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Biden-Harris 2020

[ Posted Tuesday, August 11th, 2020 – 16:11 UTC ]

The waiting game is over. Joe Biden announced today that Senator Kamala Harris will be his running mate. For better or for worse, the 2020 Democratic ticket is set. The Biden-Harris team will take on Trump-Pence (assuming Pence isn't replaced in some surprise last-minute move).

How will this affect the dynamics of the race? Well, at this point, that's really anyone's guess. The conventional wisdom says that vice presidential candidates rarely (if ever) move the needle all that much, although there have been exceptions to this rule of thumb. It can be argued that John McCain's "maverick" pick of Sarah Palin harmed his chances in the end, because many voters simply could not see her as presidential material (especially after Tina Fey's brutal portrayal of her on Saturday Night Live). But even that's debatable. For the most part, the effects of naming this person or that as running mate largely prove to be marginal, at best.

Biden's pick will be seen as historic, but he already pretty much guaranteed this by limiting his choices only to women. Senator Kamala Harris is now only the third woman ever named as a running mate in a presidential contest, after Geraldine Ferraro and the aforementioned Sarah Palin. Harris is now also the first African-American woman to be elevated to a national ticket, and only the second African-American to make it onto a national presidential ticket in American history. That is groundbreaking.

One question that will be asked by many is whether she's qualified to be president herself. The answer to that, however, is patently obvious. Anyone on Biden's list, after all, is far more qualified than Donald Trump ever was, hands down. Trump (and Palin before him) so lowered the bar for who is deemed "qualified" that this really shouldn't even be a topic for conversation anymore. Harris is a sitting United States senator, therefore she is exactly as qualified as Barack Obama was when he made his historic run. Case closed.

Will she help Joe Biden turn out votes in November? That is the key question. The answer is that she almost certainly will, although to what degree is still an open question. She will not bring a state's electoral votes with her, because California was already going to overwhelmingly vote for Biden no matter who he picked. That was already a given, therefore Harris cannot be credited with moving a state to Biden's column. Will she generate enthusiasm among Black voters elsewhere? That may be a large part of why Biden selected her (although nobody really knows what Biden was thinking in his selection process, to be fair).

Identity politics has always been far too simplified in many pundits' minds. "Nominate a Black woman, and Black voters will reward you" is too facile, and probably always was. Black voters didn't noticeably back Harris in the primary season, although she dropped out of the race before any of them actually got a chance to vote for her. And Biden proved to be the most popular of any of the Democrats with Black voters during the primaries, so it may even be hard to identify any boost in enthusiasm from Harris at this point. The Black Lives Matter faction isn't going to be enthused all that much by the choice of Harris, because she began her political career as a prosecutor -- and her record as a prosecutor (and later as California's attorney general) isn't noticeably all that progressive. Harris has had to defend this record already, in the early debates. She will likely now have to do so all over again. And those most skeptical of her record are quite likely to be Black voters -- proving that identity politics is never as cut and dried as some might think.

Biden's choice of Harris will serve to blunt one key attack from the Trump campaign, however. They already have been teeing up a fantasy where Biden is no more than a puppet whose strings are somehow being pulled by the "far-left radicals" in the party. This was always laughable on the face of it -- just ask any actual far-left radical what they think about Biden (and now Harris), for proof. The fact that Harris is going to struggle to convince progressive voters that she is acceptable puts the lie to the whole "Biden's a left-wing puppet" argument, in fact. But that certainly isn't going to stop Team Trump from attempting to push this line. Look for the term "San Francisco Democrat" to be tossed around with abandon in the coming days, in other words.

The truth of the matter is that Kamala Harris is pretty politically moderate. The biggest knock against her is, in fact, that she "evolves" on issues quite a lot, and often quite quickly. That's a very polite way of saying she crafts her political stances to what she thinks will be popular with the audience at any given moment. But this could be an asset for her as a vice-presidential candidate, since any number two is expected to subordinate their own views to that of the person on the top of the ticket. Harris won't have to change much to fit in with Biden's platform and agenda, in other words.

The biggest asset Harris has is the ability to effectively attack Trump. She was trained as a prosecutor, after all, and watching any Senate committee hearing she has participated in proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is an expert at eviscerating Trump's politics and faulty logic. The one surprise in Biden picking Harris, in fact, is that she might prove to be a bigger personality than Biden himself. Presidential candidates who lack a certain amount of charisma often go with very safe (or downright boring) veep picks to avoid being overshadowed in this regard (see: Tim Kaine). Harris could become a lot more entertaining on the campaign trail than Biden, but this likely won't be all that big a problem for Biden. In the first place, Biden is quite comfortable with who he is, so he won't have the insecurity of envying his running mate's crowd appeal. Also, there won't be any real crowds, since the entire campaign is going to be held virtually online. And in the second place, Biden has positioned himself as being the calm soothing choice to an electorate that is downright exhausted with Trump's daily antics. Biden can continue this low-key approach while Kamala is out there ripping into Trump on a daily basis. This dynamic could in fact work quite well for both their personalities, when you think about it.

