Cafeteria Democrats Welcome?

[ Posted Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 – 16:30 UTC ]

Do Democrats still have a "big tent" party, or have they now morphed to being a "small tent" party by insisting on too many must-pass litmus tests? That is a question Democrats should really be asking themselves now, after suffering a humiliating election defeat. That's the traditional way to put it, but at the risk of using an offensive term, what they really need to decide is whether they're going to allow what might be called "Cafeteria Democrats" to exist peacefully within their party or not.

The term is borrowed from one in the religious realm, and the hesitation stems from it mostly being used as a term of disrespect. "Cafeteria Catholics" (also known as à la carte Catholics) are people mostly raised in the Catholic Church who personally disagree with some of its tenets -- many having to do with sexuality. There are many Catholics, for instance, who disagree about the morality of using birth control. Catholic doctrine on masturbation, sex before marriage, gay relationships, abortion, and divorce are also not strictly followed by plenty of practicing (and lapsed) Catholics. There are other teachings that some Catholics disagree with as well (things like the death penalty) that have nothing to do with sex. But the term comes from the image of someone standing in line in a cafeteria picking and choosing which religious doctrines to follow and which they don't subscribe to. Wikipedia has a quote showing the origins of the term (from 1971): a "cafeteria Catholic" is someone who decides "a little of this and none of that." But, as mentioned, Wikipedia also states: "The term is most often used by conservative Catholics critical of progressive Catholics." What I've found personally is that most progressive Catholics I've talked to are just fine using the term to describe themselves, but I suppose it could still be considered offensive to some.

Getting back to politics, though, the Democratic Party has become more and more unforgiving of Democratic politicians who can't pass every single litmus test on their list. Just to give one notable example, there used to be a fair number of anti-abortion (or "pro-life" as they would prefer) Democrats in the party. These days, not so much. Being insufficiently supportive of a woman's right to choose is enough to be a deal-breaker for many Democrats these days, no matter where the politician hails from (what his or her district's makeup is, to put it slightly differently). And that's certainly not the only litmus test Democratic politicians are now expected (if not required) to pass.

As I said, Democrats used to pride themselves on being welcoming to lots of different points of view. They used to brag about their big tent. But you don't hear that sort of thing these days, or rarely. Instead, after what Republicans deride as "cancel culture" took hold, some Democrats are just fine with drumming Democrats out of the party for holding even one differing ideological viewpoint from what the general party consensus says it should be.

Republicans, of course, are absolute masters at using this against Democrats -- and they have been for a long time. They will latch onto one specific issue where they feel Democrats are taking a position that is out of the mainstream of what most voters believe, and they will use that as an absolute bludgeon to beat up Democrats out on the campaign trail. They've been successfully doing so for decades, in fact. And, just like with Catholics, a lot of it has to do with sex.

But not all of it. Three decades ago, it was the horrific spectre of flag-burning. Republicans dug out an older Supreme Court decision that equated burning an American flag in protest with constitutionally-protected free speech -- free political speech. But, obviously, most Americans don't like seeing their country's flag burned by radicals in the street, so Republicans tried to pass a constitutional amendment banning the practice entirely. Which backed Democrats into an ideological corner -- defend the First Amendment and free speech (even the most odious examples), or join Republicans in denouncing flag-burning? It split the party, and forced some Democrats into defending their stance (either way) during election season. Which was exactly what Republicans were trying to do (note: there was no rash of flag-burnings during this period at all -- the debate was almost entirely hypothetical).

But since then, a lot of the wedge issues Republicans have exploited have been sexual in nature. Gay marriage was the most prominent example of this. Republicans again split the Democratic Party on the issue of supporting marriage equality, to great effect (remember, even Barack Obama had to "evolve" on the issue). Gay marriage shifted on the political spectrum from being wildly unpopular to being very contentious to being wildly popular, and it was the strength of those who supported it that turned this all around in the public's mind. Ask yourself: what Republican today would advocate banning gay marriage nationwide (as yet another proposed constitutional amendment from two decades ago would have done)? The concept of gay marriage went from being unacceptible to being so ordinary it's not even worth commenting on.

These days, it's not the "L.G." part of the "L.G.B.T.Q." acronym Republicans are zooming in on, it is the instead the "T." Donald Trump aired anti-trans ads during his campaign (with a rather memorable slogan: "Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you.") and Kamala Harris didn't even respond to it (mostly because of disagreements over how to respond within her campaign team). And now Republicans seem to be doubling down on highlighting trans issues, since they think it is a political winner for them.

To a certain extent, at this juncture in time, they are right. As usual, Republicans have put the spotlight on the specifics which are the least popular about transgender rights, specifically to make Democrats either defend unpopular positions or break with their own party line. In fact, the entire issue is so complex and sensitive that it really deserves a separate column here (perhaps tomorrow...).

For now, though, the question is whether debating the subject is even allowable within the Democratic Party. Which was expressed, right after the election, by Democratic House member Seth Moulton, who said:

Democrats spend way too much time trying not to offend anyone rather than being brutally honest about the challenges many Americans face. I have two little girls, I don't want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat I'm supposed to be afraid to say that.

Here's what has happened, in reaction to his comments:

Representative Seth Moulton, Democrat of Massachusetts, is facing a barrage of criticism and protest in his deep-blue state for suggesting that his party's struggles in this month's election could be traced to its support for allowing transgender girls to play in girls' sports.

