A Lawless Presidency

[ Posted Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 – 17:18 UTC ]

President Donald Trump is fast making a warning many Democrats made before his election come true: that he would prove to be an utterly lawless president. Trump's disdain for not only federal law but the entire federal judiciary is becoming more and more apparent, and he's barely begun his second week back in office. He hasn't taken the final step in creating a completely unfettered and lawless executive branch, but at this point it seems only a matter of time before he does so.

Trump began his presidency celebrating lawlessness. He released dangerously violent criminals into the populace, and it's only a matter of time before one of the January 6th insurrectionists commits another shocking and violent crime. One was just killed by police after resisting arrest, in fact, less than a week after being pardoned. Trump celebrates political violence and lawlessness -- as long as it is in support of him, of course.

But while that was an egregious affront to the rule of law, the truly disturbing actions have been more subtle. Trump's Department of Justice is going to fire anybody who ever worked on prosecuting both Trump and all his cronies and minions (probably including the January 6th insurrectionists, eventually), and then they might just prosecute the prosecutors for good measure. This is creating precisely the "weaponization of the Justice Department" that Trump swore he would get rid of, by the way.

The most dramatic lawlessness of Trump so far, however, is how he is just blatantly ignoring both federal laws and the U.S. Constitution itself. He has already been halted in two of these actions by federal judges, but only temporarily so far. And Trump being Trump, he will likely appeal any adverse judicial decision all the way to the Supreme Court, where one third of the justices were appointed by him.

Last Friday, Trump fired over a dozen inspectors general at various departments and agencies. The way he did so is flat-out illegal. Federal law states that he was supposed to inform Congress not only that he would be doing so, but he was also to provide specific reasons for doing so in each case. Trump has not done so. He was supposed to inform Congress 30 days before any firing took effect, which was also ignored.

Trump tried to halt pretty much all federal money being paid to anyone today at 5:00 PM (Eastern) even though doing so would be illegal, but at the last minute a federal judge blocked this radical action (for another week, at least). Earlier, Trump signed an executive order which would essentially rewrite a section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, by executive fiat. This was also temporarily halted by a judge, who commented that it was the most "blatantly unconstitutional" act he had seen in his 40 years on the bench. The judge was originally appointed by none other than Ronald Reagan.

So far, Trump is abiding by the judicial rulings. Both of them are temporary, to give time for further arguments to be made. But what happens if both are upheld and Trump is told "you cannot do this" by federal judges... and he goes ahead and does them anyway? That is the true danger here.

As far as Trump is concerned, he has been given kingly powers by the Supreme Court, before he even started his second term in office. They told him that anything he does that is an "official presidential act" is completely immune from prosecution, both now and after he leaves office. How long will it be before he truly tests this?

Trump ordering the federal government to ignore the Fourteenth Amendment and deny any citizenship papers (such as a passport) to any child born on American soil whose parents aren't either citizens or permanent residents was an "official presidential act." Trump firing the inspectors general was also an official act. So he has nothing to worry about even if they were illegal orders.

Which means the key question is: "Who is going to stop him?" What's going to happen when a judge rules against him and Trump just decides to ignore the judge's ruling? He'll likely get sued again, and the cases will work their way upward through the appeals process. In the meantime, Trump will be out there defying the judicial branch with no real consequences. And since he'll claim that doing so is another official act, he'll never ben held accountable for doing so.

The attorney general and the F.B.I. certainly aren't going to make any attempt to enforce the law, no matter what a judge rules. Trump has put his own fierce loyalists at the head of both, and they're never going to tell him he can't do something he wants to do. That guardrail has ceased to exist. This will protect all the lower-level government employees who would be the ones to actually carry out Trump's orders (while ignoring the courts' orders), and if this somehow doesn't work Trump can always pardon anyone involved who follows his orders (and ignores a judge's).

This constitutional crisis will become acute if the Supreme Court eventually hears one of these cases and decides against Trump and he ignores even them. Think that's not possible? Sadly, it is not actually that hard to imagine, at this point.

Congress is not going to stop Trump, at least for the next two years. He will not be impeached, because the Republican House will not do so, no matter how egregious and shocking Trump's lawlessness gets. He'd have to directly attack them somehow for this to change (maybe Trump would try to banish congressional vacation periods or withhold their pay?). And even if the House somehow did manage to impeach him, the Republican Senate is not going to convict him in any case. That "check and balance" is pretty non-existent, at this point.

In fact, impeachment itself might become just another arrow in the quiver of the weaponization of government against Trump's enemies. How long will it be before some bright spark in the Republican House caucus decides to try to impeach one of the federal judges who ruled against Trump? Democrats do have enough senators to prevent any judges from being removed from the bench by this process, but at this point it certainly wouldn't surprise me if they tried.

But the big question remains: what is Chief Justice John Roberts going to do, if Trump openly defies a ruling by the Supreme Court? The judicial branch has no real enforcement mechanism at all. It relies on the other two branches of American government to implement its rulings. There's even one precedent for a president ignoring the Supreme Court, although you have to go all the way back to Andrew Jackson to find it. Trump has a portrait of Jackson hanging in the Oval Office, it bears mentioning.

The presidential lawlessness of the past week is just the beginning. Trump is really just getting warmed up. If the courts decide against him and he refuses to abide by their rulings, then we will all get to see the depths of this lawlessness unfold. And, sadly, it won't surprise me in the least if it happens.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


64 Comments on “A Lawless Presidency”

  1. [1] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    You paint a grim picture, indeed.

    The only thing I can think of to counter this drive on Trump's part is for those he is harming to refuse to be harmed. No one will enforce the judiciary's rulings against him, you suggest. But what if many, very many, people in the executive branch refuse to enforce his illegal orders? Not the heads of the FBI etc. but the actual agents, the actual bureaucrats, the actual soldiers?

    Why would they take that chance? Because they've worked all their lives in a world of law, and Trump's actions are against the law, no matter what the courts say.

    I can't be certain this will happen, of course. But I was very encouraged when one of the Inspectors General that he 'fired' simply wrote back that he didn't recognize his dismissal, being clearly illegal, and he intended to continue doing his job.

    Maybe others in the government will take this approach - "I cannot follow illegal orders, so no sir, I'm not doing what you are trying to order me to do."

    It would help, I suppose, if the Democrats took this line - distinguishing between disobeying the President as head of the Executive Branch, and disobeying the law itself, without waiting for a court's uncertain stamp on that act of "civil obedience".

