Constitutional Crisis Looms

[ Posted Monday, February 10th, 2025 – 16:57 UTC ]

How close are we to a constitutional crisis? Has one already begun? Is it imminent? Or does it merely loom somewhere out on the horizon? Welcome to Week 4 of the Trump administration, folks!

President Donald Trump and his team of henchmen certainly hit the ground running, issuing an absolute flood of executive orders and new policy announcements, which has now led to a resulting flood of lawsuits against them. Federal judges, some of them acting with impressive speed, have already blocked (temporarily, at least -- none of these cases has been fully heard yet) a number of Trump's actions, including the ban on birthright citizenship, a freeze on federal spending, the resignation offer Elon Musk sent to federal workers, dismantling U.S.A.I.D., and the transfer of transgender prisoners. Many of Trump's other actions are still being considered by judges who haven't ruled or issued injunctions yet.

So far, the Trump administration has (at least) not publicly defied any of these rulings. The freeze on government spending is where they've come closest, which resulted in further rulings from the judge involved in the case, after the administration tried to get cute with how it has been going about freezing all the funds. Funds have indeed already stopped for all sorts of programs (including even farmers, who are a big part of the Republican base). But Trump hasn't publicly come out and said he was just going to ignore the court's ruling. Yet.

We could be headed for such defiance, though. It could come on any of these issues, really. When will this rise to the level of a constitutional crisis? Experts disagree on the definition, but no matter how you define it, we're getting pretty close:

There is no universally accepted definition of a constitutional crisis, but legal scholars agree about some of its characteristics. It is generally the product of presidential defiance of laws and judicial rulings. It is not binary: It is a slope, not a switch. It can be cumulative, and once one starts, it can get much worse.

It can also be obvious, said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at the University of California, Berkeley.

"We are in the midst of a constitutional crisis right now," he said on Friday. "There have been so many unconstitutional and illegal actions in the first 18 days of the Trump presidency. We never have seen anything like this."

He ticked off examples of what he called President Trump's lawless conduct: revoking birthright citizenship, freezing federal spending, shutting down an agency, removing leaders of other agencies, firing government employees subject to civil service protections and threatening to deport people based on their political views.

Perhaps the most astonishing development in the past few days has been the fact that President (de jure) Trump hasn't been the loudest or most-unhinged voice denouncing the judges and their decisions -- that has fallen to President (de facto) Elon Musk and Vice President JD Vance.

When a judge barred a few of Musk's underlings from accessing Treasury Department systems that pay the nation's money out to everyone, he didn't take it well. Musk responded on social media: "A corrupt judge protecting corruption. He needs to be impeached NOW!" He then went on to float a breathtakingly unconstitutional idea: "I'd like to propose that the worst 1% of appointed judges, as determined by elected bodies, be fired every year. This will weed out the most corrupt and least competent."

JD Vance then got in on the act, posting yesterday:

If a judge tried to tell a general how to conduct a military operation, that would be illegal.

If a judge tried to command the attorney general in how to use her discretion as a prosecutor, that's also illegal.

Judges aren't allowed to control the executive's legitimate power.

He's expressing the fringe legal theory of the "unitary executive," which is a fancy way of saying "monarch" or "king." The president gets to do whatever he wants, and the other two branches of government can't do anything about it -- that's the basic theory. He got some serious pushback from a number of directions, most notable of which was what Liz Cheney had to say: "If you believe any of the multiple federal courts that have ruled against you so far are exceeding their statutory or Constitutional authority, your recourse is to appeal. You don't get to rage-quit the Republic just because you are losing. That's tyranny."

But with people like these egging Trump on, it seems only a matter of time before he comes right out and tells the American public that he doesn't agree with some federal judge's ruling and that he is going to ignore it and do what he wants to do anyway. This could come on any of the rulings against Trump, really. There's no way of knowing which one will make him take such a drastic action.

Trump has already been told by the Supreme Court that nothing he does is ever going to result in prosecution, please remember. As long as he calls it "an official presidential act," he's good to go. So he can order anyone else to defy a judge's ruling without fear of any consequences to himself.

