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Pain At The Pump Popular... For Now

[ Posted Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 – 16:34 UTC ]

President Joe Biden announced today that he was banning Russian oil and gas from the American marketplace. This is a wildly popular position to take and is supported not only by politicians across the political spectrum but also by an overwhelming majority of the American public. We all see the horrific scenes of death and destruction caused by Vladimir Putin and the thought that we are funding that in any small way when we fill up our cars is abhorrent to many. At least, that's the case right now.

I do wonder, however, how the American public will feel about pain at the pump two or three months from now. Because while the public is easily stampeded towards a defiant political stance in dire times, modern Americans are not exactly notable for being able to sustain sacrifice over extended periods of time. Instead, we tend to like instant results, followed by the whole issue fading quickly away -- which is not always the way the world works, of course. The war in Ukraine is not likely to be wrapped up within a few weeks, to state the painfully obvious.

Gas prices have jumped 55 cents in the past week alone, to hit an all-time high today. People are feeling the war's impact already. Nevertheless, a recent poll showed that an astonishing 71 percent of Americans supported a Russian oil ban even though it would mean higher gas prices. Only 22 percent opposed the idea.

Both Republican and Democratic politicians have been calling for a Russian oil ban in Congress. It's a pretty easy political case to make: "We should not be funding Putin's war!" A bill to institute such a ban is quickly moving through the House. It may get subsumed into a larger bill in the Senate, but Nancy Pelosi is right to continue moving on this legislation even after Biden's announcement. It is going to be critically important politically to get everyone -- most especially Republicans -- on the record voting for such a ban now. So far, this unity seems to be holding. The House bill goes even further, as it would allow Biden to impose tariffs on Russia for other products and attempt to kick Russia out of the World Trade Organization.

All of this will have an effect on the Russian economy, but we are not the only country in the world to buy Russian oil. Ending our purchases isn't going to bankrupt the country, to put it bluntly. Europe is much more depended on Russia than we are, making it a lot harder for them to join in this ban effort. America's ban is more than just symbolic, but it alone is not the body blow to the Russian economy some Americans might think it will be.

It is going to hurt, though, here at home. Maybe not all that much, but in this case statistics don't tell the full story. From an optimistic article titled: "$4 Gas Is Here. Facing Down Putin Is Worth The Price." today comes a breakdown of what this will mean to American families:

The typical American drives about 14,000 miles a year. The gas price hike in the past week alone will add about $300 a year in extra costs just at the pump if prices hold steady. If prices go higher, that burden will increase.

Now, an extra $300 spread out over a year's time (only $25 per month) doesn't sound too crippling. But that's the "typical American," not everyone. People who drive more will pay more. So will people who drive less fuel-efficient vehicles. And proportionally, as always, the blow will be felt the hardest by those least able to afford it -- the working poor. All of these groups are going to likely be the first to back off their hasty support of the ban in the weeks and months to come.

Paying a lot more for a fill-up isn't too bad, when the nightly news shows a war-torn nation brutally being attacked and innocent people being killed by Russian troops shelling civilians. Nobody wants to feel like they are contributing to that. But what if the war grinds on and on? What happens if this turns into a quagmire? Please remember that Russian-backed separatists in the two eastern regions in Ukraine have been at war with government forces since 2014. Anyone predicting that this war is going to wrap up and wind down in the next few weeks or months is deluding themselves. It could easily go on and on, with no real end in sight.

Which means Americans might not just have to pay extra for a few fill-ups, but might have to get used to paying extra for the foreseeable future. How long will it be before people here become more interested in lowering prices than in helping out the Ukrainians?

The Republicans, of course, were already stoking rage at high gas prices in anticipation of it being a good issue for them in the midterm elections in November. This is why it is so crucial to get them on the record voting for the Russian oil ban. Because that will blunt these attacks significantly -- "If you're against high gas prices, then why did you vote for them, Senator?" President Biden tried to protect himself from this coming political onslaught in his announcement today:

[President Joe] Biden also conceded up front that his ban would not be cost-free. "The decision today is not without cost here at home. Putin's war is already hurting American families at the gas pump," he said. "I'm going to do everything I can to minimize Putin's price hike here at home." However, he also warned oil companies against price-gouging.

Finally, and most important politically, Biden addressed the already prevalent and false accusation from Republicans that his administration has somehow hamstrung energy extraction domestically. He pointed out that 90 percent of drilling is on private lands, and of the 10 percent on government-owned land, more than 9,000 permits have been granted but sit unused. In short, don't blame the federal government if domestic producers are not tapping existing supplies.

We should not be so naive to think Republicans will restrain themselves from making baseless accusations. In Republicans' right-wing media bubble, Democrats are the enemy of cheap domestic oil. Therefore, while Republicans encouraged the import ban, the price hikes must be Biden's fault. See how that works?

That's a nice bit of political framing: "Putin's price hike." And it is important to counter the already-growing GOP talking point that somehow Joe Biden and his Democrats have been waging some sort of "war on domestic oil production," because it is just not true. But Republicans are already latching onto this as an explanation for why they support banning Russian gas -- but that any price hikes are definitely Biden's fault, no matter what.

Biden faces a secondary aspect to this issue, which is why he was so cautious about taking this step in the first place. Higher gas prices mean a ripple effect across the entire economy, as other industries adjust to the higher prices it takes to move anything anywhere in this country. And that is most likely going to add to Biden's inflation woes. Even if inflation subsides in the rest of the economy, high gas prices mean the figures could stay high overall, to put this another way.

This is all about sacrifice, and the American public really doesn't do a great job of accepting long-term sacrifice gracefully these days (see: the entire COVID-19 pandemic and response). Most people right now are very gung-ho to take a poke at Putin by paying a little more at the gas station, but the satisfaction of doing so is likely going to fade over time if the prices stay high.

