Friday Talking Points -- Thundering Down The Homestretch

[ Posted Friday, October 18th, 2024 – 16:59 UTC ]

Since we are less than three weeks away from the election, we are going to diverge from our normal Friday Talking Points format today.

Instead of brief talking points at the end, instead we tried to make the case against electing Donald Trump in the most effective ways we could think up. But when we got done, we realized that this extended rant also served as a good round-up of the week's political news. Sure, there were a few other things going on in politics, but at this point we are so focused on the campaign and the election that anything else is really just a distraction, this close to Election Day.

We did manage to hand out our weekly awards, for two campaign videos that appeared this week, but we're going to whip through those pretty quickly in order to get on with the main event this week.

We apologize for the foreshortened introduction this week, but as we said we're finding it hard to focus on anything outside the realm of the presidential race.

One heartening bit of campaign news is worth highlighting up front, though. Jimmy Carter's final wish was to live long enough to cast his ballot for Kamala Harris. He did so this week, by voting early in his home state of Georgia. Way to go, Jimmy!


Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week

As mentioned, both our awards this week go for political ads/videos.

Democrat Eugene Vindman is running for an open House seat in Virginia, since Representative Abigail Spanberger chose to run for governor next year rather than run for re-election to the House. His opponent is Republican Derrick Anderson, who was caught faking having a family earlier in the campaign. He shot campaign footage with what appeared to be his wife and three daughters, but it turned out none of them were related to Anderson (who is actually single).

The House Majority PAC just released an ad for Vindman which is downright brilliant. It calls out Anderson out on his fake family, complete with a lookalike actor (the ad calls him a "fake Anderson" at the end) and cardboard cutouts of the four women in various poses and situations (such as eating at the table).

If you need a laugh this week, check out Vindman's new ad. For skewering his opponent so effectively, Eugene Vindman (and the House Majority PAC as well) deserves this week's Most Impressive Democrat Of The Week.

[Eugene Vindman is a private citizen, and it is our policy not to provide links to campaign websites, so you'll have to find his contact information on your own if you'd like to let him know you appreciate his efforts.]


Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, on the other hand, released a really stupid video this week.

This seems to be a case of someone who is too old to understand some facet of online culture attempting to join in the fun, but producing cringes instead of the desired effect. Whitmer posted her attempt on TikTok, and was immediately condemned for it for a reason she hadn't even considered.

Here's the video and a description of it:

The eight-second video opens with author and influencer Liz Plank gazing up as a disembodied hand places a Doritos chip on her extended tongue, causing her eyes to roll back in apparent pleasure. The shot then pans left to reveal Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) holding a bag of chips, wearing a camouflage Harris-Walz presidential campaign hat and staring deadpan into the camera.

We have to admit, we are just as clueless about social media trends as most people our age, so we had no idea what she was even going for with this video. The article helpfully explains:

The video riffs off a social media trend in which someone out of view suggestively feeds the on-camera subject only for the shot to pan, revealing not a romantic interest but a friend or elderly relative who often looks disgusted. The videos are often set to Nelly's 2002 song "Dilemma."

The problem for Whitmer was that Catholics were seriously offended by the video, because in it they saw a mockery of their rite of Communion. Whitmer, to her credit, immediately apologized when she realized how many people she had offended:

In a statement, Whitmer said she didn't mean to reference Communion in the video but nevertheless apologized for the miscommunication.

"Over 25 years in public service, I would never do something to denigrate someone's faith," she said. "I've used my platform to stand up for people's right to hold and practice their personal religious beliefs."

Whitmer said the video was meant to be about the importance of the Chips and Science Act, which passed into law in 2022 to provide $52 billion to companies building computer chip factories and research facilities in the United States. The caption for the video, which was edited Friday, reads, "Chips aren't just delicious, the CHIPS Act is a game changer for U.S. tech and manufacturing, boosting domestic production of semiconductors to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers! Donald Trump would put that at risk."

We do take Whitmer at her word that this wasn't intentional. Even so, maybe someone should have realized the implication before the video was released? For not doing so, we have to award Whitmer this week's Most Disappointing Democrat Of The Week.

[Contact Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on her official contact page, to let her know what you think of her actions.]


Friday Talking Points

Volume 771 (10/18/24)

As promised, this section is going to be a little different this week. We simply couldn't contain ourselves to just seven short talking points, we had to cover the whole gamut of ways to attack Donald Trump instead.

To her credit, Kamala Harris and her campaign are doing a pretty good job of staying focused on making the case against Donald Trump. She's doing so with increasing urgency, and Trump just keeps providing more and more material to work with.

So here is our rundown of what we feel are the most effective attacks to use against Donald Trump, in the waning days of the campaign. Most of these are quotes from people who are doing this very effectively, although we did write one or two of them ourselves.

In any case, here are the biggest reasons why Donald Trump should not become president again.


Trump is a sore loser

Why oh why do Democrats refuse to hit Trump where it hurts the most? We all know what Trump is most afraid of, and it's so easy to hit him with it.

American kids grow up learning important life lessons in various ways, and one of these lessons is pretty universal -- every kid learns this at some point: Don't be a sore loser.

It's a simple concept, really. You can throw a tantrum like a big baby if you lose, or you can be grown-up and take it in stride. Sore losers ruin things for everybody and should always be looked down upon for being immature and losing emotional control. The flip side to this is: Always be a gracious winner, but everyone expects at least a little bragging, so this one's not as absolute. But "don't be a sore loser" truly is.

Donald Trump is a loser. He lost the 2020 election. And then he threw the biggest sore-loser tantrum the country has ever seen. So why not call him out on it, using the language we all learned as kids? Call him exactly what he is: a sore loser. Because everyone who grew up in America knows full well that that's not a good thing to be.

President Joe Biden recently almost got it right. He just somehow forgot to say the word "sore." Here's how Biden put it:

[President Joe] Biden's vice president and current Democratic nominee Kamala Harris "beat Trump so badly in the debate he's scared to death to meet her again. That's a fact," said Biden. "Tough guy, right? Tough guy. Because he knows he'd lose again. That's a fact. He is a loser."

The president mocked Trump for calling himself "pro-business" when "we all know Trump is a failed businessman." Trump's casino went under, which is "pretty hard to do," taunted Biden. "How is that possible? I thought the house always won." And "Trump was not only a loser in 2020, he's a loser in everything he does," Biden said, later adding, "The only loser I know is Donald Trump."


Trump is too old

To her credit, Kamala Harris has been effectively painting Trump as unfit for the job of being president, although after she released her own medical evaluation she's been mostly concentrating on taunting Trump for not doing the same.

Senator Brian Schatz had a good take on this recently:

"There are people that like for their candidate to look strong and to look like they are in command," said Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii). Speaking of Trump, he added: "This guy looks like he's the last guy to leave the karaoke bar."

"He's gone from tough guy to elderly man saying random things," Schatz said.

But Bill Clinton had the best take on it this week, since he has a unique similarity to Trump:

Bill Clinton mocked his fellow septuagenarian and former president, Donald Trump, on Thursday for a bizarre musical episode earlier this week.

"I'm too old to gild a lily. Heck, I'm only two months younger than Donald Trump. But, the good news for you is, I will not spend 30 minutes swaying back and forth to music," the Democrat said while campaigning in Durham, North Carolina, for the Harris-Walz ticket.


Trump is exhausted

This one stemmed from cancelled podcast interview. Team Trump let the podcaster know that Trump couldn't do a promised interview because he was "exhausted" from the campaign trail. So pick it up and run with it!

"Earlier this week, Trump appeared to completely lose it. He was on stage for a town hall when he suddenly decided that he had answered enough questions for the night (after only taking five of them). So he played a bunch of his favorite music for the crowd instead, and stood there randomly swaying, or with his eyes closed, or gripping the back of a chair. Nobody knew what to think. Had Trump's brain just frozen? What was wrong with him? For a full thirty-nine minutes Trump stood there like a deer in the headlights. No wonder he's cancelling interviews because his team says he's 'exhausted.' He sure looks it -- he's just not up to the rigors of campaigning, obviously. And he's certainly not up to four more years in the White House, that's for sure."


Trump is unfit and unstable

Harris has been leaning in to this one, and doing a pretty good job of it:

It makes you wonder, why does [Donald Trump's] staff want him to hide away? One must question: Are they afraid that people will see that he is too weak and unstable to lead America?

From a different interview:

His staff won't let him do a 60 Minutes interview.... Everyone has done it except Donald Trump. He will not debate me again. I put out my medical records. He won't put out his medical records. And you have to ask: Why is his staff doing that? And it may be because they think he's just not ready -- and unfit and unstable.

After his appearance at the Al Smith dinner last night, Harris's campaign released a review, hitting the same notes:

"Donald Trump struggled to read scripted notes written by his handlers, repeatedly complaining that he couldn't use a teleprompter," Harris campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement. "He stumbled over his words and lashed out when the crowd wouldn't laugh with him."

"The rare moments he was off script, he went on long incomprehensible rambles, reminding Americans how unstable he's become," added Moussa. "And of course he made it all about himself. He may refuse to release his medical records, but every day he makes it clear to the American people that he is not up to the job."

The worst example was actually pretty funny. Harris seems to be getting under Trump's skin with all the talk of being unstable and unhinged. He went off on a tangent during one of his rallies complaining of people calling him "cognitively impaired" for mispronouncing a word or making some verbal error while speaking. Trump insisted this was not true (he's actually "perfect," according to him).

He then attempted his tried-and-true method of countering any attack, which is to attempt to turn it around on his opponents. But he wound up face-planting instead, and proving the truth of those who point out how often he slips a cog while speaking. He insisted that President Joe Biden was the one who (in his words) was "obviously cognitively repaired."

Um... repaired? OK, sure, Donny... whatever you say.


Trump is delusional

Donald Trump will believe anything anyone ever tells him and anything he reads on social media. It doesn't matter how delusional these conspiracy theories are, once he's decided that he's going to believe it nothing can change his mind. Not facts, not evidence -- nothing.

Donald Trump believes immigrants are eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. He believes Kamala Harris is going to ban cows. She's also going to ban buildings with windows. He called himself "the father of I.V.F.," before admitting that he had to have it explained to him by a Republican senator. If Harris wins, the stock market will crash worse than it did in 1929 -- even though he made the same prediction about Joe Biden and it never came to pass. Harris will "start World War III," or maybe "World War II" (he gets confused, at times). He also predicted electing Biden would kill the auto industry -- and he's making the same prediction about Harris, even though Detroit seems to be doing just fine. Harris will "double" or "quadruple" your taxes. She will take away everybody's guns. Oh, and we had a "peaceful transfer of power" after the 2020 election, too.

