John Roberts Should Have Seen This Coming

[ Posted Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 – 15:46 UTC ]

It's hard to feel sorry for Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. After he and his fellow conservatives on the court ruled last year that presidents could essentially do whatever they felt like, with no fears of ever being legally held to account for any of it, Roberts is now shocked -- shocked! -- that President Donald Trump does not have sufficient respect for the judicial system. This isn't wholly a problem that Roberts created, but he certainly contributed to it in a big way.

Trump, once again, is inching his way closer and closer to just flat-out ignoring federal judges' rulings when they don't go his way. The specific case of this right now is the order a federal judge issued last week that Trump cannot use the Alien Enemies Act to deport anyone he feels like without any due process whatsoever. Trump then came pretty close to openly defying this order within hours of it being handed down. But this isn't the only case where Trump is flirting with openly defying judges -- it's merely the most recent.

Trump reacted to the judge in the case in a fashion that any parent of a cranky toddler would instantly recognize -- he threw a tantrum. He called for the judge in question to be impeached (after hurling a few insults at him). Translation: "Wahhhh! I didn't get my way!" Donald Trump is, above all else, the world's biggest sore loser.

Roberts responded by issuing a statement of his own:

For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose.

Strong words? Hardly. Trump has never met a "normal process" he didn't immediately want to tear up or violate. And this isn't the first judge that Trump and his minions have threatened with impeachment, merely the most recent. I guess at this point Roberts should feel lucky Trump isn't ordering judges to appear in front of firing squads -- which would be an "official presidential act" and thus immune, according to that earlier ruling (the president ordering SEAL Team Six to carry out political assassinations was explicitly discussed during the oral arguments).

Realistically speaking, none of these judges is in any danger of actually being removed from the bench any time soon. The House of Representatives might scrape up enough votes to impeach, but the Senate is not going to remove a single one of them (doing so would require a two-thirds supermajority, meaning 14 Democrats would have to vote with the Republicans, which is simply not going to happen).

Roberts is right, of course. Impeachment is not a proper response to getting a ruling you don't like. And so far Trump hasn't openly and blatantly defied any judicial order against him. However, the administration has tried to defy judicial orders by not fully complying with them, mostly behind the scenes. It may just be a matter of time before Trump blows his stack and comes right out and says: "I don't agree with this ruling, therefore I am going to ignore it and do exactly as I please anyway."

The administration is facing dozens upon dozens of lawsuits filed to rein them in. Many already have preliminary rulings against Trump. The cases are working their way up through the appellate system now, and soon they will begin appearing before the Supreme Court. Trump's record (from his first term) is not especially good -- he lost more cases than he won. So it's a fair assumption that he's going to lose some of the current cases as well. And, as we've seen, Trump doesn't take losing gracefully at all. He erupts in a tantrum. What's Trump going to do when he loses a case at the Supreme Court? Try to impeach justices he named to the bench? That would be pretty ironic.

But as I said, the biggest irony is that John Roberts now wants Donald Trump to respect the rule of law. Once again, Roberts and the other conservatives gave Trump a free pass to ignore the law before he was even elected again. So pious words now about what is and is not an "appropriate response" to an adverse ruling ring mighty hollow, coming from Roberts.

One can assume that Roberts will be even more shocked when Trump flat-out ignores a Supreme Court ruling and calls for Roberts himself to be impeached (for the effrontery of not allowing Trump kinglike powers). Because at this point, it seems more likely than not that this will indeed happen.

-- Chris Weigant


Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisWeigant


40 Comments on “John Roberts Should Have Seen This Coming”

  1. [1] 
    Michale wrote:

    Trump, once again, is inching his way closer and closer to just flat-out ignoring federal judges' rulings when they don't go his way.

    Only the rulings that the Judiciary have no business making.. Rulings that unconstitutionally interfere with the Executive Branch.. As that bonehead Odumbo Judges ruling did..

    But I don't expect Democrats to make such proper distinctions, what with the Trump/America hate and the PTDS raging in ya'all's hormones.. :eyeroll:

    I'll get to the rest in the morning...

    Right now my time belongs to my lovely wife of 43 years... :D

    "Hasta Lasagna, don't get any on ya..."
    -Emilio Estevez, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE


  2. [2] 
    Kick wrote:

    Translation: "Wahhhh! I didn't get my way!" Donald Trump is, above all else, the world's biggest sore loser.

    Goes hand in hand with Trump being Putin's Bitch Puppet.

    Strong words? Hardly. Trump has never met a "normal process" he didn't immediately want to tear up or violate.

