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Trump's Fauci Envy

[ Posted Tuesday, July 28th, 2020 – 16:00 UTC ]

President Donald Trump just finished giving a press briefing, ostensibly about the coronavirus pandemic, and in the short question period that followed, gave the most pathetic "poor me" performance I've ever seen a president give. Why, Trump mused, is Dr. Anthony Fauci so gosh-darned popular, and why am I not? That sounds like an oversimplification or snarky version of what the president said, but it's really not. If anything, it's an understatement. I don't have the actual transcript yet, so I can't reproduce Trump's actual phrasing. But I will certainly be seeking it out later today, because it truly was the most whiny display of envy ever seen from a presidential podium.

There may be other news from the press conference -- Trump also answered questions about DACA and his upcoming convention speech and other normal issues, but of course he veered off on a couple of others. When asked why the pharmaceutical industry leaders had refused to meet with him today, Trump was mystified that such a meeting had ever been planned, and seemed to think it might happen later in the week. So much for Joe Biden "not being all there" -- this was Trump's one big meeting of the day, and apparently he had already forgotten it was supposed to take place. He also -- once again -- touted hydroxychloroquine as the magical drug that would save everyone, in response to a question as to why he had promoted a social media video by a doctor who has some other (shall we say) strange notions. Such as: we already have a cure for the coronavirus, and nobody needs to wear masks. Trump was directly asked why he was retweeting a woman who also has spoken out about "alien D.N.A.," which may be the clip we seen on the late-night shows (for sheer entertainment value alone).

But the question that struck me was about why Trump had -- once again -- viciously attacked Dr. Fauci on Twitter by essentially calling him a liar. Fauci had to -- once again -- rebut such nonsense this morning, saying he has "never misled the American people" about anything. In another bout of forgetfulness (or just outright denial), Trump refused to even admit that he had sent the tweet. He said he worked well with Fauci and listened closely to his advice. It was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde time, in other words -- "Tweet? What tweet? I love Fauci, we get along great!"

But this is where Trump said the part out loud that he really should have kept in his head, because it was so revealing. Trump admitted that Fauci had "very high approval ratings" with the public, which is something Trump desperately wants but has never gotten. In his entire time in office, Trump has never once cracked 50 percent job approval in his polling average. Fauci's approval, meanwhile, is through the roof. Which Trump pointed out, several times.

Trump then turned the whole thing back to his favorite subject: himself. "I don't know why Fauci is so popular when I'm not," Trump complained (again, those are pretty close to the actual words he used, but possibly not verbatim). "You'd think because he works for me that I'd be that popular too. He works for me, for my administration. I guess it's because of my personality. People don't like me, but they love Dr. Fauci." Again, until I get a transcript, that's as close as memory can get me. It was the equivalent of Charlie Brown getting a rock instead of candy on Hallowe'en, at least from Trump's point of view.

Of course, there are several easy answers to Trump's question about why Fauci is popular when Trump is not. Fauci has been telling Americans the truth from Day One. Trump has not. Fauci honestly tells people what the science says. Trump rejects any science he doesn't personally like (such as the proof that hydroxychloroquine is totally ineffective against the coronavirus). Fauci tells people bad news, and he tells it to them straight. Trump blows sunshine up everyone's skirt. Fauci is, in a word, trustworthy -- something no one will ever accuse Trump of being.

To Trump, being more popular than him is the ultimate sin, really. Trump is actually fearful of people who are more popular than him. The best evidence of this is the fact that Dr. Fauci still has his job. Trump is afraid to fire him, plain and simple (which is a good thing for the country, obviously). Trump knows the political blowback would be fierce indeed if he kicked Fauci out.

The Washington Post reported today on Trump's previous press conference, which happened last Thursday. In it, Trump -- out of nowhere -- announced that he would be throwing out the first pitch at a Yankees game on August 15. The reason he did so? He was petulant because Dr. Fauci had been invited to throw out the first pitch of the Major League Baseball season by the Washington Nationals later that same day. So without even informing the Yankees, Trump decided he wanted to toss out a first pitch, too. Another measure of how out of the blue this was: because Trump had to then announce he would not be throwing out the first pitch at a Yankees game (he was "too busy" to do so, according to him), he may become the first president in 100 years not to have ever thrown out a first pitch at any baseball game while in office. He has previously attended a World Series Nationals game, where the crowd loudly booed him (but he didn't throw out the first pitch). Maybe he thought that without any fans in the stadium, he could get away with a first pitch at a Yankees game?

That is some world-class petulance, folks. "Fauci gets to throw out a pitch, so I WANNA DO SO TOO! WAAAAAH!!!" But last week, I don't believe Trump even mentioned Fauci when announcing his upcoming first Yankees pitch. In other words, he kept that part in his head rather than saying it out loud.

Today, we got a more unvarnished peek into Trump's Fauci envy. Maybe it was because Topps just put out an actual baseball card of Fauci and it broke all their sales records in a single day? Trump's right -- the public has already made up their minds about Fauci and Trump. Fauci's approval rating is north of 60 percent. Trump's, on the coronavirus, is in the mid-30s and still falling. In other words, Trump has every reason in the world to envy how the public sees Dr. Fauci. But it was still surprising to hear him admit it so plainly out loud.



While editing this, I did find an Axios article which directly quoted the president. Rather than go back and re-edit the whole middle of this article, I'm just going to append it here (as you can see, it's pretty close to what I remembered). Here are Trump's own words, talking about Fauci's popularity:

He's got a very good approval rating. I like that, it's good. Because remember, he's working for this administration. He's working with us.... And he's got this high approval rating. So why don't I have a high approval rating with respect -- and the administration, with respect to the virus? We should have a very high -- because what we have done in terms of -- we're just reading off about the masks and the gowns and the ventilators and numbers that nobody's seen. So it sort of is curious. A man works for us, with us, very closely, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, very highly thought of. And yet they're highly thought of, but nobody likes me. It can only be my personality.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


242 Comments on “Trump's Fauci Envy”

  1. [1] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I saw that press briefing and it was quite revealing. The president really doesn't understand why he isn't as popular as Dr. Fauci.

  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Wait just a second!

    Fauci's approval is north of 60 percent? Meaning it's less than 65 percent?

    So, a third of your country has an unfavourable opinion of Dr. Fauci, the leading infectious diseases scientist in the nation during a pandemic???

    Well then, clearly, the dismal response to Covid-19 in your country cannot all be blamed on president Trump, not by a long shot!

  3. [3] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    LizM -

    Yeah, but Trump's coronavirus rating is, according to two recent polls, either 32 or 36 percent. That's the context. The more-rabid pro-Trump internet has been absolutely demonizing Fauci for months, if you hadn't heard -- that's why his rating isn't 85 or 90 percent, where it should be. Go to Twitter and type in "#Fauci" and see the suggested hashtags that pop up to see what I'm talking about...


  4. [4] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    60 is less than 65. This is America. Some of them don't even know who Fauci is.

  5. [5] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    They usually like diseases right around now.

    For the 2014 elections, the Republicons tried to gin up a panic about Ebola-infected jihadis from Pakistan sneaking across the US-Mexican border completely undetected and heading for Oshkosh and Youngstown to blow up the Barrel of Crackers. In 2016, it was a moral panic about humans w/o penises with blood coming out of their whatevers. 2018 was all about the Invasion of the Little Kids who would infest your community with Zika and speak Mexican right in front of you.

    I do wonder what the GOP would tell us to fear if Country Club Orange wasn’t directing this episode. As it is, they’ll just have to work with baby-eating Satanic fascist Black anarchists who will take over a city block and graffiti your confederate traitor statues until America surrenders to carnage worse than The Donald has already inflicted. The graffiti is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. I heard that the boogaloos were planning false flag graffiti operations to start a race war. It’s really not icky or contagious enough to be very convincing even to middle school grads, but it’ll be tough to smear them with a disease while the GOP intentionally spreads Trump Virus around from the White House to Tulsa and Phoenix.


  6. [6] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I didn't realize that Drumpf was self-aware enough to realize that nobody likes him. The cognitive dissonance must be excruciating.

  7. [7] 
    Kick wrote:

    Chris Weigant

    Asking one more time:

    I was doing some routine research, and I have a question to ask you:

    Chris, did you know your name is included in one of the WikiLeaks dumps prior to the 2016 election?

    It says nice things. Want the link?

  8. [8] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Chris, my point was that Trump isn't your only problem. Add your society and culture to the list, as you already know.

  9. [9] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    North of sixty mean less than 65. Ahem.

  10. [10] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    BTW, I don't go to twitter. I thought I made that perfectly clear. :)

  11. [11] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    It says nice things. Want the link?

    May I have the link?

  12. [12] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    OK, just finished answering some more comments from yesterday, which starts at:


  13. [13] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    John From Censornati [6] -

    I was a little surprised at this self-realization too. But I think it's been hammered into Trump for the past two weeks: "Dude, you are LOSING... you ARE GOING TO LOSE unless you change course NOW... go out there, read the script, and when we signal you to leave, then LEAVE."

    I think Trump got his nose rubbed in some very bad polling from his own team, in other words.

    Maybe he'll sue his pollster again for telling him numbers he didn't like...



  14. [14] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Kick [7] -

    Answered this in the yesterday thread, basically by asking for the link!


    So please, post it up!


  15. [15] 
    Kick wrote:

    I got a Dr. Fauci baseball card. :P

  16. [16] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Kick [15] -

    Woo hoo! A keeper, for sure. I've still got an Obama bobblehead, myself.


    Oh, and an AOC comic book, too, can't forget that...


  17. [17] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I really don't know who I even want Biden to pick. I know I have no business even guessing who he'll pick. Frankly, I think it could be someone few, including not me, have heard much about. I don't think a well-known name is necessary.

    Competence and experience far outweigh any name recognition. People will get to know the VP very well as Biden will pick someone to whom he can delegate with abandon. In other words, his vice president will act as he did with Obama.

    One thing is for sure - there is no one on the planet better qualified to make this pick than Biden. And, that can't be said of all presidential nominees.

    It is my opinion that both Warren and Harris ruined any chance they may have had by their own actions, whether during the primaries or after Biden became the de facto Democratic nominee. Though, it's doubtful either would have been in the running, really, anyway.

    I'm more interested in who he will announce as his Secretary of State. William Burns would be a good one and I'd just LOVE LOVE LOVE to see John Kerry take those reins again. A very steady and familiar hand is needed at State.

  18. [18] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I have a veritable treasure trove of Obama stuff! :)

  19. [19] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, I've got a Biden For President pin!!!

  20. [20] 
    Kick wrote:

    Chris Weigant

    I wasn't going to post the link without your permission. It's from the private emails of one John Podesta, and I did think you'd want to see it.

