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Stringing Some Sentences Together

[ Posted Monday, July 6th, 2020 – 16:51 UTC ]

The Trump campaign is setting itself up for a rather large tactical failure. Whether the campaign fails overall in November is a bigger question, of course, but they seem to already be failing in one crucial aspect of any successful presidential campaign, and that is to define your opponent early. This worked wonders for Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney, and it also did the trick for George W. Bush against John Kerry. Throughout the spring and summer, the incumbent president successfully defined their challenger in a very negative way with the public.

So far, Trump's efforts to do so against Joe Biden have been notable for their lack of success. First Trump tried to slap the "Sleepy Joe" nickname on him, but this led to unexpectedly positive backlash, since so much of the public is downright exhausted by Trump's ceaseless firehose of antics, tweets, and playground fights. "Sleepy" started to look very good indeed to the voters, by comparison.

So Trump moved on to a rather laughable caricature of Biden, which is chock full of what the psychologists term "projection." According to Team Trump, Joe Biden is a doddering old fool who, as they love to put it, "can't string two sentences together" in a rational way. The problem with this Biden caricature is there is so much obvious evidence to the contrary. More on that in a moment, though.

Trump has completely bought in to this way of thinking. He even tried to get Biden to agree to a fourth debate before the election, because he was so supremely confident that he would look so much better in such a setting, while Biden collapsed into a pile of gibberish.

But all you have to do is look at any of Biden's debate performances during the primaries to see how laughably wrong this impression is. Biden does a fine job of holding his own in contentious debates, and even has some of his best (and most emotional) moments while doing so.

Of course, being Biden, he does make a gaffe every now and then -- which is precisely what Trump is counting on. But a Biden gaffe is peanuts when stacked up against a Trump gaffe. Biden talks too fast for his mouth, at times, and stumbles over getting his whole thought out. But there is indeed a whole thought behind it, even if he misspeaks parts of it. Contrast that with any Trump press conference (where his responses are all ad-libbed), and you can easily see the difference. Hey, at least Biden doesn't struggle to pronounce polysyllabic words, as Trump just did at his Mount Rushmore appearance (his attempt at "totalitarianism" was probably the funniest of these).

Team Trump thinks they'll be able to focus everyone's attention on the nits, while everyone ignores the larger picture. They'll rerun any verbal stumble Joe has in a debate over and over again, but there's a wealth of worse Trump verbal screwups ready to counter it -- a fact they seem to have conveniently forgotten. All Team Biden has to do is call up any of the late-night shows and ask them for their stock mashup reel of Trump's fumbles, really. This stuff is already out there, in droves.

Trump is basically setting the bar so low for Joe Biden that it's going to be a piece of cake for Biden to jump over it. Remember, Trump actually believes that Biden "can't string two sentences together," so when he repeatedly does, Trump's argument disappears in a puff of smoke.

We already had a good example of this last week, although it didn't get much attention. Biden gave a press conference (his first in months), and read some prepared remarks before answering questions. In both, he was obviously operating at a level far above Trump's ability to do so -- a fact Trump simply couldn't believe. Trump hastily created a conspiracy theory to explain Biden's lucidity -- that he had "been fed the questions in advance" and that he was merely "reading the answers off the TelePrompTer." Neither was remotely true. If Trump is this surprised at Biden's ability to think straight and speak clearly, imagine how shocked he'll be in the debates -- when his predicted Biden collapse just does not happen.

I saved the excerpts until the end, because they are fairly long. Taken from the full transcript of last week's press conference, here is Joe Biden speaking. And just look at all those sentences he strings together!

First, from his prepared remarks, Biden lays out in precise detail the difference between Trump's abject failure to respond effectively to the coronavirus pandemic and what he not only would have done instead but indeed what he was urging Trump to do at the time. The contrast is clear, and stark (as intended):

Despite the administration's propaganda, that their response should be a cause for celebration, despite President Trump's requests that we should slow down testing because he thinks it makes him look bad, the COVID-19 is still here, and the daily threat to American health and prosperity is continuing.

It didn't have to be this way. Month after month, as other leaders in other countries took the necessary steps to get the virus under control, Donald Trump failed us. Month after month, as many of us urged him to step up and do his job, he failed us. Just look at the record. In January, I, along with others, sounded the alarm of the coronavirus outbreak. Trump told the country that COVID-19 is, quote, "totally under control," and then everything will, quote, "work out well." In February, I warned about the failure to get information that we needed from the Chinese government. What I said was the president should demand Xi produce the evidence. Demand it. Trump said, quote, "We're in great shape." Reported China's president said it was, quote, "doing very well."

In March, I set forth a detailed plan for 500 federally-funded testing sites across the country, as well as guaranteed emergency paid leave. Later that month, I called for a full and immediate use of the Defense Production Act -- critical, critical for delivering supplies that were basically needed. Trump accused healthcare workers. How did he respond? He accused health workers of stealing your masks. That's what he said. "Healthcare workers are stealing the masks. That's why we don't have them."

In April, I released a plan to secure the supply chain for personal protective equipment, surge nationwide testing through a pandemic testing board, and launch a nationwide health corps to focus on contact tracing. Trump's suggestions? Americans should inject disinfectants into their bodies. In May, I condemned the false choice between preserving public health and our economy. I urged the administration to focus on the basic public health measures, like testing, that would enable us to sustain our economic recovery. Trump's response? He pushed for reopening without regard to safety, and called testing, quote, "frankly, overrated."

This month, I outlined a path to reopen our country safely and sustainably. It provided workers, small businesses, schools, state, local governments, the tools, resources, and guidance that they would need. Trump's proposal, he set a cutoff date for federal funding of testing sites in several states, and actually went to court to take away healthcare for 22 million people by trying to get rid of Obamacare. And now Donald Trump is in retreat. Remember, back in March, when I called, and he called, we talked about the need to act like we were at war with the virus. He called himself a wartime president. Remember when he exhorted the nation to sacrifice together, and quote, "in the face of this inevitable and invisible enemy"? What happened? Now, it's almost July, and it seems like our wartime president has surrendered, waived the white flag, and left the battlefield.

. . .

Statewide lockdowns that so many Americans lived under for months were intended to buy us time to get our act together. Instead of using that time to prepare ourselves, Donald Trump squandered it. Now, here we are, more than three months later. We're hardly better prepared than we were in March. Infections are on the rise. The threat of massive spikes that overwhelm the capacity of our healthcare system is on the horizon. Americans, anxious and out of work, are fearful for their lives and their livelihoods. Donald Trump is doing next to nothing about it. Mr. President, the crisis is real. The crisis is real and it's surging, Mr. President. Your promises, and predictions, and wishful thinking pulled out of thin air are not only doing the country no good, you're making them lose even more faith in their government.

America knows this crisis isn't behind us, even if you don't. They see what's happening, even if you refuse to, Mr. President. They know we need a coordinated national plan, we need it now, even though you don't, Mr. President, and won't do it. You called yourself a cheerleader. We don't need a cheerleader, Mr. President. We need a president, Mr. President. A president who will level with the American people, a president who will tell us the unvarnished truth, a president who will take responsibility instead of always blaming others, a president who will listen to the experts, follow the science, allow them to speak, a president who will lead and be an example for the nation. Wear a mask. Keep your distance. Limit the size of crowds. Mr. President, this is not about you. It's about the health and wellbeing of the American public.

American people don't make enormous sacrifices over the past four months so they could just waste their time and you could waste all the efforts they have undertaken with your midnight rantings and tweets. They don't make these sacrifices so you could ignore the science and turn responsible steps, like wearing masks, into a political statement. And they certainly didn't do it, Mr. President, so you could wash your hands and walk away from this responsibility. Maybe there are times this nation needs a cheerleader. Now is not one of them. America needs a president. Whatever Trump does or does not do, we can't know today what the state of the COVID-19 pandemic will be next January. But I'm almost certain -- I hope I turn out to be wrong -- I'm almost certain it won't be over.

Well, to be scrupulously fair, maybe all that "making lots of sense" and "speaking clearly" and "reminding the country what a failure its president has been" was because someone wrote the words for Joe to speak? After all, that first excerpt was from the opening statement.

But then Biden followed up with an extended question-and-answer session (much longer than his staff wanted), and he was just as cogent and forceful in his answers to the press. Here's the first answer Biden gave, to the questions: "So, we reported yesterday that President Trump was briefed as early as March of 2019 that Russia had ordered or offered bounties to the Taliban for the killing of U.S. soldiers. You called his inaction on this issue a betrayal. So broadly, what consequences do you think the president should face for that betrayal? And specifically, what do you think Congress should do?"

Biden responded with precisely what should have been done, instead of the complete lack of action from Trump:

Well, look, first of all, Congress and the intelligence committees on the Congress, both parties should demand the facts. This seems to be a moving story. As I was leaving, I had the television on as I put on my shirt. And I understand there's even some more information that's come out today about what was known.