Biden really didn't have much choice, though. Although mostly symbolic in the fight to make the Russian economy pay a price, it will make American consumers pay a higher price here at home. That's not symbolic at all -- that hits everyone. But if Biden hadn't acted, Congress likely would have forced his hand. Biden chose to get out in front of the issue and show leadership rather than being reluctantly forced into doing so. But taking the lead means taking a large slice of the political risk.

What I keep wondering in all of this is what public opinion polls will say about Americans' willingness to pay higher prices at the pump in, say, June... or October... or next year, even. That will be the true test of the popularity of Biden's Russian gas ban.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


109 Comments on “Pain At The Pump Popular... For Now”

  1. [1] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Anyone predicting that this war is going to wrap up and wind down in the next few weeks or months is deluding themselves. It could easily go on and on, with no real end in sight.

    So you think Russia will keep suffering the economic, political and military damage to perpetuate Putin's stalemate? Remember, the oligarchs are suffering, too.

  2. [2] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    We get maybe 3% of our fossil duals from Russia, so it's more symbolic than anything right now. But what happens if more countries follow suit.

    Putin regards the death of the Soviet Union ss the greatest tragedy of the last century.

    MtnCaddy says Putin just gave the West the geopolitical gift of the current century.

  3. [3] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Putin launched an unsuccessful invasion and united the West (and beyond) as not seen since the Cold War. Big Money and the Social Media universe is joining the pile on. Matter of time. Like the Viet Cong before them, Ukraine doesn't have to win it just needs to survive. Unlike the VC, the Ukrainians are receiving top drawer
    American made military equipment. And you know we have agency people in country, right?

  4. [4] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Alas, Eastern Europe has been a dangerous place to live going back to Ghengis Kahn, so this ain't nothing new.

  5. [5] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Repugs after going to attack Biden no matter what happens nor what he does. So I trust he's smart enough to not sweat gas prices too much. Say the right things, do what can be done and let it ride.

  6. [6] 
    andygaus wrote:

    Perhaps this will lead some people to take electric vehicles more seriously.

  7. [7] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Indeed! But, probably not.

    I mean, just read this headlining piece ... not one mention of mitigating climate change as the way to make Putin pay for his actions.

  8. [8] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    There are a few electric charging stations in my neck ofthe woods - a couple at a major shopping mall and one at a bus station/small shopping mall, mere yards from my home!

  9. [9] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:
  10. [10] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    This war could be over tomorrow if common sense prevailed.

  11. [11] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Are there any ways the West falls short in the common sense department? Be specific, Elizabeth.

  12. [12] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Radio silence again.

  13. [13] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Seriously, Caddy ... are you another who doesn't pay attention to my comments?

  14. [14] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Well there is a lot of trollery to scroll through to find serious Weigantians such as yourself. But while you've posted much foolishness above I chose to focus on your latest comment about common sense.

  15. [15] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    So, please, who is missing common sense?

  16. [16] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Cmon, girl. What an i missing here?

  17. [17] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    While you're deciding just how to go about Canucksplaining your solution to Vlad's blunder, here's a little food for thought from Mrs. Betty Bowers/America's Best Christian. Political Jargon 101 (4:36)

  18. [18] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Alrighty! At just under two hours, I loved this review of Putin from birth up through Trump's election. She fairly predicts the invasion currently underway.

    Off the top of my head her main points are,

    Putin misses the USSR and wants to return Russia to that bi-polar world where it was a co-equal Superpower.

    He believes his own macho image and couldn't believe that two rival Rooskie hacker groups (Cozy Bear and ?) actually helped get the buffoon Trump elected instead of Hillary.

    Putin hates democracy and thinks he's at war with the US and the West, whether you like it or not, Elizabeth.

  19. [19] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Oh, and sanctions will hurt the average Russian but so what? Putin has been hurting the average Russian for two decades, now.

    One thing I must point out is that when this interview was filmed in 2017 sudden shock and awe sanctions on especially the oligarchs wasn't happening with the pacifist Europeans and #AvoidConflictNoMatterWhat Obama.

  20. [20] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Ah, well.

    See you somewhere around comment number sixty tomorrow when one of you guys checks in.

  21. [21] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Oh, BTW Kick. While I haven't read a single poon post since roughly 29 December I did, regrettably, follow your links the other day through to his Swinger profile. And the family stuff.

    So poon is a cho'mo, too? I can't unsee that, you know...

    Spank you very much, Gurl.*smh*

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    Once again, we see how racist cad "ignores" me.. :^/

    And it's nice to see racist cad admit that homophobic vick DOES post attacks on my family to this forum..

    And THAT is the kind of actions ya'all find acceptable??

    Well, since ya'all won't condemn racist comments, I guess it doesn't surprise me how low ya'all will sink into the sewer...

    So you think Russia will keep suffering the economic, political and military damage to perpetuate Putin's stalemate? Remember, the oligarchs are suffering, too.

    Says the moron who didn't even believe Putin would invade Ukraine.. What makes you think you have an IOTA of credibility here, racist cad???

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    @racist cad,

    MtnCaddy wrote:
    Christopher Weigant

    BACK on Day 1 of the invasion you went all in on "worst-case scenario,"

    I believe the current Weigantian™ administration has a policy of not responding to racists' comments..

    So yer twisting in the wind, racist... :^/

    'sides.. Why would ANYONE want to respond to a racist?? Well, besides ALL the other racists here who respond to you comments..

    And, me who likes to rub your nose in your ignorance and druggie/luser postings.. :D

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    Once again, because the commentary centers around my military expertise, I deigned to read today's commentary..

    Overall, there is one way that Basement Biden and the Democrats could actually help Americans and ease the pain at the pump...

    That would be to re-start the Keystone Pipeline and open up US areas for exploration and exploitation..

