A Fact Being Buried In The Debate Over Trans Athletes

[ Posted Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 – 17:01 UTC ]

The debate over transgender athletes has now moved from the campaign trail to the Republican Congress, as the House of Representatives just passed a sweeping ban on transgender girls and women in sports, after Republicans spent an enormous amount of time and money running on the issue in last year's election. But one very important point in this debate is simply not being heard by most people -- the actual scope of the situation. Here is how the Washington Post started its article today on the bill moving through the House:

The House on Tuesday passed legislation banning transgender girls and women from competing in women's sports in elementary school through college, elevating an issue that Republicans pushed hard in campaigns last year to one of their first priorities in the new Congress.

What follows is a political breakdown of the vote, of the bill itself, of the Democratic position and the Republican position, and what the chances of the bill may be in the Senate. It's not until the very end that a few facts are begrudgingly tossed out, in the final paragraphs:

But trans athletes are rare. Last month, NCAA President Charlie Baker told a Senate panel there are fewer than 10 transgender athletes currently competing in college sports.

In K-12 sports, states that have released data show few, if any, transgender athletes. In Mississippi, a 2023 statewide survey of superintendents found that no trans students were participating in sports. In Florida, state records show two trans girls have played girls sports over the last decade. And in Utah, the governor said in a 2022 press release that of the 75,000 students playing sports there, just one was a transgender girl -- a 12-year-old swimmer.

One state, Ohio, reported that seven trans girls played sports during the 2023-2024 school year. But as in several other states, rules governed their participation: Each had to have taken a year of hormone therapy and prove, by way of "sound medical evidence," that she did not possess physical advantages.

Got that? In all of college sports there are fewer than 10 people at the heart of all this political uproar. This is an important point that is being completely ignored in the larger debate -- this "problem" isn't really all that big an issue at all. All of the time and energy being spent fighting over the issue is wildly disproportionate to the facts on the ground.

Of course, in today's political environment, facts don't matter nearly as much as they once did. Lies are perfectly acceptable, as far as Donald Trump (and his Republican followers) is concerned. Trump went further than just about anyone in demonizing transgender issues, stating falsely that children go off to school in the morning one gender, and then the school -- without the knowledge or permission of the parents -- performs sex-reassignment surgery on the child so that "he" comes home a "she." This is so unbelievably and viciously false on so many levels, but neither Trump nor his followers cared. He was allowed to repeat the lie time and again without anyone ever calling him on it -- which would have been pretty easy to do: "Can you name me one child that this has ever happened to? Because this just does not happen and has never happened in this country."

Republicans took Trump's lead and have scapegoated and demonized trans people in every way they can think up, most notably on the subject of trans kids and how schools should deal with them. This is part of a decades-long effort to scapegoat all L.G.B.T.Q. people, but ever since marriage equality was achieved for gay people this has been harder to do. Gay marriages have been happening everywhere for years now, and the sky simply has not fallen. It has become a normal part of life in this country (which is as it should be). So the GOP had to get more creative in their demonization.

Which led to trans kids and trans adults moving into the GOP spotlight. And from the amount of campaign ads they ran on it, they wanted every American parent to think that their child's school was being overrun by the "fad" of trans kids -- to the point where their own children would be "recruited" into this nefarious scheme (which is the same demonization they used against gay people, from the 1970s right up until gay marriage became legal).

The most effective aspect of this scapegoating so far has been the question of trans kids in women's sports. Because even some liberals who generally support trans people in other issues (such as bathroom choice or being able to receive the medical care they want) can see the question of a person who went through puberty as a male competing in women's sports as unfair. Which is precisely why this is the first issue the Republicans moved on in Congress -- because it has the widest support among the public.

Whether to allow trans people to use the bathroom of their preferred gender is seen by liberals as a question of discrimination. But questions of allowing trans people to compete in sports against opponents of their preferred gender is seen as a question of fairness. Which is why a lot more people support banning trans women from women's sports than they do the rest of the GOP's anti-trans agenda (the bathroom question and trying to ban all transgender medical care for both children and adults). Republicans know they've hit on a public-opinion winner with the sports issue, which is why it is now front and center.

Their bill, however, is so extreme that it only got two Democratic votes. It will need seven Democratic senators to vote for it to pass. In fact, one Democrat who has taken a lot of heat for speaking out on the issue after the election couldn't even bring himself to support it:

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Massachusetts), who voted against the transgender athletics bill in 2023, said Democrats spend too much time "trying not to offend anyone."

He said in a statement Tuesday that he supports "reasonable restrictions" on transgender athletes in competitive sports but would vote no again on the blanket ban, which he called "too extreme."

"I've stated my belief that our party has failed to come to the table in good faith to debate an issue on which the vast majority of Americans believe we are out of touch," he said. "We should be able to discuss regulations for trans athletes in competitive sports, while still staunchly defending the rights of transgender Americans to simply exist without fear of danger or oppression. But instead, we've run away from the issue altogether. As a result, Republicans are in charge and continue to set the agenda with extremist bills like this."

The concept of trans women competing in sports is a complex and fairly new one, which means there isn't a definitive amount of scientific research to rely on when deciding who should be allowed to compete in women's sports. There is the question of puberty -- whether it has been medically blocked or suppressed, or whether puberty happened in a biologically male body before any transition even began. There is the question of testosterone levels in the bloodstream, and muscle mass. These, as I said, are complex medical issues that various sports organizations have been grappling with over the past few years. But there is no clear consensus yet, and no clear-cut guiding lines that everyone agrees must be followed.

Into this void step politicians eager to use the issue to divide their opponents. Republicans' main objective in all of this is to paint the Democratic Party as out of touch with the mainstream of America (parents, especially). That's why they spent so much money on all those campaign ads, after all. Now that they've won the trifecta of power (both houses of Congress and the White House), they're going to try to make good on all that fearmongering. They're starting with transgender athletes because it gets the highest level of support in polling of any of their anti-trans issues.