None of this is true, of course. But the point isn't that Trump is spewing lies, it is that the lies are so downright delusional. Do we really want a president who cannot tell the difference between delusion and reality?


Trump is getting darker and more racist

For some reason, a lot of folks in the political media woke up this week and realized what Donald Trump's been saying pretty much throughout his entire campaign. Not sure why this week was any different than any other week, but all of a sudden there were alarm bells ringing in column after column, pointing out how incredibly dark and racist Trump's language is.

Here's one example, from Politico this week:

Donald Trump vowed to "rescue" the Denver suburb of Aurora, Colorado, from the rapists, "blood thirsty criminals," and "most violent people on earth" he insists are ruining the "fabric" of the country and its culture: immigrants.

Trump's message in Aurora, a city that has become a central part of his campaign speeches in the final stretch to Election Day, marks another example of how the former president has escalated his xenophobic and racist rhetoric against migrants and minority groups he says are genetically predisposed to commit crimes. The supposed threat migrants pose is the core part of the former president's closing argument, as he promises his base that he's the one who can save the country from a group of people he calls "animals," "stone cold killers," the "worst people," and the "enemy from within."

He is no longer just talking about keeping immigrants out of the country, building a wall and banning Muslims from entering the United States. Trump now warns that migrants have already invaded, destroying the country from inside its borders, which he uses as a means to justify a second-term policy agenda that includes building massive detention camps and conducting mass deportations.

The Washington Post also took note of Trump's increasingly dehumanizing language (emphasis in original):

Former president Donald Trump has gone full racist ( or "nativist," as some outlets delicately describe it). In Aurora, Colo., the New York Times reports, he spewed "repeated claims, which have been debunked by local officials, that Aurora had been 'invaded and conquered,' described the United States as an 'occupied state'... and revived a promise to use the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to deport suspected members of drug cartels and criminal gangs without due process." He has continued demonizing legal immigrants from Haiti in Springfield, Ohio. In Detroit, as he does in many cities with large numbers of African American voters, he bashed the city. ("The whole country is going to be like -- you want to know the truth? It'll be like Detroit," he said. "Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if she's your president. You're going to have a mess on your hands.")

Regardless of his location, he invokes the specter of a non-White horde displacing Whites. Illegal immigrants are "evil," are "taking your jobs," and have "bad genes." Right-wing hosts, elected Republicans and most down-ticket Republican candidates don't blanch, let alone denounce racism unprecedented in modern American presidential elections. The mainstream media has begun to feature Trump's racism (sometimes thinly disguised with fuzzy language) in headlines.

Another Post article had yet another example:

Last month in Wisconsin: "They will walk into your kitchen," Mr. Trump said of undocumented immigrants. "They'll cut your throat." Later, he called the same people "animals."

Make no mistake about it -- this is "Trump being Trump." This is who he is. He is whipping up racist anti-immigrant hatred so that if he becomes president people will see immigrants as inhuman and deserving of whatever Trump feels like doing to them -- rounding them up, sticking them in concentration camps in the desert, deporting them. And he's not going to be limited by who is here legally, he's openly saying he's going to use a centuries-old law to just kick out anyone he feels like.


It's not just immigrants Trump will be coming for, either

Trump also feels free to threaten to use military force against any American who dares to disagree with him or protest against him. This should be disqualifying to any candidate for president, obviously, as it would trample on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But Trump doesn't care, because he has never read either document.

Here's what he had to say on the subject recently:

I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and destroyed our country, by the way, totally destroying our country. The towns, the villages, they're being inundated. But I don't think they're the problem in terms of Election Day. I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical-left lunatics. And I think they're the -- and it should be very easily handled by -- if necessary, by National Guard or, if really necessary, by the military, because they can't let that happen.


Trump wants unchecked power

The Supreme Court ruled that presidents have immunity for any official act, which Trump will abuse constantly. He's not going to have any "adults in the room" in his administration -- his only test for hiring his aides and cabinet is going to be their complete and utter loyalty to him. There will be no guardrails. And Trump's out there already admitting what he wants to do with this unchecked power:

"[Donald Trump] considers anyone who doesn't support him or who will not bend to his will the enemy, an enemy of our country. It's a serious issue," [Kamala] Harris said Monday night. "He is saying that he would use the military to go after them.... We know who he would target because he has attacked them before. Journalists whose stories he doesn't like; election officials who refuse to cheat by filling extra votes and finding extra votes for him; judges who insist on following the law instead of bending to his will."

"This is among the reasons I believe so strongly that a second Trump term would be a huge risk for America and dangerous," Harris continued. "Donald Trump is increasingly unstable and unhinged. And he is out for unchecked power. That's what he's looking for."


Donald Trump is a fascist to the core

This one comes from Trump's former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. Who saw Trump, up close and personal. So you've got to assume he knows what he's talking about.

Retired Gen. Mark A. Milley warned that former president Donald Trump is a "fascist to the core" and "the most dangerous person to this country" in new comments voicing his mounting alarm at the prospect of the Republican nominee's election to another term, according to a forthcoming book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward.

Milley, 66, served for more than a year as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump before continuing in the role under President Joe Biden.

. . .

"No one has ever been as dangerous to this country as Donald Trump," the general told Woodward. "Now I realize he's a total fascist. He is the most dangerous person to this country."


A whole lot of Republicans know what Trump is

So many Republicans have announced their endorsement for Harris that it's getting hard to keep track of them all. The Washington Post provided a helpful list of the most prominent of these, to jog everyone's memory.

This is not normal, it bears pointing out. There has always been some crossover support for presidential candidates, to be sure, but not on this scale. We're not talking about a handful of people publicly crossing the aisle to support the other team's candidate, we are talking about hundreds of them -- starting with the man who served as Trump's own vice president, as well as the man who served as George W. Bush's vice president.

And even though he is taking the coward's route of supporting a man he knows is unfit for office, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had the best line of the week, even though it was uttered four years ago. After the 2020 election, McConnell summed up Donald Trump pretty succinctly (and accurately), calling him "a despicable human being."


Trump isn't "weaving" -- he's unravelling

Donald Trump has never been all that focused when he speaks, although he's obviously deteriorated immensely on this front. He used to at least be able to answer a question from a reporter or a voter with some degree of coherence and without going off on seven or eight tangents. He no longer appears able to do this in even minimal ways.

He recently came up with a way to make this all seem somehow planned, like he's playing a game of three-dimensional chess that others just can't understand. He calls it "the weave." In his mind, he is so gosh-darn smart that he is able to bring up eight or nine unrelated subjects and then somehow "weave" them into some coherent whole cloth, tying them together "brilliantly" (as he put it).

In reality, he's just rambling aimlessly about whatever pops into his head when it pops into his head. He rarely finishes any of his thoughts, he never "weaves" them into any sort of whole, and he comes off as doddering and incoherent rather than some masterful chess-player.

It's not "weaving." Weaving means creating something meticulously out of raw materials. That's not what Trump does at all. You know what it's really like? It's like you are sitting there in a beautiful sweater and you notice a thread hanging loose. So you pull on it and pull on it and as you do your entire garment falls apart. It's the opposite of "weaving." What Trump does when he speaks isn't weaving -- it's unravelling.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant

Cross-posted at: Democratic Underground


116 Comments on “Friday Talking Points -- Thundering Down The Homestretch”

  1. [1] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Trump is neck and neck with Harris!

    Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm not that strong. :-)

  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Trump's weave on the economy should scare the Harris campaign.

  3. [3] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Enough with the hand wringing, Elizabeth! 81 million Americans made Joe Effing Biden President before January 6th, the eighty-some indictments so far, thirty four convictions, etc.

    Again, where is Trump going to find the votes he needs? No Weigantian has answered this fundamental question because they can’t.

    I am stocking up on popcorn and I’m really going to enjoy watching Kamala and the Dems put an uber biblical shellacking on Trump and his MAGAts. I’ll always wonder if Joe would have done likewise but Trump has never broken 50% and never even tried to change that, so I think he would have.

  4. [4] 
    Kick wrote:


    Most Disappointing Democrat of the Week: Update

    Remember Robert Telles who received the "award" on a prior Friday for the first-degree murder of Jeff German, an investigative journalist who wrote articles exposing an intimate relationship between Telles and a coworker and critical of his conduct in office? He was sentenced this week to at least 28 years in prison. Lock him up.

    Lock up all the convicted felons regardless of Party affiliation.

  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump is too old

    You people just LOVE to wallow wantonly in ya'all's hypocrisy, eh??

    For over THREE YEARS Basement Biden was PROVING to the entire world that he was too old and too senile and too dementia riddled to be POTUS..

    THREE FRAKING YEARS!! And ya'all completely and unequivocally DENIED what everyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together already knew..

    And, THEN... Then when it became SO BLATANTLY obvious that ya'all COULDN'T lie anymore, the facts became SO CLEAR that ya'all would be totally brain dead if you continued then lie..

    NOW ya'all are taking out of context comments and edited video and trying to pin the same thing on President Trump..

    Ya'all well and truly define the mantra...

    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature.

    And then there is this incessant whine from the disgrace dishonorably discharged druggie convict about where is President Trump going to get the votes??

    HELLO!!! MCFLY!!!!

    Haven't you read all the facts from MULTIPLE reputable media sources that PROVE President Trump is gaining millions and millions and millions of votes from hisapanic and black Americans who are completely fed up with the Demon'rat Party??

    You CAN read, can't you?? Convict??

    Of course, those millions and millions and millions of black and Hispanic American votes don't even include the TENS OF MILLIONS of votes from white Americans who are ALSO fed up with Basement Biden and Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris and Demon'rat failed policies...

    I am going to say this real slow for you convict so that you understand..

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris... and.... Tampon Tim NO BALLZ Walz.... simply.... CANNOT.... win.... the..... election....

    They are in a WORSE spot than Basement Biden was.. And ya'all conceded that Basement Biden couldn't win..

    Your team has no shot, convict... It's dead in the water...

    And, when President Trump prevails in just 16 days, I'll be here to laugh you out of Weigantia and the rest of your troll buddies too.. :D

    That is, unless I get banned... Which I see as a distinct possibility, given the fragility of the psyche of those suffering from PTDS and Trump/America hate..