One of two things, this president talks about cognitive capability. He doesn't seem to be cognitively aware of what's going on. He either reads and/or gets briefed on important issues and he forgets it, or he doesn't think it's necessary that he need to know it. But the fact is that, at a minimum, at a minimum, the discrepancy allegedly within the intelligence community as reported, some thought it was more certain and others thought it was less certain. That should be resolved. The president should have, on Day One, said, "I want you to come before me in the situation room and lay out the differences and discretions. Who is saying what? Let's get to the bottom of it," number one.

Number two, it's clear to me that, and I don't know whether he did, he should have immediately contacted our joint chiefs of staff, gotten them all in one room and sat and said, "Okay. What are we doing to prevent this? What are we doing to prepare to deal with this, if this is happening? How are we doing this? What are we doing?"

Thirdly, he should, at a minimum, have picked up the phone and said, "Vladimir, old buddy, if any of this is true and it doesn't cease immediately, you've got a big problem, a big problem." And make it clear. Get to the bottom of this.

Once again, nothing but lucidity as far as the eye can see....

Towards the end, Biden was asked about the pandemic and how his presidency would be different for the public. The question was: "The response to this pandemic has become very politicized. Even wearing a mask has become political. If elected, how are you going to get Americans on the same page? And can your plan be successful if they aren't?" Biden responded by defending his stance during the primaries that he will be able to unite the country once again:

Well, I think the way to get on the same page is to -- I'm going to try to say this politely, is to lower the rhetoric based on division. Stop appealing to the less healthy side of society. Instead of, for example, when a golf cart goes by yelling, "White supremacy!" and the president tweets it out -- don't do things like that. Bring the country together. We're giving a portion of the population who has responded to the sort of race-baiting the president has engaged in a sort of free pass and it generates divisions.

And we're also talking about it in terms of the president talks about manhood and being strong and you don't need the mask. I think we have to start appealing to the better side of human nature by pointing out that that mask is not so much to protect me. It's, if I have it, it's to protect you against me. It's to protect other people. And it's called patriotism. It's called responsibility. It's called making sure you look out for the other person. And we have spent too much time, if you notice, the president puts everything in terms of him. And I'm not being facetious, everything is him. It's: "I don't think," or "I don't take responsibility," or "I didn't do that," or "I believe that." I mean, it's not about "I" -- It's about "us."

And I think changing the tone of an administration across the board, allowing scientists to speak, making sure that people understand the facts, good, bad, and indifferent. And when a mistake is made to say, "I made a mistake, I was wrong. Shouldn't have done it that way. We should do it this way." I think all those things change the atmosphere.

Let me conclude it by saying this, and I apologize, you've heard me say this before. The words of a president matter. No matter who the president is, no matter how responsible or irresponsible the president is. A president, whomever he or she is, can take us to war or bring peace, can have markets rise or fall, appeal to the senior side of humanity or to our better angels. It matters. It really matters. And so I think it's about the tone. And I think it goes across the board.

I'll conclude with this. I know that I was criticized, legitimately criticized, during the primaries, by saying that I plan on uniting the country, bringing Democrats and Republicans together. We have to do that. If we can't do that, we can't function. We have to bring the country together. And I think on this piece, if in fact we stand up, and by the way, don't hold me to the numbers, please, you can correct me on this, but I think something like 70 or 74 or 75% of the American people think you should wear a mask. The overwhelming number of people think you should take these precautions and so on, think we should open more slowly. Well, I think that we should be talking to our better angels and actually making people indirectly feel guilty for not doing the right thing, appeal to their better nature.

I know that sounds almost idealistic, but it's not. Remind people. You don't wear this mask, you end up hurting someone or you get infected, you take it home to your child. You can take it home to your mother and your father and your husband, your wife. You have a moral obligation because it really is. It really is. Thank you.

Now compare and contrast that to pretty much anything Donald Trump has said all year long. It becomes painfully obvious which candidate is more clear-headed and rational. Words do indeed matter, and the words of our current president have been either badly mispronounced or utterly counterproductive.

I saved the best for last, though. When asked whether he had begun to prepare for the debates with Trump, Biden gave his most succinct answer of the session: "I can hardly wait."

I have to say I fully agree with Biden. I, too, can hardly wait for the debates -- because the first one is going to completely demolish the Biden caricature that Team Trump is so confident is going to work for them. Joe Biden can do a whole lot more than string two sentences together, and Donald Trump is about to find that out in the worst way possible.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


107 Comments on “Stringing Some Sentences Together”

  1. [1] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    This one's for LizM, obviously.



  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Trump projects about everything, no?

  3. [3] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    There are some political analysts who shall remain nameless who think Biden is an awful candidate who can't debate worth a damn.

    It's going to be a veritable eyeopener for them! :)

  4. [4] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Biden talks too fast for his mouth, at times, and stumbles over getting his whole thought out. But there is indeed a whole thought behind it, even if he misspeaks parts of it.

    Absolutely, positively, unequivocally yes!

  5. [5] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    From the Biden transcript - many thanks for that, by the way ... I would have missed it otherwise:

    In February, I warned about the failure to get information that we needed from the Chinese government. What I said was the president should demand Xi produce the evidence. Demand it. Trump said, quote, "We're in great shape." Reported China's president said it was, quote, "doing very well."

    That, I just don't get. All of the information required to get this virus under control was at hand by the middle of January.

  6. [6] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I, too, can hardly wait for the debates

    I would not get your hopes up. I expect the obese orangutan to chicken out.

  7. [7] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    LizM -

    You should read the whole transcript, if you haven't already. It's a breath of fresh air...



  8. [8] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I can hardly wait, too!

  9. [9] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I'm going to do that right now ... well, after I grab something to eat.

  10. [10] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Remember, I've been breathing that fresh air for years, no, decades. :)

  11. [11] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    They already know they're in trouble. Cheating and voter suppression are the real plan. "Debates" won't change anything. The Dems had better have an extraordinary GOTV plan for the coronavirus election.

  12. [12] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


  13. [13] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    I tend to agree with my fellow John from C. [11] that the debates will be meaningless in this election. The stuff will hit the whirling blades in November, when absentee ballots, voter turnout and suppression, closed polling places, and accusations for the foreseeable future about fraud, interference, and miscounting, will obscure the size and shape of Biden's most likely victory. The more obscure the victory, the more certain that Trump and the GOP will try some gag or other to throw the electoral vote and try to engineer a stolen national election.

    I read an encouraging report today that Biden is getting serious about preparing for this, with some thousands of volunteer poll-watchers and local lawyers being trained to respond immediately to GOP efforts to subvert the election via electoral mechanics. But then I read many an encouraging report in 2016 that Clinton's people had the best 'ground game' ever, with thousands of volunteers being trained to scour the neighborhoods and be sure that Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania would stay blue.

    Well, cynicism aside, I'll repeat my belief that Biden should require the debates to be closed-mike, preventing interruptions and shout-overs by either candidate. Just answer the questions, gentlemen, and may the best stringed-together two sentences win.

  14. [14] 
    TheStig wrote:

    Anything can happen in politics. Still, the portents do not seem good for a Second Trump Term. The political branch of the White House staff seem preoccupied with two tasks at this critical moment.

    The first is boosting the President's souring mood. The easiest way do this is by sending the President to small, photogenic venues that can be fully packed with cheering MAGA Hats. It's not that different than sending a six year old to Chuck E. Cheese. Trump watches the footage the next day during "Executive Time" and is happy. A happy Trump is less likely to pitch a fit and fire anybody. Or everybody.

    The second task occupying WH staff is to discretely update their resumes and pass them on to prospective employers in the private sector.

  15. [15] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    A recent opinion piece by NYTimes columnist Charles Blow persuaded me that it is impossible to be ambivalent about what America's reckoning with its racist past (to say nothing here about the original sin with respect to Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island) really means - you have to be absolutist about it if you wish to be intellectually honest.

    Blow writes, "Some people who are opposed to taking down monuments ask, “If we start, where will we stop?” It might begin with Confederate generals, but all slave owners could easily become targets. Even George Washington himself. To that I say, “abso-fricking-lutely!” "

    One of the questions Biden dealt with in this press conference had to do with this very issue. He was asked if the removal of statues and names from institutions (like Princeton deciding to remove the name of Woodrow Wilson from their school) was the right approach to take in the great reckoning of the nation when it comes to race.

    Biden's answer was quite ambiguous, making distinctions. Here is a long excerpt that I think deserves to be posted in full, here:

    "I think there’s a distinction between, as the former mayor of New Orleans said, “The difference between reminders and remembrances of history and recovering from history.” And so the idea of comparing whether or not George Washington owned slaves or Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and somebody who was in rebellion committing treason, running, trying to take down the union to keep slavery, I think there’s a distinction there. And so I think the idea of bringing down, I think all those Confederate monuments to Confederate soldiers and generals, et cetera, who strongly supported secession and the maintenance of slavery and going to war to do it, I think those statues belong in museums. They don’t belong in public places.

