Things For Democrats To Consider

[ Posted Thursday, November 7th, 2024 – 16:16 UTC ]

As the Democratic Party surveys the smoking wreckage of their electoral hopes and dreams, there will no doubt be a movement to figure it all out and try to fix whatever's wrong, in preparation for next time. The pundits are already busy tossing ideas out, and the party bigwigs will probably make some sort of official effort to understand it all at some point.

While Democrats have largely been united -- to a historic degree -- around being anti-Trump for the past eight years or so, the party's various factions have mostly kept from huge public squabbles with each other. That was an enormous change from the way the party had previously operated. Nancy Pelosi deserves a lot of credit for this, in fact, since nobody herds Congressional Democratic cats like she can. But it was also mostly just putting up a united face against Trump and Trumpism that brought Democrats together. This will undoubtedly also hold them together in Congress for Trump's second term, but there will be power struggles behind the scenes for what the party's agenda and message should truly be, heading forward.

The factional squabbling will begin anew, in other words. Now that Democrats are so far out of power that the party is now essentially leaderless (with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris about to leave the stage, Chuck Schumer about to lose his Senate majority, and Hakeem Jeffries largely unknown to the America people). That vacuum won't stay empty long. I would say something like "it wouldn't surprise me to see ambitious Democrats immediately announce their 2028 presidential campaigns," but heck, Gavin Newsom has been running what certainly looks like a fledgling presidential campaign for over a year now. Whenever he does get around to formally announcing his run, it will come as no surprise to anyone. And Newsom is not the only Democratic politician who looks in the bathroom mirror in the morning and sees a president looking back at him -- there'll be plenty more to come.

I'm not going to get into the factional squabbling quite yet. But it is rather annoying to read analyses that try to shoehorn the Democrats' political moment into the traditional one-dimensional left-right axis of politics. It wasn't "the left" that lost this election, and it wasn't "the center" or "the center-left" or anything like that. It's far too simplistic to see things that way.

Pundits like to lump a lot of things into "the left" and then inevitably come to the conclusion that Americans are too innately conservative to support any of it. This misses the point, though. From where I sit, I haven't seen an honest presidential election between "the left" and "the right" in my adult lifetime. There have been several candidates who easily fit the definition of "the right," but zero that I would truly call "the left."

This is why I really wanted to see Bernie Sanders take on Donald Trump, because that would have been a true battle between the populism of the left and however you want to define Trump's version of populism. But Bernie didn't win the nomination, either time he ran.

The problem with too-facile analyses is that they lump everything together. And it is true that lefties have come up with some wildly unpopular policy ideas and hold some wildly unpopular culture war opinions. Republicans routinely exploit these by making them wedge issues. Look at how they've portrayed trans people (who are the current boogeyman the Republicans are using to scare suburban parents with). So Democrats are forced into playing defense on such things rather than making their own economic arguments.

But the left isn't just about human dignity for all and bodily autonomy and whatnot. It's also about making working people's lives better. This is the first of the three concepts I wish more pundits would realize and I hope the Democratic Party considers whenever they get around to doing a post-mortem on the 2024 election.


Economic policies matter

Joe Biden missed an enormous opportunity, but to be fair to him it was not through lack of trying. The most surprising thing about Biden, when he secured the party's nomination in 2020, was that he moved so far to the left on so many things after he got into office. Chief among these was the economy.

Bernie Sanders deserves the lion's share of the credit for this, of course. But Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin deserve the blame for Biden's effort falling short. Because while Biden did indeed pass sweeping legislation that implemented some lefty economic ideas -- a better legislative record than any Democrat since L.B.J., in fact -- what might have passed could have been so much better than what we got.

Biden's "Build Back Better" didn't go as far as Bernie wanted, but it went far enough to have made fundamental changes in tens of millions of Americans' lives. Affordable child care. Affordable elder care. Reducing the cost of not just a handful, but dozens of prescription medicines. Continuing the hike in the Child Tax Credit that cut child poverty in half. Free community college for all. This isn't even a comprehensive list -- there were plenty of other innovative programs contained in Build Back Better as well.

If only Sinema and Manchin had let it pass, people might not have felt so badly about the economy when it came time to vote in 2024. The price of groceries was up, but there would be a cap on the expenses you'd have to pay for child care (so you could go to work). Poor people would be getting monthly checks for every child they cared for. People may still have been downbeat about inflation but at least it would have been counterbalanced by some new things that helped them. Prescription drug cost reform would be underway in a big way instead of being pushed off (for budgetary reasons) past the presidential election. Now when seniors notice next year that their drug costs have been capped (so they'll only have to pay a certain amount every year, after which they will pay nothing), they may actually (erroneously) give Trump credit for making it happen rather than Biden. That's what Sinema and Manchin did.

Far too many pundits lump all the culture-war issues of the left with their populist economic agenda. And then conclude something like: "America rejected the left's ideas." But we have never had a true champion of lefty economic ideas as our nominee for president (Biden campaigned as a centrist before evolving more to Bernie's view after taking office). Even the good things Democrats do achieve are hardly mentioned (this is a separate issue with the party, the inability to toot their own horn effectively).

Lefty populism is actually, well, popular. The right can demonize these policies all they want, but when even red states get to vote (via ballot measure) on ideas like raising the minimum wage or forcing employers to offer paid leave, they win. A whole lot of red-state voters vote for them. That's exactly what Bernie Sanders tapped into. Most Democratic presidential candidates offer up only incrementalism, at best. "Well, maybe we'll tweak this one program a bit, so that a few hundred thousand more people will see slight benefits" is not enough, though. Not when Donald Trump is out there telling people he'll end the income tax on tips or Social Security payments or whatever. While too many Democrats either run away from a truly economic-populist agenda or spend all their energy explaining that while it'd be nice, it simply isn't possible at the current time -- so people should be thankful for the slow grind of incrementalism.

Bold populist economic ideas are winners, and Democrats need to truly figure that out. This isn't a messaging problem, it's an ideological one. Democrats have got to get over being so timid about supporting big, bold economic ideas that have a direct and tangible impact on people's lives. You can tell the difference between ideas that are bold and those that aren't by which ones can fit on a bumpersticker and which ones need two paragraphs to explain. "Cap child care costs for families" works. "We may need to tweak the income tax laws so that more families can somehow deduct a fraction of their child-care expenses from their adjusted gross income, which will ever-so-slightly lower their taxes" does not.


Trump is a black swan

This is the second thing a lot of people miss in their analyses. Trump is a phenomenon. He's broken all the rules of politics, without ever having to pay a price for any of it. He is so far removed from a normal politician that analyzing political strategy with him in the picture becomes almost impossible. He is so unique that it's almost meaningless to try.

