From The Archives -- The COVID Generation

[ Posted Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 – 20:02 UTC ]

Program Note: Today is the final day I was too preoccupied with real-life stuff to write a new column (new columns will resume tomorrow), so I conclude my little look back at the COVID pandemic with a much later article than the last two. I wrote this before we were all completely out of the woods (pandemic-wise), mostly because I was exasperated with the silliness of the baby boomers dictating to all following generations: "You shall be known by a single letter" (which wasn't true at the time, for most of us), and also with the silliness of merely drawing an arbitrary line on a calendar and declaring "This generation will end at this year, and the next generation shall begin here!" To me, a "generation" implies a shared event or a shared perspective that is outwardly defined (such as the post-World War II baby boom), and not by an arbitrary division of years.

In any case, the term still hasn't caught on (at least, that I am aware of), so maybe I'm still just trying to (pun intended) make it "go viral." So here is my rare foray into sociology (or whatever you want to call it), just in the hopes that people start using it one day.


Originally published September 30, 2021

[Before I begin today, a program note is in order. I am currently so frustrated with watching the "What are Manchin and Sinema thinking?" show that I really needed a break. So today, I am eschewing politics altogether to opine upon a subject I admittedly know next to nothing about. In the first place, I do not regularly talk to schoolchildren (although I do talk to some parents, so I get secondhand information, at the very least). I don't even know what to call the subject today -- sociology, maybe? (The fact that I'm not even sure of the right term to use should be a good indication of my ignorance.) Branding and marketing? Some combination of these, most likely. In any case, consider yourselves duly warned.]


I recently read an article which defined and explained a not-so-impressive neologism for the current generation of American children:

In 2005, social researcher Mark McCrindle coined the term "Generation Alpha" to identify the group born after Generation Z. He defines the generation as those born from 2010 to 2024, while Gen Z spans 1995 to 2009 and Gen Y spans 1980 to 1994 (though many push the millennial birth years back a bit later).

This is taking silliness to an entirely new level. This entire sequence of "let's just give generations letters" began a long time ago, mostly pushed by Baby Boomers who (perhaps) didn't want any other generation to have a label cooler than theirs. After all, for a good decade or so, the Baby Boomers themselves were referred to (disparagingly) as "the Me Generation." Everything always had to be about them, in other words, so the following generations would just have to make do with "X," "Y," and "Z."

This was always nonsense, really. Generations are defined by shared experience, not alphabet letters. The "Greatest Generation" was defined by their experiences winning World War II. Earlier, the Depression defined an era and a generation. Baby Boomers were labelled for something they didn't personally experience -- the post-war explosion of childbearing. But Generation X is (as the article does point out) much better defined as "the MTV Generation" because we can all still recall when "Music TeleVision" actually meant precisely what it said -- nothing but endless music videos, presented by "veejays." Think: Beavis and Butthead on a couch, watching videos. And it wasn't just MTV, it was the whole explosion of cable television and VCRs that defined a nation of children. Entertainment expanded enormously, compared with what the Baby Boomers had had to make do with.

The next generation was defined by a shared date on the calendar, as they are not the "Y Generation" so much as they are Millennials. They remember Y2K, for instance, and they were the first generation to grow up with personal computers just about everywhere. This was also a revolution in media and entertainment, albeit in its infancy.

But this is where I begin to disagree with the rest of the mavens of generational labels. Because I don't think there's going to be any sharp divide between "Generation Z" and younger kids today -- I think instead they are going to be their own generation, together. I would say that anyone who, right now, is college age or younger (down to perhaps age 6) is forever going to be "the COVID Generation." People born from the late 1990s through about 2015, in other words.

The pandemic and response to it will truly be the shared experience of a lifetime, for them. At least, one hopes so, because that assumes no future worldwide pandemic will put us through what we've all been experiencing for the past two years.

Now, adults had their own problems adapting to the pandemic. Some adapted better than others. But adults had a radically different experience than their kids. Throughout the entire pandemic and lockdown, I have tried to put myself in the place of a kid who had to spend all of (say) ninth and tenth grades sitting at home talking to a computer screen.

That is mind-boggling, or it should be. Think of the formative experiences that just didn't happen for that child. Think of all the high school socializing that just didn't happen -- or, if it did, was an online poor substitute. Imagine yourself at age 15 or 16 confined to your house with your parents, 24-7.

That is beyond traumatic. It's so sad it's hard to even accurately picture. And I just chose that age arbitrarily -- think of all the high school seniors that didn't get a prom and didn't get a graduation ceremony. Think of all the college freshmen who didn't get to experience dorm life and on-campus learning. Think of the younger schoolkids too, who missed out on two of the most formative years of their lives -- no socialization, no being in classrooms full of kids their own age, just a computer screen.

As I said, I can barely imagine such a thing. If I had been forced into such a lockdown when I was in high school, it would have been a race as to whether I went stark staring mad or had driven my parents to the same destination. And that's not really much of an exaggeration, as I was not the world's most well-behaved teenager (to put it mildly).

So I cannot even really imagine what these kids have all just gone through. It's really almost inconceivable to me. But here's the key -- they all experienced it together. They will have shared memories from this crisis for their entire lives. They will be separate from everyone who didn't go through the lockdown while still in school. Their generational definitional moment has happened, and it ignored the mavens who draw neat little lines saying: "This year through this other year will henceforth be their own generation!" Because the lines got drawn by shared experience -- which, after all, is what "a generation" is all about.

I am no sociological trendsetter, I fully admit. So my suggestion might just be ignored. But it doesn't really matter, because whether the label ever gains widespread usage or not, it will still be true. Whether the generation that went through the past two years while still in school even accepts the label or not, it still will define them for the rest of their lives.

