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Democrats Should Demand This Easy Fix

[ Posted Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020 – 16:45 UTC ]

New York's recent primary election uncovered a problem with mail-in voting that (thankfully) has a very easy fix. Democrats in Congress who are now just beginning negotiations with Senate Republicans and the White House over the next coronavirus relief bill should take note of this problem and proactively fix it -- not just for New York, but for all the states. Thankfully, unlike a lot of voting problems, the fix for this one comes relatively cheap. In a bill whose total cost will likely be between $1 trillion and $3 trillion, fixing this problem is no more than the equivalent of finding some spare change in the couch cushions. So it really shouldn't even be all that hard to achieve.

There's really no blame at all for what happened -- ironically, the problem in New York arose because the state actually proactively did the right thing. Voting rights groups have listed several criteria for how to properly and fairly institute mail-in voting, and one of these is "provide pre-paid postage." In other words, even the cost of a stamp should not be a barrier for voters to have to overcome. The return envelope should already be paid for, so anyone can just easily drop it in the mail. To its credit, New York did so. Many other states have not taken this step yet, putting New York at the forefront of providing easy mail-in voting for its citizens in this regard.

However, an unforeseen problem developed, through nobody's real fault at all. The envelopes were marked as "business reply mail" up in the corner where a stamp usually goes. This is a longstanding method for businesses to provide pre-paid postage, which usually works out just fine for everyone. This time, however, it didn't. The post office normally doesn't bother to postmark such mail (which saves them time and money in the sorting and processing facilities). However, New York -- like many states -- has voting laws which specifically state that a mail-in ballot has to be postmarked by the date of the election. Because thousands of New York ballots were not in fact postmarked, they were not counted.

Again, there's really no blame here. This was a confluence of events with no nefarious objective, even though the end result was nefarious enough (people's votes not being counted for a technical reason that was completely out of their control). The state tried to do the right thing, but postal procedures got in the way.

Since primaries are a trial run for the general election, it is important that the lesson be learned now, and that House Democrats fix the problem for everyone before November. Luckily, there's a fairly cheap way to do so: put an actual stamp on the return envelopes. Congress should foot the bill for this for every state, so that there are no complaints about the costs of doing so from anybody.

How much would this cost? Let's break it down. In 2016 fewer than 140 million people voted for president. Since we're setting a budget, however, let's be more generous (to avoid the money running out at the last minute or anything like that) and assume that 200 million people will vote this time around. The total will be nowhere close to that, of course, but for budgeting reasons let's assume the highest number possible.

A first-class stamp from the United States Post Office costs 55 cents. If the letter is two ounces, it costs 70 cents to mail it. Since some ballots are heavy (printed on stiff card stock), let's generously assume that they'll all weigh three ounces, which costs 85 cents to mail.

Now we can do the math. $0.85 times 200,000,000 equals $170,000,000.00. This represents the highest possible cost to provide a physical stamp for a mail-in ballot for every voter in America. But while $170 million sounds like a lot of money, please remember that the bill Congress is arguing over will cost -- at the very least -- one trillion dollars. So providing postage for all voters would only represent 0.017 percent of the smallest total for the bill. This is not just less than one percent, not just less than one-tenth of one percent, this would cost under two-one-hundredths of one percent of the total bill. In other words, pocket change found in the couch cushions.

Some might balk at spending this money. Some might suggest that the post office should change its procedures for what are obviously ballot envelopes. But why bother putting the onus on them, when it would be so cheap to fix otherwise? Putting a stamp on the return envelopes would mean the post office wouldn't have to update its procedures or its machinery (either one of which might cost a lot of money to do). Providing a physical stamp avoids this problem entirely.

Please remember that the total I came up with here is going to be far beyond the maximum of what this would actually cost in the real world. In the first place, it is almost certain that the total votes cast in the 2020 election will be no more than 150 million. That right there would reduce the total cost by one-quarter. Secondly, not everyone will be voting by mail. While some states will indeed be mailing a ballot to every registered voter, other states will not. Most will require voters to proactively request a mail-in ballot, even where the voters don't have to provide any reason for doing so. But, of course, not every voter will do so. And a few states have very strict requirements to even be allowed a mail-in ballot, and they have so far refused to change their laws to adapt to the pandemic emergency. One of these is Texas, which is second in population of any state. Meaning there will be a whole bunch of voters who don't even have the real option of voting by mail. Democrats are already trying to correct this in the same bill, by forcing the states to make mail-in voting universal. But this is not guaranteed to make it into the final bill.

Add all of these together and you can see that the total mail-in ballot cost won't be anywhere near even the paltry amount I've budgeted for. If the universal mail-in ballot provision doesn't make it into the final bill, it will mean that the possible universe of 2020 mail-in ballots will be far fewer than the number I've used here -- perhaps half of it, or even less. That would reduce the realistic cost to under $100 million. When speaking of federal budgets, this is truly peanuts. And yet this would fix a possible problem in electing our next president -- a problem that has already surfaced in the primaries. So it would be worth every penny.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


178 Comments on “Democrats Should Demand This Easy Fix”

  1. [1] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Technical note to LizM and Kick -

    I think my auto-filter doesn't like the word "c.a.s.i.n.o"...

    Your innocuous discussion of Bond flicks has been restored. My apologies for the hassles... I'd suggest just putting a space somewhere in the word from now on -- that will likely avoid the problem.

    Mea culpa.


  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Oh, no! Posts in quadruplicate times two. Yikes!

    Kick actually figured that out, you know. :)

  3. [3] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    Doesn't this apparently elegant and cheap solution run into the very small problem that the Republican Party doesn't want to make mail-in voting easier or more affordable or more glitch-free?

    Your essay focuses on a technical solution, but ignores the politics, in the best goo-goo manner.

    As for the maximum of $170M being a drop in the bucket, or a coin under the cushions, I'm sure the line out the back door of the Capitol right now, comprising all the lobbyists who want $170M put into the next relief bill for their clients because "it's just a coin under the cushions", is stretching to Maryland, if not Pennsylvania. Again, it's not untrue, but it's an immaterial argument in terms of actually getting this to happen; as the phrase goes, 'get in line'.

    For this to happen, as I see it, the Dems have to make this a deal-breaker during the House-Senate conference committee to reconcile the two relief bills. No stamps on the envelopes, no unemployment relief for tens of millions (and no liability relief for businesses). Will the Dems do that,to maximize the mail-in vote in November? Not should they - but will they?

  4. [4] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I said something about ca-sin-0 nation years ago and got disappeared.

  5. [5] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Well, now you know why.

  6. [6] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Some might balk at spending this money.

    Some like the Orange Swamp Thing who envy hates Bezos and is willing to destroy the USPS because they deliver the packages that Amazon pays them to deliver?

  7. [7] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    400 pound wanna-be cop in a double wide wrote,

    That's why overwhemingly 40% of black American support President Trump...

    Really? All talk but no walk it's time to put up or shut up:

    Black vote (BV) for Trump:

    BV over 50% MC pays CW $200

    BV over 40% MC pays $150

    BV over 33% MC pays $100

    BV over 25% MC pays $50

    BV UNDER 25% Michale pays $50

    BV under 20% Michale pays $100

    BV under 15% Michale pays $150

    BV under 8%** Michale pays $200

    To quote John M, with whom you also undoubtedly chickened out:

    As pointed out by C.W. ONLY EXIT POLLING gives that kind of racial breakdown. So if you accept it based on an average of exit polling data by all networks: NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC then you have a DEAL.

    You willing to accept those terms, Michale???

    So, you want to accept the wager or not???

    Well? Do ya, coward?
    - Dirty Harry

    Action talks and bullshit. And tell your racist wanna-be cop buddy George Zimmerman to go fuck himself.

  8. [8] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Action talks and bullshit walks.

  9. [9] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    My all-time fave album is

    The Lies Down on Broadway

    -Peter Gabriel era Genesis

    I remember taking acid for the first time and listening to it over and over.

  10. [10] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Bring some of those tune Sunday night.

  11. [11] 
    Kick wrote:


    Your innocuous discussion of Bond flicks has been restored. My apologies for the hassles... I'd suggest just putting a space somewhere in the word from now on -- that will likely avoid the problem.

    Innocuous? Is that supposed to offend us!? ;)

    No apologies. Me and EM figured out the culprit the minute it ate my short post containing a 4-word answer to her: It was either Daniel, Craig, Cas_ino or Royale. Problem solved.

  12. [12] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Oh, no! Posts in quadruplicate times two. Yikes!

    Kick actually figured that out, you know. :)

    I went back and looked. *OMG* Now I know what you were going through that night; no wonder you kept asking for booze! You just weren't giving up, were you!?

    I left you a message on the prior page. I know how much you like that. Heh. :)

  13. [13] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Innocuous? Is that supposed to offend us!? ;)

    Ha! I thought the very same thing. Innocuous? Is that what that was? Innocuous!? Please ...

  14. [14] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Yeah, it was a tough night. Ahem.

  15. [15] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Trump is the first racist prez? What is Biden talking about? He should have stayed in the basement if that's the best he can do.

  16. [16] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Maybe he meant first openly racist president ... hmmmm, well, I don't know what he meant ...

  17. [17] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    First openly racist president in the modern era?

  18. [18] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Grampa is confused.

  19. [19] 
    John M wrote:

    [7] MtnCaddy wrote:

    "To quote John M, with whom you also undoubtedly chickened out:

    As pointed out by C.W. ONLY EXIT POLLING gives that kind of racial breakdown. So if you accept it based on an average of exit polling data by all networks: NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC then you have a DEAL.

    You willing to accept those terms, Michale???

    So, you want to accept the wager or not???

    Well? Do ya, coward?
    - Dirty Harry"

    In response to a much earlier question, Michale in fact did ultimately decline the bet, saying to the effect that because of the constraints C.W. had placed upon him, he could not accept.

  20. [20] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Those fishing buddies who got murdered in Florida didn't deserve their fate any more than all those old people that the GOP is sacrifing to to Dear Leader and the Trump Virus. Why is that state so out of control?

  21. [21] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    They're stacking bodies in refrigerated trucks in Texas. They'd better not have a hurricane. Why is that state so out of control?

  22. [22] 
    John M wrote:

    [10] Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    "Bring some of those tune Sunday night."

