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January 6th Investigations Need To Speed Up

[ Posted Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 – 16:59 UTC ]

Hopefully, as we approach the one-year anniversary of both the most serious attack on our democracy since the Civil War and the most serious attack on the U.S. Capitol since 1814, we may be about to enter a new phase of uncovering exactly what went wrong and holding those responsible to account. I say "may," because at this point nothing is guaranteed.

So far, the efforts to bring justice to the perpetrators of an attempted coup via a violent insurrection which attempted to nullify a presidential election have been rather disappointing. The wheels of justice have been grinding awfully slowly, to put this another way. The efforts to bring full understanding of what happened to the American people have also appeared to move rather glacially, although (to use a different ice-based metaphor) in both cases perhaps we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg while most of it remains invisible below the waterline. And perhaps this will all change rather soon.

The Justice Department just released a summary of what they've been doing on this front for the past year. They have charged over 700 people with criminal activity, and some of these cases have already been resolved in one way or another, after the perpetrators entered guilty pleas (we still have yet to see the first trial commence for all the rest who have stuck to their "not guilty" pleas). Some have gotten slaps on the wrist, some have received rather short jail sentences, and a handful have gotten sentences of over a year in prison.

Attorney General Merrick Garland is scheduled to speak about the department's efforts tomorrow, and it will be interesting to hear what he has to say about the state of things. He will reportedly not discuss any individual cases -- where charges have been brought or are just being contemplated -- which doesn't come as any surprise. Garland is (as he is supposed to be) very concerned about the perception of politicization of the Justice Department, after the rancid behavior of his predecessors under Donald Trump. But he's also got to balance this against the supposedly-true maxim: "In America, no one is above the law." Charging any politician in Congress or White House official or former president is going to be seen as a partisan act by their supporters. But this can't be avoided. The entire crisis was political in nature, after all. This wasn't an attempted bank robbery, it was the attempted heist of an American presidential election.

I fully expect Garland to make the case that this is how justice usually works, and there's nothing to be alarmed about. Prosecutors almost always go after the small fish first, for two disparate reasons. First, they are the easiest to prosecute. The low-level crimes are usually easier to prove, to put it another way. And even some high-level guilty pleas were no doubt the result of the multitude of videos which clearly showed what happened that day. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video might just be worth 1,000 hours (or even days) in jail.

The second reason for the small fish moving through the judicial system first is that just like in an organized-crime prosecution, lenient sentences are often offered to low-level offenders in an effort to get them to provide help in prosecuting those who committed more serious offenses. It's a basic quid pro quo that every prosecutor and defense attorney is familiar with -- get the little guys to flip on the big guys by offering them a lighter sentence.

This is the likely explanation Garland will offer up tomorrow to answer why he hasn't brought any charges against the instigators of the January 6th violence. We'll have to see how good a case he makes for it, though. The hard political fact is that the closer we get to the next election (either the midterms or the 2024 presidential contest), the harder it is going to become to hold any politician or political operative accountable without their supporters accusing Garland of doing so for purely political reasons.

The House committee formed to investigate the January 6th attack has also been rather opaque. Granted, it took a long time to even get the committee underway (it wasn't voted into being until the first of July -- almost six months after the attack had taken place). Initially a bipartisan and bicameral independent commission was proposed, much like commissions which have dealt with tragedies in the past (the Challenger disaster and 9/11, for instance). The Republicans in the Senate killed the idea. So Nancy Pelosi was forced to create an ad hoc House select committee, and then more time was wasted while Kevin McCarthy tried to get some bombastic attention-seeking clowns named to the committee. Pelosi refused and instead appointed the only two remaining Republicans in the House who are still faithful to their oath to the United States Constitution. All of this took valuable time.

Even so, they've now had half of a year and so far have not had much they've been willing to show publicly for their efforts. They say they have interviewed over 300 people, but what gets the headlines are the close confidants of Donald Trump who are refusing to testify before the committee (by ignoring or fighting their subpoenas). Contempt of Congress charges have been brought or are being contemplated against a handful of these, but this will likely not mean much of anything because of the glacial pace of the judiciary (the first case of contempt of Congress has been scheduled for trial already... to begin this summer).

The committee began well, I will admit. They held their first public hearing with four police officers who had been present that day in January, who told their moving and emotional stories to the public. They pleaded for Congress to move swiftly and to not shy away from investigating those who had been behind the attacks as well as the perpetrators they had fought in hand-to-hand combat. This was all a very moving display.

But since then... nothing. There have been no more public hearings and very little transparency from the committee ever since. Every so often, in either a legal finding or a statement, they'll make some news about this piece of jaw-dropping evidence or that, but no cohesive storyline has emerged so it is left for the media and the public to connect the dots. This is unsatisfying and frustrating.

The committee says it is about to shift gears into a more active phase of their work. Just like the Justice Department, they claim they have been doing all the necessary background work to even know the correct questions to ask to those further up the chain of responsibility. They have gathered thousands of pages of evidence and have been winning all their court battles (so far) on exclusions for executive privilege. The Supreme Court has not actively weighed in yet, but these are fairly cut-and-dried issues, so it is likely it will keep to the sidelines for the most part, seeing this as a political battle best solved by the executive and legislative branches.

