Maybe R.F.K. Jr. Can Ban Televised Drug Ads

[ Posted Thursday, February 13th, 2025 – 17:10 UTC ]

Robert F. Kennedy Junior is now going to be in charge of overseeing the nation's health systems. This seems to be a prime example of the ironic question: "What could possibly go wrong with that?" since Kennedy is so obviously not even remotely qualified for the position, and he holds so many bizarre and conspiratorial viewpoints on health care and medicine that HuffPost ran the story with a main-page "screamer" headline: "Quack Confirmed!" If anything, calling R.F.K. Jr. a "quack" is an understatement of the reality.

But today I am in a rather good mood for no particular reason, so I won't be pointing out what every other sane journalist who respects actual science is now busily pointing out, since as mentioned it is so patently obvious that R.F.K. Jr. should have been summarily dismissed by the Senate rather than confirmed into a position of power. Instead, I am (for once) going to follow that motherly advice most of us got at one point or another in our lives: "If you can't say something nice about somebody, don't say anything at all." This maxim is normally almost impossible to follow while commenting on politics, which is why in my many years of political blogging it may be the first time I've ever quoted it (I'd have to check).

Sure, there are plenty of negative things to say about R.F.K. Jr.'s ascent to power. In fact, I can even slam Kennedy while still following that dictum for someone else: the only truly admirable thing Donald Trump accomplished in his first term as president is now never going to be repeated in his second term, since R.F.K. Jr. simply would not have allowed the COVID-19 vaccine (developed at warp speed under Trump) to ever have been approved for the public's use. See? A backhanded compliment for Trump wrapped in a putdown of R.F.K. Jr.!

Sorry, but the concept of praising either man has left me a wee bit lightheaded, so you'll have to excuse my rhetorical excess. (Ahem.)

But I do find I am (are you sitting down?) actually in agreement with R.F.K. Jr. on one particular issue. From Politico, here it is:

[Robert F.] Kennedy [Junior] has long advocated banning direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical ads, his advisers said, a politically popular yet legally thorny policy initiative that he's expected to pursue in some form as health secretary.

I am old enough to remember when this was the case in America. Watching television (especially shows with an audience containing a large percentage of older Americans, such as Jeopardy! or the evening news on broadcast television) used to be an experience completely free of such ads. This changed (from my own memory) at some point in the 1990s. All of a sudden, prescription drug ads on television went from being virtually non-existent to being virtually wall-to-wall.

There have been several struggles between the big pharmaceutical companies and the government about what is allowed in these ads and what is mandatory. Big Pharma has never liked the fact that side effects must be listed, for instance. They also successfully squashed a rule which would have mandated the ads contain the list price of any drug which cost more than $35 for a month's supply. But efforts to ban the ads altogether (one of which -- showing the issue isn't what you'd call a partisan one -- was proposed by then-Senator Al Franken in 2016) have so far not been successful.

Maybe R.F.K. Jr. can change all that. Maybe he'll get President Trump to lean on the Republican Congress to pass a law banning such ads. One can only hope.

Before this onslaught of direct consumer advertising, if an average American had a medical problem of any sort, he or she would go to the doctor, explain the problem, and the doctor would prescribe some medicine. It was the doctor's job to know what medication was available and what might or might not help -- which makes all kinds of sense, seeing as how doctors are required to go through many years of education to teach them what is appropriate in any one case and what is not. Consumers do not have this training, to state the obvious.

This has all been turned on its head, at least for the maladies with pricey drugs that get heavily advertised. Nowadays, an average American sees an ad, thinks "maybe that's what's wrong with me!" and then goes to their doctor and asks for the drug by name. This boosts sales of the drug, which is what pays for the advertising -- which is now up to over $5 billion per year.

At first, the drugs advertised were largely for problems which afflicted vast portions of the public -- like allergies, for instance. Or insomnia. This has morphed into direct ads for very specific medical problems which are referenced by a string of initials that most people have to look up the meaning of, merely to understand what is being advertised. These ads target very small portions of the public, but their price is so high that even a slight increase in sales covers the cost of the ads.

This is not normal, or at the very least it shouldn't be. The only other country to allow such direct-to-consumer ads is New Zealand, showing that most developed countries have rejected the use of such ads. Rather than hyping "wonder drugs" to the populace, ads for prescription drugs are only allowed (if at all) in medical journals and other print publications read primarily by doctors.

Banning such ads in America would be a big change, obviously. The pharmaceutical industry would fight R.F.K. Jr. if he attempted to do so, and (quite obviously) they've got billions of dollars at stake, so the legal battle would likely be rather epic.

