A Lose-Lose Situation For Senate Democrats
Senate Democrats are currently trapped between a rock and a hard place. They face a lose-lose situation, so it's no wonder they haven't figured out a viable path forward yet. Anything they do, at this point, is going to disappoint the voters in their base in one way or another (which is really just the natural result of being in the minority in both houses of Congress and not holding the Oval Office).
What's at stake is the federal budget for the rest of this fiscal year and an impending government shutdown. But the Republicans, led by President Elon Musk and his hapless sidekick Donald Trump, hold all of the cards here. The Democrats are looking at a pair of twos, to continue the poker analogy (or perhaps even worse -- a hand that's only ten-high?).
We got to this point after witnessing an astonishing political feat: the House Republicans actually managed to get something done. This was shocking mostly because even when they have held the majority over the past few decades (ever since the dawn of the Tea Party, really), they have never been able to get over their intraparty feuds to pass much of anything, especially when it comes to budget bills. This time around, the threats from their Dear Leader (of being primaried) effectively forced them all into line -- which was indeed pretty astonishing. So they passed, on a mostly-party-line vote, their continuing resolution to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year.
It isn't a totally "clean" C.R., instead it is (at best) a "clean-ish" C.R. It doesn't have the most odious poison pills that Republicans usually toss into their budget bills, but it also doesn't have any protections against Musk rampaging through the federal workforce and federal spending. This means it will put a sort of stamp of approval on what Musk has been doing so far -- all the way until the end of September. This is why House Democrats didn't vote for it.
Normally in such situations, even a "clean-ish" budget bill would likely have been good enough for Democrats to vote for. It may have even been seen as a minor victory. Instead of kicking the can down the road a few months (or even just "a few weeks"), it covers the entire rest of the year. It doesn't have a bunch of culture war extremism in it, and it doesn't drastically slash spending for Democratic priorities. Again, in a normal situation, Democrats likely would have accepted it -- and even claimed victory when it passed.
But these are not normal times, of course.
In the first place, normally it is Republicans who threaten government shutdowns, as a bargaining position against Democrats. They always think that Democrats have a vested interest in seeing the government not shut down, therefore they take the federal budget hostage and make demands. This rarely (if ever) ends well for them, as the public usually winds up blaming the GOP for the chaos, leading the Republicans to eventually cave.
This usually happens when a Democrat is in the White House. Which brings us to the second reason these are not normal times. Not only is the shoe on the other foot (a Republican president, Democrats considering causing a shutdown), but the Republican in question is Donald Trump (and President Elon Musk, of course). Neither Trump nor Musk is fazed in the slightest by the concept of a government shutdown. It's not even about the blame -- it's more that they would just love (and absolutely revel in) the resulting chaos.
So the normal leverage in such situations doesn't even really exist. If the government does shut down, it would give the White House the power to determine which federal employees are "essential" and which are "non-essential" (and thus could be sent home for the duration). Musk and Trump would gleefully decide that most federal employees weren't essential and could be furloughed, and then eventually Musk would get around to firing large numbers of them (you can already hear the reasoning: "Why keep paying them if they are not essential and not working?"). They wouldn't see it as pressure, they would see it as a golden opportunity instead. Trump wouldn't negotiate with congressional Democrats, he'd just shrug his shoulders and say: "Go ahead, keep it shut down, I don't care." If any bad outcomes develop as a result, Trump would (of course) attempt to blame it all on the Democrats.
The alternative is to pass the House C.R., which would give a big green light to Musk to continue doing what he's already been doing anyway. Which (obviously) Democrats aren't exactly thrilled at the prospect of voting for.
The other dynamic in play here is that this could be the last chance in a very long while (for the rest of the year, perhaps) where Senate Democrats are actually a political factor. The budget bills for next year will likely be passed through the reconciliation process, which takes the filibuster off the table as a tactic. But the C.R. still can be filibustered, which means that Democratic votes will be needed to pass it. Eight of them, in fact, since Senator Rand Paul has already said he will vote against it. Senator John Fetterman has already said he's a "Yes" vote, so as things stand the Republicans need seven more Democrats to cross the aisle.
As of this writing, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has indicated that the Republicans don't have those seven votes. So the Democrats could indeed kill the bill. Which would cause the government to shut down when midnight rolls around tomorrow night.