In the next month or so, we'll be able to see if the committee truly is ramping up the transparency. If we start to get regular public (televised) hearings which begin to lay out the entire compelling story, starting with the lowest levels and moving up, then the work that they have done behind closed doors in 2021 will be justified. Some on the committee have been talking about releasing an interim report this summer and a final report before the midterm elections, which is a fairly tight timeline. But if they manage to keep to it, perhaps the wait will have been worth it in the end. The first trials of those accused of serious offenses should begin soon as well, which will also help.

So far, the phrase "justice delayed is justice denied" seems to at least be partially appropriate. It is now one year from the attacks, and there aren't a whole lot of tangible results from the effort to hold people accountable for this attack on democracy. But if the slow wheels of justice do eventually grind through all the preliminary phases and the American people start to see some real consequences for what happened that dark day then it will have been worth it. But the clock is ticking -- these shifts towards more public accountability really need to begin in the next few weeks.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


55 Comments on “January 6th Investigations Need To Speed Up”

  1. [1] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    CW wrote,

    So far, the phrase "justice delayed is justice denied" seems to at least be partially appropriate. It is now one year from the attacks...

    Nope, not true. Trump and the bigger fish will have the very best legal representation that #Seditionist money can buy. Wouldn't you rather wait, and thence skewer every last one of them, even if it takes until, say, the heart of the Midterms than let a critical fishy go?

  2. [2] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    CW wrote,

    So far, the phrase "justice delayed is justice denied" seems to at least be partially appropriate. It is now one year from the attacks...

    Nope, not true. Trump and the bigger fish will have the very best legal representation that #Seditionist money can buy. Wouldn't you rather wait, and thence skewer every last one of them, even if it takes until, say, the heart of the Midterms than let a critical fishy go?

  3. [3] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    And while y'all did a credible (though not overwhelming) job of kicking down our trolls Kick and BashiBazouk now how about y'all completely ignore them for just this column? It'll drive them nuts and that'll make these posers go away.

  4. [4] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Think of out twin trolls as being so pathetic that they'll write just about anything to get someone here in Weigantia to pay attention to them. They have made it clear that they are not interested in any kind of "back and forth" so why bother engaging?

    I haven't read anything but a troll quote since 29 December and I feel a lot better about Weigantia than I did before.

    Try it you'll like it!

  5. [5] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    On the same "jumping to conclusions" theme let us, for example, see what's going on with inflation next October. It could be completely tamed by then, in which case no one will even remember Repug alarmism. If it isn't tamed, big whoopie: inflation has been nothing for 30 years now.

    I'd say that the conventional wisdom that the Repugs will automatically win back the House is also vastly premature.

  6. [6] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    After all, what do Trump- fearing Repugs gave to offer besides, "Trump won in 2020?"

  7. [7] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Worked like a charm in Georgia, I recall.

  8. [8] 
    Kick wrote:


    And while y'all did a credible (though not overwhelming) job of kicking down our trolls, Kick and BashiBazouk now how about y'all completely ignore them for just this column?

    I added a comma into your sentence I quoted above... changes the entire meaning, but I know what you meant. In answer to your question, I am never not here, and I routinely read an entire day's posts without responding a word. As for the trolls, I already ignore and scroll through quite a shit-ton of their posts so doing it for you for this column won't be something novel.

    So... as for your request: Consider it done. I'll ignore all the trolls' posts for this column.

    It'll drive them nuts

    A very short trip.

    and that'll make these posers go away.

    You mean this board's trolls? Heh. No, it won't make them go away, but I'll do it anyway... since you asked nicely. :)

  9. [9] 
    Kick wrote:


    Think of out twin trolls as being so pathetic that they'll write just about anything to get someone here in Weigantia to pay attention to them. They have made it clear that they are not interested in any kind of "back and forth" so why bother engaging?

    I sometimes engage to correct the spoon-fed and regurgitated right-wing misinformation.

    I haven't read anything but a troll quote since 29 December and I feel a lot better about Weigantia than I did before.

    I answered your posts; did you not get them?

    Try it you'll like it!

    Your request has been granted, peasant. Now go, and beg no more. ;)

  10. [10] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Awww, but you know how much I like to beg...

  11. [11] 
    Kick wrote:


    Nice column, CW.

    Every so often, in either a legal finding or a statement, they'll make some news about this piece of jaw-dropping evidence or that, but no cohesive storyline has emerged so it is left for the media and the public to connect the dots.

    It's a dang lot of dots too.

    Interesting new dot we'll just refer to as "Dear Mr. Hannity":

    Dear Mr. Hannity

    The letter cites multiple text conversations with Mark Meadows from "Dear Mr. Hannity." One of the texts suggests that Dear Mr. Hannity was very concerned and infinitely aware of what Trump and his ilk were planning for January 6 and concerned with mass resignation of White House lawyers:

    We can’t lose the entire WH counsels office. I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told...

