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An October Reminder, Not A Surprise

[ Posted Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 – 17:56 UTC ]

We begin today with a few definitions, from Merriam-Webster:

a bundle of rods and among them an ax with projecting blade borne before ancient Roman magistrates as a badge of authority

(1) a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition
(2) a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

(1) an attack made without warning
(2) something that surprises
(3) the feeling caused by something unexpected or unusual

October surprise
[US politics] a significant revelation or event in the month prior to an election that has the potential to shift public opinion about an election candidate and that is often orchestrated to influence the election's outcome

That's what the dictionary says.

Today the political world is in a tizzy as Democrats from Kamala Harris on down have latched on to a recent New York Times article in which Donald Trump's longest-serving White House chief of staff, retired four-star Marine General John F. Kelly, stated that he believed Donald Trump fit the definition of a fascist. Here's how he defined the term fascism: "It's a far-right authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy." That's pretty close to that dictionary definition, you've got to admit.

Kelly then applied the definition to Trump: "Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he's certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators -- he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure." Republicans called the whole thing a weak attempt at an October surprise.

Which is what sent me to the dictionary. And ancient Rome.

The fasces, as you can see from the definition, was always a badge of authority. Not unlike the swastika, its history far predates the negative connotations applied to it in the run-up to World War II. In fact, we used to have a fasces on our own dimes (the "tails" side of the Mercury dime, which was issued from 1916 to 1945, after which it morphed into a torch on the Roosevelt dime we still use today). The symbol appears elsewhere in American governmental imagery and architecture as well. You can find them in the House of Representatives (on either side of the U.S. flag behind the podium), on the seal of the Senate, in a painting in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, surrounding the Statue of Freedom on the top of the Capitol's dome, and on a frieze over the Supreme Court building's facade. America styled itself after ancient Roman democracy, after all, which is why all the old buildings in D.C. are built in Greco-Roman style. We symbolically paid homage in all sorts of ways, the fasces being just one of them.

But then Benito Mussolini came along and redefined the concept. His National Fascist Party (Fascisti) adopted the concept (of "a symbol of the Italian people united and obedient to the single authority of the state"), and so the modern definition of "fascism" was born. It then came to describe the German Nazi regime as well. Today fascism and Nazism is almost synonymous.

So does the term apply to Donald Trump? Well, it certainly applies to how he's promising he'd govern, that much seems patently obvious. Let's run down the list:

  • Populist political philosophy? Check.
  • Exalts nation above the individual? Check ("America First").
  • Exalts race above the individual? Check.
  • A centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader? Exactly what Trump says he wants.
  • Severe economic or social regimentation? Check. Trump wants to personally run the economy and decide who is fit to be an American and who is not.
  • Forcible suppression of opposition? Check. Trump wants to be able to decide what television news channels can and cannot say about him, and he has sworn "retribution" on all his political enemies, who he labels "enemies from within."

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

Trump, of course, rejects the term. In fact, he is quick to use it on his opponents. He shows his historical ignorance by calling Democrats "fascists, communists" in the same sentence, since the two political philosophies were diametrically and violently opposed. But he certainly checks all the boxes, as General Kelly pointed out.

Kelly went on, in the same interview, to run down all the reasons why he thinks Donald Trump should never be allowed near the Oval Office ever again. Trump wanted to govern the same way he ran his family business, according to Kelly, which meant unwavering loyalty from everyone in government -- including the military. Kelly paints a pretty scathing picture of what Trump was like as president, in more than one way.

According to Kelly, Trump "never accepted the fact that he wasn't the most powerful man in the world -- and by power, I mean an ability to do anything he wanted, anytime he wanted."

Trump failed to grasp basic truths about American democracy and the difference between a president and an all-powerful monarch:

Mr. Kelly said that in the first few days of working for Mr. Trump as his chief of staff in the summer of 2017, he had to explain to the president that top government officials like himself had taken an oath to the Constitution and would place that oath over personal loyalty.