Throughout the whole political fight, however, let's not lose sight of one very important fact, though. In all of college sports -- from the major ones down to the minor ones very few people even know exist -- there are fewer than 10 transgender athletes competing. That is what Congress is spending its time regulating. It is an incredibly miniscule situation when compared to college sports as a whole. The issue has been blown far out of proportion to the actual numbers involved. Everyone should keep that in mind during the political debate, and news reports on that debate should feature this fact a lot more prominently, because it introduces some perspective that is badly needed.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


49 Comments on “A Fact Being Buried In The Debate Over Trans Athletes”

  1. [1] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Does it really matter how many or how few transgender athletes are competing? I think if Democrats base their arguments on that, they'll keep losing.

  2. [2] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    Although I agree with Elizabeth that facts are not the way to win an emotional political debate like this one, I am glad to see Chris bringing up what I've been thinking about this issue for a long time now.

    There just aren't that many trans people. Aren't. It's a rare phenomenon, and just as gay people don't usually "look gay", neither do most trans people "look trans".

    And then, in athletics, as Chris would like more politicians and media reporters to emphasize repeatedly, publically, loudly: there are vanishingly few of these cases. Fewer, I'd say, than the cases of girls of such incredible athleticism that they could outcompete most boys in their sports if they were allowed in the same events. How 'fair' is it for your average girl athlete to go up against those superstars who aren't trans?

    The whole thing is rubbish and prejudice, redirected from blacks to gays, and now from gays to trans people, as the Republicans ever more desperately look for a class of Americans they can safely demonize to their constituents. Those are the hapless citizens who feel threatened, not by gender dysphoria or "urban crime" that will never have the slightest impact on them personally, but by an ever-declining economic status for the lower middle and working classes.

    Of course the one piece of legislation that the GOP is really, really going to try to pass this spring is the extension of the tax cuts for the rich that Trump presided over in his first term. Not that his constituents, duly terrified of trans-girl athletes that basically don't exist, will ever hear about this bill and its importance to their representatives, senators, and president.

  3. [3] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Tax cuts for the rich = Republican cult of economic failure ... er, prowess!

  4. [4] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Just once, I'd like to see just one Democrat make the very sound arguments against tax cuts for the wealthiest two percent of Americans the way Timothy Geithner did. Just once. But, it's too late now, anyways.

  5. [5] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    maybe trans people tend not to join organized sports precisely because it's such a repressive atmosphere to begin with. since about 0.5% of the population, i.e. 1,600,000 Americans; are neurologically transgender, it stands to reason that more would participate if there were sports in which they felt welcome.

  6. [6] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    it's also possible that the number is vastly underreported due to trans individuals who choose to compete as their birth sex rather than face scrutiny or sanction.

  7. [7] 
    Kick wrote:

    Republicans' main objective in all of this is to paint the Democratic Party as out of touch with the mainstream of America (parents, especially).

    Same shit, different day. Repeat after me: "Distraction."

    Parents overly focused on their children being exploited are often oblivious to their own exploitation as well as the exploitation of their children.

    For instance: Parents, what's more likely to happen to your child/grandchild?

    (A) They return home one day from school a different gender.
    (B) They must compete against a transgender student in sports.
    (C) They are mandated by their government to carry to term and give birth to the child of a classmate that committed date rape against them.

    See? Focus.

    Try not to fall for the distraction and completely miss the bigger, more relevant issues happening while the Trumpian fake populists make policies that line their own pockets at your expense and laugh all the way to the bank.

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:



    still an opinion. feel free to presume otherwise, but there's really no need for you to continue to prove what you don't know you don't know.

    Look at what you have been reduced to, JL...

    You are reduced to equivocating and bloviating what the definition of 'is' is... :eyeroll:

    Typical Democrat..

    Settling a lawfare persecution criminal case sooner rather than later is a factually accurate strategy that can significantly enhance the likelihood of success in the appeals process. Lawfare, characterized by the strategic use of legal systems to achieve political or social objectives, often results in charges that lack substantive merit. Early settlement can create a more favorable environment for appealing these charges, focusing on legal and procedural advantages.

    One of the primary benefits of settling early is the ability to clarify the legal issues at stake. When a case is settled promptly, the terms often include stipulations that preserve the right to appeal specific findings or rulings. This clarity is crucial in the appeals process, as it allows the appellant to concentrate on well-defined legal arguments rather than navigating a complex trial record filled with extraneous issues. For instance, if a defendant in a politically motivated case settles early while preserving the right to appeal, they can focus on challenging the legal basis of the charges without the distractions of a lengthy trial.

    Additionally, an early settlement can lead to the establishment of a more favorable factual record for the appeal. Settling the case can allow for negotiations that shape the narrative surrounding the allegations. For example, a settlement might include a public acknowledgment of the lack of merit in the charges, which can serve as a powerful tool in the appeals process. This factually accurate representation can bolster the appellant's position by providing a clear counter-narrative to the original allegations, making it easier to argue for a reversal of the lower court's decision.

    Moreover, settling a lawfare case early can facilitate the gathering of evidence critical for the appeal. During settlement negotiations, parties may agree to share information or documentation that could strengthen the appellant's case. This collaborative approach can lead to the discovery of new evidence or insights that were not available during the initial trial, thereby enhancing the chances of a successful appeal.

    Furthermore, the procedural advantages gained through early settlement can also play a significant role in the appeals process. Settlements often resolve procedural issues that could complicate an appeal. For instance, if a case is settled before trial, it may eliminate certain procedural missteps that could be raised as grounds for appeal, streamlining the appellate process.

    As anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together will tell you, settling a lawfare persecution criminal case sooner rather than later is a factually accurate strategy that can significantly enhance the prospects for success in the appeals process. By clarifying legal issues, establishing a favorable factual record, facilitating evidence gathering, and resolving procedural complications, early settlement empowers the accused to navigate the complexities of the legal system more effectively. In a landscape where the stakes are high, this approach stands out as a pragmatic means of achieving justice and rectifying wrongful accusations.