    Joe Biden: (31:22)
    "And I think with regard to those statues that are in monuments like the Jefferson Memorial or whatever, I think there’s an obligation that the government protect those monuments because they’re different than that’s a remembrance. It is not a dealing with, revering somebody who had that view. They had much broader views. They may have things in their past that are now and then distasteful, but that’s a judgment for the … For example, taking down, toppling Christopher Columbus statue, George Washington’s statue, or et cetera, I think that is something that is, the government has an opportunity and a responsibility to protect from happening."

    That would have been my own thinking, just a few weeks ago. But, having given it more thought and understanding the situation that Canada now finds itself in with respect to Indigenous Peoples, I now see that kind of ambiguity as a great obstacle to America's reckoning with its racist past.

    For me, this has become an issue as black and white as any I've ever thought about. I'm with Charles Blow on this, absolutely. The only question is how to go about it.

    I wonder if Biden will evolve on this or when, given how difficult a political issue this is now and how it will surely continue to grow.

  16. [16] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I'll read the rest of the transcript tomorrow - my eyes are growing dim and I have to rest for the night.

    Thanks, again, Chris for posting this transcript. I would surely have missed it. Now that Biden is finally the nominee, after decades of hoping on my part, I don't feel the need to follow things too closely now as I know all is in good hands. I'll start paying closer attention as we get closer to the election.

  17. [17] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    I watched the entire event in real-time, Biden does tend to be a little disjointed at times, I just put it down to a lifetime of mastering a speech impediment.

    Where Biden will shine in any debate with Trump is with his knowledge of how governing works. Trump famously dislikes competent people, he will seethe when Biden tells him to his face how being president actually works.

    To not only say you have a plan but to break it down into digestible pieces for voters will be at the heart of the election. I know from long-suffering that Trump is completely incapable of any other kind of electioneering than sloganeering and slander... It fills the vacuum left behind when comprehension has left the building.

    It was noted that Trump immediately took the tack that Biden had received the questions beforehand, forgetting conveniently that he had in fact received the questions prior to the Fox debate in 16'.

    Poor Whelp, Trump has the predictability of a ham sandwich. No cunning whatsoever. The proof is in the pudding... Russian interference in 2016, a subtle stringing together of various enterprises to effect change barely understood at the highest levels... Then you have the Trump fiasco that was Ukraine impeachment, a fumbling, dog-eared pig's breakfast of an undertaking that surprised no one and convinced even less that Biden and his kid were bent. When put side by side, the two operations are identical in aim but worlds apart in execution.


  18. [18] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I watched the entire event in real-time, Biden does tend to be a little disjointed at times, I just put it down to a lifetime of mastering a speech impediment.

    I don't think it can be put down to that so much as to the fact that Biden's head is so full of knowledge - of the judiciary, foreign policy, how government works, the history of America - that often times his head is racing a mile a minute and the speech just can't catch up fast enough.

    After all, Biden has forgotten more than most people in his party or in government, in general, will ever know!

  19. [19] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    That last bit may not have come out right but, you know what I mean. :)

  20. [20] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    It was noted that Trump immediately took the tack that Biden had received the questions beforehand, forgetting conveniently that he had in fact received the questions prior to the Fox debate in 16'.

    Projection. Don't be fooled by projection!

  21. [21] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    John M from Ct,

    Well, cynicism aside, I'll repeat my belief that Biden should require the debates to be closed-mike, preventing interruptions and shout-overs by either candidate. Just answer the questions, gentlemen, and may the best stringed-together two sentences win.


  22. [22] 
    James T Canuck wrote:


    I'm bang-smack in the middle of the Sir John A debate here in town. For years a few drunken youths from the Mohawk Rez would roll into town, throw some water-based paint on his statue and bugger off. It was considered a rite of passage and a decent night out in the Hub. Now there seems to be a bit more fervor to remove it, but Johnny's going nowhere.

    Ok, Sir John was no prize, he drank like a fish and womanized ceaselessly, but no more so than his contemporaries. That's where MacDonald lived, in a time when certain behavior was tolerated, the man went on to become the first Primeminister, an elected position were his morals and scruples antithetical to mainstream thought of the time, he'd have never won an election.

    When people start baying for Washington's statues, they might be reminded that he was also the father of American democracy(whatever that means). As a historian, I'm against any reinterpretation of the mindset of historical figures, Hitler said it best, "no one will ask us if we told the truth or if we killed this person or that, for the victor always writes history" All that means is, it's not the means but the end that matters most.

    Short of a time machine, we don't have the luxury to rewrite history to make it more palatable to suit our sensibilities. When you start tinkering with the past, your future might unravel into something unforeseen, and where indeed does it end? There's always going to be someone feeling aggrieved because of what happened in the past, Ask any German who survived WW11, they'll probably tell you the Treaty of Versailles wasn't so bad in hindsight, considering what its repudiation lead to.

    For the US, this couldn't be a worse time to be squabbling over these historical deadbeats and their ugly reminders, wait until Trump is soundly thrashed and then pull down the worst of them to remind the Republican south and the bible belt who won the fucking war after all. They could use a dose of humility.


  23. [23] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, if the lights go out, Biden's famous charming and disarming smile will light up the room. Trump won't know what hit him.

  24. [24] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    [18] No... It is his speech impediment, and he makes no bones about it. I don't buy all that clap-trap about his brain being too full.

    Aren't you a bit long in the tooth to be a groupie of any kind?

    No matter.

    I will entertain the notion that he's chomping at the bit to get after Trump and his henchmen and that he's processing a lot of information to that end, but that's essentially what CW was getting at here.


  25. [25] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    You don't know Biden very well, then.

  26. [26] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Aren't you a bit long in the tooth to be a groupie of any kind?

    Seriously? I'm done with you.

  27. [27] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Well, not forever, probably. :)

  28. [28] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Because, I am a well-known sucker for punishment, you understand.

  29. [29] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    You got anything to say about [15]? Or do you prefer personal insults?

  30. [30] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Long in the tooth?


  31. [31] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


  32. [32] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Perhaps, you scrolled over [5], hmmmm?

  33. [33] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    'Projection. Don't be fooled by projection!'

    I wasn't, I took the scenic route to the same point.


    Punish me with a continuation of dis-invitation to your Sunday night mixers, let the punishment fit the crime.

    "Seriously? I'm done with you."

    In what way were you ever anything less? I assumed you bristle at my vulgarian streak?


  34. [34] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    That, I just don't get. All of the information required to get this virus under control was at hand by the middle of January.

    BACK in January,

    (1) Trump was trying hard to do a trade deal with Xi to undo some of the harm from his trade war. Trump couldn't afford to piss China off so he went easy on Xi.

    (2)Trump was likely and repeatedly briefed, both verbally and in writing. Trump doesn't much read, and no matter what goes by the gut. And his gut was super worried about the stock market. So Trump downplayed the threat that coronavirus posed just to keep the day to day market from tanking.

    File that under "so much winning" I guess.

    (3) I think Trump is so into his alternative reality that, "it'll just go away, like a miracle" is entirely plausible. Because why not? As troll insists, because Trump won in 2016 good things are just bound to keep happening forever!

  35. [35] 
    Kick wrote:

    Excellent article, CW... stellar.

    If I could ask Trump one debate question, what would it be?
    *takes moment*

    Okay, got it (the first part is "tongue in cheek," of course):

    Most people don't even know Abraham Lincoln
    Was a Republican who freed the slaves,
    Preserved our more perfect Union of United States,
    Disposed of the Confederates who pillaged and stole
    In order to retain enslaved Americans as their own
    Concubines they raped and private property, and
    Their idea of freedom was "free for me"... not for thee.

    So then, why isn't the Party of Lincoln fully on board
    With the same removal of the statues of the turncoat overlords?

    Can't stop writing in rhyme... just watched "Hamilton" again. :)

  36. [36] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    I would not get your hopes up. I expect the obese orangutan to chicken out.

    You know, John makes another great point again
    The lying SOB sins and spins, will lose but claim a win
    'Cause that's a thin Orange chicken skin he's living in
    And he's the player with the world's smallest violin
    I can see him dropping out before debates begin.

    Can't stop rhymin, dang it!

  37. [37] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    They already know they're in trouble. Cheating and voter suppression are the real plan. "Debates" won't change anything. The Dems had better have an extraordinary GOTV plan for the coronavirus election.

    The main key
    To Biden victory
    Has origins
    In the State of Oranges. ;)

  38. [38] 
    Kick wrote:


    It's not that different than sending a six year old to Chuck E. Cheese.

    Ah, but Chuck E. Cheese has now gone bankrupt.
    The Trump experience has been a total f**k... so corrupt. ;)

  39. [39] 
    Kick wrote:


    You don't know Biden very well, then.