Mr. Kelly said Mr. Trump pressed him about that pledge and seemed to have no appreciation that top aides were supposed to put their pledge to the Constitution -- and, by extension, the rule of law -- above all else.

"He and I talked about it -- it was a new concept for him, I guess is the best way to put it, and I don't think it's one he ever totally accepted."

. . .

Mr. Trump, Mr. Kelly said, wrongly believed that the uniformed and retired senior generals he brought in to work for him would be loyal to him above all else.

"Certainly, a big surprise for him, again, was if you remember at the beginning of the administration, he would talk about 'his generals,'" Mr. Kelly said. "I don't know why he thought that -- but then a very big surprise for him was that we were -- those of us who were former generals and certainly people still on active duty -- that the commitment, the loyalty was to the Constitution, without question, without second thought."

Mr. Kelly added: "That was a big surprise to him that the generals were not loyal to the boss, in this case him."

Kelly confirmed that Trump repeatedly spoke positively about Adolf Hitler: "He commented more than once that, 'You know, Hitler did some good things, too.'" Kelly had to patiently try to explain why saying this was a bad idea. That right there is a stunner when you think about it -- that anyone alive would need that concept explained to him.

This wasn't the only thing Kelly confirmed. Trump didn't want to be seen publicly with soldiers who had lost limbs in war:

"Certainly his not wanting to be seen with amputees -- amputees that lost their limbs in defense of this country fighting for every American, him included, to protect them, but didn't want to be seen with them. That's an interesting perspective for the commander in chief to have."

He would just say: "Look, it just doesn't look good for me."

Trump told Kelly (multiple times) that people in the military who were injured or killed were "losers and suckers":

"The time in Paris was not the only time that he ever said it," Mr. Kelly said, referring to reports that Mr. Trump told him that he did not want to visit a cemetery where American service members killed during World War I were buried.

"Whenever John McCain's name came up, he'd go through this rant about him being a loser, and all those people were suckers, and why do you people think that people getting killed are heroes? And he'd go through this rant."

"To me, I could never understand why he was that way -- he may be the only American citizen that feels that way about those who gave their lives or served their country," Mr. Kelly said.

This was because Trump simply could not understand anyone making such a sacrifice for their country. It was an alien idea for Trump:

At Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day 2017, Mr. Trump toured the section where recently killed service members are buried, including Mr. Kelly's son Robert, a Marine who was killed in 2010 while fighting in Afghanistan.

While walking through the cemetery, Mr. Kelly recounted, Mr. Trump asked what had been in it for those who had given their lives.

"And I thought he was asking one of these rhetorical kind of, you know, questions," Mr. Kelly said. "But I didn't realize he was serious -- he just didn't see what the point was. As I got to know him, again, this selflessness is something he just didn't understand. What's in it for them?"

All in all, it's a pretty damning portrait. But it's nothing really new. Kelly is merely confirming and seconding and agreeing with what others who worked in Trump's White House have said. I don't think there's anything in the entire interview that could be classified as anything new or revelatory, except perhaps how precisely Kelly defines Trump's fascist leanings.

So it's not exactly a surprise. I suppose it could be called "an attack made without warning," but Kelly has indeed said similar things about Trump previously, so even that definition doesn't really fit. It certainly doesn't qualify as an October surprise, since it can't really be called "a significant revelation" -- instead just a confirmation of what is already known. Does it have "the potential to shift public opinion about an election candidate"? That's highly doubtful, since the public's opinion about Donald Trump seems about as static as you can get -- pro or con, everybody pretty much knows who Trump is, at this point. Was it "orchestrated to influence the election's outcome"? Yes, that part of the definition does fit. Kelly said he was motivated to speak out when Trump started talking about using the military against what Trump now calls "enemies within" was so dangerous that he had to speak out now.

The Republicans seem to be right -- at best, this is merely an attempt at an October surprise. But it's not really surprising, even if the calendar is on the right page. Maybe it could be labelled an "October reminder," or something along those lines.

