Monday Nitpicking

[ Posted Monday, November 25th, 2024 – 17:10 UTC ]

Since it's going to be a short holiday week anyway, I though today was a good day to wallow in grammatical pedantry. Because I have a nit to pick with America's media editors. So fair warning to all -- today's column is about nothing more than me being linguistically annoying.

Elon Musk, Donald Trump's "first buddy" (as he calls himself), is going to team up with Vivek Ramaswamy to set up a group to slash government spending. The moniker Musk picked for this group is a misnomer, since it won't actually be a federal "department" of anything, but Musk reverse-engineered the name to boost his favored cryptocurrency anyway, coming up with the "Department Of Government Efficiency," or "DOGE."

That's the way I have been capitalizing it, at any rate. Because I apparently have different standards than everyone else in the editorial world.

My own personal style guide demands that every letter in an acronym be capitalized, unless there is a good reason not to. The rest of the editorial world seems to agree. But when you write out the full name, the reverse rule applies as well -- every letter that makes it into the acronym should also be capitalized. Hence "Department Of Government Efficiency," and not (as most everyone else seems to be using) "Department of Government Efficiency."

[Hey, I warned you I was picking nits today!]

This is in keeping with my general rule for titles, where I capitalize every word, even the small ones. Most other editors only capitalize the bigger words, leaving words such as "of," "and," or "or" uncapitalized. That's their choice, when writing headlines for articles and whatnot, but it's a whole lot easier (and more consistent) to just capitalize everything, I find.

But acronyms have their own rules. With exceptions, to be sure, but this particular instance doesn't seem to merit one.

There is even a more-nitpicky rule about capitalization of acronyms, which is that if the word is not capitalized in the title then it should remain lowercase in the acronym as well. Which is why you see the Department of Defense usually shortened to "D.o.D.," and not "D.O.D." So applying this rule would give us "DoGE" for Musk's new project. But I have yet to see any media editor use this version, at least so far.

In some acronyms, whole words are left out. We don't refer to the "F.B.O.I." even though there's an "of" in the title. The title is spelled out consistent with the acronym: Federal Bureau of Investigation. Words omitted from the acronym are not capitalized.

But if the word is included, it really should be capitalized in the title as well. If you use "POTUS," then you should also spell it out as "President Of The United States." Using lowercase for the "of" and "the" would mean the acronym should properly be "PUS," but that obviously would be a little problematic. Or if you balk at capitalizing small words in titles, then the acronym should reflect this as well ("PotUS").

It gets a bit trickier when extra letters are added in to make the acronym pronounceable. A missile system was in the news recently (in reference to Ukraine) that uses an acronym which was obviously created just to sound cool. The Army Tactical Missile System would have been "A.T.M.S.," which is unpronounceable as a word and must be spelled out. But adding in a few letters from the second word results in "ATACMS," which is pronounced as the plural of "attack 'em!" To be perfectly consistent, the full name should really be spelled out "Army TACtical Missile System," but nobody does that.

When a new acronym appears, the capitalization is rather fluid, and can settle down later into just being a word. Hence most editors went from "COVID-19" to "Covid" to (much later) just "covid." I refused to follow this evolution, however, and still capitalize the whole thing, although I don't always add the "-19" anymore. And I don't think I've ever bothered (except maybe when it first appeared) spelling it out as "COronoa VIrus Disease" (as consistency would demand).

In the grand scheme of things, this is not that big a deal, I fully admit. Musk's little project is designed to be temporary, after all. Once he gets done, it will dissolve, and we'll only refer to DOGE in the past tense (if at all). But I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about it when it gets up and running, since Musk and Ramaswamy seem to be itching to take a meat-axe approach to cutting spending.

So until it is a thing of the past, it grates on me (in a fingernails-on-the-chalkboard kind of way) to see it spelled out in a news article as "Department of Government Efficiency" and then replaced by an all-caps acronym. My only hope is that it becomes so well-known to the general public that editors won't even bother to spell the full name out at all -- they'll just use "DOGE" everywhere.

I supposed I should feel lucky, since I am my own editor. This means I don't have to have a huge pedantic fight with anybody and can apply my own stylistic rules at will. So no matter what others decide is correct, I will continue to call Musk's brainchild the "Department Of Government Efficiency" -- and I will continue to cringe at others who follow a different style guide.

[Taking my Grammar Cop hat off now... regular political columns will resume tomorrow, never fear....]

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


77 Comments on “Monday Nitpicking”

  1. [1] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    they should probably call it Department Instituting Corporate Kickbacks.

  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    I'm so with you on this one, Chris!

    And, I would recommend you take out your old vinyl and cds of your favourite bands and play them all, back-to-back, tonight.

    It'll be fun and will take your mind off the Department Of Government Efficiency or DOGE for a while! :-)

    Just don't listen to any re-releases of albums or any of your favourite songs that have been officially uploaded anew to YouTube or other digital platforms. Because, chances are they will all have been pitch-"corrected" or even autotuned as is the current music industry standard operating procedure, thus destroying the voices we have loved for so long.

    There is a movement afoot to put a stop to this kind of nonsense - hope to have you aboard!

  3. [3] 
    Kick wrote:

    The moniker Musk picked for this group is a misnomer, since it won't actually be a federal "department" of anything, but Musk reverse-engineered the name to boost his favored cryptocurrency anyway, coming up with the "Department Of Government Efficiency," or "DOGE."

    Thank you for explaining this grammatical pedantry and the fact that the DOGE is basically the "Department Of Nothing And Lawless Dictatorship," or the DONALD.

