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A Powerful Pro-Weed Senate Candidate In Louisiana

[ Posted Tuesday, January 18th, 2022 – 16:39 UTC ]

Every so often I see a political ad that really catches my eye. Even rarer are those that bowl me over for being particularly effective or powerful. But the rarest of all is seeing an ad that makes me want to move to that state just so I could vote for the guy. Today was one of those days.

Most long-time readers already know that while this is not quite a "one-issue-voter" issue for me, it is one I have strongly advocated for and celebrated the progress of over the past few decades -- progress that, to me (when I first started blogging), was beyond my wildest dreams. So it's entirely in character that the issue being addressed by Gary Chambers, a candidate for the United States Senate in Louisiana, is marijuana law reform. But I have never seen the issue championed quite so forcefully.

Part of its strength is the angry-yet-righteous look on the guy's face during the ad. Part of it is how powerful the words and the message are. Most powerful is the fact that the guy lights up and then proceeds to smoke a "blunt" (essentially a fat joint) while his own voice provides the voice-over. Check out the video if you don't believe me. Or just read the text (the ad is precisely 37 seconds long):

Every 37 seconds someone is arrested for possession of marijuana. Since 2010, state and local police have arrested an estimated 7.3 million Americans for violating marijuana laws. Over half of all drug arrests. Black people are four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana laws than White people. States waste 3.7 billion dollars enforcing marijuana laws every year. Most of the people police are arresting aren't dealers, but rather people with small amounts of pot -- just like me. I'm Gary Chambers and I'm running for the U.S. Senate and I approve this message.

Chambers also put out a statement with the ad's release:

For too long, candidates have used the legalization of marijuana as an empty talking point in order to appeal to progressive voters. I hope this ad works to not only destigmatize the use of marijuana, but also forces a new conversation that creates the pathway to legalize this beneficial drug, and forgive those who were arrested due to outdated ideology.

The Washington Post article on the ad made one salient point: "His campaign said the ad was filmed in New Orleans, where the City Council recently passed an ordinance intended to remove penalties for simple possession of marijuana."

In other words, weed's not even entirely legal where this ad was filmed. But then, it's not entirely legal anywhere in the United States, since it still remains illegal under federal law.

Louisiana's a pretty red state in general, but they still do elect Democratic governors on occasion (such as the current one), so a Senate bid might not be as much of a political longshot as you might think. I personally have no idea what this candidate's chances are, but I have to give Chambers credit for kicking his campaign off with the best pro-marijuana-reform political ad I've ever seen.

This isn't the first time a candidate for Congress has appeared in an ad smoking weed. Two other examples, both from Illinois, showed 2018 House candidates doing so. But this does seem to be the first Senate ad. And Illinois is an interesting case, since in the same election year the current governor ran rather strongly on legalizing recreational marijuana, then went on to sign one of the most progressive such laws yet passed and pardon 11,000 people immediately afterward. The political climate in Louisiana is different, obviously.

Still it will be a test of sorts of the power and effectiveness of championing the issue. I have long urged Democrats to not only quietly support finally burying the last remnants of the War On Weed, but to do so loudly and proudly. It's actually one of the very few issues that does indeed cut across party lines. There are a lot of one-issue and one-time voters who respond to such a strong position on marijuana reform.

So I hope this won't be some aberration, but rather the start of a trend that grows. Pro-weed is good politics. Being wishy-washy or downplaying the issue is the wrong thing for strong Democratic candidates to do. What Gary Chambers just did is show us all the right way to champion this cause.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


67 Comments on “A Powerful Pro-Weed Senate Candidate In Louisiana”

  1. [1] 
    andygaus wrote:

    One depressing note: in Massachusetts, since legalization of recreational marijuana, the number of arrests for marijuana-related issues has gone way down, but what has not gone down is the Ratio: 4 Black arrests to 1 White arrest.