Some Democrats are a little annoyed at Kelly for waiting so long, and I can understand that feeling. Why couldn't people like Kelly -- who worked directly for Trump and intimately saw how he operated as president -- come out and remind the American public what it was like, on a regular basis throughout the whole election? Liz Cheney and a few others have been doing that, but largely the Republican (pre-Trump) establishment has been awfully quiet. While Barack Obama and Bill Clinton actively campaign for Kamala Harris, George W. Bush is nowhere to be seen, just to state the obvious.

So no, I would not call the Times article an "October surprise." It just wasn't surprising at all to me, or to anyone else who has been paying attention. But perhaps it will remind some undecided voters out there of the rolling chaos and embarrassment that a Trump presidency truly was. And Kamala Harris is certainly right to highlight it all, in an effort to remind everyone how dangerous Trump would be without any "adults in the room" such as Kelly.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


39 Comments on “An October Reminder, Not A Surprise”

  1. [1] 
    Kick wrote:

    Whenever John McCain's name came up, he'd go through this rant about him being a loser, and all those people were suckers, and why do you people think that people getting killed are heroes? And he'd go through this rant.

    ~ John Kelly, speaking about Donald Trump

    People who are wounded or die in service/sacrifice to protect "we, the People," our communities, and the United States of America are generally considered heroes, regardless of whether or not they share our personal political views or agenda.

    Fast forward to now where an idiot has taken multiple shots directly at Donald Trump's head and thankfully missing fatally wounding him but heinously causing the death of another man to whom Trump now repeatedly refers as a "hero," I would hope Trump is now more keenly aware as to "why" people who sacrifice themselves to protect others are heroes, but based on his well-documented worldview, I wouldn't bet a dime on it:

    Donald Trump: I supported him. He lost. He let us down. But he lost. So I never liked him much after that, because I don't like losers.

    Frank Luntz: But he's a war hero!

    Donald Trump: He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured.

    Ames, Iowa, July 18, 2015

    And while Trump now undeniably meets/exceeds his own definition of "loser" he applies to John McCain for losing a presidential election, it isn't exactly a secret at this point that Trump pretends to be a winner at all costs, even to the point of it costing multiple Americans their own lives and liberty because they were gullible enough to fall for the con, the pathologically lying utter asinine "Big Lie" bullshit he continues to push to this day without regard to how many more Americans will fall victim.

    So no, I would not call the Times article an "October surprise." It just wasn't surprising at all to me, or to anyone else who has been paying attention.

    Exactly. Trump has publicly admired and has been singing the praises of tyrants and dictators of the present day and has campaigned repeatedly using rhetoric that demonizes illegal as well as legal immigrants and claims on a regular basis they are threatening the native purity of America and that he will perform the biggest deportation operation in history and expel those he refers to as "vermin" and those he routinely claims are "poisoning the blood," while at the same time he vows to use the powers of the office of the presidency to achieve personal and political retribution against those to whom he regularly refers as the "enemies from within."

    They say those who cannot learn from the mistakes of the past are destined to repeat them, whereas Donald Drumpf is outright echoing and glorifying the stench of history and promising to repeat it.

  2. [2] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's really amazing the depths of hypocrisy that you Demon'rats will plumb when they are suffering from PTDS...

    I remember how you Demon'rats went on and on about how bad Kelly was and what an evil man Kelly was blaa blaaa blaaa…

    NOW that Kelly is saying what you want to hear, NOW ya'all LOVE John Kelly..

    And yunno, this is NOT just a one off...

    Ya'all Demon'rats HATED John Bolton.. Ya'all DESPISED John Bolton with every fiber of ya'all's Demon'rat being..

    Now?? NOW ya'all just LOVE John Bolton.. Ya'all quote John Bolton with abandon...

    And yet there are still MORE examples...