    In the grand scheme of things, this is not that big a deal, I fully admit. Musk's little project is designed to be temporary, after all.

    Who's going to tell him?

  4. [4] 
    Kick wrote:


    Heh. :)

  5. [5] 
    andygaus wrote:

    Lowercasing small words in a title is not just "something that other editors do," it's standard English.

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:


  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:


    you're not qualified to tell what science is real or not.

    One doesn't have to be "qualified" in science to know that a man is a woman just because he BELIEVES he is a woman is mentally ill..

    Just like one doesn't have to be "qualified" in science to know that a woman is a wolf just because she BELIEVES she is a wolf is mentally ill..

    No "qualified" required. All that IS required is a healthy dose of common sense unencumbered by ideological slavery..

    I'll give you a perfect example with two simple YES/NO questions that I bet you can't answer.

    Can a woman be a wolf just because she BELIEVES she is a wolf as in the case of Naia Okami??

    Can a man be a woman just because he BELIEVES he is a woman as in the case of Dylan Mulvaney??

    I'll give you a hint. They are BOTH mentally ill..

    there are six genetic sexes with tens of millions of people:xx,xy,x0,xxy,xyy,xxxy. that's as hard a fact as it gets. each individual of whatever genetic sex can have physiology that's male, female, or one of tens of other possible combinations of primary and secondary sex characteristics. people's brains can also be one of seventy-plus genders.

    I am sure that is what your Democrat "science" is telling you.

    But isn't it a very strange "coincidence" that ALL of that Democrat "science" started out as Democrat activism..

    I mean, what are the odds that these people who started to push this ridiculous BS were actually able to FIND the "science" that says EXACTLY what their activism had been saying.. The odds are MIND-BOGGLING..

    Strange Magic

    you're not entirely wrong about some people being mentally not all there, but that's not everybody. in human beings, there's just a lot of variation

    Oh yes. I agree. There ARE a few cases where there is an actual medical issue involved that can actually be explained by REAL science.. I grant you that..

    But we're not talking about those case... We're talking about the Naia Okamis and the Dylan Mulvaneys...

    THOSE are the people we're discussing...

    Not the very very VERY few who actually have a legitimate medical issue..

    You ever watch SAVING HOPE with Michael Shanks???

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:


    His comments!? Heh. Quite a hefty amount of his comments are nothing more than the plagiarized work of other authors.

    What does it matter WHO says it..

    You are simply using that as an excuse because you have been wrong about everything and you have no response for what is being said..

    You and Bashi are two of a kind because you can't address the points being made because ya'all have been WRONG about everything, so you latch on the minutiae to cover your ignorance..

    Why not quit worrying about WHO is saying it and concentrate on refuting the points being made.

    Because you can't.. And everyone here knows it.. :D

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    You and Bashi are two of a kind because you can't address the points being made because ya'all have been WRONG about everything, so you latch on the minutiae to cover your ignorance..

    For example....

    Oh what have we here??? :D

    Jack Smith files to drop all federal charges against Donald Trump

    President ELECT Trump faced charges over his handling of classified documents and his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, which culminated in US Capital riot on 6 Jan 2021..

    Numbnuts Jack Smith filed motions to drop all federal charges against President-elect Donald Trump regarding his mishandling of classified documents and his efforts to secure a victory in the 2020 presidential election.

    The dismissal of these phony lawfare politically-motivated charges marks a historic moment. Fifty years after lawmakers from both parties forced Richard Nixon to resign the presidency amid allegations of criminal conduct in office, more then half of American voters chose to return Trump to the presidency.

    Get that!? In the court of American public opinion President ELECT Trump has been found completely and utterly **INNOCENT** of all charges and accusations.. :D

    Wait a minute!! Didn't ya'all say that President ELECT Trump was going to jail!!???

    Well, guess what, Demon'rats??

    YA'ALL WERE WRONG!!!! **AGAIN**!!!

    I guess ya'all must be getting pretty used to being WRONG about **EVERYTHING**, eh?? :D

    And where do we find ourselves now???

    Not only in the eyes of the American people, but also in the eyes of the law, PRESIDENT ELECT Trump is 100% COMPLETELY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY **INNOCENT** of all criminal charges and accusations..

    OOOooooooooo That's just GOTTA hurt, eh Weigantians..

    Be honest here.. How many of ya'all are seeking therapy for this absolutely CRUSHING defeat, eh?? :D I mean, ya'all must be psycho because your entire ideological point of view has been so thoroughly and so completely **REJECTED** by the American voters.. :D

    Toss ya'all's Democrat platform and beliefs on the trash heap of history.. Stick a fork in yer ideology..

    It's done!! :D

    Yes, I took some blurbs from other articles and altered them to make them my own.

    So what??

    Why cant' you address the points IN the comment rather than whine and cry that some of them are not my exact words?

    I'll tell you why.. Because you can't...

    For over a year, ya'all have been going on and on about President ELECT Trump is going to jail blaaa blaa blaa blaaa...

    And *I* said that the cases were going to be dismissed because they were bullshit cases..

    And YA'ALL were wrong and **I** was dead on ballz factually accurate..

    There is only *ONE* verdict here that matters at all and it's the verdict of the American voters..

    And THAT verdict is that President ELECT Trump is completely and 100% unequivocally INNOCENT of all charges and accusations..

    And NOW, in the eyes of the law, it's the same thing.

    President Trump is **100% UNEQUIVOCALLY AND INARGUABLY INNOCENT** of all charges and accusations..