But they are still only holding a pair of twos, please remember.
Democrats don't have the luxury of having an alternate plan, really. They can't pass their own budget bill through Congress (since they hold neither house), so they are reduced to fighting hard for one change to the bill the Republican House already passed. They want to add some language that would rein in Musk, and force the White House to actually spend the money they appropriate (instead of Musk ignoring their instructions and doing what he feels like instead).
That's it. That's the line in the sand the Democrats are attempting to draw. It's not very impressive, but they simply don't have the power to demand anything more. If Democrats had their way, they would (at this point) pass another short-term C.R. (for perhaps a month) and then negotiate with the Republicans to pass a much better budget bill for the rest of this year. So far, the Republicans have not included Democrats in any negotiations, in either house. So the best possible outcome (the "pie in the sky" outcome for Democrats, at this point) would be for the Senate Republicans to actually negotiate with them in good faith.
But even all of that is doomed, since Democrats don't have the power to pass anything at all through both houses. So the Senate Democrats can only realistically fight for a symbolic gesture.
Chuck Schumer is trying to get the Senate Republicans to agree to bring up some amendments to the House bill. These amendments would add the language reining Musk in (and perhaps a few other things), and they would all fail to get enough votes on the Senate floor. It'll all be a staged bit of Kabuki theater, and then after it is done, Democrats will go ahead and vote for the House C.R. anyway -- after making their political point.
That's not going to impress many Democratic voters back home, who are now angry at Democratic politicians for not fighting back hard enough against Musk and Trump. "We succeeded in forcing a vote... which failed... isn't that great?" isn't going to be very convincing, to put this another way.
So Democrats are caught between a rock and a hard place. At best, even if they "win," they're still going to wind up losing, after a bit of symbolic parliamentary theater. At worst, they're going to lose without the symbolic win. Or they're going to get blamed for shutting the government down, which will just send Musk's efforts to fire everybody into warp drive. It really is a lose-lose situation all around for Senate Democrats.
-- Chris Weigant
Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant
Which is EXACTLY what I have been saying ALL DAY!!!
Brain dead woke progressive Democrats have royally frak'ed things up!!!
Basically, the problem for brain dead Democrats is they want to pay $900 for a hammer...
PRESIDENT Trump says, "I can buy a hammer for $50 and then use the extra $850 for shit that actually HELPS Americans..."
Brain dead Democrats want to pay $200 MILLION for an Aircraft Carrier..
PRESIDENT Trump says, "I can get a BETTER Aircraft Carrier that actually WORKS for $50 million and use the extra $150 million for shit that actually HELPS Americans..."
DO ya'all see why, no matter HOW ya'all want to whine and cry and hysterically throw shit around, that PRESIDENT Trump AND the American People will win here??? :eyeroll:
Russ Troll.. Please follow thru and kill yourself... EVERYONE will be happier when you do...
I'm not really convinced the country will blame the Democrats if the government shuts down this weekend. That's inside-baseball, which most people don't follow. Of course, if the shutdown happens, the Republicans will blame the Democrats and the Democrats will blame the Republicans. Yada yada.
But regular people will do the math. The Republicans control the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. The government is shut down, and federal services are being constrained. Musk and Trump are continuing to gut the government's workforce and public service missions. Who's to blame for all this?
"Um, I know. The Republicans, under Trump and Musk. Sure, they're blaming the Senate Democrats, but they always do that. Anyone can see that a disaster of this proportions is due to the actions of the party in power, not the party out of power."
Nuff said. Let it blow, let it blow, let it blow, Chuck.
Brain dead Democrats want to pay $200 MILLION for an Aircraft Carrier..
The USS Gerald R. Ford, our last built aircraft carrier was $13.32 billion. The previous 3 aircraft carriers before the Ford was around $12.7 billion each. Seems, much like Musk, you are talking deeply out your ass.
HELPS Americans...
You mean big tax cuts for the rich? Because that is all I have seen publicly of their plans. Stick it to Americans seems to be their mantra, helping Americans their deepest fear...
Well, my recent [3] is already out of date - as is this entire column.
That is, I see on the news tonight that Schumer has caved. He has agreed to have the Democrats in the Senate support the Republican continuing resolution, rather than risk the blowback (and the harm to the country, politics aside) of a government shutdown.
That settles that, for the time being.