    Dick Cheney... Oh how you Demon'rats deplored Dick Cheney.. For you Demon'rats, Dick Cheney was Satan, Hitler, Stallone's DREDD and Cruise's REACHER all rolled into one. For you Demon'rats, Cheney was EVIL personified...


    NOW ya'all LOVE Dick Cheney.. You and your Demon'rats *** HONORED *** Dick Cheney on the House Floor!!!

    I guess it's not too surprising.. After all, ya'all Demon'rats used to LOVE Donald Trump! Ya'all HONORED Donald Trump along side such luminaries such as Muhammed Ali and Rosa Parks.. Ya'all Demon'rats said "Donald Trump is the BEST FRIEND that black Americans ever had..

    Do you people SEE how bad ya'all are?? How far you have dropped off into the abyss of hated and bigotry??? How completely and utterly hysterical ya'all are with your PTDS and your Trump/America hate??

    You people should really seek professional mental health help.. Such blatant and obvious wallowing in unconcealed and flagrant hypocrisy simply cannot be health..

  3. [3] 
    Michale wrote:

    The question I have for ya'all is this..

    Do you have ANY FACTS that prove President Trump said these things that Kelly, a fired and disgruntled employee, claims President Trump said??

    Of course you don't..

    On the flip side, there are DOZENS of people who are citizens in good standing who PROVE that President Trump NEVER said those things...

    So, once again... All ya'all have is your PTDS and your Trump/America hate and bigotry...

    That's it.. That is ALL ya'all got..

    And when President Trump wins the election... What will you do then???


  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    You people should really seek professional mental health help.. Such blatant and obvious wallowing in unconcealed and flagrant hypocrisy simply cannot be health..


  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    And yet, ya'all STILL ignore the facts on the ground...

    Remember when Weigantia was a place where you could get "REALITY BASED" political commentary??

    The reality here is Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is sinking and President Trump is rising..

    Harris-Trump showdown: New national poll shows who has the edge 2 weeks from Election Day

    National polling indicates momentum for Trump in his race against Harris for the presidency

    A new national poll is the latest to indicate former President Trump with an edge over Vice President Harris in the race to succeed President Biden in the White House.

    Trump grabs 47% support among likely voters nationwide, with Harris at 45%, according to a Wall Street Journal survey released on Wednesday evening - on a ballot that also includes third-party and independent candidates.

    That's a switch from the Journal's previous national survey - conducted in late August - which indicated Harris with a two point edge.

    President Trump is putting Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris right back where President Trump put Basement Biden those so many weeks ago.. :D

    WHO could have POSSIBLY predicted that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris would be in as bad a position as Basement Biden was???

    Oh.. Wait.. :D

    To be fair, I believe JL and Liz also made the same claim as well... :D

    It's ironic that the 3 Weigantian Founders are the only ones who have their heads on straight and accept the reality that this is President Trump's election.. :D

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is woo'ing Trump hating Conservatives.. RIGHT into the arms of President Trump.. :D

    I'm a non-MAGA conservative. Sanctimonious liberals make me want to vote Trump.

    Between Kamala Harris' nonsensical preaching on democracy, the media's harping against Donald Trump and liberals playing the woman card, I've had enough.

    I like voting absentee, and I got my ballot in the mail a couple of weeks ago. I’ve spent a lot of time staring at it, not thrilled about my choices at the top of the ticket.

    That is, until lately.

    Vice President Kamala Harris, her surrogate Democrats and the left-leaning legacy media are all making me – a conservative who is not MAGA in any way – actively want to vote for former President Donald Trump.

    And I know I’m not alone.

    Harris and her fellow liberals are starting to sound a lot like the Democrats did in 2016, and it’s a huge turnoff to voters like me.

    What Demon'rats simply can't comprehend is that they are their own worst enemies..

    Demon'rats think that all their hysterical rantings and hysterical lies and their hysterical BS says a LOT about President Trump..

    It doesn't.. All their hysterical rantings and lies and BS says a LOT about Demon'rats..