The underlings who carried out such an order defying a judge would also be pretty confident that they're not going to ever pay a legal price for doing so. Does anyone expect Attorney General Pam Bondi to arrest or indict anyone in the Trump administration? Or Kash Patel to open an F.B.I. investigation into any of it? I don't. And before he leaves office, Trump can and will pardon anyone who has carried out such an order in defiance of a court ruling, so I just don't see any way of holding anyone accountable, even if a full-blown constitutional crisis does develop. Impeachment is likewise not going to happen with a Republican Congress, obviously.

To me, a constitutional crisis won't truly happen until the Supreme Court weighs in. If they rule against Trump on any of these issues and tell him what he can and cannot do, and then Trump just shrugs and does what he wants anyway, then the crisis will be as real as it can get.

Normally, this process would take a very long time. The judicial system grinds exceedingly slowly, for the most part. But with the seriousness of defying a judicial order, things might actually happen quickly, for once. If Trump ignores an injunction against him (ordering him to not do something he wants to do), then the case could make its way up through the system with blinding speed. The Supreme Court could get involved in a matter of weeks (instead of their usual "many months, if not years" schedule).

Donald Trump thinks his power as president should remain unchecked. That much is already pretty obvious. But in his first term, at least, he suffered a historic amount of court decisions against him and never openly defied the Supreme Court on any of them. And now he's got nothing to lose -- he's never going to face the voters in an election again, so even if popular opinion goes sour on his actions he really doesn't have to care. Which is why I have to agree that while we may not actually be in a constitutional crisis quite yet, the prospect does indeed loom large on the horizon.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


38 Comments on “Constitutional Crisis Looms”

  1. [1] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    This is pettifoggery. Clearly we are already in a constitutional crisis, by the evidence you present of a president defying constitutional law and principles.
    Sure, the courts have not fully weighed in on what exactly the president has done to violate the constitution. Sure, the president has not explicitly defied a court order.
    But equally sure - the president has gone against constitutional law and principles as is obvious to any layman's eyes, not to mention court jurisdictions. And as well the president and his cronies have boasted that they intend to defy the courts by not following their orders to refrain from violating constitutional order.

    How is this not already a crisis, just because it's actually in process, but not yet written in a history book as 'what happened'?

  2. [2] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    One of facism’s goals is to gain obedience in advance, such as media companies settling out of court with Trump.

    They want us to feel overwhelmed and hopeless. Whether or not we have an imprecisely defined “constitutional crisis” is greatly dependent on whether or not we allow for the possibility that Trump might prevail. This is why Repugs are braying about their imaginary “mandate”.

  3. [3] 
    Michale wrote:


    Why so sensitive? Did I say you were the problem?

    No, I did not.

    Have you tried talking to any of the others who are actually POSTING the gross comments and personal attacks??

    No you have not.

    So you can see why any rational person would believe you are singling me out.. :D Look at JFC's ENTIRE posting history.. Nothing but personal attacks.. Where are all your comments to HIM about "being part of the solution"??

    Same with Russ.. NOTHING but disgusting gay child sex fantasies.. Doesn't THAT deserve a talking to from the Warden of Weigantia...

    I have proven to you (and to JL AND to CW) time and time again that I am willing to do my part to clean up the mess that the Weigantian Trolls have made of things..

    Maybe you should direct your efforts to those who are actually CAUSING the problems, eh??

    Even JMCT, who is not my biggest fan by ANY stretch of the definition, and JL, who is still borderline.. :D has noticed that it's the RESPONSES to my comments that are the disgusting and breakfast ruining problems..

    I know, I know.. It's easier to talk to me about this issue because I am the nice one.. The easy going one.. If you talk to the trolls actually causing the problems, you might get their disgusting personal attacks directed at you.. So I completely understand why you only talk to me about it..

    But talking to me about it doesn't accomplish ANYTHING because you and I are in complete agreement about things.. And, as I have proven time and time and time again, *I* am willing to work with you on things.. The trolls... the actual problem here... won't...