    Apologies in advance for a late response to old business, but just wanted to share something more fun.

    Sorry I missed Sunday night. Looked like it was fun. One of my favorite albums is Cher's "Believe" album. Another is "Aquarium" by the Danish group Aqua. You might know and remember them from years ago over their conflict with the toy maker Mattel regarding their hit "Barbie Girl."

    It would be hard for me to pick just one Bond song. I like several: Goldfinger, Live and Let Die, Diamonds Are Forever and For Your Eyes Only.

  23. [23] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Today when Drumpf cut his propaganda dump short and ran away from the reporters, he showed more evidence of having had a stroke. As he stepped off the stage (one step), he grabbed the wall. Having survived a stroke, I can tell you that just touching the wall helps.

  24. [24] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    John M wrote,

    In response to a much earlier question, Michale in fact did ultimately decline the bet, saying to the effect that because of the constraints C.W. had placed upon him, he could not accept.

    Yep, what a He-Man Superhero this rube is. If he wasn't so unsure of himself he'd jump all over the action I've offered him. Effing troll is just like effing Cheetogod -- all talk and no walk.

  25. [25] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    This past Sunday could have been inordinately more fun if you were there!

    It doesn't get much better than Goldfinger.

    I like Cher - especially her performance in Moonstruck and a lot of her songs, too.

    Hope to see you this coming Sunday night!

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:



    provide some evidence that such a fact exists from the actual scientists at the CDC (not a political appointee making recommendations contrary to the career professionals working under them, as in sharpie-gate), and then i'll consider it. as of this moment it's an incomplete and unsubstantiated claim.

    Even though I already provided substantiation, I am going to need more..

    If I provide the facts and they are as I state they are (CDC stating that it's more harmful to children to keep schools closed) that you will agree that schools need to be opened..

    Balls in yer court..

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:


    This is why Michale’s claims that Trump demanding all schools open in the Fall is the CDC’s position on the matter... which is utter BS! It should be up to each community to determine if it is safe for schools to reopen.

    And yet, the FACTS say otherwise..

    I'll offer you the same arrangement I offered JL.

    Put up or shut up, douche...

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:



    that reasoning is insane. we're not permitted to agree with an expert on one issue and disagree with the same expert on a different, unrelated issue?

    Not insane at all.

    When you people make grandiose claims about adhering to an over-arching concept like "Science" and then back-pedal and hem and haw when the SCIENCE disagrees with the political agenda, that is not consistent.. It is unacceptable.. It is hypocrisy..

    Like when ya'all supported the claim that ALL WOMEN ARE TO BE BELIEVED and then back-pedaled on that belief when it became politically inconvenient..

    Same concept..

    If ALL women are to be believed, then it shouldn't matter if it's against a Democrat or a Republican..

    If ya'all adhere to "SCIENCE" for the global warming con than you should adhere to SCIENCE for the schools open issue...

    If ya'all don't, then ya'all, BY DEFINITION, are not being consistent..

    Do you see the logic??

    if the CDC says something i agree with, perhaps i'll cite their statement

    (by the way, i'll quote the actual statement, not paraphrase my own opinion),

    As did I... Don't blame me because you missed it..

    it's not inconsistent on my part to sometimes agree and sometimes disagree, on different issues. it would only be inconsistent if the two issues were so nearly identical that i contradicted myself. then you could quote my two statements on the topic and show side-by-side how i can't get my thoughts in order.

    Yes it IS inconsistent when ya'all make statements that you are people who ONLY listen to science..

    As is apparent in this case, the science says something that doesn't mesh with the political agenda so you ignore the science...

    Just like ya'all made statements, either by commission or omission, in support of ALL WOMEN ARE TO BE BELIEVED but then discarded that belief when it became politically troublesome to support..

    donald on covid, for example, goes back and forth between calling it "the worst thing the country has probably ever seen." and saying "It's going to disappear, and I'll be right,"


    If yer gonna complain about Presidential political bullshit and self-aggrandizing statements, you should be... what's the word again???.... CONSISTENT and complain about them whenever they occur... Not just when the occur with a GOP POTUS...

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:


    I have been noticing a trend of late..

    Participation in commentary threads seems to dry up when I sign off for the night..

    Apparently, I am the wind beneath ya'all's wings... :D


  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    New York's recent primary election uncovered a problem with mail-in voting that (thankfully) has a very easy fix.

    Ahhhh so NOW the "perfect" voting process has a few problems, eh?? :D

    "Well, looks like the driven snow has a few tire tracks thru it.."
    -Janet Wood, THREES COMPANY

    As an aside to our linguistic expert..

    Shouldn't that be THREE'S COMPANY.. On one hand, it could be saying THREE IS COMPANY and therefore the apostrophe is needed.. On the other hand it could be saying THREES COMPANY as in the plural of THREE.. Therefore no apostrophe... Right???

    "On with the countdown.."
    -Kasey Kasem, AMERICA'S TOP 40

    In a bill whose total cost will likely be between $1 trillion and $3 trillion,

    Cheap???? :D hehehehehehehe What's a couple trillion amongst friends, eh? :D

    Again, there's really no blame here. This was a confluence of events with no nefarious objective, even though the end result was nefarious enough (people's votes not being counted for a technical reason that was completely out of their control). The state tried to do the right thing, but postal procedures got in the way.

    Of course there is blame.. Dumbocrats in New York didn't forsee all the possibilities..

    They frak'ed up..

    You can bet that if President Trump had screwed up in the same manner, ya'all would be crucifying him.. You know it's factually accurate...

    It's just another indication that ya'all refuse to hold the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party accountable when they frak up...

    Ya'all really need to face reality.. Mail In Voting will NOT be a thing...

    As has been PROVEN in New Jersey and now New York... It's NOT ready for prime time...

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    You are breaking wind beneath the wings.

    There. Fixed it for you :D

    Well whatever is uplifting for ya'all.. :D

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:


    Admitted Troll says "blaaa blaaaa blaaaa blaaaaa"

    and continues to troll....

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:


    First openly racist president in the modern era?

    And your facts to support this bullshit claim are... what exactly???

    I have already put this bullshit claim to rest.. Ya'all have NO facts that prove President Trump is racist..


  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:


    Sorry I missed Sunday night. Looked like it was fun. One of my favorite albums is Cher's "Believe" album. Another is "Aquarium" by the Danish group Aqua.

    THAT explains a LOT.... :D

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yep, what a He-Man Superhero this rube is. If he wasn't so unsure of himself he'd jump all over the action I've offered him. Effing troll is just like effing Cheetogod -- all talk and no walk.

    And yet, I have you Jonesin' on a DAILY oft times HOURLY basis.. :D

    Funny how that is, eh?? :D

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    And in other news..

    Portland mayor tear-gassed by federal agents, riot declared

    Wheeler had joined protesters downtown earlier in the evening for a listening session

    A riot was declared in Portland just after midnight Thursday morning after Mayor Ted Wheeler’s tense visit with protesters-- where he was booed, told to resign, given a list of demands and tear-gassed by federal agents.

    His visit ended with his security detail engaging in a struggle with protesters late Wednesday night as they worked to get the mayor to safety, a report said.


    Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter attack Democrat Portland Mayor...

    And you people HONESTLY believe that sane patriotic Americans are going to VOTE for that???

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    Joe Biden calls Trump the country’s ‘first’ racist president

    If true, then Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter morons have NO CAUSE to remove statues of Washington and Jefferson et al...

    More likely, it's simply a case of Joe Biden being Joe Biden and sticking his foot in his mouth up to his knee...

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    Whether or not Trump is racist, he uses it to motivate those that are to vote for him.

    Factually not accurate..

    In fact, the FACTS clearly show that President Trump has done more for black Americans in 2 years than the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party has done in 4 decades..

    Funny how no one can address this FACT...

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya'all are confusing patriotism with racism...

    Not surprising considering ya'all's support for the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party..

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:


    Ya'all have been inconsistent in another area as well..

    Ya'all don't support school openings but ya'all DO support massive protests with thousands of people..

    So, basically, it's perfectly acceptable for thousands of people to pack together and cheer about killing cops...

    But it's NOT acceptable to get children back into school before their lives are irrevocably ruined, even though the fact that children are all but immune is established fact...

    VERY inconsistent there, don'tcha think???

  41. [41] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Settle down, Michale, Don's comment was funny and you, my friend, have lost your sense of humour. Better find it before Sunday. :)

  42. [42] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    And your facts to support this bullshit claim are... what exactly???

    It was an opinion. Am I allowed to have one of those around here?

    "Take a break. You don't have to be a prick every day of your life, you know."

  43. [43] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    nobody is going to agree a priori to hold any information you provide as gospel as a precondition of you even providing it. either substantiate your claim with a quotation for me to scrutinize, or don't.

    since it's highly unlikely any quote you might provide would be from someone who knows more about education than i do, i'll presume there is no substance whatsoever to your claims until and unless you prove otherwise.

    thank you, come again!
    ~harold and kumar go to white castle


  44. [44] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


  45. [45] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Ya'all have been inconsistent in another area as well..

    Ya'all don't support school openings but ya'all DO support massive protests with thousands of people..

    this is actually true. the reasons behind the protests may be valid, but holding mass protests when we ought to be socially distancing is not all that bright.

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Systemic Racism Trap

    Is America a deeply racist society, whose very institutions perpetuate the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow? Unfortunately, to answer “No” -- even a qualified “No” -- is becoming harder by the day. Since the horrific killing of George Floyd, millions have taken to the streets to protest not just police violence but to insist that systemic racism infects everything, everywhere in the lives of African Americans and others of color.

    Let's be clear and factually accurate.. George Floyd's death wasn't "horrific".. It was run o the mill police work... And it's easy to prove this as fact..

    If George Floyd had been white, NO ONE would have said a word about it.. Officer Chauvin would have written his report, gone out for a beer or 8 after work and then gone home for the night...

    If Floyd's death wasn't any big deal if Floyd was white, then logic demands that Floyd's death wasn't any big deal when he is black.. Anything less is racism...

    It's funny how the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party is ALWAYS, in these kinds of incidents, judging black Americans by the color of their skin and not the strength (or in this case, lack thereof) of his character...

    This is simply going to go the way of the Michael Brown/Darren Wilson incident..