    But, of course, Basement Biden and the Democrats don't CARE about helping Americans, so they won't do this..

    Both Republican and Democratic politicians have been calling for a Russian oil ban in Congress. It's a pretty easy political case to make: "We should not be funding Putin's war!"

    Yes, this is absolutely RIGHT..

    And thank you for conceding that I was dead on ballz accurate when I stated that Basement Biden and the Democrats were, indeed, funding Putin's war..

    So, JL... In light of the Weigantian™ administration concession that Basement Biden and the Democrats were, indeed, funding Putin's war...

    How do you justify your claim that Basement Biden's handling of this is a "million percent better"???

    Or do you just want to concede right now that THAT claim was nothing but political bigotry and hate talking??

    Hmmmm?? Cat got yer tongue??

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Awww, crap....

    Reposted for clarity..

    Once again, because the commentary centers around my military expertise, I deigned to read today's commentary..

    Overall, there is one way that Basement Biden and the Democrats could actually help Americans and ease the pain at the pump...

    That would be to re-start the Keystone Pipeline and open up US areas for exploration and exploitation..

    But, of course, Basement Biden and the Democrats don't CARE about helping Americans, so they won't do this..

    Both Republican and Democratic politicians have been calling for a Russian oil ban in Congress. It's a pretty easy political case to make: "We should not be funding Putin's war!"

    Yes, this is absolutely RIGHT..

    And I would like to thank the Weigantian™ for conceding that I was dead on ballz accurate when I stated that Basement Biden and the Democrats were, indeed, funding Putin's war..

    So, JL... In light of the Weigantian™ administration concession that Basement Biden and the Democrats were, indeed, funding Putin's war...

    How do you justify your claim that Basement Biden's handling of this is a "million percent better"???

    Or do you just want to concede right now that THAT claim was nothing but political bigotry and hate talking??

    Hmmmm?? Cat got yer tongue??

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    I do wonder, however, how the American public will feel about pain at the pump two or three months from now.

    It's entirely possible... LIKELY even... that this war will drag on up to the mid-terms..

    And since we KNOW that Basement Biden's incompetence REALLY shines thru during military engagements, one has to wonder just how BAD Democrats are going to be shellacked in the coming election... :D

    Of course, there is racist cad's prediction that Democrats are going to do just fine in November..


  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Biden faces a secondary aspect to this issue, which is why he was so cautious about taking this step in the first place. Higher gas prices mean a ripple effect across the entire economy, as other industries adjust to the higher prices it takes to move anything anywhere in this country. And that is most likely going to add to Biden's inflation woes. Even if inflation subsides in the rest of the economy, high gas prices mean the figures could stay high overall, to put this another way.

    Democrats are going to get CREAMED in November!!!! :D

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, Basement Biden threw away energy independence under President Trump and then went hat in hand to Saudi Arabia to ask, "Please sirs. May we have some more.."

    NOW, Basement Biden once again goes to SA and the Emirates hat in hand to ask again "Please sirs. May we have some more."

    THIS time, SA and the Emirates ain't taking Basement Biden's calls..

    Saudi, Emirati Leaders Decline Calls With Biden During Ukraine Crisis

    Persian Gulf monarchies have signaled they won’t help ease surging oil prices unless Washington supports them in Yemen, elsewhere


    The world knows that Basement Biden is a LUSER...

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    The White House unsuccessfully tried to arrange calls between President Biden and the de facto leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as the U.S. was working to build international support for Ukraine and contain a surge in oil prices, said Middle East and U.S. officials.

    Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the U.A.E.’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan both declined U.S. requests to speak to Mr. Biden in recent weeks, the officials said, as Saudi and Emirati officials have become more vocal in recent weeks in their criticism of American policy in the Gulf.


    Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the U.A.E.’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan were quoted as saying, "Are you crazy! I don't want to talk to that luser!!!"


    You just HAVE to know that you are a complete luser of a person when Saudi leadership doesn't want anything to do with ya!!!?? :D

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    The best thing we can do to put Putin in his place would be for the US, Canada, NATO, EU, AU, China and everyone else to get real serious about mitigating climate change, real fast.


    Yea.. Cuz the climate changing is REALLY the top emergency that we actually can control.. :^/


  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    This ^^^^^ is EXACTLY why global warming morons are so completely and utterly pathetic and useless..

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    There is no climate crisis
    If there were, the IPCC wouldn’t be quietly turning the dial towards one

    “Scientific evidence shows that addressing the risks and impacts of climate change successfully involves a more a diverse set of actors than previously thought” and involves partnerships with “traditionally marginalized groups, including women, youth, Indigenous Peoples, local communities and ethnic minorities (high confidence).” How on earth did the IPCC exclude the LBGTQ+ community? “Different interests, values and worldviews can be reconciled if everyone works together,” the IPCC says. This isn’t science. It’s climate kumbaya.

    It's a bona fide and demonstrable FACT...

    Democrat "science" is nothing but VERY poorly disguised Democrat activism...

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    Had ta take a break..

    A nice hot morning soak in the jacuzzi is just the thing to start my day!! :D

    So, where were we??

    Oh that's right.. The LAUGHABLE "threat" of global warming..


    If there were a genuine climate crisis, the IPCC wouldn’t feel impelled to surreptitiously turn the dial to claim that there is one. The data wouldn’t need the IPCC’s helping hand by making nonsensical assumptions such as ignoring the possibility of future adaptation to climate change or using the widely discredited RCP 8.5 climate scenario, which even the Grantham Institute’s Bob Ward calls “extreme.” The fact that it does so constitutes strong evidence for the non-existence of a climate crisis.

    There is no climate crisis.. There is a politics-made crisis of gullible morons who actually BELIEVE that humans can control the planet's climate..