    Ya'all lost... AGAIN... :D

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    Here's another comment that was 100% my words and my words alone..

    And to add insult to injury, President ELECT Trump won over ***52%*** of the hispanic American vote!!

    And to add an even BIGGER insult to ya'all's torture, President ELECT won over ****21%**** of the black male Americans vote!!!!

    **O . M . G .** ya'all just HAVE to be hating life!!!

    It's no wonder ya'all are gonna need therapy.. You're entire political way of thinking has been utterly and unequivocally **REJECTED** by the vast majority of the American voters..

    Really, ya'all's only option is to crawl into the deepest darkest hole you can find and pull it in after ya'all, eh?? :D

    And you ignore that.. Why?? Because it's dead on ballz FACTUALLY accurate and you have no defense against the FACTS..

    Silence Gives Assent

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:


    Deputy Sheriff Ignacio Diaz
    Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, Florida
    End of Watch: Monday, November 25, 2024

    And remind the few..
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak...

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    Funny how we don't hear much about 6 Jan anymore, eh?? :D

    There's a reason for that.. :D

    Congress’s Jan. 6 investigation looks less and less credible

    It was a protest that became a riot when a woefully insufficient security plan collapsed. And that is a view shared by most Americans. One year after the riot, a CBS poll showed that 76 percent viewed it as a “protest gone too far.”

    A Harvard study also found that those arrested on that day were motivated by loyalty to Trump rather than support for an insurrection.

    A recent poll found that almost half of the public (43 percent) felt that “too much is being made” of the riot and that it is “time to move on.” Of course, that still leaves a little more than half who view the day as “an attack on democracy.”

    That's what's so funny about all of ya'all's 6 JAN hysteria..

    It was nothing but a protest that turned into a riot..

    No different than what happened for **TWENTY TWO** plus years with Democrats and your BLM and Anti-Fa riots and attacks on hundreds of government buildings all over the country.

    You Democrats tried to wrap yerselves in the flag and then discovered that NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together bought into ya'all's sudden patriotic fervor..

    The House Select Committee to investigate Jan. 6 was comprised of Democrat-selected members who offered only one possible view: that Jan. 6 was an attempt to overthrow our democracy by Trump and his supporters. The committee hired a former ABC News producer to create a slick, made-for-television production that barred opposing views and countervailing evidence. The members, including Republican Vice Chair Liz Cheney (Wyo.), played edited videotapes of Trump’s speech that removed the portion where Trump called on his supporters to protest “peacefully.”

    The committee fostered false accounts, including the claim that there was a violent episode with Trump trying to wrestle control of the presidential limousine. The Committee knew that the key Secret Service driver directly contradicted that account offered by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson.

    While the Democrats insisted that Trump’s speech constituted criminal incitement, he was never charged with that crime — not even by the motivated prosecutors who pledged to pursue such charges. The reason is that Trump’s speech was entirely protected under the First Amendment. Such a charge of criminal incitement would have quickly collapsed in court.

    Though Democrats were VERY HIGHLY motivated to charge President Trump with ANY crime, even changing existing laws and adding new laws for the SOLE PURPOSE of persecuting President Trump..... Not ONCE did they charge President Trump with inciting a riot or for an insurrection..

    Why?? Because even in the fevered throes of PTDS and Trump/America hate Democrats KNEW that such a charge would be LAUGHED out of the courts..

    As with everything else brought on by their PTDS and Trump/America, Democrats found that they had created a new NOTHING Burger to match all the other NOTHING Burgers they created..

    And, as a result, we now have President ELECT Trump.. :D

    Congrats, Democrats.. Ya'all have proved ONCE AGAIN, that ya'all are your own worst enemies.. :D

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    And now we see exactly WHY they Democrats lost so badly on Election Day.. :D

    DNC union launches GoFundMe to help former staffers hit by massive layoffs after election losses

    The fundraising effort comes less than a week after the DNC announced its wave of layoffs Wednesday night

    The union representing members of the Democratic National Committee launched a GoFundMe to raise money for staffers who were abruptly laid off last week – prompting backlash from those still on the DNC payroll who have described the cuts as a "betrayal" of party values.

    The GoFundMe created by the DNC union seeks to raise $25,000 to assist staff impacted by the layoffs following their losses in the 2024 election.

    Members of the DNC staff union said on the fundraising page that the abrupt wave of layoffs had included two-thirds of DNC staffers, who were let go with little notice and with "no severance."

    This is why blue collar everyday Americans have abandoned the Democrat Party...

    They pay lip service only to the American worker, but will stab them in the back and set them adrift at the drop of a dime without even GIVING them a dime in compensation..

    Democrats?? Ya'all DESERVED to lose...

  14. [14] 
    Kick wrote:


    His comments!? Heh. Quite a hefty amount of his comments are nothing more than the plagiarized work of other authors.

    ~ Kick

    What does it matter WHO says it..

    Prolifically plagiarizing the work of others and posting them without attribution in order to pass them off as if they're your own thoughts is unethical and reeks with the stench of (a) laziness, (b) ignorance, and (c) fraud.

    You are simply using that as an excuse because you have been wrong about everything and you have no response for what is being said..

    Claiming that any another commenter is wrong about everything is a flat out fabrication, and continuing to profess you can read any/all other posters' minds is mentally ill. I actually have (metaphorical) mountains of responses to the work of the other authors from whom you pilfer. Fun fact: You have even copied the words of one of my friends and posted them herein in what seemed to me to be a hysterical attempt on your part to appear intelligent.

