A Foregone Conclusion In The Senate

[ Posted Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 – 16:50 UTC ]

Hearings are now underway in the Senate on Donald Trump's various nominees to fill out his administration, but so far it has all felt like it is leading to a very foregone conclusion. American politics has gotten so tribal that Republicans are now willing to overlook just about anything for one of their own, no matter how deeply disqualifying such things would have been in the past. Trump will quite likely get almost all his picks confirmed, no matter what disturbing things exist in their past.

This is more than a little bit depressing, but it is the end result of the Republican Party being remade into a cult of personality with a very flawed Dear Leader at the top. Since Trump has gotten away with so many things himself, how can Republicans say any of it is disqualifying in his choices for his administration? The Republican Party has become completely amoral -- there is no moral line in the sand they are not willing to cross, these days. At least, that's the way it seems, after watching some of the confirmation hearings. If Trump did it (or worse) then how can GOP senators say it is a disqualification for holding office? That's the only moral yardstick (such as it is) that exists for them, anymore. As a measure of how much things have changed in the GOP, just imagine for a moment what John McCain would have had to say about some of the military and national security nominees Trump has come up with. But mavericks like McCain are (for the most part) either gone or have been cowed into silence by the threat of the MAGA crowds backing a primary challenger.

Of course, with any of these appointees the big question is going to become how long they'll actually last. Trump's first term was full of replacing people on his team because he got annoyed at them for one reason or another. The second term is quite likely to be similar, even if he is largely choosing his team based on one quality above all else: their personal loyalty to him. But that's not going to matter for much if something bad happens which Trump has to deflect the blame for -- firing a cabinet member is always going to be easier than Trump taking the blame for anything, after all.

I read an article this week where conservative commentators were already making odds on how long Marco Rubio will last as secretary of State, in fact (the consensus seemed to be even odds he'd last his whole first year). Rubio will face a problematic tenure, since his own foreign policy views used to be quite different from Trump's, and because there will be others in sort of "minister without portfolio" positions who will be in charge of different segments of Trump's foreign policy. Rubio won't have any control over any of them (the thinking goes), so he is bound to become ensnared in conflict with one or more of them within the first year or so.

This may be true, but Rubio (more than most GOP senators -- with the sole exception being Lindsey Graham, who used to be McCain's maverick sidekick) has completely remade his entire political persona into that of a MAGA faithful, so he'll probably take a whole lot of abuse from Trump before deciding it's time to leave (remember watching Jeff Sessions snivel and prostrate himself before Trump?). But there are other Trump nominees who might also chafe at Trump's way of running things eventually as well.

What really remains to be seen are two questions. The first is how much Trump will actually follow through on all those sweeping campaign promises he made. The second is how much of this he won't even have to follow through on, because his lieutenants will carry out his pledges without him even being involved. His attorney general pick seems eager to get out there and weaponize the Justice Department so it essentially becomes Donald Trump's personal legal team. And she's not the only one.

Trump will be happy taking the credit for anything his team does, whether he specifically instructed them to do it or whether they did it on their own initiative based on his campaign promises. If the end result is a good one (as far as Trump is concerned) then he will tell the world that of course it was his idea in the first place.

If anything bad happens -- if one of his minions does something that blows up in Trump's face, in other words -- then Trump will quickly disavow the person and heap all the blame upon them. This will likely be the real limit in terms of how long members of his team get to serve. Trump did fire a number of his appointees in his first term, and he can be expected to do the same in his second as well. This won't even be limited to his top advisors -- Trump will fire anyone at any level if doing so is the easiest way to deflect blame.

With so many appointees lacking basic qualifications for the jobs they've been named to, there will likely be a whole lot of ineffectiveness and incompetence in a whole lot of departments. People who haven't ever run any type of large organization may get so overwhelmed by it all that they spend all their time learning the ropes, which will limit what they can achieve. Screwups are almost bound to happen, as well. In the past, this has been the whole point of Senate hearings and the whole "advise and consent" concept -- people who were woefully unqualified would be rejected by members of the incoming president's own party, as the senators showed their independence and flexed their own Washington power. But with a cult of personality rather than a normal political party, this guardrail doesn't even seem to exist anymore.

Perhaps the worst of the nominees won't make it. Perhaps there will be four Republicans who balk at putting the reins of power in the hands of people who simply should not be put into such positions of responsibility. But it's doubtful (and has been all along) that more than one or two of Trump's picks is even going to be in jeopardy. The rest of them will be confirmed, and perhaps go on to fail spectacularly at the jobs they've been given.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


41 Comments on “A Foregone Conclusion In The Senate”

  1. [1] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    There was a time when these confirmation hearings were actually fun to watch. I think one reason why is that the caliber of the nominees used to be a lot higher, consistently. And, back then the odd senator would act in an aggressive and disrespectful manner but most would ask compelling questions that engendered thoughtful responses.