    {michale eyes all the gullible morons here in Weigantia™}

    Ya'all know who ya'all are... :^/

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    In this regard, the IPCC’s behavior is similar to that of Covid modelers back in December, who hugely over-forecast hospitalizations and mortality from the Omicron variant, forecasts that in Britain came within a hair’s breadth of pushing the country into a third lockdown. The government’s modeling effort was led by Graham Medley, a professor at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

    Challenged on Twitter by The Spectator’s editor Fraser Nelson as to why the Sage modeling group hadn’t included a less alarming and quite plausible scenario, Medley responded that decision-makers are only interested in situations where decisions have to be made. “We model the scenarios that are useful to decisions,” Medley said. Similarly, the IPCC, with its latest climate report, is in the business of basing their findings on scenarios that advance the policies it wants, namely drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

    In other words:

    "We have to point to the worst possible scenarios so we can insure our funding is not interrupted."
    -Global Warming Morons

    Well, it's nice to finally have them out of the closet...

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    In 1953, the British epidemiologist Richard Doll, one of the first researchers to establish the link between smoking and lung cancer, attempted to forecast the number of lung cancer deaths there would be in Britain in 1973, estimating that the number might be as great as 25,000. The actual number was 26,000. It was a remarkable achievement and demonstrates the strength of the evidence on the dangers of smoking.

    Doll was a true scientist who never let his hostility to smoking or his political beliefs — he was a lifelong communist — contaminate his scientific work. Doll’s fidelity to the principles of scientific objectivity shames today’s climate scientists, who juice up climate science to fabricate a narrative in support of their favored policies.

    The sole value of the new report is that it shows just how deeply the IPCC has sunk into the anti-scientific business of advocacy and green ideology. With its declaration that net zero creates the opportunity for societal transformation, the IPCC’s 1.5-degree special report was bad. This new one is even worse.

    And, once again, we come back full circle to the original factual statement..

    Democrat "science" is nothing but VERY poorly disguised Democrat activism..

    The facts that prove this are as plentiful as they are conclusive..

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    And how do we know all of the afore is factually accurate??

    How do we know that ALL of Weigantia™ agrees with my facts???

    Because, as Democrats teach the world..


  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    Come to think of it, looking back over all the facts posted from yesterday...

    Not a SINGLE comment was refuted.. Not a SINGLE fact offered in rebuttal..

    So, what can we discern from this???

    Democrats say that THAT means that we are all in agreement regarding all the facts posted..

    I accept ya'all's concession.. :D

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    Speaking of moron lusers..

    Where has steedo got himself to??

    I mean, he was so mouthy and then got slapped down so bad...

    I hope I didn't hurt his feelings..


  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    Escaping American tribalism

    Only personal bravery can end polarisation

    What is this, I thought? What portal had I fallen through? I’d been raised on 1010 WINS, “all news all the time,” blaring the same rotation of headlines, weather, traffic, and trivia, in 40-second increments, for hours at a stretch. The piece that I had happened on that day went on, improbably, for over 20 minutes.

    The program I was listening to was called All Things Considered, on a network with the unfamiliar name of NPR, short for National Public Radio. I was immediately hooked. In no time flat, I’d put it on whenever I was home. Morning Edition as soon as I opened my eyes, All Things Considered when I got back in the afternoon, Fresh Air during dinner. I fell in love with Robert Siegel’s wit, Renée Montagne’s voice, Scott Simon’s charm. These people got me. They shared my interests, my outlook, my sensibilities. For the first time, I felt myself reflected in the public sphere. “NPR,” I put it to a friend a few years later, “is my home in America.”

    Everyone here needs to read this article..

    It's an in-depth study of why all of you are wrong, mindless, utterly moronic and incapable of independent thought...

    Of course, none of ya'all WILL read this article..

    BECAUSE ya'all are wrong, mindless, utterly moronic and incapable of independent thought.. :^\

    I'll open the door for ya'all.. The door to actual independent thinking... The door to NOT being a tool...

    But ya'all have to walk through it.. Ya'all have to WANT to walk through it...

    But I know ya'all won't..

    Trump/America hate and bigotry and racism is just too much fun for ya'all.. :^/

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's very interesting to note the "AFTERWORD" in the above article..

    NOTE: I originally wrote this essay for a different publication. It was one with which I’ve had a long and fruitful relationship, and the editor-in-chief, who is retiring, invited me to contribute to his valedictory issue. His initial reaction was positive, to say the least. “Like all your best pieces,” he wrote, “and like many of the other best pieces I’ve run, this one makes me a little scared, but also makes me excited by the prospect of waking people up. It wakes me up. I’ve felt some of this without ever quite admitting it to myself.”

    This, I should say, was according to plan. While politically neutral in theory, the journal had been drifting in the same direction as the rest of the mainstream media. Waking up his readers, whom I doubt had ever heard this kind of argument before, was exactly my intention.

    Alas, it was not to be. Two weeks later, the editor wrote me again. “[T]he more I’ve thought about it, the less comfortable I’ve become with associating [the journal] with many of the assertions you make…. [T]here is too much in your piece that I could not defend.”

    I had written a piece about the truths we aren’t allowed to utter on the Left, but that truth too, apparently, must not be uttered. The editor, it seemed, did not appreciate the irony. – W.D.

    So, the actions of the original editor proves emphatically the entire premise of the article...

    Oh such delicious irony...

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    @racist cad...

    Here's a clue for your drug-riddled brain..

    If you have to remind everyone every time you comment that you are ignoring me...

    Oh, BTW Kick. While I haven't read a single poon post since roughly 29 December

    You REALLY aren't ignoring me, are you??


  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    What Kind of Justice Will We Get With Ketanji Brown Jackson?

    She should be asked at her Supreme Court confirmation hearings about her views on crime and if Democratic efforts have harmed public safety.