    I know, right!? There is literally almost no action by Trump (or any President of the United States) that is not reviewable in a court of law regarding its legality or constitutionality. Full stop. Our system of checks and balances and judicial review ain't exactly rocket science. Courts obviously have the power to examine actions of the legislative and executive branches to determine if they are constitutional or legal.

    As for Trump's recent actions, a president obviously doesn't need the Alien Enemies Act in order to prosecute undocumented immigrants (or anyone, for that matter). The authority to arrest, detain and remove them is already written in the law. The only reason to invoke the wartime act (when it's obviously not wartime) would be to violate the due process laws enshrined in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution that protect individuals from governmental actions that deprive them of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

    If courts allow Trump's actions that clearly and unambiguously violate the constitution, any future president could declare any group (or person) in America as enemy combatants and remove them from America to anywhere in the world... their constitutional right of due process of law be damned, but don't hold your breath expecting right-wingnut helots to be able to connect the dots on this issue.

  3. [3] 
    Kick wrote:

    The administration is facing dozens upon dozens of lawsuits filed to rein them in. Many already have preliminary rulings against Trump.

    Good point. Trump has actually lost the vast majority of them (so far) generally due to obvious violations of the constitution.

    Anyone interested in keeping up with these cases:

    They are (to date) tracking 129 cases.

  4. [4] 
    John M from Ct. wrote:

    Kick on [2,3],

    Exactly. Exactly.

    And thanks Chris for bringing out how completely clueless, confused, or just dumb Roberts is to insist that a president must obey the law (to respect judges) after leading a ruling a year ago that a president need not obey the law (to respect anyone).

  5. [5] 
    Michale wrote:

    The administration is facing dozens upon dozens of lawsuits filed to rein them in. Many already have preliminary rulings against Trump.

    All from whiney brain dead woke progressive Democrat who don't realize that what PRESIDENT Trump is doing is what the American voter wants...

  6. [6] 
    Michale wrote:

    Good point. Trump has actually lost the vast majority of them (so far) generally due to obvious violations of the constitution.

    Not factually accurate...

    These cases are not "lost" until such time as the SCOTUS rules on them..

    And, as you brain dead woke progressive Democrats have stated, the SCOTUS is in PRESIDENT Trump's pocket..

    So, how do you think it's going to go??

    Ya'all just KNOW yer gonna lose, right??


  7. [7] 
    Michale wrote:

    Genocide Guy,

    And thanks Chris for bringing out how completely clueless, confused, or just dumb Roberts

    Funny how you brain dead Democrats LOVED Justice Roberts when he saved Odumbo Care...

    Just like you brain dead Democrats LOVED Donald Trump before he ran as a Republican...

    Just like you brain dead Democrats LOVED Elon Musk before he became PRO America..

    You brain dead Democrats sensing the pattern here??

    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature..

    And, since you brain dead Democrats don't challenge the claims, that means they are factually accurate..

    That's the rule you brain dead Democrats established..



  8. [8] 
    Michale wrote:

    The only reason to invoke the wartime act (when it's obviously not wartime)

    The act is NOT solely reserved for wartime. It's also used during times of National Emergency which Basement Biden's open border policies definitely are...

    And the SCOTUS has already ruled that the President's invocation of the ALIEN ENEMIES ACT is not subject to judicial review...

    So, no matter HOW you brain dead woke progressive Democrats slice it...

    Yer wrong.. AS PER YOUR NORM.. :eyeroll:


  9. [9] 
    Michale wrote:

    So, some REALLY good news for America and for PRESIDENT Trump and Elon Musk!!

    Elon Musk and SpaceX have once again proven their mettle by successfully rescuing the stranded astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS). After nearly nine months in space, astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are finally back on Earth, thanks to the relentless efforts of Elon Musk and his team. Musk's acknowledgment of the "excellent work" by SpaceX and NASA during an interview on "Hannity" highlights the significance of this achievement. He also expressed gratitude to former PRESIDENT Donald Trump for prioritizing the astronauts' return, a move that underscores the importance of leadership in times of crisis.

    It is utterly disheartening to see the Basement Biden administration's inaction during the critical period. The astronauts were left stranded for "political reasons" raise serious questions about the brain dead woke progressive Democrats' commitment to American heroes. The astronauts were initially scheduled to return after just a week, but due to technical issues with Boeing's spacecraft, they were left in limbo. The fact that SpaceX offered to bring them home much earlier, only to be rebuffed, paints a troubling picture of governmental inefficiency.

    Moreover, the mainstream media's reluctance to cover this monumental success is baffling. This rescue is not just a win for SpaceX; it is a triumph for the American people and a testament to private sector innovation. The media's silence on this issue reflects a Trump/America hate that undermines the achievements of American ingenuity. Instead of celebrating this moment of optimism, they choose to ignore it because it contradicts their ideological hate and bigotry and intolerance.