    I listened in for just a bit today and saw a lot of disrespect and shallow questions coming from Democratic senators directed at the nominee for AG. It reflected poorly on them.

    Perhaps they will be pleasantly surprised by how Trump's nominees will handle the jobs they have been tapped for.

  2. [2] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Perhaps there will be four Republicans who balk at putting the reins of power in the hands of people who simply should not be put into such positions of responsibility. But it's doubtful that more than one or two of Trump's picks is even going to be in jeopardy. The rest of them will be confirmed, and perhaps go on to fail spectacularly at the jobs they've been given.

    Wow. That's some kind of positive thinking and hoping for the best there! Perhaps you'll be pleasantly surprised, too, Chris.

  3. [3] 
    Kick wrote:


    Why would anyone entertain the asinine idea that Lame Donald Duck's administration 2.0 crammed full of Fox and cable news personalities would be remarkably any different than the revolving door of the first? Rhetorical question.

    So America, please don't allow the con artist in chief to fool you: Trump doesn't exactly have issues with what he refers to incessantly as the "fake news" media; in point of fact, his entire charade is heavily dependent on it... always has been and not bloody likely to change.

  4. [4] 
    Kick wrote:

    Just to clarify, my thought of "exactly" at [3] was meant for the author, Chris Weigant, and most assuredly not the "wishful thinking" type comments expressed at [1] and [2] despite multiple incontrovertible facts already well known from living history.

    You'll have to forgive me; I've never been prone to the whole blowing smoke up people's asses and idea of an America where unicorns fart rainbows and pixies frolic in the meadow (props to CW).

  5. [5] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    like most disagreements where Donald is concerned, the tendency among Democrats seems to be to focus on the absolute wrong problem. who really cares how personally reprehensible or famous or wacky a nominee is; the bigger question is whether or not they have the necessary skills to do the job for which they've been nominated. it's that question that at least half of donald's nominees still need to answer.

  6. [6] 
    Kick wrote:


    who really cares how personally reprehensible or famous or wacky a nominee is;

    Easy answer: Donald Trump.

    Convicted Felon Trump even has a frequent turn of phrase he uses to describe them: "Central casting."

    the bigger question is whether or not they have the necessary skills to do the job for which they've been nominated.

    I submit that many chosen for the Trump 2.0 administration chock full of Fox Newsian media personality nominees have exactly the "necessary skills to do the job for which they've been nominated," which is: Smile to the cameras and spew the right-wingnut propaganda du jour to the gullible masses. For all of Trump's bloviating bullshit about the "fake news," he more than anyone most definitely heavily depends on it.

    it's that question that at least half of donald's nominees still need to answer.

    Yes. But only to the Senators actually keeping their sworn oath to the United States Constitution to "well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office," namely their obligation to perform "advice and consent" in America's system of checks and balances established by the framers... as opposed to those just rubber stamping whatever unqualified "fake news" personality Trump has selected from "central casting" who might well meet Trump's qualifications to serve himself (until they don't) but definitely don't have the experience required to serve Americans.

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:


    if you knew what the meaning of "is" was, there would be less cause for me to bloviate about it.

    I DO know what the meaning of 'is' is..

    Your problem is that you constantly change the meaning of words to fit your agenda..

    So, if the fact were told, it IS factually accurate that I don't know what YOUR (and your fellow Democrats) meaning of 'is' is, because ya'all are constantly trying to change the meaning of what 'is' is..

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:


    Sometimes when one is so far down a rabbit hole it's hard to even know up from down, let alone right from left. ;)


    And that is EXACTLY why Democrats lost the election so badly and that is EXACTLY why Democrats are getting their arses handed to them at the confirmation hearings..

    Democrats are so far down the rabbit hole and getting pounded into submission from so many sources, they simply can't function coherently any more.. :D

    You and I are in complete agreement on that fact..

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hearings are now underway in the Senate on Donald Trump's various nominees to fill out his administration, but so far it has all felt like it is leading to a very foregone conclusion. American politics has gotten so tribal that Republicans are now willing to overlook just about anything for one of their own, no matter how deeply disqualifying such things would have been in the past.

    Much like Democrats and their creation of the KKK and Jim Crow...

    What's your point, exactly??

    Trump will quite likely get almost all his picks confirmed,

    Who could have POSSIBLY predicted this would happen!!???

    Oh... Wait.. :D

    Democrats are getting their ASSES handed to them.. :D Democrats are still so punch-drunk from the election they simply cannot function coherently... :D

    no matter what disturbing things exist in their past.