Forget "Generation Z" and (shudder) "Generation Alpha." The newest generation has already been defined. And whether they wind up calling themselves this or not, the newest generation will always be the COVID Generation. Their shared experience means they earned this title.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


49 Comments on “From The Archives -- The COVID Generation”

  1. [1] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    OK, I guess.
    As you say, the entire 'Generation ___" thing is rather silly, starting with the reduction of the most recent series of "Gens" from the traditional 25 years to about 15 years.
    Yes, many people's childhoods were disrupted by the COVID lockdown in ways that adults of those years didn't experience. But is that a full "generation"? I don't think so.
    Thanks for thinking about it, though.

  2. [2] 
    Michale wrote:

    And who do we have to THANK for all those lockdowns and school closures way past the time that any of it was necessary???

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Democrat Party...

    In all ya'all's hysterical TRUMP/America Hate and PTDS, ya'all fall all over yourselves to point out with yer usual bullshit how bad PRESIDENT Trump handled the pandemic..

    As per ya'all's norm, ya'all REFUSE to concede how DEMOCRATS made everything 1000 times worse...

    Funny how that is ALWAYS the case with brain dead woke progressive Democrats, eh?

    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature..

  3. [3] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's talk a bit more about brain dead woke progressive Democrat hypocrisy..

    Remember how Democrats LOVED Elon Musk!!?? How Democrats MARVELED at Musk's innovation and how Democrats would SWOON at the thought of Musk bring the electric car into the main stream??

    The recent wave of violence and protests against Tesla and its CEO, Elon Musk, is a glaring example of the hypocrisy and derangement exhibited by the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party.

    Once hailed as a champion of innovation and environmental progress, Musk and TESLA has now become a target for brain dead Democrat terrorism simply because he dared to support President Trump and advocate for free speech. This phenomenon, aptly termed "Musk derangement syndrome," reveals the true colors of the brain dead Democrats, who have abandoned their alleged "principles" in favor of political vendettas and political terrorism.

    Environmental Progress founder Michael Shellenberger aptly pointed out that the very same brain dead Democrats who once celebrated electric vehicles as a solution to climate change are now attacking Tesla dealerships and charging stations. This is not just a misguided protest; it is terrorism on one of the most significant technologies available to combat climate change. The brain dead Democrats irrational response to Musk's political affiliations demonstrates that their commitment to environmental issues is secondary to their hysterical hate-based political agenda.

    The organized efforts to undermine Tesla, including protests and acts of terrorism, are not only hypocritical but also dangerous. Reports of gunshots at Tesla dealerships and the use of explosives against these facilities highlight the extreme measures some activists are willing to take. This is domestic terrorism, plain and simple, and it should be condemned by all who value civil discourse and the rule of law.

    Moreover, the involvement of organizations like Indivisible, which has provided toolkits for protests against Musk, underscores the orchestrated nature of this campaign. Instead of focusing on genuine environmental solutions, these groups are more interested in silencing dissent and punishing those who do not align with their ideology.

    PRESIDENT Trump’s promise to pursue domestic terrorism charges against those targeting Tesla is a necessary step in restoring order and accountability. The left's actions against Musk and Tesla are not just an attack on a businessman; they are an attack on innovation, free speech, and the very principles that should unite us in the fight against climate change.

    So kids... Let's recap...

    Brain dead Democrats' hysterical response to Elon Musk and Tesla reveals their hypocrisy and willingness to resort to violence and terrorism when faced with opposing viewpoints. It is time for rational voices to condemn these actions and reaffirm our commitment to constructive dialogue and genuine progress in addressing climate change. The future of innovation and environmental responsibility should not be sacrificed on the altar of political hatred.

    Will we ever see a commentary or comments that condemn brain dead Democrats for their hatred and bigotry and terrorism??

    I am guessing... NOT...


    It's the brain dead woke progressive Democrat way.... :eyeroll:

  4. [4] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, NOW brain dead woke progressive Democrats in Illinois want to pass a law to make it LEGAL to attack POLICE under certain circumstances..

    The recent introduction of House Bill 3458 by Illinois Democratic state Rep. Lisa Davis is a shocking example of the party's anti-police sentiment and their troubling embrace of what can only be described as "hate police" activities. This bill proposes to legalize attacks on police officers by individuals experiencing mental health episodes, effectively providing a legal defense for those who assault law enforcement. Such a move is not only reckless but also sends a dangerous message that attacking police officers is acceptable under certain circumstances.

    Critics of the bill rightly point out that it would embolden individuals to assault police officers, knowing they could escape accountability by claiming a mental health episode. This legislation undermines the safety of law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line daily to protect our communities. It is truly appalling that a lawmaker would consider making it easier for people to attack those sworn to uphold the law.

    Moreover, the hypocrisy of this bill is glaring. While it seeks to protect individuals with mental health issues, it does so at the expense of police officers, who are often the first responders in crisis situations. The bill does not extend the same protections to other first responders, such as firefighters, which raises questions about its true intentions.

    The Democratic Party's ongoing war against law enforcement is evident in this proposal, which reflects a broader trend of undermining police authority and accountability. Instead of supporting measures that enhance public safety and protect those who serve, Democrats are pushing legislation that could lead to increased violence against police officers.

    So.. To recap.

    House Bill 3458 is a dangerous and misguided attempt to redefine accountability in a way that endangers law enforcement and the communities they serve. It is time for lawmakers to prioritize the safety of police officers and reject any legislation that seeks to normalize violence against them. The Democrats must be held accountable for their anti-police rhetoric and actions, which only serve to further divide our society and jeopardize public safety.

    Remind me again that the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party is NOT the HATE POLICE Party???

    I seem to have forgotten, what with all the FACTS that prove that the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party IS the HATE POLICE Party..

  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's talk about Government Shutdown... :D

    Democrats have totally frak'ed themselves in the arse with how they have maneuvered themselves to be totally PWN'ed by PRESIDENT Trump...

    The current political landscape reveals a stunning display of incompetence and hypocrisy from the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party, particularly as they find themselves outmaneuvered by PRESIDENT Trump and his administration. The recent discussions surrounding a potential government shutdown have exposed the brain dead Democrats' inability to effectively strategize and respond to the GOP's calculated moves. Being lost in the wilderness does that to a Party.. :D

    As the White House confidently taunts Senate Democrats, it’s clear that brain dead Democrats are on track to make a HUGE political misstep. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's assertion that Republicans lack the necessary votes to keep the government open is met with skepticism from Trump and his team, who believe that Democrats will ultimately capitulate.

