Friday Talking Points -- Joy And Freedom Versus Whatever The Hell That Was

[ Posted Friday, August 9th, 2024 – 17:18 UTC ]

We will admit, right here up front, that we did not think up today's headline ourselves. It came from an extra-snarky press release from the Harris/Walz team. Following Donald Trump's bizarre appearance before the news cameras yesterday, the Harris camp put out a press release titled: "Donald Trump's Very Good, Very Normal Press Conference." The subtitle was: "Split Screen: Joy and Freedom vs. Whatever the Hell That Was."

Team Harris is not only getting better at this, they are obviously having all kinds of fun with it -- which is an excellent harbinger for the future of this race. From the text of the Harris press release (note: strikethrough in original):

Donald Trump took a break from taking a break to put on some pants and host a press conference public meltdown.

. . .

He hasn't campaigned all week. He isn't going to a single swing state this week. But he sure is mad Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are getting big crowds across the battlegrounds.

Team Harris has shown a masterful ability to do the best thing they possibly could do right now: hit Trump where it hurts. Troll him hard! Why the heck not, right?

Trump is indeed taking a lackadaisical approach to his campaign. His one rally this week (today) is being held in Montana -- not exactly what anyone would call a presidential battleground state. In his press conference/meltdown, he was asked about his light schedule and he responded (after first insulting the reporter who asked the question, of course) that he was planning on taking it easy until after the Democratic National Convention -- which won't end for another two weeks.

But what really annoys Trump no end is the thing he's always obsessed about to the point of monomania: the size of his crowds. Harris and Walz have been absolutely packing them in, while Trump struggles to fill the upper decks. And it's pretty easy to measure the two against each other, since they've appeared in the same venues several times recently. There is no sin in Trumpworld more serious than drawing a bigger crowd than the Dear Leader. No, this is not hyperbole or an exaggeration, it really is how Trump sees things.

Trump blustered about crowd sizes during his presser, which only showed how worried and angry he is about the situation. He falsely claimed his January 6th rally had a bigger crowd than Martin Luther King Junior's "I Have A Dream" speech. He falsely said Harris could only draw "1,000... 1,500... 2,000" people and also falsely bragged that his crowds were 10 or 20 or 30 times bigger. He stated that his crowds topped 100,000 people, which is just completely divorced from reality. He falsely claimed 25,000 people were regularly turned away from his rallies, since there was just no more room inside for them. The man is obsessed with crowd size.

And Harris keeps getting bigger crowds than Trump. Which has sent him into an apocalyptic rage.

Of course, being Donald Trump, this wasn't the only completely unhinged and divorced-from-reality thing he said at his presser.

Remember when the media obsessed over an old man's mistakes and memory lapses and mixups and misstatements? It wasn't that long ago. If, say, a month ago President Joe Biden had told a rambling story of a helicopter ride where he: mixed up who he was flying with, completely made up a critical part of the story, and recounted a conversation that never actually happened, how many worried stories would the mainstream media have written about how wrong Biden was? For days on end, we'd get experts speculating on Biden's cognitive abilities and mental acuity, topped off with further calls for him to exit the race (since he was obviously not up to four more years as president).

That just happened -- except it wasn't Biden who told the made-up, mixed-up story, it was Donald Trump. And most of the media will likely just collectively shrug their shoulders and say to themselves: "Eh... it's just Trump, whaddya gonna do?" and then move on. There will be no expert analysis, and no calls for Trump to exit the race -- that's our educated guess, at any rate.

Trump was asked what was supposed to be a softball question, at yesterday's press conference. The question had to do with Willie Brown, a prominent California Democrat who was romantically linked to Kamala Harris a long time ago. It was supposed to be a leading setup question to allow Trump to easily sling some mud at Harris, in other words.

From the New York Times article debunking the whole thing, here's how Trump responded:

"Well, I know Willie Brown very well," Mr. [Donald] Trump responded. "In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him."

He went on to tell a cinematic tale of a close call with death -- and of politically advantageous gossip on death's door:

"We thought maybe this was the end," Mr. Trump said. "We were in a helicopter, going to a certain location together, and there was an emergency landing. This was not a pleasant landing.

"And Willie was -- he was a little concerned," Mr. Trump continued. "So I know him, but I know him pretty well. I mean, I haven't seen him in years. But he told me terrible things about [Kamala Harris]. But this is what you're telling me, anyway, I guess. But he had a big part in what happened with Kamala. But he -- he, I don't know, maybe he's changed his tune. But he -- he was not a fan of hers very much, at that point."

It's hard to even begin to explain how many things are wrong with this story (as the Times article goes on to prove). We'll try to be concise:

  • Willie Brown says he's never flown in a helicopter with Donald Trump.
  • Willie Brown still fully supports Kamala Harris and always has, and has never badmouthed her to Trump.
  • Trump, while president, did take a helicopter ride in California, to tour a disaster zone in the town of Paradise, which was completely destroyed by a wildfire. On that helicopter were Gavin Newsom (who was lieutenant governor at the time) and the man who was then governor of the state -- Jerry Brown.
  • Just for the record, Willie Brown is Black while Jerry Brown is White, and they don't resemble each other at all.
  • Both Jerry Brown and Newsom say the helicopter did not make any sort of emergency landing, and Newsom added that Trump "repeatedly brought up the possibility of a crash."
  • Kamala Harris was not discussed at all during the helicopter ride.

Got all of that? Trump mixed up the names, invented an emergency landing that didn't happen, and invented a conversation that couldn't have happened, since Willie Brown wasn't even on the flight.

Newsom, who succeeded Jerry Brown as governor, got in a nice little dig at the end of the article:

Mr. Trump's visit to the burned forest with then-Governor [Jerry] Brown and Mr. [then-Lieutenant Governor Gavin] Newsom did generate headlines, but not because of anything that occurred on their helicopter ride. Rather, it was because, during a news conference after landing at the scene, Mr. Trump, 78, attributed the wildfire to too many fallen, dead tree branches and said the answer to solving California's wildfire crisis was to rake the forest floors.

"It was back when we were making raking the forest great again," Mr. Newsom said.