But that doesn't mean it isn't worth attempting. Up until a few decades ago, Americans did just fine without being bombarded by prescription drug ads on their television screens, and we can return to that state once again.

So here's hoping that this is an issue which R.F.K. Jr. spends a lot of time and energy on, now that he's in control of such things. In fact, I personally wouldn't be disappointed to see him spend virtually all his time trying to get prescription drug advertising banned from television. After all, his doing so would leave him with no time left to spend on all the other issues under his control. And that, as far as I am concerned (keeping in mind that "say something nice" maxim), would be a wonderful thing all around.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


28 Comments on “Maybe R.F.K. Jr. Can Ban Televised Drug Ads”

  1. [1] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    I admit you lost me with the TV ads for prescription drugs, being as I haven't watched TV in decades and so don't know about the ads. You make a good case all the same, but ...

    I don't see why ANY potentially positive angle on RFK Jr's term as HHS Secretary needs to be a topic here. The proper phrase in politics, according to Alice Roosevelt Longworth, is "If you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit by me."

    Kennedy's confirmation is a disaster for public health, as you note. Can't wait for the next pandemic on his watch - mass deaths, God forbid, that might make COVID look like the common cold - and oh no, no one will say, but at least he fought against prescription drug ads.

    I appreciate that the amount of negativity required to process and comment on the Trump administration these days is draining. But don't put on a happy face just to overcome those feelings. It looks like the Joker's smile make-up.

  2. [2] 
    Kick wrote:

    Banning such ads in America would be a big change, obviously.

    "Big change" is exactly right due to the fact the First Amendment to the United States Constitution -- in no uncertain terms -- prevents the government from banning free speech.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    First Amendment, Constitution of the United States

    The pharmaceutical industry would fight R.F.K. Jr. if he attempted to do so, and (quite obviously) they've got billions of dollars at stake, so the legal battle would likely be rather epic.

    Seems to me like it's already decided under the circumstances such as they are, meaning the SCOTUS we have. Obviously, the protection of speech from government regulation being absolutely not absolute, can somebody explain what (you think) would constitute the "most extraordinary circumstances" that it would take for any Court in America to allow the banning of speech by "Big Pharma" (keeping in mind that a recent SCOTUS decided in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that laws that prevented corporations/unions from using funds for political advertising violated the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech)?

    I can't decide if that's a real or rhetorical question.

  3. [3] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    Looking into it, I find that the FDA and Big Pharma have gone back and forth on the balance between free speech and dangerous or deceptive advertising that threatens the public health.

    In short, although the FDA cannot absolutely ban drug ads as such, they CAN regulate them so tightly for honesty and full disclosure that they would depress and repel consumers, and so would no longer boost sales, and the companies would decide to abandon this strategy for boosting sales.

    Of course this hasn't happened because it would take too much of the FDA's time and resources to set and police such rigorous standards for all on-air advertising, and the drug industry has pushed back as hard as it can on the already-existing rules for disclosure and honest advertising - at times even clinging to the First Admendment, which doesn't apply here any more than it does in the proverbial movie theater for someone inclined to yell "Fire!".

    Here's a link, if I can make it work:

  4. [4] 
    Kick wrote:

    John M from Ct.

    I admit you lost me with the TV ads for prescription drugs, being as I haven't watched TV in decades and so don't know about the ads. You make a good case all the same, but ...

    So, no The Bear? No Ted Lasso? No VEEP? No West Wing? No Super Bowls? Okay, bad example; I missed several of these on television because I was out of town attending an NFL game.

    Just how many decades you talking here?

    I don't see why ANY potentially positive angle on RFK Jr's term as HHS Secretary needs to be a topic here. The proper phrase in politics, according to Alice Roosevelt Longworth, is "If you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit by me."

    Alice was quite the rebel in her day. She had a pet snake she kept at the White House, and she would smoke on the roof.

    I can either be President of the United States or I can control Alice, I cannot possibly do both.

    ~ Theodore, Alice's father

    I appreciate that the amount of negativity required to process and comment on the Trump administration these days is draining. But don't put on a happy face just to overcome those feelings. It looks like the Joker's smile make-up.

    Couldn't be worse than this: <--- television

  5. [5] 
    Kick wrote:

    John M. from Ct.

    You made it work, John! :)

    When President Donald Trump's administration tried to get drugmakers to list the price of any treatments costing over $35 on TV ads, for example, the industry took it to federal court, saying the mandate violated drugmakers’ First Amendment rights. Big Pharma won.

    Let's face facts, Trump does lose a lot in court, but that's about what I would expect and wouldn't count on much difference in an attempt to "delete" Big Pharma television ads. I think this administration is going to find their attempts to "delete" lots of things is going to be found unconstitutional and/or a violation of multiple existing statutes.