    Privately, Schumer has told his Democrats that they must do everything they can to make sure the government DOES NOT shutdown.

    The irony is palpable: brain dead Democrats, who once reveled in their perceived moral high ground, are now scrambling to justify their position while PRESIDENT Trump and his allies prepare to capitalize on their brain dead Democrat bonehead blunders.

    The brain dead Democrats' hysteria over a potential shutdown is laughable, especially considering their previous criticisms of PRESIDENT Trump and his administration. They have spent weeks attacking PRESIDENT Trump and his allies, including Elon Musk, for their management of government resources. Yet, if a shutdown occurs, it will be the brain dead Democrats who bear the brunt of the blame for furloughing over two million federal employees and delaying tax returns. The absurdity of their position is evident; they would be arguing that they are protecting the government by shutting it down. LAUGHABLE... :D

    Moreover, the brain dead Democrats' failure to engage in meaningful outreach to secure bipartisan support for funding measures demonstrates their lack of foresight and sincerity. Instead of working collaboratively, they have chosen to dig in their heels, which only serves to highlight their desperation. The White House's strategy, which includes leveraging the shutdown to gain unprecedented flexibility in managing government operations, puts the brain Democrats at a significant disadvantage.

    So, let's wrap this up in a nice package with a bow..

    Brain dead Democrats' current predicament is a result of their own making. Their hysterical TRUMP/AMEIRCA Hate rhetoric and refusal to adapt to the political realities have left them vulnerable to being outmaneuvered by a president who thrives on confrontation and who wins time and time again! As the deadline approaches, it is clear that the brain dead Democrats are not just facing a potential shutdown; they are facing a reckoning that could push them even FURTHER out into the political wilderness. The time for strategic thinking is now, but it appears brain dead Democrats are too caught up in their own hysterical hate and bigotry and intolerance to recognize the opportunity for a more effective approach.



  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    Don't believe me that brain dead woke progressive Democrats are getting their asses handed to them by PRESIDENT Trump???

    Let's take a look at what woke progressive Democrat water carrier CNN has to say... :D

    The current political landscape reveals just how badly Democrats have been outmaneuvered by PRESIDENT Trump and his administration. As the threat of a government shutdown looms, brain dead woke progressive Democrats find themselves in a precarious position, grappling with a funding bill that could ultimately empower PRESIDENT Trump’s AMERICA FIRST agenda while leaving brain dead Democrats looking weak and ineffective.

    The irony is palpable: Democrats, who once prided themselves on their ability to rally against Republican initiatives, are now scrambling to respond to a situation they helped create. With PRESIDENT Trump’s administration confidently taunting them, it’s clear that the GOP has set a trap that Democrats are struggling to navigate. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s assertion that Republicans lack the votes to keep the government open is met with skepticism, as many believe that brain dead Democrats will ultimately have to concede to avoid the political fallout of being blamed for a shutdown.

    The brain dead Democrats’ dilemma is compounded by their own base, which is demanding action against PRESIDENT Trump's AMERICA FIRST policies. However, the reality is that a government shutdown would likely backfire on Democrats, as they would be blamed for furloughing federal workers and disrupting essential services. This is a classic case of political miscalculation, where the desire to oppose PRESIDENT Trump has led them to a point of self-sabotage. Otherwise known as HOISTED BY THEIR OWN PICARD!! :D

    Moreover, the brain dead Democrats’ inability to effectively counter PRESIDENT Trump’s moves highlights their lack of strategic foresight. Instead of presenting a united front and negotiating from a position of strength, brain dead Democrats are left floundering, trying to appease their base while simultaneously avoiding the repercussions of being blamed for a shutdown. The fact that some Democrats, like Senator John Fetterman, are advocating for the passage of the stopgap bill underscores the internal conflict within the party.

    So, kids... Let's recap...

    Brain dead Democrats’ current predicament is a direct result of their failure to adapt to the political realities shaped by PRESIDENT Trump and their complete and utter FAILURE to understand how badly Democrats lost in 2024.

    The brain dead Democrat hysterical responses and inability to form a cohesive strategy have left them vulnerable and outmaneuvered by PRESIDENT Trump.

    As the deadline approaches, it is evident that the Democrats must reassess their approach or risk further alienating themselves from the very voters they seek to represent. The political chess game is in full swing, and right now, it’s clear who is playing 12-D Chess (PRESIDENT Trump) and who is playing CHUTES AND LADDERS (brain dead woke progressive Democrats).



  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Com'on people!!!

    Yer getting MASSIVELY PWN'ed here!!! :D

  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    Interesting take from a former Democrat who voted for PRESIDENT Trump in 2024.

    She makes a lot of sense, but with the exception of Liz and JL, none of ya'all will concede the facts she lays out..

    That is why brain dead woke progressive Democrats are lost in the political wilderness... Because ya'all refuse to accept the FACTS and the OBJECTIVE REALITY of the here and now...

    Just IMAGINE how HATE-FILLED and INTOLERANT and BIGOTED that Democrats must be to tell their fellow Democrats to DISOWN their PRESIDENT Trump supporting family!!

    Just IMAGINE how much HATE a person must have to say something like that!!


    One would HOPE that SOME of ya'all would have the good sense to be ashamed of what your brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party has become... :eyeroll:

    Anyways, here is Leelo Rising:

    The reason I am so critical of the Democratic Party right now is because I literally just left it, just like a lot of other people.

    I was a bleeding heart liberal like all of you. I mean, blue hair and everything. I mean, believe me, I have plenty of pictures proving that I was all in. If you had asked me a year ago, I would have said, there is no way in hell I would ever vote for Donald Trump. But let me tell you what changed my mind.