    Totally BS charges to appease the racist mob.. Then a quiet dismissal of all charges a couple months down the road...

  47. [47] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Well, it's not completely true.

    I think most of us support school opening where the virus is under control and it is safe to do so.

    As for protests and rallies where thousands congregate in super spreading events during a pandemic and where the virus is most definitely not under any semblance of control, well, that's just crazy. It all points to a failure of imagination.

  48. [48] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    three's company has an apostrophe because it's a contraction of "three IS company"

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    If blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately more likely than whites to be shot by police, live in poverty, have higher unemployment rates, or die from COVID-19, racism must play a primary role -- or so the narrative widely repeated on the streets and in the media goes. To suggest that these statistical snapshots of complicated problems do not lend themselves to easy conclusions is heresy. Already, some academics have been ostracized and others persuaded to withdraw legitimate research that provided a more nuanced analysis of police violence. To even question whether systemic racism and white privilege are pervasive today risks being mistaken for a racist or deemed hopelessly ignorant. But the story of race in America is both more difficult and complex and attempts to eradicate all disparities are likely to lead to bad fixes that end up doing real harm.

    And another example of ya'all ignoring the SCIENCE in favor of the hysterical Party agenda...

    Institutionalized/systemic racism is virtually dead in this country.. It died the day we elected a black American has POTUS.. A black American that I voted for, incidentally...

    The ONLY remnants of institutionalized/systemic racism left in this country is Affirmative Action and The Democrat Party...

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed."
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    three's company has an apostrophe because it's a contraction of "three IS company"

    Ahhh... I don't remember there ever being an apostrophe in the title screen of the show..

    It has been a while however... So...

  51. [51] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    it may not be true of everybody, but i'm sure there is a fair percentage who support giant gatherings of protesters who are not socially distanced, yet accept the reality that school ought to be kept mostly online for now. if we're going to get out of this pandemic, public health has to come first in both cases, not just the one that's easier politically.


  52. [52] 
    Michale wrote:


    I think most of us support school opening where the virus is under control and it is safe to do so.

    Demanding impossible requirements is simply another form of Party agenda..

    SCIENCE has said that this could go on thru 2023...

    Are you proposing keeping schools closed til then???

    The SCIENCE has stated that children are virtually immune to covid.. There is NO logical or rational reason to keep schools closed..

    It only serves a political agenda to keep schools closed and harm the US Economy...

    If a teacher is willing to take a bullet for a single child, then they should be willing to risk feeling bad for a day or so for an entire classroom of children..

    Wouldn't you agree???

    As for protests and rallies where thousands congregate in super spreading events during a pandemic and where the virus is most definitely not under any semblance of control, well, that's just crazy. It all points to a failure of imagination.

    And yet, compare the number of times you condemned President Trump and his rallies and such and the number of time you condemned the protests..

    If you think that having and encouraging protests is crazy, why not speak up about it???

    That's the problem with everyone here.. Ya'all aren't shy about condemning President Trump at the drop of a dime...

    But when it comes to condemning Democrats, ya'all are strangely silent..

    Where is the logic??

    For example.. STILL no one has condemned the gross and perverse sexist comments coming from Team Biden..

    If that was Team President Trump ya'all would be all over it like white on rice...

    Yet, not a SINGLE condemnation from ANYONE?? Hell, I bet there won't be a MDDOTW awarded this week.. You watch...

    Again... Ya'all are NOT being consistent..

    With morons like MC, Russ, 'Nuck et al, that's to be expected.. But ya'all are Weigantian Founders...

    Ya'all should set the standard...

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    it may not be true of everybody, but i'm sure there is a fair percentage who support giant gatherings of protesters who are not socially distanced, yet accept the reality that school ought to be kept mostly online for now. if we're going to get out of this pandemic, public health has to come first in both cases, not just the one that's easier politically.

    Thank you...

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:

    this is actually true. the reasons behind the protests may be valid, but holding mass protests when we ought to be socially distancing is not all that bright.


  55. [55] 
    Michale wrote:

    since it's highly unlikely any quote you might provide would be from someone who knows more about education than i do, i'll presume there is no substance whatsoever to your claims until and unless you prove otherwise.

    You may presume all you want..

    Doesn't make you right.. :D

    “Having the schools actually closed is a greater health threat to the children than having them open.”
    -Director, Center For Disease & Gun Control

    If the HEAD CD&GC says that having schools closed is MORE harmful to kids than having them opened, then, if you were consistent, you would have to agree...

    And if you accept that the CDC can be an authority on gun violence, then you must accept that the CDC can be an expert on what's best for children, education wise..

    You yourself have conceded that the home-schooling in effect now is NOT beneficial to the children...

    So, we have the FACT that closing schools is harming the children and we have the FACT that children are virtually immune to covid..

    Clearly, if you ignore the political, then the ONLY rational and logical conclusion is to open schools..

  56. [56] 
    nypoet22 wrote:
  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    It was an opinion. Am I allowed to have one of those around here?

    Yes you are.. It's just more preferable that it be backed up by FACTS and not hatred...

    "Take a break. You don't have to be a prick every day of your life, you know."

    "Mayburn!! You are an ASS every day of the week!! Couldn't you just take ONE DAY off!!!??"
    -Lt Col Samantha Carter, STARGATE SG-1


  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:

    It was an opinion. Am I allowed to have one of those around here?

    "Take a break. You don't have to be a prick every day of your life, you know."

    I stand corrected... Thank you.. :D

  59. [59] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    You're welcome.:)

  60. [60] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, for the bloody record, my opinions aren't backed up by hate, they spring forth from a place of love, you know.

  61. [61] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    SCIENCE has said that this could go on thru 2023...
    Are you proposing keeping schools closed til then???

    Don't tell my it's going to take your country that long to get to a place, anywhere, where this non-heavyweight virus under control. You just can't be that bad at this simple proposition. Or, can you ...???

  62. [62] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    That's the problem with everyone here.. Ya'all aren't shy about condemning President Trump at the drop of a dime...But when it comes to condemning Democrats, ya'all are strangely silent..Where is the logic??

    Projection, I won't be fooled by projection.
    Projection, you thought you could put something over me ...

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:
  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    Projection, I won't be fooled by projection.
    Projection, you thought you could put something over me ...

    Is it projection?? Are you saying you condemn the Democrats as much as you do President Trump...?? Seriously??? :D

    Point to me 2 comments in the past 4 months that condemned the Democrats for ANYTHING.

    Don't tell my it's going to take your country that long to get to a place, anywhere, where this non-heavyweight virus under control. You just can't be that bad at this simple proposition. Or, can you ...???

    That's what your CDC is saying and your WHO is saying...

    So, now answer the question, please..

    Do you propose keeping schools closed for years??

    I'll wait...

  65. [65] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Center For Disease & Gun Control? that's no federal agency i ever heard of.

    what ain't no country i ever heard of. do they speak english in what?
    ~pulp fiction

    at least now we're getting somewhere, though. the only place that quote is found online is in an article by former senator jim demint for the Federalist. he provides no attribution to the citation, but i'm glad to know that the quote came from jim demint's posterior, not your own. without any other context, demint appears to be attributing a quote, but doesn't provide any citation of his own. essentially, sharpie-gate all over again.

  66. [66] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Do you propose keeping schools closed for years??

    If it takes that long to get this manageable virus under control where schools are. But, your country can't possibly be that lame, can it??

  67. [67] 
    Michale wrote:

    Center For Disease & Gun Control? that's no federal agency i ever heard of.

    Cute.. It's what Odumbo tried to make the CDC into..

    essentially, sharpie-gate all over again.

    And once again, I am forced to prove you wrong.. You feeling OK?? Yer not normally this bad with the bullshit..

    CDC Director Says Closed Schools Pose ‘Greater Public Health Risk’ For Kids

    In public comments Thursday, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said, “the reason I push it is that I truly believe it’s for the public health benefit of these kids.” The agency's final guidelines for reopening schools are still in flux after criticism from President Donald Trump.

    I believe you have quoted Kaiser Health in the past....

    Are you going to be consistent and accept their facts now???

  68. [68] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    SCIENCE has said that this could go on thru 2023...
    Are you proposing keeping schools closed til then???

    it's been estimated that a vaccine of some sort ought to be possible by mid next year, so my suggestion would be to do one school year of MOSTLY on-line instruction, supplemented by socially distant small-group tutoring (except in schools where excellent social distancing is possible), and re-evaluate in summer 2021 when the science has had a little more time to catch up.


  69. [69] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Is it projection?? Are you saying you condemn the Democrats as much as you do President Trump...?? Seriously??? :DPoint to me 2 comments in the past 4 months that condemned the Democrats for ANYTHING.

    You missed the point about projection - it flew right past you. I could see it from here. :(

  70. [70] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    it's been estimated that a vaccine of some sort ought to be possible by mid next year

    I wouldn't rely too heavily on that, if I were you.

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:

    If it takes that long to get this manageable virus under control where schools are. But, your country can't possibly be that lame, can it??

    That's what your "experts" are saying... Again, if you are consistent, you will accept that...

    So, keeping kids out of school for years is perfectly acceptable even in face of the FACT that children are virtually immune...

    We'll just have to agree to disagree...

  72. [72] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    So, what you are saying, Michale, is that your wonderful country, the greatest country on the planet with the best of everything can't get a virus under control so that y'all can get back to some sense of normal??

    I sincerely hope that isn't true.

  73. [73] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    even if a vaccine isn't yet available, by 2021 we'll have a lot more data by which to develop systems of control and prevention for covid. also, hope against hope, by then we MIGHT have a competent executive who would be more positively disposed toward taking the steps needed to make public spaces safer.

  74. [74] 
    Kick wrote:

    Participation in commentary threads seems to dry up when I sign off for the night..

    Apparently there's a moron among us who needs desperately to believe that a couple days is a "trend."

    Apparently, I am the wind beneath ya'all's wings... :D

    And is crying out desperately for attention! *laughs*

  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:


    even if a vaccine isn't yet available, by 2021 we'll have a lot more data by which to develop systems of control and prevention for covid.

    And if we don't???

    also, hope against hope, by then we MIGHT have a competent executive who would be more positively disposed toward taking the steps needed to make public spaces safer.