    But yer a typical Democrat, JL... You simply can't admit when you are wrong...


  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    The debate over transgender athletes has now moved from the campaign trail to the Republican Congress, as the House of Representatives just passed a sweeping ban on transgender girls and women in sports,

    And it's about damn time!!! Girls and women are being brutalized and maimed for life by men cosplaying as woman so they can play in women's sports because they can't handle competing in men's sports where they belong..

    after Republicans spent an enormous amount of time and money running on the issue in last year's election.

    And totally wiped out Democrats in the process..

    Funny how you forgot to mention THAT fact, eh? :D

    Here is how the Washington Post started its article today on the bill moving through the House:

    And, once again, nothing but hysterical Left Wing propaganda...

    One has to really wonder.. Will WaPoop STILL be the only goto source of propaganda here in Weigantia when it moves to become a legitimate news source like it's owner wants it to become.. hmmmmmmmmmm...

    Got that? In all of college sports there are fewer than 10 people at the heart of all this political uproar.


    If just ONE innocent girl is injured or maimed for life because of a mentally ill man cosplaying as a woman to play in women's sports....

    That means there are TOO many trans in women's sports..

    I know, I know... Democrats don't CARE about women or girls or their safety and welfare..

    All Democrats care about is their agenda..

    Lies are perfectly acceptable, as far as Donald Trump (and his Republican followers) is concerned.

    And lies are PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE as far as Democrats and Weigantians are concerned as well..

    That is a well established FACT that ya'all constantly ignore...

    Hypocrisy.. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature.

    The most effective aspect of this scapegoating so far has been the question of trans kids in women's sports. Because even some liberals who generally support trans people in other issues (such as bathroom choice or being able to receive the medical care they want) can see the question of a person who went through puberty as a male competing in women's sports as unfair. Which is precisely why this is the first issue the Republicans moved on in Congress -- because it has the widest support among the public.

    And WHY does it have the widest support among the public???

    Because it is a factually accurate concern...

    Congrats, CW.. You are well on your way to actually admitting the objective reality of the here and now... :D

    Their bill, however, is so extreme that it only got two Democratic votes.

    So, it's a bi-partisan bill...

    And, as we all know, Democrats HATE bi-partisanship.. Despite their many claims to the contrary..


    The concept of trans women competing in sports is a complex and fairly new one,

    What IS it about you Democrats that you have to try and muddy the waters with BS equivocation about what the definition of 'is' is.. Yes, I am looking at you, JL..

    The concept of men competing in women's sports is NOT a complex one...

    It's really quite simple...

    Men have advantages in many sports. Men competing in women's sports have gotten MANY women brutally injured and some maimed for life...

    What about that is "complex"??? :eyeroll:

    In all of college sports -- from the major ones down to the minor ones very few people even know exist -- there are fewer than 10 transgender athletes competing.

    Again, so??

    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

    The many many MANY women want to compete in women's sports without the threat of being brutally injured or maimed for life..

    THAT outweighs the needs of the few men who can't hack it in men's sports and must cosplay as women so they can play in women's sports..

    "Simple logic"
    -Admiral James T. Kirk

    I know, I know... Logic and objective reality are concepts that are too ... "complex" for Democrats to understand..


  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:


    Does it really matter how many or how few transgender athletes are competing? I think if Democrats base their arguments on that, they'll keep losing.

    Yep.. That's the problem with Democrats..

    They seize upon a completely irrelevant talking point as if it has ANY real meaning and base their entire arguments on that one completely irrelevant talking point..

    That is EXACTLY why Democrats keep losing..

    And that is EXACTLY why Democrats will continue to keep losing.. Because they simply can't accept the objective reality that they are wrong...

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    And Los Angeles is STILL burning..

    Funny how Democrats don't want to talk about that..

    It's hilarious how Democrats are keying on "only TEN" male cosplayers in women's sports while THIS is going on...

    THIS is exactly why Democrats are losing and are going to KEEP losing..

    Because their priorities are so far out of whack, they haven't seen the objective reality in the last 4 years...


  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    THIS is what is going on and Democrats are worried about TEN men cosplaying as women to compete in women's sports because they can't handle playing in men's sports where they belong...


  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    Did anyone see how Democrats got stomped and humiliated during future SecDef Hegseth's confirmation?? :D

    It was GLORIOUS... :D

    President Trump's unity government is gonna take the world by storm!!

    And Democrats dither about 10 cosplaying men and trying to push what the definition of 'is' is... :D

    It's gonna be a fun 12 years, people.. :D

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    The increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires in California, particularly in Los Angeles, have exposed significant shortcomings in disaster management and response. Combating wildfires is not complex. The handling of these crises by Democratic leaders, especially California Governor Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, has drawn considerable criticism. We're going to examines key mistakes made by these leaders in fighting the Los Angeles fires, highlighting their impact on communities and the environment.

    One of the most significant failures has been the inadequate allocation of resources for firefighting and prevention efforts. In 2020, California faced one of its worst wildfire seasons, with over 4 million acres burned. Despite the state’s budget surplus, Governor Newsom was criticized for not prioritizing funding for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire). Instead of bolstering resources for fire prevention and response, Newsom’s administration focused on other initiatives, leaving firefighters under-resourced during critical moments. The August Complex Fire, which became the largest wildfire in California history, exemplified the consequences of this oversight. Critics argued that had there been a more proactive approach to funding, the severity of the fires could have been mitigated.

    Moreover, Governor Newsom’s administration has been slow to implement effective forest management practices. Climate change is not really a factor because the planet's climate is always changing. It's the lack of proactive forest management strategies, such as controlled burns and forest thinning, has exacerbated the situation. The Camp Fire in 2018, which devastated the town of Paradise, was a stark reminder of the consequences of years of neglect in forest management. Despite evidence suggesting that these practices could reduce fire intensity, Newsom faced pushback from environmental groups, leading to a hesitance in adopting necessary measures. This indecision has left communities vulnerable to devastating fires.

    Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, who took office in 2022, has also faced criticism for her handling of fire preparedness and response. While she inherited a challenging situation, her administration has been accused of lacking a comprehensive strategy to address the growing threat of wildfires. For instance, during the 2023 wildfire season, the city experienced significant delays in emergency response due to inadequate coordination between city agencies. Residents reported confusion and a lack of clear communication regarding evacuation orders and safety measures. This failure to establish effective communication channels not only endangered lives but also undermined public trust in leadership.

    Additionally, the political landscape surrounding wildfire management has often led to divisive rhetoric that hampers collaborative efforts. Governor Newsom and Mayor Bass have, at times, focused on blaming climate change and federal policies for the wildfire crisis, which has alienated potential allies in the fight against wildfires. Instead of fostering a united front to address the issue, this approach has led to finger-pointing and a lack of constructive dialogue. A more effective strategy would involve bipartisan cooperation to develop comprehensive wildfire management policies that address both immediate needs and long-term solutions. But Democrat leaders are more interested in playing CYA (Cover Your Ass) than they are in actually taking real steps that actually have value in preventing wildfire catastrophes.

    As anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will tell you, the challenges posed by wildfires in Los Angeles and throughout California are significant, but the mistakes made by Democratic leaders, particularly Governor Gavin Newsom and Mayor Karen Bass, are evident. Inadequate funding, ineffective forest management practices, poor coordination among agencies, and divisive political rhetoric have all contributed to the severity of the wildfire crisis. Moving forward, it is crucial for these leaders to learn from these missteps and adopt a more proactive, collaborative approach to wildfire management that prioritizes both immediate response and long-term resilience. Only through such efforts can they hope to effectively combat the growing threat of wildfires in California.

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK People.. NNL filters are acting up again.. Gonna try and track down the culprit, so bear with me.. :D

    And, since I endeavor to stay on topic.. :D

    The inclusion of "transgender women" (biological males) in women's sports has sparked significant debate, particularly concerning the safety and well-being of female athletes. One of the most pressing concerns is the increased risk of injury that women have faced when competing against men. This issue is rooted in the fundamental anatomical and physiological differences between male and female bodies, which can create dangerous situations in competitive sports.

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK... Apparently the NNL filter doesn't like "testos-terone"

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    Gee, I wonder why that is... :D

    And, since I endeavor to stay on topic.. :D

    The inclusion of "transgender women" (biological males) in women's sports has sparked significant debate, particularly concerning the safety and well-being of female athletes. One of the most pressing concerns is the increased risk of injury that women have faced when competing against men. This issue is rooted in the fundamental anatomical and physiological differences between male and female bodies, which can create dangerous situations in competitive sports.

    Biologically, men generally possess greater muscle mass, bone density, and cardiovascular capacity than women. According to research, men have approximately 30% more muscle mass than women, primarily due to higher levels of testos-terone. This hormonal difference not only contributes to greater strength but also affects agility and speed. When men compete in women's sports, their physical advantages can lead to significant disparities in performance, increasing the risk of injury for female athletes. For instance, a male athlete's ability to exert greater force can result in more severe impacts during contact sports, such as rugby or football, where collisions are common.

    In addition to strength disparities, the differences in body structure can also contribute to injury risks. Women typically have wider hips and a different pelvic structure, which can affect their balance and stability. When competing against stronger male athletes, women may be more susceptible to injuries such as concussions, fractures, and ligament tears. A notable example occurred in 2021 when a male cosplaying as a woman and was competing in women's rugby caused serious injuries to female opponents, highlighting the potential dangers of allowing men to participate in women's sports.

    Furthermore, the risk of injury is not limited to physical confrontations. The psychological impact of competing against biologically male athletes can also affect women's performance and mental health. Female athletes may feel pressured to push their limits in order to compete, leading to overexertion and increased injury risk. The fear of injury can also create a hostile environment, discouraging women from participating in sports altogether.

    This is patently obvious to those who are not totally enslaved by their Democrats anti-America agenda, the participation of men in women's sports poses significant dangers, particularly concerning the risk of injury to female athletes. The anatomical and physiological differences between men and women create an uneven playing field, where women may suffer serious injuries due to the physical advantages held by male competitors. As the conversation around inclusive-ness in sports continues, it is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of female athletes, ensuring that competitive environments remain fair and equitable. Addressing these concerns is essential for fostering a safe and supportive atmosphere in women's sports.

    Of course, Democrats don't care about any of this REAL science and these facts of objective reality..

    They only care about their agenda and to hell with the safety of women...


  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    But let's talk about SecDef Hegseth's hearing.. :D

    "They didn't lay a glove on Hegseth today. Why do Dems send their dumbest members to this important committee?"
    -CNN's Scott Jennings

    "He communicated a clear vision for a new day at the Pentagon where the Department of Defense leaves behind the weakness of woke and focuses on deterrence through strength. And when Democrats attempted to use the anonymously sourced attacks to undermine Pete, he handled those with grace. It really was a fantastic hearing for him and leaves little doubt in my mind that he’ll easily be confirmed."
    -Ned Ryun

    "This hearing has made two things abundantly clear: 1. The left remains fully committed to the disastrous, woke, weak, and failed policies that were soundly rejected in November. It’s actually sad. 2. Pete Hegseth is going to be a fantastic Secretary of Defense. This is how it’s done."
    -Ben Carson

    "While Democratic senators distracted with hearsay allegations and character assassinations, Pete Hegseth stayed the course on what the military is about: lethality."
    -Caroline Downey

    That's the problem with Democrats.. They think the military should be a social justice experiment..

    The military SHOULD only be concerned with one thing and one thing only..

    Accomplishing the mission..

    If any of ya'all had actually served in the military and not been dishonorably discharged because of being a druggie, ya'all would realize that...

    Not an honorable veteran in the bunch here except for yours truly... :eyeroll:

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    Well, in short, I think Pete Hegseth kicked their asses today. I mean, it wasn't even close. They didn't lay a glove on Hegseth.