    So, that should be a hint and a half as to where exactly the problem is.. :D

    I'll tell you what.. Since I am on vacation, I will only add my usual PRO-AMERICA/TRUMP comments and won't respond to Victoria's, or Russ's or JFC's disgusting and perverse gay child sex comments..

    Will that help you in your crusade of ridding Weigantian of it's troll infestation??

    Let's find out.. Together :D

    Speaking of vacay... :D

    It's not much but we're expecting more today... :D

    Talk to ya'all soon... :D

  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    Is this how the next 4 years is going to be???

    Screaming hysterically from point to point about the end of democracy and the end of the US???

    I mean, ya'all tried that in 2016-2020... How did that work out for ya'all again?? I'll tell ya'all how it worked out for ya'all...

    America hired PRESIDENT Trump AGAIN to take care of the mess that Democrats made..

    THAT should tell ya'all more than ANYTHING how fed up Americans are with Democrat HATE AMERICA policies.. Americans actually INVITED PRESIDENT Trump BACK into power by an overwhelming margin with a HUGE MANDATE by way of a considerably great margin in the POPULAR VOTE....

    All the signs are there, people.. America is back... And Americans have PRESIDENT Trump's back...

    Ya'all should get on board.. :D

  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya'all wanna know how bad Democrats have scroo'ed things up??

    NYPD Sgts are getting paid LESS than the Boots they supervise because Democrats gave BILLIONS to illegal immigrant criminals!!!

    Police sergeants flee as Dems reveal how much cash is flowing to illegals instead

    Blue city police sergeants say they're paid less than subordinates as billions go to migrants

    NYPD sergeants are paid less than officers they supervise, potentially costing 6 figures in career earnings for a promotion

    It's no wonder that the Democrat Party is the COP HATE Party...

    It's a label that Democrats have definitely earned...

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    Looks like DOGE is doing it's job!! :D

    Musk at DOGE has uncovered BILLIONS of dollars in aid coming from USAID going to terrorist front organizations..

    'Designated terrorists': Extremist groups raked in millions from USAID, multiyear study reveals

    USAID has doled out millions to groups tied to terrorism and extremism, recent report finds

    The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided millions of dollars in funding to extremist groups tied to designated terrorist organizations and their allies, according to a report published by Middle East Forum, a U.S. think tank.

    "The Middle East Forum’s multi-year study of USAID and State Department spending has uncovered $164 million of approved grants to radical organizations, with at least $122 million going to groups aligned with designated terrorists and their supporters," the conservative think tank wrote in its report published Feb. 4.

    "Billions more of federal dollars have been given to leading American aid charities which have consistently failed to vet their terror-tied local partners, and show little interest in improving their practices, to the apparent indifference of the federal government."

    It's understandable why woke progressive Democrats are so hysterical about Musk and DOGE...

    Musk is uncovering woke progressive Democrats links to terrorist groups bent on destroying America...

    It's becoming more and more obvious that it's the woke progressive Democrats who are REALLY the threat to this country..

    The facts prove this beyond ANY doubt...

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay Caddy!! :D

    Who could have guessed that YOU would turn out to be the REASONABLE one, eh!?? :D


    One of facism’s goals is to gain obedience in advance, such as media companies settling out of court with Trump.

    They want us to feel overwhelmed and hopeless. Whether or not we have an imprecisely defined “constitutional crisis” is greatly dependent on whether or not we allow for the possibility that Trump might prevail. This is why Repugs are braying about their imaginary “mandate”.

    Sorry, my friend... But the mandate is not imaginary...

    PRESIDENT Trump won the POPULAR VOTE by millions and millions of voters...

    For *TRUMP* to win the POPULAR VOTE by MILLIONS of voters, it's like a regular politician winning the POPULAR VOTE by 80%....

    The fact that PRESIDENT Trump won the POPULAR VOTE at all is a MANDATE in and of itself..

    Ya'all really need to let go of the Trump hate... Just imagine what this country could accomplish if ya'all actually got BEHIND the MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN process!!!

    Think about it! :D

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ya'all just HAVE to admit... :D

    Elon is doing a HELLUVA job!!! :D

  9. [9] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Keep your eye on the previous column.

