From The Archives -- Rocky Starts In Presidential History

[ Posted Monday, February 17th, 2025 – 17:55 UTC ]

Since today is a federal holiday, I decided to take the day off. While looking for a column to re-run, I came across this one from 2017. It was written on the first Presidents' Day of Donald Trump's first term as president, after a rather rocky beginning.

Trump's second term has also had a somewhat rocky beginning, but in a different way. The first time around it was mostly his unfamiliarity with Washington and government which led to some major stumbles. This time around has been notable for Trump's eager embrace of executive power as well as his abdication of a lot of that power to someone nobody saw coming -- the world's richest man. The whole thing reads like a James Bond storyline, in a lot of ways.

Nevertheless, as I did eight years ago, I'm not going to dwell on Trump's start to his second term today, but rather provide a historical overview of how a number of other presidents have had to face some very rocky problems very early on. I resisted the urge to update this with a paragraph or two about the mess Joe Biden inherited (January 6th, COVID crisis, economic devastation, etc.), but it really should be included in the list now. In any case, here was the view from eight years ago....


Originally published February 20, 2017

Since it is Presidents' Day (or whatever else you call today, apostrophized or not), I thought I'd take it easy on our current president, and take a break from the regular ridicule I've been heaping upon him since he was sworn in. Today's supposed to be a noble holiday, after all, so I thought I'd make an extra effort at evenhandedness, and take a look back through history at some of the rocky starts various American presidents have had on the job.

Donald Trump has unquestionably had a rocky start. But he certainly hasn't faced the worst rocky start of any president in history, not by a long shot. Abraham Lincoln wins this honor hands-down, since the crisis started before he was even sworn in. Between Lincoln's Election Day and his Inauguration Day, seven Southern states seceded from the Union. Lincoln was sworn in on March 4, 1861, and five weeks later Fort Sumter happened, officially kicking off the Civil War. One certainly hopes that no other United States president ever has such a rocky start to his or her term, that's for sure.

The worst presidential start in history (on a more personal level) is also a fate I'd wish on no other. William Henry Harrison, America's ninth president, died 31 days after being sworn into office. Harrison holds two notable records in the field of American presidential history, as his was not only the shortest term in office (unless you count the strange case of "President for a day" David Rice Atchison, which most do not), he also gave the longest inauguration speech in American history -- almost 8,500 words long -- which took him roughly two hours to orate. Also, Harrison delivered this monstrously-long speech wearing neither overcoat nor hat, even though it was a cold and wet day -- which might just have contributed to his death from pneumonia a month later.

Less-tragic (but still shocking), Ronald Reagan didn't die while in office, but he did survive an assassination attempt only 69 days after being sworn in -- which pushed his approval rating to a high point, as the country rallied around their wounded leader.

Other tragic deaths in office have led to vice presidents being thrust into the presidency unexpectedly, and some of them have had rather noteworthy beginnings to their presidencies. The most stressful new presidency of this type we've ever seen was quite likely Harry Truman's. The nation was in shock over the unexpected death of the beloved F.D.R. in April of 1945, and Truman got an early boost from the victory over the Nazis in Europe (V.E. Day happened on May 8, 1945). But by the beginning of August, Truman had to make one of the toughest decisions a president has ever had to -- whether to drop atomic bombs on Japan or not. Truman had been kept in the dark about even the existence of the Manhattan Project while he was vice president, it's also worth noting.

Sometimes the first days of a new president didn't hinge on external events, but from deliberate bold actions. Roughly a month after Teddy Roosevelt assumed office (after the assassination of William McKinley), he invited Booker T. Washington to the White House. This was the first time a sitting president had invited an African-American in such a fashion, so it was a provocative action to many. Roosevelt went on to grasp the reins of the presidency with vigor, and when he was done he had issued 1,081 executive orders -- almost matching the combined total (1,262) of every president who had come before him. The most prolific president previously had been Grover Cleveland, who issued 253 executive orders of his own.

Dwight D. Eisenhower spent much of the time during his early days in office ending the Korean War. He took a trip to the war zone in November of 1952, while still only president-elect. By July of 1953, an armistice was in place. When Ike left office, he also left a planned invasion of Cuba on the drawing board, which turned out to be a disaster for J.F.K.'s first days in office. The Bay of Pigs happened in April of Kennedy's first year in office.