    The only "disturbing things" exist in the minds and fantasies of Democrats...

    NONE of those things are in the realm of objective reality..

    As ya'all and your Democrats are finding out in the here and now.. :D

    This is more than a little bit depressing,

    I know it's all depressing for ya'all...

    "Ain't it kewl!!"
    -John Travolta, BROKEN ARROW

    Ya'all should have listened to FACTS and REALITY when they (and I) told you that neither Basement Biden nor Headboard Harris had a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election..

    Ya'all might have been mentally prepared for the Uber Nuclear Shellacking Blowout ya'all ended up receiving..

    It was completely predictable for anyone who was actually paying attention to the FACTS and OBJECTIVE REALITY instead of slurping up all the Democrat propaganda...

    I'm just sayin'... :D

    The Republican Party has become completely amoral -- there is no moral line in the sand they are not willing to cross, these days.

    Once again, Democrats accusing Republicans of what Democrats themselves are guilty of..

    When Democrats decided that 3rd world banana republic lawfare persecutions were the way to go???

    They set the precedent very VERY low...

    Which is why Democrats are now considering the idea of pre-emptive pardons... Because Democrats KNOW they are guilty as shit...

    Of course, with any of these appointees the big question is going to become how long they'll actually last. Trump's first term was full of replacing people on his team because he got annoyed at them for one reason or another.

    That was then, this is now..

    ANYONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will tell you that President Trump is a lot more disciplined this time around and is a LOT more aware of the depths that Democrat PTDS sufferers will sink to..

    Ya'all can live in the past all you want.. It's just going to get more and more depressing for ya'all if you do.. :D

    I read an article this week

    Don't tell me... Let me guess... WaPoop?? Huffington Poop?? NY Slimes??

    You should expand your reading library more, CW.. Then the FACTS and the OBJECTIVE REALITY wouldn't come back and surprise ya when it bites ya on the arse...

    Again, just sayin'... :D

    His attorney general pick seems eager to get out there and weaponize the Justice Department so it essentially becomes Donald Trump's personal legal team.

    You mean like Merrick 'Banana Republic' Garland did??

    You mean like that???

    Once again... Democrats accusing Republicans of what Democrats themselves are guilty of..

    With so many appointees lacking basic qualifications for the jobs they've been named to,

    In the Democrats' opinion.....

    But let's face the facts here.. The objective reality proves beyond ANY doubt that Democrats' opinions are NOT based in any kind of fact or objective reality..

    Their opinions are based on NOTHING but their subjective reality and their wishful thinking..

    As such, Democrat opinions don't mean dick...

    But it's doubtful (and has been all along) that more than one or two of Trump's picks is even going to be in jeopardy.

    I tried to tell ya'all that at the beginning.. But just like when I told ya'all that Basement Biden wouldn't even FINISH the election and when I told ya'all that Headboard Harris simply COULDN'T win.... Ya'all thought you knew better..

    How did that work out for ya'all?? :D

    The rest of them will be confirmed, and perhaps go on to fail spectacularly at the jobs they've been given.

    And THERE it is....

    Democrats want America to fail... To be destroyed SOLELY so they can blame President Trump...

    Do ya'all REALLY need any more facts to prove how bad ya'all are suffering from PTDS and Trump/America hate???


  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:


    I listened in for just a bit today and saw a lot of disrespect and shallow questions coming from Democratic senators directed at the nominee for AG. It reflected poorly on them.

    Yea it did... Democrats are still incoherent. Does anyone REALLY wonder why they lost the election so badly??

    Perhaps they will be pleasantly surprised by how Trump's nominees will handle the jobs they have been tapped for.

    Even if these picks handle the jobs flawlessly (which is what is likely going to happen) Democrats won't give them any credit..

    We saw that with President Trump's Abraham Accords... :eyeroll:

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    Basement Biden will go down in history as nothing more than a dash...



  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    Wow. That's some kind of positive thinking and hoping for the best there!

    "That's humor. I recognize that."


    Perhaps you'll be pleasantly surprised, too, Chris.

    Even if they were, they wouldn't admit it.. They'll still find some way of blaming President Trump... For SOMETHING...



  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:


    like most disagreements where Donald is concerned, the tendency among Democrats seems to be to focus on the absolute wrong problem.

    Yep... Like when Demon-rats focus on the so few cosplaying men in women's sports and ignoring the fact that REAL women and REAL girls are getting maimed for life...

    it's that question that at least half of donald's nominees still need to answer.

    Those questions have been answered just fine..

    Ya'all just don't like the answers...

    That's all this is..

    That's all ANY of this is...

