They're Coming To Take Away Your Porn!

[ Posted Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 – 15:39 UTC ]

Democrats, rather astonishingly, seem to have JD Vance on the ropes already. He's been getting horrible coverage for over a week now, mostly about his rather unique ideas on how childless Americans should be treated as second-class citizens. What seems to be in order right now is a knockout punch. And I've got a doozy of an idea to suggest.

Consider these two excerpts from Wikipedia. The first is from the "Project 2025" entry:

In the foreword of Project 2025's Mandate, Kevin Roberts argues that pornography promotes sexual deviance, the sexualization of children, and the exploitation of women; is not protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution; and should be banned. He recommends the criminal prosecution of people and companies producing pornography, which he compares to addictive drugs. Previously, the Supreme Court has ruled against attempts to ban pornography on First Amendment grounds.

In Vox, journalist Andrew Prokop wrote:

"Roberts also adds that pornography is 'manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children,' suggesting that he may define 'pornography' much more broadly than is typical -- that he may view any attempt to explain or teach about trans people as worthy of outlawing and imprisonment."

Now consider this single line from the entry for JD Vance:

[JD Vance] has proposed federal criminalization of gender transition care for minors and said he wants to ban pornography.

That is an issue just ready-made for exploitation by the Democrats. If they're bold enough to use it, that is. It's pretty easy to demagogue, after all:

"Donald Trump's blueprint for his second term, 'Project 2025,' calls for banning all pornography in the United States. JD Vance agrees -- he also supports banning porn. When will they stop? Republicans have turned into the nanny party, telling everyone what they can and cannot do with their lives... especially in the bedroom. They threw out Roe v. Wade, they want to ban all abortion, they want to get rid of easy access to contraceptives, they want to ban I.V.F., they want to dictate what gay and trans people can and cannot do, and now they want to ban everyone's pornography. Where will it all end? They simply don't care that the courts have said this is a freedom guaranteed until the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment, because Republicans have no respect for the Constitution whatsoever. Democrats believe adults should be free to make these choices for themselves, because Democrats stand strong for people's freedom to do what they want with their lives. If Republicans get elected across the government, how long do you think it's going to be before they come for your porn?!?"

Unfair? Perhaps. Not every Republican is on board with such a drastic scheme. But how many extreme positions have Republicans smeared Democrats with when they're not all on board either? In fact, the language can be lifted from all those Republican warnings about Democrats and the Second Amendment: "They're coming to take your guns away!!!" Turnabout is fair play, here.

Of course, it would require Democratic politicians to stake out what is essentially a pro-porn position. This would be new territory, to say the least. Pornography has never really been a huge political issue, at least not in campaigning, so this would doubtlessly come as a shock to some people. But pornography is also pretty mainstream these days -- it's not like people have to buy it and take it home to peruse it, instead it is freely and easily available to all on the internet. And for adults, the stigma that used to surround not just the people who make porn but those who enjoy it seems to have largely gone by the wayside. Perhaps it was the fact that Donald Trump had to sit and listen to Stormy Daniels describe their encounters to a jury? That was certainly a milestone of some sort in the mainstreaming of porn not just into American life but into American politics.

Ideally, this issue could get raised by one or more of the people on the shortlist to be the running mate of Kamala Harris. It is entirely in keeping with the "weird" meme that Democrats have very effectively been using against Vance, and it would certainly be a conversation-starter in the political media. In fact, once introduced by some Democratic politician, the media themselves would probably pick the story up and not let it go for a while, due to its salacious nature.

And there's an easy way to soft-pedal the issue for Democratic politicians who might be a little leery of vocally supporting pornography. After the issue has been raised and journalists ask her the inevitable question, Kamala Harris could simply say something along the lines of: "I am a strong supporter of people's First Amendment rights, and of the ability of consenting adults to exercise those rights in the way they see fit, in the privacy of their own homes. Republicans have this weird obsession with taking away freedoms they don't approve of, and this is just part and parcel of their anti-freedom agenda." Any follow-up questions could just be answered with a repetition of the same basic framing: "I strongly support the First Amendment, period."