Trump likes to compare himself to Andrew Jackson, who faced a personal tragedy of his own before assuming office. Between his election and his inauguration, Jackson's wife died. The election of 1828 was one of the most vicious in all of American history, complete with charges that Jackson married her before she was divorced from her previous husband. Jackson took such things personally, and he bitterly charged his political opponents with the responsibility for her death. As a result of Rachel Jackson's death, his extended family became very important to him while in office.

This isn't a direct parallel with Trump's son-in-law or his daughter, but the historical comparison is interesting. Andrew Jackson relied heavily upon the advice of an unofficial "kitchen cabinet" during his presidency, which included not only members of the partisan media (pro-Jackson newspaper editors), but also one of his closest and most-trusted advisors -- his adopted son Andrew Jackson Donelson, who was also his nephew by marriage (Donelson was Jackson's wife's sister's son -- who, after his father died and his mother remarried, moved in with and was adopted by the Jacksons). Donelson also moved into the White House when Jackson did, and Donelson's wife then served as the White House's hostess (since Rachel Jackson had died, there was no First Lady).

Jackson went on to fire his entire official cabinet, in what became known as the "Petticoat Affair," because their wives (led by John C. Calhoun's wife Floride) were socially snubbing the wife of his War Secretary -- the only time (so far) that an entire cabinet has been dismissed en masse by any president. Having the shortest National Security Advisor in history doesn't even really come close. Of course, I wouldn't put it past Trump to fire his whole cabinet at some point over some petty issue -- and I wouldn't even be surprised if it was because a member of his family was treated badly on the social scene; but then I'm supposed to be giving Trump a break today, so I'll just stop speculating about historical parallels altogether.

Presidents often stumble during their first few months in office, and a lot of these stumbles are later either forgiven or almost completely forgotten, especially if the rest of the president's term works out well. For instance, Bill Clinton had the "Travelgate" scandal in May, 1993 (during his first year in office), but few remember it now. Clinton had other stumbles right out of the gate as well. He had made a campaign promise to allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military if elected, and did consider immediately implementing it but was counseled to take things much slower. By December of his first year in office, he unveiled "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue" (later shortened by one "don't," to make it easier to say). For the time it was a fairly bold move towards full acceptance, but it was also nothing short of a stop-gap compromise -- not what he had initially promised at all.

Barack Obama took office during the second-worst economic crisis in the last 100 years, and due to winning such large majorities in Congress, he was able to get both his stimulus bill and the Lily Ledbetter Act signed during his first month in office. The public's sense of panic and fear cannot be overstated before Obama took office, as America was losing 750,000 jobs per month. But by the end of his first year in office, the economic tide had begun to turn, although the recovery took much longer than anyone had anticipated. Obama's first six months in office were some of the most productive he'd ever see, though, as Republican resistance to his agenda began to solidify harder than cement. To give just one example, Obama boldly issued an order to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba during his first days in office, but he never actually achieved this goal in his two full terms. Not all of those early decisive moves work out all the time, in other words.

Of course, the whole notion that the "first 100 days" in office should be a new president's most meaningful comes from Franklin D. Roosevelt's first few months as president. This was the first time the "100 days" term was used in American politics -- it previously had referred to Napoleon's last days of glory, from the time he escaped exile on Elba to his ultimate defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.

F.D.R. inherited the Great Depression, which had already dragged on for years. He also entered office with sky-high expectations from the public. Two days after being sworn in, he closed the entire U.S. banking system. Three days later, Congress acted to pass federal deposit insurance, to restore confidence in banks. The night before the banks would reopen, F.D.R. gave the first of his "fireside chat" radio addresses. Within two weeks, half the money people had been stuffing in their mattresses (to avoid their savings being wiped out in all the bank failures which had been happening) was re-deposited in the banking system, averting total collapse. Roosevelt went on to enact as much of his "New Deal" as fast as he possibly could. He created many of his "alphabet soup" of new federal agencies in his first 100 days, including the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Hopefully, no other president will ever match the frenetic pace of F.D.R.'s first 100 days. I say "hopefully" because I do sincerely hope no other president will ever have to. The only president to take office in a worse situation for the country was Lincoln, after all. Roosevelt certainly didn't solve all the nation's problems overnight (or as fast as the banking crisis), but he sure tried his hardest to do so, in as many ways as he could possibly think up.