Mr. Moulton's campaign manager resigned in protest. The Democratic governor of Massachusetts rebuked him. And the chair of the political science department at Tufts University threatened to block his students from interning in Mr. Moulton's office.

A rally has been scheduled for Sunday in Salem, Mass., Mr. Moulton's hometown, aimed at standing with the transgender community, said Kyle Davis, a Democrat and a Salem city councilor who has called on the congressman to resign.

Moulton, as the article goes on to point out, has felt free to buck his party's leadership previously: "He unseated an incumbent Democrat a decade ago, tried to topple Representative Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, from the House speakership and mounted a quixotic run for president in 2019." And he's not backing down from his stance that demanding absolute orthodoxy from all Democrats is the wrong way for the party to go:

Mr. Moulton has since defended his remarks, arguing that he is giving voice to a popular but rarely expressed view among elected Democrats -- and that the backlash to those remarks had proved his larger point.

"I've never had more people, parents and, by the way, a lot of L.G.B.T.Q. community members, reach out to me and say, 'Thank you for saying this,'" he said in an interview on Friday. "Some of them are just speaking authentically as parents. Some of them believe the trans movement has gone too far. It is imperiling the progress we've made."

Mr. Moulton specifically said Gov. Maura Healey, Democrat of Massachusetts, was "out of step" with most Americans.

Ms. Healey, a former athlete at Harvard and one of the country's first openly lesbian governors, had told reporters on Tuesday that she was disappointed to see people "pick on particularly vulnerable children," adding that Mr. Moulton was "playing politics with people."

Mr. Moulton responded on Friday that "playing politics with vulnerable people is refusing to even debate their issues."

So who is right, here? Should the subject be completely verboten, even for discussion? Must every Democrat hew closely to supporting every cause by every constituent group within its "tent," or will Democratic politicians be allowed to pick and choose from the cafeteria line?

Those advocating for absolute fealty to trans rights (or just the general principle of purity for all Democratic politicians on all issues the party holds dear) should really consider whether this is a winning strategy or not. Because if that truly is the party's position now then Barack Obama never would have become president. He was very reluctant to support full marriage equality for all -- he equivocated and wasn't convinced until after he was elected president, after all. His journey was shared by a whole bunch of voters as well -- initially they were against the idea of gay marriage, then after a while, they tried to have it both ways (see: "civil unions"), then eventually they offered their full-hearted support. But nobody suggested kicking Obama out of the party for how he felt.

So while Republicans gleefully contemplate painting Democrats into the corner over the issue in many elections to come, Democrats are going to have to struggle with how big a tent their party is going to be, going forward. The wedge issue of gay marriage worked for Republicans, right up until it didn't.

So I end with where I began. Will "Cafeteria Democrats" be welcome within the party from now on or not? If a politician agrees with Democrats on 90 percent of the issues but holds a differing stance on one or two of them, should they be shunned or tolerated? As I said, the issue of transgender rights is a complex one (that deserves a future column) and it is in the spotlight right now (with House Republicans banning an incoming trans woman from using the bathroom of her choice in the Capitol) precisely because Republicans believe it gives them a campaign advantage over Democrats. If a Democrat holds a different stance on the issue than the rest of the party (as Democrats previously did over flag-burning, gay marriage, and many other hot-button issues), should they still be welcome or not?

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


43 Comments on “Cafeteria Democrats Welcome?”

  1. [1] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    ?These days, not so much. Being insufficiently supportive of a woman's right to choose is enough to be a deal-breaker for many Democrats these days, no matter where the politician hails from (what his or her district's makeup is, to put it slightly differently). And that's certainly not the only litmus test Democratic politicians are now expected (if not required) to pass.

    Is this really best described as a 'litmus test' that Democratic pols need to pass?

    If you're a person who is against a woman's reproductive rights and who doesn't believe that the decision to have an abortion should rest SOLELY with a pregnant woman and her doctor, then you haven't just failed a silly political litmus test, you have failed at what it means to be a human being.

  2. [2] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    Democrats spend way too much time trying not to offend anyone rather than being brutally honest about the challenges many Americans face. I have two little girls, I don't want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat I'm supposed to be afraid to say that.

    Quick question: How many Americans are actually experiencing these “challenges”?

    Also, what sports do your daughters participate in where they are being “run over” by opposing players? Rugby? Bareknuckle fighting? Seriously, where in the real world is this type of situation occurring? Nowhere!

    Trans females are likely to be taking estrogen-related hormones that aren't going to enhance their athletic performance. They are attempting to look and feel more feminine; not more masculine.

    My issue with this Democrat’s position is that it is entirely based in ignorance regarding situations that do not actually exist. In fact, your daughter is more likely to be crushed if trans males (whose birth certificates identify them as being born “females”) are forced to compete in leagues based on what their birth certificates originally identified their gender as! Your daughter will be forced to share locker rooms with individuals that appear to be male with very masculine features if we go solely by what it says their gender is on their birth certificate. You will be forcing her to shower with hairy chested indiviuals with facial hair whose birth certificate says they were born a female. That’s on you!

    Conservatives love to pose the scary situation of a deviant male dressing up as a female in order to be able to go into a woman’s public restroom and sexually leer at women. They claim that this is what will occur if we allow trans women to use the female bathrooms. That is utter bullshat! No one is allowed to sexually leer at others in public restrooms… it is illegal for either gender to do it!

