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One Man Could Guarantee A Biden Win

[ Posted Tuesday, July 21st, 2020 – 16:44 UTC ]

It's a bit early for one of my "summer daydream" columns, as I usually wait until the silly season in August when Congress decamps for the entire month (and political pundits are left with some mighty thin gruel to report on), but since Trump took office the silly season has really expanded to 365 days a year, when you think about it. So I'm going to engage in some pure blue-sky speculation today, because this one thought has been bouncing around the back of my brain for a few weeks now.

There is one man who might just be able to guarantee that Joe Biden wins the November election. Because I really think all it would take would be if Dr. Anthony Fauci were either fired or got so fed up with the political smear job the White House has actively been pursuing against him that he handed in his resignation. If Fauci then publicly announced his full-throated endorsement of Joe Biden for president, I think the race would be all but over.

Dr. Fauci has already achieved what can accurately be called "rock-star status" with the public. He was just on the cover of InStyle magazine. He has been openly proposed as People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" for the year. He will almost certainly be a frontrunner for Time magazine's "Person of the Year" award, as well. And he's about to throw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals season opener (apparently because he favors wearing a Nats face mask on television). His public polling numbers for approval and trustworthiness are through the roof, and are the envy of every politician everywhere. In short, the people not only trust Dr. Fauci, they love Dr. Fauci. Rarely has any scientist held such widespread esteem with the general public, in fact (at least in modern times).

This is true even though the Trump-loving right wing has been absolutely demonizing Fauci. To the true Trump believer, Fauci fails to properly spout fawning praise for the Dear Leader in every other sentence. Heck, if Mike Pence can do it, why can't Fauci? Even worse, Fauci admits the truth even when Trump is on the wrong side of it. That right there is an unforgivable sin in Trumpworld. The White House had been joining in with this effort to take Fauci down a peg (rather quietly, behind the scenes), but then it erupted into open warfare last weekend -- when the White House put out what can only be called "opposition research" on Fauci. This effort was purely political, as if he were a Democratic candidate for office Trump wanted not just to undermine but to absolutely destroy (credibility-wise). Needless to say, this effort failed spectacularly -- especially after Fauci himself brushed it off as nothing short of nonsense.

But Fauci is already being actively muzzled by the White House. A political appointee with ties to Roger Stone is the gatekeeper for Fauci's media calendar. Fauci can't just accept a request to give an interview on television, it has to be vetted by a Trump toady first. And Fauci has reportedly been all but shut out of the White House coronavirus task force, to boot. Usually such a diminishing set of responsibilities is a clear sign that the political bosses would really prefer it if you just quit.

Trump will likely never actively fire Fauci, though. I say this with a certain degree of confidence, because if Trump was going to do so, he probably would have done it by now. I would be willing to bet that Trump's re-election team has done some polling on the subject which has shown how incredibly damaging such an action would be to Trump. Again, Fauci is now loved by the public in a way that they've never loved Trump -- which is obviously what bugs Trump the most. But because of Fauci's exalted standing with the public, Trump is the one who would suffer politically if he fired Fauci.

However, every man has his limits. And sooner or later, Fauci might just conclude that the good he is doing by staying on the job has already been outweighed by all the attempts to undermine him. If the White House actually drastically restricts his duties, or bans him completely from appearing on television, or in any other way seriously interferes with Fauci's ability to do his job, then Fauci just might decide that it was no longer worth sticking around.

If Fauci resigns, then a few things would immediately happen. First, he would no longer be under any constraints as to choosing his media appearances. Second, he would no longer be under any pressure to boost the president's fragile ego. Third, he would certainly not stay unemployed for very long, because the bidding war between the cable networks to hire him as a commentator and medical expert will be fierce indeed.

But there would be one other constraint lifted which would be more important politically than all the others combined. Fauci would no longer have to hew to being as apolitical as possible (a standard which all government scientists worth their salt aspire to). He would be free to make political endorsements, in other words.

So imagine the impact of Dr. Fauci getting in front of a camera and saying something along the lines of the following:

"I recently resigned from the government job I have long held -- held through multiple presidents of both political parties, I should add -- because I felt it was no longer possible for me to effectively do the job I was hired to do. As a scientist, I could no longer stomach the incessant need to adhere to a political set of talking points that were often wrong and downright counterproductive to fighting the coronavirus pandemic. I got tired of the lies, I got tired of the pressure to back up the lies when doing so would have been scientifically reckless, and I got tired of working for an administration that continually ignored sound scientific advice because they had a different political agenda. If Donald Trump is re-elected president, I fully expect that all these barriers to effectively fighting this pandemic will continue and perhaps even get worse. That would be a sad outcome for this country, because most of this was so avoidable. Instead, I am announcing my support today for a candidate for president who believes in science, who believes in scientists, and who I fully believe would make public health decisions based on fact and not on political fantasy. Which is why I announce today that I fully support the election of Joe Biden as our next president and urge all responsible citizens to vote for him. Lives are at stake. Your vote will matter."

That's really all Fauci would need to do. He could then even completely disappear from the public stage until after the election, when Biden would certainly offer him his old job back (if not a big promotion). With Fauci's endorsement, millions more Americans would enthusiastically support Biden in November. But of course, Fauci probably wouldn't disappear from public sight. After all, the pandemic is still raging unchecked in much of the country. Right now is when the public is desperately seeking solid medical advice, and Fauci would doubtlessly be happy to give it to them on television.

What could Trump do at that point? The White House has already tried to discredit Fauci by claiming he was wrong all along about everything -- and it didn't even make a dent in Fauci's standing with the public. Doing the same thing over again is not likely to change this one iota. And if Trump took it personally (because you just know he would), then Trump would be out there tweeting all sorts of nasty playground insults while Fauci continued to calmly tell the public the real facts and give solid advice as to what people can do to make the situation better. This contrast in styles is already stark -- which is precisely why the White House is muzzling Fauci in the first place. If he left his job, however, Fauci would no longer have such a muzzle and could say what he wanted to as many media outlets as he liked, as often as he liked.

If Fauci were not just dispensing trustworthy medical advice but also resoundingly calling for the public to vote for Biden, I think it would absolutely seal Trump's fate. Trump has already made some serious political missteps in his coronavirus response (to say the very least), and even though he is now singing a slightly different tune (in his solo press briefing today), eventually he's going to go off script again -- because he always does -- and just start winging it and ad-libbing. So the contrast would be Trump flailing about and fudging the statistics as much as he thinks he can get away with, and Joe Biden talking straight to the American people -- backed up by the most-admired person in public life today. I never thought a government scientist would ever have this much political power to wield, personally. But that was back in the before-times, when politicians didn't contradict medical advice in order to get re-elected. Since we are where we are now, I truly think that Dr. Anthony Fauci wholeheartedly endorsing Joe Biden would just about guarantee a landslide victory for him in November.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


193 Comments on “One Man Could Guarantee A Biden Win”

  1. [1] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Great article, CW! I think you are spot on about the push Fauci’s endorsement would give to Biden’s campaign. Trump is supposedly gonna start his virus briefings back up, but without Fauci....which means it will just be Trump rehashing his re-election talking points non-stop.

  2. [2] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Episode One recap:

    Season Two started off with a bang. The big reveal was that the Orange Swamp Thing (OST) has proclaimed that wearing masks like libtard sheeple is patriotic.

    After wishing his sex-trafficking pal well, OST went on to say “We are in the process of developing a strategy that’s going to be very, very powerful." as if Season One had never happened.