Harris does have one rather large skeleton in her closet, so be prepared for a dumptruck-load of opposition research on her previous relationship with California politician Willie Brown. Most Americans have never heard his name before, but that is about to change in a big way. This line of attack was deemed too extreme for the other Democrats running against her for the nomination, so it never came up in the primary season or the debates. But Team Trump will have no such qualms. They will charge that she "slept her way into politics," so Harris had better be prepared to counter this onslaught of mudslinging. But she's faced these allegations before, just not on a national stage.

Harris, however, will also not be constrained in going after Trump. Look for her to be the one out there provoking the president, and answering his baseless attacks on Twitter. As noted, Harris will probably shine in this role, because she has already proven she can be as scathing as Trump when the situation calls for it. Biden will float above the fray while Harris and Trump duke it out in the trenches, in other words.

In the end, Joe Biden likely chose Harris because of her previous close relationship to his family. Harris and Beau Biden were friends and allies when they were both state attorneys general, and this led to a warm relationship with Joe as well. Joe Biden already trusts Harris to a large degree, and obviously feels "sympatico" with her, which was the core quality he said he was looking for in a running mate. And if he's happy with Harris on his ticket, then my humble guess is that most Democratic voters are going to wind up being happy with her as well. Happy enough to cast their vote for Biden-Harris this November, which is all that really counts.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


91 Comments on “Biden-Harris 2020”

  1. [1] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    One question that will be asked by many is whether she's qualified to be president herself.

    You really think so? I have my doubt about there being any question about that. I mean, if Trump and Bush II can do, then Senator Harris surely can, and then some!

    No, I'm getting a very, very positive feeling about this pick, looking at it from the overall. And, as your 'attack dogs' go, I think she'll be great at that!

  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Will she help Joe Biden turn out votes in November? That is the key question. The answer is that she almost certainly will, although to what degree is still an open question.

    To whatever degree it is, she can't help but be an asset. I'm feeling really good about this. I love that Beau played a big part in the decision.

  3. [3] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    The Black Lives Matter faction isn't going to be enthused all that much by the choice of Harris, because she began her political career as a prosecutor -- and her record as a prosecutor (and later as California's attorney general) isn't noticeably all that progressive. Harris has had to defend this record already, in the early debates. She will likely now have to do so all over again. And those most skeptical of her record are quite likely to be Black voters -- proving that identity politics is never as cut and dried as some might think.

    Of course, Biden has his own hurdles to overcome on this score, what will all of the revisionist history around the 1994 crime bill. I doubt it will be a big deal or that either of them won't be able to rise above.

  4. [4] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    You adjusted very quickly Liz.

  5. [5] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I sincerely hope that Kamala doesn't call her husband Father.

  6. [6] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Biden's choice of Harris will serve to blunt one key attack from the Trump campaign, however. They already have been teeing up a fantasy where Biden is no more than a puppet whose strings are somehow being pulled by the "far-left radicals" in the party. This was always laughable on the face of it -- just ask any actual far-left radical what they think about Biden (and now Harris), for proof.

    Absolutely, positively, unequivocally!

    It always makes me laugh when I hear people say Biden is too far left. Ha!

    And, it always reminds me of a line he often used during Senate committee hearings, either on justice or foreign policy ... "I'm not on the right and I'm not on the left. I'm in the middle with Joe Biden. Come join me!"

    There's a song in there, somewhere ... :)

  7. [7] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    They will charge that she "slept her way into politics," so Harris had better be prepared to counter this onslaught of mudslinging. But she's faced these allegations before, just not on a national stage.

    How well did she handle those allegations?

  8. [8] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Okay, I need to eat. Later ...

  9. [9] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    Just answered some comments from yesterday...


  10. [10] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    LizM -

    Fixed the broken italic tag in [3] for you...



  11. [11] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


    We use the <a href thingy to post multiple links in one comment.

  12. [12] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    LizM [7] -

    Well, she won two statewide races, for AG and for Senate. So she overcame the attacks already -- but, as noted, only on a state level. I almost didn't even mention the whole issue, but I just know that Team Trump is about to unload this garbage on Harris, so I wanted to give people who might not have heard it before a warning (as mentioned, no Dem "went there" during the primaries...).