To put this another way, what didn't work against Trump might work well against other Republicans. Conversely, what did work against Trump might be worthless in a race without him on the ticket. He is so unusual that you simply can't draw conclusions that might transfer to the politics that will exist after he leaves the stage. Trump is term-limited and cannot run for president again. So four years and a few months from now, he'll be gone. The Republican Party may be in their own crisis at that point, depending on how the public feels about Trump's second term. But no matter where they find themselves, the GOP will be casting around for a successor to Trump to lead their party.

But the important part is that even if this turns out to be a Trump clone, they may not be able to match his popularity with the base. Which is not based on issues, but rather almost solely on his personality. And nobody else on the Republican side has been able to match Trump's draw. So whether they go with a Trump clone or a more-traditional candidate in 2028, it'll be something different than running against Trump. Any lessons learned from the Democratic Party's struggle with Trump may be useless against the next Republican to emerge from the pack.

Trump truly is unique. What happens post-Trump will be different, because it's hard to see any Republican truly and effectively bottling the Trump lightning for their own use. Which brings me to my final point.


The entertainment value gap

Donald Trump is charismatic. He oozes charisma. Charisma isn't inherently a good thing or a bad thing, after all. It is neutral. It is a quality some people have and some people don't. Bill Clinton has it. Barack Obama has it. Joe Biden doesn't, or not very much. On the other side, George W. Bush has charisma of his own sort. Mitt Romney does not. It is an ineffable thing, but an important one. People used to talk about which politician they'd rather "sit down and have a beer with," which essentially measures the same quality.

If "charisma" is too loaded a word, how about "entertainment value"? Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is entertaining. He's slipped in this regard -- he used to be a lot more entertaining than he can manage now. This might become more and more apparent after he takes office (it will likely depend on how often he appears in front of the cameras and takes questions). But he holds your interest when you see him, whether you are cringing or cheering. That much is pretty obvious.

Democrats struggle with what might be called the "entertainment value gap." Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama broke out of this problem, to be sure, but when you look at the ones that didn't make it you can see what I mean. John Kerry? Al Gore? Hillary Clinton? None of them had much entertainment value at all. They were all pretty boring, although admittedly Clinton being the first woman presidential nominee of a major party was pretty exciting for many. But Clinton never seemed to too many people like it'd be any fun to sit down and have a beer with her. Unfair? Surely. But these things do matter.

Kamala Harris doesn't really fit either group. She actually is pretty charismatic. She gives a great speech and thousands flocked to see her. She started her campaign on "joy." She could laugh, and even laugh at herself. She was relatable to a whole bunch of people. I could easily see sitting down with her and having a beer. But it just wasn't enough.

Harris is nowhere near as charismatic as Obama or Bill Clinton. When Democrats consider their next presidential candidate, I for one hope that someone both entertaining and charismatic is chosen. No matter what their ideology, really. We need someone to command the audience's attention. And that's a lot harder to do, these days.

Harris was just not quite up to taking on Trump's entertainment value, or perhaps she just wasn't dealt a good enough hand. If Biden had decided not to run and Harris had won the primaries, perhaps she would have been able to build on her own personality more. If she had had more time to make her case after Biden decided to step down, perhaps that might have helped too. Or perhaps her being a woman of color was just too much for too many voters anyway. But Harris definitely isn't as charismatically-challenged as Kerry or Gore. She did excite many who heard her speak. She did eviscerate Trump during a debate. But somehow it just wasn't quite enough.


Conclusions (such as they are)

Politics has changed, and some Democrats haven't caught up yet. Politics is now about social media taunting and forcefully countering the other side's energy. No matter who the Republicans put up next time, Democrats should look to nominate someone feisty. Someone who won't ignore insults or take them lying down, but instead will stand up and fight them. The only effective way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him, after all.

People care more about this aspect of a presidential candidate's personality than they do about actual policy. Trump just proved that once again. For Democrats to win -- especially against a Trump clone -- they're going to have to get down in the fray and fight for what they believe. The era of Michelle Obama's "when they go low, we go high" is over, to put this another way.

I have no idea who will emerge as the Democrat's next standard-bearer. Bernie's too old, and A.O.C. still seems too young. There are plenty of others to consider, who are all over the ideological Democratic map. But they've got to prove that they can play the game of politics as it is now played, instead of longing for some golden past when it was played differently. Those times are over, at least for the foreseeable future.

Donald Trump won't be the Republican candidate next time around. That's one thing that is guaranteed by his win -- there will be an end to the Trump era of American politics, once and for all. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are going to have to move on to something different. Republicans don't have to worry about such things right now, they're looking forward to being in power for the next four years instead. Democrats, on the other hand, have all this time to get ready for whatever's next. There will be intraparty squabbles and whatnot as they work their way through this, but hopefully they'll learn some of the right lessons this time.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


76 Comments on “Things For Democrats To Consider”

  1. [1] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump flips border county that hasn't voted for Republican in over 100 years with massive 76-point swing

    Starr County, Texas, hasn't been carried by a Republican since 1898

    President-elect Trump won a majority Hispanic county in Texas for the first time in over 100 years on Tuesday night in a massive swing since losing that same county eight years ago.

    Trump defeated Vice President Kamala Harris in Starr County on Tuesday night by a margin of 57.7% to 41.8%, becoming the first Republican to carry the county, which sits along the U.S.-Mexico border, since 1898, Fox 4 Dallas reported.

    In 2016, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton defeated Trump there by 60 points, a 76-point swing.

    Once again, guys...

    It's time to look in the mirror and consider the fact that it's YA'ALL that is the problem with this country..

    NOT President-Elect Trump and the GOP...

    The facts are as plentiful and conclusive as the facts that told me Harris simply CAN'T win...

    And I was dead on ballz accurate in that assessment..

  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    No matter who the Republicans put up next time, Democrats should look to nominate someone feisty. Someone who won't ignore insults or take them lying down, but instead will stand up and fight them. The only effective way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him, after all. People care more about this aspect of a presidential candidate's personality than they do about actual policy. Trump just proved that once again.

    I think this misses the real reasons for why Democrats lost the WH, the Senate and probably the House, too, not to mention why they incredibly lost the popular vote.

    Sure, Trump has his MAGA cult followers but he wouldn't have won with just them, let alone win as big as he did.

    Why did such a wide swath of Americans well beyond the MAGA crowd turn out for him?

    Could it be their sense of moral outrage over the US-empowered Israeli siege of Gaza and the 40,000+ Palestinian civilians - mostly women and children - killed over the course of the last 13 months and over the hellscape that those still alive must endure?

    Could it also be that they have lost faith in Democrats - up and down the ballot, so to speak - who have lied to them, especially about president Biden's decline that finally became plain for everyone to see at the big presidential debate? How trustworthy are the Dems on other issues?

    How did voters feel about the elitist coronation of vice president Harris as the new Democratic nominee, just a few months before the election when most have never considered her presidential material before?

    Where was the Democratic message on the economy and how the average American is faring under Bidenomics with a stark comparison to the Republican cult of economic failure?

    Democrats need to find a leader who is guided by a moral compass and who commands trust because they tell the truth, no matter how brutal it may be.