    Blah, blah, blah we'll have lots of details about the tremendously great features of things in the strategy that blah, blah, blah we'll tell you about in a few more weeks. We promise it will get a LOT worse before it gets better. We're doing a great job. Experience is a word.

    I take responsibility always for everything - OST

  3. [3] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Big Orange is not going to let Fauci take that away from him. He's gonna do the guaranteeing himself. See Friday's column.

  4. [4] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    What Biden announced today should guarantee his win.

  5. [5] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    i wouldn't say fauci's endorsement is the only one that would have such an effect. there are plenty of people with sufficient pull to tip the balance, although none of said people is likely to actually do so.

  6. [6] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Does Biden need that kind of endorsement?

  7. [7] 
    SF Bear wrote:

    He sure does EM. Today I got a plea for money from Trump/Pence and in it they warn that "The American People deserve to know what they'd be getting into if they elected a big government SOCIALIST like Joe Biden." Now in this screwed up county being called a Socialist is the worst, worse than being a sexual predator, or even a child molester. This is just the beginning of what Trump will do to win. He knows if he looses he could go to jail so he will pull out all the stops. Life between now and November is going to be very, very, weird and scary. What is going on in Portland is just the beginning. Biden is going to need all the help he can get. He should do what ever is necessary to get Fauci's endorsement and Mitt Romney too. Hell, he should roll back the stone and see if he can get Jesus Christ to sign on. This is going to be a no holds barred slug fest and Biden will need his brass knuckles. The good news is that if Biden comes out on top he will be so mad at Trump that no pleas to his Christian nature will persuade him to pardon Trump as Jerry Ford did Nixon.

  8. [8] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I agree that Biden will need all the help and endorsements he can get and having THE infectious diseases expert among them would be very nice.

    Speaking of Dr. Fauci, there was something missing from Biden's speech today on home and elder care and early childhood learning and that was his vision on improving the public health infrastructure and health emergencies preparedness. Though, he's probably saving that for a whole other speech, hopefully scheduled for tomorrow!

  9. [9] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    I tend to doubt your entire premise, that American affection for Dr. Fauci would actually cause "millions more" Americans to vote for Biden than are already planning to do so, should he quit and then endorse Uncle Joe. My impression is that there are almost no undecided voters left, that everyone in the country already knows everything they need to know about the president and his challenger.

    Maybe I'm wrong, so OK, Fauci could make a difference. But then I suggest that your speechwriter for the good Doc is making a tremendous mistake by giving him such an extended and complex speech to the imaginary cameras. These are Trump voters, or maybe undecided voters, that we're talking about. Keep it simple, much simpler than what you've suggested. My version is also still not simple enough but I think it's going in the right direction; I tried to cover all the points you made.

    Remember, Trump's base responds excellently to his fourth-grade level tweets. I think they don't respond as excellently to discourse written by someone with a high IQ, a college education, and an intimate acquaintance with the New York Times' and Washington Post's sententious op-ed columns.

    “I just quit my government job, a job I’ve had under every president since Reagan – both Republicans and Democrats. I quit because I wasn’t allowed to do my job. I’m a scientist. I couldn’t be a good scientist, and also pretend to support the president’s endless lies about the science that I’m an expert in. Politics just can’t fight the corona virus, not even a president’s politics, and especially not this president’s stupid and harmful politics.

    "So if Trump is re-elected, I think this plague will probably get worse. This country – my country, our country – deserves better than that. I urge you to vote this fall for the candidate who believes in science and facts, not BS and fantasy. Vote for Joe Biden like your life depends on it – because it probably does. Vote for Joe.”

  10. [10] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Speaking of coveted endorsements and public health, I wonder if Bill and Melinda Gates and their foundation might not only endorse but get involved in a Biden administration ...

  11. [11] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    What could Trump do at that point?

    Precisely what he started doing today.

  12. [12] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    We should all be duly concerned.

  13. [13] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    When asked if the Biden campaign has reached out to him, Dr. Fauci answered, "No.". And, then went on to explain that Team Biden understands the sensitive position that he is in.

  14. [14] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I think a Gates endorsement is more likely.

  15. [15] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    We should all be duly concerned.

    Aside from cult members, I'm pretty sure everybody is. We don't need to be concerned that our orange mental patient is going to start behaving like a normal non-racist human being who doesn't speak in word salad. Saying that you're in the process of developing a strategy seven months into a crisis is not a good look especially when it's just another lie.

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's a bit early for one of my "summer daydream" columns,

    Well, at least you admit yer dreaming..

    That's a good start.. :D

    Repeat after me.

    The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party simply cannot win...

    NO AMERICAN is going to vote for the platform of cop-killing, defund/abolish police, reparations or energy dependence..

    It's that simple...

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    Chicago's Lori Lightfoot tweets against Trump as bullets fly outside funeral home

    The mayor's tweet came almost simultaneously as at least 14 people were reportedly shot outside a funeral home

    Seriously, is ANYONE here delusional enough to believe that ANY sane patriotic American is going to vote for this???

    Because ^^^THIS is what a vote for the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party will mean...

    It just won't happen, people... Get over yerselves already...

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot pushed back Tuesday evening against talk of a federal clampdown on big-city lawlessness, saying she wouldn’t allow President Trump to “terrorize” the city’s residents by sending in federal troops.

    Ironically, Lightfoot's Twitter message came almost simultaneously as at least 14 people were reportedly shot outside a funeral home on the city's South Side -- with a number of other shootings occuring elsewhere in the city as well.

    “Under no circumstances will I allow Donald Trump’s troops to come to Chicago and terrorize our residents,” Lightfoot wrote.

    Newsflash for Herzonner..

    Your people are already being terrorized.. By your terroristic and ill-informed and downright moronic policies...

    Federal troops are needing to clean up your shithole of a city...

    Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party so-called "leadership" has failed... Period

    It's THAT simple..

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    Tuesday’s shooting was one of the worst in the city’s recent memory and comes as more than 2,000 people have been shot in Chicago this year, FOX 32 reported.

    The latest shooting came a day after more than 20 people were shot in the city Monday and after a deadly weekend in which 63 people were shot and 12 were killed.

    Lightfoot was among several big-city mayors demanding the withdrawal of "federal forces" earlier this week in two letters to Attorney General Bill Barr and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

    Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party = shithole

    That WON'T happen in America...

    Anyone who has more than 2 brain cells to rub together knows that President Trump will win re-election..

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of....

    Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party = shithole

    That's what New Yorkers think of Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party so-called "leadership"..

    It's time ya'all faced up to reality..

    There is simply NO WAY that sane patriotic Americans are going to vote for Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party's brand of incompetent "leadership"...

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, I am excited.. I just got notified that I have been selected for security duties at the GOP Convention in Jacksonville.. :D

    I am one happy camper today.. :D

  22. [22] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    We don't need to be concerned that our orange mental patient is going to start behaving like a normal non-racist human being who doesn't speak in word salad. Saying that you're in the process of developing a strategy seven months into a crisis is not a good look especially when it's just another lie.

    Goes without saying for you and me and anyone who's been paying attention.

    But, I'm talking about people in the 45 to 55 percent or more of voters who are easily fooled by the kind of thing Trump was engaged in yesterday at the podium and people who were saying things like, 'Finally, the president gets it' and who SHOULD know better than to make silly statements like that.

  23. [23] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    You had better take care of yourself by taking the proper precautions during those duties - you have a family to protect, you know, not to mention all of your fellow citizens.

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    Why School Closures Are Anti-Science

    Reopening the schools is the uncontroversial, data-based scientific consensus among the world’s medical and public health community.

    Let's face reality, people.. The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party simply want to run this economy into the ground..

    And they don't care if they irrevocably hurt America's children in the process...