Snarkiness aside, just imagine if Joe Biden had told a story with so many holes in it. Imagine how obsessed the pundits would be right now! And yet, because it is Trump, this will all just be a little footnote for the week. The "liberal media" does indeed seem to have a bias, but it is that they let Trump get away with all kinds of things they would never let a Democrat get away with.

Some are speculating that Trump is getting annoyed at his own campaign team and has decided that only he can turn things around and stop all the Harris momentum. So instead of a normal briefing by campaign staff, he decided he'd hold a solo press conference himself. If Democrats are really lucky, this feeling will continue and Trump will decide that he is the only one who can communicate his campaign's message to the press from now on. Remember him during the COVID crisis? Maybe he'll decide to hold daily press conferences! Hoo boy! This, of course, would only help Harris -- because the more America sees how deranged Trump has become, the better.

Bizarre "whatever the hell that was" press conferences/meltdowns aside, it was indeed a momentous week in politics. The "veepstakes" ended Tuesday morning (a bare 16 days after Kamala's campaign began) with the announcement that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz would be Kamala's running mate. The news was universally hailed within Democratic ranks. The party has unified with such blinding speed that we actually saw a headline in the Washington Post today that read: "Democrats In 'Array': Harris-Walz Ticket Has Momentum."

In his first speech as the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, Walz began by thanking Kamala Harris for her rousing introduction of him, adding: "Thank you for bringing back the joy." Hopefully, this will become a campaign slogan for the team, because it is exactly what millions of Democrats are now feeling. There is a palpable feeling not just of excitement but of "We could actually win this thing!" that was completely absent while President Joe Biden was limping through his campaign. Harris/Walz rallies are explosively exciting. The crowd enthusiasm is through the roof, surpassing even the wild exuberance of a Bernie Sanders rally. As many have commented, it even kind of feels like 2008 all over again, when Barack Obama was making his first presidential bid. Up until this week, Kamala Harris had been doing that all on her own, but now she's got the perfect partner to amp up the Democratic base in a way not seen since pre-Trumpian times.

Tim Walz is a type of Democrat not seen on the national stage in a very long time. Unlike Trump and Vance, his populism is authentic -- he actually cares about helping everyday people. And (also unlike Trump/Vance) he has actually enacted policies to do just that. Here's just one interesting factoid about Walz (from a list of many): Tim Walz is the first vice-presidential pick since 1964 who didn't go to law school.

The internet is going crazy with positive Walz memes. Team Harris is joining in the fun, trolling Vance with a cat video, featuring one of the Walz family pets. And it's not just his own cat -- Walz seems to be a solid "cat guy" (as well as a solid "dog guy" -- how perfect can you get?).

The two men don't look alike, but ideologically Tim Walz is a younger version of Joe Biden. He started out rather conservative/centrist, but then when put into an executive role went along with a very progressive agenda and signed bills his newly-Democratic legislature sent him. He then defended these policies with his folksy down-home style. Democrats haven't seen such Midwestern authenticity on a national ticket in a very long time, and so far it has been welcomed with open arms.

Team Trump is trying mightily to demonize Walz, to little effect (so far, at least). They're calling him a "dangerous liberal" and trying to swiftboat him and tear him down, but other than the MAGA faithful, none of it has caught on. All you have to do is look at the guy to see how laughable their caricatures of him are, after all.

With Trump in seclusion at his Florida resort, it has been left up to Vance to try to counter the wild enthusiasm Walz has provided. He's not doing a very impressive job (to put it mildly). He's been following Harris and Walz around the whirlwind battleground-state tour they've been on, but all he's been generating is pity for how pathetic his efforts truly have been (at one of these, the crowd ruined the photo op he wanted and instead made it look like Vance was campaigning under a huge banner that read "Kamala"... oops!):

The chanters [at the first overflowing Harris/Walz rally, in Philadelphia] didn't know the half of it. Hours earlier, I had been at a South Philly venue where [Senator JD] Vance spoke briefly to about 200 supporters and a group of bored journalists. Vance's event was small, mean, and yes, weird, featuring the unjustified sarcasm of the candidate and a desperate feeling reminiscent of the mood at a strip mall shot bar at 2 AM on "ladies' night."

Meanwhile, the Harris/Walz rally felt like a rousing speech by Coach Eric Taylor of "Friday Night Lights" combined with the front row at Coachella.

What is going to increasingly get under Trump's skin more than this stark contrast in voter enthusiasm is the fact that this momentum is starting to tangibly show up in the polling. In their rolling averages of national polls, FiveThirtyEight now has Harris up by 2.1 percentage points (45.4 to 43.3). Nate Silver also puts Harris ahead by the same 2.1 points (46.4 to 44.3). The trendline in both is pretty clear -- Harris is winning back all the people who abandoned Biden after his disastrous debate with Trump, and then some. Other bad news for Trump: in wider polling (instead of head-to-head), R.F.K. Jr. is now clearly siphoning off more support from Trump than from the Democrats.

And the best news of all -- all of this enthusiasm has appeared instantaneously and spontaneously. Seriously, it hasn't even been three weeks yet, and we still have the Democratic National Convention to look forward to!


Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week

We resisted the urge to join in all the "veepstakes" frenzy, right up to the day before the announcement. Here's how we explained the choice of our favorite, after examining all six finalists:

Which leaves me with [Minnesota Governor Tim] Walz. Now, I have to admit that I had barely even heard his name before the veepstakes frenzy started, but what I've seen of him so far has been pretty impressive. He exudes normalness. You could easily see yourself sitting down and having a beer with the guy. He is relatable to a wide swath of Americans, mostly by just being his ultra-normal self. And he was actually the one who started leaning in to the tactic of calling Donald Trump and JD Vance "weird." His ideology is standard Midwestern Democrat, meaning he could help get [Vice President Kamala] Harris over the top in Wisconsin and Michigan, at the very least. He would help in Pennsylvania too, but (admittedly) not as much as [Pennsylvania Governor Josh] Shapiro would.

Walz also seems to exude the same sort of vibe that Harris seems to be perfecting: being a "happy warrior." He's not afraid to rip into the Republicans, but he does so in such a gosh-darned cheerful way, always with a smile on his face. He's not some angry young man (or even "angry middle-aged man"), to put this another way. Harris is doing a great job so far projecting the same happy warrior image (which, for her, is far more fraught, because she's striving not to appear as an "angry Black woman" -- which is a whole huge thing and definitely to be avoided, politically).