    Best to search for your first and last name if you wish to avoid the myriad mentions of "Chris Christie"... heh. :)

  21. [21] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I can't believe I recycled Mitch McConnell's For Sale ad.

  22. [22] 
    Kick wrote:

    Chris Weigant

    Oh, one more thing, Chris. I totally ran across this doing other research and about fell out of my chair. :)

  23. [23] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    CW [13],

    . . . or maybe Natasha finally leveled with him. "Just ask what's-her-name . . . Tiffany or her cousin. Nobody likes you Donald."

  24. [24] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    So, Kick,

    Are we to glean from your Wikileaks link that Chris's columns are influential? That's all I really wish to know but won't search the site to find out.

  25. [25] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Are we to glean from your Wikileaks link that Chris's columns are influential? That's all I really wish to know but won't search the site to find out.

    Oh, go on. If you don't want to click the link directly, just copy it and search for "Chris Weigant." I promise you it won't hurt; I would not do that to you. :)

  26. [26] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Oh I clicked the link - I just don't have the time nor inclination to go through it all ...

  27. [27] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Does Podesta find Chris's pieces as valuable as we do?

  28. [28] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: He also -- once again -- touted hydroxychloroquine as the magical drug that would save everyone, in response to a question as to why he had promoted a social media video by a doctor who has some other (shall we say) strange notions.

    I know, right!? A "miracle cure" for America, which is nothing but misinformation brought to you by the POTUS, no less. This nut job that Trump retweeted says that doctors make medicine using DNA from aliens, cysts are evil deposits from the spirit husband, and she believes in "demon sperm."

    Report: Texas doctor who went viral with unproven COVID-19 cure believes in 'demon sperm'

    I wonder if this "demon sperm" glows orange.

    This crap is not just harmless fantasy, it is dangerous misinformation that is killing Americans... being retweeted by the President of the United States.

    Now, I would wager without hesitation that the majority here can think of a much better "miracle cure" for America that actually does involve Donald Trump... so y'all make sure you are registered to vote. Your life or the life of your loved ones may very well depend on it.

  29. [29] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @cw (fpc),

    i also like duckworth's chances. also there's been some interest in karen bass. hey weren't you one of the first to predict out of left field that palin would be mccain's running mate?

  30. [30] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Kick [28],

    She's a totally amazing credibility killer, but Fat Donny is already throwing her under the bus. "I don't know that doctor. I've never had sex with that woman."

    I don't think she'll be in any more episodes.

  31. [31] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    hey weren't you one of the first to predict out of left field that palin would be mccain's running mate?

    Holy Beetlejuice!

  32. [32] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    Heh. :)

  33. [33] 
    Kick wrote:

    Chris Weigant

    Sweet! :)

    I have an invitation to visit the Senate chamber from the 1960s. It was given to my father by the then Vice President of the United States. I wonder what they would do if I presented it 60+ years later?

  34. [34] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    It is my opinion that both Warren and Harris ruined any chance they may have had by their own actions, whether during the primaries or after Biden became the de facto Democratic nominee. Though, it's doubtful either would have been in the running, really, anyway.

    Wait, what!? You think Joe Biden would hold a grudge against Kamala Harris over a silly dang debate? I don't think so!

    I was very nice a gave you the dang list from whom he should choose over a year ago! Even before he became the presumptive nominee and even before he said he would select a woman as his VP running mate!

    What more do you want from me!? Get with the program, EM!
    Sheeeeeeeeeeesh! ;) Heh.

  35. [35] 
    Kick wrote:

    Y'all know Kamala Harris is an even better choice now because the Trumpropaganda is that Democrats are lawless, right? If it isn't Harris or Warren, then it needs to be Val Demmings... and for that very reason. Plus Florida, of course.

    One of the keys to the election runs through Florida. Count on it! :)

  36. [36] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    You speculated on why Fauci has substantially higher public approval than the president:

    "Of course, there are several easy answers to Trump's question about why Fauci is popular when Trump is not. Fauci has been telling Americans the truth from Day One. Trump has not. Fauci honestly tells people what the science says. Trump rejects any science he doesn't personally like (such as the proof that hydroxychloroquine is totally ineffective against the coronavirus). Fauci tells people bad news, and he tells it to them straight. Trump blows sunshine up everyone's skirt. Fauci is, in a word, trustworthy -- something no one will ever accuse Trump of being."

    All true, as far as it goes. But even more than trustworthy and honest, Fauci comes across as human. He clearly cares about the public health of the American people, and is clearly heartbroken about the sickness and death he has been unable to prevent or minimize - which is his job description.

    The president is the opposite, and everyone but his so-called base gets it, and has gotten it since early 2016: he is not human. He has no empathy, no ability to feel another person's pain. Of course we mock people, like Bill Clinton, who manage to make that into a joke. But on at least a subliminal level, most people instinctively react to other people's pain: sympathy, pity, an impulse to make it better or at least say soothing things. Not this president - and it comes through in everything he says.

    Yes, it's his "personality" that causes his unpopularity compared to all previous presidents, as he so vapidly concludes. But he actually has no idea of what his personality is, because he doesn't understand that a personality doesn't just make you a person, it makes other people into persons as well because ... well, because they also have personalities.

    Finally, although another 'Trump can't talk' article is possibly amusing, I think it's best not to present it as news. What's news, to me, is that the media still report his statements in summary form, or interpreted to make sense where sense is lacking, or as if he somehow comically or curiously failed to make sense today unlike his usual well-phrased and cogent speeches.

    I continue to hope, no doubt in vain, that the media - including you, no offense intended - will start to literally ignore his speeches as a perpetual combination of lies and dementia, and only pay attention to actual policy announcements from the executive branch.

  37. [37] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    She's a totally amazing credibility killer, but Fat Donny is already throwing her under the bus. "I don't know that doctor. I've never had sex with that woman."

    You sure about that? Donny sure seemed fascinated with her, and little Donny Junior as well.

    She refers to herself as “God’s battle axe and weapon of war” and claims that medical issues like endometriosis, cysts, infertility, and impotence are caused by sex with “spirit husbands” and “spirit wives,” a phenomenon described essentially as witches and demons having sexual intercourse with people in a dreamworld.

    “They turn into a woman and then they sleep with the man and collect his sperm,” Immanuel said, according to the outlet. “Then they turn into the man and they sleep with a man and deposit the sperm and reproduce more of themselves.”

    “They are responsible for serious gynecological problems,” Immanuel said. “We call them all kinds of names — endometriosis, we call them molar pregnancies, we call them fibroids, we call them cysts, but most of them are evil deposits from the spirit husband,” Immanuel said in 2013. “They are responsible for miscarriages, impotence — men that can’t get it up.”

    Viral sensation Dr. Stella Immanuel says Jesus will destroy Facebook if her COVID video doesn’t go back up


    Ah, ha! That right there explains both of the Donny's fascination with her!

    I don't think she'll be in any more episodes.

    The self-described "battle axe" with the cure for the two Donny's ED... written out after one episode!? Say it isn't so! :)

  38. [38] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    CW- a doctor who has some other (shall we say) strange notions.

    Those strange notions are all well and good but another article covering this mentioned: the harmful effects of having sexual relations with demons and witches while dreaming.

    I need to know more about this! Asking for a friend, of course...

  39. [39] 
    TheStig wrote:

    So Donald ducks out of his latest press confeffy after only 5 minutes on air - after a sharp reporter reveals his hydroxychloroquine "experts" are in fact very wacky quacks. As the old saying goes, if it ducks like a quack, it's a quack.

  40. [40] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    John M from Ct. wrote,

    I continue to hope, no doubt in vain, that the media - including you, no offense intended - will start to literally ignore his speeches as a perpetual combination of lies and dementia, and only pay attention to actual policy announcements from the executive branch.

    The trouble with this is that because,

    (1) Trump is President so no matter how ludicrous his tweets and ad libs are they are still noteworthy.

    (2) Millions of (misguided) Americans take Trump's word as the gospel truth. Trump also has some support among Independents. For the rest of us to defeat Trump & his GOP enablers we have to know what they're hearing & thinking. "Know your enemy," said some guy named Sun Tzu back in the day.

    Yes, action talks and baloney walks. Trump's actions are far more important than his words. But no matter what he's still president until noon January 20th.

    My problem with MSM is they so often strive to present "both sides" even when one side is saying complete carp! (Not a typo, hats off to Michale for giving me "carp.")

  41. [41] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    John M from Ct. wrote,

    I continue to hope, no doubt in vain, that the media - including you, no offense intended - will start to literally ignore his speeches as a perpetual combination of lies and dementia, and only pay attention to actual policy announcements from the executive branch.

    The trouble with this is that because,

    (1) Trump is President so no matter how ludicrous his tweets and ad libs are they are still noteworthy.

    (2) Millions of (misguided) Americans take Trump's word as the gospel truth. Trump also has some support among Independents. For the rest of us to defeat Trump & his GOP enablers we have to know what they're hearing & thinking. "Know your enemy," said some guy named Sun Tzu back in the day.

    Yes, action talks and baloney walks. Trump's actions are far more important than his words. But no matter what he's still president until noon January 20th.

    My problem with MSM is they so often strive to present "both sides" even when one side is saying complete carp! (Not a typo, hats off to Michale for giving me "carp.")

  42. [42] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    nypoet22 -

    Nope, sorry. I was just as surprised as everyone else when Palin was announced. Speaking of research, when she was announced, I immediately checked her out on Wikipedia. And saw an actual Wikiwar happen, as her info was changed radically over the next 24 hours or so. There was the whole rumor that her daughter's baby was hers, and then it just wasn't there (hey presto!) only to return in slightly different form a few hours later.

    But I had to look her up just like everyone else did...


  43. [43] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Kick [34] -

    I would say that would probably depend on your senators...



  44. [44] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Kick [35] -

    I hate to say it, since she's my senator and all, but I really think Harris isn't going to get it because she never took off with the voters. It'd be like Tim Kaine all over again. But then you never know...


  45. [45] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    John M from Ct. [37] -

    I hear you about not writing about Trumptalk. But I have two things to say about that.

    (1) Hey, I waited as long as I could. I've been watching his dog-n-pony show ever since Season Two started (last week), mostly because it is very convenient for me. They last only a half-hour, and they air RIGHT before I sit down to write that day's column (about 2:30 PM, my time). So I watch his rambling, and so far have refrained upon commenting on it.

    (2)But I just knew the demon/alien DNA lady was going to be a bigger story, so I wanted to draw attention to what I considered to be one of the weakest and most pathetic performances of any president, ever. Seriously... he's jealous over Fauci's approval rating? Wow.