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    You had better take care of yourself by taking the proper precautions during those duties - you have a family to protect, you know, not to mention all of your fellow citizens.

    I am fairly certain I have already had covid and it's run it's course..

    I'm good.. :D Thank you for your concern...

  26. [26] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Aside from cult members, I'm pretty sure everybody is [concerned].

    My point was that if if was just the cult members we have to worry about, that would be one thing. But, there are many non-cultish voters out there who actually agree with much of what Trump does and says. The cult members didn't get him elected all by themselves, you know.

    I have a client at work who is extremely intelligent and works in the medical profession. She was born and grew up in a communist country and immigrated to Canada. She is far from being a member of the Trump cult but, she will argue with me until the cows come home that Trump is exactly what the doctor ordered.

    Fortunately, she and I can have these kinds of discussions without getting upset with each other but, it is precisely those kinds of people in your country who may get Trump re-elected, especially if he sticks to the script like he pretty much did yesterday.

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    You people like to quote the CDC and follow their instructions, right??

    “Having the schools actually closed is a greater health threat to the children than having them open.”
    -Director, Center For Disease & Gun Control

    So, now ya'all have NO EXCUSE not to support the opening of schools..

    Or is it that ya'all only listen to the CDC when they say what supports ya'all's agenda???

  28. [28] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    You may not be protected just because you had it already. The immunity provided by having COVID-19 may not last very long or be very effective, though it may prevent you from being very sick. You may still pass it on to others.

    People who have had it already should be most concerned about taking the proper precautions like keeping their physical distance from others, washing their hands and wearing a mask when you can't be sure of being able to keep you distance, like when you are working inside a crowded building.

    I am serious about this - you need to be extremely careful, my friend ...

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    By the bi...

    I won the bet with myself..

    NO ONE condemned the grossly and perversely sexist comments coming from Team Biden...

    Silence = Agreement

    Apparently, ya'all believe that gross and perverse sexism is perfectly acceptable..

    As long as it comes from the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:


    You may not be protected just because you had it already.

    And I also may... :D

    Put another way.. I wasn't worried before I caught it.. Even after catching it, it was just 36 hours out of my life.. I can hang with that.. :D

    You may still pass it on to others.

    The only one I am in close contact with is my wife.. And she hasn't gotten sick at all..

    I am serious about this - you need to be extremely careful, my friend ...

    Always.. Thanx :D

  31. [31] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I doesn't make any sense whatsoever to have schools re-open in places where the virus is not under control and where positive infection rates are high or anywhere over 5 percent.

    In places where the virus is under control schools should re-open if they have taken the proper precautions and have a health emergency preparedness plan in place.

  32. [32] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    If you work at the convention, you will be in close enough contact with many people.

    Wear your mask and have a two or three of them on hand to change if you have to wear it for extended periods of time. It's not a good idea to wear the same mask for hours at a time.

    Listen to me!

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:


    My point was that if if was just the cult members we have to worry about, that would be one thing. But, there are many non-cultish voters out there who actually agree with much of what Trump does and says. The cult members didn't get him elected all by themselves, you know.

    Exactly.. That is that fact that ya'all just DON'T SEEM TO GET.. Well, ONE of ya'all gets it.. Probably 2...

    Ya'all have made a very nice niche for yerselves underestimating President Trump and his supporters...

    And ya'all are making the EXACT same mistakes ya'all made when supporting Hillary..


    Ya'all remember how crappy ya felt with me rubbing it in how Hillary got beat.. DECIMATED...

    Do ya'all REALLY want to go thru that again a thousand fold??

    It's very easy to prevent...

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:


    I doesn't make any sense whatsoever to have schools re-open in places where the virus is not under control and where positive infection rates are high or anywhere over 5 percent.

    And yet, the Director of the CD&GC says differently..

    You quote the CDC til the cows come home.. Is it logical to ignore their advice now simply because it doesn't agree with the agenda at work here??

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    Almost 6 months into the pandemic, accumulating evidence and collective experience argue that children, particularly school-aged children, are far less important drivers of SARS-CoV-2 transmission than adults. Therefore, serious consideration should be paid toward strategies that allow schools to remain open, even during periods of COVID-19 spread. In doing so, we could minimize the potentially profound adverse social, developmental, and health costs that our children will continue to suffer until an effective treatment or vaccine can be developed and distributed or, failing that, until we reach herd immunity.
    -American Academy of Pediatrics

    The FACTS are overwhelming... The SCIENCE is conclusive...

    Children run a GREATER health risk with schools closed than with them being open..

    If ya'all are TRULY people of science, then the only logical conclusion is that schools must open..

    Forget the politics..

    Do what's right for the children...

  36. [36] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I used to respect the CDC. It used to be emulated around the world. Heck, even China CDC is modelled after the CDC in Atlanta.

    But, if the CDC is saying that schools can open in places where the infection rate is over five percent, then people shouldn't be listening to what the CDC is saying today. And, that is a situation beyond sad. :(

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    “The data are striking,” Raszka said in an interview about the study. “The key takeaway is that children are not driving the pandemic. After six months, we have a wealth of accumulating data showing that children are less likely to become infected and seem less infectious.”

    Dr. Daniel Halperin, a public health professor at the University of North Carolina, told The Atlantic last month: “It’s logical that schools should open in the fall and summer camps, if it’s still possible, should open… I’m worried about my daughter driving, but I wouldn’t keep her home because there’s a one-out-of-a-million chance that she’s gonna die in a car accident.”

    The last point is crucial. Life is full of serious risks for children, but COVID-19 is not one of them.

    Support the SCIENCE...

    Ignore the political hysteria and agenda...

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    For instance, the CDC reported that 620 Americans younger than 25 died from flu and pneumonia in 2018, the most recent year of data available. To date, COVID has taken the lives of 30 children aged 1 to 14, and 149 aged 15 to 24. This means, based on the most current data, children are more than three times more likely to die of the flu or pneumonia than from COVID.

    Or compare CDC’s data on youth deaths from other causes in 2018:

    21,643 Americans under 25 years old died from suicide (more than 120 times more deadly than COVID),
    15,864 youth died from unintentional injury (88 times more deadly than COVID), and
    5,518 youth died from homicide (30 times more deadly than COVID).

    There are things in this world that are TONS more deadly to children then Covid..

    Is it logical to allow schools to be open for THOSE deadly things and close them for a much, MUCH LESSER risk solely for a Party agenda???

    This is a debate ya'all simply cannot win..

    I have the facts, I have the science and I have reality... ALL on my side..

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    If a teacher is willing to take a bullet for a single child, then said teacher damn well should be willing to risk mild flu like symptoms for 36 hours for a whole classroom of children...

    If they are not willing to do that, then it's obvious that nothing but a political agenda is at work here..

  40. [40] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Therefore, serious consideration should be paid toward strategies that allow schools to remain open, even during periods of COVID-19 spread.

    Yes, I would agree with that, Michale.

    The problem is that schools are not being assisted in developing those strategies - health emergency preparedness plans of action - in order to keep them opened once they do open.

    You can't just say, like president Trump and other state leaders have said, we need to open the schools and if they don't we'll withhold funding.

    What they should be saying is please open the schools but do so safely where that is possible and we'll help you put in place effective strategies to protect children, teachers and all who work in the schools with our expertise and the proper funding and other resources.

  41. [41] 
    TheStig wrote:

    Fauci has no more worlds to conquer in Medicine. His pension is secure. He has the highest civilian award the US government can bestow to a civilian. He is a celebrity. That is an impressive " Fuck It List"....all the things in life that drive you to change careers for the geater good.