    No mistakes. Calm, cool, collected. I mean, before the thing even started, you had this like Code Pink, you know, protester freak show trying to disrupt the hearing.

    That's the Democratic base, by the way, which probably explains why the Democrats on the committee acted in such a bizarre and unprofessional way. I was appalled at some of the way these senators handled themselves and some of the lines of questioning. I mean, Tim Kaine sounded like a sex pervert in his questioning of Pete Hegseth.

    Blumenthal, who lied about his service in Vietnam, questioning Hegseth's qualifications. You had Gillibrand. You had Warren.

    You had Hirono going on unhinged rants about things. Angus King obviously doesn't understand what it's like to fight terrorism. On and on and on, Hegseth was cool in the face of this unhinged questioning.

    They made him look good today. It would be difficult for a Republican to vote against Hegseth after the Democrats' unseemly mudslinging today.

    Yep, Democrats have completely lost it..

    They are lost in the wilderness and haven't a clue how to handle the objective reality... the FACTS of the here and now..

    Democrats might as well just shut up and go home..

    They have NOTHING to offer America.... They are simply a waste of air...

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    Below is a commentary from a life-long Democrat.. It explains perfectly why Democrats lost the election and lost the faith and trust of the American people...

    Why This Lifelong Democrat Voted for Trump
    By Chris Fenton
    Reprinted With Permission

    This past November, I cast a ballot that I never would have expected: I voted for Donald Trump.

    As a lifelong Democrat, this decision was not rooted in ideology, but instead born of personal frustration with America’s broken systems – financial, judicial, and political.

    My story is not just my own but a reflection of the shared struggles of countless Americans, in almost every economic class, who feel left behind and betrayed by a corrupted system now designed to serve the few at the expense of the many.

    The initial catalyst for my frustration came during the 2008 financial crisis, a crucible that revealed the staggering flaws of America’s financial infrastructure. Lehman Brothers’ collapse wasn’t just a headline for me – it struck home. My family’s savings were tied to complex and opaque financial instruments I didn’t fully understand, sold to me by institutions that prioritized profit over transparency. When Lehman declared bankruptcy, my portfolio was wiped out. Overnight, our family’s financial security evaporated, and I was forced to confront the harsh realities of a system rigged against most Americans.

    But the financial system wasn’t the only institution that failed me. My trust in the judicial system was similarly shattered. First, the law of the land failed to punish any of those responsible for the great financial crisis. This was followed by a high-stakes legal battle of my own with my former employer. That fight revealed a labyrinthine system that seemed more designed to exhaust and entrap honest litigants than to deliver justice. Despite having a strong case and compelling evidence as the plaintiff, I found myself mired in five years of procedural delays, a strategic bankruptcy by the opposing side, and exorbitant legal costs. The experience was as emotionally scarring as it was financially ruinous and came close to destroying my marriage.

    My disillusionment didn’t stop there. America’s current political system, too, exposed itself. As someone who worked extensively in the U.S.-China relationship, I tried to share my firsthand experiences and insights to all audiences through a book I authored and the media appearances that followed. I hoped to encourage constructive dialogue on America’s position in an increasingly competitive world. Instead, I faced a harsh backlash that highlighted the destructive tribalism entrenched in today’s politics.

    As a lifelong Democrat, it was distressing to be told “Lose my f-ing number” by longtime progressive friends, simply because I appeared with hosts like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Steve Bannon, Charlie Kirk, Clay Travis, or Maria Bartiromo. Similar vitriolic responses will certainly result again when this piece publishes.

    I had no intention of switching political sides; I was trying to share a balanced perspective with a broader audience. Yet, this willingness to engage with what was perceived as “the other side” became a black-balling event. First, a CNN producer bluntly told me they wouldn’t have me on as a guest because I had appeared on Fox News. Then, investors avoided a fund I raised, coldly stating, “We won’t invest with someone who talks to those people.” Topping it all off, challenging the current U.S.-China dynamic was portrayed as anti-Asian, a disillusioning smear that I found deeply offensive. “I’m a Democrat, and many of my friends are Chinese!” I’d protest, only to be met with silence or accusations that I was “enabling” the opposition.

    Ostracism left me feeling politically homeless. I was labeled an outcast by the very community I had supported my entire life – not because of a shift in my values, but because of my choice to engage in discussions outside the approved echo chamber. The experience underscored how deeply broken our political discourse has become – where dialogue is punished and dissenting voices are cast out, even when the goal is constructive progress to protect American interests.

    This year, my frustration finally reached a boiling point. I was tired of politicians who promised change but delivered more of the same. Worse, my own party’s presidential candidate famously promised on “The View” not to change a damn thing.

    Donald Trump, for all his flaws, represented a rejection of the status quo. His message resonated with millions of Americans who felt unseen and unheard. He wasn’t a polished politician, and that was the point. He spoke to our anger, our disillusionment, and our desperation for something different.

    My vote for Trump wasn’t about embracing his ideology or ignoring his shortcomings. It was a pro-America protest vote, a way to signal my dissatisfaction with a current ailing system that had failed me and so many others. I wasn’t alone in this sentiment. The 2024 election was a referendum on today’s establishment, a wake-up call for a nation divided by economic and judicial inequality, institutional corruption, and cultural alienation.

    Voting for Trump was not an act of blind faith. It was a calculated risk, a bet on the idea that disrupting the system might force it to reckon with its failures. I recognize the complexities and contradictions of that decision. Trump’s presidency will bring its own set of challenges, and not all his policies will align with my values. Yet, his election has and will continue to force a national conversation about the direction of our country and the need for a systemic reset.

    Today, as I reflect on my vote, I am struck by the parallels between my personal journey and the broader story of America. Just as I had to rebuild my life after financial ruin, judicial betrayal, and political ostracism, our nation must confront its flaws and work toward a more impartial future. This requires not just identifying the problems but having the courage to take bold and sometimes uncomfortable actions to address them.