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    AG Bondi kicked Hirono's ass!!! :D

    "So I think it's really important to us that the attorney general be independent of the White House, and you have a president-elect who considers the AG’s office his law firm. I would like to know whether if the president suggests, hints, asks, that you, as attorney general, should investigate one of his perceived enemies."

    Bondi responded, "I certainly have not heard the president say that. But what I will tell you is two-thirds of Americans have lost faith in the Department of Justice, and its statements like that, I believe, that make people continue to lose faith."

    Democrats simply hear what they want to hear...

    It's like the time I asked ya'all to PROVE President Trump is a racist and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YA'ALL could do it...

    It's like when Bashit Troll claims that President Trump said something and it turns out President Trump never said it..

    Ya'all simply believe your fantasies and have NO facts or objective reality to support your claims..

    Just like Dumbocrat Senators at the confirmation hearings...


  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    We can thank President ELECT Trump for Hamas' surrender..

    IDF general credits Trump threat as 'big change' in securing cease-fire after Hamas rejected same deal in May

    IDF Reserve Brig. Gen. Amir Avivi says Hamas did not want to wait and see what 'hell' means

    IDF Reserve Brig. Gen. Amir Avivi says "two things" changed regarding the Israel-Hamas cease-fire agreement after fifteen months of conflict in the Middle East.

    "This deal has been on the table since May last year and Hamas opposed it completely. Why? There was no real pressure on Hamas," Avivi told "Your World" on Wednesday. "Israel wanted to stop some of the humanitarian aid, especially some of the gasoline, but the administration wouldn't let us do that. So Israel has no major leverage on them."

    "What's changed is two things," Avivi told Fox News. "One, Israel defeated Hezbollah and Hezbollah cannot support Hamas anymore. Also, Syria fell. Iran is weaker. But the big change is President Trump's threat."

    "Once President Trump threatened them, that if they don't release hostages, there will be hell… I think they understand that if they don't get a deal now, the chances of getting a good deal for them will be very, very low, if at all. And therefore, they made their own assessment, and they are inclined to do the deal, thinking that they'll maximize what they can get now and not wait to see what 'hell' means," Avivi stated.

    President ELECT Trump is not even President yet and he is doing a better job in a couple of weeks than Basement Biden and Headboard Harris have done in all the 4 years they have been in charge!!!

    Anyone who supports Basement Biden and Headboard Harris just HAVE to be hanging their heads in shame!! :D

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, in a bit, we will see JMCT slog on in here, post something completely and utterly moronic and then whine and cry that he has to scroll...

    Whatta wussy....

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    But, getting back to President ELECT Trump's awesome moves against Hamas..

    Even Basement Biden's own Pentagon adviser John Kirby credited President ELECT Trump's team with forcing HAMAS to capitulate!!

    How badly a failure was the administration of Basement Biden and Headboard Harris???

    Let us count the ways!!! :D

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    On 20 Jan 2025 AIR FORCE ONE will be officially known as CON AIR...

    And, just like in the movie, the wrongly persecuted convict is the hero that saves the day!! :D

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:


    Deputy Sheriff Jesus Vargas
    Brazoria County Sheriff's Office, Texas
    End of Watch: Wednesday, January 15, 2025

    And remind the few..
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak...

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    I am not saying that Democrats DESERVE to have their house burn down because they support incompetent Democrat government.

    But I WILL say that, when your house DOES burn down because of incompetent Democrat governance, you may want to re-think your support of that incompetent Democrat governance...

    "Simple logic..."
    -Admiral James T. Kirk

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Anyone watch that Train Wreck of Basement Biden's farewell speech???

    Basement Biden was pissy because Facebook won't "fact check" per Basement Biden's hysterical administration.. :eyeroll:

    Of course, the senile and dementia-riddled old fool have to spew hysterically about climate change..

    The planet's climate has been changing for billions of years.. The planet's climate will CONTINUE to change for the next billion years. Humans are powerless in the here and now to do ANYTHING about it.. No matter how much money Democrats throw at lawyers and lobbyists, they can't do ANYTHING to stop the planet's climate from changing...

    This is what SCIENCE.... REAL science, not that made up Democrat "science" shit... tells us...

    And, of course, it wouldn't be a Basement Biden speech without the senile dementia-riddled old fool actually reading stage directions off the tele-prompter...

    Basement Biden's speech was more fitting to some 3rd world Banana Republic dictator and not for the President Of The United States..

    Liz, I know Biden has always been a hero of yours...

    But you have to admit that I called it dead on ballz accurate 4 years ago when I said Biden should have ended his political career back then on the (somewhat) high note of being VP rather than utterly destroying his legacy with a senile and dementia-riddled presidency..