    ~ Elizabeth Miller

    She claimed the same thing about Russ and me
    When we thought Biden would select a woman VP
    Abrams, Harris, and Warren were the listed three
    But she said he'd choose a guy from the GOP... or John Kerry

    What she thinks she knows could fill eternity
    But what she doesn't know would no doubt set her free
    Indefinitely. :)

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:



    You seem to quote quite a but of that article in comment #19....

    I am assuming you got permission for that, eh? :D

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:


    Mmmm, yet again I have to remind you that some of us do still have to work for a living Michale. We have lives and jobs outside commenting on this blog.

    Well, since you are back now, why not address the point???

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:


    I've been playing piano fluently since I was 6 years old and own a Bechstein Grand M.

    And Vick continues to lie like a rug...

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:


    Keep in mind, it's not the single act that causes these protests. The single act is merely the spark for a whole lot of perceived grievances. Usually the tender event is quite questionable. To focus on the specific spark and ignore all the other stuff is Michale territory...

    And, by "Michale territory" you mean FACT territory..

    It *IS* a single act that causes these protests.. That's why they only happen after a scumbag like Rayshard Brooks and George Floyd get removed from the gene pool..

    You like to THINK it's all about a continuing problem of racism.

    But, as usual with your claim, you have not a SINGLE SOLITARY FACT to back it up..

    Funny how that ALWAYS is the case, eh?? :D

    The last time I was harassed by police was when I was working grave yard. On my off days I kept similar hours. My "crime", driving at 2:30am...

    Yea, crooks and drunks ALWAYS claim "harassment" by police and that they are as pure as the driven snow..

    Funny how, when the cops claims are brought into the loop, there are DUIs and assaults and drunken bar brawls on the record..

    That's just jibber jabber, fool. My rap sheet is as clean freshly fallen snow, criminal or civil,

    Prove it.. You can't... And unlike you and your Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter scumbag cohorts, I don't run background checks of forum members I always kick ass on..

    what about yours?

    Other than a minor civil suit that I kicked ass on, spotless... :D

    The point is, by and large (and Russ will back me up on this) cops don't just harass people for no reason..

    If you have drawn attention by your local constabulary, it's nearly a sure bet you deserve it.. MY guess it's probably that I LOVE BANGING TEN YR OLD GIRLS bumper sticker you have on your PRIUS..

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    But all you have to do is look at any of Biden's debate performances during the primaries to see how laughably wrong this impression is. Biden does a fine job of holding his own in contentious debates, and even has some of his best (and most emotional) moments while doing so.

    And yet, ya'all made SOOOO much of that debate performance with Katherine MY WIKIPEDIA IS BEING SCRUBBED TO REMOVE ALL REFERENCE OF SLEEPING MY WAY TO MY SENATE SEAT Harris...

    Maybe I am just spitballing here, but it really seems to me that ya'all (with a notable exception or two) tailor your arguments and rewrite history to flow with whatever ya'all happen to be bashing President Trump with today...

    Yesterday, if it served your I HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP purpose, Joe YouAin'tBlack Biden is the worst debater in the universe...

    Today, since it serves a different I HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP purpose, Joe “unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” Biden is the greatest debater since Osiris put Dean Winchester on trial and San had to debate Dean's way out of there..

    So, it's really kinda hard to keep track of everything without a score cared.. Once I remember that it's all about HATE ON PRESIDENT TRUMP and actual FACTS or reality doesn't matter, it makes it easier..

    For example... You mention nothing about Biden's gaffes and totally racist comments about black Americans not being black if they don't know for sure they are voting Biden..

    President Trump has a plethora of gaffes and racist quotes that he can hit Biden with til the cows come home..

    "I need to get him angry, put him on the defensive and lead him right where he is dying to go.."
    -Daniel Kaffee, A FEW GOOD MEN

    Which is not to say that President Trump has a gaffe or 2 of his own.. But President Trump's gaffes tend to be Americana type gaffes.. Forgivable by real Americans.. Whereas Biden's gaffes cause his OWN supporters to roll their eyes.. Plus there is the racist gaffe's committed by Biden that has no equal in President Trump's gaffes... Further, President Trump has 47 years of Joe Biden gaffes to choose from.. Biden has 4 maybe 5 years from President Trump... Biden can't say anything prior cuz President Trump was a Democrat and every Democrat, INCLUDING Joe Biden loved Donald Trump..

    So, for these reasons, and oh so many more, Joe Biden's debate performance against President Trump is not going to be the rainbows and sunshine you believe it will be..

    Biden's history shows that he is a so-so debater.. Biden's history ALSO shows that, when matched up with a NO-HOLDS BARRED Debater like Katherine I SLEPT MY WAY TO THE SENATE Harris and President Trump....

    Biden doesn't stand a chance..

    As evidenced by the FACT that Joe Don't Want My Kids In A Racist Jungle Biden has had to stay hidden by his campaign flunkies to avoid doing something or saying something stoopid..

  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    Video shows New York City dad fatally shot while crossing street with daughter

    New York City emerged from another violent weekend that included 10 fatalities, including a father who was gunned down Sunday crossing the street with his 6-year-old daughter in broad daylight.

    Video showed Anthony Robinson, 29, with his daughter on their way back home to Brooklyn from the Bronx, according to local reports. Surveillance video shows a car pull up alongside them and open fire. The girl runs while Robinson collapses onto the street. ABC 7 NY reported that he was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. The girl was unharmed.

    Headline, a paragraph or two, then the link...

    Just showing I am playing by the rules as I understand them..

    Another example of life or, in this case, death in a Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party run city..

    And now ya'all want to make the ENTIRE country that way??

    No way in hell.. Not on MY watch..

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    I will entertain the notion that he's chomping at the bit to get after Trump and his henchmen and that he's processing a lot of information to that end, but that's essentially what CW was getting at here.

    What you call "chomping at the bit" is early signs of dementia setting in..

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    A Kanye West candidacy???

    A plea to Kanye: Don't. Just don't.

    Democrats are running scared.. :D

    Personally, I don't see it happening... I mean, I am just not THAT lucky of a person to have such a hammer to beat The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party over the head with...

    Am I?? :D

  48. [48] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: Trump is basically setting the bar so low for Joe Biden that it's going to be a piece of cake for Biden to jump over it.

    I know, right!? And even beyond that, Trump claims of Biden:

    * "Here's a guy doesn't talk."
    * "Nobody hears him."
    * "Whenever he does talk" <--- But you just said he doesn't talk.

    It's so crazy what's happening. Here's a guy doesn't talk. Nobody hears him. Whenever he does talk, he can't put two sentences together. I don't want to be nice or un-nice, okay.? I mean, the man can't speak, and he's going to be your president because some people don't love me maybe, and then they'll say such horrible things. I mean, on the campaign, they'll say such horrible things about me. It's a very unfair business.

    ~ Donald Trump, setting expectations for a Biden presidency... defined as Joe opening his mouth and sounds being heard

    Did I hear a Trump concession in there? Trump said it. Everybody heard it.

    Remember, Trump actually believes that Biden "can't string two sentences together," so when he repeatedly does, Trump's argument disappears in a puff of smoke.

    "It's so unfair!" ~ Poor Donald Trump Troll

  49. [49] 
    Kick wrote:


    And Vick continues to lie like a rug...

    And Mike the fake cop crawls out from under his swamp trailer to spew more lies on the forum about people he doesn't know.

    What's new, troll? It's sure as hell isn't your tired, stale trolling routine. You back with more bullshit and perpetual whining about "Black Americans" and to throw some more of your silly sand?

    Throw sand, pound sand... whatever, you pathetic pathologically lying Trump Trash Troll.

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, since we're talking about Biden... :D

    YouGov Polling: Biden Skeptics Are Moderate Democrats

    Biden main vulnerability at this point is within his own party, but in a different way than Clinton’s in 2016. Biden has shifted some of his policy positions to appease the left, but this move carries risks of losing moderates in his party. According to YouGov’s July 1 poll, a little over 25% of Democrats consider themselves “very liberal” ideologically; another 30% thought of themselves as merely “liberal,” while 42% consider themselves “moderate,” “conservative,” or “very conservative.” Interestingly, in that same July 1 poll, Biden showed some weakness most among the more moderate members of his party:

    Title... One Paragraph... Link... CHECK

    Basically, this commentary shows that it's going to be the moderates of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party that is going to do in Joe Biden... They don't much like this huge Leftward bender that Biden is on..

    Further, many are not happy with Biden's "I AM GOING TO CHOOSE A WOMAN AS MY VP" pledge, which is blatantly sexist.. And add "racist" to the charge when Biden also claimed it will be a black American woman...

    So, basically Biden's pledge is that he is going to base his VP choice on racism and sexism..

    And he is the DEMOCRAT choice???