The next morning, Harris announced that she too had settled on Walz as the best choice. Here is (so far) the best and most concise introductory paragraph we've yet seen written about Walz:

Vice President Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, asked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who supports abortion rights, labor unions and gun control, to be her governing partner. Walz is a man of suits and ties, as well as barn jackets, red and black lumberjack plaids, faded T-shirts and camouflage baseball caps. Walz talks about his time in American Legion halls; posts videos with his daughter at the state fair; held a news conference to introduce the family's adopted Lab-mix puppy, Scout, to Minnesotans; and is an enthusiastic consumer of Diet Mountain Dew. He speaks like the high school teacher he once was: swiftly, plainly, and with enough volume and wit to keep the folks in the back of the room awake and engaged. He is credited with labeling Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, and running mate JD Vance as "weird" -- a description that has entered the political lexicon.

We did try our own hand at coming up with a succinct description of how comfortingly normal Walz is (in an article titled: "You Already Know Tim Walz"), but (of course) we were a lot more wordy about it:

You've already seen him dozens (if not hundreds) of times. He is straight from "Central Casting," and he has been portrayed by many a character actor in many a show or movie, for many a decade. He is the dad in pretty much every sitcom ever set in the Midwest. He is Coach, urging the team on to victory but still championing sportsmanship. He is the kindly school principal. Or maybe the beloved mayor. Or maybe he sells appliances or shoes or used cars or tractor parts. Whatever actual profession is written into the script for him, he is always essentially the same guy: a decent, hardworking, upstanding American. A role model others look up to. A small-town gem. He's Richie Cunningham's dad, to put this another way.

Don't believe me? Take a taste... here is Walz visiting the state fair with his daughter... or using most of a "get out and vote" message to explain how he just fixed the headlight harness in his Ford minivan... or just petting a random cat, for no reason. These are just a random few -- there are plenty of others out there going viral, as social media explodes with positive Walz memes (including even: "ballz to the Walz"). My favorite so far has to be a post Walz did after visiting a record store. He bought: the Moody Blues' Long Distance Voyager, Steve Winwood's Arc Of A Diver, Genesis' Duke, and Warren Zevon's Bad Luck Streak In Dancing School. He also is a fan of both Taylor Swift (a "Swiftie") and Beyoncé (a "member of the Beyhive"). The Variety article delving into all this has one line in particular that impressed me:

And a few years prior, he posted that he was teaching his daughter Hope about "old school stereo setups." "We're sharing the joy of classic vinyl and Bob Seger. Quality speaker wire matters people!!!"

He's not just a Prince fan, he signed a law honoring one of Minnesota's own, designating the stretch of road that runs past Paisley Park the "Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway" -- which he signed in purple ink. That's both classy and it shows attention to detail. His favorite Bob Dylan song (also a Minnesota native) is "Forever Young."

So it's pretty easy to see why there's simply no other choice, this particular week. The Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week was -- without question -- Tim Walz.

[Congratulate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on his official contact page, to let him know you appreciate his efforts.]


Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week

Our choice for Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week this week didn't do anything disappointing herself, but she disappointed many by losing her primary. Here's the basic story:

In an upset Tuesday, prosecutor Wesley Bell defeated Rep. Cori Bush in the Democratic primary for Missouri's 1st Congressional District, ousting the liberal congresswoman in what had become a proxy battle over Israel's handling of its war in Gaza against Hamas, as well as over how Democrats wanted the party to look going forward.

And here's a more in-depth take on it:

Tuesday night, Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri, one of the most progressive members of the House, was defeated in a primary. She is the second member of the group that used to refer to itself as "the Squad" to lose their seat this year.

Like New York's Jamaal Bowman, who lost in June, Bush faced an opponent backed by the pro-Israel group AIPAC, which pumped millions of dollars into the race to boost its preferred candidate. The victories by New York's George Latimer and Missouri’s Wesley Bell were major wins for AIPAC and centrist groups who want to diminish progressives' influence within the Democratic Party.

Having the Squad diminished by two members is disappointing, to millions of progressive Democrats. Cori Bush has been an outstanding representative who has fiercely fought for what she believed in, and she will be missed in the next Congress.

[Contact Representative Cori Bush on her House contact page, to let her know what you think of her actions.]


Friday Talking Points

Volume 762 (8/9/24)

We're going to do a "lightning round" of talking points this week, almost all of them short enough to slap on a T-shirt or cap. These aren't just talking points, they are all campaign slogans for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and hopefully we'll all be hearing all of them on a regular basis from now on. Enjoy!

(Because, as the last one points out, that's what the mood of the campaign now truly is....)


   Shades of Obama

A new twist on a winning message. This started spontaneously, with handmade signs at a Harris rally, but has been embraced by the campaign (for good reason!).

Yes we Kam!


   Forward not backward

This sums up what should be the basic theme of any presidential campaign: "We are looking towards the future while our opponents just want to drag us all into the past." Except it's a lot tighter and easily fits on a bumpersticker, of course:

We're not going back!


   Weirdos and creeps

From the guy who started the meme, here's what Tim Walz had to say during his first campaign speech. Like Walz himself, it's not vicious or mean-spirited, it's more just a casual observation about how out of touch the other side truly is:

These guys are creepy and, yes, weird as Hell.


   He went there

Also from that first Walz speech, here is a nice dig at a story that was made up out of whole cloth but is so hilarious that it still deserves to be made fun of... including his off-script follow-up, which just drove the point home with a laugh. Walz was talking about how he's eager to debate JD Vance when he uncorked this zinger:

That is, if he's willing to get off the couch and show up.... (You see what I did there?)


   We stand for freedom

Democrats have been slowly realizing a basic American political truth. There are certain words politicians can use which are just loaded with emotion and therefore are quite potent with just about any audience. For a long time, Republicans have been a lot better at doing this, but with the rights that people have already lost, one word in particular has been successfully reclaimed by the Democrats. This quote is from Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, who (as the veep runner-up) was on hand to welcome Harris and Walz to their first joint rally in Philadelphia. It can be used on other subjects, but abortion is the easiest and most potent one, as Shapiro shows:

It's not freedom to tell women what they're allowed to do with their bodies. That's not freedom!