    But if THAT happens, then that would be the ultimate victory.... eh?? :D

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oooo this is simply TOO good NOT to share!!!! :D

    Seems that the Democrat Senator of Pennsylvania has a good handle on what's what.. :D

    Dem Senator Bob Casey is throwing Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris under the bus and sucking up to President Trump.. :D

    Vulnerable incumbent Democratic Senator Bob Casey turned heads Friday with a new campaign ad in Pennsylvania that highlights how he "bucked Biden" and "sided" with former President Trump.

    "This is undeniable, irrefutable proof that Trump is winning in these key battlegrounds, and those bumps you hear are Kamala Harris being thrown under the bus by incumbent Democrats, who used to be her colleagues in the Senate. The Harris camp must be beside themselves with fury over being rejected and abandoned like this, but that’s what happens when you get stuck with the worst candidate in modern political history."

    And WISCONSIN'S Dem Senator is ALSO running ads jumping on the President Trump Train!!

    Demon'rats are toast!!! Their OWN people are jumping off the sinking Demon'rat ship!!!

    It's HILARIOUS!!! :D

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:


    Trump's weave on the economy should scare the Harris campaign.

    EVERYTHING about President Trump's campaign scares Harris' campaign..

    Harris' campaign KNOWS they cannot win.. That's why they took the HUGE risk of going on Fox News..

    And Brett Baier graciously and politely grounded Harris' arse into the dirt.. :D

    How do we know this to be factually accurate???

    Because not a SINGLE mention of that debate is to be found here in Weigantia…

    Weigantians are simply sticking their heads in the sand, ignoring it and praying that no one brings it up.. :D

    Harris is in worse shape than Basement Biden was...

    And, for her campaign, it's only going to get worse and worse and worse.. :D

    We gonna have some FUN here in Weigantia, eh?? Maybe it's time to bring back the Sunday music fest?? Give Weigantians SOME semblance of cheer in this, their darkest hour.. :D

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Kamala Harris continues to underperform in critical states

    Pick any average from the multitude of polling views — two-way, multicandidate, battleground states, and even individual battleground states — and Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is running consistently below where Basement Biden was in 2020 and Hillary in 2016.

    President Trump doesn't HAVE to pick up any new votes..

    Since Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is CONSISTENTLY WAY underperforming 2020 Basement Biden and 2016 Hillary, President Trump can win with the votes he has..

    He doesn't NEED the millions and millions and millions of former Demon'rat hispanic and black American voters..

    But President Trump has them!! :D

    There’s a reason the Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris campaign is suddenly making her available for softball media opportunities, such as her recent appearances on CBS’s “60 Minutes” and “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” as well as ABC’s “The View,” and even for riskier ones like her Wednesday appearance on Fox News.

    Gone is the strategy attributed to Abraham Lincoln that it is “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” Silence is a luxury that Team Kamala can no longer afford. A look at Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris’ polling numbers will tell you why.

    The battleground states, however, are where the real story lies. RealClearPolitics’s Oct. 13 top battleground polling average has Trump leading Harris very narrowly, 48.3 percent to 47.9 percent. At this point in 2020, Basement Biden led in this average by 5 points.

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is hoping and praying that the polls are NOT undercounting President Trump as they did in 2016 and 2020

    But hope and prayer are not viable strategies. That’s why Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris' campaign managers are changing theirs.

    They know she is losing now, and absent significant improvement, she will lose in November.

    Today’s polling speaks volumes. Demon'rat's and their increasing desperation speaks louder still.

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    And Brett Baier graciously and politely grounded Harris' arse into the dirt.. :D

    How do we know this to be factually accurate???

    Because not a SINGLE mention of that debate is to be found here in Weigantia…

    Weigantians are simply sticking their heads in the sand, ignoring it and praying that no one brings it up.. :D

    I would be remiss in my Weigantian duties if I did not force the Demon'rats here in Weigantia to face up to their failures.. :D

    Brett Baier absolutely DEMOLISHED Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris.. :D

    Baier hit the ground running by asking Harris how many illegal immigrants she thought her administration has released to date — “One, 2 million?” Harris replied, “It’s an important discussion people want to have,”..

    Of course, Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris refused to answer the question. She hemmed and hawed and tried to equivocate and bloviate.. But the answer was a simple answer..

    When Baier revealed the number has reached 6 million illegals and asked if Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris regretted the fact that she and Basement Biden had reversed Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” border policy, Harris blamed Congress for not passing a bill that would have, according to her, fixed the immigration system.

    Basement Biden and Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris had OVER 3 and a half years to get Congress to do just that.. But the ONLY bill they could come up with allowed up to TEN MILLION illegals to enter the US before ANY action would be taken..

    That wasn't an Border Security bill. It was a "YA'ALL COME!!!" bill..

    And even then, six Democrats and Bernie Sanders OPPOSED that bill.. Why is that!??

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris admitted in the interview that the southern border has been "broken for some time"... Yet, she is ALSO on the record as saying SEVERAL TIMES in the last 3+ years that "the southern border secure"...

    So, which is it, Headboard Harris?? Is the border secure or is it broken?? :eyeroll:

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris wants to give sex-change operations to illegal immigrant criminals.. She affirmed that in the interview as well..

    Also in the interview, Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris STILL couldn't think of ANYTHING she would have done different if she were in charge instead of Basement Biden.. Yet, she STILL claims a "new way forward"... A "new way" that won't be ANY different than Basement Biden's way..

    Only a Demon'rat could be so obtuse..

    And then came the coop de gracie…. :D

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris appeared to become more uncomfortable and confounded as the interview progressed, and when the cackling VP insisted Baier knew what she was talking about when she spoke of a “new way forward,” and Baier insisted actually, he did not, Harris said it was a new way forward from “the last decade” and “Donald Trump’s rhetoric” designed to divide our country.

    Harris alleged Trump is “misguided, unstable, mentally not stable” — the perfect segue for Baier to ask Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris, “When did you notice President Biden’s mental faculties were diminished?”

    Three astonished blinks later, and Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris said Basement Biden has had “the judgment and the experience to do exactly what he has done in making very important decisions on behalf on the American people.”

    And yet, he was removed from being the Demon'rat candidate because he DID have "the judgement"....

    Baier simply DEMOLISHED Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris.. UTTERLY DESTROYED her!!! :D

    Brett Baier wanted to do this interview to remind the American people where Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris was in 2019 and where Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is today..

    Ironically enough... It appears that not even Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris knows the answer to this..


  10. [10] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    That's not handwringing! Can't you see how much fun I'm having with this!?

    Lighten up, my friend. It'll be good for your soul. There are more than two weeks left of this nonsense, after all.

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    There are more than two weeks left of this nonsense, after all.

    And THAT is the best news of the day by far!!! :D

  12. [12] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    And, btw Caddy, even I have come to see that Biden wasn't up for this fight.

    Did you see the 'deer in the headlights' look in Kamala's eyes when she was asked about Biden's decline on her Fox News interview? It was quite revealing.

    Everyone and their brother was talking about this but she - "the last one in the room" - wasn't one of them, even apparently behind closed doors. What else will she be willing to hide?

  13. [13] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Handwringing is what the Biden-Harris administration has been doing on the US-empowered Israeli war in Gaza for the last year as the civilian death count there, now at well over 40,000, climbs daily. Although, they've even rather given up that stance now, too. ;)

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    Did you see the 'deer in the headlights' look in Kamala's eyes when she was asked about Biden's decline on her Fox News interview? It was quite revealing.

    And THAT was the whole enchilada of Baier's interview with Harris..

    That stunned, "OH SHIT THEY KNOW!!!" look from Harris when Baier asked the question that Harris SHOULD have known was coming and she SHOULD have been prepared for it..

    This is the EXACT problem that Democrats and practically EVERY Weigantian is giving Harris a pass on..

    EVERY TIME that Harris made a decision that would PROVE she has leadership skills, she fraked it up...

    Picking Walz as her running mate instead of Shapiro.. Or Kelley...

    Not being prepared for the WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY question.. Not just once.. Not just twice.. But THREE TIMES..

    Not being prepared for the Biden diminished faculties question..

    EVERY TIME Harris was given a chance to show she had more than two brain cells to rub together... EVERY TIME...

    She failed..

    And Weigantians give her a pass because they hate President Trump sooo much and soo deeply and soooo vicerally…. nothing else matters..

    They have as much SAID SO... They would support ADOLPH HITLER himself over President Donald Trump..

    When someone hates another so much and so deeply and so viscerally....

    That doesn't say anything about the person who is hated...

    But it says VOLUMES about the person who is doing the hating..

    Everyone and their brother was talking about this but she - "the last one in the room" - wasn't one of them, even apparently behind closed doors. What else will she be willing to hide?

    Exactly... Harris is basically EVERYTHING that Democrats claim about President Trump.. And so much... SO MUCH less...

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    Handwringing is what the Biden-Harris administration has been doing on the US-empowered Israeli war in Gaza for the last year as the civilian death count there, now at well over 40,000, climbs daily. Although, they've even rather given up that stance now, too. ;)

    I have to take exception with your claim about the 40K civilian deaths in Gaza.

    Hamas does not differentiate between CIVILIAN Gazans and MILITARY Gazans..

    Therefore the 40K dead Gazans are combatants and as such, their fate is deserved..

    I know that sounds cold but it's the cold objective fact..

    "NEVER tell a soldier that he does not understand the cost of war"
    -Alan Rickman

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    President Trump is WINNING in ***ALL*** swing state races..

    Arizona........ Trump
    Nevada......... Trump
    Wisconsin...... Trump
    Michigan....... Trump
    Pennsylvania... Trump
    North Carolina. Trump
    Georgia........ Trump

    I am betting this is about the time all the Trump/America hating Demon'rats are going to start ignoring the polls again, eh? :D

    Who could have POSSIBLY predicted that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris lead as nebulous, vapor-filled and would disappear in the cold light of day...

    Who could have POSSIBLY predicted this!!???

    Oh.... Wait.... :D

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    Even when Demon'rats "fact check" President Trump, they are proven categorically and 1000% Factually NOT Accurate...

    In last month's political showdown between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump cited the rise of violent crime to hammer the Biden-Harris administration's record.

    "Crime here is up and through the roof despite their fraudulent statements that they made," Trump said. "Crime in this country is through the roof."

    Moments later, ABC debate moderator David Muir attempted to fact-check the Republican nominee.

    "President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is actually coming down in this country," Muir responded.

    Trump immediately pushed back.

    "Excuse me," Trump told Muir. "They were defrauding statements. They didn't include the worst cities. They didn't include the cities with the worst crime. It was a fraud. Just like their number of 818,000 jobs that they said they created turned out to be a fraud."