    So, children. Let's recap

    Elon Musk's leadership and SpaceX's capabilities have brought our astronauts home safely, while the Basement Biden administration's complete and utter failure to act and the mainstream media's complete and utter failure to DO THEIR JOBS. This Space Rescue is a reminder of what can be achieved when we prioritize our heroes and support innovation....

    PRESIDENT Trump and Elon Musk are fraking heroes!! Only a brain dead woke progressive Democrat would try to push the completely bogus analogy of PRESIDENT Trump as John Gill and Elon Musk as Melakon..

  10. [10] 
    Michale wrote:


    sure. if parents don't know how to parent, blame the teacher.

    Sure.. If teachers are trying to groom kids and turn them into sex toys, blame the parents.. :eyeroll:


    Why do brain dead woke progressive Democrat teachers feel that THEY should be raising the kids, NOT the actual parents!??

    This is another one of those 80/20 issues that YOU are on the 20% side of the issue, JL...

    And PRESIDENT Trump and the American people are on the 80% side... :eyeroll:

  11. [11] 
    Michale wrote:

    What IS it with the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party???

    The current state of the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party is one of confusion and disarray, as many lifelong Democrats, like Karen (not her real name), express their frustration over the party's lack of direction. Karen, who has been a dedicated supporter of the party since the Clinton era, finds herself questioning the very essence of what it means to be a Democrat today. Her concerns reflect a broader sentiment among party members who feel lost and leaderless, struggling to understand the party's message and how to reconnect with the working-class voters it once championed.

    The brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party seems to be caught in a cycle of reactionary politics, primarily focused on opposing PRESIDENT Trump rather than articulating a clear vision for the future. As has been pointed out, the brain dead woke progressive party has become overly fixated on responding to PRESIDENT Trump’s actions instead of presenting their own ideas and solutions. This lack of proactive leadership has left many feeling as though they are "waiting for Godot," with no clear path forward.

    Moreover, the party's reliance on figures like Senators Chris Murphy and Bernie Sanders, who represent heavily Democratic states, has resulted in a disconnect with voters in battleground states. Karen's frustration is palpable as she notes that these leaders do not resonate with the average voter in states like Wisconsin and Michigan, which are crucial for electoral success. The brain dead party's messaging has become one of resistance and extreme positions that alienate potential supporters rather than inviting them in.

    Polls indicate that the brain dead Democrat Party is facing historic lows in approval ratings, with only 27% of people expressing satisfaction with their performance.

    Get that!?? A **TWENTY SEVEN PERCENT** approval rating!!! It's funny how ya'all don't KNOW about this because all ya'all ever read is HuffPoop, WaPoop and NY SLIMES.... :eyeroll:

    This is a stark reminder that the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party has lost touch with the very constituents it aims to represent. And it must be emphasized the need for Democrats to reconnect with the working class, focusing on issues like cost of living and safety, rather than getting bogged down in divisive rhetoric.

    Children it's time to recap...

    The brain dead woke progressive Democratic Party is at a crossroads, grappling with its identity and purpose. Without a clear message and a commitment to addressing the concerns of everyday Americans, it risks further alienating its base and losing ground to the opposition. The time for introspection and a renewed vision is now, or the party may find itself in a deeper state of crisis.

    And what's ya'all's solution???

    MORE Trump/America Hate and PTDS... In other words, ya'all are doubling down on EXACTLY what got ya'all into this mess in the first place..

    Where is the logic in that??? :eyeroll:

  12. [12] 
    Michale wrote:

    Roberts is right, of course. Impeachment is not a proper response to getting a ruling you don't like.

    And yet, that is EXACTLY what the brain dead woke progressive Democrats did when they didn't like PRESIDENT Trump's rulings..

    Hypocrisy. It's not a bug in Democrat programming. It's a feature..


  13. [13] 
    Michale wrote:

    More BONEHEAD rulings from brain dead ODUMBO judges...

    U.S. — A district judge has issued a ruling saying Trump lacked the Constitutional authority to pick up two astronauts who have been stranded at the International Space Station for several months.

    SpaceX has been ordered to return the astronauts immediately.

    "I will not stand by while Donald Trump abuses his power like a dictator. Trump has no authority to pick up these astronauts, and I can say that because I'm a federal judge, and no one is allowed to argue with me, and everyone has to do what I say."
    -Judge Flanders

    Eyewitnesses say the judge then donned a Keffiyeh and spray painted a Cybertruck while screaming "Black Lives Matter!!!!"