  2. [2] 
    Michale wrote:


    One depressing note: in Massachusetts, since legalization of recreational marijuana, the number of arrests for marijuana-related issues has gone way down, but what has not gone down is the Ratio: 4 Black arrests to 1 White arrest.

    Any facts that prove that race had ANYTHING to do with that ratio??

    Black Americans are 14% of the US Population but commit almost 60% of the violent crimes..

    That's not racism, that's fact...

    Regardless, there is a very VERY simple way to avoid being arrested for ANY crime..

    -Jim Carrey, LIAR LIAR


  3. [3] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Black Americans are 14% of the US Population but commit almost 60% of the violent crimes..

    That's not racism, that's fact...

    Actually that's a huge steaming pile of bullshit...

  4. [4] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    US DOJ Statistics on Race and Ethnicity of Violent Crime
    Jun 1, 2021 — Black people were 36% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes (SNVC), including rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

    Guess you were wrong.

  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    US DOJ Statistics on Race and Ethnicity of Violent Crime
    Jun 1, 2021 — Black people were 36% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes (SNVC), including rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

    Sure, if you "tweak" (IE BS) the stats, you can make them sing and dance to any tune you want..

    Black people were 36% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes (SNVC),

    NON FATAL violent crime does not include MURDER, dipshit..

    Even if we take YOUR BS claim as fact, that still means that black Americans commit much more violent crimes than their % of the population should allow..

    Here's ANOTHER fact for ya, Russ..

    96% of black Americans killed in the US are killed by other black Americans..

    Black Lives Matter??? Apparently, not to black lives.. :eyeroll:

    But, as usual, you and Bashi ignore the point in favor of nitpicks that aren't even factually accurate nitpicks..

    Even if the I am off by a percent or two, the point is still the same.

    Black Americans are more likely to be arrested because they commit an inordinate percentage of violent crimes as compared to their population percentage..

    Can you address THAT fact??

    Of course you can't..

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    Of course, smoking a blunt in the commercial could turn out to be the high point of his campaign.

    baa duum fssshhhhh


  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Russ, Bashi, andygaus...

    I would STILL like to see your facts that support ag's implication that race had ANYTHING to do with those arrests..

    Got any??? Facts, I mean...

    Because, where I sit.. LEO.... The facts clearly show that they are legit busts have nothing to do with race and EVERYTHING to do with criminals being arrested..

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    So... Ya'all have NO FACTS to support the claim that ag's stat is due to racism.. Fair enough...

    Moving on.. :D

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, I am kinda stuck here..

    I can't find any illegal drugs news to comment on....

    What to do??? What to do??? :D

    OK, Liz... JL....

    Ya'all are gonna have to pick a topic for me..

    Ya'all know the dangers of leaving me to my own devices, eh? :D

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    I can't find any illegal drugs news to comment on....

    I mean, I could go on with my own experiences with THC... But ya'all aren't interested in that... :D

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, apparently, after my open heart surgery, I became a cat person..

    Now I have found a new cat I want.. :D

  12. [12] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Face it dude, you blew the statistics. Not only are your numbers not in the same ballpark of the actual violent crime rate via the FBI or Department of Justice data, you are not even in the same sport. Hell, you could generate two random numbers between 1 and 100, randomly assign them to the two categories and there would a better than not chance it would be more accurate than what you posted.

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:


    And yet, you have NO facts to back up yer claims..

    Why is that ALWAYS the case..

    Regardless, even if my stats are WAY off (which they are not) the simple fact remains.

    andygaus (and you and Russ) have absolutely NO FACTS to support the claim that racism has ANYTHING to do with marijuana arrests..

    ZERO.... FACTS....

  14. [14] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Dude, completely wrong numbers are further away from "facts" especially when labeled as such than no posted backup at all. Plus I have noticed that scrolling down through you weird deluge of manic posting that the ratio of bold text to blue links backing them up is far off enough that it's a bit hypocritical to criticize others for crime you are yourself guilty.