Not to be outdone, Walz had his own unique take on the subject that was even more emotionally powerful. Here he is at a rally in Wisconsin (which is conveniently right next door to his home state). He starts talking about abortion, delivers his zinger, and then applies it to other Republican attempts to restrict freedom:

In Minnesota, just like in Wisconsin, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make. Even if we wouldn't make the same choices for ourselves. Because we know there's a golden rule: Mind your own damn business! Mind your own damn business. I don't need you telling me about our health care, I don't need you telling us who we love, and I sure the Hell don't need you telling us what books we're going to read.


   Thank you indeed

And we end with the best campaign slogan we've heard yet, expressed as heartfelt gratitude the very first time Tim Walz took the stage next to Kamala Harris. The first thing Walz did was to thank her for the honor of choosing him to be her running mate, but his best line was the simplest -- and hopefully will be the driving force that pushes Harris and Walz over the top in November:

Thank you for bringing back the joy.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant

Cross-posted at: Democratic Underground


42 Comments on “Friday Talking Points -- Joy And Freedom Versus Whatever The Hell That Was”

  1. [1] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    At last it is Friday and I feel like going clubbing.

    All that’s missing is my favorite baby seal michale!

  2. [2] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Watching trump’s Montana rally. The facility holds 8,000 people and RSBN accidentally panned the arena’s upper decks there was not a soul up there. RSBN cut the feed before their “news team” could do anymore damage.

    Also (assuming he’s a local) I can confirm that there is at least one Black man in Montana!

    Trump hired him to sit on-camera behind the podium.

  3. [3] 
    Kick wrote:

    In his press conference/meltdown, he was asked about his light schedule and he responded (after first insulting the reporter who asked the question, of course) that he was planning on taking it easy until after the Democratic National Convention -- which won't end for another two weeks.

    no... No... NO! Why do those who report on Trump allow him to sound intelligent!? He didn't actually claim he was "taking it easy." He actually claimed he was campaigning a lot. As if!

    This is how Trump answered the reporter (after he called her question stupid) with no interpretive spin applied, and I quote him verbatim:

    Because I'm leading by a lot and because I'm letting their convention go through, and I am campaigning a lot. I'm doing tremendous amounts of taping here. We have commercials that are at a level I don't think that anybody's ever done before. Plus, in certain cases, I see many of you in the room where I'm speaking to you on phones. I'm speaking to radio. I'm speaking to television. Television's coming over here. Excuse me, what are we doing right now?

    ~ Donald Trump

    Then he insulted the intelligence of Kamala Harris (again) saying she isn't doing a news conference because she doesn't know how because she's not "smart enough."

    Trump is so demonstrably nescient that he appears to believe it will somehow grow his voting base by claiming repeatedly his opponents are "stupid," while he at the same time spews out lie after lie after lie as if he believes everyone in America is also stupid and will simply not notice he's a batshit pathological liar.

  4. [4] 
    Kick wrote:

    Snarkiness aside, just imagine if Joe Biden had told a story with so many holes in it.

    They'd pound on Biden for weeks... and his press secretary as if she was trying to hide something. #SSDD

    Imagine how obsessed the pundits would be right now! And yet, because it is Trump, this will all just be a little footnote for the week.

    But wait; there's more! Apparently, Trump is so livid with the press and The New York Times and insisting his bullshit is true (I tell you) and so phoned Maggie Haberman and threatened to sue because he had proof (I tell you) proof that this helicopter ride with Willie Brown was real and had happened exactly the way Trump explained it. So Trump kind of forced the issue, so to speak, so what choice but to get to the bottom of this story did Trump leave them?

    So cut to the chase; I'll attempt it:

    Donald J. Trump was doubling down on Friday about his story of nearly crashing during a helicopter ride once with Willie Brown, the notable Black California politician.

    He was so adamant that it had happened that he threatened to sue The New York Times for reporting that the story was untrue, then posted on his social media site that there were “‘Logs,’ Maintenance Records, and Witnesses” to back up his account.

    “It was Willie Brown,” Mr. Trump, who spent much of the last year hoping to make gains with Black voters, posted. “But now Willie doesn’t remember?”

    * Trump did have a helicopter incident with a politician circa "around 1990" (make note of that year)
    * It occurred on the East Coast not the West.
    * It most definitely wasn't with Willie Brown.
    * The politician in question was Nate Holden, now 95, a former Los Angeles city councilman and state senator.
    * Also on board were Donald Trump's brother Robert and his executive vice president of construction and development, Barbara Res
    * Trump is trying to impress Mr. Holden; he isn't impressed.

    “I grew up in New Jersey,” he said. “It ain’t nothing new to me.”

    “Anyway,” he continued, “we start flying to Atlantic City. He’s talking about how great things are. And about 15, 20 minutes in, the pilot yells, ‘Shut up! Shut up!’”

    The hydraulic system had failed, he said. “Donald turned white as snow,” Mr. Holden recalled. “He was shaking.”

    Mr. Holden said that as the helicopter’s crew worked frantically to set the aircraft down safely, his own thoughts ran to a helicopter crash in 1989 that had killed three senior executives of Mr. Trump’s casinos over Forked River, N.J.

    “I just thought, how the hell do you let your staff not maintain your aircraft after you just had a crash that killed some of your staff? How could you let this happen again? I thought, if we go down, this is your fault.”

    * Ms. Res corroborated Mr. Holden’s account and had also already previously written about the incident in a memoir.
    * Ms. Res recalled that Donald Trump liked to say that Mr. Holden had “turned white” from fear, but that it was actually Donald Trump whose face was ashen.

    So Trump used a question about Kamala Harris and an incident from "around 1990" to invent lies about Willie Brown disparaging Harris who didn't even date until 1994/95.

    The "liberal media" does indeed seem to have a bias, but it is that they let Trump get away with all kinds of things they would never let a Democrat get away with.

    Mr. Holden said regarding Donald Trump's recollection of the incident: “I just think he makes things up. That’s what I think. He never thought anybody’s going to check.”