    Sources in Washington say PRESIDENT Trump plans to brazenly ignore the lawful order and bring the astronauts home anyway.

    "This is just the kind of wanton lawlessness we should expect from a dictator who is literally Hitler." said one legal analyst.

    The SpaceX craft docked at the ISS on Sunday and was preparing for the return journey to Earth when the orders stopped the process short. "Please bring us home, I just want a cheeseburger and a nap in a horizontal bed," said one of the crew.

    At publishing time, Trump was polling at 100% approval among the stranded astronaut demographic.

    The funny thing is, that ^^^^ could actually happen considering the stoopidity of the brain dead woke progressive Democrats....


  14. [14] 
    Michale wrote:

    I wonder why brain dead woke progressive Democrats quit talking about the high price of eggs..???

    Oh yea... That's right...


  15. [15] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I've been teaching for twenty years and seen too many cases of colleagues being blamed for issues that were not their fault to take your accusation seriously. yes, there are evil criminals in every segment of society, which is especially awful when those people are teachers. but the ratio of false accusations to true ones is absolutely astronomical.

  16. [16] 
    Michale wrote:


    I've been teaching for twenty years and seen too many cases of colleagues being blamed for issues that were not their fault to take your accusation seriously. yes, there are evil criminals in every segment of society, which is especially awful when those people are teachers. but the ratio of false accusations to true ones is absolutely astronomical.


    But that still doesn't explain why you give the bad ones a pass solely because they are brain dead woke progressive Democrats..

    Why don't you condemn the actual bad ones??

  17. [17] 
    Michale wrote:

    For example, the teachers who tried to transition a 14 yr old child against the EXPRESSED wishes of the parents and the child's therapist...

    YOU think that's perfectly acceptable..

    And THAT is whacked..

  18. [18] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    yes, there are evil criminals in every segment of society

    ICE officers being the most prominent at the moment…

  19. [19] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    YOU think that's perfectly acceptable..

    you have no idea, nor any apparent interest in what i think.

  20. [20] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    i don't give anyone bad a pass, if the charges are proven. but I've seen too many that are false to believe a teacher is guilty just on the say-so of one parent. every case is unique, and if someone's child switched genders without them knowing, there's probably going to be a lot more they don't know.

  21. [21] 
    Michale wrote:

    you have no idea, nor any apparent interest in what i think.

    If that were factually accurate, I wouldn't have posted it..

    But since you defended teachers when I posted it, logic dictates that you thought it was perfectly acceptable..

    If you could get past your Trump/America hate and your PTDS, you would realize that I am seeking common ground here.. :eyeroll:

    i don't give anyone bad a pass,

    The FACTS prove otherwise...

    if the charges are proven.

    It's funny how, when it's brain dead woke progressive Democrats being bad, you demand charges be "proven"..

    When it's PRESIDENT Trump who is allegedly being bad or GOP'ers allegedly being bad, the mere accusation is sufficient..

    Simply another example of hypcrisy brought on by irrational and illogical Trump/America hate...

    but I've seen too many that are false to believe a teacher is guilty just on the say-so of one parent.

    In the case I posted, the teachers and school officials admitted guilt..

    In such a case, the accusations HAVE been proven..

    Yet, you STILL don't want to condemn the school in question..

    Somethings are FLAT OUT WRONG, JL...

    A school that secretly transitions a child in direct defiance of parental wishes IS one of those things..

    The fact that you can't see that would indicate your overly eager adherence to brain dead woke progressive ideology..

  22. [22] 
    Michale wrote:

    But since you defended teachers when I posted it, logic dictates that you thought it was perfectly acceptable..

    I get it..

    You treat teachers like I treat cops..

    That's understandable..

    But in this case, the charges were ADMITTED by the school officials in question..

  23. [23] 
    Michale wrote:

    And here we have ANOTHER brain dead moron who screams "RACISM!!! RACISM!!!" in a case that has NOTHING to do with race.. :eyeroll:

    Mahmoud Khalil's recent statements following his arrest reveal a troubling denial of responsibility for his actions and an attempt to shift the narrative away from his support for Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization. Khalil's claim that his detention is a result of "anti-Palestinian racism"...…

    There is NO SUCH THING as the Palestinian "race"... :eyeroll:

    ..... is not only misguided but also an attempt to deflect from the serious implications of endorsing a group that has committed acts of violence against innocent civilians.

    Racism has absolutely nothing to do with Khalil's case. His arrest stems from his alleged support for Hamas, which is known for its terrorist activities and hostility towards Israel and its allies. By framing his situation as a matter of racial discrimination, Khalil is trivializing the very real threat posed by terrorist organizations and undermining the experiences of those who genuinely face racism and discrimination.