    Oh, that's easy..

    We'll be getting an Affirmative Action hire.. A token..

    A jurist chosen NOT for her judicial acumen but rather for the color of her skin.. For what DOESN'T swing between her legs...

    A (given the percentages) likely bottom-of-barrel jurist chosen SOLELY because of Democrat Party racism...

    THAT is the justice that we will be getting in Three-Name Kentanji Brown Jackson... :^/

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    Republicans can’t block Judge Jackson’s appointment, because Democrats control the Senate, but that doesn’t mean they can’t use her confirmation hearings to educate the public about what type of justice we’re getting. Polling shows that crime is now a top concern of voters. The homicide tally in some major cities has approached levels last seen in the record-breaking early 1990s.

    All because of Democrats and their DEFUND, DEMORALIZE, DEMONIZE THE POLICE policies...


    And everyone here AGREES with that assessment??

    How do we know this??

    Because you Democrats always believes that SILENCE GIVES ASSENT

    And they ONLY response ya'all have to the facts and the reality is posts about my lifestyle 20+ years ago..


  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    Meanwhile, liberals want to reduce law-enforcement resources, and so-called bail reform has impeded the ability of judges to keep repeat offenders off the streets. Judge Jackson should be asked, pointedly, whether such efforts have worked to the detriment of public safety. The public deserves to know if district attorneys who think that policing is a bigger problem than crime, and who boast about how few suspects they prosecute, will have a new ally on the Supreme Court.

    Hopefully Joe Manchin or Kirsten Sinema (another Lifestyle member :D) will step in and once again do what's right for this country...

  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, from the ONLY *OFFICIAL* Weigantia™ objective and unbiased source for news??

    Even With ‘Defund the Police’ Discredited, Some Schools May Still Shun the Police

    The brawl in the parking lot near the Des Moines high school last September seemed to go on forever.

    A half dozen Lincoln High students punched each other, ripped clothing and pulled hair for more than an hour. An alarmed manager of a nearby physical therapy clinic jumped into the fray to prevent a colleague from being assaulted. He was hit in the mouth by a student, suffering a chipped tooth before retreating.

    City police finally arrived and broke up the fight, which resulted in multiple suspensions. Much of this mayhem might have been avoided if a police officer still had been stationed at Lincoln High, within shouting distance of the row. But months earlier, Des Moines exiled cops from its schools under the banner of racial justice, joining more than 30 districts across the country.

    The Democrat Party and their cop-hating DEFUND, DEMORALIZE AND DEMONIZE THE POLICE policies are purely and unequivocally un-American....

    How ANYONE who is a Democrat can sleep at night is one of life's biggest mysteries...

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    The districts were swept-up in the "defund the police" movement that erupted after the murder of George Floyd in 2020. It’s a movement now reeling in the face of violent crime surging nationwide, punctuated by President Biden’s State of the Union vow last week to “fund the police.”

    But in schools, at least, a decision to bring back cops -- or “school resource officers,” as they are called -- isn’t a slam dunk in places where students of color had been arrested at higher rates than whites.

    Des Moines (population: 214,000) provides a case in point. So far its district, half of whose students are black or Latino, has not followed schools from Maryland to California heeding pleas to restore the SROs. Instead, Iowa’s capital city is rolling out a new community-engagement safety plan to replace the cops.

    And that infuriates parents alarmed by school mayhem long before Floyd’s death moved racial justice to the front burner -- parents like Lindsay LaGrange. The Des Moines mom reached her breaking point in November after a student in her son’s middle school was found with an airsoft pellet gun on campus. “My son turned in this boy to the front office, and then later this boy beats up my son after school,” she said. “Almost every day he said there’s another fight at school. The kids are not safe.”

    The presence of LEOs PREVENTS violence...

    A stone cold fact that cop-hating Democrats simply REFUSE to acknowledge...

    I mean... It's a no-brainer..

    Which aptly describes DEMOCRATS perfectly.. NO BRAINS...

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    For all you cop haters out there...

    Florida trooper puts herself in harm's way to stop drunk driver heading toward 10K route

    Cops put themselves in harms way every day so you people can attack them and heap scorn on them.. :^/

    Again, it's a wonder ya'all can sleep at night..

    And remind the few...
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak..

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:

    I have decided to bring back to Weigantia™ something sorely missed..

    The honoring of LEOs who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that you people can be safe while you hate on and attack cops...

    Trooper Tamar Bucci
    Massachusetts State Police, Massachusetts
    End of Watch: Thursday, March 3, 2022

    And remind the few...
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak..

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:


    Of course he was completely ignoring the point that it was probably about 99 billion of excessive profit.

    Allow me to school you in economics and business, Don.. :D

    Let's say you bring your computer to me because you want the OS re-installed.. All things being equal, I can have that done in about 30 mins...

    I charge you $125...

    So, yer thinking that I am gouging you because you are paying $300 an hour for something I can do effortlessly.. With my eyes closed.

    But what you fail to realize is that you are not simply paying me for my time.. You are paying for all the effort I have put into being ABLE to do what I do.. All the years of experience and training and education..

    So it is with Pfizer..

    Sure it might only take a few pennies to actually make the drugs..

    But people are paying for all of the R&D, all of the training and all of the expertise that went into CREATING the drug..

    You don't think that such things could be compensated for???

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    Former Keystone Pipeline worker says US energy crisis is result of Biden's policies: 'We tried to warn you'

    Closing Keystone XL meant 'canceling national security, foreign policy and energy,' Neal Crabtree says

    A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

    "We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

    The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."

    All the pain and suffering Americans are going thru today can be laid DIRECTLY at the feet of Basement Biden and the Democrat Party..

    President Trump had us ENERGY INDEPENDENT..

    And America was rewarded with low gas prices..