So far, nobody has really noticed -- or asked him about -- Vance's support for banning pornography. That should really change, because this is a political vulnerability just waiting to be exploited. Vance should be forced to clarify exactly what he means, and while his position may meet with approval from the more puritanical voters out there, it would probably spark a backlash among many others.

Vance is now hobbled by his views on "single cat ladies," which is not going to help him with plenty of women voters (cat-owners or not, married or not). Shifting the conversation to his desire to ban pornography would help Democrats alienate Vance from an entirely different demographic. Maybe call it the "dude-bro vote"? Well, maybe not, since that term has some rather negative connotations. But whatever you call it, a whole bunch of men could be repelled from the Trump-Vance ticket if they feared pornography becoming illegal once they took charge.

So while it is demagoguery to some extent or another (even if they did want to, a pornography ban would likely never make it into law, no matter what the makeup of Congress turns out to be), it could be a powerful political attack nonetheless. Just look at how well it has worked for Republicans over the gun issue, after all. So it seems the perfect time for some bold Democrat to stand up and clearly make the case:

"They're coming to take away your porn!"

It's certainly worth a try -- if there are any Democrats are brave enough to actually do it.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


36 Comments on “They're Coming To Take Away Your Porn!

  1. [1] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    I’d save this for a rainy day or a slow news cycle, as there is already plenty of damaging JD Vance material out there. As a people we have to process this information about the Republican VP nominee.

  2. [2] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    I agree with MtnCaddy, lets not hit JD too hard for the next week. He needs to be locked in before a deep dive. Tons of material there, you got three months to space it out. Then we also get to find out about Peter Thiel, his benefactor. Who not only has some highly questionable political beliefs and hobbies but is the quintessential "grain of truth" behind the rights fear of billionaire elites...

  3. [3] 
    Kick wrote:

    Donald "grab them by the *****" Trump is literally porn personified and has had affairs with countless porn stars far beyond the likes of Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal for which the payoffs and subsequent coverup indubitably rendered him a bona fide 34-time convicted felon.

    Before Hugh Hefner and his family came to loath Donald Trump and everything he claimed to stand for, Trump appeared in multiple soft porn films for Playboy and even appeared on the cover:

    Cooper Hefner

    Why am I embarrassed about this cover? Because we promote a philosophy that encourages ALL individuals to choose the life they want to live.


    6:23 PM * Aug 24, 2017

    Trump owned the Miss Universe Organization for almost two decades which included Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, for which he bragged about using his ownership to go into the dressing room and gawk at naked teenagers.

    I could go on about what a jury found was sexual assault and defamation and a judge recently defined as "rape," but that'll do for purposes of asking:

    Who with any brains to speak of would believe the laughable asinine proposition that Donald Trump gives a rat's ass about "sexual deviance, the sexualization of children, and the exploitation of women"?

    Trump couldn't care less about exploiting women... especially women.

  4. [4] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Yep. So once again I ask just where is Trump going to find the votes he needs to win?

    Polling is done with people who answer calls from unknown numbers, and even if this wasn’t a problem they have not been predictive this far out. And ultimately the only polls that count started the the Women’s March and has demonstrated in every election since 2016.

  5. [5] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Christians: Born again!

    Trump: Porn again!

    Christian’s: Close enough.

  6. [6] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    If you haven't seen the felon Trump destroying his campaign when he spoke at the National Association of Black Journalists convention today, you are missing a treat! He was crying at how mistreated he felt when asked to defend some direct quotes he had said earlier (like Harris was a DEI hire and others). The felon couldn't give a direct answer when asked why anyone should believe he was telling the truth based on his history of lying. For some reason, Trump thought this was the place to argue that Harris claimed to be Indian, not black, and believed that line of thinking would win the crowd over for him. It did not!