    The big moment for me was when the left started trying to push this, like, Nazi, Hitler, fascism narrative that they're trying to push right now, what y'all actually did is made a lot of us really go research Trump even harder, and we started to realize that a lot of things that you guys had shown us about Trump and things that he had said were taken way out of context.

    A lot of us started noticing a pattern where you guys were showing us, like, little 10-second clips of a 10-minute conversation that did not reflect the entirety of that conversation at all, so that was number one.

    And then, around Thanksgiving, all of a sudden, you guys are telling us that it would be better for us to sit at home and spend the holidays with no one than it would be to go home to your family who voted for Trump. When I heard that, I was like, OK, now y'all are balling, because you cannot tell me that it is better for your mental health to sit at home alone than it is to go and spend time with your friends and family.

    Y'all had actual therapists getting on TV and telling you guys this, and the sad thing is, is that it would have been better for them to encourage you to do something like find other people that believe the same as you to spend the holidays with, but they didn't. They told you to stay in your home and spend the holidays with no one. When that happened, I was like, OK, I gotta give this party a second look, because something is not right here.

    But honestly, if you want to know the truth, what really did it for me is realizing how freaking depressed I was when I was functioning as a liberal. Liberalism will literally make you hate yourself. It will make you hate your family. It will make you hate your friends. It will make you hate everything about the world.

    I'm not saying that you should just be ignorant to everything that is going on in the world, but the way that the left chooses to internalize everything that is going on in the world is detrimental to their mental health, and this is why people try to tell you that empathy is dangerous, but even that, you wanna take out of context, empathy itself is a great quality to have, empathy without discernment is detrimental.

    You have got to be able to discern when you are carrying too much and you need to take a step back, and none of you are doing that. Believe me, it is possible to care about everything that is going on in the world and not let it consume every single thought that you have and every single conversation that you have.

    A lot of us are leaving the party in droves because you guys have made it impossible to have any sort of individual thought whatsoever. Like, for instance, if I say that I like RFK Junior because I want bad chemicals out of my food and because I want to know what's in my vaccines, you will assume that I am someone who is anti-vax and anti-science, when in fact, all three of my kids and myself have been vaccinated.

    I just wanna tell you guys something, every Republican most likely voted for Trump, every person that voted for Trump is not a, the fact that you guys are so against Trump's administration right now, when most of his administration is former Democrats who have now left the party, y'all look wild. I mean, the Democratic Party has brainwashed people so hard that they're actually advocating against world peace right now.

    People on the left would rather us keep giving money to Ukraine to fund a war than to even fathom getting Ukraine and Russia at the table to try to agree to peace, a party that I joined because they were so anti-war, and I was so against war, now loves war, all of a sudden, they have convinced you to love war so much that you are actually fighting for transgender people to be in the military, when lots of groups of people are excluded from the military for very valid reasons.

    For instance, people like me who suffer from anxiety and depression, and even though I'm not currently medicated, I used to take medication for this, and that would disqualify me from serving in the military, and frankly, I don't have a problem with that. I know damn well that somebody like me has no, no damn business being on the front lines. Me having the conditions that I have make me a liability to the safety of this country.

    Like, don't get me wrong, I am all for trans rights, OK? I believe that you have the right to be whoever you want to be in whatever way makes you comfortable, but you really want the right to fight in the military, like, that's the right, that's the hill that you want to die on? Like, bro, people don't get accepted to the military because they have bone spurs on their feet, and you were complaining about the fact that a transgender person can't make it into the military.

    Like, at this point, the left has convinced you to be so anti-Trump that they will get you to argue for things that you used to be against.

    All of this summed up is exactly why you are losing people every single day.

    As bad as you think that you are making Trump look, all you are doing is making yourself look 10 times worse. And this last election very clearly showed that, because Trump increased his numbers across every single demographic, across women, across young voters, across Black Americans, across Hispanic Americans, like, everyone came out to vote for Trump, and it is because we just cannot stand y'all anymore.

    So, if you guys want to continue living in that kind of miserable existence, that is on you. We are not participating in that anymore. And by saying that, I'm not saying that we're not gonna be participating in changing the state of the world, but we don't have to be miserable while we're doing it.

    So, at this point, just forget everything that you have ever heard about Republicans, because I promise you, if you get a group of Trump voters in the room, you will not be able to put them all in one box, I promise you that. The Democratic Party is no longer the party of tolerance and inclusion and diversity, it's the new right.

    I heard someone else call us that, and honestly, I think we should start calling ourselves that, because we're not Republicans. I don't consider myself a Republican. I don't consider myself a Democrat anymore, but I damn well, I'm not gonna consider myself a Republican, but I think we should coin ourselves as the New Right, because that is so fitting.

    But if that's you, then I am so glad you're here, and welcome to the new right. We would love to have you.

  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    Let's delve a little deeper into the blatant hypocrisy of the hysterical brain dead woke progressive Democrats..

    The recent shift in the brain dead Democrat Party's stance on Tesla is a glaring and blatantly obvious example of Democrat hypocrisy. Democrats hailed Musk and Tesla as the environmental savior. But now, SOLELY due to HATE & BIGOTED politics, Musk and Tesla have now become a target for Democrat terrorists SOLELY because Elon Musk dared to support PRESIDENT Trump. Brain dead Democrats are willing to risk a "climate catastrophe" (their words) SOLELY over political bigotry and intolerance.. One must assume that the "climate catastrophe" must not be all that big of a deal if it takes a back seat to a political agenda, eh? :eyeroll:

    The left used to celebrate Tesla as the epitome of eco-friendly innovation. Environmental groups lauded the electric vehicle as a game-changer in the fight against climate change. Yet, now we see these same groups committing terrorism against Tesla dealerships and destroying THE VERY VEHICLES they once championed. Where is the logic or rationale in that!!??? It’s the political landscape that has shifted dramatically, revealing the Democrats' true terrorism colors.

    White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt hit the nail on the head when she stated that the Democrats' disdain for Tesla stems solely from Musk's political alignment. It’s astonishing to witness how quickly they turned on a product that was once a symbol of progressive values. AOC, who once proudly drove a Tesla, now faces the uncomfortable reality of being associated with a brand that has fallen out of favor with her party. If she still drives one, it’s likely out of recognition of its quality as an American-made product, not because of any ideological commitment.