  6. [6] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    Chris did you forget Repugs won Congress, the Presidency and control the Supreme Court?

    In what alternative reality do you see them bucking BigPharma? This column was a complete waste of my time but cho’mo obviously pays you well enough to pollute Weigantia, so at least he’s happy.

  7. [7] 
    Elizabeth Miller wrote:

    Hey, Caddy, wake up on the wrong side of the bed today!? Sheesh.

  8. [8] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    in caddy's defense, he may have just read about what Donald did to Ukraine.

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:


    having found an apt analogy for musk,

    As I have PROVEN beyond ANY doubt with FACTS, you analogy for Elon Musk is not only NOT APT, it is completely and factually flawed and shows a total and unequivocal ignorance of anything Trek.

    in caddy's defense

    And exactly WHY would you want to defend a disgusting dishonorably discharged druggie convict who has actually been in prison or is STILL in prison for drug dealing and child rape??

    Exactly WHY would you want to defend such a scumbag who had to be separated from GenPop and put in a PC block so the other inmates wouldn't sodomize him??

    Why, exactly, would you want to defend someone like that??

    Just curious... :eyeroll:

    he may have just read about what Donald did to Ukraine.

    According to who??



    Com'on, JL... Why can't you EVER have any ACTUAL NEWS sources?? All you people EVER have is nothing but Trump/America hating bile and vomit.

    Your GUARDIAN source is as flawed and bigoted as your Star Trek knowledge.. :eyeroll:

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:


    Sorry, but the concept of praising either man has left me a wee bit lightheaded, so you'll have to excuse my rhetorical excess. (Ahem.)

    And **THAT** is exactly why 2025 CW is so completely and utterly ALIEN to what 2010 CW was and and what 2010 CW stood for..

    2010 CW would *NEVER* have any the SLIGHTEST bit of problem giving credit where credit is due..

    Giving credit where credit is due WAS part and parcel to the ENTIRE concept of "reality based political commentary".... 2010 CW would NEVER EVER even bat an eyelash when it came to giving credit where credit is due... Abso-tively and posi-loutly **NOTHING** would **EVER** stop 2010 CW from giving praise when praise was deserved.

    2025 CW literally almost passes out when giving credit where credit is due..

    Just more facts that establish how 2025 CW has gone totally off the reservation compared to 2010 CW...


    As for the rest of the commentary... It simply proves that PRESIDENT Trump has won!!! AGAIN!!!!

    Democrats are so completely and utterly impotent that they can't stop ANY of PRESIDENT Trump's awesome AMERICA FIRST plans... :D

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    Dishonorably Discharged Scumbag Druggie/Child Rapist Inmate,

    You DO realize that your comment completely negates itself and is nothing but hysterical druggie/child rapist garbage? You DO realize that, right??

    PRESIDENT Trump has Congress, SCOTUS and a HUGE mandate from the American voters...

    If PRESIDENT Trump wants drug advertising off the air, then drug advertising will be taken off the air...

    Unlike your LUSER Demon-rats who were OWNED by Big Pharma, PRESIDENT Trump is **ONLY** beholden to the American people...

    And if the American people tell PRESIDENT Trump that they want drug advertisements off the air, then PRESIDENT Trump will get drug advertisements off the air..

    It's so simply that even a whacked out dishonorably discharges scumbag druggie/child rapist inmate like you can understand it..

    Let me put it even simpler, Dishonorably Discharged Scumbag Druggie/Child Rapist Inmate...


    You and your LUSER Demon-rats have lost and lost BIG TIME..

    It's AMERICA FIRST and AMERICANS FIRST style of government now...

    Not YOUR luser corrupt Hate Cops Hate America Democrat government...

    The sooner you understand this, the better off you'll be...

    And lay off the illegal drugs, son...


  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    THIS is exactly WHY you people's woke progressive Democrats simply aren't FIT to govern...


  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    And NOW, DOGE is getting down to the nitty gritty... :D

    DOGE Staffer Arrives at Internal Revenue Service Headquarters

    IRS is latest federal agency under review by Elon Musk’s cost-cutting group

    A key staff member of the Department of Government Efficiency arrived Thursday at the headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service to review the tax agency’s operations, according to people familiar with the visit.

    Gavin Kliger, an aide to Elon Musk in his effort to overhaul spending across the federal government, visited the District of Columbia offices to examine IRS systems, the people said. Kliger has been working at the Office of Personnel Management, the government human-resources operation that has been heavily involved in Musk’s work to reduce the size of the government.