  13. [13] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    JFC -

    I didn't know that worked! Shhhh.... don't tell the comment spammers, as my filter still has a 100% record of blocking them (dozens and dozens of them each and every day, that you folks never even have to see).



  14. [14] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    I only realized it on Sunday.

  15. [15] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    i think the choice of kamala was a bit of a punt. she'll fill the running-mate role admirably, but my sense is that she's not going to inspire a whole lot of voters one way or another.

  16. [16] 
    MyVoice wrote:

    Anyone on Biden's list, after all, is far more qualified than Donald Trump ever was, hands down. Trump (and Palin before him) so lowered the bar for who is deemed "qualified" that this really shouldn't even be a topic for conversation anymore.

    Um, what about Dan Quayle? IIRC, the joke at the time was that his selection would protect Poppy from assassination attempts.

  17. [17] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    One question that will be asked by many is whether she's qualified to be president herself. The answer to that, however, is patently obvious. Anyone on Biden's list, after all, is far more qualified than Donald Trump ever was, hands down. Trump (and Palin before him) so lowered the bar for who is deemed "qualified" that this really shouldn't even be a topic for conversation anymore. Harris is a sitting United States senator, therefore she is exactly as qualified as Barack Obama was when he made his historic run. Case closed.

    Excellent point. Joe could have selected the proverbial tuna sandwich as his running mate and the Trumpanzies would deem that choice as a "Marxist Radical tuna fish sandwich."

    I also agree that Kamala has a "unique skill set ideally suited to the situation"** and I look forward to a lot of good old American political eviscerating. I also like her chances debating bleeping Mike Pence.

    **Gratuitous "Taken" quote

  18. [18] 
    MyVoice wrote:

    Chris Weigant [13]

    Perhaps you want to delete my response from yesterday's comments on this same issue.

    Yesterday's comment

  19. [19] 
    John M wrote:

    Some interesting things about Kamala Harris:

    1) She was quite good during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.

    2) She and Cory Booker were also good at being driving forces behind the anti-lynching bill.

    3)President Trump and his daughter Ivanka both made financial contributions to Kamala Harris’s campaign when she was running for reelection as California’s attorney general before she became a senator.

    According to campaign-finance records, Donald Trump donated a total of $6,000 to Harris’s attorney-general reelection campaigns in 2011 ($5,000) and 2013 ($1,000). Ivanka Trump gave Harris’s campaign $2,000 in 2014.

    Harris also received a $2,000 donation from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin for her 2016 Senate campaign.

    I would love to see the Trump's explain that when they begin attacking her!! Oh the irony!!! :-D

  20. [20] 
    John From Censornati wrote:


  21. [21] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Elizabeth wrote,

    No, I'm getting a very, very positive feeling about this pick, looking at it from the overall. And, as your 'attack dogs' go, I think she'll be great at that!

    Yeppers, I'm also feeling better about Joe's choosing Kamala than I thought I would 24 hours ago. Mayhaps she's too Centrist for my taste but, like Obama, she's a groundbreaking candidate who's entirely qualified to win the 2028 haha!

  22. [22] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    John From Censornati wrote:

    I sincerely hope that Kamala doesn't call her husband Father.

    Haha, Censornati! Robert Maplethorp and I salute you!

  23. [23] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    You adjusted very quickly Liz.

    I try.

    By the way, here is a review of Neil's Homegrown ...

  24. [24] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    [13] Chris Weigant wrote:

    JFC -

    I didn't know that worked! Shhhh.... don't tell the comment spammers, as my filter still has a 100% record of blocking them (dozens and dozens of them each and every day, that you folks never even have to see).


    Jeeze, guys, doesn't anybody read my comments? I've been harping on the "a href" thing since I posted four songs in one comment last Sunday. I guess people don't wade through all of the "Commenting Tips" as did I.


    Feeling Ignored in Country-Cali

  25. [25] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Yeth, I can picture Huntsman as well. And what about Evan McMullin?

  26. [26] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    doesn't anybody read my comments?

    I did. That's where I learned it.

  27. [27] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Me, too. :)

  28. [28] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: Will she help Joe Biden turn out votes in November?

    Yes, and not only that, they'll be "encouraging" their teenage and young adult children living at home with them because of the Trump caronavirus recession: "You want to stay living in my house? You want to keep your health insurance too? Then you're voting. We are not throwing away our shot."

    Or something like that. Suburban women, baby, they could flip North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, maybe Texas... big maybe with Texas, but big parts of Texas are flipping. You'll see. :)

  29. [29] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Thanks, Chris! Who needs an edit function?

  30. [30] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: She will not bring a state's electoral votes with her, because California was already going to overwhelmingly vote for Biden no matter who he picked.