  2. [2] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    this presidency will definitely be a test for the constitution's checks and balances.

  3. [3] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    It's looking like y'all are going to have to hit rock bottom before things get better.

    Or ...

    "It's always blackest before it's completely dark."

  4. [4] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Have you heard he wants to make you an American...

  5. [5] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    So why is Trump doing all this harmful and illegal cray cray.

    LOOK at Trump from Russia’s point of view. All these things that hurt and disrupt America are exactly what Putin wants, hello. The more the merrier. And don’t even get me started on Tulsi fucking Gabbard for DNI…

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:



    Jezus, people...

    Haven't you realized by now that the American people are completely and 1000% behind PRESIDENT Trump!??

    You woke Progressives are fighting a battle ya'all already lost!

    Now ya'all are just coming across as hysterical fools...

    Yer like the mentally ill Japanese soldier who is hiding in the jungle hysterically thinking that the war is still on...

    Face reality, people.. OBJECTIVE Reality..

    You woke Progressives lost... Get on the PRESIDENT Trump train... Or get run over by it...


  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    i don't want a plethora, i want original content.


    Why does it matter to you whether my opinion is something I wrote or something someone else wrote??

    It's still my OPINION..

    I think you're (and Bashit's) problem is that the current opinions (whether mine or mine that someone else espoused) are opinions so embedded and immersed in fact are simply impossible to argue against..

    You (and Bashit) want to return to a time where ya'all actually HAD an argument...

    Those times are over, my friend..

    With PRESIDENT Trump's MASSIVE win, including a considerably great margin of a win in the POPULAR VOTE, ya'all simply can't argue the OBJECTIVE REALITY..

    Tell ya what... Let's test that theory...

    My next comment or two (or maybe even three or four) will be totally my own creation using completely original content with maybe a blurb or two from media content to provide supporting facts..

    Of course, Bashit will still whine and cry and stamp his feet about the messenger while still ignoring the facts and the objective reality..

    You can pick any one of them or you can come up with your own discussion..

    We have two days.. Let's have some fun.. :D

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Looks like GOOGLE is ALSO jumping on board the PRESIDENT Trump train..

    Google Maps update: Gulf of America, Mount McKinley will be in after Trump orders name changes

    PRESIDENT Trump renamed the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America and Mount Denali as Mount McKinley

    Now, woke Progressive Democrats will argue that Google is simply following long standing policy and that it is not an indication of support for President Trump..

    But, as the past has PROVEN to us, "long standing policies" are no longer standing policies where PRESIDENT Trump is concerned..

    It was a "long standing policy" that a Godwin was a sign that the person issuing the Godwin lost the argument. Once PRESIDENT Trump came on the scene, that "long standing policy" was changed... NOW Godwin's are perfectly acceptable, nay DESIRABLE, the mark of a GREAT argument :eyeroll: when talking about PRESIDENT Trump..

    It was a "long standing" definition that the term 'racist' meant a certain thing. Enter woke progressives who discovered that the definition of 'racist' didn't fit their America-hate agenda, so they tried to change the "long standing" definition..

    That brings us to the here and now..

    From all indications, GOOGLE, one of the most virulent Democrat propaganda water carriers, has jumped on the PRESIDENT Trump train...

    The circle that is Woke Progressive is growing smaller and smaller every day... :D

    There ya go, JL... Completely original content.. :D

  9. [9] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Have you heard he wants to make you an American...

    I'm shakin' in my blue-spangled boots...

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK Here's a gem I have been saving for when I could find someone who really wants to have a meaningful discussion..

    JL, yer up.. :D

    The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in August 2021 stands as one of the most significant failures of the Basement Biden administration, marked by chaos, mismanagement, and tragic loss of life. The decision to end America’s longest war was framed as a necessary step and was laid out in a perfect plan by the previous PRESIDENT Trump administration. Basement Biden and his puppet masters thought they knew better and decided to throw out PRESIDENT Trump's plan and install their own plan that reflected woke progressive values. Basement Biden and his puppeteers' actions not only endangered American lives but also emboldened terrorist groups, culminating in a horrific attack that claimed the lives of 13 brave American service members.

    From the outset, President Biden’s woke progressive approach to the withdrawal was flawed and moronic. It ignored proven military leadership principles in favor of the woke progressive way to fight a war. Basement Biden and his puppeteers also ignored critical intelligence assessments that warned of the Taliban’s rapid resurgence. As U.S. forces began their chaotic and mismanaged withdrawal in May 2021, the Taliban launched a swift offensive, capturing territory at an alarming rate. Basement Biden’s insistence on a September 11 deadline for troop withdrawal prioritized a symbolic date over the safety and security of American personnel and Afghan allies. This reckless decision demonstrated a lack of understanding of the complex realities on the ground and completely ignored sound military doctrine.

    The situation reached a tragic climax on August 26, 2021, when a suicide bomber affiliated with ISIS-K detonated explosives outside Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport. This attack resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. service members and dozens of Afghan civilians. These brave men and women, who volunteered to serve their country, were put in harm’s way due to the Basement Biden’s complete and utter failure to secure the airport and ensure a safe evacuation process. The horrific loss of these troops was not just a tragedy; it was a direct consequence of a poorly executed withdrawal strategy that left American forces vulnerable.

    In the aftermath of the attack, the Basement Biden response was equally troubling. Instead of taking full responsibility for the chaos that led to the deaths of American troops, the administration attempted to deflect blame. Basement Biden’s remarks following the attack lacked the urgency and accountability that the situation demanded. The families of the fallen soldiers deserved a leader who would acknowledge the failures that led to their loved ones’ deaths, rather than one who seemed more focused on political optics.

    Moreover, the withdrawal created a power vacuum that allowed the Taliban to regain control of Afghanistan, raising concerns about the resurgence of terrorist groups. Basement Biden’s failure to plan for a post-withdrawal Afghanistan has left the country vulnerable to extremist ideologies, threatening not only the Afghan people but also global security. The administration’s actions have emboldened terrorists, who now see the U.S. withdrawal as a victory, undermining the sacrifices made by American troops over the past two decades.