    Yes, we should stand up to ignorant positions being promoted by individuals regardless of their party affiliation! Moulton is an idiot. He is against common sense policies based on his anti-trans bigotry. CW, I view this anti- trans ignorance to be the same as someone suggesting reintroducing segregation of the races in public schools. I don’t support it and want nothing to do with anyone who does!

  3. [3] 
    Kick wrote:

    That is a question Democrats should really be asking themselves now, after suffering a humiliating election defeat.

    Oh, the drama!

    "Humiliating election defeat"? Seriously? Hopefully you haven't bought into the whole right-wingnut spin on the election and how it's an "unprecedented" mandate. Defeat... yes... but humiliating? Not so much.

    Another election and onto the next one.

  4. [4] 
    Kick wrote:

    Getting back to politics, though, the Democratic Party has become more and more unforgiving of Democratic politicians who can't pass every single litmus test on their list.

    Compared to what, the Republican Party? How many Republicans do you know who are still around that will admit to you or anyone else the simple fact that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election? That's a bona fide Republican Party litmus test coming straight from the top of the Party.

    As for the Democratic Party, what is this "every single litmus test on their list" that you are referring to? Democrats in America are very diverse and hold a wide range of beliefs from one state to the next. If there is a so-called litmus test list in Washington State, I promise you it'll be vastly different than a so-called litmus test list you might find in Nevada or New Mexico.

    Just to give one notable example, there used to be a fair number of anti-abortion (or "pro-life" as they would prefer) Democrats in the party.

    The President of the United States happens to be "pro-life," but it has no bearing on whether or not he believes the United States government should be in the business of making reproductive decisions for all Americans and/or the federal government making health care decisions for Americans who have complications in their very much wanted pregnancies or whether or not an American citizen can receive the necessary reproductive health care based on their zip code of residence.

    You can be "pro-life" for yourself and your family while definitely also believing that your personal faith shouldn't be legislated onto everyone else in America or anyone in a particular state who may or may not share your personal religious beliefs. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.

    These days, not so much.

    I don't see the "litmus test" you're describing. Democrats all across America are too widely diverse and divergent. It's like trying to pigeonhole or compartmentalize all "Hispanics" in America into one neat category.

  5. [5] 
    Kick wrote:

    So who is right, here?

    Nobody is "right," but everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion, and (although not a MA resident) here's my general opinion: Moulton is a whining bullshit artist who lacks the courage of his convictions regarding his beliefs. He obviously has a First Amendment right to say whatever the hell he wants about the subject, and the voters and the Governor of Massachusetts also have the right to voice their opinion regarding his opinion. If the majority of the voters in his state would rather have someone else represent them, any of them have a right to run against him, and all of them who are citizens of the state 18 years of age and older have a right to vote him out of office. Simple.

    Should the subject be completely verboten, even for discussion?

    It isn't and never has been. If Moulton thinks it is, that's his own personal problem.

    Must every Democrat hew closely to supporting every cause by every constituent group within its "tent,"

    Obviously not.

    or will Democratic politicians be allowed to pick and choose from the cafeteria line?

    Pick and choose from wherever they want. Pull it straight out of their ass for all I care, but if the voters don't like it, they are free to vote your ass out. It's a two-way street on a multilane highway, and you drive as slow or as fast as you want at your own risk because there is no Democratic Party police with a list of nationwide litmus test rules... just voters... and the "deciders" are primarily Independents anyway. #SSDD

  6. [6] 
    Kick wrote:

    But nobody suggested kicking Obama out of the party for how he felt.

    Somebody please name me a politician that the Democratic Party has suggested "kicking out of the Party for how they felt." Not a rhetorical question; I genuinely want names.

    Anthony Weiner... for feeling like being a weiner.
    Robert Menendez... for feeling like being a criminal.
    Manchin and Sinema... for feeling like being catered to.

  7. [7] 
    dsws wrote:

    Kamala Harris didn't even respond to it

    You're telling us that the whole "weird" and "mind your own damn business" lines were preemptive rather than responsive? It really is weird to get obssessed with the possibility that the person who used a toilet half an hour before you might have had the wrong junk for that toilet, and should have used an identical toilet next door instead, because your masculinity or femininity is so weak that it can ce shattered by what a lump of porcelain remembers.

  8. [8] 
    dsws wrote:

    Somebody please name me a politician that the Democratic Party has suggested "kicking out of the Party for how they felt."

    How about Al Franken? No wait, that was whom he felt up.

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Democrats are America hating pricks. Pure and simple..

    Anyone who doesn't agree with Democrats are, according to Democrats, evil racist fascists who must be destroyed..

    That is why America hates Democrats and all that they stand for..

    In fact, the entire issue is so complex and sensitive that it really deserves a separate column here

    The trans issue is NOT complex. Not even a little.. A man who thinks he is a woman is mentally ill. Just like a man who thinks he is a Klingon is mentally ill. A woman who thinks she is a man is mentally ill. Just like a woman who thinks she is a wolf is mentally ill..

    What is so complex about that??

    Democrats MAKE the issue complex so as to muddy the scientific waters..

    (perhaps tomorrow...).