    Yea.. Cuz Joe Biden has PROVEN he can hide in a basement really REALLY well.. :eyeroll:

    Joe Biden spent 44 years in DC.. His biggest accomplishments are the crime bill that lead to the incarceration of MILLIONS of black Americans, his support of the Gulf War and his opposition to de-segregation..

    There are no facts to even SUGGEST he can do a better job as POTUS..

    Let's face facts.. Joe Biden is a worse candidate than Hillary Clinton.

    And THAT says something..

  76. [76] 
    Michale wrote:


    So, what you are saying, Michale, is that your wonderful country, the greatest country on the planet with the best of everything can't get a virus under control so that y'all can get back to some sense of normal??

    No, Liz, that is NOT what I am saying.

    It's YOUR "experts" that are saying it..

    Once again, discarding the words of your OWN experts because they are politically inconvenient..

  77. [77] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is nice..

    We can have discussions and debates with sarcastic wit, without an iota of name-calling and personal attacks..

    This is what Weigantia used to be..

    This is what Weigantia SHOULD be...


  78. [78] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    And if we don't???

    that's not how science works. good or bad, we'll have data.

  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    CDC director: Keeping schools closed poses greater health threat to children than reopening

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said Thursday that the health risks of keeping schools closed are greater than those of opening them, amid a push by President Trump to have students in classrooms this fall.

    "I'm of the point of view as a public health leader in this nation, that having the schools actually closed is a greater public health threat to the children than having the schools reopen," Redfield told The Hill's Steve Clemons.

    The comments in favor of reopening schools from Redfield come as Trump presses for schools to reopen. On Wednesday, the president criticized the CDC in a tweet for "their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools," raising fears about the politicization of the country's leading public health agency.

    I expect an apology for that sharpie-gate crack.. :D Heh J/K

    The facts are clear, however.. The director of the CDC is in favor of schools being re-opened..

    It's a greater health risk to keep them closed..

    So says the CDC...

  80. [80] 
    Michale wrote:

    "I think really people underestimate the public health consequences of having the schools closed on the kids," Redfield said at an event hosted by The Hill and sponsored by the Biosimilars Forum. "I'm confident we can open these schools safely, work in partnership with the local jurisdictions."

    The American Academy of Pediatrics has also called for students to return to classrooms, citing the educational and social harms to children of being away from school for a prolonged period of time.

    The science is clear and unambiguous...

    It's a greater health risk to keep schools closed than it is to open them...

  81. [81] 
    Kick wrote:

    Shouldn't that be THREE'S COMPANY.. On one hand, it could be saying THREE IS COMPANY and therefore the apostrophe is needed.. On the other hand it could be saying THREES COMPANY as in the plural of THREE.. Therefore no apostrophe... Right???

    No, no, no! Not even close. This is elementary school English, and I know you're talking about JL, but are you seriously this damn uneducated!? It's the name of a television show and is therefore a proper noun and is denoted however its creator deems it to be. #Duh!

  82. [82] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    So, does the British government actually control the venue selection for the British Open or is Big Orange as incompetent at grifting as he is with leadership during a pandemic?

  83. [83] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    There are no facts to even SUGGEST he can do a better job as POTUS..

    What about Biden's record as vice president? I mean, Obama put him in charge of everything, after all.

  84. [84] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Yesterday, the guy who went to court to prove that his father is not an orangutan said that, because he allegedly aced a test for Alzheimer's patients, he's cognitively there. He's so there that he thinks a patriotic face mask makes him look ridiculous. This despite the fact that a mask masks his orange clown makeup and distracts from his Flock of Seagulls wig, ill fitted suits that highlight his obesity, and red ties that drag the ground. Ridiculous indeed.

  85. [85] 
    Michale wrote:

    and I know you're talking about JL, but are you seriously this damn uneducated!?

    Hear that, JL? Yer not only uneducated, yer DAMN uneducated...

    And Vick joins the conversation and immediately starts up with the personal attacks..


    Well, it was nice while it lasted...

  86. [86] 
    Michale wrote:

    He's so there that he thinks a patriotic face mask makes him look ridiculous.

    Yea.. Cuz patriotism is so "ridiculous"...

    If you hate this country so much, why don't you shag yer ass out of here...

  87. [87] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, what have we learned so far??

    Vick is a douche-bag... But everyone already knew that..

    We have also learned that the DIRECTOR of the CDC says that it's a greater health risk to keep schools closed than it is to open them..

    We have also learned that the SCIENCE supports opening schools and that those who want to keep schools closed are anti-science and simply following a political agenda..

    Finally, we learned that, amongst the Weigantian Founders and Elders, it's universally agreed that Democrats supporting protests and NOT supporting schools opening is crazy.. Those who support the protests are, once again, being anti-science..

    Full morning so far... :D

  88. [88] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    I've agreed with so many of your posts today that I felt the need to check my temperature. :)

  89. [89] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    thank you for the link to the article on Dr. Redfield's statement. the article provides a lot more context, and demonstrates how the director's views are a lot more nuanced than the one soundbite. you'll notice that the statement was very carefully constructed both to please the white house and to defend the current guidelines. read the FULL quote carefully:

    "I'm of the point of view as a public health leader in this nation, that having the schools actually closed is a greater public health threat to the children than having the schools reopen,"

    this is what was quoted in the federalist:

    having the schools actually closed is a greater health threat to the children than having them open.

    the parts of the quote that were omitted from jim demint's article, as well as his failure to identify the source of the quote, tell us a lot about what the director is trying to accomplish. compare the quotes side by side. redfield is trying to protect federal funding for schools, and keep his safety guidelines intact, in the face of threats from the white house. demint leaves out everything about the quote that makes it specific to the director's situation.

  90. [90] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yer splitting hairs, JL..

    Both convey the same meaning..

    The director of the CDC believes it's a greater health risk to kids to keep schools closed than it is to open them..

    This is what it all boils down to..

    Ya'all quote the CDC til the cows come home and swear by all they say..

    If the director of this oft quoted organization says it's a greater health risk to keep schools closed, shouldn't you agree???

    If ya'all were ALL about science as claimed then you should..

    Regardless, the quote wasn't pulled out of ANYONE's ass except the CDC Director's...

  91. [91] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    no, they don't convey the same meaning. you claimed that the CDC held that position. redfield, by contrast, takes pains to qualify at the beginning of his statement that he's stating a personal opinion, i.e. NOT an official agency conclusion. he also limits his comparison to the public health threat faced by the children themselves, which especially at elementary school ages is negligible. as to the threat posed to family members who are adults, or under age 1, they are specifically excluded from the comparison.

    Regardless, the quote wasn't pulled out of ANYONE's ass except the CDC Director's...

    yes, you finally manned up and cited your source. congratulations, you've successfully started an actual conversation ;)

    however i shall not rescind my comparison to sharpie-gate. although redfield was not quite the spineless politician that the NOAA director was, it's a similar dynamic, the white house exerts pressure on the head of a federal agency to contradict the scientists who work for him. at least redfield qualified his comments by explicitly NOT making them the official position of his agency, which earns him slightly less scorn from my direction.


  92. [92] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    I have been noticing a trend of late..

    Participation in commentary threads seems to dry up when I sign off for the night..

    Apparently, I am the wind beneath ya'all's wings... :D



    You are breaking wind beneath the wings.

    There. Fixed it for you :D

    Brother Don, you way better at being funny than you are at "moving the needle" here in Weigantia.

  93. [93] 
    Kick wrote:


    this is actually true. the reasons behind the protests may be valid, but holding mass protests when we ought to be socially distancing is not all that bright.

    It wasn't "all that bright" when Donald Trump was tweeting out "LIBERATE" multiple states and the Rightie cult minions were encouraging to hold protests at state houses all across America for multiple weeks before George Floyd was ever murdered and those protests began thereafter. So if Donald Trump wants to blame the protesters for spreading the SARV-CoV-2 virus, he needs look no further than his own handiwork.

    It's like these morons don't have the brain capacity to think these things through before they whine about protesters spreading the virus... and, for those who recall correctly, those right-wing protesters were armed with weapons... but masks? Not so much. In fact, rarely if ever would you see them socially distanced or wearing masks at all. You will find photos of them crammed into the Michigan statehouse and in the face of law enforcement.

    They carried signs bitching about things being closed and whining about masks. Donald Trump repeatedly referred to those protesters as "very fine people" and encouraged the protests that went on for multiple weeks across America.

    Fast forward and Trump and the Righties want to blame the protesters? Okay, fine, but how about acknowledging Trump's egging on of those protests beginning about mid April... long before George Floyd was killed end of May and those protests had begun.

    So to recap: Donald Trump and the hysterical hypocritical right-wing minions want to now whine about protesters spreading SARS-CoV-2? Well, isn't that special since they didn't seem to have a problem with multiple weeks of protesters?

  94. [94] 
    Michale wrote:


    yes, you finally manned up and cited your source. congratulations, you've successfully started an actual conversation ;)

    Actually, I cited the source yesterday..

    That's 2 apologies you owe me.. :D

    But hay, who's counting.. :D

  95. [95] 
    Michale wrote:


    }}}this is actually true. the reasons behind the }}}protests may be valid, but holding mass protests }}}when we ought to be socially distancing is not }}}all that bright.

    It wasn't "all that bright" when Donald Trump was tweeting out "LIBERATE" multiple states and the Rightie cult minions were encouraging to hold protests at state houses all across America for multiple weeks before George Floyd was ever murdered and those protests began thereafter. So if Donald Trump wants to blame the protesters for spreading the SARV-CoV-2 virus, he needs look no further than his own handiwork.

    You see how Vick works?? You make a legitimate beef against those morons who support protests and the Douche Bag has to make it against President Trump...

    And, as usual, she is full of shit..

    George Floyd wasn't "murdered"...

    Vick is simply being a douche-bag as we have come to expect of her..

  96. [96] 
    Michale wrote:


    however i shall not rescind my comparison to sharpie-gate.

    Thank you.. Once again, the FACTS win out.. :D

  97. [97] 
    Michale wrote:

    They carried signs bitching about things being closed and whining about masks. Donald Trump repeatedly referred to those protesters as "very fine people" and encouraged the protests that went on for multiple weeks across America.

    As usual, Vick totally misses the point.

    Those protests are CONSISTENT with those people's scorn that covid is a threat..