    First on the chopping block.. Those 86,000 new IRS agents that the Biden/Harris moved into place to attack the American people.. THOSE agents have to go.. :D

    Gods, iddn't it GRAND that DOGE and PRESIDENT Trump are doing EXACTLY what the American people hired them to do!!

    Us Americans NEVER got that kind of support and response from Biden OR Harris..

    Biden and Harris were in it just to make themselves rich..

    PRESIDENT Trump and DOGE are in it to HELP the American people..

    And the difference between LUSER Demon-rats and AMERICA FIRST PRESIDENT Trump is palpable... :D

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    @ John M from Ct.

    Can't wait for the next pandemic on his watch - mass deaths,


    John M from Ct. is fucking EXCITED about mass AMERICAN deaths!!!

    John M from Ct. "can't wait" for the next pandemic with MILLIONS of American dead.... JUST so he can blame a KENNEDY!!!

    THAT proves beyond ANY POSSIBLE DOUBT that JMCT is a pathetic monster who is HOPING and PRAYING for millions and MILLIONS of Americans dead...


    John, you are SICK... Your family must be SOOO proud of you.. :eyeroll:

  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:


    I don't see why ANY potentially positive angle on RFK Jr's term as HHS Secretary needs to be a topic here.

    That's because you can't see past your Trump/America hate and your PTDS...

    You DO realize that you are talking about a KENNEDY, right?? The KENNEDY name is synonymous with DEMOCRAT PARTY. At least with the way the Democrat Party SHOULD be..

    It should be an indication to you how far you and your Demon'rats have fallen into the abyss that you would denigrate and castigate the CLOSEST person to the KENNEDY Dynasty we have in the here and now.. :eyeroll:

    Kennedy's confirmation is a disaster for public health, as you note.

    Any FACTS to support your claims??? ANY FACTS at all??

    Of course not.. You Trump/America haters NEVER have any facts to support your claims.. All you have is hate, bile, bigotry and intolerance..

    Look at the facts, JMCT...

    YOU "can't wait for the next pandemic with MASS DEATHS"... And you are EXCITED about millions and millions of Americans dead, SOLELY so you can gloat and score political points..

    What kind of SICK monster WISHES for "mass deaths" SOLELY to score political points??!!??

    Do you have kids, John?? If you do, they must be SOO proud of their father who "can't wait" for "mass deaths"...

    If you DON'T have kids, please... Do society a favor.. NEVER reproduce.. Americans don't want nor need more sick pathetic monsters like you...

    "It's no wonder you're single."
    -Metatron, DOGMA

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    And look at the rest of you Weigantians.. Just jaw-jawing happily with a COMPLETE MONSTER who "CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT PANDEMIC" and is EXCITED about "MASS DEATHS"!!!

    Do ya'all see what kind of sick and pathetic monsters ya'all and your woke progressive Democrat Party has become!??

    No wonder you people don't want to look in a mirror... You HATE the sight of the monsters ya'all have become...

    Imagine HOPING for the next pandemic and being EXCITED about it and the "mass deaths" it will produce..

    You people are unrecognizable as decent human beings..

    Of course, ya'all are NOT decent human beings.. Ya'all are woke progressive Democrat trash...

    The FACTS prove this beyond ANY doubt... :eyeroll:

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's now turn to the wisdom of Jonathan Turley...

    As an aside, don't think that you people are off the hook about being total scumbag MONSTERS who "Can't wait for the next pandemic" and are EXCITED about "mass deaths"..

    I will remind ya'all of what monsters you are quite often... :eyeroll:

    Democrats call Musk and DOGE 'evil.' But Trump is doing what Americans want.

    The opposition from Democrats and labor unions to President Donald Trump's offer to buy out federal workers is the ultimate form of paternalism.
    By Jonathan Turley
    Reprinted With Permission

    "Look what you've done! I'm melting, melting. Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world."

    That line, from a scene in "The Wizard of Oz," is playing out now in Washington, D.C., as Democratic members of Congress accuse President Donald Trump of destroying the government by shrinking it. Not since Dorothy tossed her bucket of water on the Wicked Witch has shrinkage triggered such drama.

    Democrats' rhetoric has grown more extreme as Trump and his chief efficiency officer Elon Musk have cut deeper. Rep. Kweisi Mfume, D-Md., declared, for example: "Every time you hear DOGE, the Department of Government Efficiency, you just remember it is the department of government evil."

    Evil, of course, is a matter of perspective.

    EXCEPT, of course, the EVIL where you people are EXCITED about the next pandemic and your people are EXCITED about MASS American deaths...

    THAT kind of EVIL is universal and doesn't require ANY perspective whatsoever....