    ~ Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows, December 31, 2020

    So, yes, combined with what we already know about January 6, even Dear Mr. Hannity was aware of the conspiracy. Part of the attempted coup was to convince Mike Pence to ignore the already sealed and certified results of the states that were sent to Congress and to be opened and read into the record on January 6 as set forth in the United States Constitution.

    Another part of the attempted coup was to threaten representatives of multiple states into recalculating the votes in Trump's favor. At least one of those representatives recorded the call with Donald Trump wherein he was bullied and asked directly by the then sitting president to find him votes and change the outcome: "I just want 11,780 votes."

    Full transcript and audio of recorded call

    Lots more dots, of course.

  12. [12] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Yeah. Lots of more dots, indeed.

    Unless Joe is going to pull an Obama on us and left all the scofflaws (bankers) go free, the dots shall be connected.

  13. [13] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    ... and if Joe LET'S all the scofflaws go free...

  14. [14] 
    Kick wrote:


    ... and if Joe LET'S all the scofflaws go free...

    Well, Joe doesn't run the DOJ in the same manner that Trump did. It'll be the DOJ's call and not the President. I used to wonder what would be the line that Barr wouldn't cross on orders from Trump, and it turned out to be lying about the election.

    Another dot: Trump pressured Barr to cast doubt on the election results, but Barr ultimately refused because the DOJ had investigated voting irregularities and found no evidence of widespread fraud.

    Disputing President Donald Trump’s persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.

    Barr’s comments, in an interview with the The Associated Press, contradict the concerted effort by Trump, his boss, to subvert the results of last month’s voting and block President-elect Joe Biden from taking his place in the White House.

    Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

    Another dot: After Barr's departure, Trump began pressuring the Acting Attorney General, Jeffrey Rosen, into doing what Barr refused to do. Trump was also orchestrating a plan to replace Rosen with someone that would follow those orders. Trump in a phone call with the DOJ was informed that the DOJ couldn’t overturn the result of the election, so Trump responded:

    Don’t expect you to do that, just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R[epublican] Congressmen.

    ~ Richard Donoghue's handwritten notes

    When DOJ officials refused, a plot was devised by Jeffrey Clark and Donald Trump to fire Rosen and replace him with Clark who had agreed with Trump he would pressure lawmakers in Georgia to overturn that state's election results. They met and made their decision that if Trump replaced Rosen with Clark, they would resign en masse.

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK, first to some old business..

    Bashi and Victoria...

    Regarding the House Bill that Victoria claims was the bill she was referring to..

    The link in her claim was a SENATE bill... Not the House bill she later claimed is what she was talking about..

    So, once again, I have caught Victoria in another lie..

    Since I don't want to add insult to injury and keep pounding and ya'all while you are down (I am a nice guy that way) this will be the last discussion we have on this point..

    I was factually accurate..

    Victoria lied..

    And Bashi??

    "Oh Johnny Johnny... Did you back the wrong horse..."
    -Peter Venkmen, GHOSTBUSTERS II

    Cest' fini...

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    And once again, the question must be asked..

    Why do ya'all get yer panties in a twist over a SINGLE violent protest in a SINGLE building at a SINGLE location over the span of a few hours??

    Yet, ya'all totally and completely ignore *TWENTY TWO YEARS* (collectively) of Democrat violent protests and attacks on HUNDREDS of government buildings all over the country..

    Riots and attacks where MANY were killed, including at least 8 cops.. Riots and attacks where HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people were injured.. Riots and attacks where there was BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damages..

    Ya'all completely ignore all THOSE violent protests and riots and attacks on government buildings..

    Yet, this one single violent protest gets yer panties all twisted up..


    Because this ONE SINGLE PROTEST was a RIGHT WING protest...

    And the 22 years (collectively) of violent protests were DEMOCRAT protests...

    That's the difference that makes ALL the difference..

    Ya'all don't really MIND violent protests where people are hurt and cops are killed.. As long as it's a DEMCORAT protest..

    But if it's a RIGHT WING protest?? Ya'all get downright hysterical...

    The facts speak for themselves...

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Oh Johnny Johnny... Did you back the wrong horse..."
    -Peter Venkmen, GHOSTBUSTERS II

    Speaking of Ghostbusters..


    O M G

    If ya'all see ONE MOVIE this year, see that one.. It almost makes me forget all the crap that studios have turned out since ENDGAME...


  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:


    Awww, but you know how much I like to beg...

    Yes.. We all know how you like to beg..

    We also know how you are simply outmatched and cannot intellectually fight your own battles so you have to beg others to fight them for you.. :D

    And, here we are..

    Yer pwned...

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya'all really need to face reality...

    There is a reason why there hasn't been much in the media about the the House kangaroo court.

    It's going nowhere..

    Oh, it's going to flail and thrash and flog and lash around for a month or two.. But it won't be relevant to anything because the legal facts have already been determined by Basement Biden's FBI..

    This was nothing but a protest that turned into a violent riot.. NOTHING beyond that.. The *ONLY* charge to come out of this sad debacle was INTERFERING WITH AN OFFICIAL FUNCTION.