I guess my conclusion here would be that while nobody's ever going to live up to F.D.R.'s first 100 days, a lot of the focus on the first days any president spends in office isn't really reflective of their overall performance. Sometimes it is, but oftentimes it just doesn't work out that way -- for better or for worse. Sometimes a president stumbles early, but then later recovers. Sometimes nothing much happens at the start, but then a president proves his mettle later on. I have no idea how the rest of the Trump presidency is going to play out, but it's something to keep in mind after his first month in office, at least.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


31 Comments on “From The Archives -- Rocky Starts In Presidential History”

  1. [1] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    A nice and very courteous attempt to give Trump some space at the beginning of his 2017 term.

    However, although history shows that "...focus on the first days any president spends in office isn't really reflective of their overall performance...", in Trump's case it proved to be absolutely true: incompetence combined with bluster and brag in the first few weeks continued as incompetence combined with bluster and brag for the full four years. Among other consequences, we mourn hundreds of thousands of dead Americans during the COVID pandemic who might have lived had President Trump behaved at all sensibly and in line with every known protocol of public health.

    And so, although I acknowledge the spirit of this repost, I reject it. We know who he is and how he governs, if it can even be called governing. And his first month in office is a disaster for the American republic, with every week proving worse for the future of the country we love.

    Why should it not get even worse, month to month and year to year, for the rest of this Republican administration's term? There is no doubt - and so no benefit of the doubt.

  2. [2] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    I’m with you on this. Chris just take the fucking day off without republishing crap like this. Is this your personal version of Fair and Balanced?

  3. [3] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:


    To the majority of Hispanics who just couldn’t vote for a black woman:

    Whitey convinced you to hate blacks because blacks are competing with y’all for the scraps from whitey’s table. Congratulations, you just traded our country for the illusion of proximity to whiteness.

  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    I see Caddy is Stoned Posting again.. :eyeroll:

    And full on RACIST ta boot.. :epic eyeroll:

    Caddy why don't you and your monster friend (Yunno, the guy who "can't wait for the next pandemic" and who is EXCITED about "mass deaths" of Americans) just take the day off and not pollute Weigantia with ya'all's hate and racist bile??

    Asking for a friend..

  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    Less-tragic (but still shocking), Ronald Reagan didn't die while in office, but he did survive an assassination attempt only 69 days after being sworn in -- which pushed his approval rating to a high point, as the country rallied around their wounded leader.

    THAT sounds familiar, eh?? :D

    I even remember where I was when Reagan was shot.. I was on patrol at Kadena AB in Okinawa. I hadn't met my future lovely wife yet and it was around 0200 (give or take a few hours) on a midshift. It came over the radio that the President had just been shot and, over the next few days, all hell broke loose..

    It was a pretty exciting time..

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    But let's get back to the Stoned Commenter and the Genocide Guy...

    I am sensing a pattern with you two..

    Ya'all are ONLY happy here in Weigantia when 2025 CW commentaries are full of Trump/America hate and are ooozing with PTDS..

    Apparently you two can ONLY be satisfied with gross and perverse hatred and bigotry and are whiney and bitchy when there is even the SLIGHTEST bit of nothing but calm rational political discourse...

    Which makes you two the quintessential woke progressive Democrat and makes you two unsuitable to be in public here in Weigantia...

    So, why don't you two do EVERYONE a favor and follow 2025 CW's advice from a few days ago...

    If ya'all can't post something nice... Don't post nuttin' at all.. :eyeroll:

    Now if THAT'S not as rich as rich can be, I dunno WHAT is, eh?? :D

  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay Italy guy....

    You were afraid that PRESIDENT Trump is going to pull out of NATO??

    NATO secretary general says European countries have to do 'much, much more' to increase defense spending

    President Donald Trump wants NATO members to increase defense spending to 5% of GDP

    NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte said European countries in the military alliance have agreed to step up their defense spending in the wake of President Donald Trump’s request that they increase the number to 5% of GDP.