    If Democrats follow the prescriptions laid out in this piece, I am afraid that they will keep losing...bigly!

  3. [3] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    I sincerely doubt that any large portion of voters will report that they changed their minds and decided to vote for trump because of the middle-east, or president biden's verbal decline, or VP Harris taking the reins without a proper primary. none of those things is great, but those are not what moves someone to vote or not vote.

    an area where I think CW is right is that Donald is just different when it comes to selling himself. his 5th avenue comments weren't too far from the truth - it took hundreds of thousands of actual dead people to just barely convince people to vote him out the first time, and voter memory simply isn't good enough for that to have happened twice.


  4. [4] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    I think you have it a little backward. it's not that Harris in particular couldn't win, it's that pretty much nobody could. that's one of the reasons why I thought Biden stepping aside was a poor decision - instead of Democrats staying the course and living with the consequences, they cut bait and painted themselves as just a bit more desperate than the situation warranted.


  5. [5] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Of course, it wasn't one thing that made voters turn to Trump or even the combination of the things I mentioned above. And three things I didn't mention here was the border situation and (im)migration, the dawning climate apocalypse, and the whole manosphere thing which I think was and is a pretty big thing. Did you read that Politico piece I linked to ... in the previous column I think? Very interesting.

    No, it was a combination of MANY things that turned average voters toward Trump and away from Harris. Voters are not stupid and Dems wasted four years in not being able to communicate as authentic leaders - not on the economy and the homefront and not on any number of foreign policy issues. But, a common thread is trust, trustworthiness, hypocrisy, and a realization that Democrats may not know what is best, for voters individually or for the nation as a whole. If the Democratic party doesn't deal with all of that, then I think they'll be wasting their time.

    What do you think it was that spurred such a wide swath of voters to pull the lever for Trump?

  6. [6] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    an area where I think CW is right is that Donald is just different when it comes to selling himself.

    Trump comes across as authentic whereas the Dems do not.

    How does the Democratic party go about fixing that?

  7. [7] 
    Kick wrote:

    The problem with too-facile analyses is that they lump everything together. And it is true that lefties have come up with some wildly unpopular policy ideas and hold some wildly unpopular culture war opinions. Republicans routinely exploit these by making them wedge issues. Look at how they've portrayed trans people (who are the current boogeyman the Republicans are using to scare suburban parents with).

    The GOP's secret (not secret) perpetual political routine is to weaponize issues that are culture messages actually redefined... such as "woke" and "DEI."

    Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning.

    ~ Merriam-Webster

    Not accidentally, the GOP creates culture wars by redefining issues via a giant shitstorm of noise with the intent to demean and divide. Few can define this practice better than LBJ:

    If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

    ~ Lyndon Baines Johnson

    So "woke" is redefined into a pejorative that represents something they can hate. Diversity Equity and Inclusion while meant to explore the expansion of opportunities for those beyond the white male patriarchy -- including females of all races -- was redefined by the Right to mean "Blacks who are inferior to you and promoted without any merit."

    These terms have been twisted into racist messages and are hallmarks of Trumpism and the Trump campaign. The "far left agenda" isn't exactly what it's been revised to be by the orchestrated pure unadulterated right-wingnut propaganda noise machine and regurgitation echo chamber. Lather, rinse and repeat.

    As I've stated before, I do wonder how long the non-college-educated white voters who place an outsized emphasis on culture-war issues will take to figure out they've been played for fools (again) while the billionaire elites they've elected -- Donald Trump, Elon Musk, JD Vance, Peter Thiel -- laugh all the way to the bank. This has been a pattern for decades, has it not? Those right-wing tax cuts are going to "trickle down" any day now, right?

    So Democrats are forced into playing defense on such things rather than making their own economic arguments.

    I saw little defense on such things in the 2024 election cycle; for instance, you'd hardly know that gender-affirming care for transgender prisoners was policy during the Trump administration, while there were hundreds of ads running nationwide critical of Harris (Biden administration) for the same Trump administration policy. Be that as it may (and still), there is no wedge issue that could ever preclude Democrats from making economic arguments. What they need is an intelligent candidate who is a "good explainer" that can rip the culture war issues to shreds while explaining the right-wing perpetual "cult of economic failure" (to use EM's term)... similar to Gavin Newsom who has wasted no time in getting the ball rolling.

  8. [8] 
    Kick wrote:


    Trump flips border county that hasn't voted for Republican in over 100 years with massive 76-point swing.

    I stopped reading right there. There is no county in America that Trump has flipped in a "massive 76-point swing." None.

    It's hysterical on its face that anyone would believe such obvious bullshit.

  9. [9] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Why did such a wide swath of Americans well beyond the MAGA crowd turn out for him?

    Could it be their sense of moral outrage over the US-empowered Israeli siege of Gaza and the 40,000+ Palestinian civilians - mostly women and children - killed over the course of the last 13 months and over the hellscape that those still alive must endure?

    In answer to your question, I can assure you that the vast majority of Hispanics in Texas don't give a hang about Gaza. Israel could level it to the ground including all its inhabitants, and the vast majority of them wouldn't know it happened. Why not? They primarily get their news from Facebook and social media sites and wouldn't know Gaza from Galveston.

    Could it also be that they have lost faith in Democrats - up and down the ballot, so to speak - who have lied to them, especially about president Biden's decline that finally became plain for everyone to see at the big presidential debate?

    The vast majority of Americans don't know the name of their congressperson, let alone watch the "big presidential debate." The most they will see are video clips posted on social media or maybe a political ad during a football game. Most Americans aren't watching cable news and/or reading the newspaper.

    Where was the Democratic message on the economy and how the average American is faring under Bidenomics with a stark comparison to the Republican cult of economic failure?

    Bingo. It's the economy. The vast majority do not concern themselves with whose (political) fault things are, they just experience it as it happens. I don't have to explain the times we are living through, a once in a century pandemic.

    While so-called "Bidenomics" has lowered the cost of drugs for millions of Americans and will lower the cost of even more drugs beginning in 2025, Trump will take the credit.

    How long into 2025 do you think it will take before Trump starts crowing repeatedly how great the economic recovery is going? Rhetorical question.

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:


    You should have kept reading. :eyeroll:

    Trump defeated Vice President Kamala Harris in Starr County on Tuesday night by a margin of 57.7% to 41.8%, becoming the first Republican to carry the county, which sits along the U.S.-Mexico border, since 1898.

    In 2016, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton defeated Trump there by 60 points, a 76-point swing.

    Once again. You Democrats excel at ignoring FACTS and reality that don't fit yer Trump/America Hate and your PTDS...

    How long into 2025 do you think it will take before Trump starts crowing repeatedly how great the economic recovery is going? Rhetorical question.

    Do ya'll REALLY want to start making predictions?? Especially when you consider how BAD ya'all have been at it the last few months??

    I'm just sayin...

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:


    So, once again, you agree with me that Harris COULDN'T win..