    So Donald should definitely continue to just make shit up and embellish it for opportunistic political purposes and then absolutely keep threatening to sue the press for not reporting his invented/misremembered embellished absolute bullshit and thereby leave them no choice but to actually do some deep dive investigating of facts regarding the spewage and proliferation of "fake news" emanating from his disease-riddled cranium. Give the press Hell at every chance you get, Dementia Donald, that'll show 'em.

  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    At last it is Friday and I feel like going clubbing.

    All that’s missing is my favorite baby seal michale!

    Is this how you "ignore" me dishonorably discharged druggie luser Cad??


    Any time you want to make good on your threats, son... You know where to find me..

    But we both know you don't have the balls.. :eyeroll:

    As to DEI-Hire Harris??

    We have seen this movie before...

    Harris declared her candidacy in January 2019. By April, her support stood at 5% in the CNN poll of the Democratic primary race. (All the numbers here are from subsequent CNN polls, conducted with the same methodology.) By May, Harris had climbed to 8%. Then, in the June poll, she jumped up to 17%. There was no poll in July, but by August, Harris was back down to 5%. She meandered around after that — 8% in September, 6% in October, 3% in November — and by December, she was out of the race.

    Harris’s brief boom came after a Democratic debate in which she accused Biden of racism for opposing school busing back in the 1970s. For a moment, Harris became a progressive hero, until, with increased exposure after the debate, voters got a closer look at her. They didn’t really like what they saw, and her fall began.

    History is simply going to repeat itself..

    DEI-Hire Harris will be worse off than Basement Biden by the end of Sep...

    You heard it here first... :D

    Ni ni ya'all… 12-hr shifts are a biatch… Kinda like dishonorably discharged druggie luser Cad... :D

  6. [6] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Welcome back cho’mo!

    I was actually thinking cho’mo might have the brains to bug out now — there’s a ton of bad news for Repugs and convicted felon trump before we even get to blue tsunami month, Boo. Then cho’mo be gone for a couple years unless cho’mo catches the Covidhoax once too many times.

  7. [7] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    LOL. 12 hour shifts at the feed trough maybe.

  8. [8] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    A look in to Kevin Roberts book with the Vance forward that has been pushed to after the election. I can see why, serious American Taliban vibes. Do we really want to be a heart beat away from this crap?

    After Kamala wins the election we need to work to seriously discredit the Heritage Foundation. Bunch of christofascist anti-American weirdos....

  9. [9] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Make me wonder if Trump picked Vance not to shore up his base but to have a serious wacko behind him as impeachment insurance...

  10. [10] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    I know, Bashi. If memory serves I think they called the Dan Quale Maneuver.

  11. [11] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    It should be Sun Tzu Biden not Basement Biden, to wit:

    Never interfere with your enemy when he is destroying himself.

    Joe protected the electorate during Covid, period. As a bonus, it allowed Trump to keep talking talking talking…right out of office. I watched his “it will just go away” pressers and wonder if they were the tipping point.

    Bonus Sun Tzu for nypoet22. Brother, I understand you being nervous about November.

    The opportunity to secure ourselves from defeat lies in our hands. The opportunity to secure victory is provided by the enemy.

    So get enthusiastic — we got this!

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    It looks like the dishonorably discharged druggie luser Cad is too stoopid to follow his own advice!

    He has given up on "ignoring" me and now he is all about Michale!! :D Of course all he has is bogus bravado and lame threats of real life violence...

    So typical of the no brain druggie who can't hold a job because he was kicked out of the Army..

    I had a whole litany of prose explaining exactly why you are such a luser, Cad... But then I decided that the BIGGER and BETTER insult would be to just let you wallow in your sad and lonely pathetic so-called life.

    Yer life is soul-less and empty and the only time you can find companionship is when you pay for it with your meager earnings from the street corner you beg on.

    Reality is so much better of an insult than anything I could say..

    And then the FINAL insult will be when Token DEI-Hire Harris crashes and burns, JUST like she did in 2019..

    And President Trump wipes the floor with the DEI-Hire just like President Trump wiped the floor with Hillary!!!

    THAT is going to be the FINAL insult that will push you over the edge and into the dark abyss where you and all other Trump/America haters belong!! :D

    "It's going to be glorious!"

    You have a great day, dishonorably discharged druggie luser Cad... I know I will.. :D

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    And now we see that Token DEI-Hire Harris is STILL afraid to hold a press conference.

    What is up with THAT!???

    I mean, we all know how Harris crashed and burned when she ran her LAST POTUS campaign... And we all know that THAT happened right when she started speaking to the press..

    So maybe Token DEI-Hire Harris is pulling a Basement Biden and will simply refuse to talk to the press.

    That will work for her base, but it definitely won't work with Independents and NPAs which are ALREADY flocking towards President Trump.. Not to mention black and hispanic Americans are ALSO all flocking towards President Trump..

    I predicted that Token DEI-Hire Harris would crash and burn by the end of Sep, but perhaps that is too generous.. It's looking like the token DEI-Hire is going to crash and burn by the end of AUGUST. :D

    She even had a guy at one of her rallies who brought a map showing where the southern border is because it's obvious that Token DEI-Hire Harris can't find it. I mean, she was named the "Border Czar" by the Left Wingery media and she can't even be bothered to actually GO to the border...

    And, while it's true that Token DEI-Hire Harris is making a showing in a couple battleground states, President Trump still holds the lead in most of them.. :D But once the press starts actually doing their jobs and taking a close look at Token DEI-Hire Harris and realize she has *ZERO* accomplishments to her name (She IS a Token DEI-Hire after all) then her 2024 POTUS campaign will go the way of her 2019 POTUS campaign..


    And then we have NO-BALLZ Walz* who has had to walk back so many of his military claims.

    Token DEI-Hire Harris has had to re-write so many claims about N0-BALLZ Walz it's downright HILARIOUS. :D

    It's funny. Democrats always accuse the Right of "lies", but when Demcorats are caught in real and actual lies, they just "mis-spoke".. :eyeroll:

    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature..