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, get this.... Chuckie Schumer opened up a "tip line" where whistleblowers could call in and ostensibly report Trump and Musk advisors breaking bad..

    But then the tip line was INUNDATED with calls reporting DEMOCRAT fraud and abuse!!! :D

    How HILARIOUS is that!!??? :D

    "Today, I’m calling on our brave public servants. I’m launching a new portal for anyone who wants to expose corruption, abuses of power, and threats to public safety with the legal protections of being a whistleblower."
    -Demon-rat Chuckie Schumer

    We already have that… it’s called DOGE.
    -Tim Young

    Great! I wanna report:
    Joe Biden
    Kamala Harris
    Chuck Schumer
    And the entire corrupt Democrat party that weaponized & abused the federal government for the past four years.

    -Senator Ted Cruz

    “Threats to public safety...”
    This is rich coming from Senator Schumer, who stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and threatened Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, saying they would “pay the price” for exercising judicial review.

    -Carrie Severino

    I have someone to report, pictured here at the Supreme Court threatening Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch
    {Pic Of Chuck Schumer}

    -Katie Pavlich
    -Mollie Hemingway

    "Wild that you’re recruiting government employees involved in the corruption to target the people exposing the corruption. Public Servant is a pretentious term for people who went into government because they knew the graft pays well."
    -Jeff Carlson

    Are you people beginning to see the picture here??

    Americans are BEHIND PRESIDENT Trump and DOGE....

    Fully behind.... COMPLETELY behind... 10000% BEHIND PRESIDENT Trump and DOGE...

    You woke progressive Democrats simply CAN'T win...

    All ya'all are doing is digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole...

    Far be it from me to interfere with woke progressive Democrats destroying themselves.. :D

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:


    Also, it would help tremendously if you could stop yourself from all the name-calling and worse when it comes to your feelings about Biden. Critique his policies without the all the juvenile nonsense. And, if you really believe he is senile, then show a little respect and compassion. We may all be on our own way there, after all.

    OK I took this to heart.. As you say, that may be one of us someday.. Sooner for some than for others.. :D

    Fair enough.. I will temper the Biden disgust with compassion for a man who has lived a full life but is not all there mentally in the here and now..

  12. [12] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    "I'd like to propose that the worst 1% of appointed judges, as determined by elected bodies, be fired every year. This will weed out the most corrupt and least competent."

    as determined by whom, exactly? that's WAY outside the bounds of the executive branch, even if mELakON were legitimately part of the executive branch. we live in a constitutional republic, where rich despots don't get to decide who is the "worst," much less determine the length of their terms in office.


  13. [13] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    See my [119]...

  14. [14] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:


    Make that, my [118] ...I'm waiting for YOUR [119]. Heh.

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    Just before 5 p.m. on Monday afternoon, PBS CEO Paula Kerger sent a staff-wide email announcing the departure of the company’s two DEI executives: “To ensure that we are complying with the President’s Executive Order we have closed our DEI office, and Cecilia Loving and Gina Leow are leaving PBS. I know you join me in wishing them well in their future endeavors.”...
    PBS Announcement

    "The sport ends. The massacre begins"

    DEI is dying, not with a bang, but with a whimper... :D

    This is the fate of all things woke and progressive in the United States in the here and now..

    Ya'all better jump on the PRESIDENT Trump Train while ya'all can... :D

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:


    that's WAY outside the bounds of the executive branch, even if mELakON were legitimately part of the executive branch. we live in a constitutional republic, where rich despots don't get to decide who is the "worst," much less determine the length of their terms in office.

    You mean like when Democrats tried to put term limits on SCOTUS Justices and restrict their actions etc etc etc...

    You mean like that??

    You didn't have a problem with the Executive fraking around with the Judiciary under Biden??

    Why is it a problem now??