    The only difference being is you agree AFTER it happened and I knew it BEFORE it happened.. :D

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    The hypocrisy is utterly BLINDING!!!

    The American people have been fed a steady diet of TRUMP IS HITLER!!! and TRUMP IS A FASCIST!!! and TRUMP IS A RACIST!!! and TRUMP WILL UNLEASHE THE US MILITARY ON AMERICANS!!!

    And yet, when all that BS fear-mongering is useless and President Trump becomes President ELECT Trump....

    Now Democrats are all peaches and crème and they say they will be HAPPY to turn over ALL the levers of power to this "HITLER", to this "FASCIST", to this "RACIST"...

    How do Democrats sleep at night knowing they are part of a political Party that will gladly work with Adolph Hitler!!???

    It boggles the mind..

  13. [13] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Oh, the hysteria! [12]

    You love just making shit up...

  14. [14] 
    Kick wrote:


    You should have kept reading. :eyeroll:

    You should stop being a massive gullible regurgitating propagandist. :eyeroll:

    Only a right-wingnut propaganda echo chamber would slap the results of three presidential elections together and claim one candidate alone flipped it by 76%, but with mischaracterized political bullshit bordering on idol worship such as that, you need never wonder why people refer to MAGAts as a cult of personality... because the clown shoe fits.

  15. [15] 
    Kick wrote:

    Once again. You Democrats excel at ignoring FACTS and reality that don't fit yer Trump/America Hate and your PTDS...

    Once again, if it's FACTS you're actually interested in versus your repetitive whining trollshit, there is no amount of your outright lies that can make anyone a Democrat who isn't one. In fact, everyone who doesn't worship at the altar of Trump isn't a Democrat who hates America. Your insults are so repetitive and hysterically rote as to be rendered absolutely impotent on multiple levels.

    Do ya'll REALLY want to start making predictions?? Especially when you consider how BAD ya'all have been at it the last few months??

    Oh, really? The political prediction I made was:

    I'll seriously bet you a million dollars Trump does not win the popular vote by a "considerably margin."

    ~ Kick

    That was in response to your opinion (not a FACT) that you claimed otherwise.

    I'm just sayin...

    You demonstrate a cringeworthy neediness for praise, to the point it seems like your self-esteem resides permanently somewhere between "below sea level" and "Earth's inner core" or flaming hell... I'm just sayin'.

    Would we call a 3-point margin (at the current time) a "considerable amount." No way in Hell.

    You're currently losing that billion-dollar bet bigly.

    (R) 73,361,410 votes (50.7%)
    (D) 69,043,761 votes (47.7%)

    So you can repeat your invented bullshit 'til the cows come home, but you'll get no praise from me because from point of view, you're the LOO-ZER (so far)!

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    Wait a tic!!

    You have all claimed that President Trump (Now President ELECT Trump) is misogynistic and hates women..

    Ya'all have said that time and time and time again!!

    And yet, NOW President-ELECT Trump goes ahead and chooses a WOMAN for is Chief Of Staff.. But YA'ALL said President-ELECT Trump hates women!!

    If President-ELECT Trump hates women, WHY did he choose a WOMAN for his Chief Of Staff??

    Incidentally, not a SINGLE DUMBOCRAT has ***EVER*** chosen a WOMAN for a Chief Of Staff..

    So.. OBVIOUSLY it's DUMBOCRATS who hate women!!

    Once again, ALL of your claims against President Elect Trump are ALWAYS bullshit and based on NOTHING but PTDS and TRUMP/AMERICA Hate...

    The FACTS prove this beyond ANY doubt... :D

  17. [17] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    predicting events is always easier in hindsight. nobody is giving you a prize for predicting one winner out of four and missing the margin in "super-fans" fashion. i also suspected in july when biden dropped out that it was over, and was pleasantly surprised to see kamala appearing to make a game of it. if i'd really wanted to take unfair advantage of your beer-goggle prediction i'd have placed the bet threshold at 312, which is exactly how many EV's i told you donald might get if everything swung his way. i wanted a fair bet and so i lost.


  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:


    Kick Troll, let me explain the FACTS to you.. Complete undeniable FACTS..

    Fact #1
    ALL of you had stated that not only was Basement Biden mentally equipped and could handle running an ACTUAL campaign, not only was Basement Biden of such sound mind that he could do 4 more years as POTUS, YA'ALL claimed that Basement Biden would WIN the election!!

    And what did *I* tell you?? *I* told you that Basement Biden was so brain dead senile and dementia-riddled that he wouldn't even FINISH the election!!

    And ya'all were WRONG which makes YA'ALL the lusers!! :D

    Fact #2
    I stated for the record that CW was "dreading" writing the traditional WEIGANTIAN POLITICAL NIGHTMARE SCENARIOS so I graciously offered to write one for him.. 8 Days later CW posted that he was SOOO dreading writing the scenarios that he wasn't even going to do it..

    So, once again, *I* called it dead on ballz accurate.. AGAIN.. :D

    FACT #3
    Ya'all went on and on how Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris was going to win and win big. That it was going to be a landslide win for Harris and the Democrats, how Democrats would take Iowa and Texas and the Senate and expand on the House and all sorts of other bullshit..

    And what did *I* say??? I said that President Trump was going to win and win BIG, that it wouldn't drag out for weeks, that we would know by that morning and that President Trump's win would be decisive, unequivocal and obvious to ANYONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together..

    And once again, *I* called it DEAD ON BALLZ ACCURATE and YA'ALL were the LUSERS!! AGAIN!!! :D

    What can be expected from a bunch of moronic Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Trolls. I mean, no one expects them to actually be able to THINK and REASON with ANY semblance of rational thought..

    Ya'all REALLY need to get yer shit together, look in the mirror and realize, "The vast majority of Americans hate us Democrats. MAYBE we're doing something wrong.."

    But ya'all are simply NOT CAPABLE of doing that, are ya?? You are NOT capable of even CONSIDERING that ya'all might be in the wrong here.. That YOUR way is BAD for America..

    You can't do it because ya'all are EVERYTHING that you accuse President-ELECT Trump of being..

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:


    predicting events is always easier in hindsight.

    Yes, that's correct..

    But *I* predicted the events BEFORE they happened..

    So, I am not sure what you are trying to say here..

    . i also suspected in july when biden dropped out that it was over,

    And yet, you never posted it, did you??

    You never said, "Yunno, Michale.. Yer probably right. Biden will not finish the campaign..."

    You NEVER said that...

    Why is that?? :D

    i'd have placed the bet threshold at 312, which is exactly how many EV's i told you donald might get if everything swung his way.

    And EVERYTHING did swing President Trump's way.. EXACTLY as I predicted it would..

    And if ya had placed the bet threshold at 312, then it would be a push and it would have been bad for Weigantia and Israeli Guide Dogs, eh??

    So, I guess it's a GOOD thing that you set the threshold at 300, eh? :D

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:


    But Bernie didn't win the nomination, either time he ran.