    For me, the answer lies in reclaiming the principles that made America great: fairness, accountability, civil discourse, and opportunity for all. This means holding powerful institutions to account, from Wall Street and Washington to the judicial system. It means rebuilding trust in our political system by prioritizing the needs of most citizens over the interests of the elite. And it means fostering a culture of resilience and innovation that empowers individuals to succeed in the face of adversity.

    The challenges we face as a nation are immense, but they are not insurmountable. My own experiences have taught me that even in the darkest moments, there is a path forward. It requires resilience, self-reflection, and a commitment to rebuilding – not just for us, but also for future generations.

    Voting for Trump was not the end of my political journey; it was the beginning of a deeper exploration of what it means to be an American in a time of upheaval. It was a recognition that change is messy, imperfect, and often uncomfortable. But it is also necessary.

    As we look to the future, I hope my story serves as a reminder that our choices are shaped by the systems we inhabit. When those systems fail us, it is our responsibility to demand change, hoping for better. Whether you agree with my decision or not, I hope we can all agree on the need for a government, judiciary, and economy that work for everyone – not just the privileged few.

    The journey to a more perfect union will not be easy, but it is a journey worth taking. Let’s rebuild together, with hope, determination, and a shared commitment to the ideals that unite us as Americans.
    -Chris Fenton

    This is what you people don't understand..

    You Democrats have simply been WRONG about everything.. And the worst part for ya'all is that ya'all can't ADMIT that ya'all have been WRONG about everything...

    Ya'all's adherence to the failed Democrat agenda simply means ya'all will CONTINUE to be wrong...

    "And so it goes and so it goes..."
    -Billy Joel

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Goodbye and good riddance, Biden. Americans like me are glad to see Joe go.
    From high inflation and rampant dishonesty, to standing by as wars broke out, Joe Biden failed repeatedly in his one term in the White House.

    The long America nightmare is almost over...

    20 Jan 2025 a new era dawns... Basement Biden and Headboard Harris simply CAN'T leave fast enough...

    On Biden's watch, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas attacked Israel, the United States bungled its withdrawal from Afghanistan and military alliances binding China, Iran, North Korea and Russia grew stronger.

    Americans are still being held hostage in Gaza after more than 15 months of captivity, and antisemitism has increased in the United States and around the globe.

    The biggest issue with Basement Biden and Headboard Harris is their blatant dishonesty...

    Basement Biden and Headboard Harris failed to be straight with Americans about his failing health and his ability to serve a second term. That sowed even deeper distrust among Americans at a time when the public's trust in our government is dangerously low.

    Basement Biden also vowed repeatedly that he would not pardon his son Hunter, who was convicted in federal court on felony gun and tax charges. But then Basement Biden broke his vow, handing Hunter a get-out-of-jail-free card that erased 11 years' of actual and potential crimes.

    For you Weigantians who CLAIM to value honesty, Basement Biden spit in ya'all's face.. And ya'all just licked it up and said, "Please sir can I have some more..."


    From high inflation and rampant dishonesty, to standing by as wars broke out, Basement Biden and Headboard Harris failed repeatedly in their one term in the White House.

    NO ONE with more than two brain cells to rub together will miss these two America hating clowns.

    Goodbye and good riddance, Basement Biden and Headboard Harris....

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    And Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris proves she is STILL queen of the irrelevant and moronic word salads..

    "It's critically important that, to the extent you can find anything that gives you an ability to be patient in this extremely dangerous and unprecedented crisis, that you do."
    -Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris

    Get that, people???

    Your house, everything you own, your entire lives are burning down around you..

    But PATIENCE is the most important thing to remember right now, according to Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris...

    :epic eyeroll:

    THIS is the complete and utter moron that you people said had the most "charisma" of the year!!????

    You people are well and truly on a new higher plane of stoopidity, eh?? :eyeroll:

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    Harris wants us to know the wildfires in California are not because of bad Democrat management of fire risk.

    The real problems are citizens being impatient and citizens causing too much climate change.

    Will there be some kind of punishment for the bad citizens so we can avoid this in the future?
    -Scott Adams

    Listen to this totally moronic woman speak...

    It's completely and utterly incomprehensible that Democrats would buy into this moron woman's thought process..

    THIS ^^^^ is what YOU people call "charisma"!!???

    It would be so hilarious if it wasn't so tragic....


  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    What Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris is trying to express here with this confusing word salad is that it's super important for LA residents to be patient with the bungling incompetence & appalling stupidity of CA Democrats & not to link the ongoing disaster to their woke, civilization-destroying policies.

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    @ JMCT

    and just as gay people don't usually "look gay", neither do most trans people "look trans".

    You really are a sad and simple moron, aren't you??


  26. [26] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Democratic response should be,

    I’d say that I don’t know why ten trans athletes out of half a million college kids is sooo important but this is a Republican distraction as they’re are about to cut programs left and right so they can pass another budget busting NO MILLIONAIRE LEFT BEHIND tax cut.

    BTW the Democratic Jesus said, “Love others as you love me”. What does the Republican Jesus say?

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Typical of a Democrat moron.. Always trying to bring religion into a rational and logical discussion about SCIENCE..

    And failing miserably...

    Dishonorably discharged scumbag druggie inmate can't even handle proper attributes..

    Probably because all his brain cells are destroyed by being such a druggie... :eyeroll:

    NOW the scumbag dishonorably discharged druggie inmate will respond with some factless name-calling as if his words actually mean anything...


  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay, dishonorably discharged scumbag druggie inmate..

    Did you say that President Trump was going to LOSE the election and that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris was going to be our next President???


    Only a druggie scumbag inmate would actually BELIEVE that Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris could actually win!!!


  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    President Trump's mission for the Defense Department...

    Yank out ANYTHING woke and restore the WARRIOR culture to the United States Military...

    And, given the complete and utter INCOMPETENCE of the Basement Biden and Headboard Harris administration, that's going to be a chore..

    First order of business?? Get all the mentally ill male/female cosplayers OUT of the military... Those mentally ill morons are going to get our troops killed...