    And guess what?? ABC Moron Muir was PROVEN wrong by the FBI...

    A recent FBI revision backs President Trump.

    After reporting there was a 2.1% drop in violent crimes in 2022, the FBI now admits there was actually a 4.5% increase.

    The new numbers reflect a net increase of 80,029 violent crimes in 2022 over 2021. He found that under the umbrella of violent crime, there were an additional 1,699 murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies and 37,091 aggravated assaults that year.

    Muir has yet to acknowledge the FBI's stat change on "World News Tonight," according to Grabien transcripts.

    Of course Moron Muir won't acknowledge that President Trump was dead on ballz accurate and all of the Demon'rats were full of kaa kaa…

    Being a Trump/America hating Demon'rat means NEVER admitting when yer wrong..

    That's another difference between 2006 Weigantia and 2023 Weigantia.. 2006 Weigantia had no problem admitting they were wrong when the facts PROVED they were wrong..

    2023 Weigantia NEVER admits when President Trump is factually accurate and Demon'rats are wrong..

    Which is happening more and more often...

    Such as the senility and dementia-riddled Basement Biden for example..

    Yunno… Things are going so awesome, I think a day at the beach is warranted!! :D

  18. [18] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    That beach looks cold without any sun. Brrrrr.

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's NEVER cold in Florida!! :D

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    Thinking of all the Demon'rat machinations from the last 3+ years...

    Coronating Basement Biden without the HINT of a primary..

    Clinging to the "Biden is not senile or dementia riddled" fantasy until it was painfully obvious to even the most ignorant that he, in fact, was senile and dementia-riddled..

    Engineering a palace coup to ignore the will of the non-primary voters in choosing Basement Biden..

    Holding ANOTHER coronation of Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris who never earned ***A SINGLE SOLITARY PRIMARY VOTE*** whatsoever...

    Keeping all that in mind, the ONLY possible thought comes top mind..

    "This is not going to go the way you think...."
    -Luke Skywalker

    I think it's time that you people conceded this one factual point..

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Demon'rats…. Scum of the earth...

    Rosie O’Donnell’s Daughter Chelsea Arrested for Child Neglect, Baby Found Near Meth Pipe: Police

    Rosie O’Donnell’s oldest daughter, Chelsea Belle O’Donnell, was arrested on charges of child neglect after cops say they found her 11-month-old in a home filled with meth pipes, feces and garbage, In Touch can exclusively report.

    According to court documents obtained by In Touch, Chelsea, 27, was charged with four felony counts of maintaining a drug trafficking place, child neglect, possession of methamphetamine and possession of THC on September 17.

    Prosecutors also charged Chelsea with two misdemeanors: disorderly conduct/domestic abuse and possession of illegally obtained prescription drugs. According to the Marinette County Sheriff’s Office, police received a call from Chelsea on September 10.

    The dispatch heard people arguing and a female telling someone to “get the hell away” from her. The police said at the home they found Chelsea who had “dilated” pupils.

    THIS is what happens when Demon'rat PRO Druggie/Anti Police policies are followed...

    Demon'rats don't DESERVE to govern...

  22. [22] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Looks like someone vomited all over the comment section while grasping at straws...

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is the BEST indication to date how bad Demon'rats are going to lose..

    Dem Senator of PA Bob Casey releases a PRO President Trump/Anti Headboard Harris ad... :D

    Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey embraces … Trump

    No matter who is asking — a Democrat, Republican, reporter, or cable news producer — most people believe Pennsylvania will decide who the next president is and also perhaps whether Democrats keep a Senate majority or the Republicans retake it.

    The best illustration of exactly how it is going lies in a new ad for Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), the Scranton Democrat who has held the seat for 18 years, that shows a married couple, Marygrace and Joe, with different political affiliations who claim their only political common ground is Casey.

    “On politics, we just don’t agree — except for Bob Casey. He’s independent. That’s right! Casey’s leading the effort to stop corporate greedflation and price gouging. Casey bucked Biden to protect fracking, and he sided with Trump to end NAFTA and put tariffs on China to stop them from cheating,” the ad says.

    The fact that Casey is running an ad highlighting how much he agrees with former President Donald Trump tells you everything you need to know about how Pennsylvania is going.

    And, as PA goes, so goes the country...

    Ya'all need to prepare for the 2nd President Trump term.. :D

    And, just for the record.. Liz is not grasping at straws.. :D Neither is the guy who said this was President Trump's election.. :D

  24. [24] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    RCP leans conservative as does it's polling averages. If you look at a bunch of polling aggregate sites, you can shop your bias but in reality it's all within the margin of error. As I said in the other thread, your cry's of hypocrisy fall flat when when you are actively committing them with much greater frequency than the rest of us combined...

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Even Demon'rat Water Carrier USA TODAY is turning on Demon'rats.. :D

    'Knucklehead' Tim Walz stinks at grammar. He also gets an 'F' in state governance.

    One can only imagine that Tim Walz would bring his brand of Midwestern socialism with him to the White House, if given the chance.

    Tim Walz has already told us how his “grammar is not always correct” and that he's a “knucklehead,” when trying to explain his many lies* about his personal life and military record. (*My bad. Walz is a Democrat. He “misspeaks.”)

    Turns out, the former teacher and Minnesota governor probably flunked Econ 101, too.

    At a recent campaign stop, Walz referred to his Republican vice presidential contender, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, as “a venture capitalist cosplaying like he's a cowboy or something.”

    “I don’t even know what a venture capitalist does most of the time,” he bragged.

    There are so SOOOO many FACTS that prove how bad things are going for Demon'rats..

    But most Weigantians insist on burying their heads in the sand and ignoring ALL the inconvenient facts that PROVE how bad Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris and Tampon Tim NO BALLZ Walz are going to lose..

    It's simply UNDENIABLE that the polls are heading down for Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris and Tampon Tim NO BALLZ Walz.. And yet, moronic Trump/America hating Demon'rats still insist that President Trump is going to lose!

    It's HILARIOUS...

    Can't wait to see their comments on 6 Nov....

    Oh wait.. There won't BE any comments.. They will be hiding their heads in shame... :D

  26. [26] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Yawn. And you ignore all the weirdness of Trump as of late, not so late and far in to the past, or Vance for that matter thus proving my point in [24]...

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Scent of a Harris Panic in the Air

    The 2024 race is still close.

    But then so was the 1980 Carter-Reagan race at this same juncture.

    Indeed, incumbent president Carter was then comfortably up in the last two October Gallup polls—before utterly and suddenly evaporating on Election Day.

    But in the last seven days, there seems a sense of panic in the Harris campaign.

    How do we know that?

    Why are Democratic pundits—from Axelrod to Carville—blasting the Harris campaign and otherwise warning of bad things to come?

    Why are some of the once Democrat sure-thing senate races—e.g., in Ohio, Wisconsin, and even Michigan—tightening up?

    Pundit poll-watchers are suggesting that Trump is close, even, or slightly ahead in the swing-state polls, suggesting that he is nearing a margin that could cancel out anticipated “ballot irregularities”.

    The expected October Harris-Biden surprises—the opportune Fed interest rate cut, the transparently desperate Jack Smith beefed-up re-indictment, the current new Hollywood Trump-hit movie, the desperate Zelensky fly-in to Pennsylvania, the election-cycle customary Bob Woodward unsourced gossip book—seemed so far to have had no effect.

    Why would any campaign send out the bumbling Tim Walz to a Fox Sunday interview after his disastrous debate?

    Why is a suddenly smiling Biden so eager to claim candidate and VP Harris as a co-conspirator to his disastrous four years?

    Why would Harris pivot and now agree to (admittedly mostly softball) interviews, thus confirming to the voting public why she wisely had previously avoided all press conferences, interviews, and town halls?

    Why—after the last two moderator-rigged ABC and CBS debates—would Harris desperately want another and possibly believe that Trump would ever agree to any such warped forum?

    The last 4-5 Harris scripted interviews, but especially on CBS’s 60 Minutes, have been train wrecks.

    Everyone expected (and was not disappointed) the on-spec word salads, predictable sappy retreats to her misleading bio, the now accustomed deer-in-the-headlights confusion about her prior three years with Biden, and the general mush in lieu of any policy prescriptions.

    Why would CBS think it worth ruining its already debased reputation by doctoring the transcript of the Harris disastrous interview in a vain attempt at Orwellian repair?

    Why is a rusty but still narcissistic Barack Obama at last hitting the campaign trail?

    And is he still effective—or reduced to becoming an Oprah-like caricature?

    After all, is it wise for the elite Obama (in his now accustomed snarky “clingers” style) to venture out of his mansions (Kalorama? the Hawaii beachfront? or the Martha Vineyard estate?) to talk down to black males struggling under years of a hyperinflationary economy, a flood of illegal immigrants from an open border, and a four-year-spiking crime rate?

    Does the Netflix grandee berating black men as victims of false consciousness, misled, and brainwashed into voting for the Trump agenda really win them over to Harris?

    Does the hundred-million-dollar-plus man Obama persuade anyone by reverting for a few moments to his old community-organizing, fake black patois and his pseudo-racial intimacy of “brothers”?

    And does it work for Obama (remember “when they go low, we go high”) to blast Trump as racist and crude, when Obama jokes that Trump wears diapers— this after previously suggesting at the Democratic convention that Trump suffered from small genitalia?

    If this should continue, soon the July 21st coup that removed Biden, along with the Harris pick of Tim Walz, will go down as days of Democrat infamy.

    Anything can happen in the next three weeks. But so far, the cures for the Harris slide are far worse than the malady itself.
    -Victor David Hanson

    All irrefutable FACTS that no amount of Demon'rat PTDS or Trump/America hate can refute..

    All Demon'rats have is biased and non-factual reporting from MSNBC and WaPoop about imagined and contrived President Trump infirmities..

    It's laughable how much faith Demon'rats put in the biased words of those who ALSO suffer from PTDS and Trump/America hate, while totally ignoring how their campaign is burning down around them..

    But it's kewl.. It's kewl..

    The harder Demon'rats try to ignore the facts, the harder they will fall when President Trump wins the election..

    And THEN things will get really REALLY fun!! :D

  28. [28] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Oh, noes, a conservative rag Front Page Magazine spells doom and gloom for the other side by a hard core Trumper. Yawn. Big question is why do hide behind not linking to it, and mention only the author but not the publication? Because you know it's just smoke being blown up your derrière? Or are you just trying to blow smoke up ours?

