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Denounce All Conspiracy Theories, Or This Interview Is Over

[ Posted Thursday, February 4th, 2021 – 17:51 UTC ]

As we head towards next week's impeachment trial of Donald Trump in the Senate, I think there are three important things to remember and to stress. In fact, I wish more in the media would point these things out on a regular basis, but if they fall down on the job then Democrats should immediately pick up the slack and remind everyone of a few hard, cold facts.

The first thing to stress is that the attempted insurrection isn't something that can be swept under a rug -- people died, people were seriously injured, and our very democracy was under attack. Second is that while some Republicans have been denouncing Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene for her stated belief in many conspiracy theories, it is actually Trump who is the king of conspiracy theories -- so he must likewise be denounced (otherwise such denunciations are worthless, from Republicans). And third, each and every Republican officeholder needs to be asked flat-out whether he or she thinks Joe Biden is the duly-elected and legitimate president of the United States. Because absent that simple affirmation, all their talk of how they're ridding their party of conspiracy theorists is pure hogwash -- and journalists should refuse to air it.

Let's take these one by one, in more detail.


Wave the bloody shirt

If there was ever a time for Democrats to wave the bloody shirt, it is now. That phrase is historic, and entirely justified. Wikipedia has a quick rundown of this history:

"Waving the bloody shirt" and "bloody shirt campaign" were pejorative phrases, used during American election campaigns in the 19th century, to deride opposing politicians who made emotional calls to avenge the blood of soldiers that died in the Civil War. The phrases were most often used against Republicans, who were accused of using the memory of the Civil War to their political advantage. Democrats were not above using memories of the Civil War in such a manner as well, especially while campaigning in the South.

The phrases gained popularity with a fictitious incident in which Representative, and former Union general, Benjamin Butler of Massachusetts, while making a speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in April of 1871, allegedly held up a shirt stained with the blood of a Reconstruction Era carpetbagger who had been whipped by the Ku Klux Klan. While Butler did give a speech condemning the Klan, he never waved anyone's bloody shirt. White Southerners mocked Butler, using the fiction of him having "waved the bloody shirt", to dismiss Klan thuggery and other atrocities committed against freed slaves and Republicans.

The Red Shirts, a defunct 19th-century white supremacist paramilitary organization, took their name from the term.

The more things change, the more they remain the same, in other words. But the concept is still valid. As the Washington Post editorial board just accurately detailed:

Each day since Jan. 6, more information has become available about the events that Wednesday, and it becomes all the more horrifying. Feces spread on walls; calls to hunt down and shoot Ms. Pelosi and hang then-Vice President Mike Pence; police blinded with bear spray and attacked with metal poles, fire extinguishers, crutches and wooden boards. At least 81 Capitol Police officers and about 65 D.C. police officers suffered injuries that included cracked ribs, head injuries and smashed spinal discs. One officer is likely to lose an eye. A graphic video obtained by the New York Times showed rioters trampling a woman as they attacked police. The 34-year-old woman died, as did three other rioters and Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick. Two police officers died by suicide days after the attack.

This means that almost the same number of federal officers were injured in the insurrection attempt as House Republicans who did the mob's bidding, later that night. That's a lot of bloody shirts to wave, you've got to admit.

Democrats need to always -- always -- keep this at the center of their arguments, both against Marjorie Taylor Greene and against Trump himself. Officers died in the line of duty. Over 140 were injured -- some of whom were seriously maimed. That is what demands justice. Never forget, or allow Republicans to go unchallenged on this basic point. More Americans died in the Capitol that day than died in Benghazi, Libya -- and just look at how many times Republicans waved those particular bloody shirts.


Denouncements don't count unless they include Donald Trump

Right now, a few prominent Republicans in Congress are doing the right thing and standing up against both Marjorie Taylor Greene's lunatic ravings and against the whole concept of conspiracy theories themselves (more on these specific denunciations in a moment).