    Seems I was a lot smarter than ya'all gave me credit for, eh?? :D

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    On a PLUS note..

    Jimmy Carter was happy before he died...

    Jimmy Carter died knowing that he was no longer the worst President in American history... He was the SECOND worst President in American history...

    So, there's that...

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, of course, let's not forget that Los Angeles is still burning...

    Dresden in Los Angeles and our Confederacy of Dunces

    LA is burning. And the derelict people responsible are worried that they are found out as charlatans and empty suits.

    The leftwing voters who enabled them are getting angry over the inferno that their chosen politicos green-lighted—as if they are shocked, shocked by the consequences of their voting.

    The dam buster Nero Newsom made his accustomed fiddling appearance and then split—when the media began pointing out that he prohibits new reservoirs, sends precious water out to sea, blows up dams, prevents precautionary gleaning of forests and chaparrals, and then usually blames “Climate change” or “Trump” when called to account.

    Poor Karen Bass was DEI-ing in Uganda after being previously warned that lack of rain, record winds, and kindling-like hillsides put her city in existential danger: Out of sight, out of mind.

    Or did she junket across the world to consult about fire prevention with Ghana’s new president?

    Was slashing nearly $18 million from the $50 billion city budget, after bragging about creating “451 new positions” in various woke/DEI fields, a way to prevent 25-square miles of Dresden-like desolation?

    The embattled Fire Chief Kristen Crowley for two years has bragged not of response time, not of preventive strategies to stop fires, not of slashed budgets and water shortages, but instead about her DEI credentials as the “first” (fill in the blanks) LGBTQ etc. woman, who has hired “70 percent” of her force as either nonwhite, or nonmale, or nonbinary, or non-old fashioned, tough-guy firefighters.

    The LA utility head? Usually AWOL. The permanent director of LA infrastructure is usually quickly fired or resigns for incompetence, bribery, or malfeasance.

    Joe Biden? He was there—but only to try to put thousands of acres of federal land off-limits to roadblock the evil incoming Trump administration.

    Did Joe have ideas to save LA? Maybe, but as usual he talked instead about himself—in this case his new great-great grandson and the miraculous salvation of his grandkid’s house (not the 1100 structures that then were ashes). And then he left, dispirited that his last junket to Italy may have to be cancelled.

    Kamala Harris, our vice president?

    Remember her during the 2024 campaign and how she rushed to Florida to glom onto Gov. De Santis’s masterful performance in dealing with record flooding?

    Nowhere was the LA resident to be seen, as she too plans next week a last minute multimillion-dollar freebie junket.

    What is the attitude of these “public servants” in times of existential crisis?

    Maybe it’s: “Ashes, ashes, all fall down”….

    -Victor Hansen

    The ashes of the Democrat Party is mixed in amongst the ashes of Los Angeles. It's no longer a viable entity....

    Good riddance to bad garbage...

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, for those of ya'all who laugh and scoff at President ELECT Trump acquiring Greenland??

    Crazy Like a Fox: Trump’s Greenland Pitch

    It was back in August 2019, just about the time Democrats were wasting everyone’s time with the first fake impeachment scandal, when Donald Trump originally introduced the idea of buying Greenland from Denmark.

    At the time, the notion was dismissed by the pointy-headed arbiters of right and wrong known as the mainstream media, who concluded that Trump must see his presidency as an extended season of “The Apprentice.” In this episode, the modern-day land baron outsmarts the Scandihoovian rubes who didn’t know the “green” in Greenland was cold hard cash.

    Like almost every other preconception of Trump in his first term, that take was nonsensical. There was considerable historical and geo-political justification for Trump’s proposal to rescue Greenland from European colonialism, and perhaps if his enemies had not sprung the Ukraine phone call impeachment hoax shortly after the Greenland gambit was proposed, it might have become a major accomplishment of Trump’s first term.

    I wrote about the original proposal on Aug. 26, 2019, for RealClearPolitics in an article that declared “Trump’s No Safe Bet; He’s a Leader.” The premise was that unlike the feckless, washed-out, safety-in-numbers politicians who lead by following polls, Trump used common sense and intuition to find solutions to problems no one else even liked to think about. Building a wall to keep out illegal immigrants might seem like an obvious idea now, but before Trump, no one would have dared to say it.

    Ya know, one would think after having SOO much egg on yer faces and having to dine on SOOO much crow.....

    Ya'all would learn yer lesson about underestimating President Trump...

    I'm just sayin'..... AGAIN.... :D

  25. [25] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I DO know what the meaning of 'is' is..

    your statements regarding facts and objective reality suggest otherwise.


  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    your statements regarding facts and objective reality suggest otherwise.

    In YOUR opinion...