    And, of course, there is N0-BALLZ Walz' close financial and social connections with a HAMAS Imam Asad Zaman who actually CELEBRATED the infamous 7 Oct attacks on Israel.. N0-BALLZ hosted this scumbag terrorist Imam on numerous occasions..

    N0-BALLZ Walz also promoted a film that glorifies Adolph Hitler...

    I honestly can't understand why ANY American of the Jewish faith could vote for N0-BALZ Walz!!

    So anyways, to sum it all up...

    Token DEI-Hire Harris and N0-BALLZ Walz don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning in November!! :D

    * For the record, it was Walz' own army unit that gave him the nickname NO-BALLZ WALZ.. So, don't blame me.. :D

  14. [14] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Haha you funny cho’mo. Are you still have sex with your children?

  15. [15] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    The results are in and your health and life expectancy is significantly better in blue counties than in red ones.

    For example there were 79 extra Covid deaths per 100,000 in red counties than in blue.

  16. [16] 
    Kick wrote:


    We interrupt the troll's meltdown to present some official awards, in no particular order.

    MtnCaddy is bestowed two:

    * "Got Under the Troll's Skin"
    * "Made Him Dance Like a MAGA Monkey"

    John From Censornati is bestowed:

    * "Made Me Laugh So Hard I Spewed My Coffee"

    BashiBazouk is bestowed:

    * "Bringing the Receipts"
    * "Telling It Like It Is"

    And for his lengthy meandering meltdown which presents almost entirely as personal attacks to a few sentences by MtnCaddy who clearly got under his gossamer thin skin,

    Troll is bestowed:

    * "Demonstrably Butthurt"
    * "Obsessed With MtnCaddy's Genitals"

    Heh. :)

  17. [17] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    OMG I’m shocked!

    I mean, I’d hoped that if I worked hard over the years and maybe caught a lucky break or two that I might someday make the short list of Weigantia’s better contributors. Kind of like my Detroit Lions Football Organization of late — not the best but definitely competitive.

    Coming from you my Dear Kick I am am sincerely honored and grateful.

    As always Hosanna Queen of Snark! Hosanna in the Highest! :D

  18. [18] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    While a Gentleman does not kiss and tell, I can disclose that troll joins a long list of people who are obsessed with my genitals. Ahem.

    Signed —
    Big Hands SoCal

  19. [19] 
    Kick wrote:


    Coming from you my Dear Kick I am sincerely honored and grateful.

    It was well deserved, and while I'm at it, I would also like to thank you for your service and remind you that a cacophony of pathetic right-wing bleating bullshit attempting desperately to denigrate you (or anyone else) for your service is not just infinitely ignorant but also demonstrably weird. So I'm giving you "the talk" I find I am more increasingly having to give my crew, necessitated by recent political rhetoric. I won't give you the entire speech, just the ending:

    Always remember there is no amount of that babbling political nonsense that can subtract a single day of what you've given nor will it create a single second of service for the bellowing coward who is perpetrating this absolute prattling nonsense. He'll always be Cadet Bone Spurs, a draft-dodging poltroon with a history of denigrating those who served, and we definitely like people who were captured... and you should remember that.

    As for your Lions, I think they got robbed on that two-point conversion call last season. They are one of the better teams lately, IMO, but the injuries. Ouch.

  20. [20] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    You’re very kind.
    No worries — I know who I am and what I accomplished and some 400 pound butthurt troll can say whatever it.

    And y’all are very welcome for my Army service — I had a blast.

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK So it looks like the dishonorably discharged druggie luser is going to continue his version of "ignoring" me.. Funny how he is ALWAYS a failure.. I guess too many drugs has rotted his brain.

    Well, I guess it's up to me to show him how it's done... What else is new, eh??

    Now, on to the news..

    N0-BALLZ Walz is still catching heat for his stolen valor claims of an "honorable" military service... Ya know, the Demcorat version of "honorable" which means running away and quitting when his unit is being deployed to a war zone.

    Even the Left Wingery is getting into the N0-BALLZ Walz bashing..

    Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler shredded Democratic vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz’s, D-Minn., claim that he once carried weapons of war "in war."

    In an analysis piece of Walz’s military service record, Kessler denied the governor’s 2018 claim that he had handled weapons in a combat theater over his 24-year career in the U.S. Army National guard. The fact-checker confirmed to readers that there was no evidence he served in combat so he couldn’t have carried the weapons.

    Kessler rendered his final assessment of Walz’s words, saying, "Walz’s language was sloppy and false. He did carry weapons of war — just not in war."

    Let's repeat that for the Trump/America haters up in the cheap seats..

    N0-BALLZ Walz claimed he carried weapons in war...

    Demcorat Water Carrier Extraordinaire WaPoop says:

    N0-BALLZ "Walz’s language was sloppy and false. He did carry weapons of war — just not in war."


    Gotta love it when Demcorat Media issues an EPIC smackdown of Demcorat cowards!! :D

    N0-BALLZ WALZ IS SLOPPY AND FALSE... Yep.. Sounds about right..

    As a result of this, and MANY more friendly fire smackdowns, Token DEI-Hire Harris and N0-BALZ Walz have gone into hiding from the press, licking their wounds..


    And, according to reliable news reports the Demcorat Civil War is in full swing.. Basement Biden (Who?? Yunno. Basement Biden.. The senile dementia-riddled wreck who ya'all swooned over.. BEFORE ya'all were swooning over Token DEI-Hire Harris...)… Anyways, Basement Biden has stated for the record that it was elitist Demcorats……

    "Is there another kind???"
    -Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, A FEW GOOD MEN

    …. who forced Basement Biden out of the race. This effort was spearheaded, according to Basement Biden by Speak Hag Pelosi and Barack Hussein Odumbo. And, I have to be honest here.. Basement Biden sounded really REALLY pissed off... :D Look for more drama from Basement Biden when Token DEI-Hire Harris starts to crash and burn, just like she did in 2019..

    I can picture Basement Biden then..

    "You MORONS forced me out for THIS DEI-Hire piece of trash!!!"
    -Future Basement Biden

    :D It is to laugh... :D

    And what of Token DEI-Hire Harris.... She is still hiding from the press... She is DEATHLY afraid of the press because she knows that, in her lame 2019 POTUS campaign, when Token DEI-Harris started talking to the press is when her 2019 campaign totally disintegrated...