    Time to put the dagger into Trump's soft politcal belly.

  42. [42] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Michale, you are simply not taking this virus seriously enough. This may not be a virus that impacts your world in any meaningful way but, Pandemic I isn't just about you.

    There are many teachers who are among the vulnerable and who are susceptible to critical and severe COVID-19 symptoms and may even die. They shouldn't have to return to work without there being a strategy in place to protect everyone!

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    You can't just say, like president Trump and other state leaders have said, we need to open the schools and if they don't we'll withhold funding.

    If that's what it takes to get Democrats to accept the Science, I see no problem with it..

    What they should be saying is please open the schools but do so safely where that is possible and we'll help you put in place effective strategies to protect children, teachers and all who work in the schools with our expertise and the proper funding and other resources.

    But that's the point.. Children are all but immune to covid.. So no special strategies are required...

    But you see, Democrats are not MAKING your argument..

    They are saying KEEP SCHOOLS CLOSED... PERIOD..

    Apparently, you don't agree with the Democrats on that point..

    Michale, you are simply not taking this virus seriously enough.

    No.. I am not taking the hysterical fear-mongering seriously.. Never have.. Never will..

    And my attitude was borne out by actually experiencing Covid.. Yea.. For 36 hrs I felt like I was gonna die... But I am in a high risk group to begin with...

    It's NOT that big of a deal..

    Shirley, not so big a deal as to destroy the US Economy and irrevocably hurt our children for life...

    There are many teachers who are among the vulnerable and who are susceptible to critical and severe COVID-19 symptoms and may even die.

    Then THOSE teachers have a valid excuse to stay home.. But that is why god invented substitute teachers..

    Just because a VERY small percentage of teachers are in a high risk group that is no reason to close ALL schools..

    The science and the facts demand that schools be re-opened..

    Why are ya'all so against science???

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    My only point is that the science is conclusive..

    And if ya'all are about science, then ya'all will agree the schools should be opened..

    Here in FL, schools will open 31 Aug thru 16 Jun 2021....

    Florida leads the way... :D

  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    Science says: 'Open the schools'

    To stop COVID-19 dead in its tracks, many governors, mayors and superintendents are threatening to keep schools closed this fall, failing to consider the greater harm that comes from refusing to open them.

    “We have to make sure kids are safe, family members are safe, educators are safe, staff is safe,” says New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. “If for any reason we are not confident of that, then you can just stick with the pure online learning.” Similarly, teacher unions insist that comprehensive testing, tracing and distancing are essential if reopening is to be done safely.

    The irony in such language is that children are safe at school already. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that of the first 68,998 U.S. deaths from COVID-19, only 12 have been in children under age 14 — less than 0.02 percent. Nor is coronavirus killing teenagers. At last count, the fatality total among children under 18 without an underlying condition is one; only ten of the 16,469 confirmed coronavirus deaths in New York City were among those under the age of 18. That’s similar to the fatality rate for those under 20 in France, estimated at 0.001 percent, and in Spain.

    600+ children died from the Flu in 2018....

    Where was the panic to close schools then???

    Ya'all's support of keeping schools closed is not logical nor rational.. It's NOT supported by the facts and the science..

    Ergo, the *ONLY* logical conclusion that fits the facts is that there is some other agenda at work here..

    A Political agenda...

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    Never have schools subjected children to such an unhealthy, uncomfortable and anti-educational environment, so science cannot precisely define the total harm it will cause. But science does tell us that risks from COVID-19 are too minimal to sacrifice the educational, social, emotional and physical well-being – to say nothing of the very health – of our young people.

    The science is clear and determinative...

    If you support keeping schools closed you are either anti-science or have a political agenda that is detrimental to the well-being of America's children..

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    Citing Educational Risks, Scientific Panel Urges That Schools Reopen

    Younger children in particular are ill-served by remote learning, according to a report issued by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

    Hell, even the NY GRIME says to open the schools..

    What's it going to take to prove to ya'all that keeping the schools closed is a BAD idea??

    Obviously the science and the facts aren't doing the trick...

    I'm just sayin'...

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    Mary Kathryn Malone, a mother of three children, has been eager for schools to reopen in Mount Vernon, Ohio, where she lives. Her 9-year-old daughter is pining for her friends, and her 3-year-old has only part-time day care — and not while Dr. Malone works.

    But she was most worried about her 7-year-old son, who needs help for his attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia.

    Do Democrats REALLY want to give up the Soccer Mom vote to President Trump???

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    The facts are clear..

    The science is clear..

    Keeping schools closed is BAD for America's children...

    Anyone who supports keeping schools closed is either ignorant of the science and facts or has a political agenda in keeping the schools closed..

    I can't make it any simpler than that..

    But I promise to spend the entire day trying.. :D

  50. [50] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Please, reconsider ... :)

  51. [51] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I mean, there are better things to do all day. Life is too short, after all ...

  52. [52] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Hey, everyone!

    What's your favourite album(s) of all-time?

    Let's try to keep it to, say, your top 11 albums of all time ...

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    Please, reconsider ... :)


    I mean, there are better things to do all day. Life is too short, after all ...

    Troo.. But ya have to admit, this is important... The future of our children is at stake...

    Shirley, if there was ever a time or an issue to embrace science, this is it..

    N'cest Pas'??

  54. [54] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Absolutely. And, science says to open schools safely during Pandemic I.

    What's your all-time favourite album and what are you listening to today?

  55. [55] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    So, Don, I guess I don't have to ask what your favourite album is, eh? :)

  56. [56] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    If/when we do open the schools again we need to require courses on civics.

    Amen to that!

    But, I've been told that a lot of money has already been spent on this subject with little consequence. Maybe it has to be reimagined. Kind of like your country, itself ...

  57. [57] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Well, Don, I think we can all agree that the bad influence of big money in politics has been an obstacle to enlightened policy-making and impacts all manner of subjects.

    But, speaking of ignoring reality, Don ... Hello! Hello!

    Am I right about knowing what your favourite album is? :)

  58. [58] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Oh, I see [59]... you'll have to bring a few of those classic tunes with you to the CW Sunday Night Music Festival and Dance Party!

  59. [59] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    LizM [26],

    You are worrying about the wrong thing. The orange goon has already cooked his own goose. Dems had better have a good GOTV plan to counter GOP cheating. That's what matters.

    BTW - where is Bloomberg? Is his Big Money building that GOTV infrastructure?

  60. [60] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    What, me? Worried? Ha!

    Where is Bloomberg, indeed ...

  61. [61] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I'm worried about Trump et al. cheating and I'm worried that the GOTV effort GOAL, kind of like when my get up and go gets up and leaves. :)

    There are so many things to worry about that I can't possibly put them all in one comment, even a non-brief one.

  62. [62] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @m (fpc)

    Pediatricians, by contrast, say it is important for children’s overall health to get them back in school.

    ... that decimates your agenda..

    it has zero bearing on my argument whatsoever. read what you wrote. pediatricians are experts in child health, not education. my choice of citation was relevant to the entire family's health, and your choice of citation was barely even relevant to the small subset of family members it discussed.

    online learning, while not a viable long-term substitute for traditional instruction, does not create any deficits that can't later be remediated. having one or more parents or grandparents die before their time, specifically because the child carried the covid virus home with them, would be significantly more harmful (to the child as well as to the deceased), and infinitely more permanent.

    so no, not even close to "decimated" - not even in the same galaxy.

    she is our next "dead-ee"! That's my term; it's trademarked.
    ~larry sizemore, burn notice


  63. [63] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    GOAL should more precisely be GUAL. :)

  64. [64] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Very well said, as per usual.