    Oh, I disagree with you there; she could bring multiple state's electoral votes with her because suburban women. Think "big picuture."

    I see I'm going to have to teach y'all some more about the ways of the South.

    Russ... where are you? Help me with these Yankees and carpetbaggers. Not name calling, just kidding! *grin*

  31. [31] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Well, she won two statewide races, for AG and for Senate. So she overcame the attacks already

    Yeah but, I was looking for the details of how she answered the allegations and what was the truth of the matter.

  32. [32] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Thanks, guys -- I needed a little shout out (getting a little misty eyed, is the Drama Queen.)


    Here's 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris from POLITICO.

  33. [33] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Kick wrote,

    Oh, I disagree with you there; she could bring multiple state's electoral votes with her because suburban women. Think "big picuture."

    I see I'm going to have to teach y'all some more about the ways of the South.

    Russ... where are you? Help me with these Yankees and carpetbaggers. Not name calling, just kidding! *grin*

    Speaking as a Yankee (Michigan Iron Brigade) and a carpetbagger (I did move to Californication) I'ma hungry for learning!

  34. [34] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: Black voters didn't noticeably back Harris in the primary season, although she dropped out of the race before any of them actually got a chance to vote for her.

    Exactly. The schedule of the stupid caucuses and primaries aren't exactly set up to favor any candidate of color with two of the whitest states in America being front loaded, now is it? Nevada is the first state where any people of color get a say, is it not? As a candidate of color, if you can't make headway in Iowa or New Hampshire, you might as well fold up early... strategically. It didn't help Kamala Harris that the previous candidate of the Democratic Party was a woman. Democrats all over America were "gun shy" about electing another female into the top spot, and rightly so since the country is obviously full of misogynists. Pragmatism wins the day.

    And Biden proved to be the most popular of any of the Democrats with Black voters during the primaries, so it may even be hard to identify any boost in enthusiasm from Harris at this point.

    Are you kidding? Make no mistake about it; black women want a black woman on the ticket, and women want a woman on the ticket, but more than that black women and women (I did not say "all") in general are still women and as such have learned to be pragmatists.

    "Black voters" more than anything else want to win... beat Donald Trump, and they would have happily backed whomever they thought could do it. If they thought Kamala Harris or Corey Booker could beat Trump, they would have been happy to vote for either of them... or anyone else they thought could beat Trump for that matter. Did they not back Bill Clinton over Jesse Jackson?

    Pragmatism. :)

  35. [35] 
    Kick wrote:

    CW: In the first place, Biden is quite comfortable with who he is, so he won't have the insecurity of envying his running mate's crowd appeal.

    Exactly! Biden isn't afraid to pick a strong woman, and Trump has obvious and easily recognizable "mommy issues" and whines and squeals like a stuck pig when confronted by a woman. He runs from the room from women reporters, and he's afraid of Nancy Pelosi. Mr. "Art of the Deal" hasn't spoken with Nancy Pelosi in almost a year. Idiot!

    Biden should definitely keep reminding people how he isn't afraid of strong women and how Trump obviously is. How long before Trump is referring to Kamala Harris as "Nasty" or "Slut" or whatever stupid name he comes up with? Bring it on. Donald Trump is the biggest slut who's ever held the office of the presidency... so please make that an issue, Dotard Donald; women all over America will love you for it. *shakes head*

  36. [36] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    You adjusted very quickly Liz.

    I'm so proud. ;)

  37. [37] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    I sincerely hope that Kamala doesn't call her husband Father.

    Get ready... for Doug. Put your hands up for the Doug Hive, y'all. #DougHive

  38. [38] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    It always makes me laugh when I hear people say Biden is too far left. Ha!

    And, it always reminds me of a line he often used during Senate committee hearings, either on justice or foreign policy ... "I'm not on the right and I'm not on the left. I'm in the middle with Joe Biden. Come join me!"

    There's a song in there, somewhere ... :)

    Of course, you know there is:

    Stuck in the Middle With You - Stealers Wheel

  39. [39] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    We use the a href thingy to post multiple links in one comment.

    Who is this "we"? ;)

  40. [40] 
    Kick wrote:


    Jeeze, guys, doesn't anybody read my comments? I've been harping on the "a href" thing since I posted four songs in one comment last Sunday. I guess people don't wade through all of the "Commenting Tips" as did I.

    I do.