    This hypocrisy is not just a minor inconsistency; it’s a fundamental flaw in the Democrats' approach to environmentalism and corporate America. They have allowed their political biases to overshadow their commitment to innovation and sustainability. Instead of supporting American-made products that contribute to a greener future, they have chosen to engage in petty political warfare. The brain dead Democrats’ actions serve as a reminder that their principles are often secondary to their political agendas, and it’s the American public that ultimately suffers from this hypocrisy.


  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:

    I am going to take a breather and give ya'all time to catch yer breathes from being PWN'ed so badly... :D

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    Hay JL,

    Over in Oregon (OF COURSE it's OREGON!!!) you have some whack-a-doodle who identifies as a 'turtle'...

    Pray tell, what Democrat "science" proves that this is a legit medical phenomena and NOT a brain dead woke progressive Democrat who is simply whacked out mentally ill??

    Asking for a friend...


  12. [12] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    biological reality is a LOT more complicated than anyone suspected before we had the technology to accurately observe it. blind adherence to gender norms of fifty years ago is mostly just a distraction from issues that actually matter in most people's lives. like hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths and long-term illnesses that occurred because Donald refused to act quickly to curb COVID.

    Objective reality is dead.
    Don Gill and mELakON killed it.

  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    like hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths and long-term illnesses that occurred because Donald refused to act quickly to curb COVID.

    Not factually accurate.. PRESIDENT Trump initiated OPERATION WARP SPEED which gave this country the COVID cure in UNPRECEDENTED time..

    Basement Biden fucked up on deployment.. all of those hundreds of thousands of deaths are on Biden.. NOT on PRESIDENT Trump...

    Objective reality is dead.

    Objective reality is not dead..

    It simply changed and you don't like what it changed into...

    THAT is the factual reality of the here and now..

  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    biological reality is a LOT more complicated than anyone suspected before we had the technology to accurately observe it. blind adherence to gender norms of fifty years ago is mostly just a distraction from issues that actually matter in most people's lives.

    So, you are saying that a woman COULD be a turtle simply because she believes it and THAT is **NOT** a case of obvious mental illness??

    Wow.. What a nice subjective reality you got there, JL.. :^/

  15. [15] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    it's impossible to discuss with you since you still don't understand what it means.

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:

    it's impossible to discuss with you since you still don't understand what it means.

    Oh I understand it perfectly. Actually better than you do..

    **Objective reality** refers to the state of things as they actually exist, independent of individual perceptions, beliefs, or interpretations. It encompasses facts that are universally observable and verifiable, regardless of personal feelings or opinions. In essence, objective reality is the tangible world that can be measured, tested, and agreed upon by multiple observers.

    For example, the existence of physical objects, natural laws, and measurable phenomena—such as gravity, the boiling point of water, or the distance between two locations—are aspects of objective reality. These elements remain constant and can be confirmed through scientific methods or empirical evidence.

    In contrast, subjective reality is shaped by personal experiences, emotions, and interpretations, which can vary significantly from one individual to another. While subjective experiences are valid and important for understanding human perspectives, they do not alter the underlying objective reality.

    In discussions about truth, knowledge, and perception, distinguishing between objective and subjective realities is crucial for understanding how people interpret their experiences and the world around them.

    Objective reality, by definition, CANNOT "die"...

    It simply changes state...

    And, as I pointed out, you don't like what it has changed into..

    That is why you say it's dead when in actuality, it's your SUBECTVIVE reality that has died....

    And a well deserved death it was... :D

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    Allow me to give you a PERFECT example of ya'all's SUBJECTIVE reality versus the OBJECTIVE reality...

    Ya'all's SUBJECTIVE reality was that Biden was "sharp as a tack".. That he was in full command of his faculties and was capable of leadership..

    That was ya'all's SUBJECTIVE reality..

    The OBJECTIVE reality... the reality that was factual and observable was the Biden was senile and dementia-riddled..

    THAT is a perfect example of SUBJECTIVE reality versus OBJECTIVE reality..

  18. [18] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:


    The techie left's love for Musk started to die after the Thai cave incident when his idea for a submarine was called stupid and Musk, without any evidence, called the actual hero a pedo guy. His popularity has been slipping ever since. Joining Trump was just icing on the shit cake...

  19. [19] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Basement Biden fucked up on deployment.. all of those hundreds of thousands of deaths are on Biden.. NOT on PRESIDENT Trump...

    Yes, you lie a lot. Is it MILLIONS and MILLIONS or hundreds of thousands?

    Someone in tune with objective reality would not get that mixed up. And, of course, could back it up...

  20. [20] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    This is why Trump's tariffs, especially his disjointed on again off again tariffs are especially damaging to America:

    ‘I feel utter anger’: From Canada to Europe, a movement to boycott US goods is spreading

    He could win every battle and still lose the war. He can't force the people of other countries to buy American with an executive order...

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    This one's for you, Liz..

    Canada is on the brink of a HUGE loss in the ongoing trade war with the United States, and the circumstances surrounding this conflict reveal just how precarious Canada's position has become. While Canada previously managed to hold its ground during the first trade war under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the current landscape is markedly different, and the odds are stacked against them.

    In the past, Canada successfully retaliated against U.S. tariffs with reciprocal measures, showcasing a strong negotiating position. However, the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has left Canada with soaring debt levels and a weakened currency. The Bank of Canada’s attempts to control inflation through rate hikes and quantitative tightening have not yielded the desired results, leading to a decline in the Canadian dollar against its U.S. counterpart. This economic instability has severely hampered Canada’s ability to negotiate effectively.

    As the trade war escalates, the Canadian government’s response has been to implement aggressive counter-tariffs and provide financial support to affected businesses and individuals. Yet, this strategy may backfire, as it risks further inflating costs for Canadian consumers. The political pressure to accept a subpar deal with PRESIDENT Trump is mounting, and the longer Canada holds out, the more vulnerable it becomes.