    I mean, it's bad enough that for all the claims of diversity and such The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party chooses an old white guy as their champion..

    That makes Biden's candidacy laughable based on The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party platform.

    The main reason Biden is having all these problems is his appeasement of the Sanders/Warren wing of The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party... The moderates of the The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party are feeling a little miffed and are basically saying, "Well, there is nothing for us in THIS election. We might as well stay home" or words to that effect..

    That does not bode well for Joe IfYouDon'tVoteForMeYouAin'tBlack Biden..

    Further.. President Trump is known as a master manipulator... In his 4 years in office, President Trump has been known to maneuver The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party into Lose-Lose situations countless times..

    The Party doesn't really stand a chance when President Trump sets his sights on manipulating the various factions of the The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

    It's gonna be a wild 120 days... :D

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    And once again, my little stalker, Vick crawls out of her hole to spew her baseless and factless BS because she can't handle getting her ass handed to her on a daily basis... :D

    Facts hurt, don't they Vick... :D

  52. [52] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I am assuming you got permission for that, eh? :D

    I'm pretty sure Biden won't mind. Heh.

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK, moving on.. :D

    It's a common misconception around Weigantia that when
    The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party says "defund they police" they don't really mean ABOLISH the police...

    As usual, this misconception has absolutely NO FACTS to support it, it's just blather and bs...

    I, again as usual, have the facts to prove that "Defund The Police" *IS* defacto Abolish The Police..

    How I Became a Police Abolitionist

    We called 911 for almost everything except snitching.

    Nosebleeds, gunshot wounds, asthma attacks, allergic reactions. Police accompanied the paramedics.

    A headline.. A para or two.. A link.. Check..

    Who knew following the rules could be so much fun!! :D

    Anyways, basically the author is claiming that, because .0002% of cops are bad or because she witnessed an incident that she is completely ignorant of (a common malady here in Weigantia) we must abolish all police..

    Of course, this unpolished turd is completely clueless as to what Law Enforcement actually entails...

    Like our own Blathy, the author viewed an incident or two from their on myopic and bigoted point of view and completely ignore any factors that might actually indicate what is REALLY going on..

    It's like when you read a head line..


    and then when you read the article, you actually learn the FACTS that LEOs pulled over the vehicle that had a busted taillight for running a stop sign and the driver of the vehicle, who happened to be black, came out of the car with a 45 blazing trying to kill the cops..

    So, of course, the cops shot him...

    That's the problem with people like Blathy and this author.. They are completely and utterly clueless and cover their ignorance by feigning indignation..

    "How DARE you pull me over!!!!"

    "How DARE you defend yourself against certain death and shoot that poor innocent didna do nuffin black man who had 2 .45s in his hand and was blasting away at you!!!"

    That is the mentality of people like Blathy and this author..

    But, one thing is clear..

    When they claim "DEFUND THE POLICE" they actually are dead serious about abolishing the PDs and SOs of this country...

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:

    I'm pretty sure Biden won't mind. Heh.

    Heh.. Yea, that's exactly how I feel about Goodwin and Schlichter.. Hell, I have bought every one of Schlichter's books..

    I am sure he would cut me some slack.. :D

    But I was just teasin' ya.. :D

  55. [55] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I know. :)

  56. [56] 
    Kick wrote:


    Other than a minor civil suit that I kicked ass on, spotless... :D

    Well, your own ass is an admitted bigly target, and you have your oft displayed intellect to thank for your leg banging into it repeatedly. When you lie like a dog, you wind up in fleas.

    The point is, by and large (and Russ will back me up on this) cops don't just harass people for no reason..

    That's not what Mikey Flynn says... in between his fits of rage and events with the QAnon rube-icons.


    Could you please keep your sickening projection to yourself?

    You're the only one here to jerk off and throw and pound sand. You're just here to roll and troll.

  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    And NOW the 64,000 question..

    If black lives TRULY matter to Black Lives Matter???

    Grieving Families Of Killed Children Call On ‘Black Lives Matter’ To Address Community Violence

    Why doesn't Black Lives Matter actually address the issue that kills the most black Americans..

    No, not abortion, although that kills more black Americans than anything else..

    But this is a very logical and rational question and NOT ONE SINGLE WEIGANTIAN has addressed it..

    I find that very strange how I am nit-picked to death over inconsequential bullshit, my posting style etc etc..

    But not a single person can address this one question...

    If black American lives matter to ya'all (except Russ.. he's made it clear that black Americans lives don't matter to him) but I assume that the rest of ya'all would say that, "Yes.. black Americans lives matter" then why don't all of ya'all address the issues that are actually KILLING the vast VAST majority of black Americans??

    Why voraciously attack the issue that kills .08% of black Americans yearly and totally ignore the issue that kills 96% of black Americans yearly...

    I find it hilarious (in a sad and shame-on-ya'all sort of way) that no one can answer that..

    As the families in the afore mentioned commentary wonder...


    No one here has a good answer for those grieving families..

    And, frankly that makes ya'all part and parcel to a HUGE and GRAVE injustice perpetrated by The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

    We'll touch more on the lie that Black Lives Matter is in future comments..

  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:


    I know. :)

    Whew.. :D

  59. [59] 
    Kick wrote:


    And once again, my little stalker, Vick crawls out of her hole to spew her baseless and factless BS because she can't handle getting her ass handed to her on a daily basis... :D

    My ass is perfectly fine.
    The pseudonym you troll the most
    Is definitely mine.

    Seek professional help, Troll.

    Facts hurt, don't they Vick... :D

    You don't provide any. You're just here to troll and apparently you have chosen today to announce your pedophilia to the group and to slut shame. Creepy SOB.

  60. [60] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    'Projection. Don't be fooled by projection!'

    I wasn't, I took the scenic route to the same point.

    Heh. I'm a big fan of the scenic route. :)

    But, seriously, can't everything that Trump says and does be put down to projection ... well, most of it, anyway.

  61. [61] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Punish me with a continuation of dis-invitation to your Sunday night mixers, let the punishment fit the crime.

    I'm don't understand that, JTC. Everyone is always invited and I hope everyone will be there. The more the merrier and all that!

  62. [62] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I meant my own punishment, you know ...

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    I'm don't understand that, JTC. Everyone is always invited and I hope everyone will be there. The more the merrier and all that!

    Couldn't possibly agree more.. :D

  64. [64] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    So, you'll be coming this time!?

  65. [65] 
    Michale wrote:

    And Mike the fake cop crawls out from under his swamp trailer to spew more lies on the forum about people he doesn't know.

    My military/LEO/PublicSafety bona fides were well established long before you decided to puke in Weigantia on a daily basis..

    And that just burns you up..

    And, as usual, you have absolutely *ZERO* facts to support ANY of your claims...

    Ergo, you are a liar, pure and simple.. :D

    As far as not knowing you??

    Of course I know you.. Trolls like you have been around the internet since USENET..

    You are the person who, whenever she gets her ass kicked in a forum (a daily occurrence around Weigantia) you do background checks on people and their children...

    Oh yes.. I know your pathetic type...

    And because I know you, it's easy to kick your ass daily, oft times HOURLY, here in Weigantia..

  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, you'll be coming this time!?

    Yes... Barring any health issues, I'll be here..

    But my musical tastes run the gamut from WHAM to BARRY MANILOW to BEAST OF AMERICA...

    They are not for the faint of heart.. :D

  67. [67] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Sounds good to me!

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, let's get back to this issue of do black American lives really matter to The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party..

    It's a favorite issue of mine because the stance of ya'all's Party is utterly and completely indefensible...

    In other words, it's one of the many issues where there is absolutely and positively no question that the Party has not strayed from it's racist roots...

    Which is why the issue is largely ignored by those here who voraciously defend The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party..

    For those paying attention, you can refer back to this link:

    Grieving Families Of Killed Children Call On ‘Black Lives Matter’ To Address Community Violence

    Over the 4th of July weekend, we saw an orgy of violence all across the country that killed dozens of black Americans, mainly children..

    It was the brutal and abhorrent murder of black American children by members of The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party that so disgusted me that I simply had to come back to Weigantia to express my disgust to those who defend the Party so aggressively...

    We have a situation in this country where black Americans are brutally murdered on the streets of America... Ostensibly, the group BLACK LIVES MATTER was established to put forth the idea that black American lives matter..

    But that fact has *NEVER* been in question until the very group that promotes the idea, IGNORES black American lives getting snuffed out on a DAILY basis...

    There are hundreds, if not thousands of grieving families all across the country who ask one simple question of the group BLACK LIVES MATTER..

    “We’re protesting for months, for weeks, saying black lives matter. Black lives matter, it seems like, only when a police officer shoots a black person. What about all the black-on-black crime that’s happening in the community?”

    Does anyone here have a an answer to this question??

    Because it is perfectly clear to anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together, that, as this person says, black lives ONLY matter when they can be used as a bludgeon to beat LEO's over the head with...