  65. [65] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    hmm, wonder why the italics codes at the top didn't work.

  66. [66] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    who knows

  67. [67] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    What's your favourite album(s) of all-time?

    you mean beyond the ubiquitous and obvious choices, like sergeant pepper, pet sounds, blood on the tracks, dark side of the moon, etc.?

    my slightly less obvious choice is judy henske's high flying bird

  68. [68] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    oh wait, this link is better, you can listen to the whole album in order:

  69. [69] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Yeah, I'm talking about personal favourites. Stuff you're playing all the time, just because ...

    I don't think I've ever heard of Judy Henske. And, my speakers have finally died. Well, I had a definite hand in it, on account of a lot of frustration. :(

    Hopefully, I will have this distressing situation remedied before the weekend.

  70. [70] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    That is one great link, Joshua! Are there links like that for all albums?

  71. [71] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    i haven't actually played that album in awhile, but it remains one of (if not THE) all-time favorite, so if you share some of my musical taste, definitely give the whole thing a spin.

  72. [72] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    probably not as to the album links. somebody apparently took the time to collect the whole thing that way, although it doesn't quite appear to be in the correct order. the title track i think was first, not last.

  73. [73] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I will definitely give it a spin and re-post it Sunday night.

  74. [74] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    cool! and if you are a purist about it, the original vinyl song order is here:

    i first heard it on vinyl, even at a time when CD's were much more common. i think that factor may also have had an impact on my enjoyment as well.


  75. [75] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I might even have to purchase that. I've been doing a lot of that, lately. :)

    I can't remember what happened to my vinyl collection, sad that it was. But, it's lots of fun tracking back in time.

    I just received Prism's debut album from 1977 (CD), self-titled. I ordered it way back when Pandemic I was just underway and it came all the way from Japan!!! It's not even the original CD - just something someone burned - but the graphics on the case are original and it sounds just the way I remember it!

  76. [76] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @m (also fpc, continuation of 66)

    ME: Your argument on this is an anecdotal fallacy. Like someone saying russian roulette is perfectly safe, because it worked out just fine for them

    YOU: My argument is based on the facts on the ground which my own experience backs up..

    yes, that's precisely what i said. it's called the anecdotal fallacy because the facts in your house may not be the facts in someone else's.

    Remember: some people live, some people die. See you around.
    ~larry sizemore, burn notice

  77. [77] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I don't know that I have a favorite album, so I'l name two that I love a whole lot. Neither of them has any filler songs. Most albums have at least one or two.

    1 I'm Alive - Jackson Browne (his love/hate album for Daryl Hannah)

    2 Warren Zevon - Warren Zevon (I miss him so much)

  78. [78] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Ugh. Two links.

    Jackson Browne - I'm Alive (his love/hate album for Daryl Hannah

  79. [79] 
    John From Censornati wrote:
  80. [80] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Neither album has any filler songs.

  81. [81] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Some people around here are allowed to post three links!

    I like Jackson Browne but never bought one of his albums.

    Daryl Hannah is now married to Neil Young.

  82. [82] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Favourite albums have no filler songs, by definition. :)

  83. [83] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Favourite albums have no filler songs, by definition.

    Those are hard to come by.

    I like Jackson Browne but never bought one of his albums.

    Glen Frey learned how to write a song from him. You should buy some. He's as close to a hero as I have. Artistic integrity and tireless activism all wrapped up in one.

    Here's a song for our current moment (although it's actually about the earthquake in Haiti). We're all in this together.

    Though the earth may tremble and our foundations crack
    We will all assemble and we will build them back
    And rush to save the lives remaining still within our reach
    And try to put our world together standing in the breach

  84. [84] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I've ruined the comment numbers starting with [81] unless CW just leaves it alone.

  85. [85] 
    Michale wrote:

    yes, that's precisely what i said. it's called the anecdotal fallacy because the facts in your house may not be the facts in someone else's.

    No, that is NOT what you said, precisely or otherwise..

    What part of FACTS on the ground are not clear to you???

    My personal experiences are supported by the FACTS on the ground..

    And, as to your fallacy argument before that..

    If the CDC can be experts on gun control, then pediatricians can be experts in children's education..

    The science does not support your claims.. It's as simple as that..

    If you are under age 70, the survival rate from covid is 99.96%...

    So, based on a .04% chance of getting sick and dying, teachers are going to throw there charges to the wolves...

    Nice... :eyeroll:

  86. [86] 
    Michale wrote:

    I thought the music stuff was on Sunday??? If music stuff is going to intrude on the political during the week, then political stuff can intrude on the music on Sundays...

    For the record, I don't really have any favorites.. BARRY MANILOW LIVE, STYX GRAND ILLUSION & CORNERSTONE are some of the ones I like..

  87. [87] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Glen Frey learned how to write a song from him. You should buy some. He's as close to a hero as I have. Artistic integrity and tireless activism all wrapped up in one.

    I'm aware of the Eagles connections.

    Who came up with the lyric that goes like this ... standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona ... such a fine sight to see; it's a girl, my Lord!, slowin' down to take a look at me?

    And, who's idea was it to prolong the eeee in Take it eee -eeeasy?

  88. [88] 
    Michale wrote:

    it has zero bearing on my argument whatsoever. read what you wrote. pediatricians are experts in child health, not education.

    And Center For DISEASE Control has ZERO BEARING on gun violence..

    That didn't stop you from supporting the CDC in that under Odumbo...

  89. [89] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    oops! I forgot the flat bed Ford! :)

  90. [90] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Michale, that's quite enough already!!!

  91. [91] 
    Michale wrote:

    Who came up with the lyric that goes like this ... standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona ... such a fine sight to see; it's a girl, my Lord!, slowin' down to take a look at me?

    Not to nit pick, but..

    Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona,
    Such a fine sight to see..
    It's a girl my lord in a flat bed ford..
    Slowin' down to take a look at me...

  92. [92] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    No more posting in between my posts!

  93. [93] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    See [02]

  94. [94] 
    Michale wrote:

    Michale, that's quite enough already!!!

    It's never enough until people stop with the Party agenda and get with the SCIENCE... :D

    oops! I forgot the flat bed Ford! :)

    Why, yes... Yes you did... :D

  95. [95] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    and [92]

  96. [96] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Nice pic!

  97. [97] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Frey lived in the apartment above Browne and listened while he practiced and honed a song (Doctor My Eyes as I recall) over and over. I heard him credit Jackson in an interview for teaching him how to write a song.

  98. [98] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, by the way, where is Barry Manilow?

  99. [99] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    JFC, we must have seen the same History of the Eagles!

  100. [100] 
    Michale wrote:

    I wonder which is worse for Nazi Drumpf and the Greedy Old Predators - their sinister decision to sacrifice old people (their base) to the Trump Virus or their sinister decision to bar geezers (their base) from voting by mail when they're afraid they'll die from the Trump Virus if they go outside.


    Let's call it the Trump Virus..

    Which means that, when the vaccine is created, it will be the Trump vaccine... Responsible for saving billions and billions of lives all over the world..

    The TRUMP VACCINE will be responsible for saving the entire world economy...

    You really are a moron, ain'tcha JFC.... :D

  101. [101] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Which JB album would you suggest I buy, if I were to buy just one?

  102. [102] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, by the way, where is Barry Manilow?

    He lives in Broklyn, next door to JL.... :D

  103. [103] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    There ya go again!

  104. [104] 
    Michale wrote:

    Now if ya wanna talk TV shows and what to binge watch, I could likely be persuaded to join such a conversation..