    If ya'all could get past your rabid PTDS and your hysterical Trump/America hate, you should REALLY consider this wisdom...

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    And now for something very close to home..

    As ya'all know, I am back working in Law Enforcement..

    We had a fellow JSO Officer killed LOD the other night. His funeral was held on the 22nd.

    And, of course, the Demon'rat Mayor of Jacksonville couldn't be bothered to attend...

    What IS it about Demon'rats that they simply hate cops???

    Can anyone explain that to me??

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's funny how ya'all Demon'rats don't want to talk about what DEMOCRATS are saying about Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris...

    "Harris has this unfortunate habit of going to 'work salad city' when she doesn't want to answer a question. Anderson asked a specific question about Israel, whether Harris would support Israel more than Trump and Harris went into a 7 minute word salad answer that had nothing to do with the question that Anderson had asked."
    -Democrat David Axelrod

    Funny how ya'all don't want to talk about THOSE facts, eh??

    "Gee!! I wonder why that is!!!??"
    -Kevin Spacey, THE NEGOTIATOR

    When are ya'all gonna comprehend??

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris simply cannot win...

    She doesn't have the brain to win..

  9. [9] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Life is not binary opposition. We don't move from hate to love but live in between. Criticizing Kelly, opposing other Republican's policies but believing them later are not in opposition.

    As for facts...try backing something up. Anything. You wax poetic the word but don't seem to understand it's meaning at all.

    I'm a non-MAGA conservative.

    All evidence to the contrary. You are one of the most booty licking Trumpers I have ever encountered.

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya'all remember BLM?? Yunno.. Black Lives Matter??

    Remember how ya'all were GAA GAA over BLM during the George Zimmerman years??

    George Zimmerman is a personal friend of mine.. Remember how ya'all just swooned over Black Lives Matter??

    Now we come to find out that BLM was just a HUGE con to make millions of dollars for just a select few Demon'rats…

    Black Lives Matter Global circling the drain as it runs out of cash: report

    'BLM’s leaders exploited George Floyd’s murder to raise millions that they then put into their own pockets,' Sean Patrick Cooper wrote

    The Free Press, an independent news organization founded by former New York Times journalist Bari Weiss, on Tuesday published a scathing deep dive into the "scrappy start-up that struck gold in 2020" headlined "BLM Collected Over $90 Million in Donations. Where Did It Go?"

    "Capitalizing on the lucrative opportunities afforded to them as high-profile progressives, the three celebrity founders moved on, leaving the operation to wither in the hands of deputies who, sadly, turned on each other. A remarkable spate of legal trouble, brushes with law enforcement, and tangles with the Internal Revenue Service have all but spelled the death of the enterprise that you probably know best as Black Lives Matter," Free Press reporter Sean Patrick Cooper wrote.

    What IS it about your Demon'rats who will always back the con artists who are SOLELY out just to make a buck from defrauding people??

    Ya'all ALSO did it with the OCCUPY con...

    Apparently, ya'all NEVER miss a chance to back a luser…

    Just like ya'all are with Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris.. :D

    Oh the irony is thick here, eh? :D

  11. [11] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    You hanging out with a murderer and wife beater does not surprise me. Neither does your willful ignorance of what was behind both BLM and Occupy movements. Personally, the BLM protests remind me of Trump's unmarked white vans hauling people off and tear gas vortexes with the battle of leaf blowers...

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    Once again, the fact-less Weigantian Troll has ZERO FACTS to support ANY of his claims.. :D Why is that ALWAYS the case!!?? :D

    Architect of Obama victory delivers harsh take on VP Harris' town hall performance

    Abby Phillip suggested Harris avoided specifics when pressed by some of the undecided voters present.

    "The thing I think that kind of got her tripped up at certain times was when certain voters were asking to drill down, actually, on some policy, and she didn‘t want to go there, didn‘t want to get into some specifics," Phillip said. "But it’s tough for her because I think that that comes across as evasive to some voters … They just want to know are my taxes going to go up if I make $500,000 a year or not? It‘s very tricky for her."