    Awesome!! I'll have ALL DAY to address the facts and the science and watch ya'all wallow in trying to defend the indefensible Democrat "science" of the issue!! :D

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:


    If you're a person who is against a woman's reproductive rights

    Tell me. What does the decision to kill one's baby have to do with a woman's reproductive rights??

    I am not picking on you because you and I agree that there SHOULD be restrictions on baby-killing.

    But you people try and hide the issue under the heading of "reproductive rights". I think it's time to quit hiding behind euphemisms and come right out and explain why having the choice to kill one's children is considered "reproductive rights"..

    You also add the "woman's" to the term, but what about a man's "reproductive rights". If a woman can kill her children, shouldn't a man be able to as well?? Wouldn't that be considered a "man's reproductive rights" as well??


  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    When I became a Democrat, it was the more tolerant party. Republicans were run by religious nut jobs and corporate robots. Now, the Democrats are in a lot of ways the less tolerant party.

    The least tolerant part is actually the establishment wing of the party that says anyone opposing their anointed leaders is committing heresy. If you try to give constructive criticism of the party to improve it, they drive you from the party while screaming, “He’s not a real Democrat!!”

    They hate populists. They have become the corporate robots I couldn’t stand. They hate their base. They insult our intelligence by pretending that the donors are not in charge. They think we should be controlled and learn how to follow orders. And they have no idea how elitist they sound.

    Predictably, their unironic reaction to this post will be, “Heretic!!”
    -Cyenk Ugyur


    Seems like CW and CU are agreeing that the GOP, the TRUMP Party is more tolerant than the Demon'rat Party.. :D

    Who woulda thunked it...

    Maybe 2006 CW is finally breaking from the Goa'uld's hold.. :D

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    Kick Troll,

    You were wrong about Basement Biden finishing the campaign.. Oh wait.. Don't tell me, let me guess.. You NEVER said ANYTHING about Basement Biden finishing the campaign..


    You were wrong about Token DEI Hire HeadBoard Has Been Hooker Harris wining the Electoral Vote.. No, wait.. Don't say anything. Let me guess. You NEVER said ANYTHING about Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris winning the Electoral Vote...


    AND you were wrong about President ELECT Trump winning the POPULAR VOTE!!! Hold on.. You don't have to say it. I know.. You NEVER said ANYTHING about President ELECT Trump winning the POPULAR VOTE!!!


    Seems like you were WRONG about EVERYTHING, Kick Troll.. And, like the typical Demon'rat Troll that you are, you refuse to even ADMIT that you were wrong about anything..

    Basically, you are EVERYTHING that you accuse President Trump of being!!!

    "You're nothing. Live with that.."
    -Commander Jo Galloway, A FEW GOOD MEN


  13. [13] 
    Kick wrote:


    How about Al Franken? No wait, that was whom he felt up.

    Heh... good one.

    Al Franken was actually a Roger Stone/GOP ratfucking hit job, but the Democrat who helped muscle Franken out "paid for it" later: Kirsten Gillibrand.

  14. [14] 
    Kick wrote:


    Democrats are America hating pricks.

    Said the Trump-loving troll who cannot stop himself from sucking Democrat Donald's prick.

    For somebody who incessantly whines about how Democrats suck, it's hysterical that Michale is seemingly totally unaware that it is, in point of FACT, him who is doing the vast majority of the actual sucking of Democrats, which begs some not rhetorical questions:

    * How many other Democrats besides Donald will Republicans allow to crash their Party?

    * Will Michale be sucking Donald's and all those other conspiracy theorist Democrats' pricks too?

    I would wager without hesitation Michale will be eager to service Bobby Jr. a.k.a. "BJ." Oh, how he loves those Democrat pricks... as archived prolifically herein on this blog for nigh on a decade.

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Bleerrrp, vrooob.. beeep, vrooooaaaaddd, blerrrppp, drooom, verrrrdaaaa"
    -Kick Troll

    Kick Troll just can't handle the FACT that she was absolutely WRONG about EVERYTHING.. Even the considedrably great margin on the POPULAR VOTE!!

    So Kick Troll just spouts of inanities about everything because she is mentally lost in the wilderness that *I* shoved her in...

    Kick Troll just can't handle that she was WRONG about everything and that I was dead on ballz accurate about everything..

    Since I have spacious rent-free accommodations in Kick Trolls head (it's like a Demon-rat druggie infested slum in here) ya'all can expect more spurious nonsense and BS from Kick Troll...


  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:


    Also, what sports do your daughters participate in where they are being “run over” by opposing players? Rugby? Bareknuckle fighting? Seriously, where in the real world is this type of situation occurring? Nowhere!

    You are such a retard..

    After Suffering Concussion at the Hands of Transgender Athlete, High School Volleyball Player Becomes Spokeswoman

    “Due to the North Carolina High School Athletic Association policy of allowing biological males to compete against biological females my life has forever been changed,” she said.

    “On Sept. 1, 2022, I was severely injured in a high school volleyball game by a transgender athlete on the opposing team,” McNabb said. “I suffered from a concussion and a neck injury that to this day I am still recovering from. Other injuries I still suffer from today include impaired vision, partial paralysis on my right side, constant headaches, as well as anxiety and depression.”

    You ignore the facts that dispute your ignorant non-science ideology.. :eyeroll:

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    A man CAN'T be a woman just by saying, "I believe I am a woman".. A man CAN'T be a woman by surgically altering his body or taking drugs to alter his body..

    It's NOT possible according to science.