    You and Bashi are two of a kind because you can't address the points being made because ya'all have been WRONG about everything, so you latch on the minutiae to cover your ignorance..

    Bashi and I (and anyone else of the forum) can definitely address "the points" of the authors from whom you prolifically plagiarize. Any of us could also address a point of your own if you'd actually make one; however, you seem permanently stuck on stupid and chasing your tail in the exercise of trolling everyone with the same prattling drivel and spew ad nauseam versus actual political debate.

    Why not quit worrying about WHO is saying it and concentrate on refuting the points being made.

    Pointing out the incessant instances of your prolific plagiarism and worrying about them are two entirely different things. Bashi and I will generally comment as we see fit and not according to the whims of wishes of an admitted plagiarist.

    Because you can't..

    Obviously, we can.

    And everyone here knows it.. :D

    You show definite signs of mental illness, which is but one of the hallmarks of a plagiarist. I mean, if a plagiarist possessed the acumen, qualifications, and mental acuity to actually compose their own coherent thoughts, there'd quite obviously be no need to copy the work of others in a pathetically unethically lazy attempt to pass them off as their own.

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Blerp snooeert gleeerrrp! Flizzleflomp snozz wibberly drooooop. Tizzlefrap snozzik vroop, floonkle wazzle! Blip snorf gleeble sproingle zazz—ploinkle snozz! Grizzleflap, snooferplorp, flibberwomp sproot. Vroozle-fnarzle gleeb snuzzle! Floomp, skizzle, ploob! Wibble-zap snoooerp glizzle sproing. Zerp-tizzle flomp wibble plizzle-plop. Blorp snozzik droop, snoofer-ploop! Flizzle vroop. Sploink-zap gleep, snoffle-florp!"

    Once again, Kick makes ALL her comment about me personally and ignores the facts being put forth..

    Another common tactic of troll-dom that does NOTHING except proves how I am STILL living free and clear inside her head.. :D

    Once again, Kick gets PWNed :D

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, some looney Dem mayor says that he will go to jail before he obeys the law regarding illegal immigrants..

    President ELECT Trump's new REAL Border Czar (unlike the fake Has Been Hooker Harris Border Czar who didn't accomplish shit) says:

    "He's willing to go to jail, I'm willing to put him in jail"
    -Border Czar Tom Homan


    Works for me!! I LOVE seeing Demon'rats go to jail.. :D

    Just wish it was me taking the 911 call.. :D

  17. [17] 
    Kick wrote:


    Bashi and I (nor any other poster) is either forced or required to actually read your (metaphorical) mountains of trollshit that I colloquially refer to as "trollshit mountain."

    Trollshit mountain is easily recognizable from the way it looks on the webpage versus the perfectly plagiarized paragraphs you admittedly pilfer. Hence, it is easily scrolled over without necessity of ever even reading it.

    So if perchance Bashi and I (or anyone else) chooses not to respond to the massive piles of your trollshit mountain, you could assume we didn't read it.

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    So NOW Demon'rats are hysterical about SUPPORTING the filibuster!!! :D

    Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., on Monday appeared to poke fun at Senate Democrats for coming out in support of the filibuster after her former party had called for it to be abolished over the past four years to push through Democratic agenda items.

    Sinema, who left the Democratic Party nearly two years ago, responded on the social media platform X to a report by the Washington Examiner citing Democratic senators who now say they support the Senate filibuster to block President-elect Trump's agenda in his second administration.

    "Please, please, please stop what you’re doing and read these quotes. Filing under: schadenfreude."
    -Independent Kyrsten Sinema


    How HILARIOUS is that!!

    Demon'rats were BEGGING to get rid of the filibuster..

    NOW Demon'rats are the filibuster's staunchest defenders!!


    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Demon'rat programming. It's a feature..

    Demon'rats prove the validity of that original quote every single day and twice on Sunday... :D

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris spent over a BILLION dollars and failed to beat President ELECT Trump.

    And she STILL is over 20 million dollars in debt ON TOP of that billion!!! :D

    And NOW we learn that Jack Smith spent over 50 MILLION DOLLARS persecuting President Trump..

    And HE failed!!!

    All that money spent and Demon'rats STILL couldn't prevent President ELECT Trump from crossing the finish line first!!! :D

    HOW BAD are Demon'rats that they had ALL that money and they couldn't get the job done!! :D

    Demon'rats are a sorry bunch, eh??? :D

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:


    Not factually accurate..

    Demon'rats in general and Weigantian Demon'rats in particular have made it CLEAR that Silence Gives Assent

    Basement Biden made that perfectly clear on MANY OCCASIONS that if you are silent about something, you are agreeing to it..

    Even 2024 CW hisself dedicated an entire commentary to the concept that remaining silent on an anything means one is agreeing to it..

    So, when ya'all refuse to try and refute any of my comments, that means you are agreeing with my comments..

    So if perchance Bashi and I (or anyone else) chooses not to respond to the massive piles of your trollshit mountain, you could assume we didn't read it.

    And yet, you HAVE read my comments because you claim to know that there are comments within my comments that are from other people's comments.

    So you are LYING when you claim you haven't read my comments..

    You simply can't address the facts.. So when you are silent on the points being made that means, according to YOUR OWN RULES, that means you agree with the factual nature of my comments.. :D

    So, quit lying when you claim that you don't read my comments because your OWN comments PROVE that you read each and everyone of my comments.

