And The Vice-Presidential Nominee Will Be...

[ Posted Monday, August 5th, 2024 – 16:28 UTC ]

We are now in the homestretch of the frantic and foreshortened race that's underway to become Kamala Harris's running mate. By tomorrow morning, the announcement will be made and then we can all avoid using the word "veepstakes" for another four years (I'm not a huge fan of the word, even though I do have to begrudgingly admit that it is pretty catchy...).

Harris is moving at warp speed in her presidential campaign, which was pretty much required by her later-than-ever-before entry into the race. She's only been at it a couple weeks and has had to take time out of that to figure out who her running mate was going to be (a process that is more normally spread out over many months). This was all likely driven by the initial filing date in Ohio, when candidates for both president and vice-president had to be listed in the official paperwork. That August 7th deadline may or may not exist any more (opinions differ, which inevitably would have led to a court battle), but even if it does the Democrats will be ready to meet it, before they even hold their national convention. Calling the rolls of each state's electors and how they vote during the convention will now be a symbolic and purely-unofficial celebration of something that has already happened.

No matter how we got here though, Team Harris has indicated that the waiting will be over early tomorrow. Then they're planning a joint rally with whomever gets the nod later in the day, in Pennsylvania.

I have largely avoided putting the six finalists under a microscope, because this is truly a personal choice. Harris may just pick the person she feels most comfortable with -- after all, if the two of them win, they're going to have to spend the next four years in close consultation, so being able to work together well will be key to that relationship.

But then again, Harris could also make a cold political calculation with her pick. Each of the finalists has different qualities (personal, ideological, and geographical) of political assets, but they also all come with various political drawbacks as well. Here is the list (in alphabetic order), if you haven't heard it elsewhere: Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, Senator (Arizona) Mark Kelly, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Reportedly, Shapiro, Kelly, and Walz are on the even-shorter list of finalists, but who knows? The Harris camp has been extremely good about not leaking in the midst of the media's veepstakes frenzy, so it really could be any of them in the end.

How would I handicap the candidates? Well, I can't hope to get inside the mind of Harris, so instead what follows is how I would personally feel about the choices, if it were my decision to make (just to admit my own bias in advance).

Buttigieg is the first one I would cut. His assets are how well he unflappably explains things on television, the fact that he's not afraid to give lots of interviews to Fox News and other hostile conservative outlets, and his obvious youthfulness (he still looks like he's maybe in his early 20s, at least to me). His downsides are the fact that he is seen as somewhat of a progressive darling, he comes from Indiana (a state no Democrat has a prayer of winning any time soon), and he's not exactly the stereotypical Midwestern politician (since he's gay). That last one is the biggest reason I'd cut him from the list, in fact, because electing a Black, Indian-American as well as the first openly gay man -- on the same ticket -- seems like too far a stretch for a whole lot of prejudiced voters out there (including undecided swing voters). I am using the same reasoning I used earlier, when deciding that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer would also be a bridge too far to be named Harris's running mate (because the ticket would then be two women). I just don't think some people are ready for it, that's all.

Don't get me wrong -- I'd love to see a gay president or vice president get elected, whether male or female. That would be a gigantic leap forward for equality in this country and it is going to happen at some point in the future, of that I am sure. But the overwhelming dynamic of the choice right now is that the race has already been defined in a certain way, so what Harris needs to do is to pick someone feisty that most voters (even the prejudiced ones) can see as downright normal. The best way to bolster framing their opponents as "weird" is to pick someone so plainly normal that voters can see him as a balance to Kamala's breaking barriers and setting "firsts."

Graded on this scale -- how "normal, average-Joe" they appear -- I would have chosen a shortlist of Beshear, Shapiro, and Walz. Kelly is certainly heroic, he would balance the ideological attacks on Harris over border policy, and Democrats might need some extra oomph in Arizona... but to me, the Midwest seems more important. Pritzker is definitely going to make a run for the presidency one day, he's definitely both progressive and feisty, and he's got mountains of his own money to finance such a run, but fundraising hasn't seemed like a problem for Harris so far, and Illinois is pretty much in the bag for Democrats already.

Beshear admittedly most likely wouldn't be able to bring his own state along, since Kentucky voting for Harris seems beyond the realm of possibility. But he could project solid centrism and "get-stuff-done-ism" in that he is an extremely popular Democratic governor in a red state -- meaning he could perhaps convince Republicans who have soured on Trump to consider voting for the Democratic ticket. That's the theory, at any rate.

But I think the choice will come down to either Shapiro or Walz. Shapiro is also wildly popular in his home state, and winning Pennsylvania might be the key to the entire Electoral College. Shapiro might just guarantee that outcome. But his ideological positions (very pro-Israel and pro-Netanyahu, for instance) might hurt the Democrats' chances in places with large populations of Arab-Americans who are already leery of President Joe Biden's Israel/Palestine policies. Labor might have a problem or two with Shapiro as well.