But denouncing one GOP conspiracy theorist in the House is not enough. It is not morally consistent. Because if you're a Republican who is against conspiracy theories infecting their party, then you've also got to be against the biggest purveyor of such dangerous nonsense ever seen:

Here's a reminder of what all of those Republicans seem to have instantly forgotten: They spent the past four years tolerating and even supporting "loony lies and conspiracy theories" emanating not from a powerless House newcomer but from the most powerful man on the planet. Greene might be marginally kookier than former president Donald Trump -- but only marginally. His whole political career was defined by his advocacy of insane conspiracy theories, and far from disavowing Greene's "nonsense," Trump praised QAnon believers as "people that love our country."

Trump has espoused so many "loony lies" that it's hard to remember them all. has a handy guide. Trump, recall, first rose to political prominence by claiming to have evidence that then-President Barack Obama wasn't really born in the United States. During the 2016 presidential campaign, he claimed that Ted Cruz's father had helped to kill John F. Kennedy; that Obama had founded the Islamic State; that Muslims in Jersey City had celebrated the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks; and that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia may have been murdered.

Being in office -- and getting access to the products of the U.S. intelligence community -- did not sober up Trump. He claimed that Obama and his top aides "spied on my campaign and went for a coup," that he had been framed on charges of colluding with Russia and that a Democratic National Committee server had ended up in Ukraine. He repeatedly suggested that TV anchor Joe Scarborough had murdered one of his staffers when he was a congressman. He retweeted a claim from a QAnon-linked account that Obama may have had SEAL Team Six killed and that Osama bin Laden was still alive. He also retweeted a suggestion that the Clintons had killed Jeffrey Epstein in jail. He suggested that Joe Biden was taking performance-enhancing drugs and being controlled by "people that are in the dark shadows." He tweeted that a 75-year-old man who was hospitalized after being shoved by police was an "ANTIFA provocateur." He argued that covid-19 death numbers were "exaggerated" by health authorities and that injecting bleach could cure the disease. And, of course, he continues to assert that he won the 2020 election "in a landslide."

By my quick count, there are 17 separate conspiracy theories in those last two paragraphs. And that's just skimming the surface, really. Trump also actively believes that wind turbines cause cancer (because of their noise, somehow), that there were some "very fine people on both sides" in Charlottesville, and that California forest fires are caused because California is somehow failing to properly rake the forest floors each year. Is that really all that much less loony than deciding that a Jewish space laser is responsible for the wildfires?

Donald Trump's political persona is nothing short of a gigantic assortment of conspiracy theories all wrapped into one. So empty denouncements of conspiracy theories in general that do not explicitly include Donald Trump are not only worthless posturing, but indeed downright laughable.


Get them on the record on the Big Lie at the start of the interview

This is where we go back to some of the sanctimonious posturing Republicans are doing when the subject is Marjorie Taylor Greene's beliefs. From the same article:

"Loony lies and conspiracy theories are cancer for the Republican Party and our country," says Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Republican leader in the Senate, wants to know whether House Republicans "want to be the party of limited government... or do they want to be the party of conspiracy theories and QAnon?" (He might not like the answer.) Sen. Todd C. Young (R-Ind.) thunders that he has "no tolerance" for "someone who indulges in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and all manner of other nonsense."

That's all fine and good, as far as it goes. But it doesn't go far enough. So every journalist everywhere needs to begin any interview with any Republican in Congress by explicitly asking the question (and then refusing to take weasel words for an answer): "Before I ask you what you think about Marjorie Taylor Greene's belief in conspiracy theories, I have to start with a simple query: do you believe that Joe Biden was freely and fairly elected? Is Joe Biden legitimately president or not?"

If they can't answer that with an unequivocal: "Yes, he was. And yes, he is." then the interview should be over at that point. "Well, I'm sorry but our network refuses to promote conspiracy theories of any kind, and saying that Joe Biden wasn't legitimately elected in a free and fair election is nothing short of a conspiracy theory -- so we really don't even want to hear what you have to say about Greene, because we place you in exactly the same category as her, sorry." And then cut to interviewing a Democrat, instead.