    Hmmmmmm????? :D

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    And ANOTHER country buckles and surrenders under the mighty power of the GREAT and POWERFUL PRESIDENT Trump!! :D

    Venezuelan planes sent to US for deportation flights return to country with nearly 200 deportees

    'Two planes of illegal immigrants left El Paso today headed to Venezuela - paid for by the Venezuelans,' Richard Grennell said

    Two planes sent by Venezuela returned home Monday with nearly 200 Venezuelans who were in the U.S. illegally as part of President Donald Trump's mass deportation plan.

    The 190 migrants returned to Venezuela signals a possible ease in tensions between the two longtime adversaries and a win for the Trump administration as it seeks to have countries take back their citizens found in the U.S. without authorization.

    The Conviasa airline flights arrived in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas from Fort Bliss, a U.S. Army base in El Paso, Texas.

    I mean, com'on guys!!

    Aren't ya'all just the LEAST bit proud??? Way deep down inside yer thinking, "YEA!!! America is kicking ass and taking names again!!!!" :D

    It's beginning to feel a lot like the 90s when all Americans were on a high from America kicking ass in Iraq!! :D

    Don't you feel, deep down inside in places you don't talk about at parties, a deep sense of American pride???

    I know (most of) ya'all do... Else you wouldn't be Americans... :D

    And another vacay pic... :D

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:


    So far, the Trump administration has (at least) not publicly defied any of these rulings.

    So why all the doom and gloom hysterical fearmongering???

    PRESIDENT Trump is abiding by the law and the Constitution..

    So what's the problem!!???

    PRESIDENT Trump is content to just wait until the SCOTUS rules what is best for America and Americans..

    Why can't ya'all be content to do the same?? :D

    "Me doth think thoust protest TOO much...."

    I'm just sayin'... :D

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    "Trump revokes President Biden's security clearance!!
    The GOP is playing a dangerous game here. The shoe will
    be on the other foot soon!!"

    Angry woke progressive Democrat Staffer

    Moron!! This IS the other shoe on the other foot!!

    How do you like it!!??? :D

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    DOGE is doing it's job!! :D

    4 FEMA employees fired for paying for hotels for migrants in New York City

    Elon Musk said DOGE uncovered $59 million in payments for luxury hotels

    The Department of Homeland Security told Fox News that "four employees are being fired today for circumventing leadership and unilaterally making the egregious payment for hotels for migrants in New York City."

    The firings come after Elon Musk wrote on X Monday that "The DOGE team just discovered that FEMA sent $59M LAST WEEK to luxury hotels in New York City to house illegal migrants."

    "Sending this money violated the law and is in gross insubordination to the President’s executive order," Musk added. "That money is meant for American disaster relief and instead is being spent on high end hotels for illegals!"

    How can woke progressive Democrats complain about these actions!??

    Why do you people think that STOPPING all of this fraud and illegal activity is WRONG!???

    I mean, com'on people!!! What the hell!!???

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    GREAT DOGE!!!!


  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:


    The name of the military installation was changed in 2023 as part of a broad Department of Defense initiative, motivated by the 2020 George Floyd protests, to rename military installations bearing the name of Confederate soldiers.

    How utterly MORONIC... :eyeroll:

    Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth on Monday directed the U.S. Army to change the name of Fort Liberty back to Fort Bragg..

    Americans can have PRIDE in the military again!!!

    SOLDIERS can have PRIDE in Fort Bragg again!!!

    EVERYONE wins...

    Except for woke progressive Democrats.. They are ALWAYS lusers!! :D

    Still more vacay pics.. :D

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    PRESIDENT Trump is taking charge!!!! :D

    Trump threatens 'all hell is going to break out' if Hamas delays hostage releases

    The president's warning came after Hamas said it will indefinitely delay the release of hostages held inside Gaza.

    U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres has called for the releases to carry on.

    The fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was at risk of faltering Tuesday after President Donald Trump warned “all hell is going to break out” if the Palestinian militant group does not release “all” the remaining hostages this week.

    The war in the Gaza Strip is on pause following a complex agreement in which the remaining hostages held by Hamas in Gaza are incrementally exchanged for Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israel.