    Feeling Ignored in Country-Cali

    You taught me every bad habit I have. Feel better now? ;)

  41. [41] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    I haven't much to say about Harris' selection as the Dems' VP candidate. She seems qualified and able to help the ticket. As far as I know, she hasn't backed Warren's wealth tax, but at least she's come out for Medicare for All, and has expressed support for the Green New Deal and other climate-oriented goals like all electric vehicles within 15 years. I know some left radicals might see her as moderate, but I see her as an actual liberal. She's somehow almost instinctively against demonizing brown people and putting them in cages, just to appeal to America's worst and most racist impulses.

    On another note, can I say once again what a pleasure it's been to read this Comments columns lately? Every post is civil, to the point or to the response, doesn't try to monopolize, is original to the poster, and far more often than not is a comment on Chris' topic of the day. How absolutely pleasant to follow the intelligent discourse of the people who admire Chris' insights and commentary.

  42. [42] 
    MyVoice wrote:

    Kick [38]

    You do know what "Stuck in the Middle with You" needs, right?

    More Cowbell

  43. [43] 
    Kick wrote:


    You do know what "Stuck in the Middle with You" needs, right?

    More Cowbell

    "Guess what!? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!"

    Heh. That's what I'm talking about... Will Ferrell is busier than a stump-tailed bull in fly season. :)

  44. [44] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    You adjusted very quickly Liz.

    I'm so proud. ;)

    We're all proud of you Elizabeth. And we're going to get through this together.

  45. [45] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Excellent! I shall tell the Emporer that you show great promise. If you work hard and maybe get a lucky break or two...someday you shall be the first female Sith Lord!


  46. [46] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    John M from Ct. wrote,

    On another note, can I say once again what a pleasure it's been to read this Comments columns lately? Every post is civil, to the point or to the response, doesn't try to monopolize, is original to the poster, and far more often than not is a comment on Chris' topic of the day. How absolutely pleasant to follow the intelligent discourse of the people who admire Chris' insights and commentary.

    I'm in 100% agreement with that, Brother! It's really nice to participate with my Weigantian Family and not find myself pissed off! We're just on a so much higher level of discourse than not that long ago.

    Perhaps unmentionable was placed on "double-secret probation" and didn't make the cut.

    Make sure, CW, that you collect on John M's and my wagers haha.

  47. [47] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    as far as i know the sith didn't gender discriminate. if you were vicious, devious and a badass with a light saber, you were in.

  48. [48] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    D'yall remember the two plus months between Obama winning the 2008 election and his Inauguration?

    I felt this vibe that most of America was so sick of George the Younger that we just couldn't wait for Barry to take over.

    I predict the same collective sigh of relief vibe between November and Joe's (and Kamala's) ascention to power.

    Maybe now we can get rid of that bleeping Electoral College which, twice now, has delivered America into the hands of abject losers. I'm tired of my vote not counting because I live in deep blue People's Republic of California.

  49. [49] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    nypoet22 wrote:

    as far as i know the sith didn't gender discriminate. if you were vicious, devious and a badass with a light saber, you were in.

    The Emporer has a pretty ambitious recruiting program. Keep up that kind of work and I may be able to find you a position.

    Don't say yes, don't say no...have your people call my people and we'll do lunch!

  50. [50] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    It's Joe's election to lose.

    I find myself energized by his selection of Kamala, and she's going to make Cheetogod's head explode over the next 2 months 22 days and a wake-up. Trump cain't handle strong women and he's going to unravel as his defeat draws closer and closer.

    Perhaps I'm getting a little carried away but I wouldn't be surprised if we get a little 25th Amendment action if Trump, say, tries to start a war with Iran.

    Why the hell are we supporting Saudi Arabia instead of Iran? Iran/Persia has a great history and had sort of a Democracy...until our CIA overthrew Mosaddegh in 1953 (because he wanted to nationalize Iran's oil business so the money went to the Iranian people and not the Seven Sisters (monster oil companies that controlled 85% of the world's oil reserves until 1973.)

    Saudi Arabia is struggling with the concept of women being allowed to drive! And don't forget that 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Nationals. Just sayin'

  51. [51] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Whoops! I forgot. The Saudis probably have Trump in their back pocket, between loans and whatever dirt they have on him.

    Pee tape, anyone?

  52. [52] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Okay...noooo Pee tape.*sigh*

    Well, then, gotta go with Plan B, a little Zoot Suit Riot!

    G'Nite from the Left Coast ;D

  53. [53] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    [39] Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    We use the a href thingy to post multiple links in one comment.

    Who is this "we"? ;)

    Why, it's the "Royal We" as in "We are not amused." I think JFC is doing solid work in improving his self image, so let him be.

  54. [54] 
    Mezzomamma wrote:

    And there are still plenty of able, experienced women who could be appointed to cabinet, agency and diplomatic positions along with able, experienced men.

    Check your registration. Get your ballot and vote as soon as you can.