    So Token DEI-Hire Harris is STILL hiding from the press..

    President Trump, of course, has NO PROBLEM putting himself out there. Matter of fact, President Trump just put forth a grand idea of eliminating the tax for tips.. This was very well received by the American worker where scores and scores of DEMOCRATS went on record as stating they are going to vote for President Trump now!! :D

    President Trump's idea was SO awesome, it was IMMEDIATELY copied by Token DEI-Hire Harris in her VERY next speech!!!

    Get that!!??? Token DEI-Hire Harris is so bereft of original ideas she is copying President Trump!!! Ya'all just GOTS to love it!! :D

    So, all in all, it looks like this is the beginning of Token DEI-Hire Harris' crash and burn.. She keeps running away from the press...

    What is she so afraid of??

    Ya'all better get used to the idea of President Trump back in the Oval Office come Jan 2025..

    Even DEMOCRATS are acknowledging this fact... :D

  22. [22] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    . . . and even DEMOCRATs (and everybody else) wanted Roe v Wade overturned by a rogue MAGA Supreme Court.

    LOL. MAGAt dipshits

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:


    Token DEI-Hire Harris demands those that attend her rallies to produce picture ID...

    But is AGAINST picture ID for voting...

    Vice President Harris was mocked online for requiring campaign rallygoers to present a government-issued ID upon entry, despite the Democratic presidential nominee opposing voter ID laws.

    Ahead of Harris’ rally alongside vice presidential running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in Arizona on Friday, her campaign sent out an email advising that only confirmed RSVPs will be admitted.

    The email said those on the RSVP list must present a matching government-issued photo ID in order to be admitted to the venue, KTAR reported.

    Got to hand it to Demcorats.. They WALLOW in their hypocrisy.. :eyeroll:

    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Demcorat programming. It's a feature.

  24. [24] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Weirdo JD Whatshisname doesn't like to be called a weirdo. He says the Dems are engaging in name-calling and schoolyard bullying. LOL. What a failing, losing weirdo!

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    President Trump honored with a life-sized statue showing President Trump tough as nails for dodging an assassin's bullet!

    BUTLER, Penn. – BUTLER, Pa. - Local artist Bill Secunda not only describes Donald Trump as "tough as nails" after the former president shook off an assassination attempt here, he created a life-size sculpture to hammer the idiom home.

    Secunda was so inspired by Trump's actions, in which he raised his fist defiantly and exhorted rallygoers to "Fight, fight, fight" moments after being grazed by an assassin's bullet, that he built a unique likeness of the former president out of nails. Secunda unveiled the statue at the Butler Farm Show on Saturday, the same venue where the deadly shooting took place on July 13.

    I mean, how AWESOME is President Trump!? He dodges bullets and kills Basement Biden's campaign with a SINGLE debate!

    Remember how ya'all were swooning over Basement Biden. How ya'all were saying that Basement Biden is going to destroy President Trump!?

    And President Trump DEMOLISHED Basement Biden with a SINGLE DEBATE!!


  26. [26] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Holy CRAP! Ya’ll got under Michale’s skin better than I remember it ever happening in the past! Look at the length of his responses and the depth of the dishonesty in them…GREAT JOB!

    And don’t forget he completely lied about his “over two decade career” in law enforcement. That these idiots want to try to bash Walz for his 24 years of service when Trump created a fake medical condition in order to avoid serving in the military is brilliant!

    It is almost as good as when Trumpets go after “the Biden crime family” for all of their “corruption.” Still waiting for Trump to turn over his bank records showing that he didn’t accept a $10 million gift from Egypt’s leader in 2016. Granted, it would be the biggest bribe ever accepted by a president from a foreign government, but Trump refuses to prove that it didn’t occur for some reason.

    Are we taking bets on how many states will not certify this year’s election results in an attempt to get the House of Representatives to decide the winner yet?

  27. [27] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    Where was it that Trump was shot, again? He wore that clownishly large bandage over his ear during the RNC, but now that that is over, his ear somehow appears unscathed by the bullet! How can that be? Trump was so scared that he literally jumped out of his shoes in fear! Maybe he scratched himself trying to hide in his shoes? Or maybe he scratched himself on purpose? He wasn’t in pain immediately after being shot, which seems odd seeing how he had to still be carried down the stairs and placed into his vehicle. Was it because he has trouble walking down stairs because of his age/weight?

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    What have we here!

    N0-BALLZ Walz actually BROKE the chain of command and went around his supervisor to get out of deploying with his unit to Iraq...

    Tim Walz’s former military superior made claims that called into question the Minnesota governor’s conduct in the U.S. National Guard during a CNN interview.

    During his interview with CNN, former Minnesota National Guard Command Sgt. Maj. Doug Julin appeared to bolster criticism that Walz abandoned the unit with his account of the former Guardsman going around him to leave the National Guard before his team went to Iraq.

    He relayed to CNN anchor Laura Coates that Walz and the whole unit – "including my boss, commander, and the command team" – had multiple meetings to discuss deployment months before Walz sought retirement.

    According to the former sergeant major, Walz was at each of these meetings. Julin also asserted that in the lead up to deployment Walz assured him that he was going to join the battalion in Iraq.

    N0-BALLZ Walz LIED to his superior and ran away from his unit to avoid going to Iraq...

    Yea... Token DEI-Hire Harris **REALLY** picked a winner in N0-BALLZ Walz!!

    OK, but I DO have a question for ya'all former senile dementia-riddled Basement Biden supporters..

    Do ya'all prefer N0-BALLZ Walz or Tampon Tim??

    Ya'all's choice.. :D

    You guys are REALLY backing winners here. :eyeroll:

  29. [29] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    I know! It’s easy it’s fun! We’re won’t have troll to laugh at come November and I’m enjoying having the power to trigger by barely lifting a finger.

  30. [30] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    78 year old convicted felon and Alzheimers victim Fat Donny is messing his diaper as he contemplates his inevitable incarceration.

    He says Kamala "showed a massive 'crowd' of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST" and "should be disqualified because the creation of a fake image is ELECTION INTERFERENCE".