The media bears an enormous responsibility to get this right. And yet, so far, they are failing miserably to do so. It is a factual and obvious question to ask. "Do you believe in Donald Trump's Big Lie or do you believe in objective reality?"

Republicans cannot be allowed to get away with denouncing Greene without also denouncing Trump and affirming Biden is our legitimate president. They simply cannot have it both ways. Either you support dangerous conspiracy theories, or you don't. It is that simple. And both the media and every Democrat who appears in an interview needs to hammer this home until it begins to sink in.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


30 Comments on “Denounce All Conspiracy Theories, Or This Interview Is Over”

  1. [1] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    I've been dying for months now for the media, and the Democratic Party, to put the clamps on any discourse with Republicans who won't admit, in public and on the record for subsequent broadcast, that Biden won fair and square.

    No admission that Trump has been lying, and that you have been lying up until this moment, when you finally come clean and admit you've been lying? OK, turn off the camera and pack up the lights. No interview, no publicity, no screentime, no name in the papers, and (from the White House) no cooperation on federal activities in your district beyond what's required by law.

    You've got it exactly right. To allow them to continue to weasel about the election with the real world, while benefitting from the Big Lie with the folks back home and enjoying the good graces (!) of the ex-president, is to support conspiratorial thinking in the public square that has been proven dangerous both to democracy and to human life.

    And you know and I know that this just isn't going to happen unless the general Democratic Party public pushes for it.

  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Biden certainly is acting like the legitimate president that he is. It's enough to put a smile on your face. Such lovely speeches today at the state department. Do you think Biden looks like he's getting younger? :-)

    I like being in seventh heaven - hope I can stay for eight years.

  3. [3] 
    Kick wrote:

    So Marjorie Taylor Greene claims on the floor of the House that she is the poor victim and was pulled in by QAnon years ago.

    During my campaign, I never said any of these things. Since I have been elected for Congress. These were words of the past and these things do not represent me, they do not represent my district, and they do not represent my values.

    ~ Marjorie Taylor Greene, lying to America, February 4, 2021

    Lies and total bollocks!

    Who's going to break it to lying Marjorie that there's no such thing -- really -- as a "deleted post"? Once you post something on social media and the like, it is documented somewhere for all posterity.

    On December 4, 2020, a month after being elected to Congress, Greene tweeted a Gab post defending QAnon and its adherents. Marjorie describes the blog post by Gab CEO Andrew Torba as "the first accurate article about people following Q":

    The story Lying Marjorie praised as "accurate" refers to QAnon as an "objective flow of information" that's "uniting Christians."

    So spare us the lies Marjorie because we know you are lying, and you know you are lying too. Kevin McCarthy could have done a simple Internet search and could have avoided lying on the floor of the House too. Kevin is not even sure if he's saying it right: "I don't even know what it is." *laughs* A member of the Gang of Eight telling you he knows nothing about QAnon; McCarthy is privy to confidential information only a handful of people are allowed to see so, of course, he knows who QAnon is... he just thinks you're gullible and/or stupid enough to believe his outright lies.

    Also, Marjorie tweeted 4 days ago about "anti-Trump pedos and associates"... which is literally QAnon BS spew. Pay no attention to Marjorie's belief that a secret cabal of pedophiles controls the government... that was the "past" she was "allowed to believe":

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    What would the list of the anti-Trump pedos and associates look like?

    It would likely contain all of the people currently frothing with MTG hate.

    List though.

    Isn’t that what they do?

    They put us all on list.

    After me, they are coming for more Republicans on their list....

    But that was "the past"... all four days of it.

    Give the American people a damn break, GOP. You're such shitty liars. You own Greene and the Trumpian Big Lie that the majority of you including Marjorie are still spewing that directly caused multiple Americans' deaths. They're the victims... you're the insurrectionists who participated illegally in a failed attempt to delay/stop Congress from performing their constitutionally mandated duties. They're closing in on Roger Stone; can you say RICO?