    But it was also your opinion that Headboard Harris actually had a chance to win the election..

    So, the only logical conclusion is that your opinion is based solely on wishful thinking and NOT on objective reality...

    Ergo, it is not very logical or rational....

    I am just sayin'.... AGAIN... :D

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Looks like even Gavin HAIR GEL Newsome is getting on the LET'S HONOR PRESIDENT TRUMP'S INAUGURATION train... :D

    Gov. Newsom joins handful of GOP governors raising flags to full height for Trump inauguration

    Flags are set to fly at half-staff until Jan. 28 as part of a 30-day mourning period following former President Jimmy Carter's death

    Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom will temporarily raise the American Flag at the state Capitol to full height on Inauguration Day next week, joining a handful of GOP governors and Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson in the decision.


  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Objective reality refers to the state of things as they actually exist, independent of individual perceptions, beliefs, or interpretations. It encompasses the physical world and its properties, which can be observed and measured consistently by different observers. In this context, objective reality is often contrasted with subjective experiences, which are influenced by personal feelings, opinions, and interpretations.

    Key Points:
    Independence from Perception: Objective reality exists regardless of whether individuals perceive it or not. For example, a tree standing in a forest exists as an object in objective reality, even if no one is there to see it.

    Facts as Representations: Facts are statements or assertions that can be verified and are based on objective reality. They are often supported by evidence and can be proven true or false through observation or experimentation. For instance, "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level" is a fact that reflects objective reality.

    Consistency and Universality: Objective reality is characterized by consistency; the same facts should hold true regardless of who observes them. This universality is crucial in scientific inquiry, where reproducibility of results is essential.

    Distinction from Subjective Reality: While objective reality is based on observable phenomena, subjective reality is shaped by personal experiences and interpretations. For example, two people may have different emotional responses to the same event, but the event itself remains an objective fact.

    Philosophical Implications: The concept of objective reality raises questions in philosophy about the nature of existence, knowledge, and truth. Philosophers debate whether we can ever fully access objective reality or if our understanding is always mediated by subjective experience.

    In summary, objective reality is the framework within which facts exist as verifiable truths about the world. Understanding this distinction is crucial for scientific inquiry, critical thinking, and effective communication, as it helps differentiate between what is universally accepted as true and what is influenced by personal perspectives.

    Yer definitions are completely WHACKED, JL...

    They are subjective.. They are your "truth"...

    But they are NOT objective reality..

    They are NOT factual...

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    Regarding the TRANS discussion from yesterday...

    A little dose of objective reality for ya'all... :D

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    In Basement Biden's farewell screech, he warned about an "American Oligarchy" that will reek havoc on America and Americans...

    Funny thing is, this "oligarchy" got even more obscenely rich under Basement Biden and Headboard Harris...

    The very richest Americans are among the biggest winners from President Joe Biden’s time in office, despite his farewell address warning of an “oligarchy” and a “tech industrial complex” that threaten US democracy.

    The 100 wealthiest Americans got more than $1.5 trillion richer over the last four years, with tech tycoons including Elon Musk, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg leading the way, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. The top 0.1% gained more than $6 trillion, Federal Reserve estimates through September show.

    Biden warned of “a dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few ultra wealthy people,” in his speech from the White House on Wednesday. “Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.”

    During his term, the super-rich grabbed a bigger share of a growing pie. Stock and housing markets boomed during a post-pandemic rebound that outpaced US peers. It left all the income and wealth groups measured by the Fed at least a little better-off – and American households overall some $36 trillion richer, as of September, than when Biden took office.

    Once again... Democrats blaming others of what they themselves are guilty of...

    Funny how that is ALWAYS the case, eh?? :eyeroll:

  31. [31] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


    well, you cited the correct definitions. if you really think they're "WHACKED" then there's not much i can do for you.


  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    No, I said YOUR definitions are whacked..

    Like you tried to redefine racism a few years ago...

    But thank you for conceding that the definitions I provided are the factually accurate ones..

    I also acknowledge your concession of all the other points I made today..

    See how enjoyable common ground can be?? :D

  33. [33] 
    Michale wrote:

    RIP Bob Uecker

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:


    Sergeant Mark Butler
    Navasota Police Department, Texas
    End of Watch: Wednesday, January 15, 2025

    And remind the few..
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak...

  35. [35] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    just a bit outside.

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    just a bit outside.

    " So, here is Rick Vaughn, the one they call the 'Wild Thing'. So, he sets and deals.

    Just a bit outside, he tried the corner and missed.

    Ball 4.

    Ball 8.