  55. [55] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I just learned that Kamala spent a lot of time in Canada - Montreal, to be precise - and she graduated from Westmount High School in 1981!

    So, in honour of her selection as Biden's running mate, I'll be focusing on fellow graduate, Leonard Cohen, this Sunday night. It's going to be fun!

  56. [56] 
    TheStig wrote:

    As a non-Californian I have been generally impressed with Kamala Harris. I think she will be an effective campaigner. Assuming that Biden wins the election, what does Harris do with the coveted "Bucket of Spit" (to use the family friendly version of the term coined by Veep John Nance Garner)?

    She's first in line of succession, gets a house, gets a salary, gets an office and gets a staff. What is she going to do with the office and the staff. Biden's role in the Obama Admin was advisory...and with his years in the senate this was valuable. As a freshman senator, Harris doesn't really fit into this role. People of Color Cultural advisor? I can see that, but Biden is already well connected with that constituency.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste. If Harris is being groomed for a run in 4 or 8 years, that is something, but her getting the nomination post-Biden is a long shot. I guess politicians learn to accept long odds.

  57. [57] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Biden's role in the Obama Admin was advisory...and with his years in the senate this was valuable.


  58. [58] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Ditto for the rest of it.

  59. [59] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, on another fun note, some people are saying that, in view of the exciting Democratic presidential ticket, Trump is going to ditch Pence for a ... wait for it ... woman!

    Wouldn't that be the definition of fun!?

  60. [60] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    People of Color Cultural advisor?

    May I be blunt?

    That is a fairly racist thing to suggest, no?

    Grow up!

  61. [61] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    Try taking your own advice.

  62. [62] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    leonard cohen was a brilliant songwriter, easily on par with dylan, lennon/mccartney, paul simon, carole king or anyone else. yet hallelujah is the only song of his that's as frequently covered as any of theirs, which is a shame.

  63. [63] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Don't push my buttons!

  64. [64] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    While all of that is very true, you won't mind if I play KD Lang Sunday night performing Hallelujah at the Tribute to Leonard Cohen, will you?

    What's your favourite Leonard Cohen tune?

  65. [65] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    just a sample of cohen's songwriting brilliance, and SO on-topic too!

  66. [66] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    my favorite? hmm, that's a tough question. let me ruminate a bit...

  67. [67] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Take all the time you need ...

  68. [68] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I'm off to work ... everybody knows, indeed.

  69. [69] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    In fact, Joshua, save it for Sunday night!

  70. [70] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    well, this one's definitely in the running...

  71. [71] 
    TheStig wrote:

    LM-57 etc

    From the Washington Post:

    "Biden, like all recent vice presidents, benefited from the tenure of Walter Mondale (1977-81). Mondale proposed a new vision of the vice president as a central part of the presidency and President Jimmy Carter provided resources for him to perform as a high-level presidential advisor and agent. That model became entrenched as the next five vice presidents, George H.W. Bush, Dan Quayle, Al Gore, Dick Cheney and Biden, applied, developed and sometimes expanded it."

    The whole article is here:

    My point is, and I don't think it disputable, The President can override anything proposed by the VP and the Office of the VP. That is the way the modern system works. The VP reins supreme when he/she breaks a tie in the senate. The VP is basically a high level Employee working for the President.

    I happen to admire Biden as a person and politician. I've been sending him campaign donations since he clinched the nom. And You? Oh right, you're Canadian...So...Show a little respect when you're on somebody else's home turf.

  72. [72] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Read the article in the link you provided. Biden's role was not just advisory. That was the point.

  73. [73] 
    TheStig wrote:

    EM- The point I'm making is that Senator Harris doesn't really bring anything decisive to Biden's campaign. She is smart and capable as they come, but Biden already has black voters in his corner. Harris on the other hand must give up senate seniority to shore up something that is already safe. California will appoint another Dem. to the Senate, but they can't transfer her seniority. Winning the WH doesn't mean much if you can't move any legislation along. You have to play the long game. Did we learn nothing from the Obama Years?

  74. [74] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    "Hmmmmm," said the Progressive MtnCaddy, "According to Vote View based on her voting record our Kamala is the second most Liberal serving Senator, trailing Elizabeth Warren but slightly more Lefty than Bernie Sanders!"

    Given that both she and Joe are NOT uncompromising ideologues but rather are maleable ("sniff the political winds and go with the flow") type politicians, I'm seeing that us Progressives really need to get them elected so that we can get what we want through working within the corridors of power.

  75. [75] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    agreed, they're both weather-vane type politicians. biden is significantly better at that game than harris is, so hopefully she'll learn something from the process.