    So to the GOP and others who enabled the Big Lie and continue doing so while pushing the utter nonsensical falsehood that you're somehow the victims in all this:

    Holding you responsible for your words and actions isn't "cancel culture"... it's accountability. Buckle up.

  4. [4] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    D epartment
    O f
    O ccasional
    M idweek
    R ecklessly
    A ttempted
    T alkingpoints

    or "DOOMRAT"

    For the above referenced title, I had sort of an edgy acronym approach in mind. As a serious politics junkie my first choice would have been "OverDose." Purdy catchy, eh?

    Alas, it was already taken (by some obscure website called OD it turns out.) Sooo, I had to settle for DOOMRAT which among all my choices was a close second.*sigh*


    "MAGAtQ" could be the soft underbelly of the GOP


    It's 2008 and things after W got so bad that black Obama beats the white War Hero. But come 2010 and Repugs make make big gains, from Congress all the way down to dog catcher. Those State level legislators Gerrymandered like, well, Gerrymanders! Ahem. The resulting flood of Repugs then obstructed Obama for six years. Que up "disappointment, stage Left" and then que up Hillary, offering more of the same. And...Trump.

    Sadly, it's too late for 2020. [And I'm not feeling like researching how the States swung from '16 to '18 to '20 just now, but I promise I'll get to it.]

    Now come '22 I expect incumbent State level Repugs will have more than a couple MAGAtQs in the mix. In fact, considerably more! Dems should go after every last one of these "MAGAtQs" -- is that catchy or what? Heh. For the record it's pronounced "maggot kyooz" so as to unceasingly connect MAGA to QAnon. Tell this to your friends. Borrow it freely. Heck, steal it shamelessly! Please.

    Because by 2022 some 600,000 Americans will have died of Covid. And Trump will quite likely be in custody by then. So the timing of driving MAGAtQ home will be...


    Why don't Republican voters expect more from their politicians than simply opposing the Democrats? I get the whole "own the Libs" thing but they don't offer any alternative proposals, like how they'd financially help Americans deal with this fine mess. Or, say, just what they'd replace Obamacare with. Cutting taxes for the rich, cutting polluters loose and cutting access to abortion. That's all they've got? Yikes!

    Wait -- I know the answer! It's because Repugs have been programming this anger into their voters going back decades. "Get the rubes mad at [insert red meat] snd they won't notice that those tax cuts don't help them like they help us rich guys."


    With Covid denial so prevalent Joe should publically call on Trump,

    "Mr. President please tell your supporters that you're personally so confident in your Operation Warp Speed vaccines that they should get one as soon as they can. And have them tell their friends, too, before they send their doses back out to Nancy Pelosi's district."

    Whether Trump does this or not this is a win-win for Joe as it will:

    (A) call attention to the need for all Americans to get the vaccine. Especially as the media will push the story, because Trump.

    (B) remind everybody how badly Trump bungled Covid.

    (C) and should Trump decline to act Presidential *gasp* that will glaringly reminds everyone what an uncaring d-bag he remains. And that just cain't but hurt Trump in trial.


    To those high minded among us who prefer to look forward and move on from Trump I say, um, why? Post-Twitter Trump is to a surprising degree politically emasculated. Yet there remain many different alphabet players (FBI, FEC, SDNY et al) interested in the ex-President that he'll remain in the public spotlight and in a very negative light. I mean, besides when he gets to accept the Nobel Peace Prize in an ankle bracelet. Heh.

    Plus, there's the GOP Civil War with the Trumpanzies putting forth their worst foot.

    So it'd be over-the-top-Kumbaya if the Democrats didn't keep rubbing Trump in the Repug's faces, early and often. After all, the Repugs campaigned against Jimmy Carter for how many cycles?

    (Spoiler alert: it worked!)


    Here's another chance for our unity President Joe Biden to once again call on our ex-President Trump to help our country. This, regarding whether illegal aliens should get stimulus help, too:

    "Sir, please remind your Christian supporters of Jesus' words about the poor and about those who seek refuge. Tell them this their chance to help One Nation Under God step up for the undocumented among us, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ."