Shapiro would also be somewhat of a groundbreaking choice, it's worth noting -- he would not be the first Jewish politician to ever be on a major party's ticket (Joe Lieberman was), but if elected he would be the first to serve in the job. But somehow I don't think that would be all that big a deal to the electorate (it certainly wasn't a huge point of contention when Bernie Sanders twice got close to the presidential nomination, and Lieberman's being Jewish didn't seem to noticeably hurt Al Gore's chances). After all, Joe Biden being Catholic is barely even mentioned, even though he's only the second Catholic president we've ever had (and the first one in over 50 years).

Which leaves me with Walz. Now, I have to admit that I had barely even heard his name before the veepstakes frenzy started, but what I've seen of him so far has been pretty impressive. He exudes normalness. You could easily see yourself sitting down and having a beer with the guy. He is relatable to a wide swath of Americans, mostly by just being his ultra-normal self. And he was actually the one who started leaning in to the tactic of calling Donald Trump and JD Vance "weird." His ideology is standard Midwestern Democrat, meaning he could help get Harris over the top in Wisconsin and Michigan, at the very least. He would help in Pennsylvania too, but (admittedly) not as much as Shapiro would.

Walz also seems to exude the same sort of vibe that Harris seems to be perfecting: being a "happy warrior." He's not afraid to rip into the Republicans, but he does so in such a gosh-darned cheerful way, always with a smile on his face. He's not some angry young man (or even "angry middle-aged man"), to put this another way. Harris is doing a great job so far projecting the same happy warrior image (which, for her, is far more fraught, because she's striving not to appear as an "angry Black woman" -- which is a whole huge thing and definitely to be avoided, politically).

Having stated how I would choose, I do have to say that there really isn't anyone on that list that I would be disappointed in hearing Harris has chosen, tomorrow morning. It seems carefully thought-out, they all seem completely acceptable to most Democrats, and the party right now is eager to coalesce around a full ticket, so there likely won't be too many bad feelings among supporters of those who didn't make the cut. Harris has already united the party around her own candidacy in stellar fashion, and my guess is that Democrats will also get enthusiastic about her choice for her vice president as well. By the time the convention rolls around, the cheers will be just as loud for the vice-presidential nominee as for Harris, that's my best guess.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


10 Comments on “And The Vice-Presidential Nominee Will Be...”

  1. [1] 
    Kick wrote:

    For so many reasons (I won't disclose) and one that I will, I believe she will choose Tim Walz; he is literally the antithesis of JD Vance (and Trump too for that matter).

  2. [2] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    My heart’s with Mayor Pete but that may still be a bridge too far in 2024.

    I think it will be Shapiro because of the importance of PA & because the Veep appearing tomorrow in Philly will be awkward if it’s not Shapiro.

  3. [3] 
    Kick wrote:


    Electoral college math and political "no brainer" points to it should be Josh Shapiro. I just don't think it's going to go that way, but if it was my choice, I'd definitely choose Shapiro.

  4. [4] 
    Kick wrote:

    Full Disclosure: If it was my choice, I'd actually announce a team of multiple of these players: "I wanted to choose so many of them... and I will."

    Then I'd announce multiple high-level positions in the administration and who would fill them. :)

  5. [5] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    And Tim Walz it is!

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, Harris picked an old white drunk driver who turned Minnesota cities into third world shithole warzones..

    Yea.. GREAT pick! :eyeroll:

    Even the Left Wingery propaganda arm of the Dim Party says how badly Harris has scroo'ed da pooch..

    "My fears about Harris are that she is incredibly bad at public speaking, and that she reliably makes bad political decisions. So far, she has done nothing to allay either fear. I’m not saying she can’t win, but I wish she gave me more confidence."

    "Rather than pick the very popular governor of a neck-and-neck must-win purple state, Harris chose a dime-a-dozen blue-state governor who gives feels to progressives. That's about what I'd have expected from her a month ago."
    -Dim Podcaster

    "Such a weird choice."

    "The VP doesn’t matter a ton but I think this reflects very poorly on her decision making."

    And, of course, President Trump supporters LOVED the Walz pick..

    "Last time Kamala and Tim Walz teamed up: He let rioters burn Minneapolis to the ground... and she fundraised to bail them out."
    -Tim Young

    Harris passed on Josh Shapiro out of fear of the Democratic Party's Hamas/Hezbollah wing. Democrat elites are terrified of the keffiyeh-clad radicals in Dearborn.

    That says everything you need to know about Kamala—and the modern Democratic Party
    -Josh Hammer

    As someone who wants Kamala to lose, picking Walz is wonderful! It's political malpractice! Why?

    1. Not from a swing state.
    2. Radical, underscoring her radicalism.
    3. She rejected (((Shapiro))) to please the pro-Hamas caucus.

    She's not competent. And this pick shows it.
    -Ben Shapiro

    Minnesota Under Drunk Driver Walz

    "It’s a signal to the flag burners and Hamas lovers that they still have a seat at the table."
    -Eli Lake

    So, HAMAS is especially happy with the Walz pick..