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    The recent nomination hearing of Peter Hegseth for a prominent position has underscored the disarray within the Democrat Party, revealing deep divisions and a complete lack of cohesive strategy.

    During the hearing, Democrat senators struggled to present a unified front, often resorting to personal attacks and anonymous lies and innuendo rather than substantive policy discussions.

    This approach highlighted a party increasingly focused on partisan politics rather than addressing the pressing issues facing the nation.

    Moreover, the Democrat Party's inability to effectively counter Hegseth's nomination reflects a broader crisis of identity and purpose. Having just lost a crucial election and lost it by a huge margin, Democrats are in disarray and simply cannot function as a viable political entity.

    With internal factions clashing over progressive versus moderate ideologies, the Democrat Party has failed to articulate a clear vision that resonates with a diverse electorate. Democrats have ceded the moral high ground that resonates with patriotic Americans.. Democrats have ceded that high ground to President Trump and all other patriotic Americans..

    The disunity on display by Democrats has led to a complete loss of confidence among American voters, as evidenced by declining approval ratings and electoral setbacks in recent elections. The Democrat Party is nothing but a pale SHADOW of it's former self, as evidenced by the haphazard and pathetic showing of mere token resistance Democrat Senators displayed at the incoming SecDef's confirmation hearing.

    As the Democrat Party grapples with these challenges PLUS their blatant incompetence of governance during the ongoing LA Fires catastrophe, Democrats are becoming a completely non-viable political entity.

    The lack of coherent leadership and the failure to engage meaningfully with constituents has left the Democrat Party completely defenseless in the face of factual and accurate criticism and has completely demolished the Democrat Party's effectiveness in governance.

    Given the Democrats' concerted and ongoing inability to address these and many other issues, the Democrat Party will continue struggle to regain its footing in the increasingly competitive political landscape. It's unlikely that the Democrat Party will have any meaning in the future of America for a generation or more to come.

    "These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed."
    -Captain Smilin' Jack Ross, A FEW GOOD MEN

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    Once again, after failure upon failure of the Basement Biden/Headboard Harris junta, President ELECT Trump steps in and America hating terrorists run scared..

    The prospect of President ELECT Donald Trump returning to the White House has instilled a palpable sense of fear among Hamas terrorists, leading to significant shifts in their behavior, particularly regarding the release of hostages. Historically, Hamas has been known for its defiance and aggressive posture against Israel and its allies. However, recent developments suggest that the group is increasingly aware of the potential consequences of antagonizing a strong U.S. leadership under Trump.

    One notable example of this shift occurred in late 2024 when Hamas agreed to negotiate the release of Israeli and American hostages. Reports indicated that the group was willing to engage in discussions, a move that many analysts attribute to the anticipated return of Trump, who has been vocal about his support for Israel and his hardline stance against terrorism. Trump's previous administration saw significant pressure placed on Hamas, including sanctions and military support for Israel, which effectively curtailed Hamas's operational capabilities.

    Furthermore, Trump's rhetoric regarding the need for accountability and the consequences of terrorism has resonated within the ranks of Hamas. The group recognizes that a Trump presidency could lead to intensified military action against them, as seen during his first term when he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moved the U.S. embassy there. This decisive action demonstrated a commitment to Israel that Hamas cannot afford to ignore.

    As any moron with more than 2 brain cells to rub together can tell, the very real fear of President ELECT Trump has prompted Hamas to reconsider its strategies, particularly concerning hostage negotiations. The willingness to release Israeli and American hostages reflects a recognition of the potential repercussions of continued defiance against a Trump administration that prioritizes strong support for Israel and a firm stance against terrorism. As the political landscape shifts, Hamas's actions may indicate an almost hysterical fear of President ELECT Trump and a willingness to surrender any and all advantages to avoid further escalation and maintain a semblance of stability in a volatile region.

    Democrats built their platform on appeasing America hating terrorists and giving them whatever they wanted..

    Hamas knows that Democrats are no longer calling the shots and Hamas is running scared!

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    CongressCrittter Occasional Cortex screams hysterically, "TRANS GIRLS ARE GIRLS!!!"

    So much for the claim that the Democrat Party is the Party of SCIENCE..

    Because SCIENCE tells us for a FACT that "trans girls" are nothing but males cosplaying as women...

    The FACTS that prove this beyond ANY doubt are irrefutable...

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    Who woulda thunked it!!!

    There is actually an action being taken by Basement Biden that I completely and 1000% support..

    Biden admin plows ahead with 11th hour plan to effectively ban cigarettes

    Smoking is a filthy and disgusting habit.

  34. [34] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    I'm sitting on the bus home from work the other night and this guy gets on and sits right in front of me wearing winter gear from head to toe - it was damn cold and blowing and snowing, you know - and he had a back pack which he kept strapped to his back while sitting.

    After about 5 minutes I had to get up and move to the back of the bus because the smell of cigarettes was so strong and horrible.

    Now, if he had been smoking something else, it may have been far more pleasant. :)

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:


    After about 5 minutes I had to get up and move to the back of the bus because the smell of cigarettes was so strong and horrible.

    I know, right!!?? It's so disgusting..

    And what makes it even worse is not how bad it's affecting the smoker's health...

    Every smoker is killing everyone around them!!

    That's why it's so utterly moronic that Democrats whine and cry about climate change, yet they have NO PROBLEM killing everyone around them with their noxious disgusting habit!!

    Which simply proves that, with Democrats, it's the agenda that is the only priority for Democrats.. Not actually helping people...

    Democrats who smoke would help their fellow human a LOT more simply by quitting breathing...

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    On 20 Jan 2025 AIR FORCE ONE will be renamed CON AIR...


  37. [37] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    That's why it's so utterly moronic that Democrats whine and cry about climate change, yet they have NO PROBLEM killing everyone around them with their noxious disgusting habit!!

    Now, THAT comment is what one might call ironic, but not Alanis Morissette. Heh.

    Then again, that wasn't a serious comment, right?