    Oooooo scary... That is so far from INSURRECTION or SEDITION or COUP as jaywalking is far from murder..

    Face the facts, people.. Ya'all got NOTHING..

    And, in a few months, the entire House kangaroo court will ignored due to the coming midterms..

    At which point, the Uber-Nuclear-Apocalyptic shellacking of the Democrat Party will occur and the House Kangaroo Court will officially be disbanded and, come January, the GOP will own Congress..

    And Democrats will, once again, prove how utterly and completely incompetent they really are...

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:


    When DOJ officials refused, a plot was devised by Jeffrey Clark and Donald Trump to fire Rosen and replace him with Clark who had agreed with Trump he would pressure lawmakers in Georgia to overturn that state's election results.

    Facts to support this??

    ANY facts at all???

    No, of course not.. Just like before, you spin a bunch pf bullshit, connect some mythical dots and claim facts..

    You got away with that before because you were spewing what everyone wanted to hear, so no one questioned you on it..

    But I am back now and I will call you on each and every one of your Trump/America hating lies..

    Like this one..

    Face it, girl.. Yer pwned.. Always have been.. Always will be.. :D

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Another dot: After Barr's departure, Trump began pressuring the Acting Attorney General, Jeffrey Rosen, into doing what Barr refused to do. Trump was also orchestrating a plan to replace Rosen with someone that would follow those orders.

    Once again... Claims..

    But *NO FACTS*...

    Gods, I love it when Victoria tees up such easy ones for me to shoot down.. :D

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    And keep in mind...

    As Democrats have established since Charlottesville..



  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    Biden disapproval hits new high as voters give him bad grades on economy, new CNBC/Change poll says

    President Joe Biden’s overall disapproval rating reached a new high in December as more voters signaled their unhappiness with his handling of the economy and the Covid pandemic.
    Results from a CNBC/Change Research poll show 60% of respondents said they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy as he nears the conclusion of his first year in office.
    A 55% majority of survey respondents also signaled disapproval of his leadership during the pandemic, an area in which he previously excelled.

    Poor Basement Joe...

    The question is, will he even MAKE it to the end of his first term...

    His approval numbers are falling like a hammer in a high gravity environment..

    The facts are clear and indisputable...

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    And in other clue-less Joe Biden news..

    "There is no excuse — no excuse for anyone being unvaccinated. This continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated. So we got to make more progress."
    -Joe Biden

    Even though the FACTS clearly prove beyond any doubt that the majority of those getting sick from Omicron are vaccinated..

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed"
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    They have made it clear that they are not interested in any kind of "back and forth" so why bother engaging?

    Actually, it's been proven by people a LOT smarter than you (NY and Liz and me) that THAT is exactly what I am hear for..

    The back and forth..

    The only reason you can't compete in that area is that you have no facts to dispute any of my claims..

    Hence, with you, there can BE no back and forth, because you have no forth.. Or backbone..

    Hence your desire to cede the field of battle to me and your hysterical attempts to get others to do the same.

    But hay... It works for me.. It's either Michale's Weigantia... Or we get back and forth...

    It's a WIN WIN for me.

    And it's a WHINE WHINE for you... :D

    Have a happy... :D

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    I haven't read anything but a troll quote since 29 December

    Get used to it, sunshine...

    Cuz I am here to stay. :D

    And, since yer cede'ing the field of battle to me and cajoling and begging others to do the same..

    I predict a nice long stay for me.. :D

    And when the GOP kicks the Democrats arse in November??

    Oh boy, what a party here!!! :D

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    The utter cluelessness of the no-facts Democrat voters..

    They are whining and crying and blaming Glenn Youngkin for the massive I-95 cluster frak...

    And yet, it is DEMOCRAT Jay 'Blackface' Northam who is governor of Virginia...

    The depths of ignorance of Democrat voters knows no bottom..

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Minor correction to the above..

    The link in her claim was a SENATE bill... Not the House bill she later claimed is what she was talking about..

    The link in Victoria's claim was a SENATE *DEAL*, not an actual bill..

    The House bill and the Senate DEAL are two distinct things. There are no facts to support the claim that the Senate Deal and the House bill are the same things..

    So, once again.. I have proven beyond doubt that Victoria lied.. AGAIN...

    OK.. NOW we are c'est' fini...

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    And ANOTHER Democrat sees the writing on the wall, abandons the sinking ship and makes a run for the exit..

    TWENTY FIVE Democrats are running for the exits..

    More than DOUBLE the number of GOP that are leaving office...

    Democrats know a sinking ship when they are in one... :D

    Nov 2022 is going to be AWESOME for this country and the GOP..

    That's not my prediction.. That's the Democrat Party's prediction.. :D

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:


    I'll be complete'ing my wager donation this Friday...

    Just want to confirm you want it to go to JL's charity instead of one of your own...

    Let me know. I want to get this behind me.. :D

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    Here is ya'all's House Committee on 6 Jan :D

    Toothless, impotent and not a single relevant fact available..