    The same goes for a woman who wants to be a man. It simply is NOT within the realm of scientific possibility.

    Any more than a person who surgically alters their body or takes drugs to be a giraffe...


    And anyone who says different is simply a moron..

    That's how EASY the "trans issue" is.. :eyeroll:

  18. [18] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Kick you did a fine job of eviscerating this throw away cliche conventional wisdom bullshit “mailed it in” column.

    Chris just take the night off if all you can do is regurgitate normal political bullshit — it’s like how Corporate Democrats blame the Progressives every time their “Republican-lite” strategies fail to excite voters. This column was a waste of time and that’s a first in my years here.

  19. [19] 
    Kick wrote:


    Michale (again) makes the false equivalency that a zygote/embryo/fetus is a "child."

    Tell me. What does the decision to kill one's baby have to do with a woman's reproductive rights??

    False equivalency. A zygote isn't a child, an egg is not a chicken, a caterpillar isn't a butterfly, a maggot isn't a fly, etc.

    But you people try and hide the issue under the heading of "reproductive rights".

    "You people" hide the issue under the heading of "murder of a baby," which is illegal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

    I think it's time to quit hiding behind euphemisms and come right out and explain why having the choice to kill one's children is considered "reproductive rights"..

    I think it's time to quit hiding behind your bullshit false equivalency. It's called abortion because a birth is aborted. A maggot isn't a fly until it becomes one, an egg isn't a chicken until it becomes one, and a zygote isn't a "child" until it becomes one.

    You also add the "woman's" to the term, but what about a man's "reproductive rights". If a woman can kill her children, shouldn't a man be able to as well??

    A healthy adult male can release between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation. If he's not doing it with a female who is ovulating and also fully amenable to reproduction, I'd say he meets the Republicans definition of a serial killer. Lock him up.

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:


    This is EXACTLY why you Democrats continue to lose in a bigger and bigger way..

    Give CW credit for actually wanting to peer into the mirror (at least a little) and say, "Hmmmm.. Maybe it's US..."

    You and Democrats LIKE you simply want to ignore the masses of Americans and go on using the same old losing strategy over and over again hoping for a different result..

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Blerp snooeert gleeerrrp! Flizzleflomp snozz wibberly drooooop. Tizzlefrap snozzik vroop, floonkle wazzle! Blip snorf gleeble sproingle zazz—ploinkle snozz! Grizzleflap, snooferplorp, flibberwomp sproot. Vroozle-fnarzle gleeb snuzzle! Floomp, skizzle, ploob! Wibble-zap snoooerp glizzle sproing. Zerp-tizzle flomp wibble plizzle-plop. Blorp snozzik droop, snoofer-ploop! Flizzle vroop. Sploink-zap gleep, snoffle-florp!"
    -Kick Troll

    As usual, Kick Troll has NOTHING to say but nonsense jibber jabber which has NOTHING in the way of relevant facts..

    Typical for Kick Troll.. She is still lost in the wilderness and I am still living in her druggie filled head... :D

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    Matt Gaetz does the HONORABLE thing..

    What a helluva guy Gaetz is.. Putting President Trump and the country before his own needs and wants..

    Matt Gaetz is an honorable man and no amount of hysterical Demon'rat BS can take that away...

    I sure would have loved to see Demon'rat heads explode when he became AG...

    But it's OK... I am sure whoever President Trump picks, Demon'rats heads will STILL explode.. :D

  23. [23] 
    Kick wrote:

    Michale Troll

    Three things:

    * I see I hit a nerve.

    * I also see a whole lot of Michale's typical repetitive same-old lame bullshit wherein he puts words in somebody's (anybody's, everybody's) mouth and then deflects to that asinine invented spew of his while purporting to explain all our "feelings." *laughs*

    * What I don't see is a denial that Michale actually loves Democrat pricks because it's archived prolifically herein, and the denial would be hysterical considering the archives.

    So I ask again:

    * How many more Democrats will Republicans allow to crash their Party?

    * How many more of those Democrat pricks will Michale be prolifically sucking?

    Because there is demonstrable and substantial evidence posted on this blog for dang near a decade that Michale will be sucking Democrat pricks... but to how many more Democrats will Republicans and Michale bend the knee?

  24. [24] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    Kick on [5] wrote basically my reaction to this piece so I don't have to: it's not the Dems who have turned into a party with litmus tests. Thanks.
    And on [18] I had somewhat the same reaction as MtnCaddy: not a very imaginative or perceptive column, starting with the assumption that Harris and the Dems were 'humiliated' as opposed to losing an always-close election by a couple of points. Again, thanks.

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Blerp snooeert gleeerrrp Blorp Zerp plorp! Snorf gleeble, blorp zerp snooeert, gleeerrrp plorp. Gleeble snorf blerp, snooeert Blorp plorp zerp gleeerrrp. Zerp plorp blerp snorf, snooeert gleeble gleeerrrp, Blorp zerp. Snooeert snorf plorp blerp zerp, gleeble Blorp snooeert gleeerrrp. Plorp snorf gleeble blerp zerp, gleeerrrp snooeert Blorp. Snooeert plorp blerp gleeble zerp snorf! Gleeerrrp blorp plorp snooeert gleeble, snorf zerp blerp Blorp. Gleeble plorp zerp snooeert, gleeerrrp blorp snorf. Snooeert zerp snorf plorp Blorp, gleeerrrp gleeble! Zerp blorp snooeert plorp snorf gleeble, Blorp gleeerrrp zerp. Snorf plorp snooeert gleeble—blerp zerp!
    -Kick Troll

    Kick Troll has been so slammed that she is actually copying my typing mannerisms!! :D

    Proving once again how I completely PWN Kick Troll and her drug-infested empty brain...