    As to your larger point, you are dead on accurate. I have been saying for awhile now that if Trump had shown the slightest bit of empathy during this crisis, he'd be in a LOT better shape right now. I'd be worried for Biden, in fact. But he was incapable of doing so -- he NEVER mentions the families of the dead, for instance -- and so it truly has been "Trump's Katrina." Except that Katrina was over and done within a few weeks (except the long aftermath, but the media had mostly lost interest by then), and COVID-19 is the crisis that just keeps on going....

    Biden is going to win this because he is human, and he obviously does care. That's exactly what people are looking for right now, and it's why he's doing so well in the polls.

    Roughly a month or two ago, I started using the word "sociopath" to describe Trump, because I think it is entirely fitting. He literally cannot understand that other people actually have feelings of empathy, because the idea is so foreign to him. He doesn't care, so he assumes no one else does either. Sad.


  46. [46] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    MtnCaddy -

    Hmmph. Why be insulting to the poor fish?

    My favorite go-to term has long been (ever since that ad with Sarah Palin in it) "moose poop."

    Lemme dig the link out...


  47. [47] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:
  48. [48] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    i guess not then. i was sure you'd mused on the possibility, but maybe it was just that you'd made an unusual vp pick and written multiple columns on alaska, and my mind conflated the two.


  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    [Removed by Editor for excessive excerpts without express permission. Limit such excerpts to 2-3 paragraphs, maximum, or they will be removed.]

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:


    There are no "facts" from the future, sorry. Your statement about who will win an election are speculation, not fact -- just like all my articles are (and are clearly identified as being).

    And yet, my predictions in 2016 WERE factual... This is an undeniable FACT..

    So, my predictions now ARE factual. Even if they haven't happened yet, they are 1000% factual..

    A point you will be forced to concede on 4 Nov 2020... :D

    It's gonna be fun around here when President Trump wins re-election, eh?? :D

    That's another FACT... :D

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, my lovely wife and I just finished the entire series THE AMERICANS..

    And we were blown away.. What a crappy over-blown piece of Hate America pile of shit it was..


    Here is a couple of Soviet spies who do irreparable harm to the US and, in doing so, have a brutal body count..

    And the get away scot free!!!

    Yes, it's true in the end, they actually work for the benefit of the US and protect Gorbachev... But that doesn't erase all the bad they had done and all the innocent people they killed..

    And even above and beyond the plain HATE America we have come to expect from Democrats and Hollywood the show itself was poor and nauseating..

    They left SO MUCH just hanging..

    What happened to Oleg??? Was Renee actually KGB???

    But the one piece of fact I took away from it???

    Just like the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party, Phillip and Elizabeth hated America more than they loved their own children..

    That says it all about the state of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party..

  52. [52] 
    Michale wrote:

    The lunacy of the ‘largely peaceful protest’

    The media says one thing while also saying the opposite

    The great conundrum facing the anti-American left at the moment is how to react to the violent protest ripping up various Democratic-run cities. What is the preferred narrative? The two main choices are 1) it’s all peaceful protest, the ‘right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances’? or 2) let ’er rip: we’re out there destroying stuff and hurting people because the country’s falling apart and the sooner the better.

    Once again, the complete and utter ILLOGIC of ya'all thinking that sane patriotic Americans will actually VOTE for a Party that condones torturing toddlers, killing cops and looting and destroying property???

    It's simply MIND-BOGGLING that ya'all actually believe that President Trump will lose re-election..

    I mean, ALL ya'all have in ya'all's favor are polls.. That's it.. NOTHING but polls..

    And we all know that polls don't mean diddley squat.. 2016 proved that beyond any doubt..

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:


    May I say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new Weigantia! It is actually a pleasure to read all the comments. I'm in seventh heaven ... :)

    I know, right!!! :D

    It's a shame it had to be imposed instead of people accepting the moratorium challenge, but hay..

    I'll take it any way I can get it..

    It's what I had hoped for.. :D

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:


    Biden is going to win this because he is human, and he obviously does care.

    Weren't you the one who said Eliot Spitzer was destined for political stardom?? :D

    Eliot Spitzer. All eyes are currently on Barack Obama, but Eliot Spitzer may wind up being the one to watch. He just won a landslide (69%) victory in his campaign for New York governor, and many suspect he has set his sights even higher. He would likely annoy New Yorkers by jumping into the presidential ring in 2008 (after only serving one year of his term), but if the other frontrunners are damaged early, he may decide to jump in late in the campaign. Safer money is on him running in the future (2012 or 2016). But he is definitely a Democrat to watch in the future.

    In a way, you were dead on balls accurate... :D

    Eliot Spitzer *WAS* the Democrat to watch...

    But not in the way you meant... :D


    As you mention, the ONLY thing Biden has going for him are polls...

    Take away the polls (that are PROVEN to be completely useless where President Trump is concerned) and there is simply NO CAUSE to believe that Basement Biden is going to do anything but go down in flames..

    But hay.. I am a fair guy...

    Point to me ANYTHING besides polling that favors the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

    Anything at all.. :D

    I'll be here all day.. :D

  55. [55] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, let's get back to the "peaceful protests" that ya'all love and condone.. :D

    MSNBC reporting on the "peaceful" protests.. In his own words, "A protest that is not, generally speaking, unruly"

    Of course, the FACT that he is saying that in front of a burning police station, set fire by "peaceful" protesters kinda belays his claim that it is not "generally speaking, unruly"...

    This is the problem ya'all's Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party faces..

    The complete and total incongruity between what ya'all are saying (and NOT saying) and the facts on the ground...

    Given all these FACTS, I find it astounding that ya'all can say "BIDEN IS GOING TO WIN" with a straight face.. :D

    Oh sure, there are the smart ones (like me.. :D) who realize that President Trump is going to glide to re-election.. But they are few here...

    Further, since it's established that the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLies Matter Party cares more for torturing toddlers and killing cops and looting and burning and rioting and destroying then they care about the pandemic..

    It stands to rational and logical reasoning that sane patriotic Americans will ALSO care more about OPPOSING the torturing toddlers and killing cops and looting and burning and rioting and destroying then they care about the pandemic..

    The logic is impeccable and unassailable...

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:

    But hay.. I am a fair guy...

    Point to me ANYTHING besides polling that favors the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

    Anything at all.. :D

    Let me amend that to say

    Point to me ANYTHING *RELEVANT* besides polling that favors the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    ‘Democrats and local leaders reiterated on Monday, that protests have been largely peaceful, and harshly criticized the federal forces, which have shot and seriously injured one peaceful protester and shoved others into unmarked vans.’

    So, the "largely peaceful" protesters are besieged by "federal forces"...

    And yet, it's the "largely peaceful" protesters who have the molotov cocktails and the bags of guns and ammo strategically placed and who are using stolen commercial grade fireworks to shoot at police..

    Once again, the total dissonance between what ya'all are saying and condoning and what is actually happening on the ground is mind-boggling..

    And even more astounding is that ya'all believe that the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party can PREVAIL...

    There is simply NO RHYME NOR REASON to ya'all's belief that sane patriotic Americans will actually VOTE for more toddler torture, cop killings, looting, rioting, burning and destroying ...

    The fact that ya'all (NEN) believe this is.... well, it just blows me away...

  58. [58] 
    Mezzomamma wrote:

    EM: I'd like to know, as a serious question, why you feel Warren or Harris would not be good VP picks? Do you think they would hurt Biden's candidacy (and why), or do you think there are more intrinsic reasons why either would not make a good VP (and why again)?

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, of course, we have this little gem from ABC...

    Oakland protesters set fire to courthouse and vandalize

    Once again, "peaceful" protesters smashed windows at an Oakland courthouse.. Threw molotov cocktails and pointed lasers at police..

    Yes, that's right.. Lasers.. Many police officers have been permanently BLINDED by stolen commercial grade lasers..

    Then ABC really pulls out all semblance of reality and reported that the "peaceful protest intensified"...

    Get that?? I wasn't aware that there were different intensity levels when it comes to being peaceful.. Whaa?? Did protesters really get into being peaceful and assumed the lotus position??

    "It became even more intensely peaceful. If ABC News covered Pearl Harbor: 'Honolulu, Dec. 7, 1941: A peaceful flyover by Japanese pilots intensified yesterday..'..."

    How the hell do you "intensify" being peaceful??

    Unless of course, you weren't really being peaceful in the first place...

    "The word 'Fascism' has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies “something not desirable."
    -George Orwell

    The AntiFa claiming that they are not fascists is like North Korea claiming they are The Democratic Republic Of North Korea...

    AntiFa's actions prove beyond ANY doubt that they are what they claim to be against...


    And THIS is what the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party is all about...


    The FACTS are conclusive and irrefutable..

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    Gowdy challenges Nadler to tell NYC murder victims' families 'that the violence is manufactured'

    Eerily reminiscent of my discussion with JL a couple days ago where it was mentioned that the hundreds of innocent people and cops dead were not really relevant or significant or words to that effect..

    It's funny how ya'all can get so up in arms over the death of a SINGLE scumbag whose removal from this plane was a GOOD thing for society..

    And be totally blase about toddlers being tortured and cops and innocent people being killed by the hundreds at the hands of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party...

    Again.. MIND BOGGLING is the ONLY way to describe it...

  61. [61] 
    Michale wrote:

    "What I wish Nadler would do is go find all the homicide victims and their family members in New York, go find the parents of that one-year-old who got killed and tell them that the violence is manufactured. Go find all the homicide victims, Jerry, in your own backyard and tell them that the violence is manufactured."
    -Trey Gowdy

    The actions and the blase and ignorant attitude of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party and everyone who buys into what the Party is spewing???

    Mind boggling... Simply mind boggling..

  62. [62] 
    Michale wrote:


    And Bad Guys never win elections...

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    And again... EXACTLY this^^^^

    This is the brutal fact of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party's pure, unadulterated and blatant hypocrisy...

    How ANYONE can support such a Party is completely and utterly... you guessed it.. mind-boggling...

  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:


    Reposted for clarity...

    And again... EXACTLY this^^^^

    This is the brutal fact of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party's pure, unadulterated and blatant hypocrisy...

    How ANYONE can support such a Party is completely and utterly... you guessed it.. mind-boggling...

  65. [65] 
    Kick wrote:


    Here are some choice excerpts from the House hearing that I am SURE yer gonna wanna relive.. :D

    But those aren't excerpts from the House hearing, Mike. What they are is the copy and pasted opinion of Michael Goodwin, Fox News contributor and New York Post columnist, with your fictional invented names of a Party that doesn't exist on this planet and your repetitive gibes wherein you insult people via usage of the contraction "ya'all."

  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:

    And for those who claim that ZERO people have lost their lives because of Black Lies Matter??