    PRESIDENT Trump is acutely aware of Canada’s weakened state and has ramped up tariffs, sensing an opportunity to exploit the situation. The recent comments from Chrystia Freeland, suggesting that Canada should align itself with nuclear-armed NATO members for protection against the U.S., reflect a growing desperation within Canadian leadership. This rhetoric underscores the reality that Canada is feeling increasingly isolated and threatened by its largest trading partner.

    In the long term, Canada may need to pivot towards developing its transatlantic and Pacific trade routes to reduce dependency on the U.S. market. However, this transition will not be easy and will likely involve a painful adjustment period. The current trade war is not just a battle over tariffs; it is a test of Canada’s resilience and adaptability in a rapidly changing geopolitical landscape.

    Ultimately, the brain dead woke Democrats’ failure to recognize the implications of their policies and the shifting dynamics of international trade has left Canada in a precarious position. As the trade war unfolds, it is clear that Canada is poised to lose this round, and the consequences will be felt by its citizens for years to come.

    Canada and Canadians can thank the brain dead woke progressive Democrats for the pickle that Canada is in now...

  22. [22] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    DOGE Makes Its Latest Errors Harder to Find

    Elon Musk’s group obscured the details of some new claims on its website, despite promises of transparency. But The Times was still able to detect another batch of mistakes.

    Why would anyone believe anything this guy says...

  23. [23] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Objective reality, by definition, CANNOT "die"...

    its death is metaphorical, like disco or communism. obviously there still exist some people somewhere in the world who believe in objective reality and understand what it is. clearly you're able to read and copy a definition, but understanding what the concept means i guess is a bridge too far.


  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    It’s hilarious to reflect on how brain dead woke progressive Democrats once adored Elon Musk, viewing him as a visionary and champion of environmental sustainability. Musk’s electric vehicles, particularly Tesla, were celebrated as the future of clean energy and a significant step toward combating climate change. Environmental groups hailed him as a hero for promoting electric transportation, and his innovative spirit was often lauded by the left.

    However, this admiration took a sharp turn when Musk began to express support for conservative values and PRESIDENT Trump. Suddenly, the same progressives who once cheered for Musk found themselves at odds with him. The very individuals who praised his contributions to green technology now vilify him, showcasing a glaring hypocrisy in their stance. It’s a classic case of “love you until you disagree with us” revealing how political ideology can overshadow genuine appreciation for innovation and progress.

    The recent terrorism against Tesla and Musk, driven by hysterical brain dead woke progressive Democrat activists, highlight this shift. These terrorists, who once championed Musk’s electric cars, are now vandalizing Tesla dealerships and attacking the very technology they once celebrated. This terrorism underscores the hysterical irrationality of their stance, as they are effectively opposing one of the most significant advancements in sustainable transportation simply because Musk has stepped outside the progressive narrative.

    It’s ironic that the same brain dead Democrats who once embraced Musk as a symbol of progress are now engaging in actions that undermine the very goals they claim to support. Their transformation from admiration to hostility illustrates a troubling trend in contemporary politics, where ideological purity takes precedence over innovation and collaboration. If progressives truly cared about the environment, they would recognize Musk’s contributions and continue to support advancements in clean technology, regardless of his political affiliations. Instead, their reaction reveals a deep-seated intolerance for dissenting views, ultimately hindering the progress they claim to champion.

  25. [25] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Ah, repetitive and wrong. After the "pedo guy" incident, his next hit was taking over Twitter. Mister "free speech absolutist" started banning people for criticizing him or his companies. The hypocrisy was obvious and dropped his popularity...

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:


    its death is metaphorical,

    Which is, by definition, subjective...

    but understanding what the concept means i guess is a bridge too far.

    I proved that I understand objective reality by giving you a perfect example of the OBJECTIVE reality vs ya'all's SUBJECTIVE reality..

    You are simply ideologically opposed to the example so you manufacture a claim that I don't understand something that I clearly do..

    It's like when Victoria Troll claim I am "obsessed" with Genocide Guy simply because I PROVED to her that Genocide Guy (AKA JMCT) did, in fact say he "can't wait for the next pandemic". Victoria Troll made up some bullshit about an obsession as a way of trying (but failing) to save face...

    So it is with you and my understanding of Objective Reality.. I understand it perfectly.. You just don't like what it shows about your ideological enslavement.


  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    It's like when Victoria Troll claim I am "obsessed" with Genocide Guy simply because I PROVED to her that Genocide Guy (AKA JMCT) did, in fact say he "can't wait for the next pandemic". Victoria Troll made up some bullshit about an obsession as a way of trying (but failing) to save face...

    Ironically enough, we haven't see her since.. :D

  28. [28] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    it's the newest trick right-wingers have learned - accuse others of the things they themselves are doing, including accusing others of accusing others of the things they themselves are doing, which they themselves are doing. still waiting for level three of that game to show up online.

  29. [29] 
    Michale wrote:

    it's the newest trick right-wingers have learned - accuse others of the things they themselves are doing

    Hardly... It's what brain dead woke progressive Democrats have been doing since they elected brain dead Biden...

    The simple fact is, OBJECTIVE REALITY CANNOT DIE..

    The fact that you said it has died PROVES that what you BELIEVE is Objective Reality is nothing but your SUBJECTIVE Reality...

    That would indicate that it's YOU who doesn't understand the definition of OBJECTIVE REALITY...


  30. [30] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Gaslight Obstruct Project...

  31. [31] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    Hardly... It's what brain dead woke progressive Democrats have been doing since they elected brain dead Biden...

    case in point.

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    Thank you..

    I accept your concession...

  33. [33] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I accept your concession...

    it wasn't offered, and it won't be.

  34. [34] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Trump Family Has Held Deal Talks With Binance Following Crypto Exchange’s Guilty Plea

    Trump likes the cut of his jib and wants a piece of the action. Most corrupt administration in history...

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    But hay...

    "I'll be your huckleberry.."