    NO CHARGES of sedition, insurrection or anything even CLOSE to that has been filed..

    The WORST charge that hysterical Dims and Trump/America haters could come up with is INTERFERING WITH AN OFFICIAL FUNCTION, which is to insurrection what jaywalking is to murder..

    I mean, picture the scene...

    OH MY GODS!!! IT WAS AN INSURRECTION!!! IT'S A THREAT TO OUR COUNTRY!!! OOOOOhhhhhh... Wait, what?? All it was was INTERFERING WITH AN OFFICIAL FUNCTION!!??? That's like disrupting a PTA meeting!! Well, shit...
    -Democrats & Trump/America Haters

    That big WWWOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHH ya'all hear is the wind falling away from ya'all's sails.. :D

    Jan 6 was no different than 22 years (collectively) of Democrat BLM and AntiFa riots, attacks on hundreds of government buildings all over the country..

    Hell, the Democrats and their Autonomous Zones is a more factual definition of 'insurrection' than anything that occurred on 6 Jan..

    But, of course, ya'all can't acknowledge because of loyalty to the Democrat Party..

    I get it.. I understand completely...

    I forgive ya'all... Well, some of ya'all anyways.. :D

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of COVID incompetence..

    "Again President Trump talks a good game about his absolute power, but the power he really has—the power to take control of the supply chain, to demand that more tests be made, to demand that more gear be made, to get that gear out. That’s the power President Trump’s refused to use."
    -Ron Klain, Basement Biden's Chief Of Staff, 2020

    Flash forward to 2022...

    The Biden administration announced a plan to purchase 500 million at-home rapid tests for COVID-19 and distribute them for free, but health experts said the number is far below what is needed to address the omicron surge.

    "There is no federal solution to COVID."
    -Basement Biden

    Hypocrisy.. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature.

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, well, well..

    What have we here...

    Jan. 6 committee admits to altering text message between Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan

    The Jan. 6 committee admitted that it changed a text message between former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Rep. Jim Jordan, excluding relevant context about how they wanted then-Vice President Mike Pence to handle electoral votes.

    “The Select Committee on Monday created and provided Representative Schiff a graphic to use during the business meeting quoting from a text message from ‘a lawmaker’ to Mr. Meadows. The graphic read, ‘On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all.' In the graphic, the period at the end of that sentence was added inadvertently. The Select Committee is responsible for and regrets the error,” a spokesman for the select committee said in response to inquiries from the Federalist.

    The committee cut off half a sentence and paragraphs of further information, then added a period and changed the format so it appeared to be the whole message, the outlet reported.

    Proof positive that the 6 Jan Committee is nothing but a partisan witch-hunt from Democrats and Trump/America haters...

    As per the usual, Democrats alter the data to fit the theory...

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    “Poor morale, inequitable pay and conditions, and a leadership that refuses to engage – these are contributing factors to the events of January 6th and they remain factors still, today. The Union asks that the Committee listen to the active-duty police officers who have been chosen by the rank and file to represent them.”
    -Head of the United States Capitol Police union Gus Papathanasiou

    There's the real culprit of the 6th Jan incident..

    Crappy leadership from a Democrat Congress....

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    Mtn Caddy (3,4)-
    Pure Projection.

    I know, right"
    -Felix, WRECK IT RALPH

    It's funny.. MC whines and cries that he wants "back and forth"...

    Yet all he does is name-calling and personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with him and his Party slavery...

    Hypocrisy.. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature.

    Every time I have tried to engage in discussion with you, you have run away.

    Yep, he does the same thing with me..

    And he even BRAGS about running away and being a coward..

    Then you repeat your initial claims/statements in another thread and claim I never answered it when I refer you to my previous answer rather than answer it again.

    Yep, yep, yep... I am sensing a pattern...

    Your behavior is what fits the definition of trolling- not mine.

    Ben Jabituya, SHORT CIRCUIT

    Thank you for committing to not trolling me in today's thread.

    Time will tell.. I don't hold out much hope...

    It would be good if you made this a permanent commitment and only engage with me in future threads when you are willing to follow through with back and forth discussion instead of your usual trolling and lies.

    This... JUST... this...

  36. [36] 
    SF Bear wrote:

    I gotta hand it to you Michale you have successfully commandeered Chris's blog. Twenty one comments today and two days ago a whopping seventy four. It is your blog now.

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney went after former President Donald Trump in her prime-time performance on Monday claiming that private messages of the president’s staff revealed an apathetic leader complicit in the riot at the Capitol as the attack unfolded.

    “The violence was evident to all — it was covered in real time by almost every news channel,” said Cheney, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked vice chair of the Select Committee on January 6. “But, for 187 minutes, President Trump refused to act when action by our president was required, indeed essential, and compelled by his oath to our Constitution.”

    Trump’s 187-minute delay to action, she added, was a “supreme dereliction of duty.”

    Liz Cheney is a stone cold liar..

    According to WaPoop, the first breach of the Capitol building occurred 1413hrs local time..

    Less than 30 mins later, at 1438hrs, President Trump posted a tweet urging Americans to support LEOs and Capital police and to demonstrate peacefully..