    Khalil's involvement in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University and his vocal support for Hamas should not be overlooked. His actions have consequences, and the legal system is right to scrutinize individuals who align themselves with groups that promote violence and hatred. It is essential to recognize that supporting terrorism is not a matter of free speech; it is a serious offense that endangers lives and undermines the values of peace and coexistence.

    Furthermore, Khalil's attempts to blame university administrators for his predicament only serve to highlight his unwillingness to take accountability for his actions. Instead of acknowledging the gravity of his support for a terrorist organization, he seeks to paint himself as a victim of systemic bias. This narrative is not only disingenuous but also dangerous, as it distracts from the real issues at hand.

    So, let's recap children...

    Mahmoud Khalil's case is not about racism; it is about the consequences of supporting terrorism. The focus should remain on the implications of his actions and the need to hold individuals accountable for their affiliations with groups that threaten peace and security.

    Another example of pure brain dead woke progressivism by brain dead Democrats..

    So say we all.....

  24. [24] 
    Michale wrote:

    }}}yes, there are evil criminals in every segment of society{{{

    ICE officers being the most prominent at the moment…

    Proof positive that the brain dead woke progressive Democrat Party hates cops..

    Not that any proof is actually required.. It's already a known and proven fact..

    Water is wet, ice is cold, women have secrets, brain dead woke progressive Democrats hate cops..

    All established facts...

  25. [25] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Only bad cops who can not follow the law, which ICE seems to be doing a lot of lately. Only thing worse than a scumbag criminal is a bad cop.

  26. [26] 
    Michale wrote:

    Brain dead woke progressive Democrat judges are improperly using their judicial power to stop policies that the American people want.

    The solution is simple... Have congress enact laws that prevent activist judges from illegally pushing their own agenda..

    The ongoing legal challenges faced by PRESIDENT Trump’s agenda highlight a concerning trend of judicial overreach that threatens the democratic process.

    As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis pointed out, the actions of what he terms "resistance judges" have become a predictable obstacle to the implementation of policies that reflect the will of the American people. This situation raises serious questions about the role of the judiciary in our government and the extent to which judges should be allowed to impede the executive branch's agenda.

    DeSantis's proposal to strip federal courts of jurisdiction over certain cases is a bold suggestion that underscores the frustration many feel regarding the judiciary's interference in political matters.

    The idea that Congress could take such action is rooted in the belief that the courts should not have the power to unilaterally block the policies set forth by a duly elected president and desired by the American people. This is particularly relevant when judges appear to be acting not as impartial arbiters of the law, but as political actors with their own anti-America agendas.

    The recent calls for impeachment of judges, such as Judge James E. Boasberg, reflect a growing sentiment among Republicans that the judiciary is being weaponized against conservative policies. PRESIDENT Trump's assertion that judges appointed by Odumbo are part of a "radical left" agenda resonates with many who believe that the courts have become a battleground for political warfare. The notion that judicial decisions can be influenced by political affiliations undermines the integrity of the judicial system and erodes public trust.

    Moreover, the response from Chief Justice John Roberts, emphasizing that impeachment is not an appropriate response to judicial disagreement, highlights the need for a more robust discussion about the balance of power among the branches of government.

    While the judiciary plays a critical role in upholding the Constitution, it should not serve as a barrier to the implementation of policies that reflect the American voters' desires.

    So, children.. Let's recap...

    The challenges faced by PRESIDENT Trump’s and the American people's agenda due to judicial interference raise important questions about the role of judges in our democracy.

    As DeSantis suggests, it may be time for Congress to consider measures that ensure the Executive Branch can effectively govern without undue obstruction from the courts. The American people deserve a government that functions as the American people WANT it to function, free from the constraints of brain dead woke progressive judicial activism.


  27. [27] 
    Michale wrote:

    Only bad cops who can not follow the law, which ICE seems to be doing a lot of lately.

    Any FACTS to support your bullshit claim??

    Of course not.. You NEVER have any facts..

    Only thing worse than a scumbag criminal is a bad cop.

    And, according to you brain dead woke progressive Democrats, ALL cops are bad cops..

    Your own comment proves this claim is factual...

  28. [28] 
    BashiBazouk wrote:

    Making shit up again? Not surprised…

  29. [29] 
    Kick wrote:

    The specific case of this right now is the order a federal judge issued last week that Trump cannot use the Alien Enemies Act to deport anyone he feels like without any due process whatsoever.

    I thought it would be interesting to post the actual law in question so that anyone can read it and determine the myriad of ways in which any citizens with the ability to read and comprehend simple English -- and obviously any Court in the United States -- could easily ascertain the multiple ways in which the law was violated.