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is simply INCAPABLE of giving a straight answer to a straight question..

    No wonder she is TERRIFIED of actually having a REAL Press Conference...

  13. [13] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Once again, the fact-less Weigantian Troll has ZERO FACTS to support ANY of his claims.. :D Why is that ALWAYS the case!!?? :D

    Since you are describing yourself, why don't you tell us...

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    “You can't be a critical race theorist and be pro-US…CRT is an anti-state theory that says the U.S. needs to be deconstructed.”
    Tampon Tim NO BALLZ Walz

  15. [15] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Even if Donald is a fascist at heart, that doesn't necessarily mean he would be able to govern as one. The United States simply has too much infrastructure to prevent that from happening, no matter how much chaos the maga movement manages to sow

  16. [16] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Michale [14]

    Is that one of your "facts"? Because like most of your propagandizing, it's a lie. the quote is taken out of context of a larger piece from Brian Lozenski, not Walz...

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    Even if Donald is a fascist at heart, that doesn't necessarily mean he would be able to govern as one. The United States simply has too much infrastructure to prevent that from happening, no matter how much chaos the maga movement manages to sow

    There you go again.. Bringing logic and rational thought to the hysterical Trump/America haters... :^/

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:


    And how can Donald Trump be a "fascist" when you Democrats LOVED Donald Trump prior to Jun of 2015??

    Did he magically turn into a fascist after Jun of 2015???

  19. [19] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Michale [18]

    That is just stupid even for you or have you conveniently forgotten about the whole birther thing during the Obama administration?

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    I’m not entirely sure what "the general definition of fascist" is supposed to mean. It almost sounds like a scene from The Big Lebowski, where the Dude criticizes the Sheriff of Malibu. However, I do know this much: repeating the line that "Donald Trump is Hitler" for the umpteenth time isn’t swaying voters.

    In fact, you can almost picture the communications team at Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris HQ, deep in thought, until one of them suggests, "Alright, what’s worse than Hitler? We could call Trump that."

    There are several reasons why this last-minute effort to label Trump as a fascist won’t stick, and they’re so obvious they might as well be flashing neon signs from orbit. These reasons are also things I’ve heard firsthand from voters all over the country.

    The most obvious is that President Trump already served four years as president, and there was little to no fascism during that time—no squads of paramilitary enforcers, no armbands, and his administration didn’t imprison political rivals.

    Now to the second point: voters are well aware that the Basement Biden-Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris administration has targeted its political adversaries, including pro-life activists and January 6th defendants, and is actively trying to imprison Trump.

    But being President Trump, the more they charge him, the closer he seems to get to reclaiming the presidency.

    His famous mugshot, far from being a source of embarrassment, has become a badge of honor, appearing on T-shirts worn by his supporters. And among voters who aren’t already staunchly anti-Trump, I’ve never heard anyone cite his legal troubles as a deciding factor in whether to support or oppose him.

    As a Democrat from San Francisco told me in August, "Suddenly, four cases pop up all at once during an election year? Seriously?"

    Seriously, indeed.

    Then there’s the issue of the two assassination attempts on Trump. Each time, Demon'rats condemned political violence and vowed to lower the temperature, only to return to comparing Trump to Hitler within a few days, plastering little mustaches on every image of him they could find.

    But the biggest and most glaring reason Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris' weak fascism claim is failing—it deserves to be shouted from a Broadway marquee—is that it doesn’t address voters’ concerns about their own lives.

    While Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris insists Trump only cares about himself, voters can see clearly that it’s Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris who seems fixated on Trump, offering no real vision for her own candidacy, and constantly reverting to the same tired talking points about Trump being a unique and imminent threat.

    The more that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris campaigns against President Trump, the more popular President Trump becomes...

    It's UNCANNY.. :D

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Demon'rats crying and whining hysterically that President Trump is a fascist says absolutely NOTHING about President Trump..