    And what does THAT tell you??? That Americans will no way no how never in a million years vote for a Progressive/Socialist for POTUS.. NEVER NEVER EVER...

    Bernie Sanders deserves the lion's share of the credit for this, of course.

    Don't you mean BLAME??

    Bernie Sanders deserves the lion's share of the BLAME for this, of course.

    Because, it was Basement Biden's (and then TOKEN DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris') tone-deafness on the economy that was a main contributor in President-ELECT Trump's awesome shellacking of the Dumbocrat Party...

    I'm just sayin'...

    But Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin deserve the blame for Biden's effort falling short.

    Once again, you put the blame on people whose SOLE offense is thinking differently than you..

    Dood… You REALLY need to take a look in the mirror on behalf of the Democrat Party... :eyeroll:

    Lefty populism is actually, well, popular.

    Not factually accurate. As the COMPLETE AND UTTER DECIMATION OF THE DUMBOCRAT PARTY IN THE 2024 ELECTION has proven..

    The Republican Party may be in their own crisis at that point, depending on how the public feels about Trump's second term.

    You are so blinded by Trump/America hate you can't even SEE the possibility that the GOP may be riding high and NOT in crisis due to President Trump's 2nd term..

    You have BLINDERS on that blinds you to ANY possibility other than what feeds your Trump/America Hate...

    2006 CW would be so disappointed... :(

    No matter who the Republicans put up next time, Democrats should look to nominate someone feisty. Someone who won't ignore insults or take them lying down, but instead will stand up and fight them. The only effective way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him, after all.

    So after ALL the Trump attacks and Trump hate, you NOW want a DUMBOCRAT Trump to run on YOUR side.. :eyeroll:

    Once again...

    Hypocrisy.. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature.

    Once again.. DUMBOCRATS are learning ALL the wrong lessons from this UTTER SHELLACKING AND DECIMATION...

    Which will simply cause ANOTHER SHELLACKING AND DECIMATION...

    :epic eyeroll:

  21. [21] 
    Kick wrote:

    I can see you wrote another long-ass comment, but I'm seriously not interested and therefore NOT reading it.

    I highly suspect it is full of desperate cries for attention and tons of invented trollshit because your self-esteem and cringeworthy neediness for praise reeks of the stench of a fraud residing permanently somewhere in the deep dark reaches within Dante's Inferno:
    "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate."


  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:


    So, the dumb-ass Attorney General of NY threatened to continue the lawfare persecutions against President-ELECT Trump.

    "Let me just say this to Big Tish James, the New York Attorney General … I dare you to continue your lawfare against President Trump in his second term. Because listen here sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time. And we will put your fat ass in prison for conspiracy against rights and I promise you that."
    -Mike Davis

    Go ahead, bitch.. Fuck around and find out!! :D

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:


    Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick throws in the towel!! :D

    I accept your concession, Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick... :D

  24. [24] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    i did in fact post my opinion in july. feel free to look it up.

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:


    July's a big month.. Could you be more specific??

  26. [26] 
    nypoet22 wrote:
  27. [27] 
    Kick wrote:


    Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick throws in the towel!! :D

    Prattling propagandizing applause-seeking troll concedes he has low self-esteem and a cringeworthy neediness for praise that reeks of the stench of a fraud residing permanently somewhere in the deep dark reaches within Dante's Inferno.

    Why wouldn't anyone throw him a towel out of pity?


    Praise-Seeking Loser Troll (currently) owes me a billion million dollars for believing in his own pathetic definitely nonfactual bullshit because a 3-point margin (and trending lower) is NOT a "considerable margin."

    (R) 73,361,410 votes (50.7%)
    (D) 69,043,761 votes (47.7%)

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump improved his margins not only in swing states but also in once comfortable Democratic strongholds. In 2020, Biden won New Jersey by 16 points. In 2024, Harris seems poised to win by just five points. Harris ran behind Biden in rural Texas border towns, where many Hispanic people live, and in rural Kentucky, where very few Hispanic people live. She ran behind Biden in high-income suburbs, such as Loudoun County, Virginia, and in counties with college towns, including Dane County (home to the University of Wisconsin) and Centre County (home to Penn State).

    Perhaps most surprising, Trump improved his margins in some of America’s largest metro areas. In the past two cycles, Democrats could comfort themselves by counting on urban counties to continue moving left even as rural areas shifted right. That comfort was dashed last night, at least among counties with more than 90 percent of their results reported. In the New York City metro area, New York County (Manhattan) shifted nine points right, Kings County (Brooklyn) shifted 12 points right, Queens County shifted 21 points right, and Bronx County shifted 22 points right. In Florida, Orange County (Orlando) shifted 10 points right and Miami-Dade shifted 19 points right. In Texas, Harris County (Houston) and Bexar County (San Antonio) both shifted eight points right and Dallas County shifted 10 points right. In and around the “Blue Wall” states, Pennsylvania’s Philadelphia County shifted five points right, Michigan’s Wayne County (Detroit) shifted nine points right, and Illinois’ Cook County (Chicago) shifted 11 points right.

    Why did all these Lefty inundated areas shift to President Trump???

    Because Dumbocrats suck and every patriotic American is now realizing that...

  29. [29] 
    Kick wrote:


    Look at you go! Gooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaal.

    I had that ready to post if you didn't. I gave you your space to do it first. :)

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick is such a moron..

    Anything more than a million votes is a "considerably margin" ya dipshit..

    So, you owe me a million bucks, sweetie..

    And YOU gain the title of LUSER Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick..


    Oh.. And just for the record..




    Dumbocrats are SUCH lusers!!! :D

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:


    Isn't it scary that Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick has the entire forum from day 1 collated and database'ed and spreadsheet'ed so completely??

    CLASSIC Troll behavior...

  32. [32] 
    Kick wrote:


    You're still plagiarizing the work of other authors.

    That is unethical as well as illegal.
    Allow yourself to stop doing it, please.

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh jeeezus, JL!!!

    You "called" Basement Biden being too old to finish the election ** AFTER HE STEPPED DOWN!!!???? **

    That's not "calling it"..

    That's just following the herd, closing the barn door after the horse escapes..

    I am talking about calling it MONTHS.. YEARS... Ahead.. Calling it when Basement Biden announced he was going to run!!!

    THAT is when **I** called it!!

    Jeeeze louise!!! :eyeroll:

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    What'cha gonna do, Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick???

    Whine and cry and scream and report me!!


    I secured permission from the author to post that segment, ya dipshit..

    Now why don't you take your sore-luser attitude and shove it up your ass..


    Now begone, troll.. You are dismissed..

  35. [35] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    In answer to your question, I can assure you that the vast majority of Hispanics in Texas don't give a hang about Gaza.

    Really? Well, then, that is a whole other problem and not one that is limited to Hispanics in Texas, I surmise. :(

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    I know ya'all are so shell-shocked that you can't begin to assess the utter decimation of the Demon'rat Party..