    In a year where 10,000 black Americans are killed, 8 of those are killed by LEO.. Virtually ALL of those are justified..

    And when that happens, The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party is out in full force screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs that black lives matter..

    But do they??

    Because in that given year where 10,000 black Americans are killed, 9600 of them are killed by other black Americans..

    And the screaming and yelling from Black Lives Matter and The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party???



    Not a peep...

    Total silence...

    So, any person who has more than 2 brain cells to rub together would come to the ONLY logical conclusion...

    To The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party, black lives really don't matter...

    If there is a flaw in that logic, by all means, someone point it out..

    But again...


    The silence is deafening..

    In Atlanta, Secoriea Turner, an 8-year-old girl was also killed Saturday in the orgy of 4th of July violence.

    Secoriea was sitting in her mother's car with her mother and her mother's friend sat across the street from the Wendy's where Rayshard Brooks was justifiably killed..

    When the mother pulled into the Wendys to get around the road blocks set up by The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party shots rang out from the crowd of black Democrat Party members that had set up and were manning the roadblocks..

    “They say black lives matter. You killed your own this time.”
    Secoriea Turner's Father

    So, someone please explain to that man if his now deceased daughter's life mattered to The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

    Because the FACTS clearly show that it never did..

    And where are the The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party protests for little Secoriea?? Where are the people who regularly attack cops for black live deaths???

    Where are the thousands of Democrats who come out because LEOs justifiably use deadly force against a black scumbag who so richly deserved it???



    Now let's all tie this to Joe Biden and the coming election...

    It's not an exaggeration to say that Black Lives Matter and the Democrat Party are inexorably linked.. Russ himself has stated that the entire Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party is united..

    This presupposes that such unity includes most everyone here...

    So, since I can't ask Joe Biden because he is in hiding and I can't ask Party leadership because, yunno.. I am just a patriotic American who has fought and bled and killed for this country..

    Ya'all are stuck with me so I ask ya'all..

    Do black lives truly matter???

    More importantly, can you give me ANY indication of fact, an IOTA of fact that indicates that black American lives DO matter to The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party??

    Besides lip service, ANY fact at all that black lives matter??

    I'll be here all day... There is still much more on that commentary to discuss...

    But I don't want to overwhelm ya'all...

  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:


    I hope you will be providing warning labels for Prism and Barry Manilow songs. :D (While they may be good at what they do, it's just not my kind of music.)

    I remember a few years ago when I was working resetting different supermarkets one store manager where I was working for the week had the all Barry Manilow musac playing in the store.(either Barry Manilow or someone singing a Barry Manilow song)

    I asked the reset manager to talk to the store manger about changing the musac because in my opinion the all Barry Manilow channel was cruel and unusual punishment. :D

    It's my understanding that many markets and businesses use Barry Manilow for that express purpose..

    To keep people from loitering from in front of their stores..

  70. [70] 
    Kick wrote:


    My military/LEO/PublicSafety bona fides were well established long before you decided to puke in Weigantia on a daily basis..

    Awww, poor wanna-be lying fake; it only took reading your bullshit to know that for a fact. Your bullshit points to the possibility that you were likely a Mud Puppy, but that's not a cop like you told everybody.

    Russ can back me up on this. Sounding familiar?
    It's one of your favorite lies; the one Russ does despise.

    And that just burns you up..

    Well, I have seen the pictures of your fat ass you supplied, and I admit that you definitely do inspire a dumpster fire. Other than that, you're are quite obviously not the bona fide cop you've claimed to be on multiple occasions on this political blog. So nice of you to cease claiming you're a cop when you were called on it by Russ and I... who called you on your bullshit lie and made you subsequently stop. We found your "LEO bona fides" to be so advanced that you'd naturally post your own name, your spouse's, and multiple of your family's as well as their houses on a website you knew damn well was archived for all posterity. No one had to do a background check on you, Michael, because you in your infinite "LEO wisdom" volunteered your criminal past.

    Lie more. Cry more.

    And, as usual, you have absolutely *ZERO* facts to support ANY of your claims...

    I'll be happy to post the crime to which you did confess, and I'll be happy to post the links to all of the rest, but it'll take all day because you're a moron at best.

    Ergo, you are a liar, pure and simple.. :D

    Your ever-present projection... the continuous predilection.

    Of course I know you.. Trolls like you have been around the internet since USENET..

    Once again, that sounds exactly like you...
    a low IQ... A-E-O I Cue... thoroughly smoked bar-be-cue.
    I've never been on usenet... at least I haven't yet.

    You are the person who, whenever she gets her ass kicked in a forum (a daily occurrence around Weigantia) you do background checks on people and their children...

    No one had to do a background check on you moron.
    You supplied the proof for years of continuous pour on.
    You just kept doxxing yourself... without ever stopping yourself.

    Oh yes.. I know your pathetic type...

    Because you're quite the projectionist
    The forum insurrectionist.

    The troll just here to troll. We all know. :)

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:

    Waaa Waaa Waaa

    My stalker just can't handle that she gets beat at every turn..

    Now she's begging Russ to save her..


    What's hilarious is that NEITHER of ya'all have any relevant facts that prove anything..

    The FACTS clearly show.. My LEO/Military/Public Safety bona fides were established before EITHER of ya'all showed yer putrid faces in Weigantia..

    That's fact.. Deal with it..

    I've never been on usenet... at least I haven't yet.

    And add to all yer other faults (did you know yer ugly too??) you have reading comprehension issues..

    I never claimed you were on USENET...

    But thanks for proving you are STILL a moron.. :D

    As to the rest..

    blaaa blaaa blaaa blaaaaa

    As usual, long on bullshit and whining... Absolutely NO FACTS whatsoever..

    Once again, you lose, Vick.. :D

  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    The troll just here to troll. We all know. :)

    That's exactly what a forum troll would say...

  73. [73] 
    Kick wrote:


    My stalker just can't handle that she gets beat at every turn..

    Who's stalking who? No one has to stalk you.
    It wasn't my hand who reached for yours, you prick.
    It was obviously you reaching for my stick.
    Just like you generally always do.

    Throw sand
    Pound sand
    Shove it up your ass end.


    ^^^^^ And with that, Mike forfeits ^^^^^
    He's got nothing left to say
    So he tosses in the towel...
    Shame stale shit, different day. :P

  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:


    90% of my comments are actual legitimate discussion and debate..

    Such as Comment #79 above that proves exactly that black lives don't REALLY matter to The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party.. Hell, Russ even admitted that black lives don't matter to him.. Especially black babies and children..

    You, on the other hand...90% of your comments have nothing to do with anything but personal attacks on any given person at any given moment..

    Liz, DH.. You have even attacked JL when he backed my version of events and not yours..

    Given these FACTS and the factual percentages, it's clear who the forum troll is...

  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, at least The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party has finally come clean..

    CNN's Don Lemon scolds Terry Crews, says Black Lives Matter is about police brutality, not Black-on-Black violence

    Crews has come under fire for tweeting that he wants to 'unite people' regardless of race, creed or ideology

    CNN host Don Lemon lectured actor Terry Crews on Monday night about the meaning of the Black Lives Matter movement, insisting during an intense conversation that it’s about police brutality and has nothing to do with Black-on-Black gun violence.

    Crews has come under fire for recent tweets noting that he wants to “unite people” regardless of race, creed or ideology, saying he doesn’t want the Black Lives Matter [BLM] movement to morph into “Black Lives Better.” Crews told Lemon that he was issuing a warning that BLM might be going too far, as leaders have made demands and threatened violence if they don’t get what they want.

    A title, a paragraph or two and a link.. CHECK...

    Black American lives ONLY "matter" if their deaths can be used by the Party as a blunt object to beat LEOs over the head with..

    When it comes to black Americans killing black Americans, black lives don't matter one bit..

    At least the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party has finally conceded the facts...

    Not that it's anything different than I have been saying since Michael Brown was removed from the gene pool (to the benefit of society) by Darren Wilson...

    Or even before that.. Since my buddy, George Zimmerman did society a favor and removed Trayvon Martin from the gene pool..

  76. [76] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


    90% of my comments are actual legitimate discussion and debate..

    That's on odd way to describe self-aggrandizing, pontificating and insults.

    Have you read the Scientific American article I posted a few days back?

    You can't handle facts. Literally. Until you can click links and read articles, your cries of "FACT" are empty at best...

    132,573 Americans dead from Coronavirus and counting...

  77. [77] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I am really happy with our freedom! to post comments about any off topic subject at any time. It's liberating (like knocking down a geriatric greeter to get into Wal*Mart without one of those sheeple masks). This is America. Biden is boring and his sentences are muffled by his mask.

    That said, it's high time we discuss how great Speaker Pelosi's (or Nancy as I call her) very successful effort to rescue us from the Trump Pandemic. Even grifters like Grover Norquist, PragerU, Ayn Rand Institute, The Daily Caller, and the Trump vampires have gotten on the taker bandwagon! Just imagine all the job creating they've done with that money.