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Democrats, rather astonishingly, seem to have JD Vance on the ropes already.

    In YOUR opinion...

    From where patriotic Americans sit, Vance is wiping the floor with Harris.. :D

    He's been getting horrible coverage for over a week now

    From Left Wing rags...

    What a SHOCK!!! {/sarc} :D

    "Donald Trump's blueprint for his second term, 'Project 2025,'

    Except it's NOT President Trump's blueprint...

    Other than that:

    "Amazing. Everything you said just there was wrong."
    -Luke Skywalker


    In fact, the language can be lifted from all those Republican warnings about Democrats and the Second Amendment: "They're coming to take your guns away!!!" Turnabout is fair play, here.

    Except in the case of Democrats, the facts that Democrats DO want to ban guns is well documented...

    In the case of YOUR claims??? Not so much.. :D I'm just sayin'... :D

    It is entirely in keeping with the "weird" meme that Democrats have very effectively been using against Vance,

    Again.. ONLY according to the Left Wing rags.. :D

    I mean, if you want to talk weird???

    THAT ^^^^ is weird... :eyeroll:

    So far, nobody has really noticed -- or asked him about -- Vance's support for banning pornography. That should really change, because this is a political vulnerability just waiting to be exploited.

    You mean, as opposed to Democrats wanting to ban 1st Amendment protections for those who disagree with Democrats???

    You mean like that?? :eyeroll:

    Vance is now hobbled by his views on "single cat ladies," which is not going to help him with plenty of women voters (cat-owners or not, married or not).

    Once again.. ONLY according to Left Wing rags...

    You should broaden your reading horizons.. :D

    It's certainly worth a try -- if there are any Democrats are brave enough to actually do it.

    Democrats... The Pornography Party...

    Yea.. THAT will definitely get the Weird vote... :D

    I'm just sayin'... :D

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:


    (like Harris was a DEI hire and others).

    Uh... Headboard Harris *IS* a DEI hire....

    Basement Biden said he would choose a black woman for VP...

    Headboard Harris was chosen SOLELY for her race 1st and her gender 2nd..

    This is documented FACT from the mouth of senile, dementia riddled Basement Biden..

    Skills and competence didn't even enter into the equation..

    Apologies if the facts hurt but hay...

    Facts are facts...

    Just like Justice Jackson Brown was DEI hire...

    Again.. According to Basement Biden...

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed."
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

    As an aside to Liz & JL... This was an outlier.. I am hoping you will indulge me... :D It seemed appropriate for the moment.. :D

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Vance slams 9/11 plea deal during rally: 'Need a president who kills terrorists, not negotiates with them'

    The Republican vice presidential candidate said the decision by prosecutors was 'ridiculous, but not surprising'

    During a campaign speech Wednesday in Glendale, Arizona, Trump campaign vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance slammed the plea deal taken by three of the terrorists behind the Sept. 11 terror attacks awaiting trial in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

    "Just today, I heard that the Biden-Harris Department of Justice cut a deal with al-Qaeda terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to avoid the death penalty. It was reported today," Vance said. "Now, as someone who enlisted in the Marines to serve after 9/11, that is ridiculous. But it's not surprising."

    Democrats.. The Party of HAMAS, Al QAEDA and HEZBOLLAH....


    For the record, terrorism is a MILITARY problem, not a criminal problem..

    Treating terrorism as a criminal problem just gets people killed..

    And there is PLENTY of blood on Democrats hands... :eyeroll:

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    Democrats really REALLY need to ask themselves one salient question...

    Is the "weird" angle the hill that Democrats want to die on???


    Remind me again how Vance is the "weird" on???

    I seem to have forgotten, what with ALL the FACTS that say otherwise.. :D

  11. [11] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    In the sexually repressed world of Republicans, I can just imagine what they'll be coming for next.