    Just like this comment here.. You are reading it intently and trying to find a way to dispute the fact that you are lying when you claim you don't read my comments. :D

    "Simple logic"

    You prove every day how much I live rent free in your head. :D

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    This is why Democrats lost the election..

    Because their WOKE carp replaced the little bit of common sense that they had... :eyeroll:

    A perfect example of a mentally ill model..

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:


    I have been thinking more and more about what you said yesterday..

    So much so that I make you this promise..

    Whenever CW does a commentary that actually SUPPORTS President Trump's AMERICA FIRST actions and policies, you will see me putting forth supportive comments in kind..

    I can promise this because, with VERY few exceptions (coming from you and JL) there has never been, nor will there ever be **ANY** commentary and/or comments along the lines of

    "Hay.. Yunno what?? President Trump is dead on ballz accurate on this point. He is addressing it in the manner it SHOULD be addressed and I give him kudos for this."

    Even if 2024 CW *DID* make a comment of this nature, the Weigantian Peanut Gallery would tear him a new one..

    So, my suggestion is, if you actually WANT to see positive PRO-America comment threads, you will have to start them yourself..

    Gods know I have tried.. Maybe you'll have better luck.. :D

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    WOKE is dead!! Let's hurry up and bury it!! :D

    Walmart rolls back DEI policies, becoming latest US firm to join growing trend

    Walmart joins Ford, John Deere, Toyota, other major companies in ditching controversial DEI initiatives

    Walmart is making a slate of changes to its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies, becoming the latest in a growing list of major corporations to halt the so-called "woke" initiatives.

    Starbuck outlined the changes Walmart agreed to make, including working to remove sexual and transgender products inappropriately marketed toward children and reviewing grants to Pride events to avoid funding sexualized content targeting kids.

    Walmart confirmed that it plans to change how it monitors products within its marketplace and reviews the funding of grants.

    The company said some products that violated its policies have been removed, such as chest binders – products designed to flatten the chest – when marketed to children.

    The WOKE crowd HAS to know that they have lost big time when they lose WalMart... :D

    "We’ve been on a journey and know we aren’t perfect, but every decision comes from a place of wanting to foster a sense of belonging, to open doors to opportunities for all our associates, customers and suppliers and to be a Walmart for everyone," the company said.

    "Walmart is the single largest employer in the United States. Removing wokeness from Walmart has both downstream effects on suppliers and sets the tone for corporate America.
    Changing normal operating policy at a nearly $1 trillion company is a gargantuan feat that many have tried to achieve but no one until now has actually been able to get done," he continued. "It speaks to the strength and scale of our movement to eliminate wokeness from society and how effective I've been as a megaphone for the concerns of your average consumer.
    I won't stop until wokeness is a relic of the past."

    -Anti WOKE Activist Robby Starbuck

    How awesome is it that WOKE is dying as it had lived..

    Ignobly... :D

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ahhhh.. So THIS explains a lot...

    MSNBC was ‘unaware’ Harris campaign gave $500K to Al Sharpton’s group ahead of friendly interview

    Harris campaign gave two $250,000 donations to Sharpton’s nonprofit

    MSNBC admitted it was "unaware" that Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign paid $500,000 to Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network nonprofit ahead of a friendly interview with the Democratic nominee ahead of Election Day.

    Harris sat down for a friendly interview on Oct. 20 with MSNBC’s Sharpton, an open supporter of Harris and the Democratic Party. Following Harris’ loss to President-elect Donald Trump, FEC filings revealed the Harris campaign gave two $250,000 donations to Sharpton’s nonprofit organization in September and October – but the MSNBC host did not inform viewers of the contributions or the conflict of interest before or after the interview.

    "MSNBC was unaware of the donations made to the National Action Network."

    Token DEI Hire Headboard Has Been Hooker Harris didn't really do any REAL interviews.. She simply *BOUGHT* interviews that would ask ONLY the questions SHE wanted asked..

    Funny thing was, she even frak'ed up THOSE interviews!!!


    Sharpton did not inform "network brass" that his nonprofit received money from the Harris campaign. MSNBC declined to say if Sharpton would face consequences, according to the report.

    Doesn't really matter if the blatant racist Shaprton is going to face any consequences or not...

    MSNBC is toast. It's either going to disappear or be bought by Elon Musk.. :D

  25. [25] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    One doesn't have to be "qualified" in science to know that [whatever] is mentally ill..

    not just wrong, dead wrong. in order to know whether an individual is "mentally ill," one has to truly understand what "mental illness" actually is.

    I'd argue that diagnosing mental illness is even more dependent on professional expertise than diagnosing physical illness. there are so many ways people differ from each other, so many modes of thinking that depend entirely on perspective, that if anyone demonstrably abnormal in some way or another were to be considered mentally ill, the label would apply to half the human population - possibly more.

    This isn't all just theoretical either. disrespect for scientific expertise, fed and nourished by president ELECT trump, killed between 2 and 3 hundred thousand Americans who otherwise would have survived the COVID pandemic. I am seriously glad the virus didn't get you.


    Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.
    ~H. L. Mencken

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    not just wrong, dead wrong. in order to know whether an individual is "mentally ill," one has to truly understand what "mental illness" actually is.

    Not at all...

    A woman who thinks she's a wolf is mentally ill..

    I know, I know.. Democrats LOVE to obfuscate and muddy the waters and redefine what the definition of 'is' is...

    But one doesn't need to have a degree in biology to know that a woman who thinks she is wolf is nucking futz.... One doesn't need to have a degree in biology to point out that Dylan Mulvaney and the rest of the cosplayers are nucking futz...