    The ramifications of the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan will be felt for years to come. The loss of 13 American heroes serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of political decisions made without proper foresight and planning. The chaotic exit from Afghanistan has not only tarnished America’s reputation but also put countless lives at risk. As we reflect on these events, it is clear that the Basement Biden and his puppeteers’ handling of the withdrawal was not just a failure; it was a betrayal of the values and sacrifices that define our nation.

    Now, if you don't want to debate/discuss this comment because you completely agree with it...

    Well, that's OK too.. :D

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:


    I'm shakin' in my blue-spangled boots...

    Awww, com'on!!

    I just KNOW yer dying to join the winning team and call yerself an American, eh!?? :D

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK Here is another comment.. Fully original content based on a news media headline. ..

    Scott Bessent confirmed by Senate to serve as Trump's treasury secretary

    Bessent was a key economic advisor to Trump's campaign and is the founder of macro investment firm Key Square Group

    And ANOTHER WIN for PRESIDENT Trump!! :D

    How many wins is that for PRESIDENT Trump???

    ALL of them!!?? :D

    How many wins is that for woke progressive Democrats??

    NONE!!??? NONE you say?? :D

    I have to say... America and American's can really get used to all this WINNING!!! :D

    You can see how Democrats are slowly peeling themselves away from the woke progressive Democrats and jumping on the PRESIDENT Trump train.. :D

    Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire
    Cory Booker of New York
    Sens. Lida Blunt Rochester of Delaware
    Mark Kelly of Arizona
    John Fetterman of Pennsylvania
    Mark Warner of Virginia
    Ruben Gallego of Arizona
    Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
    Chris Coons of Delaware
    Tim Kaine of Virginia
    Elisa Slotkin of Michigan
    John Hickenlooper of Colorado
    Gary Peters of Michigan
    Cynthia Shaheen of New Hampshire

    All jumped on the PRESIDENT Trump train!! :D

    I always knew a UNITY government would be awesome and definitely the way to go...

    And PRESIDENT Trump is making it happen right before out eyes!!!

    How AWESOME is that!! :D

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    Regarding Selena Gomez and the recent awesome arrests of illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and other assorted scumbags...

    Oh my gods, here we go again with narcissistic and ignorant celebrity woke progressive morons. :eyeroll:

    Selena Gomez is crying over the deportation of illegal immigrants, ALL of whom are scumbag convicted criminals who have raped and murdered Americans.

    It’s truly astounding how she can shed tears for those who have committed heinous and disgusting acts while completely ignoring the victims of all their crimes.

    In her recent video, she lamented, “All my people are getting attacked,” but what about the countless Americans who have been raped, robbed, and murdered by these scumbag illegal immigrants?

    Selena wants to show empathy for those who break our laws, those who rape and murder, but where is her empathy for the innocent lives destroyed by these criminals?

    It’s easy to cry for those who face deportation when you’re sitting in your mansion, far removed from the pain and suffering inflicted on American families. The reality is that these illegal immigrants scumbags, ALL of whom have been charged or convicted of serious crimes, pose a direct threat to public safety. Where's the tears for those victims, Gomez!??

    Instead of advocating for the rights of victims, Selena chooses to champion the cause of those who have shown a blatant disregard for our laws and the safety of our communities. It’s a classic case of misplaced priorities. She talks about wanting to “do something,” but what about doing something for the victims? What about standing up for the families who have lost loved ones to violence perpetrated by illegal immigrants? Why doesn't she use her wealth and fame to actually HELP the people who need it most here!!???

    Her emotional outburst is nothing more than a display of celebrity narcissism, like Piers Morgan said. It’s absurd to see a Hollywood star crying for scumbag rapists and murderers and druggies while ignoring the real victims of crime.

    If Selena truly wants to make a difference, she should focus on advocating for the safety and well-being of American citizens rather than romanticizing the plight of those who break our laws.

    It’s clear to anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together that her tears are not for the victims but for the scumbag illegal immigrant criminals.

    It’s time for moron celebrities like Selena Gomez to wake up and recognize the VERY REAL consequences of illegal immigration. Until then, her cries will fall on deaf ears, as the American people demand accountability and safety in their communities.

    OK, JL... Here's another.. Completely original content..

    If you disagree, let's debate the issue.. :D

    I don't suppose you could take the day off, eh?? :D

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:



    Oh, poor Jim Acosta! It looks like the once-mighty anchor is getting the boot from CNN, and to be perfectly honest, can we say it’s about time?

    After all the whining and crying he did while trying to take down PRESIDENT Trump, it’s exactly poetic justice that he’s now being tossed aside like yesterday’s news.

    Acosta’s ratings may have been decent for a hot minute, but let’s face it: he was riding the coattails of the Trump era.

    Now that PRESIDENT Trump is back in power, CNN is clearly looking to distance itself from the likes of Acosta, who has become synonymous with the network’s desperate attempts to stay relevant. CNN has decided that riding the PRESIDENT Trump train is where they need to be.. So the moron so-called "journalist" Trump/America hater has to go..

    CNN stripped Acosta of his morning show and relegated to the midnight slot? Ouch! That’s like being sent to the corner after a tantrum. Which is EXACTLY what happened!! :D

    And let’s not forget how Acosta has been a poster child for the “fake news” narrative. He’s spent years trying to play the hero, but all he’s really done is make himself a target for ridicule.

    Now, he’s being offered a show that nobody will watch, and he’s supposed to be thrilled about it?

    Please! CNN can pitch it as “prime time on the West Coast,” but we all know it’s just a sad attempt to sugarcoat a demotion.

    So, here’s to you, Jim Acosta! Like *ALL* woke progressive Democrats, you’ve been beaten like a drum by PRESIDENT Trump, and now you’re being tossed aside by the very network that once celebrated your antics so that said network can jump on the PRESIDENT Trump train. :D

    Maybe it’s time to hang up the microphone and find a new gig—perhaps a nice quiet life away from the cameras would do you some good. Or at the very least, not cause any more grief for patriotic Americans...

    After all, it’s hard to cry for your “journalistic integrity” when you’re stuck in the dead of night!

    It couldn't happen to a more deserving Trump/America hating jackass...

    And I mean that in the most vile and disgusting way possible.. :D

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    Do ya'all wanna know how utterly OUT OF TOUCH moronic woke progressive Democrats are???

    Well allow me to tell you how completely and utterly OUT OF TOUCH moronic woke progressive Democrats are...