    Well, let them try! :-)

  12. [12] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    You can always tell how bad a day Trump had by how hysterical Michale is the morning after...

  13. [13] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    The NABJ conference interview was wild. Beyond sinking his chances, I think every journalist that covers politics needs to watch it a few times so they get some backbone when asking Trump, or really any politician, a question. They schooled the press corps.

    Then Trump called Schumer a "proud member of Hamas". The highest ranking Jewish official in the federal government. I wonder as Trump's polls go down and he starts lashing out like yesterday, if we are watching him mentally decline in real time. By the end of this he may finally have a real excuse to not go to trial by being mentally unfit.

    Hell, even Joe Rogan thinks Kamala will be the next President...

  14. [14] 
    dsws wrote:

    I'm dubious that presenting ourselves as pro-porn would play well with turnout voters.

  15. [15] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    THAT ^^^^ is weird... :eyeroll:

    That is weird. Trump/Vance creepy weird. But the picture is of Rolf Buchholz, Guinness World Record holder, most pierced man in the world. He is German and living in Germany and has nothing to do with US politics...

  16. [16] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    my opinion on the election, Democratic change of candidates notwithstanding, is that the only person who can defeat Donald Trump is Donald Trump. I guess the un-said part of that is he's proven very capable of it.

  17. [17] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


    Well, he seems to be doing a great job of it, but I think you are completely wrong and Kamala has sparked something new and interesting. A energy that we have not seen in a while. She has figured out how to pierce his old and tired schtick.

  18. [18] 
    Kick wrote:


    If you haven't seen the felon Trump destroying his campaign when he spoke at the National Association of Black Journalists convention today, you are missing a treat!

    I know, right!? Trump made the asinine claim that Harris suddenly became Black:

    I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black.

    ~ Donald Trump, speaking about Kamala Harris

    And that's just the tip of the iceberg. In point of fact, Trump could have saved himself a whole lot of time by saying: I'm still the same old ignorant racist... emphasis on old and ignorant. Same old tired routine.

    He was crying at how mistreated he felt when asked to defend some direct quotes he had said earlier (like Harris was a DEI hire and others).

    And -- of course -- Old Man Trump stupidly needed it defined for him because he's the same old ignorant racist. Same old tired routine.

    Love you, Russ. :)

  19. [19] 
    Kick wrote:

    Basement Biden said he would choose a black woman for VP...

    This is patently false. Biden did say he would choose a woman for Vice President. After vetting multiple women, his four finalists were:

    (1) Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
    (2) Senator Kamala Harris of California
    (3) Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan
    (4) Susan Rice

    Headboard Harris was chosen SOLELY for her race 1st and her gender 2nd..


    This is documented FACT from the mouth of senile, dementia riddled Basement Biden..

    Incorrect. It's likely from one of your right-wing shitty sources wherein facts are invented and/or twisted and fed to the useful sheeple who regurgitate the bullshit and misinformation all over social media everywhere.

    Skills and competence didn't even enter into the equation..

    You appear to be confusing Trump picking his newest vice presidential running mate with Biden choosing his, necessitated obviously by Trump's VP Mike Pence who refused to cheat for Trump by recognizing the illegal certificates of ascertainment with the slates of fake electors and reading them into the record and thereby keeping the loser in office.

    Apologies if the facts hurt but hay...

    None necessary since you rarely post actual facts and frequently post mangled/twisted or totally

    Facts are facts...

    Posters should definitely try fact checking misinformation before posting it repetitively. Otherwise, people will obviously see a pattern of frequent misinformation and be conditioned to discount the source.

    As an aside to Liz & JL... This was an outlier.. I am hoping you will indulge me... :D It seemed appropriate for the moment.. :D

    As an aside to Liz and JL: Posting of misinformation isn't remotely an "outlier" for this poster who seems incapable of any self-control but at least does appear to be aware of his inability to stop himself. :)

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:


    In the sexually repressed world of Republicans, I can just imagine what they'll be coming for next.