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    I think there are a lot of folks, such as myself, who think that Donald Trump's unpopularity is baked in. But here's the deal. If you believe that Donald Trump has somehow become less popular over time, let me change your mind about that. In fact, he is more popular at this point in the campaign than he was at this point in the 2020 campaign or the 2016 campaign.

    Look, he's still underwater, right? With a negative nine-point net favorability rating. But that is higher than he was in 2020 at minus 12 points when he nearly won, and it is way higher than the minus 27 net favorability back in 2016 when he did win.

    So, I think there's this real question in Kamala Harris's mind and the campaign's mind: why is Trump more popular now than he was at this point in 2020 or 2016? I think that is why you're seeing the sharpening attacks. They want to put him back down to here. There's no way they’re necessarily going to get him back down to here, but they want to make Trump more unpopular than he is right now because he's more popular now than at either point in 2020 or 2016.
    -Harry Eaten, CNN

    So much for the Demon'rat morons claims that only right wing sources are hammering Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris and Tampon Tim NO BALLZ Walz...

    Left wing water carriers like CNN, NY Grime and USA TODAY are **ALSO** saying that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris and Tampon Tim NO BALLZ Walz are in trouble and are going to lose..

    But the Demon'rat morons keep burying their heads in the sand and ignoring everything that doesn't conform to their warped, America hate thinking..

    Hay, don't listen to me.. Listen to JL and Liz et al...

    Demon'rats are toast.. :D

  30. [30] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    And you have your head in the Trumpian sand ignoring everything that doesn't conform to your warped, America hating thinking..

    The knife cuts both ways...

  31. [31] 
    Kick wrote:


    Looks like someone vomited all over the comment section while grasping at straws...

    Vomit, you say? Oh, I thought it was horseshit and ran right through it hoping to find the pony.

    And you have your head in the Trumpian sand ignoring everything that doesn't conform to your warped, America hating thinking..

    So who packed sand into Old Man Trump's fat ass?

  32. [32] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Well, there usually is some straw to grasp at in horseshit, so maybe you're right...

  33. [33] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Funny comment on Reddit summing up the mornings news:

    So, to recap: - Trump hates everyone. - Trump is threatening everyone with a lawsuit, deportation, or death. - Trump wants Joe back in the race. - Trump needs a nap.

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, what have we here..

    Basement Biden and Headboard Harris "warned" Israel not to invade Rafah..

    Israel's AWESOME leader, Netanyahu, told Basement Biden and Headboard Harris to go frak themselves, ordered the invasion and scored major victory upon major victory against Hamas..

    And NOW Basement Biden and Headboard Harris both have egg all over their faces!!


    Basement Biden and Headboard Harris.. 2 of the WORST leaders in the history of the US!!!

    The FACTS prove this beyond ANY doubt...

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    And Demon'rat morons getting their "news" from Reddit actually think that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris and Tampon Tim NO BALLZ Walz actually have a chance of winning the election!!


    Whereas CNN, NY GRIME and USA TODAY all prove how bad a shape Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris and Tampon Tim NO BALLZ Walz are in.. :D

  36. [36] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


  37. [37] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Are you OK?

  38. [38] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Sorry, that was just me trying to be funny. I probably still suck at it, though ...

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:



    Got my monthly review at work an it was awesome!!

    EVERYTHING is going President Trump's way!!

    Harris and Walz are crashing and burning!!

    How could I not be anything but fraking awesome!!?? :D

    Not even the fact-less Weigantian trolls can dampen my mood!! :D

    Sorry, that was just me trying to be funny. I probably still suck at it, though ...

    Nope.. You still got it.. :D

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:


    Wasn't too impressed..

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    "We have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in Rafah would be a huge mistake. Let me tell you something. I have studied the maps. There's nowhere for those folks to go."
    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris

    That "HUGE MISTAKE" that ignorant Headboard Harris said was actually MULTIPLE HUGE Successes for Netanyahu and Israel...

    Harris is a moron.. Pure and simple...

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    If anyone ever had any doubt that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is an idiot, her boycotting of Netanyahu's speech to Congress when she was supposed to be the presiding officer over the proceeding should erase that doubt. And then she added insult to injury by going to a sorority reunion instead. American Jews, not to mention the millions in Israel, were not amused.

    Then Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris decided to refuse the invitation to the Al Smith dinner sponsored by the archdiocese of New York for the benefit of Catholic Charities. I'm guessing she will lose hundreds of thousands of Catholic votes nationwide for that affront. And all because she loves abortion.

    Trump was masterful at the dinner. Harris's video was an embarrassment.

  43. [43] 
    Kick wrote:


    Well, there usually is some straw to grasp at in horseshit, so maybe you're right...


    So, to recap: - Trump hates everyone. - Trump is threatening everyone with a lawsuit, deportation, or death. - Trump wants Joe back in the race. - Trump needs a nap.

    Hey, that is a succinct but accurate recap. The only thing they appear to have omitted is:

    Trump is a pathologically lying 34-time convicted of fraud felon and psychotic geriatric cranky old adulterous adjudicated rapist sexual predator who wears lifts in his shoes, adult diapers, and more makeup than Dolly Parton.

  44. [44] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    please don't call Netanyahu awesome. he's the guy who was so busy with internal politics he ignored the warnings that the October 7 terrorist attack was about to happen.

  45. [45] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    bibi's days in office are numbered, and even a return of Donald Trump to the White House won't save him.

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    please don't call Netanyahu awesome. he's the guy who was so busy with internal politics he ignored the warnings that the October 7 terrorist attack was about to happen.

    Not factually accurate...

    Netanyahu has been THE best thing for Israel and the Middle East in a LONG time..

    It's a bona fide FACT that Netanyahu is TWENTY TIMES the leader that Basement Biden and Headboard Harris are..

    Which doesn't say very much, I grant you...

    bibi's days in office are numbered, and even a return of Donald Trump to the White House won't save him.

    Yea, yea... People have been saying that about Bibi for the last couple decades.. And yet... There he is.. On top...

  47. [47] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Yup, seems like Bibi will be in office only as long as there is war. The Sinwar death must have hit him hard even if it was good for the Israeli people...

  48. [48] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    With your help I think we just turned this into a fasting day, Bashi.

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ahhhh Looks like the convict's block got taken off of lockdown...


  50. [50] 
    Kick wrote:


    Ahhhh Looks like the convict's block got taken off of lockdown...

    Oh, really!? In what prison are you locked up this time?
    Rhetorical question.

    I mean, we all know obviously know you're describing yourself because Your Worship Convict Trump isn't actually in prison, yet, but we applaud you for removing your head from his anal orifice long enough to notice something else.

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:

    And the Weigantian Troll comes to the rescue of the dishonorably discharged druggie convict...

    Birds of a feather...

    Of course, the dishonorably discharged druggie convict is too much of a pussy to fight his own battles so he has to have the troll try and bail his ass out..


    It's OK.. Once President Trump wins the election, these two losers will be too embarrassed to even show their faces around here...

    And THEN Weigantia will be fun again.. :D

  52. [52] 
    Kick wrote:

    Birds of a feather...

    That certainly explains your love for Convicted Felon Guy Who Shit-Talks America Trump.

    Of course, the dishonorably discharged druggie convict is too much of a pussy to fight his own battles so he has to have the troll try and bail his ass out..

    Nah. You're the troll, and we know for a fact he definitely doesn't want you anywhere near his ass, so that can't be it.

    I think he just believes you're an infinitely repetitive uninteresting trolling ass with a repertoire so old it has mold growing on it, and we know for a fact he's absolutely not interested in your demonstrably freakish obsession with his and the genitals of multiple other persons so he just generally ignores your creepy constant advances toward him and wailing cries for his attention, as archived herein for all posterity.

    It's OK.. Once President Trump wins the election, these two losers will be too embarrassed to even show their faces around here...

    Gaslighting yourself!? *laughs*

    Embarrassed? Does your happiness rise and fall with the outcome of political elections? I guess it would if you were a Trumpian-type MAGA cult minion. Well, mine does not, and I would wager his doesn't either.

    Another election and onto the next one.

    ~ Kick

    We will never not "show our faces around here" in much the same manner you cannot stop yourself from showing your moldy ass.

  53. [53] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Trump has certainly had an impact here in the comments section of this otherwise fine reality-based and dignified blog. Though the tendency toward a devolution in comity and decorum in this space does certainly pre-date Trump and may indeed explain why, at some level, half of the electorate may find him appealing and acceptable enough to sit in the oval office for another four years.

    Fodder for thought, if not cogent nor congenial discussion. ;)

  54. [54] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    He’s definitely hung up on me. I suppose I should feel complimented, somehow.

  55. [55] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    This time, prior to the Hamas attack, the intelligence apparatus delivered a series of strategic warnings, grounded in not just assessments but also credible information. While these warnings may not have been directly focused on Gaza, they were still extraordinary in nature — warnings unlike those received by any Israeli leader in recent decades. Netanyahu rejected these warnings both in private and in public. In an April 2023 interview on Israel’s Channel 14, the prime minister was asked directly about the issue. Netanyahu responded by saying the warnings were “exaggerated.”

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:


    Trump has certainly had an impact here in the comments section of this otherwise fine reality-based and dignified blog. Though the tendency toward a devolution in comity and decorum in this space does certainly pre-date Trump and may indeed explain why, at some level, half of the electorate may find him appealing and acceptable enough to sit in the oval office for another four years.

    And that is exactly why PTDS and Trump/America hate is so insidious and heinous..

    These people simply can't comprehend ANYTHING past there Trump/America hate and therefor anyone who finds President Trump the least bit acceptable or even preferable as a leader are cast about as the most evil of persons..

    Hell, these morons here would vote for ADOLPH HITLER over President Trump...

    That right there should tell you have far off the reservation they have fallen..

    But I would dispute your claim that the animosity and hate that festers pre-dates President Trump..

    While there was always rancor and lively insult laden discussions, there was respect before.. It was all good natured fun.. We even talked about yearly family picnics.. You remember that??

    Since the arrival of the nasty trolls all of that went out the window... NOW we have trolls doing opposition research IRL and having their cop bed buddies do computer searches and other illegal activities.. NOW we have trolls who drag wives and children into their hate filled troll attacks and flame wars..

    Pre-PTDS suffering CW would NEVER have allowed that kind of shit in the years before President Trump..


    So, while I agree with everything you said, you are wrong about this sort of crap pre-dating President Trump.. It's only with the arrival of the trolls Victoria et al that this shit became acceptable...