    Thereby proving once again, that the 6 Jan commission is nothing but a political hatchet job with nothing but lies and BS instead of facts..

    Further, compare President Trump's lightning fast response to the riot with Democrats and their efforts to ignore 22 years (collectively) of Democrat BLM and AntiFa riots and attacks on hundreds of government buildings all over the country. Not only did Democrats IGNORE those violent riots and attacks where many were killed including at least 8 cops, hundreds of thousands injured and billions of dollars in damages, Democrats actually and actively ENCOURAGED those riots and attacks..

    These facts PROVE beyond ANY doubt that the 6 Jan commission is nothing but a political witch hunt that has nothing to do with facts or reality...

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    SF Bear,

    I gotta hand it to you Michale you have successfully commandeered Chris's blog.

    And I want to thank all the little people I crushed and stepped on to get to the top.. :D

    Twenty one comments today and two days ago a whopping seventy four.

    Only 21!?? Damn, I gotta get my ass in gear!!! :D

    It is your blog now.

    I tried to warn people...

    It's what happens when people cede the battlefield and refuse to fight for what they believe in...

    As the Left has been spewing since Charlottesville....SILENCE GIVES ASSENT

    And, by the silence, the ONLY logical and rational conclusion is that everyone agrees with me and cannot contest my facts..

    c'est' la vie...

    Peace out, dood.. :D

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, if it will make ya feel better.. I am taking the grand kids to a snow park tomorrow and possibly part of Friday..

    So ya'all should have a 36 hr break from the facts and reality.. Enjoy... :D

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ralph Northam blames Virginia drivers for getting stranded on I-95: 'People need to pay attention'

    New Democrat Party strategy...

    When tragedy strikes, blame the victims..

    Yea, THAT will bring in voters to the Democrat side of things.. :eyeroll:

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    Further facts to support the claim that the 6 Jan commission is in real ethics trouble..

    Ethics lawyer explains why the Jan. 6 committee's staff director is a major problem: 'What a mess'

    Seven months after January 6, a bipartisan select committee led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is probing the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol Building that occurred that day. Government ethics lawyer Walter Shaub, who joined the nonprofit Project on Government Oversight in February, welcomes the committee. But this week in his e-mail newsletter The Bridge, Shaub expresses strong reservations about committee staff director David Buckley — arguing that a newly released inspector general report shows that Buckley "has a history of whistleblower retaliation" and "could undermine the committee's credibility and discourage truth-tellers from coming forward."

    Because there is "so much potential for retaliation" against witnesses, Shaub writes in the newsletter, "two Capitol police officers have retained lawyer Andrew Bakaj to represent them in connection with their public testimony before the January 6 committee."

    The commission is populated with America hating scumbags..

    This is well documented...

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, anyone know what's going on with that House contempt charge against Steve Bannon???

    Oh yea, that's right.. It's been round-filed.. Thrown onto the trash heap of history where it belongs.. :D

    It's been almost 3 months since the contempt was handed down and..... Nothing.. :D

    Toothless committee indeed.. :D

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    Sex offender named ‘Pirate’ sentenced for burning disabled woman

    Democrat in good standing and an avid fan of the CNN Democrat/Pedo News Network... :^/

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    Blue America’s Messaging Problem

    On December 19, 2021—less than a week before Christmas—the Biden White House issued a statement containing the following extraordinary sentence, which astonished even the Administration’s harshest critics and alarmed many inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt:

    For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.

    It’s rare to employ this kind of undiplomatic language even against America’s global adversaries. Against American citizens? Hence so many shocked and angry responses.

    But few should have been surprised. Blue rhetoric toward Red America—unquestionably the target of the above outburst—has been unrelentingly punitive since at least 2015, and increasingly so in recent months. As one illustration, when offered the opportunity to “walk back” the above statement, the White House doubled down, and its media allies followed suit. Clearly, they’re committed to this kind of talk. To what end, we shall see below.

    How completely and utterly tone deaf is the Democrat that they would use such hateful and bigoted language against Americans???

    It boggles the mind that Democrats would be so utterly devoid of ANY semblance of competency in governance....

  45. [45] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Why do ya'all get yer panties in a twist over a SINGLE violent protest in a SINGLE building at a SINGLE location over the span of a few hours??

    I hope you are not equate "22 years (collectively)" of mob riots and destruction of government buildings with what was planned for January 6 and what happened on that day.

    What happened on January 6 was a serious attempt through violent insurrection to thwart the counting of electoral votes in a presidential election. You can't come any closer to destroying the heart of American democracy than that without actually being successful in your coup attempt.

    That the former president, Donald Trump, continues to promote the Big Lie that the presidency was stolen from him, and that many state houses have passed legislation in the wake of January 6 to make it harder for citizens to vote and to change the way in which state electoral votes are cast all add up to more than enough for those of us who love America, citizens or no, to be very, very concerned.