    The FACTS say different..

  67. [67] 
    Michale wrote:

    But those aren't excerpts from the House hearing, Mike.

    Actually, they are, Vick..

    But it's understandable why you want to disavow them.. :D

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    your repetitive gibes wherein you insult people via usage of the contraction "ya'all."

    Facts are facts.. If you feel insulted by them perhaps it's your choices of who and what you support that are the problem..


  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:


    In Pennsylvania, Joe Biden is hoping to peel off just enough white, working-class voters in crucial counties to edge out the president. But the women here—waitresses, churchgoers, bingo players, lifelong Democrats—show no signs of budging, pandemic be damned. “I am 110% Trump,” says one. “I love him.”

    Even Left Wing rag Vanity Fair concedes the facts..

    Women don't like the Party that supports torturing of toddlers, cop killings, rioting, looting, burning, killing...

    Again, take away the PROVEN BS polls and what is the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party left with??

    Nothing.. Zilch.. Zero... Nada....

    And note that supporting President Trump and America is more important to sane patriotic Americans.. Even more important than the pandemic..

    Democrats are going to get creamed in 98 days..

    Just the facts... :D

  70. [70] 
    James T Canuck wrote:

    [Removed by Editor for foul language.]

  71. [71] 
    Kick wrote:


    Actually, they are, Vick..

    Michael Goodwin's copied and pasted opinions from the New York post do not qualify as "excerpts from the House hearing" no matter how many times you insist they do.

    But it's understandable why you want to disavow them.. :D

    I didn't disavow them; I just explained that they're not excerpts from the House hearing... because they're not.

    Facts are facts.. If you feel insulted by them perhaps it's your choices of who and what you support that are the problem..

    Your monotonous insults toward this group via your standard usage of the contraction "ya'all" qualify as your opinion but not as "facts," but I thank you for the admission regarding the repetitive insults. As for me, I'm still not a political issue. :)

  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    Michael Goodwin's copied and pasted opinions from the New York post do not qualify as "excerpts from the House hearing" no matter how many times you insist they do.

    Once again, I understand why you would say that.. But the facts still are the facts..

    Your monotonous insults toward this group via your standard usage of the contraction "ya'all" qualify as your opinion but not as "facts," but I thank you for the admission regarding the repetitive insults. As for me, I'm still not a political issue. :)

    Whatever you have to tell yerself.. :D


  73. [73] 
    Michale wrote:

    The entire political world, in turn, has been focused on these women and the numbers—and potential power—they represent. The bingo players are part of the white working class, a prized group that helped elect Donald Trump in 2016. Many are Democrats who supported Barack Obama in one or both of his races and had never pulled the GOP lever before. To Republicans they represent the path to the president’s reelection. To Democrats they personify opportunity, a chance to siphon off just enough Trump votes in swing states to remove him from office. “I don’t need to win them,” said Democratic pollster Jill Normington. “I need to lose by less.”

    Ever since Trump pulled off upset victories in the former Democratic strongholds of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, both parties have viewed white women without college degrees as pivotal 2020 voters. White, working-class women and men are the nation’s largest bloc of voters, especially here in the Rust Belt, and women are considered more likely to reject Trump this time around. Polls bear this out, showing that the men in this group remain overwhelmingly behind the president, while many of the women are having second thoughts. Democrats hope that just as suburban women outside cities like Philadelphia, about two hours south of Wilkes-Barre, turned on Republicans in 2018, white, working-class women will follow suit this year.

    RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 5 Cast Teaches You Drag Slang

    But the bingo players at St. Andrew and their counterparts in their key region of Pennsylvania may be unexpectedly resistant. In this historically Democratic bastion, where coal once ruled and black-and-white photos of JFK still adorn walls, women who voted for Trump show few signs of wavering. They applaud his brusque demeanor, or they don’t. They support his right-wing policies, or they don’t. It doesn’t matter. They think Democrats have persecuted him without justification, believe he’s doing everything possible to combat COVID-19, and generally support his “law-and-order” response to what are likely the most pervasive protests in U.S. history. They have faith that he has the business acumen to reinvigorate the economy. Mainly, they have faith in him.

    Again... FACTS....

    While the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party chase the laughable goal of winning in Texas, President Trump's support in "safe" Democrat/AntiFaBlackLiesMatter strongholds is holding strong..

    Given the fact that ya'all ONLY have polls to point to, the results of the election in 98 days is pre-ordained.. :D

    For those who think that all the toddler torturing, cop killings, looting, rioting and destruction doesn't enter into the voting picture at all??

    Yer in for a huge shock come election day...

    But, have no fear... I'll be here to help ya'all thru it.. :D

  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    That's the thing ya'all simply do not get about President Trump..

    People may not like what he does and says...

    But they *LOVE* what he is doing for this country..

    And the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party is playing RIGHT INTO President Trump's hands by supporting the torture of toddlers, the killing of cops, the riots and the burning and the looting and the destroying...

    The Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party ignores all those things..

    And by remaining silent about them or even actively DEFENDING them as "peaceful protests", they are showing every sane patriotic American what their Party is all about..

    And Americans will voice their displeasure about what their Party is all about in 98 days..

    And ya'all won't like what the American people say... :D

    This is fact... :D

  75. [75] 
    Kick wrote:


    Once again, I understand why you would say that.. But the facts still are the facts..

    FUN FACT: Michael Goodwin's cut and pasted opinion from the New York Post neither qualifies as "excerpts from the House hearing" or "facts" because a copied opinion from the New York Post is an excerpt from the New York Post, and anyone's opinion from the New York Post isn't a fact... it just isn't and won't magically become a fact no matter how many times you insist that it is.

    Whatever you have to tell yerself.. :D

    Nice projection, Mike... fits so very nicely with your monotonous insults toward the group... who are also not political issues. :)

  76. [76] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I'd like to know, as a serious question, why you feel Warren or Harris would not be good VP picks? Do you think they would hurt Biden's candidacy (and why), or do you think there are more intrinsic reasons why either would not make a good VP (and why again)?

    Well, let me say that should Biden choose either one of them, I will be very surprised. Not because I think Biden holds a grudge but, I certainly do. I just do. I'll be equally surprised if they end up in a Biden cabinet. Although, I think a great place for Senator Warren would be heading up the CFPB. And, I mean that sincerely.

    Senator Harris blew all hope for a cabinet position when she so disingenuously and crassly politically went after Biden on race, especially when her position on bussing was the same as his. I'll never forgive her for that. NEVER!

    I feel that neither would be a good pick for two reasons. Number one, Biden is looking for someone who is 'sympatico' with him on all issues - especially on tax and fiscal policy - as a matter of principle and who won't be duplicitous depending on political winds. The primaries were quite revealing on this.

    And, number two, he wants someone who shares his worldview and who understands, intimately, all of the hard work that will be required to restore America's global leadership role. I think his pick will have strong national security and foreign policy views that match his own. This ain't 2008, though, when Obama needed Biden's foreign policy chops on the ticket to compensate for his own paucity of experience on this front, despite the wonderful foreign policy speeches in foreign lands. Heh.

    I don't think either one of them would hurt his candidacy or his chances of beating Trump. But, having just wrote that, I disagree! I think Warren would definitely hurt his chances for being elected president. In fact, I would go so far to say that she would doom his candidacy from the moment of the announcement. Warren didn't even have the support of Democrats, let alone Republicans who are itching to vote against Trump.

    Again, I think Biden is the first presidential candidate in a very long time, if not ever, who is THE best qualified, bar none, to make this decision. If only for the fact that he knows, personally, more qualified women than all of us put together! I won't be surprised if he picks someone who he trusts instinctively but who is relatively unknown to the rest of us

  77. [77] 
    Mezzomamma wrote:

    EM: Thanks for answering in a straightforward way. We'll agree to differ on this, I hope. It's encouraging that there are a number of women who are qualified, in different ways, to be VP or to serve on a cabinet. Choosing someone not only qualified but still young enough be a strong presidential candidate after serving as VP is likely to be another consideration, don't you think?

  78. [78] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Oh, yes, most definitely. I think Biden takes the long view, as a general modus operandi. So, he will pick someone who he believes is presidential material, now!

  79. [79] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    We won't have to wait long - apparently, Biden has said that he will make the vp announcement during the first week in August. Truth be known, I can't wait!

  80. [80] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Get with the program, EM! ;) Just kidding. Your post was great, and I was serious about voting for Joe and a ham sandwich... or pie. :)

    I don't care who he picks... except for the exception I would love to see him choose a surprise pick of Michelle Obama... but people who supposedly "know these things" have insisted MO wouldn't do it.

  81. [81] 
    Michale wrote:

    Your monotonous insults toward this group via your standard usage of the contraction "ya'all" qualify as your opinion but not as "facts,"

    If you feel that my pointing out ya'all's illogical and irrational support of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party is "insulting" then perhaps you realize that supporting the torture of toddlers, the killing of cops, the rioting, the looting, the destroying is wrong and you don't want to be associated with supporting such brutal and oppressive actions..

    That indicates that you DO have somewhat of a conscience and I am proud of you for that....

    "Good for you.."
    -Connor Trinneer, STARGATE ATLANTIS, The Last Man


  82. [82] 
    Michale wrote:



    Well said...

  83. [83] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


  84. [84] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    You are predicting the future, now??

  85. [85] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Now, THAT is a scary thought. :)

  86. [86] 
    Michale wrote:

    You are predicting the future, now??

    Worked out for me pretty well 4 years ago, eh?? Not so much for ya'all, but..... :D

    Now, THAT is a scary thought. :)

    I can imagine..

    Ya'all are in for a treat.. :D MMOOOAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

    But seriously, ya have acknowledged the likely outcome.. So you have a GET OUT OF MICHALE'S GLOATING FREE card.. :D


    Oh.. I see now.. OK Forget all of the above..

    Yea, apparently my numbering system is a bit o different than ya'all's..

    It's a bear that I must cross.. :D

  87. [87] 
    Kick wrote:


    If you feel that my pointing out ya'all's illogical and irrational support of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party is "insulting" then perhaps you realize that supporting the torture of toddlers, the killing of cops, the rioting, the looting, the destroying is wrong and you don't want to be associated with supporting such brutal and oppressive actions..

    Not at all, Mike. I obviously just recognize that it is your repetitive modus operandi to hurl invectives ad nauseam toward this group via the use of the term "ya'all" while insisting on a safe space for yourself. This ain't rocket science.

    That indicates that you DO have somewhat of a conscience and I am proud of you for that....

    Save it, please. Your admitted insults posted in repetitive fashion alongside your invented Party names and insults toward this forum group haven't hit their intended mark with me, and I would wager they haven't with anyone else either. None of us here are political issues so the constant hurling of the invectives toward everyone is nothing but repetitive tedium.