    Allow me to clue you in.. :D

    Aww, no it's fine.. I don't mind, really.. :D

    Let's take a fond stroll thru recent history of Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris' car crash, train wreck and dumpster fire of a campaign..

    All the trouble actually starts back when Basement Biden was choosing a VP...

    Basement Biden had his sights on MI Gov Whitmer.. But then Basement Biden received a racist ultimatum..

    “He better pick a Black woman. If he picks Gretchen, he’ll lose Michigan.”
    -Virgie Rollins, Chair Democratic National Committee Black Caucus

    This is ESPECIALLY ironic because the black woman Basement Biden DID pick lost MI utterly and completely in 2024!! :D

    So Basement Biden made the racist choice, the DEI choice and selected Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris for VP..

    This is an especially confusing choice because Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris had PROVEN by that time she had NO POLITICAL CHOPS whatsoever.. Her OWN POTUS campaign crashed and burned before a SINGLE VOTE was cast..

    Or, maybe the choice was not so confusing.. Maybe Basement Biden was thinking that such a moron, such a total and complete dumbass as Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris would INSURE that Basement Biden would never be 25th'ed....

    So, maybe the choice was a SMART choice..

    Right up to the point that President Trump totally decimated and destroyed Basement Biden in the debate!!! :D

    At this point, JL said "Well.. Maybe Biden IS to senile and dementia-riddled to run... hmmmm"... Sorry, buddy.. Couldn't resist.. :D

    Anyways, NOW Basement Biden Token DEI Hire racist pick had come back to bite the Demon'rats on the arse… :D

    What's so hilarious about all of this???

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris was coronated and appointed as the Demon'rat candidate...

    She had EVERY advantage PLUS she had a compliant media to prop her up...


    I mean, how bad, how utterly ATROCIOUS and INCOMPETENT as a PERSON do you have to be to have EVERY POSSIBLE ADVANTAGE and STILL LOSE BY A COMPLETE AND UTTER BLOW OUT!!!!


    Demon'rats scrooed up in EVERY WAY imaginable, in EVERY WAY possible..

    The facts that prove this are undeniable...

  37. [37] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    The most they will see are video clips posted on social media or maybe a political ad during a football game.

    Even worse than seeing the whole debate! I've never even seen the whole debate. :)

    But you're missing what I'm saying - Trump didn't win this big without having a significant number of independents and disaffected Dems voting for him.

  38. [38] 
    Kick wrote:


    Anything more than a million votes is a "considerably margin" ya dipshit..

    Pity you lost the bet because you definitely can fix the level of stupid you possess, but it would be really expensive in such a demonstrable case you display on a regular basis. You not having the slightest understanding of what constitutes a margin is not altogether unsurprising... let alone a "considerable margin." I mean, if you insist that anything over 1 million votes equates to a considerable margin, then you've basically conceded Joe Biden kicked Donald Trump's ass all the way to hell and back and multiple times... infinity.

    So, you owe me a million bucks, sweetie..

    Too bad your outsized Orange Idol Cult Worship got in the way of basic common sense.

    And YOU gain the title of LUSER Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick..

    Whatever. Your insults are so repetitious as to be embarrassingly hysterically totally impotent; you have truly rendered yourself useless.

    Oh.. And just for the record..



    Nope... but there's still time. They're going to count all the votes like they always do, despite ginormous orange man babies whining like a little bitch about the counting.

    Dumbocrats are SUCH lusers!!! :D

    Since Donald Trump was definitely one of them for most of his pathetic felonious existence, you'll get no argument from me there.

  39. [39] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Bingo. It's the economy.

    As I may have mentioned in these comment sections, once or twice.

    How many times do I have to tap out Republican cult of economic failure, a long-standing phenomenon that predates Trump and, indeed, finds its roots in the Reagan/Stockton years?

    Why on earth have Democrats not been able to counter this, especially given almost four years of a steadily improving economy that is the envy of many Western democractic governments!? Not a rhetorical question!

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Deerp...bleeeep...duuurrrppp… veereeppp..blaa blaaa uh..uh.. ereerrbbb…"
    -Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick

    You can't deny what EVERYONE knows to be factually accurate, Troll..


    Ya'all had EVERY advantage possible and ya'all STILL got utterly and completely shellacked..

    And you are compounding your utter moronic-ness by STILL claiming that the Demon'rat way is the better way..

    The American people have spoken...

    The Demon'rat way is garbage.... NO patriotic American wants the Demon'rat way... Patriotic Americans thru the Demon'rat way on the trash heap of history and there it will stay...

    Looks like my DEMON'RAT NIGHTMARE prediction is going to become factually accurate..

    A new GOLDEN AGE OF AMERICA is coming. :D

    Ya'all better jump on the PRESIDENT ELECT TRUMP Train or be left behind.. :D

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:


    As I may have mentioned in these comment sections, once or twice.

    Much MUCH more than once or twice...

    But you see how the Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick operates... Once you have been proven factually accurate, then the Troll pretends she agreed with you all along!!!

    Being a Troll means NEVER having to admit they are wrong..

    Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick did it with the Russia Collusion Delusion and she's doing it now with the DEMON'RAT DECIMATION 2024 ELECTION...

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    Demon'rat Water Carrier THE NATION admits what everyone knows now..

    There’s No Denying It Anymore: Trump Is Not a Fluke—He’s America

    President ELECT Trump **IS** America....

    And America **IS** President ELECT Trump...

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed."
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:
  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:,imgsize-1226315,width-400,resizemode-4/115007782.jpg

    See if you can guess which is the TOKEN DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris camp and which is the President ELECT Trump camp.. :D

  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    What's so hilarious is that the Demon'rat loss is NOT just confined to losing to President Trump...

    Demon'rats lost the Senate ... Demon'rats did not win the House ... Demon'rats lost MILLIONS of hispanics ... Demon'rats lost ALL three Blue Wall states … Demon'rats lost ALL of the swing states ... Demon'rats even lost SUBSTANTIAL support in the bluest of states and cities.

    Demon'rats LOST IT ALL...

    And you people can't even admit it!!! :D

    It's hilarious!!! :D

    But here is the Demon'rats BIGGEST problem.. But the road back is going to require a deep, honest self-reflection..

    But, as the commentaries here in Weigantia have proven beyond ANY doubt, that simply is NOT going to happen..

    Why have honest self-reflection when ya'all can just feed yer Trump/America hate... :eyeroll:

    TOKEN DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris just lost what Demon'rats considered an SURE THING of a race.

    TOKEN DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris had absolutely ZERO scrutiny and had more money than any candidate in U.S. history. Hard to see her guiding Demon'rats out of the wilderness.

    TOKEN DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris is toast, pure and simple..

    Demon'rats need to grapple with their denialism. Demon'rats let their hatred of President Trump put them in a state of denial about Biden and the party's unpopularity — confident that Trump's toxicity was enough. They didn't believe their own eyes when staring at polls.