    Low, and he walks the bases loaded on 12 straight pitches. How can these guys lay off pitches that close?"
    -Harry Doyle, MAJOR LEAGUE


  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    Woke/DEI is taking a beating!!! :D

    FBI closed DEI office in December, agency says

    President-elect Trump will take office on Monday

    The FBI has closed its DEI office.

    "In recent weeks, the FBI took steps to close the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), effective by December 2024," the agency said on Thursday.

    Earlier this month, Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray claiming that "radical" DEI practices had "endangered" Americans following the New Year’s Day terrorist attack in New Orleans.

    Woke/DEI is dead....

    Without Woke/DEI, Democrats cannot function..

    Ergo, Democrat Party is dead.. :D

    WOOT!!!!!! :D

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    Why would anyone entertain the asinine idea that Lame Donald Duck's administration 2.0 crammed full of Fox and cable news personalities would be remarkably any different than the revolving door of the first? Rhetorical question.

    So America, please don't allow the con artist in chief to fool you: Trump doesn't exactly have issues with what he refers to incessantly as the "fake news" media; in point of fact, his entire charade is heavily dependent on it... always has been and not bloody likely to change.

    The assertion that a potential second term for President Trump would be merely a continuation of a "revolving door" administration is not only unfounded but also dismisses the significant achievements and changes that characterized his first term. Let’s break down the claims made and provide a clearer picture.

    The claim that Trump's administration was a "revolving door" overlooks the fact that many of his appointees were highly qualified individuals who made substantial contributions during their tenure. While there were notable departures, this is not unique to Trump. High turnover rates are common in many administrations, especially during times of political upheaval. For instance, President Obama also experienced turnover, particularly in his first term, as he navigated the complexities of the financial crisis and foreign policy challenges.

    Moreover, Trump's administration saw the appointment of several key figures who remained throughout his term, such as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, both of whom played crucial roles in advancing U.S. interests domestically and internationally.

    The assertion that Trump is dependent on "fake news" media is a mischaracterization of his relationship with the press. Trump has consistently called out biased reporting and misinformation, which resonates with millions of Americans who feel that mainstream media often fails to represent their views. His use of social media platforms, particularly Twitter (before his ban), allowed him to communicate directly with the American people, bypassing traditional media filters.

    Furthermore, Trump's administration has been marked by a commitment to transparency and accountability. For example, he held numerous press briefings and was often accessible to the media, which is a stark contrast to previous administrations that have been criticized for limiting press access.

    The claim that Trump's administration would be "crammed full of Fox and cable news personalities" is an oversimplification. While it is true that some media figures have been supportive of Trump, this reflects a broader alignment with his policies and vision for America. The inclusion of individuals with media backgrounds can bring valuable communication skills and public engagement strategies to the administration.

    Moreover, Trump's focus on appointing individuals who share his America First agenda is a strategic move to ensure that his policies are effectively communicated and implemented. This approach is not about dependency on media but rather about leveraging diverse experiences to strengthen the administration.

    It is essential to recognize the significant accomplishments of Trump's first term, which include:

    Economic Growth: Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. experienced record-low unemployment rates and significant economic growth, benefiting all demographics.

    Judicial Appointments: Trump successfully appointed three Supreme Court justices and numerous federal judges, reshaping the judiciary for generations.

    Foreign Policy: His administration brokered historic peace agreements in the Middle East, including the Abraham Accords, which normalized relations between Israel and several Arab nations.

    As anyone who is even remotely familiar with OBJECTIVE REALITY and the facts, Victoria Troll's narrative that Trump's second term would be a mere continuation of chaos and dependency on the media is not supported by the facts. His administration has demonstrated resilience, achieved significant milestones, and fostered a direct line of communication with the American people. As we look toward a potential second term, it is crucial to focus on the policies and results rather than unfounded assumptions about personnel and media relationships. The movement is about putting America first, and that commitment remains steadfast.

  39. [39] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, let's look at how bad Democrat morons were in the confirmation hearings this week.. :D

    Sen. Richard Blumenthal
    How this guy even shows his face at a confirmation hearing is truly something to behold. Blumenthal, you may recall, lied repeatedly about serving in Vietnam despite never setting foot outside U.S. soil at the time. The Connecticut Democrat even went so far as to say he and other soldiers suffered "physical abuse" upon returning to the U.S.

    "I do not believe that you can tell this committee or the people of America that you are qualified to lead them. I would support you as a spokesperson for the Pentagon," Blumenthal piously said to Hegseth, without a hint of self-awareness, an actual veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan on multiple tours and earned two Bronze Stars and a Combat Infantryman Badge.

    Despite lying about his military service in the ultimate textbook example of Stolen Valor, Democrats put Blumenthal on the Armed Services Committee. What's next? Naming him to the Veterans Affairs Committee?