  78. [78] 
    Michale wrote:


    That's on odd way to describe self-aggrandizing, pontificating and insults.

    Of course, you would think that..

    Because you never have any facts of your own..

    Have you read the Scientific American article I posted a few days back?

    Waiting for you to post FACTS...

    Which, of course, you never do..

    I am betting that the SA link quotes the CDC (AKA Center For Gun Control) only YOU would think that would be a legitimate source.. :D

    You can't handle facts. Literally. Until you can click links and read articles, your cries of "FACT" are empty at best...

    Really?? You have said on more than one occasion that you never click on my links.

    So, apparently, YOUR claims of "facts" are empty as well.. :D

    Like the time you claimed that George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S Grant monuments were defaced and vandalized because they were "Confederate".. :D

    Yea.. YER all about "facts"... NOT :D

    132,573 Americans dead from Coronavirus and counting...

    And still no FACTS to support the claim...

    But obviously, it's not as serious a pandemic to prevent your Dumbocrat Party from encouraging cop-hating protests..

  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:


    That said, it's high time we discuss how great Speaker Pelosi's (or Nancy as I call her) very successful effort to rescue us from the Trump Pandemic. Even grifters like Grover Norquist, PragerU, Ayn Rand Institute, The Daily Caller, and the Trump vampires have gotten on the taker bandwagon! Just imagine all the job creating they've done with that money.

    As usual, you ignore Pelosi's husband pigging out from the trough..

    Firm linked to Nancy Pelosi’s husband receives PPP loan money

    As the government released details about the many Paycheck Protection Program loan recipients Monday, some companies with high-powered ties were found to have received funding.

    EDI Associates, a firm that is linked to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, received a loan valued at a dollar amount between $350,000 and $1 million, the data showed.

    Title, 1 Paragraph, Link... CHECK

    Your Trump/America hating agenda is so pathetic and obvious...


  80. [80] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Michale, you have become an old fool.

    [80] is a text book example of how not not have a "legitimate discussion and debate"...

    Making stuff up, criticizing sources without reading them, and general incoherent gibber jabber...


  81. [81] 
    Michale wrote:

    Biden Invokes George Floyd: "We Have A Chance To Rip The Roots Of Systemic Racism Out Of This Country"

    How ironic..

    When Joe (Out Of Deference To Liz, I'll Forgo The Biden Quotes This Time) Biden strings his words together, he invokes and links George Floyd with The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party..

    Let's really look at that..

    Everyone knows about The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party... The looting.. The murders.. The arson... The brutal murders of little children...

    Let's look at George Floyd's violent criminal history..

    *George Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014 after being released from prison in Houston, Texas following an arrest for aggravated robbery..

    *On May 25, 2020, Floyd was arrested for passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in Minneapolis..

    *He was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of arrest..

    *Floyd has more than a decade-old criminal history at the time of the arrest and went to jail for atleast 5 times..

    *George Floyd was the ringleader of a violent home invasion gang that preyed on elderly couples..

    *He plead guilty to entering a woman’s home, pointing a gun at her stomach and searching the home for drugs and money, according to court records..

    *Floyd was sentenced to 10 months in state jail for possession of cocaine in a December 2005 arrest..

    Floyd had previously been sentenced to eight months for the same offense, stemming from an October 2002 arrest..

    *Floyd was arrested in 2002 for criminal trespassing and served 30 days in jail
    He had another stint for a theft in August 1998..

    So, Biden is saying that George Floyd and The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party are inexorably linked...

    I would say that Joe Biden is dead on ballz accurate...

    The *ONLY* question is, given this fact that The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party = George Floyd, WHY would any patriotic American want to vote Democrat in 120 days???

    And ta think there are people who actually believe that President Trump will NOT be re-elected..

    Boy are THEY in for a rude awakening.. :D

  82. [82] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Big Orange very obviously wants to be the president of the Confederate States of Amurikkka. Joe should promise him that title and maybe he won't incite his trumpthugs to violence when he loses.

  83. [83] 
    Michale wrote:


    Michale, you have become an old fool.

    Yea, that's always been yer claim..

    And for the past decade, you have been completely and utterly unable to A> best me in a debate or B> provide any facts to support your opinion.. :D

    [80] is a text book example of how not not have a "legitimate discussion and debate"...

    First off, it's comment #88 I assume you are referring to..

    Secondly, of course you claim that.. Because you can't respond with facts or coherent argument, you simply claim it's not a debate..

    Once again, you lose..

    Making stuff up, criticizing sources without reading them, and general incoherent gibber jabber...

    They are YOUR sources... Their incoherence is established simply by that fact...

    All you have is personal attacks and whinings and mewlings...

    Never a single fact to support ANY claim you make..

  84. [84] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Interesting. The number order of posts is off. My last post on my screen is [82]. Michale's George Floyd post is [83]...

  85. [85] 
    Michale wrote:


    Big Orange very obviously wants to be the president of the Confederate States of Amurikkka.

    Any facts to support your claim?? No?? Of course not..

    But there is one fact that's relevant..

    It's your Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party that gave this country the KKK...

    And, since they are killing black Americans at a record pace, it's obvious that your Party has not moved very far from it's racist past..

    Funny how that is, eh??

    Once again.. Just the facts..

    Joe should promise him that title and maybe he won't incite his trumpthugs to violence when he loses.

    Yea, ya made the same claim in 2016.. Shall we revisit your commments??

    I have a T-shirt that says "Listen to Michael Moore". I wish that more people had. At the very least, a lot fewer people would have been taken by surprise.

    See how sad and pathetically WRONG you were then??

    Hope yer ready to relive that heady time.. :D

    You DO realize that no sane patriotic American is going to vote for The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party of George Floyd...

    You DO realize that???


  86. [86] 
    Michale wrote:

    Interesting. The number order of posts is off. My last post on my screen is [82]. Michale's George Floyd post is [83]...

    Ahhhh the light breaks thru the murk and morass, eh?? :D

    That's why I keep telling you people to quote the comment and not the comment #..

    Obviously my setup has a different numbering system than ya'all's...

  87. [87] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    They are YOUR sources... Their incoherence is established simply by that fact...

    Are you so far gone that you call SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN incoherent?


  88. [88] 
    James T Canuck wrote:


    'Michale, you have become an old fool.'

    By 'become' you mean 'remain', surely. I have no other experience to draw on, was there a time when he was anything more?

    I refuse to dwell.

    I'm disturbed by, " I LOVE BANGING TEN YR OLD GIRLS

    Could you please keep your sickening projection to yourself?"

    Where did this come from?
    Who said this and why?

    Now look, I'm all for the playful banter and the back and forth tussle that comes with political debate, but I see ZERO need to evoke discussion along those lines.

    Michale got his foot stuck in this one before when he packed up his ploys and left this space because he completely misunderstood the FACTS during the Kavanaugh Kluster Kalamity. (I smoke a lot of pot, kiss my hole if my license leaves you cold)

    EM and Michale, I'll take this time to explain why you make strange bedfellows here. (4 Kick)

    Your politics are diametric, yet you both ally. You both bang on about facts and are happy with a lie. It makes me wonder, and I ask myself why, when opposites attract, all you can hope for is a negotiated tie.

    Not exactly "Forthlin Road Hit Factory", but I am post-doob ;)


  89. [89] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    ...Oh, and before it's ignored, I see the US govt (GOP religious zealots) have used CV19 to reward the degenerate religious sect of society with 7 billion USD in 'guaranteed' government loans.

    So much for separation of scumbags and state.

    I'd be fucking boiling if my tax dollars were in anyway redirected to prop up the greatest hoax in human history.

    (Were it not already propping up the second greatest hoax in modern history, a competent and functioning Trump administration)

    Food for thought, at a minimum, an amuse-bouche.


  90. [90] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    This is an outrage...

    What the fuck is going on.

    Wasn't it Trump himself that went on and on about 'dangerous people indoctrinating our children'?

    When will you 'constitution-dodging' cretins awake from this nightmare of religious sanctimony?

    Disband congregations, outlaw religion, raise all places of worship to the ground, and ban the Bible/Koran/Torah.

    Free your heart from religious sloganeering so you can live happily in the here and now, for nothing awaits you in the hereafter.


  91. [91] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    I'd be fucking boiling if my tax dollars were in anyway redirected to prop up the greatest hoax in human history.

    Then you'd have evaporated a long time ago if you lived here. The faither shit never ends.

  92. [92] 
    Kick wrote:


    I'm disturbed by, "I LOVE BANGING TEN YR OLD GIRLS"

    As was I.

    Where did this come from?
    Who said this and why?

    I'll give you one guess.
    Of course, it's grotesque.

    Now look, I'm all for the playful banter and the back and forth tussle that comes with political debate, but I see ZERO need to evoke discussion along those lines.