    What is the OBJECTIVE REALITY in the here and now vis a vis the political situation...

    Keeping in mind that OBJECTIVE REALITY is FACTUAL and OBSERVABLE...


  36. [36] 
    Michale wrote:

    it wasn't offered, and it won't be.

    And therein lies your problem..

    You won't concede even if the FACTS and the OBJECTIVE REALITY *PROVE* you are wrong..

    Next to hypocrisy, it's the defining characteristic of a woke progressive Democrat.

    They will never concede that they are wrong, even when a definitive LOSS of an election PROVES them wrong..

  37. [37] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    USDA ends program that helped schools serve food from local farmers

    Hurt kids and farmers, all so the rich can have some tax cuts. The leopards are feasting on face...

  38. [38] 
    Michale wrote:

    The current state of the brain dead Democrat Party is a striking reflection of its historical predecessors, and the signs of impending doom are becoming increasingly obvious to ANYONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together.

    As articulated in recent analyses, brain dead woke progressive Democrats are veering completely and utterly off the reservation, much like the Whigs and the Know Nothings before them. Their ideological enslavement, rigidity and disconnect from the average every day American are leading them toward a reckoning that could sink the Party in the sea of oblivion..

    The brain dead Democrats' embrace of concentrated power and big government has alienated many of their traditional supporters. Brain dead Democrats have become synonymous with the suppression of individual liberties, whether it be through restrictions on free speech, gun ownership, or the rule of law. Their silence on rampant illegal immigration and their derision and hatred of law enforcement only serve to further distance them from the very communities they claim to represent. This is not just a political miscalculation; it is a fundamental betrayal of the values that once united them with the American public.

    The recent history of the Democrat Party is littered with examples of their failure to adapt to the needs and concerns of everyday Americans. Their obsession with ideology over practicality and common sense has led to disastrous policy decisions, resulting in soaring debt and inflation that disproportionately affect working families. The party's fixation on radical agendas involving gender and racial identity has overshadowed the need for rational governance, leaving them with nothing from the American voter except criticism and ridicule.

    As the brain dead Democrats grapple with their identity, they risk repeating the mistakes of the Greenbacks, who prioritized ideology over sound economic principles. The Greenbacks ultimately dissolved due to their inability to connect with the electorate, and the brain dead Democrats appear to be heading down the same path. Their current leadership, characterized by a lack of accountability and a disregard for constitutional principles, is unlikely to inspire confidence among voters.

    So, let's recap, kids...

    The brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party is at a crossroads, facing a reckoning that could lead to its fragmentation and ultimately it's demise.. The ideological extremism of the brain dead Democrats and their failure to engage with the concerns of the American people have left them utterly USELESS to every day Americans...

    If brain dead Democrats do not recalibrate their approach and reconnect with the values that resonate with the electorate, they may find themselves relegated to the annals of political history alongside the parties that have come and gone before them. The time for reflection and change is now, or they risk becoming yet another cautionary tale of political hubris.

    So say we all.....

  39. [39] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    You won't concede even if the FACTS and the OBJECTIVE REALITY *PROVE* you are wrong..

    nope. that's your game, not mine.

  40. [40] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    I would bet many quatloos Michale had never heard of the Greenback party before it was spit out by whatever AI he is using instead of thinking on his own.

    But in response Canada should be a cautionary tale. The liberals were considered completely out of it by polls and news articles. All it took was Trump to bring them right back to competitive...

  41. [41] 
    Michale wrote:

    nope. that's your game, not mine.

    The facts say otherwise..

    Here is this MASSIVE election win by PRESIDENT Trump and the GOP and you STILL think that the brain dead Democrat Party has it right..

    Talk about denying the Objective Reality!

  42. [42] 
    Michale wrote:

    You can't even tell me what the Objective Reality IS in the here and now.. :D

  43. [43] 
    nypoet22 wrote:


  44. [44] 
    Michale wrote:

    Tell me again how brain dead Democrats are pro America???

    The recent revelations about the Biden administration's extensive censorship initiatives serve as a stark reminder of the Democrats' blatant hypocrisy and their alarming disregard for free speech. A report from the Media Research Center has uncovered no fewer than 57 initiatives aimed at silencing American citizens, spanning an astonishing 93 government agencies. This is not just a minor issue; it is a full-scale assault on the very principles that underpin our democracy.

    The hypocrisy is glaring. Democrats once celebrated the importance of free expression, especially when it aligned with their political agenda. However, the moment President Trump took office and began to champion free speech, the left pivoted dramatically. They have resorted to tactics that include pressuring companies like Amazon to ban books critical of their policies and coercing social media platforms to censor content deemed "misinformation." This is not just a political maneuver; it is a direct attack on the rights of individuals to express dissenting opinions.

    Moreover, the Biden administration's collaboration with far-left organizations to suppress conservative viewpoints is particularly troubling. Taxpayer dollars have been funneled to groups like the Poynter Institute and Newsguard, which produce biased reports aimed at discrediting conservative media. This is a clear example of using government resources to undermine free speech, all while masquerading as protectors of truth and accuracy.

    The recent push by Rep. Harriet Hageman to allow citizens to sue federal employees who collude with outside entities to censor speech is a necessary step toward accountability. It highlights the urgent need to protect free speech from government overreach, especially in an era where the left seems intent on silencing any dissent.

    As we reflect on these developments, it is crucial to recognize that the Democrats' actions are not just a temporary lapse; they represent a fundamental shift in their approach to governance. If they regain power, the potential for a return to these oppressive tactics looms large. The time to fortify our defenses against censorship is now, before the Democrats have another opportunity to impose their will on the American public. The fight for free speech is far from over, and it is imperative that we remain vigilant against those who seek to undermine it.

    I seem to have forgotten what with all the FACTS that prove the opposite...


  45. [45] 
    Michale wrote:

    By all means, then..

    Tell me what the OBJECTIVE REALITY is in the here and now...