  5. [5] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Republicans cannot be allowed to get away with denouncing Greene without also denouncing Trump and affirming Biden is our legitimate president. They simply cannot have it both ways. Either you support dangerous conspiracy theories, or you don't. It is that simple.

    Alas, Repug politicians keep so obviously lying with a straight face because they're NOT talking to the whole world. They're talking to the Trump World. The lies used to drive me crazy until I figure this out.

  6. [6] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    In fact, nowadays I can even tolerate limited doses of Fox News Alternative Cinematic Universe TV. And I regularly cruise online Fox, OANN, Newsmax and (when I'm feelin' down and dirty) Breitbart, Daily Stormer and Pornhub.


    Er, disregard that last one.

  7. [7] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller wrote,

    ...Such lovely speeches today at the state department. Do you think Biden looks like he's getting younger? :-)

    I like being in seventh heaven - hope I can stay for eight years.

    Step. Away. From the Bidenjuice...

    I'm worried about you, girl ;D

  8. [8] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Officers died in the line of duty. Over 140 were injured -- some of whom were seriously maimed. That is what demands justice. Never forget, or allow Republicans to go unchallenged on this basic point. More Americans died in the Capitol that day than died in Benghazi, Libya -- and just look at how many times Republicans waved those particular bloody shirts.

    Okay all you pretend Fiscal Conservatives:

    You spent much time and money investigating the four American casualty Benghazi tragedy, mostly to embarrass Hillary. As though she was over there herself storming the embassy.

    But after having to hide in a closet because of a lie, a lie that you then got out and abetted, you want to just let this slide?

  9. [9] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Chris, your stone insistence that either you confirm for your Constituents that Joe Biden is President because he won fair and square or there's nothing else that you have to say about anything that matters is a tad brusque, wouldn't you say? I mean, Unity and Kumbaya and stuff.

  10. [10] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Please be considerate. We're dealing with some pretty hurting GOP Snowflakes here.

  11. [11] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    John M from Ct. and Kick those are some incisive points there. Always a pleasure to read you guys. Oh and hi, Elizabeth Miller!

  12. [12] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Is it true that Trump is refusing to testify at Impeachment: The Sequel Coming to a Senate Near You?
    Just as well. Maybe Trump is unknowingly allergic to opening his own mouth.

    Every time he opens his mouth he breaks out in lies, misdemeanors and felony self obsession!

    (mic drop)

  13. [13] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    I'm outta here.

  14. [14] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    Nina Turner says the principle behind One Demand is how political business is done. Basic democracy.

    Liar. Nina Turner isn't referring to your bullshit.

    Joe Biden says we can do anything.

    Joe Biden isn't referring to your bullshit either.

    So, CW, the question is why are Nina Turner and Joe Biden wrong and why can't One Demand (basic democracy) work, and can you answer the question without the weasel words this time?

    Can he? You bet. Will he? I would wager an amount vastly higher than $200 that he won't... for I see patterns in things. *laughs* The passage of time and the ability to comprehend the written (and unwritten) word inform us all -- correction -- inform the majority of us, and I'm quite certain CW doesn't give a hang about your bullshit and cannot fathom why this fact escapes you... oh, wait... yes, I can.

    In point of fact, more than 300 million plus Americans don't care about your bullshit, and that many people can't possibly be wrong. You're vastly outnumbered by multiple millions of us, and that's "basic democracy." :)

  15. [15] 
    Kick wrote:

    I said it before, and I'll say it again: Chistoye zlo ;)

    Nice work. :)

  16. [16] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    joe biden has already indicated his support of pie, and for that matter so has CW, so it's only a small step to making that support public.

    get edible.

  17. [17] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    On a point of personal privilege ...

    I have been waiting for this precise moment in time for a very, very long time so you will have to allow me an appropriate time of indulgence in savouring the moment for all it's worth.



  18. [18] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    I agree that CW can address One Demand without weasel words. You might be able to also.