    And your numbers are way off. Homicide is in the 10s of thousands. Violent crime is in the high millions. Please, be my guest and do the math. I think you will find that adding numbers two orders of magnitude lower barely moves the needle at all when running out the percentages...

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    Again... Blaa Blaa Blaa... And ignoring the point.

    You have NO FACTS to support the claim made..

    You can talk about what the definition of 'IS' is until the cows come home..

    But until you address the POINT with facts, you are always losing these debates..

    So, address the point.

    What FACTS do you have to prove that the arrests that andygaus pointed to are based on racism??

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    So... No...

    No facts that prove andygaus' implied claim that the marijuana arrests in Mass. are based on racism..

    Got it...

  17. [17] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    You have NO FACTS to support the claim made..

    My claim is you are completely wrong with your violent crime statistics. I'll leave that to you to figure out what the real violent crime statistics are. You pretty obviously have become rusty with internet research and need the practice. But I'll give you a hint: ListenWhenYouHear posted numbers are accurate, though if you want it closer to your "move the goal posts" retort, add a couple of percentage points. That should cover the difference...

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    My claim is you are completely wrong with your violent crime statistics.

    Yes.. That is your unsubstantiated claim..

    But they are not relevant to the andyguas' claim that the arrests in MA were the result of racism.. Which is a purely BS claim..

    Come talk to me when you have FACTS to support ANY of your (or his) claims..

    I'll be around..

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    But I'll give you a hint: ListenWhenYouHear posted numbers are accurate,

    Russ' claim ignores the crime of murder. Murder is a violent crime..

    Ergo Russ' claims have NOTHING to do with the stat that I posted.. A stat that comes DIRECTLY from the FBI Database..

    So, once again.. You are completely wrong..

  20. [20] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Russ' claim ignores the crime of murder. Murder is a violent crime..

    And I posted this above:

    And your numbers are way off. Homicide is in the 10s of thousands. Violent crime is in the high millions. Please, be my guest and do the math. I think you will find that adding numbers two orders of magnitude lower barely moves the needle at all when running out the percentages...

    And then the post you just responded to:

    But I'll give you a hint: ListenWhenYouHear posted numbers are accurate, though if you want it closer to your "move the goal posts" retort, add a couple of percentage points. That should cover the difference...

    Ergo Russ' claims have NOTHING to do with the stat that I posted.. A stat that comes DIRECTLY from the FBI Database..

    Really? I see no link backing this up.

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Just as I see no links backing up any of YOUR claims..


    I'll show you mine if you show me yours..

    But you have a lot of catching up to do..

    Off to the doctor.. See ya'all in a few... :D

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    I made a bet with myself that Bashi wouldn't have FACTS to support his claims..

    I won the bet.. :D Myself lost the bet.. :D

  23. [23] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Instead of making bets with yourself you could try reading. I know, I know you don't do that. From above:

    I'll leave that to you to figure out what the real violent crime statistics are. You pretty obviously have become rusty with internet research and need the practice.

    Boy howdy do you need the practice after claiming (or lying) about the FBI data. One would think you might be dyslexic and it was really FIB data. :D

  24. [24] 
    Kick wrote:

    I thought it was a commonly known fact that Blacks and Whites across America use marijuana at roughly the same rates yet Blacks are arrested for it in disproportionate ratios:

    Like I said, fairly common knowledge across America... which more than likely explains why no one attempted to explain to the resident right-wing useful idiot the well-known and documented facts of racial profiling and bias in enforcement. Not rocket science.

  25. [25] 
    Kick wrote:


    In yesterday's commentary he claimed that 78% of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. *laughs*

    That's obvious bullshit on its face since Democrats held a supermajority in the Senate with 67 Senators at that time.

    Data? Not his strong suit. Research? *laughs* Why would a right-wing useful idiot who spews whatever bullshit he's fed by the likes of the Falun Gong do any research? Right-wingnuts don't generally do research; they simply spew back the spoon-fed lies like the useful idiots they are. They're fast becoming a cult of clueless morons... see the QAnon nonsensical right-wingnut drivel and spew; it's hysterical.