  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:


    the assumption that Harris and the Dems were 'humiliated'

    Uh, son... Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris and the Demon'rats WERE completely and utterly HUMILIATED by President ELECT Trump..

    COMPLETELY... TOTALLY.... UTTERLY humiliated...

    as opposed to losing an always-close election by a couple of points.

    Nice attempt at rewriting recent history...

    Demon'rats were CREAMED by President ELECT Trump..

    Headboard Harris **LOST** ground in **EVERY** Demographic possible and President ELECT Trump **GAINED** in **EVERY** Demographic possible..

    You Demon'rats had yer asses handed to you.. Pure and simple...

    Denying the facts and denying the reality is what you Demon'rats do.. But it doesn't change the facts OR the reality..

    Ya'all **HUMILIATINGLY** lost...

    Deal with it..

  27. [27] 
    Kick wrote:


    "Blerp snooeert gleeerrrp! Flizzleflomp snozz wibberly drooooop. Tizzlefrap snozzik vroop, floonkle wazzle! Blip snorf gleeble sproingle zazz—ploinkle snozz! Grizzleflap, snooferplorp, flibberwomp sproot. Vroozle-fnarzle gleeb snuzzle! Floomp, skizzle, ploob! Wibble-zap snoooerp glizzle sproing. Zerp-tizzle flomp wibble plizzle-plop. Blorp snozzik droop, snoofer-ploop! Flizzle vroop. Sploink-zap gleep, snoffle-florp!"

    Oh, look. Quite content to prove my point, Michale falls all over himself to invent another fake quote and appears to be attempting to prove he's a Klingon.

    A man who thinks he is a woman is mentally ill. Just like a man who thinks he is a Klingon is mentally ill.

    ~ Michale

    I would say he has proven both my point and his own and meets/exceeds his own definition of "mentally ill."

    Good for you, Mike. You have your fake quotes, and the rest of us commenters have nigh on a decade of your posts containing actual quotes wherein you're sucking a Democrat prick. *laughs*

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:


    Kick Troll proves how utterly mind-less she is by claiming the nonsense she spews that I transcribe is KLINGON!!!!


    Blerp snooeert gleeerrrp Blorp Zerp plorp! Snorf gleeble, blorp zerp snooeert, gleeerrrp plorp. Gleeble snorf blerp, snooeert Blorp plorp zerp gleeerrrp. Zerp plorp blerp snorf, snooeert gleeble gleeerrrp, Blorp zerp. Snooeert snorf plorp blerp zerp, gleeble Blorp snooeert gleeerrrp. Plorp snorf gleeble blerp zerp, gleeerrrp snooeert Blorp. Snooeert plorp blerp gleeble zerp snorf! Gleeerrrp blorp plorp snooeert gleeble, snorf zerp blerp Blorp. Gleeble plorp zerp snooeert, gleeerrrp blorp snorf. Snooeert zerp snorf plorp Blorp, gleeerrrp gleeble! Zerp blorp snooeert plorp snorf gleeble, Blorp gleeerrrp zerp. Snorf plorp snooeert gleeble—blerp zerp!
    -Kick Troll

    batlh Daqawlu'taH, qo' Hoch vavpu' SoSmey je. tlhIngan maH, vaj qo'meyDajDaq maQam. qeylIS qawqangtaH Hoch tlhInganpu', 'ej batlh bIHtaHvIS SuvwI'pu'. jIyIntaHvIS, batlh jIvangtaH! DujwIjvaD quv jeqaStaH 'ej jI'Ip: qo'vam vISaHtaHvIS, tlhIngan Segh vIqeng

    You see the difference, you dumb-shit troll!??

  29. [29] 
    Kick wrote:

    John M from Ct.

    And on [18] I had somewhat the same reaction as MtnCaddy: not a very imaginative or perceptive column, starting with the assumption that Harris and the Dems were 'humiliated' as opposed to losing an always-close election by a couple of points. Again, thanks.

    Currently a 1.6% not considerable margin in the popular vote (to date) and still counting:

    (D) 74,333,273 votes (48.3%)
    (R) 76,868,311 votes (49.9%)

    But in fairness to CW, he asked a lot of questions about Democrats, and I'm an Independent giving my opinion about how I see the different Parties so maybe my perspective wasn't the one he was after. I just calls them the way I sees them but belong to neither of them... never have and never will.

    And what I don't see is a whole lot of Democrats being kicked out of their Party over some nationwide list of litmus tests coming from the "Democratic Party," but I definitely see a revolving door of Republicans being kicked to the curb for not bending the knee to a lifelong New York City Democrat opportunist whom they have allowed to swallow their Party whole. I cannot fathom how the rank and file cannot see how they've been played for fools by multiple Democrats, including (but not limited to) Trump, Musk, nutjob B. Kennedy, Gabbard, et alia, but I know for a fact that there are Republicans in high places that aren't amused and haven't been for quite some time.

    So it definitely will be interesting.