    I am seriously glad the virus didn't get you.

    It DID get me. TWICE.. And guess what?? I am still here.. :D

    President ELECT Trump is no more responsible for COVID deaths than President Roosevelt is responsible for the millions of deaths in WWII..

    Shit happens..

    Now, if you want to talk about a POTUS who IS responsible for deaths, let's talk about Basement Biden and the 13 brave American troops who died Biden's debacle of an Afghanistan withdrawal...

    Or we can talk about the THOUSANDS of Americans killed by ILLEGAL immigrants that Basement Biden's border policies killed...

    Of course, Demon'rats don't care about THOSE deaths, eh?? :eyeroll:

  27. [27] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    by "get" I meant end the life of.

  28. [28] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    "nuts" is a lay judgment. mental illness is a clinical diagnosis. I accept that you're unable to distinguish between the two, but there is in fact a difference.

  29. [29] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    President ELECT Trump is no more responsible for COVID deaths than President Roosevelt is responsible for the millions of deaths in WWII..

    Total bullshit. Trump was responsible for about 40% of American covid deaths due to his incompetence. Just shy of a half a million Americans.

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    "nuts" is a lay judgment.

    Well, that's perfect since I am, in that regard a layman. :D

    mental illness is a clinical diagnosis

    So is senile and dementia.. But that didn't stop ya'all from throwing around the term as it pertains to President Trump, now did it??

    "What's good for the goose is nobody's business but the gander's!"
    -Ralph Furley

    I mean, if we're talking about throwing around clinical diagnosis and all, eh?? :D

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:


    Yea, that's what left wing hysterical Trump/America haters say...

    Big woop... Not factual by ANY means.. Just another PTDS driven opinion...

  32. [32] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I didn't say Donald suffered from senility or dementia. i'd even say it's unprofessional for doctors to say so without having examined him personally.

  33. [33] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    No, that's what the Lancet says.

  34. [34] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    So is senile and dementia.. But that didn't stop ya'all from throwing around the term as it pertains to President Trump, now did it??

    Nor you tossing it at Biden...

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    I didn't say Donald suffered from senility or dementia. i'd even say it's unprofessional for doctors to say so without having examined him personally.

    Plenty of others did.. And you didn't correct them as you corrected me..

    Interesting, no?? :D

    Silence gives assent

    A man who thinks he is a woman is nuts.. Mentally ill.. Looney.. Not playing with a full deck... Delusional... Retreaded... Deceptive... Delusive.... Imaginary... Fictitious...

    Take yer pick...

    It's all nucking futz...

  36. [36] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    How boring and unscientific. Gender dysphoria is only diagnosed as a mental illness when it is so bad that the individual has problems functioning in society.

  37. [37] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Plenty of others did.. And you didn't correct them as you corrected me..

    I'm pretty sure I did. not every time, obviously, because I don't read every post. but when I noticed, I believe I did write that it's inappropriate to diagnose that way.

  38. [38] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    with a few notable exceptions, that pretty much all mental illness.


  39. [39] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


  40. [40] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


    But the big problem is what is your recommended treatment? Hiding them all away so all you snowflakes can be saved from having to deal with them? Force them in to gender rolls they are uncomfortable with for nebulous reasons? The vast majority of trans individuals become functioning citizens with jobs that pay taxes, have homes, et. Just going to kick them to the curb to appease your feelings?

  41. [41] 
    Kick wrote:


    "nuts" is a lay judgment.

    Good to "see" you, just the person I wanted to discuss something important with. I'm trying to decide whether or not to put "lay judgment" in my Mississippi Mud Pie or just weed. But first, you should know there's no actual mud in the pie; that's just the name of it. :)

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    But the big problem is what is your recommended treatment?

    That's easy.. Treat them as if it were any other mental illness..

    What you DON'T do... What you CAN'T do.. What you should NEVER do is affirm their mental illness..

    If some mentally ill person is convinced he or she is a pirate, you don't AFFIRM their mental illness by cutting off one leg and gouging out one eye, do you??

    Of course not.. THAT is ridiculous..

    JUST as ridiculous as cutting off some little girls boobs because she "feels" like she's a boy...

    You cure their mental illness.. You DON'T "affirm" their mental illness..

    Force them in to gender rolls they are uncomfortable with for nebulous reasons?

    You mean reality??

    YES.. Exactly.. Force them to ACCEPT the reality of what they are...

    You want to "affirm" the nutcase woman who thinks she is a wolf???

    Of course you do... Because you ONLY care about the agenda, not how many lives it destroys.

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:


    Police Officer Cooper Dawson
    Greenville Police Department, Texas
    End of Watch: Monday, November 25, 2024

    And remind the few..
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak...

  44. [44] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    That's easy.. Treat them as if it were any other mental illness..

    And the ones who are not diagnosed as mentally ill? The functional members of society?

    You cure their mental illness.. You DON'T "affirm" their mental illness..

    Most mental illness is not curable. There is treatment to get them back to be functional members of society but they always have their condition.

  45. [45] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    It's funny seeing the cracks already starting. The Muslims for Trump are not happy with the ultra pro Israel cabinet picks. Texas construction companies are pleading not to deport their workers. Farmers are pleading the same. Trump is already promising day one unconstitutional tariffs of 25% on Mexico and Canada. Plus 35% on China. Mexico has already threatened they will respond with tariffs right back. Conservatives and Trump voters on social media are finally figuring out that they are going to be paying for the tariffs not China/Mexico/Canada. Grab the popcorn, this is going to be ugly...