  76. [76] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    TheStig wrote:

    EM- The point I'm making is that Senator Harris doesn't really bring anything decisive to Biden's campaign.

    Au Contraire, TS. Harris brings youth and gender balance to the ticket. She represents the part of the Democratic Party/American society in general that is not represented by the usual "two white guys" ticket. She's perceived as being moderate (see [74]) and her background in law enforcement in these turning times is likewise reassuring. And she has the "Attack Dog" skills to hammer away at Cheetogod and the Repugs, allowing genial Joe to stand above the gray and just be genial Joe.

    California will appoint another Dem. to the Senate, but they can't transfer her seniority.

    Kamala is a first term Senator so what kind of "seniority" is being given up?

    Winning the WH doesn't mean much if you can't move any legislation along. You have to play the long game. Did we learn nothing from the Obama Years?

    We learned from the Obama years that you best not promise "Hope and Change" and then spent years negotiating against yourself in a Pollyanna-ish belief that bipartisanship is possible with the GOP going back to the days of Newt Gingrich.

    Even if Dems cannot "move legislation" a Dem President can (1) block a lot of bad legislation, and (2)maybe not botch the handling of a pandemic that'll end up killing 2-300,000 Americans

  77. [77] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Yeah, they used to say the very same thing about Senator Biden when he ran for president.

    Didn't ring true then, doesn't ring true now.

  78. [78] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Also, don't write again that Biden's role in the Obama administration was advisory. It was well beyond that!

    What it was was extraordinary, as the article you linked to explains.

  79. [79] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    New column is up about the speeches (although -- Warning! -- you've got to wade through some pedantry first...):


  80. [80] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    EM- The point I'm making is that Senator Harris doesn't really bring anything decisive to Biden's campaign. She is smart and capable as they come, but Biden already has black voters in his corner.

    Biden has some black voters in his corner... that doesn’t mean she won’t be able to attract more — especially black female voters that might not bother to vote in an election between two white male only tickets. And she brings experience running the second largest department of justice office in this country — the Federal DOJ being the largest. Harris’ experience could be crucially needed to help restructure our DOJ after the devastation Trump and Barr have wreaked upon it and the Rule of Law in this country!

    I could see Biden partnering Harris with whoever is his AG pick to work on reforming our DOJ. There are so many areas of corruption that Trump has infected our institutions with that having someone like Harris overseeing their restoration would be an incredible use of her skills. I think her ability to work with various AG’s across the country to force the banks to go from a 2 billion dollar settlement to agreeing to pay over $18 billion dollars to the states after the housing market crashed shows that she has incredible skills for getting different people and parties to all work towards a common goal... and that is always a good thing!

  81. [81] 
    Chris Weigant wrote:

    MyVoice [16] -

    Good point, how could I have forgotten Dan "Potatoe" Quayle?


    MtnCaddy [17] -

    Heh. "Marxist Radical tuna fish sandwich." I'm going to have to use that in the future, because it is not only hilarious, but also dead-on accurate.

    Well done!


    [24] -

    Mea culpa.

    Still haven't tackled last Friday's comments, to my shame...

    The credit is all yours, I stand corrected!


    Kick [28] -

    Don't you mean "suburban housewives"? Heh. Trump actually thinks that's going to win him votes...

    [30] -

    I should have said "will not bring her home state's electoral votes with her," obviously.

    MtnCaddy [32] -

    Excellent article, and excellent link. I read it already (well, most of it), but I encourage everyone else to check it out too. "55" sounds like a lot, but they're all short...

    Kick [43] -

    Maybe so, but as some pointed out today (can't believe I didn't think of this first...), we're all ready and eager to see Maya Rudolph on SNL as Kamala once again.


    MtnCaddy [46] -

    I too am enjoying the comments more, I have to admit (as evidenced by how much more frequently I now answer them). But

    Perhaps unmentionable was placed on "double-secret probation" and didn't make the cut.

    was actually his own choice. I had nothing to do with it.

    MtnCaddy [48] -

    I'm already predicting the same dancing in the streets that followed Obama's win, personally.

    [50] -

    Not to mention how Kamala is going to absolutely eviscerate Mike Pence in their debate. We've all got that to look forward to!

    TheStig [73] -

    Harris doesn't actually have much Senate seniority. She's a relative newcomer (replaced Barbara Boxer... um... four years ago?).

    CA might have two brand-new Senators in the next few years (DiFi will be 91 the next time she'll face re-election). So we'll have to get used to being back-benchers for a while. But hey, Kamala's the first major-ticket Californian since Reagan, I believe. So that's an acceptable tradeoff.

    OK, that's it for now... go check out the new column....