    Insulting the group collectively on repetitive loop doesn't qualify as political debate. :)

  88. [88] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Repetitive tedium. Yes, that is what we have here. I'm sure there is a remedy for it!

  89. [89] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I think Michelle Obama knows her limitations. How refreshing is that!?

  90. [90] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    I think Michelle Obama knows her limitations.

    Yes, ma'am; I quite agree with you.

    How refreshing is that!?

    It is quite unique among the "DC crowd" when one acknowledges they're not cut out for governing. I wish it was catching with more of them, but the voters can help the others out... the door. If you know who I mean, and it rhymes with grump. :)

  91. [91] 
    SF Bear wrote:

    I can attest - Se with demons ma be harmful but it sure is Fun!

  92. [92] 
    SF Bear wrote:

    That is Sex with demons

  93. [93] 
    Kick wrote:

    Between the lines: There's no clear consensus within the intelligence community about the strength of the evidence that Russia paid the bounties — though that's not the case when it comes to Russia's broader support for the Taliban.

    In 2018, Gen. John Nicholson, then the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, accused Russia of providing money and arms to the group, saying, "we know that the Russians are involved."

    Trump told “Axios on HBO” that he was not aware of Nicholson’s comments, and said evidence that Russia was aiding the Taliban “never reached my desk.”

    Exclusive: Trump never raised Russia's Taliban bounties with Putin

    "I have never discussed it with him."

    ~ Donald Trump, regarding never having confronted Vladimir Putin with intelligence indicating Russia paid the Taliban to kill U.S. troops

  94. [94] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    You can do better than feeble excuses. Or maybe you can't. It's an idea. Discuss the actual idea that you admit is basically sound.

    Discuss this idea in greater hysterical detail: CW doesn't care about ODD.

    Be sure to attack and insult him vigorously while you're at it. So far, your feeble endless loop is not working. Maybe you can make something happen.

  95. [95] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    SF Bear [92/93],

    I can't imagine even going there with a Republican, much less having fun. I hope that you only did that in a dream.

  96. [96] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    May I say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new Weigantia! It is actually a pleasure to read all the comments. I'm in seventh heaven ... :)

    [ Permalink ] [ Tuesday, July 28th, 2020 at 15:42 UTC ]

    Repetitive tedium. Yes, that is what we have here. I'm sure there is a remedy for it!

    [ Permalink ] [ Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 at 06:33 UTC ]

    That didn't take long.

  97. [97] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    Yet Bernie made major progress in 2016 when compared to what those that said he couldn't do it said he could accomplish.

    That was because people wrote articles about Bernie.

    Because he was a sitting politician, Don; you're proving CW's point.

    Did people wait to write about things like medicare for all until a politician led the way? NO.

    Yes, sir, they pretty much did, and that politician was Bernie Sanders. Good point, Don. :)

  98. [98] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    CW doesn't care about One Demand? That is not relevant.

    I suppose maybe you're unfamiliar with human beings, so I'll help you out. We have a limited amount of time to work with and don't usually waste it on things we don't care about.

    Why is my persisting in trying to get CW to address this idea a feeble endless loop?

    Because he doesn't care about ODD.

  99. [99] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    She got on FaceBook and made it happen.

  100. [100] 
    Kick wrote:

    Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican who has frequently walked around the Capitol without wearing a face mask or maintaining social distance from others, has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, according to a person familiar with the results.

    Gohmert had been scheduled to travel with President Trump aboard Air Force One to Texas on Wednesday but tested positive at the White House and did not join the trip, said the person, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.

    Rep. Louie Gohmert, who had been scheduled to travel with Trump, tests positive for coronavirus

  101. [101] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    You have nothing

    Actually, you have ODD, not me.

    How do you convince yourself that that will convince me?

    I have no such delusions. Once again, you're confusing you with me.

  102. [102] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    She made a comment on Facebook, people responded to the idea and the politicians and media followed.

    I think she did a little more than that, but even if she didn't, apparently people liked her idea.

    How's that going with Ralph?

  103. [103] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Such a lovely comment!

    Can you hold two thoughts in your head at the same time?

  104. [104] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    So only sitting politicians can have ideas?

    So only politicians who take less than $200 contributions are worthy candidates?

    That has not worked out well at all.


    They did not write about Bernie because he was a sitting politician. They wrote about him because of the ideas he was proposing.

    You are once again making CW's point. I see this exercise has been therapeutic for you. Awesome! :)

    No one wrote about medicare for all before Bernie was in favor of it? Nonsense. People have been writing about medicare for all since before I was born.

    And "your idea" was tried by Jerry Brown and others before lots of other people were born. Another one of CW's excellent points. :)

    Reality. Try it.

    Alrighty then. I would wager CW isn't planning an article to shill for "your idea" that in "reality" wasn't really "your idea."

    Now you try. :)

  105. [105] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    You only seem to want to convince yourself that you are right

    No need. Your increasingly repetitive spam campaign and multi-year complete lack of results convinced me.

  106. [106] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    The woman that is credited with starting the Woman's Protest after Trump was elected was not a sitting politician.

    I detect that you're attempting an appeal based on gender. You should have gone with pie. :)

  107. [107] 
    John M wrote:

    8] Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    "Chris, my point was that Trump isn't your only problem. Add your society and culture to the list, as you already know."

    This is true. But just keep in mind America's size. Basically a whole continent of over 300 million people. It's like steering a huge aircraft carrier at sea. Slow to get going but nearly impossible to stop once it does. I would not count out the overwhelming majority of us changing for the better just yet. The Black Lives Matter Movement has actually changed the American culture with comparatively breathtaking speed over the past few months. The same thing happened with same sex marriage. Once it started the dominoes fell rapidly. It the November election is a Democratic blow out, with the Senate falling and Texas turning blue on a presidential level, The Trump Republicans will quickly be relegated back to a fringe group in politics at least for years to come. They may scream loud in media outlets, but it will be the frustration of little real power to affect anything.

  108. [108] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    LizM [110],


  109. [109] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    She made a comment on Facebook, people responded to the idea and the politicians and media followed. Or did the media and politicians take the idea and then people followed?

    Why don't you ask her? Offer her pie, though.

  110. [110] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    If the November election is a Democratic blow out, with the Senate falling and Texas turning blue on a presidential level, The Trump Republicans will quickly be relegated back to a fringe group in politics at least for years to come.

    That may be true. If that happens.

    And, remember, I'm a Canadian. Which means I can't help but keep America's size in mind. :)

  111. [111] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:



  112. [112] 
    John M wrote:

    [49] Michale wrote:

    "AG Barr destroys Jerry Nadler in another House Democrat testimony disaster: Goodwin"

    Here's a counter one for you then.

    "Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal DESTROYS AG BARR during Congressional testimony:"

  113. [113] 
    Michale wrote:

    Not at all, Mike. I obviously just recognize that it is your repetitive modus operandi to hurl invectives ad nauseam toward this group via the use of the term "ya'all" while insisting on a safe space for yourself. This ain't rocket science.

    Vick.. Personal attack notwithstanding, I go with the arguments that work..

    Since you have no facts to address my facts but simply have to resort to personal attacks, I accept your concession.. :D

    Insulting the group collectively on repetitive loop doesn't qualify as political debate. :)

    As you have proven beyond ANY doubt.. :D

    But, at least you have the decency to feel insulted by the facts...

    That shows there is hope for you..

    Perhaps when President Trump again wipes the floor with your Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter champion, it will truly sink in how wrong ya'all (NEN) have always been.. :D

    Hope springs eternal.. :D

  114. [114] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal DESTROYS AG BARR during Congressional testimony:"

    If you have to go to facebook to support your point..

    You have no valid point..


  115. [115] 
    Kick wrote:


    And, remember, I'm a Canadian. Which means I can't help but keep America's size in mind. :)

    Heh! :)

  116. [116] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    You are baiting Kick. And, I predict that she'll have none of it.

    Be careful!

  117. [117] 
    Michale wrote:

    Such a lovely comment!

    Can you hold two thoughts in your head at the same time?

    Oh.... SNAP!!!! :D

  118. [118] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Well, it happens.

  119. [119] 
    Michale wrote:

    You are baiting Kick. And, I predict that she'll have none of it.

    Be careful!

    I simply point out the facts...

    If she uses that as an excuse for personal attacks or name-calling, it will simply prove the validity of my facts..

    "The fact that you resort to name-calling indicates you are defensive and therefore find my opinion valid."
    -Spock, STAR TREK 90210, INTO DARKNESS

  120. [120] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, it happens.

    Yea, but that was... well.. BRUTAL... :D

    It's a side of you we rarely see.. :D

  121. [121] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    You are not the victim of personal attacks!

    But, I can see that you are just itchin' to start something. You'll be on your own if you persist.

    Remember, the comments are being scrutinized like never before so I wouldn't get cutesy if I were you ...

  122. [122] 
    John M wrote:

    [76] Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Just to respond to your points:

    I have been following "lets Talk Elections" on You Tube for a while now, and an analysis was done on which VP picks would help Biden the most in picking up Electoral College Support in key states based on polling, voter support, get out the vote, etc.

    Number One was Elizabeth Warren, who would help Biden pick up the most voter support among the most states.

    Number Two was Kamala Harris.

    But, if the pick was who Biden was personally the most close to and sympatico with then it would be Susan Rice.

    Anyway, that's my two cents :-)

  123. [123] 
    John M wrote:

    [121] Michale wrote:

    "If you have to go to facebook to support your point..

    You have no valid point.."

    Facebook was NOT the SOURCE. It was merely the most convenient place I could post the link FROM.

    Nice try, but FAIL on your part.

  124. [124] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Your two cents are worth a lot.

    I'm not sure, though, that Biden will need much help in gaining electoral votes because of who he picks for his running mate. That's one of the things that makes this particular presidential race so unique.

  125. [125] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    You know what my biggest pet peeve is about your responses here?

    It's that they always - yes, ALWAYS - dismiss any source that isn't your own.

  126. [126] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Electoral-vote has Joe down to 388.

  127. [127] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I guess that's because you always 'win' the argument that way.

  128. [128] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Is Joe on a downward spiral, do you think?

  129. [129] 
    Michale wrote:

    You are not the victim of personal attacks!

    Facts say otherwise..

    You'll be on your own if you persist.

    :D Something I am wholly used to.. :D

    It's that they always - yes, ALWAYS - dismiss any source that isn't your own.

    And I am not the only one who does that, now am I?? :D

  130. [130] 
    Michale wrote:

    Facebook was NOT the SOURCE. It was merely the most convenient place I could post the link FROM.

    Then post the source..

    And then we'll talk..