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    In yesterday's commentary he claimed that 78% of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. *laughs*

    Once again, Victoria displays her complete and utter ignorance and lack of ANY facts whatsoever.. :D

    With a little research, the actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.

    Yunno, Vic... I would say I am getting tired of wiping the floor with you... But I'm not.. :D It's actually quite fun.. :D

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    SO, Bashi...

    STILL not facts to support any of your claims..

    No links... no actual facts... just a rehash of your previous BS...

    Like with Vic up there.. I do so enjoy making you look like a fool every time.. :D

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, Victoria..

    Tell me..

    Is this going to be another one of those commentaries where you hide from Weigantians and try to one up me only to get slapped down time and time again until you finally run home crying with your tail between your legs..

    Like the LAST time.. :D

    Because if that's what this is going to be..

    Kewl!! Bring it.. :D I enjoy slapping you down like the liar and incompetent you are.. :D

  29. [29] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


    Aww come on, post that "fbi" data. Or do you know you are lying and trying to dodge?

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    Aww come on, post that "fbi" data. Or do you know you are lying and trying to dodge?

    Be happy to...

    Once you give me your facts that prove andygaus' claim...

    I am tired of all the facts being display ONLY coming from you when you never provide ANYTHING to support your claims..

    So, show me your facts that prove the MA marijuana arrests were based on racism and then I will be happy to show you the FBI data that proves my claims are factual..

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    But I WILL throw you a bone...

    Black Americans are 30% of the population of Chicago yet commit 80% of the shootings..

    In Los Angeles, black Americans are 9% of the population but commit 44% of all violent crime..

    In St Louis, black Americans are 28% of the population and commit 90 percent of all homicides..

    In New York City, black Americans are 23% of the population yet they commit 75% of all shootings..

    These are all verifiable and documented FACTS...

    Still waiting for any of YOUR facts.. :D

  32. [32] 
    Kick wrote:


    Once again, Victoria displays her complete and utter ignorance and lack of ANY facts whatsoever.. :D

    Said the idiot who claimed that 78% of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

    Senator Goldwater (R-Arizona) had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964...

    ~ Kick


    As did 78% of Democrats..

    ~ Moron Michale

    With a little research, the actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.

    Now see there, with a little research, you wouldn't have made the nonsensical and incorrect claim that 78% of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964; however, you're definitely not the first wingnut useful idiot who claimed that 78% of Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when the useful idiot sheeple got his wingnut script confused.

    As for your link to the script: Thank you for proving: (a) you were wrong, and (b) you're are indeed a useful idiot, and (c) you suck at math in more ways than one. You know, it doesn't take a rocket science to deduce that Republicans held a paltry 33% of the seats in the entire deliberative body of the Senate at that time, where Democrats held a supermajority of 67 seats. The "no vote" consisting of 78% of Democrats is a natural occurrence where you can throw a handful of rocks in the chamber of the Senate and not hit a Republican because they're practically nonexistent.

    Yunno, Vic... I would say I am getting tired of wiping the floor with you... But I'm not.. :D It's actually quite fun.. :D

    I'm not getting tired of watching you prove you were wrong and you suck so bad at debate that you just naturally effed up the rightwing-nut useful idiot drivel and spew. Congratulations, Moron, so nice of you to wipe up the floor from your drooling idiot spew because you can't even correctly regurgitate that. You're a "not so useful" useful idiot, and I thank you for proving it.

    So, to recap: Thank you so much for the evidence you're a right-wingnut useful idiot who isn't really all that useful because he can't even get the wingnut script straight.

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    Weigantian(™michale) Troll, while STILL hiding in past commentaries because she is too afraid to show her face in the current commentary says "blaaa blaaa blaaaa blaaaa"...

    One has to wonder who scares the Troll more...