    Been there, done that... as have the majority on this forum, including CW.

    You have displayed a clear pattern of weasel wording apparently to entertain yourself.

    Now you're just projecting your pathetic website on me. *laughs* Also, I don't post to amuse myself, and you have a lingering habit of being almost universally always and terminally incorrect.

    Nina Turner is referring to the same principle behind One Demand.

    Liar. Nina Turner doesn't know anything about your bullshit. You taking someone's words out of context to fit your agenda is disingenuous.

    Joe Biden said not one single thing, not just what I'm talking about at the moment.

    If Joe Biden had met you, he likely wouldn't have made that claim you keep taking out of context as if he was referring to you personally. Also, your habit of pissing all over certain people and then using their words in a pathetic attempt to grift your own bullshit is very indicative of your disingenuous style. If Joe is the schmo you keep insinuating that he is, why on Earth would you deign to use his words to peddle your personal pile of bullshit? Rhetorical question.

    If One Demand is bullshit (Kick's word) then why do you only use weasel words and weasel arguments to avoid discussing what one Demand is when discussing it instead of making rational arguments?

    I've discussed your voter disinformation, lies, and bullshit already. Don't let's keep pretending as if it hasn't been done ad nauseam on this forum and by the vast majority who comment here. You're the only one among us who is remotely dense enough to buy into your own brand of drivel and spew.

    Whether CW gives a dang about One Demand is not the issue.

    If it wasn't an issue, you'd have no reason nor need to prattle on and on and beg him to shill for your bullshit.

    CW is a public figure that holds other public figures accountable for what they say and says it is okay to not accept weasel words for an answer and to continue to press public figures for answers.

    You are a nobody who lies a lot about all manner of things on a repetitive basis.

    So it okay according to CW's standards for me to continue to press CW to explain why he does not give a dang and why everything he says about other issues does not also apply to One Demand.

    Can you read and comprehend the written word? He's ignoring you and has referred to you as a "troll":

    [54] Chris Weigant wrote:

    Don Harris [49] -

    Yes. You are a troll. Deal with it.

    As for your language, you are pushing me very very close to banning the first person ever from my site. You have been warned, and this is your final warning.

    If ignoring you doesn't work, then banning you just might. Address the issues in the articles or the comments to those articles, and quit with your own monomania, because nobody's listening. Instead, you are just trolling.

    And we're ALL way beyond getting tired of it.

    Is that clear enough?


    [Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 at 16:05 UTC]

    This ain't rocket science, but you seem terminally clueless regarding words (and lack thereof) and their meaning.

    If you don't like it take it up with CW.

    I'll take it up with you or whomever I wish; if you don't like that... insert expletive here. :)

  19. [19] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Today, the focus is on the economy and driving a stake through the heart of the Republican cult of economic failure.

    What a great speech today from president Biden - we're going big and bold now and even bigger and bolder tomorrow.

    Now, THAT right there is music to my ears ... hope to see everyone at the CW Sunday Night Music Festival and Dance Party and don't forget to bring your favourite tunes!

  20. [20] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    Thank you for proving me right about you only using weasel words.

    Well, I do keep quoting your words on a quite regular basis and referring to your pathetic website containing voter disinformation and lies.

    You keep putting up CW saying I am troll.

    "Putting up"? That is a direct quote from the author wherein I do not take him out of context. He is most definitely referring to you and your personal bullshit.

    If you can use CW's words then I can use Nina Turner and Joe Biden's words just like every one uses other people's words to make a point.

    And yet, context does matter. Joe Biden and Nina Turner aren't referring in any way to your and/or shilling your personal bullshit. On the other hand, CW thinks you're a troll and is ignoring you. Context: CW is speaking about you, and Nina Turner and Joe Biden haven't got a clue who you are and aren't referring to you in any way, shape, or fashion.

    The difference is that my quotes actually are relevant and reasonable application of the quotes which are reasonable quotes.