    Dear Leader claims he went down in a copter crash (with Willie Brown) that was nothing more than a dementia fantasy.

    When asked how he would help people afford their rent, he said "drill baby drill".

    He should flee to Russia before it's too late.

  31. [31] 
    Kick wrote:

    In an analysis piece of Walz’s military service record, Kessler denied the governor’s 2018 claim that he had handled weapons in a combat theater over his 24-year career in the U.S. Army National guard. The fact-checker confirmed to readers that there was no evidence he served in combat so he couldn’t have carried the weapons.

    He couldn't have carried the weapons? It does not surprise me in the least that a MAGA Moron would fall for this asinine bullshit from Fox News. This article plagiarized from Fox News is a lie that twists Kessler's actual fact check and puts words in both his mouth and in the mouth of Governor Walz.

    The Harris campaign circulated a 2018 clip of Walz arguing in support of gun restrictions. “We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at,” he said.

    There is no evidence that Walz served in combat — and he has not claimed he did. He did receive ribbons for proficiency in sharpshooting and hand grenades, according to military records obtained through an open records request by MPR News.

    The Fox News hatchet job on the fact check versus the actual words. They lie repeatedly to the MAGA Morons, MAGA Monkeys, and low-information rubes because they know they are stupid and will regurgitate their lies like useful idiots... the same way Trump lies to them because he thinks they're stupid.

  32. [32] 
    Kick wrote:

    Kessler is also incorrect. You can definitely serve "in war" without actually serving in a combat zone.

    This GOP bullshit is a false equivalency between the terms "in war" and "in combat," which are two different things. You can serve "in war" without actually serving "in combat."

    Denigrating those who serve "in war" but don't serve "in combat" is ignorant... and weird.

  33. [33] 
    Kick wrote:


    Any low-information Trump cock holster, MAGA Moron, or MAGA Monkey who claims that it was Trump's idea to eliminate taxes on tips is bigly uninformed or has never heard of Ron Paul... or both:

    Must we always educate the rubes!? Rhetorical question.

  34. [34] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    He says Kamala "showed a massive 'crowd' of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST" and "should be disqualified because the creation of a fake image is ELECTION INTERFERENCE".

    This type fake news that was posted on his ripped-off social media platform and regurgitated by MAGA Morons everywhere is precisely why Convicted Felon Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts in New York in connection with his 2016 campaign wherein he conspired with the National Enquirer to generate false stories regarding his political opponents while fraudulently covering up the factual news that he perceived would affect him adversely.

    I hope Judge Juan Merchan is paying attention since Dipshit Donald has yet to be sentenced, and this is recidivist behavior that should not go unnoticed.

    You'd think the asshole would learn, but then you remember how effing ignorant he is. You'd think he'd stop pushing lies to his MAGA cult that are easily debunked with video evidence, but then you remember how gullible they are and that Trump knows they're stupid.

    He should flee to Russia before it's too late.

    It won't do him any good since he'll still be required to present himself to NY criminal court, and failure to do so is punishable by law.

  35. [35] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Good luck trying to “slip away” with an entourage of Secret Service people around him. For what it’s worth his passport was probably surrendered as a condition of bail.

    Trump isn’t going anywhere.

  36. [36] 
    Mezzomamma wrote:

    On the other hand, the Secret Service must feel very tempted to let him 'evade' his security detail. And he would then be subject to immediate arrest if he ever set foot in the country again.

    We can dream....

  37. [37] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Eff that! I don’t want him going anywhere until he does the time!

  38. [38] 
    Mezzomamma wrote:

    Well yes, Caddy, there is that hope as well. Or a well-aimed thunderbolt?

  39. [39] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    It’s yet another reason I am staunchly anti-state killing aka anti-death penalty:

    It’s more punishment to keep someone locked up for the rest of their life than to execute a convict. May Trump live to be 100!

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    "I do not regret that Tim Walz retired early from the Minnesota National Guard, did not complete the Sergeants Major Academy, broke his enlistment contract or did not successfully complete any assignment as a Sergeant Major. Unwittingly, he got out of the way for better leadership."
    -LT COL John Colb, Battalion Leader

    The ONLY Service that N0-BALLZ Tim Walz ever did for this country was quitting the service..

    This is the assessment of N0-BALLZ Walz's own Battalion Commander.

    Do ya'll REALLY think the pair of Token DEI-Hire Harris and N0-BALLZ Walz really has a chance to win!!???


  41. [41] 
    Kick wrote:

    Awwww, looky.

    The board's troll is falling all over itself to provide more archived proof that Republicans and MAGAts are perfectly comfortable shitting all over someone's decades of service to America as long as their political affiliation doesn't include being a member of the Trump cult of lap dog whistlers, racists, misogynists, and cock holsters. The confirmation bias of the cult grows deeper.

    Meanwhile, they worship a delusional narcissistic sociopath deeply psychologically disturbed draft-dodging old man in the throes of a meltdown who is a 34-time convicted felon demonstrably losing his shit over his opponents' crowd sizes to the point he is doubling down on the creation of grievances, craziness, and lies claiming that livestreamed political rallies with thousands in attendance actually never happened, despite the miles of photographic and video evidence to the contrary that easily debunk the Trumpian batshit crazy ranting bullshit.

    Donald Trump is rattled and losing it!

    So then, if anyone has a chance to attend a Harris/Walz rally, you should definitely go and enjoy yourself comfortably in the knowledge that you're helping Old Man Dementia Donald Trump onto a glidepath toward losing his shit exponentially faster than he definitely was already.

    Donald Trump is a deeply insecure toxic narcissist who needs validation from external sources, so I say get yourself to a rally and give it to him and then sit back and enjoy the show as we witness the Trumptanic go down by the head.

    Good times. :)

  42. [42] 
    Kick wrote:


    Eff that! I don’t want him going anywhere until he does the time!

    I feel it necessary to give you "the talk" again wherein you should not get your hopes up that Trump will do any "real time," so to speak in the vernacular. I believe we're talking ankle bracelet and home confinement at worst and do not be surprised if it's simply probation. Regardless the sentence, he'll appeal it.

    Just keepin' it real. :)

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