    The Warden Of Weigantia or me.. :D


    The simple fact is, Victoria can't compete because she has no facts to support ANY of her claims..

    So, she hides in past commentaries where no one sees her factless trolling and hysteria.. :D


    Yer pwn'ed vic... Live with it...

  34. [34] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Once you give me your facts that prove andygaus' claim...

    Still having trouble with the written word I see. I was disputing your "out of your ass" violent crime statistics. I don't know if you noticed but we are all different people and I am not andygaus. If you want back up ask andy, though I would guess he is one of many that is ignoring you...

    These are all verifiable and documented FACTS...

    Are they? I don't see a link and you have already lied in this thread...

    I do notice you are shifting to homicide and "shooting" to pad your numbers.

    Still waiting for any of YOUR facts.. :D

    ListenWhenYouHear already posted the correct numbers...

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    Still having trouble with the written word I see. I was disputing your "out of your ass" violent crime statistics. I don't know if you noticed but we are all different people and I am not andygaus. If you want back up ask andy, though I would guess he is one of many that is ignoring you...

    OK... So you concede that andygaus was full of shit when he claimed that the marijuana arrests in MA were due to racism..

    OK.. Great, I accept your concession..

    Are they? I don't see a link and you have already lied in this thread...

    Don't see any link to your claims either and I have already proven you have lied repeatedly..

    I do notice you are shifting to homicide and "shooting" to pad your numbers.

    Yes.. I go where the FACTS take me.. You should try it sometime...

    ListenWhenYouHear already posted the correct numbers...

    Yes, that's your claim.. But I have already refuted that with facts because his (and your) claim ONLY shows violent NON-FATAL crimes... Since we know that black Americans account for 96% of all black American violent deaths, murder is an important and relevant component in these stats...

    But, since you have already conceded the original point, there is really no sense in continuing the discussion..

    I accept your concession.. Have a GREAT day... :D

  36. [36] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    OK... So you concede that andygaus was full of shit when he claimed that the marijuana arrests in MA were due to racism..

    OK.. Great, I accept your concession..

    Only if you are a dumbass. Not my argument, not my problem.

    Don't see any link to your claims either and I have already proven you have lied repeatedly..

    Total bullshit.

    Yes, that's your claim.. But I have already refuted that with facts because his (and your) claim ONLY shows violent NON-FATAL crimes... Since we know that black Americans account for 96% of all black American violent deaths, murder is an important and relevant component in these stats...

    It's called basic math. Third times a charm?:

    And your numbers are way off. Homicide is in the 10s of thousands. Violent crime is in the high millions. Please, be my guest and do the math. I think you will find that adding numbers two orders of magnitude lower barely moves the needle at all when running out the percentages...

    I accept your concession.. Have a GREAT day... :D

    Aww, poor baby has to project on to others that to which you are guilty then run away...

  37. [37] 
    Kick wrote:


    Weigantian(™michale) Troll, while STILL hiding in past commentaries because she is too afraid to show her face in the current commentary says "blaaa blaaa blaaaa blaaaa"...

    I agree you are a "Weigantian michale Troll," and I thank you for reiterating that fact every chance you get and can't shut up about it. Yes, you are definitely here again in a past commentary saying "blaaa blaaa blaaaa blaaaa..." It's your go-to phrase that screams: Michale Troll got nothing whatsoever to say, nothing left in the tank.

    One has to wonder who scares the Troll more...

    The Warden Of Weigantia or me.. :D

    Redundant useful idiot spew such and yours isn't scary... it's effing hysterical. Scream out for help from Liz. Help, Liz. Come help the idiot Michale Troll. He's got nothing to say except his usual drivel and spew on permanent display ad nauseam.


    The other go-to phrase of the Michale Troll screaming: I got nothing to say except the same old same old redundant asinine spew, and Michale Troll will prove it. Help him, Liz; he's stuck on troll spew. Michale Troll got nothing.