    Americans say Trump is keeping his promises

    President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hold a joint news conference at the White House on Feb. 13, 2025.
    The coordinated efforts of Democratic leaders and the mainstream media have once again not resonated with the public. Trump, according to polls, is now at higher popularity levels than during his first term. And a strong majority of Americans say Trump is keeping his promises, including in his efforts to reduce government spending and waste.

    Those efforts include a generous buyout offer for federal employees. The Trump administration offered federal workers the chance to stay home for months while receiving full pay if they would agree to resign from government employment.

    It was an extremely clever move. The best way to shrink the government is to get people to leave voluntarily. But Trump and Musk also have warned that layoffs will follow if not enough federal workers accepted the buyout.

    It is a type of self-deportation from government service. And it worked, with about 75,000 federal workers accepting Trump's offer before the deal ended Wednesday.

    It worked so well, in fact, that Democrats rushed to stop the voluntary exodus by falsely suggesting that it was a scam. Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., warned employees that Trump would “stiff you," even though the offer comes with the authority of the federal government.

    U.S. District Court Judge George O’Toole on Wednesday lifted his injunction on the buyout program, agreeing that Trump has the authority to offer the buyouts.

    So much for the bullshit claims that PRESIDENT Trump always loses in the courts.. :eyeroll:

    Unions representing federal workers and liberal legal organizations are likely to now appeal O'Toole's decision. The unions, which are facing a major reduction in dues-paying members, have a disturbing conflict of interest in trying to deny federal workers the benefits of an offer they chose to accept.

    The legal challenges to the buyout have relied on a plethora of arguments asserting that a president cannot allow employees to stay home and receive pay pending their departure from federal employment. Those arguments cited the Antideficiency Act, which bars agencies from spending beyond the money appropriated by Congress.

    President has the authority to manage the executive branch

    The counterargument is that money used for the buyouts was allocated to pay employees whose service normally continues year after year. Under Article II of the Constitution, the president is given ample discretion in running the executive branch, including the work status of federal employees.

    Congress clearly has a role in controlling use of the federal purse. For example, Congress can determine whether to allocate money to build certain Navy vessels.

    However, once the ships are built, it is the president who decides where to send them and who will serve on the crew. The commander in chief also can expand or shrink the size of the crew.

    Trump was well within his authority in offering to change employees' duties while they look for new positions, and the employees had every right to agree to eight months of paid leave in exchange for their resignation from government service.

    The opposition from Democrats and labor unions is the ultimate form of paternalism. In the name of protecting employees, opponents fought to prevent workers from accepting offers they believe are best for themselves and their families.

    Federal employees are entitled to protections in their employment. But they're not entitled to permanent employment. Congress is entitled to appropriate money for specific purposes. But it is not entitled to manage the executive branch.

    Trump is very willing to fight on this hill. He holds a strong constitutional position and an even stronger political position.

    For those who proclaimed themselves as defenders of democracy throughout last year's election cycle, this is what democracy looks like. Voters made clear that they want changes in the size and the focus of government.

    In other words, you woke progressive Democrats **LOST**...

    Now, sit down, shut up and let your betters go about the business of making America GREAT again!!

    Those voters are unlikely to be convinced by the warning of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., that Musk is “taking away everything we have.”

    That is precisely what Americans asked for in reelecting Donald Trump.

    Old Chuckie boy is running scared and spewing hysterical bullshit because Americans are looking at the actions of PRESIDENT Trump, Elon Musk and DOGE and saying "Hay!! This is all right!!! We're doing awesome under PRESIDENT Trump!! I like this!!!"...

    You woke progressive Democrats LOST....

    That's it... FINI... Sit down, shut up and let REAL Americans... PATRIOTIC Americans.. DECENT Americans... get on with the business of making America great again..

    Ya'all can just sit there and dream and fantasize about the next pandemic that will kill MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Americans... :eyeroll:

    That's all ya'all woke progressive Democrats are good for.. Hoping and praying for millions of dead Americans.. :eyeroll:

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:

    Since PRESIDENT Trump has crammed 100 days worth of action into less than a third of that, a 100-Day Report Card is certainly in order..

    This information comes from REAL CLEAR which is the ONLY **OFFICIAL** Weigantian News Source...

    "So say we all.."

    On three of the four issues central to restoring American sovereignty and values:

    Border Security

    Eviscerating And Destroying DEI

    Returning Sanity To Biology

    PRESIDENT Trump receives the highest possible grade. He has moved swiftly, strongly, and wisely.

