Archive of Articles for June, 2024

Time To Panic?

[ Posted Friday, June 28th, 2024 – 16:50 UTC ]

I cleared the decks for this column, preferring to spend today reviewing the first presidential debate of the 2024 cycle instead of writing a standard "Friday Talking Points" column. But if I had gone with my weekly format, President Joe Biden would easily have won my Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week award, hands down. His debate performance last night was not just disappointing, it was downright abysmal.

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Debate Prep

[ Posted Thursday, June 27th, 2024 – 15:46 UTC ]

The first 2024 presidential debate is now mere hours away. I am going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction for tonight: Donald Trump will announce his vice-presidential pick at some point during the debate. He could do so very early on, in an effort to rattle President Joe Biden and/or to distract from whatever question Trump had been asked (but didn't want to answer), or he could wait until his closing statement and go out with a bang. But my guess is that Trump's big reveal will happen at some point tonight.

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Program Note

[ Posted Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 – 18:35 UTC ]

Once again, due to family events outside my control, there will be no column today. I will be posting both tomorrow and Friday, to cover the debates, however.
-- Chris Weigant
Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant

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Lauren Boebert On The Ballot

[ Posted Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 – 16:02 UTC ]

Four states hold primary elections today: New York, South Carolina, Utah, and Colorado. There are interesting races in all of them -- including a major Democratic showdown in New York -- but the one that interests me the most will happen in Colorado. Because the voters in one House district will have the choice of bringing an end to Lauren Boebert's congressional career.

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Program Note

[ Posted Monday, June 24th, 2024 – 16:14 UTC ]

For very personal reasons (family), there will be no column today. Regular columns will resume tomorrow.
-- Chris Weigant
Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant

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Friday Talking Points -- As We Wait For The Debate

[ Posted Friday, June 21st, 2024 – 17:41 UTC ]

Maybe it's just us, but this week seemed like a waiting game. Perhaps the midweek holiday had something to do with it, but everything in the political world right now seems to be on hold in anticipation of next Thursday's first presidential debate. The debate is going to be incredibly early in the campaign schedule, but nobody really knows what this will mean until after the dust settles. Who will benefit the most from the earliness of it all? Well, that all depends on how they do, of course.

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Donald Trump, Galeophobe

[ Posted Thursday, June 20th, 2024 – 16:45 UTC ]

What is it with Donald Trump and sharks? He seems to be obsessing on the subject somewhat, which only goes to confirm a story Stormy Daniels told a while back. Of course, sharks are pretty scary critters in general, but Trump seems to be exhibiting what can only be called galeophobia -- or, to semi-translate that from the Greek, "sharkophobia."

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Biden Eases Citizenship Process For 500,000 Immigrant Spouses

[ Posted Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 – 15:42 UTC ]

President Joe Biden has had to walk a tightrope on the subject of immigration during his term in office. He has supported programs that were a holdover from the administration of Donald Trump, and just recently announced a tightening of the rules on claiming asylum at the border in an effort to slow the flow of people making such claims. Neither one of these policies went over very well with the progressives in his own party, but this week Biden shifted gears and announced a policy that will benefit the lives of approximately 500,000 people. Undocumented spouses of America citizens who have lived in the country for 10 years or more will have a much easier path to citizenship under Biden's new program. Politically, this may provide a balance to Biden's more restrictive moves on immigration.

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R.F.K. Jr. Fails To Make The First Debate

[ Posted Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 – 15:30 UTC ]

The Washington Post is now reporting that Robert F. Kennedy Junior will not meet the criteria that CNN instituted for inclusion in the first general-election presidential debate. This is not really all that surprising, since the criteria were essentially written to exclude Kennedy and other third-party candidates. And while Biden supporters might cheer the news that only President Joe Biden and Donald Trump will participate, it does highlight the hurdles built in to the American political system for those without a "D" or "R" after their names.

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Maryland Governor Pardons 175,000 Marijuana Crimes

[ Posted Monday, June 17th, 2024 – 16:21 UTC ]

Maryland Governor Wes Moore today signed a blanket pardon that covers 175,000 marijuana crimes committed in the state, reaching back to the 1980s. It could wind up covering even more, since records older than that are stored on paper -- meaning they will not be automatically pardoned, but if people from back then apply for one they will also get a pardon. This already covers an estimated 100,000 people (some of whom have multiple marijuana offenses). Moore is following in the footsteps of other states and jurisdictions who have already either pardoned or expunged criminal records for simple marijuana possession or use. What this all means is that not only is the War On Weed ending in state after state, but in some places people are retroactively trying to heal the damage the War On Weed has done to millions of people.

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