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    Broadly speaking, consultants recognize two kinds of “messaging problems”: no message, and a bad message. As to the former, there’s Hillary Clinton in 2016. She was clearly animated by no issues, no burning concerns except her own lust for power. For a bad message, look no further than Terry McAuliffe’s 2021 campaign for Virginia governor. Highlights include telling parents they should have no say over their children’s education and asserting that one of the state’s great crises is too many white teachers; i.e., mounting a direct assault on his party’s key constituency.

    One type of message consultants never discuss is the negative message aimed at those whose votes you’re ostensibly trying to win. Call it: here’s how I plan to screw you. This would seem to be, in political terms, the quintessence of the “bad message”: not merely ineffective but downright counterproductive.

    And Basement Biden and Horizontal Harris, not to mention the entirety of the Democrat Party are MASTERS of the BAD MESSAGE...

    Think Hillary and her 'Basket Of Deplorables' message to the American people...

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    Expropriation has never, to my knowledge, been a winning political message with its targets. At any rate, there are two ways to do it: steal from the living, or from the dead. Supposing we take Kendi’s word that he and his allies have no intention of killing anyone; that means they’ll need to steal from the living. That may work, for a bit, if large sections of the country can be bullied into believing they deserve it. But for how long? When people know they are working for others—and who hate them to boot—how productive can they reasonably be expected to be?

    We must rule you, punitively, forever—and if you so much as complain, you are literally Hitler. All shall love me and despair.

    That is Blue America’s message to Red. Whether or not it can succeed, and for how long, are the core political questions of our time.

    Democrats simply cannot fathom that their policies are based in racism and hate and bigotry...

    That's because they are too close to the problem.. They are the Party that gave this country the KKK and Jim Crow and held onto slavery so tight and even went to war to protect their right to keep slaves...

    This is the Democrat Party in the here and now...

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    Joe Manchin stood up for West Virginia values

    In his decision to oppose the Build Back Better bill, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) didn’t just stand up for himself. He stood up for West Virginia.

    A December poll found 60 percent of West Virginians opposed the bill. Large majorities feared it was too expensive and would exacerbate inflation.

    They had good reason. Despite promises from Manchin’s fellow Democrats that their $1.7 trillion bill would somehow be “free” to taxpayers, the Congressional Budget Office affirmed Mountaineers’ suspicions, projecting Build Back Better would ultimately add close to $3 trillion to the national debt.

    Throwing that much money into an economy where inflation is already squeezing consumers at checkout counters and gas pumps is beyond reckless. It’s dangerous.

    And of course, much of the legislative substance tucked into the bill’s 2,000 pages was as bad as the price tag.

    Build Back Broke was written by and for coastal elites — not West Virginia’s working families. It included provisions of the radical “Green New Deal” agenda, which would have increased the average West Virginian’s energy bills by as much as $1,100 per year.

    Joe Manchin just saved Basement Biden and the Democrat Party from themselves..

    Not that it will make any difference in the coming shellacking..


  49. [49] 
    Kick wrote:


    OMG *can't stop laughing*

    We both rubbed his nose in it multiple times on Monday and Tuesday, after we forcibly had his head removed from the far reaches of deep inside Donald Trump's ginormous flabby terminal butthurt ass, of course.

    My link explained the Senate security deal which funded the Capitol Police and the House bill, wherein it was stated in simple English that the House had already passed a similar bill that would need to be therefore taken up by the House... as everyone else here knows, the fairly routine mundane stuff we call congressional legislation... all explained in my link in no uncertain terms:

    The House of Representatives passed a $1.9 billion security spending bill in response to the January 6 attack in May. Since the Senate deal is a separate and new piece of legislation, the House would need to take it up and pass it after it is approved by the Senate before it could be sent to President Joe Biden's desk to be signed into law.

    Senate negotiators reach deal on $2 billion Capitol security funding bill in wake of January 6 insurrection

    Not rocket science! It's all right there at the link I provided in simple English.

    So, to recap:

    * The moronic dipshit board troll whines incessantly about facts and proof, but when provided that proof in simple English, he can't comprehend the words right there in the link and then spends post after post falling all over himself and making himself look stupid over and over again in multiple posts... to the point of insisting no one misses his rank ignorance on full display for multiple days on end.

    * Moron Michale's ignorance he insists on posting for multiple days on end -- bonus -- said rank stupidity archived herein for all posterity and in perpetuity and screams until the end of time: Michale is one dumb duck and can't stop himself from proving it over and over.

    * So, Bashi, obviously it's up to the board moron to learn to read; however, we could at least do the demonstrable dipshit a favor and help him learn how it is that a bill becomes a law. Cue Schoolhouse Rock... might be too hard, but worth a shot:

    Boy: Listen to those congressmen arguing! Is all that discussion and debate about you?

    Bill: Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones. Most bills never even get this far. I hope they decide to report on me favorably, otherwise I may die.

    Boy: Die?

    Bill: Yeah, die in committee. Oooh, but it looks like I'm gonna live! Now I go to the House of Representatives, and they vote on me.

    Boy: If they vote yes, what happens?

    Bill: Then I go to the Senate and the whole thing starts all over again.

    Boy: Oh no!