    But it DOES say a whole helluva lot about Demon'rats..

    And NONE of what it says is good...

  22. [22] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Then you explain Trump suggesting using the military to deal with "enemy from within" multiple times. If he ain't fascist then he is embracing McCarthyism which is almost as bad...

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yo, Bashi Troll?? Have you ever served in the military??

    Oh that's right.. You didn't.. NO ONE here in Weigantia serviced in the US Military except for yours truly..

    Allow me to educate you son..

    Do you know what the military oath of service is?? Do you know what it says??

    A military member swears to defend the UNITED STATES FROM ALL ENEMIES... FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC

    Now answer me a question, you retard..

    If the US MILITARY **SWEARS** to defend the US against DOMESTIC ENEMIES, how is that NOT dealing with the "enemy within", you fraking moron!!???

    Jeezus, Bashi Troll.. You USED to be semi-intelligent and actually worthy of debate at times..

    But apparently, you have been living in that 3rd world shithole, PORTLAND too long and your brain is fried from taking too many illegal drugs...

    Once again, you are not even worth responding to.. My first instinct was the correct one..

    Be gone, insignificant troll...

  24. [24] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Yawn. It's almost like you have never heard of the The Posse Comitatus Act...

    Plus you have admitted in these forums you were just a grunt...

    I've been here as long as you have. Get over your self...

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Apologies to all.. I meant to call Bashi Troll a "retread".. Apparently my 'e' key stuck.. :^/

  26. [26] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Ahh...poor little Mikey has to resort to ad hominems because he can't back up his propagandizing bullshit. Maybe little Mikey need a nap...

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Looks like CBS is afraid to release Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris' full unedited interview..

    Why are they so afraid??? :D

  28. [28] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    FoxNews heavily edits Trump's footage. No outrage?

  29. [29] 
    John From Censornati wrote:

    That's different.

  30. [30] 
    Kick wrote:

    It's really amazing the depths of hypocrisy that you Demon'rats will plumb when they are suffering from PTDS...

    I'm not a Democrat, but I will say that a hypocrite repeatedly whining about hypocrisy is side-splitting hysterical. It's lazy, worn out, and exceedingly moldy. Speaking of "lazy," I'll also say there seems nothing the MAGA cult minions can't excuse or dismiss away by invoking "PTDS"... also lazy.

    I remember how you Demon'rats went on and on about how bad Kelly was and what an evil man Kelly was blaa blaaa blaaa…

    That didn't happen on this blog; there's genuinely only one commenter here who prattles on and on about "evil," and it's you.

    NOW that Kelly is saying what you want to hear, NOW ya'all LOVE John Kelly..

    Have you ever noticed how you're the actual commenter on this blog who prattles on and on about "love" and "hate" and "good" and "evil" as if everything can be explained away by it? It too is lazy, and no one else on this blog actually does that... just you. This may come as a huge surprise to the mental midgets, but a blogger and commenter can obviously quote someone without loving them or hating them.

    I stopped reading right there. I'm in search of some actual political points versus the same pathetic laziness wherein a repetitive Trump cock holster gets triggered because he came to a Leftie and left-leaning political blog wherein no one was singing the praises of a twice impeached 34-time convicted felon who's repeatedly praised the world's tyrants and dictators while stating he will use the National Guard and the military against Americans.

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trouble for Harris and Walz in Pennsylvania?

    Donald Trump has been the target of at least two assassination attempts.

    And yet the vice president, Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris, called an “emergency” press conference Wednesday to tell the world that he is the second coming of Adolf Hitler.

    “Donald Trump is out for unchecked power. He wants a military like Adolf Hitler had, who will be loyal to him, not our Constitution,” she said.

    There is no way to sugarcoat the fact that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris, in her desperation as her campaign heads down the toilet, has just invited more assassination attempts on her political rival.

    She has green-lighted future efforts to murder him, with her carefully scripted, deliberately delivered official message from the official vice presidential residence in Washington, DC, using an American flag as her backdrop, just to add an obscene flourish.