    When it comes to ending government’s role in censorship, he has been more cautious – but not inactive. PRESIDENT Trump issued an executive order to prohibit any federal government officer, employee, or agent to “unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen” and authorize an investigation of Biden administration censorship programs. He shuttered part of the Biden censorship enterprise, and some social media platforms have curtailed their “moderation” practices. There is a lot more to do to eliminate censorship by government and government-funded organizations.

    PRESIDENT Trump receives high marks for setting in motion the policies necessary to protect Christians and Jews, curb the green agenda and restore consumer choice, and re-invigorate fossil fuel exploration and extraction. He is to be lauded for withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Accord and the World Health Organization.

    The administration should seek to make its policies permanent. While Democrats in the Senate will use the filibuster to block PRESIDENT Trump’s agenda, some legislation can be moved through the budget reconciliation process, which requires only 51 votes. Settlements of Biden-era litigation also can lock in results that cannot be undone without the consent of the previously adverse parties and judges.

    The Justice Department did the right thing by signaling that it will investigate officials who weaponized DOJ against Trump – and against Christians and conservatives.

    PRESIDENT Trump’s pardons for pro-life activists wrongly prosecuted under the Freedom of Access to Clinics Act earn him an A+, as does his decision to drop the absurd charges against Dr. Eithan Haim, who blew the whistle on the deceptive transgender policies at the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. As regards the Jan. 6 protestors, top marks for pardoning those who did little more than walk through the U.S. Capitol.

    PRESIDENT Trump’s out-of-the-box proposal that the United States take an ownership interest in Gaza and assist in relocating the Palestinians, many of whom would die for their hill of rubble, is vintage Trump.

    By contrast, PRESIDENT Trump’s withdrawal from the U.N. Relief and Works Agency and Human Rights Council, call to review U.S. funding for the United Nations, sanctioning the International Criminal Court and its officers, embrace of Benjamin Netanyahu as the first foreign leader invited to the White House, resumption of arms shipments to Israel, designation of the Houthis as a terrorist organization, and maximum pressure campaign on Iran, receive a perfect grade.

    PRESIDENT Trump also receives high marks for ending the USAID’s radical left agenda. USAID also administers programs that advance American values. They can be managed by the State Department or a right-sized USAID.

    DOGE should be auditing, making recommendations to the administration, and executing IT and operations decisions. The administration can prevail in lawsuits against DOGE’s activities and achieve Trump’s objectives by following this prescription, and by doing a better job communicating the constraints on DOGE’s authority.

    The federal government employee buyout sends a terrific message, but it may prove to be little more than a publicity stunt if most of those who accept it would have left anyway in a year or two. The proclamation ending birthright citizenship will end up at the Supreme Court. The legislative history and common sense support Trump’s position.

    PRESIDENT Trump must end Canadian, Chinese, and European Union barriers to U.S. investments and exports, as well as EU efforts to impose ESG and other European policies on the global operations of U.S. companies. If it takes tariffs to achieve that goal, bring on the tariffs.

    It is cruel to require overseas federal workers to return home within just 30 days. PRESIDENT Trump’s termination of security details for Mike Pompeo, his top aide Brian Hook, and John Bolton is shameful and should be reversed. This is the only F on his report card.

    In sum, PRESIDENT Trump has made extraordinary progress. If he stays on this policy path and makes a few adjustments in messaging and implementation, the administration ultimately will prevail against most legal challenges, and PRESIDENT Trump will be one of the most consequential presidents in U.S. history.

    "So say we all..."
    -Patriotic Americans

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:

    Attorney General Pam Bondi has recently taken office and has already made a significant impact, signaling a shift in the direction of the Justice Department.

    In a bold move, she announced a lawsuit against the state of New York, its Governor Kathy Hochul, and Attorney General Letitia James, accusing them of favoring “illegal aliens over American citizens.” This lawsuit challenges several New York laws that Bondi claims obstruct immigration enforcement.

    Among the laws under scrutiny is the Green Light Law, which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses while simultaneously restricting federal authorities from accessing the state’s driver’s license database.

    Additionally, there is legislation that mandates state officials to notify undocumented immigrants if federal authorities seek information about them.

    Bondi emphasized the urgency of her actions during a press conference, stating, “This is a new DOJ. New York has chosen to prioritize illegal aliens over American citizens. It stops. It stops today.”

    The announcement of this lawsuit, coupled with Bondi’s dynamic press conference, illustrates a decisive change in leadership within the Justice Department.

    The new administration is adopting a strict stance against states that undermine the rule of law and compromise public safety by allowing undocumented immigrants, particularly those with criminal backgrounds, to remain unmonitored.