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    @Dumb-Shit Kick Troll

    Currently a 1.6% not considerable margin in the popular vote

    And if the POPULAR VOTE had any relevance beyond bragging rights, you would have a point.

    But it doesn't, so you don't..

    Still being a dumb-shit troll...

    Looking at the ONLY vote that counts, the ELECTORAL VOTE, President ELECT Trump HUMILIATED and MASSACRED Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris...

    Hooker Harris couldn't even win a SINGLE Swing State!!


    What a dumb-ass you are, Kick Troll...

  31. [31] 
    Kick wrote:

    Michale Troll

    I speak Klingon... as one does... so imagine my surprise to find you literally just posted a paragraph in Klingon that claims (among other things): "We are Klingons."

    So I thank you for proving my point that you believe you're a Klingon and you therefore meet/exceed your own definition of "mentally ill."

    You see the difference, you dumb-shit troll!??

    I would say you have also proven you meet/exceed your own definition of "dumb-shit troll." Congratulations, and always remember:

    "Swear by my ship and swear by this world, I will care about the Klingon race." Except for the self-defined "mentally ill" Florida man playing a game wherein he keeps twisting himself into a pretzel and managing quite haplessly to continue to kick his own ass on a right regular and quite repetitive basis.

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Snooeert plorp blerp gleeble zerp snorf! Gleeerrrp blorp plorp snooeert gleeble, snorf zerp blerp Blorp. Gleeble plorp zerp snooeert, gleeerrrp blorp snorf. blorp snorf. Snooeert zerp snorf plorp Blorp, gleeerrrp gleeble! Zerp blorp snooeert plorp snorf gleeble, Blorp gleeerrrp zerp. Snorf plorp snooeert gleeble—blerp zerp
    -Dumb-Shit Kick Troll

    Still with the BS inanities that have no factual basis whatsoever, eh Kick Troll..

    And STILL copying my naming nomenclature..

    What a sad little creature you are.. :D

    Haven't been able to address a single solitary fact with ANY facts of yer own..

    And STILL allowing me to live rent-free in that drug addled brain of yours.. :D


  33. [33] 
    Kick wrote:


    And if the POPULAR VOTE had any relevance beyond bragging rights, you would have a point.

    It was your claim at [15] above, and I quote:

    Kick Troll just can't handle the FACT that she was absolutely WRONG about EVERYTHING.. Even the considedrably great margin on the POPULAR VOTE!!

    ~ Michale

    You lost that "considerable margin" bet because of your science denying ignorance, but please continue to claim that the paltry 1.6 margin (so far) you keep bragging about is "great," and please continue to claim your own points aren't relevant. That way, you're kicking your own ass, displaying your ignorance, and calling yourself "not relevant" all at the same time.

    Still being a dumb-shit troll...

    I agree you are "still being a dumb-shit troll..."

    Confession is the first step in a long line on the long road to recovery, and you can't take any steps at all while you're too busy twisting yourself into a pretzel and kicking your own ass.

    Looking at the ONLY vote that counts, the ELECTORAL VOTE, President ELECT Trump HUMILIATED and MASSACRED Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris...

    And don't think I'm not appreciative of your continued sucking of Democrat Donald's prick. You making my point over and over for me is always a bonus. Please proceed with the Democrat prick sucking; you're making my point for me on repetitive loop.

    It will definitely be interesting to see how many more Democrat pricks Michale Troll will suck and how many more Republicans will bend the knee to the revolving door of Democrat opportunists and nutjob conspiracy theorist Lefties.

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    Gleeble snorf blerp, snooeert Blorp plorp zerp gleeerrrp. Zerp plorp blerp snorf, snooeert gleeble gleeerrrp, Blorp zerp. Snooeert snorf plorp blerp zerp, gleeble Blorp snooeert gleeerrrp. Plorp snorf gleeble blerp zerp, gleeerrrp snooeert Blorp. Snooeert plorp blerp gleeble zerp snorf! Gleeerrrp blorp plorp snooeert gleeble, snorf zerp blerp Blorp. Gleeble plorp zerp snooeert, gleeerrrp blorp snorf.
    -Dumb Shit Kick Troll

    Best Dumb Shit Kick Troll can come up with is a "I know you are but what am I" argument..


    And, apparently, the Dumb Shit Kick Troll is all about sucking dicks now..

    Dunno how she got onto THAT fetish. Must be Kick Trolls support of the Has Been Hooker Harris who only advanced at her job when she was on her knees..

    Maybe Kick Troll has an affinity because that's how Kick Troll got ahead in HER job.. On her knees..

    Wouldn't surprise me a bit..

    But now Dumb Shit Kick Troll is all about dick sucking so she is more incomprehensible than usual..

    Keep sucking the dicks, Kick Troll.. Maybe you'll get good at something...

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, while Dumb Shit Kick Troll is obsessed with sucking dicks like her hero Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris we learn that President ELECT Trump is consolidating his AMERICA FIRST position..

    It's going to be a GREAT 4 years for Americans and America... :D

    And the Democrat Party is going to be lost in the wilderness humiliated.. :D

    Life is good..

    Night ya'all.. A few episodes of YELLOWSTONE and then off to bed.. Back to work tomorrow keeping the streets of FLORIDA safe for democracy.. :D

  36. [36] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I wonder why it gets really withdrew. he sure as sugar didn't do it to avoid being a distraction.