    Is there a reason you don't want to post the actual source???

    Hmmmmmm??? :D

  131. [131] 
    Michale wrote:


    Not at all, Mike. I obviously just recognize that it is your repetitive modus operandi to hurl invectives ad nauseam toward this group via the use of the term "ya'all" while insisting on a safe space for yourself. This ain't rocket science.

    THAT is a personal attack... I am sure that Vick will say it's a fact, but mine are also facts...

    So if I am bating here, then she is baiting me first..

    You can't have it both ways..

    Now, com'on.. Let's not spoil the fun we're having..

  132. [132] 
    Michale wrote:

    At least there is no name-calling yet..

    Baby steps, Liz... Baby steps..

  133. [133] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


  134. [134] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    THAT is a personal attack...

    No, THAT is thin gossamer skin.

  135. [135] 
    John M wrote:

    [137] Michale wrote:

    "Then post the source.."

    And what PART did you NOT GET? The SOURCE was LIVE TV VIDEO of the ACTUAL HEARING ITSELF. What MORE do you NEED?

  136. [136] 
    Michale wrote:

    No, THAT is thin gossamer skin.

    Yes, Vick does display that over my "ya'all" comments...

    But a thin skin has not been outlawed in Weigantia... At least, I don't think it has.

  137. [137] 
    Michale wrote:

    And what PART did you NOT GET? The SOURCE was LIVE TV VIDEO of the ACTUAL HEARING ITSELF. What MORE do you NEED?

    Ahhhh.. So it's just one person's facebook opinion..

    So, when you said it was NOT a facebook opinion you were not being factually accurate...

    OK, I am glad we got that cleared up.. :D


  138. [138] 
    John M wrote:

    [137] Michale wrote:

    "Then post the source..

    And then we'll talk.."

    It SAYS right on the video: FOOTAGE SOURCE C-SPAN

  139. [139] 
    Michale wrote:

    And another win for President Trump..

    Bringing Drug Manufacture Back to America—Another Trump Triumph

    This week, the Trump Administration signed off on a partnership with Kodak to begin producing critical pharmaceutical ingredients right here in the United States.

    “America is dangerously dependent on foreign supply chains for all three stages of drug production: starting materials used to manufacture active ingredients, the active ingredients themselves and the finished product in the form of tablets, pills and injectables,” Peter Navarro and Adam Boehler write.

    “The Kodak project is a big win for the Defense Production Act, a big win for New York and the nation—and a huge step forward toward US pharmaceutical independence.”

    Again, I have to point out that President Trump is wrong..

    I am *NOT* getting tired of winning... :D

  140. [140] 
    John M wrote:

    [144] Michale wrote:

    "Ahhhh.. So it's just one person's facebook opinion..

    So, when you said it was NOT a facebook opinion you were not being factually accurate...

    OK, I am glad we got that cleared up.. :D"

    UH NO. BUT glad that you DEFLECTED and TRIED to MUDDY and TWIST things as usual. Glad you CLEARED that up :-D

  141. [141] 
    Michale wrote:

    It SAYS right on the video: FOOTAGE SOURCE C-SPAN

    Fine.. So, despite your earlier claim "Facebook was NOT the SOURCE." facebook WAS the source of the opinion...

    Someone watched the hearing and posted that OPINION on facebook that whatsername demolished AG Barr...

    That's a facebook opinion, by definition.. :D

  142. [142] 
    John M wrote:

    [148] Michale wrote:

    "Fine.. So, despite your earlier claim "Facebook was NOT the SOURCE." facebook WAS the source of the opinion..."

    Wow, so Facebook and C-Span are the same???? Whatever happened to "Post the source and then we'll talk"??????

  143. [143] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Is Joe on a downward spiral, do you think?

    I think he's safe if he avoids the virus and witch doctors.

  144. [144] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I'm reassured.

  145. [145] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yep... Abso-frakin'-tively yep....


  146. [146] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I wonder why Herman Cain hasn't responded to the hydroxy?

  147. [147] 
    John M wrote:

    [153] John From Censornati wrote:

    "I wonder why Herman Cain hasn't responded to the hydroxy?"

    I know, right! After all, isn't it a "cure?" He's been in the hospital for a month and is still there.

  148. [148] 
    Michale wrote:

    Wow, so Facebook and C-Span are the same???? Whatever happened to "Post the source and then we'll talk"??????

    Did CSPAN say "Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal DESTROYS AG BARR during Congressional testimony:"

    No, C-Span did not.

    Ergo, someone watched the hearings and then rendered their OPINION on facebook..

    Ergo, it's NOTHING but a facebook opinion..

    Did you hit your head or something?? Your arguments are not normally this easy to rip apart.. :D

    I mean, they are easy to rip apart, but not THIS easy to rip apart...


  149. [149] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ergo, someone watched the hearings and then rendered their OPINION on facebook..

    Ergo, someone watched the hearings on CSPAN and then rendered their OPINION on facebook..

    CSPAN isn't the source of the opinion.. Someone on facebook is the source of the opinion..

    Ergo, a facebook opinion... :eyeroll:

  150. [150] 
    John M wrote:

    [155] Michale wrote:

    More deflection. When you are actually ready for a serious discussion you can get back to me. In the meantime I won't hold my breath.

    I really miss the old Michale that I used to be able to trade Star Trek barbs with a lot better. Not the current Michale lite version who keeps reverting to such obviously weak slight of hand word tricks in the continued hope that we won't see there isn't really any substance behind them at all.

  151. [151] 
    Kick wrote:


    Not at all, Mike. I obviously just recognize that it is your repetitive modus operandi to hurl invectives ad nauseam toward this group via the use of the term "ya'all" while insisting on a safe space for yourself. This ain't rocket science.

    ~ Kick

    Vick.. Personal attack notwithstanding, I go with the arguments that work..

    Nah. You go with the repetitive tedium of group insults that rarely vary and invented invective.

    Facts are facts. If you feel insulted by them perhaps it's your choices of who and what you support that are the problem. As far as your claim of personal attack!? Well, thank you very much for proving my point about the "safe space," Mike; you are much too generous.

    Perhaps if I had said "y'all's modus operandi who think that the sane patriotic Americans on this forum would actually LISTEN to a member of the Trump cult who condones assaulting veterans, the lying liar POTUS who keeps tweeting and retweeting false medical information that's getting Americans killed by coronavirus by the hundreds of thousands, and tossed in the white supremacist church killers, etc., that would have been more to y'all's liking?

    I am constantly amazed how y'all can believe that Trump cult members can demonize the entire forum on a daily, oft times HOURLY basis and STILL expect to actually win the election. :D

    Since you have no facts to address my facts but simply have to resort to personal attacks, I accept your concession.. :D

    I would like to reiterate my thanks for you making my point about that "safe space." I can certainly add the word y'all and some words like "Trump cult" and "white supremacist killers" and President Murderer to each of my points since it clearly meets with your approval.

    As you have proven beyond ANY doubt.. :D

    Y'all's projection again is truly astonishing yet not surprising. If you feel like it's a personal attack, well... the facts fits y'all.

    But, at least you have the decency to feel insulted by the facts...

    Y'all's invented repetitive insults on permanent loop are not facts. I can keep repeating that fact until y'all's Trumpian cult of church killers catch on.

    That shows there is hope for you..

    Notwithstanding y'all's personal attack, somebody get my smelling salts. Heh.

    Perhaps when President Trump again wipes the floor with your Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter champion, it will truly sink in how wrong ya'all (NEN) have always been.. :D

    Y'all are on perpetual permanent loop
    and got nothing but repetitive moose poop. :D

  152. [152] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    John M,

    I know, right! After all, isn't it a "cure?" He's been in the hospital for a month and is still there.

    I just looked at USA Today and apparently he's going with prayer (and the ICU of course).

    Amusingly, they say "It remains unknown where he contracted the virus."

  153. [153] 
    John M wrote:

    [155] Michale wrote:

    Or should I say "avoidance." Since that is your M.O. for several threads now. You talk about EVERYTHING except the actual SUBJECT. You question the SOURCE, the AUTHOR, the POSTER, the MOTIVE, the (insert generic here). Everything EXCEPT the ACTUAL THING being discussed.

  154. [154] 
    Michale wrote:


    More deflection. When you are actually ready for a serious discussion you can get back to me. In the meantime I won't hold my breath.

    I really miss the old Michale that I used to be able to trade Star Trek barbs with a lot better. Not the current Michale lite version who keeps reverting to such obviously weak slight of hand word tricks in the continued hope that we won't see there isn't really any substance behind them at all.

    You can dodge all you want..

    But you made a claim that this was NOT a facebook opinion, when in fact that it is nothing but..

    Someone watched the hearing on C-SPAN and rendered their opinion on facebook..


    Don't get pissy because you tried to pass off a facebook opinion as fact and got caught..

  155. [155] 
    John M wrote:

    [159] John From Censornati wrote:

    Amusingly, they say "It remains unknown where he contracted the virus."

    Yeah, 2 weeks after he attended the Tulsa Rally. Now I wonder where he could have got it?

    They also keep saying Trump has been tested, but what about Melania? Or Trump JR, or Ivanka? Didn't Trump JR's girlfriend recently test positive?

  156. [156] 
    John M wrote:

    [161] Michale wrote:

    "Don't get pissy because you tried to pass off a facebook opinion as fact and got caught.."

    Don't confuse ME with YOU. I will concede your point ONLY if you can show me where I used the word saying it was a FACT. Remember it was also in response to your own POST. Let me remind you:

    "[49] Michale wrote:

    AG Barr destroys Jerry Nadler in another House Democrat testimony disaster: Goodwin"

    In other words, just someone else's OPINION that AG BARR destroyed NADLER.

    Now don't get pissy Michale just because your own hypocrisy is pointed out to you. :-D

  157. [157] 
    Michale wrote:


    You are baiting Kick.

    And I am sure you would give her the exact same advice that you would give to me...

    Don't respond to it.. Ignore it..

    You are baiting Kick. And, I predict that she'll have none of it.

    Looks like ya lost that prediction.. :D

  158. [158] 
    Kick wrote:

    John M

    Amusingly, they say "It remains unknown where he contracted the virus."

    I know, right!?

    Yeah, 2 weeks after he attended the Tulsa Rally. Now I wonder where he could have got it?

    Easy. He got a test and got it from there. If he hadn't taken the pregnancy test, he wouldn't be with child right now! Derp... derp. ;)

  159. [159] 
    Michale wrote:

    In other words, just someone else's OPINION that AG BARR destroyed NADLER.

    So, you concede that your comment is no better than mine.. :D

    Except my comment had FACTS.. Quotes from the actual hearing...

    Yours had none..