    The protests that cheer on cop-killing and looting and rioting are NOT consistent with the Dumbocrats idea that covid is a threat and that mass gatherings must be avoided..

    One is perfectly consistent..

    The Dumbocrat's position is a blatant double standard and hypocritical..

  98. [98] 
    Michale wrote:

    Once again, LOGIC (me) wins out over hysterical fear-mongering and hypocrisy (Vick)....

  99. [99] 
    Michale wrote:

    Jeeze.. BOTH of ya'all are really easy today...

    Well, Vick is ALWAYS easy to bitch-slap to the ground with facts..

    But JL, yer slipping.. :D

  100. [100] 
    Michale wrote:

    Or maybe I am just becoming THAT good.. :D

  101. [101] 
    Michale wrote:

    As usual, Vick totally misses the point.

    Those protests are CONSISTENT with those people's scorn that covid is a threat..

    The protests that cheer on cop-killing and looting and rioting are NOT consistent with the Dumbocrats idea that covid is a threat and that mass gatherings must be avoided..

    One is perfectly consistent..

    The Dumbocrat's position is a blatant double standard and hypocritical..

    Point to Michale... :D

  102. [102] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    wrong permalink. not to worry, i scrolled down and found the article you meant. the scott atlas article didn't mention dr. redfield's statement at all. therefore, i'm not apologizing for making you cite your source, in either case.


  103. [103] 
    Michale wrote:

    wrong permalink. not to worry, i scrolled down and found the article you meant. the scott atlas article didn't mention dr. redfield's statement at all. therefore, i'm not apologizing for making you cite your source, in either case.

    Again, now yer just splitting hairs.

    I specifically quote the CDC director in a comment by itself..

    But it doesn't matter.. I am in such a good mood after bitch-slapping the douche-bag so eloquently, I'll give ya a pass.. :D

  104. [104] 
    Michale wrote:

    wrong permalink.

    And the permalink is accurate.. At least it is in my numbering system...

  105. [105] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    No, chickenshit I said that it's time to put up or shut up:

    Black vote (BV) for Trump:

    BV over 50% MC pays CW $200

    BV over 40% MC pays $150

    BV over 33% MC pays $100

    BV over 25% MC pays $50

    BV UNDER 25% Michale pays $50

    BV under 20% Michale pays $100

    BV under 15% Michale pays $150

    BV under 8%** Michale pays $200

    **What your Cheetogod won among blacks in 2016

    Come to find out from John M,

    In response to a much earlier question, Michale in fact did ultimately decline the bet, saying to the effect that because of the constraints C.W. had placed upon him, he could not accept.

    What a "surprise" from All Talk/NO Walk. No wonder you love Cheetogod because he's the same. If you had any confidence in the black vote for Trump you'd jump all over the above action.

  106. [106] 
    Kick wrote:


    Demanding impossible requirements is simply another form of Party agenda..

    You mean like throwing open everything as quickly as possible like Trump wants to do? Isn't that dumb? Look what happened to those dumb governors and their states who reopened first.

    SCIENCE has said that this could go on thru 2023...

    How is that possible when Trump and the right-wing talking heads and minions insisted it was like the "common cold" and "non-serious" and will one day "just disappear"?

    The SCIENCE has stated that children are virtually immune to covid..

    That is false. The "science" has referred to children as super spreaders of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

    There is NO logical or rational reason to keep schools closed..

    Not creating an army of super spreaders that spread the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a damn logical reason.

    It only serves a political agenda to keep schools closed and harm the US Economy...

    Keeping people alive should be the political agenda of every United States president. Insisting all the schools open is infinitely stupid. Allowing those schools to open where the virus isn't proliferating while allowing other schools to teach class online where the virus is running rampant is common dang sense.

    If a teacher is willing to take a bullet for a single child, then they should be willing to risk feeling bad for a day or so for an entire classroom of children..

    Your pathetic attempts to downplay COVID-19 are again duly noted. Teachers, nurses, and hospital employees are dying all across America who have put themselves in harm's way, but it's not just themselves, of course, they carry the disease home to their families. Not rocket science.

    If you think that having and encouraging protests is crazy, why not speak up about it???

    Like you spoke up about Donald Trump's encouraging of the multiple weeks of armed protesters that he encouraged in April and May? Oh, wait!

    That's the problem with everyone here.. Ya'all aren't shy about condemning President Trump at the drop of a dime...

    And you're not shy about bending over for Trump at every diaper drop either.

    But when it comes to condemning Democrats, ya'all are strangely silent..

    You seem terminally butthurt that commenters on this board don't post to suit your personal tastes. How ignorant and pathetic is that? Were you condemning Trump when he was encouraging the protesters at the state houses across America?

    For example.. STILL no one has condemned the gross and perverse sexist comments coming from Team Biden..

    Cry more.

    If that was Team President Trump ya'all would be all over it like white on rice...

    If he is prosecuted and convicted of a felony and lands in jail like the multiple convicts of "Team Trump," remind us how outraged we should be, and we'll write some posts like all those posts of yours condemning the Trump bunch of felons and how those convicts deserved exactly what they got for their crimes. Oh, wait!

  107. [107] 
    Michale wrote:

    Admitted trolls say "blaaa blaaaa blaaaa blaaaa"

  108. [108] 
    Michale wrote:

    Protest mobs turn on leftist urban mayors, rejecting their support

    Ted Wheeler becomes latest liberal mayor spurned by protesters

    'Tear Gas Ted has got to go,' protesters chant

    Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler on Wednesday was booed, heckled and called a “fascist” by rioters in the city as he tried to attend a “listening session” about ongoing unrest -- becoming the latest liberal mayor to be shunned by protesters with whom they had sought to show solidarity.

    Wheeler, who for weeks has been backing the protests against efforts by federal law enforcement to stop rioting near federal property, joined protesters at fencing near the Hatfield Courthouse and tried to conduct a “listening session” -- and was even hit by tear gas deployed by federal agents.


    However, while some protesters were receptive to his presence, many others heckled and booed him, objecting to his refusal to back some of their demands such as abolishing the police, and for the Portland Police’s (for which he is a commissioner) use of tear gas and other methods to shut down riots.

    “F--- Ted Wheeler,” one protester shouted, according to video posted by a reporter. “He doesn’t get to speak, he’s a f---ing fascist. F--- Ted Wheeler.”

    At another point, a restless crowd included a protester calling him a “f---ing a--hole” while others chanted “Tear gas Ted has got to go.”

    The Dumbocrat on Dumbocrat civil war is HILARIOUS!!!! :D

  109. [109] 
    Kick wrote:


    Exactly this! :)

  110. [110] 
    Kick wrote:


    This is nice..

    We can have discussions and debates with sarcastic wit, without an iota of name-calling and personal attacks..

    I thought it was a nice touch when EM referred to you as a "prick."

    This is what Weigantia used to be..


    This is what Weigantia SHOULD be...

    I totally agree with the prick. :)

  111. [111] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Admitted trolls say "blaaa blaaaa blaaaa blaaaa"

    No, I am not an "admitted troll" [noun] anywhere but inside what passes for your brain. I trolled YOU, [verb] Trumpanzie!

    This is the first Comments section that I've participated in regularly.

    I did not realize that trolls apparently can't stand to be trolled back.

  112. [112] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Hiya, Kick - greetings from the Left Coast.

    You are in fine form today!

  113. [113] 
    Kick wrote:


    So, does the British government actually control the venue selection for the British Open or is Big Orange as incompetent at grifting as he is with leadership during a pandemic?

    I know, right!? I would wager the R&A at St. Andrews selects the venue, but I know they've held it at Turnberry before... but certainly not since Trump owned it. I believe they'd steer clear of holding the Open at Turnberry as long as Trump is president for the exact same reasons Trump should have never pursued having it held at Turnberry... it would have looked infinitely unethical and would have been perceived politically pandering and totally "bad form."

    Remember that time Trump claimed he was going to hold a world meeting at Doral in Florida in total violation of the Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution? What part of the POTUS not accepting compensation from foreign nations is confusing to Trump? Meanwhile, the GOP sits idly by and twiddling their thumbs like cowards.

  114. [114] 
    Kick wrote:


    Hear that, JL? Yer not only uneducated, yer DAMN uneducated...

    Your ever-present reading comprehension problem always fails you.

    And Vick joins the conversation and immediately starts up with the personal attacks..

    Wrong again. It is simply a FACT that you're uneducated. You said you wanted things called out, did you not?

    Yunno... how ya think yer ever gonna fix yer stoopid if the Democrat Party Biden supporters on this board don't point it out? Those are the FACTS, and "their" undeniable like yer repetitive movie quote bullshit...!!!!!!!

    All clear now?

    Well, it was nice while it lasted...

    In case you missed it troll, prick... the name-calling started long before I showed up. FACTS!

  115. [115] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    You've got to be impressed with the staggering hypocrisy at Trump TV. They have "parted ways with a host who dismayed fellow staffers when she came to work while visibly sick in the early days of the coronavirus crisis". They protect themselves while, deep into the pandemic, they amplify our orange mental patient's demands that teachers and children infect themselves with the deadly Trump Virus and super-spread it to the rest of us.

    It was a nice touch that they wished her well as if she's one of Fat Donny's sex offender pals.

  116. [116] 
    Michale wrote:

    I thought it was a nice touch when EM referred to you as a "prick."

    "Dr McCoy had that prerogative.. You did not."

  117. [117] 
    Michale wrote:

    they amplify our orange mental patient's demands that teachers and children infect themselves with the deadly Trump Virus and super-spread it to the rest of us.

    As usual, JFC's utter ignorance and blathering idiot-ness shines thru..

    Children are virtually immune to covid..

    But if you want to call it the Trump Virus, that's fine..

    Then you'll have to concede the TRUMP Vaccine that saves the world..


    Were you this stoopid and moronic BEFORE your stroke, JFC???

  118. [118] 
    Michale wrote:

    Goodbye Antifa: AG Barr Creates Task Force to Take Down Far-Left Extremists
    Attorney general announces Justice Department task force formation to end violent groups

    AntiFa is going away.. :D

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving group of terrorist scumbags...

  119. [119] 
    Kick wrote:


    Yesterday, the guy who went to court to prove that his father is not an orangutan said that, because he allegedly aced a test for Alzheimer's patients, he's cognitively there.