    But Hamas said late Monday that it was indefinitely postponing the next hostage-prisoner swap Saturday, accusing Israel of continuing to shoot at Palestinians, stopping them from moving back to the northern part of the strip, and delaying the entry of medical supplies and shelters.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held an emergency meeting with his security cabinet in Jerusalem on Tuesday to discuss how to move forward, an Israeli official briefed on the matter told NBC News.

    *THIS* is how a COMMANDER IN CHIEF acts!!!

    "Release the hostages or pay the price of an express elevator to hell!!!"
    -PRESIDENT Donald Trump

    It's completely and utterly AWESOME to actually see an administration that works FOR America... :D

    And, of course, ANOTHER vacay pic.. :D

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, since we haven't legitimately talked about Star Trek in while...


  25. [25] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    You mean like when Democrats tried to put term limits on SCOTUS Justices and restrict their actions etc etc etc...

    that is the JOB of the legislative branch, make laws to restrict what the other branches are allowed to do, and in what way. there was until recently no code of conduct for the SCOCUS because SCOTUS members were historically very careful to protect their appearance of propriety, until justice thomas started openly accepting massive gifts from individuals with an interest in the cases on which he was ruling.

    mELakON has no official standing in ANY branch of government - not even the executive for whom he's ostensibly contracting. the judges who HE is libeling for being "corrupt" don't appear to have done anything that might even APPEAR to merit the accusation, much less evidence that would hold up in any court of law. the accusation appears to have no rationale beyond the fact that they've ruled mELakON's actions are probably illegal and should be halted until they're properly vetted by the legislative branch.

    TLDR: it is THEIR job, not HIS job.

    Donald really should step in and force mELakON to go through proper channels. hope he doesn't get drugged.


  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:


    PRESIDENT Trump MADE it HIS job...

    Just like Biden made it FAUCI's job to destroy our economy and kill millions of Americans..

    You told me to "deal" with Fauci being in charge.. Now I am telling you to "deal" with Elon being in charge...

    "What's good for the goose is NOBODY'S business but the ganders..."
    -Ralph Furley

  27. [27] 
    Kick wrote:


    How close are we to a constitutional crisis?

    Since you asked, I believe we're already in one. Any president who would swear an oath of office to uphold the United States Constitution knowing full well he had fully developed plans to ignore the laws written therein... you're already in it.

    Elect a criminal, get a crime scene.

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay people.... Back from tubing... Yes... OF COURSE I have pics and videos for you!!! :D Would I forget about my buddies in Weigantia?? :D

    But while we wait for those to upload, let me put something to ya'all...

    You people (and other woke progressive Democrats) are hysterically mad at DOGE...

    DOGE is auditing ya'all's bank..

    DOGE is auditing ya'all's bank and found that YOUR bank has been STEALING BILLIONS of dollars of YOUR money!!

    Ya'all are hysterically mad at DOGE for auditing your bank even when DOGE found that YOUR bank was STEALING BILLIONS of dollars of YOUR money!!

    Your bank is STEALING BILLIONS of dollars of YOUR money!! DOGE found out and TOLD ya'all about it and ya'all are hysterically mad at DOGE!!???

    Where is the LOGIC in that??? Shouldn't ya'all be bitching and moaning at your 1st National Woke Progressive Democrat Party Bank?? Your 1NWPDPB???

    Now, as promised.. :D


  29. [29] 
    Kick wrote:

    JD Vance then got in on the act, posting yesterday:

    If a judge tried to tell a general how to conduct a military operation, that would be illegal.

    If a judge tried to command the attorney general in how to use her discretion as a prosecutor, that's also illegal.

    Judges aren't allowed to control the executive's legitimate power.

    Honestly, this guy is a Yale grad and simply serving up red meat intentionally worded for the Righty rubes.

    Seriously, if a judge tried to "tell" a general how to conduct a military operation? That would likely fall under the heading of free speech... no different than any other American giving their opinion. If a judge "ordered" a general to do "whatever," it would most likely be a military judge reviewing an action "after the fact" in order to make a ruling/determination.