    Demon'rats are hysterical and desperate because they know that President Trump is going to win..

    So, their ONLY hope is to encourage someone to assassinate President Trump..

    Get that?? The **ONLY** plan that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris and the Demon'rats have is that someone assassinates President Trump..

    You hysterical Trump/America must be SOO proud of yerselves… :eyeroll:

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Why the Harris Campaign is Missing the Mark with Black Men

    In trying to win back support from Black men, Democrats are repeating the same strategies that have led to their alienation in the first place.

    Analyzing how Black voters behave during presidential elections has become a routine part of modern politics. But under Trump, the fight for Black support has grown more intense. Surveys showed that Donald Trump made modest gains with Black men in 2016 and chipped away further at the Democrats’ stronghold on this group in 2020.

    Now, with a tight race between Trump and Kamala Harris, the first Black nominee for president, Democratic leaders are sharpening their efforts to secure the Black male vote. While Harris has emphasized that no party is entitled to Black voters and that their support must be earned, many Democrats are sending a different message, often implying that Black men who don’t back the party are betraying their race.

    A recent example of this came from Barack Obama during a campaign stop for Harris in East Liberty, Pennsylvania. While addressing dedicated Harris supporters, Obama took an unusual turn, criticizing Black men for hesitating to support a female presidential candidate.

    “My understanding, based on what I’m hearing from the campaigns and communities, is that we’re not seeing the same level of enthusiasm and turnout in all areas of our neighborhoods that we saw when I was running. The problem seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.”
    -Barack Hussein Odumbo

  33. [33] 
    Kick wrote:


    This is another person's opinion cut and pasted without attribution.

    There's a word for that, but I guess the filter doesn't like the use of it on this forum because it's eating my posts.

  34. [34] 
    Kick wrote:

    Demon'rats crying and whining hysterically that President Trump is a fascist says absolutely NOTHING about President Trump..

    The problem with this pathetic weak-ass argument is the FACT that General Kelly and the multitude of other persons who worked in the Trump administration directly with Trump and making their proclamations and also their endorsements of Vice President Harris are not Democrats. There are hundreds and hundreds of prominent Republicans who worked in Republican administrations that are endorsing Harris.

    Those are NOT Democrats.

  35. [35] 
    Kick wrote:


    Oh that's right.. You didn't.. NO ONE here in Weigantia serviced in the US Military except for yours truly..

    Pathetically incorrect.

    A military member swears to defend the UNITED STATES FROM ALL ENEMIES... FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC…

    Probably exactly why General Kelly, General Milley, Representative Adam Kinzinger and multiple others who have taken that oath are now verbalizing their opinions of Trump.

    Federal Employees take a similar oath via sworn affidavit:

    Republicans from the Trump administration who have taken that oath are also speaking out now.

    Now answer me a question, you retard..

    It seems obvious the troll is questioning itself.

  36. [36] 
    Kick wrote:


    Apologies to all.. I meant to call Bashi Troll a "retread".. Apparently my 'e' key stuck.. :^/

    I call BS.

    Because "all" of everyone here to whom you're apologizing obviously knows that simply adding an additional "e" to that epithet you hurled doesn't make it "retread"... but the attempt to explain it away like that definitely makes you a person who has an intellectual disability.

    I would spell it out for you if my only my "e" key wasn't sticking. /sarcasm

  37. [37] 
    Kick wrote:


    More copy and pasted opinion of another man posted without attribution. This is "play ja rising." I would spell it out and call it what it is if the filter wouldn't eat my post.

  38. [38] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    oh i get it, like after a deposition in the defamation case where Donald has just lost and called the opposing attorney a see you next Tuesday

  39. [39] 
    Kick wrote:


    Yes, something like that... and since Trump just keeps getting sued and losing in court after court, especially on days that end in "y," it seems there's never a shortage of women to disparage for his own pathetic behavior.

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