    First thing Basement Biden did was frak all that up..

    And NOW we are seeing higher gas prices in almost 2 decades...

    Thanx Basement Biden.. Thanx Democrats.. :^/

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:


    Perhaps this will lead some people to take electric vehicles more seriously.

    yea.. Cuz electric vehicles solve ALL the problems, right??

    Jeezus, how can you people be so utterly moronic..

    Tell ya what, andyguas..

    You give up EVERYTHING in your life that has some connection to petroleum...

    You willing to do that??

    Of course yer not...

    What *IS* it about Democrats that they are completely and utterly brain dead???

  52. [52] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Zelensky can fortify Ukraine's independence but will have to pay a heavy price, the sources said. Assumptions are that he will be forced to give up the contested Donbas region, officially recognize the pro-Russian dissidents in Ukraine, pledge that Ukraine will not join NATO, shrink his army and declare neutrality. If he declines the proposal, the outcome may be terrible: thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of Ukrainians will die and there is a high probability that his country will completely lose its independence.

    It seems the Ukrainian leader has a critical choice to make - Zelensky can be a martyr or a real leader.

    The US and its NATO allies have a role to play here, too. They can demand he accept the Russian offer.

    That would be acknowledging the actual reality on the ground before the war and the only way out of it now.

    THAT is the definition of common sense.

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:

    The R&D, training and expertise are part of what is deducted from the income to determine the profit (though who knows what the report actually used, so maybe it was only 50 billion in profit which still seems excessive).

    Yes.. Stuff like that always seems excessive to those who are ignorant of the process needed to get to that point..

    And people already paid for a good portion of the R&D as it was done with government resources and/or funded with government money and not just by Pfizer.

    Facts to support???

    And it was not a computer- it was a vaccine in a pandemic.

    But the concept is the same..

    Yer not paying JUST for that instance..

    You are paying for everything that led up to that instance..

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:

    That would be acknowledging the actual reality on the ground before the war and the only way out of it now.

    Yep.. Same could be said for Basement Biden and Democrats with regard to their BS global warming agenda...

    Same could be said for Basement Biden and Democrats with regard to their BS COVID non-science based policies..

    But, of course, you can't concede that...

    Just like you can't condemn racist cad's racist comments..

    Your enslavement by you political agenda won't let you...


  55. [55] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Putin hates democracy and thinks he's at war with the US and the West, whether you like it or not, Elizabeth.

    Your little schtick here is getting to be as bad as Michales'.

  56. [56] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Your enslavement by you political agenda won't let you...

    Sometimes, I think you forget I'm a Canadian. Heh.

  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    Sometimes, I think you forget I'm a Canadian. Heh.

    As we have seen with your Adolph Trudeau, you canadians are even bigger political bigots than ya'all's American counterparts..

  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:

    Your little schtick here is getting to be as bad as Michales'.

    Yea, but I am not a racist... racist cad is...

  59. [59] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    You'll get there soon enough. ;)

  60. [60] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    That would be acknowledging the actual reality on the ground before the war and the only way out of it now. (My emphasis)

    Okay, what part of the following actual reality on the ground do you not "get?"

    According to [CIA director]
    Burns, Putin launched his invasion on the basis of “a number of assumptions”: He considered Ukraine to be “weak and easily intimidated.” He assessed Europeans to be “risk averse” and “distracted by elections in France and leadership succession in Germany.” He believed he had “sanctions-proofed his economy” by “creating a large war chest of foreign currency reserves.” And he was confident he had “modernized his military” to achieve “a quick, decisive victory at minimal cost.”

    Ultimately, “he’s been proven wrong on every count,” Burns said. “Those assumptions have proven to be profoundly flawed over the last 12 days of conflict."

    Putin cannot defeat Ukraine and even if he could he cannot successfully occupy it. He's counting on handwringing Westerners like you and CW to soil yourselves and run away scared every time he growls.

    This is a once in a generation geopolitical gift that Putin just offered the world and there's no way Putin outlasts a free Ukraine. Fortunately, Biden and the grownups know this.

  61. [61] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @m [39],

    that's a wonderful article, and i'm glad i read it. as i've frequently said, you'd get more traction if you were a bit more selective in what you shared.

    i'm convinced that the main reason you post so much is because so many people have urged you not to.

    Upon disaster depends good fortune;
    within good fortune hides disaster.
    Where will it end?
    For nothing is certain;
    what is correct goes astray;
    what is right goes wrong.
    Our confusion goes on and on.


  62. [62] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Shocking. Positively shocking.

  63. [63] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Of course, my 64 was meant for MtnCaddy.

  64. [64] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    So true.

  65. [65] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    If you like, I can go through your Ukraine related comments over the last two weeks and address your points. I didn't at the time because they weren't remotely close to what I consider to be realistic. Just like comparing what I do here in Weigantia to what cho'mo poon does here isn't any more realistic than you wasting such effort trying to "reach" cho'mo poon.

  66. [66] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    This means YOU Elizabeth Miller. I'll take the time because you're sincere.

  67. [67] 
    Michale wrote:

    You'll get there soon enough. ;)

    Sorry to disappoint you, Liz.. I will NEVER get to being a racist..

    That's ya'all's schtick...

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:


    that's a wonderful article, and i'm glad i read it. as i've frequently said, you'd get more traction if you were a bit more selective in what you shared.

    I figured you would like it..

    Because, up until recently, I thought of you as a WILLIAM DERESIEWICZ..

    Sadly, recent comments and NON comments put that belief to rest.. :^( Which is really REALLY a bummer.. Because I miss the old JL..

    Your departure from reason almost made me leave Weigantia...

    i'm convinced that the main reason you post so much is because so many people have urged you not to.

    I post so much because the facts are out there and plentiful..

    If I don't post the facts and keep ya'all abreast of reality.. Who will??