    21. Restraint, regulation, and removal.
    22. Time allowed to settle affairs and depart.
    23. Jurisdiction of United States courts and judges.
    24. Duties of marshals.

    §21. Restraint, regulation, and removal

    Whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government, and the President makes public proclamation of the event, all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation or government, being of the age of fourteen years and upward, who shall be within the United States and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured, and removed as alien enemies. The President is authorized in any such event, by his proclamation thereof, or other public act, to direct the conduct to be observed on the part of the United States, toward the aliens who become so liable; the manner and degree of the restraint to which they shall be subject and in what cases, and upon what security their residence shall be permitted, and to provide for the removal of those who, not being permitted to reside within the United States, refuse or neglect to depart therefrom; and to establish any other regulations which are found necessary in the premises and for the public safety.

    (R.S. §4067; Apr. 16, 1918, ch. 55, 40 Stat. 531.)

    Editorial Notes


    R.S. §4067 derived from act July 6, 1798, ch. 66, §1, 1 Stat. 577.


    1918—Act Apr. 16, 1918, struck out provision restricting this section to males.

    Executive Documents

    World War II Proclamations

    The following proclamations under this section were issued during World War II:

    Proc. No. 2525, Dec. 7, 1941, 6 F.R. 6321, 55 Stat. Pt. 2, 1700.

    Proc. No. 2526, Dec. 8, 1941, 6 F.R. 6323, 55 Stat. Pt. 2, 1705.

    Proc. No. 2527, Dec. 8, 1941, 6 F.R. 6324, 55 Stat. Pt. 2, 1707.

    Proc. No. 2533, Dec. 29, 1941, 7 F.R. 55, 55 Stat. Pt. 2, 1714.

    Proc. No. 2537, Jan. 14, 1942, 7 F.R. 329, 56 Stat. Pt. 2, 1933, revoked by Proc. No. 2678, Dec. 29, 1945, 11 F.R. 221, 60 Stat. Pt. 2, 1336.

    Proc. No. 2563, July 17, 1942, 7 F.R. 5535, 56 Stat. Pt. 2, 1970.

    Proc. No. 2655, July 14, 1945, 10 F.R. 8947, 59 Stat. Pt. 2, 870.

    Proc. No. 2674, Dec. 7, 1945, 10 F.R. 14945, 59 Stat. Pt. 2, 889.

    Proc. No. 2685, Apr. 11, 1946, 11 F.R. 4079, 60 Stat. Pt. 2, 1342, set out as a note preceding section 1 of this title.

    World War I Proclamations

    Proclamations issued under this chapter during the years 1917 and 1918 will be found in 40 Stat. 1651, 1716, 1730, and 1772.

    §22. Time allowed to settle affairs and depart

    When an alien who becomes liable as an enemy, in the manner prescribed in section 21 of this title, is not chargeable with actual hostility, or other crime against the public safety, he shall be allowed, for the recovery, disposal, and removal of his goods and effects, and for his departure, the full time which is or shall be stipulated by any treaty then in force between the United States and the hostile nation or government of which he is a native citizen, denizen, or subject; and where no such treaty exists, or is in force, the President may ascertain and declare such reasonable time as may be consistent with the public safety, and according to the dictates of humanity and national hospitality.

    (R.S. §4068.)

    Editorial Notes


    R.S. §4068 derived from acts July 6, 1798, ch. 66, §1, 1 Stat. 577; July 6, 1812, ch. 130, 2 Stat. 781.

    §23. Jurisdiction of United States courts and judges

    After any such proclamation has been made, the several courts of the United States, having criminal jurisdiction, and the several justices and judges of the courts of the United States, are authorized and it shall be their duty, upon complaint against any alien enemy resident and at large within such jurisdiction or district, to the danger of the public peace or safety, and contrary to the tenor or intent of such proclamation, or other regulations which the President may have established, to cause such alien to be duly apprehended and conveyed before such court, judge, or justice; and after a full examination and hearing on such complaint, and sufficient cause appearing, to order such alien to be removed out of the territory of the United States, or to give sureties for his good behavior, or to be otherwise restrained, conformably to the proclamation or regulations established as aforesaid, and to imprison, or otherwise secure such alien, until the order which may be so made shall be performed.

    (R.S. §4069.)

    Editorial Notes


    R.S. §4069 derived from act July 6, 1798, ch. 66, §2, 1 Stat. 577.