    Wow... Democrats goes from "Grab Them By The Pu**y" to "sexually repressed"... :D

    There is nothing "sexually repressed" about supporting common decency and morality.. :D

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:


    I'm dubious that presenting ourselves as pro-porn would play well with turnout voters.

    "I know, right!??"
    -Felix, WRECK IT RALPH


    It simply indicates the hysterical desperation of today's Democrat Party..

    Their hysterical hatred of President Trump and his supporters simply knows no depths..

    "Let's embrace pornography!!! THAT might help us destroy Trump and his supporters!!!"


    Democrats and Trump/America haters (redundant?? Yea I know..) have proven they will support ANYTHING as long as it has a chance to destroy President Trump and his supporters..

    No cause is to vile or perverse or disgusting if it brings down President Donald Trump..

    Democrats have embraced lawfare persecutions, unconstitutional vendettas, assassination, pornography..

    One really mush wonder where they where they will draw line.. Would Democrats embrace NAMBLA or child sex trafficking if they thought it would help bring down President Trump and his supporters???

    One really has to wonder... :eyeroll:

  22. [22] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    Thank goodness that you actually know what DEI stands for! Poor felon Trump embarrassed himself majorly yesterday when he admitted that, for the last year or so, he had been talking about things that he had no idea what they meant! How pathetically SAD! But I guess it is to be expected when dealing with those the felon’s age. You don't think that he has known in the past what DEI was but his dementia was just acting up yesterday, do you?

    I mean, the felon appeared to know what DEI was when he was speaking to an almost all-white crowd earlier in the week. If he isn’t suffering from dementia, then why did he claim to not know what DEI means? You don’t think that Trump was too much of a coward to come right out and make the same accusations simply because the crowd was primarily people of color, do you? Is that felon really the type of man who would pretend to suffer from dementia and not know what “DEI” was just to avoid answering direct questions regarding things he had said about it in the past??? It really looks like either he is suffering from dementia or he is a massive lying coward! My guess is it is both.

    As an aside to Liz & JL... This was an outlier..

    Oh, I am sure that they aren't shocked to see you saying one thing and then doing the opposite. Honesty has never been your strong suit!

  23. [23] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    Love you, too, sweet friend!


  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:


    my opinion on the election, Democratic change of candidates notwithstanding, is that the only person who can defeat Donald Trump is Donald Trump. I guess the un-said part of that is he's proven very capable of it.

    Yes, President Trump has proven to be capable of that..

    In the past..

    It's obvious to anyone who has more than two brain cells to rub together that President Trump has learned a LOT about politics since then..

    As evidenced by how President Trump simply kept his powder dry when Democrats were (and still are) destroying themselves..

    You have to admit, today's President Trump is far far different and more politically disciplined than 2020's President Trump.

    Harris is enjoying her honeymoon right now. Which is why Democrats are euphoric.. That will end.. Likely after the convention..

    Once the honeymoon is over, Harris will fall back to the incompetent ignorant token DEI hire we have all come to know.

    And then everything will be good and right with the world once again.. :D

  25. [25] 
    Kick wrote:

    Vance slams 9/11 plea deal during rally: 'Need a president who kills terrorists, not negotiates with them'

    Two things:

    * This Vance ignoramus seems blissfully unaware that Trump had four years in which he could have done that to these terrorists and did not.

    * Did nobody inform this Vance moron that -- far from killing terrorists -- Trump has actually repeatedly promised to pardon quite a large number of domestic terrorists?

    Connecting the dots is not their strong suit.

    For the record, terrorism is a MILITARY problem, not a criminal problem..

    Incorrect. The two are NOT mutually exclusive, and anyone who tells you that they are has likely had their head buried deep inside their own backside for multiple decades.

    Treating terrorism as a criminal problem just gets people killed..

    So by that definition, anyone repeatedly promising to pardon domestic terrorists would be like a ginormous idiot on steroids.