    Yep! Donald is still bragging about passing a simple MOCA cognitive test like it's the SAT test <--- [aside to JL, there's another one for you].

    He's so there that he thinks a patriotic face mask makes him look ridiculous. This despite the fact that a mask masks his orange clown makeup and distracts from his Flock of Seagulls wig, ill fitted suits that highlight his obesity, and red ties that drag the ground.

    I thought that thing on his bald head was an orange ferret or small fox. My mistake. :)

  120. [120] 
    Michale wrote:


    So, basically ya'all are advocating that schools stay closed forever...

    Yea... Suburban moms are gonna vote in Nov for THAT!!! :D

  121. [121] 
    Kick wrote:

    He's so there that he thinks a patriotic face mask makes him look ridiculous. ~ JFC


    Yea.. Cuz patriotism is so "ridiculous"... ~ Michale


    In JFC's defense, wearing a face mask has only been considered patriotic by the right-wing morons since about two whole days ago at the beginning of Season Two of Housewives of Coronavirus. Up until two days ago, it was mocked by Trump and the gullible rubes and right-wing minion Kool-Aid drinkers.

    If you hate this country so much, why don't you shag yer ass out of here... ~ Michale

    In JFC's defense, Donald Trump is definitely not America, and JFC can't help it if the right-wing gullible rubes have drank the Orange Kool-Aid and keep claiming like idiots that he is. Why didn't all the right-wing Obama haters leave America beginning in 2009? Discuss.

  122. [122] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    In the troll's defense, it can't read (a lot like Dear Leader).

  123. [123] 
    Kick wrote:


    So, what have we learned so far??

    I would wager you've learned not a single thing.

    Vick is a douche-bag... But everyone already knew that..

    And we've learned Mike is a "troll" -- thank you, MC -- and a prick -- props to EM for that factual observance -- who is definitely and obviously terminally butt hurt and believes he's some kind of mind reader and is desperately always crying out for recognition and attention.

    We have also learned that Mike is still pulling invented stuff out of his butthurt ass.

    Finally, we learned that, amongst the Weigantian Founders and Elders, it's universally agreed that Democrats supporting protests and NOT supporting schools opening is crazy.. Those who support the protests are, once again, being anti-science..

    I rest my case. It must be tough to have such a low self-esteem that you constantly have an inherent and obvious need to boost yourself into being somehow special. *laughs*

  124. [124] 
    Michale wrote:

    Confessed Troll says "blaaa blaaa blaaa blaaa blaaa blaa blaa"

  125. [125] 
    Michale wrote:

    Joe Biden's Plagiarism Problem

    Last week, Democrat nominee for president Joe Biden delivered an economic speech under the slogan “Build Back Better.” Despite the radical proposals contained within the speech, that’s some clever branding.

    However, Joe Biden didn’t come up with the slogan, the United Nations did. That’s right—Joe Biden and his campaign plagiarized the title directly from a United Nations climate change initiative launched in April. In fact, Biden’s released economic plan seemed eerily similar to President Donald Trump’s “America First” message.

    Following these latest incidents, one can’t help but flash back to Biden’s well-documented history of plagiarism, which dates to his first presidential campaign in the summer of 1987, a bid that ended ignominiously amid repeated examples of plagiarism and outright fabrication.

    So, not only is Joe Biden stealing ideas from President Trump, Biden is also stealing ideas from the UN...

    I guess that's what happens when you spend the entire campaign hiding in your basement..

    You have to steal ideas from everyone...

  126. [126] 
    Michale wrote:

    And STILL not a single condemnation from anyone regarding the gross and perverse sexist comments from Team Biden...

    Which means ya'all simply pay lip service to equality for women..

    When the rubber hits the road, ya'all support gross sexism to the hilt...

  127. [127] 
    Michale wrote:

    It’s also important to note that he’s been accused of lifting entire sections of speeches from others for his own use without attribution. And of copying, almost word for word, policy platforms of other candidates.

    He’s even been caught lying to voters about his academic record. Biden acknowledged that he had plagiarized during his time at Syracuse University Law School. The law school had him repeat a first-year class, after initially flunking him, for copying at least five pages from a published law review article.

    Thirty-three years is a long time ago. The problem is that Joe Biden has never really stopped. In 2008, then-Sen. Biden copied an entire paragraph from a Time magazine story on then-newly elected President Lee Myung-Bak of South Korea and used it for a speech, without attribution. Biden had the stolen language read into an official congressional resolution in February 2008.

    His problem with copying the work of others is so widespread that a 2019 incident, in which the Biden campaign released a climate plan using exactly the same language as outside left-wing groups, without attribution, barely made news.

    The most egregious example, as described by Maureen Dowd when it happened, occurred Aug. 23, 1987, during a debate at the Iowa State Fair. Biden had been lifting entire lines of his stock stump speech from Britain’s then-Labor Party leader, Neil Kinnock, who was campaigning for prime minister across the pond.

    It's so cute that ya'all (with a couple exceptions) think that Biden can actually win.. :D

  128. [128] 
    Michale wrote:

    Typical Democrat...

    Ohio man in custody after kneeling on crying White child's neck, praising Black Lives Matter

    The banner across the photo read: “Blm now mf”

    An Ohio man who was out on parole has been thrown in jail and awaits new felony charges after a photo circulated on social media showing him posing with his knee to the neck of a crying, White 2-year-old boy alongside a message referencing Black Lives Matter.

    The Clark County Sheriff’s Office first became aware of the photo circulating social media on Tuesday and appears to be a direct reference to the former Minnesota cop, Derek Chauvin, who leaned on the neck of George Floyd before he died, sparking months of protests and unrest across the U.S.

    The photo shows a man, who has since been identified as 20-year-old Isaiah Jackson, with his knee on the neck of a crying white toddler who is only wearing a diaper. Another person holds the child’s hands behind his back. The banner across the photo read: “Blm now mf."

    This is ya'all's Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party....

    How ya'all can support this is beyond me...

    How do you people sleep at night???

  129. [129] 
    Kick wrote:


    You see how Vick works?? You make a legitimate beef against those morons who support protests and the Douche Bag has to make it against President Trump...

    You butt hurt some more because I pointed out the FACT that there were multiple weeks of right-wing protesters that were egged on by Donald Trump? FACTS hurt, don't they troll prick?

    And, as usual, she is full of shit..

    George Floyd wasn't "murdered"...

    Well, troll prick, I too am entitled to my opinion just like EM was explaining to you. If you don't like it, I don't give a shit. Cry more, you whiny little butt hurt baby.

  130. [130] 
    Michale wrote:

    Again.. Just like Joe Biden's gross and perverse sexist comments..

    NO CONDEMNATION from the Weigantian Peanut Gallery...

    Again, I have to ask..

    How do you people sleep at night??? :^/

  131. [131] 
    Michale wrote:

    Admitted troll says "blaa blaaa blaaa blaaa" as she cheers on and laughs at the toddler being abused by Black Lies Matter morons..

  132. [132] 
    Michale wrote:

    Not a SINGLE word of condemnation from this Black Lies Matter scumbag..

    I wish I could say I was surprised...

  133. [133] 
    Michale wrote:

    Again, it's sad that NO ONE here will condemn that Black Lies Matter scumbag who abuses toddlers in the name of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...


  134. [134] 
    Kick wrote:


    As usual, Vick totally misses the point.

    Your points are never that complicated that anyone could miss them. Also, they're repetitive ad nauseam and rarely vary. Also, someone can understand your point and make a whole new point.

    Those protests are CONSISTENT with those people's scorn that covid is a threat..

    I think you're dumber than a barrel of hair if you can't understand that Donald Trump and the gullible rubes like yourself are whining about protesters on the left while excusing the right-wing morons who preceded them by several weeks. The fact that governors who rushed to suckle at the Trump teats and rushed to open their states are the ones where people are dropping like flies and not wishing to push the envelope further by throwing open their schools and are even rolling back their opening of all manner of things like gyms, restaurants, and bars ought to "clue you in" to the fact that one size does not fit all in regards to schools opening. It just doesn't.

    I understand you have a propensity to play this idiotic game of "all or nothing," but no one else on this board is dumb enough to buy into that utter nonsensical bullshit because life doesn't work that way. There are parts of Texas and Florida and other states where throwing open their schools' doors in a few weeks would be suicide for their citizens. Meanwhile, there are other parts in those same states where things are amenable to opening. This ain't rocket science. Open the schools where it's feasible, and proceed with caution where it isn't feasible to do so.

    The protests that cheer on cop-killing and looting and rioting are NOT consistent with the Dumbocrats idea that covid is a threat and that mass gatherings must be avoided..

    There are no protests that cheer on cop killing and looting; however, I do understand you're Kool-Aid problem and your propensity to move the goalposts, invent shit that doesn't exist, and to ignore the obvious in favor of "all or nothing" dipshittery.

    The Dumbocrat's position is a blatant double standard and hypocritical..

    Not really. You're just misrepresenting their position. Any right-wing moron who is whining about protesters being the cause of the spread when they were "all in" to their protests and encouraging them is also hypocritical... which was my point. I don't give a shit if you or anybody else agrees with me.

  135. [135] 
    Michale wrote:

    Admitted troll says "blaaa blaaa blaaa" and laughs and cheers the Black Lies Matter scumbag who tortures toddlers in the name of Democrats...

  136. [136] 
    Kick wrote:


    Hiya, Kick - greetings from the Left Coast.

    Greetings from Texas... where people are dropping like flies because our governor couldn't resist the lure of a White House visit and suckling at the Trump teats. Of course, now he's rolling back the multiple errors he instituted, and here we are looking for alternative ways to educate our children so they don't become agents of death like their governor.

    How are things in Cali? I hear they are bad. At least your governor isn't a Trump chump... so you got that going for you. :)

  137. [137] 
    Michale wrote:


    ‘Squad’ boss delivers emotional floor speech slamming Florida rep who called her nasty name

    Horse face Occasional Cortex can dish it out but she can't take it...

    Po' little snowflake..

    Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, bitch..

  138. [138] 
    Michale wrote:

    Aww look.. The two admitted trolls are lovey-dovey...

  139. [139] 
    Kick wrote:


    Children are virtually immune to covid..