    §24. Duties of marshals

    When an alien enemy is required by the President, or by order of any court, judge, or justice, to depart and to be removed, it shall be the duty of the marshal of the district in which he shall be apprehended to provide therefor and to execute such order in person, or by his deputy or other discreet person to be employed by him, by causing a removal of such alien out of the territory of the United States; and for such removal the marshal shall have the warrant of the President, or of the court, judge, or justice ordering the same, as the case may be.

    (R.S. §4070.)

    Editorial Notes


    R.S. §4070 derived from act July 6, 1798, ch. 66, §3, 1 Stat. 578.

    Obviously, there is no "declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government" at the present time, and no "invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government."

    The law in question isn't the least bit confusing, and anyone claiming Courts have no jurisdiction is either knowingly lying regarding the contents of the law or obviously ignorant of the law.

  30. [30] 
    Michale wrote:

    And, once again... The facts on the ground prove that PRESIDENT Trump is completely and utterly right on Ukraine...

    PRESIDENT Trump’s recent statements regarding Ukraine have proven to be remarkably accurate, shedding light on the complexities of the conflict that many in the mainstream media have overlooked. The Ukraine analysis highlights three critical points that underscore the responsibility of both Ukrainian leadership and Basement Biden in the escalation of this war, and it’s refreshing to see PRESIDENT Trump’s perspective and actions validated in this context.

    Firstly, the assertion that Ukrainian right-wing militants played a significant role in the violence that led to Russia’s initial invasion is crucial. The narrative that the conflict was entirely unprovoked fails to acknowledge the historical context and the actions taken by various factions within Ukraine. By recognizing this, PRESIDENT Trump is not only correct but is also encouraging a more nuanced understanding of the situation.

    Secondly, the failure of President Zelensky to adhere to the Minsk agreements, which were designed to bring peace, is another point where PRESIDENT Trump’s insights resonate. Zelensky’s decision to pursue NATO membership and increase military aid instead of honoring these agreements contributed to the ongoing conflict. PRESIDENT Trump’s approach would likely have prioritized diplomatic solutions over military escalation, potentially averting the tragic loss of life we have witnessed.

    Lastly, the critique of Basement Biden’s handling of the situation further supports PRESIDENT Trump’s position. By allowing Zelensky to dictate the terms of engagement without insisting on compliance with peace agreements, Basement Biden prolonged the war. PRESIDENT Trump’s leadership style, which often emphasizes strength and negotiation, will lead to a more favorable outcome for Ukraine and its people.

    Children, let's recap...

    PRESIDENT Trump’s actions on Ukraine is not only valid but essential for understanding the broader implications of the conflict. PRESIDENT Trump's emphasis on accountability and the need for realistic diplomatic solutions is a reminder that peace is often achieved through negotiation, not just military might. As the situation continues to evolve, it is crucial to consider these insights to foster a path toward resolution.

    It's ironic that it's the brain dead woke progressive Democrats who are the war mongers here pushing for more war and more death and destruction..

  31. [31] 
    Michale wrote:

    Obviously, there is no "declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government" at the present time,

    Whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States

    It's not only a WAR that allows PRESIDENT Trump to invoke the ALIEN ENEMIES ACT..

    DUH... :eyeroll:

    As usual, the brain dead woke progressive Democrats are completely and utterly WRONG...

    Surprise, surprise..

  32. [32] 
    Michale wrote:

    The law in question isn't the least bit confusing, and anyone claiming Courts have no jurisdiction is either knowingly lying regarding the contents of the law or obviously ignorant of the law.

    Says the person who is obviously ignorant of the law..

    The SCOTUS has ruled that the judiciary has no authority to intervene when the ALEIN ENEMIES ACT is imposed..

    1. The Alien Enemy Act precludes judicial review of the removal order. Pp. 335 U. S. 163-166.
    Ludecke v. Watkins 1948

    Only someone who is ignorant of the law would not know this..


  33. [33] 
    Kick wrote:

    Ludecke v. Watkins, 335 U.S. 160 (1948)

    U.S. Supreme Court
    Ludecke v. Watkins, 335 U.S. 160 (1948)

    Ludecke v. Watkins

    No. 723

    Argued May 3-4, 1948

    Decided June 21, 1948

    335 U.S. 160


    Under authority of the Alien Enemy Act of 1798, which empowers the President, whenever there is a "declared war" between the United States and any foreign country, to provide for the removal of alien enemies from the United States, the President, on July 14, 1945, directed the removal of all alien enemies "deemed by the Attorney General to be dangerous" to the public safety. The Attorney General, on January 18, 1946, ordered removal of petitioner, a German national, from the United States. Challenging the validity of the removal order, petitioner instituted habeas corpus proceedings in the Federal District Court to secure his release from detention under the order.