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    And the ones who are not diagnosed as mentally ill? The functional members of society?

    The fact that they think they are of a different sex (WITHOUT any real underlying physiological cause) are diagnosed by default as mentally ill..

    JUST as if a woman who believes she is a wolf is diagnosed by default as mentally ill...

    Do you dispute that??

    Most mental illness is not curable.

    What a defeatist attitude.. :D

    So, if you have a 12 yr old girl who swears up and down she is a boy, YOU are going to allow her to get her boobs cut off, superglue a cock on her and pump her full of drugs to AFFIRM her tomboy phase???

    Yea.. THAT's the right thing to do.. :eyeroll:

    And then what do say to her when she is 18 or 19 and wants to be a girl again??

    "Tough luck, dood.. You made your choice..."

    Yea.. THAT is compassionate, eh???


  47. [47] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    the main difference between a person who thinks she's a wolf (which ALSO is not necessarily mental illness, but that's tangential) and a person whose brain is different from their sexual organs, is that the latter is a relatively common variation in human physiology. brains are influenced by genetics and hormones just like sex organs are, and not always in the same direction. once we get around to including the influence of culture and society as well, there are simply too many abnormalities in the human population to try to force everyone to live their lives in one of only two categories.


  48. [48] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    diagnosed by default as mentally ill..

    An opinion not backed up by science...

    JUST as if a woman who believes she is a wolf is diagnosed by default as mentally ill...

    We get it, you have a kink for wolf women but in related to trans it's not related...

    So, if you have a 12 yr old girl who swears up and down she is a boy, YOU are going to allow her to get her boobs cut off, superglue a cock on her and pump her full of drugs to AFFIRM her tomboy phase???

    No. But if she has gender dysphoria to the point of being suicidal or is otherwise unable to function in society she can get puberty blockers to send her down a path that might end in surgery once she becomes an adult. Which is the outcome of the vast, vast majority of cases in the us. Your weird little fantasy is extremely rare, like a tiny rounding error of cases in the us, and only in extreme cases or questionable care.

  49. [49] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    I was just reading the first few low-key and witty comments to Chris' silly and amusing paean to capitalization, and then ...

    As Ron Burgundy put it, "Well, that escalated quickly."

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:


    I'm pretty sure I did. not every time, obviously, because I don't read every post. but when I noticed, I believe I did write that it's inappropriate to diagnose that way.

    I am sure Kick can tell us if you did..

    Which is pretty scary in and of itself.. :D

  51. [51] 
    Michale wrote:


    the main difference between a person who thinks she's a wolf (which ALSO is not necessarily mental illness, but that's tangential) and a person whose brain is different from their sexual organs, is that the latter is a relatively common variation in human physiology.

    According to DEMOCRAT "science"...

    a person who thinks she's a wolf (which ALSO is not necessarily mental illness, but that's tangential)

    The fact that you actually believe this proves we will never have a meeting of the minds on this..

    A human who thinks they are a wolf is mentally ill.. FULL STOP.. END TRANS...

    I am SURE that you can find some Democrat "science" that disputes this, just like you can find Democrat "science" to justify any mental illness is "normal"..

    But the facts and REALITY is clear to those who are not over encumbered by ideology..

    A human CANNOT be a wolf.. Any human who SAYS they are a wolf and really BELIEVES they are a wolf is mentally ill..

    A man cannot be a woman.. Any man who SAYS they are a woman and really believes he is a woman is mentally ill..

    A woman cannot be a man.. Any woman who SAYS she is a man and really believes she is a man is mentally ill.

    These are the FACTS and this is the reality...

    Period... END TRANS

    Not according to biology.. A REAL science..

    there are simply too many abnormalities in the human population to try to force everyone to live their lives in one of only two categories.

    And yet, THAT is the reality according to REAL science..

    You might as well claim that someone could be a Cardassian or a Vulcan just because they WANT to be...

  52. [52] 
    Kick wrote:

    John M from Ct.

    I was just reading the first few low-key and witty comments to Chris' silly and amusing paean to capitalization, and then ...

    If you are referring to our referring to DOGE as:

    (a) the "Department Instituting Corporate Kickbacks" a.k.a. the DICK, and

    (b) the "Department Of Nothing And Lawless Dictatorship" a.k.a. the DONALD, then...

    we are nothing around here if not "silly and amusing."

    As Ron Burgundy put it, "Well, that escalated quickly."

    We are also nothing around here if not quick escalators.

    "Don't act like you're not impressed." ;)

  53. [53] 
    Michale wrote:


    Ya can't stand da heat, yada yada yada... :D

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:
  55. [55] 
    Michale wrote:
  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:

    Looks like Democrats are going to lose..

    AGAIN... :D

    The Trans-Rights Showdown at the Supreme Court In a case on health care for minors, the justices could undermine decades of anti-discrimination law.

    SOMEONE has to look after the children that Democrats want to mutilate and groom...

  57. [57] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    A human CANNOT be a wolf.. Any human who SAYS they are a wolf and really BELIEVES they are a wolf is mentally ill..

    I know you are just using this as a straw man but are you trying to refer to feral children or clinical lycanthropy?

  58. [58] 
    Michale wrote:


    The fact that you have the overwhelming NEED to dispute the point proves that you would never understand the answer..

    A human CANNOT be a wolf..

    For NORMAL people not enslaved by ideology, that statement requires no explanation nor justification.