    Your repetitive ignorance that children are "immune" or "virtually immune" to COVID-19 is equivalent to claiming children are immune to colds and influenza. It's bullshit. They not only are not "immune," they are carriers that spread the disease undetected. You can keep typing your ignorant spew that children are "immune" or you can stop spreading lies on this forum. Your choice.

    But if you want to call it the Trump Virus, that's fine..

    Mike concedes no one needs his permission to have an opinion.

    Then you'll have to concede the TRUMP Vaccine that saves the world..

    If it's over 99% survivable without a vaccine like you keep claiming, then how do you figure Trump "saves the world" when your own math repeatedly indicates it would be a mere less than half a percent of the population?

    It's like you have no functioning brain cells. Wait, that's not a fair assessment. Do-over. You have no functioning brain cells. There... all fixed now.

  140. [140] 
    Michale wrote:

    And everyone here STILL supports Team Biden's gross and perverse sexist comments..

    And STILL supports the Black Lies Matter scumbags who tortures an innocent little toddler...

    Glad their back in jail tonight...

  141. [141] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    The world is full of complainers. And the fact is, nothing comes with a guarantee. Now I don't care if you're the pope of Rome, President of the United States or Man of the Year; something can all go wrong. Now go on ahead, y'know, complain, tell your problems to your neighbor, ask for help, and watch him fly. Now, in Russia, they got it mapped out so that everyone pulls for everyone else... that's the theory, anyway, but what I know about is Texas, and down here... you're on your own. - Loren Visser

  142. [142] 
    Michale wrote:

    Admitted troll says "blaaa blaaa blaaaa" and cheers on the Black Lives Matter scumbags who torture toddlers in the name of her Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

    No wonder she had her kids taken away from her..

    She probably tortured them at the behest of her Democrat Party...

  143. [143] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    In the troll's defense, it can't read (a lot like Dear Leader).

    You think it would brag repeatedly about passing a MoCA cognitive assessment? [did it again, JL] It's hero keeps insisting it "aced" an IQ test that is nothing more than a test for Alzheimer's and/or Parkinson's like diseases, which runs in his family.

    It's painful to watch him as he insists he's somehow special. *laughs*

  144. [144] 
    Michale wrote:

    Admitted troll says "blaaa blaaaa blaaaa blaaa" while she laughs at the poor innocent toddler being tortured by Black Lies Matter scumbags..

    Condemning such a gross and perverse act SHOULD be second nature to those who AREN'T slaves to the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

    But I guess if ya'all support gross and disgusting sexist remarks from Biden, then you would support this Democrat scumbag torturing a small innocent toddler..

    Again, how you people sleep at night is mind-boggling..

  145. [145] 
    Michale wrote:

    Chicago groups ask judge to block Trump from sending federal agents to combat crime

    The lawsuit comes two days after activist groups in Oregon filed a similar lawsuit over the intervention of federal agents in Portland

    Suck it, Democrats!

    NOTHING can stop President Trump from sending in federal cops to combat the failed police policies of Dumbocrat leaders in Chicago, Portand and every where else Dumbocrats have failed..

    So, frak off and die... You can't stop it..

  146. [146] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Yeah, Kick. This is truly my first regular "residence" in any Comments section. I'd heard the "troll" word and saw evidence of such on HuffPo.

    troll-pricks seem to be a wretched lot. Imagine having to get your self esteem from trying to irritate people rather than from spirited, good faith debate on the issues.

    I notice that troll escalates troll's nonsense and/or insults until he gets one of us to pay attention to him. As such it's folly to respond to troll as though troll was serious about whatever troll is spewing. Hear me, Elizabeth Miller?

    Case in point: troll is so NOT sure that 40% of blacks support Trump that troll has chickened out on putting money where there is always ONLY troll mouth.

  147. [147] 
    Michale wrote:

    A group of Chicago activist organizations filed a lawsuit Thursday requesting that a judge block federal agents from intervening in police protests, arguing that the surge ordered by President Trump will curtail residents' ability to hold demonstrations.

    The suit names Attorney General William Barr and other heads of federal agencies whose agents are part of a planned surge announced Wednesday at the White House. The lawsuit asks a judge to prevent agents in Chicago from making arrests or detaining people without probable cause, along with requiring agents to identify themselves and explain why someone is being arrested.

    Attorneys said the planned surge has already caused some members of the activist groups to draw back from protest plans this weekend, "due to the well-founded fear that they will be brutalized or kidnapped by federal agents for no reason other than being a protester, journalist or legal observer on the streets and sidewalks of Chicago."

    Whine and cry all ya want, snowflakes..

    President Trump is going to clean up yer towns from all the scumbags and vermin that infest the cities..

    Your time is past.. It's time for you to be afraid..
    -President Marshall, AIR FORCE ONE

  148. [148] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Twice now.

    RepubliCON Cowardice

  149. [149] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    The Washington Ethnic Slurs are now known as The Washington Football Team. It doesn't get more bizarre than that. They're so invested in their hate name that they really just can't think of anything to replace it? The owner must have chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Call them the Concussions already.

  150. [150] 
    Michale wrote:

    Admitted troll says "blaaa blaaa blaaa" and supports Black Lies Matter scumbags in the torture of innocent toddlers..

    Only a total and complete waste of skin would support such disgusting actions committed by Black Lies Matter scumbags..

    How does it feel to be a PROVEN complete and utter scumbag..

    First you support gross and perverse sexist comments from Biden... Then you support a couple Black Lies Matter scumbags who torture an innocent toddler...

    You really are a waste of skin, MC....

  151. [151] 
    Michale wrote:

    RepubliCON Cowardice

    Says the scumbag who won't condemn the torture of an innocent toddler by Democrat Party scumbags because he is afraid to speak out against Black Lies Matter..

    Look in the mirror if you want to see a coward, MC...

    No wonder you lied about serving in the US Army...

    *I* served in the US Army as well as the US Air Force..

    *I* have absolutely NO PROBLEM condemning the torture of an innocent toddler by Democrat scumbags..

    Obviously, you are lacking in such character..

    NO WAY you served in the Army...

  152. [152] 
    Michale wrote:

    Anyone who doesn't condemn these Black Lies Matter scumbags for their torture of an innocent toddler...???

    Well, that just simply proves they are a disgusting excrement..

    Which describes our two admitted trolls perfectly..

  153. [153] 
    Kick wrote:


    No wonder she had her kids taken away from her..

    Why didn't you just say you were itching to discuss our families? Well, okay, if you insist. No one was taken away from me. Sorry I don't have any more salacious details so now let's talk about you and yours.

    I got your family's multiple arrests and the resultant mugshots. Would you like to discuss you and the other parent's criminality first or do you just want to move on to the the multiple instances of criminally of your spawn? So many mugshots... so little time. I guess it's all part and parcel of y'all's (to borrow a phrase of yours) "criminal gene pool":

    I lived on Whidbey for several years and was stationed on Kadena where I met the lovely future Mrs. Worley... I busted her and her friends at a barracks party on the night of 4 Sep 1981 at 2330 hrs.. :D

    ~ Michael

    She probably tortured them at the behest of her Democrat Party...

    Thank you for letting me know you're terminal butt hurt. You'll always, always have my pity.

  154. [154] 
    Kick wrote:


    Suck it, Democrats!

    You seething hatred for anyone who doesn't toe your Party line is again duly noted.

    NOTHING can stop President Trump from sending in federal cops to combat the failed police policies of Dumbocrat leaders in Chicago, Portand and every where else Dumbocrats have failed..

    So, frak off and die... You can't stop it..

    Like I said, your seething hatred is duly noted. :)

  155. [155] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    Are there any of those "Florida man" news stories?

  156. [156] 
    Kick wrote:


    troll-pricks seem to be a wretched lot. Imagine having to get your self esteem from trying to irritate people rather than from spirited, good faith debate on the issues.

    I know, right!? The pathological lying and trolling is what it's here for. Kind of obvious at this point, wouldn't you say?

    Case in point: troll is so NOT sure that 40% of blacks support Trump that troll has chickened out on putting money where there is always ONLY troll mouth.

    He won't make the bet with you because he knows it's a lie. In fact, he spewed the same shit over and over ad nauseam in 2016. He's a repetitive troll with a limited repertoire that rarely varies. #SSDD

  157. [157] 
    Michale wrote:

    I mean, seriously..

    First ya'all condone and agree with the disgusting sexist messages coming from Biden and his team..

    THEN ya'all accept and condone the brutal torture of an innocent toddler at the hands of Black Lies Matter and Democrat Party representatives...

    And ya'all REALLY think that sane patriotic Americans are going to VOTE for those kinds of perverse and disgusting acts??

    On what planet!!??

  158. [158] 
    Michale wrote:

    And the crack whore starts attacking my wife..

    Why is this not surprising..

    First she cheers on and agrees with the torture of an innocent toddler at the hands of her fellow Democrats..

    Then she attacks my wife...

    Typical of the crack whore...

    Seriously, Vick.. Why don't you just commit suicide... No one will miss you.. Your family will probably be grateful if you were gone..

  159. [159] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ooohhh.. Isn't THIS interesting..

    Says here that Vick DID try to commit suicide once...

    THAT is very interesting..

    But not altogether surprising.. She spreads discord and misery where ever she goes...

    I am not surprised she tried to end her life before..

    A shame we are stuck with her failures..

  160. [160] 
    Michale wrote:

    Meanwhile, an Atlanta-area high school special education teacher is under fire for purportedly commenting beneath the same photo once it made its way to Facebook further encouraging the violence against the white child.

    According to WGCL-TV, Cedar Grove High School Interrelated Teacher Brian Papin commented beneath the photo, writing: “Again! Your [sic] doing it wrong! One knee on the center of the back one one [sic] the neck and lean into it until death! You saw the video! Get it right or stop fucking around!”

    And now we have ANOTHER Democrat, a teacher no less, who says this sick bullshit..

    What *IS* it with you people.. Why are ya'all so disgusting in not condemning this complete and utter despicable acts???

    Gods, is there any more disgusting people on this planet than Democrats and Black Lies Matter???

    I doubt it..

  161. [161] 
    Michale wrote:

    Again, how utterly despicable that no one condemns this..

    "Nice guys finish last because they make sure their girl comes first."
    -Team Biden

    "It's unattractive when a girl doesn't act classy & does not know how to control her feelings."
    -Team Biden

    "As long as my woman looks good & turns me on..she pretty much can have whatever she wants from me."
    -Joe Biden

    I mean, honestly.. The things you people will accept in the name of Party slavery...