    PETA and their latest ridiculous crusade to ruin a beloved American tradition! Now they want to replace Punxsutawney Phil with a vegan “weather reveal” cake. Seriously? This is what they’ve come to? Instead of celebrating a charming tradition that has been around since 1887, they want to shove a cake in our faces and pretend it’s a substitute for a groundhog predicting the weather.

    Let’s get one thing straight: Punxsutawney Phil is one of the most pampered and cared-for groundhogs in the world. He’s not some poor, mistreated animal living in squalor. This little guy is treated like royalty! He’s got a whole club dedicated to him, and thousands of people flock to see him every year. PETA wants to act like Phil is suffering, but the truth is, he’s living the high life.

    PETA’s president, Ingrid Newkirk, claims that Phil is denied the chance to hibernate or burrow. But let’s be real—he’s not out there dodging predators in the wild. He’s got a cushy gig where he gets all the attention and treats he could ever want. Instead of whining about how “shy” he is, maybe PETA should focus on the fact that Phil is a part of a cherished tradition that brings joy to countless people.

    And what’s this nonsense about “sprinkling happiness” into Phil’s life? How about sprinkling some common sense into PETA’s moronic woke progressive Democrat agenda? They’ve been pushing for alternatives like a giant gold coin, which is just absurd. What’s next? A tofu statue? The reality is that PETA is so out of touch with what people actually enjoy that they can’t see how ridiculous they sound.

    Groundhog Day is a fun, lighthearted tradition that brings communities together. It’s not about exploiting animals; it’s about celebrating the changing of the seasons with a bit of humor. PETA’s attempts to hijack this event with their vegan nonsense only serve to highlight how disconnected they are from reality.

    So, here’s a thought: instead of trying to cancel Punxsutawney Phil, how about PETA focuses on real issues that matter? Maybe then they wouldn’t look so foolish trying to replace a beloved groundhog with a cake. But then again, when has PETA ever been known for their common sense?

    If no one chooses to respond to these, I'll simply point out that THAT must mean ya'all must agree with them... :D

    I mean, after all..

    Ya'all woke progressive Democrats have decreed and determined that "SILENCE GIVES ASSENT"...


  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's go more in depth on this woke progressive Democrat idea that SILENCE GIVES ASSENT..

    There are numerous examples and FACTS that PROVE woke progressive Democrats believe that SILENCE GIVES ASSENT..

    During the aftermath of George Floyd's well deserved death, woke progressive Democrats insisted that if you weren’t publicly denouncing alleged systemic racism, that you were actually racist.

    SILENCE GIVES ASSENT according to woke progressive Democrats.

    Moronic woke Democrats would hysterically pressure companies and individuals to issue statements of solidarity, not because they genuinely believed in the cause, but to avoid being mercilessly attacked and dragged through the mud.

    SILENCE GIVES ASSENT according to woke progressive Democrats.

    Just look at how many corporations rushed to post their “Black Lives Matter” statements on social media, fearing backlash if they didn’t.

    SILENCE GIVES ASSENT according to woke progressive Democrats.

    And then it's exposed that BLM was NOTHING but a HUGE con that SOLELY existed for the purpose of enriching a few greedy woke progressive Democrats!!

    Who could have POSSIBLY predicted that!!???

    Oh.. Wait....

    Need more examples of SILENCE GIVES ASSENT from woke progressive Democrats??

    There’s the whole COVID-19 pandemic situation. If you dared to remain silent on mask mandates or vaccine distribution, you were immediately branded as an enemy of public health.

    SILENCE GIVES ASSENT according to woke progressive Democrats..

    Woke progressive Democrats made it clear that if you weren’t actively promoting their agenda, you might as well be waving a flag for the anti-vaxxers. The pressure to conform was unreal, and anyone who didn’t jump on the bandwagon faced public shaming and non stop attacks..

    SILENCE GIVES ASSENT according to woke progressive Democrats..

    Need more facts???

    Let’s not forget the infamous cancel culture. Woke progressive Democrats have weaponized this idea to crush and silence dissent. If you don’t vocally support their causes, you’re fair game for public shaming and ostracism. Just look at how they went after J.K. Rowling for her comments on gender identity. She didn’t even say anything particularly outrageous, but her silence on the progressive narrative was enough for them to label her a transphobe.

    It's all part and parcel to not only crushing ANY dissent, but to FORCE people into loudly proclaiming support for their America Hate agenda...

    This tactic is STRAIGHT out of Hitler's and Putin's playbook...
    It’s chilling to see how they’ve created an environment where you must either align with their ideals or face the consequences.


    Using ya'all's and the woke progressive Democrat tactics.. Playing the game by ya'all's and woke progressive Democrat rules...

    If no one responds to this, it must mean that ya'all are completely in agreement with me.. :D

    "Yea... Yea, I can live with that."
    -Keeanu Reeves, THE REPLACEMENTS


  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    OK.. Now let's get started on some REAL meat in discussions and debates.. :D

    Let's talk about how AWESOME PRESIDENT Trump has been with rounding up all the illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and other assorted scumbags.

    Ya'all support this, right??

    I mean, is there ANYONE here who says that PRESIDENT Trump is WRONG in rounding up all the illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and other assorted scumbags???

    Is there anyone here who WANTS all these illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and other scumbags running around the streets of America??



    OK... So, here's an idea for you CW.... Why not write a commentary that solely and completely SUPPORTS PRESIDENT Trump in his efforts to clean up and get rid of these illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and other assorted scumbags..

    Wouldn't that be a THRILLING change of pace?? An entire commentary that actually SUPPORTS your President..

    WOW!!! What a concept!!! Mind officially blown!!

    If you like and if you are still allowing guest commentaries, I'll even write it for you..

    What you say?? :D Be like old times.. :D

  18. [18] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    [6]Haven't you realized by now that the American people are completely and 1000% behind PRESIDENT Trump!??

    that's 49.8% in favor, 48.3% opposed, presuming more or less equivalent support among those who didn't vote.

    [7]Why does it matter to you whether my opinion is something I wrote or something someone else wrote??

    because you are not a total delusional moron, and many of the authors you quote really are. for you I have a little patience, for them none at all.

    [8]Google Maps update

    as president, Donald has always had a great deal of trouble reading maps, especially weather maps. like "liberty cabbage" or "freedom fries" people will call things what they call things, regardless of any attempts at re-branding. McKinley and Denali have already been essentially interchangeable for decades. Donald wants to change the official name? Google will go along with it? fine, it's no big deal either way.