    Nope. Joe Biden and Nina Turner have nothing to do with you and aren't speaking about your personal monomania that is unrelated to the subject of CW's articles and which you constantly troll here. In contrast and on the other hand, my quote from CW is directly related to you and directly about you and your personal bullshit and your trolling of this website in particular and him ignoring you.

    You are quoting CW in an instance where CW is mistaken as I clearly explained in my response to that statement by CW so your quote is not a good application to make your point because the quote is not accurate in what it is saying.

    He thinks you're a troll with a personal agenda that he refers to as your "monomania." He is correct. You won't stop doing it... hence, you're a troll. Not complicated. Also, he states he's ignoring you, which is an obvious and undeniable fact. Let it sink in. :)

  21. [21] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Now, THAT right there is music to my ears ... hope to see everyone at the CW Sunday Night Music Festival and Dance Party and don't forget to bring your favourite tunes!

    Sunday night? I'll be busy that night, but here is one of the best:

    This weekend, it'll be The Weeknd... a Canadian, you know. :)

  22. [22] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Of course, I mean after the Super Bowl! It's going to be one big party from start to finish and, here, well into the next day. Heh.

    There is a lot going on and much music to share!

  23. [23] 
    Kick wrote:

    Don Harris

    No matter how many times you repeat something that is nonsense it is still nonsense.

    Yes, I believe that was exactly the point of CW's post where he explains you're a troll and how he ignores you; perhaps you're finally letting it sink in.

    And it just proves that you are the troll as that is what trolls do because they have no rational argument so they keep repeating the nonsense and project what they are doing on someone else.

    So you post your repetitive "monomania" drivel and spew on another man's blog, and somehow in your infinite confusion, those that respond to it are the problem. You're the poster boy for the projection of which you speak. If you have an issue with my responses to your infinite spewing and trolling, my suggestion is that you take CW's advice and stop your constant trolling. If you didn't troll him, there'd be no reason to respond to your bullshit.

    The sad part is you probably believe that you are making me look bad when you are just making a fool of yourself.

    The sad part is that you've been trolling and mooching on another man's blog for approximately six years and still cannot see yourself in the same way the author and everyone else does, as the author so perfectly states:

    Yes. You are a troll. Deal with it....

    If ignoring you doesn't work, then banning you just might. Address the issues in the articles or the comments to those articles, and quit with your own monomania, because nobody's listening. Instead, you are just trolling.

    And we're ALL way beyond getting tired of it.

    I agree 100% with the author. If you don't like it, too bad for you. Keep trolling this blog with your incessant bullshit, and I will respond to you when I wish, you troll. Your choice. If you don't like my responses to your repetitive mooching and trolling, then stop being a blathering knee-jerk repetitive mooching troll.

    Is that clear enough? :)

  24. [24] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


  25. [25] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Kick, thanks for doing your part to increase the number of repetitive posts around here.;) I mean, geesh. It's almost enough to force the use of the dreaded 'b' word. Boring!

  26. [26] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I just wanted to mention here, in case there are any newcomers listening in that it does take a little bit of time for your first comment to be posted. But, once that happens, future comments will post immediately. Sometimes, twice! :)

    Also, the CW Sunday Night Music Festival and Dance Party can be found here on these Friday Talking Points columns ... every Sunday evening, of course, when we push all political commentary to the wayside for a few glorious hours each week and focus on the music, political or otherwise. And, there is even a link on the main page to all of the FTP columns for easy reference!

  27. [27] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Oops ... right post, wrong column. Damn.

  28. [28] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Kick, thanks for doing your part to increase the number of repetitive posts around here.;)

    Sometimes a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

    I mean, geesh.

    "Geesh" is a word that is short for "gee spit happens," and you watch your language, young lady.

    It's almost enough to force the use of the dreaded 'b' word. Boring!

    That's exactly what I was going for! Swoosh. :)

  29. [29] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Oops ... right post, wrong column. Damn.

    Must we have a "talk" about your potty mouth!? ;)

  30. [30] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Are you coming Sunday night after the game - I some real treats planned ...

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