    For example.. We're up to Season 5 Ep 7 of THE AMERICANS.. It's VERY heavy on characterization and the KGB gets ALL the breaks and luck...

    But a decent show..

  105. [105] 
    Michale wrote:

    Another good discussion would be the advisability of the Prime Directive in the United Federation Of Planets...

    Also, ask me how I can prove that STAR TREK ENTERPRISE actually takes place in the mirror universe...

  106. [106] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Which JB album would you suggest I buy, if I were to buy just one?

    I'm Alive or The Best Of (not The Very Best Of).

  107. [107] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Are all the important ones from I'm Alive on the Best of? I'll probably opt for the Best of ... I like compilations.

  108. [108] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Of course, I'm Alive is actually an album, so it's actually my recommendation. It's thematically cohesive (a concept album!).

  109. [109] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I thought the music stuff was on Sunday??? If music stuff is going to intrude on the political during the week, then political stuff can intrude on the music on Sundays...

    N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-No! Don't you even go there. We're just listing some favourite albums here not singing and dancing.

    Bring some Styx tunes on Sunday!

  110. [110] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I figured you might want to go that way. I don't like compilations. They never compile my favs. I like to burn my own discs for that. The Best Of only has one song from I'm Alive.

  111. [111] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Hotel California is one of my favourite albums. The Eagles are set to do their Hotel California tour next year, barring any obstacles.

  112. [112] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    The Best Of only has one song from I'm Alive.

    Well, that presents a dilemma, then ...

  113. [113] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I don't like compilations. They never compile my favs.

    That's true, actually.

  114. [114] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    So, while Trump is hurling Chinese diplomats out, his company is importing tons of furniture from China to festoon his gaudy hostels. Also on the docket, Trump's jaw-droppingly egregious attempt to sway the British open to his third-rate Scottish club. Like the British Open could ever be held at such dive.

    I notice also that no-one seems to care about this obvious corruption, and I suspect more instances of Trump trying to feather his nest coming to light as election day approaches.


  115. [115] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    There is so much corruption and the like with him, one must prioritize.

  116. [116] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    That is a good album, but I think they're really stretching it to call themselves the Eagles these days.

  117. [117] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I notice also that no-one seems to care about this obvious corruption

    Somebody ratted on him.

  118. [118] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Hey, groups change all the time. Take Styx, for example. And, Prism, for another.

    The important thing is that the Eagles still sound great. When you've got Don Henley, you've got a lot!

  119. [119] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Not to take anything away from Timothy and Joe and Deacon Frey ... the Eagles are still the Eagles, flyin' high.

  120. [120] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    ... and Vince Gill. too.

  121. [121] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, besides, Glenn is always right there.

  122. [122] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I'm looking at liner notes and Henley does appear on I'm Alive.

  123. [123] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Well, then, I'm Alive it is!

    I almost forgot, I heard on my favourite classic rock station this morning that today is Don Henley's birthday!

  124. [124] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    Ringo Star...Happy eightieth.


  125. [125] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    If you are under age 70, the survival rate from covid is 99.96%...

    from which bodily orifice did you pull that statistical untruth?

  126. [126] 
    Michale wrote:

    from which bodily orifice did you pull that statistical untruth?

    The CDC...

    Left Wing propaganda site...

  127. [127] 
    Michale wrote:

    I noticed you ignore the fact that the CDC says that schools should be opened...

    Why do listen to the CDC only when it suits the political agenda???

  128. [128] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Okay, now I'm feeling bad that I left out Randy Meisner and Don Felder, both of whom I'll always remember as Eagles.

  129. [129] 
    Michale wrote:

    Of course, 'Nuck has no facts to support his hysterical anti-America BS..

    I noticed how none of ya'all condemned the gross and perverse sexist comments from Team Biden..

    Why is that???

    Silence = Agreement
    -The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party

  130. [130] 
    Michale wrote:

    Okay, now I'm feeling bad that I left out Randy Meisner and Don Felder, both of whom I'll always remember as Eagles.

    JD Souther

  131. [131] 
    Michale wrote:

    Joe Walsh

  132. [132] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    JD might be an honorary Eagle and I didn't forget about Joe. :)

  133. [133] 
    Michale wrote:

    JD wrote BEST OF MY LOVE, one of the Eagles BEST ballads and DOOLIN' DALTON

  134. [134] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Bernie L

  135. [135] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Okay, let's call him an Eagle. :)

  136. [136] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Oh, yes, Bernie, too!

  137. [137] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I'll have to revisit the History of the Eagles, Parts One and Two.

  138. [138] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Jackson Browne is an Eagle if JD is. I guess you're right about the tour. It doesn't matter who is on the stage as long as they get Big Money for tickets.

  139. [139] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    . . . and what about Jack Tempchin?

  140. [140] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    oh, they'll get big money for tickets alright... but it only matters that they can still rock and it still sounds fabulous.

    We're all Eagles, at heart. :)

  141. [141] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Is he related to Tim Minchin? HEH.

  142. [142] 
    James T Canuck wrote:
  143. [143] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I think he wrote Smuggler's Blues, no?

  144. [144] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Peaceful Easy Feeling and Already Gone

  145. [145] 
    James T Canuck wrote:


    Wanna try for Ghislaine Maxwell and what Trump lovingly said about her, or did you want to go 0-3.


  146. [146] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Peaceful Easy Feeling and Already Gone

    I must have known he wrote those two because they are my all-time favourite Eagles tunes, by far.

  147. [147] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    As I understand it, Lewis A. Lukens is the guy who ratted Trump out on the British Open grifting. Of course, he has been fired, but not for this. He apparently did a speech and said something mildly positive about BHO had done and that was it.

  148. [148] 
    Michale wrote:

    Facts for Michale, not that they mean anything to him...

    And how is that relevant to anything??

    Wanna try for Ghislaine Maxwell and what Trump lovingly said about her, or did you want to go 0-3.

    He wishes her good luck..

    Big deal.. How many nice things did Bill Clinton say about Jeffery Epstein when Bubba was traveling on the Lolita Express??

    That's yer problem, 'nuck.. You slam President Trump for things that you give Odumbo and the Dumbocrats a pass for..

    That makes you a ideological slave and a hypocrite...

    For example. You support the perverse sexist comments made by Team Biden...

    Yer scum of the earth...

    Live with it...

  149. [149] 
    Michale wrote:

    Fact check: Democrat's bill would increase taxes on firearms and ammunition

    The claim: H.R. 5717 would implement a 30% tax on all gun sales and 50% tax on all ammunition sales
    Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., introduced in January H.R. 5717, a bill that would strengthen measures to prevent gun violence. It has evoked mixed reactions from the public and moved to the forefront of conversation surrounding legislation not related to the coronavirus pandemic.

    A Facebook user made a post in late April calling the bill, known as the Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020, “tyranny.” The user said the bill “will add 30% tax on all guns and 50% tax on all ammo.”

    This is one of the reasons why Democrats will lose and lose big in Nov...

    Just 104 days away... :D

  150. [150] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Was that last bit really necessary?

  151. [151] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, don't ask what I'm talking about!

  152. [152] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Wanna try for Ghislaine Maxwell and what Trump lovingly said about her

    This is unacceptably obtuse for a woman accused of the most morally depraved of crimes, @realDonaldTrump. She needs to be severely punished… and justice must be served for the girls she abused. For ALL involved.

    — Chip Roy (R-TX)

  153. [153] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Wanna try for Ghislaine Maxwell and what Trump lovingly said about her

    She is despicable and he needs to say that.

    — Tim Burchett (R-TN)

  154. [154] 
    Michale wrote:

    Was that last bit really necessary?