    Fodder for thought, if not cogent nor congenial discussion. ;)

    I am game.. :D

  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:


    Sounds like a lot of nebulous BS akin to the claims that 911 was "an inside job"...

    Having working in Military Intelligence, I can assure you that hindsight is *ALWAYS* 20/20.. It's VERY easy to go back over the intelligence once a target has been hit and find nuggets that SHOULD have been a tip off..

    ESPECIALLY for people who really want to find those "nuggets" to further an agenda..

    But it's only with foresight that these "nuggets" gain any real meaning..

    It's undeniable that Netanyahu has been an awesome leader for Israel and the entire middle east...

    I gotta run an errand, but I'll be back soon.. There is a BUNCH of new info that shows how awesome President Trump is winning and how bad Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is losing.. :D

    Stay tuned...

  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:

    He’s definitely hung up on me. I suppose I should feel complimented, somehow.

    Says the guy who has been hung up on me since he got here.. You even use my terminology that I created..

    And then you decide to "ignore" me and then you get hung up on me all over again..

    Oh yea.. We had a truce once.. Which you dishonorably broke...

    But hay... I'll offer it again... No dishonorable personal attacks.. Just comments on the issues and the facts.. Preferably with facts of your own..

    The offer is on the table. Your choice, dood..

  59. [59] 
    Michale wrote:

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris' summer JOY JOY swoon is over..

    NOW voters are seeing Headboard Harris as they always have seen her. An empty head filled with NOTHING but personal ambition and personal glory..

    Headboard has ZERO substantial positive impacts on public policy.. She has NEVER distinguished herself as a leader in ANY way shape or form..

    Her rep in Beltway circles is nothing but rocky relationships with staff and sagging approval ratings because she has NEVER accomplished ANYTHING..

    Her place on the Dim ticket was handed to her on a silver platter, despite the FACT that she has **NEVER** earned a single solitary primary vote..

    "None of these facts are in dispute Mr President!!!"
    -Klingon Ambassador

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    This one hits really close to home. :(


    Corrections Officer Bradford D. McNew
    Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, FL
    End of Watch: Saturday, October 12, 2024

    And remind the few..
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak...

  61. [61] 
    Michale wrote:
  62. [62] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    you have no idea what you're talking about where Israeli intelligence is concerned. unlike 9-11, October 7 had warning signs all over the place, to the point where they were even voiced by the media, and the pm explicitly discarded them, in public and in private. that's not a "nugget" it's the whole damn bird.

  63. [63] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    a responsible leader, even one who thinks the reports are mistaken, in Israel would be obligated at least privately to take significant additional precautions. unlike the United States, the Israeli voting public is extremely well informed on these events, and holds the current prime minister responsible for the failure by a large margin. Even if Donald wins, he will soon have a new partner in Israel. you can take that to the bank.

  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    you have no idea what you're talking about where Israeli intelligence is concerned.

    Actually, I do.. When I was MI during Desert Storm I worked with IDF.. I know from whence I speak..

    Are there any specific facts that don't require precognition to interpret?? If so, let's see 'em..

    As old submariners say, "Any dunsel can find something on the playback!"

    Even if Donald wins, he will soon have a new partner in Israel. you can take that to the bank.

    :D I feel a wager in our future.. Netanyahu's been the best leader Israel has had since David Gurion...

    Barring an assassination, Bibi is going to head Israel for a long time to come..

  65. [65] 
    Michale wrote:

    You know, I was interested in this because of what? The observation you made about that it's kind of a paradox that Democrats see themselves as the party of tolerance. And I think, you know, there's intolerance, there's vigil, there's poison, there's anger on both sides, but I found that it's more that the Democrats are much less tolerant of somebody holding different political beliefs.

    There's tribalism, and the orthodoxies are much more insidious in the Democratic Party. And it's disturbing to me, because I think the polarization is the worst thing for our country, and that, you know, we have huge problems in this country, but we also are very resilient, but we're never going to solve them if we don't -- if we're not able to come together. And I think that the Democrats are much more tend to be much more intolerant than Republicans on these issues. That's my personal observation, and it's interesting to see that validated by that poll.
    -Robert F Kennedy Jr

    From a man whose name is synonymous with Democrat Party..

    At least, the way the Democrat Party USED to be..

    Progressivism killed the Democrat Party..

    Progressivism made the Democrat Party into the Demon'rat Party...

  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, according to RCP (which is the ONLY acceptable form of polling here in Weigantia) President Trump is ahead in ALL of the swing states.. And, if polls follow true to form as they did in 2016 and 2020, then President Trump's lead in ALL the swing states is quite a bit... :D

    It's a shame I am going to be working election night.. I would REALLY love to participate in the Weigantian Election Watch Party...

    Oh well.. I'll be able to come in afterwards and soak up all the hysterical PTDS Trump/America hating tears that's going to flood Weigantia.. :D

    Com'on guys!! Ya'all just GOTS to realize how much fun it's going to be.. :D

  67. [67] 
    Michale wrote:


    Seems like the Weigantian censors are trying to help the trolls again...

    Did ya'all catch that totally cringey I AM A MAN ad for Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris.


    It was hilarious!! Demon'rats idea of what masculine is all about.. People who can't even define what a man is wants to define masculinity!!

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    Comments on the ad were hilarious..

    “Zero tes-tost-erone was used in the making of this ad”

    “A Real Man instantly realises that there isn’t a single Real Man in this pathetic beta male cringe-fest of a propaganda video”

    “From the party that can’t tell you what a woman is”

    “As a man, I think I walked away from this ad with a yeast infection.”

    I wouldn't have imagined it possible that a campaign could do WORSE than Basement Joe Biden...

    And yet, Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is plumbing new depths in incompetence & clumsiness

  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:


    Apparently, the NNL filters have a problem with "tes-tos-terone"... :D

    Ironic, since it appears the whole of the Demon'rat Party has the same issue.. :D

  70. [70] 
    Michale wrote:

    No bigger clue exists that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris' campaign is in it's death throes than down ballot Demon'rat candidates are BEGGING that Headboard Harris stay away from their districts..

    Several Democrats running for key Senate seats have distanced themselves from Vice President Kamala Harris and her bid for the presidency as polling continues to tighten between her and former President Donald Trump.

    Democrats such as Texas Rep. Colin Allred, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and Montana Sen. Jon Tester have been largely quiet about Harris’s bid for President or have even skipped campaign events for Harris in their own states.

    Tester has gone a step further, refusing to endorse Harris for President despite recruiting her to run for Senate as chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) in 2015.

    And prominent Democrats are even running ads that dunk on Headboard Harris and support President Donald Trump..

    These are FACTS that no amount of PTDS infused Trump/America hate can refute..

    Headboard Harris' campaign is going the way of the McGovern campaign of 72 and the Dukakis campaign of 88 and even Headboard Harris' OWN campaign of 2019...

    The writing is on the wall people.. Better prepare yourselves.. :D

  71. [71] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Hey cho’mo, since you’re going to be long gone come April, hiding under some slimy rock with your Atomwaffen Division buddies, and because Weigantia has learned how important April 20th is to Trumpanzies in general and especially you, please let me send you a sincere Sieg Heil!

  72. [72] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Netanyahu may eventually have to face the music over his building up of Hamas and the tearing down of the Palestinian Authority given all of the inherent corruption of the PA; over ignoring all of the readily apparent signs of Hamas intentions and his own legal issues.

    But, I think Netanyahu is hardly the only problem and obstacle to Israel's security and future as a Jewish state. While he is wreaking the most havoc he can muster against the idea of a Palestinian state, he is far from being alone in that thinking and in not having a viable plan and strategy for peace.

    It appears to me that the powers that be throughout the state of Israel - far beyond its current leader - and much of the population have decided that a two-state solution is, how shall I put it ... 'permanently off the table' and, in no uncertain terms at that.

    The question now is just how long Israel can continue on its present course without losing what is left of its moral authority and its very existence as a Democratic and Jewish state. The answer, I believe, rests with enlightened leadership. Unfortunately, like much of the rest of the world, this is a commodity that is in extremely short supply, if present at all.

  73. [73] 
    Michale wrote:


    Ya see what I mean?? The trolls just want to spew their hate.. They are not interested in cogent, congenial or rational discussion..

    Thank gods they'll be gone after President Trump wins the election...

    The question now is just how long Israel can continue on its present course without losing what is left of its moral authority and its very existence as a Democratic and Jewish state.

    Israel has ALL the moral, not to mention ethical and legal, authority it is possible to have..

    As long as Palestinians resort to, condone and support terrorism, Netanyahu and Israel has the absolute moral, ethical and legal high ground. Absolutely..

    This is an unequivocal and uncontested fact...

  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    cad, cad, cad...

    Your behavior is beyond pitiful. Calling you "cad" seems far too kind a term for the mess you’ve made of your life. I should probably feel pity for someone as lost and broken as you, but you’ve made it incredibly hard to muster even that small amount of compassion. You’ve been dishonorably discharged from the military—of all things, kicked out for drug abuse. That disqualifies you from claiming even the smallest bit of honor as a veteran. The title of veteran is reserved for those who served their country with dignity, not for people like you who squandered the opportunity through poor choices.

    Your frequent disappearances and your peculiar vocabulary make it crystal clear to anyone paying attention: you're in prison. It’s not hard to deduce. I wouldn’t be surprised if your crimes involved drugs. Perhaps a DUI? Maybe you caused a fatal accident while under the influence, and now you’re rotting behind bars, paying the price for the tragic mistakes you’ve made. Manslaughter? Vehicular homicide? Who knows. Either way, you’re locked away, and rightfully so. Society is better off with you in a cage.

    It’s painfully obvious that you're a sad, lonely individual. You've driven everyone away with your toxicity, and the life you’ve created is one destined to be lived in solitude. You're the kind of person who will end up alone, and frankly, you deserve no better. I should probably pity you for that, too—because loneliness is a tragic end for anyone—but your attitude makes it impossible. You’re not just pitiable; you’re repulsive. The way you carry yourself, the way you interact with others, dripping with malice and disrespect—it’s hard to feel sorry for someone who revels in being so vile.

    And then there’s your name-calling. It’s laughable, really. The childish insults you throw around are a dead giveaway. They scream of someone who is desperate to wound others because deep down, you know just how low you’ve fallen. Name-calling can only sting if there’s a grain of truth behind it. But your insults are hollow, devoid of any substance, which only makes them bounce off like harmless pebbles. Your attempts at cutting people down fail, and they only serve to reveal just how little you have left in your arsenal. You’re scraping the bottom of the barrel, and it’s sad to watch.