    AG Bondi’s approach marks a stark contrast to the previous administration under Merrick Garland, which was characterized by its aggressive actions against law-abiding citizens. Instead of targeting states like Texas for their efforts to protect residents from illegal immigration, or prosecuting peaceful demonstrators, AG Bondi’s inaugural legal action aims to compel New York to adhere to federal immigration laws.

    In a symbolic gesture of change, AG Bondi herself personally removed images of former President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Attorney General Merrick Garland from the Justice Department’s walls, signifying her intent to distance her administration from the previous leadership. She has committed to restoring the department’s independence, which she believes was compromised during the Biden administration’s tenure.

    Moreover, AG Bondi has articulated her commitment to refocusing the Justice Department on its fundamental mission: ensuring public safety and prosecuting criminal activity. During her confirmation hearing, she stated, “My overriding objective will be to return the Department of Justice to its core mission of keeping Americans safe and vigorously prosecuting criminals.” This includes addressing issues related to gangs, drug trafficking, terrorist organizations, border security, and foreign threats.

    Her lawsuit against New York represents a promising start in fulfilling her vision for the Justice Department, aiming to prioritize the safety and well-being of American citizens.

    AG Bondi is going to remove the stain and the stench that Garland, Biden and Harris left on the DOJ...

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    Comment #20 seems to be a nice even stopping point. TEMPORARILY..

    Ya'all still need a LOT more reminders of how utter CONTEMPTIBLE and PATHETIC it is for ya'all to be EXCITED and "can't wait for the next pandemic" and HOPING for millions and millions of "mass deaths" of Americans...

    I think in ALL of the past 19 years since Weigantia's founding by Liz, JL and Your's Truly, that comment of JOHN M. In CT's was the most despicable and pathetic example of what Democrats have become.. And THAT says a LOT, considering all the pathetic and disgusting attacks and comments from the Weigantian Trolls Victoria, Russ, Caddy and Bashit...

    I mean, to come right out and SAY for the record that ya'all are EXCITED and "CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT PANDEMIC" and are EXCITED about millions and millions of "MASS DEATHS" of Americans!!???

    That just epitomizes PERFECTLY how far ya'all and Democrats have fallen... :eyeroll:

    Taa Taa for now....

  21. [21] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    when i post an opinion piece, i post a link and maybe a short blurb, and (unlike some people) i'm not unaware that it's an opinion. that's because i know the difference between fact and opinion.

    i stand by my evaluation, elon musk is mELakON in the flesh. that's how he's behaving, and exactly ZERO evidence has been provided to the contrary.

    donald is still too unpredictable to map him on to any character, real or imaginary, but at the moment, on the ukraine conflict, he's doing an excellent impression of neville chamberlain.


  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:


    i stand by my evaluation,

    Of course you do.. Woke progressive Democrat staying the course. Even if it is completely and utterly absurd and wrong..

    elon musk is mELakON in the flesh. that's how he's behaving, and exactly ZERO evidence has been provided to the contrary.

    Not factually accurate...

    Melakon. A devious scumbag who is such a coward that he hides in the shadows. His machinations are covert and completely UNTRANSPARENT and HIDDEN from public view.. Further, it's patently obvious that he accosted and subverted Professor Gill against Professor Gill's will..

    "Melakon's taken over. Gave me the drug."
    -Professor Gill

    In contrast to that, Elon Musk is in full view of the public. Each and every one of his actions is fully and undeniably transparent with full public knowledge and support. Further, Elon has the complete and enthusiastic backing of PRESIDENT Trump..

    Odumbo on the other hand, fits Melakon perfectly.. All of Odumbo's machinations were completely covert and out of view of the public.. JUST LIKE Melakon..

    Your analogy completely and utterly falls apart on that basis alone..

    But it is NOT just that basis alone..

    Professor Gill is an honest educator and devoted Star Fleet representative. He was completely and utterly in control until Melakon drugs him and he became a human vegetable..

    Biden didn't need any drugs to become a human vegetable.. He already fit the part...

    So, when you claim there are no facts to the contrary, that statement is factually NOT ACCURATE..

    donald is still too unpredictable to map him on to any character, real or imaginary, but at the moment, on the ukraine conflict, he's doing an excellent impression of neville chamberlain.

    While I don't agree with you on that comparison even YOU must admit that Neville Chamberlain has NOTHING to do with Melakon, John Gill or Star Trek...

    As such, I accept your concession that your POF analogy is flawed and factually unequivocally NOT accurate.. :D

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    when i post an opinion piece, i post a link and maybe a short blurb, and (unlike some people) i'm not unaware that it's an opinion. that's because i know the difference between fact and opinion.