    Emphasis in bold added by me.

    Only someone who is ignorant of the law would not know this..

    I agree. Good on you for posting the proof of your own ignorance of the law. :)

  34. [34] 
    Michale wrote:

    Ledecky the Watkins doesn't determine when the alien enemies act can be imposed.

    The alien enemies act does.


    Please quit showing your ignorance of the law all over the place it's embarrassing for you

  35. [35] 
    Michale wrote:

    I am on my way to work so I will address your other bone- headed comments when I get home in the morning

  36. [36] 
    Kick wrote:


    Ledecky the Watkins doesn't determine when the alien enemies act can be imposed.

    *laughs* I think you meant Ludecke v. Watkins, and that is obviously some weak ass rebuttal considering I've already posted the text of the Act, after which you proceeded to ignore parts of the language contained in it that proved you're either misinformed (as per usual) or simply making shit up (normal for you) or mindlessly regurgitating the plethora of right-wingnut misinformation being fed to the gullible rubes who vomit the bullshit versus reading the actual laws of which they prattle on and on about.

    Here, let me help you again by repeating the Act which I already obviously posted:

    Whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government...


    The alien enemies act does.

    You're making my point... and the language of the Act is obviously unambiguous, as that case you posted confirms.


    Please quit showing your ignorance of the law all over the place it's embarrassing for you.

    Please read the contents of the Act that I posted above, and while you're at it, you might want to note that it's been used during wartime and for fairly obvious reasons. In addition, you might want to familiarize yourself with the text of the Constitution of the United States wherein Congress holds to power to declare war.

    In conclusion, please keep displaying your ignorance of the law written in simple English words; it's especially hysterical when you declare someone's ignorance and then provide the positive proof written in simple English that it's your own.

  37. [37] 
    Kick wrote:


    If any POTUS/Party wants to amend the Constitution of the United States wherein a POTUS may declare war, while that would certainly be fun viewing, I would caution "be careful what you wish for."

    If any POTUS/Party wants to amend the Constitution of the United States to remove the Due Process Clause in both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments that states that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, that would also be a hoot to watch... keeping in mind, obviously, that the Supreme Court of the United States has consistently held and repeatedly affirmed that the term "person" in the Due Process Clause encompasses all individuals, including non-citizens, regardless of their immigration status.

    If anyone is in agreement with any President being allowed to declare any group/individual as terrorists without giving them due process and then shipping them "wherever" in violation of multiple laws contained within the United States Constitution, then be careful what you wish for because you just might be the rube-like gullible unintended next target of your own ignorance that gets hoisted by your own petard.

  38. [38] 
    Kick wrote:


    i don't give anyone bad a pass, if the charges are proven. but I've seen too many that are false to believe a teacher is guilty just on the say-so of one parent.

    Exactly. Everyone is entitled to due process; it's actually written multiple times into the United States Constitution. No one should be found guilty based on the say-so of any one parent or any one president.

  39. [39] 
    nypoet22 wrote:

    I defended teachers as a whole, not any particular teacher. when you provide a link to a specific case, and explain exactly what they "admitted" to doing, then I can make a decision. until then, you're just smearing my entire profession, just as badly as folks who say cops writ large are racist.

    name the individual, explain precisely what they're accused of doing, and provide evidence that what you're claiming is actually the case. unlike the president and his business fraud, no teacher to my knowledge has ever been convicted of participating in the mutilation the body of an adolescent who chose to come out as transgender. if i'm wrong about that, and someone has been convicted of doing that, then i'll join you in condemning them.


  40. [40] 
    Kick wrote:

    Our United States Attorney General, Pamela Bondi, is currently whining hysterically about an "unelected federal judge" making legal decisions.

    So I have two questions:

    * Who's going to tell Ms. Bondi there isn't a single person on the Supreme Court of the United States who isn't "unelected."

    * Whomever it is, could we please also have them notify Ms. Bondi that she's definitely demeaning herself and her position since she too is "unelected" and is likely to be long gone when that judge with a lifetime appointment -- as outlined in Article III of the United States Constitution concerning appointment, tenure, and payment of Supreme Court justices and federal judges -- is still laughing hysterically at Ms. Bondi's obvious lies and/or patently obvious ignorance regarding the United States Constitution?

    The concept of lifetime tenure in Article III of the United States Constitution is intended to ensure judicial independence and to protect federal judges from political pressure (like that of Ms. Bondi) and thereby allow them to make decisions based on actual legal statutes and the U.S. Constitution rather than political considerations of political hacks like the lies and/or ignorance being spewed by the U.S. Attorney General serving "unelected."

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