    [8]Godwin's rule

    even Godwin himself acknowledged that the rule doesn't apply when there's a literal direct connection. it's a fact that the book Donald kept on the night table was "My New Order," a collection of speeches written by Adolf Hitler. that fact was verified by his first wife. It's also extremely well-supported by mountains of hard evidence that Donald's preferred campaign method (live campaign rallies, violent rhetoric, picking on vulnerable minorities, "big lies") is the same one that was used by Hitler and the Nazis. that some opponents have exaggerated those similarities doesn't stop them from existing.

    [10]The families of the fallen soldiers deserved a leader who would acknowledge the failures that led to their loved ones’ deaths, rather than one who seemed more focused on political optics.

    maybe one day they'll get one. 2029 perhaps.

    Afghanistan was a clusterfrack waiting to happen, regardless of who was in the oval office when it ended. Biden's people followed the exit schedule Donald's first administration had initiated, and did NOT do a good job of preparing for it, much less change direction from that poor initial decision (by trump's first admin) to set a fixed withdrawal schedule. definitely a low-point for joe's presidency.

    [12]Scott Bessent confirmed by Senate to serve as Trump's treasury secretary

    one of the consequences of nominating so many people who are patently unqualified for the job they're selected to fill, is that anyone who actually does have some sort of relevant qualification looks outstanding in comparison, regardless of whatever legitimate concerns there might be about that individual's potential job performance. bessent is a moron, but he's a qualified moron, and senators have significantly more rotten fish to fry.

    [13]Selena Gomez is crying over the deportation of illegal immigrants, ALL of whom are scumbag convicted criminals who have raped and murdered Americans.

    that is an absolute statement, and due to the sheer scale of the round-up almost certainly false. even when the purported targets are legitimate, mistakes happen, and no operation is immune. the refusal of the administration to include fail-safes so as to avoid massive errors, like deporting US citizens, military veterans, and Native Americans, is such a poor decision even a pop-star can figure it out.


    that sounds like a headline you didn't come up with yourself. I don't particularly care about Jim Acosta, but CNN's abject surrender isn't exactly a surprise. they were always chasing relevance, and still are.

    I have work to do, but it's a nice change to be able to respond so something. Great start, keep it up!


  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:


    The only thing I can think of to counter this drive on Trump's part is for those he is harming to refuse to be harmed. No one will enforce the judiciary's rulings against him, you suggest. But what if many, very many, people in the executive branch refuse to enforce his illegal orders? Not the heads of the FBI etc. but the actual agents, the actual bureaucrats, the actual soldiers?

    Do you actually BELIEVE that the grunts on the ground are not totally and completely behind PRESIDENT Trump!!???

    If you actually believe that, come on down to FL.. I have some swampland I wanna sell you!! :D

    You need to face reality, my friend..

    It's ONLY the woke progressive back office weenies who don't support PRESIDENT Trump..

    All of the boots on the ground LOVE PRESIDENT and LOVE what he's doing..

    You woke progressive Democrats are becoming extinct... :D

    The FACTS that prove this beyond ANY doubt are all around you...

    Consider this... Would CW have actually seriously considered closing down if woke progressive Democrats WEREN'T dying off???

    Of course not.. The PTDS suffer'ing CW of the here and now would fight like hell if there was even a SMIDGEN of an IOTA of a hope that woke progressive Democrats were still viable..

    Even CW realizes that the day of the woke progressive Democrat is over..

    It's OVER, JMCT... DONE... FINI... KAPUTSKI...

    The sooner you accept this fact, the happier you will be.. :D

    Just giving you sound advice as a friend..

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:


    even Godwin himself acknowledged that the rule doesn't apply when there's a literal direct connection.

    Yea, that's kinda my point.. Godwin himself trashed his own rule due to his PTDS and Trump/America hate...

    Before that, Godwin was sacrosanct and inviolable...

    Now, it's nothing but gimmick that has lost all meaning and relevance...

    that is an absolute statement, and due to the sheer scale of the round-up almost certainly false. even when the purported targets are legitimate, mistakes happen, and no operation is immune. the refusal of the administration to include fail-safes so as to avoid massive errors, like deporting US citizens, military veterans, and Native Americans, is such a poor decision even a pop-star can figure it ou

    And THIS is exactly why it's very difficult to have a rational debate with you or Bashit..

    You ignore the POINT (because you have no rational argument) and just pick on a tangential nit that is obviously nothing but hyperbolic emphasis...

    But if you WANT to make the tangential nit the POINT of your rebuttal, fine..

    PROVE IT..

    PROVE that there were some INNOCENT people caught up in the net that caught THOUSANDS of illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and other assorted scumbags...

    that sounds like a headline you didn't come up with yourself.

    Fair enough.. Yea, I saw that on facebook or some such and thought it was HILARIOUS.. :D

    You know me and movie/tv quotes.. :D

    but CNN's abject surrender isn't exactly a surprise. they were always chasing relevance, and still are.

    So, you would agree with me that media entities who want to remain relevant are jumping on the PRESIDENT Trump train so they CAN be relevant..

    That it's the RIGHT thing to do if they want to be relevant to what the American people are demanding in the here and now..

    You would agree with that??

    I have work to do,

    So, taking the day off is not an option, eh?? :( Bummer. hehehehehe

    but it's a nice change to be able to respond so something.

    Glad you like.. I have to admit that I am enjoying it myself... Seems to be working out for everyone... :D

    Great start, keep it up!

    Ask and ye shall receive... :D

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    }}}}}}that is an absolute statement, and due to the sheer scale of the round-up almost certainly false. even when the purported targets are legitimate, mistakes happen, and no operation is immune. the refusal of the administration to include fail-safes so as to avoid massive errors, like deporting US citizens, military veterans, and Native Americans, is such a poor decision even a pop-star can figure it ou{{{{{{{{

    And THIS is exactly why it's very difficult to have a rational debate with you or Bashit..

    You ignore the POINT (because you have no rational argument) and just pick on a tangential nit that is obviously nothing but hyperbolic emphasis...

    But if you WANT to make the tangential nit the POINT of your rebuttal, fine..

    PROVE IT..

    PROVE that there were some INNOCENT people caught up in the net that caught THOUSANDS of illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and other assorted scumbags...

    To clarify the above (and soften it a little)....