    "Right now, we are spending $700 billion more on the European side of NATO than before President Trump came into office. It is absolutely still not enough. We have to do much, much more," Rutte said Monday in an exclusive interview on "The Story."

    "The U.S. is by far the most important ally within NATO, but the U.S. is absolutely right that it is only fair that on the European side of NATO, we ramp up spending because we need to do it for our own defense. But also, because it is fair to get this balance with what the U.S. is spending on defense."

    Looks like NATO is gonna get their shit together and is going to obey PRESIDENT Trumps orders..

    So, don't worry at all...

    The US will still be running NATO for a long LONG time to come..

    Isn't it AWESOME that PRESIDENT Trump is in charge!!!??? :D

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay Genocide Guy,

    However, although history shows that "...focus on the first days any president spends in office isn't really reflective of their overall performance...", in Trump's case it proved to be absolutely true: incompetence combined with bluster and brag in the first few weeks continued as incompetence combined with bluster and brag for the full four years. Among other consequences, we mourn hundreds of thousands of dead Americans during the COVID pandemic who might have lived had President Trump behaved at all sensibly and in line with every known protocol of public health.

    There are simply ZERO FACTS to support ANY of your BS claims here..

    President Trump accomplished more PRO AMERICA actions in his first term that ANY Democrat has accomplished since JFK...

    PRESIDENT Trump gave the BIGGEST boost to black and native Americans since Democrats fought tooth and nail against the civil rights laws of the 50s and 60s..

    PRESIDENT Trump brought down Unemployment for black and hispanic Americans to it's lowest point EVER...

    PRESIDENT Trump had the cojones to FINALLY put the US Embassy where it belongs, in Jerusalem...

    PRESIDENT Trump accomplished sooo much pro-America actions in his first term despite 24/7 headwinds of hate and bigotry from Democrats.. Imagine what PRESIDENT Trump could have accomplished if Democrats had actually gotten behind the MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN push...

    But THIS term??

    PRESIDENT Trump doesn't NEED Democrats because he's gotten a HUGE MANDATE from the American people..

    So, FRAK woke progressive Democrats..

    They'll just be run over by the PRESIDENT Trump train... :D

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's now turn to the world of DOGE..

    While auditing the SOCIAL SECURITY databases, DOGE uncovered that, according to the Social Security Administration:

    More than 20 million Americans are over the age of 100

    More than 3.9 million Americans are between 130 yrs old and 139 yrs old

    More than 3.5 million Americans are between 140 yrs old and 149 yrs old

    More than 1.3 million Americans are between 150 yrs old and 159 yrs old.

    According to the Social Security databases, there are even Americans who are over 360 years old!!!

    And all these TENS OF MILLIONS of "living" Americans are STILL drawing social security checks!!! Just THINK of the billions and BILLIONS of dollars that have been wasted!!!

    And you and your woke progressive Democrats are AGAINST DOGE!!!????

    For christ's sake, why!!????

    I'll tell ya'all why...

    Because it would be a MASSIVE *WIN* for PRESIDENT Trump and the American people...

    And ya'all and yer woke progressive Democrats just CAN'T STAND that!!

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    And it looks like Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris still hasn't gotten past the WORD SALAD stage of her existence..

    "When we think about these moments where we see things that are being taken, but also let’s see it, you know, nature abhors a vacuum.

    Where there’s a vacancy, let’s fill it. Let us know that the reality is that the progress of our nation has been about the expansion of rights, not the restriction of rights. We’re seeing a U-turn right now. For those rights to be maintained, which means we have to be vigilant. It’s just the nature of it."
    -Token DEI Hire Headboard Harris

    And you people actually believed this waste of air actually had a CHANCE to win the election!!??

    That's just sad.... :eyeroll:

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    And it looks like Bobby Kennedy Jr is ALSO hitting the ground running!! :D

    RFK Jr's health agenda gains popularity among state lawmakers

    'It took Bobby to get into the position that he is in now for something to happen': Arizona state lawmaker

    State-level lawmakers are introducing a wave of bills aimed at advancing priorities championed by new Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his "Make America Healthy Again" platform, in some cases citing the new administration's support for these causes as the catalyst for their efforts.

    Arizona, Kansas and Utah are examples of states doing this. The move is aimed at prohibiting junk food like candy and soda from school lunches and other federally funded food assistance programs, something Kennedy has expressed support for in the past. Others have included efforts to rid these programs of ultra-processed foods, certain additives and dyes.