  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:


    And I'll wager that you are the ONLY one to read that article...

  70. [70] 
    Michale wrote:

    i'm convinced that the main reason you post so much is because so many people have urged you not to.

    But that is an interesting point..

    If homophobic vick stopped posting all the personal attacks based on posts and comments from 20+ years ago and personal attacks against my family... And racist cad stopped posting how much he is "ignoring" me....

    Would my comment count go down??

    Sadly, we will never know...

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:

    Democrats are desperate.. They know that they are responsible for the huge spike in energy costs.. Hell, it's Democrat POLICY to push skyrocketing energy prices..

    " “Under my plan electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
    Barack Hussein Odumbo

    Democrats look for cover on rising gas prices

    Democrats are looking for ways to lower gas prices, which have skyrocketed in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and could rise further as the U.S. and other countries move to ban Russian imports.

    The simple fact is Basement Biden and the Democrats are responsible for all the pain and suffering experienced by Americans..

    All in the name of the BS Democrat "science" called global warming...

    Oh wait.. It's called "climate change" now.. Global warming didn't "focus group" very well.. :^/

    That's the funny thing about Democrat "science".. It has to be focus group'ed.. :^\

    Any rational person knows.. If you have to focus group your science.. It ain't REAL sceince...

  72. [72] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Just read the one in this thread. That will be enough.

  73. [73] 
    Michale wrote:

    racist cad is stoned... No sense in talking to him..

  74. [74] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    K, I'm on it...

  75. [75] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    ...not one mention of mitigating climate change as the way to make Putin pay for his actions.

    A good, overlooked point.


    This war could be over tomorrow if common sense prevailed.

    Please share that common sense.


    That would be acknowledging the actual reality on the ground before the war and the only way out of it now.

    THAT is the definition of common sense.

    Sure, if you ignore the actual reality on the ground once the war started.

    Again, what in my [62] can I help you to understand?

  76. [76] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Do you want the death and destruction to continue? For what purpose? So that Ukraine will be free to join NATO? So, that Ukriane is free to take bad advice from the West?

  77. [77] 
    Michale wrote:

    A good, overlooked point.

    Why am I not surprised that racist cad believes that global warming is in ANY way relevant to the here and now..


    Sure, if you ignore the actual reality on the ground once the war started.

    The war that racist cad claimed would NEVER happen...


  78. [78] 
    Michale wrote:

    Do you want the death and destruction to continue? For what purpose? So that Ukraine will be free to join NATO? So, that Ukriane is free to take bad advice from the West?

    Is Ukraine entitled to self-determination..

    YES or NO....

  79. [79] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    C'mon, no one wants death and destruction but you and I don't have any vote on the matter, hello?

    Ukraine was invaded and it's solely up to Ukraine to decide whether to capitulate or to keep planting dead Russian soldiers. I imagine your tune would change if Putin invaded Canada, eh?

  80. [80] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Sadly, recent comments and NON comments put that belief to rest.. :^( Which is really REALLY a bummer.. Because I miss the old JL..

    "old JL" had a LOT more time on his hands, and not having been a father yet, was also significantly less patient with people's quirks. chances are, he would not have accepted that you're generally arguing in good faith, much less lobbied for you to come back when you were away. now i put a lot more value on what you bring to the forum, and am significantly less annoyed at the way you bring it. just something to consider.


  81. [81] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    No, we don't have a vote, we just have opinions. Heh.

    Of course, it is up to Ukraine to decide. Didn't I write that?

  82. [82] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Even pacifist Europe is seizing this golden opportunity for payback that could even lead to regime change -- if they don't let up.

    Why toss this opportunity away?

  83. [83] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Naw, you wrote as though the West only needs to snap it's fingers and Ukraine should surrender.

  84. [84] 
    Michale wrote:

    JL re: [83]

    OK Fair enough.. If you are SERIOUS about a discussion on this topic, as opposed to your (of late) normal hit and run type stuff, I'll indulge you..

    But I'll need more time than I have right now to treat it fairly...

  85. [85] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Ukraine entitled to self-determination..YES or NO....

    That would be an emphatic YES!, naturally. Which I have mentioned a time or two.

  86. [86] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Naw, you wrote as though the West only needs to snap it's fingers and Ukraine should surrender.

    Naw, that's what you read.

    I wrote that Zelensky needs to make a critical decision for his country - he can choose to be a martyr or he can choose to be a real leader. It's all up to him.

  87. [87] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Okay, I should have wrote 'persuade' in place of 'demand' in comment #54.

    I didn't choose my words very wisely, there. Sorry.

  88. [88] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Yes, but that's a false choice. How do you figure Zelensky is going to be martyred? The front lines aren't moving, Western aid hasn't really kicked in yet and it's not like Ukrainians would even allow Zelensky to surrender, ya dig?

  89. [89] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Unless your definition of real leader means one who ignores his people's wishes (like, say, Putin) rather than accommodating them (e.g. Zelensky.)

  90. [90] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    If that is a false choice, then what would you say is the real choice?

  91. [91] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Zelensky's real choice is to either

    1- lead Ukrainian resistance against Putin or

    2- try to surrender against the people's will, thereby snatching DEFEAT from the jaws of VICTORY.

    Remember, Ukraine doesn't have to win it just has to survive.

  92. [92] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Michale [39]

    Did you read your article? He is talking about you as much as the rest of us. You want to criticize "our" tribe but seem ignorant to that fact you are far from independent but heavily dedicated to your own tribe. everything he says about NPR and the NYT is even more applicable to the Murdoch empire and Falun Gong publications both of which you are fond of posting.

    IMO what he fails to realize is his "independent" sources will slowing morph into their own tribe with their own language of what gets posted and what is acceptable. Life changes. Don't get comfortable.