    Your delusions are further amplified by your troll bimbo's lame attempt to project your own prison status onto me. It’s so predictable, it’s almost boring. But let's be clear: I work in law enforcement. It’s a fact that someone with a criminal record, especially prison time, would never be allowed to serve in law enforcement. Your troll bimbo knows this, and yet, in her desperation to defend the indefensible, she clings to baseless accusations because it’s all she has...

    Now, let's talk facts. My descriptions of you, in contrast, are grounded in reality. You were dishonorably discharged from the military. You’ve admitted to being a drug addict. Your use of certain slang and patterns of disappearance point to an inmate’s lifestyle. And it’s blindingly obvious that you're utterly alone and will likely die that way because no one with any self-respect would want to be associated with someone like you.

    At the end of the day, your situation is one of your own making. You’ve driven yourself into isolation through your actions, and now you’re lashing out in bitterness. I don’t need to engage in childish name-calling or flail around with empty insults because the facts speak for themselves. You are a person trapped by your own poor decisions, and it’s a fate that—while tragic—you fully deserve. While pity might be the appropriate response for someone in your position, you’ve made it impossible to feel anything but contempt. So, no pity here—just the cold, hard facts.

  75. [75] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is what it's going to look like come 6 Nov 2024

    Ya'all need to prepare yerselves for the inevitable.. :D

  76. [76] 
    Michale wrote:


    President Trump TOTALLY DEMOLISHES Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris!!

    Trump makes fries at Philadelphia McDonald's: 'I've now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala'

    Trump put on an apron, made and served french fries to reporters and customers at a Philadelphia McDonald's Sunday afternoon

    President Donald Trump took on a new role as he cooked and served french fries to customers at a Philadelphia McDonald's on Sunday afternoon, while dishing out plenty of jabs at Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Thousands of Trump supporters surrounded the McDonald's restaurant as Trump spent the afternoon working as a fry cook after accusing Harris of lying about working at the fast food restaurant.

    "I've now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala at McDonald's," Trump said through the drive-thru window as he handed out orders.

    Say what you want about President Trump... But he is a patriotic American through and through and knows how to relate to every day Americans!!! :D

  77. [77] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    I appreciate your tenacity, but you're (still) not the board mother. :)

  78. [78] 
    Michale wrote:

    That's right...

    Liz is the Warden Of Weigantia….

    So says the creator of Weigantia… :D

    I know, I know..

    But sometimes the bimbo troll just gives me the perfect lead in... :D

  79. [79] 
    Michale wrote:

    Not to mention the FACT that Liz is, for the most part, dead on ballz accurate in what she is saying... As is per her norm..

    But, of course, FACTS has little meaning in the Weigantian shithole that you trolls have created...

  80. [80] 
    Kick wrote:


    He’s definitely hung up on me. I suppose I should feel complimented, somehow.

    He certainly trolls you a lot without provocation whatsoever from you in any form. The trolling definitely has a pattern too.

    (1) The troll will troll without provocation whatsoever, desperately longing for someone's attention. He seems particularly obsessed with yours and the genitals of multiple other persons. No one forces the troll to constantly post about yours and the genitals of others; he just demonstrably either cannot or will not stop himself from doing it.

    (2) Then he'll get a response.

    (3) Then the troll will whine that he is the victim here.

    Sometimes Liz will do the board mothering thing, a lot less lately for which I was ever so proud of her, but I definitely appreciate her tenacity.

    (4) Then the troll will whine in absolutely butthurt fashion that he is the victim here and blame others for his own repetitive repertoire of moldy shit postings that have been occurring for decades... as if this blog isn't archived for all posterity and like someone else is to blame for what he chooses himself to repetitively post.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    I respond as I read these, but that's the regular pattern. We'll see if it plays out the same as usual. :)

  81. [81] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    "Demolishes" by serving fries while lying his ass off? What, are you giving Trump a participation award with extra hoopla or something? I mean he acts like he is 5, I guess your treating him like he is 5 is on point...

  82. [82] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    But, of course, FACTS has little meaning in the Weigantian shithole that you trolls have created...

    Don't cut yourself short, you are the leader of not understanding the word "fact" here...

  83. [83] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    you're completely off-base about what bibi will answer for, and by implication you're also wrong about who he will answer to. If the war ends favorably he'll last until the scheduled elections of 2026, but not past then. the israeli voting public doesn't much care what the world thinks of the PA or "two states" - they care that bibi thought he had Hamas controlled, ignored unprecedented warnings in early 2023, and thousands of israelis have paid for that mistake with their lives, never mind the thousands more of palestinian arabs and lebanese who have also died.

    yet another thing you're completely wrong about is the demise of the two state idea. that has very little to do with the actions of politicians; the reason it's currently "off the table" is the lack of trust between communities. On October 7, 2023, many supposed "civilians" who the residents of southern israel thought they were friendly with and were working on behalf of with the government, turned out to have been reporting on them to the terrorists, so they could more efficiently be killed, kidnapped and robbed. that doesn't mean there's zero possibility for two states, but it means the concept needs to be adjusted. there are already creative types on both sides working on that problem.


  84. [84] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Typical. The McDonald's was closed and the event entirely staged. Definitely participation award level stuff but not surprising as I doubt the Secret Service would let Trump work an active McDonald's with the random public...

  85. [85] 
    Kick wrote:


    Did you see yesterday (Saturday 10/19) where Old Man Trump went to Pennsylvania and prattled on and on about Arnold Palmer, including showers and the size of Arnold Palmer's genitals? Fox News chose to cut him off.

    It's a psychiatric disorder referred to as "behavioral disinhibition," and it's a sign of dementia and/or brain damage wherein the afflicted will just blurt out whatever pops into their diseased mind because they've lost their ability to filter themselves in social situations.

    Poor Old Man Trump. He cannot stop proving in public that he's cognitively impaired and he's lost it. Can you imagine what the press or the MAGA cult minions would say about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris if either of them held a rally and danced to music for 39 minutes? Or referred to Republicans or anyone who didn't support Harris as "enemies of America," or prattled away at a rally that including children about Arnold Palmer's genitals?

  86. [86] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    well say what you want about his junk, there's no denying the excellence of his lemonade/iced tea.

  87. [87] 
    Kick wrote:


    These people simply can't comprehend ANYTHING past there Trump/America hate and therefor anyone who finds President Trump the least bit acceptable or even preferable as a leader are cast about as the most evil of persons..

    I think you meant "their" hate, although you've come to the wrong place to whine like a victim about Trump haters because it does not appear anyone on this blog "hates" him. Hate requires passion, and I have no passion for the man whatsoever but rather a plethora of pity and a long-held knowledge of exactly who Trump is:

    Donald Trump: A guy who believes that accumulation of wealth is the true sign of a man's worth, who easily takes both sides of any issue for political expediency while his true loyalty lies with himself, a confident con no matter which side he's taking, and the biggest threat to our country coming not from without, but from within, a guy who fancies himself a true patriot but who'd turn coat on America and her people in order to satisfy his insatiable greed and lust for power and title... a modern-day Benedict Arnold.

    "Benedict Donald": pronounced "Been A Dick," with a silent "T" like Stephen Colbert.

    [Sunday, May 15th, 2016 at 08:43]

    Where was I wrong about Trump? Anyone confusing knowledge for hatred is simply wildly incorrect.

    Hell, these morons here would vote for ADOLPH HITLER over President Trump...

    Trump is the closest thing to "ADOLPH HITLER" who anyone here has had the opportunity to vote for, and only one of "these morons here" has actually claimed to have done that.

    While there was always rancor and lively insult laden discussions, there was respect before.. It was all good natured fun.. We even talked about yearly family picnics.. You remember that??

    No one has to "remember" an archived blog because it's archived. Having been a reader of this blog long before I chose to be a commenter, I can attest that among "these morons here," somebody has serious memory issues, and it isn't the any of the "morons" who had the good sense NOT to vote for the closest thing to "ADOLPH HITLER" we've ever seen on a presidential election ballot.

    Who could have predicted the board's troll would blame others for his own massive pile of shit postings?

    Butthurt troll... still butthurt after all these years.

    Pre-PTDS suffering CW would NEVER have allowed that kind of shit in the years before President Trump..

    So you're now going to blame the blog's author for your own massive pile of shit postings that are archived and easily searchable!?. I guess you forgot he also referred to you as a troll. I could definitely repost it for those "morons here" with demonstrable memory issues.

  88. [88] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    Apparently, the orange sexual predator does know why it's fun to stay at the YMCA!

  89. [89] 
    Kick wrote:


    that's not a "nugget" it's the whole damn bird.

    Absolutely 100% correct. I cannot fathom why anyone would claim anything to the contrary unless, of course, they have no demonstrable intelligence whatsoever or they've completely lost their ability to discern fact from absolute fabricated fiction.

  90. [90] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    There isn't much point in discussing anything with you because I am so wrong about everything, even when I am so purposefully ambiguous.

    I don't know why I keep having to re-learn that lesson about you, over and over again. I must be obtuse, to boot. ;)

  91. [91] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    oh boo-hoo liz, you're not completely wrong about everything, just the middle-east.

  92. [92] 
    Kick wrote:


    I don’t need to engage in childish name-calling or flail around with empty insults because the facts speak for themselves.

    And yet, the troll's massive piles of archived shit postings are chock full of exactly what he claims he doesn't "need to engage in." *laughs*

    I can confirm there is a whole lot of projection in this particular shit post by the troll. It seems in his haste to "engage in" insults, the frequent Defendant Troll simply forgot about the disclosing of his multiple own legal issues and admission of being arrested, which are undeniably:

    * Archived on this blog.

    * Public record.

  93. [93] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    BooHoo yourself, JL ... you don't want to discuss the ME.

  94. [94] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    But, don't worry ... I'll probably have to re-learn that lesson once again, down the road...

  95. [95] 
    Kick wrote:


    well say what you want about his junk, there's no denying the excellence of his lemonade/iced tea.

    Heh. Good one.

    I personally wouldn't discuss any man's penis in a public setting, particularly one that included children and young people, and I now won't likely be able to drink that excellent lemonade and iced tea without pondering the thought of what an absolute giant prick and classless moron that Donald Trump actually is for having done that.

  96. [96] 
    Kick wrote:

    John From Censornati

    Apparently, the orange sexual predator does know why it's fun to stay at the YMCA!