    The point of that Selena Gomez comment was to show how woke progressive Democrats are completely out of touch with every day Americans and how they want to whine and cry and virtue signal about scumbag illegal immigrant murderers and rapists but COMPLETELY ignore the VICTIMS of these scumbag illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies et al...

    Why is that?? Why do you woke progressive Democrats support the scumbag murderers and rapists and DON'T support their victims???

    It's what I was getting at in comment #17??

    WHY didn't woke progressive Democrats do ANYTHING about these scumbag illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies et al when THEY were in power??

    The ONLY logical assumption is that woke progressive Democrats WANTED these assorted scumbag illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies to roam the streets of America freely..

    Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why Democrats didn't do what PRESIDENT Trump is doing now..

    Maybe if Democrats were more like PRESIDENT Trump, they wouldn't have gotten beat down so badly in 2024, eh??

  22. [22] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    PROVE that there were some INNOCENT people caught up in the net that caught THOUSANDS of illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and other assorted scumbags...

    The two pregnant women and 20 children on the plane back to Colombia were all rapists and murders?

    Maybe you should see a shrink to get past your dehumanization problems...

    WHY didn't woke progressive Democrats do ANYTHING about these scumbag illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies et al when THEY were in power??

    The druggies are in the white House now. Or at least in the annex...

  23. [23] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Why is that?? Why do you woke progressive Democrats support the scumbag murderers and rapists and DON'T support their victims???

    Jean Carroll would probably ask you the same question...

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    Oh, here we go again with the complete bullshit by the Trump/America hating moron that is Jean Carroll and her absurd and totally baseless accusations against PRESIDENT Trump.

    The bimbo is a PROVEN liar and her claims are completely without merit and weren't substantiated by ANYONE...

    Let’s get one thing straight: this entire saga reeks of a politically motivated vendetta, funded by a Trump/America hating sugar daddy who’s more interested in taking down a former president than seeking justice. It’s a pathetic attempt to smear a man who has done more for this country than Carroll ever will.

    First off, let’s talk about the so-called “evidence” Carroll has presented. It’s nothing but a flimsy collection of circumstantial claims that would never hold up in a real courtroom. In fact, when Carroll first approached various district attorneys to bring a criminal case against Trump, she was laughed out of their offices. They knew, just as the rest of us do, that her story was weak and unsubstantiated. If there was any real merit to her claims, don’t you think they would have taken her seriously? But no, they saw right through her charade.

    And let’s not forget the statute of limitations. Carroll’s accusations date back to the mid-1990s, and by the time she decided to come forward, the window for a criminal case had long since closed. But in a desperate attempt to revive her claims, the state of New York created an entirely new law that allowed her to bypass the statute of limitations and bring a civil case. This is nothing short of a legal loophole designed to cater to the whims of those who want to take down Trump at any cost. It’s a blatant abuse of the legal system, and it should infuriate anyone who values true justice.

    Let's look closer at this law...

    The New York Adult Survivors Act, a law that many see as nothing more than a political tool crafted specifically for E. Jean Carroll to take her shot at Donald Trump. I mean, honestly... What kind of moron would EVER buy into this crap?? This legislation was not about helping all survivors of sexual assault; it was a targeted move to give Carroll a chance to bypass the statute of limitations that had long expired on her claims.

    The timing of this law PROVES beyond ANY doubt that it was created for one thing and one thing only It was enacted in May 2022, just as Carroll was gearing up to file her civil lawsuit against Trump. This one-year window for survivors to file claims is a convenient loophole that was tailor-made to allow this lying bimbo the opportunity to file against PRESIDENT Trump. It’s hard to ignore the fact that this law was pushed through with the sole intention of allowing Carroll to pursue her vendetta against Trump, rather than genuinely addressing the needs of all survivors.

    This isn’t about justice; it’s about revenge, and the Adult Survivors Act has become a prime example of how the legal system can be manipulated for personal agendas. New York’s lawmakers should be ashamed for creating a law that appears to serve one individual’s interests rather than the broader cause of justice for all.

    What’s even more outrageous is the fact that Carroll’s entire case hinges on circumstantial evidence and hearsay. She claims Trump assaulted her in a department store dressing room, yet there are no witnesses, no physical evidence, and no credible corroboration of her story. It’s a classic case of “he said, she said,” and in a real courtroom, that wouldn’t even make it past the preliminary hearing. The only reason this case is even in the spotlight is that it fits the narrative of the Trump-hating left, who are desperate to find any way to undermine his legacy.

    Let’s also address the funding behind Carroll’s legal battle. It’s no secret that she’s been backed by individuals and organizations that have a vested interest in seeing PRESIDENT Trump fail. This isn’t about seeking justice; it’s about revenge. Carroll has become a pawn in a larger game played by those who would rather see America divided than united.

    Jean Carroll is a PROVEN liar and her accusations are nothing more than a poorly constructed political attack on Donald Trump, fueled by a desire for fame and financial gain. The fact that she was laughed at by district attorneys, the expiration of the statute of limitations, and the circumstantial nature of her claims all point to one undeniable truth: this case is a sham. It’s time for the American people to see through this charade and recognize it for what it truly is—a desperate attempt to tarnish the reputation of a man who has done more for this country than Carroll ever could.

    This lying bimbo's case is a CIVIL judgement that is meaningless and has absolutely NO VALUE whatsoever to NO ONE except retarded Trump/America hating morons who don't have 2 brain cells to rub together..

    Hay, Bashit! That sounds like you!!

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    As for your claims about all the scumbags and murderers and rapists..

    ANY facts to support your claims???

    Any facts at all??


    Of course not.. You retarded morons NEVER have any facts... :eyeroll:

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    Just so we're clear..

    FACTS from REAL news sources...

    MSNBC, WaPoop, NY SLIMES etc etc doesn't count..

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump signs 'Laken Riley Act' into law, marking first legislative win

    PRESIDENT Trump wins again!!

    AMERICA wins again!!!

    Democrats are lusers... **AGAIN**

    Imagine ANYONE voting AGAINST the Laken Riley Act!!

    Only disgusting woke progressive Democrats voted AGAINST the Laken Riley act!!

    Imagine how disgusting and pathetic the woke progressive Democrats are to actually vote AGAINST the Laken Riley Act..