    "It took Bobby to get into the position that he is in now for something to happen," Arizona state Rep. Leo Biasiucci said during a press conference this month during which he introduced HB 2164. The bill seeks to ban several food dyes and other additives from school lunch programs in the state. "I can’t thank him enough for being the microphone … at the high level, to finally put a spotlight on this."

    PRESIDENT Trump's MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN agenda is plowing full speed ahead!! :D

    Get on board the PRESIDENT Trump train!!!

    Or get crushed by it!!! :D

    It's really THAT simple.. :D

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's make one thing perfectly clear...

    DOGE is *NOT* a threat to Democracy...

    DOGE is a threat to bureaucracy... Plain and simple

    DOGE is just getting started..

    If DOGE is hurting ya'all's feelings now, ya'all are in for a long LONG 4 years..


  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:


    This one's for you.. :D

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    There is a new Authentication Test making the rounds..


  15. [15] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's obvious to ALL patriotic Americans that this is the best month the US ever had since Jan of 2020...

    So say we all....


  16. [16] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Sedition and the abandonment of the rule of law is patriotic? The shining city upon a hill has become deeply tarnished with corruption and stupidity...

    As for Melakon:

    The social security system was written COBOL which the dancing dipshit and his crew of idiots do not understand how dates are entered nor do they realize the system won't pay out to anyone over 115 . Or he is lying to you. He is known for that...

    He fired tons of department of energy employees only to realize a bunch of them keep our nuclear weapons in order. D'oh!

    He is firing a bunch of FAA members after a rash of airplane crashes. D'oh!

    He has fired the people looking in to Tesla problems. He has fired the people looking in to neuralink Problems. He heads to NASA next where much of his corporate welfare comes from. Ethics be dammed...

    Lets face it, Twitter has failed for most of the virtual town halls Melakon staged for Trump during the election. Is that what we want: a federal government that fails when it's actually needed?

    Then we have Trump stabbing Zelenskyy in the back while tossing Putin's salad.

    Trump is creating a new world order that evidently does not include the the USA. All these tariff "wins" are pushing side deals with China and Europe. He wants to take Canada, Panama and Greenland but cut the Pentagon budget in half? Good luck with that...

    Mr Magoo goes to Washington with Homer Simpson at his side...

  17. [17] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Ben Sisko did commit war crimes; in the pale moonlight is possibly my favorite episode of any trek series ever. he justified them to himself and to his log (the viewer), but he committed war crimes and he knew it. not sure how that relates to anything today, but it's a good moral question to hold up to ourselves.

  18. [18] 
    Michale wrote:


    Ben Sisko did commit war crimes;

    The ends justifies the means..

    I am completely on board with Ben Sisko here..

    Let me ask you this..

    If you could save your family's lives, save your CHILDREN's lives and the ONLY cost to you would be a guilty conscience, would you do it??

    Sisko saved the ENTIRE Alpha Quadrant from death and slavery...

    His decision is a no brainer...

    For anyone besides who DOESN'T have a brain..

    not sure how that relates to anything today,

    Are you kidding.. Everything that has happened in the last 4 months goes to that EXACT scenario...

  19. [19] 
    Michale wrote:


    Trooper Kyle McAcy
    Nebraska State Patrol, Nebraska
    End of Watch: Monday, February 17, 2025

    And remind the few..
    When ill of us they speak...
    That we are all that stands between...
    The monsters and the weak...

  20. [20] 
    Michale wrote:

    Yunno.. It's a REAL pleasure to have a Press Secretary up at the podium who actually answers questions and gives REAL facts...

    Unlike Jean Claude BIDEN IS SHARP AS A TACK Damn... :eyeroll:

    Karoline Leavitt: Trump, Elon Musk's DOGE team are doing what Democrats promised 'for decades'

    White House press secretary points back to words of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama

    "If you just watched that video, but shut your eyes and listen to the words from those Democrat politicians, you would think you are listening to President Trump, Elon Musk and our entire administration, who are saying the exact same things that Democrat politicians promised the American people they would do for decades. President Trump is just the first president in our lifetimes to actually do it. And now you see the Democrat Party and the mainstream media spiraling out of control about a very simple promise: rooting out waste, fraud and abuse from our federal bureaucracy. This is a promise President Trump campaigned on. He is now delivering on it.