    And they have no one to lead them back out of the abyss...

    Life is good.. :D

    Demon'rats don't DESERVE to win... THAT much is certain..

  46. [46] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I think the best thing that Democrats can do after having been rebuked so emphatically by voters this week is to root for a successful second Trump term and do whatever they can to make that happen, offering great ideas to help in that effort and constructive criticism when that is needed.

    And, for the next two and a half months they should try not to utter the name Trump or Trumpism and focus on what they need to do to improve their own future leadership role.

  47. [47] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller


    Even worse than seeing the whole debate! I've never even seen the whole debate. :)

    It's just words... lots of unintelligible words of two old men. ;)

    But you're missing what I'm saying - Trump didn't win this big without having a significant number of independents and disaffected Dems voting for him.

    I am definitely not missing. Trump didn't win "this big" at all. He did get a significant number of Independents, but a lot of Democrats who showed up to the polls for Joe Biden did not show up to the polls for Harris. Democrats didn't crossover and vote for Trump in any greater numbers than before... they just didn't vote. They stayed home.

    Like CW, I'm not overanalyzing why she didn't get the turnout the Democrats provided Biden because I've seen racism and misogyny at work for decades in America, and there are quite simply some men who will not vote for a woman. Seriously.

    When all the dust settles, Harris likely could have won the Electoral College with around approximately a quarter million votes (although still being counted):

    PA ~140,000
    MI ~80,000
    WI ~29,000

    Trump could have also won in 2020 with even less, and you did not see Republicans getting their knickers in a twist and declaring their Party's impending doom and pointing fingers all over the place and placing blame. The pendulum always swings back; it just surely does... sometimes sooner... sometimes later.

    Incumbent Parties are being "thrown out of office" worldwide during this time of global pandemic. If Canada's Trudeau wins a fourth term, he'll be an outlier so definitely don't bet on it.

    Another election and onto the next one. :)

  48. [48] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I've been thinking about this quite a lot since election night and I can't help thinking that if I were an American, I may very well have voted for Trump this time around.

    I'm looking forward to see what Republicans can accomplish over the course of the next two years. Am I confident that they will take good advantage of undivided government? No. But, I'm willing to give them a chance.

  49. [49] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    You "called" [name-call] Biden being too old to finish the election **

    i did not. quite the opposite in fact. the president did not drop out of the race because he was unable to finish it, he did so because he was being put under immense pressure from his party. i was of the opinion that it was not a good decision. i believe my exact words were, "stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid"

    why you would think i said otherwise is beyond my ability to guess. as to the timing of your prediction, why only go back to january? you've been saying the same thing since 2018; it had to go your way eventually. also, don't go dragging me into your eternal flame war.

    "my name is paul, and this is between y'all"
    paul calderon, pulp fiction

  50. [50] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    Yes, I intentionally left out the whole J6 2021 premeditated Trumpian attempt to have his Vice President recognize fraudulent slates electors on fake certificates of ascertainment when he knew for a fact he lost the election, but I know you get the idea. :)

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:


    I think the best thing that Democrats can do after having been rebuked so emphatically by voters this week is to root for a successful second Trump term and do whatever they can to make that happen, offering great ideas to help in that effort and constructive criticism when that is needed.

    And, for the next two and a half months they should try not to utter the name Trump or Trumpism and focus on what they need to do to improve their own future leadership role.

    Yes.. Yes... And AGAIN!!! YES!!!!

    That is EXACTLY what should happen!!

    That would be the BEST thing for America, if that were to happen..

    But do you honestly believe for a SECOND that Democrats have that level of self-respect and self-reflection to do that??

    Judging from the commentaries of late, it's gonna be a cold day in hell before the Democrats come within 1 million AUs of your idea...

    Don't take my word for it. Take the word of a hard core Democrat..

    Democrats, by and large, are their own worst enemies..

  52. [52] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Democrats, by and large, are their own worst enemies..

    Yeah, just like Trump!

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:


    why you would think i said otherwise is beyond my ability to guess.

    And what did *I* tell you?? *I* told you that Basement Biden was so brain dead senile and dementia-riddled that he wouldn't even FINISH the election!!

    i also suspected in july when biden dropped out that it was over,

    Com'on.. I don't believe you when you claim why I thought that is beyond your ability to guess.. :D

    If you think REAL hard, it will come to you.. :D

    also, don't go dragging me into your eternal flame war

    Fine, then quit interjecting yerself when you feel I have become too hot.. :D

    That always seems to be the pattern..

    I start kicking the Weigantian Troll's asses all over Weigantia and then you pop in and sayin, "Michale, don't you think yer going a little overboard???"

    You don't want to be part of a flame war?? Fine.. Then quit being part of a Flame War...

    It's really simple..

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:


    Considering President ELECT Trump's utter decimation of the Demon'rats, I don't think it's factually accurate to say President ELECT Trump is his own worst enemy...

    Considering the magnitude of the win and all. :D

  55. [55] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I should have been more precise and said that Trump CAN and HAS been his own worst enemy. I'm willing to give him a chance to prove that he can learn from his past mistakes and govern for all Americans.

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:

    And just think.. The complete and utter decimation of the Demon'rat Party is Basement Biden's legacy.. :D

    Biden biographer torches president after Harris loss: Trump victory is Biden’s ‘legacy’

    "Joe Biden cannot escape the fact that his four years in office paved the way for the return of Donald Trump. This is his legacy. Everything else is an asterisk.
    One of Joe Biden’s closest aides felt compelled to tell the president a hard truth about Kamala Harris’s run for the presidency: ‘You have more to lose than she does.’ And now he’s lost it."

    Joe Biden Biographer Franklin Foer

    Basement Biden got greedy...

    Pigs get fed. Hogs get slaughtered..

    Basement Biden and Demon'rats got slaughtered...

    It's THAT simple..

  57. [57] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    As I may have mentioned in these comment sections, once or twice.


    How many times do I have to tap out Republican cult of economic failure, a long-standing phenomenon that predates Trump and, indeed, finds its roots in the Reagan/Stockton years?

    4,761 times... probably

    Why on earth have Democrats not been able to counter this, especially given almost four years of a steadily improving economy that is the envy of many Western democractic governments!? Not a rhetorical question!

    Not a rhetorical question!? Heh. I have no idea. I definitely have an idea why non-college-educated white voters fall for the culture wars; however, I cannot fathom why Democrats can't 'splain it. You know, if perchance you feel water on your head, it's because you're electing billionaires who are pissing on your face while they laugh behind your back. It ain't never going to "trickle down!" Some Democrat or even Independent who is a good explainer needs to figure it out and 'splain it.

    It is very nice to discuss issues versus the tired prattling pathetic praise-seeking trollshit routine. Thank you for that. :)

  58. [58] 
    Kick wrote:

    Elizabeth Miller

    So you're basically saying "take the high road" despite Republicans ever-present behavior of doing the exact opposite.