    So, your comment was nothing but a comment about a facebook opinion..

    My comment had actual facts and quotes from the hearing itself.. :D

    Check.. And Mate... :D

  160. [160] 
    Kick wrote:

    John M

    In other words, just someone else's OPINION that AG BARR destroyed NADLER.

    No it isn't because of the 2016 election... derp, derp. ;)

  161. [161] 
    John M wrote:

    [166] Michale wrote:

    "Except my comment had FACTS.. Quotes from the actual hearing..."

    And MINE had FACTS with VIDEO from the actual hearing!

    Check and Mate and game over, YOU LOST BIG TIME!

  162. [162] 
    John M wrote:

    You only had QUOTES, I had actual VIDEO. So mine's better! So there! (Sticks tongue out.)

    Really Michale, you want to play THAT game? I am waaaay better at it than you. :-)

  163. [163] 
    Michale wrote:

    I really miss the old Michale that I used to be able to trade Star Trek barbs with a lot better

    Well, if ya hadn't got stricken by Hyper Hysterical President Trump Derangement Syndrome and been consumed by bigotry and hate, that old Michale could still be around..

    Sadly since the advent of HHPTDS and Name-Calling Contests, those days are long gone..

    Hopefully, once President Trump glides to re-election, it will be such a shock to ya'all's system that it will cure ya of that malady...

    Hope springs eternal.. :D

  164. [164] 
    Michale wrote:

    Really Michale, you want to play THAT game? I am waaaay better at it than you. :-)

    Yes.. I have no doubt that you are better at that childish game than I am..

    NO doubt whatsoever..

    But that doesn't change the fact that my comment had FACTS and your comment had a facebook opinion... :D

  165. [165] 
    John M wrote:

    [170] Michale wrote:

    "Hopefully, once President Trump glides to re-election, it will be such a shock to ya'all's system that it will cure ya of that malady..."

    And when Biden destroys Trump in a landslide, I will be looking forward to you posting the photo of you holding your sign saying that you were wrong and I was right.

  166. [166] 
    Kick wrote:

    Facebook is fixinta' testify before Congress.

    If Facebook reports on Facebook, does it count as a fact?


  167. [167] 
    John M wrote:

    [171] Michale wrote:

    "But that doesn't change the fact that my comment had FACTS and your comment had a facebook opinion... :D"

    Let me correct that for you:

    It doesn't change the fact that your comment contained OPINION based on actual events interpreted differently from mine which contained OPINION based on the same actual events just from a different perspective.

    Yours had no MORE or LESS FACTS than mine did, and just as much was OPINION. Stop trying to make yours out to be something it was NOT and NEVER was going to be.

  168. [168] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yes, it is true that some of what I posted is Democrat Michael Goodwin's opinion.. But his opinions are based on FACTS, some of which were ALSO posted..

    Now, if you need to see more corroboration of the FACTS that support Democrat Michael Goodwin's opinions, just let me know..

    I'll be MORE than happy to post ALL of the FACTS that support Michael Goodwin's opinions in their entirety...

    Say the word and ye shall receive...

  169. [169] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let me correct that for you:

    So, are you asking me to post, in their entirety, ALL the FACTS that support Democrat Michael Goodwin's opinions...

    Are you REALLY asking me to do that???

    A simple YES or NO is all that is required..

  170. [170] 
    John M wrote:

    [173] Kick wrote:

    "Facebook is fixinta' testify before Congress.

    If Facebook reports on Facebook, does it count as a fact?


    Michale would say NO, given the source. But that opens a whole other can of worms....

    Is Facebook then open to a contempt of Congress criminal charge?

    Can Facebook be justified to ignore a subpoena if there are no FACTS?

    After all, if it's good for the Trump administration.... Why isn't it good for Facebook?

  171. [171] 
    John M wrote:

    [176] Michale wrote:

    "A simple YES or NO is all that is required.."

    NO. Because you have NO FACTS.

    There... a typical Michale Answer for you. :-D

  172. [172] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Big Racist Orange really went off his morning toilet-tweeting rocker today.

    “I am happy to inform all of the Suburban House Wives living their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered with gynecological ailments caused by having sex in your dream-world with demons.” Trump tweeted. “My shape-shifting Lizard Alien Administration has rescinded the Obama-Biden Demon Semen Rule. Enjoy!”

  173. [173] 
    John M wrote:

    [171] Michale wrote:

    "Yes.. I have no doubt that you are better at that childish game than I am.."

    Why thank you!!! You know what they say:

    CARETAKER: This entire planet was constructed for our race of people to come and play.
    SULU: Play? As advanced as you obviously are, and you still play?
    KIRK: Yes, play, Mister Sulu. The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play.
    CARETAKER: Exactly, Captain. How very perceptive of you.

    From Star Trek TOS Episode "Shore Leave"

  174. [174] 
    Michale wrote:

    NO. Because you have NO FACTS.

    There... a typical Michale Answer for you. :-D

    YOU are the one who doesn't want to see my facts..

    I have them, but you don't want me to post them....

    It's called a self-serving delusion... :D

  175. [175] 
    Michale wrote:

    CARETAKER: This entire planet was constructed for our race of people to come and play.
    SULU: Play? As advanced as you obviously are, and you still play?
    KIRK: Yes, play, Mister Sulu. The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play.
    CARETAKER: Exactly, Captain. How very perceptive of you.

    From Star Trek TOS Episode "Shore Leave"

    Nice... Did you see the Animated Series Sequel??? :D

  176. [176] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's my wife's birthday soon.. She has been leaving jewelry magazines all over the house..

    So I bought her a magazine rack


  177. [177] 
    John M wrote:

    [183] Michale wrote:

    "YOU are the one who doesn't want to see my facts..

    I have them, but you don't want me to post them....

    It's called a self-serving delusion... :D"

    FUNNY. I could say the EXACT same thing about you!!!

  178. [178] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Looks like ya lost that prediction.. :D

    What else is new?

  179. [179] 
    John M wrote:

    [184] Michale wrote:

    "Nice... Did you see the Animated Series Sequel??? :D"

    Yes I did.

    Next season of PICARD starts Oct. 15th, runs thru Jan.7th, 13 episodes with no breaks between them this time. Can't wait!!!

  180. [180] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    The Tangerine Twitter Troll is still whining about how nobody likes him.

    So disgusting to watch Twitter’s so-called “Trending”, where sooo many trends are about me, and never a good one. They look for anything they can find, make it as bad as possible, and blow it up, trying to make it trend. Really ridiculous, illegal, and, of course, very unfair!

  181. [181] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Nice... Did you see the Animated Series Sequel??? :D"

    Yes I did.

    It's hard to accept the Animated Series as canon... Do you have that problem too??

    Next season of PICARD starts Oct. 15th, runs thru Jan.7th, 13 episodes with no breaks between them this time. Can't wait!!!

    That's awesome!!!!

    But where the hell is ST:Discovery!!!????

  182. [182] 
    Michale wrote:

    I mean, 2 seasons of Picard, but Discovery is MIA.... :(

  183. [183] 
    Kick wrote:

    John M

    Is Facebook then open to a contempt of Congress criminal charge?


    Can Facebook be justified to ignore a subpoena if there are no FACTS?

    *scratches head*

    After all, if it's good for the Trump administration.... Why isn't it good for Facebook?

    Cuz... lock them all up... just cuz. ;)

  184. [184] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    . . . and send them to the re-education camps.

  185. [185] 
    John M wrote:

    Michale wrote:

    "Next season of PICARD starts Oct. 15th, runs thru Jan.7th, 13 episodes with no breaks between them this time. Can't wait!!!

    That's awesome!!!!

    But where the hell is ST:Discovery!!!????"

    OOOPS!!! I meant DISCOVERY, NOT PICARD. SORRY!!! Discovery wrapped up all major filming back in early Spring of 2020. Post production was drawn out due to the COVID 19 virus.

    Star Trek Lower Decks will premiere Aug. 6. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds will feature Anson Mount, Rebecca Romijn and Ethan Peck. Also in development is a Section 31-based series with Michelle Yeoh as well as a CG-animated series in the works for Nickelodeon, titled Star Trek: Prodigy.


  186. [186] 
    John M wrote:

    Embarrassment of riches! Getting to be too many Star Trek shows all at once to keep straight in mind head! LOL

  187. [187] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Gohmert apparently "returned to his congressional office after his positive test to personally inform his staff of the result."

    Voters are sure to be impressed with this Republican commitment to spreading disease. I sincerely hope Bill Barr appreciates Louie's efforts since they were hanging out yesterday.

  188. [188] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Ain't that the truth! I remember never missing an episode of the original Star Trek TV series and never got beyond that. Now, I suffer from the MEGO factor - mine eyes glaze over. :)

  189. [189] 
    Michale wrote:

    Peak Idiocy: Rutgers University Declares Grammar 'Racist'

    If you’re looking for peak idiocy from academic institutions that are falling all over themselves to kowtow to the mob’s notions of “social justice,” look no further.

    Get that???

    Rutgers University English department has declared that proper use of grammar is a form of racism because it disadvantages students who weren't brought up as Americans...

    Once again, the utter moronic-ness of the Democrat/AntiFa/BlackLiesMatter Party knows NO depth of stoopidity.....

  190. [190] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ain't that the truth! I remember never missing an episode of the original Star Trek TV series and never got beyond that. Now, I suffer from the MEGO factor - mine eyes glaze over. :)

    It's amazing the cultural phenomenon that Star Trek has becomes..

    I had a friend in New Jersey who was a Beatles fan as much as a Star Trek fan..

    He said that Star Trek did for TV/Movies what the Beatles did for music..

    How totally factually accurate...

  191. [191] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    So, that "We are all created in the image and likeness of God. That image is seen the most by our face. I will not wear a mask" argument is really weak, but problem solved anyway!

  192. [192] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    Big Racist Orange really went off his morning toilet-tweeting rocker today.


    “My shape-shifting Lizard Alien Administration has rescinded the Obama-Biden Demon Semen Rule. Enjoy!”

    Donny definitely did double down on his singing the praises of the self-described "battle axe"... "you don't need mask!" demon seed lady:

    When you walk into our clinic, sanitize your hands and put on a mask!

    Wait, what!?

  193. [193] 
    Michale wrote:

    There's a new Trek animated series coming..


    Looks funny..

    After the comedy disappointment of THE ORVILLE, hopefully ST: LD represents...

  194. [194] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Kick [201],

    He really did tweet about the Suburban Lifestyle Dream. Super freaky.

  195. [195] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    Could Joe Biden be the politician that leads on One Demand?

    Could pigs fly out of your backside?

    If so how might that happen?

    Very painfully.