    I've been fighting fake news reporters all day long here in the Washington, D.C. swamp who are trying to fearmonger the American people into believing that this administration is going after their hard-earned tax dollars and their hard-earned Social Security checks. So I want to set the record straight on your show tonight, Sean, and I'm very grateful for the opportunity to do so. President Trump has directed Elon Musk and the Doge team to identify fraud at the Social Security Administration. They haven't dug into the books yet, but they suspect that there are tens of millions of deceased people who are receiving fraudulent Social Security payments and so their goal in going into the Social Security Administration is to identify three things: Number one, to identify duplicate payments and to end them, Number two, to identify payments that are going to deceased people who are no longer living and should no longer be receiving that money and number three, to protect the integrity of the system for hardworking Americans who have been paying into it their entire lives.

    So rest assured to all of the people watching your show tonight, if you paid into the system, honestly, you will continue to receive your Social Security checks. Do not buy into the lies from the legacy fake news media, who are trying to fear you and scare you into believing otherwise. This is what we've seen them do about President Trump for years with every promise that he has made, and he's going in there to protect your hard-earned money. That is the ultimate goal."
    -A *REAL* White House Press Secretary KAROLINE LEAVITT

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    Musk is not DOGE employee, has no more authority than other WH staff, new filing says

    Judge Chutkan expressed that she wasn't convinced by the arguments on Monday

    The Trump administration clarified in a late-night Monday court filing that Elon Musk is not a DOGE employee, and instead serves as a White House advisor, in a similar vein as former Biden advisor Anita Dunn.

    The filing comes after D.C. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan heard remarks in the case filed by 14 state attorneys general against Musk and the Trump administration. The states argue that Musk and the administration have engaged in illegal executive overreach.

    Chutkan expressed that she wasn't convinced by the arguments on Monday after asking what harm the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) imposed, as well as whether any federal employee terminations took place at the end of last week.

    PRESIDENT Trump is fully, completely and UNEQUIVOCALLY in charge of everything DOGE is doing..


    There is simply NO POSSIBLE connection between DOGE, Musk and PATTERNS OF FORCE...

    NONE... ZERO... ZIP... ZILCH... NADA....

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply showing their complete and utter ignorance of the here and now and STAR TREK...

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    Thank gods for DOGE!!!!

    Top federal agency exposed for spending billions on migrants in a single year

    The numbers skyrocketed up to $10B during the Biden administration

    The Biden administration spent tens of billions of dollars on grants to migrants and refugees through one of its government agencies, including over $10 billion in just one year, according to a new watchdog report.

    The watchdog group Open the Books looked at grants to nonprofits awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement. Its responsibilities include caring for unaccompanied migrant children who crossed the southern border illegally and refugees entering legally.

    The watchdog found that in FY 2021, it distributed $2.4 billion in grants to nonprofits. In FY 2022, it distributed $3.4 billion, then that number skyrocketed up to $10 billion in FY 2023 before being reduced to $4.2 billion in FY 2024.

    Just think... If PRESIDENT Trump hadn't TOTALLY demolished Headboard Harris in the election woke progressive Democrats would STILL be wasting all these TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars!!

    We know for a FACT that Headboard Harris blew thru 2.5 BILLION DOLLARS in just 90 days!!

    Every one of you should get on your knees and thank gods that PRESIDENT Trump won the election...

  23. [23] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Melakon's kid knows different. The truth of children...

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:
  25. [25] 
    Michale wrote:

    You people hysterically whine and cry and stamp your feet about supposed unconstitutional actions that PRESIDENT allegedly committed.. Of course, there are none..

    And, of course, you ignore the REAL unconstitutional actions committed by the Biden/Harris (or was it Harris/Biden) administration...

    Circuit court puts final nail in the coffin for Biden's $500M student loan forgiveness plan

    Biden tried a litany of policy maneuvers to push through student loan forgiveness

    The U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals put a final end to former President Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness plan on Tuesday.

    Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey originally sued the Biden administration over its $500 million effort to wipe away student loans, known as the SAVE plan. The court's Tuesday ruling found that Biden's secretary of education had "gone well beyond this authority by designing a plan where loans are largely forgiven rather than repaid."

    Bailey noted in a statement that the ruling has no active impact beyond blocking future presidents from attempting Biden's maneuver.

    "Though Joe Biden is out of office, this precedent is imperative to ensuring a President cannot force working Americans to foot the bill for someone else's Ivy League debt," Bailey said in a statement.

    Woke progressive Democrat morons LOVE Constitutional violations...

    As long as it's woke progressive Democrat morons who are committing them...


    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature.

  26. [26] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    What a joke. Screw over the college graduates so the rich can have their 4.5 trillion dollar tax breaks...

  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    And PRESIDENT Trump is doing **ANOTHER** press conference!!!!

    WHO KNEW that press conferences could be SOOO easy...

    For a REAL leader anyways...

  28. [28] 
    Michale wrote:

    Welp, the ruling is in...

    Judge denies Democrat-led effort to block DOGE access, citing lack of proven harm

    Plaintiffs failed to prove DOGE access to federal data would cause the 'imminent harm,' the legal proof needed for a temporary restraining order

    A federal judge on Tuesday declined to block Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency from accessing government data or firing federal employees.

    U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan declined to grant the plaintiffs' request to issue a temporary restraining order, citing what she said was their failure to demonstrate evidence of "irreparable harm" caused by DOGE's access.

    "Plaintiffs legitimately call into question what appears to be the unchecked authority of an unelected individual and an entity that was not created by Congress and over which it has no oversight," Chutkan, an Obama appointee, said Tuesday.

    "In these circumstances, it must be indisputable that this court acts within the bounds of its authority. Accordingly, it cannot issue a TRO, especially one as wide-ranging as Plaintiffs request, without clear evidence of imminent, irreparable harm to these Plaintiffs. The current record does not meet that standard."

    The decision from Chutkan is a blow to the coalition of 14 Democratic state attorneys general who sued last week to temporarily restrict DOGE's access to federal data about government employees.

    Plaintiffs argued that the leadership role held by Musk, a private citizen, represents an "unlawful delegation of executive power" and threatened what they described as "widespread disruption" to employees working across various federal agencies and government contractors.

    "There is no greater threat to democracy than the accumulation of state power in the hands of a single, unelected individual," said the lawsuit, filed by New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez.

    Attorneys general from Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington also joined him in the request.

    While Judge Chutkan at times appeared sympathetic to the views brought by Torrez and other plaintiffs during Monday's hearing, she also suggested she was not convinced that plaintiffs had adequately satisfied the high legal standard of "imminent harm" required for a temporary restraining order.

    And PRESIDENT Trump wins again!!! :D

    You people REALLY need to come to grips with the objective reality..

    This is PRESIDENT Trump's America now...

    And the American people are fully and completely behind PRESIDENT Trump...

    If you don't support PRESIDENT Trump...

    You ain't an American.... :D

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    If you like the people who are stealing your money and you hate the people who are exposing the theft of your money..

    You are officially part of the problem...


  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    And we'll end this session with an even #30... :D

    Back to work tomorrow.. Work for 2 days, then a 3 day weekend off.. :D

    I *LOVE* working as a E911 Operator!!! :D

    Ya'all have a great night.. I'll be watching Season 3 of NARCOS: MEXICO with my beautiful wife of 44 years... :D

  31. [31] 
    MtnCaddy wrote:

    1- What exactly is “silly” about it? Funny how ALL the former Warsaw Pact countries who rushed to join NATO didn’t and still don’t find NATO membership to be silly.

    2- what would YOU have done that would have prevented Putin’s escalation of his 2014 invasion of Ukraine.

    3- in 2007 Putin lamented the fall of the Soviet empire in 1991 and made it clear he wanted to correct this. So he invaded Georgia, Kazakhstan, Chechnya twice and others. He told you what he wanted to do and then did so over and over. So what should Biden have done that would have stopped him in 2022?

    4- how would taking NATO membership off the table have been anything other than, Ukraine? Sure, we don’t care so help yourself!

    The previous name calling was not cool, and I’ll endeavor to knock it the fuck off. Please understand that it came purely out of frustration that you duck answering questions like these.

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