    Apparently... NOT... :D

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:


    When you boil down the POF Melakon/Gill issue to it's most basics, it's a power hungry scumbag who usurps lawful power thru nefarious means and governs in the legitimate leader's stead without ANY knowledge of the general public..

    Elon Must has not done ANYTHING illegal and has not taken this power from the legitimate authority..

    At it's most basics your analogy completely and unequivocally falls apart and has no bearing or meaning in Star Trek or in the here and now..

    I am also constrained to point out that the Biden/Odumbo situation is a PERFECT ANALOGY to the POF Melakon/Gill scenario..

    You're wrong on this one JL...

    But I still love ya... :D

  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    Independent voters show significant disapproval of Democratic antics against President Trump

    "I don't swear in public very well, but we have to fuck Trump"
    -Woke Progressive Democrat Maxine Dexter, OREGON

    Get that, people?? Dexter wants to fuck PRESIDENT Trump... :eyeroll:

    On WHAT PLANET is this acceptable political discourse!!??? Do you people see how completely and utterly OFF THE RESERVATION you have gone!!???

    But here are some interesting quotes from INDEPENDENT Americans..

    "Cringe. Nothing says ‘we want to help’ like a gaggle of 70-year-olds waving canes and shouting inanities. You'd think public figures would have more self-awareness and a desire to behave in a professional manner. This is what Democrat opposition might fail to realize – this isn’t working. Even with people who agree with you."
    -Lee Carter, Pollster, President Maslansky + Partners

    "Democrats hovered back and forth between a tiny bit funny and very very cringe. If anyone thought for half a second that would engage or persuade a single person to think/do something different then we're in a really bad place. I also really hate messaging that talks about 'sides' and think this has been—continues to be a major weakness in Democratic spokespeople messaging."
    -Independent Voter

    "Sad, to say the least. We may not all agree with everything he does - I certainly don't, but I respect the office of the Presidency and I respect the fact that he was elected with a majority. Get over yourself and be part of the solution."
    -Independent Voter

    That last part is VERY GOOD advice...

    You woke progressive Democrats should get over yerselves and be part of the SOLUTION..

    2010 Weigantia knew how to do that..

    Sadly, 2025 Weigantia is too full of itself and too full of trolls to even UNDERSTAND the concept!!

    All ya'all are good for is hoping for next pandemic that will kill millions and millions of Americans!! :eyeroll:

  26. [26] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    His machinations are covert and completely UNTRANSPARENT and HIDDEN from public view.. Further, it's patently obvious that he accosted and subverted Professor Gill against Professor Gill's will.

    it's almost as if you never watched the episode at all. melakon may have acted partly in secret, but he wasn't hidden in the shadows, he was in public as gill's second in command, and had been prior to taking over.

    Elon Musk is in full view of the public. Each and every one of his actions is fully and undeniably transparent with full public knowledge and support.

    a flawed series of assertions, at best. ELakON is accessing private employee information which is non-public by definition, and how he's using that information (much less why) is anything but transparent. as to the public, just like most things political they neither know nor care, and likely will continue to neither know nor care until it impacts their personal bottom line.

    When you boil down the POF Melakon/Gill issue to it's most basics...

    therein lies your difficulty. if you're only going to view the relationship as superficially as you are, the whole "pattern of force," which the whole episode is about, is summarily ignored.

    Elon Must [sic] has not done ANYTHING illegal and has not taken this power from the legitimate authority..

    both assertions are laughably false. just about all of his actions against federal agencies have been illegal, which is why federal judges have ruled against them. as a non-appointed, non-confirmed contractor for the chief executive, he has usurped the power of congress, whose job it is to reform the departments and control their funding.

    the role of the executive in the reform process is to make recommendations and then execute congress's appropriations, not to do it all himself, much less assign a non-confirmed independent contractor to do so.


  27. [27] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    Dishonorably Discharged Scumbag Druggie/Child Rapist Inmate

    Is that all I get out of you? A lousy seven word insult? Granted, some of the words are polysyllabic (look it up) and although repetitive one could regard this as possibly being original writing and not the cutting and pasting of stolen content.

    Oh, and I’d drop the child rapist thing. You outta know by now that hypocrisy (look it up) doesn’t work for us non-MAGAts.

  28. [28] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    And speaking of stolen stop stealing the valor of those of us who actually served. I know you DIDN’T SERVE because

    1- Even back in the early 80s there were no 300 pounders in the military. I served at Norton AFB and dealt with all four branches and no way in a million years they let in the fat fuck you advertised yourself as.

    2- IF you served you’d know that those dishonorably discharged don’t get nine years (and counting) of HUD VASH putting a roof over their heads. Nor do they get a quarter million dollars (and counting) in health care.

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