    Judges in the Judicial Branch obviously review orders/actions of the Executive Branch and determine whether or not they are legal under the United States Constitution and written statutes. It's literally their job to provide oversight, and they can (and do) make rulings involving the Executive Branch. Presidents come and go rather quickly compared to Judges who have lifetime appointments.

    Cut to the chase: Checks and Balances, co-equal branches, and definitely set forth in the United States Constitution.

    Not Rocket Science.

  30. [30] 
    Kick wrote:

    John M from Ct.

    This is pettifoggery.

    Oh, I like this word. :)

    Clearly we are already in a constitutional crisis, by the evidence you present of a president defying constitutional law and principles.

    Exactly. In premeditated fashion and with obvious written intent.

  31. [31] 
    Kick wrote:


    Look at JFC's ENTIRE posting history.. Nothing but personal attacks..


    Same with Russ.. NOTHING but disgusting gay child sex fantasies..


    But talking to me about it doesn't accomplish ANYTHING


    I'll tell you what.. Since I am on vacation, I will only add my usual PRO-AMERICA/TRUMP comments and won't respond to Victoria's, or Russ's or JFC's disgusting and perverse gay child sex comments..

    The lies are patently obvious, and the repetitive homophobic attacks are sickening.

    Will that help you in your crusade of ridding Weigantian of it's troll infestation??

    This is rather like a roach requesting Raid.

  32. [32] 
    Kick wrote:


    This is repetitive spam.

  33. [33] 
    Kick wrote:


    Repetitive spam.

  34. [34] 
    Kick wrote:


    Repetitive spam.

  35. [35] 
    Kick wrote:


    as determined by whom, exactly? that's WAY outside the bounds of the executive branch, even if mELakON were legitimately part of the executive branch. we live in a constitutional republic, where rich despots don't get to decide who is the "worst," much less determine the length of their terms in office.

    Exactly. Melakon will be long gone when the vast majority of those judges are still on the bench. Presidents come and go fairly quickly... even (maybe especially) the foreign national de facto ones who are not qualified to hold the office.

  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    And ANOTHER press conference from PRESIDENT Trump..

    I swear, PRESIDENT Trump has taken questions from the press MORE in 3 weeks than Biden did in FOUR YEARS!!!

    And MORE than Harris did in 3 months!!!

    It's AWESOME to have such an AWESOME PRESIDENT as PRESIDENT Trump!!! :D

    What??? Oh... OF COURSE I have a tubing video for ya'all!!! :D

  37. [37] 
    Michale wrote:

    And PRESIDENT Trump wins again!!!! :D

    Pressure mounts on CBS, Paramount as judge declares motion to dismiss Trump’s $20 billion lawsuit ‘moot’

    Trump has accused CBS, Paramount of election interference through news distortion

    President Trump scored a victory on Tuesday when a judge deemed CBS and Paramount’s motion to dismiss "moot" as his election interference and news distortion lawsuit moves forward.

    Trump filed a $10 billion lawsuit against CBS News in October, alleging election interference over its handling of a "60 Minutes" interview, accusing the network of aiding his Democrat rival Vice President Kamala Harris through deceptive editing one month before the election.

    Last week, Trump’s legal team amended the original lawsuit after the release of the unedited transcript and raw footage of its controversial "60 Minutes" interview. The lawsuit added CBS News' parent company, Paramount Global, as a defendant, citing how the "60 Minutes" election special was platformed on its Paramount+ streaming service. The lawsuit added Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, as a plaintiff and increased the damages claim to $20 billion.

    How does PRESIDENT Trump keep racking up all these wins!!!!???


    It simply proves that Americans, the world and even KARMA is 1000% behind PRESIDENT Trump!!! :D

    OK... Final comment for the night.. As ya'all can tell by the 1st tubing video, I wretched my shoulder on that tube ride...

    So I am taking some drugs and going to sleep... :D

    One last farewell for the day.. :D

    "Hasta Lasagna, Don't Get Any On Ya..."
    -Emilio Estevez, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE

  38. [38] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    PRESIDENT Trump MADE it HIS job...

    which is against the law, since it's a job of the legislature, not the executive (much less an un-appointed, un-confirmed independent contractor for the executive).

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