Trump is Art of the Deal guy. We all know it's a bunch of bullshit but still. Senate democrats need to find a single issue that most Americans disagree with the GOP on that's easy to communicate and demand a deal. Hit the news cycles pushing it. Who cares if Musk fires more federal workers, the more pain the better. Democrats need to tap into the anger of the 1/3 of the country that typically doesn't vote and they are not going to get interested in politics until it hurts.
Plus, no money, no Military or federal police (ice) adventures beyond the bare minimum. No new immigrants camps, no taking Greenland or Panama. No tax cuts. Trump to a certain degree needs that funding. Make him make a deal for it...
If it goes on long enough, call a general strike. There is one planned for May 1st but it will likely need to be sooner. As long as the media story is Trump is failing to make a deal, Democrats won't get all or even most the blame.
John M from Ct. [5]
Definitely a missed opportunity...
Chuck Schumer will vote to keep government open
Brain Dead Democrats LOSE AGAIN!!!!!
I'm not really convinced the country will blame the Democrats if the government shuts down this weekend.
Apparently, you are as retarded as your fellow brain dead woke progressive Democrats are...
Brain Dean Democrats KNEW they would get blamed..
That's why they are voting with PRESIDENT Trump...
It must REALLY suck for you to be WRONG all the time, eh!!?? :D
Democrats won't get all or even most the blame.
Apparently, YOU are as WRONG as GENOCIDE GUY was, eh Bashit Troll!!!
PRESIDENT Trump has PWN'ed Brain Dead Democrats!!!! :D
What more proof do ya'all need that your Democrat Party is dead...???
I am LAUGHING at you Brain Dead Woke Progressive Democrats!!!
The laughing clown laughs again...
This is Democrat’s last chance to prove they’re relevant and they should not pass this C.R.
If they do I’m off to the Democratic Socialists of America. I started voting in 1980 and Democrats have constantly and unfailingly disappointed me. This by not campaigning against and repealing Reaganism. Obviously there are enough greedy “Establishment Democrats” in the donor class that love Reaganism’s tax cuts. And they’re willing to trade what’s left of the New Deal to keep the tax cuts. Let us fools fight over abortion or something.
Fuck Clinton (both of them) fuck Obama and fuck Biden — none of them remotely tried to undo Reaganism. We’ll never know if it would have killed Kamala to propose Medicare for All or even legal weed and a $15 minimum wage (she might have overcome Murica’s racism and beaten Putin’s Bitch) but it clearly would have killed the Democratic donor class! The Dem’s keep offering more of the same triangulation bullshit and don’t remotely address the root cause of America’s decline. Republicans don’t try to hide their intentions but when Democrats don’t step up the Democratic voters don’t show up. Messaging can never rectify a shitty message.
On a lighter note: anyone checking out the lunar eclipse? Quite beautiful here in the PNW. Nice red moon through the trees when the clouds clear enough...
Ahhhhhh I just LOVE the smell of whiney brain dead woke progressive Democrats' tears in the morning!! :D
It's great to be an American, eh!?? :D
You people need to face the Objective Reality..
Your woke progressive Democrat Party is dead...
This is PRESIDENT Trump's America now, bitches.. :D
According to all of your comments here, Michale, there are actually two Americas, right? I mean there is Trump's America and the rest of America.
What can be done to make America whole again?
The only thing better than the smell of brain dead Democrat tears in the morning is the *BANGS* and *BOOMS* sounds of a brain dead Democrat Civil War in the morning.. :D
The current turmoil within the brain dead Democrat Party is a clear indication of a civil war brewing among its ranks, and it presents a unique opportunity for PRESIDENT Trump to capitalize on the chaos and push the AMERICA FIRST agenda that all true patriotic Americans want.
As Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced his intention to vote for a government funding measure to avert a shutdown, the backlash from within his party was swift and fierce. This internal strife highlights the fractures in the Democratic coalition, which could ultimately lead to PRESIDENT Trump's massive resurgence in the political arena.
Schumer's decision to support a bill he himself deemed "very bad" has drawn sharp criticism from prominent Democrats. Occasional Cortex articulated her discontent, arguing that voting for the continuing resolution (CR) would empower the very chaos and reckless cuts that have been detrimental to the American public. Just LOVE her hysterical whinings!!