    'Nuck is a jackass... He needs to be put in his place on a daily basis..

    Apparently, I am the man for the job.. :D

  155. [155] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Wanna try for Ghislaine Maxwell and what Trump lovingly said about her

    Personally, I'm cool with the orange one publicly wishing his partners in crime well. I don't see why these cancervatives have an issue with it.

  156. [156] 
    Michale wrote:

    So how come everyone here supports the gross and perverse sexist comments coming from Team Biden??

    I mean, as far as ya'all concerned, President Trump is responsible for EVERYTHING...

    Shouldn't ya'all be condemning Biden for those gross and disgusting sexist comments??

    Funny how no one has the balls to address this.. :D

    I always know when I have a crushing argument that totally decimates ya'all's position..



  157. [157] 
    Michale wrote:


    Personally, I'm cool with the orange one publicly wishing his partners in crime well.

    I am sure that you will address the name-calling as fervently as ya do when I say Odumbo... :D

  158. [158] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Interesting Jackson Browne factoid: when he was 17, he was working with Nico and Andy Warhol.

  159. [159] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, I'll say one thing..

    No one better bitch at me for off topic comments.. :D

  160. [160] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Big Orange usually puts on an entirely unconvincing "I never heard of her" act when confronted with his unsavory connections to unsavory cretins. It was telling that he blew Ghislaine a kiss. Prince Andrew can breathe easy. She won't have to squeal on them.

  161. [161] 
    Michale wrote:

    It was telling that he blew Ghislaine a kiss. Prince Andrew can breathe easy. She won't have to squeal on them.

    Again, your facts to support are NON-EXISTENT....

    'Sides.. What do you care?? You LOVE Team Biden's gross and perverse sexist comments..

    Obviously yer a big fan of whats-er-name as well..

  162. [162] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    The anti-maskers are performing their anti-American loose screw tirades in Wal*Marts and Home Depots across the country. The vids are awesome! Who knew that being anti-patriotic traitors was such a thrill for Trumpthugs? I suppose the rebel flag fetish was a tell.

    I take responsibility always for everything – The Donald

  163. [163] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Well, just to be clear, I did not say what is in italics in [160].

    As for you, Michale, you can call Obama whatever you want, it just doesn't bother me anymore because I won't let it.

    What I don't like is when you and other disrespect fellow Weigantians using the wonderful technique of juvenile name-calling. Critique our comments, not us!

  164. [164] 
    Michale wrote:

    As opposed to the anti-sciencers who want to harm America's children and keep them out of school??

    Face facts, JFC.. You Democrats are scum of the earth...

  165. [165] 
    Michale wrote:


    As for you, Michale, you can call Obama whatever you want, it just doesn't bother me anymore because I won't let it.

    Fair enough.. All I ask is for consistency.. If you condemn me for my comments than you must condemn others for similar comments..

    If you support the CDC when they say something you like to hear, then you must support the CDC when you disagree with them..


    What I don't like is when you and other disrespect fellow Weigantians using the wonderful technique of juvenile name-calling. Critique our comments, not us!

    Critique President Trump's actions, not what he says...

    See?? Consistency...

    Let's not forget that juvenile name-calling has become Weigantia's de-facto reason to exist...

    When one espouses hate and bigotry, one invariably attracts the haters and the bigots..

    But at least I still have you and JL. And, to a certain extent, CW... :D

    It makes it wearable...

  166. [166] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Boo hoo. Super wealthy inside trader Karen, I mean Kelly Leoffler (R-GA) is complaining that she’s been cancelled. Haha. You know, cancelled right into a senate seat where nobody voted for her. Poor her. Always the whiny snowflakes, these cancervatives.

    Maybe she’ll actually get cancelled in November.

  167. [167] 
    Michale wrote:

    Who said TV repair ain't dangerous??? :D

  168. [168] 
    Michale wrote:

    Maybe she’ll actually get cancelled in November.

    If you honestly believe that she could lose her election, you are stoopider than I thought..

    And THAT really says something...

  169. [169] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    "Face facts, JFC.. You Democrats are scum of the earth..."

    This from the guy who thinks the sun shines out of Trump's arse. The same guy who beseaches Americans to 'buy American' and quietly furnishes his seedy hotels with cheap Chinese knock-off furniture.

    This also from the man who bemoans gun violence yet refuses to sign any sane gun laws into law...Now there's some gratuitous hypocrisy, Republicans who murmer about gun violence and sit back and adopt a lost in translation stance everytime gun laws are mentioned.

    Trump might try growing a set of balls before he's frog-marched from The White House, it might be the difference between an humiliating landslide and a convincing loss in November.


  170. [170] 
    Michale wrote:

    This from the guy who thinks the sun shines out of Trump's arse. The same guy who beseaches Americans to 'buy American' and quietly furnishes his seedy hotels with cheap Chinese knock-off furniture.

    Once again, no facts to support.. I have called President Trump to the carpet when I think he is screwing up..

    Unlike scumbags like you who approve of gross and perverse sexist messages coming from Team Biden...

    This also from the man who bemoans gun violence yet refuses to sign any sane gun laws into law...

    Because NONE Of ya'all have COME UP with any SANE gun laws..

    ALL you have is WOULDN'T IT BE NICE laws that would not do a single thing to stop gun violence..

    And morons like you IGNORE all the gun violence committed by Democrats.. SO, it's YOU who are part and parcel to the problem of gun violence..

    Trump might try growing a set of balls before he's frog-marched from The White House, it might be the difference between an humiliating landslide and a convincing loss in November.

    Yea, you said the same thing in 2016... You said the same thing with your Russia Collusion Delusion... You said the same thing with Dumbocrats and their faux impeachment coup..

    Remind me how wrong you were again about ALL Of it??


    0 fer 3... :D


  171. [171] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's funny how you ignore all the gun violence coming from DEMOCRAT run cities..

    Obviously you don't give a shit how many kids get gunned down if it's DEMOCRATS who are responsible..


  172. [172] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump to expand DOJ's 'Operation Legend' to Chicago, Albuquerque amid unrest

    The president is expected to make the announcement during a "law and order" event Wednesday

    President Trump is gonna show the Dumbocrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party what REAL leadership is..

  173. [173] 
    Michale wrote:

    Whassamatter, 'Nuck??

    Why did ya run away...

    Can't handle the fact that your Dumbocrats are disgusting racists and misogynists and you can't defend them??


  174. [174] 
    Michale wrote:

    “Under no circumstances will I allow Donald Trump’s troops to come to Chicago and terrorize our residents,” Lightfoot tweeted Tuesday evening.

    You don't have any say in the matter you worthless bitch...

    You can't handle your city, President Trump is going to do it for you..

    Just sit down, shut up and let REAL leaders do your job for you...

  175. [175] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    Real, like the guy who 3 months into a pandemic decides it's politically expedient to don a face mask.

    No one can take anymore of that species of leadership.


  176. [176] 
    Michale wrote:

    Real, like the guy who 3 months into a pandemic decides it's politically expedient to don a face mask.

    It took the CDC 6 months to decide that masks were appropriate..

    What else do you expect from a DISEASE center that wants to study Gun Control..

    I noticed you are still approving of Team Biden's gross and perverse sexist comments..

    Why is that?? Why do you hate women so much??

    I mean, you obviously never married...

    Sick 'nuck...

  177. [177] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    What Trump and his bone-idle enablers in the senate know about leading could be written in detail on the back of a postage stamp.