    But I think the true lesson here is to abandon to concept of binary opposition. A concept to which you are heavily invested. There is no "left" and there is no "right" only shades of gray in between and beyond the borders. Black and white as an absolute does not exist in reality...

  93. [93] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    What do you suppose is missing - and, glaringly so - from your list of real choices facing the Ukrainian leader?

  94. [94] 
    Steedo wrote:

    M (38)

    You want some more? Have some more. Last time you ran away and cried that this blog is only for political subjects. In fact, crime and punishment of pedophile felons is very much politics. It is ironic that Caddy was accused of ignoring you when his previous post was in regard to your "swinger" profile. Were you afraid to engage him? Ashamed? You realize that you posted that profile on the internet where it can be read by billions of people. Everybody here read it and was slightly amused but mostly disgusted by it.

    Nobody here posts on your schedule, everybody except you has lives beyond cut-and-pasting what they saw on Fox. Nobody is afraid of you, all you do is type on a keyboard, the only person you ever bitch slapped in person was certainly smaller and weaker than you. Nobody fears a loudmouth that needs a prybar and chain to get out of his recliner. Jack Reacher you ain't.

    What you should do is send the swinger profile to your local district attorney with a note that says: "My name is Mike-anal Wartley and I am a perverted pedophile punk. Please prosecute me even if the statute of limitations has expired, I know I will burn in hell for my crimes but should also be in prison. When I see young children the impure thoughts return and I should be stopped and punished."

    Then put on a clean shirt, comb your hair and wait until a real LEO shows up and slaps the cuffs on your diseased carcass.

    Let me know when you want some more.

  95. [95] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Really, Steedo? Was that necessary? Maybe you should try posting under your real name, just like me!

  96. [96] 
    Steedo wrote:

    EM (98)

    Maybe you should have your music festivals on your own site under your own name instead of hijacking another person's blog.

  97. [97] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I don't have a site, so ... :)

  98. [98] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I don't like it when Michale resorts to vicious name-calling nor do I like it when anyone else around here makes it part of their comments. That's not what this place should be all about.

    Now, unless you are one who doesn't care for music, I invite you to come out to our Sunday Night shindigs and post your favourite tunes and the music that you've been listening to. It's always a lot of fun!

    Besides, we need a break for a few hours each week just to decompress from the weekly political back and forth. And, that goes triple for THIS place! :)

    And, don't forget, the tunes may be as political as you wish - we just frown upon any politcal commentary.

  99. [99] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    Hey, JL…

    now i put a lot more value on what you bring to the forum, and am significantly less annoyed at the way you bring it. just something to consider.

    Just curious as to what value it is that you feel Michale brings to the forum? Granted, since he’s returned I haven’t felt the need to visit the OAN site to find out what they are feeding their herd, but that’s about the only thing I could spin to be a positive for his being here.

    He rarely has actual conversations on here, choosing instead to post countless Rightwing talking points that he attaches various articles with to support his claims. Problem is, as we all have learned, that he usually just scans most of the articles (if he reads them at all) and cannot defend their content; much less explain why the articles often completely contradict the point he is trying to make. He had to move the goalposts five different times trying to defend his supposed position on abortion the other day!

    In his response to your post [87], he admits that he doesn’t take his responses seriously. He seems even more thin-skinned than before, which has been such a joy to see and experience. If his being here has value, I am just not seeing it.

  100. [100] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Steedo and others-

    Something to consider when looking at old Usenet posts: identity authentication was non-existent (as in not in the technical spec of the service). It was trivially easy to spoof another user. I have not gone down that rabbit hole in a long time so I am not sure what posts everyone is referring to but when I did go down it, I found a few posts that I assumed were spoofed and it spoke more to Michale's long term ability/desire to piss other people off enough that they would go through the trouble to spoof and write posts like that than actual criminal behavior (well, aside from the satalite tv thing to which there are court documents..)

    My takeaway:

    Michale's modus operandi for multiple decades is mass posting and pissing people off. It's what he does, he likes it and it's not going to change. Deal with it.

    Others have dealt with it over the years in similar ways including just leaving, DOXing, ignoring, arguing, whatever.

    Of all the insults thrown in his direction, imbecile is the most hilariously accurate...

  101. [101] 
    Steedo wrote:

    EM (101)

    Very kind, very gracious


    Duly noted, well-informed opinions always welcome, your comments always solid

  102. [102] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:



    What do you suppose is missing - and, glaringly so - from your list of real choices facing the Ukrainian leader?

    Okay, I'll bite.

    Negotiate a peace with Putin, final answer. Last I checked they're trying but those poor Rooskies keep shelling evacuation corridors. So, lemme know when Putin gets serious about negotiations, K? And I wouldn't hold your breath.

  103. [103] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Negotiations to sue for peace require that ALL parties are serious in the process.

    The West has been decidedly non-serious when they keep saying they don't know what Putin wants. He has been crystal clear.

  104. [104] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Zelensky's rants have also been non-serious.

  105. [105] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Yep, [Cho'mo poon's] modus operandi for multiple decades is mass posting and pissing people off. It's what he does, he likes it and it's not going to change. Deal with it.

    Weigantians I scroll through but it sucks that some of y'all [*cough*Elizabeth,*cough*] haven't figured out that the best way to get back at trolls is to completely ignore them. Devoting a shed of attention to them pollutes Weigantia, period

  106. [106] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    n. A wretch who gets of in irritating people

  107. [107] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    ...gets OFF on irritating people

    It's just that simple.

  108. [108] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    @liz [107],

    that reads like false equivalency. putin has been the aggressor, ukraine desperately trying to defend itself. whatever the character of zelensky's comments, he's not the one who invaded somebody else's country.


  109. [109] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I didn't mean it as false equivalency. I was trying to be nuanced.

Comments for this article are closed.