    And he has a "Dick Dance" he does to that tune to prove it! Maybe we should consider renaming that jerk-off dance the "Arnold Palmer"!?

    I missed you, JFC. Hope you are doing well. :)

  97. [97] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    …and you don’t know dink about Ukraine and how well Joe has handled the challenge, either.

    Besides the slow walking aid part. Smartest geopolitical move but it’s costing Ukrainian lives, and all my ancestral DNA is over there.

    A Board Mother you objectively are, but you’re so darn polite about it that I cannot take offense.

  98. [98] 
    Kick wrote:


    Typical. The McDonald's was closed and the event entirely staged. Definitely participation award level stuff but not surprising as I doubt the Secret Service would let Trump work an active McDonald's with the random public...

    Besides the Secret Service, unless they've launched a new McFelon employee initiative, McDonald's Corporation (and generally any legitimate business entity) would not hire a recently 34-time convicted felon and recently adjudicated rapist found liable of sexual assault to work anywhere near the public either. Negligence doesn't begin to describe for what McDonald's (or a business entity) would be legally liable for allowing a known felon and sexual predator to work anywhere near another employee or the public. Seriously.

    FACT: Donald Trump could not serve in the military nor get hired as a McDonald's employee with his current criminal record and recent verdict/adjudication of rape... forget about serving anywhere near a position of power like law enforcement [as the troll points out above], unless he chose to answer untruthfully or omit the facts on his resume and/or application, which is generally always grounds for court martial or immediate termination, whichever the case.

    Of course it was staged! Donald Trump is a con artist.

    But it was an awfully nice exercise for the Orange Clown to don an apron and remind everyone in America that Donald Trump couldn't get a job running the fry station or the window at McDonald's -- or being a dog catcher or working anywhere where an application and background check are prerequisites -- yet he wants you to hire him as President of the United States.

    Puts that in perspective.

  99. [99] 
    Michale wrote:


    - they care that bibi thought he had Hamas controlled, ignored unprecedented warnings in early 2023, and thousands of israelis have paid for that mistake with their lives,

    And yet, you STILL cannot provide ANY facts of these "unprecedented warnings".. All you have provided is links to Israel/BiBi haters who have CLAIMED that there were "unprecedented warnings"...

    Why not show these "unprecedented warnings" so that we can factually determine whether or not they were "unprecedented"... Or even "warnings".. As opposed to nothing more than 20/20 hindsight??

    never mind the thousands more of palestinian arabs and lebanese who have also died.

    Once again, I am constrained to point out that ALL of those Palestinians are COMBATANTS, by the terrorists' own claims..

    As such, they are not to be mourned any more so than the Nazi soldiers of WWII are to be mourned..

    that doesn't mean there's zero possibility for two states, but it means the concept needs to be adjusted.

    The ONLY possibility for a 2 state solution is when Palestinians realize that they could live in peace side by side with Israel if they would simply be content to live in peace side by side with Israel.

    Is when Palestinians decide to love their children more than they hate Israel..

    Then... and ONLY then.. will a 2 state solution be possible.

    oh boo-hoo liz, you're not completely wrong about everything, just the middle-east.

    To be fair, Liz is as much "completely wrong" as you are.. You both have some valid points, but you can't see past your ideology to see and appreciate the facts and the reality on the ground..

    It's not really ya'all's fault. Ya'all are just basing your opinions on "book learnin'" as opposed to being there and doing that..

    For ya'all, it's all just political theory..

    Suffice it to say that, even if Bibi loses in 2026, he won't be gone for long.. The non-Netanyahu coalition will frak things up, as they ALWAYS do, and patriotic Israelis will demand that Bibi be placed back in power..

    Just as Americans will demand that President Trump be placed back in power in some 15 odd days..

    It is.... inevitable...

  100. [100] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, once again, all the Weigantian trolls have ZERO facts to back up ANY of their claims...

    Oh sure.. The trolls will probably try to come up with some MSNBC or WaPoop link that "proves" their BS.. :D But that just makes their lame attempts all the more ridiculous

    Although, to be fair, the Dishonorably Discharged Druggie DOES make a valid point and puts the Victoria Troll in her place..

    In addition to being the Warden Of Weigantia, the Dishonorably Discharged Druggie confirms that Liz is, indeed, the "Board Mother"... :D

    Even the Druggie shoots down the Victoria Troll.. :D Gotta love it!! :D

  101. [101] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya'all seen the new Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris ad that shows how women will reject black Americans if they don't vote??

    "Democrats continue to dehumanize and insult black men and try to shame and pressure them into only voting for them. Kamala campaign doesn’t even try to engage respectfully."

    Though not as much of a cringe-fest as the "Real Men" Headboard Harris ad, it's close...

    What IS it about DEI Hire Headboard Harris that she simply CAN'T get her shit together...

    I think JL is going to be vindicated when President Trump scores a massive win and all the fingers will be pointed at those who engineered the palace coup against Basement Biden.. :D

  102. [102] 
    Michale wrote:

    Two Weeks Before the Meltdown Begins

    So here goes: Donald Trump will win, and he will win convincingly. But that doesn’t mean the progressive left won’t have a meltdown. Just as in 2016, when Trump was first elected president, the media will be dismayed, the Democrats will be shocked, and there will be protests in the streets, possibly violent. Congressional Democrats such as Jamie Raskin will try to prevent Trump from being sworn in by declaring him an insurrectionist.

    Seven so-called battleground states are supposed to decide the election: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona. But even more important will be the experience of the American people, who in large measure have come to regret the election that put Joe Biden in the White House four years ago.

    That is the underlying story that the media will never acknowledge. Polling within the last year shows that less than one-third of Republicans believe Biden is the legitimate president, and 36% of all Americans have doubts about the 2020 election. That is only a feeling, not a fact, but feelings decide presidential elections, and the almost gleeful anti-American thrust of Biden’s presidency has given more than 60% of potential voters a feeling that we are on the wrong track as a nation.
    -Frank Thiele

    It's clear to anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together and who is NOT suffering from a scorching case of PTDS infused Trump/America hate that President Trump will be re-elected. If not in a landslide then at such as a level as to dispel any doubts of a mandate... :D

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris has all the mental infirmities and deficiencies of Basement Biden without the senility/dementia-riddled excuses..

    It's going to be SOOO MUCH FUN to see Demon'rats implode with all the finger-pointing and blame-gaming and recriminations after President Trump wins so decisively... :D

    That alone is going to be worth the price of admission.. :D

  103. [103] 
    Michale wrote:


    When was the last time we saw a 100+ comment FTP commentary!!! :D

    After ya'all's absolutely PATHETIC contributions to Weigantia these last few weeks, SOMEONE has to take charge and try to return Weigantia to it's former Pre-Troll glory...

    Ya'all obviously were not up to the challenge.. :eyeroll:

    Welp, I am off to work again.. Gots to keep the streets safe for democracy.. :D

    I'll be back... :D

  104. [104] 
    Kick wrote:

    Although, to be fair, the Dishonorably Discharged Druggie DOES make a valid point and puts the Victoria Troll in her place..

    That didn't happen so again we witness the moron troll's long-term disability with simple reading and comprehending the written word.

    That you for providing the proof to back up our accurate claims of your ignorance.

  105. [105] 
    Kick wrote:


    When was the last time we saw a 100+ comment FTP commentary!!! :D

    The FTP posted Friday, October 18, 2024. Duh! This one. If you're asking about the last time before this, the blog is obviously archived so stop being lazy and look it up yourself. Whatever Friday it was posted, it was likely when the Michale Troll was here shit posting in the comments section hurling insults at anyone on the blog who didn't agree with his cult worship of the Orange Pathologically Lying Criminal Fraudulent Old McDonald's Clown.

  106. [106] 
    Kick wrote:

    FUN FACT: Yesterday, Donald Trump claimed at a rally in Lancaster, Pennsylvania: “I'm not 80, and I'm not that close to 80.”

    Donald Trump will be 80 years old June 14, 2026. The total number of days between Sunday, October 20th, 2024 and Saturday, June 13th, 2026 is 601 days. This is equal to 1 year, 7 months, and 24 days so Trump is undeniably close to 80 years old and definitely a pathologically lying bullshit artist as well as cognitively impaired and demonstrably lousy at simple mathematics.

  107. [107] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    those warnings were voiced and referred to on israeli tv in april, 2023, if you care to follow the link i provided, and then follow the links on that article. if you are not willing to read, keep claiming that they dont exist, makes no difference to me.

  108. [108] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    And, once again, all the Weigantian trolls have ZERO facts to back up ANY of their claims...

    Especially you. Funny you would ask someone for links to back up their argument. High grade hypocrisy, that...

  109. [109] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    And yes, nypoet22 is right, shortly after October 7th last year there were a bunch of articles about all the intelligence Israel had received about the attack from the blue print of the attack a year earlier to Israeli intelligence a few weeks before the attack to Egyptian and CIA warnings a few days before Oct 7th and finally Shen Bet warnings hours before the attack. Lots of arm chair quarterbacking at the time on whether Bibi intentionally ignored it all to stay in power...

  110. [110] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    as you said, that's armchair quarterbacking (i.e. silly talk). the most likely reason bibi ignored the warnings is hubris. he was drinking his own kool-aid and thought he had Hamas under control, all evidence to the contrary.

    if he'd really believed the intel and wanted to use it to stay in power, he'd have quietly stationed a battalion of troops on the kibbutzim, crushed the incursion as it happened, and THEN used it as a pretext to invade Gaza and Lebanon anyway. October 7 happened on his watch, at least partly due to his lack of attention to it. that's not something any leader wants to be known for.


  111. [111] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:


    if he'd really believed the intel and wanted to use it to stay in power, he'd have quietly stationed a battalion of troops on the kibbutzim, crushed the incursion as it happened, and THEN used it as a pretext to invade Gaza and Lebanon anyway.

    True, but without the spilled Israeli blood and loss of life being so great, he would never be allowed to carry out the killings of so many enemies of Israel. He won’t be remembered for the Israeli deaths occurring under his leadership; he will be remembered for making those who played any role in the attack pay with their lives! He will be remembered as a hero. Bibi needed the high death numbers to boost his own claim to fame.

  112. [112] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    are you arguing in favor of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories possible just to mess with me?


  113. [113] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    yikes, that wasn't liz, it was russ! my bad, liz!

  114. [114] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    I really got under your skin, cho’mo!

  115. [115] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I give up.

  116. [116] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Oh, well, that's alright then.

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