    Is it possible that someone could write an article about Joe Biden and how he could lead on this issue and that people would read that article and other articles it inspired and people would say they want Biden to lead on this issue?

    Is it possible Don Harris could be the person that leads on One Demand by writing that article? I mean, you wouldn't keep expecting other people to "lead on this issue" when you keep refusing to lead on it yourself... now would you?

    There must be some way to find out the answer to that.

    Chop, chop... get to writing.

    We have waited for decades to find out if Biden can think of this on his own and if he did he is keeping it a secret.

    Wait, what!? Don Harris is asking somebody else to think of something on their own? *throws back head* *laughs*

    Perhaps a little nudge would help Biden out.

    Perhaps a swift kick in the backside would get Don Harris moving.
    Try it out and report back. :)

  196. [196] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    I think they've blown it with much of the new Star Trek. Even TNG never captured the raw energy or fun of the original series. It has become too formulaic. Enterprise should have been more like the movie Das Boot, with cramped quarters and lots of suspense. This new one looks interesting but in the modern animation mode of safe with annoying voices. I would prefer more on the lines of Two Years Before the Mast. Star Wars suffers from the same problem, bean counters forcing safe instead of letting creativity push the genre forward...

  197. [197] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Gohmert predictably says he got the virus because the mask that he doesn't wear reactivated his coronavirus expressions.


  198. [198] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    Gohmert apparently "returned to his congressional office after his positive test to personally inform his staff of the result."

    Poor Louie. He was all set to fly on Air Force One to the fracking of Midland-Odessa, and *BAM* he caught the Trump Virus by taking the cognitive dissonance test. Anybody who wants a test can get a test, and the last five questions are really hard. If Louie hadn't taken the test, he'd be out in West Texas and fracking like everyone else right now.

    Voters are sure to be impressed with this Republican commitment to spreading disease. I sincerely hope Bill Barr appreciates Louie's efforts since they were hanging out yesterday.

    Louie thinks maybe wearing the mask gave him COVID.


  199. [199] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Louie thinks maybe wearing the mask gave him COVID.

    Well, you know, one must follow proper face covering etiquette, especially in places where community transmission is out of control and in hospital settings, or wearing one actually could give you COVID!

  200. [200] 
    Michale wrote:

    I think they've blown it with much of the new Star Trek. Even TNG never captured the raw energy or fun of the original series. It has become too formulaic. Enterprise should have been more like the movie Das Boot, with cramped quarters and lots of suspense. This new one looks interesting but in the modern animation mode of safe with annoying voices. I would prefer more on the lines of Two Years Before the Mast. Star Wars suffers from the same problem, bean counters forcing safe instead of letting creativity push the genre forward...

    Excellent analysis, Bashi... :D

    What's yer take on the Chris Pine STAR TREK 90210 Movies???

  201. [201] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    Intriguing yet creepy all at the same time.

    IDEA: Could I get this creeper mask in Big Orange and some Trumpian bronzer delivered to me in time for Halloween? ;)

  202. [202] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Do you already have the wig?

  203. [203] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    He really did tweet about the Suburban Lifestyle Dream. Super freaky.

    He did! I thought you were kidding! Be right back.

    Donald J. Trump

    I am happy to inform all of the people living their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low income housing built in your neighborhood...

    11:19 AM · Jul 29, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


    Donald J. Trump

    ...Your housing prices will go up based on the market, and crime will go down. I have rescinded the Obama-Biden AFFH Rule. Enjoy!

    Okay... that was creepy. Did no one tell the Racist in Chief that the majority of poor people are white? He just insulted the poor uneducated Trumpian rubes. What a jerk!

  204. [204] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    On Nicole Wallace's show, they are discussing the note card about Kamala that Big Money Joe was holding yesterday while talking to reporters. Photo was taken. Is this a trial balloon?

  205. [205] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Well, you know, one must follow proper face covering etiquette, especially in places where community transmission is out of control and in hospital settings, or wearing one actually could give you COVID!

    Exactly this! Because yesterday during the hearing, Louie kept jerking around with his mask and had to be scolded to keep it on his dang face! He was videoed near Billy Barr... ruh, roh.

  206. [206] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Hoping not.

  207. [207] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Wait, Big Money Joe was talking to reporters!?

  208. [208] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    He used to love love love talking to reporters. I think Tim Russert was one of his favourites.

  209. [209] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Trial balloons can be shot down, but time is short.

  210. [210] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    He used to be a Sunday show regular. They were always great interviews.

  211. [211] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    He did a press conference yesterday. It seemed like bad timing what with Barr's widely advertised date to lie a lot. Maybe he wanted to step on Barr's ratings, but I don't know why that would make sense.

  212. [212] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    If Senator Harris has to be around, I'd rather see her at the Justice Department. Maybe that is what the note card foreshadowed?

  213. [213] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Well, let's face it, Biden's pressers don't get covered during the best of times. Never have. Why start now?

  214. [214] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I watched some of it. He wore his mask on his left ear.


  215. [215] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, let's face it, Biden's pressers don't get covered during the best of times. Never have. Why start now?

    That's easy to explain why...

    The press is having mercy on Basement Biden and doing everything in their power to prop him up...

    Joe must get down on his knees and thank the pandemic gods every night for what they have brought upon this world..

    If not for the pandemic, Joe might actually have to be out there and talk to people...

    And it's clear to see what would have happened had THAT been the case.. :D

  216. [216] 
    John From Censornati wrote:
  217. [217] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    The press is having mercy on Basement Biden and doing everything in their power to prop him up...

    Oh, that'll be the day. As available to the press as Big Money Joe has always been to the media they have NEVER NEVER NEVER treated him with respect. EVER!? With a few notable exceptions.

    The only thing the media have ever given to Biden is an "asinine storyline" as noted by a Boston Globe political reporter in an email response to me a few years back.

  218. [218] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    Do you already have the wig?

    Heh. I could borrow my neighbor's ferret.

  219. [219] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    “Do not hold grudges.” “Campaigned with me & Jill.” “Talented.” “Great help to campaign.” “Great respect for her.”


    Now I know she won't be it.

  220. [220] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    We report. You decide.

    Bigly hands. :)

  221. [221] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh, that'll be the day. As available to the press as Big Money Joe has always been to the media they have NEVER NEVER NEVER treated him with respect. EVER!? With a few notable exceptions.

    Perhaps not.. But they hate President Trump more than they not respect Joe Biden...


  222. [222] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I like the Build Back Better slogan very much. No problem with acronyms as far as I can tell, at least. Not like the Obama/Biden Win The Future.

    Great Poker Stars handle. Slogan? Not so much. :)

  223. [223] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I have to agree because I was afraid it was gonna be dueling Make America Great Again campaigns.

  224. [224] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


  225. [225] 
    Michale wrote:

    I like the Build Back Better slogan very much. No problem with acronyms as far as I can tell, at least. Not like the Obama/Biden Win The Future.

    You DO realize that the BUILD BACK BETTER was a UN Program from 2015....


  226. [226] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I still like it. WHO is making reference to it a lot, as well. More reason to like it!

  227. [227] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, remember, Biden is an internationalist, in the best sense of the word. :)

  228. [228] 
    Michale wrote:

    I still like it. WHO is making reference to it a lot, as well. More reason to like it!

    Since Basement Biden doesn't give credit to the UN, some would call it plagiarizing...

    And, if you have to copy from the UN, that is about as un-American as it gets...

  229. [229] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Build Back Better is a perfect slogan, actually. And, Biden is the perfect one to take advantage of all of the opportunities that Pandemic I has unleashed for doing just that!

  230. [230] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    If things get built back better, you'd be alright with that ... right, Michale?

  231. [231] 
    Kick wrote:

    Kevin McCarthy accidentally calls Louie Gohmert "Congressman COVID":


  232. [232] 
    Kick wrote:


    If not for the pandemic, Joe might actually have to be out there and talk to people...

    And it's clear to see what would have happened had THAT been the case.. :D

    Yes, it's very clear what that would be like:

    Meanwhile: Bunker Boy is whining like a victim how people don't like his personality... and he's correct. He just insulted his base of poor people on Twitter today. It doesn't get much more pathetic than that.

  233. [233] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    When are you going to be ready to stop playing childish trolling games and have an adult discussion?

    I don't have to have a discussion with you. No one does. :)

  234. [234] 
    Kick wrote:

    Erick Erickson

    Y'all, I'm done. If you really think the most effective spokesperson for hydroxychloroquine is a woman who thinks people screw demons in their sleep and alien DNA is in use in medical practices today, you're a clown show. That woman completely distracted from the effort.


    Jenna Ellis

    If by “most effective” you mean the only medical professional and actual doctor with experience treating COVID-19 willing to speak up, then yes.

    Who is Jenna Ellis? She is one of Donald Trump's lawyers and the Senior Legal Adviser to Donald Trump's campaign.

    The Republican Party has officially gone over the edge of the deep end by doubling down on the Trumpian ridiculous retweeting of medical misinformation and coronavirus quackery.

    This doctor "demon sperm" ridiculous rhetoric has got to be the dumbest dang drivel I've seen coming out of the GOP morons in a very long time. Positively nuts!

  235. [235] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    The icing on the fruitcake!

  236. [236] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    The orange broken clock twittered again.

    "It is AMAZING in watching @FoxNews how different they are from four years ago. Not even watchable"

    I'll bet Fauci was on.

  237. [237] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    That didn't last very long. :)

  238. [238] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    It must be nappee time for you by now.

    I'm not a political issue, Don.

    Have a nice day. :)

  239. [239] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    "It is AMAZING in watching @FoxNews how different they are from four years ago. Not even watchable"

    Poor Donald. Fox News must be calling out the Trump administration's shilling of a drug that has been found to harm Americans. President Murderer wants to sell those pills.

    I'll bet Fauci was on.

    Can't have doctor "demon sperm" being called out for the medical quackery. Some grifter has money to be made off the deaths of the people; it's the only thing that explains their continued shilling of this harmful drug to Americans.

  240. [240] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Biden making things better without making the small donor only commitment is a much bigger if than if Biden were to make the small donor only commitment.

    Not the way I see it.

    I think you will be pleasantly surprised not only by what Biden is capable of doing to make things better but, even more importantly for you, by what he is able to do to move the dial in reducing the influence of big money in politics.

    This is why I believe you are doing the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot by not fully supporting a Biden candidacy and disrespecting him at every opportunity

  241. [241] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    So much depends on whether Biden will have a Democratic House and Senate. Because that is what will be need to make any progress in the right direction for everyone.

  242. [242] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    New column up, check it out.

    I have screened all of the past 24 hours' worth of comments, and removed only two. Astonishingly enough, only one was from Michale (too big an excerpt).

    Play nice, y'all.



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