  59. [59] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    you have two key problems in this discussion. first, you don't know much about how human brains work. second, you're using technical terms to voice non-technical judgments. the first i can try to explain in non-political language if you're open to understanding. the second, well, all i can do is cite Iñigo Montoya

    you keep using that word... i don't think it means what you think it means.
    -the princess bride

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:


    The fact that you want to obfuscate the issue with Democrat smokescreens is what the problem is here..

    Just answer me flat out, yes or no..

    Can a woman be a wolf??

  61. [61] 
    Michale wrote:

    I mean, I know that the title of this commentary is about nit-picking, but let's try to have a little REALITY and common sense, eh???

  62. [62] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Common sense, like not using a blatant straw man? Why don't you try it sometime...

  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, by STRAW MAN you mean laying out the facts and the reality that YOU Demon'rats can't address without looking like total retards...

    So, apparently, you are one of those retreads that actually believes a woman can be a wolf.. :eyeroll:

    WHY am I not surprised.. :eyeroll:

    There's a new commentary out, Bashi..

    Makes you look like a total jackass.. :D :D :D

    But yer used to that.. I do that to you every day... Nice to see someone else doing it too...


  64. [64] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    So, your answer is no? Yawn...

  65. [65] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yunno, you look like a retard when you actually take the time to comment that you're "bored"..

    If you were TRULY bored, you wouldn't bother posting at all..

    DUH.... :eyeroll:

  66. [66] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Having trouble reading today?

  67. [67] 
    Kick wrote:


    President ELECT Trump is no more responsible for COVID deaths than President Roosevelt is responsible for the millions of deaths in WWII..

    ~ Michale

    Total bullshit. Trump was responsible for about 40% of American covid deaths due to his incompetence. Just shy of a half a million Americans.

    Exactly. But do you think it surprised anyone at all here that the MAGA cult minion used a reference to Roosevelt not being responsible for the Holocaust as a straw man? And then followed that up with the absolutely asinine claim that "shit happens"? Oh sure, shit happens, but it sure as hell wasn't just happenstance and "shit happening" that a group of so-called "leaders" made decisions regarding what they referred to as the "Final Solution" that did, in point of fact, directly affect life and death.

    I reiterate: It's just beyond effing stupid to make the asinine claim that "shit happens" directly after describing the Holocaust that was definitely not misfortune and bad luck but freaking intentional murder.

    Not in any way different than the decisions of Donald Trump that directly affected the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. All presidents make those decisions, and Trump is definitely no different, but you wouldn't know it to listen to the constant deflection of the MAGA cult minions and deniers.

    No, sir. Trump isn't responsible for the lousy way he mishandled the COVID pandemic over days and days, months and months, and the myriad of lies and absolute bullshit he repeatedly disseminated to the American people over and over and over, hundreds of thousands whom died directly from his misinformation and mishandling... but, but, but we should all definitely blame Joe Biden because a suicide bomber carried out an attack at an airport that could have happened anytime, anywhere, or on any day ending in "y."

  68. [68] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Blerp snooeert gleeerrrp! Flizzleflomp snozz wibberly drooooop. Tizzlefrap snozzik vroop, floonkle wazzle! Blip snorf gleeble sproingle zazz—ploinkle snozz! Grizzleflap, snooferplorp, flibberwomp sproot. Vroozle-fnarzle gleeb snuzzle! Floomp, skizzle, ploob! Wibble-zap snoooerp glizzle sproing. Zerp-tizzle flomp wibble plizzle-plop. Blorp snozzik droop, snoofer-ploop! Flizzle vroop. Sploink-zap gleep, snoffle-florp!"

    As usual, ZERO facts to support the Trump/America hating BS...

  69. [69] 
    Michale wrote:

    Having trouble reading today?

    Apparently, you're NOT bored.. You keep posting and responding to me..

    Why is that???


  70. [70] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Try again. The word was not "bored". Were you projecting with your slur?

  71. [71] 
    Kick wrote:


    As usual, ZERO facts to support the Trump/America hating BS...

    As usual, another fake quote invented by Michale as he gleefully sucks on the prick of His Worship Hair Dictator. As usual, you're still not Trump but definitely still stuck on the permanent stupidity of inventing bullshit.

    Your pathetic routine deflection to your fake quotes and your simpering ad hominem attacks means you've got nothing... as per usual and as totally predictable.

  72. [72] 
    Michale wrote:

    You were fake yawning to indicate you are bored..

    And yet you STILL are commenting here..

    So, obviously you are STILL not bored, despite claiming you are...

    Caught you in ANOTHER lie... :D

    Why are you always lying, Bashi??

  73. [73] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    You are trying way too hard and failing massively...

  74. [74] 
    Michale wrote:

    And I am STILL living rent free in your head... So bad that you simply CAN'T stop posting about me... :D


  75. [75] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    I don't now about that but my "yawn" definitely is living in yours. Hilarious...

  76. [76] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    the human brain ain't that simple, and your little wolf tangent is irrelevant. no, humans can't have 78 chromosomes or grow our own fur coat, but identity isn't strictly physiological. and even if it were, you'd still be wrong about humans who are not entirely male or female, of which there are tens of millions at least.

    that's not obfuscation it's a fact that proves your question invalid.

  77. [77] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    if wolf woman can wear clothes, pay taxes, and refrain from biting strangers, she ain't mentally ill. but as i said, that's completely irrelevant to the existence of people with male sexual characteristics and female brains, or the reverse, or both, or neither. what ain't real is the world you think you live in, where everyone is either one or the other and nothing else.

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