    Who here wants to know about his pedophilia concubines?
    Like that misogynistic shit from Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines"

    EM and Michale, I'll take this time to explain why you make strange bedfellows here. (4 Kick)

    Your politics are diametric, yet you both ally.
    You both bang on about facts and are happy with a lie.
    It makes me wonder, and I ask myself why,
    when opposites attract, all you can hope for is a negotiated tie.

    While he's busy putting down every single other
    It frees her up to play Weigantia's board mother.
    And she whines, moans, and cries if anyone tries to label her
    While she sits up on her high horse the preeminent enabler

    Just like little Chester and beat down old Spike
    Clean up on aisle Mike. :)

  93. [93] 
    James T Canuck wrote:


    That's what America is at this time. Rudderless.

    Now there's a debate about opening schools while CV19 cases are literally off the charts.

    This isn't going to change in a month and a half, wake the fuck up.

    ALL parents here know that schools are the crucible in which ALL viruses fester like slag.

    My kids are going nowhere near their physical school environment anytime soon, and we can list our CV19 cases on one hand for the last month in a city of 140,000 plus in Ontario.

    We're all in the same boat, if you think your kids will fall behind, chances are they were there already and your failure has been established, don't make it worse by sending your kids back to school until it's safe to do so.

    Don't let a man who paid someone to take his SAT's and hired DeVoss to head up the Dept of Ed to make those kinds of decisions for you.


  94. [94] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    I laughed aloud...

    "And she whines, moans, and cries if anyone tries to label her
    While she sits up on her high horse the preeminent enabler"

    Very clever.

    LL&P (laugh, love, and perpetuate)

  95. [95] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Don't let a man who paid someone to take his SAT's and hired DeVoss to head up the Dept of Ed to make those kinds of decisions for you.

    The Orange One doesn't actually have any direct power over that. He just thinks he does. It's his cultists on the local level who are to blame.

  96. [96] 
    James T Canuck wrote:


    I realize that's the constitutional math, but it would be foolish to suppose that Trump's orders aren't someone else's command. He does have the power to shut down, or at least, make a state financially uneasy. States need federal approval to enjoy concomitant rewards... No?


  97. [97] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    I see all Trump's friends are getting ill...

    First, it was...
    Kim Jong Un-Il


    Boris Johnson-Il

    ...and now, hilariously,

    Jair Bolsonaro-Il

    Too much.


  98. [98] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Michale' wrote:

    Obviously my setup has a different numbering system than ya'all's…

    Obviously your reality has a different address than our'all's…

  99. [99] 
    Kick wrote:


    We're all in the same boat, if you think your kids will fall behind, chances are they were there already and your failure has been established, don't make it worse by sending your kids back to school until it's safe to do so.

    Quite right, so bright. :)

    Don't let a man who paid someone to take his SAT's and hired DeVoss to head up the Dept of Ed to make those kinds of decisions for you.

    I know, right!?

    Hello, have I reached Wharton, U of P?
    Have you heard about Donald Trump's SAT?
    Aren't you required to revoke a falsely earned degree?

  100. [100] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Your politics are diametric, yet you both ally. You both bang on about facts and are happy with a lie. It makes me wonder, and I ask myself why, when opposites attract, all you can hope for is a negotiated tie.

    Not exactly "Forthlin Road Hit Factory", but I am post-doob ;)


    Haha! Aaaand...I happened to be stoned when I read it.

    I guess I gotta go see, what is it, Hamilton?

    Love da pome.
    Now this is the top drawer commenting I'd like to see more of here, yessiree!

  101. [101] 
    Kick wrote:


    Mary Trump Book Claims Trump Praised Her Breasts and His Own Sister Called Him a Clown


    Mary Trump’s explosive tell-all about the president details her uncle’s comments about her breasts, his cheating on the SAT’s, and how his own sister called him a clown.

    Mary Trump’s book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, paints her uncle the president in a horrifying light and reveals explosive details about his character and disparaging comments made by his sister, retired federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry.

    “If he is afforded a second term, it would be the end of American democracy,” Mary bluntly declares in the book. “Donald, following the lead of my grandfather and with complicity, silence, and inaction from his siblings, destroyed my father. I can’t let him destroy my country.”

  102. [102] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    The phone rang. On the noisy side was an old friend of mine, we see eye to eye. He was lamenting not being able to go to his cottage near Alex Bay, NY. He used sing in a band I 'helped out', he sang this over the phone, we laughed.

    ..."We come from the land of the ice and snow
    From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow
    How soft your fields so green
    Can whisper tales of gore
    Of how we calmed the tides of war
    We are your overlords

    On we sweep with threshing oar
    Our only goal will be the western shore

    So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins
    For peace and trust can win the day despite of all your losing"

    I think he summed up how we feel.


  103. [103] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I think I'll give PRiSM a rest for a bit. :)

    Besides, they were only good for four too short years before tragedy struck, twice.

    That Barry Manilow musac story was a real hoot! :)

  104. [104] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    James T Canuck wrote:

    ...Oh, and before it's ignored, I see the US govt (GOP religious zealots) have used CV19 to reward the degenerate religious sect of society with 7 billion USD in 'guaranteed' government loans.

    So much for separation of scumbags and state.

    I'd be fucking boiling if my tax dollars were in anyway redirected to prop up the greatest hoax in human history.

    (Were it not already propping up the second greatest hoax in modern history, a competent and functioning Trump administration)

    Food for thought, at a minimum, an amuse-bouche.


    I dunno, Sir. If separation of church and state is an appetizer I'd like to know what your idea of an entree might be!

    I'm squarely in the keep em separate camp. But...I don't mind my tax dollars keeping charitable operations going (including religious organizations) and I certainly don't mind keeping their employees and even clergy etc from calamity. And only if these monies are available to all religions, no ifs ands or buts.

    BTW are you an Agnostic? Or an Atheist?

  105. [105] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    "BTW are you an Agnostic? Or an Atheist?"

    A refreshingly intelligent question.

    There's no short answer to that other than 'we are all made of stars'. Literally.

    Look into Christopher E Hitchens. You'll find me standing right next to his anti-theist angle.


  106. [106] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    90% of my comments are actual legitimate discussion and debate..

    Utter bullshit! Anyone who repeats the same lies even after those lies have been thoroughly debunked with actual evidence is not someone looking to have an honest conversation! Take this one, for instance:

    Such as Comment #79 above that proves exactly that black lives don't REALLY matter to The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party.. Hell, Russ even admitted that black lives don't matter to him.. Especially black babies and children..

    This from a man who thinks a judge ordering him to register as a sex offender for the public’s safety allows him to claim that he was in “public safety” for 25 years!

    I, again as usual, have the facts to prove that "Defund The Police" *IS* defacto Abolish The Police..

    This is a perfect example of how your FACTS are rarely factual! You argue that when people say they want to “defund the police”, what they truly mean is that they want to “abolish the police”. As your supposed proof, you share an article from a woman who unashamedly declares that she believes it would be best to ABOLISH the police... she does not mince words! She is not in the “defund police” camp — although I am sure she would accept that as an alternative to things remaining the status quo.

    I’d continue pointing out your BS, but it looks like the rest of the room took care of that quite handily already.

  107. [107] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    Thank you for your reply to my post on the previous article. I am working on a response, but have been away from my iPad all day and didn’t want ya to think I just ignored it! I always appreciate getting to talk to people about their perceptions of the police in this country, to better understand where you are coming from.

    Devon and I were discussing my conversation with you and we realized that the public’s question of “why aren’t the ‘good cops’ speaking out against the ‘bad cops’?” is a huge obstacle for police/community relations. The answer to the question is that they cannot speak out without facing termination for doing so. And honestly, while it is probably best that officers aren’t allowed to respond directly, there is a huge amount of misinformation that the public fails to recognize that no one is attempting to correct that truly needs to be corrected. Part of the reason that I post regarding this subject matter is that I want to educate people when the press refuses to do so.

    That why I get so pissed when you have journalists intentionally misleading the public regarding police policies. For example during the Ferguson incident, HuffPost’s senior justice reporter, Ryan Reilly, wrote an article accusing the Ferguson Police Chief of attempting to discredit Michael Brown’s reputation when he released the video showing Brown committing strong armed robbery and physically assaulting the shop owner minutes before Brown would encounter Officer Wilson. The Chief does not get to decide for himself whether to release public records, Missouri State statutes decide. The police were not going to charge Brown for the crime as he was deceased, therefore the video was no longer evidence in an ongoing investigation — so by statute, the Chief HAD to release it to the press. Reilly knows how public records laws work, and he knew that the Chief’s motivation for releasing the video was moot! Reilly wasn’t supposed to be writing an opinion piece, he was “reporting”... when in reality Reilly was’t reporting, he was writing an opinion piece!

Comments for this article are closed.