  37. [37] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


  38. [38] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    speech to text is brilliant

  39. [39] 
    ListenWhenYouHear wrote:

    “On Sept. 1, 2022, I was severely injured in a high school volleyball game by a transgender athlete on the opposing team,” McNabb said. “I suffered from a concussion and a neck injury that to this day I am still recovering from. Other injuries I still suffer from today include impaired vision, partial paralysis on my right side, constant headaches, as well as anxiety and depression.”

    To hear her describe it, it really sounds as if the opposing player intentionally tackled her and slammed her head into the gym flooring! For a player to intentionally try to physically harm another in such a manner should be enough to have her kicked out of playing sports indefinitely. But that was not what actually happened, is it?

    Ms. McNabb has spun a great tale of victimhood. Blaming a trans person for striking a volleyball that gave her a concussion when she tried to block it with her face instead of her hands like most players would. She was not intentionally injured by a trans player; but she blames the trans player as if she did. Heck, I bet her family also brought a lawsuit against Spaulding blaming their volleyball for causing her injuries. It is their way!

    I received a concussion after being struck in the head by a baseball that took a bad bounce off second base. Was it the batter’s fault that I got injured? Would it make more sense to blame our pitcher for pitching the ball where the batter was able to hit it and cause my injury? Maybe sue the batmaker Easton for my injuries? Those bats are dangerous and I got hurt because of them!

    McNabb has tried to disguise her hate for trans individuals into a sympathetic story to garner the support of idiots like yourself. Or were you not fooled by her at all and its your own hatred that is at work here?

  40. [40] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    there's a real issue within the fake issue, and that's what makes it hard to parse.

  41. [41] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    I do not speak Klingon but I’ve been exposed to the language, and I was pretty sure that was a Klingon quote. Kah’Plah!

    Could you post a link or two so I can teach myself Klingon?

  42. [42] 
    Kick wrote:


    Two whole comment boxes to troll me! Wow! Oh, sure, the vast majority of commenters would obviously easily recognize that as the total desperation of a butthurt troll, but I am truly honored.

    Best Dumb Shit Kick Troll can come up with is a "I know you are but what am I" argument..

    Oh, no! That's actually not what that says, but I would wager no one reading the comments section is surprisd by your rube-like Florida man misinterpretation. It's more like a "you obviously lost that bet because you're a science denying dipshit who sucks at simple math as well as incessantly on Democrat Donald's prick (as archived) and thank you for your troll confession, but we all obviously already knew that and please keep proving my point like you're repetitively doing while at the same time continuing to kick your own ass" argument.

    And, apparently, the Dumb Shit Kick Troll is all about sucking dicks now..

    I'm merely pointing out your incessant sucking of Democrat Donald's prick that's been on full display for nigh on a decade here in Weigantia.

    Dunno how she got onto THAT fetish.

    Of course you don't; you are so frequently confused, so I'll obviously have to rub your nose in it again.

    You said, and I quote Michale Troll:

    Democrats are America hating pricks.

    To which I responded, and I quote myself:

    Said the Trump-loving troll who cannot stop himself from sucking Democrat Donald's prick.

    The "fetish" is all yours... and going on for years and years as archived herein for nigh on a decade.

    Must be Kick Trolls support of the Has Been Hooker Harris who only advanced at her job when she was on her knees..

    Your permanent hatred and repetitive slurs of Harris are flatlined and impotent and therefore rendered useless by your monotonous worn-out prattling drivel and spew.

    Maybe Kick Troll has an affinity because that's how Kick Troll got ahead in HER job.. On her knees..

    Hey, lookie! Mike wants to discuss his wife's career. Tell us all again how you arrested her, Mike! That'll be fun.

    Wouldn't surprise me a bit..

    Wouldn't surprise any of us, Mike, since you informed Weigantia long ago all about how y'all met when you arrested her and bragged about you being an adult and her being underage.

    But now Dumb Shit Kick Troll is all about dick sucking so she is more incomprehensible than usual..

    Obviously, I live so rent-free in Mike's head that he's renamed his wife after me! Oh, Mike! You are so truly thoughtful.

    Keep sucking the dicks, Kick Troll.. Maybe you'll get good at something...

    You really shouldn't talk about your wife that way, the poor thing.

    Well, while Dumb Shit Kick Troll is obsessed with sucking dicks like her hero Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris we learn that President ELECT Trump is consolidating his AMERICA FIRST position..

    Your wife is as obsessed with Harris as you are, Mike! Wow! I would wager that likely does not surprise anyone here.

    It's going to be a GREAT 4 years for Americans and America... :D

    I see you are back to servicing Democrat Donald, and I thank you for proving my point... repetitively.

    And the Democrat Party is going to be lost in the wilderness humiliated.. :D

    Right there living rent-free in that wilderness in your head located in your doublewide paradise in the trailer swamps of Florida.

    Life is good..

    Life is GREAT!

  43. [43] 
    Kick wrote:


    Could you post a link or two so I can teach myself Klingon?

    Of course I can!

    Learn Klingon The Easy(ish) Way, Pronunciation Guide

    Learn Klingon The Easy(ish) Way, Lesson 1

    Now, for full disclosure: You are hereinafter put on notice that these are but the first two (2) in a long line of lessons.

    I most definitely like your initiative, and you are therefore required to keep me posted with updates on how you are doing. :)

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