in a post that is surrounded by his other posts attacking anyone who targets the police.

    Exactly what I was thinking.

    Hypocrisy, thy name is Michael Worley.

    And we know this how? Because a guy who claims to be a cop actually posted his surname and the names of multiple of his family members online... multiple times.

    So, based on his posts, it would appear that Michale is a registered Democrat and is the president of the local BLM chapter in his area...who knew?


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