    One has to wonder how those disgusting pieces of filth actually sleep at night.. :eyeroll:

  28. [28] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    There is more evidence that Trump is a rapist than there is that all or even most of those deported are rapists or murders...

    FACTS from REAL news sources...

    MSNBC, WaPoop, NY SLIMES etc etc doesn't count..

    Please, for shits and giggles, post your list of "REAL news sources"...

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay JL,

    THAT would be a good discussion topic for us..

    We could talk about how diseased and pathetic woke progressive Democrats are to vote AGAINST the Laken Riley Act...

    But I have a feeling you would agree with me on it, so maybe it's NOT such a good topic.. :D

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    There is more evidence that Trump is a rapist than there is that all or even most of those deported are rapists or murders...

    Not factually accurate...

    There is ZERO factual evidence that PRESIDENT Trump is a rapist..

    ZERO... ZILCH... NADA... NONE....

    I have already totally demolished and decimated your Jean Carroll retarded bimbo claims..

    Yunno, Bashit...

    This reminds me of the time ya try to claim PRESIDENT Trump was a racist.. And then ya'all had to concede that there were ZERO facts to prove the claim..

    Good times... :D

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    Still waiting for you to provide FACTS that support your claims that there was anything BUT rapists and murderers caught up in PRESIDENT Trump's sweeps of illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and scumbags..

    ANY facts at all....

    {{{{{ cccchhhhiiirrrrppppp.... ccccchhhhhhhiiiiiiirrrrrpppp}}}}}

    Yea, that's what I figured.. :eyeroll:

    Yer a luser, Bashit...

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay JL...

    I kinda like this manner of posting.. Seems to work awesome for kicking Bashit's ass all over Weigantia...

    I think it's gonna work out awesomely!! :D

  33. [33] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    There is ZERO factual evidence that PRESIDENT Trump is a rapist..

    ZERO... ZILCH... NADA... NONE....

    Do you have any evidence any of those deported are rapists or murders? Any that have been convicted in a court of law are likely still in jail. Innocent until proven guilty and all...

    I have already totally demolished and decimated your Jean Carroll retarded bimbo claims..

    No, you are painting it as a political smear. A jury said otherwise. You lie a lot, therefore I have more confidence in the jury...

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    And NOW Democrats are whining and crying that PRESIDENT Trump is collecting up all the illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and other assorted scumbags..

    Mayor announces city will not cooperate with Trump's deportation policy

    Minneapolis mayor announces city will not cooperate with Trump's deportation policy

    Over 1,200 illegal immigrants charged with crimes have been detained by federal officers

    Get that!??

    Woke progressive Democrat Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (wonder if he is any relation to Walder Frey. Probably) is whining because PRESIDENT Trump is collecting up all the illegal immigrant scumbags..

    Walder Fyer... I mean Jacob Frey wants to KEEP all the illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and assorted scumbags in his city...


    As a matter of fact, Frey spoke SPECIFICALLY to all the illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and assorted scumbags...

    "I want to speak directly to people who are murderers and rapists and druggeies... We love you. We care about you. In the city of Minneapolis, we will stand up for you and we will do anything in our power to help because you're not an alien; in our city, you're a neighbor."
    -Woke Progressive Democrat Jacob Frey to all the illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and assorted scumbags in Minneapolis


  35. [35] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Still waiting for you to provide FACTS that support your claims that there was anything BUT rapists and murderers caught up in PRESIDENT Trump's sweeps of illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and scumbags..

    Trump deported 200 Colombians. None were criminals, Colombian officials say. | Among the deportees who arrived back home Tuesday in Colombia were two pregnant women and more than 20 children.

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    Do you have any evidence any of those deported are rapists or murders?

    The DOJ does.. ICE does...

    Now, where is your factual evidence that PRESIDENT Trump is a rapist..

    {{{{{ cccchhhhiiirrrrppppp.... ccccchhhhhhhiiiiiiirrrrrpppp}}}}}

    You lose again, Bashit....

  37. [37] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Only in your demented brain...

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    WHERE are your facts to support your claim that some of the people caught up in the net are NOT illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and assorted other scumbags..

    You got ZERO facts to support your claims, Bashit...

    ZERO... ZILCH.... NADA.... NONE...

  39. [39] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


  40. [40] 
    Michale wrote:


    WaPoop.. OF COURSE...

    Guess I called THAT one perfectly....

    And WaPoop is simply parroting the claims of Columbia who just their ASSES kicked by PRESIDENT Trump...

    So all you have is bullshit from WaPoop parroting bullshit from Trump/America hating Columbia...


    Jesus, Bashit.. Could you be even a BIGGER luser than you are now!??

    Probably... :D

  41. [41] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Dude, it's from the Washington Post. You said WaPoop, which is, I assume the stuff that comes out of your mouth...

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yea, WaPoop.. A woke progressive Democrat water carrying media source that STILL produces NOTHING but Trump/America hating and PTDS infused bullshit..

    Bezos is working to change WaPoop to a real and actual news source, but he has a LONG way to go...

    There are ZERO facts to support WaPoop's and the Columbians' claims....

    So, as is per your norm, you have ZERO facts to support your bullshit claim...

  43. [43] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Yes, but it's called the Washington Post and was not on your list. Wapoop is a descriptive term for the garbage you post...

    Though I see you are afraid to post a list of "REAL news sources"...

  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    WaPoop IS on my list...

    And WaPoop = Washington Post..

    Anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together knows this...

    So it's understandable why you are ignorant..


    Probably because yer nothing but a worthless druggie in a worthless druggie town of Portland Oregon...


  45. [45] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    And WaPoop = Washington Post..

    No, the Washington Post = WaPo

    WaPoop is what you post...

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump to send 30,000 'criminal illegal aliens' to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp

    Trump to sign executive order to prepare Guantanamo Bay for 30K 'criminal illegal aliens'

    Trump says, 'It's a tough place to get out of'

    Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!

    PRESIDENT Trump is kicking ass, taking names and sending them all down to Gitmo!!!!

    Whatta POTUS!!!! :D

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:


    And, once again, you have ZERO FACTS to back up your claims...


    In Weigantia, WaPoop = Washington Post...

    "So say we all"

  48. [48] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    In your mind only, for the rest is he stuff that you post. See [46] for example...

  49. [49] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Still waiting until you come up with this list of "REAL news sources". I'm guessing is just WaPooP, and we will have to just stick with the normal outlets like the NYT and WaPo...