    Looks like Harris' honeymoon is over. :D I figured it would last until the Dim convention, but it didn't even get THAT far!! :D

    And why is Harris so afraid of the press?? She is proving she can't think on her feet...

    Hasn't had a press conference since she was coronated as the Dim Candidate...

    And WHAT IS IT with Democrats that they do the same things over and over hoping for a different result!??

    Dims claim to be "the defenders of democracy" yet they hold a coronation for Basement Biden instead of a real actual primary like the GOP had...

    And when THAT turned out as bad as bad can be, Dims repeat the EXACT same mistake when they learn what everyone else with more than 2 brain cells to rub together already knew.. Basement Biden simply COULD NOT BEAT President Trump..

    As evidenced by the FACT that President Trump put Basement Biden down with *ONE DEBATE*!!! :D

    And NOW Dims are doing the EXACT SAME THING with Harris and a midnight coronation by Party elitists in a smoke filled back room...

    Democrats.. The KINGS of never looking further than their own immediate problems... Ignoring the long term consequences for a short term "fix" that turns into a disaster...

    It's exactly this kind of moronic thinking that gave this great country a 6-3 conservative SCOTUS and gave President Trump ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY for official acts and PRESUMPTIVE IMMUNITY for non-official acts..

    Fortunately, for America and patriotic Americans, Dims never seem to learn their lesson... :D

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:


    I see my rental space in your head is growing even bigger!! :D I just absolutely LOVE how you "ignore" me!! :D

    Oh, and it's nice to see you using my creation.. AGAIN.. First it was 'Weigantia' and now it's 'FPC'.. :D

    I just LOVE how you re-enforce my Weigantian greatness... :D

    Or hide himself away. I fully expect him to disappear in November when Cheeto Jesus suffers a Goldwater-level defeat. So maybe he’s ducking out early?

    I have been absent for a bit because we just went to Alpha/Bravo postings at where I work due to Hurricane Debby... Loads of fun THAT was.. :^/

    I think it's really REALLY cute that you think you have even an IOTA of credibility here, cad...

    Weren't you the one who said that Basement Biden was going to beat President Trump!!??


    President Trump **DESTROYED** Basement Biden with **A SINGLE DEBATE**!!!


    And just remember.. Harris' numbers are WORSE than Basement Biden's!!! :D

    And now Harris is afraid to have a press conference!!

    Why is that, cad?? :D

    Why is Harris afraid to have a press conference??

    Probably because she is going to be asked exactly what she accomplished as Vice President..

    When contemplating my journey, the word “accomplishment” truly encapsulates the essence of my experiences. Each significant milestone represents a distinct form of accomplishment, whether it’s through innovative projects or overcoming complex obstacles. My career is a mosaic of accomplishments, with each achievement contributing to a broader narrative of success. From small-scale accomplishments to major breakthroughs, each instance reflects a blend of strategic planning and execution. The culmination of these efforts is a testament to the many accomplishments that have shaped my path. It’s not just about the completion of tasks but the profound sense of accomplishment that accompanies each milestone. The frequency of such accomplishments highlights a consistent track record of achieving goals and surpassing expectations. Ultimately, my journey is a continuous evolution of accomplishments, each one adding depth and significance to the overarching story of my professional and personal growth.
    -Kamala Harris

    THAT is Harris answering the question "What have you accomplished as Vice President!!!

    NO WONDER Harris is not having any press conferences!!!


  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    An NPR/PBS/Marist poll published Tuesday found that 71% of respondents said they had never heard of Walz, or did not have an opinion of him.

    ALMOST 3/4ths of Americans NEVER heard of Walz!!???


    Harris just proved she does not have what it takes to make presidential decisions!! :D

  9. [9] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    I see my rental space in your head is growing even bigger!!

    And yet, here you are. Interesting that...

    But the long posts of hysteria does illustrate my previous point quite well. Walz must be a good pick.

  10. [10] 
    Kick wrote:

    I'm happily voting for whichever candidate had the basic common sense to NOT choose a vice-presidential running mate who referred to them personally in any — actually ALL — of the following terms that are direct quotes:

    * I'm a Never Trump guy... I never liked him.

    * Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us.

    * Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man. Lord help us.

    * My God, what an idiot.

    * Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation's highest office.

    * I can't stomach Trump. I think that he's noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place.

    * He never offers details for how these plans will work, because he can't. Trump's promises are the needle in America's collective vein.

    * Trump is cultural heroin. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they'll realize it.

    * America's Hitler

    ~ JD Vance

    What kind of stupefied dotard would actually choose that guy as their vice-presidential running mate?

    Trump is exactly who Vance said he is and entirely narcissist and vain to the point of believing the absolute asinine assertion that JD was a Trumpian "convert."

    And they wonder why it's referred to as a cult. Heh. :)

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