    Bill: Oh yes!

    I'm just a bill
    Yes, I'm only a bill
    And if they vote for me on Capitol Hill
    Well, then I'm off to the White House
    Where I'll wait in a line
    With a lot of other bills
    For the president to sign
    And if he signs me, then I'll be a law.
    How I hope and pray that he will,
    But today I am still just a bill.

    Schoolhouse Rock - I'm Just a Bill

    Bonus... there is music involved!

    Yes, I realize I said I wouldn't respond to the dipshit's ignorance today, but technically this is a response to his dumbasses' infinite ignorance and dipshittery from Monday and Tuesday.

    Still can't stop laughing at his multiple days of proving he can't comprehend simple English contained in a link... links that he keeps whining aren't provided. Now I ask you: Why keep providing proof to Moron Michale who keeps demanding it but obviously can't understand how to read it and/or comprehend it!?

  50. [50] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


    Not to mention the house vote on the initial bill definitely does not follow his narrative...

  51. [51] 
    Kick wrote:


    Yes, sir, exactly right... and he claimed it was referring to the $2 Billion COVID Relief bill... derp, derp... which wasn't bipartisan, was only passed by Democrats, and sure as hell wasn't for no dang couple "B" billion.

    He seriously has no idea how ignorant he insists on appearing... over and over and over... because how would he know he's obviously incorrect when he's ignorant of facts and has reading comprehension issues? Which reminds me:

    Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. It'll just knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut about like it's won anyway.

  52. [52] 
    Michale wrote:


    I hope you are not equate "22 years (collectively)" of mob riots and destruction of government buildings with what was planned for January 6 and what happened on that day.

    According to Biden's FBI, there was NOTHING "planned" for 6 Jan beyond a protest..

    This is established as fact..

    But yes... I agree..

    6 Jan was NOTHING like 22 years (collectively) of Democrat BLM and AntiFa violent riots and attacks on hundreds of government buildings all over the country..

    One difference is, with the 22 years of Democrat riots, MANY people were killed, including at least 8 cops..

    For another, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people were injured in the 22 years (collectively) of Democrat riots and violent protests..

    For a third thing, there was BILLIONS of dollars in damages caused by the 22 years (collectively) of Democrat riots and violent protests..

    So, yea... By ANY tangible and rational metric, the Democrat riots and violent attacks were much much MUCH worse than a SINGLE violent riot in a SINGLE building at a SINGLE location for a span of a few hours..

    What happened on January 6 was a serious attempt through violent insurrection to thwart the counting of electoral votes in a presidential election.

    Not factually accurate. Biden's FBI has stated that you are not factually accurate...

    That the former president, Donald Trump, continues to promote the Big Lie that the presidency was stolen from him

    OK, so now we're off on a different subject...

    You mean, like Stacey Abrams "Big Lie" that she actually won the GA Governor election??

    Or maybe you mean like Hillary Clinton and her Russia Collusion delusion "Big Lie"...

    Democrats have complained and had their OWN "Big Lie" about every election they lost in the last 60 years...

    The Democrats had their own "BIG LIE" in 2000 when they lost to President Bush and again in 2004..

    So.. Honestly, do you REALLY want to point finger at President Trump when yer Democrats hands are so dirty???

    Hmmmmmmmmm??? :D

    and that many state houses have passed legislation in the wake of January 6 to make it harder for citizens to vote

    Not factually accurate...

    For example, Democrats screamed hysterically about the change in voting laws in Georgia.. Yet, in the last election voter turnout increased by 17%..

    The only thing that these GOP voting laws do is make it harder for Democrats to cheat..

    This is documented fact..

    electoral votes are cast all add up to more than enough for those of us who love America, citizens or no, to be very, very concerned.

    Why aren't you very very concerned when Democrats spent close to a BILLION dollars to buy entire election boards and staff those boards with ALL Democrat operatives..

    If you actually CARE about the integrity of the vote, shouldn't that concern you as well??

    Always a pleasure, Liz.. :D

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    I knew Victoria couldn't stay out of this commentary.. :D

    Once again Victoria proves she is a liar.. :D

    I love it when I am proved right.. AGAIN... :D

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:

    Even SCOTUS Justice Wannabe DOJ HEAD Merrick Garland says that the issue of political violence is not just from one side of the political spectrum...

    "These acts and threats of violence are not associated with any one set of partisan or ideological views, but they are permeating so many parts of our national life that they risk becoming normalized and routine if we do not stop them."

    Even Garland agrees with me on the equivalency of the 6 Jan riots with 22 years (collectively) of Democrat riots and violent attacks on hundreds of government buildings..

    So, the facts are overwhelmingly on my side, Liz..

    As usual.. :D

  55. [55] 
    Michale wrote:

    So.... Let's sum up...

    Biden's FBI states unequivocally that there are no facts to support ANY claims of "insurrection" or "sedition"...

    Biden's AG states unequivocally that the problem is violence from BOTH sides of the aisle...

    The FACTS clearly show beyond ANY doubt...

    Ya'all are totally and 1000% wrong about 6 Jan.....

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