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren
    Speaking of those who lied about their past in the most craptastic manner possible, the faux Native American-American lawmaker from Massachusetts really stepped in it on Tuesday when questioning Hegseth on his argument that generals should not go directly into the defense industry to avoid being later compromised if returning afterward to the Defense Department.

    "You are quite sure every general who serves should not go directly into the defense industry for 10 years, but you're not willing to make that same pledge?" a hysterical Warren asked Hegseth.

    "I'm not a general, Senator," Hegseth deadpanned to laughter in the chamber.

    Sen. Adam Schiff
    And speaking, yet again, of prolific liars on Capitol Hill, look no further than the newly-elected California Democrat senator, who was censured in the House for lying, over several years, that he had direct evidence that then-President Trump had colluded with the Kremlin to turn the 2016 election in his favor. That evidence, of course, has yet to be produced.

    During his interrogation of likely-incoming Attorney General Pam Bondi, Schiff played the role of White Knight for the newly-minted Democrat darling Liz Cheney, the former Wyoming House Republican.

    "I’m asking you, sitting here today, whether you are aware of a factual predicate to investigate Liz Cheney?" Schiff demanded.

    "Senator, no one has asked me to investigate Liz Cheney. That is a hypothetical," Bondi responded.

    "The president has called for it publicly. You are aware of that, aren’t you?" Schiff shot back.

    "No one has asked me to investigate Liz," Bondi insisted before later adding, "You know what we should be worried about? The crime rate in California right now is through the roof. Your robberies are 87% higher than the national average. That’s what I want to be focused on, Senator, if I am confirmed as attorney general."

    And Bondi is 100% correct. Instead of obsessing over all-things Trump (as Liz Cheney also does), perhaps consider the fact that Schiff represents California, which is basically under one-party rule and has seen more residents leave than any other state in the country for a myriad of good reasons, especially crime.

    Sen. Mazie Hirono
    If anyone encapsulates just how ridiculous some of the questioning was during these hearings, look no further than the pride of the Pacific.

    Here’s the Hawaii Democrat speaking to Bondi:

    "Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?"

    Bondi: "No, Senator."

    Hirono: "Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement relating to this kind of conduct?"

    Bondi: "No, Senator."

    Let's be clear: Bondi has NEVER been remotely accused of any of these allegations. Hirono knows this, but threw it out there in an effort to get it into the public record and on national TV.

    This exchange on Wednesday was classic, but Hirono's notes had no rebuttal written for her.

    HIRONO: "Does illegal immigration poison the blood of our nation?"

    BONDI: "I went to the border and visited a rape crisis center, and it was horrific... I'm sure you've been to the border as well."

    HIRONO: "Let's move on."

    Game. Set. Match. Say hello to your next attorney general, America.

    Sen. Tim Kaine
    The winner of our biggest losers rundown was the easiest selection on the list, because Virginia Democrat Kaine — who looked like he just rolled out of bed during these hearings — was that bad.

    Exhibit A: Kaine at one point during his questioning of Hegseth tried to make the argument that since the nominee had been twice divorced, he therefore couldn't be counted on to uphold his oath as Defense secretary when he couldn't be counted on to uphold his oath of marriage.

    Yep. The same Tim Kaine, who was former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's running mate and who didn't utter one peep about Bill Clinton's multiple martial transgressions (the former president has also been accused of rape)... the same Tim Kaine who campaigned with Vice President Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, who cheated on his first wife with the nanny, had the audacity to sit in judgment of Hegseth. And his questions were focused on personal matters that occurred years ago.

    "I'm not a perfect person. I'm not claiming to be. I have failed at things in my life and thankfully I'm redeemed by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," Hegseth perfectly responded.

    Democrats showed this week they clearly learned nothing from the last election. The loud, pious lectures came from those who really need a large mirror to reflect on themselves.

    The party did itself no favors this week. Democrats looked and sounded like members of a losing party married to a losing brand while embracing cheesy performance art to play to the type of people who still watch MSNBC and CNN.

    Trump will get his Cabinet confirmed. And in the process, the Blue Team will continue to go down a road few Americans have an appetite for: a road paved in division and demagoguery.

    Democrats have really proven beyond ANY doubt that they have learned NOTHING from having been Uber Nuclear Shellacked..

    Your Democrat Party is dead, people... Time to move on...

  40. [40] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    Unbelievable amount of scrolling...

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    And JUST like I called it..

    JMCT comes in and contributes NOTHING but his whining and crying about scrolling..

    At least what I am posting is POLITICS which is what Weigantia is all about..

    Whiners like JMCT contribute NOTHING...

    So typical of a Democrat... Contributing nothing but whining and wasted air...


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