    That Michale Troll routine is as predictable as it is ignorant and devoid of intelligence. Please keep proving you're a moron stuck on redundant stupid phrases spewed on cue.

    The simple fact is, Victoria can't compete because she has no facts to support ANY of her claims..

    The simple fact is: You're definitely the Michale Troll with the same old repetitive pathetic routine and little else. Read a few posts of the Michale Troll, and you've basically read them all.

    I'm serious now, Michale Troll. Your shit never varies. It's hysterical to watch you fall all over yourself to post literally the same shit over and over... day after day... as if it's something new and noteworthy, when it's nothing but the repetitive redundant trollshit mountain from the Michale Troll. Tomorrow? Michale Troll hits reset button and gleefully hysterically posts the same old lame redundant drivel and spew. Michale Troll DEFINITELY got nothing else, and he'll prove it to you every day.

    So, she hides in past commentaries where no one sees her factless trolling and hysteria.. :D


    Said the Michale Troll who's here in a past commentary spewing the same old lame old trollshit mountain.

    Yer pwn'ed vic... Live with it...

    Alrighty, then, let's do talk about "pwn'ed" and having to "live with it"... since you were so nice to mention it: You're a penniless poon living among a shit-ton of fleas, Michale Troll, and I live quite comfortably in the knowledge that you got your ass handed to you when you got bitch slapped hard into your stench in your Shithole.

    Have a nice day, Michale Troll. I always do. :D

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:


    You still here???

    I already accepted your concession..

    You were wrong, you admitted it... Thank you for your concession...

    Move along now.. :D

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    Weigantian(™michale) Troll says blaaa blaaa blaaa and STILL has no facts to support ANY of her claims..

    And her and Bashi are STILL hiding in old commentaries, afraid to post in the current commentary..


    Ya'all's cowardice amuses me to no end.. :D

  40. [40] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    I already accepted your concession..

    You were wrong, you admitted it... Thank you for your concession...

    No, I accepted your concession...

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yes, Bashi... Whatever you have to tell yerself to get you thru your day... :D

    Why are you hiding in past commentaries??

    "Whassa matter, McFly?? Got no scrot!??"
    -Tough Bully, BACK TO THE FUTURE II


  42. [42] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


  43. [43] 
    Kick wrote:


    But I WILL throw you a bone...

    Oooh, Bashi. Michale will throw you a bone. I would wager without hesitation that you don't want his bone. The Michale Troll should definitely check his mirror for the guy in search of a bone. Link link.

    Black Americans are 30% of the population of Chicago yet commit 80% of the shootings..

    And they do this without guns, Bashi, according to the Michale Troll who keeps claiming Democrats are unarmed and scared and yet also claims Black Americans do the majority of shootings. Connecting the dots not the Michale Troll's strong suit.

    In Los Angeles, black Americans are 9% of the population but commit 44% of all violent crime..

    You know, Los Angeles, Bashi? That bastion of Republicans with all those firearms where Democrats are unarmed and afraid of guns. Must be throwing those bullets really, really fast at each other because the Michale Troll says Democrats are unarmed.

    In St Louis, black Americans are 28% of the population and commit 90 percent of all homicides..

    With water guns, Bashi, or throwing those bullets really fast, obviously, since Democrats are unarmed and afraid of guns, according to the Michale Troll.

    In New York City, black Americans are 23% of the population yet they commit 75% of all shootings..

    You know, Bashi... New York City, that bastion of 98% armed Republicans where Democrats are unarmed and afraid of guns... according to the Michale Troll.

    These are all verifiable and documented FACTS...

    Still waiting for any of YOUR facts.. :D

    So Bashi, I hope the Michale Troll isn't holding its breath waiting for you or somebody else to come along and make him look like the ignorant fool he already is... since he quite obviously already did that to himself. :)

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    Weigantian(™michale) Troll says blaaa blaaa blaaa while hiding in past commentaries because she's too afraid to face me in the today's commentary..