    Disgusting.. TOTALLY and COMPLETELY disgusting..

  162. [162] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    Are there any of those "Florida man" news stories?

    Rephrase the question, please.

  163. [163] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    this again? *yawn*

  164. [164] 
    Kick wrote:


    And the crack whore starts attacking my wife..

    You introduced the subject of families so I merely quoted you telling anyone with an Internet connection and a keyboard about your family. If that's an attack, then you really shouldn't attack your wife like that. Shame on you! Facts to support? Oh, right. I did forget the link:

    I lived on Whidbey for several years and was stationed on Kadena where I met the lovely future Mrs. Worley... I busted her and her friends at a barracks party on the night of 4 Sep 1981 at 2330 hrs.. :D

    See there? All your handiwork, Michael. If you didn't want the world to know about your criminality, you should have thought about that before you posted that information long before MC or I showed up. I guess being a Weigantian "elderly" doesn't necessarily make you special or anything.

    Why is this not surprising..

    Because you're the idiot dumb enough to post your family's criminality? You tell us. We'll wait.

    First she cheers on and agrees with the torture of an innocent toddler at the hands of her fellow Democrats..

    You are a pathological liar who invents shit every day; we get it, Mike, and I'm still not a Democrat, but your seething hatred for anyone who doesn't toe your Party lie and suckle at the teat of Your Orange Worship is again duly noted.

    Then she attacks my wife...

    You brought up the issue of families; I cannot help it if you posted you and your wife's criminal past.

    Typical of the crack whore...

    Is that what you "busted her and her friends" over? Glad we got that cleared up... so she's not the only substance abuser in the family?

    Seriously, Vick.. Why don't you just commit suicide...
    Your hatred is duly noted.

    No one will miss you..

    Your lies and ignorance are duly noted.

    Your family will probably be grateful if you were gone..

    Some of my family are gathered around me. I just read your repetitive drivel out loud, and they're laughing their asses off at your butt hurt. One of them said, "Only if we're gone on vacation with you," and the other said, "He sounds like a trollied prat." Oh, I quite agree. *laughs*

  165. [165] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    this again? *yawn*

    Agreed. The troll's malignant, repetitive spam is truly dull.

  166. [166] 
    Michale wrote:

    this again? *yawn*

    Yea.. We were having a really nice and fun discussion until the crack whore showed up with her personal attacks on myself and my family...

    It's dinner time..

    I am making another bet with myself that no one condemns the gross and perverse sexist comments from Joe Biden and the utterly disgusting torture of an innocent toddler by Democrats and Black Lies Matter scumbags...

  167. [167] 
    Kick wrote:


    Says here that Vick DID try to commit suicide once...

    No, but you are awfully close to the actual number of zero (0). Good guess, though!

    Says here that Mike is a criminal:

    One of these days maybe Mike will elaborate on that. He's definitely one of those criminals he's always whining about.

    But not altogether surprising.. She spreads discord and misery where ever she goes...

    I am not surprised she tried to end her life before..

    I am not surprised you're making shit up.

    A shame we are stuck with her failures..

    Which number zero.

  168. [168] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Rephrase the question, please.

    You know, like "Florida man cuts off penis of wife's lover with scissors" or "Florida man stashed cocaine, heroin, pills in butt" or "Florida Man attempts to leave store with chainsaw stuffed down his pants".

    Florida Man does a lot of weird, illegal stuff.

  169. [169] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    Agreed. The troll's malignant, repetitive spam is truly dull.

    It is rather "malignant" to be sure and definitely "repetitive" and dullard. #SSDD

  170. [170] 
    Kick wrote:


    Yea.. We were having a really nice and fun discussion until the crack whore showed up with her personal attacks on myself and my family...

    Let's review: You called Russ a "douche." You called MC a "troll." You referred to the group as "you people" and "hypocrites" as per your standard operational daily spew. EM called you a prick (because you are one), etc. etc. etc... all before I showed up. #SSDD

    Face it, fat ass, you're an effing snowflake who spews bullshit every day and then whines like an effing baby if anyone else gives it right back at you, and...

    Newsflash: Your attacks on your criminal family began long before I showed up. You posted it with no help from MC or I or anyone else because we weren't here. You seriously need to get over your butt hurt. I'm not leaving.

    It's dinner time..

    You still on the "I'm fat" and "have NO will power" plan where you weigh every day and the diet you invented for yourself isn't working so you say eff it?

    Give you an example.. I'm fat.. I have tried many a diet plan (mostly of my own design) but I could never see any good lasting result so I give up.. I have NO will power when it comes to eating and drinking..

    I have accepted that and just go with the status quo..


    Come to think of it, maybe that's why you constantly prattle on and on about someone killing themselves. It's your projection.

    I am making another bet with myself that no one condemns the gross and perverse sexist comments from Joe Biden and the utterly disgusting torture of an innocent toddler by Democrats and Black Lies Matter scumbags...

    I am making a bet with myself that no one here gives a shit about the invented bullshit you keep spewing like a moron stuck on terminal stupid. Troll.

  171. [171] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    You know, like "Florida man cuts off penis of wife's lover with scissors" or "Florida man stashed cocaine, heroin, pills in butt" or "Florida Man attempts to leave store with chainsaw stuffed down his pants".

    Florida Man does a lot of weird, illegal stuff.

    Oh, I see. This what you're looking for?

  172. [172] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I thought maybe you were going to reveal one.

  173. [173] 
    Kick wrote:

    Baseball is Back

    Every Yankees and Nationals player took a knee, and Dr. Anthony Fauci gives it his best shot on the first pitch; I've definitely seen worse.

    Cue the Trumpertantrum on Twitter.

  174. [174] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    EM called you a prick

    Okay, enough nonsense. I did not call Michale a prick. I don't go around doing that sort of thing - here or anywhere else.

    To review what actually happened, Michale and I were sharing a fun quote or two that we have shared here from time immemorial or close enough to it.

    That quote is between Michale and me and I wish it wasn't used to continue the really asinine name-calling that has become a worrisome feature of this site and, I fear it will, in time, bring an end to this place. I pray I'm wrong about that.

    Now, "Take a break! You don't have to be a prick everyday of your life, you know." :)

    What movie is that from?

  175. [175] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    FTR... The Man With The Golden Gun as sung by Lulu is by far in a way the finest Bond opening song. Hot on it's heels is You Only Live Twice with Nancy Sinatra doing the warbling.

    "However, Joe Biden didn’t come up with the slogan, the United Nations did. That’s right—Joe Biden and his campaign plagiarized the title directly from a United Nations climate change initiative launched in April." I fail to see the point here, Trump's plagiarism of 'Make America Great Again' dates back to Nixon, Reagan also adopted the ludicrous slogan prior to Trump. Again, I fail to see any difference between the two, except that Michale seems to think that Trump has a mandate from god herself to say and do as he pleases while holding others up to a standard he couldn't hope to achieve himself.

    Children are not immune to CV19, stop saying such stupid things, boy... There's a family in Florida mourning their nine year old daughter this hour, why don't you swing over to their place and explain to them how the child isn't in fact dead of a virus you claim isn't dangerous and is, what? A left-wing hoax, that'll fucking cheer them up, that and chasing you down the street with a shotgun. Also, who's to provide all this wonderful tutoring in class as the teachers, office staff and other anciliary staff associated with school opperations all drop dead? And, when you reintroduce these Typhoid Minors back into their familial surroundings everyday at four o'clock, are they supposed to 'just not' be the community spreaders every parent knows them to be?

    It's fucking stupidity of the first water, bordering on social suicide to send anyone into a traditional school setup until you have community spread down and your positive tests are less than a couple per 1000. These are the facts as we know them to be. There's a reason we have gotten on top of CV19 on the sane side, we did actually get a consistent message from the powers that be, we did listen, we haven't cried like a pack of pussies because we are mandated to wear masks in stores. From my perch, all I see is a nation of lazy cunts not willing to put the energy and effort into maintaining the good health of the society to which they belong.

    As for suggesting that a poster here should up and off themselves, it's that lack of empathy that has the US in this CV19 pickle as the worst hit nation on the planet. It's just a virus folks, why can't you gets your heads around the simplest instructions, keep your distance from those you don't live with, wash your hands with soap and water with some frequency and throw a mask on while in public spaces such as stores and other indoor areas.

    It sounds simple, because it is. Even the Hutu and Tutsi of Rwanda have managed to cultivate their common ground in the face of this pandemic, why Americans are failing in this social exercise astounds me, in the same way that Trump and his congress of genus Pongo, cling to the hope that he stands a chance of winning in November.

    Moscow Mitch delivered what amounts to his concession speech this week, imploring the Democrats not to 'break' the senate after the GOP is put to its heels.

    Lol... Sure thing, Mitch, my old Terrapin.


  176. [176] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Okay, enough nonsense. I did not call Michale a prick. I don't go around doing that sort of thing - here or anywhere else.

    You're missing the point. Mike was insulting every person here as per his usual. He called Russ a douche and called MC a troll, and you were using words like "prick" to describe him long before I showed up today.

    Any questions? That was my point. He hurls the names toward Russ, MC, etc. and tosses out the standard insults toward the entire group of "you people" using the same shit ad nauseam yet bitches and moans when he gets it back and acts like he's a victim. He's worse than that Orange POS World's Biggest Victim he worships.

    To review what actually happened, Michale and I were sharing a fun quote or two that we have shared here from time immemorial or close enough to it.

    I don't care, EM. #SSDD

    That quote is between Michale and me and I wish it wasn't used to continue the really asinine name-calling that has become a worrisome feature of this site and, I fear it will, in time, bring an end to this place.

    Well, it wasn't used to continue any name-calling your friend had already started.

    I pray I'm wrong about that.

    Pray harder. Your butt hurt friend is a malignant and toxic troll who wants to toss out the name calling shit while whining if he gets it back in his general direction. If he's going to insist on dishing the names out toward everyone else, he can damn well learn to take it. Or STFU about it.

    What movie is that from?


  177. [177] 
    Kick wrote:

    James T Canuck

    Nice! :)

  178. [178] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Around here, we all need a little more Sergeant Elias.

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