    "I am all ears.."
    -Ross Perot, 1992 Presidential Debates

  46. [46] 
    Michale wrote:

    Allow me to give you an assessment of the OBJECTIVE REALITY of the here and now vis a vis the Democrat Party..

    The current state of the Democratic Party is a chaotic reflection of deep divisions and internal strife, particularly evident as they grapple with the impending government shutdown and the GOP's spending bill. Despite Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's claims of unity, the reality is that Democrats are far from cohesive. Senators like John Fetterman have openly criticized their colleagues for considering a government shutdown, emphasizing that such a move would be a "gift for the Republicans." His sarcastic remarks highlight the absurdity of the situation, as Democrats find themselves at odds over a strategy that could ultimately harm their political standing.

    Fetterman's candid acknowledgment of the inconsistency within the party is telling. He recalls a time when Democrats lectured about the dangers of shutting down the government, only to find themselves in a position where some members are willing to risk just that. This internal conflict is not just a minor disagreement; it reflects a broader struggle within the party to maintain a unified front in the face of a resurgent Republican Party, led by none other than Donald Trump.

    The Democrats' predicament is further complicated by the presence of senators like Mark Kelly, who, while recognizing the pitfalls of a shutdown, has expressed concerns about the implications of supporting the House's short-term spending bill. His refusal to back the bill, citing it as a means to grant "unchecked power to Donald Trump and Elon Musk," underscores the party's struggle to reconcile their ideological commitments with the practical realities of governance.

    As the clock ticks down to the deadline, the Democrats' inability to present a united front against the GOP is glaring. The party's internal divisions are not just a matter of policy; they are a reflection of a deeper identity crisis. With the 2024 elections looming, the stakes are high, and the Democrats risk being completely outmaneuvered by Trump and the GOP.

    The reality is that the Democratic Party is facing a reckoning. If they cannot find common ground and effectively counter the GOP's strategies, they may find themselves not only losing the current battle over government funding but also facing significant electoral consequences in the upcoming elections. The divisions within the party, highlighted by Fetterman's remarks and the varied responses from senators, reveal a party that is struggling to define itself in a rapidly changing political landscape. If Democrats do not address these fractures, they may very well be setting the stage for their own political demise.

  47. [47] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, let's talk about brain dead Democrat "unity".. :D

    During a private lunch for Democratic senators on Thursday, members of the press reported hearing Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., yelling at her Senate colleagues in frustration. This outburst occurred amidst the ongoing discussions regarding the impending government shutdown, highlighting the tension and urgency surrounding the situation.

    Senator John Fetterman expressed a strong stance against the idea of shutting down the government, stating, "Any party should never shut the government down." He emphasized that if Democrats were to block the House-passed continuing resolution (CR), it would essentially be "a gift for the Republicans." Fetterman pointed out that the GOP seems to be challenging them, saying, "In fact, if anything, I think they’re effectively daring us to do that."

    The Pennsylvania Democrat did not hold back in his criticism of his fellow party members, reminding them of their previous stance on government shutdowns. He noted, "It wasn't that long ago that we were lecturing everyone about the importance of never allowing the government to shut down. So, this inconsistency is quite striking."

    Fetterman acknowledged that while the current CR may not be ideal, it represents the reality of their situation. "We can all agree that it's not a great CR, but that's where we are, and that's the choice we have to make," he concluded. His remarks highlight the internal conflict within the Democratic Party as they navigate the complexities of the funding bill and the potential consequences of their decisions. The urgency of the situation underscores the need for unity and strategic thinking as they face the looming threat of a government shutdown.

    Brain dead Democrats know that they NEED unity...

    Apparently, 'knowing' what they need and actually GETTING to that point??

    Two very different things.. :D

    That's the OBJECTIVE REALITY of the here and now...

    On another note, it appears that things are happening on the back end of Weigantia…

    It's difficult to login and sometimes the login fails..

    Looks like ya'all might get yer BLOCK feature (AKA the PUSSY's Way To Do Politics) pretty soon.. :D

    Here's hoping... I am getting tired of ya'all's whining and crying hysterically...

  48. [48] 
    Michale wrote:


    President Trump successfully cut off all Russian oil sales to the European Union!

    In a significant policy shift, the U.S. Treasury has terminated the exemption that previously allowed sanctioned Russian banks to facilitate payments for oil sales to Europe. This decisive action means that European nations can no longer purchase Russian oil, effectively crippling a vital revenue stream for Vladimir Putin's war machine.

    It is essential to recognize that this hardline approach to Russia is a stark contrast to the previous administration's policies. Under President Biden, there was a troubling exemption that permitted Russian banks to process payments, enabling Putin to continue profiting from oil sales while waging war. This leniency not only undermined international sanctions but also allowed Russia to bolster its economy at a time when it was crucial to apply maximum pressure on the Kremlin.

    President Trump, on the other hand, took a firm stance against Russian aggression during his time in office. His administration implemented stringent measures to limit Russia's ability to export oil, recognizing that energy revenues were funding military operations and destabilizing global security. By cutting off these sales, Trump aimed to weaken Putin's influence and deter further aggression.

    The recent decision by the Treasury to end the Biden-era exemption is a critical step in reinforcing the United States' commitment to holding Russia accountable for its actions. It demonstrates a renewed focus on ensuring that adversaries like Putin cannot exploit loopholes to finance their military endeavors.

    As the situation unfolds, it is clear that a strong and unified approach is necessary to confront the challenges posed by Russia. The contrast between Trump's decisive actions and Biden's previous leniency highlights the importance of maintaining a tough stance against those who threaten global stability. The end of Russian oil sales to Europe is a significant victory for international efforts to curb Putin's ambitions and protect democratic values worldwide.

    Get that!!?? **BIDEN** gave PUTIN an exemption so that Putin can fund his war against Ukraine!!!


    Gods, it sucks to be brain dead woke progressive Democrats in the here and now!!!

  49. [49] 
    Michale wrote:

    Exactly HOW BAD does it suck to be brain dead woke progressive Democrats right now!!???

    "Brain Dead Democrats suck!!! They really really suck!!!"


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