    I accept your concession, Victoria.. :D

  45. [45] 
    Kick wrote:


    Nice concession, Michale Troll!

    Wow. On cue, the troll regurgitates yet another post proving exactly what we've said all along about the Michale Troll:

    Your shit never varies. It's hysterical to watch you fall all over yourself to post literally the same shit over and over... day after day... as if it's something new and noteworthy, when it's nothing but the repetitive redundant trollshit mountain from the Michale Troll. Tomorrow? Michale Troll hits reset button and gleefully hysterically posts the same old lame redundant drivel and spew. Michale Troll DEFINITELY got nothing else, and he'll prove it to you every day.

    ~ Kick


    Please never miss a chance to post that repetitive redundant drivel and spew of yours that's irrefutable evidence of how utterly devoid of ideas the Michale Troll has always been. :)

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    And once again, the Weigantian(™michale) Troll says blaaa blaaa blaaa while she hides in past commentaries because she is sooo afraid of the Warden Of Weigantia and I... :D


  47. [47] 
    Kick wrote:


    Weigantian(™michale) Troll says blaaa blaaa blaaa while hiding in past commentaries because she's too afraid to face me in the today's commentary..


    I accept your concession, Victoria.. :D

    I gave no concession. However, I did provide a dead on accurate description of the Michale Troll routine that never varies... which you perform on cue... over and over ad nauseam because you got nothing else and are quite content to prove it to everyone.

    Yawn. It rarely varies, and you're so proud to perform it on cue... like a toddler holding out your shit you pulled out of your kiddie chair showing everyone else on the forum how you can go potty all by yourself.

    So, to recap: Same Michale Troll shit, different day.

  48. [48] 
    Kick wrote:


    And once again, the Weigantian(™michale) Troll says blaaa blaaa blaaa while she hides in past commentaries because she is sooo afraid of the Warden Of Weigantia and I... :D


    Michale Troll cries out for Liz's help... AGAIN... repeats the troll shit... AGAIN. Help the troll, Liz. It can't stop itself from the redundant trollshit mountain that never varies.

    C'mon, Liz. Wipe the Michale Troll's admittedly ginormous fat ass for him. The Michale Troll is begging for your cleanup on aisle number two. :)

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    Weigantian(™michale) Troll still spewing it's fact-less drivel...

    And STILL hiding in past commentaries...


    It might as well wear a sign around it's scrawny neck, TROLL PWNED BY MICHALE


    Chicken-shit coward... :D

  50. [50] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Much more "chicken-shit" to lie about FBI data rather than own up...

    You "pwned" yourself!

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    Much more "chicken-shit" to lie about FBI data rather than own up..

    Nope.. Just waiting for YOU to provide proof of YOUR "facts"..

    You never do.. Because you can't..

    You "pwned" yourself!

    Yes, I own myself.. But I PWN you... :D


  52. [52] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    In your dreams...

    A lot of posts to cover up your lie, wouldn't be easier to just own up?

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    Says the guy who refuses to provide ANY facts to support his claims.. :D

    I understand Bashi... You have to hide here in past commentaries and refuse to engage in current commentaries..

    It's disappointing... You used to have at least a SEMBLANCE of courage.. For a Democrat anyways..

  54. [54] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Whatever tryhard...

    Should we bother with any of your posts if you have proven yourself a liar?

  55. [55] 
    Kick wrote:


    Weigantian(™michale) Troll still spewing it's fact-less drivel...

    And STILL hiding in past commentaries...


    Yes, the Michale Troll definitely is still spewing its factless drivel... so cluelessly monotonous.

    It might as well wear a sign around it's scrawny neck, TROLL PWNED BY MICHALE

    Wow, Michale Troll. Thank you so much for copying my verbiage I used to describe you... let's me know exactly what hit the troll target.


    Michale Troll got nothing. We know.