  50. [50] 
    Michale wrote:

    for the rest is he stuff that you post


    You high again, Bashit???


    Still waiting for you to have ANY facts to support your bullshit...

    Or are you too stoned to understand anything..

    Yea, that's probably it...

    Frakin' druggies...


  51. [51] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Trump to send 30,000 'criminal illegal aliens' to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp

    Creating concentration camps already? Can't have any of those pesky reporters nosing around...

  52. [52] 
    Michale wrote:

    The fact that you actually care what happens to illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies and other assorted scumbags proves how un-American you really are..

    Let's ask Laken Riley how she feels about it, eh??

    Oh that's right.. We can't.. Because one of your best buddies raped and murdered her..

    Seriously, Bashit... What kind of pathetic scumbag worries about the welfare of OTHER murderers and rapists scumbags??


  53. [53] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    More WaPoop...

    Illegal immigrants who have been convicted of rape or murder are in jail/prison. I have yet to see a story of them being rounded up and flown to their home countries. Didn't you go on ad nauseam about innocent until proven guilty some weeks ago? Does that only work for those who you don't dehumanize?

  54. [54] 
    Michale wrote:

    I have yet to see a story of them being rounded up

    That's because you go thru your sad and pathetic drug-induced life with blinders on... Ignoring anything and everything that you don't WANT to see..

    ALL of the media is FILLED with stories of INS and ICE and US Marshals rounding up illegal immigrant scumbags...

    If you haven't seen any of those reports, it's simply because you don't WANT to see those reports...


    Seriously, Bashit...

    Yer such a waste of existence, I can't understand why you even get out of bed in the morning..

    I guess you simply exist for your next drug hit or your next high...

    "It's no wonder your single.."
    -Metatron, DOGMA


  55. [55] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Has English become too hard for you? Please link to where they are deporting from jail/prisons? You know the places where they put rapists and murders...

  56. [56] 
    Michale wrote:

    When will Selena Gomez weep for Laken Riley?

    Selena Gomez is sad — literally and figuratively.

    The actress and singer posted a video of herself on social media, before deciding to delete it, openly weeping over President Donald Trump’s decision to enforce immigration law and remove the violent criminals who are in the country illegally.

    “I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry,” Gomez said between sobs in her initial post. “All my people are getting attacked, the children. I don’t understand. I’m so sorry. I wish I could do something, but I can’t. I don’t know what to do.”

    What a sad and pathetic excuse for a human being is Selena Gomez..

    And, by extension, what a sad pathetic excuse for human beings are woke progressive Democrats...

    Seriously, people.. People cry over illegal immigrant murderers and rapists and druggies et al???

    What the frak is the matter with them?? Is their woke progressive agenda more important to them than their fellow American's LIVES!!????

    Apparently so...


    I worked the road last night.. My partner and I got to discussing these useless pieces of human filth.. She had a GREAT solution!!!

    Bring back the arenas and feed these useless human beings to the lions!!

    That's EXACTLY what should be done!!!



  57. [57] 
    Michale wrote:

    Bashit, you have PROVEN that you refuse to accept the FACTS and the OBJECTIVE REALITY of the here and now..

    So, there is really no sense in talking to you because you make ZERO sense...


  58. [58] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    So, you can't back up that rapist and murders have been deported. Got it...

  59. [59] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Kill all the people who don't agree with you, eh?

    Where have I heard that before...

  60. [60] 
    Michale wrote:

    Meet The Criminal Illegal Aliens Captured In ICE’s Sunday Raids

    The rogues' gallery includes cartel members, a drug and weapons trafficker, and one man in possession of child pornography

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) caught numerous criminal illegal aliens in their Sunday raids, a rogue’s gallery that includes cartel members, a drug and weapons trafficker, and a man charged with possession of child pornography.

    The raids resulted in 613 criminal arrests, eight repatriations, 67 arrests of members of the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, and 12 other gang arrests, a senior official in the Trump administration revealed to The Daily Wire.

    Agents also lodged 853 detainer requests while 6,872 Homeland Security Investigation agents and Enforcement and Removal Operations agents were working to enforce federal immigration law. The raids came after President Donald Trump directed the Department of Homeland Security and Border Czar Tom Homan to launch the largest mass deportation operation in American history, with an initial focus on violent criminals.

    Here’s who they captured:

    SOME Weigantian 2brain-celled MORONS claim that no one has been rounded up and/or arrested.. :eyeroll:

    Yea, I know I know... They are morons who should be allowed to breed...

    Scumbags all... And they are going to enjoy a nice stay at Gitmo....

    And YOU people want these disgusting pieces of filth to run around free on the streets of America!!????

    That's really sad and pathetic!!

  61. [61] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Not a single mention of rape or murder in that link. As for the other crimes, can you show a conviction? Otherwise, per your own argument, they are innocent until proven guilty...

  62. [62] 
    Michale wrote:

    Florida Democratic Party official and 'LGBTQ+ rights activist' arrested on child porn charges

    Matthew Inman, 39, hid from officers and tried to delete videos from his phone, authorities say

    Authorities arrested a Florida Democratic Party official and prominent LGBTQ activist on child pornography charges this month after he allegedly shared content with an undercover officer.

    Matthew Inman, 39, served as treasurer for the Orange County Democratic Party and also as president of Rainbow Democrats, an LGBTQ activist group. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the middle district of Florida charged Inman with the transportation of child sexual abuse material. Authorities say Inman received and saved several videos "depicting adults sexually abusing young children."

    "In October 2024, Inman traveled to Las Vegas and began talking online with an undercover law enforcement officer posing as the father of a 9-year-old boy. During this conversation, Inman expressed interest in meeting and sexually assaulting the purported child. He also sent [child sexual abuse material] videos to the undercover officer," the attorney's office added.

    Typical woke progressive Democrats...



  63. [63] 
    Michale wrote:

    And PRESIDENT Trump wins again!!! :D

    Lee Zeldin confirmed to lead Trump's Environmental Protection Agency

    The Senate voted Wednesday afternoon to confirm Zeldin to lead the Environmental Protection Agency

    Woke progressive Democrats are simply completely and utterly IMPOTENT to stop a REAL leader like PRESIDENT Trump!!! :D

  64. [64] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay where is JMCT??

    He is usually in here by now whining and crying... :D

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