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    Now, THAT comment is what one might call ironic,

    Isn't it?? :D

    Then again, that wasn't a serious comment, right?

    It is...

    How can a person who CLAIMS to be so concerned about climate change and the quality of air, pollute the air so bad with their disgusting habit??

    Just like the morons who whine and complain about climate change while flying their private jets all over the world??

    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    And another one of Trump's troops lays waste to Democrats and their hypocrisy!!! :D

    Conservatives on social media celebrated President-elect Trump's attorney general nominee Pam Bondi's response to a question from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., during her confirmation hearing on Wednesday.

    "It would not be appropriate for a prosecutor to start with a name and look for a crime?" Whitehouse said during his line of questioning. "It's a prosecutor's job to start with a crime and look for a name. Correct?"

    Bondi responded by highlighting the federal government’s investigations into Trump.

    "Senator, I think that is the whole problem with the weaponization that we have seen the last four years and what's been happening to Donald Trump," Bondi said.

    "They targeted Donald Trump. They went after him, actually starting back in 2016. They targeted his campaign. They have launched countless investigations against him. That will not be the case. If I am attorney general, I will not politicize that office," Bondi said. "I will not target people simply because of their political affiliation. Justice will be administered evenhandedly throughout this country. Senator, we've got to bring this country back together. We've got to move forward, or we're going to lose our country."

    At another point during the conversation with Whitehouse, Bondi said, "Let me give you a really good example of a bad lawyer within the Justice Department, a guy named Clinesmith who altered a FISA warrant. One of the most important things we can do in this country. So will everyone be held to an equal fair system of justice if I am the next attorney general? Absolutely. And no one is above the law."

    Conservatives on social media quickly took notice of the exchange.

    "Pam Bondi totally flips the script on Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D) who tried to make it seem like she will weaponize the DOJ," Florida’s Voice News assistant news director Eric Daughtery posted on X. "Masterclass."

    "Pam Bondi is making Sheldon Whitehouse look stupid," Trump '24 deputy rapid response director Greg Price posted on X.

    "Senator Whitehouse un-ironically explaining that prosecutors should have a crime and then look for a suspect, not the other way around," Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich posted on X.

    "Bondi responds by explaining DOJ did the opposite to Trump for years."

    I said it before and I'll say it again...

    Democrats are completely inept and STILL haven't recovered from the Uber Nuclear Shellacking that they got from President ELECT Trump...

    Democrats are getting MASSACRED BY Trump's Troops!!! :D

  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:

    Democrats are DESTROYING Los Angeles!!!

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    Regarding the Israeli/HAMAS breakthrough that was engineered by President ELECT Trump.

    "This EPIC ceasefire agreement has ONLY happened as a result of our Historic Victory in November, as it signaled to the ENTIRE WORLD that my Administration would seek peace and negotiate deals to ensure the safety of ALL Americans and ALL our allies. I am thrilled American and Israeli hostages will be returning home to be reunited with their family and loved ones."
    The Once And Future President Of The United States, Donald Trump.

    But will any Weigantians give President ELECT Trump credit for this???

    Of course not...

    Just like no one gave President Trump credit for the Abraham Accords proving beyond ANY doubt that Weigantians (with an exception) are ruled by their PTDS and their Trump/America hate....

  42. [42] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    The scrolling finger, it hurts.

  43. [43] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay!!! You guys!!!!


  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    Waaaaaa Waaaaaaaaa Poor widdle Trump/America hater whining and crying he is exposed to FACTS and reality...

    Maybe if you weren't such a pussy you could actually provide FACTS that prove me wrong...

    But you can't because my facts are completely and 100% factually accurate...

    So it sucks to be you... :D

  45. [45] 
    Kick wrote:


    I’d say that I don’t know why ten trans athletes out of half a million college kids is sooo important but this is a Republican distraction as they’re are about to cut programs left and right so they can pass another budget busting NO MILLIONAIRE LEFT BEHIND tax cut.

    Exactly. The blowhards mindlessly prattle on and on endlessly about something that will affect only a few parents and their children; meanwhile, the Republican legislative spree to loosen regulations on people carrying firearms is literally a contributing factor to your children's physical harm and death.

    I mean, wouldn't a serious Republican who actually wished to protect your child from actual harm/death endeavor to do something/anything about what is among a thing that is primarily maiming and killing them? While the GOP is falling all over themselves to allegedly protect your child from a biological male with female's clothing, why are they simultaneously increasingly loosening regulations on those carrying weapons manufactured for killing large numbers of people in a minimal amount of time?

    Do you honestly believe that Republican candidates and their regurgitating rubes bandying about terms like "Second Amendment solutions" regarding their political opponents and busily loosening gun regulations across America are genuinely concerned about the lives of you or your children?

    Do parents honestly believe that Republicans rushing to legislate the limiting of the reproductive rights of your daughters and forcing them to either seek care in another state or give birth to their perpetrating rapist's child (at yours and her expense both physically, monetarily, etc.) are genuinely concerned about your young girls and teenagers?

    Thoughts to ponder.

    BTW the Democratic Jesus said, “Love others as you love me”. What does the Republican Jesus say?

    Well, that obviously depends entirely on the political affiliation of the alleged sinner. He's a definite hypocrite in that he only cares if you're not a Republican. He's also a ginormous blowhard. Ignore him.

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    Los Angeles was destined to burn...

    It was inevitable..

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    Like you people always claim...

    Silence Gives Assent

    See ya'all in the morning.. :D

  48. [48] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    if you knew what the meaning of "is" was, there would be less cause for me to bloviate about it. but if you consider it something I'm "reduced to," i don't have any deep need to inform you of your incorrect definitions of words. they will continue to be inaccurate no matter whether i tell you so or not. that is what "objectivity" actually means.

    my preference is to continue responding and correcting as i always have, but perhaps unlike others, if you ask me to ignore you, i will.


  49. [49] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Sometimes when one is so far down a rabbit hole it's hard to even know up from down, let alone right from left. ;)

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