    Chicken-shit coward... :D

    Nah, not fair to chickens because the Michale Troll definitely does not have the brains of a shitting chicken. It's definitely just a troll shitting the same old repetitive trollshit over and over ad nauseam and on cue. Always leaving behind it a trail of demonstrable proof that it can go potty all by itself. :)

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:


    Should we bother with any of your posts if you have proven yourself a liar?

    Apparently, you can't help yourself..

    And since I have just PROVEN you to be full of shit in the current commentary, I guess you'll continue to hide in past commentaries..


  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    And the Weigantian(™michale) Troll still spews here blaaa blaaa blaaa blaaa without a single solitary fact to back up ANY of her claims..


    Bitch be PWN'ed!!!! :D

  58. [58] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    You know, if you got off your ass and read you would know I already backed up my point. Hell, I posted it three times. If your mental decline is so bad that you can not longer handle basic mathematical concepts or logical deduction, that's not my problem.

    Or are you really going with if we take ListenWhenYouHear's 36% African American violent crime rate and add the African American homicide rate that it would match your "almost 60%"?

    Of course your banging of four keys of your keyboard over and over on many of your posts would indicate that you are entering into what Shakespeare termed your second childishness...

  59. [59] 
    BashiBazouk wrote: longer...

  60. [60] 
    Kick wrote:


    And the Weigantian(™michale) Troll still spews here blaaa blaaa blaaa blaaa without a single solitary fact to back up ANY of her claims..

    Yes, we know you're a troll who can't stop shitting your repetitive trollshit. Got anything new to whine about?Nope. Same trollshit over and over.

    Thank you for proving my point, Michale Troll.


    Anything new? Nope. It doesn't do new. We are underwhelmed at its repetitive and redundant jerking off on another man's blog.

    Bitch be PWN'ed!!!! :D

    But enough about your spouse already; tell her that Kick said: "The Michale Troll also known as your husband cannot make you feel inferior without your consent." She'll understand what I mean... unless she shares your intellect, of course. :D

  61. [61] 
    Kick wrote:


    Of course your banging of four keys of your keyboard over and over on many of your posts would indicate that you are entering into what Shakespeare termed your second childishness...

    Connecting dots is not the troll's strong suit. You will have to rub the Michale Troll's nose in it... but only after you surgically extricate its head from its own admittedly ginormous fat ass. :)

  62. [62] 
    Michale wrote:


    You know, if you got off your ass and read you would know I already backed up my point. Hell, I posted it three times. I

    Ahh yes.. the old I ALREADY POSTED IT gambit.. Right up there with I HAVE A LOT OF SUPPORT IN EMAIL stupidity..

    My gods, man.. Is THAT what I have reduced you to..

    Stupid and lame backstops..


    Face reality, dood.. Yer a has been.. You USED to be a challenge, but now all you do is hide in past commentaries where no one can see you getting your ass kicked all over the place!!

    Once again, I accept your concession that you have no facts to back up ANY of your claims.. And, now that I have proven you a liar once again, you must really be feeling like crap!! :D

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    As to the Weigantian(™) Troll...

    blaa blaaa blaaa blaaa....

    All you can do is hide in past commentaries where none of the Weigantians(™michale) including my fellow Founders can see you get your ass kicked all over Weigantia(™michale)....


    Yer pwn'ed bitch.. :D

  64. [64] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Another keyboard pounding fit there?

    The truly funny part is you allege to have once been a LEO. An LEO that doesn't know the rate of violent crime vs homicide. Either another lie or that memory is slipping...

  65. [65] 
    Michale wrote:

    As usual, Bashi spews fact-less BS and lies...

    You used to be a challenge, Bashi...

    Now yer just a sad little liar...

  66. [66] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Say the person repeating themselves over and over...

    Try harder tryhard...

  67. [67] 
    Michale wrote:


    Since we seem to be coming to a mutual understanding and a cessation of dragging family members into our bloodsport..

    I am going to let you have the last word in this particular column..

    "Just for that, I'll let you have the last word.."
    "Thank you."
    "You're welcome."



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