Her sentiments were echoed by Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, who firmly rejected Schumer's stance, labeling the Republican-backed bill as harmful to workers, veterans, and seniors. This discord among brain dead Democrats not only showcases their inability to present a united front but also signals a potential loss of faith among their base.
Hell, MountainCaddy has promised to go full on NAZI Party.... :eyeroll:
The CIVIL WAR within the brain dead Democrat Party is further exacerbated by voices like Susan Rice, who has called for Schumer to "grow a spine." Such hysterical public outcries from influential party members indicate a growing frustration with leadership and a lack of ANY strategy whatsoever!
The brain dead Democrats are caught in a dilemma: either they assist the GOP in passing a bill that many of them oppose or risk triggering a government shutdown that could have dire consequences for their constituents and will incur the wrath of the American voter. This predicament is a classic example of brain dead Democrats simply unable to function as a coherent political entity.. The brain dead Democrats ideological divides prove that that brain dead Democrats simply can't handle the massive political win that PRESIDENT Trump and the GOP achieved in the 2024 election.
As the brain dead Democrats grapple with their internal conflicts, PRESIDENT Trump and the American people will certainly benefit from the brain dead Democrats complete and utter disarray. PRESIDENT Trump's ability to craft a plan to cut spending without congressional approval after a shutdown is a testament to PRESIDENT Trump's current political acumen.
While the brain dead Democrats are busy fighting amongst themselves, PRESIDENT Trump takes on the role as a massively decisive leader ready to take action, appealing to voters who are tired of the infighting and dysfunction in Washington.
PRESIDENT Trump is a SUPERHERO to the American voter!!! :D
So kiddies... Let's recap...
The ongoing civil war within the utterly decimated and brain dead Democrat Party not only showcases their staggering ineptitude and incompetence, but it also sets the stage for PRESIDENT Trump's incredible ability to champion the AMERICA FIRST agenda that ALL patriotic Americans crave! As the confused, leaderless and rudderless brain dead Democrats flounder in their internal strife and back-stabbing, PRESIDENT Trump stands ready to harness their chaos, reinforcing his image as the strong, effective leader that America has been yearning for!
This brain dead Democrat Party civil war is not just a awesome spectacle for the American people to enjoy and laugh at, it is the pathway to PRESIDENT Trump's and the American people's resounding victory..
Again and Again and Again!
Is it a great time to be an American!!?? Or what!!??? :D
According to all of your comments here, Michale, there are actually two Americas, right? I mean there is Trump's America and the rest of America.
Nope, Liz.. There is just ONE America...
PRESIDENT Trump's America..
What the brain dead Democrats have created is a sophomoric and morass abyss of hate and bigotry and intolerance that is nothing but the dredges of a slum. A complete mass of garbage that is not fit for human beings to live in.. Hence, it's the brain dead Democrat's home..
What can be done to make America whole again?
Brain dead Democrats are welcome to live in PRESIDENT Trump's and our America..
They simply have to give up their adherence to their hate and bigoted and intolerant ideology and embrace the concept of America First, the fact that REAL SCIENCE says that there are two human genders only, the concept of personal freedoms and the fact that PRESIDENT Trump is the leader of the free world..
Then they won't be brain dead Democrats anymore..
They can be PROUD AMERICANS like the rest of us...
See how simple it all is??
Com'on in!!! The water's fine!! :D
So, JL.....
Let's talk about that OBJECTIVE REALITY, shall we??? :D
This says it all about the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party!! :D
Promises made!! Promises kept!!
PRESIDENT Trump delivers for the American people!!! :D
March has brought much-needed relief to American consumers, as we witness a significant drop in egg prices, gas prices, and overall inflation. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) unexpectedly declined to 2.8% in February, down from 3.0% in January, marking a welcome shift after five consecutive months of increases. This decline is a beacon of hope for families feeling the pinch of rising costs.
Egg prices, often seen as a barometer for inflation, have seen a remarkable decrease. At the start of March, prices soared above $8 per dozen, but by March 11, they plummeted to around $5.51, according to USDA data. This sharp decline follows a staggering 60% increase from the previous year, making this drop a significant relief for consumers.
In addition to egg prices, energy costs have also seen a downward trend, with gasoline prices falling by 3.1% and fuel oil down by 5.1%. This is a welcome change for drivers and households alike, as energy prices have been a major contributor to inflation. Furthermore, the inflation rate for food at home was recorded at just 1.9% in February, well below the overall CPI, indicating that grocery bills are stabilizing.