    Connecting the dots is seriously not their strong suit. :)

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:


    Thank goodness that you actually know what DEI stands for!

    OF COURSE I know what DEI stands for..


    EVERYONE knows that!! :eyeroll:


    I'll overlook your other BS because I promised JL & Liz I would not respond to trolls and their personal attacks..

  27. [27] 
    Kick wrote:


    You can always tell how bad a day Trump had by how hysterical Michale is the morning after...

    Trump seems to be always having a bad day. It should get seriously hysterical around here when Judge Marchan doesn't overturn that jury sentence making Trump a 34-time convicted felon like the right-wing propaganda bullshit artists have promised the gullible regurgitating rubes. :)

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    How hilarious is THIS..

    Democrats are whining and crying and stamping their feet hysterically because they claim President Trump is "playing the race card"...

    Sheet! Democrats have been playing the race card for a decade..

    NOW they whine and cry because President Trump is successfully using their own strategy against them..

    And kicking Democrats' collective asses in the process!!!


    Like I said, ya'all better get used to the idea of President Trump being ya'all's next POTUS.. :D

    Unless, of course, Democrats are successful in their Navalny option...

  29. [29] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    The polls and betting lines say otherwise...

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    White Dudes For Harris

    Yup... Yup... Yup...

  31. [31] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Dead radical registered republicans are also for Harris? That's...weird.

  32. [32] 
    Kick wrote:

    How hilarious is THIS..

    Democrats are whining and crying and stamping their feet hysterically because they claim President Trump is "playing the race card"...

    I haven't seen any Democrats doing that since this isn't exactly anything new for America's most predictable misogynist, bigot and xenophobe. Same old tired routine and same old toxic narcissist doing the same old thing. Old Man Trump stuck on stupid.

    Sheet! Democrats have been playing the race card for a decade..

    And what exactly do you believe that "White male grievance" rhetoric and the performative dog whistles/foghorns Republicans have been spewing (and their useful idiots have been regurgitating) happens to be? You can't throw a rock anywhere without hitting some dumb righty rube who seems utterly clueless and completely unaware that "White/Caucasian" is indeed actually a "race card" that is as ancient as Old Man Trump.

    NOW they whine and cry because President Trump is successfully using their own strategy against them..

    Incorrect, but I have seen some Democrats laughing their asses off at the utter cluelessness of the MAGA monkeys performing the "race card" propaganda with nary a clue how they're being played for fools by the same old tired GOP bullshit:


    If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

    ~ Lyndon Baines Johnson

  33. [33] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    You can boss the n*****s
    And we’ll boss the money.

  34. [34] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    OF COURSE I know what DEI stands for..


    OHHH! Like felon Trump’s father being the source of all of Trump’s wealth! Any listing of Donald’s wealth must have an asterisk after it noting that he didn't actually earn the money… Trump is definitely DEI material!

  35. [35] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    There is nothing "sexually repressed" about supporting common decency and morality.. :D

    Absolutely, positively, unequivocally!

    But, there is definitely an air of sexual repression in the Republican playbook that aims to ban abortion, contraceptives, pornography, masturbation (will banning this be next on list of goals?), gender identification,
    and general imposition of Republican morals on Americans and who they love and what they do in the bedroom, among other sexual health related issues.

    If all of that and more doesn't indicate a sexually repressive state of mind then I don't know what does. Perhaps a better term to use would be a misogynistic view of sexual expression stemming from religiosity. How's that?

    I think Democrats should lump all of this together - abortion, reproductive rights and the rest of it - to describe what Republicans are all about in the overall.

  36. [36] 
    Kick wrote:


    Exactly! Old Man Trump was born on third base with a silver foot in his mouth and claims to have hit a triple.

    Tried desperately to get reelected in 2020 and sucked so bad at being president that America


    Fast forward to 2024 and America has another election wherein we must

    Make the

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