  82. [82] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Great points about her role in getting DOJ back on track with an emphasis on the civil rights division and on her partnership with the AG in general.

    Although, I would suspect that Biden has already decided on an AG who has more experience than even Kamala!

  83. [83] 
    Kick wrote:


    Excellent! I shall tell the Emporer that you show great promise. If you work hard and maybe get a lucky break or two...someday you shall be the first female Sith Lord!

    Will there be pie? Heh.

    One of my nicknames already is "Vader"... I'm not kidding. :)

  84. [84] 
    SF Bear wrote:

    She is also the first ever VP from the West! About time I say.

  85. [85] 
    Kick wrote:


    Why, it's the "Royal We" as in "We are not amused." I think JFC is doing solid work in improving his self image, so let him be.

    What do you mean "improving"? Did you maybe get him confused with that potty mouthed Canadian? I know what you're thinking: Which one!? *winks*

  86. [86] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    I just learned that Kamala spent a lot of time in Canada - Montreal, to be precise - and she graduated from Westmount High School in 1981!

    I had that info in my back pocket in case you were upset when JB picked her. I was going to use it if necessary.

    So, in honour of her selection as Biden's running mate, I'll be focusing on fellow graduate, Leonard Cohen, this Sunday night. It's going to be fun!

    But you don't really care for music, do you?
    Well, it goes like this
    The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, the major lift
    The baffled king composing Hallelujah

  87. [87] 
    Kick wrote:


    The point I'm making is that Senator Harris doesn't really bring anything decisive to Biden's campaign.


    She is smart and capable as they come, but Biden already has black voters in his corner.

    Yankee... hold your tongue! Just kidding... again. Russ can explain this way better than me. Russ... get in here and explain this to TS; I'm afraid I'll sound like a demon creeper if I try.

    Harris on the other hand must give up senate seniority to shore up something that is already safe.

    All single digits of it since 2017. M'kay!

    California will appoint another Dem. to the Senate, but they can't transfer her seniority.

    How about Adam Schiff? Feel better now?

    Winning the WH doesn't mean much if you can't move any legislation along.

    It's a Democrat who will replace her so... no worries.

    You have to play the long game.

    We are!

    Did we learn nothing from the Obama Years?

    Yes, of course we did. Diversity wins the day and gets out the vote.
    Get with the program! ;)

  88. [88] 
    Kick wrote:


    That's what I'm talking about! Russ is right, of course.

  89. [89] 
    Kick wrote:

    Chris Weigant

    Don't you mean "suburban housewives"?

    Yes, that's exactly what I meant. ;)

    Heh. Trump actually thinks that's going to win him votes...

    Isn't it precious how infinitely ignorant Trump is? He seems to know absolutely nothing about women or the suburbs... or the Constitution or math or science or history or truth or...

  90. [90] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    Hello, my sweet friend! Sorry that I haven’t been around much lately, but Devon decided to take August off so we could paint our downstairs and put down new hard wood flooring throughout our house... which is just as fun as it sounds in the middle of summer! Arrggghhhh!

    Hope you are staying well in Texas. My great aunt who lived outside of Dallas died a few weeks ago...and to my horror, my father and uncle decided to drive over to TX for the funeral. And surprise, surprise, surprise.... 5 of the family members present at the funeral have since tested positive for COVID-19. My father told me this tonight as he is getting ready to drive to Miami at 4 am tomorrow! I am calling my brother who still lives in Columbus to make sure Dad is quarantined as soon as he gets back. Again, I say , “Arrrggghhhh!”

    Stay well and big hugs to ya!


  91. [91] 
    Kick wrote:


    Oh, Russ, I'm so sorry about your great aunt. I'm sending you a really big hug and hoping the best for your family. As you know, if you had to pick two states where you would absolutely not want to travel at the present time, Texas and Florida would rank right up there, and add driving all those states in between. I can imagine you are frustrated and ready to handcuff them all for their own good, but then again, that could just be projection on my part.

    Sorry that I haven’t been around much lately, but Devon decided to take August off so we could paint our downstairs and put down new hard wood flooring throughout our house... which is just as fun as it sounds in the middle of summer!

    No apologies, and we really are like peas because I'm literally in the same boat except it's half of August and a new fence... outside in the 100+ heat... while I'm also busier than a one-legged man at an ass-kicking convention flipping TX-23 for y'all Democrats... a heavy lift, but turn it will.

    I know I don't have to tell you about paint fumes and dust particles during sawing and sanding being a trigger, but here I am doing it anyway, and "work hard/play hard," I always say... but you make sure you're staying hydrated and taking care of yourself and having some fun in between all that working and trying to take care of your family members. It's tough out there.

    XOXOX - Victoria

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