The positive economic indicators extend beyond food and energy. New car prices decreased by 0.3%, and consumers enjoyed discounts on electronics, with televisions dropping by 8.8% and smartphones by 13.7%. This overall trend of declining prices is bolstering consumer confidence and providing a much-needed boost to the economy.
As we move forward, the combination of falling prices and improved CEO confidence suggests a brighter economic outlook. March has indeed proven to be a month of relief for American families, and we can only hope this trend continues!
And it's ALL because the American voter finally got a REAL LEADER in the White House and REAL leadership in Congress...
No more brain dead woke progressive Democrats!!!
This is PRESIDENT Trump's America now!!! :D
If that is true Michale, then why do treat your fellow Americans so poorly?
If that is true Michale, then why do treat your fellow Americans so poorly?
After you have seen how badly PRESIDENT Trump and HIS supporters have been treated for the last decade!! How badly MY FAMILY has been treated by my so-called "fellow Americans" here in Weigantia!!!
Do you REALLY have to ask!!??
Karma's a bitch, Liz... Payback is even a BIGGER bitch...
What went around is coming back around in spades..
And brain dead woke progressive Democrats here in Weigantia and out in PRESIDENT Trump's America are going to be in hurtin' status for a long long LONG time to come..
And they only have themselves to blame..
Here is why it's EASY to dump on brain dead Democrats, Liz...
The American people are fed up with the relentless hate, bigotry, and intolerance spewing from the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party. The Democrat Party brand is in the toilet, and NO ONE has to wonder why. The brain dead Democrats’ obsession with insulting and belittling the 77.3 million Americans who voted for President Trump is not only disrespectful but also politically disastrous.
Take, for instance, Senator Elissa Slotkin’s outrageous comparison of Trump voters to “violent and suicidal juveniles.” This kind of condescending rhetoric does nothing but alienate the very constituents that the brain dead Democrat Party NEEDS to reconnect with. Instead of acknowledging the concerns of working-class Americans, brain dead Democrats like Slotkin choose to scorn them, further driving a wedge between themselves and the electorate.
Moreover, Democrat so-called "strategist" Julie Roginsky’s dismissive comments about PRESIDENT Trump supporters being too poor to buy Tesla vehicles only add fuel to the fire. Such insults are a surefire way to push working people away from the brain dead Democrat Party. It’s baffling that they continue to make these foolish political decisions driven by their hatred of PRESIDENT Trump, rather than focusing on the needs of the American people.
The brain dead Democrats have repeatedly failed to learn from their electoral losses. They ignore the voices of Latino voters, working-class households, and young Americans, all while doubling down on policies that the majority of the public opposes. Their refusal to support popular initiatives, simply because they are associated with PRESIDENT Trump, showcases a party that is out of touch and unwilling to take a good long look in the mirror.
The message from the American people is clear: “It’s not us; it’s you.” The Democrats must recognize that their intolerance and insults are driving American voters away. If brain dead Democrats continue down this path, they will only further entrench their position in the political wilderness. The American people deserve better than the hate-filled rhetoric that has become synonymous with the Democrat Party.
Again... This begs the question...
Do you REALLY have to ask, Liz???
It's my work weekend, so I am off to bed.. Ni Ni… :D
USA asks Denmark for help in the egg crisis
There is an egg crisis in the USA and now the authorities are asking Danish producers if they can export eggs across the Atlantic.
Hey, Denmark we want to take Greenland from you but in the meantime could you spare some eggs?
Most brain dead administration in history. I wonder if they would then put tariffs on the eggs...
US meat trade days away from getting 'kicked out' of China
Trump's tariffs are just going to push a realignment of trade and America loses in the end. The Art of the Deal. Dumbass.
Let's talk about that OBJECTIVE REALITY, shall we???
okay. right now, the reality is that our president is making some choices in domestic and foreign policy that are eroding his public support. He began his second term over six points aboveground, and is now less than a point underwater. There's still time to course-correct, but it needs to happen fast.
that's the reality right now.
Okay, am I still the only one here who sees that all the destruction of America both here and abroad makes perfect sense if Trump aka Krasnov is compromised by Russia?