    Democrats being held to a higher standard? They're definitely used to it. Somebody has to govern. :)

  59. [59] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    You're welcome! :)

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:


    I should have been more precise and said that Trump CAN and HAS been his own worst enemy.

    Correction acknowledged and agreed whole heartedly with..

    I'm willing to give him a chance to prove that he can learn from his past mistakes and govern for all Americans

    Just as I was willing to, in the immediate aftermath of the election, give Weigantians a chance that they can learn from their past mistakes.

    Based on the commentaries and the comments, that was just NOT going to happen..

    In their minds, they can do no wrong and it's all President ELECT Trump's fault


    And here we are... :^/

    And NOW Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick wants to make nice with you because I am kicking her ass all over Weigantia..

    Of course, before you were attacked by the Troll for being the forum monitor..

    Weigantian 2-Cell Brain Troll Kick is such a predictable little troll.. :D

  61. [61] 
    Kick wrote:

    Awwww. Boo hoo. Poor Widdle Praise-Seeking Michale Troll gets very upset if someone says anything negative about Dementia Old McDonald Orange Prick... suffering from the throes of increasingly obvious dementia when it only gets worse by the day.

    Try to get over yourself troll; you're (still) not Trump.

  62. [62] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK OK, people.. We have some things to discuss...

    There is a law going around the US that states ALL STATES ELECTORAL VOTES ARE GIVEN TO THE POPULAR VOTE WINNER...

    It's called THE NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE INTERSTATE COMPACT and if it is enforced, the 2024 Election would looks like this:

    Ya'all still want that??? Hmmmmmm??? Just curious... :D

    Oh and I guess NOW would be a good time to talk about the Senate Filibuster...

    You still want to get rid of that?? Hmmmmm???


    You Demon'rats sure are ya'all's own worst enemies who NEVER think past their own greedy ambitions... :D

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK, I am going to leave things there for a while..

    Gotta work tonight so I gotta sleep today.. :D

    Don't worry, I'll still be around to provide all the FACTS for ya'all.. :D

    It's the least I can do since all ya'all have done for me.. :^/

  64. [64] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    i can't control your inability to read what i wrote. even the text you quoted doesn't say what you say it says. "i also suspected in july when biden dropped out that it was over" does NOT mean i thought biden was unable to continue. others thought that, not i. he made the decision under duress, not due to lack of ability to continue. are you not capable of grasping the difference between those two things, or are you just being obtuse?


  65. [65] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Just as I was willing to, in the immediate aftermath of the election, give Weigantians a chance that they can learn from their past mistakes.

    Based on the commentaries and the comments, that was just NOT going to happen..

    Some of us missed an election result. You have missed plenty. Your dumb slurs and "ALL of you" this and "ALL of you" that are mostly a bunch of lies you can't back up as proven by nypoet22's link to the past. Sure, I prefer boring competent government Biden provided but the opposition is also fun and Trumpy boy is going to provide a cornucopia for criticism and snark...

  66. [66] 
    Michale wrote:


    I was talking about how I totally predicted Basement Biden wouldn't even finish the campaign and I predicted it years before it actually happened..

    What are YOU talking about??

  67. [67] 
    Michale wrote:

    Would ya'all like an example of what all yer Democrats have become??

    Elite school blasted for giving students ‘milk and cookies’ to help cope with Trump’s win

    Universities come under fire for canceling classes, providing safe spaces to students upset by Trump's victory

    'We're headed down a very problematic path: universities are producing a generation that can’t face the uncertainties and challenges of life,' Campus Reform Correspondent Emily Sturge said.

    Reports that several universities across the nation canceled classes and provided safe spaces for students to recover from the presidential election prompted a wave of criticism that these schools aren't preparing students for the "real world."

    Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., drew mockery on social media after news broke the college invited students to a "self-care suite" on Wednesday to recover from the stress of the 2024 presidential election.

    Students at Georgetown's McCourt School of Public Policy were reportedly offered treats like "milk and cookies" and "hot cocoa" as well as "Lego" toys and "Coloring and Mindfulness Exercises" to get their minds off the election results.

    My gods, you Democrats are such a coddled people!!

    If THIS is the next generation of Democrats, President Trump's GOP is going to govern for the next 200 years!!! :D

    The Democrat Party.. The Safe Space Milk And Cookies Party...

    :epic eyeroll:

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    The Democrat Party.. The Safe Space Milk And Cookies Party...

    It's NO WONDER President Trump and the GOP kicked ya'all's asses!!

    Democrats simply have no backbone...

  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:

    What's this?? Didn't ya'all say that President Trump was going to jail soon??

    Special Counsel Jack Smith moves to drop Trump election interference case..

    Well... Apparently, not.. :D

  70. [70] 
    Michale wrote:

    Frak Democrats and their sights on TEXAS....

    Democrats need to worry about keeping California!!! :D

    Do ya'all realize JUST HOW BADLY Democrats got shellacked!!???

    Do ya'all??

  71. [71] 
    Michale wrote:

    And the NEXT Democrat Civil War is going to be over the SCOTUS.. :D

    The Democrat Party is secretly fighting over whether to try and force out Justice Sonia Sotomayor to avoid the specter of Donald Trump sending the U.S. Supreme Court further to the right.

    Senators are reportedly at odds over whether to put pressure on Sotomayor—the first Latina justice—to step down while Democrats still have the power to usher in her replacement.

    Democrats are terrified of a repeat of the 2020 debacle when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died during the first Trump presidency after resisting overtures to step down when an Obama administration could offer a like-for-like ideological replacement. Instead, Trump’s choice of Seventh Circuit Judge Amy Coney Barrett sent the court lurching further to the right.

    Attempts among party activists last year to initiate the move were met, said Playbook, by accusations of “ableism” and “racism.”

    “How dare they suggest pushing the first Latina justice—a solid progressive vote—off the bench?” was the response, said the report.

    “What happens if she resigns and the nominee to replace her isn’t confirmed and the next president fills the vacancy?” said Democrat senator

    Oh wouldn't THAT be the shitz, eh?? Democrats force Sotomayer to resign, they can't get a replacement in and PRESIDENT TRUMP names the SEVENTH Conservative Justice!!!

    OMG that would serve the Democrats right!!!


  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yunno, looking at that map a little closer... Hmmmm Could it be!??

    The county where Caddy is in prison has gone RED!!!!

    Oh, the shame.. The shame for poor Caddy!!! He lives in TRUMP COUNTRY!!! :D

  73. [73] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Democrats need to worry about keeping California!!! :D

    Really? Trump under performed 2016 and grossly under preformed 2020.

    Trump total California votes:
    2016: 4,483,810
    2020: 6,006,429
    2024: 4,214,924*
    *not all votes counted

    OR when looking at a typical FoxNews meme map hinting at all the red: Trees don't vote...

  74. [74] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    ah, but imagine if they could.

  75. [75] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    It would be the Destruction of Isengard...

  76. [76] 
    Kick wrote:

    Eff around with the Ents and find out.

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