    Two full years the GOP had with all three branches of power at their disposal and all they managed was to cut the taxes of the wealthy, and Michale has talked himself into believing they deserve another mandate, there's your leaders...corrupt rabble will be lucky they're not flung in jail, let alone deposed from power.

    Leadership, what a pile of idiotic bs.


  178. [178] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's obvious that Democrats can't handle crime and violence in their cities..

    Hell, the majority of the time, they SUPPORT crime and cop-killings and gun violence..

  179. [179] 
    Michale wrote:

    Two full years the GOP had with all three branches of power at their disposal and all they managed was to cut the taxes of the wealthy, and Michale has talked himself into believing they deserve another mandate, there's your leaders...corrupt rabble will be lucky they're not flung in jail, let alone deposed from power.

    And yer Dumbocrats had all branches of government AND a filibuster proof majority and they couldn't do squat..

    It's an undeniable FACT that President Trump has done more for black Americans in his first 2 years in office than Democrats did in 4 DECADES!!!!

    And you STILL support Team Biden and their gross and perverse sexism..

    Why is that, 'Nuck... Why do you hate women so much???

    Is it because you can never get a date???

  180. [180] 
    Michale wrote:

    Why do you support sexism and misogyny, 'Nuck???

    Why are you such a scumbag that you support Team Biden's sexist bullshit???

    Answer the question..

    You can't..

    Cuz yer a douche...

  181. [181] 
    Michale wrote:

    Silence Gives Assent
    -The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party

    That is why everyone here is silent on the gross and perverse sexism from Team Biden...

  182. [182] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Nice guys finish last because they make sure their girl comes first."
    -Biden Campaign

  183. [183] 
    Michale wrote:

    "It's unattractive when a girl doesn't act classy & does not know how to control her feelings."
    -Joe Biden

    No condemnation, 'Nuck???

    How come??

    You agree with Joe Biden, that's why...

  184. [184] 
    Michale wrote:

    Michale seems to think his trumpetting of Trump in some fashion innoculates him and his fellow lemmings from the galloping sexism that flies daily in Trumpland.

    Funny how you condemn President Trump for alleged sexism, but ignore Joe Biden's blatant and well documented sexism..

    Textbook definition of a scumbag...

    I get it, 'nuck.. You hate women..

    But quit being such a hypocrite about it...

  185. [185] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let me ask a question... If black lives TRULY matter to Black Lies Matter, why is it that 96% of all black American deaths in this country per year are caused by other black Americans..

    .08% of all black deaths in America per year are caused by cops...

    Let's plug those values into real numbers..

    Assume a death count of 10,000 black Americans per year. Not an unreasonable number...

    Out of that 10,000 black American deaths, 96% are caused by other black Americans.. .08% of those deaths are caused by cops..

    So.... 9,600 black American deaths are caused by black Americans..

    8.... **EIGHT** black American dead are caused by cops...

    Now... Do you see why it's hard for ANYONE to believe that black lives really matter to Black Lies Matter???

    Don't EVEN get me started about the abortion rate amongst blacks...

    So, to sump it all up...

    The FACTS clearly show that black lives DON'T matter to Black Lies Matter at all....

    Why is it that no one here can address this???

    Because ya'all know that the FACTS are clear...

    Which is why 40% of black Americans support President Trump...

  186. [186] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK Dominoes Pizza Delivered! :D

    Signing off for the day..

    I'll be back to kick ya'all's asses up and down Weigantia again tomorrow..

    And I'll wager 20,000 Quatloos that NO ONE will condemn Biden & Team for the gross and perverted sexist comments coming out of the Biden campaign team...

    Silence = Consent
    -The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party

    Ni ni all.. :D

  187. [187] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I noticed you ignore the fact that the CDC says that schools should be opened...

    provide some evidence that such a fact exists from the actual scientists at the CDC (not a political appointee making recommendations contrary to the career professionals working under them, as in sharpie-gate), and then i'll consider it. as of this moment it's an incomplete and unsubstantiated claim.

    still waiting on evidence that either of your claims has any basis whatsoever in fact. i won't wait up.

    the closest CDC information i could find to what you're claiming is here:

    and that does NOT state "schools should be opened." it states, It is important to check with state and local health officials and other partners to determine the most appropriate actions while adjusting to meet the unique needs and circumstances of the local community.

  188. [188] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    It is important to check with state and local health officials and other partners to determine the most appropriate actions while adjusting to meet the unique needs and circumstances of the local community.

    This is why Michale’s claims that Trump demanding all schools open in the Fall is the CDC’s position on the matter... which is utter BS! It should be up to each community to determine if it is safe for schools to reopen.

    Guess what? In many communities across this country, there are school systems where it might be safe to open... and they are going to open — not because Trump wants them to so he can say if it’s safe for kids to go back to school, it’s safe enough for Trump to hold his, “I need you to tell me I am great!” rallies — but because it is safe to open their schools!

    Plus, it’s hilarious that the Party that has for decades been screaming how home schooling was every bit as good as sending kids to public school suddenly is claiming that it will forever damage their fragile minds if kids are taught from home.

  189. [189] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    If you support the CDC when they say something you like to hear, then you must support the CDC when you disagree with them..


    that reasoning is insane. we're not permitted to agree with an expert on one issue and disagree with the same expert on a different, unrelated issue?

    if the CDC says something i agree with, perhaps i'll cite their statement

    (by the way, i'll quote the actual statement, not paraphrase my own opinion),

    and i'll say it's an example of good judgment. if it says something i disagree with, perhaps i'll express my disappointment with the statement and suggest an alternative that i think is better.

    it's not inconsistent on my part to sometimes agree and sometimes disagree, on different issues. it would only be inconsistent if the two issues were so nearly identical that i contradicted myself. then you could quote my two statements on the topic and show side-by-side how i can't get my thoughts in order.

    donald on covid, for example, goes back and forth between calling it "the worst thing the country has probably ever seen." and saying "It's going to disappear, and I'll be right,"

    well, i guess that's one way to be right, if you take every possible position on an issue then one of those positions is bound to be right eventually.

  190. [190] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    I almost forgot, I heard on my favourite classic rock station this morning that today is Don Henley's birthday!

    Yes, ma'am. He is 73 today. Not just a great musician but also a great guy. He's from Linden, Texas, and has lived in Dallas since around the mid '90s (his wife is from Dallas).

    He recently single-handedly raised around $100,000 for the North Texas Food Bank which got overloaded due to COVID-19 and the fallout from all the layoffs, of course. They'd called for reinforcements of money and volunteers and got both.

    Don Henley is what Don Harris would refer to as a Big Money Democrat here in North Texas. He's given generously to the cause of flipping Texas Blue and has been doing so for a long, long time.

    Just thought you might be interested to know that. :)

  191. [191] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    That doesn't surprise me about Henley. He is most definitely one of the good guys.

    I'd like to see Biden asking him to get on board and using some of his songs ...

  192. [192] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's funny...

    Participation in commentary threads seems to dry up when I sign off for the night..

    This has been happening quite a lot lately.. :D

    Apparently, things aren't fun if I am not around.. :D

  193. [193] 
    Kick wrote:


    It's funny...

    Participation in commentary threads seems to dry up when I sign off for the night..

    There is almost always a new column up shortly after you leave. One would think that after years of this shit you wouldn't have to be informed about that dynamic on this board, but you're slow on the uptake as well as infinitely delusional.

    This has been happening quite a lot lately.. :D

    There were multiple comments posted on the thread after you left and also a new column up with a shitload of comments there.

    It's painfully obvious you're grasping for some kind of validating sign to soothe your needy lack of self-worth, and then there's the issue of your ever-present attention seeking behavior. Seek professional help.

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